Five servings of vegetables and fruits a day. Positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Top healthiest vegetables for children

Vegetables are sources of fiber and minerals, pectin and vitamins so necessary for every person. People who consume the healthiest vegetables, steamed or fresh, are guaranteed to receive a portion of the necessary energy for the whole day, protect themselves from viruses and bacteria, and suffer less from various ailments.

If you are wondering which vegetables are the healthiest, here is a list for you to consider: onions, garlic, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, beets, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, legumes, eggplant... which ones bring more benefit and in what cases, let's find out. And the list of the 10 most healthy vegetables We will list them at the end of the material.

We have compiled a list of “the healthiest vegetables and fruits” and invite you to find out the whole truth about these “wizards”. It is very difficult to identify among them the healthiest vegetable in the world, because each is good in its own way.

Each has its own unique set of microelements. It is suitable for some, but contraindicated for the health of others. To determine the most best product, we would need to go into details of human biochemistry, and this is no longer within our competence.

What is better - boiled, steamed or raw?

What vegetables and fruits are healthy, and in what form? Most often, people eat processed vegetables, but heat treatment negatively affects the composition of vegetables, all minerals practically disappear from them, and vitamins evaporate completely.

But processed vegetables cover the gastrointestinal tract well and certainly will not cause harm. What to do? Steam vegetables for no more than 15 minutes, or eat them raw.

Naturally, not all raw vegetables are healthy; there are also those that will harm the body, for example potatoes, they are most useful when baked. Also, not all raw vegetables are beneficial in any quantity.

So if you use them without measure, and you read that Fresh beets are good for health; consuming them in unlimited quantities can give you an ulcer or gastritis, as well as an upset stomach. Everything is good in moderation - learn this simple rule for life.


All the healthiest vegetables are recommended to be consumed first in the amount of one teaspoon per day. This will mark the beginning of a raw food diet and replenishing your body with vitamins. It is important to know the contraindications of each healthy vegetable.

If, for example, you have low blood pressure, then fresh beet salad in large quantities is contraindicated for you; it can cause nausea and dizziness, even to the point of loss of consciousness. In this case, it is better to eat a lot of greens and supply the body with energetically powerful vegetables.

The healthiest vegetables for the body are steamed vegetables. the best option, in which the stomach will normally accept food and half of the vitamins will be preserved, minerals, and of course fiber, amino acids. And among pickled vegetables, it is best to choose cabbage - it contains the most vitamin C.

The healthiest fruits and vegetables

Benefits for women

Girl with an armful of healthy vegetables

For the female gender there is huge selection vegetables provided by nature itself. You just need to learn to use the healthiest vegetables as gifts of nature for women - wisely. For example, beans and other legumes, especially lentils - This the most valuable products and it’s okay if you get bloating after it. You can reduce flatulence by drinking a cup mint tea after meal.

But benefits of legumes underestimated - they help the production of serotonin, which in turn improves the state of the nervous system and fights insomnia. It also prevents osteoporosis. Soy promotes weight loss (contains lecithin) and fights cancer cells .

The healthiest vegetables and fruits for women, such as apples, peppers, apricots, watermelon, can name them endlessly, but let's focus on some of them.

What vegetables are good for hair, nails and figure?

Green vegetables (zucchini, cucumbers, spinach, broccoli), and are products of youth, beauty, as well as sources folic acid. When eaten every day, the skin is cleansed, the hair becomes stronger and acquires a healthy shine.

The plus is that they are easily absorbed by the body, do not have carbohydrates, which means that if you add broccoli to your diet, green beans and other green vegetables are the healthiest vegetables for weight loss, you will always have a slim figure.

Fresh herbs

Greens are very healthy - they are a source of calcium and vitamins. Be sure to eat fresh and use as spices . These are excellent components of a healthy diet for women.

Pepper is very useful , because it contains capsiacin, vitamins and minerals. Bulgarian pepper different colors enhances the growth of hair and nails, strengthens them. Recommended for memory loss and loss of strength.

The Power of Vegetables for Men's Health

The healthiest vegetables for men are those that contain a lot of vitamin E, A and C. These include onions, garlic, red pepper, carrots . A celery has long been considered a vegetable that supports male strength and preserves it, this is the prevention of prostatitis and improvement of sperm quality.

Garlic and green onions

The healthiest vegetables and fruits for men are rich in vitamin C, spinach and citrus fruits. Also ginger root It is considered an enhancer of libido and sexual activity in men, and the preferred fruits are persimmons and nuts.

Top healthiest vegetables for children

Vegetables for children can be considered with different points vision. For example, how useful for first feeding, which vegetables are good for vision and growth, for children with allergies, good for the intestines. If we sum up all these aspects, we get a list of the healthiest vegetables for a baby:

  • Zucchini is the healthiest vegetable for a child; it is a dietary product, easy to digest, and fights allergies.
  • Potatoes are nutritious, contain microelements and vitamins

Boiled new potatoes
  • Carrots contain beta-carotene, which best vegetable for vision and growth
  • Broccoli – boosts immunity, contains vitamin C
  • Beets, pumpkin - good for the intestines
  • Onions, garlic – for viruses and bacterial infections

The healthiest vegetables for pregnant women

Carrots are rightfully considered the healthiest vegetable for pregnant women! After all, like no other vegetable in the world, it can raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood. It is enough to make yourself a salad of grated carrots with vegetable oil and sour cream, and the lethargy disappears and future mom blossoms, she wants to sing and enjoy life. And for the baby in the tummy this is also a portion of vitamin.

Good vegetable - carrots

It is known that some mothers are simply drawn to carrots during pregnancy, this is no wonder - the magical vegetable helps fight depression, boosts immunity and gives strength. And also carrots perfectly stimulate the intestines, which prevents constipation. The healthiest fruits (apples) and vegetables (carrots) are the best combination for pregnant women!

To make the most of an “interesting” state and give more useful for the childyou need to eat carrot and beet juice, eat tomatoes - this is cancer prevention, regulator Have a good mood and of course a source of all kinds of vitamins. A mother who eats tomatoes during pregnancy will definitely give birth safely and quickly.

Lentils - an environmentally friendly product that is simply necessary for pregnant women, It contains a lot of protein, iron and other elements, is easily digestible and prevents cancer. It also has a beneficial effect on microflora, which is important during pregnancy. Lentil soup - best solution to stock up on vitamins and balance hemoglobin.

What vegetables are good for the liver?

The most useful vegetable for the liver - beets in boiled form, since it contains a percentage ratio of sodium and calcium of 50 to 5, which is very good for dissolving salts in blood vessels.


Boiled beets cleanse the liver and the entire gastrointestinal tract, as it contains betaine, which removes everything harmful and radionuclides from the body. It also has a mild laxative effect and cleanses the kidneys, while beets are not high in calories and contain about 70 calories.

What vegetables and fruits are most beneficial for the liver? The liver “loves” bright vegetables and pumpkin is its second assistant.

Pumpkin is a wonderful product or melon culture, if you want, but it is very, very beneficial for the body. Also has a laxative, mild diuretic and choleretic effect. And the seeds are an anthelmintic. It is good when baked, when it retains the maximum usefulness in its composition. .

Baked pumpkin

What are the healthiest vegetables and fruits for the liver? Among the vegetables and fruits you can also name avocado, orange, prunes, cauliflower and broccoli, fresh white cabbage, and greens.

Which vegetables are good for the heart?

The healthiest vegetable for the heart is the tomato. , it contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, amino acids and lycopene - an important component for maintaining cardiovascular function vascular system and a cancer fighter. This substance prevents the occurrence of myocardial infarction and heart attacks. Eating tomatoes also normalizes arterial pressure.

Tomato in the garden

Heart vegetables include asparagus and spinach , they are rich in potassium, iodine, iron, and vitamins. Such products dissolve cholesterol plaques in the blood, cleansing circulatory system and strengthening blood vessels. And also dried apricots and apples are considered the healthiest fruits for heart.

What vegetables are good for diabetes?

35 years have passed since the discovery of the concept of the glycemic index by scientist Jenkins, and we have the opportunity to use the discovery that the scientist made then. The fact is that vegetables have just low rate HA, which means they must be included in the diet of diabetics.

Most high rate has potatoes and you need to be very careful with them, monitoring your sugar levels and following your norm.

If we talk about which vegetables are the most beneficial for the body of diabetics, it is impossible to single out one among them. This cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage different varieties, tomatoes, beets, carrots, onions, eggplants, Jerusalem artichoke.

Vegetables on the table - tomatoes, peppers and herbs

All these vegetables are enriched with minerals, remove fluid from the body, cholesterol, they are low-calorie and, when consumed, do not give sharp jumps glucose. And this helps control blood sugar levels.

Studying the information, we still determined top 10 healthiest vegetables for human health:

  1. Carrot
  2. Beet
  3. Tomato
  4. Cabbage
  5. Zucchini
  6. Legumes
  7. Pepper
  8. Spinach
  9. Pumpkin

We hope you liked our material and now you know which vegetables are the healthiest. Add them to your diet and be healthy!

In winter, local store shelves are full of imported fruits and vegetables. And our grandparents did not have access to such diversity, but this is for the best, because our local plants are able to give odds to overseas ones! A whole pool of minerals, a huge portion of vitamins and the healing power of antioxidants lies not in some exotic berries acai and goji, and in our native rose hips and black elderberry, onions and apples, potatoes and beets.

Oranges and tomatoes, bananas and cauliflower, spinach and even strawberries - the list of fruits and vegetables that can be served at our table is only slightly inferior to the summer offer. The fruits of fields and gardens (or rather greenhouses) arrive on our shelves from all over the world all year round. Unfortunately, imported goods are often deterred by price and quality: especially vegetables grown hydroponically, they are only a pale copy of the aromas and tastes of our gardens. Maybe then we should wait patiently for the season and use our own reserves outside of it? Maybe it would be better to give preference to local delicacies that are closer to us not only geographically, but also in spirit?


Onions provoke tears, but ward off illnesses. Its healing properties were already known to the ancient Romans. Nero himself was treated with it, although this was not best advertising for a plant. The benefits of the vegetable are highly valued by our contemporaries. Onions not only increase the body's resistance to typical winter diseases, but also reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels, improve digestion and prevent constipation. Our grandmothers cut it into slices and covered it with sugar, and then set it aside for several hours to get onion syrup– an excellent cough remedy!


One of the most powerful natural antibiotics and one of the most popular spices in Slavic cuisine. Garlic has harmful influence for fresh breath, but good for the immune system. In winter, it is best to eat it regularly because it reduces susceptibility to infections, helps fight colds and aching bones, and reduces fever. Allyl sulfides and the bactericidal allicin, which appears as a result of the transformation of alliin after damage to the garlic tissue, for example, after passing through a garlic press, are responsible for the healing properties of garlic. Garlic is not only a fighter against microorganisms, but a vegetable with a wide range of specific health properties. It is recommended in particular for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases because it helps lower cholesterol, thins the blood and reduces blood pressure, and for the prevention of cancer because of its properties to inhibit the formation of certain carcinogens.


This is not only a great addition to the main dish, but also a delicacy in itself. In addition, it is a storehouse of health. Like all fermented vegetables, fermented cabbage contains many cultures of lactic acid bacteria that are beneficial to us (in much larger quantities than yogurt and kefir). These microorganisms are necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines. They inhibit inflammatory conditions, stop yeast growth and harmful bacteria. Unfortunately, commercially available pickled vegetables are usually pasteurized and stripped of valuable bacteria, or acidified with vinegar to speed things up. production process. However, cabbage should be consumed in any form: boiled or stewed. It is a rich source of vitamins B, A, C, K, as well as rutin, a flavonoid that strengthens and tightens blood vessels and increases their elasticity. Rutin also reduces the toxicity of oxidized cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and preventing excessive blood clotting.


The most famous vegetable for borscht also works well in casseroles, appetizers, desserts, and fruit and vegetable smoothies. Beets should be consumed especially in winter time, because it strengthens the immune system, adds energy and helps fight aching bones. Pickled beet juice is one of the best medicines for anemia: increases the amount of red blood cells, improves blood circulation, cleanses blood vessels. This vegetable also has strong cleansing properties, improves blood condition and flushes out harmful substances from the body. uric acid. "Red balls" contain two rare metal– cesium and rubidium, which inhibit growth cancer cells. Beets should be avoided by people with diabetes. Even her canteen contains a lot of sugar.


It is the main side dish for lunch or dinner for the average Slav. We eat potatoes in all sorts of ways: fried, boiled, baked, in the form of fries, potato pancakes and mashed potatoes. This miracle vegetable came to Europe from Peru in the 17th century, and now it is practically our national product. However, good old potatoes can offer us not only variations in taste, but also a dose of health. Not many people know that potato tubers are one of the main sources of vitamin C in our diet: they have more of it than apples and onions. Potatoes also contain B vitamins, iron, potassium and magnesium. Due to its digestibility, it is recommended for stomach diseases.

Black radish

She is known primarily as cosmetic plant. Shampoo with black radish is effective remedy to strengthen hair, and boiled and grated vegetables - great mask to fight acne. However, black radish works well not only as an ingredient in cosmetic preparations, but also as an ingredient in salads, soups, casseroles, or pie fillings. People with sensitive palates should not eat it raw. It is much spicier than its “relative” radish, but after heat treatment loses his spicy properties. Mustard oils are responsible for the intense taste and aroma of radish, which strongly stimulate the secretion of digestive juices and saliva, positively affecting digestion. Black radish also contains phytoncides - substances with antibacterial and antifungal effect, as well as vitamin C, B1, B2 and mineral salts, including potassium, magnesium, iron, sulfur and calcium. In winter, it will help, in particular, in the fight against cough and inflammation respiratory tract.


The history of apples dates back to 4000 BC, but most modern varieties appeared in the 20th and 19th centuries. This happened due to the need to adapt the product to the requirements of mass production, including by creating varieties that are resistant to frost and disease. An apple is a “fruit orchestra” with an almost unlimited number of ways culinary use. It is suitable for preparing salads, preserves, purees, jams, compotes, juices and even some lunch dishes. You can use it to make apple cider vinegar, as well as natural homemade marshmallows. The apple is not only a delicacy, but also a small healing bomb containing almost all known vitamins: A, C, D, E, K and a pool of vitamins from group B, as well as many valuable minerals. It is best to eat unpeeled apples (if they are local) and raw, since under the influence of heat treatment they lose most of their valuable properties.


It came to Europe from ancient Persia and initially took root only in the south: in Greece and Rome. It came to the west of the Old Continent only in the 17th and 18th centuries. This popular fruit of our gardens abounds nutrients. First of all, pears contain wide range minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, boron and iodine. They are also a rich source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C and PP. It is recommended to eat pears for digestive disorders or poisoning, preferably grated or in the form of compote. They also have antipyretic properties, so they can do an excellent job in treating colds or relieving flu symptoms.

Rose hip

This is an ordinary shrub growing on roadsides, forest edges, and in thickets. And, like many ordinary plants, it has extraordinary properties. Rose hips are a real treasure trove of health. They are the second richest source of vitamin C after the exotic Barbados cherry (they contain several times more than citrus fruits). They also contain a lot of vitamins A and B1. B2, E, K, folic acid, essential oils and flavonoids, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects. Fruits of vitamin-rich rose hips - effective vitamin remedy to strengthen the body during the winter season, they also help in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and even joints. The fruits are not suitable for eating raw. They can be dried, soaked or filled with alcohol. For those who find it difficult to manually process rose hips, they can buy it in any supermarket in the form of tea or syrup.

Black elderberry

Black elderberries cannot be purchased in any supermarket. They can be found in specialty herbal stores or ordered online. It’s even better to harvest it yourself during the season, that is, at the turn of August and September, when the elderberry reaches full maturity. But be careful! They should not be eaten raw - in this form they are poisonous. Only after appropriate processing, for example, drying or boiling, can we safely enjoy their aroma and healing properties. What exactly is the power hidden in black elderberry? First of all, it is an excellent cold remedy with twice the vitamin C content of citrus fruits. Black elderberry is also rich in vitamin B and is the largest source (along with chokeberry) of anthocyanins – strong antioxidants with antitumor, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects. The berries also act as a diuretic and laxative and have positive influence per condition blood vessels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

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Ten of the healthiest fruits and vegetables.

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What foods should you eat in winter to get vitamins?


Winter is a period of cold weather, snow and vitamin deficiency. Laziness, apathy, lethargy, bad skin and hair - all this is due to a lack of vitamins.

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Most people immediately associate the word “vitamins” with a pharmacy. Because at the slightest ailment, people run to pharmacists. But what if necessary complex Can you get vitamins just by eating certain foods? It's much easier and more pleasant than swallowing medications. After all, when the body lacks something, the first thing it suffers is appearance human: hair becomes dull, nails break, complexion deteriorates, teeth crumble and much more. If you don’t replenish the vitamin deficiency in time, it won’t lead to anything good.



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The orange color of its flesh indicates a large amount of beta-carotene. This substance, a derivative of vitamin A, strengthens vision and stimulates the renewal of cells in the lungs and bronchi.


Helps relieve cough milkshake with persimmons (beat half a liter of milk with two peeled ripe fruits in a blender).


Persimmons also contain a lot of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), which helps fight fatigue and is involved in the production of the hormone serotonin - our natural antidepressant.


But the main feature of persimmons is vegetable sugars, which are good for the heart and do not harm the figure. Scientists from the University of Munich have found that persimmon helps with initial stage hypertension normalize blood pressure without the use of medications.

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On a cold morning, the body will wake up faster if you drink tea infused with Antonovka slices. When baked, apples improve stomach function. Apple juice stimulates metabolism.


Sweet and sour green apples contain a lot of iron. This trace element is very important for the blood, fights fatigue and anemia


The seeds of “winter” apples, for example, Antonovka, contain a lot of iodine: 5-6 apple seeds cover daily requirement. Iodine helps overcome increased sensitivity to the cold.


Antonovka has been used for a long time as a remedy for winter vitamin deficiency: by spring it retains up to 90% of vitamin C, while in other fruits its content drops to 40-30%!


You need to eat 2 per day large apples or 3-4 smaller ones.

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Eating one pomegranate or drinking a glass of pomegranate juice a day is a great way to “cleanse” the blood after colds and flu. It contains enzymes that help produce red blood cells - red blood cells.


Pomegranate contains four essential vitamins: C - strengthens the immune system, P - blood vessels, B6 - nervous system, and B12 improves blood count.


The astringents in pomegranate help get rid of painful cough for bronchitis, and also stimulate the pancreas. But with increased stomach acidity pomegranate juice V pure form contraindicated - it is better to dilute it with carrots.


But heart patients should not drink this juice in concentrated form - it increases blood clotting and can cause harm if they are prone to thrombosis.


You can eat one ripe pomegranate or drink a glass of pomegranate juice a day.

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Grapefruit juice helps to gently lower blood pressure. For hypertension, it is recommended to take 1/4 cup of grapefruit juice 20-30 minutes before meals. This fruit also contains the substance bromelain, which enhances lipid metabolism, simply put, helps “burn” fat.


Orange juice reduces cholesterol levels in the body.


Are you suffocating on the subway? Buy a bottle of essential oil grapefruit - it relieves attacks of lightheadedness and dizziness.


Oranges, tangerines and grapefruits contain: beta-carotene or vitamin A, important for skin and digestion, B6, which fights derpesia, ascorbic acid, and also a lot of folic acid, important for hormonal metabolism.


Immunologists advise in winter to eat half a grapefruit or two oranges a day to prevent colds.

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Scientists call it " snow queen"among the berries. Of course: if it is hit by frost, the amount of vitamin C in the marsh berry only increases!


So when frozen, it does not lose any of its beneficial properties.


Cranberries contain acids that act as real antibiotics. Cranberry juice Helps fight kidney inflammation and recover faster from influenza and ARVI.


Cranberry juice is useful for preventing the formation of kidney stones. And pickled cranberries ease fever and quickly relieve fever. So be sure to keep a bag of frozen cranberries in the refrigerator in case of winter colds.


In addition to ascorbic acid, it contains a lot of potassium, important for the heart, vitamin H, necessary for immunity, and phosphorus, which gives muscle tone and strength to bones and teeth.


It is advisable to drink half a liter a day cranberry juice, prepared from


a couple of glasses of fresh or frozen cranberries.

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Cabbage pickled for 2-3 days, which is most often sold in stores, is not very healthy. But real sauerkraut contains the most vitamin C and antioxidants among winter preparations. It is better to eat sauerkraut no earlier than 10 days after pickling (during this time, harmful compounds - nitrites - disintegrate in it). Sauerkraut contains more vitamin C than fresh cabbage!


Scientists also call white cabbage a “minus-calorie” product. This means that the body spends more energy on its processing than it receives calories from it!


Also, cabbage (both regular cabbage and broccoli) contains a lot of unique vitamin K, which helps our immune system protect against cancer. But this vitamin is fat-soluble, that is, it is absorbed by the body only with fats. So it’s best to season cabbage salad with vegetable oil.


To get your daily requirement of vitamin K, you need to eat about 250 grams of fresh or sauerkraut in a day.

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Its freshly squeezed juice is good for metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus. A glass of juice drunk on an empty stomach will help get rid of heart problems or renal edema. Pumpkin contains a lot of zinc salts, and they increase male potency(so treat your beloved to pumpkin pancakes more often). Vitamin E smoothes and moisturizes the skin.


Pumpkin seeds - recognized choleretic agent. Helps the liver if you overeat or drink too much. In addition, pumpkin pulp contains a lot of vitamin D, which is especially valuable during short daylight hours. It is needed for the strength of bones and teeth and is produced by the body only under the influence of sunlight.


Eat up to 250 grams of pumpkin pulp per day or drink 2 glasses of pumpkin juice.

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Tomatoes and tomato juice


Best source of the antioxidant lycopene. Moreover, it is better absorbed not from fresh fruits, and from stewed, baked, and also from tomato paste. The daily preventive dose of lycopene is 10-15 mg. It can be obtained from: 200 g of tomatoes per own juice, 2 glasses of tomato juice, or 3-4 tablespoons of natural tomato sauce.


Tomatoes in all types are very rich in potassium, and this is good for hearts ( daily norm potassium is contained in a glass of tomato juice).


Tomato juice gently reduces arterial and intracranial pressure, it is useful to drink for hypertension and glaucoma.


But tomatoes have a lot of fiber and acids. Therefore, you should not eat a lot of tomato dishes if you have gastritis with increased acidity and inflammation of the gallbladder.


Drink a glass of tomato juice a day or eat two or three tomatoes in their own juice.

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Our natural “antibiotic” - it is rich in antimicrobial substances. The bitterness contained in it has an anti-sclerotic effect, that is, it participates in the breakdown of “bad” cholesterol. Radish is well stored and holds the title of champion among vegetables in terms of preserving vitamin C during the winter. It also has diuretic properties, which is useful for vascular edema and high blood pressure.


Grated radish with honey is one of best recipes From cough. A salad of green radish (daikon) with sunflower oil and carrots will help cope with winter asthenia (loss of strength).


But due to its bitterness, radish is contraindicated for inflammation of the stomach, pancreas and kidney stones.


To support immunity during the vitamin deficiency season, it is enough to eat 150 grams of radish salad per day or take two tablespoons of radish juice with honey.

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Green pea


In addition to magnesium, zinc, proteins (by the way, it contains more of them than potatoes), nicotinic acid PP, which is important for heart function, green peas contain a lot of two important vitamins group B.


B1 (thiamine) strengthens the nervous system and is involved in the production of the stress hormone - adrenaline.


B2 (riboflavin) supplies cells with energy. This is important for maintaining normal thermoregulation, including our response to cold. Its lack causes chilliness and a feeling of lack of air.


These vitamins are lost when long-term storage, but are preserved during conservation. So if you are cold and come home from work with nerves, open a jar of your favorite peas from Soviet times and have a glass. This is where your soul gets warmer.

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Ten foods you shouldn't eat in winter

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During the winter holidays, we all finally allow ourselves to relax and eat for pleasure, and that is why, after they are over, we want to cleanse our body by including in our diet foods that we think are just right for us. winter period. But, according to experts, many of these products are not only a waste of money, but also complete absence benefits and even harm - after all, many out-of-season products can cause decreased immunity and colds.



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Milk, cottage cheese and yogurt are not the best option for winter nutrition. Firstly, in winter it hits the shelves large quantity so-called reconstituted milk, which contains minimal amount necessary for the body useful substances. And secondly, according to oriental medicine, many dairy products have a cooling effect, which means they can aggravate a number of classic winter diseases: sore throats, bronchitis, inflammation internal organs.

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Oddly enough, it’s better to forget about salmon until the end of winter. Its fishing is allowed from February to August, which means that all the fish that is sold the rest of the time under the guise of wild salmon comes to market counters smuggled and caught from an unknown location. Of course, this does not apply to farmed salmon - you can buy it all year round.

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In January, bright and elastic tomatoes, although they seem outwardly appetizing and juicy, are unlikely to taste the same. In addition, there are negligible amounts of vitamins in winter tomatoes. So save your money and use homemade tomato juice or canned tomatoes as an alternative - you can eat them plain or make sauces and gravies based on them.



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It is tempting to buy a couple of peaches to treat yourself or your loved ones. But don’t rush to do this: since winter is not the season for these fruits, they may well turn out to be tasteless and crumbly. So it’s better to wait until summer, and in the meantime, buy winter apples - they are affordable, tasty and very healthy.

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If you see strawberries at the market or in a store in winter, then with almost one hundred percent probability they came to us from afar, for example, from Israel. However, soft berries spoil very quickly and can become wrinkled during transportation, so there is a risk that under beautiful and apparently intact strawberries you will find fairly wrinkled and stale ones. So, either be extremely careful when purchasing, or wait until the summer when local strawberries appear on the shelves.

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In cold weather, you want to warm up with sweet hot tea or a cup of cocoa. And of course, we don’t skimp on sugar for these drinks. However, doctors say that increased consumption sugar reduces immunity, which is why people with a sweet tooth get sick more often. Try replacing your usual refined sugar with honey - it’s both tastier and healthier.



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Now buying a watermelon in winter, as well as other fruits and berries, is no longer a problem. But is it necessary? The striped berries brought from hot countries have a different taste and aroma, and they cost almost as much as an airplane. But hunting is worse than captivity, and if you still decide to buy a watermelon, then take note: the best watermelons in winter are brought to us from Costa Rica.

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Green beans


Green beans have a very delicate taste and a lot of useful properties. However, in the frozen form in which it is sold in winter, it is quite tough and fibrous. In addition, according to Eastern medicine, beans, like other legumes, belong to the category of cooling products, so it is better to refrain from consuming them in winter.

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Cayenne pepper


It will help clear your stuffy nose, but it will cause a storm in your stomach. Avoid cayenne pepper if you have a cold or flu - it irritates the inflamed mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and increases their swelling. As an alternative to cayenne pepper in winter, ginger is suitable: it relieves nausea and calms the stomach, and warm ginger tea warms you up in January frosts.



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In winter, fresh corn is extremely difficult to find. But if you do come across it, most likely it is the defrosted remains of last season - such corn is hard, tasteless and there are practically no useful substances left in it. Try replacing the corn with Brussels sprouts - you can fry them or bake them in the oven.

Vegetables in glass plates

Today no one doubts the usefulness of vegetables. They are an integral part of everyone's diet. modern man. But not everyone knows how to properly consume vegetables in order to get the maximum benefit from them.
We will talk about which vegetables, at what time and in what form are best consumed in order to get as many benefits as possible for your body. Besides, To get more benefits from vegetables, they must be properly peeled and cooked correctly, After all, if cooked incorrectly, you can lose most of the nutrients.

It is believed that the average adult needs to eat 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit daily. IN in this case The word serving means approximately one hundred grams of the product. Wherein greens are also classified as vegetables, so for those who love fresh greens, you can make salads, for example, from green onions, with dill and use it instead of others vegetable dishes, but not replace them completely. You can, for example, eat 100 grams of greens and 200 grams of vegetables.
As for the choice of types of vegetables, there are no strict restrictions; you can eat whatever you want and does not harm the body. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then before choosing the right vegetables and fruits you need to consult a gastroenterologist, who can advise on the optimal diet.

Vegetables that are recommended for most people for daily consumption are cabbage, cucumber, tomato, bell pepper and baked eggplant. You can also eat leafy vegetables, such as lettuce, arugula, Chinese cabbage, etc. But many people’s favorite zucchini, carrots and beets can only be eaten raw every day, and when cooked they carry too many calories. Not recommended for daily consumption and potatoes, because with their high calorie content has few useful substances. It is better to eat it baked and not every day.
You can and should eat vegetables throughout the day. Only the most high-calorie ones are best consumed in the first half of the day. This usually applies to dishes made from zucchini, beets and eggplants, which are often prepared with big amount oils

How to properly peel vegetables

Unfortunately, the current environmental situation and the conditions for transporting vegetables are such that even the most thoroughly washed vegetables can hardly be considered clean. Growing vegetables requires permanent use large quantity fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, and this leads to the accumulation of some of their components in the vegetables themselves. Of course, today all these substances have been significantly improved, but no one can guarantee absolute safety, as well as the crystal honesty of the manufacturer.

To protect yourself from harmful substances, which may be contained in vegetables, you must try to cut off all potentially dangerous areas. Not many consumers know that dill and parsley leaves normally contain two times less nitrates than the stems. Therefore, you should add only leaves to your dishes, avoiding stems, especially thick ones.

Root vegetables also have such secrets, for example, in radishes and beets, most of the harmful substances are concentrated in the peel, root and place where the tops grow. In carrots, the most harmful substances are contained in the very center of the root vegetable, and in cucumbers, exactly the opposite, most of them accumulate in the peel. When eating cabbage, you should discard the outer leaves and stalks.

How to cook vegetables properly

The most nutrients are found in raw, unprocessed vegetables.. But not every person will be able to eat vegetables in in kind without harm to your gastrointestinal tract, because they contain a lot of coarse fiber and substances that can irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. That is why people who are not used to eating a lot of vegetables or have problems with digestive tract, it is usually recommended to eat cooked vegetables.

In order not to lose useful substances during the heat treatment process, you need to remember a few simple tips. B Steamed vegetables retain the most nutrients, for example in a modern double boiler. Dishes prepared in this way are not only very healthy, but also easily digestible without overloading the digestive system.

Another good way to cook vegetables is baking in the oven.. Carrots, beets and tomatoes become more healthy after baking in the oven. Of course, no one eats potatoes raw, but baking is also good for them. in the best possible way heat treatment. You can also stew or grill vegetables. This allows you to get delicious dishes that will slightly lose their usefulness during the cooking process.

The most destructive method of preparation for beneficial substances is cooking.. When boiling, almost all water-soluble nutrients go into the broth. So if you are cooking vegetable soup, this method can still be used, but if you want to get healthy vegetables, you should forget about cooking. You should also avoid frying vegetables. It not only kills all the beneficial substances, but also saturates the vegetables with fats, making them more nutritious.

What is the best way to combine vegetables (Video)

A huge variety of vegetables allows you to choose a variety of combinations with each other and with other products to suit your taste. It is known that vegetables are best consumed raw. Vegetable salads go well with meat, grain products and any nuts and seeds. You can also combine them with dairy products. You should not consume raw vegetables and cooked vegetables at the same time.

If you tolerate dairy products well, you can combine them with vegetables. For example, sour cream can be an excellent dressing for vegetable salad. Leafy vegetables go great with any meal. Very delicious salads made from lettuce, spinach and low-fat cottage cheese.

You can often hear that starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, do more harm to the body than good and do not combine well with other foods. Indeed, they should not be mixed with protein products, especially meat. They also do not go well with nuts, seeds, and grains. But after heat treatment, such vegetables are much better tolerated and go well with other starchy vegetables and some dairy products.

To become the owner of a beautiful and slim figure, you need to watch your diet. Before going on a diet, it is important to know what vegetables you can eat while losing weight, and this list should be included in your daily menu. dietary nutrition. Low-calorie foods will help support the body because they contain a lot of vitamins, fiber, micro- and macroelements.

Vegetables for weight loss

The beneficial substances contained in root vegetables and tubers help to lose weight without harm to health. overweight when there is an excess of them. Vegetables for weight loss and fat removal are good alternative artificial drugs that reduce weight. The gifts of nature can be used as food raw, baked, or boiled. The lowest calorie ones are:

  • eggplant;
  • cucumbers;
  • pumpkin;
  • cabbage.

The dilemma of how to lose weight on vegetables can be solved by using fresh juices; you can combine root vegetables with fruits and berries. The drink will replenish everyone's daily supply essential vitamins, will give strength and energy. For example, if you make juice from several carrots, add 3 drops of olive oil to it, you will get healing drink With fat-soluble vitamin A. It is known from school biology courses that this vitamin improves human vision.

Boiled vegetables for weight loss

Many girls who often go on a diet prefer boiled vegetables when losing weight. It is important to know which root vegetables are best heat treated in order to preserve maximum amount useful substances. Most resistant to impact high temperature is vitamin B6, it is found in white cabbage, beans, pepper.

It is better to peel or cut boiled vegetables for weight loss into slices after heat treatment. It is worth cooking by steaming, as much as possible. a short time. Many vitamins are not preserved if root vegetables or tubers are boiled at temperatures above 100 °C. Although there are some herbal products who keep their beneficial features at 120 °C. It is worth knowing that vitamin C is unstable to high temperature.

Raw vegetables for weight loss

To lower blood cholesterol and lose weight, you should include carrots in your diet. It is rich in vitamins: B6, A, C, and contains the trace element Fe and fiber. It is healthier to eat it with olive or any other oil. 1 more delicious and useful product– this is spinach, it is a real storehouse of micro- and macroelements: Fe, Cu, Ca, vitamins: K, E, C, A, B6.

It is better to combine raw vegetables with each other in salads. A classic duet of onions and tomatoes, where the first product contains only 38 kcal per 100 g, and the second contains 20 kcal. It is useful to eat lettuce leaves - 100 g of the plant contains 15 kcal, and celery in the same amount - 12 kcal. Cabbage is an important and valuable vegetable; it should not be excluded from your diet. A diet of raw vegetables improves the functioning of all internal organs, stimulates the production gastric juice, cleanses the body of toxins, promotes weight loss.

Stewed vegetables for weight loss

While on a diet, you can eat not only salads or vegetable soup, but also cook stews. Even in winter this will not be difficult; you should freeze zucchini, greens, corn, and asparagus in the summer, and then use them to prepare delicious dishes. A diet based on boiled vegetables is healthier if you cook it in a slow cooker, so the food will retain all the nutrients. Simple, healthy recipe, which includes common healthy vegetables for weight loss:

  1. Cut the zucchini, onions and tomatoes into cubes, place them on the bottom of the pan, add finely chopped cabbage, carrots, and herbs.
  2. Add half a cup of water to the pan and lightly salt the vegetables.
  3. The stew is simmered with the lid closed over low heat until fully cooked.

Low-calorie vegetables

For the convenience of users, special computer programs, by which you can determine the calorie content of not only foods, but also dishes made from them. With their help, it is immediately clear what plant foods you can eat on a diet. For example, the most common potato tuber is a high-calorie product, it is rich in starch and other nutrients. If a person does not know what vegetables can be eaten on a diet and is not ready to create a menu on his own, you can contact a nutritionist, he will individually write out dishes with the necessary ingredients.

The following plant products are healthy and non-caloric:

Is it possible to eat vegetables at night?

Unlike animal products, you can eat vegetables at night, but you should eat them to avoid gaining weight low calorie foods. If you want a vegetable salad, you can chop boiled carrots, beets, and add some greens. Don't eat at night boiled beans. It's valuable protein product, but the intestines and stomach cannot be overloaded with them. It is worth remembering that after 18:00 the portion of food should be moderate in order to muffle the feeling of hunger. You should not overeat on any vegetables - this will harm weight loss.

Vegetable diet

Having found out which vegetables contribute to weight loss, it is important to decide on the type of diet. You can eat exclusively raw foods or fresh, but more often people prefer boiled root vegetables or tubers. Vegetable diet for weight loss can also be carried out as a prevention of many diseases: obesity, intestinal diseases, cardiovascular system.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in essential antioxidants; they contain vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements that strengthen the immune system. If there is a lack of plant products in your daily diet a person feels a loss of strength, apathy. Greens and other plant products keep the body healthy, improve skin color and help you look younger.

Vegetable recipes for weight loss

Fast and effective method losing weight means choosing and planning a menu of healthy vegetable salads. In just 4 weeks proper nutrition the result will be pleasantly surprising - redundant the weight will go away, and your health will improve significantly. Here are the vegetables you can eat when losing weight - the most delicious recipes for weight loss from vegetables:

  • Recipe No. 1. Ingredients: a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, a glass of boiled rice, a pinch of oregano, marjoram, basil, thyme. You will also need a teaspoon lemon juice, 1 clove of garlic, half a cup of olives, lettuce and zucchini. The last ingredient needs to be cut into small square pieces, boiled and fried. Add lemon juice, garlic, spices to the olive oil, mix everything, let the dressing brew for about half an hour. Place rice, zucchini, olives on a plate, add the infused aromatic dressing and mix everything. This dish contains 400 calories.
  • Recipe No. 2. Ingredients: boiled beans – 30 g, chopped onion– 50 g, 30 g boiled beef, half a boiled egg, salt, pepper, vegetable or olive oil. Grind the egg and meat, add beans, onions, pepper, salt, a few drops of vegetable oil. The salad can be dressed with mayonnaise. This recipe contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, its calorie content per 100 g is 192 kcal.
  • Recipe No. 3. Ingredients: onion, pickled cucumbers – 2 pcs., beets, 15 ml tomato paste, 1 clove of garlic, 50 ml sunflower oil. Grate the cucumbers, boil the beets, chop the garlic, chop the onion and fry. Pour into the frying pan with the prepared sautéed onions tomato paste. After the ingredients boil, they need to be poured into chopped beets with cucumbers and garlic, mix everything, add salt to taste.

Video: vegetable diet