Afterwards, my lower abdomen suddenly began to hurt. In such a case, the main thing that affects the pain is. Pulling in the lower abdomen after unprotected intercourse

Pulling discomfort in the lower abdomen is nonspecific symptom, which is characteristic of a large number of diseases.

There is no accumulation of sensitive nerve nodes in the pelvis, therefore impulses that come from organs in the pelvis are difficult to identify by the central nervous system.

When after unprotected act pulls in the lower abdomen, you should consult a specialist and get a diagnosis.

After reviewing the medical history (nature of discomfort, area of ​​distribution, conditions of occurrence, location, accompanying signs) and analysis of information clinical examination the specialist makes a proper diagnosis, gives an answer to why the stomach hurts, and prescribes appropriate treatment.

Pulling in the lower abdomen after unprotected intercourse

Many women face the problem of pain in the lower abdomen after unprotected intercourse, but not everyone gives similar condition meaning.

After prolonged sex, 1/5 of all women are able to experience short-term or constant pain in the lower abdomen.

Most are embarrassed to tell the doctor about this, prolonging their own suffering. In addition, experts recommend a large number of means that make sexual intercourse painless.

Sometimes it happens that there is a tugging in the lower abdomen after sex due to pathological processes in the pelvis.

In such a situation, only a gynecologist can help. It is necessary to focus on the pathological process; timely therapy eliminates adverse consequences and dangerous complications.

In some cases, there is a tugging in the lower abdomen after sex in the presence of inflammatory processes in the ovaries.

Ovarian cyst ( benign neoplasm, formed in connection with a malfunction of the organ) provokes painful sensations in the groin on either side.

To make sure of the assessment of the discomfort that has arisen, you need to do an ultrasound diagnosis and take tests.

The therapy process is monitored by a specialist.


The stomach may hurt after unprotected intercourse as if it were normal muscle strain abdomen and organs genitourinary system due to an unsuccessful choice of posture and other factors, and due to the formation of dangerous diseases.

This depends on the symptoms that accompany pain in females after sexual intercourse. There are a large number of provoking factors for such pathology.

To establish the initial cause of discomfort, it is necessary to carry out appropriate diagnostics. The most common factors:

  • Defloration. Fear during sexual intercourse provokes contraction of the vaginal muscles, which can cause pain.
  • Vaginismus. When one sexual experience is unsuccessful, a woman develops a subconscious fear, which provokes muscle spasms, which leads to the impossibility of full coitus.
  • Disorder of the integrity of the hymen. When sexual intercourse is not the first, but the stomach pulls as during the 1st time, probably the hymen was not completely torn. In some cases, virginity in the anatomical sense can be completely broken only during childbirth.
  • Inflammatory process. May indicate inflammation unpleasant itching, burning sensation, pain, dryness inside the vagina during or after sexual intercourse. In this situation, it is necessary to diagnose the presence of sexually transmitted infections (candidiasis, gonorrhea). During the treatment period, you need to limit your intimate life and mandatory protect yourself through contraception.
  • Spikes. They are formed as a result of an inflammatory process in the intestines or appendages. The presence of adhesions is diagnosed in half of women of reproductive age. Basically, there are no pronounced symptoms, but they appear during coitus. It is necessary to undergo a therapeutic course and select the most comfortable poses for sex.
  • Ruptures or injuries after surgical intervention and childbirth. The issue is being resolved surgically, developing intimate muscles and choosing a comfortable position during sexual intercourse.
  • Stagnation in the veins. Prolonged abstinence, infrequent intimate life, lack of orgasm lead to painful sensations of a pulling nature in the lower abdomen after sexual intercourse. Over time, such a pathology, even in the presence of regular intimate life will become a predisposing factor in the formation of dangerous gynecological diseases– endometriosis, ovarian dysfunction, uterine fibroids, mastopathy.
  • Endometriosis. It is characterized by pain symptoms, which intensify before menstrual cycle, spotting after and before menstruation, discomfort after sexual intercourse.
  • Neuralgia pelvic nerves. The nerve may be inflamed due to infectious lesion, stressful situations, hypothermia, causing acute, radiating lower limbs painful sensations.
  • Anatomical incompatibility of partners.
  • Inadequate release of lubricant. It is considered the result of removal of the Bartholin gland, a psycho-emotional barrier (fear of pregnancy, reluctance to have sex) or hormonal disorders(menopause, postpartum period, use of hormonal drugs).

During pregnancy, a woman should be careful about her sex life. Experts do not recommend overly frequent sexual intercourse, in particular when the lower abdomen feels tight after sex.

The reason is that normal postures will become uncomfortable due to muscle changes inside the uterus and vagina, so their contractions provoke discomfort.

Various signs of increasing, lingering discomfort in the lower abdomen after sexual intercourse are a reason to visit a specialist in order to prevent the progression of dangerous gynecological pathological processes.


First of all, the provoking factor should be accurately determined similar discomfort. Basically, not only the lower abdomen begins to hurt, but also the inguinal folds.

Often unpleasant sensations are observed in lumbar region. Such symptoms are considered a sign of rupture of a cyst or ovary, which is observed extremely rarely.

In addition, women experience painful sensations after unprotected intercourse, covering the entire lower abdomen and in the process of internal bleeding.

During this period, they can be acute, paroxysmal in nature, and not in all cases are associated with symptoms of external bleeding; there is no bleeding.

The main symptom of such a pathological process is acute anemia, if a woman has severe dizziness, blood pressure decreases, skin covering suddenly turns pale and faints.

If painful discomfort in the lower abdomen after intercourse is associated with bloody discharge, then the woman should immediately contact a specialist, otherwise it will turn out adverse consequences, and in certain situations leads to death.

In particular, you need to call doctors when heavy bleeding and painful discomfort after or during sexual intercourse, or injury to the internal genital organs was caused.

In addition, pain after intimate intercourse is associated with nausea and a gag reflex. In such a situation, in order to eliminate the complexity, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

In addition, the sooner a woman visits a gynecologist, the sooner she will achieve positive effect to get rid of such pathology, eliminating the disease by early stage formation.

Uterine fibroids are considered one of the provoking factors discomfort, because in certain positions during sex, the neoplasm compresses those adjacent to the uterus internal organs And nerve endings, causing discomfort when the penis penetrates deeply into the vagina.

In some situations, the stomach may hurt during unprotected sexual intercourse if the partners are anatomically incompatible.

If sexually transmitted chlamydia and gonococci are present in the cervix, they can cause inflammation and pain, therefore, in order to eliminate them, you should find out the doctor’s recommendations.

In any situation, if discomfort occurs after unprotected sexual intercourse, a woman needs to visit a gynecologist in order to avoid adverse consequences.

Pain after first intercourse

The most popular phenomenon will be the presence of painful sensations after the first sexual intercourse in a woman. This happens due to various circumstances.

For example, often before sexual intercourse a woman experiences anxiety or fear, and therefore the psycho-emotional factor is considered one of the causes of lower pain. abdominal cavity.

Experts note that after 1 sex, women often think about pregnancy.

In addition, another factor why the lower abdominal cavity may hurt after sexual intercourse is trauma that occurred during sexual intercourse.

IN similar situations The discomfort can be quite severe, but you should not panic. The painful discomfort goes away after a few days.

When pain continues for more than 3 days, you should immediately consult a doctor.

On initial stage During sexual life, a woman may experience pain in the lower abdominal cavity after unprotected intercourse quite often.

They can grow and disappear completely. This normal process, in particular among young women who are just starting to lead an intimate life.

In some cases, painful discomfort is associated with bleeding. This will also be a normal process.

To prevent discomfort during unprotected intercourse, it is possible to use lubricants.


If even minor discomfort occurs after sexual intercourse, a woman should be wary.

When such phenomena become regular, it is imperative to seek advice from a specialist.

  • When a woman experiences pain in the lower abdominal cavity after unprotected intercourse and blood is released at this time, then measures should be taken. For these purposes, you need to take horizontal position, apply something cold to your stomach and call the doctors without delay.
  • When the provoking factor that causes pain in the lower abdominal cavity after sexual intercourse is an infection, the woman is prescribed therapy. Antibiotics are used and antibacterial drugs, prescribed only by a specialist after examination. He will also indicate the dose and frequency of use.
  • In a situation where the reason for the pull in the lower abdominal cavity after sexual intercourse is an ovarian cyst, the woman is prescribed surgical treatment. After eliminating them and completing a rehabilitation course, such difficulties will leave her.

Thus, in order to eliminate pain after unprotected sexual intercourse, it is necessary to properly identify the provoking factor.

It is not possible to cope with such a problem on your own, so you need an examination and diagnosis by a specialist.

When the stomach feels tight after unprotected sexual intercourse, this is associated with the presence of pathologies inside the body, the presence of which the woman may not be aware of.

In addition, they can cause discomfort in the lower part of the abdominal cavity after intimate intercourse. psychological factors, presence stressful situations and disruptions in the autonomic nervous system.

It is prohibited to carry out self-treatment when the lower abdominal cavity hurts after and during sexual intercourse, as this is fraught with adverse health consequences.

Useful video

Half of all women in the world admit that when they have sex, instead of feeling pleasure, various kinds discomfort and often pulls in the lower abdomen.

Typically, this feeling occurs after sex, although healthy person This shouldn't happen. It is important to know why this feeling occurs, because nagging pain needs to be eliminated.

Causes of diseases

There are quite a few reasons why nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen after sexual intercourse; they can be psychological, physiological, or arise as a result of various pathologies.

The main causes can be determined by using the symptoms that begin after sex. If we consider the causes of diseases, we can highlight the following:

  1. Infections and inflammation of the pelvis. Such an infection can only be acquired through sexual contact. People often become infected with gonorrhea, chlamydia and other infections. In this state, after sex, not only pain in the lower abdomen begins, but perhaps strong burning sensation and itching, often a rash appears on the genitals, as well as various types of vaginal discharge, which are accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  2. Thrush. This disease is known to many people and it can also be the source of why the lower abdomen pulls after sexual intercourse. This pathology appears as a result of dysbiosis, which begins after consumption strong medicines, such as antibiotics.
  3. Cervicitis. Similar pathology means inflammation of the uterine canal. The disease occurs as a result of infection or injury to the cervix. As a rule, lower pain begins after abortion, childbirth, and surgery.
  4. Cystitis. A fairly common disease among women. With the onset of pathology development, lower pain begins to appear on the second day after sex.

In certain situations, the cause is endometriosis, a disease hormonal levels when endometrial cells begin to grow and extend beyond the layer.

The main causes of the disease are not yet fully known. The disease often appears in reproductive age any representative of the fair sex.

Main symptoms of the disease:

  1. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Heavy bleeding during menstruation, accompanied by pain.

If you don't carry out timely treatment, then adhesions begin to form, which lead to discomfort after or during sexual intercourse; pain below can be quite severe.

Other reasons

In certain situations, the signs of why pain in the lower abdomen begins to appear after sexual intercourse are not pathological processes, but poor quality sex.

In such a case, the main thing that affects the pain is:

  1. Not a woman's complete arousal. In this case, the body secretes an insufficient amount of lubricant, and the size of the penis itself will be larger than the vagina, since it cannot increase to required sizes. With this kind of problem, discomfort is observed during sexual intercourse, and after it there may be pain in the lower abdomen due to sprained ligaments.
  2. Fast and sharp sex. Rough sexual intercourse may result in injury to the mucous membrane and vaginal walls. Due to this, women may experience discomfort after sex, and their stomach will pull.

An equally well-known and common problem is venous congestion. During arousal, blood flow to the genitals increases significantly.

If the female body does not receive pleasure during sex, sex life not constant or there is a certain abstinence, then the outflow worsens.

After this, the lower abdomen pulls, and the abdomen may also receive other uncomfortable sensations.

This condition is medically called venous stagnation.

After a certain time, even if sexual activity is brought back to normal, discomfort may remain, and sexual intercourse becomes only torture, as pain syndromes intensify.

Venous stagnation often leads to the development of other pathological conditions:

  1. Endometriosis.
  2. Fibroids.
  3. Malfunction of the ovaries.
  4. Mastopathy.

Sex life is very important for women and men because it is not only about satisfaction physiological needs. Sex is good for human health.

Sometimes the stomach pulls down due to incompatibility of partners. It's about O different sizes genitals.

If the penis is quite large, then sex will not be a joy, since the partner may constantly experience pain, especially the lower abdomen.

Of course, the vagina can be expanded and lengthened, however, there is a limit to everything. If the penis is more than 15 cm, then incompatibility between partners may occur.

This problem can be stopped if you use erection rings, as well as other methods of restriction. You can independently control penetration during sex.

It is important not to remain silent, but to talk about similar problem, especially if the stomach hurts, it pulls at the bottom.

With the development of a pathology such as vaginismus, women experience random contraction of the muscles of the genital organs. This is a kind of response to a test of penetration inside.

As a rule, with such pathologies it is impossible to relax during sex; the pain can be very strong, which is impossible to endure. Symptoms appear as a result of severe compression of the vaginal muscles.

Treatment of vaginismus is possible through psychotherapy, as well as examination by a sex therapist. This disease is classified as a psychosomatic disorder.

Symptoms during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the lower abdomen may feel tight various reasons, and sex life needs to be given special attention.

If you have sex during pregnancy and it causes discomfort, the reasons may be as follows:

  1. Contraction of the uterus. During sexual activity, the uterus can contract more strongly, causing pain and pulling in the lower abdomen.
  2. Fear. During pregnancy, on a subconscious level, a woman may experience fear for the health of the child and for her own, which is why tension and uncertainty appear. In this case, you cannot relax completely, the vaginal muscles tense, and instead of pleasure, nagging pain appears.
  3. Weakness and exhaustion. During pregnancy, especially during early stages, there may be toxicosis, sleep disturbance, which leads to fatigue, and sex takes place without the necessary stimulation, resulting in discomfort.

If symptoms become more severe during pregnancy and sexual activity is not the cause of pain, then you need to contact a gynecologist.

Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy is the most dangerous period for women, as there may be a risk of miscarriage.

Doctors advise not to have sex at this time so that the fetus can implant normally and the pregnancy can proceed normally, without complications.

By its nature, sexual intercourse should not cause discomfort, even during pregnancy.

Any symptoms in the abdominal area should be alarming and need to be diagnosed, and if blood still appears after sex, you should call an ambulance.

Useful video

In the life of all women, the most mysterious time is the period of waiting for a child. If after an unprotected act the lower abdomen feels tight, you can hope for positive result. This discomfort is a reaction to successful conception. But if the pain does not stop for more than two weeks, then an ectopic pregnancy is likely, so it is important to consult a gynecologist in time.

Fertilization: what happens in the body

After unprotected sexual intercourse, sperm rush towards the egg. After a few hours, they merge - this is fertilization. Pregnancy itself can occur only six to seven days after fertilization, when the egg returns back to the uterus. Only after this do changes begin to occur in the body that can be noticed. Before pregnancy occurs, it is impossible to know whether fertilization has occurred.

First signs successful conception may appear early or not appear at all. Everything here is individual.

How to find out if fertilization has occurred:

  1. pay more attention to physical sensations, for example, the perception of products. The most common symptom early pregnancy is toxicosis - nausea, vomiting, aversion to previously favorite foods, increased fatigue;
  2. successful fertilization entails changes in the mammary glands, in which painful sensations appear. Usually they can be felt two weeks after conception, and they are associated with the body’s preparation for feeding;
  3. frequent urination, but this can also be cystitis, in which urination is also painful;
  4. in the first stages of pregnancy, body temperature rises slightly, but not always. Therefore, it is better to pay attention basal temperature, which in pregnant women is always not lower than 37 degrees.
  5. pulls in the lower abdomen. If the discomfort does not stop within two weeks, it may portend a spontaneous miscarriage;
  6. Conception is also indicated by a change in the state of vaginal discharge, the amount of which increases. The discharge may be yellowish or Brown, mucus may appear;
  7. fertilization changes the color of the female genital organs. The cervix acquires a bluish color, which is associated with increased blood flow;
  8. After fertilization, hCG hormones appear in a woman’s body. The principle of pregnancy tests is based on the presence of this hormone in urine.

The first days after conception: false symptoms

The symptoms listed above are not only harbingers of pregnancy. They may appear when various diseases intestines, infections, cervical erosion and other diseases of the reproductive system. This includes nausea, bleeding, swelling of the mammary glands, and frequent urination. The results of the hCG analysis will help you understand everything, as well as ultrasonography pelvic organs.

Pregnancy is the most important and responsible period in the life of all women and you need to treat it very carefully, because a new person is born and develops inside.


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Photo gallery: Why the lower abdomen pulls: causes and symptoms

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen - nonspecific sign, typical for many diseases. There is no large accumulation of sensory nerve ganglia in the pelvic region, so pain impulses coming from the pelvic organs are difficult to identify by the Central nervous system. If you feel pain in your lower abdomen, you should consult a specialist and undergo an examination. After studying the anamnesis (nature of pain, area of ​​distribution, conditions of occurrence, localization, concomitant symptoms) and data analysis laboratory research the doctor will diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Pulling in the lower abdomen - causes and obvious symptoms indicating specific diseases:

Why does the lower abdomen feel tight before menstruation?

Pain before menstruation manifests itself in different ways: the stomach can pull, enlarge, and hurt. All this happens in conjunction with increased lability nervous system, dysfunction gastrointestinal tract, obsessive headaches.

Typical causes:

  • sudden changes in rest, sleep, work patterns;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • stress, nervous disorders, depression;
  • the presence of foci of inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • illiterate use of funds hormonal contraception;
  • previous abortion, surgical operations on the genitals;
  • failure of neurolipid metabolism;
  • accumulation of fluid in the body;
  • progesterone deficiency and excess estrogen production in the last phase of the cycle.

Pain and pulling in the lower abdomen after menstruation

Moderate pain in the lower abdomen during or on the eve of menstruation is a physiological standard. Why does my stomach feel tight after menstruation? There are two versions of events here: dynamics pathological condition, implying urgent surgical intervention, and permissible deviation from the norm.

Standard options

Tightening in the lower abdomen after sex

After quality, long-term sex, 20-25% of women experience episodic/regular pain in the lower abdomen. Many are embarrassed to admit this even to a specialist, prolonging their suffering. Meanwhile, gynecologists say that there are many remedies that can make sex completely painless.

Why your stomach feels tight after sex - the reasons in chronological order:

  • defloration. Fear during sexual intercourse causes the vaginal muscles to contract – this causes pain;
  • Vaginismus. If the first sexual experience is unsuccessful, a woman develops a subconscious fear that provokes muscle spasm, which leads to the impossibility of full coitus;
  • violation of the integrity of the hymen. If it’s not the first time you’ve been intimate, but your stomach feels like it’s the first time, most likely the hymen is not completely torn. Sometimes virginity in anatomical terms is completely violated only during labor activity;
  • inflammation. The inflammatory process is indicated by itching, burning, pain, dryness in the vagina during/after sex. In this case, you cannot do without examination for sexually transmitted infections (candidiasis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea). During therapy you should limit sex life and be sure to protect yourself with a condom;
  • adhesions. Formed as a result of inflammation of the intestines or appendages. The presence of adhesions is diagnosed in 50% of women childbearing age, they usually do not give pronounced symptoms, but they manifest themselves during coitus. There is only one way out - to undergo a course of treatment and choose the most comfortable positions for sex;
  • ruptures/injuries after operations and childbirth. The issue can be resolved surgically, by developing intimate muscles and selecting optimal poses;
  • venous stasis. Long-term abstinence, rare sex life, lack of orgasm lead to nagging pain in the lower abdomen after sexual contact. Over time, venous stagnation, even with regular sex, becomes a predisposing factor in the development of serious gynecological diseases - endometriosis, ovarian dysfunction, uterine fibroids, mastopathy;
  • endometriosis. Characterized by pain that intensifies before menstruation, spotting after/before menstruation, painful sensations after sex;
  • neuralgia of the pelvic nerves. The nerve becomes inflamed due to infection, stress, hypothermia, causing acute pain radiating to the leg;
  • anatomical incompatibility of partners;
  • insufficient allocation lubricants Is a consequence of removal of the Bartholin gland, a psychological barrier (fear of getting pregnant, reluctance to have sex) or hormonal imbalance(menopause, postpartum period, taking hormones).

During pregnancy, a woman should be especially careful about sex. Gynecologists do not recommend too frequent sexual intercourse, especially if the lower abdomen feels tight after sex. The reason is that the usual positions have become uncomfortable due to changes in the muscles of the uterus and vagina, so their contractions cause pain. Any signs of increasing, lingering pain in the lower abdomen after sex are a reason to consult a doctor in order to prevent the progression of serious gynecological pathologies.

Mild pain or discomfort is normal after active sex. But strong, sharp or prolonged nagging pain is a sign of pathology. Such sensations reduce the desire to have sex and affect your mood.

Lower pain may be a sign dangerous disease, which needs to be identified by early stages. Why does my lower abdomen hurt after sex? Let's find out...

After sex, contractions of the uterus are possible; they lead to mild discomfort. These feelings after active sex haunt many women, due to the peculiarities reproductive system female body. Normally, such discomfort appears only periodically and quickly disappears.

It is necessary to sound the alarm during prolonged discomfort, severe or sharp pain. These symptoms indicate inflammatory processes , damage to the vagina as a result of active sex, infectious diseases. In any case, you need to see a doctor and treat the underlying disease.

What to do during pain

You can take painkillers right away. If you experience pain while having sex, stop sexual intercourse immediately. If after or directly during sex bleeding is added to the pain, then lie down on the sofa, put it on your stomach, soaked in cold water towel and call an ambulance.

Bleeding indicates damage to the vaginal or uterine mucosa and may be a sign of polyps, tumors, fibrosis, ectopic pregnancy and other dangerous diseases.

If there is no bleeding, you should also not hesitate. Especially with increased uterine tone and cramping pain in the lower abdomen after sex during pregnancy.

Such pain indicates danger for the child, To eliminate it, urgent qualified medical assistance is needed.

What diseases do pain in the lower abdomen indicate?

  • Damage to the vaginal walls as a result of active sex. Then the pain appears immediately after or directly during sex. Accompanied by bleeding. Damage may be erosion, cracks or tears in the vaginal walls.
  • Internal bleeding. It is characterized by sharp pains similar to contractions. From the name it is clear that blood is not released outside.
  • The pain is accompanied acute anemia, fall blood pressure. The girl's skin turns pale, dizziness and fainting develop.
  • Common cause internal bleeding are those who have recently undergone surgery.
  • Inflammation of the uterus, vagina. Inflammation occurs as a result infectious diseases caused by staphylococci, coli, chlamydia, gonococci, streptococci.

Such pathologies are accompanied by vaginal discharge. The diagnosis is made after the discharge is submitted for microflora analysis. More often, the cause is a harmless thrush resulting from the use of antibiotics.

  • Apoplexy of the ovary, in other words, hemorrhage in it. In this case, the pain is felt not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the sacrum, anus, and external genitalia. Strong pain accompanied by vomiting and nausea at normal temperatures. Often apoplexy leads to internal bleeding.
  • Anatomical features. For example, an unnatural curvature of the cervix or those that appear in puberty adhesions. Diagnosed with discomfort anatomical features during a gynecological examination.

To get rid of the problem, you need to contact a sex therapist to choose individual sex positions. The only way to completely get rid of them is through surgery.

What treatment is prescribed for pain in the lower abdomen?

It all depends on the type causing pain their pathologies. More often the cause pain syndrome is inflammation Bladder, thrush, ovarian cyst.