What types of fish are considered fatty? Low-fat fish suitable for diet (list)

Statistics say that every ninth inhabitant of our planet suffers from overweight. Excess kilograms not only spoil appearance, but also negatively affect human health. To solve the problem, you have to actively engage in sports, get rid of bad habits and adhere to a certain diet. And the basis healthy diet nutrition is eating balanced and healthy food.

Doctors consider fish to be one of the most useful foods for the diet, which has low calorie content, but at the same time contains a huge amount useful substances: protein, amino acids, zinc, phosphorus, iodine, selenium, calcium. All low-fat varieties of fish are ideal for nutrition during a diet, since during this period the body is in dire need of beneficial microelements and vitamins.

What are the benefits of fish?

Unlike meat, which will take the body at least three hours to digest, fish is digested much faster, in just two hours. Nutritionists recommend fish dishes even for dinner. An undoubted advantage fish dishes is also considered the speed of their preparation.

Fish contains healthy fatty amino acids Omega 3 and Omega 6.

As a result of research, scientists have found that eating large amounts of sea fish prevents diseases thyroid gland, maintains health and youth. An example of this is the residents of Japan, who eat mainly fish products; this country has the most long-livers.

How does regular consumption of fish affect the body?

Omega 3 and Omega 6 acids are necessary for the synthesis of other substances in the body. They normalize sensitivity nerve fibers and are responsible for the process of muscle contraction. Fatty acids also have a positive effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails.

Regular consumption of fish dishes prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, increases immunity, normalizes blood pressure, stimulates brain function and prevents development senile dementia. High iodine content ensures thyroid health and also helps burn calories.

One of the main indicators of fish is its fat content, which depends not only on the variety, but also on the season - for example, fish becomes as fat as possible during the spawning period. Fish, depending on the degree of fat content, is divided into the following categories:

  1. Fatty varieties - due to the high fat content, the nutritional value of the product ranges from 230 to 260 kcal (from 8% fat and above). This category includes such types of fish as mackerel, herring, toothfish, halibut, sturgeon, catfish, saury, and eel.
  2. Moderately fatty varieties contain from 4 to 8% fat. The nutritional value of the product is from 120 to 140 calories. Medium-fat fish include pink salmon, catfish, trout, tuna, chum salmon, herring, sea bass and lean herring.
  3. Skinny (low-fat) varieties of fish - pollock, silver hake, navaga, blue whiting, bream, pike perch, flounder, cod, pike, burbot. The fat content of these fish varieties does not exceed 4%, and the nutritional value on average ranges from 80 to 90 calories.

Weight loss recommendations often contain advice about replacing meat with fish products. But you should be aware that not all types of fish can be consumed when losing weight. To do this, it is necessary to distinguish types of fish based on fat content.

Low fat foods (2-5 grams):

Per 100 g of product calorie content squirrels carbohydrates fats
hake 86 16,6 0 2,2
tuna 139 18,2 0 4,6
sea ​​bass 103 18,2 0 3,3
ocean horse mackerel 114 18,5 0 4,5
halibut 103 18,9 0 3
flounder 90 15,7 0 3
bream 105 17,1 0 4,4

Very low fat foods (less than 2 g):

Per 100 g of product calorie content squirrels carbohydrates fats
blue whiting 82 18,5 0 0,9
pollock 72 15,9 0 0,9
cod 69 16 0 0,6
zander 84 18,4 0 1,1
crucian carp 87 17,7 0 1,8
pike 84 18,4 0 1,1
river perch 81 18,5 0 0,9

In order to have an idea of ​​the fat content of fish, you just need to look at its color - the darker the meat, the more nutritious it is. Lean meats are lighter in color. Fatty fish are considered the healthiest, but those who plan to lose extra pounds should reduce the amount of this product in their diet to one piece per week.

The menu should include flounder, tuna, cod, pollock, crabs and shrimp. These foods are low in nutritional value but still contain a large number of squirrel.

Methods for preparing fish dishes

Before you start preparing dietary fish dishes, you should familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of consuming certain varieties, since there are some restrictions for those who suffer from diabetes or gastritis. Fish can be fried, boiled, steamed or wrapped in foil in the oven. However, all recipes use a minimum of vegetable oil.

How to cook fish for pancreatitis

A few days after an attack of pancreatitis, doctors allow you to include fish fillet dishes in your diet. Ideal option There will be casseroles, souffles and cutlets. Fish can also be steamed, boiled, stewed or baked in one large piece.

How to properly cook fish for a diet

Boiled fish. An excellent dish for a diet - fish soup without potatoes, the least high-calorie and very aromatic broth will be made from pike meat. Boiled cod fillet will not be overcooked, unlike other types of fish. To keep the pieces intact, you can add a little vinegar to the boiling water.

Steamed fish. Pour lemon juice over the fish slices, add dill or parsley to taste, season with spices for fish dishes, and place in a double boiler. Cooking time is half an hour.

Lightly dry any fish fillet in a napkin or towel, then place it on the grill along with pieces of vegetables. Cooking time is from 20 to 30 minutes. There is no need to salt the food, otherwise the fish will turn out dry. The finished dish can be seasoned with soy sauce to taste.

To steam fish, you can use not only a steamer, but also a regular colander, which is placed on a pan of boiling water.

Baked fish. Fish cooked in the oven has more pleasant taste than boiled. For baking in the oven, use regular foil or a special sleeve that can be opened a few minutes before the end of the cooking time. In this case, the fish pieces will have a tasty crust. For sour cream lovers, we recommend baking fish in yogurt - it’s just as tasty, but lower in calories.

Is it possible to fry fish for a diet? It is forbidden! But if you really want to, you can deviate from the rules and treat yourself to grilled fish or regular fish with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Fish is one of the most valuable products nutrition, it must be present in any diet. Fish dishes go well with side dishes of boiled or raw vegetables, as well as with salads, not seasoned big amount natural oil.

For those who are on a diet for weight loss or for health reasons, nutritionists recommend eating low-fat fish at least three times a week. The benefits of such products are low nutritional value and easy to digest, unlike regular meat.

Fish with minimum content fat (lean varieties) can be eaten every day without fear of gaining excess weight. Products in this category do not contain carbohydrates, so they are in particular demand among those who follow or. Lean fish contains less fat than fish lean meat. At the same time, the body receives required amount protein and minimal calories. This way you can maintain the required level of carbohydrates and not feel hungry.

It is very important to cook fish correctly; it is best to boil, bake or steam it. In the process of preparing dietary fish dishes, salt is not used. A small amount of lemon juice will make the meat juicier and the taste richer and more pleasant.

Nutritionists do not recommend seasoning fish products with sauces, as they increase appetite. To eliminate the smell, you can place the fish in milk for about an hour. In order to remove the specific taste of fish, you can add an apple.

Fish is extremely beneficial for dietary nutrition by providing the body with the substances necessary to produce energy. Therefore, a person who consumes even low-calorie fish products will always have a reserve of energy and strength for active image life, including for sports.

In the absence of contraindications, fish products can be included in the daily diet. Medium-fat varieties are allowed several times a week; occasionally you can eat fatty fish.

If you regularly eat fish dishes, it will be much easier to follow a diet, since a wide variety of fish varieties and dishes made from it will make your diet as healthy and rich as possible. A piece of baked fish or a portion of aromatic fish soup will decorate any menu, and following the recommendations for choosing fish and methods of preparing it will allow you to always stay in great shape.

It should be remembered that fish is considered a perishable product, so you need to buy it fresh (a dense carcass, immediately restored when pressed with a finger) or fresh frozen, after making sure that it was prepared in an industrial environment.

List of fatty fish and health benefits

Fatty fish have fat in their tissues and abdominal cavity in the area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract. Its fillet contains up to 30% fat, although this figure varies both within and between species. For example, fatty fish include small forage fish such as sardines, herring and anchovies, as well as other large pelagic fish such as salmon, trout, tuna and mackerel (1).

Oily fish can be compared to white fish, which contain fat only in the liver (much less than fatty fish). White fish include cod, haddock, flounder, etc. White fish are usually demersal fish that live on or near the seabed, while fatty fish are pelagic - living in the water column.

Fatty fish meat is a good source of vitamins A and D and is rich in omega-3 fatty acids (white fish also contains these nutrients, but in much lower concentrations). For this reason, consuming fatty fish rather than white fish may be healthier for people, especially in relation to cardiovascular disease (2).

However, it is known that fatty fish carry more high levels pollutants (such as mercury or dioxin) than white fish. Among the others beneficial effects Researchers note that omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish may help improve the condition. inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis.

Fatty sea fish: list

Fatty fish contain significant amounts of fat in all tissues of the body and in the abdominal cavity. Here's a list of fatty fish:

  • sea ​​trout
  • mackerel
  • anchovies
  • sardines
  • sprat
  • herring
  • pollock
  • tuna
  • shark
  • Atlantic sturgeon
  • sea ​​bass
  • flounder
  • halibut

All of these fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, whether they are canned, fresh or frozen.

The fattest fish among river and lake fish:

  • salmon
  • trout
  • sturgeon
  • saberfish
  • burbot
  • silver carp
  • lake whitefish
  • smelt
  • freshwater perch

Health benefits of oily fish

Scientists have proven that regular use fatty fish, helps prevent the development various diseases And pathological conditions, such as:

Dementia (dementia)

Older people who eat fish or seafood at least once a week are less likely to develop dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. In addition to providing vascular protection, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil may reduce inflammation in the brain and play a role in brain development and regeneration nerve cells (4).

A French study published in 2002 in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) followed 1,774 elderly residents of southern France over seven years. Scientists studied how much meat and seafood they consumed and how this was associated with symptoms of dementia.

The conclusion was that people who ate fish at least once a week had significantly more low risk diagnosed with dementia within seven years. This study strengthened the Annals of Neurology findings. Thanks to more long term the BMJ study provided stronger evidence of a genuine protective effect.

Cardiovascular diseases

Eating 200-400g of oily fish twice a week may also help prevent sudden death due to myocardial infarction, preventing cardiac arrhythmia (5).

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), found in fish oil, appears to dramatically reduce inflammation by being converted within the body into resolvins, with beneficial effects on cardiovascular health and arthritis (6).

In 1994, the UK Committee on Medical Aspects of Food and Nutrition Policy (COMA) recommended that people eat at least two portions of fish per week, one of which should be oily fish.

In 2004, the UK Food Standards Agency published guidelines regarding recommended minimum and maximum quantities fatty fish to eat per week to balance the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids with the potential dangers of consuming PCBs and dioxins. It reaffirmed the 1994 guidelines of two servings of fish per week, including one serving of oily fish. However, it recommended eating no more than four servings per week, and no more than two servings for pregnant or breastfeeding women (7).

Protection Agency environment The US EPA states that the maximum permissible oral dose of methylmercury is 0.1 micrograms per kg of body weight per day. The corresponding blood mercury limit is 5.8 µg/L. Restrictions apply to certain fatty fish:

  • marlin
  • swordfish
  • shark
  • tuna (to a lesser extent) (8)

Recommendations for maximum intake of oily fish were up to four servings (1 serving = 140 g) per week for men, boys and women past childbearing age, and up to two servings per week for women of childbearing age, including pregnant and lactating women, and girls. There is no recommended limit on the consumption of white fish.

The 2007 EPA and USDA guidelines set a limit only for the consumption of oily fish with more than one part per million of methylmercury, specifically:

  • malacanthas
  • king mackerel
  • shark
  • swordfish

However, there are restrictions for breastfeeding/pregnant women and children under six years of age. These populations should completely avoid consuming fish containing high risk mercury contamination (listed above), and limit consumption of fish with moderate and low levels of methylmercury to 340 grams per week. Consumption of longfin tuna (albacore) should be limited to 170 g or less per week.


Fish. Benefits and harms

Fish may contain harmful substances

On this moment, fish are very dangerous due to their bacteriological diseases. It is also polluted by toxic waste that is in the water. Such fish may contain salts of heavy metals that can cause significant harm to the human body.

IN last years there is intense pollution of lakes and rivers with wastewater, and above all from the most major centers. Fish absorbs everything toxic substances, located in water. Most fish caught in the open sea contain toxic waste that is present in the water. And the older the fish, the more waste it will accumulate.

Fish may contain heavy metal salts

Heavy metals accumulate in the organs and tissues of marine life, and poisoned water injures their outer coverings. Fish have curvature of the spine, lack of fins, cirrhosis of the liver, ulcers on the integument, and kidney stones. Heavy metals rush into the water especially intensively in the spring, when the snow melts.

Expert commission for biological research clean water, flora and fauna of the world's largest freshwater lake system has concluded that eating fish from the system has negative health effects. Scientists have proven that mercury contained in fish causes infertility in both men and women. Mercury causes cellular or genetic damage to the ovaries.

Scientists emphasize that in predatory fish much more toxic elements are concentrated because the food chain ends there. The results of analyzes carried out by researchers showed that various organs of fish - scales, muscles, bones, liver, genitals, intestines - contain overwhelming doses of zinc, copper, lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel, arsenic, chromium, as well as cesium-137 and strontium-90.

Chlorinated hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls, which are harmful to humans and accumulate in fats, are often present in large quantities in fatty fish (salmon, salmon, trout).

It is known that when storing fish, fats quickly oxidize under the influence of air, light and elevated temperature.

From frequent use Omega-3 fatty acids for people who have problems with the pancreas, an overdose of omega-3 threatens serious problems with the adrenal glands.

Part harmful substances accumulates in fish oil

Phosphorus from fish is poorly absorbed because it contains too little calcium and magnesium. Scientists know that calcium and phosphorus are fully absorbed only when the product you eat contains calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium in an organic, balanced form.

The most valuable fatty acids in fish are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids), which are absent in other products (fish oil).

Fatty acids sharply reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, and this has a beneficial effect on the health of the brain, heart and blood vessels, and prevents the development of depression and dementia in old age. They protect blood vessels from atherosclerosis and thereby reduce the risk of developing angina, heart attacks, strokes, and heart rhythm disturbances.

Regular consumption of fish and fish products reduces heart attacks by almost half, and the risk of dangerous diseases hearts.

Fish is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

Most omega-3 fatty acids are found in fatty fish, which contain at least 8% fat (mackerel, fatty herring, tuna, eel, halibut, trout, salmon, etc.). Some varieties of this fish can be twice as high in calories as pork. Eating fatty fish is not recommended for obese patients.

Fish of medium fat content (4-8% fat - sea bass, pike perch, horse mackerel, pink salmon, low-fat herring, carp, etc.) are more suitable for the diet. The average calorie content of these varieties is comparable to beef and lean pork.

Fish with a low fat content (no more than 4-8% fat - cod, hake, pollock, navaga, river perch, bream, flounder, blue whiting, pike, ice fish, etc.) helps people normalize fat metabolism and cope with overweight and atherosclerosis.

Each type of fish contains its own amount of healthy fats.

Insulin, which is vital for patients, is now obtained from fish diabetes mellitus, pancreatin and others medications beneficial human health.

Compared to animal and poultry meat, fish is digested by the body much easier and faster (fish stays in the stomach for 2-3 hours, and meat for 3-4, or even 5-6 hours).

Fish is good for health

According to WHO (World Health Organization), eating fish and fish products about 2 times a week reduces the incidence of various diseases - cardiovascular system, oncological diseases, atherosclerosis, etc.

Sea fish is healthier than river fish because high content fatty acids, vitamins, and macroelements. It is better to eat fish of medium or small size, as they do not have time to accumulate harmful substances.

Sea fish is healthier than river fish

For metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary disease heart nutritionists advise using fish (especially sea fish), as it contains especially a lot of fluorine and iodine, the deficiency of which many suffer from.

Often sellers replace one type of fish with another that is similar to it, but less expensive and tasty. Therefore you need to know distinctive features between similar-looking fish.

Fish caught by amateur fishermen, usually sold near shops or at railway stations, does not undergo veterinary and sanitary control for suitability for food consumption.

Fresh fish must be firm

Quality fish have red eyes and dark red gills. If there is mucus on the gills and the eyes are cloudy, this means that the fish is not the freshest. Mucus on the surface of the skin should be colorless, without impurities foreign odors. When pressing on the scales, there should be no dents left - the fish must be elastic.

At home, the freshness of ungutted fish can be determined by placing it whole in a bucket of water - fresh fish sink to the bottom, but the stale one will definitely float up. For a deeper and more detailed study, a special laboratory and specialists will be required.


List of fatty varieties of sea and river fish

Fish is a product that perfectly balances all the vitamins and microelements that contribute to mental activity, good health, ideal appearance. Many therapeutic diets or diets for weight loss include fish dishes.

Any fish is beneficial for the body, but fatty fish varieties are more easily digestible and rich in amino acids. It doesn’t matter whether a sea or river fish is listed on the menu.

Note! Residents of coastal areas are less likely to complain about problems with the heart and cardiovascular system in general. People who eat fish at least 2-3 times a week practically do not suffer from depression.

Fatty fish is quickly and easily digested, unlike other meat products. There is a conditional division of all types of fish into three categories: fatty, medium fatty and low-fat.

More often, fish is included in diet menus, since it replaces everything heavy products that contain protein. At the same time, all components are perfectly absorbed. It is important to consider the varieties of fatty fish and the main characteristics of the product that best describe the properties.

List of river and sea fish of fatty varieties:

Variety name The nutritional value Main characteristics
Catfish Fats - 5.3, calories - 126. Inhabitant of the seas and oceans. A huge amount of vitamins and minerals makes fish a unique product, which can be consumed in any form. Has a beneficial effect on the thought process.
Cod 100 grams of product contains 0.7 fat. The energy value is 78 calories. Refers to fatty varieties. The main feature is that the meat has high nutritional value.

The liver is of particular value, as it improves the structure of the blood, stabilizes the functioning of the heart and circulatory system.

Trout The amount of fat is 2.1, and the calorie content of 100 grams of the product is 97. Rich in omega 3 acids. All vitamins that are contained in excess quantities help the hematopoietic system to work more efficiently and fully.
Mackerel 100 grams of the finished product contains 11.9 fat, calorie content is 181. All vitamins and amino acids of the product are easily absorbed. Doesn't call allergic reactions. Hearty and varied cooking methods.
Pink salmon Fat – 6.5, 142 calories per 100 grams of fresh fillet. A valuable variety of fatty fish contains nicotinic acid, so eating dishes prepared from the product has a positive effect on the nervous system and its functioning.
Salmon 13.6 – amount of fat and 201 calories. A valuable variety that belongs to the fatty variety. Like trout is rich various acids and vitamins. Quickly saturates, but is easily digestible.
Flounder Fat – 1.8, calorie content approximately 78. Sea fish that is enriched with iodine. This has a beneficial effect on thyroid gland and immunity in general.
Pangasius Fats – 2.9, Nutritional value of the product – 89. Rich in macro- and microelements. Balances metabolism. Has a beneficial effect on the skin.
capelin 11.5 fat content, nutritional value – 157. A huge amount of B vitamins. Enriched with iodine and macroelements that stabilize blood cholesterol levels.
Seabass 99 calories per 100 grams of product, fat content – ​​15.3. Micro- and macroelements help improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and strengthen bone tissue.
Salmon 140 calories, 6 fat. Improves blood flow, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Protects against the formation of blood clots.
Tuna Fat - 1.101 calories. Reduces risk cancer diseases, reduces the risk of disease and inflammatory processes in organism.
Chum salmon 5.6 – amount of fat, 138 – calorie content. Eliminates atherosclerosis. Nutrients which help improve metabolism.
Halibut 3 – fat content, 102 – calorie content. Preserves vision. Actively nourishes the body.
Pollock 0.9 - fat, 72 - nutritional value. Protects against loss of hair, nails and teeth. Ideal for nursing mothers. Helps preserve connective tissue.
tilapia 1.7 - fat, 97 - calorie content. Ideally balances the diet of children, nursing mothers, and the elderly. Contains a large amount of fats and acids.
Carp 2.7 – fatty acids, 97 – nutritional value. Prevents anemia, helps improve the immune system.
Silver carp The amount of fat is 0.9, 86 – calorie content. Balancing the work of the central nervous system. Prevents the development of many diseases.
Carp 5.3 - fat, 112 - degree of saturation. Useful for the functioning of mucous membranes. Antioxidant effect.
Perch Sea: 115 calories, river: 82. A dietary dish, no matter in what form it is served. Enriches the body with useful macroelements.

Benefits and harms

Any fish is enriched with valuable acids and macroelements. The benefits of fatty and lean fish are undeniable. It does not matter where the catch was made in the river or, sea or ocean.

But besides positive impacts on humans, negative effects can also be produced:

Naturally, it is the red fish that has the greatest value. This snag lies in the method of cultivation and the low availability of individuals. White fish of fatty varieties has the same importance for the human body as varieties of red fish.

Important! Prepare the product correctly. You can preserve the beneficial properties as much as possible by baking or boiling the fillet.

Pearl fish is a separate family, which is distinguished by its small size. But this is a fatty variety, which is represented by a huge variety and low price.

Useful video


Fatty varieties of sea and river fish: list

Fatty fish should be included in the diet of any person who cares about their health. This product contains many useful vitamins and substances involved in almost all processes.

In the store, you can unknowingly buy fish and low-fat varieties, the quality of which is less important for the body.

Important! In addition to fatty varieties of fish, there are also moderately fatty varieties. This variety has a moderate balance of microelements and calories.

Thus, fish of fatty and moderately fatty varieties contributes to the diet not only useful microelements, but also helps to maintain your figure. At the same time, the dishes are quite filling and tasty. In order not to confuse types of fish, it is important to know which species belong to which varieties.

List of varieties of river and sea oily fish:

Type of fish Feature of the variety Calorie content of the product
Catfish It has a remarkable effect on brain activity, especially in children. Improves the elasticity of blood vessels. The number of calories is 104, and fat is 3.6.
Pink salmon Maximum enriched nicotinic acid. Thanks to this content, it quickly and efficiently relieves stress. 147 calories and fat factor 7.
Flounder This marine grade fatty fish, which is distinguished not only by its nutritional value and beneficial properties, contains a high concentration of iodine. There are 106 calories in 100 grams of boiled product. Fat – 2.6.
Mackerel A marine representative of this variety, which, in addition to many useful qualities has wonderful taste. The calorie content of mackerel is 191, and the fat content is 13.2.
Pangasius Reduces blood cholesterol levels, making it ideal for people who are struggling with excess weight or following a medical diet. Calories - 147, fat - 2.8.
Cod Most valuable part This type of fish is the liver.

Vitamins and elements contained in the product have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system and the condition of blood vessels.

The calorie content of 100 grams of the product is 76, but it contains approximately 0.7 fat.
Carp River fish, which in its properties almost completely corresponds to marine species. Nutritional value is 95 calories, protein content per 100 grams of product is 19.9.
Seabass It contains omega 3 acid in excess. Increases immunity and completely eliminates the appearance of blood clots. Calories - 95, fats - 1.5.
capelin The main advantage of capelin is that it is inexpensive, and taste qualities and beneficial properties are at a high level. Nutritional value – 99, protein – 22.9.
Pollock Improves skin condition and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. The nutritional value of the product is 122, the protein amount is 25.1.
Chum salmon Has a wonderful taste. Microelements contribute to active and proper operation all systems of the body. Nutritional value – 144.
Trout Ideal for people who suffer from improper metabolism. Has a beneficial effect on hematopoietic processes. Calorie content is lower than any other fish - 89, fat - 3.
Salmon Contains a huge amount of omega 3 acids, but at the same time has a high calorie content. Nutrition is 108 and fat is 1.3.
Halibut and Tilapia They have almost identical characteristics. Improves heart function and stabilizes blood pressure. Nutritional value 132.
Tuna A fairly affordable variety of fatty fish, which has a wonderful effect on the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Contains 156 calories.
Perch River fish of a fatty variety, which has a wonderful sweetish taste and contains a lot of phosphorus, improving brain activity. Nutritional value is 157 units.


Popular representatives of fatty fish varieties, such as carp, salmon, and silver carp, have a huge amount of useful macro and microelements. This also includes pearl fish.

The benefits to the body when consuming such a product are inestimable. You must consume at least 100 grams of the product in any form at least once a week.

Sea and lake fish of fatty varieties have many useful qualities:

  1. Fatty fish is rich in omega 3, therefore it coordinates the work of almost all body systems.
  2. Enriched with acids, which significantly increases the chances of fighting cancer cells And infectious diseases.
  3. The product is remarkably digestible and promotes rapid absorption. Helps in the fight against excess weight, but does not exhaust the body.
  4. It is recommended for consumption by children, as it improves brain activity.
  5. Marine species contain a huge amount of iodine, which means they control the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  6. Amino acids have a wonderful effect on skin condition.

The main thing is to prepare the product correctly, otherwise it will do harm, not good. Skillfully combined fish with other products will improve digestibility and enhance the beneficial properties of the dish.


River fish, even fatty varieties, like sea fish, can bring not only benefits, but also harm. And although the list of negative effects on the body is small, it still exists.

Harm of fatty fish:

The main condition for not turning benefit into harm is proper preparation.

Even if you select everything negative sides of this product, they will not outweigh its benefits.

In nutrition it is indisputable, its protein is easier to digest than meat, it contains a lot necessary substances and vitamins. Omega-6 and Omega-3 polyunsaturated acids contained in fish are important for heart health. Their use reduces the risk of heart attack and arrhythmia, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and improves metabolic processes in organism. Another important thing is that these acids can dissolve cholesterol. People whose menu includes fish as the main product are much less likely to suffer from heart disease and problems excess weight. In addition, these acids help fight depression and chronic fatigue.

Fish is rich in phosphorus, which is important for mental performance and bone health (especially in a growing body). Iodine, which is especially rich in sea ​​fish, is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Selenium, a trace element also found in fish, is essential for the health of the reproductive system. It also contains B vitamins, which are responsible for the health of the nervous system, hair and skin, and proteins for performance and growth. muscle mass. The liver of many types of fish (cod, pollock, katran, etc.) is a storehouse of vitamin A. Fish (especially low-fat fish) usually does not cause digestive problems. On the contrary, it is part of diets for various diseases, for example, illness digestive organs, diabetes, gout, rheumatism, obesity... In general, this product is almost universal.

Scientists say that all types and varieties of fish are beneficial. But still, Special attention It is worth paying attention to low-fat fish, it is most suitable for dietary and baby food and is included in weight loss diets, for example, the “Japanese diet” and many others... Fish is divided into low-fat (3-5% fat content), semi-fat (5-8% fat content) and fatty (fat content 8-10%). In general, lean fish species are not always like this, it all depends on the season; before spawning, any fish fattens up. For example, the fish that is caught off the coast of the Black Sea is considered fatty in the fall, and lean in the summer.

Low-fat sea fish: cod, navaga flounder, hake, blue whiting, pollock, grenadier, pollock, ice hake, Black Sea whiting, mullet, pelengas... Low-fat varieties pike, perch... Low-fat varieties include sea fish: (chum salmon, salmon, pink salmon), except sturgeon, sardine, tuna; river: pike perch, carp, trout...

Low-fat varieties of fish will allow you to lose weight without starving or even limiting yourself too much, because cod, for example, contains only 4% fat. If you choose a diet with fish, then you will definitely not have vitamin deficiency, as after some other diets. But this is for those who love fish, but what about those who are not too enthusiastic about it? Well, it’s like in the joke, “So you just don’t know how to cook it,” yes, that’s why it turns out, “Well, that’s disgusting, this is yours.” jellied fish" Meanwhile, the Japanese cook fish very often and very simply; their dishes (sushi, rolls, etc.) have gained popularity all over the world. And what about the pride of Russian cuisine - fish pie.

Do you think it’s difficult and troublesome to cook fish? Today it’s easy to buy freshly frozen fillets and you don’t have to scale or gut them. You can put it directly into a frying pan or pan.

Do you think there are a lot of bones in fish? Flounder, pike perch and cod fillets do not contain small bones. In addition, you can grind it through a meat grinder, and then make cutlets or pies from the minced meat. You can also cook fish soup from the heads and tails, strain, discard the heads, and put the disassembled boneless fillet into the fish soup.

Do you think that this product has a strong specific smell? Low-fat varieties of fish such as pike perch, grenadier, and ice hake have a very weak odor. In other species it can be reduced by soaking in water or milk.

Do you think that fish can only be fried, and this is not considered very healthy? You can make a lot of things from it different dishes, you can stew it, boil it, bake it, make soufflés, soups from it, add different sauces to it... Steamed fish with a side dish of vegetables is just ideal healthy eating.

Classification of fish according to fat content: fatty, moderately fatty and low-fat varieties, their calorie content, beneficial properties and the main representatives of each group.

Fish is valued for its unique balance of microelements and vitamins that we need for normal metabolism, active mental activity, wellness and moods.

Fish contains from 15 to 26% proteins and from 0.2 to 34% fats. Based on fat content, fish can be divided into three groups: low-fat (skinny), moderate-fat (medium fat) and fatty varieties.

Low-fat fish

Representatives of this group have a fat content of up to 4% and a calorie content of 70 to 100 kcal per 100 g.

From sea ​​creatures Low-fat varieties include: flounder, cod, silver hake, blue whiting, sea bass, grenadier, pollock, navaga, haddock, pollock, roach. River fish include pike, bream, river perch, ruffe, tench, pike perch.

Cod, haddock, pollock, silver hake, and navaga have a fat content of up to 1.4%. The most dietary fish product is cod. They are slightly inferior to it in their nutritional and dietary properties pollock, blue whiting and pollock.

Fish cooks quickly, is easily digested and is almost completely absorbed by the body, especially low-fat fish, which cannot be said, for example, about many types of meat.

Low-fat fish varieties are ideal for those who want to lose weight, as well as for feeding pregnant women and children. Fish with vegetables, baked in foil or steamed, using simple, natural seasonings is best dish for dinner.

Moderately fatty fish

Representatives of this group have fat content from 4 to 8% and calorie content from 90 to 140 kcal per 100 g.

Among marine life, moderately fatty varieties include: horse mackerel, catfish, tuna, pink salmon, lean herring, herring, sea bass, chum salmon, and sea bream. River fish include trout, carp, catfish, crucian carp, carp, and salmon. Chum salmon, horse mackerel, herring, sea bass, and tuna have a fat content of up to 6%.

Moderately fatty fish varieties are best source high-quality protein, so they, like low-fat types, are ideal for feeding athletes. Once a week, those who are on a diet can pamper themselves with them. Medium-fat fish is ideal for stewing, smoking and salting, but it is much healthier when baked or steamed. For small children you can prepare trout dishes, sea ​​bass, carp and salmon.

Fatty fish

Representatives of this group have a fat content of 8% and a calorie content of 200 to 250 kcal per 100 g.

Fatty fish varieties include: halibut, saury, mackerel, eel, toothfish, omul, fatty herring, Caspian sprat, stellate sturgeon, chinook salmon, beluga, nelma, ivasi, sabrefish, burbot, whitefish, silver carp, nonothenia, sturgeon varieties.

Fatty fish are not suitable for dietary nutrition. True, it is the most useful, especially sea water, as it contains a lot of iodine, which is necessary for the health of the thyroid gland, and omega-3 fatty acids, which protect blood vessels, prevent inflammation, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, stimulate brain function, regulate blood pressure, improve metabolic processes in every cell of our body. These valuable substances are not found anywhere else except seeds, nuts and vegetable oils, but “plant” omega-3s are significantly less effective than “fish” ones. 300 g of fatty fish contains a weekly requirement of omega-3.

In the diet of those who are planning a long and active life, fish must be present, and different varieties of it. Regular consumption of meat from aquatic inhabitants helps reduce the risk of many diseases, preserve good figure and keep the whole body in excellent condition.

There are very few foods on Earth rich in healthy omega-3 fatty amino acids, which are necessary for normal life. They enter the body exclusively from food, since humans cannot synthesize them on their own. What is the source of omega-3? In fact, there is not much choice. Oils, some types of nuts and legumes, certain representatives of cereals, vegetables and fruits, but the leader in the content of “correct” fats is fish and seafood. In the article we will look at what else this product is useful for, and also provide tables of fish fat content and its calorie content.

The role of omega-3 for humans

Healthy fish makes the presence of “good” fats in its composition, which mandatory should be in the human diet. The list of problems that omega-3 helps solve and prevent is quite impressive. Here's what makes this valuable component:

  • participates in the construction of the nervous and endocrine system;
  • stabilizes brain function;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • thins the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • removes “bad” cholesterol from the body;
  • relieves foci of inflammation;
  • increases immunity;
  • helps maintain normal blood pressure;
  • improves the appearance of skin, hair and nails;
  • prevents diseases skin;
  • reduces the risk of developing eye diseases;
  • maintains proper sugar levels;
  • prevents the development of joint diseases;
  • normalizes hormonal background;
  • helps cope with stress and nervous overload, prevents depression;
  • plays key role V normal development fetus during pregnancy.

And that is not all! Omega-3 increases the body's endurance, gives tone, increases performance, replenishes energy costs, and fights the syndrome chronic fatigue, helps cope with physical stress.

Fish and seafood rich in omega-3

Fatty fish contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and also act an excellent replacement heavier and more difficult to digest meat products. Medium-fat fish is often included in dietary and sports menus, since, on the one hand, it contains a sufficient level of “correct” fat and high-quality protein, and on the other, medium-fat varieties are well absorbed by the body. Low-fat varieties of fish, as well as almost all seafood, are ideal for a healthy and dietary diet, as they are light and nutritious food. Below is a table of omega-3 content in popular varieties of fish and seafood.


Fish fat

Cod liver oil

Caviar (black/red)

river eel


Herring, trout

Sardines (Atlantic), whitefish

Salmon (canned)

Sardines (canned)

Shark, swordfish

Mussels, conger eel

Flounder, mullet, carp

Squid, oysters





Pike perch, cod, scallop

Catfish, pike, bream

A person needs 1 g of omega-3 daily, and fish is an excellent source of this fatty acid. But this is far from the only advantage of this product.

What else is fish good for?

Fish contains easily digestible protein, which is easily digested by the body. It is also rich in vitamins A, E, F, D, which help maintain human health and beauty, and various minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc, etc.

Dividing fish by fat content

Different types seafood differ in the ratio of proteins, fats and are generally divided into 3 groups. The classification of fish varieties is based on the fat index, which varies in the product from 0.2 to 35%. Any fish is very healthy, but for a healthy diet it is recommended to regularly consume medium-fat, and even better, low-fat varieties. The processing method also matters. The final calorie content of the dish will depend on it. Nutritionists recommend boiling and baking fish, so it will retain all its beneficial properties and will not “gain” extra calories.

Low-fat fish varieties

Fish is considered low-fat if its fat percentage does not exceed 4, and its energy value ranges from 70-100 kcal. River representatives - perch, ruffe, pike, etc. Sea representatives - cod, flounder, roach, pollock, etc. This product is indispensable for diets. It contains the necessary nutritional components and is completely absorbed by the body.

Medium fatty fish

Such fish has a fat content of 4 to 8% and an energy value of 100 to 140 kcal. The most famous river varieties are carp, catfish, trout, etc., sea varieties are chum salmon, horse mackerel, pink salmon, etc. Due to its balance, it is ideal for a healthy diet.

Fatty fish

The fat content of such fish starts at 8%, and the calorie content reaches 200-300 kcal. These are saury, mackerel, beluga, ivashi, silver carp, sturgeon varieties, etc. This product is not suitable for dietary nutrition, but for complete and balanced diet he is irreplaceable (in in moderation!). It is these varieties that have the highest level of omega-3, as well as a lot of iodine, which helps the thyroid gland.

Calorie content of fish (table)

Another important indicator for fish, as indeed for any product, this is the energy value. For those who are watching their diet, it is important to understand how many calories are contained in a particular dish. It is logical that what fatter fish, the higher its calorie content, but a lot will depend on the processing method. For example, flounder is a low-fat variety. When fresh, it contains only 83 kcal per 100 g. If you boil it, then ready dish will contain about 100 kcal, and if you fry it, the calorie content will almost double. This dish can no longer be called dietary. Therefore everything is relative. Below is the energy value of fresh fish per 100 grams of product, as well as the calorie content of some seafood, which is highly desirable to include in your menu.

Calorie table for fish and seafood


Kcal per 100 grams

Pike, flounder

Vobla (fresh)

Perch (river), hake

Crucian carp, tuna

Horse mackerel, catfish

Pink salmon, salmon

Perch (sea), bream

Carp, sterlet



Seafood Cocktail

One of the favorite delicacies for many are red fish dishes. First of all, it simply tastes amazing, and, moreover, fortunately for all fish eaters, it is incredibly healthy. Salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, trout, sterlet, beluga, sturgeon - these are perhaps the most famous representatives of this class. They belong to the group of medium fat and fatty foods and contain moderate and high calorie content. Red fish is rich in omega-3, the benefits of which we described above. In this regard, by including this product in the diet, you can strengthen almost all body systems: heart, bones, nerves, etc.


Fish, as the main source of omega-3, should be present in every person’s diet regularly, and not just on Thursdays. Moreover, you need to consume all types: from low-fat to fatty. The latter are less common and small quantities. And here dietary varieties you can pamper yourself more often. Of course, fish is not a panacea for all diseases, but the fact that the basis of the diet of centenarians consists of tail-fins and seafood makes one think.