Quitting smoking: positive and negative sides. Effects of smoking on the human body. Reference. Digestive tract disorders

The army of smokers has surpassed 1.3 billion and continues to grow. And this is despite the fact that almost 5 million people die every year from smoking. No war or epidemic does such damage to humanity as a cigarette. But people stubbornly continue to pay millions of dollars for something that kills them.

The first cigarette does not bring pleasure to anyone. After smoking appear discomfort: dizziness, nausea, cough. But if for some reason a person decides to continue smoking, then the body gets used to nicotine and other components of tobacco smoke. In the first months, smoking can cause mild euphoria, mobilize internal resources, or vice versa, calm. But over time, these feelings disappear. Nicotine, although it is by nature a poison (toxin), is included in the metabolism. Simply put, the body gets used to the fact that this substance is constantly in the blood. When its concentration decreases, the nervous system gives a signal that it is time to replenish supplies. Then there is a desire to smoke another cigarette. Most often from the first cigarette to the formation nicotine addiction or tobacco substance abuse 1 year passes.

How does smoking affect the human body?

Tobacco smoke consists of 4000 components. The most famous of these are nicotine and tar. But other components are no less dangerous: poisons, radioactive substances, heavy metals. Don't rely on a cigarette filter to protect you. Even the most modern of them capture only 20% of the substances contained in the smoke.

How do harmful substances enter the body?

When you inhale, the temperature at the tip of the cigarette reaches 800 degrees. Under such conditions, dry distillation of tobacco occurs. This means that the inhaled air, passing through the layer of heated tobacco, carries with it volatile substances and the smallest solid particles. They penetrate the mouth, trachea, bronchi and enter the alveoli of the lungs with the air flow. Due to the fact that tobacco smoke is an aerosol of small particles, they quickly reach the most remote areas. respiratory system. Through the wall of the alveoli, permeated with blood vessels, harmful substances easily penetrate into the blood and are carried throughout the body. So, 8 seconds after the first puff, the brain already feels the effect of nicotine.

Components of tobacco smoke Their effect on the body Consequences of exposure
Nicotine - one of the strongest drugs, a toxic alkaloid that causes addiction on a par with heroin. This poison is the plant's natural defense against being eaten by animals. It acts on acetylcholine receptors, as a result of which the release of adrenaline increases. This substance causes: acceleration of the heartbeat, vasoconstriction, rapid breathing, increased pressure, activation of metabolic processes.
Has a stimulating effect on nervous system: concentration of attention and working capacity increases, short-term memory improves, anxiety disappears, pleasure centers in the brain are stimulated.
But after 20 minutes, the concentration of nicotine in the blood begins to decline. This is accompanied by inhibition of the brain, inhibition of thought processes.
The smoker's acetylcholine receptors become accustomed to nicotine stimulation. The absence of it in the blood causes discomfort.
The first reaction is brain stimulation, increased concentration of attention and reaction speed, moderate euphoria. Then excitation is replaced by inhibition: mental retardation, weakness skeletal muscle, trembling in the hands. In smokers, brain cells die faster than in other people. There is a theory that nicotine can cause schizophrenia.
From the side of the cardiovascular system: heart attack, stroke, aortic aneurysm, arterial hypertension, arrhythmia, coronary heart disease.
Digestive system: poor circulation leads to gastritis and peptic ulcer, the formation of stones in gallbladder.
Cancer tumors. Nicotine changes the DNA structure of cells and causes cancer.
Nicotine leads to the development of mental and physical dependence.
tobacco tar consists of aromatic substances and resin. They contain substances that cause mutations in cells, leading to the formation of malignant tumors.
Resins condense and deposit on the teeth, oral mucosa, vocal cords, the walls of the bronchi and in the alveoli of the lungs. They disrupt the work of the ciliated epithelium responsible for the cleansing of the bronchi, damage the alveolar sacs.
Soot particles make the lungs susceptible to infectious diseases.
Resins inhibit the immune system. It is not effective enough to destroy bacteria and malignant cells.
Cracks and yellowing of tooth enamel.
Hoarseness of voice, cough.
Bronchitis and emphysema. The likelihood of pneumonia and tuberculosis increases.
Malignant tumors of the larynx, esophagus, lungs.
Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) is a product of the combustion of tobacco. It makes up 8% of tobacco smoke and is 200 times more active than oxygen is absorbed by hemoglobin. In smokers, carbon monoxide combines with the blood, taking the place of oxygen and causing oxygen starvation. The brain suffers the most from lack of oxygen.
Carbon monoxide has a toxic effect on nerve cells and disrupts the passage of a nerve signal through them.
To provide the organs with oxygen, the heart works harder. Gradually, it increases in volume and wears out.
Memory impairment, decreased intelligence, exacerbation mental illness, headaches, decreased sensitivity.
Angina pectoris, arrhythmia. Myocardial infarction, cardiac asthma. Wall damage coronary arteries supplying the heart leads to heart attacks.
Carcinogens: benzene, cadmium, aminobiphenyl, beryllium, arsenic, nickel, chromium. Penetrate into the cell and damage the genetic material contained in the nucleus. As a result, the risk of the formation of malignant cells that give rise to cancerous tumors increases.
Penetrating through the placenta, cause mutations in the fetus.
Cancer of the lips, tongue, larynx, esophagus, stomach, lungs.
Physical and mental anomalies in a child.
Hydrocyanic acid(hydrogen cyanide) poisonous substance disrupting the uptake of oxygen in the tissues. It impairs the supply of oxygen to tissues, disrupting its transfer from hemoglobin to the cell.
It has a toxic effect on the nervous system.
Together with ammonia, nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde, it disrupts the work of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, which is responsible for the self-cleaning of the respiratory tract. This leads to the accumulation of tobacco tar in the lungs.
Mental abilities deteriorate.
Increases the risk of heart attack.
Emphysema of the lungs.
Arsenic- deadly poison. It has a toxic effect on the kidneys, digestive and nervous systems. Damages the genetic material of cells, causing mutations and the development of malignant tumors. Abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation.
Loss of strength and muscle weakness.
Cardiovascular insufficiency.
Depression of the central nervous system, deterioration of thinking and memory.
Cancer tumors.
Radioactive components: lead-210, polonium-210, potassium-40, radium-226, thorium-228 and cesium-134. They are absorbed into the blood and carried throughout the body, becoming an internal source of radioactive radiation. Radioactive isotopes contribute to cell mutation and the appearance of cancerous tumors.
In the first trimester of pregnancy cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus.
They provoke asthma.
Toxic effect on the kidneys. May contribute to the development of toxic nephropathy.
Makes bones brittle, leading to osteoporosis and increased risk of fractures.
Cancer tumors.
free radicals very active oxygen molecules, deprived of one electron. Once in the body, they take an electron from the molecules that make up the cells of the body, thereby damaging them and causing oxidative stress. Premature aging of the skin, other organs and tissues.
Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease.
Heart disease, atherosclerosis, phlebitis, thrombosis.
Chronic lung diseases.
Cancer tumors.
Nitrosamines highly toxic nitrogen compounds that are formed from tobacco alkaloids. Change the structure of the DNA molecule and lead to growth cancer cells. Malignant tumors thyroid gland, esophagus and lungs.

The main danger is that most of the substances found in tobacco are not excreted from the body, but accumulate in it. Thus, the more cigarettes you smoke and the more solid your history as a smoker, the more harmful ingredients affect you. For example, if you smoke for more than 10 years, then the likelihood of lung cancer and adenoma increases by 5 times. Therefore, the sooner you give up this addiction, the higher the chance to stay healthy.

What are the harms of smoking?

Deterioration of the skin. Tobacco smoke contains a large amount free radicals. They damage the molecules that make up skin cells, leading to premature aging. Vasospasm, which is observed 30-90 minutes after smoking one cigarette, disrupts the nutrition of the skin and slows down the formation of collagen by 40%. Due to the lack of elastic fibers, the skin acquires a flabby, wrinkled appearance and a grayish tint.

development of caries. The flow of hot air with resin particles damages the enamel of the teeth. It turns yellow and is covered with microcracks. Gradually, the cracks increase, bacteria and acids penetrate into them, destroying the deeper layers of the tooth and causing caries. This leads to the fact that 45% of smokers over 65 do not have their teeth. Among non-smokers, this figure is 2 times lower.

Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs. Tobacco smoke, saturated with caustic particles, irritates the mucous membrane of the mouth, larynx, trachea and bronchi, causing its atrophy. She becomes thinner and performs worse protective functions. The villous epithelium, which should bring out foreign particles and microorganisms, does not cope with its task. The lungs become clogged, favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of bacteria. Therefore, smokers often suffer from bronchitis and pneumonia. So, 90% of people who have been smoking for more than 7 years suffer from “smoker's bronchitis”.

Chronic emphysema. Tobacco tar is deposited in the small bronchi and alveoli of the lungs. This substance leads to the destruction of cells. Small bronchioles collapse and when you exhale, the pressure in the lungs increases sharply. The walls of the alveoli become thinner and collapse, leading to the formation of cavities. lung tissue ceases to be elastic and stretches, which leads to an increase in the volume of the chest. Gas exchange in the lungs is disturbed. They do not sufficiently enrich the blood with oxygen, the body experiences oxygen starvation. According to statistics, 9 out of 10 people with emphysema are smokers. The disease develops over 10-15 years if you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer. Smoking reduces the production of saliva, which partially neutralizes the effect of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Tobacco smoke causes the secretion of digestive juices in the stomach and small intestine even if there is no food. Active substances corrode the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, leading to the appearance of erosion. These minor damage do not heal, but turn into ulcers due to poor blood supply and reduced immunity. Therefore, gastric ulcer in smokers occurs 2 times more often than in their peers.

Poisoning of the nervous system. Nicotine is a poison that has a toxic effect on the nervous system. This toxin affects the nervous system: the brain and cells of the intermediate ganglions that control the work internal organs. Nicotine disrupts the passage of nerve impulses from the brain to organs and muscles. This leads to a decrease in all kinds of sensitivity. Smokers do not feel the taste and aroma so clearly, their sense of touch is disturbed, chills are often observed. Violation of the nervous regulation leads to indigestion: constipation and painful intestinal cramps.

Stroke. Smokers have a 2-fold increased risk of ischemic stroke (associated with circulatory disorders). This is the result of a sharp narrowing of the vessels of the brain or blockage of one of them with a blood clot. Vascular weakness and a short-term increase in pressure during smoking cause a rupture of the vessel, accompanied by a hemorrhage in the brain - a hemorrhagic stroke. People who smoke have it 4 times more often than their peers.

Cancer tumors. Carcinogenic components of tobacco smoke penetrate the bloodstream and are carried throughout the body. They damage the DNA of cells. Such cells with altered genetic material become the basis of a cancerous tumor. Immune suppression leads to the fact that insufficient killer cells are produced in the body. Their task is to recognize and destroy mutated cells. In smokers, this mechanism of protection against cancer is impaired, and they often become victims of oncological diseases. So 90% of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking. Cancer often affects other organs: lips, larynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, kidneys, prostate, rectum, pancreas and thyroid glands.

Osteoporosis. Tobacco toxins stimulate the production of two proteins that are responsible for flushing calcium from bones. These substances activate osteoclast cells, which are responsible for the destruction of old bone tissue. Therefore, in smokers, bones are destroyed faster than they are restored.

Vascular disorders. Under the influence of tobacco combustion products, the walls of blood vessels become dense, insufficiently elastic, brittle and covered with cracks. The content of cholesterol in the blood increases, which is deposited on the walls in the form of atherosclerotic plaques. They narrow the lumen of the vessel. The likelihood of thrombus formation and inflammation of the vein wall around it increases. The separation of a blood clot can cause sudden death. The narrowing of the coronary vessels, which provide the work of the heart, provokes the development coronary disease heart and heart attack.

Obliterating endarteritis. In smokers, blood flow in the extremities is reduced by 35-40%. The reason lies in the chronic vasospasm and the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of the vessels. In addition, a violation of the conduction of nerve impulses leads to a decrease in sensitivity. The disease begins with rapid fatigue, intermittent lameness. Later, tissues deprived of blood supply and innervation die off, and gangrene begins.

Slow wound healing. The deterioration of blood circulation and a decrease in metabolism lead to the fact that skin cells do not divide actively enough. As a result, wound healing is slower. It has been noticed that smokers have 50% more width of the scar formed at the site of surgical sutures.

Visual impairment and tearing caused irritant tobacco smoke and optic nerve atrophy. At hypersensitivity smokers may experience swelling of the eyelids. The narrowing of the vessels of the eyeball disrupts the function of the retina, leads to the death of its cells, which negatively affects visual acuity.

Sexual problems. Premature ejaculation, reduced potency, deterioration in sperm quality - these problems are associated with impaired blood supply to the genital organs. Due to vasoconstriction and damage to the arteries, blood flow to the penis worsens, which reduces the quality of erection. The spermatozoa of smokers are not sufficiently mobile and less capable of fertilization, as they have been exposed to nicotine and other substances. If the fusion of the egg and the sperm damaged by nicotine did occur, then the fetus is worse attached to the wall of the uterus.

Menstrual disorders. Long, heavy, painful, irregular periods and early menopause are 50% more common in women who smoke than in non-smokers. The work of the female genital organs is closely related to the functioning of the nervous system and blood vessels, which suffer from the action of nicotine.

Complications of pregnancy. Smoking increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy by 2.5 times, the risk of miscarriage by 25%, the risk of placental abruption by 50%. The risk of having a premature baby is doubled. The course of pregnancy depends on the functioning of the vessels of the uterus and placenta. Smoking causes their narrowing, and the child receives insufficient oxygen and nutrients. In addition, disturbances in the nervous regulation lead to contraction of the uterus and the expulsion of the fetus from it.

Congenital malformations in the fetus. Craniofacial anomalies (cleft palate and cleft lip), heart defects, inguinal hernia, strabismus - the risk of developing these pathologies increases by 25-50%. If the child's brain experiences oxygen starvation, then there is a high probability of having a child with mental disorders and mental retardation. 40% of children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy have an increased tendency to convulsions.

Frequent colds and infections: tuberculosis, fungal pneumonia, influenza, whooping cough. Smoking leads to a decrease in the number of cells that protect the lungs - pulmonary lymphocytes. In addition, there are not enough immunoglobulins in the blood of smokers - antibodies that recognize and attack viruses and bacteria.

What are the social and psychological causes of smoking?

Thanks to films, the image of a brutal man or a femme fatale is inextricably linked with smoking. In adolescence and adolescence, young people strive to make the same impression. They try to raise their social status with the help of this “attribute of adulthood”. In addition, young people are not convinced by the data on long-term health effects. Therefore, the army of smokers is mainly replenished by people under 21 years old.

Sociologists have conducted research to identify social and psychological reasons smoking. Young people were asked "Why did you start smoking?". Opinions were divided in this way.

Curiosity 40%. In the mind of most non-smokers, the thought periodically arises: “What kind of pleasure does a smoking person get, what sensations does he have?”
The desire to join the company - 20%. A person is driven by the fear of becoming an outcast in a smoking company. This applies to both groups of teenagers and adults who have come to a new team. It gives the impression that critical issues are solved in a smoking-room. And who does not smoke, he remains outside of public life.
Peer pressure - 8%. Smoking peers often agitate to "try", ridicule those who do not smoke.
Stress Relief - 6%. The life of teenagers is full of stress, internal conflicts and quarrels with others. Their nervous system is not yet stable and young people resort to smoking to relax.

Psychologists who study nicotine addiction identify a number of socio-psychological reasons.

  1. Self-affirmation in the eyes of peers, the desire to become cooler.
  2. Striving to be an adult. Prove your “maturity” to yourself and others.
  3. Extra pleasure. They start smoking in a comfortable situation: on vacation with friends, drinking alcoholic beverages.
  4. Nothing to keep yourself busy. Smoking helps pass the time, replaces computer games.
  5. Impress and live up to expectations. To create an image of a tough guy, young people have to smoke.
  6. According to Freud, smoking is a consequence of "oral fixation". Up to a year, all the pleasant moments are associated with sucking. If for some reason to deprive him of a child, then for life remains psychological trauma and oral fixation occurs. An adult who has endured such a situation continues to suck a pen, bite his nails or smoke.
  7. The pleasure of the process, playing with a cigarette, the opportunity to purchase beautiful accessories: ashtrays, lighters, smoke rings.
  8. Increasing concentration and performance. The first 15-20 minutes after smoking a cigarette, the brain works more productively. Some use this effect to improve performance.
  9. Conditioned reflex. For some, a break at work, drinking alcohol, coffee may be associated with smoking. A person reaches for a cigarette only in these situations.
  10. Fear of gaining weight. Smoking activates the metabolism. So people who try to drop excess weight resorted to at any cost, including smoking.
  11. Lack of awareness about the dangers of smoking. So most young women do not know how dangerous smoking is for future offspring.
  12. Heredity. There is a theory that if a mother smoked during pregnancy, then her child, having matured, will be prone to smoking, as he constantly lacks nicotine.

No smoking law

02/23/2013 was adopted the federal law N 15-FZ "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption". He is called:
  • protect non-smokers from the consequences passive smoking;
  • protect youth from the temptation to join the ranks of smokers;
  • help to get rid of addiction, those who already smoke.
This law is successfully fulfilling its mission. Cigarette consumption has already fallen by 8%. Experts say that the document will save 200,000 lives a year. And this, you see, is a significant figure.

What methods are used to fight smoking, according to the law?

  • Smoking ban in public places which entered into force on June 1, 2014. Smoking is prohibited in workplaces, in rooms where they teach, treat and provide a variety of services. The ban applies to trains, platforms, stations, airports, restaurants, clubs, beaches, playgrounds, stairwells of apartment buildings, and places of trade. Smoking a cigarette is allowed only in specially designated areas or rooms equipped with ventilation. Although such restrictions caused an uproar among the smoking part of the population, they nevertheless helped to significantly reduce the number of cigarettes smoked.
  • Rising prices for cigarettes. Minimum prices for cigarettes have been set and excises on tobacco products have increased. The government believes that a standard pack of cigarettes should cost at least 55 rubles in order to significantly reduce the demand for them.
  • Marking on a pack of cigarettes. Each pack must contain truthful information about the content of nicotine and other harmful substances, as well as one of the warning labels about the dangers of smoking. They are placed on the front side and occupy 50% of the area. The inscription on reverse side packs should occupy at least 30%.
  • Information fight against smoking. Education should be carried out in the family, at school and at work, as well as in the media. The goal is to teach people to take care of their health and provide comprehensive information about the dangers of smoking.
  • Tobacco advertising ban. Commercials and promotions that are aimed at promoting smoking or any brand of tobacco products are prohibited. Smoking is prohibited in films and programs for children. But in programs for an adult audience, smoking scenes should be accompanied by captions with anti-advertising.
  • Health care aimed at combating nicotine addiction. Physicians are required to diagnose the smoker's psychological and physical addiction from nicotine. It is the duty of the health worker to explain to the person what risks he is exposed to and help to get rid of bad habit.
  • Restriction of trade in tobacco products and prohibition of illegal trade. Tobacco products can now only be sold in shops or trade pavilions. Putting packs of cigarettes on display is prohibited. Instead, there should be an alphabetical listing with prices, but no product logos or other advertising elements. It is forbidden to sell cigarettes a hundred meters from educational institutions. It is forbidden to trade at railway stations, service enterprises, in premises occupied by authorities and youth organizations.
  • Protecting children from tobacco use. It is forbidden to sell cigarettes to minors. Therefore, the seller has the right to demand a passport to make sure that he does not commit a crime.
There are different types of liability for violation of this law. For example, for smoking in the wrong place, you will have to pay a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles. But if your health was harmed due to non-compliance with the norms of the law, then it is possible to demand compensation from the culprit.

How to quit smoking?


Electronic Cigarette- a high-tech device that simulates the process of smoking. Its main parts:
  • indicator light - simulates the fire of a cigarette;
  • the accumulator providing work of a cigarette;
  • steam generator - a spray device that creates steam;
  • a replaceable cartridge that contains a liquid that determines the taste of the vapor. One cartridge replaces a pack of regular cigarettes.

When you take a puff, a stream of air passes through the steam generator and a fragrant vapor is formed, consisting of smallest particles smoking liquids. Its advantage over a regular cigarette is the absence of tobacco combustion products: tar, carcinogens. In addition, others do not suffer from tobacco smoke.

Electronic cigarettes are considered by some as a means to help people quit smoking. It can help reduce physical dependence on nicotine. On early stages using e-liquid for e-cigarettes high content nicotine. After a while, it is replaced with another liquid with a lower nicotine content. Thus, they are gradually switching to a nicotine-free filler.

Negative aspects of electronic cigarettes

Experts say that these devices are no less harmful than traditional tobacco products. It is possible that they are much more dangerous than expected.

Facts about the dangers of electronic cigarettes:

Synthetic components and flavorings are used to create liquids, which penetrate deep into the lungs. Regular inhalation of such substances can lead to bronchial asthma and other undesirable consequences.

Vapor has been proven to contain glycerol and its esters, propylene glycol, combustion products of flavors and substances emitted by the materials from which the cigarette is made. These components are harmful to health, they have a toxic effect on the body and cause kidney pathology.

Smoking is bad example for children. They don't care what their parents smoke. Therefore, there is a high risk that children will become addicted to this bad habit.

WHO experts propose to ban the use of electronic cigarettes until serious clinical trials are carried out and a law regulating their production is worked out.

Since June 1, 2013, the sale of electronic cigarettes has been banned in Russia in accordance with the law on the prohibition of smoking. These devices fit the description of “tobacco-imitating products” and are therefore subject to the ban.

Medications to help you quit smoking

Name of the drug Mechanism of action Reception scheme
Nicotine-like drugs for the treatment of persistent physiological nicotine addiction
This medicine contains a substance plant origin- cytisine. It activates respiratory center, increases the level of adrenaline and excites the nervous system. Tabex has a nicotine-like effect. This makes it easier unpleasant symptoms after quitting smoking, achieve improved concentration and increased performance without cigarettes.
Cytisine binds to the same receptors as nicotine. Therefore, if you smoke while taking the drug, then nicotine remains in the blood in an unbound state and causes unpleasant sensations: nausea, dizziness. This makes you want to quit smoking completely.
The first three days take 1 tablet 6 times a day, every 2 hours in daytime. Take a break for the night. The less smoking during this period, the feel better.
4-12 days of treatment - 5 tablets per day. One every 2.5 hours.
13-16 days - 4 tablets, with a break of 3 hours.
17-20 - 3 tablets per day. One at a time, 5 hours apart.
21-25 days 1-2 tablets per day.
If it was not possible to reduce the craving for smoking, then the treatment is suspended and repeated after 2-3 months.
lobelin Lobeline is a plant alkaloid derived from the leaves. Indian tobacco. It has the same stimulant properties as nicotine but does not harmful properties. Lobelin binds to nicotine-sensitive receptors and reduces the withdrawal symptoms that occur after quitting cigarettes. It reduces irritability, headache increases efficiency. Take 10-15 drops or 1 tablet 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days, in some cases it can be extended up to 3 weeks. With long-term treatment, the drug is used 2-3 times a day.
A plant-derived substance similar in properties to nicotine. Stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers in the brain. The active substance - anabasin is contained in the leafless barnyard. It binds to nicotine receptors. Therefore, in order not to cause poisoning, it is necessary to stop smoking for the duration of treatment. Pills. 1-5 days - 8 tablets per day. Dissolve under the tongue.
6-12 days - 6 tablets per day. In the future, every 3 days the dose is reduced by one tablet. The total duration of treatment is 25 days.
Chewing gum. This form can be used if you decide to quit smoking right away or to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke. The first 5 days of treatment, 1 gum 4 times a day. It must be chewed and laid on the cheek. When the feeling of bitterness and tingling has passed, chew the gum a little and place it behind the cheek again. Thus, nicotine will be released in small portions. Every 3-4 days the dose is reduced by 1 gum. The course of treatment is 12 days.
Film. The film is glued to the gum or the inner surface of the cheek. The first 3-5 days use 4-8 films per day. From the 5th to the 8th day 3 times a day. Further, the dose is reduced every 4 days. The course of treatment is 15 days.
Nicotine patch Nicorette
Analogues: nicotine patches Nicoderm, Nikotrol, Habitrol, Nikitin.
The patch consists of a translucent synthetic material and contains nicotine. Its use allows you to get rid of the withdrawal syndrome. Eliminates sleep disturbance, increased appetite, irritability, decreased attention.
In order to get rid of dependence, it is necessary to gradually reduce the dose of nicotine. To do this, 3 types of patches are produced with high, medium and low nicotine content.
For people with high nicotine addiction (up to 2 packs of cigarettes per day), the following scheme is recommended:
  1. Nicorette 25 mg - 8 weeks.
  2. Nicorette 15 mg - 2 weeks.
  3. Nicorette 10 mg - 2 weeks.
For those who smoked 1 pack a day, it is recommended to start treatment immediately from the 2nd step. For patches from other manufacturers, the treatment regimen is similar.
The patch is applied to clean, dry skin in the morning and removed in the evening. In order for nicotine to be freely absorbed on the skin, there should not be a thick hairline.
Nicotine-free drugs are used in people with less than 5 years of smoking experience
Champix The active substance blocks the receptors, making them insensitive to nicotine. As a result, a person ceases to enjoy smoking. There are unpleasant sensations associated with intoxication of the body. 1-3rd day 1 tablet at a dosage of 0.5 mg.
4-7 days 2 tablets of 0.5 mg.
From day 8, you must stop smoking. From this moment, take 2 tablets (1 mg each) for 11 weeks.
An antidepressant used to combat nicotine addiction.
It has a stimulating effect on the psyche, accelerates the release of energy in cells, increases sex drive promotes weight loss. It also relieves the anxiety and depression that can accompany smoking cessation.
From the 1st to the 7th day, 1 tablet after meals. After that, take 2 tablets per day.
The duration of treatment is 7-9 weeks.

Remember that all of the listed drugs are medicines, have contraindications and may cause side effects. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor about which remedy and in what dosage is right for you.

Psychological help to quit smoking

90% of smokers try to get rid of nicotine addiction on their own. To do this, it is enough to make a firm decision and create sustainable motivation for yourself.

Think about which of the effects of smoking scare you the most. There are a lot of them:

  • Gangrene and amputation of the legs;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • Decomposition of the lungs;
  • Sudden death due to a stroke or heart attack;
  • Asthma and bronchitis in children who are victims of passive smoking.
Write a list on one half of the sheet unpleasant consequences who are waiting for the smoker. On the other half is a list of "bonuses" that you will get by quitting smoking: beautiful skin, white teeth, fresh breath, healthy lungs… Place this leaflet so that it is constantly visible and keeps you motivated.
Get yourself a piggy bank. Set aside every day the amount you spent on smoking. Periodically give yourself nice gifts with the money you save.

Don't look for signs of withdrawal. Studies have shown that the likelihood of developing a withdrawal syndrome is not so great. If you still notice that your memory has deteriorated, and it has become more difficult to concentrate, then take a tincture of ginseng or eleutherococcus. These natural stimulants, no worse than nicotine, activate the activity of the nervous system and metabolic processes, and in addition, they will help to quickly cleanse the body of toxins.

Who can help in the fight against nicotine addiction?

For individual or group psychotherapy, you can contact a narcological dispensary or a psychologist specializing in getting rid of addictions. Statistics say that psychotherapeutic assistance increases the chances of success by 1.5 times.

Get free help from a psychotherapist can be in state and municipal medical institutions. Necessary condition is a referral from your primary care physician from the clinic. Besides free consultations can be obtained from rehabilitation centers.

Paid consultations can be obtained from public health facilities without a referral. As well as in non-state psychiatric and neuropsychiatric institutions and with a private psychotherapist.

Many effective psychological techniques have been developed to help quit smoking.

  1. Methodology of Vladimir Zhdanov

    The technique is known as the Four Stinky Breaths. Its goal is to cause a persistent aversion to smoking. To do this, you need to taste tobacco smoke, chew it.

    When you feel like smoking, do not inhale the smoke into your lungs, but hold it in your mouth. Tilt your head back, close your nose, and chew the smoke vigorously with your mouth closed. After 20 seconds, a nasty aftertaste will appear in your mouth. Continue chewing for another 10 seconds, and then push the smoke into your lungs. Unpleasant sensations and the urge to cough will appear - these are the receptors that are designed to protect you from tobacco smoke. To fix the result, take 2 more puffs of “chewed” smoke.

    Fourth breath - tighten on full lungs. Then cough up the smoke by tensing your abdominal muscles. After that, write down on the pack the date and time when you took 4 stinky breaths. After that, you can't smoke. If the urge to inhale becomes irresistible, then repeat the smoke chewing technique.

    Video lectures by Professor Zhdanov help to strengthen motivation. They act in two directions: they clearly demonstrate the harm from smoking and create the necessary mental attitude.

  2. Allen Carr "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking"

    The technique was developed over 30 years ago. Statistics say that every year, thanks to it, 1 million people quit smoking. The purpose of the technique is to help a person quit smoking without willpower, drugs or other aids.

    The essence of the technique is described in the book of the same name. Briefly describe this method can be 2 points.

    1. Make a firm conscious decision that you will never smoke again.
    2. Enjoy your new life and don't get depressed.
    The book very reasonably shows why it is worth quitting smoking, and what benefits you get by choosing to quit smoking. healthy lifestyle life. This helps to get rid of doubts and temptations to smoke the “last cigarette”.
  3. Smoking coding

    This method is based on hypnotic suggestion and bio-electrical influence on the subconscious. Coding helps to develop a conditioned reflex directed against smoking.

    The purpose of coding is to inspire a person with an aversion to smoking. Coding is carried out by psychologists and psychotherapists. In some cases, priests and traditional healers own this method.

    Only a person who has already decided to quit smoking can be coded. In the event that he came following the persuasion of relatives, then the effect of coding will be short-lived. Another condition for successful coding is the qualification of a specialist.

    Hypnosis and acupuncture help to enhance the effect on the psyche. Some successfully use the placebo effect. The patient is told that after taking a mega-effective drug, he will never have the desire to smoke again. And although under the guise of a medicine in a capsule there may be ordinary sugar, the idea is firmly rooted in the mind that there is no more craving for tobacco.

  4. Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Swing technique

    This technique is based on the reprogramming of the subconscious. Her goal is to create in the subconscious vivid image what you want to become. It is suitable for almost all people and helps to get rid of different types of addiction at the same time. NLP is used by psychologists, but you can get rid of bad habits on your own.

    The swing technique consists of five steps.

    Stage 1. Answer the questions.

    • Why do I smoke?
    • How does this change my life?
    • What are the benefits of smoking for me?
    Stage 2. Determine the motive for quitting smoking.
    • What can I achieve by quitting smoking?
    • What benefits will I get if I quit smoking?
    Stage 3. Formation of a negative image of the "starter key"

    Imagine not too nice picture associated with smoking. For example, a yellow bony hand holding a cigarette.

    Stage 4. Formation of a "positive image"

    Imagine a positive picture of yourself proudly telling your friends that you have overcome your addiction.

    Stage 5 Change of images.

    Imagine a negative image, and then replace it with a positive one. Take a short break and repeat the exercise. Gradually increase the pace of changing pictures. You can accompany them with a wave of your hand or a snap of your fingers. The positive image should become more and more vivid in your mind, and the negative image should become clouded until it completely disappears.

  5. Acupuncture

    This smoking cessation technique was developed more than 40 years ago by the Chinese neurosurgeon H.L. Venom. It is based on the fact that smoking is a conditioned reflex - the path that passes nerve impulse in the brain. When nervous excitement V Once again passes along this path, there is a desire to smoke.

    The goal of acupuncture is to eradicate this reflex. acting on reflex points auricle or wrist, the specialist interrupts the passage of impulses along the reflex path.

    Sessions should be conducted by an experienced reflexologist. The duration of the sessions is 20-80 minutes. To get a lasting result, one needs 2 sessions, while others need 10-20.

Remember that the only condition that will allow you to quit smoking once and for all is your firm and conscious desire to get rid of this bad habit. If you are determined to get rid of addiction, then you will definitely succeed!

Smoking coding

Every third Thursday of November every year in most countries of the world is celebrated "International No Smoking Day". It was established by the American Cancer Society in 1977. in 2009 this day falls on November 19th.

According to World Organization health care, at present, one person dies every 6 seconds from tobacco-related diseases in the world, and 5 million people die every year for this reason.

If the trend of increasing consumption of tobacco products in the world continues, by 2020 the number of tobacco-related premature deaths will increase to 10 million a year, and by 2030 smoking will become one of the most significant factors in premature death worldwide.

Smoking negatively affects most organs of the human body.


Smoking dramatically increases the risk of stroke - a disorder of brain function caused by a violation of its blood supply.

A stroke is caused by a blockage in a blood vessel that delivers oxygen to the brain, a blood clot or other particles.

Thrombosis cerebral vessels is the most common cause of stroke. It means the formation of a clot (thrombus) from the blood and a violation of the blood supply to the brain.

Another cause of stroke in smokers can be damage to the artery of the brain, leading to its rupture and brain hemorrhage.

The cardiovascular system

Delivery of oxygen to the heart muscle is severely disrupted due to the blocking of blood hemoglobin by carbon monoxide from tobacco smoke. This leads to serious damage to the heart and blood vessels.

Smoking increases blood pressure: blood vessels constrict, forcing the heart to work harder. As a result, the heart expands and becomes damaged.

Smoking increases blood cholesterol levels. In the arteries that feed the heart, fats are deposited, their blockage occurs. As a result, myocardial infarction.

Smokers have a 4-5 times higher risk of myocardial infarction than non-smokers. If at the same time the smoker has elevated blood cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, the risk of developing heart attack increases 8 times.

The average age of those who died from heart attacks is 67 years, smokers - 47.


Lung cancer - a tumor that occurs in the superficial tissues of the lungs - in about 90% of cases is due to prolonged smoking. People who smoke two or more packs of cigarettes a day for 20 years are at risk lung cancer increased by 60-70% compared to non-smokers.

The risk of lung cancer depends on the number of cigarettes smoked per day, the amount of tobacco smoke inhaled, as well as the concentration of carcinogenic tar and nicotine in cigarettes. Main etiological factors are considered radon, benzpyrene and nitrosamines contained in tobacco tar. The characteristic symptoms of lung cancer are: constant painful cough, hemoptysis, repeated pneumonia, bronchitis or chest pain.

Now dying of lung cancer more people than any other type of cancer. The average decrease in life expectancy for smokers is 10 years.

Long-term smoking can also cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - pulmonary bronchitis (inflammatory disease branches windpipe(bronchi) with predominant lesion mucous membrane) and pulmonary emphysema (degeneration lung tissue), which are characterized by destruction bronchial tree and terminal parts of the lung - alveoli.

In emphysema, the tissue around the alveoli changes, they become enlarged and look like holes in the lungs on an x-ray. Main symptom emphysema - shortness of breath, also - cough, but less pronounced than in chronic bronchitis. Rib cage becomes barrel-shaped.


One of the effects of prolonged smoking is to stimulate the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which corrodes protective layer in its cavity and contributing to the occurrence of gastric ulcers. Most frequent ulcer symptom- Aching or burning pain between the sternum and the navel, after eating and early in the morning. The pain can last from a few minutes to several hours. Also, the ulcer is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and weight loss. Smoking slows down the healing of ulcers and promotes their recurrence.

Peptic ulcer can lead to stomach cancer. At the same time, the risk of developing a cancerous tumor in the gastric cavity in smokers is higher than in non-smokers.


Smoking inhibits micronutrient metabolism plant food protecting the organ of vision. Eyes long smoking person have a tendency to redness and tearfulness, the edges of the eyelids swell. Nicotine acts on the optic nerve and motor muscles eyes, with vasoconstriction, the retina changes, visual acuity is lost, vision deviations begin. Smoking is especially dangerous in glaucoma, as smoking increases intraocular pressure.


Every seventh smoker sooner or later becomes ill with obliterating endarteritis - chronic disease vessels with a primary lesion of the arteries of the legs, during which there is a gradual narrowing of the vessels up to the complete closure of their lumen with the necrosis of tissues deprived of blood supply. Endarteritis often leads to gangrene and amputation lower extremities smoker.


Smokers over the age of 40 are much more likely to develop cancer Bladder than non-smokers. In men, the risk is 4 times higher than in women. Symptoms - the appearance of blood in the urine, pain in the pelvic area, difficulty urinating.


Smoking can cause cancer of the esophagus by damaging its internal cells. Symptoms are difficulty swallowing, chest pain or discomfort, weight loss.

Oral cavity

Oral cancers are most common on the sides or underside of the tongue and in the floor of the mouth. Symptoms - small pale swelling or thickening unusual color on the tongue, in the oral cavity, on the cheek, gums or palate.

reproductive system

Nicotine destroys the nervous system, including those departments that are responsible for a person's sexual behavior and his ability to reproduce. With age, the ability to bear children progressively decreases in smokers. By reducing the level of sex hormones and vitamin E, which is irreplaceable for the body, tobacco poisons destroy ripening and complete cells intended for the formation of the body of the fetus. According to medical statistics, more than 10% of cases of sexual impotence in men are associated with excessive tobacco use. As a result, the level of infertility among smoking boys and young people is almost twice the average.


The number of children conceived and endured by heavy smokers is only 72% relative to non-smokers. Tobacco, like a number of other psychoactive substances, causes abortion, premature birth, and stillbirth. According to American scientists, even less than one pack of cigarettes smoked a day by 20% increases the risk of death of an infant in the womb. More than a pack - by 35%. The death rate of children during childbirth in smoking mothers is on average one third higher than in non-smokers.

Women who regularly smoke one or more packs of cigarettes a day during pregnancy have lower birth weights than non-smoking mothers. Babies born to mothers who smoked during and after pregnancy are more likely to have sudden infant death syndrome.

Scientists believe that under the influence of tobacco smoke breaks occur in the DNA molecule. By reacting with heavy metals (lead, etc.), which are abundant in tobacco smoke, DNA changes its structure. Defective genes appear in germ cells. Passed on to offspring, they are able to cause various neuropsychiatric disorders and external deformities. So, the descendants of smoking fathers have 5 times more anomalies than the children of non-smoking men.

In children exposed to tobacco in utero, the intellectual potential decreases, the development of speech and the auditory zone of the brain, the ability to regulate emotions, focus and hold attention are disturbed. Lagging behind in physical and mental development (reading, writing, speech), the child copes worse with the school curriculum.

When one or both parents smoke at home, the child often develops colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, gastritis, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. Children of smoking parents are prone to respiratory infections, allergies, atherosclerosis, epileptic seizures and caries.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Side effects fromsmoking is usually manifested by the day. You need to know about them and take them into account - this will help you not to break loose and forget about the bad habit forever. Otherwise, a person will return to addiction, and this will gradually poison his body.

Symptoms accompanying throwing after quitting smoking, appear most in those smokers who indulged in a bad habit for a long time. Cigarette smoking plunges a person into a state close to euphoria, but it occurs in small doses and is given at the cost of one's own health. Sooner or later, many smokers decide to put an end to their addiction and embark on the path to a healthy life.

How is deliverance

Side effects that occur when quitting smokingmost often manifest in everyone in the same way, but there are also individual symptoms. You need to set yourself up for their occurrence, otherwise it will be very difficult to resist the desire to smoke again.

After quitting smokingoften appear symptoms withdrawal symptoms, which are sometimes very difficult to cope with abandoned this bad habit. There are cases when a person has the idea that he felt much better when he smoked, but this is self-deception, which can lead to incorrect actions . Side effects can be quite uncomfortable.

Help deal with these. symptoms Maybe positive attitude and the realization that they are temporary. After nicotine and other toxins cease to enter the body, it begins to experience a state of stress.After quitting smoking Negative influence it appears on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as on the respiratory and stomach organs. All the symptoms that arise cause stress.

What Happens During a Rejection

What are the side effects advancing after quitting smoking? They can vary depending on the characteristics of the human body, its age, as well as the length of smoking. They appear due to stress, which is caused by the fact that the flow of nicotine has stopped. The most difficult period is the second half of the first week, when quit smoking . The adaptation period itself can last up to 16 weeks.

In the case when a person smoked two packs a day, his body was strongly influenced by toxins and other harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke. Usually the effect of smoking disappears within 25 minutes and then withdrawal starts to occur, the body needs a new dose.

In such a situation, the following changes occur:

  • heart rate slows down;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • blood vessels dilate.

These manifestations will not cause major changes in the body, but if a person does not smoke another cigarette, they will begin to worsen. A person begins to feel warmth in the body, especially in the fingertips. This is due to vasodilation.

Those who smoked for 5-10 years will not feel this symptom so soon, but within a few days or even a week.

After quitting smokingwithdrawal syndrome occurs. It manifests itself in such signs:

  • strong craving for smoking;
  • sleep problems;
  • nervousness;
  • irritation;
  • mild dizziness;
  • increased appetite;
  • focusing problems.

First days

The first day will not be easy. After three hours, the discomfort will no longer worsen. Most ex-smokers report that serious condition will continue for 7 hours. The respiratory system will begin to change after the first 4 hours. The person will feel that his breaths have become deeper. Unaccustomed to this, this can lead to a panic state, but do not worry, because this is the first sign that the body has begun to recover.

In addition, in the first days the body will be saturated with oxygen, which will replace the carbon monoxide that has joined the blood cells.

Soon the restructuring of the whole organism will begin, so oxygen will begin to flow to the organs and cells. This will not affect the human condition in any way.

After this stage is over, it will be easier for a person to cope with negative symptoms.

On the second day, changes occur in the cardiovascular system. There is a high risk of a heart attack. On this day, a person will begin to better taste food and feel different smells. In heavy smokers, these sensations may appear later.

In addition, the following symptoms may also occur:

  • constant desire to eat;
  • increased nervousness;
  • burst of energy in the morning;
  • reducing cravings for cigarettes.

First month

Nicotine completely leaves the body after 3 days. But this does not mean that smoking is over. Good mood because of his firm decision to give up a bad habit, it disappears over time, and in its place apathy, a feeling of fatigue, and depression appear. Negative symptoms do not go away and are added to them headache, gagging and breathing problems while walking fast. These manifestations may last for several days. At this time, the desire to smoke will begin to haunt a person and the risk of a breakdown increases. It takes a lot of willpower to resist temptation.

Most negative symptoms disappear after a few weeks. Positive changes are starting to show. Starting from the second week, the person becomes more energetic.

Within 4 weeks, other positive changes begin to occur, such as:

  • more active blood circulation occurs;
  • improves the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • improves the condition of blood vessels.

In addition, with a cough, the lungs are cleared, and combustion products are removed with sputum.

First year

Positive changes are on the way. The condition of the skin improves. It looks healthier and the person visually takes on a rejuvenated appearance.

Over time, men become better potency. The craving for cigarettes disappears, and with it the dependence on nicotine. Immunity increases, which affects the general condition of a person. He no longer suffers from colds.

But the negative symptoms still remain. Due to an increase in appetite, a person can gain excess weight, so you need to monitor your diet or go on a diet.

Often a person is tormented by a cough, but this does not happen in all ex-smokers. It usually depends on how long you've been smoking, as well as individual characteristics organism. Coughing attacks most often appear in the morning, before going to bed and after a long lying down. If it is difficult to take it out, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist.

Each manifestation of negative symptoms passes with time, so the most important thing is to successfully survive difficult periods.

IN modern world there is a possibility to replace smoking nicotine cigarettes smoking with an electrical device such as an electronic cigarette.

Before you get involved in smoking with an electronic cigarette, you need to carefully study the possible side effects.

By-effect is a health disorder associated with the use of electronic cigarettes in a particular situation.

Electronic Cigarette is a device that in one way or another replaces classic cigarettes containing nicotine. The principle of operation is the production of steam from a liquid containing a small amount nicotine (similar nicotine is used in patches to relieve smoking cessation).

You should immediately pay attention to the false by-effect. Presented as a deterioration in the general condition at the initial stage of using an electronic cigarette, as a rule, is associated with the abandonment of traditional smoking.

Scientific research on the dangers of use alternative way smoking was not carried out, but having feedback from consumers of electronic cigarettes, you can identify the main side effects:

The impact of electronic cigarettes on the health of a smoker

Despite many positive points, opinions about whether electronic cigarettes are harmful or not are heard quite often, especially from doctors. The effect of electronic cigarettes on the human body has not yet been studied, so vaping today is the subject of much controversy among scientists, doctors and even smokers themselves. The main subject of such disputes is steam, since the device itself cannot cause any harm to a person. In fact, an electronic cigarette is a device equipped with a battery, LED, sensor and atomizer. According to experts, most often the question of harm and benefit concerns the liquid for the evaporator.

Filler - components and their effect on the body

The vaporizer liquid contains nicotine, propylene glycol, fragrance and glycerin. Propylene glycol has a low odor and a sweetish taste. This substance belongs to the permitted food additives. It is non-toxic and completely excreted from the body. Glycerin and flavors are actively used in Food Industry. The liquid is based on vegetable glycerin, which weakly conveys aromas, but at the same time produces a large amount of vapor. Propylene glycol conveys aromas better than glycerin. However, the effect of heating propylene glycol and glycerol on toxin formation has not yet been studied. According to some scientists, these substances are capable of releasing carcinogens, which is very dangerous for health. Electronic cigarettes do not always contain nicotine, you can use nicotine-free liquids for vaping. In addition, many smokers will like the aroma of such a liquid more, because the lower the nicotine content in the liquid, the more pleasant its aroma will be.

Smoke without nicotine

Although regular inhalation chemical substances does not add health, their toxicity is much lower than that of the resins contained in conventional cigarettes. An electronic cigarette, unlike a regular one, does not contain substances such as ammonia, arsenic, carbon monoxide, benzene, and so on. Besides, in regular cigarettes There are over 60 types of carcinogens. Low-quality vape fillers sometimes contain diethylene glycol and other dangerous substances. Therefore, in order to minimize the harm of soaring, it is recommended to buy evaporator liquids only in specialized stores where products from reliable suppliers are presented.


The vapor released during vaping has no hazardous components, which is why it is considered harmless to others. As for nicotine, it is completely absorbed by the body when inhaled. Exhaled substances dissipate with steam and are safe even in small spaces. This cannot be said about ordinary cigarettes, as a result of experiments, scientists have found that tobacco cigarette smoke can contain up to 4000 harmful components, including carcinogens, causing development oncological diseases.

The harm of vaping has been proven in cases where nicotine is used as a liquid component, which has a negative impact on the health of any person, being main reason occurrence cardiovascular disease. Nicotine causes constriction blood vessels, which is the cause of oxygen starvation of all organs, including the brain. Such situations are most dangerous for people over the age of 45, since it is during this period that the risk of strokes increases. As a result of the influence of nicotine on the body, serious damage to health is caused when absolutely all vital organs suffer.

For whom and why are electronic cigarettes dangerous?

Despite some advantages over tobacco cigarettes, e-cigarettes may be off-limits to some people. So, for example, it is categorically not recommended to vape an electronic cigarette to people, in such cases:

  1. It is worth remembering the dangers of soaring allergy sufferers, because due to the presence of flavors in the liquid, in some cases an allergic reaction may develop. Therefore, before purchasing a vape, you should make sure that you are not allergic to liquid components in order to avoid possible problems with health.
  2. Women during the period pregnancy and lactation, you need to give up the bad habit, despite the fact that replacing regular smoking with vaping is safer for health. Even an electronic cigarette can cause serious harm to the health of the baby.
  3. Smoking is not recommended for people under the age of 18, since at this age the body is especially susceptible to the emergence of various kinds of bad habits, which will later be difficult to get rid of.
  4. People who have diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, organs of vision– in the presence of such pathologies, not only nicotine is categorically contraindicated, but also other components of the vape filling liquid.

E-cigarette - is it harmful for those who quit smoking?

Is it harmful to smoke e-cigarettes for long-term smokers? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. For example, if a person does not have the contraindications described above, then the health hazard will be minimal. Moreover, we can talk about the benefits of electronic cigarettes in the form of the following factors:

  • absence bad smell tobacco and smoke
  • the disappearance of shortness of breath;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • return of taste sensations;
  • lack of yellowness on the teeth and fingers.

The electronic cigarette is a great way to gradually quit nicotine for those who have been struggling to get rid of addiction for a long period of time. In order to smoothly switch to nicotine-free vaping, you should gradually reduce the strength of the filling liquid electronic device. In many devices, the nicotine content is either completely absent, or so low that the harm of vaping will be minimized. At the same time, doctors argue that with a purely psychological dependence from smoking, the expected effect of switching to an electronic cigarette will not be.


Experienced vapers advise taking the purchase of vaping equipment seriously. The device must have an appropriate quality certificate confirming its originality. Cigarette filling liquid should also be purchased only from reliable manufacturers. The debate about whether e-cigarettes are safe is endless. Numerous studies show that vaporizers and e-cigarettes are non-toxic, which is not the case with regular cigarettes. Therefore, many smokers believe that a fashionable device is absolutely harmless, and use vaping much more often than tobacco cigarette. Of course, smoking electronic cigarettes is not as harmful as tobacco, but the impact of vaping on human health has not been fully studied. As doctors say, it can take years to study the harmful and beneficial properties of electronic cigarettes, so The best decision- This complete failure from any smoking.

Harm of soaring | Side effects of electronic cigarettes and how to deal with them

Other possible side effects of smoking

In addition to a sore throat and head, an electronic cigarette can cause the following symptoms(observed much less often):

  • Development acne. The appearance of pimples and age spots on the skin, is associated with the release of toxins accumulated as a result of smoking tobacco products. The use of special means for cleansing the face and body will help to cope with the side effect.

  • . The malaise is associated with the restructuring of the body after the consumption of conventional cigarettes.
  • Blood from the gums. When using traditional cigarettes, the surface of the gums becomes thicker. From which it follows that after giving up tobacco, the oral cavity becomes more sensitive.

Electronic Cigarette - Benefits

Advertising, novelty and fashion for electronic cigarettes have made them very popular. A large number of people believe that the electronic cigarette is a kind of magical invention that saves from nicotine addiction.

Unfortunately, this is not a completely correct opinion, an electronic cigarette is not a panacea, but this method of smoking also has its advantages:

  1. The teeth will become brighter.
  2. Skin tone is more even and healthy.
  3. The gums return to their natural sensitivity. The color will become more natural by medical standards.
  4. The mood will be less prone to swings, and more resistant to stress.
  5. Great physical activity will become available, without fatigue.
  6. The electronic cigarette makes it possible to restore the functions of smell.
  7. Increased libido. Improving the quality of sexual life.
  8. An electronic cigarette allows you to independently choose the level of nicotine in the used cartridge.


Electronic Cigarette- a social phenomenon that is growing in all segments of the population. Very often on the streets there are teenagers, girls and elderly people with an electronic cigarette in their hands. Side effects from using this method of smoking can affect anyone, regardless of how long and how much a person has smoked tobacco products.

When deciding to switch to using an electronic cigarette, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Electronic cigarettes can cause health problems.

When observing ailments and a number of side effects for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor.

As a result of the information received, it can be concluded that the transition from nicotine cigarettes to an electronic cigarette is not very simple, you have to pay for everything. Therefore, if you decide to quit smoking, then either be prepared for the above symptoms and switch to an electronic cigarette, or immediately give up all possible types smoking.

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About 98% of smokers at least once think about quitting smoking. Quitting smoking has both negative and positive effects on the body. The negative ones are abrupt change moods, cravings for food, severe coughing, etc., as a result of which people stop there. After the experienced problems, a number of pluses come, which eliminates the health problems of a former smoker.

Which type of smoking cessation is better: abrupt or gradual?

There are two types of smoking cessation: abrupt and gradual. Which of them is the most effective, experts have not yet determined. Each aspect depends on the characteristics of the organism. Most often, with the gradual rejection of nicotine, smokers do not get rid of the bad habit. With a sharp refusal, the symptoms of negative consequences appear faster, and their transience is increased, the treatment is much more active.

Side effects of quitting smoking

They appear during the fight against a bad habit and are side effects due to giving up cigarettes. The first side effect is withdrawal syndrome. At this stage, there is:

  • the appearance of stomatitis - sores on the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips;
  • problems with gastrointestinal tract- indigestion, constipation, upset, etc.;
  • psychological dependence - the appearance of negative symptoms, due to which the smoker has the impression that, as a result of giving up cigarettes, he has health problems, so he stops fighting smoking;
  • pain in different points body or in organs;
  • depression;
  • reduced immunity - nicotine is a kind of doping that improves the functioning of organs and systems for a while. When the body is deprived of doping, it is depleted. Often, after the first days after quitting, a smoker tends to catch viral and other diseases due to a malfunction of the immune system.

In the first week, a former smoker develops a strong craving for food, especially for sweets. This is due to the fact that nicotine slows down metabolism, and when you quit smoking, the metabolic rate increases, due to which the desire to eat becomes greater. Therefore, many smokers increase body weight. But this is not due to the fact that a person has refused cigarettes, but from overeating due to the struggle with the problem. The feeling of hunger is accompanied by headaches, distraction, dizziness, tinnitus.

Every cigarette you smoke constricts blood vessels, which are in a state of spasm for another 30 minutes. This limits the flow of oxygen to the organs and tissues, which causes oxygen starvation. Lack of oxygen leads to heart attacks, strokes, angina pectoris, etc.

The lack of habitual toxic substances in the body is the cause of a sharp change in mood. Former smokers at first become very irritable, sometimes they feel sick. A common occurrence for them is insomnia.

After quitting smoking, the mucous membranes of the mouth and nasopharynx, bronchi and lungs are the first to begin to recover. Restoration of the respiratory system is accompanied strong cough With big amount sputum.

During coughing, toxic substances are excreted with sputum. The duration of the symptom is directly related to the duration of the smoker's experience.

Ex-smokers may develop skin problems after quitting cigarettes. This is due to the active production of hormones that the body lacked during the period of smoking. Smoking cessation can exacerbate allergic and skin diseases. Most often, acne appears due to the fact that the blood vessels dilate, and the glands begin to produce a large amount of sebum. This leads to clogged pores and acne.

Negative effects are the symptoms that appear as a result of quitting nicotine. They disappear within 3 months. After this, the stage of improvement of the state of the body begins. Therefore, smokers need to endure the lack of toxic substances in order to never smoke again.

Better health

The benefits of quitting smoking are manifested in the elimination of health problems and the improvement of the general condition of the body. Positive consequences are divided into early ones, which can appear already in the first hours after quitting smoking, and delayed ones, which occur after the withdrawal syndrome.

To early positive consequences should include:

  • improving the condition of the skin, nails and teeth;
  • elimination of bad breath;
  • improvement of the work of the heart;
  • restoration of normal signal transmission from the brain to taste and olfactory receptors;
  • normalization of breathing.

Long-term positive effects include improving the efficiency of the brain, increasing endurance. The ex-smoker becomes more energetic, and he has a desire to play sports. The risk of cancer is reduced several times. The tar contained in cigarettes is carcinogenic. They irritate the lungs and bronchi and provoke the formation of cancer cells.

An important plus is an increase in the tone of blood vessels, which is caused by the removal of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide from the body ( carbon monoxide). These toxic substances destroy hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to organs and tissues. Getting rid of them provides deep breathing and the air comes in easier.

Pros for women

Smoking cessation for women reduces the risk of thrombosis and stroke during the period of taking contraceptives. Pregnant women who give up bad habits ensure the birth of a healthy child without slowing down in intellectual development.

Ex-smokers can prevent brittle bones. Nicotine reduces the production of the hormone estrogen, which opposes calcium leaching from the body.

Benefits for men

Smoking cessation in men increases potency. This is due to the improvement of blood circulation and the supply of sufficient oxygen to the organs of the reproductive system.

Many claim that elderly people it is much easier to give up bad habits. However, in old age, it is necessary to quit smoking only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

During smoking, changes occur in the body. It begins to function not on its own, but with the help of doping - nicotine, which increases the efficiency of the organs. A decrease in the concentration of a toxic substance depletes the body. This is the reason why smoking becomes a habit.

When quitting smoking, symptoms such as irritability, absent-mindedness, poor functioning organism due to the lack of toxic substances. A defensive reaction begins, which is called the withdrawal syndrome. A frequent occurrence is the appearance of skin problems that manifest themselves in different ways. This is due to the active production of hormones, the secretion of subcutaneous fat, the manifestation of skin diseases.

Favorable changes appear after the smoker has experienced withdrawal symptoms. It varies from person to person depending on the length of service. If a person can survive all the negative consequences, then he will never smoke again. With a longer duration, the withdrawal syndrome lasts longer.

By quitting smoking, a person provides himself with improved health, well-being and healthy descendants. The consequences of getting rid of a bad habit are individual and depend on factors such as age, psychological attitude, experience, general condition of the body, willpower, etc.