What to do if your joints are twisted. Is cracking joints throughout the body dangerous and what to do about it? Avoid standing on both legs for long periods of time

When joints all over your body crack, this may be the first a wake-up call development of arthrosis or arthritis. But the most dangerous thing is that such a phenomenon may indicate the beginning of their destruction. How to understand why joints crack, as well as the causes and treatment, read our review.


Causes of crunching in joints: pathology or not?

The appearance of crunching in the joints, the causes of which can be very different, is not taken seriously by many. However, it would seem that harmless problem may pose certain dangers. Why joints crack and how to recognize pathology, let's figure it out together.

Physiological reasons

The cavity in the joint is filled with an elastic mass in the form. It is responsible for intra-articular lubrication, thus preventing wear of the articular surfaces. Synovial fluid contains a large number of dissolved gas. During movement, it tends to increase in size, which entails the release of gas and its acquisition of a bubbly shape. The formation of these bubbles can be interpreted by a person as a click.

This phenomenon has scientific name– cavitation. As soon as the bubbles disappear, the joint assumes previous state. At the same time, repeated crunching in the joints without pain may occur.

If such sounds occur less than once every half hour, then they can be considered normal. In the case when joints crunch throughout the body or similar clicks are accompanied by pain, this problem should be taken under control. After all, when joints hurt, they crunch, it’s serious reason make an appointment with the doctor. The medical institution will tell you which doctor to contact.

Pathological causes

Creaking in the joints is not terrible, but it can be a sign developing pathology. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to everything alarms that the body supplies. This will allow you to timely identify the disease and begin treatment. Clicking noises can be caused by many reasons.

Anomalous structure

When joints hurt and crack, this may be due to anatomical deviations in their structure, which entail disturbances in the biomechanical process. It could be incorrect position ligaments or mismatch of parts, due to which they extend beyond the boundaries of the joint box.


If your joints are constantly cracking, the cause may be hypermobility. In most cases, this is a congenital disorder. It is a condition characterized by unnatural joint mobility. Despite the fact that its parts can diverge, this process does not cause serious discomfort or pain.

Excessive salts

When salts accumulate, it increases bone strength. But at the same time, nearby muscles and cartilage harden, which ultimately helps to reduce the motor activity of the joint. People who live in areas where drinking water contains an excessive amount of mineral salts. In this case, there may be a cracking of joints throughout the body.

Consequence of injury

In case of cracks in bones and other injuries, in addition to damage to the joint, the vessels and tissues adjacent to it may be affected. Similar situations may be accompanied by inflammation or the appearance of compactions, which reduce the quality of movement, provoke pain and crunching.


For of this disease characterized by wear and tear of the joints. This disease can affect the knee, shoulder, arms, fingers, and feet. Diagnosed this disease mainly in older people. True, there have been cases when arthrosis manifested itself much earlier. The joint parts gradually lose their ability to function normally due to wear and tear of the cartilage. Crunching and pain in the joints usually appears due to deterioration of flexibility in the joints.

How to deal with crunching?

If the joints in many areas of the body are very crunchy, you should first determine what is causing this cracking. The first step in starting treatment is to reduce stress. This way they will crunch less. If inflammation is present, you can use pharmaceutical drugs or means traditional medicine. How to treat crunching in the joints, and which methods are recognized as the most effective, we will tell below.

Traditional Treatments

Diclofenac ointment can cope with inflammation. To restore the structure of cartilage, the medicine Chondroitin or glucosamine sulfate is used. They are taken internally. Due to the fact that these medications have certain adverse reactions and contraindications, it is very important to consult a specialist before taking them. The treating doctor will provide comprehensive information. After the examination, he will tell you why the joints are creaking and clicking began to appear, and will also tell you how to treat them.

The following recommendations will help alleviate the condition and reduce crunching in all joints:

  • give your joints a little rest, avoid heavy loads;
  • use elastic bandaging or use special fasteners;
  • Do not stay in one position for a long time, change your position and, if possible, do a warm-up, especially if we're talking about about sedentary work;
  • treat the problem area with anti-inflammatory ointments.

Treatment with physiotherapy and the use of auxiliary devices in the form of crutches, knee pads and canes are very helpful for cracking joints. Thanks to them, it is possible to reduce pressure on pathologically changed areas. Injections can also be performed, gels and ointments can be used, the effect of which is aimed at reducing pain and treating. In the next video, Doctor Orlov will share useful information.

To understand how to cure cracking in the joints, you should definitely consult an orthopedic doctor. Experts usually recommend doing therapeutic exercises, visit the pool or do water aerobics. If the appearance of cracking joints is associated with their disease, then non-steroidal drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect (Fastum gel, Ibuprofen) are prescribed. At severe course diseases can be used hormonal compounds However, they are capable of inhibiting the functions of the adrenal glands.

If a patient is diagnosed with osteoarthritis, it may be recommended to surgical intervention, especially if drug treatment there is no positive dynamics. In this case, an implant is inserted in place of the damaged element, thanks to which the person’s quality of life improves.

A cut can alleviate the condition of osteoarthritis. This product is an orthopedic device that ensures joint immobility. Thus, it will remove the load and prevent the joint from cracking.

Traditional methods

If traditional method is not suitable for you and you prefer to be treated folk remedies, then take note of the following recipes. However, before you get rid of crunching in the joints using one of the proposed methods, it is important to discuss your choice when you contact a specialist for advice.

  1. Parsley infusion. To make it, you will need 200 grams of crushed roots of this greenery and half a liter of hot milk. These ingredients are mixed in a thermos, which is left overnight. The drug is taken three times a day. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 weeks.
  2. Jelly. This product has proven itself well in the fight against pain and is able to remove crunching. First of all, you need to heat the swollen gelatin. It should dissolve, but it is not advisable to bring it to a boil. You can add jam if you wish. The resulting liquid is poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator so that the jelly hardens. After eating this dessert for two weeks, you will notice improvements and a lack of crunch.
  3. The power of green. If the bones of the whole body crunch, medicinal drink celery and parsley will help get rid of this problem. Taking 100 grams of each component, they must be crushed and poured with half a liter of boiling water. After the broth boils, it should be kept on the fire for another 7 minutes. When the infusion has cooled, add 2 tablespoons to it. spoons of honey and juice squeezed from one lemon. Drink the entire drink in small sips throughout the day. The course of therapy is 30-60 days.

Video “Treatment of joints”

This video material presents an effective treatment method that has been tested by many people (author Yuri Storozhnichenko).

Have you ever wondered: why do bones crunch? The crunching of bones is like the creaking of a door hinge - a clear sign that the parts are worn out or do not have enough “softness” to silently “open the door”.

We say that our bones “crunch”, but in fact the characteristic sound is produced if the joints move, that is, when walking, squatting, bending the body, stretching and other movements of the body in space. The reasons for the appearance of a characteristic sound are different, including age and physiological changes body, such as, for example, pregnancy in women.

Joint elements in malfunction

In theory, our movements should be silent, and crunching or creaking indicates that the cartilage tissue is not in the state that nature itself intended. Bone joints are a specific mechanism consisting of a set of elements that ensure free, silent sliding: cartilage, bursa, and special fluid. If integrity cartilage tissue broken, synovial fluid is not produced enough, then when sliding, a kind of slipping occurs. As a consequence, there is a gradual abrasion of the cartilage, which in turn leads to the fact that the bones are forced to accept more pressure to myself. A timely solution to this problem will help to avoid undesirable consequences– joint diseases.

Deformation and abrasion of cartilage can be caused by for various reasons. Common phenomenon - anatomical feature structure of the joint, as a result of which its biomechanics is disrupted. If sounds are not accompanied by pain, patients rarely pay attention to this dysfunction in time. Over time, the glaze covering the bone will wear off, the articular cartilage will become deformed, and pain may occur. But treating the pathology will then be very difficult.

It is important to pay attention to which joints begin to crack. The movable joints of the bones of the lower part of the frame (in the legs, pelvis, lumbar spine) experience a much greater load than the upper torso.

A clear sign of problems in movable joints is swelling in the joint area. This happens because the body begins to independently compensate for the deformation of the cartilage tissue, producing synovial fluid in excess, thereby trying to “lubricate the mechanism” as much as possible and dull the pain. Excessive selection fluid can be seen with the naked eye as it accumulates in the joint area, causing swelling. Let us indicate some reasons for the appearance of crunching.

  1. Anatomical feature of the structure of the movable joint.
  2. The appearance of swelling (excess synovial fluid turns into mucus, which softens the cartilage, turning it from white and dense to yellowish and soft).
  3. Aging of the body.
  4. Unbalanced diet.
  5. Disruption of metabolic processes leading to the appearance overweight bodies.
  6. Endocrine pathologies.
  7. Consequence of injuries.
  8. A number of diseases internal organs And so on.

What causes crunching

What do you think of these reasons: an increase in the amount of protein in the synovial fluid? Protein imbalance can be provoked by the abuse of protein foods, as well as the occurrence of an inflammatory process within the body. Gas bubbles form in the intra-articular fluid, which burst when moving, producing a characteristic click.

People who are professionally involved in sports can experience severe cracking in their joints, because with intense regular exercise, ligament injuries can rarely be avoided. In this case, you need to do the following: reduce the load, devote time to recovery, and when starting classes again, do the exercises more carefully.

Both excess fluid in the joint and its lack can cause bones to creak. Most often this happens as a result of feasible physical activity (for example, builders, loaders, and so on).

By the way, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle sooner or later notice a crunching sound.

During pregnancy, creaking and crunching in the joint area is a common occurrence. However, you should not immediately sound the alarm and rush to be treated for arthrosis. The main reasons for such manifestations are the body’s reaction to physiological changes in the body. But if during pregnancy there is swelling around the problematic bone joint, and the skin is warmer than in other places, then increased attention should be paid to this.

Changes in the state of mobile bone joints in pregnant women

Many women during the period of bearing a baby often complain that their joints crack, hurt, and swell. Particular discomfort is felt when walking. Experts have identified a number of reasons why this happens during pregnancy:

  • articular surfaces do not coincide (displacement);
  • rapid weight gain, as a result - inflammation of muscle tissue due to overload;
  • joint hypermobility syndrome or congenital joint flexibility during pregnancy worsens due to weight gain;
  • exacerbation of arthrosis, joint wear;
  • injuries of moving bone joints;
  • metabolic disorders, in particular the accumulation of salts.

Is it possible to quickly solve the problem?

If a woman in the position “hears” her joints, then you can try to solve the problem like this:

Above we looked at why characteristic sounds appear in the area of ​​movable bone joints. Taking advantage the following tips, you can, if not get rid of it completely, then at least reduce the intensity and avoid the appearance of pain. By the way, the recommendations are suitable not only for women experiencing pregnancy, but also for anyone who has noticed that their joints are creaking. So what should you do?

If you experience severe pain, swelling, or increased body temperature in certain areas, the first thing you should do is go to the clinic. After a qualitative examination, the doctor will prescribe adequate medication or physical therapy.

You can resort to methods alternative medicine, for example, prepare a decoction of laurel leaves. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over 30 dried leaves and leave to steep for four days. You need to drink the decoction three days in advance, and if necessary, repeat the procedure after a week and a half.

Or prepare this infusion: 250 g of rye grains, 2 liters of water, 1 liter of honey, 3 tsp. barberry root, 500 ml of vodka. This mixture is infused for 21 days. Reception: 3 tbsp. l. per day in the morning before eating.

A radical measure is surgery for joint replacement. This decision is only made if no other therapy helps.


  1. Level correction physical activity during the day.
  2. Use of orthopedic devices (eg, braces, bandages) during exercise. This is recommended to provide support to the joint, as well as reduce lateral activity, plus ensure uniform pressure throughout the joint.
  3. Regularly engage in joint exercises, attend yoga and water aerobics classes.
  4. Fluid intake per daily norm(30 ml per 1 kg of weight or 1.5-2 liters per day).
  5. Proper comfortable shoes. It is better to avoid heels or minimize the time spent in such shoes (no more than 6 hours a day).
  6. Remove from the diet: animal fats, salty, spicy and sweet food. Increase your intake of calcium-fortified foods polyunsaturated acids Omega-3, vitamins (especially C). Balanced diet– the key to normalizing metabolism, weight loss, and a way to avoid salt deposits.

From all of the above, it becomes clear what needs to be done so that the joints stop creaking, crunching and clicking. Everyone can maintain and maintain health!

Crunching joints- This is a phenomenon that many people encounter when they are actively moving. Most often, a person notices that his fingers are crunching. Crunching can be observed not only in the fingers, but also in the hip, knee, elbow, shoulder and other joints.

Doctors have not come to a consensus about causes of crunching, and are not sure whether it poses a risk to human health.

So why do joints crack, is it dangerous for the body, and can this phenomenon be cured?


Almost any part can crunch human body. If you do not experience pain, and there is no swelling or redness of the skin in this area, then there is no cause for concern. Because this sound may be a sign of a physiological process that is safe for health.

Joints may begin to crack without pain in the following cases:

  • ligament weakness;
  • gas bubbles have formed inside;
  • the protein content in the intra-articular fluid is high;
  • excessive physical exercise.

Physiological crunching in joints

A person may actively move their joints due to the extensibility and flexibility of the ligaments or hypermobility, speaking medical language. With weak ligaments, clicking is inevitable during active movements.

At joint capsule sprain the pressure inside it decreases, which leads to the appearance of bubbles in the synovial fluid. If they burst, a crunching sound is heard.

Some people have increased stretchability of the ligaments and this causes cracking. This is due to the special type of collagen that they produce. This is due to genetics and cannot be corrected. These people need to avoid excessive stress and stretching of the ligamentous apparatus.

During physical overload, joint fluid is rapidly consumed, and new fluid has not yet formed. This is why clicks occur, which then disappear.

It is usually not necessary to treat cracking joints if there is no pain. You just need to try to strengthen them.

Pathological crunching in joints

In some cases, crunching and clicking sounds are manifestations pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. What diseases may be hidden behind these symptoms?

Causes of crunching associated with illness:

  • dystrophic, degenerative deviations;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • salt deposits.

Sometimes the cracking noise can be caused arthrosis. The disease gradually destroys the cartilage, lubrication disappears, and the surface of the bone is exposed. As a result, crunching and pain appear, especially when walking.

An inflammatory disease such as arthritis, can also be accompanied by a crackling sound, as well as other painful phenomena: pain, swelling, redness of the skin.

Cracking may occur due to salt deposits that appear due to metabolic disorders in the body.

Moreover, than older man, the more worn it out musculoskeletal system. That is why sound appears.

Associated symptoms of abnormal clicking

Abnormal crunching in the joints is often accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • increased joint cracking;
  • absence of refractory period;
  • restricted movements;
  • pain syndrome.

Most often the cause of the appearance pathological crunch becomes arthrosis. The development of the disease occurs slowly, complications may appear.

At arthrosis The cartilage tissue becomes thinner, which makes it difficult for the joints to slide, and this, in turn, contributes to pain.

Symptoms of arthrosis are as follows:

  • pain inside;
  • a distinct cracking sound is heard;
  • In the morning, movement is difficult.

Crunching with arthritis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • difficulty moving;
  • severe pain syndrome;
  • redness of the skin;
  • swelling.

Why does the spine crunch?

Most people notice a crunching sensation in the spine during movements that force areas to move and stretch more spinal column. Also, a cracking sound in the spine may occur during work. chiropractor: The process of putting the vertebrae in place is often accompanied by a click.

Consultation with a doctor is necessary when the crunching is very loud and accompanied by pain syndrome, or if it crunches very often.

Why does the spine crunch, and what kind of diseases can hide behind this sound:

  • hernia or protrusion of intervertebral discs;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • postoperative condition;
  • scoliosis;
  • injuries.

Why do my hands crunch?

Sometimes crunching in your hands is caused by microscopic injuries that you don't even know about.

Movements provoke stretching of ligaments and the formation of air bubbles. When a person bends and straightens his arm, the air comes out with a cracking or clicking sound. This is one of the signs of weak ligaments.

In young people, crunching in the hands may be a sign rheumatoid abnormalities in cartilage tissue or the cause is domestic and sports injuries.

In old age, hands become crunchy and painful due to arthrosis or arthritis. Due to the breakdown of cartilage, the bones that form the joint become exposed over time. They begin to cling to one another when moving, and this is the cause of the crunching sound. The process is accompanied by severe pain and limited mobility.

Causes of cracking joints in teenagers

The young body grows rapidly. And doctors consider crunching during this period to be normal and not dangerous to health. Also at this time, the formation of tissues and organs occurs, which grow at different rates.

That is why the cause of the sound may be increased extensibility or a lag in the rate of growth of tendons and muscles from the growth of bones.

In addition to the above, there are others reasons why bone junctions crunch in teenagers:

  1. weak connective tissue;
  2. cardiac problems;
  3. joint hypermobility.

Therefore, if you hear a crunch in a teenager, you need to contact a cardiologist and check the functioning of the heart.

At this age, development is very active, which often causes discomfort. Children should eat well and avoid excessive exercise. If there is no pain, then there is no need to worry or worry.

Causes of characteristic cracking noise in athletes

This is a problem not only for professional athletes, but for people who do strength training.

Firstly, this may be a consequence of sprain due to active movement. It is necessary to give the joints rest and limit their mobility. After a few days, the body will return to normal, the sound will disappear.

Secondly, cracking can occur due to old injuries that were treated incorrectly or at the wrong time. If a person constantly goes to a sports club and does strength exercises, sports doctors recommend using chondroprotectors.

These drugs help strengthen musculoskeletal system, and also restore the surface of the joint. They are available for sale in pharmacies and departments sports nutrition as food additives.

Reducing the load is necessary when crunching and pain appear. This means that the articular-ligamentous apparatus needs to be given rest for a full recovery.

You can return to training after some time, but you need to significantly reduce the load and exercise less intensely, gradually moving to normal levels.

What does crackling noise mean with HIV?

Patients with HIV infection also often complain of crunching. This is due to the fact that with HIV, bone density decreases, and this has a bad effect on the joint and ligament apparatus.

To improve the condition it is recommended to take calcium And vitamin D3. And, of course, we need light physical activity to strengthen skeletal muscles. It is better to perform therapeutic exercises under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

Articular syndrome is observed in approximately 60% of HIV-infected patients. It should be noted that the doctor can make a prognosis only by establishing the stage of the disease and the degree of damage to the musculoskeletal system. It can be different: or complete disappearance joint symptoms, or the patient will suffer severe destructive arthrosis. In such cases it is prescribed traditional therapy, but they use it taking into account all the risks of HIV infection.

Which doctor should I contact?

Joint problems are treated by doctors such as:

  • rheumatologists;
  • orthopedic doctors;
  • traumatologists.

Deals with inflammatory diseases rheumatologist. With damage or destruction of cartilage and bones, people turn to orthopedists and traumatologists, who mainly treat degenerative, dystrophic and post-traumatic abnormalities.

If you feel discomfort or pain in the joint-ligamentous system, you can come to an appointment with any of these doctors or even a surgeon. After the examination, the doctor will decide which specialist to refer you to.


If you have cracking joints, you must definitely diagnose the cause of this phenomenon in order to avoid health problems in the future. What tests will help make the correct diagnosis?

First of all, the doctor will prescribe you to take general clinical And biochemical blood tests. If biochemistry shows in the blood increased content protein, and the general clinical one is an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), this indicates an inflammatory process in the body.

Procedures such as:

  • computed tomography examination;
  • X-ray examination;
  • ultrasonography.

Treatment of cracking joints

Before you begin to treat the crunch, you need to determine why and what disease caused it. And only after that the doctor will prescribe the correct therapeutic treatment. More often doctors prescribe following:

  • medicines for internal use;
  • lubricate joints with anti-inflammatory ointment or gel;
  • take dietary supplements to strengthen cartilage;
  • fixation of the joint bones in one position;
  • peace;

Complex therapeutic activities also includes physiotherapeutic procedures using:

  • healing mud;
  • massage sessions;
  • baths with salt;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • UHF therapy, etc.

If the doctor determines that the crunching is not associated with a disease, medications may not be used. However, to stop them crunching, strengthening procedures are needed.

Get rid of physiological crunch possible using measures such as:

  • weight loss;
  • compliance healthy eating, including the consumption of vitamins and microelements;
  • wearing comfortable or orthopedic shoes;
  • prevention of correct posture;
  • taking chondroprotectors and other dietary supplements designed to strengthen articular cartilage;
  • during work, perform physical exercises for the joints every two hours;
  • regular exercise with light intensity, the best option- swimming;
  • Follow safety rules when playing sports.

Drug treatment

After all necessary research the doctor will prescribe medications for pain relief and slowing down the destruction process.

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs– gels, ointments, tablets. The following ointments help relieve pain: Indomethacin, Nurofen, Chondroxide, Espol, etc.
  2. Vasodilators to improve blood supply.
  3. Chondroprotectors with glucose and chondroitin, promoting cartilage regeneration.
  4. Medicines containing hyaluronic acid for temporary replacement of synovial fluid.

Taking vitamins and microelements

To strengthen the musculoskeletal system, you need to additionally drink biologically active substances.

That is why people who complain of crunching are advised to take vitamins:

  • A– helps to absorb calcium and phosphorus well, and promotes rapid growth of cartilage;
  • IN– help regulate mineral-salt balance and absorb magnesium;
  • WITH– participates in the process of collagen production, in the absence of which cartilage is destroyed;
  • D3– helps calcium to be absorbed;
  • E– normalizes lipid levels, as a result of which joint mobility increases and also strengthens ligaments;
  • RR– necessary for activating joint mobility.

Just like vitamins, patients should take these minerals, How:

  • calcium– the bone tissue needs to be strong;
  • silicon– to enhance the elasticity of fabrics;
  • manganese– participates in the process of oxygen saturation intervertebral discs and cartilage;
  • sulfur– necessary in cartilage tissue for the metabolic process;
  • selenium– needed for the absorption of sulfur in cartilage.

Also play an important role in strengthening the musculoskeletal system. linoleic And gamma-linoleic fatty acid .

Nutrition for strong ligaments and cartilage

If joints crack, this may be a signal of what a person is missing. nutrients. The patient must bring his diet back to normal, based on the needs of the body:

  • fried, fatty, smoked and salted foods are not allowed;
  • give preference to dairy and fermented milk products: they contain calcium, which is necessary for strong bones and cartilage;
  • meat and fish dishes it is advisable to steam, boil or bake;
  • the menu must contain products that contain gelatin;
  • Herbs, natural spices, vegetables, nuts and fruits are very beneficial for bones, tendons and cartilage.

For people who are overweight, it is very important to follow the norm in food, since every kilogram gained is an additional load on the joints, especially on the legs.

Exercises to strengthen ligaments and joints

One of the effective methods to solve the problem is gymnastics And physical exercises, with the help of which you can strengthen the articular-ligamentous apparatus. The main condition is regularity of classes.

Here set of exercises which is suitable for any person, regardless of level physical training. It won't take you much time to complete them.

  1. Lying on your back and holding the headboard with your hands, raise your legs and touch your shins to your forehead.
  2. From a standing position, bend forward and touch your hands to the floor. Stand up straight. The head should also tilt down and straighten. Repeat several times.
  3. Performed while standing. Rotate your arms in shoulder joint with maximum amplitude and at the same time turn your head to the right and left.
  4. From a standing position, bend down one by one different sides, while your hands should slide along your waist and hips: one hand moves up, the other down. Turn your head first one way or the other according to the movements of your body.
  5. Perform while standing. Raising your arms up, place them behind your back and touch your shoulder blades with your hands crosswise.
  6. Clasp your hands and hold them at chest level. Perform circular movements with your body along the maximum possible trajectory, first in one direction, then in the other.
  7. Perform while standing. Bend your leg at the knee, lift it and pull it towards your stomach. Do the same exercise with the other leg.
  8. Regular squats. But do them in different ways: changing the position of your feet, as well as slowly or quickly.

This gymnastics is for strengthening ligaments and training different groups muscles will be able to support not only them, but also your joints in good condition. Do several sets and as many repetitions of one exercise as possible.

Traditional medicine recipes

People have known about this problem since ancient times and tried to solve it. The use of folk remedies in the treatment of crunching will help you recover faster.

Here are some of the most common folk recipes.

  1. From comfrey root, which promotes tissue restoration in case of bruises and injuries, we make a decoction. It will relieve the inflammatory process in cartilage tissue, restore damage and help bone healing in case of fractures. His antimicrobial effect manifests itself well during wound healing. It is also recommended to make baths, compresses, and lotions from the decoction. To prepare a decoction, add 1 liter of water to 3 tablespoons of comfrey roots and heat. Don't boil! Let it brew for 4 hours.
  2. If you have clicking in your knee, elbow or fingers, hold this part of your body in the evening. bath with soda-salt solution.
  3. Cut 100 grams into small pieces rosehip roots and pour half a liter of vodka, let it brew for 3 weeks. You need to drink the tincture 3 times a day, 25 drops. You can also rub it into the sore spot.
  4. Shredded Birch buds mix with melted butter in a 1:1 ratio. Simmer over low heat for 12 hours. Add powdered camphor to this mixture and stir well. Rub the ointment onto the sore areas several times a day.
  5. Take 2-3 fir cones and pour half a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 10-12 hours. Drink 1 glass daily.
  6. Compresses from grated radish: Apply them to the affected area at night.
  7. Take 1 tablespoon birch buds and half a liter of vodka. Leave to infuse in a dark place for 2 months. Take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.
  8. Pour half a liter milk 200 grams bran and let it brew. Wait until the bran swells and use the finished mixture as a compress. Place it on the sore spot and leave for 1 hour.
  9. Pour a liter of vodka into 200 grams bee death and let it sit for a month. Strain before use. Usage: Apply a layer of animal fat to the sore spot, and then place a piece of linen cloth soaked in this tincture on top. Wrap the compress in a woolen cloth and hold for two hours.

There is still a lot in folk medicine healthy recipes, but they should be used only after a diagnosis has been established and a conversation with a doctor.

There are contraindications, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

If you hear cracking joints all over your body, consult a doctor immediately. Only after finding out the cause of this crunch can you take action and begin to receive full treatment.

Crunching in joints is a specific sound that often occurs during active movements. It may appear in the hip, knee, fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder, spine or jaw. Most people ignore it until the cracking noise gets worse and starts to bother them.

Doctors are still arguing about what is the real cause of this sound, and how such a phenomenon can threaten human health. So for what reason do joints crack, is this process dangerous for the body, and how to get rid of it?

Is there cause for concern?

From time to time, every part of the human body can crunch. If there is a crunch in the joints without pain, swelling and redness, then there is no need to worry. This sound may be accompanied by physiological processes, which are not at all dangerous to health.

Known following reasons crunching in joints without pain:

  • weak ligaments;
  • formation of gas bubbles inside the joint;
  • high protein content in intra-articular fluid;
  • intense physical activity.

The result of a sprained ligament may be increased physical activity. In medicine, this is called hypermobility. If the ligaments are weak, active movements are inevitably accompanied by clicks.

Stretching the joint capsule helps reduce the pressure inside it. As a result, bubbles appear in the synovial fluid. When they burst, there is a pronounced crunching sound. Read more about synovial fluid in our article “Synovial fluid or fluid between joints: restoration, replacement and treatment of inflammation”

Some people produce a special type of collagen that increases the extensibility of the ligamentous apparatus and the appearance of cracking. This condition is caused by genetic factors, so it cannot be corrected. It is only important to avoid overloading and spraining the ligaments.

During high physical activity, joint fluid is quickly consumed, and new fluid does not have time to form. Therefore, clicks appear, which subsequently disappear.

Specific treatment for cracking joints without pain is usually not required. You just need to take measures to strengthen the articular-ligamentous apparatus.

Causes of pathological crackling

But sometimes crunching and clicking sounds are symptoms of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Let's look at what diseases this happens.

Pathological causes of crunching in joints:

  • Dystrophic, degenerative changes.
  • Inflammation.
  • Salt deposits.

About the problem of salt deposition in joints in our article “Salt deposition in joints (osteophytes): causes, symptoms and treatment”

A specific crack is often caused by a violation of the conformity of the shapes of the articular surfaces in arthrosis. The disease causes gradual destruction of cartilage, lack of lubrication, and exposure of the bone surface. The result is a constant crunching and painful symptoms, especially when walking.

Inflammatory diseases (arthritis) are also accompanied by cracking. Others are also added to it pathological manifestations(pain, swelling, redness of the skin).

Cracking may appear due to metabolic disorders, which are characterized by salt deposition.

The age of the patients is of great importance: the older they are, the more wear and tear the musculoskeletal system wears out. As a result, a specific sound appears.

Associated symptoms of pathological clicking

Pathological joint cracking is most often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • progressive nature of the phenomenon;
  • absence of refractory period;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • pain.

The most common reason– this is arthrosis. The disease develops gradually and can lead to complications. Arthrosis is accompanied by thinning of the cartilage tissue, which prevents the sliding of the articular surfaces of the bones and causes pain.

Symptoms of arthrosis are expressed as follows:

  • internal pain;
  • pronounced crackling;
  • restriction of movements in the morning.

With inflammation (arthritis), crunching in the joints is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • stiffness of movements;
  • strong pain;
  • skin redness;
  • swelling.

Why does the spine crunch?

For most people, a crunch in the joints of the spine occurs during movements that stimulate its mobility and stretching of the sections. A cracking sound in the spine may be observed when performing certain techniques manual therapy. The specialist puts the vertebrae in place, and this process provokes a click.

If strong crunch is accompanied by pain or the spine crunches very often, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Which doctors are involved in the treatment of joints or the spine, which one to contact first, in the article “Doctors involved in the treatment of joints”

Let's figure out why the joints of the spine crunch, and what diseases may be hidden behind it:

  • hernia or protrusion (displacement) of the intervertebral disc;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • condition after surgery;
  • scoliosis;
  • various damages.

Another cause of clicking in the spine is the deposition of salts (calcifications) on the surface of the vertebrae. The cause is a metabolic disorder caused by poor diet or family history.

Why do my arm joints click?

If there is a crunch in the joints of the hands, then there may be microscopic damage that you may not even know about.

During movements, vibrations occur, causing stretching of the ligaments and the formation of air bubbles. When bending and straightening your arms, air is squeezed out with a specific crack or click. This may indicate weakness of the ligamentous apparatus.

At a young age, crunching in the joints of the hands sometimes indicates rheumatoid changes in cartilage tissue, household or sports injuries.

In older people, hands often become crunchy and painful due to deforming arthrosis or arthritis. Due to the destruction of cartilage, the surface of the bones that form the joint will become exposed over time. They catch each other when moving, so they make a characteristic sound. This is accompanied by severe pain and limited mobility.

Causes of crunching in adolescence

Typically, crunching in all joints at a young age occurs as a result active growth body. This phenomenon is considered normal and does not pose any health hazard. During this period, tissues and organs form and grow with at different speeds. The causes of cracking in the joints at a young age are often associated with increased extensibility or delayed growth of tendons and muscle tissue from bone growth.

There are other reasons why bone joints crunch in adolescence:

  1. Weakness of connective tissue.
  2. Heart diseases.
  3. Hypermobility of joints.

Therefore, if you notice a crunch in the joints in teenagers, you need to check the functioning of the heart and undergo an examination by a cardiologist.

In the younger generation, development is very active, so they often arise discomfort. At this age, you should eat right and avoid increased physical activity. And, if there is a crunch in the joints without pain in a teenager, then there is no need to worry or worry.

Causes of characteristic cracking noise in athletes

This problem worries many people today, especially those who deal professional sports and goes to strength training.

If there is a crunch in the joints while playing sports, this may indicate a sprain caused by active movements. Therefore, it is necessary to limit your mobility and rest for a while. After a few days, the condition will normalize and this sound will disappear.

Crackling in athletes can occur as a result of old injuries, untimely and improper treatment. For people who regularly go to the gym and do strength training, sports doctors recommend using chondroprotectors. This special drugs which help strengthen the musculoskeletal system. Chondroprotectors help to completely restore the articular surface. Such drugs are sold in pharmacies and sports nutrition stores as nutritional supplements.

If crunching and pain appear, you need to immediately reduce the load. The joint-ligamentous apparatus requires temporary rest so that it can fully recover. After some time, you can return to training, but significantly reducing the load and intensity. And then gradually move on to normal indicators.

What does crackling in HIV indicate?

Patients often complain of crunching in all joints during HIV infection. The fact is that HIV reduces bone density, which negatively affects the joint and ligament apparatus. To improve the condition, calcium supplements and vitamin D3 are recommended. Moderate exercise is also necessary to strengthen the muscles to support bones. It is advisable to start with physical therapy under the guidance of a competent instructor.

Read about vitamins for joints: Scientists have named the best vitamins and minerals for arthritis and What vitamins to take for arthrosis of the joints?

Joint syndromes are observed in approximately 60% of patients with HIV infection. The prognosis depends directly on the stage of the disease and the degree of damage to the musculoskeletal system. It can be very different, ranging from the complete disappearance of articular manifestations to severe destructive arthrosis. In these cases, traditional therapy is indicated, but taking into account all the risks associated with HIV infection.

Which doctor should I contact?

Joint problems are solved by doctors of several specialties:

  • rheumatologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • traumatologist.

A rheumatologist specializes in inflammatory diseases. An orthopedic traumatologist deals primarily with degenerative, dystrophic and post-traumatic changes: damage and destruction of cartilage or bones.

You can contact any of these specialists or just a surgeon. If the treatment of an existing pathology is not within their competence, then they will refer the patient to a specialized consultation.

It is described more fully in the article: Which doctor should I consult for joint pain?


Very often, cracking joints indicate the presence of certain problems. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis to avoid further complications. What tests should I take to check for cracking joints?

Usually the doctor prescribes a general and biochemical blood test. Biochemical analysis may show an increased protein content in the blood, and a general increase in ESR, which indicates the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

The following diagnostic procedures, which allow you to detect changes in joints and adjacent tissues:

  • CT scan;
  • radiography;
Diagnostic type What determines Information level
Radiography Makes it possible to detect only bone changes, while muscle tissue lesions remain unclear Short
CT More modern method, which detects pathological processes in bone tissue Low
MRI Shows complete information about the condition of the patient’s articular-ligamentous apparatus. Allows you to obtain information about changes in bone tissue and pathological processes in muscles and ligaments High

There’s a lot about X-rays, MRIs, ultrasounds and CT scans. useful articles in the section Diagnostics of joints, and we also recommend reading read:

Treatment of cracking joints

Before treating a specific cracking sound, you need to know what disease caused it. Based on this, the doctor determines how to treat the pathology and prescribes appropriate therapy.

Typically, treatment for cracking joints includes:

  • medications for oral administration;
  • anti-inflammatory ointments;
  • dietary supplements to strengthen cartilage;
  • immobilization of the bone joint;
  • bed rest;
  • therapeutic exercises.

Complex therapy also includes physiotherapy:

  • mud treatment;
  • massotherapy;
  • salt baths;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • UHF, etc.

If the causes of cracking joints throughout the body are not associated with pathology, then there is no need to use drug therapy. But to get rid of this sound, you need to undergo strengthening procedures.

Treatment of physiological crunching of joints throughout the body includes the following measures:

  • get rid of excess weight;
  • observe proper nutrition, which includes vitamins and microelements;
  • wear comfortable or orthopedic shoes;
  • maintain posture;
  • take chondroprotectors and other supplements to strengthen cartilage in joints throughout the body;
  • at work, do a short warm-up for your joints every 2 hours;
  • carry out systematically physical exercise With moderate load, swimming is considered the best option;
  • adhere to safety rules when playing sports.

Drug treatment

After appropriate research, the doctor prescribes drugs for joint crunching, which relieve pain and slow down the destruction process.

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs - gel, ointment or tablets. The following anti-inflammatory ointments help reduce pain: Indomethacin, Nurofen, Chondroxide, Espol, etc.
  2. Vasodilators to improve blood flow.
  3. Chondroprotectors (contain glucose and chondroitin) help restore cartilage.
  4. Drugs hyaluronic acid as a temporary substitute for synovial fluid.

You will learn a lot about anti-inflammatory drugs from the articles:

  • All about non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, NSAIDs)
  • Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of joints
  • Steroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. What is it and how are they different?
  • Results of clinical studies of the use of hyaluronic acid for arthrosis of the knee joint

Taking vitamins and microelements

To strengthen the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to additionally take biologically active substances.

Therefore, many patients are prescribed minerals and vitamins for cracking joints:

  • vitamin A – needed for good absorption of calcium, phosphorus, and rapid growth cartilage;
  • B vitamins – regulate mineral and salt metabolism, promote the absorption of magnesium;
  • vitamin C – necessary for the process of collagen production, without which cartilage begins to deteriorate;
  • vitamin D3 – promotes the absorption of calcium in the body;
  • vitamin E – increases joint mobility by normalizing lipid levels in cells, helps strengthen ligaments;
  • Vitamin PP – stimulates the mobility of the joint apparatus.

In addition to vitamins, patients are advised to take minerals:

  • calcium – ensures the strength of bone tissue;
  • silicon – increases tissue elasticity;
  • manganese – saturates with oxygen intervertebral discs and cartilage;
  • sulfur is the main element that participates in metabolic processes cartilage tissue;
  • selenium – helps sulfur to be absorbed in cartilage.

Two fatty acids – linoleic and gamma-linoleic – are of great importance for strengthening the musculoskeletal system.

Products for strong ligaments and cartilage

Based on the needs of the body, it is necessary to normalize nutrition when there is crunching in the joints:

  • exclude fried, fatty, smoked and salty foods;
  • the menu should be based on dairy and fermented milk products. These include calcium, which helps strengthen bones and cartilage;
  • It is advisable to bake, boil or steam meat and fish;
  • You need to include foods containing gelatin in your diet;
  • the following have a beneficial effect on the condition of bones, tendons and cartilage: herbs, natural spices, vegetables, nuts and fruits.

Patients with overweight it is important not to overeat, because everyone extra kilos gives additional stress to the joints, especially the lower limbs.

Exercises to strengthen ligaments and joints

One of effective ways getting rid of the problem is gymnastics and physical exercises that help strengthen the joint-ligamentous system. The basic rule of any gymnastics is its systematic implementation.

Below is a set of exercises that are specifically designed for strengthening. It is suitable for every person, regardless of preparation. This simple complex does not require much time.

  1. While lying down, hold the headboard of the bed with your hands and lift your legs so that your shins touch your forehead.
  2. While standing, bend forward, touching your palms to the floor. Then go back. Lower and raise your head too, in accordance with the inclinations. Repeat the exercise several times.
  3. While standing, rotate your arms at the shoulder joint with maximum amplitude. At the same time, turn your head alternately to the right and left.
  4. While standing, bend alternately in one direction and the other, sliding your hands along your waist and hips. When one palm moves down, the other goes up. The head must be turned in different directions in accordance with the movements of the torso.
  5. The exercise is performed standing. Raise your hands up and behind your back. Touch each hand to the opposite shoulder blade.
  6. Clasp your hands, keeping them at chest level. Make circular movements with your body along the maximum trajectory in one direction and the other.
  7. While standing, lift your bent leg and pull it as far as possible towards your stomach. Repeat the same with the other leg.
  8. Do classic squats. They can be done in various options– change the position of the feet, slow down or speed up the pace.

Gymnastics against crunching joints strengthens ligaments and trains well separate groups muscles. Recommended to do maximum amount repetitions of one combination and perform several approaches.

Traditional medicine recipes

Folk knowledge accumulated over centuries also helps eliminate this problem. Treatment of cracking joints with folk remedies promotes a speedy recovery.

Below are the most common folk recipes.

  1. Comfrey root accelerates tissue regeneration and is often used for injuries and bruises. A decoction of comfrey roots relieves inflammation in cartilage tissue, restores damage and promotes healing of bone fractures. It has an antimicrobial effect and heals wounds well. Baths, compresses, and lotions are made from comfrey decoction. To prepare the decoction you need to take 3 tbsp. spoons of roots, pour 1 liter of water and heat without bringing to a boil. Then let it brew for 4 hours.
  2. If you have clicking in your knee, elbow or fingers, you can soak the affected area in a bath of baking soda and salt before going to bed.
  3. Finely chop 100 g of rosehip roots, pour in 500 ml of vodka. Let it brew for 3 weeks. You need to take this tincture 25 drops three times a day. You can also rub it on sore spots.
  4. Grind birch buds, mix them with melted butter in a 1:1 ratio. Simmer over low heat for 12 hours. Add camphor powder to the prepared mixture and stir well. Rub the ointment onto the affected areas several times a day.
  5. Tincture of fir cones: take 2-3 cones, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 10-12 hours. Drink 1 glass every day.
  6. Compresses made from grated radish are helpful and should be applied to sore spots at night.
  7. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of birch buds with 500 ml of vodka. Place in a dark place to infuse for 2 months. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon twice a day.
  8. Pour 200 g of bran into 0.5 liters of milk and leave. After the bran has swollen, the product can be used as a compress. Apply the compress to the sore area and do not remove for an hour.
  9. Pour 200 g of dead bees into 1 liter of vodka and leave for a month. Strain before use. First, apply a layer of animal fat to the affected area, and then soak a piece of linen cloth with this tincture and place it on top. Wrap the compress in a woolen cloth and keep for 2 hours.

More detailed review means and methods of traditional medicine in the treatment of joints in the article “Treatment of joints with folk remedies”

Traditional medicine offers a lot useful means, but you need to use them only after setting accurate diagnosis and the approval of the attending physician.

Crunching in bones and joints is a phenomenon familiar to everyone. If the joints crunch relatively rarely, and no pain occurs, there is no particular reason for concern: perhaps the sounds arise as a result of purely physical processes in the joint cavities. But if the crunch is accompanied by pain, it is worth undergoing a full clinical examination: Degenerative pathologies or damage caused by trauma cannot be excluded.

Crunching in the bones of the joints - general information

Crunching in the back and limbs varies. Sometimes it even brings relief when, after sitting at the computer for a long time, we stretch our spine and legs. In some cases, it indicates the presence of osteochondrosis, arthrosis and inflammatory diseases joints.

The main sign of abnormal crunching in the joints is the presence of pain accompanying crunching and clicking sounds. Some people ignore these manifestations, attributing crunching bones to age or excessive loads: this is a fundamentally wrong line of behavior - destructive processes in the bones develop, although slowly, but inexorably and always lead to problems with movement and other things unpleasant symptoms.

Standard options

Motor activity leads to physiological stretching of the joints and a slight increase in the joint cavity. The pressure in it drops, which leads to the formation of gas bubbles. These bubbles burst, which causes crunching sounds in the limbs.

The nature of the diet predisposes to crunching - if a person consumes a lot of protein, proteins are also contained in increased quantities in the joint fluid, which increases the likelihood of the formation of gas bubbles.

In people with overweight And increased amount adipose tissue in the body, crunching sounds and clicks often occur when lipid deposits overlap with muscles. The sound is mistakenly interpreted as crunching bones, although bone tissue has no relation. Clicking can also occur in ligaments and tendons.

Read also: What causes cracking joints?

Crunching in the bones also occurs when sedentary life. Physical inactivity leads to stagnation in the joints - blood circulation and metabolism deteriorate in them. Office work, passive rest in front of the TV instead of walking or working out in the gym - all this leads to the development of degenerative processes in the joints.

Features and associated symptoms

Most often they crunch knee joints, ankle, less often hip. Pathologies can also develop in the elbow and shoulder joints, leading to regular crunching when moving. The risk of degenerative and dystrophic processes increases in people after 40-45 years of age, athletes, and people engaged in physical labor.

With arthrosis, crunching is almost always accompanied by pain, sometimes unbearable. With arthritis, pain symptoms are accompanied by inflammatory ones - the skin around the joint turns red, and the joint itself swells and becomes painful. With gout, any touch to the affected joint causes intense pain.


If you experience regular bone crunching, visit an orthopedist or traumatologist. He will conduct an examination, find out the symptoms in detail and prescribe diagnostic studies. The most indicative procedures:

  • Radiography;
  • Puncture of the joint capsule and collection of synovial fluid for laboratory analysis;
  • General blood analysis.

Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the examination result.


The therapeutic effect for joint diseases is complex. First you need to dock pain symptoms, establish good nutrition joints, relieve inflammation. For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, vitamin preparations, ointments for external use. IN serious cases more is required aggressive treatment– the joint is blocked with corticosteroid drugs.

Arthrosis, arthritis and inflammation are treated using a similar protocol. At the first stage they carry out symptomatic therapy, then begin to eliminate the causes of the disease. To restore normal activity of the limbs, massage, reflexology, different kinds physiotherapy. Electrophoresis, ultraviolet and laser exposure are carried out, and applications of paraffin or therapeutic mud are applied.