Sleep mode: methods of recovery and optimal options for wakefulness. Sleeping and waking patterns of a newborn

Once having slept longer than expected, many people begin to suffer from insomnia in the evenings. It's nice to sleep a little early in the morning on a weekend, and then sit a little longer in the company of friends or watching your favorite movie, however, such an innocent rest is fraught with big disruptions in your sleep pattern. Now in the evenings you lie in vain with your eyes closed until the clock strikes three in the morning, and in the mornings you cannot collect your thoughts in a heap and get unstuck from the bed. It is quite possible to fix such a failure, however, you will have to make some efforts. Try some of the tips from this article for yourself and evaluate the result for yourself.

How to restore sleep patterns - do not focus on your problem

If attempts to fall asleep fail over and over again, then there is no point in lying on the bed in an annoyed state. “There is no need to repeat the same action and expect a different result” is a phrase that best describes your situation. Get out of bed, pick up a book, or turn on a boring movie, and do your work reports. You have a great chance to do things that you put off until later. So you will die faster, and you will plunge into a long-awaited dream.

How to restore sleep patterns - get up early, even if you fell asleep late

This is one of the best rules for creating a routine: get used to getting up early, even if you fell asleep at three or four in the morning. It will be difficult for a few days, but within a week you will be completely adjusted and will begin to fall asleep very early.
Make any attempts to wake up: set several alarm clocks, let an active cat into the room, turn on the timer on the TV so that it starts working in the morning, ask a friend to call you. The main thing is to get on your feet and not lie down again until the evening, until you feel sleepy.

How to restore sleep patterns - create all the conditions for a comfortable sleep

Often you can be awakened at night by various sounds or inconveniences. By solving the problems that cause you to wake up in the middle of the night, you will guarantee yourself a sound sleep and no bags under your eyes in the morning.

  • Make sure that your bed is quite comfortable, that parts of the frame do not protrude and that your legs do not fall out.
  • Pay the same check on bedding, maybe you are constantly tickled by feathers from a pillow.
  • Leave your pets in another room, otherwise they may wake you up too early, or try to do this all night.
  • Check your plumbing and electronics to make sure nothing makes noise at night.
  • Put your phone on silent if people text you at night.

It wouldn’t hurt to create a pleasant atmosphere: put incense that you like, turn on music for a while. In such conditions it is pleasant to fall asleep and wake up, and your routine will improve much faster.

How to restore sleep patterns - give up late dinner

This applies not only to food, but also to drinks. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime and should not contain meat, fatty foods, legumes, nuts, fast carbohydrates and sweets. It is better to stop drinking coffee after noon altogether. Consider herbal soothing teas and clean water. Do not drink them an hour before bedtime.
Create conditions so that your stomach is empty before bed and you feel light.

Don't shift your sleep schedule too dramatically

If you always fell asleep at three in the morning, but suddenly decided to go to bed at ten, then this will become stressful not only for you, but also for your body. If you shift the time too much, you will no longer be able to do the things you did before. It's better to move your bedtime by an hour, then, when you get used to it, by another hour. Gradually, you will reach the desired time.

As you can see, the main thing is the quality of your sleep. You can regulate your regime yourself, you just have to take it seriously and change your habits. This is not a temporary measure; you will have to change your lifestyle if you want long-lasting results.


Create a daily routine. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. If you go to bed late and get up after lunch, start gradually adjusting this. Go to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual every day, shifting your usual routine. This is the best option, as you will not experience severe discomfort.

Contact a psychiatrist if you suffer from insomnia that does not respond to treatment. It is possible that you will be prescribed, which are released only by a doctor. Do not take strong medications on your own, you may only make things worse. Stick to general recommendations, then the mode sleep normalizes. Of course, you will also need to contribute to this.

Even in families where mode The day is observed quite strictly by everyone; deviations do occur. Moreover, such deviations are necessary for both adults and children. Sometimes you need to take a break from the once and for all established order. Most often about mode e days are forgotten on long holidays or in the summer, when you don’t want to think about what time you need to have dinner or go to bed, because there are too many interesting things around. But the holidays or vacation are over, and you need to return to your usual measured lifestyle. And first of all, it is necessary to retrain mode at baby.


If the rhythm of life got lost during the holidays, nothing bad happened. The child himself will be happy to return to his usual activities. Restore mode after the holidays, you can use the same methods that you once taught your little fidget to a certain order. A positive attitude is needed both on his part and on yours. Tell him that you are returning to kindergarten or to where old friends and new toys and activities await him. His friends miss him, they have been to many places and will definitely talk about their summer adventures. Discuss with your child what he can tell the teacher and others.

Restore mode sleep and wakefulness. In the summer you could sleep longer in the morning, but now you have to get up early again. But at the same time you need to get enough sleep, so you will also have to go to bed early. Start with a lift. The day before, outline a plan for the next day and explain why you need to get up early. Plans may include visits to the doctor and nursery, an interesting walk to familiar places, or a trip to where the child has long wanted. What is planned must be done.

Try to make the day interesting and eventful. If there are a lot of impressions, in the evening you won’t even have to try very hard to get your child to go to bed. Don't be discouraged if you don't manage to restore your usual bedtime routine on the first night. You will do it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. But it is still necessary to explain to the child why he needs to get up tomorrow.

The next day or every other day, remind your child what he needs before going to bed. At the dacha or it was not always possible to follow a certain order (although hygiene procedures must, of course, be followed). Choose the most interesting book to read before bed. Usually children are happy to return to the usual rhythm of life, and they need very little help.

If you have a few more days before returning to or before the start of school, give your child the opportunity to remember what time to go for a walk and what time to devote to quiet games, drawing or. If he himself is not very good at it, offer a lesson of his choice at a certain time. There is no need to duplicate school lessons, just give your child the opportunity to alternate quiet activities with outdoor games. With a timely change of activities, he will be less tired.


Return the child to the usual rhythm of life so that he does not notice it.

Make it clear that adults are also returning to their normal lifestyle. This will greatly facilitate the process, since preschoolers and even younger students copy their parents in many ways.

Helpful advice

You should not restore your routine on the last day before school. Start this early, at least a week in advance.

Mode sleep can be violated during an irregular working day, when there is no need to go to bed at the same time. Sometimes the culprits of insomnia are also diseases, for example, hormonal or nervous disorders. Restore normal mode sleep and wakefulness is possible, however, this will take a certain period of time.

To maintain a good mood during the day, you need to take time to rest, but also know how to restore sleep patterns. After all, it influences human activity. The duration for each is different, since the individual characteristics of the organism make their own adjustments. But if you have any diseases, you can fix it using simple methods.

Features of the regime and reasons for its violation

Sleep and wakefulness is a set interval of time from getting up to getting ready for rest.

Important! Regardless of the days of the week, a person needs a certain amount of time to have a quality rest. You can restore your sleep patterns using simple methods.

If you stick to the established routine, then it is quite possible to feel vivacity for a long period. This is the main feature of the mode. However, it is not always possible to stick to it. The main reasons explaining the disrupted sleep pattern have been identified:

  • irregular days, allowing night work;
  • long business trips, time zone discrepancies;
  • serious health problems;
  • hormones are disrupted;
  • nervous tension developing into depression;
  • restructuring of the body associated with age-related characteristics of the human body.

Such situations are not uncommon, because many people manage to break the routine. This is why you need to know how to solve the problem if your sleep pattern is out of whack.

You need to sleep at least 8 hours at night. However, this value is relative, since not all people fulfill this condition. The duration of night sleep depends on certain restrictions: age limit, presence of health problems, fatigue due to physical activity.

In an adult

Age has a significant impact on the duration of rest. An adult needs to spend 8-9 hours sleeping. But this is not a limitation, so people have the right to independently set the required time interval. The body knows for certain how much it needs to restore energy.

Therefore, an adult must listen to internal feelings and set a schedule in accordance with their living environment and work activity. If possible, it is recommended to make lifestyle adjustments.

In a teenager

Scientists have determined that in adolescence you should sleep no more than 10 hours. During this period, the brain system will be able to recover. If children sleep less than they should, then after a while apathy, aggressiveness, and absent-mindedness will appear. As a result, concentration and productivity are reduced by 30%.

The child has

A child’s sleep patterns develop as they grow older: a newborn sleeps longer than a 5-year-old. A one-year-old baby needs 13, children from 3 to 5 years old - at least 11, but up to 4th grade - 10 hours is enough.

The state of people's health and their cheerful mood for the day are affected by the night they spend. If there are any signs of a broken rhythm, then you can normalize sleep using certain recommendations:

  • it is worth determining the best period for rest;
  • preparation for falling asleep should be carried out within a specified period;
  • maintain the recommended air humidity and temperature in the apartment;
  • stop eating if it's too late.

It is advisable to normalize the daily routine, because this can become the starting point in the development of the disease. The most damage is done to the central nervous system, brain, stomach and vision.

For working citizens, there is an established regime, which includes a certain algorithm of actions.

ActionsTime interval
Making the bed7:00-7:10
Road to work8:00-8:30
Performing duties (at work)13:30-18:00
Walk home18:00-18:30
Free time19:30-21:30
Preparing to fall asleep21:30-22:00

The regime for a working person may differ slightly from the table values. And all because of working conditions: shifts, harmful activities.

To stay awake the next morning, you need to establish a daily routine. It may have insignificant differences, since the age, time of classes and well-being of the child differ.

Regime momentsAge group (grade)
7-10 years
(1-4 grade)
11-13 years old
(5-7 grade)
Climb7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00
Exercising, washing, dressing, making the bed7:00-7:30 7:00-7:30 7:00-7:30 7:00-7:30
Breakfast7:30-7:50 7:30-7:50 7:30-7:50 7:30-7:50
The road to the educational institution7:50-8:20 7:50-8:20 7:50-8:20 7:50-8:20
Time allotted for classes8:30-12:30 8:30-13:30 8:30-14:00 8:30-14:30
Homecoming12:30-13:00 13:30-14:00 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:00
Dinner13:00-13:30 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:00 15:00-15:30
Rest13:30-14:30 - - -
Walks in the open air14:30-16:30 14:30-16:30 15:00-17:00 15:30-17:00
Do homework16:30-17:30 16:30-18:30 17:00-19:30 17:00-20:00
An evening walk17:30-19:00 18:30-19:30 19:30-20:30 20:00-21:00
Dinner, rest19:00-20:00 19:30-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-21:30
Preparation for sleep20:00-20:30 20:30-21:00 21:00-22:00 21:30-22:00
Dream20:30-7:00 21:00-7:00 22:00-7:00 22:00-7:00

Normalizing sleep will affect academic performance in all disciplines. In addition, this will allow you to quickly adapt to a new routine, because time for classes, rest and entertainment is rationally distributed.

Methods for gradually restoring sleep patterns

Getting better sleep is not that difficult, the main thing is to follow the basic recommendations:

  • It is necessary to designate a daily schedule and adhere to the set time designated for performing specific actions.
  • Nutrition requires some adjustments: you should give up spicy, salty, fatty and fried foods. It is also not recommended to drink alcohol.
  • Physical activity can improve sleep.
  • Use the rules for preparing a bed.
  • Do not bring the body to stress.
  • It is allowed to take sedatives, but first consult with your doctor.

If you follow these simple rules, you can see results in 3 weeks. Only if desired, it becomes possible to return the downed mode to normal.

Habits of falling asleep and waking up

To restore your routine, you should get up early in the morning, regardless of the amount of sleep you got at night. At first it’s hard to get used to this, but over time you’ll be able to improve the situation.

To achieve what you want, all means are good: alarm clock, loud sounds, pets. The main goal is to fall asleep no earlier than in the evening.

The best intervals have already been determined. Their knowledge and observance is necessary, because this can prevent the development of dangerous diseases.

Time intervalThe value of sleep
7-8 (pm)7 o'clock
8-9 (pm)6 hours
9-10 (pm)5 o'clock
10-11 (pm)4 hours
11-12 (midnight)3 hours
12-1 (nights)2 hours
1-2 (nights)1 hour
2-3 (nights)30 minutes
3-4 (nights)15 minutes
4-5 (am)7 minutes
5-6 (am)1 minute

To eliminate the occurrence of health problems, it is recommended to get 7-12 hours of sleep. It’s just not necessary to stay for such a long time; it’s enough to know about the value of rest at any time period.

If you observe related problems during rest, you should seek help from a specialist. In addition, there is more than one method of self-recovery. If the reason does not lie in a mental disorder, then following simple rules is enough for the condition to normalize.

Physical exercise

With moderate physical activity every day, the main symptom - constant drowsiness - can disappear. However, classes are not designed for late hours. When choosing the most effective exercise, you should choose yoga.

If you do not engage in physical labor at all, your metabolism will decrease and melatonin will be produced in smaller quantities. This influences the violation of the regime. After all, the body is awake and rests at a certain time.

Proper nutrition

A sleepy person should not eat a lot of fatty foods as this will negatively affect the quality of sleep. For such a case, there are many tips for normalizing rest:

  1. You should not eat fatty foods before going to bed.
  2. The best food can be considered vegetables, lean meat, and dairy products.
  3. It is recommended to eat cherries or sweet cherries at night, as this speeds up the production of melatonin.
  4. A good option for drinks is warm milk with honey.
  5. After lunch, it is forbidden to drink coffee, as it may interfere with falling asleep.

Important! Overeating will not lead to anything good. This will only strain your stomach, leading to a poor night's rest.

Simple rules will help normalize your daily routine, and thereby avoid unwanted consequences. A favorable result is observed after 14 days.

The modern adult is interested not just in sleep patterns, but in effective sleep patterns. Unfortunately, many people think - how to reduce sleep time in order to get an increase in wakefulness? And in fact, if you reduce sleep every day by just 1 hour, you will have as many as 23 more days in the year. A very tempting offer - which is why sleep is the most common creditor of time.

The negative effect of accumulated sleep deficit is quite comparable to the harmful scourges of the modern lifestyle: smoking, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet. Sleep deficiency causes metabolic changes similar to the effects of aging. That is why it is important to know what sleep pattern is correct and whether you actually have the correct sleep pattern.

The vast majority of studies conducted in specially created sleep centers have found that a person needs to sleep 8 hours a day. Plus/minus 1 hour, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. Under normal conditions, a person goes through 5 full cycles during sleep, each lasting 90-100 minutes: if 100 minutes are multiplied by 5 cycles and divided by 60 minutes, the optimal sleep time is about 8 hours.

What time do you need to go to bed to get enough sleep? The optimal time for sleep is the period of the day from 11 pm to 7 am. This routine was developed by nature itself:

  • at 22:00 the human body begins to prepare for rest;
  • from 23-00 to 1-00 the metabolic process in the body slows down, body temperature decreases, and pulse rate increases;
  • from 2 to 3 am the body does not produce hormones, all chemical reactions are slowed down;
  • at 4 am a new circadian rhythm begins. The stress hormone cortisol is released into the blood, which triggers awakening processes;
  • from 5 to 6 am the body awakens, metabolism accelerates, the level of sugars and amino acids increases;
  • 7 am is the ideal time to wake up - the body craves physical activity, the digestive system functions perfectly.

Of course, exceptions to this regime are possible. Until now, in villages you can find such an established way of life, when people go to bed early, around 20-00 - 21-00, and get up at 5 in the morning “with the roosters” to feed the cattle and perform other necessary work. And with this daily routine they feel great. This is a healthier sleep and rest regime, formed by biological rhythms, than violence against the body when a person goes to bed at 2-3 am and gets up at 10-11 am.

Non-standard mode: biphasic sleep

Another type of sleep that has formed at the biological level is a biphasic sleep-wake pattern. Since in the Middle Ages and earlier people spent up to 14 hours a day in the dark, especially in winter, the body developed the so-called biphasic sleep as a protective reaction. Many people still have a subconscious craving for biphasic sleep. These are people who, immediately after finishing the working day, regardless of whether they were engaged in physical or mental labor, feel irresistible drowsiness and go home, where they sleep for 3-4 hours. After that, they wake up and stay awake for about the same amount of time, doing housework, spending time reading, using the computer, and watching TV. And then they fall asleep again and sleep for the remaining required amount of time.

The remnants of biphasic sleep, which has developed over centuries, can be traced through Christian worship. In which, after the evening service, there was always a pause for rest and then at midnight a special night service, the Midnight Office, was read. This order of service is still observed in monasteries.

It should be noted that after the first part of sleep, people wake up immediately after REM sleep, when memory and attention are cleared, active and functional.

Routine that includes naps

In many cultures, napping is a major focus of a healthy sleep routine at the national level. Pros of napping:

  • improving memory and other cognitive functions;
  • daytime sleep helps to transfer accumulated information from short-term memory to long-term memory;
  • daytime respite stimulates creativity and increases learning ability;
  • helps to resist stress;
  • improves mood.

How to restore sleep patterns

Normal, full sleep is one of the components of a healthy lifestyle for a person. Disruption of sleep patterns, even for a short time, is fraught with nervous pathologies and exacerbation of chronic diseases. The consequences of a disturbed sleep pattern are headaches, irritability, fatigue, drowsiness, deterioration of memory and concentration. How to restore sleep patterns and return to normal life.

If, for some reason, the daily routine has gone wrong, falling asleep has become more difficult, normalization of sleep is required. Usually in such a situation, in order to normalize sleep, it is necessary to gradually shift sleep time to normal. You need to go to bed each time 30 minutes closer to your desired time of falling asleep. If you can’t sleep, you can use some means to normalize sleep. You can also force yourself to fall asleep if your sleep is disrupted due to jet lag.

How to normalize sleep if it is disturbed as a result of some temporary important night work or session. How to force yourself to go to bed with a broken routine? Improving sleep needs to be rebuilt gradually. You can introduce a special ritual for sleep that will help you get into a routine, you can use psychopractices that will help you rearrange your irregular schedule. Aromatherapy, the sounds of a babbling stream, and soft soothing music will help you start getting enough sleep. All these recommendations are effective only in the absence of diseases leading to insomnia.

List of used literature:

  • Zepelin H. Normal age related changes in sleep // Sleep Disorders: Basic and Clinical Research / ed. by M. Chase, E. D. Weitzman. - New York: SP Medical, 1983. - P. 431-434.
  • Morrissey M., Duntley S., Anch A., Nonneman R. Active sleep and its role in the prevention of apoptosis in the developing brain. // Med Hypotheses: journal. - 2004. - Vol. 62, no. 6. - P. 876-9. - PMID 15142640.
  • Marks G., Shaffery J., Oksenberg A., Speciale S., Roffwarg H. A functional role for REM sleep in brain maturation. // Behav Brain Res: journal. - 1995. - Vol. 69, no. 1-2. - P. 1-11. - PMID 7546299.

Every second adult experiences various sleep problems from time to time. Many attribute this to chronic fatigue and constant stress. There is some truth in this. However, much more often the cause of prolonged falling asleep and even chronic insomnia is that a person simply does not comply with the sleep and wakefulness regime necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Why do we need a regime?

It turns out that not only children need a more or less stable sleep schedule. An adult without it also begins to suffer from lack of sleep, since the lack of a constant routine disrupts the biological clock and does not allow the formation of conditioned reflexes, which significantly shortens the period of falling asleep. Because of this, instead of the average 20-30 minutes, it can last for 1-2 hours, and this is time lost for proper rest.

First of all, the sleep schedule should take into account the physiological characteristics of the body. And nature has it in such a way that a person should go on vacation no later than 21-22 hours, when natural light changes and the body begins to produce the sleep hormone melatonin. It speeds up falling asleep and promotes restful, sound sleep.

Not everyone wants or can afford to go to bed so early. Even doctors have already agreed with the conditional division of people into “night owls” and “larks”.

But in order not to provoke insomnia and ensure quality sleep, you need to go to bed before the concentration of melatonin in the blood reaches its maximum - no later than 23-24 hours. After 2 a.m. it begins to gradually decrease, which means that the closer to morning, the more sensitive your sleep will be.

5 more reasons to go to bed on time

But adjusting to the body's natural biorhythms is just one of the reasons why it is better to go to bed on a schedule. We can name at least 5 more reasons that have a direct impact on the functioning of the entire body.


Oddly enough, extreme fatigue does not help you fall asleep quickly. When muscle overload occurs, lactic acid accumulates in the body, which creates a feeling of severe discomfort.

Therefore, if you are too active in the evening, and even after 11 pm (for example, in a nightclub or at work), it will be difficult to fall asleep.


During the day, the brain of a modern person processes a huge amount of information and a good night's rest is simply necessary for him. When, instead, you continue to exploit it, thinking that you are relaxing by playing computer games or watching movies at night, you overload your psyche, causing defensive reactions such as lethargy and/or headaches.

Rest of the gastrointestinal tract

Doctors recommend having dinner 1.5-2 hours before bedtime and preferably light, nutritious food. But if you don’t go to bed 3 hours after dinner and continue to expend energy, your body will require an additional portion of food. Hence the nightly trips to the refrigerator and excess fat on the sides.


Active restoration processes in all organs and systems occur at night, when the body is at rest. If vigorous activity continues at night, the body spends energy on ensuring it, and not on its own restoration.

Don’t be surprised later that even outwardly you will look older than your peers who observe proper sleep and rest patterns.


At approximately 23-24 hours, the peak activity of the immune system occurs. It is programmed by nature to carry out a daily “audit” within the entire body, during which all pathogenic microorganisms are identified and destroyed.

Melatonin promotes the effective functioning of the immune defense, and adrenaline and cortisol, released into the blood during stress or vigorous activity, inhibit it. This means that if you don’t get enough sleep at night, you will get sick more often and for longer.

In addition, scientists have proven that if a person constantly follows the same regimen, sleep comes very quickly, as the body begins to prepare for rest in advance. This is further facilitated by regularly practiced evening rituals that help promote deeper relaxation.

Evening rituals

Some will say that evening rituals are a ploy for children who are difficult to send to bed. And an adult who has worked hard during the day will instantly fall asleep as soon as his head touches the pillow. But the fact that more and more people are turning to doctors asking for help to get rid of insomnia confirms the inconsistency of this version.

It has been scientifically proven that gradually getting ready for bed is much better and more effective than quickly going to bed. It allows you to completely relax not only physically, but also mentally, by switching your consciousness from the events of the past day (alas, not always positive) to pleasant, calm thoughts, which may find their continuation in dreams.

Another thing is that if the evening ritual for a child looks more or less standard, then for an adult it is very important to take into account individuality. The same actions can relax someone, but cause tension in another adult.

Therefore, we provide below only an approximate list of possible elements of the evening ritual, which should be compiled at your own discretion:

These are just a few ways to quickly calm your body and mind before bed. For you personally, anything can become an evening ritual. How do you set yourself up for a calm, deep sleep: thoroughly combing your hair, reading your favorite book, pleasant relaxing music, evening yoga.

How to set the mode

Those who already have sleep problems often complain that they are unable to create and stick to a consistent schedule. In fact, it's all about the habit, which is developed in 21 days.

Therefore, the first thing to do is to tune in to conscious work. Having thought through and established an optimal routine for yourself, you must definitely follow it.

Here are some tips to improve your sleep patterns faster:

  • go to bed at the same time;
  • completely avoid coffee and energy drinks in the afternoon;
  • provide your body with sufficient physical activity during the day;
  • sleep in complete darkness, turning off all devices equipped with indicator lights;
  • do not watch TV or play on the computer before going to bed;
  • be sure to ventilate the room well before going to bed;
  • do not analyze the past day while lying in bed and do not plan for tomorrow;
  • don’t try to fall asleep quickly, just enjoy your rest.

Yes, at first it may turn out that you fall asleep even longer than usual. But this is only because the body again found itself in unusual conditions. Every day the process of switching off will become easier, and your night's rest will become much better.