Diarrhea was discovered in a cat: what to do to restore normal bowel function. What can you give a cat for diarrhea?

in a cat, the situation is quite common and unpleasant, both for the animal itself and for its owners. It is often caused by poor-quality food and gluttony of the pet itself, but the possibility of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora and/or parasites entering the animal’s body cannot be ruled out. What tablets for diarrhea in cats are used in veterinary medicine, and which drugs are the safest for the health and life of your cat?

But first, let’s figure out what kind of medications for cats should not be given under any circumstances. Here is a short list of them: Immodium, Immodium AD, Kaopectate II Caplets, etc.. Note that many of these drugs are used to treat diarrhea in dogs, but they often cause severe side effects in cats. Only in extreme cases Their use is permissible, but only under the condition of constant veterinary control!

This is due to the fact that in medicines This type contains bismuth salicylate. The problem is that all salicylates are deadly to cats. And this, by the way, applies not only to anti-diarrhea drugs: for the same reasons, it is strongly not recommended to use them to treat cats. acetylsalicylic acid(aspirin).

Let us immediately warn you that now veterinarians try to use this medicine only in extreme cases, since it is not very beneficial for the cat’s health (high load on the liver and kidneys). However, it is very effective in some situations. Available in tablet form.

Old Trichopolum is one of the few antimicrobial drugs that can penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Simply put, the drug can penetrate directly into the tissue of the brain and spinal cord, which allows it to be used to treat diseases affecting the central nervous system. In addition, the medicine is excellent against diseases that affect bone and dental tissue. It should be given to your pet with food, as in this case the absorption of the drug is significantly improved.

Side effects

It was no coincidence that we mentioned at the very beginning of the article about the reluctance of many veterinarians to use this drug, despite its positive traits. The whole problem is heavy side effects , often developing in cats as a result of its use:

  • Allergic reactions (shortness of breath, urticaria, etc.).
  • Excessively increased salivation (hypersalivation).
  • Vomiting or gagging.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Apathetic state or falling into a coma.
  • The appearance of blood in the urine (hematuria).

Under no circumstances should metronidazole be prescribed concomitantly with the following drugs:

  • Cimitidine (a medicine prescribed to treat ulcerative lesions Gastrointestinal tract).
  • Sedatives.
  • Drugs that reduce blood clotting.
  • Phenytoin (usually prescribed for neurological seizures).
  • Phenobarbitals (significantly reduce the effectiveness of Metronidazole).

Additional warnings, there are only three, but you must always remember them! So here's the list:

  • Don't give metronidazole pregnant or lactating pets.
  • It is strictly prohibited to prescribe it young cats, since the medicine may well be fatal for kittens. Their liver simply cannot handle the utilization of its metabolites.
  • If your pet has liver or kidney disease, the use of the drug should also be abandoned. It can finish off already “worn out” organs.

Pectin and Kaolin

Products containing these substances are widely used not only in veterinary medicine, but also in medicine. Before use, make sure (by looking at the instructions) that the medicine does not contain salicylates, since the latter are deadly for cats! For every 2.5 kg of live weight, take 1-2 teaspoons of the same smecta (it also contains kaolin). The medicine must be taken every six hours. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to read the instructions and first consult with a veterinarian. If diarrhea persists for two days, be sure to show your pet to the veterinarian!

In some cases for treatment severe diarrhea compounds are used that slow down intestinal motility. But! They are strictly prohibited from being given to pets whose condition is caused by poisoning and severe bacterial infections. In such cases, diarrhea is a salvation for the animal’s body, since, together with liquid feces, external environment a lot of toxins are released. If during such a period you prescribe drugs that slow down intestinal contractions, all these substances will be actively absorbed into the blood, causing very serious consequences.

Activated carbon

Perhaps one of the most ancient remedies used by humans to combat diarrhea. True, our ancestors used to eat simple birch charcoal - it also helps with diarrhea. But still much better. The principle of its action is based on adsorption, that is, the ability to absorb harmful substances and toxins.

How and how much coal can you give a cat with diarrhea? Don’t worry, even if you “stuff” a whole plate of coal into your pet, nothing bad will happen to it. But it is believed that three to four tablets are enough for an animal weighing about 2.5 kilograms. Of course, the cat won’t swallow them that easily. To avoid torturing your pet, finely grind the pills to a powder and dilute them with water. The resulting “dubious” substance must be drawn into a syringe and poured directly into the cat’s throat. This should be done every five to six hours until the signs of intoxication completely disappear.


Not unknown medical product, which perfectly helps not only with diarrhea, but also with heartburn and other problems with the digestive system. It has a neutral taste and can be used in veterinary medicine. For a cat weighing up to 2.5 kg inclusive, take one sachet of medicine. Its contents are diluted in a small volume of warm boiled water, after which it is soldered in the same way as discussed in the part devoted to activated carbon.

Are there any contraindications and points that both owners and veterinarians need to remember? As for the “purebred”, there are no contraindications. But if you use various “Smectins”, be sure to read the composition and instructions. If there are at least some salicidates, giving such a drug to a cat is strictly prohibited. Salts salicylic acid For all cats it is a strong poison!


Also popular and effective medicine, known to many travelers and tourists. Allows you to cope with even “severe” types of diarrhea in field conditions. It is quite natural that cat lovers who are faced with diarrhea in their pet have a desire to give their pet the same pills. Is it possible to do this? Yes, the drug can be used to treat cats suffering from diarrhea. For one cat you need to take exactly half the tablet (for animals weighing 2.5 kg). Kittens and miniature animals are given ¼ or even 1/8 of a pill.

But there are some things you need to remember. The action of Loperamide is based on its ability to suppress intestinal motility.

In any case, it is advisable to first give the animal some coal to drink and wait until it leaves the cat’s body. naturally, and only then give. In this case, most of the toxins will be neutralized and will no longer be absorbed into the animal’s blood.


Also medical, occasionally used in veterinary practice(but not from a good life). Let us immediately emphasize that this medicine is VERY bitter, and therefore giving it to a cat more than once can be very, very difficult. In addition, the product has a strong impact on the liver and kidneys, and therefore it is better not to use it unless absolutely necessary!

So why do they continue to use it? It's simple. Despite all its shortcomings, it helps well with diarrhea caused by pathogenic protozoa. Therefore, in some cases, veterinarians simply have no choice. Giving it to kittens, as well as pregnant and lactating cats, is strictly prohibited. The dose for one animal weighing 2.5 kg is no more than ½ tablet. If within eight hours after giving no signs of improvement, or the cat has any signs of poisoning, take him to the vet immediately!


A drug that appeared in pharmacies quite a long time ago and immediately gained well-deserved popularity. Why did this happen? The fact is that it belongs to the category of adsorbents, that is, compounds capable of absorbing “excess” from the intestines. It is often used not only in the treatment of diarrhea, but also for the prevention and elimination of allergies, diarrhea, and other pathologies directly related to digestion. In a word, the medicine is very, very good. But is it possible to give it to cats, and will using the drug cause any unpleasant consequences?

The medicine is absolutely safe for cats. The dose for an adult animal is a teaspoon once a day; kittens can be given half a spoon, also once a day. In moderate cases of diarrhea, visible improvement occurs within a few hours.


A drug that has recently appeared on the shelves, produced in the form of a suspension. Helps a lot with many intestinal infections, including viral ones. It has a gentle effect without irritating the intestinal mucous membranes. Often used in pediatrics. But how safe (and is it safe) to use it in veterinary medicine?

Don't worry, it's all good. can and should be used to treat pets with diarrhea. For every 2.5 kg of live weight, 0.5-1 ml of the drug is taken. That is, a large cat whose weight reaches five kilograms can be given 1-1.5 ml of medicine. Kittens can be given medicine as early as one month old at a dose of 0.1 ml per animal. Give once daily for three to four days until completely gone clinical signs infections.


This drug has also been used in medicine for a very long time. Belongs to the group of nitrofurans, is effective against many gram-positive and negative bacteria, and is available in tablet form. But what about treating diarrhea in cats? Unfortunately, it's not that simple.

Yes, effective against many pathogens infectious diarrhea in cats. It’s just that it hits the livers of animals mercilessly. Daily dose for an adult cat - a maximum of ¼ tablet, and they need to be divided into three doses. To make it more convenient to give such a small amount of the drug, part of the pill is finely crushed to a powder state, diluted with a small amount of water and given to the animal using a syringe. It is advisable to give the medicine for no more than three days. More - only under the supervision of a veterinarian.

What if diarrhea is caused by bacterial factors?

As a rule, in such cases antibiotics and other antimicrobials. All these drugs destroy pathogenic microflora perfectly, but not everything is so simple: along with the “bad” ones, they also die beneficial microbes. Because of this, some owners strive to “help” their pet without completing the entire course of medications. This leads to a deterioration in the condition of the animal and the formation of forms of microorganisms resistant to antimicrobials. To prevent this from happening, it is imperative to prescribe probiotics that restore the “population” of beneficial microflora. This is often forgotten, and therefore diarrhea from infectious agents is replaced by diarrhea due to antibiotics.

In addition, in cases where the cause of diarrhea is inflammatory diseases intestines, anti-inflammatory corticosteroids may be used. Treatment usually lasts 2-3 months. But it must be remembered that longer-term use of such drugs is strictly prohibited, since they can have extremely negative impact on internal organs animal.

Enrofloxacin5 mg/kg, orally or intramuscularlyGram-negative bacteria
Ampicillin10-20 mg/kg, orally or intramuscularlyClostridia
Ampicillin10-20 mg/kg,Sepsis (used with aminoglycosides), diarrhea
orally, subcutaneously or intramuscularly
Gentamicin2.2 mg/kg, orally or intramuscularlySepsis, diarrhea
Cephalothin22-44 mg/kg, subcutaneously or intramuscularlySepsis, diarrhea
MetronidazoleDosage - 10-20 mg/kg, exclusively orally
Tylosin20-40 mg/kg, intramuscularlyMany types of protozoal and bacterial infections
Erythromycin10-15 mg/kg, orallyVarious campylobacters.
Trimethoprim15 mg/kg, orally, subcutaneously or intramuscularlySalmonella

In many cases of diarrhea, it is possible to significantly alleviate the animal's condition by putting the pet on a starvation diet for 24 hours. At the same time, the cat should have unlimited access to clean drinking water. After this time, the diet changes to a more gentle one, at which time you can already give boiled rice and boiled (low-fat) chicken. If the animal's condition does not worsen, within next week you can return to your normal diet. Let us emphasize once again that this should be done gradually, since sudden changes often provoke a relapse of the pathology.

Alas, in some cases the cat has to be put on special diets for life. Such situations include, for example, cases of chronic renal failure, diabetes and other serious illnesses.

It should be noted that experienced veterinarians advise owners of such animals to use special commercial food, since during their production all the needs of “special” cats were taken into account.

But in some cases you can do without intravenous injections. True, this will require special compounds, designed to restore electrolyte balance. Such products are sold in stores sports nutrition and pharmacies (Regidron, for example). The medicine must be diluted (a couple of teaspoons per glass of boiled water) and given to the cat instead of drinking water. But if no improvement is visible within eight hours, you should still contact your veterinarian. Most likely, it will definitely not be possible to do without intravenous infusions.

How to determine that you urgently need to take your pet to the clinic? Just grab it by the scruff of the neck and immediately release the resulting fold of skin. If it goes away right away, the IVs can probably wait. But when the fold remains for a couple of seconds and takes a very long time to smooth out, the cat must be immediately shown to the veterinarian, since the degree of dehydration is severe!

An intestinal disorder accompanied by frequent and loose bowel movements (in common parlance - diarrhea, in scientific terms - diarrhea) occurs periodically in both humans and animals. Diarrhea in a cat can happen even if loving owners literally blow away specks of dust from their pet, and he receives only fresh food for food highest quality or holistic food. We all know very well that an intestinal disorder goes away on its own in a couple of days, but still sometimes, falling into a panic and trying to help the animal, we take actions that only worsen its condition. To avoid such mistakes, you need to understand only three things: why a cat gets diarrhea, in what cases the animal should be taken to the veterinarian, and how to act in all other situations when the participation of a specialist is not necessary.

Causes of diarrhea in cats and cats

In cats, as in humans, diarrhea usually occurs as a reaction to food poisoning. It could simply be stale food or something more dangerous, such as detergents that have gotten into the stomach of an animal that likes to stick its curious nose where it shouldn’t.

Poisoning household chemicals and soap products happens quite often in domestic cats

In one prestigious nursery, where we ordered an Abyssinian kitten, the kids were seriously poisoned after they stole a foam sponge for washing dishes, and then for a long time and recklessly tormented it with their teeth, taking it from each other.

Oddly enough, intestinal upset is often caused not by food, but by water. Sometimes, when buying luxury food for their animals, owners pay absolutely no attention to what kind of water their pets drink, and then throw up their hands in surprise when the cat suddenly begins to have severe diarrhea.

It’s even easier to get poisoned by water than by poor-quality food.

By the way, I have heard about the same problem more than once: domestic cat, even more " blue bloods", flatly refuses to drink water from the bowl, but happily laps up the stream from water tap or arranges a watering hole, sticking his head into the toilet or a bucket in which he has just washed dirty a doormat. Felinologists suggest that this is how the animal realizes the hunter's instinct; it likes the process of prey itself. For those who have encountered a similar difficulty, I can advise you to place them around the house, even in not very accessible places, large containers With clean water, and keep the toilet lid closed at all times.

Table: possible causes of diarrhea other than poor quality food and water

Photo gallery: probable causes of diarrhea in a cat

Stale food can easily cause poisoning Many medications cause diarrhea in cats Viral infection is one of probable causes diarrhea Diarrhea can be caused by waste products of worms You should not give your cat meat with bones Diarrhea can be caused by stress, for example, due to moving Bacterial infection is one of the causes of diarrhea

Features of intestinal disorders in kittens

In kittens, diarrhea occurs for the same reasons as in adult cats, but all the risk factors have a much stronger effect on babies. The likelihood of an intestinal disorder is inversely proportional to the age of the animal. Majority pathogenic microorganisms that enter the animal’s body with food die before reaching the intestines under the influence of of hydrochloric acid, which is contained in gastric juice. However, in kittens, the acidity of the stomach is less, and accordingly, the likelihood of viruses and bacteria surviving in it is higher.

Hungry animals are much less likely to suffer from diarrhea. This is understandable: the feeling of hunger is caused by active secretion gastric juice, which means the accumulation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Constantly hungry street cats are less likely to suffer from diarrhea

It happens that intestinal disorders in children occur against the background functional disorders digestion, in particular, improper production of enzymes. In such cases, the animal needs special diet, based on the exclusion of lactose from the diet.

Some kittens cannot digest lactose

IN different sources Another cause of diarrhea in a kitten is mentioned as a sudden transition from breastfeeding to the adult diet. It should be noted that such problems will not arise if you adhere to generally accepted recommendations existing in felinology. Kittens should not be taken away from their mother before they are three months old. In this case, the transition to regular food for babies occurs naturally and gradually, and therefore does not cause any difficulties.

Problem breeds

Susceptibility to intestinal disorders depends not only on age, but also on general condition immune system animal. Of course, it is largely determined individual characteristics organism, but the breed of cat also matters. Animals bred artificially, through inbreeding, or through incompletely understood natural mutations are usually much more likely to suffer from diarrhea and other digestive problems than their direct descendants. wild cats and inhabitants of city gateways.

A couple of days ago I talked with the owner of a car repair shop, next to whom sat proudly a striped green-eyed creature of the European Shorthair breed, or, more simply, an ordinary yard cat. The man admiringly said that this strong, brave and intelligent animal never gets sick, catches birds and mice, bringing them as a gift to his Man. And then he showed me a photo of the Scottish Fold living at his house, complaining that the road purebred cat Problems arise all the time, and if you eat something wrong, you get diarrhea for a week!

Types of diarrhea

Depending on what exactly caused the intestinal disorder, appearance, the composition, consistency and even the smell of stool can vary greatly. This circumstance often helps the doctor to diagnose correct diagnosis, and the owner - to understand whether there are reasons to worry about the health of his pet.

The color of stool can presumably indicate the cause of diarrhea.

Table: state of stool as an indicator of the cause of diarrhea

The color of stool and the presence of impurities in itPossible cause of diarrhea
GreenIndicates the presence of a putrefactive process in the animal’s intestines, that is, banal food poisoning.
YellowIndicates problems with digesting food, as a rule, this is associated with impaired intestinal motility and problems in the small part of the intestine.
OrangeTalking about malfunction liver ( increased synthesis bilirubin), but may also indicate severe form dysbacteriosis and increased intestinal motility.
WhiteHappens when there is a blockage bile ducts or other problems with the biliary tract (bile is what gives stool its brown color).
RedIndicates that inflammatory process occurs in the large intestine (colitis).
Light brownIt only says that the contents of the large intestine are excreted very quickly.
BlackMay indicate the presence of digested blood in the stool. This happens when internal bleeding V upper sections stomach (for example, with perforated ulcer stomach or duodenum).
With foam or mucusIndicates that an acute inflammatory process is taking place in the large intestine. It is also characteristic of the presence of helminths in the animal’s body.
With bloodIt may indicate the presence of bleeding in the intestines or even more serious pathologies.

Feces also differ in smell: stench with intestinal disorders is always present, but may have varying degrees intensity. The thinner the stool, the more intense the miasma. However, the presence of extraneous “notes” in the smell of feces (sour, rotten, pungent, chemical) makes it possible to greatly narrow the range of causes that caused the disease.

The looser the stool, the more smelly it is.

These and other symptoms must be taken into account and be sure to describe to the doctor if you contact him. Diagnose your pet based on the color and smell of stool and prescribe drug therapy Only a specialist can.

Diarrhea is a reason to see a doctor: alarming symptoms that exclude self-medication

In nine cases out of ten, a cat's intestinal disorder, whatever its cause, will go away within a few days without drug intervention. The number of cases where treatment of diarrhea requires antibiotics can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to drag your cat to the veterinarian as soon as you notice loose stools.

Even if this condition lasts a long time, there is still no need to rush, because, as my experience shows, bad experience, with the highest degree of probability, the animal will first receive an antibiotic injection at the veterinary clinic.

There are not many situations when a cat with diarrhea needs to be shown to a doctor.

Most sources mention four situations when it is necessary to immediately seek professional help: medical care. These are cases when, in addition to diarrhea, the animal experiences:

  • signs of dehydration - the cat loses more fluid than it is able to drink (this is evidenced by great loss weight, as well as rare urination);
  • bloody spots in the stool;
  • vomit;
  • other symptoms general disease(fever, chills, difficulty breathing, rapid pulse, sunken eyes, severe weakness, pale or bluish color of mucous membranes, etc.).

Video: how to correctly measure a cat's temperature

I have already mentioned Abyssinian kittens who were poisoned while playing with a dish sponge. As soon as the babies’ condition had stabilized a little, the hostess informed us that the girl we had ordered could be picked up. The nursery was located four hundred kilometers from our city. The animal whined pitifully all the way, but, in general, we got there without incident. However, when my daughter woke up the next morning, she discovered spots bloody diarrhea throughout the apartment and, of course, in a panic she rushed along with the unfortunate kitten into veterinary clinic. The doctor, having heard that the animal had been brought from another city the day before, did not wait for the results of a stool test and, just in case, gave the kitten three injections: “for bacteria”, “for viruses” and “vitamin”. Tests did not reveal any serious pathogens in the animal, but after the “armor-piercing cocktail” the cat’s condition sharply worsened. At the same time, the owner of the cattery, whom I called, not knowing what to do, assured: everything was fine with our cat’s brothers, who remained with their mother, there was no deterioration in their condition. It took a long year and a half until our Abyssinian’s digestion returned to normal, and this happened, oddly enough, only after the cat gave birth. Recovering after chemical poisoning the animal experienced serious stress from a long move, separation from its mother and brothers, and a complete change of environment. Because of this, the cat’s condition worsened, and bloody spots in the stool apparently arose due to the fact that aggressive detergent caused intestinal erosion. All the kitten needed was peace and a gentle diet. Instead, several potent drugs were introduced into his body, which completely disrupted the intestinal microflora. Hence the severe dysbacteriosis, which the unfortunate animal could not cope with for years.

Sometimes childbirth solves the problem of prolonged diarrhea in a cat

When deciding whether to show an animal to a doctor or treat it yourself, it is important not so much to pay attention to specific symptoms, be it blood, vomiting or chills, but rather to use the method of deduction to look for their cause. If a cat has been inundated with chemicals, the blood in the diarrhea is easy to explain, and in this case the animal definitely does not need an antibiotic. Having decided to show your pet to the veterinarian, show persistence and firmness, do not allow the animal to be stabbed strong drugs"just in case".

Diarrhea is not a reason to see a doctor: adequate care for your pet at home

The best help for an animal is competent inaction. Hunger and drinking plenty of fluids- that's all a cat needs for diarrhea.


When the first signs of intestinal distress are detected, the cat should be stopped feeding. Often animals in this sense find themselves wiser than people. Any owner knows that cats and dogs, as a rule, do not eat anything during an exacerbation of the disease. But for some reason, in many sources you can see a recommendation to immediately take the cat to the veterinarian if it has lost its appetite.

While recovering, the cat begins to actively ask for food

After a 12-hour fast, as a rule, improvement occurs. But there is a nuance. The consequences of intestinal disorder are enzyme deficiency and disruption of intestinal microflora. While recovering, the animal begins to experience hunger and can, to the joy of the owner, greedily pounce on food. There are not enough enzymes in the body that can digest this, as a result the cat’s condition deteriorates, diarrhea resumes, and the frightened owner, forgetting about everything, rushes with the cat to the veterinarian, where the animal receives an injection of an antibiotic, which further aggravates the dysbiosis.

A recovering cat should be fed in small portions, and dairy products should be completely excluded from the diet, and in the first days, meat and eggs. If possible, food should be liquid and viscous. Works very well in this regard rice porrige, and it is better to take round-grain varieties of rice. As the cat's condition improves, we gradually return to a normal diet.

The best food during the recovery phase is sticky rice porridge

Drink plenty of fluids

It is generally accepted that the main thing when intestinal disorder- this is to kill the bacteria that caused it. However, it is not. An animal can cope with a harmful microorganism on its own in 4-5 days, having developed the necessary antibodies, but during this time the cat can easily die from dehydration. Therefore, the main task of a wise owner is not to treat the pet, but to prevent critical loss of fluid from the body.

The easiest way to feed a cat is with a syringe.

It is also important to understand that diarrhea causes the loss of not only fluid, but also various mineral salts. This means that simply giving your cat water is not enough. To solve the problem of dehydration during diarrhea, there are drugs combined under common name“oral rehydration agents.” They are sold in a regular pharmacy. Examples include:

  • Regidron;
  • Trihydron;
  • Trisol;
  • Hydrovit;
  • Humana Electrolyte;
  • Gastrolit;
  • Glucosolan;
  • Maratonic, etc.

You can prepare a healing mineralized drink yourself. Based on 1 liter of purified water we take:

  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon table salt;
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda.

The prepared mixture is heated to the cat’s body temperature (39-40 °C), after which it is poured into the animal’s mouth, if necessary, by force. Best used for this purpose disposable syringe without a needle. And don’t feel sorry for the animal: if dehydration begins, such solutions will need to be introduced into its body using droppers.

If dehydration is not prevented, fluid will need to be administered through IVs.

Video: how to force water a cat

Drug treatment

At home, if a specific diagnosis has not been made for the animal, no medications should be used to treat diarrhea.

When talking about medications for intestinal disorders, we primarily mean sorbents. Veterinarians have different opinions about the need to use them, but there will definitely be no harm from such a drug if used correctly.

The simplest and cheap option - Activated carbon. The tablet must be crushed and mixed with warm water rather than giving it whole or in powder form. Regarding dosage, there are different versions: some doctors recommend taking one tablet per 1 kg of animal weight, others suggest taking the same dose per 10 kg. We can say with confidence that from one tablet of activated carbon you will have adult cat weighing 4-5 kg, an overdose will not happen.

The second sorbent, which is also very popular, is Smecta. This drug coats the intestinal mucosa, preventing the absorption of toxins into it. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in 50 ml of water heated to +40 °C and administered into the animal’s mouth in one go. After 3-4 hours the procedure can be repeated.

Photo gallery: adsorbents used for diarrhea in cats

Filtrum STI is suitable for the treatment of diarrhea in both humans and cats. Smecta coats the intestinal walls and protects them from toxins.
Enterosgel is a very popular adsorbent, which is sold in regular pharmacies. Activated carbon is cheap and effective.

To restore the intestinal microflora, some experts recommend using probiotics (for example, there is a veterinary drug called Vetom 1.1), but in reality there is no need for this - money wasted and additional struggle with a cat who does not want to swallow the medicine.

Finally, if helminths are suspected, use anthelmintics. However, you should first pass necessary tests, because when we are talking about an acute intestinal disorder caused by another reason, an additional load in the form of unnecessary medicine can harm the animal.

Video: how to understand that a cat has helminths

To get rid of worms, the same drugs are used as for preventive deworming, for example:

  • Kanikquantel;
  • Milbemx;
  • Pyrantel;
  • Prazinquatel;
  • Pratel;
  • Stronghold;
  • Febendazole.

Photo gallery: anthelmintics for cats

Drontal is a very popular drug for worms. Prazicide is a proven remedy, available in suspension and tablets. Dironet is available in the form of drops on the withers.
Profender is intended for external use
Milprazone - combination drug from helminths

Video: veterinarian about the causes of diarrhea in cats and methods of treating it

Diarrhea, or diarrhea, in cats is a problem that is usually characterized by frequent defecation of liquid stool. This phenomenon is often observed in animals, but is not at all normal, and therefore it is important for owners to know how to treat diarrhea in a cat at home - and under what circumstances it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Why does diarrhea occur?

Diarrhea is not just loose and frequent bowel movements, but also abdominal pain, often nausea and weakness. It is often accompanied by lack of appetite, fever, and other unpleasant symptoms, the worst of which is dehydration, which can lead to the death of the pet.

Sometimes a cat can get diarrhea, even if he lives in good conditions and completely healthy. Typically, diarrhea (it can be easily treated at home) is caused by everyday, completely harmless reasons:

  • Incorrect nutrition, exotic food for the cat, changing water or food, overeating - in these cases the cat has indigestion.
  • Consumption of low-quality feed or spoiled food, food poisoning.
  • Kittens may experience diarrhea during the weaning period. mother's milk– usually in this case the disorder does not require treatment and goes away on its own.
  • Motion sickness in transport during a long trip.
  • Stress.

Household causes are not dangerous to the health of the animal. In this case, you can safely treat your cat’s diarrhea at home if it:

  • repeats no more than 3-5 times per day;
  • has no impurities in the form of mucus or blood, or a sharp unbearable odor;
  • has a “normal” color – i.e. brown.

In other cases, as well as in cases where diarrhea affects a pregnant cat or kitten, it is necessary not to engage in self-treatment m pet, but contact your veterinarian so that he can prescribe correct treatment which you will carry out at home - and as soon as possible! The doctor's recommendations must be followed strictly.

How to help a cat yourself

First of all, during the treatment process, it is necessary to put the pet on a fasting diet for 1 day (for kittens, the maximum period of fasting cannot exceed 12 hours), but provide access to clean drinking water, as well as complete rest. In case of mild intestinal disorders, this treatment at home is sufficient - the cat should feel better the next day.

If there is a possibility that diarrhea is caused by poisoning from a spoiled product, you can induce vomiting in the cat yourself or take it to the clinic for gastric lavage.

You also need to ask yourself what could be causing your cat's diarrhea.

Treatment of diarrhea in cats at home should include the following::

  • It is necessary to return the cat to its usual water (if it has recently been changed), and also to exclude unusual or inappropriate food from its diet, for example, milk (in adult cats it often causes diarrhea due to the lack of enzymes necessary for digestion), fatty foods, fish, etc.
  • If deworming was carried out more than 3 months ago, the cat should be given an anthelmintic drug.
  • To reduce intoxication of the body, twice a day it is necessary to give the cat dissolved in small quantity activated charcoal water (the dosage is calculated in the same way as for a person - 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight), give Enterosgel (1 tsp 2 times a day) or drink Smecta according to the instructions.
  • To avoid dehydration, you need to give your cat a drink (or instead of water) with Regidron solution (strictly according to the instructions!). You can also use warm, slightly salted water (no more than a teaspoon per liter) or slightly salted chamomile infusion. In more severe cases, it will be necessary to inject the cat with Ringer's solution. It is best to drink a cat through a syringe without playing - you need to inject the liquid little by little, inserting the nozzle of the syringe into oral cavity cat through the corner of the mouth.
  • To relieve your cat of abdominal pain, you can offer her antispasmodics - for example, a quarter of a tablet of No-shpa or Papaverine once a day.
  • Once your cat's condition improves, she can be gradually introduced to soft, low-carbohydrate foods. Boiled chicken or, for example, baby food is suitable. canned meat. It is important to feed your pet often, but in small portions - and not give the usual amount of food. Maximum - half, otherwise it may re-provoke diarrhea.
  • You can give medications that will help restore the intestinal microflora - for example, Linex or Furazolidone (1/6 tablet 2 times a day for 3 days). However, to treat a cat for diarrhea, it is better to use such drugs as prescribed by a doctor.
  • To help the intestines start working correctly, it is best to give her the first time after relief of the cat’s condition. congee– it will help to establish peristalsis.

If a cat’s stool contains impurities (mucus, blood), they have an unusual color, smell, the cat is lethargic and its mucous membranes are pale, if treatment of diarrhea in a cat at home does not bring results for more than three days, it is necessary not to risk the pet’s health and go immediately to the doctor!

Correct prevention

Preventing diarrhea will help avoid this unpleasant problem like diarrhea in cats. Prevention includes keeping the cat's bowls, tray, beds and toys clean, maintaining a feeding regimen, selecting balanced diet(dry food or natural food), annual vaccinations, and most importantly - regular deworming of your pet!

Diarrhea in cats and cats is common. But this does not mean that you can lose sight of the situation and wait for it to go away on its own. Diarrhea in a cat may indicate the presence serious illnesses. If your pet has regular unshaped chair, perhaps he just overate or caught an infection.

The disorder is easy to identify. The pet often performs an act of defecation, while feces may be thin, watery, or mushy.

The color and smell will also differ from the norm. The owner should definitely contact a veterinarian similar problem. The cat is very picky and capricious in choosing food, so stool upset should alert you.

Causes of diarrhea in a pet

Problems with stool occur due to various reasons. It could just be overeating or dangerous infection, which poses a threat to the life of the cat.

Diarrhea occurs when:

Sometimes short-term diarrhea occurs if the cat tolerates stressful situation. Regardless of what caused the stomach upset, your actions when your cat experiences diarrhea should be immediate. Call a veterinarian or take your pet to the clinic yourself.

Main symptoms

We often do not attach importance to such things as stool upset or vomiting in animals. Because of this, there may be severe complications and even death. Treatment of diarrhea in a cat requires special approach and compliance with all recommendations of specialists.

The owner should be wary if he notices similar manifestations from your pet:

  • Unshaped chair;
  • Frequent attempts to defecate;
  • Unusual color and smell of feces;
  • Blood in the stool.

Concomitant signs of the disease may also appear. Lack of appetite, vomiting, fever, sudden weight loss, lethargy, drowsiness, etc.

If you notice green or black stools with blood in them, contact your veterinarian immediately. In such a situation, you cannot waste time, so as not to worsen the pet’s situation.

Treatment at home

If a one-time disorder occurs caused by stress or overeating, it is necessary to put the cat on one day diet. Over the next few days, reduce the portions and soon your pet will quickly get rid of the disease at home.

The veterinarian prescribes necessary medications to fix the problem.

The presence of mucous discharge and blood during bowel movements indicates damage gastrointestinal tract. The cause may be poor quality food, expired food or plants that cause irritation. If there is little blood, it is enough to keep your pet on a one-day fast.

In case of heavy black discharge, you should urgently go to the doctor.

The presence of green feces indicates a putrefactive process that develops in the cat’s body. This happens due to the consumption of carrion or expired products. In this case, you need to induce vomiting in the animal, give a hepatoprotector and take it to a veterinary clinic.

White, yellow or orange diarrhea indicates a malfunction of organs, a deficiency or excess of certain substances. In this case, a thorough examination and drug therapy will help.

Drug treatment

To help your cat get rid of diarrhea, you can give special medications. But it’s better not to get carried away with them yourself. It is better to discuss any means with your doctor first. If similar situations have already occurred, it’s worth keeping tablets and drops in your medicine cabinet in case of relapse.

Among effective drugs Supplements that a veterinarian prescribes to treat diarrhea include the following:

IN severe cases chemotherapy may be necessary.

Diet for diarrhea in cats

On the first day, go on a fast. But it is necessary to give a lot of water. In the future, eliminate dairy products from your diet and limit your consumption of starch. For several days, the animal’s menu contains only light, low-fat food. The number and size of portions also need to be reduced.

Feed your cat 4-5 times a day. You can immediately add medications to your food. During this period, it is best to give your pet boiled chicken meat, yolk and porridge. To diversify your pet's diet, use special canned food.

Return to usual diet possible only after full recovery with the consent of the doctor. This usually takes a week.


In this article I will look at such a common disease in cats as diarrhea. I’ll tell you about the main reasons for its appearance and accompanying symptoms why a cat starts diarrhea, what to do and how to stop an upset stomach. What medicine to give. I will describe the types of diarrhea in cats. I will give methods for treating diarrhea and explain the mistakes that breeders make when treating pets.

Diarrhea in a pet is associated with unpleasant moments of living together for the owner. This violation functions digestive tract is a sign of some illness in the pet.

Loose stools most often occur due to enhanced peristalsis intestines under the influence of bacteria or toxic substances acting in it. These substances irritate the intestinal mucosa and provoke increased contractions of its various parts. Therefore, frequent bowel movements occur with increased content liquids.

It may also be accompanied by vomiting.

Month-old kittens are susceptible to diarrhea more often than adult animals. This is due to weak immunity, rapid growth and the development of the little cat’s body.

A kitten’s digestive system, which is not yet fully formed, can react negatively to the introduction of complementary foods as early as a month and a half. A change of residence (when a kitten is acquired by new owners) changes the surrounding sanitary regime and emotional background pet. Such changes often affect the kitten’s stool and quickly go away on their own.

Other reasons for the presence of diarrhea in a kitten are similar to the factors for the development of diarrhea in adult animals.

Green diarrhea in a cat most often indicates the development of putrefactive fermentation processes in the intestines.

The main causes of loose stools

  1. Poor nutrition. There may be some kind of intolerance certain type feed or the whole group feed, determined by their composition.
  2. Use of low-quality cheap feed. Professional feed undergo strict testing according to all required criteria, unlike the cheap segment.
  3. The amount of food consumed does not correspond to the manufacturer’s recommended nutritional intake for the pet.
  4. A sudden change in diet. For example, transition from wet food to dry and back.
  5. Nutrition homemade food. Many foods from the human table can cause digestive problems in a pet.
  6. Diseases caused by the presence of protozoa (for example, worms) in the cat's body.
  7. Treatment with drugs. All reactions to veterinary drugs individual for each individual animal.
  8. Intoxication of the pet's body. May be drugs, spoiled food or chemicals that got into your pet's food.
  9. The presence of a viral or bacterial infection in the cat’s body.
  10. Intestinal infection. For example, the presence of enterobacteria.
  11. Keeping a pet in unsanitary conditions.
  12. Lack of hygiene in the cat's litter tray.
  13. Stress. It can be caused by a change of habitat, mating, or the appearance of new members of the “family.”
  14. Metabolic disease.
  15. Gastroenteritis.
  16. Loose stools after vaccination are a consequence of a reaction to the vaccine.

Symptoms and duration of diarrhea in a cat

The most common symptoms of diarrhea in animals are:

  1. General weakness of the cat.
  2. Deterioration or complete absence appetite.
  3. Frequent bowel movements.
  4. Liquid stool with all sorts of impurities (streaks of blood, mucus different color, food particles).
  5. There may be bloating, the cat refuses to eat.
  6. Weight loss.
  7. Dehydration of the body. This is one of the signs and consequences prolonged diarrhea in a cat, which poses a serious threat to the health of the pet.

Phenomenon loose stool may be one-time, not requiring intervention from the owner.

When loose bowel movements last for several days, we're talking about about true diarrhea requiring treatment.

Types of diarrhea and problems in cats

There are different types of diarrhea in cats.

Color and consistency often determine the disease of the animal.

Types of diarrhea:

  • Greenish indicates putrefactive processes in organism
  • Yellow indicates that food is poorly digested.
  • Orange indicates liver problems.
  • White indicates problems with the biliary tract.
  • The presence of foam and mucus indicates inflammation and the presence of helminthic infestation.
  • Blood impurities indicate many diseases leading to damage to the walls of blood vessels.
  • Too frequent bowel movements of the animal indicate that the disease is progressing intensively.

How to Treat and Stop Indigestion at Home

Recognizing diarrhea in a cat is not difficult, but diagnosing it is more difficult. the real reason diseases in order to prescribe competent and effective treatment.

If digestive problems are associated with the cat’s diet, changes in nutrition (for example, introducing foods from the human table into the table, using stale food, etc.), then the problem is solved by adjusting the animal’s diet and it stops diarrhea. To do this, it is necessary to exclude from the animal’s diet, irritating digestive system, substance. Reduce the amount of food consumed for several days.

Provide the cat with peace. If possible, drink fresh water at room temperature. It will be useful to solder the animal with a rehydron solution (sold in pharmacies in finished form or powder for dilution with water).

If the dynamics are positive, you can feed the cat its usual food on the second day, gradually increasing the amount of food.

If you solve the problem yourself in as soon as possible If this fails, you must immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Treatment with drugs

In the veterinary office, the cat’s temperature is measured and internal organs are probed to detect pathological changes, determine the degree of dehydration.

During the examination, the veterinarian will collect an anamnesis of the disease, according to the owner of the animal, and, if necessary, prescribe additional laboratory tests:

  • examination of stool for the presence of worm eggs;
  • examination of feces for internal bleeding;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • blood analysis;
  • X-ray examination or ultrasound to exclude intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, pancreatitis and other diseases.

Based on the results of examining the animal, the veterinarian will prescribe appropriate drug treatment:

  • droppers of glucose solution in pure form or with ascorbic acid(to eliminate dehydration and give strength to the animal);
  • antibacterial therapy;
  • antiviral therapy;
  • anthelmintic drugs;
  • general strengthening types of therapy.

Main mistakes during treatment

The main difficulties in curing a cat of diarrhea arise when the owner of the animal independently prescribes therapy. The reason for this is an incorrect diagnosis. It may be impossible for an uneducated veterinarian to compare the causes and symptoms of an animal’s disease.

Without seeing the overall picture of the disease and without certain pharmaceutical knowledge, it is absolutely impossible to treat an animal with medication.

This unprofessional intervention can aggravate the disease and lead to the death of the cat. If your pet is vomiting frequently and has persistent diarrhea, it should be treated immediately.

Do not treat animals on your own; trust your cat’s health to qualified specialists!

The health and life of your beloved pet is in the hands of the owner! Correct and enough active image life is a guarantee good stool and absence of diarrhea in cats.

The article described a cat disease called diarrhea. The main causes and symptoms of diarrhea in cats are described. The types of feline diarrhea and possible options treatment.