What is a town hall? Modern town halls of different countries

- (German, from Rath council, and Haus house). House of city elected administration. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. TOWN HALL German. Rathaus, from Rath, council, and Haus, house. Merchant government in cities. Explained... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

- (Polish ratusz, from German Rathaus), the building of city government in a number of European countries. The medieval architectural type of the town hall developed mainly in the 12th-14th centuries: usually a two-story building with a meeting room on the second floor, a balcony... ... Art encyclopedia

TOWN HALL, town halls, women. (Polish ratusz from German Rathaus). 1. In Poland and the Baltic states, the city government, as well as the building in which it is located. Warsaw Town Hall. 2. The institution in charge of the affairs of city government in the 18th and first... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Town Hall- in Malbork (Poland). 1365 80. TOWN HALL (Polish ratusz, from German Rathaus council house), 1) a body of self-government in the cities of medieval Europe; in Russia 18th - early 19th centuries. also a class judicial body in small towns. 2) City building... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Town Hall- Town Hall, city government body. In St. Petersburg it existed in 171021 headed by an inspector and in 172743 instead of the City Magistrate. Consisted of a burgomaster and two burgomasters, who were chosen for a year from the wealthiest... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

- (Polish ratusz from German Rathaus), 1) self-government body in the cities of the feudal West. Europe; in Russia at 6 p.m. 19th centuries also a class judicial body in small towns.2) City government building; usually has a hall on the 2nd floor and a sentry... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

TOWN HALL, and, women. In medieval Europe and in Russia, the 18th beginning. 19th century, in some countries of Western Europe: city government, as well as the building of such self-government. | adj. town hall, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Female, German Rathhaus, merchant council in towns and suburbs. Town Hall, related to it | novg. shabby city. Rathman, member of the town hall or magistrate; the ratman's wife, his wife. | grodn. river pilot Bugu (Naumov). Ratmanov, who belongs to him, to... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

- (Polish ratusz, from German Rathaus), in Russia: 1) the central institution in Moscow for managing the city population (merchants and artisans, from the late 17th century to 1720). 2) According to the regulations of 1722 R., the premises in which the city was located ... ... Russian history

City government body. In St. Petersburg it existed in 1710 21 headed by an inspector and in 1727 43 instead of the City Magistrate. It consisted of a burgomaster and two burgomasters, who were chosen for a year from the wealthiest merchants.... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)


  • Old Town Hall, Robert Rotenberg. The famous radio presenter Kevin Brace killed his beautiful wife Catherine and confessed his crime to a newspaper delivery boy. And, without even washing the blood off his hands, he sat down to wait for the police to arrive... Picture...

Minsk City Hall is an architectural monument of the 16th-19th centuries. The City Hall is one of the most striking sights of Minsk. It is located on Freedom Square, next to the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary on one side and the Holy Spirit Cathedral on the other.

The original town hall was wooden, but at the end of the 17th century it was rebuilt in stone. Travelers and scientists from different countries who visited Minsk in the 18th - 19th centuries noted the beauty and originality of its main square.

The Town Hall building rises in the center of the square. The Town Hall is a symbol of city government. Translated from German it means “meeting house”. In 1857, the town hall building was destroyed by order of the tsarist authorities.

Minsk residents associate the image of the town hall with the fact of gaining independence. Previously, the magistrate sat here, and now all the most important city administrative events are held.

On the second floor there are meeting rooms, on the first floor there are exhibition halls of Minsk museums. In the main exhibition hall, under a glass cover, there is a model of the historical center of Minsk from the early 19th century.

The Town Hall traditionally hosts the opening of the City Day and performances by musical groups.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 01.11.2015 18:04

The history of the town hall is inextricably linked with Magdeburg law, which was granted to Minsk on March 14, 1499 by the Grand Duke of Lithuania Alexander (1461-1506). Magdeburg law, which arose in the 13th century in the city of Magdeburg (hence the name), was aimed at regulating the position and activities of citizens in a feudal society.

This right made it possible to create a magistrate - its own administrative, judicial and executive body of self-government, which was in charge of the entire life of Minsk. The Grand Duke appointed a chief magistrate from among the major feudal lords. Voight appointed or approved a board of 15-20 people who were elected by the townspeople.

Magdeburg law freed city residents from judges and the power of governors, from feudal duties, from elders and other government officials. The city's coat of arms and banner were approved.

Thanks to this right, the Minsk magistrate defended the city from the feudal administration of the castle, the arbitrariness of the feudal lords, and resisted the growth of privately owned legal entities and voits. In the text of the charter for Magdeburg law, it was proposed to build a town hall in Minsk for a meeting of the magistrate with bread stalls, a tonsure chamber and benches.

Magdeburg law was abolished in 1795, and in 1870 the position in the city was abolished by the magistrate itself.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 02.11.2015 12:41

The very first town hall building was built of wood in the first half of the XYI century, but its exact location is unknown, because archaeologists have not found any remains of it. In 1582, a new stone town hall building was built, which was erected in a park in the middle of Freedom Square. In 1640, during a fire, the town hall was badly damaged. It was rebuilt again, and it acquired an expressive architectural appearance.

At the end of the 18th century, according to the design of the provincial architect Kramer, the building acquired the features of classicism. The author of the project completely preserved the structural basis of the old building, adding porticoes with balconies, so construction work was completed in 1797. On the city plan of 1793, the town hall is depicted as a 2-story building with a protruding tower of the main facade, which was crowned with a complex dome. On the facade of the town hall there was a bell (“ringing”) and a clock.

In the first half of the 19th century, the town hall building housed a music school, court, theater, archive, police and even a guardhouse. In 1851, the Minsk City Duma decided to demolish the town hall, because it crowded the main square of the city and blocked the view of the cathedral church, but only in 1857 money was allocated for its demolition. All this time, the former residence of the city magistrate was empty.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 02.11.2015 12:43

The project for the restoration of the Minsk City Hall was developed by Sergei Baglasov bit by bit for many years in order to accurately recreate the building. Historians and archaeologists have done a lot of work to obtain accurate information about the appearance of the building. The archives of Minsk, Vilnius, Warsaw, St. Petersburg, as well as information from archaeological excavations of the 1970-1980s were studied.

According to archaeological excavations, it was established that the walls of the town hall building were erected from scratch using the mixed masonry technique, the windows were glazed with green round glasses inserted into a metal frame, the roof was covered with flat tiles, which were later replaced with wavy tiles. Also, the remains of a 17th century stove were found, which was decorated with tiles with floral patterns.

In 2002, work on the restoration of the town hall began, and at the end of 2003 the building was put into operation. It was restored in a historically accurate place, which was determined by archaeological excavations.

The internal layout of the monument was not completely copied, but they tried to preserve its most valuable elements. On the second floor there is a hall for meetings and reception of honored guests; once the magistrate was located there.

On the first floor there are exhibition halls and expositions of the Minsk Museum, telling about the history and sights of the city. In the large exhibition hall there is a model of the historical center of Minsk from the early 19th century. under a glass dome.

The restored building was crowned with a 32-meter tower with a clock and the city's coat of arms depicting the Ascension of the Virgin Mary.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 02.11.2015 12:45

Nowadays the Minsk City Hall is the pearl of the city center of Minsk, which creates its own new history every day. This building often hosts various ceremonial events of city and state significance, award ceremonies for “Minsk Resident of the Year”, athletes and figures of modern Belarusian culture. The annual Minsk City Festival is also held here, at which the best artists from all over the country perform.

Today, anyone who cares about the history of the Belarusian capital can visit the city hall in Minsk on Freedom Square. On Saturday, from 12 to 15 o'clock, you can visit the excursion “Minsk City Hall - History and Modernity,” which is conducted by the Museum of the History of the City of Minsk. On the excursion you will be able to study in more detail the history of the city hall and the city of Minsk itself from the 11th century to today. If you are an active and inquisitive person, come, we are waiting for you every Saturday!

Square next to the town hall

Adjacent to the town hall is a cozy green square, also reconstructed, and now it looks like a hundred years ago. But in the general appearance of the territory there is one difference - there is no monument, which was demolished during the revolution.

Along the perimeter of the square there are benches in retro style, cast-iron lanterns, pedestrian paths, two oval alleys with planted pyramidal poplars pass through the square. 2004 gave the city residents a restored symbol of the city. The grand opening of the town hall took place on November 4 of the same year.

Anyone who has been to ancient European cities knows what a town hall is. This is a building that once housed officials and merchants. Today, such buildings are architectural monuments. The article lists the most famous town halls in the world.

Meaning of the word

What is a borrowing from Polish? The word came to this Slavic language from German. The fact is that the first such buildings were built in German cities. In order to understand what a town hall is, it’s worth looking at the German-Russian dictionary.

Rathaus - this is how the word whose meaning we are considering is spelled in German. The noun consists of two parts - raten and Haus. The first is a verb, translated into Russian - “to advise”. The second is a noun and means house. What is a town hall? Literally, the house of advice.

Famous town halls

Similar buildings can be seen in the following cities:

  • Bremen.
  • Munich.
  • Prague.
  • Tallinn.
  • Regensburg.
  • Antwerp.
  • Kosice.

The city hall, founded several centuries ago, is found in almost every ancient European city. Below we talk about the most famous buildings.

Bremen Town Hall

This building is included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list. The Town Hall building in Bremen is an example of Gothic architecture. The building is located in the historical center on the Market Square.

The town hall was built at the beginning of the 15th century. A hundred years later, city authorities decided that the appearance of this building was too modest. The building was restored and given the Weser Renaissance style. During the Second World War, more than half of Bremen's buildings were destroyed. The town hall miraculously survived. The last restoration was carried out in 2003.

Munich City Hall

The building is located on Marienplatz square and is intended for city government. But some floors are open to tourists. This is not the only town hall in the city; it was built not so long ago - in the mid-19th century. That’s why it’s called New. Previously, the city council was located in the Old Town Hall, which is only a few tens of meters away.

The building, of course, is equipped with an elevator. Anyone can go up to the top floor, where one of the best observation decks in Munich is located.

Old Town Hall

This building is located in the historical district of the Czech capital. The first structure on the site, which is visited by thousands of tourists every year, appeared in the 13th century. The building today is one of the main attractions of Prague. However, it does not look like it did in the Middle Ages, because it was completed several times.

In 1360, a second building appeared on the western side. A hundred years later, another structure was erected here. At the beginning of the 19th century, a clock was installed at the top and a platform was added. In 1945 it almost burned down. The fire destroyed part of the structure, and the chimes were also damaged.

Tallinn Town Hall

In the Middle Ages, this building housed the city government of Revel - that was the name of the capital of Estonia. This structure is one of the oldest cities in Europe. The first mentions of it are found in documents of the 14th century.

Old Town Hall in Regensburg

Members of the city council have not met in this building for a long time. There is a museum here. Construction of the building began in New parts were repeatedly added to the structure. The Reichstag Museum, located here, was founded in the sixties of the last century. In the basement of the town hall in Hitler's times there was a prison and a torture chamber.

Antwerp Town Hall

This is one of the first Renaissance buildings in Northern Europe. Built in the mid-16th century, at a time when Antwerp was a major trading city. The Town Hall is located on the main square and is a four-story building. It lost its original appearance during a fire in 1576, but later the building was restored. The interior of the premises is stylized as antique.

- (Polish ratusz - from German Rathaus), 1) self-government body in the cities of the feudal West. Europe; in Russia at 18 - early. 19th centuries alsosass... encyclopedic Dictionary

Town Hall

- J. German. Rathhaus, merchant council in towns and suburbs. Town Hall, related to it. | Novg. shabby city. Ratman, member of the Ratu... Dahl's Dictionary

Town Hall

- The building of such self-government. and 1 more definition Ozhegov's Dictionary

Town Hall

- - self-government body in the cities of feudal Western Europe. In Russia in the 18th and early 19th centuries. also a class judicial body in... and 1 more definition Historical Dictionary

Town Hall

- 1) City government building in a number of European countries. 2) The body of self-government in the cities of medieval Germany and some... Political dictionary

Town Hall

- Town Hall - established by Peter I in 1699 in Moscow under the name of the Mayor's Chamber, which in the same year (November 17) was renamed... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


- And, well. City government in some European countries and in Russia in the 18th century. 19th centuries, as well as the building of such a city... Dictionary of foreign words

town hall

- Ukr. town hall m., town hall, blr. town hall, other Russian town hall (Polotsk gram. 1478; see Napiersky 234). Through Polish ratusz from Wed-W-... Vasmer's Etymological Dictionary

town hall

- R "ATUSHA, town halls, female (Polish ratusz from German Rathaus). 1. In Poland and the Baltic states - a body of city self-government ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

What is a town hall

  1. flare)
  2. Town Hall -
    1) City government building in a number of European countries.
    2) Self-government in the cities of medieval Germany and certain others; countries
    3) City government body in Russia, 1 created by Peter I in 1699 and representing ch. arr. interests of the merchants; existed until 1720.
    Political dictionary

    Town Hall - (Polish Ratusz, from German Rathaus?) the building of city government in a number of European countries. The medieval architectural type of the town hall developed mainly in the 12th-14th centuries; usually a two-story building with a meeting room on the second floor, a balcony, and a multi-tiered clock tower. In the 16th-17th centuries. Renaissance and Baroque elements were superimposed on the medieval compositional basis. In room 19-n. 20th centuries town halls were built in the national-romantic style (town hall in Stockholm, 1911-21, architect R. Östberg). The modern town hall is a functionalist administrative building, sometimes organically combined with its historical urban surroundings. On the territory of the former USSR, town halls were built in the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus, in the Baltic states.
    Architectural Dictionary

  3. Town Hall (from German Rathaus literally council house, borrowed into Russian through Polish ratusz):

  4. Previously, this was the main building of the city, where its administration sat
  5. body of city or township administration and self-government, initially a merchant council, later a city duma;
    the name of the building where this body meets; The less Slavicized form ratgauz is also used in this meaning. Traditionally, many town hall buildings were built with towers (for example, beffroy), which often housed clocks and bells;
    According to the well-known dictionary of V.I. Dahl, Novgorodians called provincial towns town halls.
    Initially, town halls, as their name suggests, arose in German trading cities, and were later established by their partners in other countries.
  6. Government
    Now buildings are also called this word.
  7. This is the governing body where parliament, the president or the mayor sits!
  8. building such as an administration or city hall
  9. administration type
  10. The meaning of the word Town Hall according to Efremova:
    Town Hall - City government body in some European countries and in the Russian state in the 18th century. - early 19th century