Products for the appetite of adults. How to increase your appetite and create a strong desire to eat tasty food. High glycemic index foods

The problem of weight loss has been studied for a long time. New and varied diets, training programs, courses and much more are constantly appearing. Much less attention is paid to this important issue like gaining weight. Thinness is not only an aesthetic problem, but can also lead to poor health. By observing several simple rules You can put your body in order and start a new life.

The feeling of hunger is a signal from the body that it needs nutrients. The hunger center, which is located in the hypothalamus, gives a signal about the lack of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and microelements. If a person loses their appetite, this can lead to nutritional imbalance.

If a person is not able to eat the amount of food that his body requires, then his appetite is impaired. There may be several reasons:

  • neuropsychic (somatic);
  • organ dysfunction digestive system;
  • metabolic disease;
  • bad habits(smoking and drinking alcohol);
  • avitaminosis.

Any chronic and acute diseases, infections, tumors can also lead to disturbances and complete loss of appetite.

Taking medications, in particular antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and pills to increase blood pressure, reduces appetite.

Among psychosomatic reasons: stress, habit, social phobias, anorexia, depression. Among the problems of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, dysbiosis, intestinal dyskinesia, problems with the production of enzymes, diseases of the pancreas or gall bladder.

Proven ways to improve appetite

There are three sports supplements for gaining weight:

  • (protein + carbohydrates).

Additional source useful substances may be amino acids and beta-alanine. These supplements are needed to increase energy during strength training, but do not affect the process of weight gain.

Whey protein is needed to speed up metabolism and muscle growth. Daily norm protein an athlete has 1.5-2.5 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight. Whey protein is absorbed in minutes, while regular food takes more than an hour. Protein is consumed not only on training days. 1 measuring spoon sports supplement equivalent to a serving of meat.

Creatine retains fluid in the muscles, which makes them appear larger. The substance is able to optimize energy processes in muscles, increase strength indicators, due to which muscles will grow faster.

Gainer consists of protein and carbohydrates. Carbohydrate is a source of energy and is necessary for recovery after exercise. The mixture is also quickly absorbed by the body. Taken on training and rest days as an additional source of nutrition.

Help of medicinal plants and herbal collections

Bitter herbs (bitters) are used to increase appetite. You can buy them at any pharmacy. Before taking it, it is recommended to consult with your doctor to rule out side effects. They irritate the gastric mucosa and cause reflex secretion gastric juice.

  • dandelion root;
  • centaury grass;
  • Montana;
  • belladonna;
  • wormwood.
  • Bitterness is present in the composition of the appetizing collection, in the preparations Vitaon and Aristochol, in stomach tablets with belladonna extract.

    The above herbs increase the feeling of hunger, have a choleretic effect, and relieve inflammation.

    Since bitterness causes the secretion of gastric juice, it is forbidden to take them for gastritis and ulcers.

    Additionally, you can take: juniper, barberry, black currant, anise seeds, caraway seeds, sea buckthorn. Chicory, yellow gentian, and plantain have a stronger effect.

    Honey, propolis and bee bread will help replenish the body essential minerals and vitamins, which will lead to proper operation Gastrointestinal tract.

    Dangerous ways to increase appetite

    If you abuse any of the methods of increasing appetite, it can be detrimental to your health.

    You should not take any medications without a doctor’s prescription, deviate from the instructions or increase the recommended course of treatment. The same applies to traditional medicine.

    Before you start taking measures, you need to undergo an examination with a doctor and identify the objective causes of disorders in the body.

    You can only eat healthy food, don’t eat fast foods, don’t eat at night, consume only healthy glucose.

    Under no circumstances should you accept hormonal drugs without special indications.

    Physical exercise should also be in moderation increased fatigue will only lead to disruption of digestive processes.


    Anyone can increase their appetite healthy man, this should be done moderately and gradually, without counting on quick results. A set of measures will allow you to restore your body’s functioning, feel better and more confident.

    Be sure to read about it

    The need to eat food is inherent in us by nature, but there are times when for quite a long time this natural desire is absent.

    Thanks to physical activity in young people, the need for food is restored quite quickly.

    But if an elderly person has no appetite, what to do in this case?

    Loss of appetite in older people almost always indicates functional disorders in the body due to physical or emotional reasons.

    Long-term lack of appetite in older people has a negative impact on health and can lead to serious consequences.

    Causes of loss of appetite in an elderly person

    Loss of appetite in older adults can be caused by a number of reasons. Short-term lack of appetite in old age is quite common.

    Refusal to eat for a long time should be a concern. In this case, most probable cause A gradual decrease in appetite, accompanied by weight loss, is a disease.

    Diseases accompanied by loss of appetite include:

    1. inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, intestines;
    2. chronic and liver failure, cirrhosis of the liver;
    3. heart and vascular diseases;
    4. various types, kidney infections;
    5. , diseases thyroid gland, metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalances;
    6. autoimmune diseases;
    7. , and some other mental disorders, as well;
    8. taking medications.

    Lack of appetite in older people can be caused by bad habits or taste preferences, for example, to fatty foods.

    Consequences of poor appetite

    Complete lack of interest in food or poor appetite in old age is a very serious problem.

    An insufficient amount of food does not provide an elderly person with the amount of nutrients and microelements necessary for normal life.

    This condition, in addition to weight loss, is fraught with the occurrence serious problems with health.

    Headache is one of the reasons for poor appetite

    General weakness, exhaustion of the body, exacerbation chronic diseases, disruption of the brain and other vital important organs- these are just the main consequences of poor appetite.

    Eating small amounts of food for a long time can cause muscle atrophy, problems with musculoskeletal system and can ultimately be fatal.

    If left untreated, the effects of poor appetite can develop into complete loss desire to eat, so-called anorexia or cause sitophobia, in which a person is afraid to eat food because of the possibility of pain.

    How to increase appetite in an elderly person with treatment

    It is quite difficult to answer the question of how to increase appetite in an elderly person. To do this, it is necessary to determine the root cause that caused the decrease or complete loss of appetite.

    To do this, it is better to go through the full medical examination. But since it is quite difficult for an elderly person to do this, the examination is limited to a minimum set of diagnostic procedures.

    Such procedures include:

    • detailed blood test;
    • complete urine examination;
    • Ultrasound abdominal cavity, thyroid gland;
    • fluoroscopy and gastroscopy of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Magnetic resonance imaging.

    Further treatment is prescribed depending on the diagnostic results. If the cause of lack of appetite is illness, the elderly person is prescribed appropriate treatment and, upon completion, the appetite is usually restored.

    Medicines can be either antibiotics or drugs to treat of cardio-vascular system, hormone replacement drugs, insulin.

    If loss of appetite poses a threat to the life of an elderly person and his physical condition allows, the doctor may prescribe special drugs, increasing appetite.

    These include some iron-containing drugs, anabolic steroids, pharmaceutical bitters, dopamine blockers and digestive activity regulators, as well as some dietary supplements.

    They should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account possible side effects. In some cases, the question of how to increase appetite in an elderly person can be solved by surgery, chemotherapy.

    In the absence of the need for food caused by depressive states and mental disorders, in addition to sedatives, stimulants, and unconventional methods, such as physiotherapy using the latest medical devices, .

    Quite often, especially in cases of senility, good nutrition for an elderly person is possible only through the introduction of high-calorie mixtures into the body through a gastronomic tube.

    To increase the appetite of older people, depending on their physical condition, also prescribe walks on fresh air and minor physical exercise.

    Increasing appetite at home

    How to increase the appetite of an elderly person at home? The answer to this question is deeply individual, because you can increase your appetite at home without visiting a specialist only in the absence of serious illnesses.

    To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to reconsider the diet of an elderly person. It is necessary to exclude or minimize the consumption of sugary carbonated drinks and alcohol from the diet.

    To improve appetite, almost every meal an elderly person eats should start with vegetables and consist of favorite foods and foods rich in protein, zinc, various vitamins and amino acids.

    If there are no restrictions, you can use various spices and spices to stimulate your appetite. At home, you can also use herbal infusions that increase the desire to eat.

    Good effect They give tinctures of chamomile flowers, dill, lemon balm and peppermint. There are quite a lot traditional methods to increase appetite in older people.

    One of these ways to stimulate appetite is to take an infusion of wormwood or dandelion half an hour before meals.

    Older people are also encouraged to eat lemon juice diluted in warm water, chicory, and yarrow juice.

    Improves the need for food and general state body freshly squeezed carrot juice. Decoctions prepared from centaury, angelica, sage and rue have a good effect.

    Folk recipes for increasing appetite at home are accessible medicinal plants, ease of preparation and use.


    Most older people are able to control their food needs on their own, and although they sometimes suffer from loss of appetite, it is temporary, does not require treatment, and in most cases goes away on its own.

    And in order to prevent a temporary phenomenon from developing into a serious problem requiring treatment, it is important to surround your loved ones with care and give them a little of your time and attention.

    Video: Appetite in old age determines aging

    Loss of appetite can be caused by several reasons, most of which are usually associated with unstable psychological state patient. If refusal to eat occurs for a long time, it is important to consult a doctor to determine the exact cause of the pathology. After the examination, the specialist may decide to prescribe a number of appetite-stimulating drugs to the patient. They may belong not only to traditional pharmacy medicines, but also to biologically active additives, homeopathy and other groups of stimulants. Their use should be carried out under the direct supervision of a physician in order to assess the real need for using the medication and its therapeutically adequate dose.


    The drug is used to increase appetite when diagnosing severe helminthiasis, the appearance of dermatitis and other complex diseases. Periactin should not be used if the patient has been diagnosed with glaucoma, has a tendency to swelling and peptic ulcer. To obtain an adequate therapeutic result, you need to take 4 mg active ingredient up to four times a day. The duration of therapy is different for each patient. In some cases, the specialist may decide to increase the amount active substance up to 32 mg per day.


    The main purpose of the drug is treatment allergic manifestations on the skin in the form of dermatitis and other rashes. Because of similar disease the patient may begin to quickly lose appetite and body weight, then Peritol is prescribed to maintain the body. To treat an adult patient, it is necessary to take 4 mg of the active ingredient three to four times a day. It is preferable to drink the drug 15-30 minutes before meals. At severe cases loss of appetite and the presence of anorexia and its symptoms, the dose of the active substance can be increased to 32 mg, which should also be divided into 4 uses.


    One of the most effective means, which can quickly improve the functioning of the digestive system, improve mental condition, which will have a positive effect on appetite. Accepted even in severe forms anorexia. It is most convenient to take Elkar in the form of a suspension, as it comes with a measuring spoon. During treatment, the dose of the active substance may change, which is not always convenient when using the tablet form. Quantity active component is selected taking into account the severity of the disease. Usually, in case of poor appetite, the doctor prescribes 5 ml of suspension in the morning and evening before the main meal. The duration of therapy is 1-2 months.

    Apilak Grindeks

    This drug is a general strengthening drug. The patient’s feeling of hunger appears against the background of improved functioning of the digestive and endocrine systems, and the performance of the central nervous system is stimulated. The drug is taken in a short course for no more than 15 days. Apilak contains bees royal jelly, therefore, people with allergies to bee products. The medication is taken according to the regimen of 2 tablets three times a day. The prescribed dose should be placed under the tongue and wait until it is completely dissolved.

    Bioaron S

    Like Apilak, this drug has a general strengthening effect, thanks to increased content ascorbic acid and aloe leaf extract. The drug is available in the form of a syrup for oral use. Prescribed as an appetite stimulant against the background of infectious and colds. Taken for two weeks at a dosage of 5 ml of suspension 20 minutes before meals three times a day.

    Attention! The drugs described are potent and can be harmful if the dose of the active substance is violated or taken without sufficient indications. When using the described means, it is recommended to maintain healthy diet and supplement treatment with vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes.

    Vitamin complexes to increase appetite


    Adult patients need to take this vitamin complex in tablet form. The drug contains such active substances as folic acid, nicotinamide, ascorbic acid, calcium and other minerals and useful components. Pikovit should not be taken by patients who have increased amount vitamin A, as well as those living in areas with big amount sunny days. Adult form The medication is available in the form of lozenges. They must be taken an hour after meals and dissolved until completely dissolved; you can drink a little water, but not more than 50 ml. Pikovit is taken for one month, one tablet per 24 hours.


    A drug with similar effects to Pikovit. But it has a weaker effect compared to the main vitamin complex. Makrovit also contains acids, vitamins C, E, A and others. Additionally, the composition is enriched with retinol and riboflavin. The drug should be taken one dose 1-2 times a day, taking into account the degree of development of the disorder. When using Makrovit, patients sometimes experienced allergies and slight nausea. The course of treatment should be taken for one month.

    Attention! Vitamin complexes provide only auxiliary assistance, so it is important if you have serious violations do not give up traditional medicines in your diet. Increasing the dose of the active substance in the desire to quickly increase appetite and not take pharmaceutical drugs unacceptable, as this leads to allergies and intolerance to the product.

    Dietary supplements to increase appetite


    Like most stimulant-type products, this supplement has positive impact on appetite and protects the patient from possible allergic reactions for other drugs, food and external environment. Stimuvit contains minerals, vitamins and amino acids that additionally normalize metabolic processes in organism. The supplement should be taken for a month, unless otherwise specified for a specific patient. The dosage is 1 capsule 3 times a day.


    Part medicine includes lemon and succinic acid, providing beneficial effect on the digestive tract and central nervous system. Limontar is available in the form soluble tablets. The duration of taking the medication is usually one month, but the doctor can create a different course of therapy taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s condition. Typically, the dosage of the medication is one tablet on an empty stomach. Other treatment options can only be considered with a doctor. It is also important to take the medication correctly:

    • take 15-30 minutes before meals;
    • First, the prescribed dose is well crushed;
    • the resulting powder must be combined with 200 ml of purified water;
    • regular liquid is also added to the liquid baking soda on the tip of a knife;
    • if there is no soda, you can dilute the drug in 200 ml of mineral water.

    Video - Food that increases appetite

    Urginea maritima

    The drug is a powder prepared from sea onions. You can also find tablets and tincture with this homeopathic component. In addition to a noticeable improvement in appetite, there is a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, cardiovascular system and metabolic processes. The most convenient way to take sea onion is in the form of a tincture. The dose of the active substance is 10-15 drops per dose. It is necessary to take the drug 2-3 times a day for a time individually selected for each patient.

    Attention! Dietary Supplements Can Be Just as Dangerous as Anything pharmaceutical product. A large number of tablets of this type can lead to allergies and other unwanted effects. It is also prohibited to base your treatment only on supplements when we're talking about O pathological conditions body.

    Folk remedies to increase appetite

    SubstanceImageCooking methodDose and course of treatment
    Wash the root, dry it well, chop it. Pour 10 g of the substance into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes, strain50 ml three times a day for 2-3 weeks
    Sold ready-made in a pharmacy15-20 drops three times a day for 2-3 weeks
    10 g of dry roots, pre-washed and well ground, pour 200 ml of boiling water and simmer covered for 15 minutes50-75 ml of decoction 3 times a day for 2 weeks
    20 g of dry raw materials should be poured with 1 liter of boiling water, left for an hour100 ml three times a day for 2-4 weeks

    Attention! If loss of appetite is not associated with pathological processes in the body, there are no symptoms of anorexia, the use of home remedies with vitamins is best option maintaining and healing the body.

    Homeopathy to increase appetite


    The drug is a multicomponent homeopathic mixture that copes well with loss of appetite due to the development of infectious diseases And inflammatory processes. Selenium is available in the form of small granules for oral administration. For achievement required result the patient is recommended to take 8 tablets four times a day; sometimes only three doses of the active substance are allowed. Sometimes when taking Selenium, there is an exacerbation of existing problems in the form of a stronger lack of appetite. In this case, it is necessary to interrupt therapy for five days and repeat treatment again. The duration of therapy is individual for each patient.


    Homeopathic medicine wide range impact. In the described case, it is used not just for lack of appetite, but for complete aversion to food. Additionally, Hydrastis stimulates the digestive system, improves metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the central nervous system and protects the body from cancer. Dosages and course of administration homeopathic remedy depends on the complexity of the patient’s condition and the presence of concomitant problems with other systems. In the final stages of treatment, any prescribed dose of Hydrastis should be gradually reduced until the medication is completely discontinued.

    Attention! It is believed that taking any vitamin or vitamin complex stimulates appetite and increases the amount of food consumed, while the body requires healthy products, and not fast food and other harmful things. Because of this feature, such medications are often prescribed during pregnancy and underweight.

    If you experience problems with appetite, it is recommended to first reconsider your lifestyle, as well as undergo a medical examination to identify possible pathologies digestive tract and other body systems. Only after receiving necessary tests Your doctor may decide to use appetite stimulants. Cancel similar treatment It is recommended gradually so that stimulants do not provoke addiction and the inability to independently control the feeling of fullness and hunger.

    From this article you will learn:

      What is a sign of poor appetite in an elderly person?

      What can a lack of appetite cause in an elderly person?

      What tests will an elderly person have to undergo to identify the cause of poor appetite?

      How to increase appetite in an elderly person at home

      What to do if an elderly person increased appetite

      What to consider when planning a diet for an elderly person

    Having a good, healthy appetite is a sign that a person is healthy. As a rule, its deterioration is associated with emotional and physical problems. Poor appetite can be caused by many diseases, for example, indigestion. Read below about how to improve the appetite of an elderly person.

    What is a sign of poor appetite in an elderly person?

    Lack of appetite in an elderly person can be caused by:

      Cardiovascular diseases;

      Pneumonia, flu, hepatitis or infection;

      Cirrhosis, acute heart failure or chronic renal failure;

      Cancer of the stomach, colon, blood;

      Inflammation alimentary canal, intestines;

      Diabetes mellitus low level thyroid hormone, endocrine problems;

      Certain types of dementia;

      Autoimmune diseases;

      Various mental disorders. For example, the appetite of older people may deteriorate due to schizophrenia;

      Certain medications. For example, poor appetite in older adults can be caused by anesthetics, antibiotics, diabetes medications, or chemotherapy.

    The above reasons are not limited to the list of factors causing poor appetite in an elderly person. We should not forget that its deterioration may be associated with bad habits, excessive consumption fatty foods and sweets. Sometimes it is simply impossible to determine what causes loss of appetite in older people.

    What can a lack of appetite cause in an elderly person?

    If older people have no appetite, then this is fraught with weight loss, loss of strength, general weakness. Sometimes because of this, all body systems fail. By the way, the worst case scenario is a disruption of brain function, because the pensioner does not eat anything, which means he needs nutrients and microelements do not enter the body with food. As you can imagine, poor appetite in older people is a serious problem.

    Poor appetite in an elderly person can lead to muscle atrophy and problems with the musculoskeletal system. Anorexia is a common disease that also occurs among the elderly. As a rule, the patient has no complaints, he gradually loses weight, but does not experience hunger. Such difficult situations Poor appetite in an elderly person can cause fatal outcome. Only specialists can help the patient. He needs to see an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, or psychotherapist and complain about poor appetite.

    What tests will you need to take?

    If poor appetite in an elderly person causes weight loss, then you need to consult a specialist. As a rule, poor appetite in an elderly person signals the presence of a serious illness. The doctor examines the patient, prescribes tests, and finds out the reason for the lack of hunger.

    Thanks to a blood test, a specialist will find out what causes poor appetite in an elderly person. For example, we can talk about liver diseases, diabetes, disorders hormonal functions body. A urine test is ordered to check whether an older person's poor appetite is due to an infection in the kidneys, and an x-ray chest necessary for detecting lung cancer and pneumonia.

    To find out the reason that causes poor appetite in an elderly person, it is necessary to carry out medical procedures. We are talking about a barium enema, a blood test (complete), ultrasound scanning abdominal organs, liver function testing, kidney function testing, thyroid examination, urinalysis and x-ray of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

    If poor appetite in an elderly person does not go away, then this is fraught with exhaustion of the body. The appearance of other consequences is determined depending on what disease caused the lack of appetite. For example, if poor appetite in an elderly person is due to diabetes, this can lead to disruption of the eyes and kidneys.

    How to increase appetite in an elderly person at home

    If older people have no appetite, what should they do? How to restore a healthy appetite? First of all, you need to understand the reason for its absence. For example, a pensioner is worried about nausea. Then treatment involves using medicines, relieving nausea.

    If the patient has dementia, the doctor will prescribe artificial nutrition using a gastrostomy tube or high-calorie nutritional mixtures. If poor appetite in an elderly person is caused by appendicitis, then without surgical intervention not enough. If loss of appetite is associated with hormonal imbalance, then you will need to take special hormone replacement drugs. If it is cancer, then the elderly person will have to undergo chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

    How to increase appetite in an elderly person? Use our tips:

      Consider including protein-rich meals, nutritious snacks, and drinks to improve appetite in older adults.

      Efficient food supplement, containing vitamin B complex - yeast. How to increase appetite in an elderly person? Add to your diet green vegetables and products containing zinc.

      You can improve appetite in older people with herbal infusion, which should be drunk half an hour before meals. Chamomile, dill, lemon balm, peppermint help restore appetite if its loss is associated with emotional and mental problems.

    How to increase appetite in an elderly person using folk remedies

    1. Bitterness in food.

    Consumption of wormwood helps restore appetite. The infusion is consumed 1 tsp diluted in 100 ml of water 30 minutes before meals. The product will not only help restore appetite in older people, but also stimulate the secretion of bile.

    2. Chicory before lunch.

    Chicory will help restore appetite in older people if you drink it 30 minutes before your intended meal. By the way, its use will not affect blood pressure levels.

    3. Lemon juice for appetite.

    Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add to it warm water. To improve appetite in older people, drink the drink immediately before meals.

    4. Infusion of dandelion rhizome.

    In spring, it is useful to consume dandelion leaves. Bitterness should not scare you, because this is exactly what the body needs. We recommend preparing an infusion from dandelion rhizomes. To do this, pour 2 tsp. chopped roots cold water(200 ml) and leave to infuse. To improve appetite in older people, you need to take the infusion four times a day, ¼ cup.

    5. Carrot and watercress juice.

    You can improve appetite in older people with watercress and carrot juice. Take four carrots and a bunch of abs, squeeze the juice out of them and dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio. Take the mixture 30 minutes before meals.

    6. Yarrow juice.

    Common yarrow helps restore appetite in older people. Squeeze the juice out of it and take 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

    7. Centaury, angelica, sage, rue.

    Mix centaury herb (20 g), sage (10 g), leaves of fragrant rue (20 g), angelica root (10 g). Pour boiling water (600 ml) over the herbal mixture, leave to steep for 40 minutes, then strain. To improve appetite in older people, they need to take a glass of infusion three times a day before meals.

    8. Wormwood, willow, yarrow, dandelion.

    Take wormwood grass (1 part), white willow bark (half part), dandelion grass (1 part) and yarrow grass (1 part). Pour 1 tbsp. l. mixture with boiling water (400 ml). Let the broth steep for 30 minutes. To restore appetite in older people, it is recommended to take the infusion three times a day, 100 ml, 20 minutes before meals.

    By the way, when faced with a problem related to the fact that the appetite has deteriorated in older people, it is important to remember such a concept as "imaginary anorexia". A sick person refuses to eat because he believes that he is not receiving enough attention. Sometimes old man eats food in secret from his relatives.

    Increased appetite in older people: what to do

    Increased appetite in older people may be caused by for various reasons. Sometimes this problem arises as a result of memory impairment, that is, the pensioner simply forgets what he ate twenty minutes ago. In some cases, an elderly person loses the feeling of satiety as a result of a disease of one of the digestive organs.

    Pensioners are prone to worries and worries, which often cause increased appetite in older people. Old people try to relieve their pain and thoughts about problems with food. Sometimes grandparents do not tell their loved ones about their experiences, and it is only possible to understand that something is wrong constant desire There is.

    Gluttony can also be caused by endocrine factors. Increased appetite in older people is sometimes associated with long-term illnesses, metabolic disorders.

    If increased appetite in older people leads to obesity, then it is necessary to urgently seek help from a specialist.

    6 diet rules for older people

    1. Food should contain a lot of proteins, microelements, vitamins, and also be balanced.

    Poor health may be associated with insufficient protein intake. Typically, patients complain of weakness and constant fatigue. If there is not enough protein in food, then organ tissues are damaged and destroyed, the physical functions of the body decrease, and appetite in older people worsens.

    To avoid protein, calcium and iron deficiency, it is necessary to regularly consume a certain amount of meat. Thanks to calcium, bones become less brittle and their density increases significantly. Iron deficiency can lead to the development of anemia.

    Sometimes an elderly person refuses meat because it is difficult for him to chew it. To restore appetite in elderly people, you need to ensure that the pensioner can easily consume the food served to him. The elderly are recommended to eat only meat or a fish dish in a day. In addition, liver is also useful if it is consumed no more than once a week. Thanks to milk fermented milk products, cheese and eggs can replenish the deficiency of calcium, vitamins and proteins, and restore appetite in older people.

    The absorption of vitamins in old age decreases by half. This is due to the fact that the appetite of older people decreases with age, living conditions worsen, and they have to take a large number of medications.

    Vitamin A has antioxidant properties and provides protection against some forms of cancer. It is found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables, animal products, for example, milk, liver, egg yolk. The precursors of vitamin A are beta-carotene and lycopene, which these foods are rich in. The vitamin makes our skin healthy and also improves vision.

    Vitamin D promotes good bone function. Most pensioners consume only half daily dose vitamin D. As a rule, an elderly person rarely spends time in the sun or fresh air. In addition, the ability of kidney cells to process this vitamin is reduced. It is found in fish of the salmon family, sardines, and shrimp. By the way, to improve appetite in older people, it is recommended to take dietary supplements.

    Vitamin C is water soluble. bell pepper, citrus fruits, broccoli, kiwi, strawberries, tomatoes contain it in large quantities. Its metabolism in the body of men and women proceeds differently. Even if a man receives an equal or greater dose of the vitamin, his blood levels will be lower than a woman's. To restore appetite in older people, it is recommended to take ascorbic acid. Men 150 mg per day, and women 75-80 mg.

    Vitamin E has antioxidant properties. A large amount of it is contained in vegetable oils and margarine.

    Vitamin B12. With its deficiency, disturbances appear in connective tissues. In older people, concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach decreases, and because of this the vitamin cannot be absorbed. To restore appetite in older people, it is recommended to take this vitamin in the form of a dietary supplement.

    2. Food must contain the amount of calories that will cover the energy costs of an elderly person and keep him in good physical shape.

    The older we get, the fewer calories we consume. If a pensioner has an increased or, conversely, poor appetite in older people, then, first of all, you need to take care of proper nutrition which will contribute to recovery normal weight. By the way, it is important to remember that both obesity and exhaustion in the elderly are usually caused by one of psychological problems. Increased or, conversely, poor appetite in older people can be associated with stress, depression, etc.

    3. Food should have a composition that would prevent constipation and dehydration.

    The large intestine in older people has a poor amount of mucus, which often causes constipation. Of course, similar condition also affects appetite. Make sure that the pensioner drinks water, tea, juices, and eats liquid soups. In addition, eating boiled or baked vegetables and fruits is beneficial. This will help older people gradually regain their appetite.

    If an elderly person drinks little fluid, it becomes difficult to fully remove metabolic products from the body, and the appetite of older people worsens. The kidneys are overloaded with work, and in old age the number of active nephrons gradually decreases.

    To improve appetite in older people, you need to take care regular use liquids. It is important that the pensioner drinks little but often. By the way, often older people cannot drink cold water and prefer warm. To restore appetite in older people, offer them warm drinks.

    4. You can and should add to food when preparing it. a small amount of different spices.

    Spices help speed up metabolism. In addition, they give food a special taste, which increases appetite in older people. Of course, it’s important to make sure the spices you choose are something your retiree will enjoy. Otherwise, the effect may be the opposite, and older people will lose their appetite completely.

    5. You need to maintain a diet.

    To restore appetite in older people, we recommend feeding them at a certain time. Best served food in small portions several times a day. Prepare for this in advance and think about what the elderly person will have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes older people's appetite increases at night, so you can drink a glass of milk or kefir during the second dinner.

    6. Don't pressure older people or force them to eat.

    This statement does not apply to older people who have lost their appetite due to anorexia. But all other pensioners can determine for themselves how much food they need. If grandfather is overcome by depression and has lost his appetite, then you need to serve him light and Tasty food. Feed him small portions, but often. Respect your relative's preferences. Appetite in older people does not need to be controlled unless it is good reasons. Don't argue with him if he refuses some dish. IN otherwise Older people's appetite will always be poor.

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    Most people have an excellent appetite, which often leads to overeating and weight gain. excess weight, therefore, many perceive the problem of lack of appetite as something frivolous and far-fetched. And in vain. Low appetite can be temporary and caused psychological aspects or the body’s reaction to taking medications, or may signal dangerous diseases, for example the occurrence cancerous tumor, and therefore you should not ignore it.

    Causes of decreased appetite?

    Before you take action to improve your appetite, you need to understand the reasons for its absence. If, for no apparent reason, a person’s lack of appetite continues for more than two weeks, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor and check your health; perhaps the reason lies in serious illnesses, requiring medical intervention and treatment.

    Due to a number of emotional, psychological and physiological reasons, momentary loss loss of appetite can be observed in almost all adults. Frequent stress, emergency situations, apathy and depression are the main causes of decreased appetite in adults. In pursuit of fashion and beauty, many girls regularly follow various diets to lose weight, which can ultimately lead to eating disorders and anorexia, which neglected form dangerous and fatal.

    Reasons for lack of appetite in children may include:

    • individual developmental characteristics,
    • snacking on sweets before meals,
    • sedentary lifestyle,
    • psychological pressure from adults,
    • feeling unwell or sick.

    Having understood the reasons for low appetite, it is necessary to take measures to increase it.

    How to improve your appetite

    In order to increase your appetite, you need to make adjustments to your diet and reconsider your diet, habits and preferences.

    Ways to increase appetite:

    • Fractional meals in small portions. It is healthier for the stomach to eat small portions for better absorption of food. At the same time, you should not starve; breaks between meals should be no more than 3 hours.
    • Diet variety. It is necessary to include your favorite foods in your diet, however, constant consumption of them may soon become boring. Based on this, you need to regularly supplement your menu with new dishes and desserts, based on personal taste preferences.
    • Meals should be at the same time. Eating at the same time will help activate the stomach and secrete gastric juice, which will increase the feeling of hunger. You should not snack on sweets before meals. Half an hour before meals, it is better to eat a fruit or vegetable, drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
    • Maintaining water balance. Dehydration of the body affects loss of appetite, and therefore it is recommended to drink 5-8 glasses of purified water without gas during the day, especially during intense physical activity.
    • Food culture. A beautifully set table and impressive presentation of dishes help increase appetite. It is recommended to drink a glass of dry red wine or a bitter-tasting aperitif 15-20 minutes before a meal.
    • Rejection of bad habits. Quitting smoking will deprive the body of previously received pleasure, which it will look for in something else, often in food. Another bad habit for the body is wrong mode day. It is necessary to alternate work and rest, relax, and sleep at least 8 hours a day.
    • Active lifestyle. To increase appetite, regular physical activity is necessary. You should try to walk longer in the fresh air, play sports, visit your preferred sections, and refuse to use the elevator.
    • Taking vitamins. A deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body may result in a reluctance to eat, and therefore it is recommended to take additional multivitamin complexes. Ascorbic acid and vitamin B12 activate the appetite.

    In order to increase an adult's appetite and gain weight, you need to change your lifestyle and eating habits. Sedentary image life and bad habits (smoking, lack of sleep), as well as regular stress, reduce the desire to eat. Therefore, it is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, regularly exercise and exercise, and get enough sleep.

    Eating should be a pleasure, and therefore it is important to set the table beautifully, eat slowly, without rushing.You can eat 20-30 minutes before meals green apple , a slice of fresh lemon or drink a couple of spoons cabbage juice, which will increase appetite due to rising insulin levels in the blood and stimulation of the gastric mucosa. Spices, spices and seasonings also increase appetite, and therefore it is recommended to add them when preparing dishes.

    No less effective methods increased appetite in adults: folk remedies (tincture wormwood, calamus, dandelions, chicory decoction), which you can prepare yourself at home, as well as medications, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

    Drugs to increase appetite in adults:

    • Allohol - take 2 tablets per day after meals.
    • Ascorbic acid - take 2 tablets a day before meals for a month.
    • Peritol - take 1 tablet 3 times a day before meals or 1-2 tsp. 3-4 times a day.

    Lack of appetite in an elderly person may be due to various diseases(intestines, stomach, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, with diabetes mellitus, failures in endocrine system). At poor nutrition Elderly people may experience loss of strength, weakness, and weight loss due to a lack of microelements necessary for the body obtained from food.

    At home, older people are recommended to drink herbal infusions and herbal tea half an hour before meals. Stimulate appetite green vegetables, garlic, onion, citrus fruits, radish juice. Elderly people need to walk in the fresh air more often, exercise physical labor I can do it. The body will begin to lose energy and there will be an incentive to compensate for it through food.

    How to improve a child's appetite

    Poor appetite in a child is a common phenomenon that worries many parents. There is no need to panic; first, you should analyze the child’s lifestyle and adjust the factors that influence the reluctance to eat. In no case should you force your child to eat, which can lead to psychological and eating disorders(aversion to food, vomiting reactions).

    It is recommended to start the day with morning exercises to the music and water procedures, which will wake up the body and help increase the child’s appetite. During the day, do not forget about active work. Walking and outdoor games, especially before lunch and dinner, will help work up an appetite.

    Many children perceive food as an obstacle to play, and therefore refuse to eat. In order to change the situation you need to put food on the plate in small portions. A small portion is eaten by the child faster and without whims, so that he can quickly return to his favorite activity. All kinds of snacks between meals should be excluded so as not to interrupt your appetite.

    Psychological tricks: creating a picture (animals, birds, faces) from dishes using sauces and vegetables, using plates with your favorite cartoon characters (to find out who is depicted on the bottom of the plate, you need to eat the entire portion). Recommended involve the child in the process of setting the table so that he has a desire to eat with adults.

    Recipes to increase appetite

    Tincture of bitter wormwood

    Tincture of bitter wormwood


    • Dry wormwood 1 tsp;
    • Water 2 glasses.

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour boiling water over a teaspoon of dry wormwood and brew it like tea.
    2. Let it brew for 20 minutes, then strain.

    You need to take tincture of wormwood 30 minutes before meals, 0.25 cups 2-3 times a day.

    Dandelion tincture

    Dandelion tincture


    • Dandelion roots 1 tsp;
    • Water 250 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. A teaspoon of dandelion roots is poured with boiling water, then brought to a boil again.
    2. Then turn off the gas, cover the pan with a lid and let it brew for 1 hour.

    Take dandelion tincture 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

    Calamus tincture

    Calamus tincture