Is Corvalol dangerous? This is carvalol. Corvalol: components, how it works, instructions for use, to whom it is indicated, contraindications

Corvalol is used in the following cases:

  • insomnia and neuroses with high irritability;
  • in complex hypertension and vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • with mild spasms of the coronary vessels;
  • in case of tachycardia;
  • as antispasmodic drug to relieve intestinal spasms caused by neurovegetative disorders.

How to use

For adults, the drug Corvalol is prescribed orally or sublingually, 1 tablet or diluted with water, 10-30 drops. Can be consumed on a piece of sugar 2 or 3 times a day.

The drug is taken as needed, for example, during tachycardia and during spasms of the coronary vessels. A single dose can be increased to 3 tablets or 45–50 drops.

The period of use of Corvalol is determined by the doctor, based on the clinical effect and individual tolerance to the drug (Reviews of Corvalol can be read at the end of the article).

Release form. Compound

Corvalol is available in the form of tablets No. 10, 30, 50 pcs.

Composition of tablets:

  • ethyl ester of alphabromisiovaleric acid - 12.42 mg;
  • phenobarbital - 11.34 mg;
  • mint oil - 0.88 mg.

Corvalol is also produced in the form of drops:

  • d/oral. approx. fl. 25 ml, in a pack, No. 1
  • d/oral. approx. fl. 50 ml, in a pack, No. 1

Composition of drops:

  • alpha-bromisiovaleric acid ethyl ester - 2%;
  • phenobarbital - 1.82%;
  • oil peppermint - 0,14%.

Auxiliary components:

  • sodium hydroxide;
  • ethanol 90%;
  • distilled water.

Beneficial features

Corvalol is a sedative and antispasmodic drug, the effect of which is determined by the components it contains.

  • Ethyl ester of α-bromoisovaleric acid is characterized by a reflex-calming and antispasmodic effect on the body, caused by irritation of receptors in the oral cavity and nasopharynx, as well as a decrease in excitability in the central nervous system. In this case, the phenomena of inhibition in the brain are enhanced, and the activity of the vasomotor centers and a direct local antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of all vessels are reduced.
  • The phenobarbital component is able to reduce the flow of excitation to the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures. Depending on the dose, a decrease in the activating effect has a hypnotic, sedative and tranquilizing effect.
  • Corvalol reduces the stimulating effect on the vasomotor centers, peripheral and coronary vessels, reducing the overall arterial pressure, thereby relieving and preventing spasm of blood vessels, especially the heart.
  • Peppermint oil contains many essential oils: about 50% menthol and 5–9% its esters. They irritate the “cold” receptors of the oral cavity and reflexively dilate the vessels of the brain and heart, eliminating spasm of smooth muscles. Able to cause a sedative and weak choleretic effect. Peppermint oil also has an antispasmodic and antiseptic effect, and also has the ability to eliminate the phenomenon of flatulence.

Taking Corvalol sublingually, its absorption begins in sublingual area. Bioavailability active substances is high - up to 80%. The positive effect appears almost immediately.

The effect of the drug when taken orally develops within 10–30 minutes and lasts up to 6 hours. For those who have previously taken barbituric acid preparations, the duration of action becomes shorter due to an increase in the rate of phenobarbital metabolism in the liver.

In elderly people and patients with liver cirrhosis, the metabolic function of Corvalol is reduced, so T ½ becomes longer, which requires a dose reduction and an increase in the time interval between taking the drug.


Watch the video below about the drug Corvalol:

Side effects

In most cases, the medicine is well tolerated. IN in rare cases The following side effects may occur:

All these phenomena are gradually eliminated as the dosage of the drug is reduced. Dependence on Corvalol is possible in case of prolonged use, and bromism phenomena are also possible. The main symptoms include: apathy, depression, rhinitis, central depression nervous system, conjunctivitis, poor coordination, acne, confusion, bleeding diathesis.


  • high sensitivity to the constituent components of the drug, as well as bromine;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • hepatic porphyria;
  • severe heart failure;
  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding.

The drug should not be taken when operating machinery or driving vehicles.

There is no experience with the use of Corvalol in childhood.

Interaction with other drugs

  • drugs with central inhibitory action enhance the effect of Corvalol;
  • phenobarbital may have an inducing effect on liver enzymes, therefore its simultaneous use with drugs metabolized in the liver (oral contraception, griseofulvins, drugs with coumarin derivatives, GCS);
  • Corvalol can enhance the effect of local anesthetics, hypnotics and painkillers (this is due to the barbituric acid derivatives it contains);
  • in combination with valproic acid, its effect is enhanced;
  • along with methotrexate, its toxicity increases;
  • alcohol increases the toxicity of the drug and enhances the effect.


Overdose is possible in case of frequent and long-term use of the drug, which is associated with the process of cumulation of its components. Quite a long and constant use can provoke dependence, psychomotor agitation and withdrawal symptoms. Abrupt refusal taking Corvalol can provoke withdrawal symptoms.

For sleep disturbances, heart pain and hangover, take Corvalol. But will this drug help you recover after drinking alcohol? Can you drink it if you have a hangover?

Corvalol for hangover

The drug Corvalol is used as a sedative, antispasmodic, facilitating sleep, reducing the excitability of the nervous system, eliminating the symptoms of cardiovascular disorders.

When you have a hangover, these properties of Corvalol are used to fall asleep, calm down, and give your body and brain rest. But is it possible to take Corvalol after drinking alcohol, with a hangover?

The action of Corvalol is due to the properties active ingredients included in it:

  • bromoisovaleric acid ester;
  • phenobarbital;
  • ethanol;
  • peppermint oil.

Of these drugs, the properties of phenobarbital should be especially considered. This connection belongs to psychoactive substances, is a depressant, like alcohol.

The effect of depressants is to slow down brain activity, reducing the speed of transmission of nerve impulses. Sleep caused by the action of phenobarbital will not bring long-awaited rest; it differs from physiological, normal sleep.

When taking drugs with phenobarbital, the rapid phase of sleep is shortened, the stage of the deepest, slow sleep. Such a vacation will not bring relaxation to a person and will not allow him to restore his working capacity.

Mechanism of action

The action of Corvalol is determined by the properties of its components. Peppermint oil can be beneficial for hangovers. This substance irritates the cold thermoreceptors located in the oral cavity, which causes a reflex expansion of the blood vessels of the heart and brain.

But the effect of phenobarbital in combination with alcohol inhibits the activity of the central nervous system. If there is a small amount of alcohol in the blood, the absorption of phenobarbital is accelerated, and the accumulation of phenobarbital in the brain occurs faster.

Even a small dose of phenobarbital in the presence of ethyl alcohol can cause inhibition and depression of brain centers associated with unconditioned reflex activity. A high dose of the drug, due to the phenobarbital it contains, can sharply lower blood pressure and weaken the tone of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract.

Does Corvalol help with a hangover? It is possible to relieve pain in the heart, but consuming drops in this state can cause poisoning, apathy, and shut down the vital centers of the brain responsible for breathing and heart contraction, which will lead to death.

A hangover is accompanied by severe liver damage. Under such conditions, the effect of phenobarbital is enhanced, the drug circulates in the blood longer without being processed.

If the concentration of alcohol in the blood during a hangover is high, phenobarbital will be absorbed more slowly in the stomach due to inflammation of the mucous membrane caused by the impact of the heavy dose of alcohol taken the day before.


Corvalol helps symptomatically with diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • anxiety;
  • hypochondria;
  • restlessness, irritability.

The effect of the drug is temporary, eliminating only the symptom, without curing the cause of the disease.

Corvalol, thanks to peppermint oil, eliminates spasm of the blood vessels that feed the heart muscle, thereby relieving a person of the pain of a hangover; it helps if it hurts in the heart, squeezing the head “like a vice.”

If the pain in your heart is unbearable, rapid heartbeat, there is severe colitis in the chest area and there are no other medications, you can take Corvalol after a hangover in the usual dosage as first aid. But we cannot expect that this will be enough. The effect of this medicine is only enough to reduce the pain, but not to cure the cause that caused it.

Corvalol will not cope with angina pectoris and will not protect against a possible heart attack. You can’t hope that they can cure heart pain from a hangover; you should definitely consult a doctor.


Corvalol is contraindicated for kidney problems. You should not drink drops if your heart rate decreases. If you have a hangover, a weak, low pulse (less than 60 beats per minute), low blood pressure, then taking Corvalol will not help, but will only worsen the patient’s condition.

Corvalol contains phenobarbital, and this compound is prohibited for use in alcoholism and drug addiction.

Every time your heart suddenly hurts or you get very worried, someone is sure to take out magic drops called “Corvalol” from your bag. They are recommended as a sedative and as a sleeping pill. Many people really note the fact that relief occurs almost immediately, but is Corvalol really safe or is it still fraught with danger?

The benefits of Corvalol

The favorite medicine of older people actually has many beneficial properties. It can relieve pain and relax the nervous system because during its use, blood vessels begin to dilate and act on smooth muscles, which gives a calming effect.

Apply this medicine necessary if you need to quickly suppress severe shock or anxiety, relieve pain in the heart caused by anxiety and excitement. Corvalol can also help overcome insomnia if taken in a large dose. Doctors recommend temporarily using this drug for hypertension and tachycardia.

Why is the use of Corvalol harmful?

Along with the fact that many people position Corvalol as heart drug, it may not help in all cases. For severe and persistent pain in the heart, only correct treatment prescribed by a cardiologist. This drug should not be taken with or without reason, since it contains barbiturates, which can negatively affect human health. One of the components of Corvalol, phenobalbital, is generally prohibited for use in a number of countries, as it can be highly addictive. As a result of addiction, a person is no longer helped by his usual dose, you have to drink more drops, gradually bringing your body to intoxication. This can be easily checked; just give up Corvalol for a while and you will notice that you feel unwell and insomnia. These are symptoms of addiction.

Corvalol also contains ethyl bromizovalerianate. As a result of its regular consumption, even in small doses, the substance gradually accumulates in the body and leads to poisoning of the liver, kidneys and other organs. Ethyl bromizovalerate is made from alcohol production waste – fusel oils.

There are some contraindications for the use of Corvalol. Thus, the drug should not be taken by patients who are intolerant to the drug or have an allergic reaction to its components, or who suffer from diseases accompanied by liver or kidney failure.


Today, almost every home medicine cabinet contains a remedy such as Corvalol. It is classified as a sedative and sedative. IN Soviet time it was used for treatment cardiovascular diseases, and the list of contraindications was so insignificant that the drug was freely used to treat children and pregnant women. At the moment, due to its composition, Corvalol is prohibited for import in some countries, and for pregnant women, its use should be carefully monitored by a medical specialist. Who is Corvalol indicated for, what does it treat, and when does it cause harm?

The effect of the drug on the body

The effect of Corvalol on the body is determined by its composition. In the post-Soviet space, it is still used to treat heart ailments. No drug directly to the heart healing effect does not provide. It affects blood vessels and the nervous system. The main functions of Corvalol include:

  1. Vasodilator and antispasmodic effect. This is due to the peppermint leaf oil contained in Corvalol. Once in the body, it reflexively relieves vascular spasm, as a result of which they expand, including in the heart muscle.
  2. Calming effect. Bromoisovaleric acid ester calms the nervous system, and phenobarbital stimulates inhibition processes. Thus, those who take Corvalol become calmer and their resistance to stress increases. However, in large quantities the drug causes drowsiness and reduces performance.
  3. Facilitates the onset of sleep. A component derived from valerian helps get rid of insomnia caused by stress. Phenobabital enhances the effect of bromisovaleric acid.

Indications for use

Despite the fact that Corvalol is found in almost every medicine cabinet, most still do not know when it can be used. The product helps in the following cases:

  • systematic neuroses;
  • excessive excitability or irritability caused by increased tone autonomic nervous system;
  • sleep problems caused by increased anxiety;
  • minor spasms of the arteries;
  • tachycardia;
  • spasms gastrointestinal tract and its increased peristalsis;
  • disorders of neurohumoral regulation;
  • hypertension in the early stages.

It is important to remember that Corvalol contains substances that in many countries are equated to drugs, so you should carefully select the dosage so as not to overdo it and avoid side effects.


In some cases, Corvalol can be harmful, so you need to understand what contraindications exist. The drug should not be taken in the following cases:

  1. Individual intolerance to components. If there is a danger of allergic reaction It is better to refuse Corvalol.
  2. Hepatic or renal failure.
  3. Low pressure. Because of the drug, you can lower it even more, thereby causing additional discomfort.
  4. Alcohol intoxication. Special attention The compatibility of alcoholic beverages and Corvalol deserves. Alcohol increases the side effects of the drug and can even cause severe discomfort. Thus, alcohol should not be mixed with Corvalol treatment.
  5. Pregnancy. In this case, Corvalol should be used only under the close supervision of a medical specialist. Phenobarbital can cause irreparable harm to the baby, especially if the medicine is taken in the first trimester of pregnancy. Its use is fraught with developmental disorders of the central nervous system of the fetus or intrauterine hypoxia. And yet, there are cases when taking Corvalol by pregnant women is permissible, but only on the recommendation of a doctor and as a temporary measure.
  6. Children under 12 years old. Doctors often do not recommend taking Corvalol until the age of 12, but in some cases it is acceptable to use the medicine from 1 year of age. The dose should be one drop per year of life. Corvalol can be used in cases where a child needs to cope with severe shocks or excessive excitability. Medicine in drops or tablets should not be taken for a long time, and after a while it should be replaced with an analogue to prevent the child from becoming addicted.

Side effects

The harm that the drug can cause is not too dangerous for the human body. With one-time excessive use, minor side effects appear that cause discomfort. The person becomes drowsy and lethargic. Attention is scattered, the ability to concentrate decreases, after which memory deteriorates. Sometimes your blood pressure can drop significantly.

Alcohol significantly increases the side effects. It, like phenobarbital, has a sedative effect, therefore, if alcohol is in the blood, even the usual dosage for a person will be too much. You should not try to get rid of the consequences of intoxication with the help of medicine. As is known, alcohol provokes high pressure, rapid heartbeat and increased excitability. Corvalol can partially relieve symptoms, but cause much more harm to the body. Also, alcohol, which is combined with Corvalol, increases the chances of addiction and dependence.

Long-term use may result in bromine poisoning. It is accompanied by the following symptoms: apathy, depression, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, impaired coordination of movements.

Is Corvalol harmful?

This medicine is drunk all the time, but few people think about the harm it causes. to the human body. Some people take Corvalol at the slightest tension or stress. However, the phenobarbital contained in it is one of the most toxic drugs, as a result of which it is rarely used in medicine. In many states it is completely prohibited.

The phenobarbital in Corvalol cannot cause severe harm to a person, but tolerance to it occurs very quickly. With daily intake of more than 50 drops per day for several months, a person becomes dependent and his liver, heart and brain are affected.

It is important to remember that if you stop taking phenobarbital chronically, serious ailments may occur, for example, insomnia, causeless anxiety. In severe cases, symptoms resemble delirium tremens in those who have stopped drinking alcohol: hallucinations, epileptic seizures And so on.

Thus, uncontrolled use of Corvalol is not only harmful, but also dangerous for the body. To minimize harm, you should drink it only under the supervision of a medical specialist. You cannot mix alcohol with it, because there is a risk of harming yourself.


Many people think that there will be benefits and harm from taking Corvalol, but let’s make a reservation right away: there will be much more harm. Perhaps, such a statement will provoke an explosion of indignation among people of the older generation, who are accustomed to treating all “heart ailments” with this affordable drug, but in fact the drug does not cure: its action is based on self-hypnosis and sedative effect. To make sure of this, it is worth considering the composition of the medication and how it affects the body.

Placebo or medicine

To answer the question about the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of pain and discomfort behind the sternum, it is worth considering what is included in its composition.

The medicine contains:

  1. Water.
  2. Ethanol.
  3. Ethyl bromizovalerianate (provides antispasmodic and sedative effect).
  4. Phenobarbital (depressant effect on the functioning of the central nervous system).
  5. Peppermint oil extract (acts as an antiseptic, antispasmodic and choleretic agent).
  6. Sodium hydroxide (strengthens the effect of the components included in the mixture).

The mixture has a specific taste and pleasant aroma.

If you carefully study how each component of the solution works, you can conclude that the solution promotes:

  • decreased excitability;
  • vasodilation.

From this we can conclude that the therapeutic effect of Corvalol is possible only under the following conditions:

  • sleep disorders;
  • neuroses ( increased irritability, anxiety, etc.);
  • tachycardia and arrhythmias;
  • spastic intestinal disorders.

Why is Corvalol dangerous if taken in other cases?

The dangers of taking medication frequently

“I drink Corvalolchika and immediately feel better,” this phrase can often be heard from older people or from people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies. But it “makes it easier” for a person, mainly due to the small amount of phenobarbital included in the mixture.

And this drug, although contained in Corvalol in small quantities, with frequent use of the drug causes:

  • a disorder of the brain structure that leads to dementia;
  • toxic effect on the liver;
  • pathological changes in the myocardium at the cellular level;
  • depression of sexual function and loss of libido.

But the biggest insidiousness of the medication is that with prolonged use, dependence occurs and in order to obtain a “therapeutic” effect you have to constantly increase the dose taken, and in case of abrupt withdrawal, the following may occur:

  • insomnia;
  • convulsions (in severe cases, an epileptic seizure develops);
  • anxiety;
  • hallucinations;
  • breathing problems (shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air);
  • increased heart rate.

Often, only the first signs of nervousness or palpitations force a person to use a familiar and accessible medicine, not suspecting that an insidious corvalol addiction has already formed, requiring treatment from a narcologist.

Psychological habit or addiction

Some people are just starting to take Corvalol, and their frequent use of the mixture is based only on the fact that the drug helps them cope with daily stress more easily, while others have already become a Corvalol addict. How to determine where the line between habit and drug addiction lies?

A dependency occurs if:

  1. Discomfort and chest pain are not relieved by other painkillers or heart medications.
  2. Antiarrhythmic and rhythm-lowering drugs produce a weak effect.
  3. The state of excitability can only be controlled with medications containing phenobarbital.
  4. Without daily use of Corvalol, a person experiences signs of depression and a deterioration in general well-being.

An additional alarming signal will be that palpitations, nervousness and other symptoms disappear almost immediately after consuming Corvalolin mixture. Unfortunately, in this case, it is possible to overcome the harmful craving for the drug only by gradually reducing the dose (almost no one who has fallen into corvalol addiction can resist bad habit), but most will only be helped by the intervention of a narcologist.

Is Corvalol harmful? It is useful in small doses, but, unfortunately, the availability of the drug leads to the fact that people begin to use it as a miracle cure for most ailments, thereby causing irreparable harm to their body.

Unfortunately, uncontrolled use of the mixture does more harm to the body than good.


A person often experiences irritation, insomnia, and many have heart pain. Corvalol is one of the most popular sedatives, which has been used since Soviet Union. This drug is really capable of normalizing the functioning of the nervous and of cardio-vascular system. Drops or tablets can be found in almost any home medicine cabinet, but are they as useful as once thought? It is important to know whether Corvalol causes side effects who can use it and whether it has contraindications.

Indications and contraindications, possible side effects

  • Difficulty falling asleep, short and shallow sleep, drowsiness in daytime days.
  • Disturbances in the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, angina, atrial fibrillation).
  • Increased excitability, irritability, unmotivated aggressiveness.
  • Intestinal or biliary colic, food poisoning.

When first taken, a person feels positive action drops of Corvalol on the body. Occasional use is also effective. This is due to the fact that the components that make up the product have a quick and strong effect. But, like any other medicine, Corvalol cannot be used by everyone:

  1. Pregnant and lactating women should not take the drops.
  2. Children under 3 years of age and children under 12 years of age should only be prescribed Corvalol by a doctor.
  3. The drug is prohibited for people who drink alcohol and alcoholics.
  4. Those who have had a traumatic brain injury should not use the product.
  5. In case of renal failure.
  6. Corvalol drops should not be used if you have cirrhosis of the liver.
  7. Individual intolerance to certain ingredients.

Warning! Corvalol is contraindicated to use while working or driving, as the medicine affects the central nervous system. Drowsiness, dizziness, decreased concentration and slow heart rate may occur.

Composition of the drug, method of administration and danger of overdose

  1. Alpha-bromoisovaleric acid ester - calms the central nervous system.
  2. Ethyl alcohol (at least 47% of the total volume of Carvalol).
  3. Peppermint essential oil is a component of plant origin. Dilates blood vessels, reduces pain and lowers blood pressure.
  4. Phenobarbital – has sedative and hypnotic properties.
  5. Sodium hydroxide is the component in which phenobarbital dissolves.

Adults should take Corvalol three times a day before meals. 15-20 drops should be dissolved in small quantity clean water and take it orally. If immediate results are required, then the dosage is increased to 40 drops, but this procedure cannot be repeated often. For children over 12 years old, the volume of medication is determined by the doctor; usually it is 3-15 drops.

The first substitute for Corvalol is peony tincture. Indications, contraindications, who it helps - in the article

How to quickly calm down: you will find small everyday tricks here

Tablets also need to be taken 3 times a day, 1-2 pieces. Maximum permissible dose– 6 tablets.

The effect of Corvalol decreases with each subsequent dose. To obtain the initial result, you need to increase the dose, but an overdose can lead to the following complications:

  1. Apathy and lethargy.
  2. Rhinitis.
  3. Depression.
  4. Conjunctivitis.
  5. Hemorrhagic diathesis.
  6. Violation of the vestibular apparatus.

Note! Corvalol cannot be purchased in the following countries: Norway, Italy, Finland, USA, United States United Arab Emirates, Sweden, Great Britain, Poland. It is not for sale, and transportation into the territory is prohibited. This should be taken into account when visiting countries.

Can it be used?

Does Corvalol benefit or harm? The main active ingredient of the product is phenobarbital, which was included in the group of psychotropic substances in 2013, which means it is quickly addictive. It only takes 2-3 weeks of regular use for a person to become physically and psychologically dependent on the drug. If you abruptly stop taking the medicine Corvalol, a “withdrawal” syndrome begins: nausea and headaches appear, the state becomes depressed and apathetic. With repeated use, euphoria may occur.

It is because of phenobarbital that Corvalol is dangerous. But why has the product become so popular?

Firstly, its effect occurs instantly: the feeling of anxiety or dizziness goes away within 15-30 minutes.

Secondly, it is available to absolutely everyone, since its cost is minimal.

Thirdly, the established dosages do not cause harm. If there are no contraindications, then it is allowed to take a course of taking Corvalol, which should not exceed 14 days. Under no circumstances should you increase the volume of drops, even when the results begin to disappear. If side effects occur, you should immediately stop using the drops and consult a doctor.

Interesting fact. In the United States, phenobarbital is used as lethal injections. They still use it to execute criminals.

Is it possible to replace Corvalol?

In pharmacies you can find an analogue of the drug Corvalol without phenobarbital. This is an extract of peony or hawthorn, which consist only of components of plant origin. But these drugs can only eliminate the symptoms without solving the problem. Disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems must be treated with the help of a specialist, taking tests and undergoing examination. Corvalol is allowed to be used in small doses if you need to quickly calm down or fall asleep, but it is better to do this as little as possible.


Quite recently, Corvalol and Valocordin (the same Corvalol, but with a different trade name). This happened after medical officials in St. Petersburg, citing a government decision,

Quite recently, Corvalol and Valocordin (the same Corvalol, but with a different trade name) were swept off the pharmacy shelves in many Russian cities overnight. This happened after medical officials in St. Petersburg, citing a government decision, banned pharmacies from selling Corvalol without a doctor’s prescription. The rumor spread throughout Russia, provoking panic. In order to calm the suffering, federal officials had to explain that the action was not even planned. The people were assured that they could calm down and drink their Corvalol as much as their heart desires.

Buckshot to the brain

So what happened? What excited and forced the population to stock up on Corvalol for future use, just as in not too distant times they bought vegetables for the winter?

As a doctor, I was also surprised by these events, but not by the volume of purchases of Corvalol. I was surprised that until now such a significant part of our citizens have used such a primitive, and with repeated use or overdose, quite toxic medicine. You could say she was shooting buckshot at the very subtle structures of her brain.

But it’s better - in order.

Corvalol is a drug that causes sedative (calming) and antispasmodic effects. In large doses, its hypnotic effect is manifested. This is a combined drug containing the active ingredients of valerian and mint, as well as phenobarbital and alcohol.

This explosive mixture is used by our fellow citizens for a variety of nervous breakdowns, during or after family quarrels. Often a bottle of Corvalol is carried with you in case of emergency in case of excitement, anxiety, “tingling” in the heart area and other troubles. In other words, Corvalol is used as a universal remedy for a variety of neurotic and psychosomatic disorders(the same “neurotics” and “heart patients”). They are treated like in that joke about an illiterate paramedic: take half a tablet in the morning for the head, and the other half in the evening for the stomach.

The “secret” of Corvalol’s versatility lies in the pronounced sedative effect of the drug, which is provided primarily by phenobarbital.

Due to its high toxicity to the human body, as well as its pronounced narcogenicity (the ability to cause pathological dependence, i.e. drug addiction), the circulation of this substance in all countries is subject to control by special competent authorities. In most European countries, phenobarbital is either used extremely rarely or its use is prohibited altogether.

Corvalol contains a relatively low concentration of phenobarbital. But long-term use of this substance, like any other narcotic drug, leads to an increase in tolerance, so larger doses are required for the same effect. This is how dependence on phenobarbital, one of the “hardest” drugs, is formed. The consequences of abuse of barbiturates (phenobarbital belongs to this group) include damage to the liver, heart and, of course, the brain.

As a psychiatrist, the brain and psyche are closer to me, so I’ll say a few more words about this. Barbiturates can lead to memory loss, slowing and decreased quality of thinking, and, finally, to severe dementia. Sudden termination chronic use Barbiturates can cause persistent insomnia, epileptic seizures, anxiety, hallucinations and other symptoms reminiscent of delirium tremens in alcoholic patients. However, in the case of Corvalol, this will require drinking 1-2 bottles (15-30 ml) per day for several weeks or months.

In my deep conviction, taking Corvalol is not only dangerous to health. There is no point in using it.

The weak antispasmodic effect of Corvalol will not provide relief from angina pectoris, much less prevent myocardial infarction. But a moderate vasodilator effect in combination with a sedative and relaxing effect gives a temporary result in the so-called neurosis of the heart and other neurotic disorders. I emphasize that the result is temporary and unstable. Diseases that are tried to be treated with Corvalol usually require completely different therapeutic tactics!

But the cheapness and availability of Corvalol, as well as lack of public awareness, contribute to its extremely widespread use.

~~For reference
Currently, the outdated and not entirely accurate term “organ neuroses” is not used in medicine. It has been replaced by a new name - somatoform autonomic dysfunction. This is a multifaceted disorder in which the patients’ complaints resemble those caused by a physical (somatic) disease. However, signs of this somatic disease are not detected even with a thorough examination. For example, a patient (but more often a patient) complains of pain and burning in the heart area, but the electrocardiogram shows no signs of heart damage. The same is observed with “stomach neurosis”, “psychogenic shortness of breath”, “irritable bowel syndrome” and other somatoform autonomic dysfunctions. The patients have complaints, but there is no structural or functional pathology of the relevant organs. ~~

Meanwhile, both for cardiovascular pathology and for somatoform and neurotic disorders, a whole arsenal of modern medicines is used, which are much more effective and safer than Corvalol. These drugs have a much more precise “address” of their effect and give sustainable result when used correctly.

Moreover, in all cases in which a person takes from his home first aid kit Corvalol, he needs psychotherapy. Using psychotherapy, in some cases it is possible to achieve good result and without the use of medications, but more often this occurs when medications are combined with psychotherapy. But first you need to stop practicing self-medication and get to a good doctor.

If not Corvalol, then what?

In general, treatment should be resorted to only in the presence of a disease. True, colleagues sometimes strive to prescribe medications or dietary supplements even in cases where this is not yet required. But this is a separate issue.

But what to do when a person has a hard time experiencing some significant event for him?

I think that you really need to get through it. For example, if a loved one has died, then no matter how difficult it is, this fact should be experienced. And despite the bereavement, in the end say goodbye to this person, keeping his fond memory. The pain of loss - natural state For normal person. It can only be softened temporarily, made less acute and severe, but it must be survived.

How to soften this pain of loss?

There is such a parable. A woman whose child had died came to the Buddha asking him to give her a cure for this pain. Buddha said he has a cure. But first, a woman must find a family in which no one died and did not experience bitterness from parting with family and friends. She went door to door and asked, but could not find such people. She came to Buddha a year later and told him about her quest. And then she added that she had already received the medicine she needed.

Suffering can overwhelm a person so much that he stops any activity and lives by inertia. If he has enough internal strength, then he can ask himself: “The meaning of my life consists only of suffering?” And if he discovers other meanings in life, then they must be realized in spite of suffering. And then it will retreat. Mental anguish is healed not so much by time as by deeds.

In some cases, the psychotraumatic impact of difficult events is so great that it can pose a threat to human health and life. In such cases, of course, you need to use medications and psychotherapy. But it would be better if they were prescribed by a doctor.

Troubles in the family, difficulties in relationships with children, dismissal from work... These are cases when you don’t need to be treated, don’t drown out your consciousness with barbiturates or vodka, but think and act. By the way, close human relationships with people are a very good regulator of emotions. Sometimes a conversation between friends in the kitchen can replace a consultation with a psychologist. Still, take medications only for illnesses.

Did you quarrel with a friend, did your wife leave for someone else, or did your boss let you down? But this is also life. And if you want to live without negative emotions, if you are especially vulnerable and ordinary troubles easily throw you off balance, start learning. Learn to manipulate your emotions and communicate effectively: on your own, with a book or with a psychologist. But understand that without negative emotions there will be no positive emotions and no fullness of life...

ABOUT wonderful properties This medicine is known to everyone. It saves from grief, and heals the heart, and soothes pain, and conquers insomnia... Dear Russians spend more than a billion rubles a year on Corvalol, although this medicine still costs a penny even today. What is so magical about these old drops?

Several years ago, unrest among pensioners almost began in the country. The reason was the appearance in pharmacies of some cities of notices that the drugs Corvalol and Valocordin would soon be available only by prescription. Citizens began to buy bottles of drops for future use, a week's supplies were swept away in a matter of hours and demanded more, huge queues appeared in pharmacies...

Serious consequences were averted only after the then Minister of Health Tatyana Golikova, senior officials of the State Drug Control Service, the Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko and the Speaker of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov assured the people that there would be no such changes and that their favorite drugs would continue to be available without prescriptions. Negligent medical officials were made guilty.

And by the way, the initiative to add these drops to the list of potent drugs that can only be sold with a special prescription was made by federal Service on drug trafficking control. And there was such a resolution. Because the drops actually contain a drug that is recognized everywhere in the world as a hard drug. It is called phenobarbital or luminal.

Take it from your brother

Luminal production began in Germany in 1912. And until the 50s, it remained the most popular sedative (sedative) in Europe, and possibly in the world. It relieved spasms in epileptics, it was taken for insomnia, and ladies calmed their delicate nerves. The drug had many contraindications, it could accumulate in the body, and suicides fell in love with Luminal as a reliable way to sum up a failed life.

Perhaps that is why the Germans were looking for an opportunity to reduce the harm from luminal while maintaining its beneficial properties. And in 1934, in pre-war Germany, valocordin was created - a composition of phenobarbital, hop and mint cone oil and a bromine compound with valeric acid. All these components had the ability to calm, dilate blood vessels, relieve spasms, give sleep...

After the war, in the 50s, the production of valocordin was restored in the GDR. Apparently, in difficult times, when millions of people were still recovering from the stresses of wartime, it enjoyed great success, which did not pass the attention of Soviet pharmacologists. And in 1960, at the Kiev Pharmaceutical Plant named after. Mikhail Lomonosov, without further ado, began to produce an analogue - the well-known Corvalol. True, at the plant itself, Izvestia was told that the author of the drops was their chief technologist. Perhaps it was he who excluded hop cone oil from the recipe of his brothers in the socialist camp, so that it would not look like a completely banal theft.

Plant named after Lomonosov, created in 1925, was one of the first enterprises in the Soviet pharmaceutical industry. He is known for the fact that in 1937 (what a wonderful coincidence!) he developed the industrial production of validol, and having evacuated to Kazan in 1941, he established there the production of a powerful anesthetic drug chlorethyl and streptocide, which was used very widely before the era of antibiotics. Both were worth their weight in gold in those years. Today the plant has turned into the private JSC Farmak, having lost the glorious name of the first Russian chemist on the way to capitalism. The controlling stake is owned by Ms. Filya Zhebrovskaya, who, as usual, is a former financial director. But Corvalol is still produced here and is even called “the face of our plant.”

In united Germany itself, they stopped drinking Valocordin, and more modern medicines are produced there. So now Crevel Meuselbach GmbH produces it exclusively for countries former USSR and the former socialist camp.

Made from what was

And now I’ll reveal the second terrible secret of Corvalol. The mysterious compound of bromine with valeric acid - scientifically ethyl bromoisovalerate - is obtained from raw materials that are not talked about in polite society. And, perhaps, many principled citizens, having learned about it, would not drop the usual sedative into a glass of water. Because they get it from fusel milk - from alcohol production waste.

Fusel, or fusel oils, is what gives an unpleasant taste and smell to bad moonshine and low-quality vodka. It consists of a mixture of higher alcohols - isoamyl, isobutyl and propyl. The latter, it seems to me, is just asking for a vodka label. The raw material for Corvalol obtained from this hellish mixture was not pure enough, which caused many side effects. Therefore, in the 90s of the last century at the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis named after. Topchiev, by order from above, managed to come up with a simple and reliable way to obtain highly purified raw materials for Corvalol based on isobutylene gas.

“They became interested in our method at a chemical plant in Perm,” Natalya Kolesnichenko, one of the co-authors of the patent, the institute’s chief researcher, told Izvestia. “But perestroika gradually turned into devastation; no money was given for the industrial development of the method. And now many of those who invented it have gone to another world. Partly because they turned out to be unclaimed in the new era.

So grandmothers still calm down with their favorite fusel-based Corvalol. But that's not all.

30 drops for fear

And now the most amazing secret of Corvalol. It lies in the fact that it does not cure anything, like many popular drugs in Russia. Well, that is, just nothing - neither heart, nor renal colic, no liver, no insomnia. But it calms down and thereby relieves what was previously called “hypochondriacal syndrome”, but now they prefer to cleverly call it “somatoform autonomic dysfunction”.

Translated into common language, this means: disturbances in the functioning of some organs (for example, heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, etc.) or systems (for example, nervous), caused by stress, depression, anxiety, etc. That is, the heart hurts not because something is wrong in it, but because it is scary, lonely, sad and there is no one to give a hand to... And drinking these drops for a real disease of the heart, liver, kidneys or soul is just as useless how to drink plain water. But if you drink them for years to calm down, the effect gradually decreases, and you have to drip more and more into the glass.

A cardiologist I know told me that sometimes patients come to see him and drink a whole bottle of Corvalol at a time without any results. But in fact, for a long time and seriously, they need to treat their heart with completely different medications. But convincing of this can be difficult. Because they have already developed a drug addiction to their favorite medicine.

On hook

If you try to take a bottle of Corvalol with you on a European tour, you could easily be charged with importing narcotic substance. At long-term use it not only worsens the functioning of the liver, kidneys and other important organs, but also weakens memory and even leads to depression. But if a person is used to taking 15-30 ml of the drug per day, then abrupt withdrawal will make it even worse. Persistent insomnia, anxiety, and hallucinations reminiscent of “delirium tremens” occur.

Ethyl bromoisovalerate also has its own “charms”. It accumulates in the body and leads to chronic bromine poisoning. And it causes respiratory diseases, allergies, sexual dysfunctions, chronic pain and much more.

In Russia, no one has ever tried to conduct a real study of the effect of Corvalol on the health of older people. If someone dares, I think they will definitely discover all these systemic effects. And he will also discover that many pensioners have no other option than to treat their numerous illnesses with Corvalol and similar symptomatic medications. And these are not only medical problems, but also social ones. It is no coincidence that with just the threat of losing the usual sedative medication they were ready to storm pharmacies, and not only pharmacies.

During the year, Russian citizens consume more than 70 million vials of Corvalol and approximately 9 million of Valocordin. It is difficult to calculate the volumes, since the bubbles are different: from 15 to 50 ml. But on average this is about 40 railway tanks of 60 tons each. And this is a symptom not only for doctors, but also for politicians, social workers: Russians do not treat illnesses, anxiety and mental ill-being, but bury them .



photo from the site


Why is Corvalol dangerous?

1. The main ingredients of Corvalol are ethyl alcohol, phenobarbital and ethylbromoisovalerate, which have a very unpleasant property of accumulating in the body, causing poisoning of internal organs. Consequences long-term use Corvalol is not only addictive, dangerous in itself, but also an increased risk of poisoning, which can significantly worsen the functioning of the liver, kidneys and other internal organs.

2. In addition, regular intake Corvalol in sufficiently large quantities can lead to the formation of a kind of addiction - in conditions of addiction, abrupt cessation of taking Corvalol can lead to the appearance of distinct symptoms of “withdrawal syndrome,” including memory impairment, sleep disturbance (insomnia), depression, and anxiety.

3. You may completely upset your genital area, abusing sedatives and sleeping pills containing barbituric acid derivatives. Even Corvalol is not without sin (the usual dose contains approximately 18 mg of phenobarbital).

Characteristics of the substance Phenobarbital

A derivative of barbituric acid. White crystalline powder, slightly bitter taste, odorless. Very slightly soluble in cold water, difficult - in boiling water (1:40) and chloroform, soluble in alcohol, ether, alkali solutions.


Pharmacological action - anticonvulsant, hypnotic, sedative.

It interacts with the barbiturate site of GABA A - the benzodiazepine-barbiturate receptor complex and increases the sensitivity of GABA receptors to the mediator (GABA), as a result, the duration of the period of opening of neuronal channels for incoming currents of chlorine ions increases and the flow of chlorine ions into the cell increases. An increase in the content of chloride ions inside a neuron entails hyperpolarization of the cell membrane and reduces its excitability. As a result, the inhibitory effect of GABA and inhibition of interneuron transmission in various parts of the central nervous system are enhanced.

It has been shown that at therapeutic concentrations, phenobarbital enhances GABAergic transmission and inhibits glutamatergic neurotransmission, especially mediated by glutamate alpha-amino-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA) receptors. In high concentrations, it affects the flow of sodium ions and blocks the flow of calcium ions through cell membranes (L- and N-type channels).

Barbiturates have a non-selective depressant effect on the central nervous system. They suppress the sensory areas of the cerebral cortex, reduce motor activity and cause drowsiness, sedation and sleep.

The sedative-hypnotic effect is mainly due to inhibition of the activity of cells of the ascending activating reticular formation of the brain stem, the nuclei of the thalamus, and inhibition of the interaction of these structures with the cerebral cortex.

The structure of sleep induced by barbiturates differs from physiological sleep, because the phase of rapid (paradoxical) sleep is shortened and stages 3 and 4 of slow sleep are reduced. The hypnotic effect develops within 0.5–1 hour (less often later), lasts 6–8 hours (up to 12 hours) and decreases after 2 weeks of administration.

The anticonvulsant effect is due to the activation of the GABAergic system, the influence on voltage-dependent sodium channels, as well as suppression of glutamate activity, etc. Phenobarbital reduces the excitability of neurons in the epileptogenic focus and prevents the occurrence and propagation of impulses. It blocks high-frequency repeated discharges of neurons (due to the influence of sodium ions on the current). Barbiturates also increase the threshold for electrical stimulation of motor areas of the cerebral cortex.

The antihyperbilirubinemic effect is presumably due to the induction of the enzyme glucuronyltransferase, which regulates the conjugation of bilirubin, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of free bilirubin in the serum.

May cause mild analgesia, but may also increase the response to a painful stimulus.

In small doses it has a calming effect and, in combination with other drugs (antispasmodics, vasodilators), is effective for neurovegetative disorders.

At high doses (overdose) it causes depression of the centers medulla oblongata. Directly depresses the respiratory center (the degree of respiratory depression depends on the dose), reduces breathing volume and sensitivity respiratory center to carbon dioxide.

At normal hypnotic doses it does not have a significant effect on cardiovascular system. In high doses, it lowers blood pressure (except for the central effect - inhibition of the vasomotor center, the effect is mediated by the effect on the heart, ganglia, and is also associated with direct myotropic vasodilating effect). Does not have a direct damaging effect on the kidneys, but acute poisoning Oliguria or anuria may develop, largely as a result of the observed hypotension. Reduces the tone of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

In hypnotic doses, it slightly reduces the metabolic rate in humans. Body temperature decreases slightly due to decreased activity and inhibition of central thermoregulation mechanisms.

Studies on laboratory animals have shown the ability to reduce the tone and contractility of the uterus, ureters and Bladder. However, the concentrations required to produce this effect in humans are not achieved when using doses that cause sedative-hypnotic effects.

Phenobarbital causes the induction of microsomal liver enzymes. When prescribed for more than 3–5 days, barbiturates stimulate their own biotransformation (the rate of enzymatic reactions can increase 10–12 times).

After oral administration, it is completely but slowly absorbed into the small intestine. Bioavailability - 80%. Binding to plasma proteins (mainly albumin) is 20–45%. The therapeutic concentration in blood serum, optimal for the manifestation of an anticonvulsant effect, is 10–40 mcg/ml. T ½ from plasma in adults - 53–118 hours (on average 79 hours), in children and newborns (age less than 48 hours) - 60–180 hours, on average 110 hours. Distributed throughout organs and tissues, passes through the BBB. Passes well through the placenta and is distributed throughout all tissues of the fetus (the highest concentrations are found in the placenta, liver and brain of the fetus), penetrates into breast milk. Metabolized in the liver with the participation of microsomal enzymes with the formation of pharmacologically inactive metabolites. T ½ - 2–4 days (in newborns up to 7 days). Excreted by the kidneys in the form of glucuronide metabolites and unchanged (25–50%). Excretion by the kidneys depends on the pH of the urine: when the urine is alkalinized, excretion in unchanged form increases and the concentration in the blood decreases faster; when it is acidified, the opposite is true. Phenobarbital is characterized by pronounced cumulation. If renal function is impaired, the effect is noticeably prolonged.

In studies on animals (mice, rats) receiving phenobarbital throughout their lives, a carcinogenic effect was revealed. Causes benign and malignant hepatocellular tumors in mice and benign hepatocellular tumors in rats in late dates life. Human studies have not provided sufficient evidence of the carcinogenic effects of phenobarbital.

Use of the substance Phenobarbital

Epilepsy, chorea, spastic paralysis, spasm of peripheral arteries, eclampsia, agitation, sleep disturbance, hemolytic disease of the newborn.


Hypersensitivity (including to other barbiturates), a history of manifest or latent porphyria (possibly increased symptoms due to the induction of enzymes responsible for the synthesis of porphyrin), severe anemia, respiratory diseases accompanied by shortness of breath or obstruction respiratory tract, liver and/or kidney failure, myasthenia gravis, alcoholism, drug or drug addiction, incl. history, pregnancy (especially the first trimester), breastfeeding.

Restrictions on use

Depression and/or suicidal tendencies, a history of bronchial asthma, impaired liver and/or kidney function, hyperkinesis, hyperthyroidism (possibly increased symptoms, since barbiturates displace thyroxine bound to plasma proteins), hypofunction of the adrenal glands (possibly weakened systemic action exogenous and endogenous hydrocortisone under the influence of barbiturates), acute or constant pain(paradoxical arousal may occur or important symptoms may be masked), pregnancy (II and III trimester), childhood.

Side effects of the substance Phenobarbital

From the nervous system and sensory organs: drowsiness, lethargy, depression of the respiratory center, dizziness, headache, nervousness, anxiety, hallucinations, ataxia, nightmares, hyperkinesia (in children), disturbance of the thinking process, paradoxical reaction (unusual arousal, insomnia) - especially in children, elderly and debilitated patients, aftereffect (asthenia, feeling of weakness, lethargy, decreased psychomotor reactions and concentration).

From the cardiovascular system and blood (hematopoiesis, hemostasis): agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, hypotension and megaloblastic anemia (with long-term use), bradycardia, vascular collapse.

From the gastrointestinal tract: nausea/vomiting, constipation.

Allergic reactions: skin rash or urticaria, local swelling (especially of the eyelids, cheeks or lips), exfoliative dermatitis (Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis); Possible death.

Other: with long-term use - liver damage (yellowness of the sclera or skin), folate deficiency, hypocalcemia, osteomalacia, impaired libido, impotence.

Causes addiction (detected after approximately 2 weeks of treatment), drug dependence (mental and physical), withdrawal syndrome and “recoil” (see “Precautions”).


Enhances the metabolism of drugs biotransformed in the liver (due to the activation of microsomal oxidation enzymes) and reduces the effect: indirect anticoagulants, incl. warfarin, acenocoumarol, phenindione, etc. (reduces the level of anticoagulants in the blood; when administered simultaneously, periodic monitoring of PT is necessary to adjust the doses of anticoagulants), corticosteroids, digitalis preparations, chloramphenicol, metronidazole, doxycycline (reduces T ½ of doxycycline, this effect may persist for 2 weeks after stopping barbiturate), tricyclic antidepressants, estrogens, salicylates, paracetamol, etc. Phenobarbital reduces the absorption of griseofulvin and its level in the blood.

The effect of barbiturates on the metabolism of anticonvulsants - hydantoin derivatives (including phenytoin) is unpredictable (a decrease or increase in the concentration of phenytoin in the blood is possible; monitoring of plasma concentrations is necessary). Valproic acid, sodium valproate increase the level of phenobarbital in the blood. Phenobarbital reduces plasma concentrations of carbamazepine and clonazepam.

When used simultaneously with other drugs that depress the central nervous system (including sedatives, hypnotics, some antihistamines, anxiolytics) and alcohol, an additive depressant effect is possible. MAO inhibitors prolong the effect of phenobarbital (probably due to inhibition of its metabolism).


Symptoms toxic poisoning may not appear for several hours after taking phenobarbital. The toxic dose varies significantly. Ingestion of 1 g causes serious poisoning in adults; ingestion of 2–10 g is usually fatal. The therapeutic level of phenobarbital in human blood is 5–40 μg/ml, lethal - 100–200 μg/ml. Barbiturate intoxication should be differentiated from alcohol intoxication, bromide intoxication, with various neurological disorders.

Symptoms acute intoxication: nystagmus, unusual eye movements, ataxia, pronounced weakness and drowsiness, severe confusion, slurred speech, agitation, dizziness, headache, respiratory depression, Cheyne-Stokes respirations, weakened or absent reflexes, constriction of the pupils (in severe poisoning alternating with paralytic dilation), oliguria, tachycardia, hypotension, hypothermia, cyanosis , weak pulse, cold and clammy skin, hemorrhages (at pressure points), coma.

In severe poisoning, pulmonary edema and vascular collapse with decreased tone may develop. peripheral vessels, apnea, respiratory and cardiac arrest; Possible death.

In case of a life-threatening overdose, suppression of the electrical activity of the brain (EEG may be “flat”) is possible, which should not be regarded as clinical death, because this effect is completely reversible unless hypoxia-related damage has developed.

An overdose can cause the development of complications such as pneumonia, arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, and renal failure.

Treatment of acute overdose: accelerating the elimination of phenobarbital and maintaining vital important functions.

To reduce absorption (if phenobarbital is not completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract) - induce vomiting (if the patient is conscious and has not lost vomiting reflex) followed by appointment activated carbon, in this case, it is necessary to take measures to prevent aspiration of vomit. If induction of vomiting is contraindicated, gastric lavage is necessary.

To speed up the excretion of the absorbed drug, saline laxatives are prescribed, forced diuresis is carried out (with preserved renal function), alkaline solutions(to alkalize urine).

Vital functions and fluid balance are monitored.

Supportive measures: it is necessary to ensure patency of the respiratory tract, the use of mechanical ventilation and the use of oxygen is possible; the use of analeptics is not recommended (in case of severe poisoning, they may worsen the condition); maintaining normal blood pressure (for hypotension - use vasoconstrictors) and body temperature; if necessary - infusion therapy or other anti-shock measures; measures should be taken to prevent hypostatic pneumonia (including physical therapy in the area chest), bedsores, aspiration and other complications; if pneumonia is suspected, prescribe antibiotics; It is recommended to avoid fluid or sodium overload, especially if cardiovascular function is impaired.

At severe poisoning, the development of anuria or shock, peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis is possible (monitoring of the concentration of phenobarbital in the blood is necessary during and after dialysis).

Symptoms of chronic toxicity: constant irritability, weakened ability to critically evaluate, sleep disturbance, drowsiness, apathy, weakness, imbalance, confused speech, dizziness, severe confusion. Hallucinations, agitation, convulsions, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and kidneys are possible.

Treatment of chronic toxicity: gradual dose reduction (to avoid the development of withdrawal syndrome) until the drug is completely discontinued, symptomatic treatment and psychotherapy.

Directions for use and doses

Inside. The dosage regimen is set strictly individually depending on the indications, course of the disease, tolerability, age, etc. Treatment must begin with the lowest effective dose corresponding to the specific form of pathology. In patients with impaired liver and/or kidney function, elderly and debilitated patients, treatment should begin with lower doses.

As a sleeping pill - adults 0.1–0.2 g 0.5–1 hour before bedtime; as a sedative and antispasmodic - 0.01–0.03–0.05 g 2–3 times a day (usually in combination with antispasmodics, vasodilators, etc.); for epilepsy: adults - 0.05–0.1 g 2 times a day with a gradual increase in dose until a clinical effect is obtained.

The maximum single dose for adults is 0.2 g, the maximum daily dose is 0.5 g.

The dose for children is selected individually depending on the age and body weight of the child.

Precautions for the substance Phenobarbital

If dermatological complications occur, phenobarbital should be discontinued. Hypersensitivity reactions are more common if there is a history of asthma, urticaria, angioedema and etc.

It should be borne in mind that in elderly people and debilitated patients, at usual doses, severe agitation, depression or confusion are possible. In children, barbiturates can cause unusual agitation, irritability, and hyperactivity.

Prescribe with caution for depression (possible deterioration of the condition, especially in elderly patients).

The risk of dependence increases with the use of large doses and with increasing duration of use, as well as in patients with drug and alcohol addiction in the anamnesis. Permanent use Barbiturates in doses 3–4 times higher than therapeutic doses lead to the development of physical dependence in 75% of patients.

Withdrawal should be done gradually, by reducing the dose over a long period of time, to reduce the risk of withdrawal and rebound syndromes. Withdrawal syndrome may develop within 8-12 hours after the last dose and usually manifests itself in the following sequence (minor symptoms): anxiety, muscle twitching, hand tremors, progressive weakness, dizziness, visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbances, orthostatic hypotension(dizziness, fainting). In severe cases, more significant symptoms (convulsions, delirium) are possible, occurring within 16 hours and lasting up to 5 days after abrupt withdrawal. The severity of withdrawal symptoms gradually decreases over about 15 days. Risk of developing delirium and seizures with possible fatal higher with abrupt withdrawal after prolonged use in people with drug addiction. Sudden discontinuation during epilepsy may cause a seizure or status epilepticus.

When using phenobarbital for the treatment of epilepsy, monitoring its blood levels is recommended. At long-term treatment It is necessary to periodically determine the concentration of folate in the blood, monitor the picture of peripheral blood, liver and kidney function.

If it is necessary to use barbiturates during childbirth, it is recommended to deliver the child in conditions where resuscitation equipment is ready.

During the treatment period, drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

Should not be used during work by vehicle drivers and people whose activities require rapid mental and physical reaction, and is also associated with increased concentration.

special instructions

Currently, phenobarbital is practically not used as a hypnotic.