Treatment regimen for rotavirus infection in adults. An effective cure for rotavirus and proper nutrition for the disease. Proper nutrition for rotavirus, or how to avoid dehydration

Update: December 2018

The digestive tract is the most vulnerable system of our body. A significant amount of food and water passes through it every day various quality, which may be contaminated with bacteria, toxins, microscopic fungi, etc.

Getting into the cavity of the stomach and intestines, they begin to destroy the cells of these organs and disrupt digestion. Exists a large number of microorganisms that lead to acute intestinal infection However, most often, these diseases occur due to Rotaviruses.

More than a billion cases of this infection are reported worldwide every year. According to statistics, every second family encounters rotaviruses at least once. Moreover, most often children under 10 years of age get sick.

Adults, as a rule, become infected while caring for their child, but it is also possible for the microorganism to enter from another source. Given such a wide prevalence of pathology, you should be wary of any signs of an intestinal infection and, if you suspect it, seek the help of a doctor.

What is Rotavirus?

This is a whole genus of viruses that infect small intestine person. They persist for a long time on any environmental objects (food, water, clothes of a sick person, door handles, etc.). Once inside, rotaviruses transit through the acidic environment of the stomach and settle in the initial part of the intestine. They attach to its cells (enterocytes), penetrate inside and begin to multiply rapidly.

As soon as their concentration becomes large enough, the cell is destroyed and all copies of the viruses are released from it. Some of them come out along with feces, other microorganisms infect other enterocytes. It is because of this that rotavirus infection progresses steadily, without adequate treatment.

How do rotaviruses enter the body?

These microorganisms are highly contagious. They can enter the environment only in one way - from a sick person. Viruses are released in large quantities along with feces and can easily spread to the patient’s hands, clothes and household items (telephone, bed linen, door handles, etc.). For the infection to spread to another person, the rotavirus must enter oral cavity. Moreover, a very small amount is enough for the development of the disease.

If a patient with rotavirus infection appears in a family, there is a high probability of transmitting the disease to other members. Even if you properly care for and isolate the patient while keeping him at home, it is difficult to avoid a group outbreak.

It should also be remembered that this intestinal infection can affect people of decreed professions (which can infect a large number of people): catering workers, teachers, water utility employees, sellers and others. That is why there is always a possibility of contracting rotavirus if the basic principles of prevention are not followed.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection

From the moment rotavirus enters the intestines until the first symptoms appear, on average, 1-2 days pass. In more than half of patients, the disease is disguised as common cold(ARD), manifested by a runny nose/nasal congestion, slight wet cough, sore throat. However, after a few days, or in parallel with the signs of acute respiratory infections, symptoms of an intestinal infection appear, which is why rotavirus infection is also called.

Rotavirus infection in children

As a rule, the disease in children under 5 years of age is quite severe. It is always accompanied by severe toxic poisoning body and expressed intestinal disorders, which appear almost simultaneously. To the most typical symptoms relate:

Symptom of the disease Characteristics of the symptom
Intoxication of the body

Rotavirus infection in infants it begins with this symptom. The child becomes lethargic (he practically does not move, the cry is weak, he sucks reluctantly, etc.), cries for no reason, and excessive sweating is often noted.

Older children, in addition to lack of appetite and weakness, may complain of headache or dizziness.

Increased temperature (hyperthermia)

Most often, body temperature rises quite strongly (more than 38-39 o C), but short term– up to 3 days. In the subsequent course of the disease, all other intestinal symptoms, but without temperature.

Only for severe roto viral infection, which occurs with significant poisoning of the body, hyperthermia can be observed for longer than a week.


In children under the 2nd year of life, loose stools can occur 10-14 times a day. As a rule, it is foamy, consists almost entirely of water, and may contain particles of mucus. Diarrhea may persist for 10-14 days.

Such frequent bowel movements leads to dehydration of the body and increases intoxication.

Vomit In children under one year of age, vomiting continues for 1-2 days, repeats several times during the day, and contributes to dehydration. As a rule, an older child rarely suffers from this symptom for more than a day.
Abdominal pain The pain is moderate and may intensify somewhat when palpating the abdomen (especially in the middle/lower halves).

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in children can vary in severity. As a rule, than older child, the easier the disease progresses. However, it should be remembered that if any signs appear intestinal disease, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Rotavirus infection in adults

Almost all symptoms in adults are much milder than in young patients. Intoxication of the body may be absent or expressed in slight weakness and decreased appetite. The temperature rarely rises above 38 o C and often returns to normal within one day. Diarrhea, as a rule, occurs no more than 5 times a day, during the week (from 3 to 7 days). Vomiting is one-time or not expressed.

Rotavirus infection in adolescents proceeds similarly to adults - the symptoms are moderate and respond well to treatment.

Dangerous symptoms

There is a group of “warning” symptoms for children and adults, the appearance of which should immediately contact an ambulance medical assistance. They indicate severe course infections and require inpatient treatment. It is especially important to control the appearance of these symptoms in a sick child, since he will not be able to do this on his own.

  • The appearance of red blood in the stool or black staining of the stool(with a shiny tint and unpleasant smell) is an extremely unfavorable sign that indicates an opening intestinal bleeding. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance or go to an infectious diseases hospital/hospital;
  • Increased frequency of diarrhea up to 10 times a day or repeated vomiting(more than 7 episodes per day) - the active release of fluid during rotavirus infection significantly increases the poisoning of the body with toxins. In this case, the patient is hospitalized in infectious diseases hospital, where they replenish the lost volume of fluid and electrolytes using droppers;
  • Severe abdominal pain- at typical course, abdominal pain is practically not expressed. A significant increase in pain may indicate damage to the intestinal walls;
  • The appearance of a rash on the body– small (up to 5 mm) and rare red spots that appear during the illness are very characteristic of typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever. In some cases, these pathologies may masquerade as a common rotavirus infection.

Diagnosis of rotavirus infection

Thanks to its characteristic symptoms, this disease can be suspected from the moment the first symptoms appear. To distinguish it from other infections, doctors use the following signs:

  • The onset of the disease is acute;
  • The virus is active all year round, the peak incidence is autumn, winter (but during the hot period in open water bodies it can easily become infected through water, swimming in the sea, there is always a risk of ingesting water);
  • Skin rashes – no;
  • Temperature – up to 39 o C, but short-term;
  • Characteristic clinical picture (described in the symptoms section).

In order to confirm the presence of rotavirus infection, the usual laboratory examinations (general analyzes blood, urine, feces), since changes in them will be nonspecific. A definitive diagnosis can only be made using the following methods:

Treatment of the disease should begin immediately after the initial diagnosis is made. To do this, you do not need to wait for confirmation from the laboratory. Subsequently, treatment tactics can be adjusted, depending on the results obtained.

Treatment of rotavirus infection

Symptoms and treatment of rotavirus infection depend on the activity of the pathogen. Typically, this disease can be successfully treated at home. Patients are hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital/hospital only if the infection is severe or when “dangerous” symptoms appear.

Medical nutrition

Therapy should begin with proper nutrition. Children receiving breast milk, continue to feed as before “on demand”, but at least 4-6 times a day. If the child is on artificial feeding, it is better to use lactose-free/low-lactose mixtures, which will provide positive effect on the condition of the intestines and reduce the duration of diarrhea. It is important to note that during illness, introduce new complementary foods Absolutely forbidden, as this may worsen indigestion.

Older children and adults should exclude from their diet:

  • I love it plant foods(berries; vegetables; fruits, including dried);
  • Bakery and flour products;
  • Fatty, salty, spicy, fried foods;
  • Whole milk;
  • Broths.

According to latest research, all this food strengthens the intestines, which is why diarrhea will persist a little longer. During illness, it is recommended to eat boiled, lightly salted porridge in small but frequent portions.

Elimination of rotavirus

How to treat rotavirus infection? To do this, it is necessary to remove microorganisms from the intestine that are located on its walls and destroy cells. For this purpose, you can use adequate doses of sorbent drugs, such as:

  • Activated carbon - up to 4-6 tablets per dose several times a day;
  • Smecta or Neosmectin ( domestic analogue) – 3-4 sachets per day;
  • Enterodes or Polysorb – 1-2 sachets per day.

For infants, the amount of medication is selected individually, depending on the child’s condition. Some forms of drugs are quite difficult to get you to drink infant. To simplify the process, preference should be given to syrups, medicinal solutions. The tablets can be dissolved in water or finely crushed and given on a teaspoon.

In addition to enterosorbents, the drugs Anaferon and Arbidol have proven their effectiveness against rotaviruses. During research, doctors discovered that their use speeds up the treatment of infection by several days.

Elimination of dehydration and intoxication

This is one of the most important components of treatment, which allows you to improve general state patient of any age. Compensate for water losses and necessary for the body minerals possible with the help of medications: Regidron, Glucosolan, Gastrolit.

If none of the listed drugs is available home medicine cabinet, for the first time you can prepare a solution similar in composition to these medications. For this, to 1 liter boiled water should be added:

  • 4 tablespoons (20 g) sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon (3 g) salt;
  • 1 teaspoon (3 g) baking soda.

However, it should be remembered that it is better to use this solution only for a short time, before purchasing medications, since it lacks a number of important microelements.

Restoring bowel function

Rotavirus infection destroys some beneficial bacteria, which are necessary for effective digestion. That is why it is necessary to include probiotics in therapy, such as Lactofiltrum, Linex, Bifidum, Bifidumbacterin, etc.

Caring for an infant with rotavirus

Since children under one year old can suffer from the disease quite seriously, they need to be provided with adequate care. Let us outline the fundamental points:

  • Proper nutrition. If the child is on breastfeeding– it must be continued at least 4-6 times. When feeding artificial mixtures, preference should be given to lactose-free/low-lactose concentrates;
  • Compliance with doctor's orders. Some forms of drugs are quite difficult to get an infant to drink. To simplify the process, preference should be given to medicinal solutions. The tablets can be dissolved in water or finely crushed and given on a teaspoon;
  • Regular change of diapers/diapers. Despite frequent loose stools, it is necessary to change the child’s underwear every time it gets wet. This will allow you to subsequently avoid maceration (damage to the skin with the formation of “wet” areas) of the skin;
  • Monitor the child's condition. Excessive lethargy, a very weak cry, the appearance of “dangerous” symptoms - all these are signs of a severe course of the disease, and if they appear, it is recommended to seek emergency medical help.

In most young patients, the symptoms of the disease disappear within a few days, with adequate treatment. But at this time it is important to ensure proper care, which will have positive influence on the child's healing process.

Prevention of rotavirus infection

How to protect yourself or your child from rotavirus infection? There are two main methods for this. The first is compliance with basic hygiene standards:

  • Regular hand washing (mandatory before eating/water);
  • Boiling any water you consume (except bottled water);
  • Thoroughly wash any consumed vegetables, fruits and berries with soap, followed by rinsing them with boiling water.

In most cases, these simple rules help avoid the development of the disease. However, it is quite difficult to ensure that the child adheres to them. As special prevention, which can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing pathology and completely eliminate the appearance severe forms infections, you can additionally use vaccination.

Currently, 2 vaccines against this disease are available in Russia - RoTatek and Rotarix. They are only effective on children under two years of age. The drugs are manufactured in Europe, where they have undergone multiple testing clinical trials and have proven their effectiveness. They are not included in the vaccination schedule, so in order to give them to your child, you must buy them yourself. average cost vaccines - about 5,000 rubles.


Can rotavirus infection be treated with cola?

Since cola is considered a harmful carbonated drink, doctors (who have never experienced all the delights of rotavirus and the effectiveness of cola) do not recommend using this drink as a means of therapy. But, to stop vomiting and relieve nausea against the background of rotavirus infection, Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola are very effective. That is, it can be used at the first sign of infection.

If a child has had rotavirus once, can he get it again?

Yes. After this disease, immunity is formed, but it lasts only for a few weeks. To create lasting immunity, the use of vaccines is necessary.

How dangerous is this disease?

With timely and adequate treatment, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. As a rule, prolonged infection in children is dangerous younger age which occurs with severe dehydration.

Do I need to take Enterofuril or other antimicrobial agents?

Antibiotics are not indicated for this pathology, but Enterofuril (Ersefuril, Nifuroxazide, Ecofuril, Stopdiar) is prescribed to reduce the growth of opportunistic bacterial flora, which blooms against the background of a weakening of the intestinal immune response by the virus.

Should I take painkillers for abdominal cramps?

Severe pain that requires medication is not typical for rotavirus infection. The appearance of this symptom is a reason to seek medical help.

Rotavirus infection is an acute infection, also called stomach flu, the main cause of which is believed to be RNA rotavirus. The disease is transmitted in most cases orally. This type of infection is quite dangerous. As shown medical practice, more than 610,000 people die each year from rotavirus infection. A person should know how to treat rotavirus in children and adults, since timely treatment will help avoid severe consequences diseases.

Infection with rotavirus occurs in several ways - fecal, oral, and also through household contact. The main symptoms of rotavirus infection manifest themselves in the form of poisoning; a little later other signs may develop:

  • pain in the stomach;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • bloating;
  • stool disorder;
  • increase in body temperature.

Incorrect treatment carried out at home can lead to dangerous consequences for human health and even life.

Features of rotavirus treatment

Rotavirus infection must be treated immediately after the first signs of the disease appear. But it should be remembered that in modern medicine does not exist specific methods treatment stomach flu. In no case should you self-medicate, everything medications should only be prescribed by a specialist.

IN in this case it is necessary to correctly diagnose the disease, as it is similar to food poisoning. For this purpose they are appointed lab tests. After research it is selected optimal method therapy.

Required elements healing process are strict adherence to diet and drinking regime, bed rest.

Treatment of intestinal flu is symptomatic. It is aimed at preventing further dehydration of the body, eliminating vomiting, abdominal pain and normalizing stool. It can be carried out both at home and in a hospital. But since this disease is contagious, the patient must be isolated until recovery, ensuring complete quarantine.

Sharp pain in the abdomen - characteristic feature rotavirus infection

Drug treatment

Any medications for rotavirus infection in children and adults are taken only as prescribed by a doctor. It is strictly not recommended to take any antidiarrheal or antiemetic medications on your own.

For intestinal flu, antibacterial or antiviral drugs, since they do not have an effective effect on the causative agent of the disease. Rehydrants must be prescribed - this is pharmacological agents, which prevent dehydration of the body and normalize the water-salt balance.

The main drugs used for rotavirus:

  • Antiviral - Tsitovir, Cycloferon, Kagocel, Ingavirin, Furazolidone.
  • Antidiarrheals - Loperamide, Imodium, Enterol.
  • Detoxification - Polysorb, Regidron, Gastrolit, Activated carbon.
  • Normalizing work digestive system- Creon, Pangrol.
  • Improving intestinal microflora - Bifiform, Linex, Hilak forte, Acipol.
  • Painkillers – Spazmalgon, Drotaverine, No-shpa.
  • Antiemetics – Motilium, Metoclopramide.
  • For bloating – Maalox, Reni.

How to treat rotavirus in case of fever? When body temperature rises above 38°, it is recommended to take medications with an antipyretic effect - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Coldrex.

In case of sudden painful spasms in the stomach area, it is strictly not recommended to take painkillers on your own, as this may prevent the attending physician from making a correct diagnosis.

Vomiting and stool upset lead to intense fluid loss

Restoring water-salt balance

When treating rotavirus infection in children and adults, it is necessary to take medications, the main purpose of which is to prevent further dehydration of the body and eliminate its intoxication. For this purpose, pharmacological agents such as Regidron, Polysorb, Gastrolit, Liferan, Glucosolan, Smecta can be used.

They have the following effects on the body:

  • Effectively compensate for the loss of moisture in the patient's body.
  • Replenishes the lack of minerals vital for immunity.
  • Improves a person's overall well-being.

Taking rehydrants is mandatory in case of vomiting or stool upset, since in this case the likelihood of rapid dehydration of the body rapidly increases. If you don’t have any of the above medications at home, you can prepare a rehydrant yourself. To do this, add a teaspoon of soda and salt to 1 liter of clean boiled water, add 3-4 tablespoons of sugar. It is recommended to drink this liquid in small sips every 15-20 minutes.

Diet for rotavirus

An obligatory part of the treatment of intestinal flu is special therapeutic nutrition. On the first day after an exacerbation of the disease, doctors recommend completely refusing to eat, only drinking is allowed. This will reduce the symptoms of intoxication and quickly improve the patient’s overall well-being. When painful sensations disappear and your health returns to normal, you can move on to a diet that should be as light and gentle as possible.

When treating rotavirus, you must completely avoid the following products:

  • Whole milk and fermented milk products.
  • Rye bread.
  • Delicious baked goods.
  • Raw fruits and vegetables - cucumbers, radishes, radishes, onions and garlic, cabbage, citrus fruits.
  • Pasta, millet and pearl barley.
  • Dark chocolate, carbonated drinks, concentrated juices.
  • Cakes, candies and other sweets.
  • Hard cheese.
  • Sausages, smoked meats.
  • Salted, pickled and spicy foods.

What foods should be present in the diet of a person diagnosed with rotavirus infection? These can be low-fat broths, jelly, congee, mashed potatoes on the water without butter, boiled rice, skinless chicken or turkey, steamed cutlets.

You can eat no more than 2-3 boiled eggs per week. You should categorically avoid butter and vegetable oil. The only baked goods you can eat are bagels and dry cookies such as biscuits.

The basic rule of dietary nutrition for rotavirus infection is to eat often, but in small portions. This will help reduce the manifestations of intoxication and normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

Treatment of rotavirus in a child

How to treat rotavirus infection in a child? The basic principles of treatment for children are practically no different from the treatment of intestinal flu in adults. The main goal of the treatment process is to normalize the baby’s condition, improve his well-being, and minimize the manifestations of intestinal disease.

IN mandatory adjustments are made to children's diet nutrition, medications are taken to normalize the water-salt balance, eliminate symptoms of intoxication.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to leave the baby without food for 1-2 days, only give him plenty of fluids. In case you get sick Small child who is on breastfeeding, it is recommended to switch it to artificial feeding - give it to the baby in small portions a mixture that does not contain lactose.

After the child feels better, he can be given light rice water, homemade jelly with water, low-fat chicken bouillon. Older children can gradually introduce chicken meatballs or steamed cutlets, mashed potatoes without butter and milk, and rice porridge into their diet.

The child must be given medications to replenish the loss of fluid in the child’s body. This is especially important if the baby has vomiting or diarrhea. It is worth noting that as body temperature rises, dehydration occurs at a rapid pace.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in children has good prognosis

Main drugs:

  • Oralit,
  • Regidron,
  • Enterosgel,
  • Smecta,
  • White coal,
  • Atoxyl.

It is also very useful to give the child a weak decoction of chamomile, salt or soda solution. You need to drink every 10-15 minutes. If the baby categorically refuses to drink liquid, you should not force him, as this may cause a gag reflex.

To normalize the functioning of the digestive system, the child is prescribed probiotics - Lacidofil, Bifilact.

When a child’s body temperature rises, antipyretic medications are used - most often Efferalgan, Paracetamol, Nurofen.

In some cases, medications with antiviral effect– Lipoferon, Viferon. They actively fight the main causative agent of the disease and speed up recovery.

Folk remedies for the treatment of rotavirus

Various recipes also help to effectively treat rotavirus infection in adults. traditional medicine. Diarrhea can be cured with a decoction made from pomegranate peels. A handful of chopped peel should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water, left to steep for 10-15 minutes and drunk often in small sips.

A decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort is also considered extremely useful. To prepare it, pour a tablespoon of fresh or dried plant into a glass hot water, insist and consume every 10 minutes.

All medications for rotavirus infection should be prescribed only by a doctor.

At home, a medicinal decoction of blueberries is used to treat rotavirus infection. It is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of berries should be boiled for several minutes in small quantity water, then pass through a sieve and combine with 4-5 spoons granulated sugar. After this, the berry puree is poured with water and brought to a boil, after which it is drunk throughout the day.

Blueberries can be replaced with rose hips. It not only normalizes water balance in the body, but will also eliminate symptoms of intoxication, increase immunity and replenish vital deficiencies important vitamins and microelements.

A medicinal plant called aspenberry is excellent for getting rid of severe, debilitating diarrhea in young children. Pour a tablespoon of the plant into 300 ml of water, put it on low heat and boil for 3-4 minutes. Ready product It is recommended to take a spoonful every 2-3 hours.

Before treating rotavirus infection in children and adults, you should definitely consult with your doctor. Especially if the disease is accompanied by an intense increase in body temperature. Intestinal flu can have the most severe consequences for the body, up to fatal outcome. Competent and timely treatment can cure the disease and return a person to good health.

It is impossible to protect yourself from all diseases, but you need to try to act in this direction, which is why the topic of this article will be the prevention of rotavirus, one of the most unpleasant and insidious types of viral infection.

Rotavirus can infect both the body of an adult and a child, creating a clinical picture atypical for viral infections. This type of virus misleads even doctors and causes serious harm to health. Knowing prevention methods, you can protect yourself and your children.

Before talking about how to protect your body from a virus, you need to understand what it is and find out as much information as possible about how it affects the body, what routes it is transmitted, etc.

Rotavirus - this word in medicine means whole group viruses that infect the epithelium small intestine, each of which is highly contagious. Rotavirus infection is also often called “stomach flu”; this name was obtained due to its mixed symptoms.

The clinical picture when the body is affected by rotavirus is nonspecific for most viral infections. Despite the fact that the pathogen mainly affects the mucous membrane of the mentioned section of the intestine, some clinical signs may resemble other types of viral infection, such as SARS.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Diarrhea with watery stool.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • General intoxication of the body.
  • Heat.
  • Sometimes sore throat and runny nose.

It is also worth noting that rotavirus threatens children most of all, for several reasons:

  1. Children's the immune system weaker than in adults.
  2. Fecal-oral specificity of virus transmission (another popular name virus - “infection of dirty hands”).

It is also important to know that rotavirus is distributed throughout to the globe and capable long time survive in external environment. Moreover, according to statistics, manifestations of rotavirus in children under two years of age are observed in 100% of cases, but parents and pediatricians mistake the disease for a regular attack of diarrhea against the background of some other disease.

Features of rotavirus transmission

To understand how to avoid becoming infected with rotavirus, you need to have a clear understanding of the routes of its transmission. Most viruses are freely transmitted by airborne droplets, but infection with rotavirus infection occurs differently.

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Touching any object that has been touched by a sick person risks infecting the body with further consequences. However, there is an important “BUT” - rotavirus infection enters the body healthy person only through the oral cavity. Children become infected more often because they put unwashed hands in their mouths or take food with them.

Important! In most cases, rotavirus is transmitted fecal-oral route. That is, pathogenic microorganisms from a virus carrier or a sick person enter the environment through any objects:

  • Door knob.
  • Dishes.
  • Toys.
  • Towel.
  • TV remote.
  • Handrail on a bus, etc.

There are other ways of transmitting rotavirus:

  • Through river, sea and even tap water (outbreaks of rotavirus infection often occur in children at sea). At home, it is enough to wash the apple with tap water.
  • IN in rare cases people catch rotavirus infection through airborne droplets. More often this happens at home if more than one person is sick, and in clinical picture patients present with coughing and sneezing.

Contrary to popular belief, an infected person who has recovered from the disease can become infected again during his or her lifetime. Firstly, immunity to rotavirus infection gradually weakens, and secondly, there are several strains of this virus.

Prevention methods

Rotavirus infection is severe even in adults, but a child who becomes infected is in serious danger. For this reason, it is extremely important to know how to protect your child from infection.

Preventive measures are especially necessary if your child attends kindergarten or school, because in crowded places, where toys and food are shared, the likelihood of infection is much higher.

Prevention of rotavirus infection involves several different approaches, first let's look at the main methods:

  • Vaccination is not common in our country, but abroad all children are vaccinated against rotavirus, which allows the child to be protected at least in the first years of life.
  • By observing the simplest rules of hygiene, you can also prevent the disease. Children need to wash their hands with soap before each meal. You should wash and bathe at least once a day.
  • Process purchased vegetables and fruits, but washing under running water is not enough. If you want to protect yourself, pour boiling water over your food, this will kill pathogenic microorganisms.
  • To protect your child from rotavirus, do not allow him to drink raw water, even if it has been filtered. The water consumed must be boiled.
  • When we're talking about About children from 1 to 3 years old, who often crawl on the floor and put toys in their mouths, it is more difficult to avoid infection. Firstly, it is necessary to carry out regular wet cleaning premises using disinfectant. Secondly, before giving them to the baby, all toys should be washed in soapy water, rinsed thoroughly and dried.

Among non-cellular life forms, there are plenty of diarrhea provocateurs, but in terms of prevalence, rotavirus infection (RI) is unrivaled. The disease is called a mixture of poisoning and a cold, otherwise stomach or intestinal flu. In adults, this pathology is less common and occurs more easily than in children.

Characteristics of the pathogen

Rotaviruses have been studied since 1974. Scientists have since discovered that these particles contain an RNA (ribonucleic acid) genome, which consists of 11 rare fragments surrounded by three layers of proteins. This shell protects against acidic environment stomach and alkaline duodenum.

The incubation period in adults lasts from 12 to 24 hours. At this time, virions multiply and accumulate in the body. Their number and the strength of the host’s defenses determine what the time period will be from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs of the disease. From 4 to 7 days the acute phase passes. It takes another week for complete recovery. Acquired strong immunity prevents re-infection. Individuals with weak defense mechanisms are an exception.

The period from the onset of the first symptoms of stomach flu to complete recovery is considered contagious (infectious), since during this period of time the patient releases viral particles into the environment.

Methods of infection

There are several ways to get the stomach flu:

  • Fecal-oral. Through raw water, contaminated food, things. IN children's body the infection occurs when visiting nurseries, kindergartens and schools.
  • Aerogenic. In close contact with an infected person. Adults become infected while caring for a sick child.
  • Airborne. Less common. Infectious agents enter the air with microparticles of vomit.

In the human small intestine, viruses penetrate mucosal epithelial cells, using their structures to reproduce new particles. As a result, they slough off and enter the intestinal lumen. Mature enterocytes are replaced by absorptive cells that are unable to absorb carbohydrates.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection

The disease manifests itself in the form of isolated cases or epidemics, which occur more often in autumn and winter.

Those infected with the stomach flu complain of fever, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and lethargy. The disease is also characterized respiratory signs in the form of an inflamed and reddened throat, cough and runny nose.

Due to a lack of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of sugars, osmotic-type diarrhea syndrome develops. Frequent urge happen unexpectedly when severe form– more than twice a day.

With rotavirus enteritis, in addition to intestinal disorders, the following are possible:

  • Fever, which occurs in 10% of adults.
  • Gray-yellow liquid foamy feces without impurities.
  • The presence of blood or mucus in the stool.
  • Cramping pain in the upper abdomen, accompanied by loud rumbling.

Rotavirus intestinal infection occurs without symptoms in the first 1–5 days from the moment a person is infected. Then the inflammatory process in the intestinal wall leads to poisoning of the entire body and its accompanying symptoms. After treatment, the mucous membrane is restored only after 1.5-2 months.

The clinical picture of intestinal flu resembles poisoning, but the latter happens suddenly and regardless of the time of year, while all those who are poisoned have the same signs of intoxication.

Adults, as a rule, carry RI on their feet. In young people there may be a short-term loss of consciousness, in older people blood pressure sometimes rises, tachycardia and muffled heart sounds are diagnosed. Such ailments are often attributed to banal poisoning from stale food. But the absence of symptoms does not mean that the patient is not epidemiologically dangerous to his environment. This is why, because of one person, mass infections occur in a group or family.

Only people who have developed a specific lifelong immune status to a specific serotype of the pathogen. At the same time, in an adult, signs of RI may not appear even after contact with a sick person.

Diagnosis of the disease

An accurate diagnosis is made based on the results of radioimmune tests, latex agglutination reaction, and electron microscopic analysis of stool for rotavirus. This takes into account trends towards mass infection and the seasonality of the disease, and not just its clinical symptoms.

Differential diagnosis allows you to distinguish stomach flu from yersiniosis, escherichiosis, cholera, dysentery or salmonellosis.

A traditional strip with specific antibodies for pathogen antigens allows for a one-step immunochromatic rapid test to detect virus carriage.

First, the feces are placed in a bottle from the kit, and the biomaterial is dissolved in it. The resulting suspension (5 drops) is applied to the window of the strip and after 10 minutes the results are observed.

Painting a special area in pink color indicates the presence of infection. This test has a commercial basis, it cannot be final diagnosis and does not cancel a visit to a specialized doctor.

Treatment of rotavirus intestinal infection

The lack of specific techniques aimed at destroying the pathogen makes it necessary to carry out symptomatic therapy, correcting electrolyte imbalances and preventing dehydration (dehydration) of the body, which can be judged by a decrease in diuresis.

To do this, you will need a weak decoction of chamomile, in which rock salt (1 tsp) and baking soda (0.5 tsp) are dissolved. IN difficult situations You can’t do without intravenous rehydration.

Treatment of rotavirus infections in patients with an uncomplicated course is carried out in the emergency department or on an outpatient basis. Children with severe diarrhea and vomiting.

Medicines for rotavirus infection

Below is a list of medications that are taken when the disease is detected:

  1. With frequent diarrhea for a course of at least 5 days, patients take Enterofuril and Furazolidone, even if clinical recovery is expected ahead of schedule.
  2. Enterosorbents are used against intoxication; Polysorb and Smecta are used.
  3. Compensation enzyme deficiency achieved with the drugs Pancreatin and Creon.
  4. Probiotics are intended to normalize microflora: Hilak Forte, Bifiform, Linex.
  5. With flatulence and severe pain syndrome take antispasmodics once. No-shpa and Riabal are taken simultaneously with the drugs Kolikid and Espumisan.

To reduce infusion therapy you will need proper soldering:

  • At the first stage, it is carried out every 10-15 minutes. When vomiting stops, but after a short period of time it resumes again.
  • The administered volume of liquid is 50-100 ml/kg body weight per day with a further increase to 80-100 ml.

For any viral infection, taking antibiotics is not only useless, but even contraindicated, because they are aimed at destroying bacteria and, if used uncontrolled, aggravate the intestinal dysbiosis that already exists in RI.

With a body temperature of up to 38.5° C, you should stop taking antipyretic drugs. This will reduce the activity of the pathogen, which does not tolerate heat. At temperatures above 38.5° C, the doctor will prescribe medications that eliminate negative symptoms.

To strengthen the immune system, it is important to eat a balanced and nutritious diet so that the body receives everything it needs biologically. active substances and nutrients. An obligatory component of treatment is a gentle diet that excludes the consumption of dairy products in order to avoid lactose deficiency as the main link in the development of diarrhea. Recommended: decoctions of dried fruits, rice infusions, pure water without gas.


Treatment in adults is short and almost always ends full recovery.

Rotavirus enteritis, as a rule, does not lead to complications. Only decompensated metabolic acidosis is possible, after which hemodynamic disorders develop and renal failure.

The main thing is to prevent an increase in temperature, which can damage the cells of the body. Without treatment comes severe dehydration, which is difficult to cope with drink plenty of fluids. Sometimes only intravenous injections special compounds under the supervision of a doctor and immediate drug correction help reduce complications and avoid death.

Prevention of infection

The most reliable means, which prevents the spread of viruses and can protect against intestinal flu is specific vaccination. Thanks to vaccination, lasting immunity is developed, eliminating re-infection. For prevention purposes, Rotarix is ​​intended for adults with an effectiveness of 98%. This is a colorless liquid containing a weakened strain of the virus. Hand washing is a non-specific, but no less important measure to protect against stomach flu.

Treatment rotavirus infection should be started as early as possible, which will normalize the patient’s condition and prevent the development of complications.

The goals of treatment for rotavirus infection are:

  • restoration of lost fluid ( fight against dehydration);
  • removal of rotaviruses from the body;
  • elimination of symptoms of the disease;
  • proper nutrition;
  • recovery digestive function intestines.
The basis of treatment is correct and timely recovery lost fluid. At the same time, a number of medicinal and non-medicinal agents are successfully used for this pathology.

First aid for children with rotavirus infection

If your child shows signs of this disease, it is extremely important to provide him with first aid in a timely and correct manner, which will prevent the development of complications in the future.

First aid for a child with rotavirus infection should include:

  • Preventing dehydration. Dehydration is the main cause of complications from rotavirus infection. The fact is that an adult has profuse ( abundant) Diarrhea for 1 – 2 days can cause severe dehydration. At the same time, in children under 3 years of age ( in whom rotavirus infection occurs most often) severe dehydration can occur within 2 to 4 hours from the onset of the disease. To prevent this, the child must be given water. To do this, you should use liquids containing electrolytes - warm tea, compote, jelly, mineral water ( without gases), saline solutions, and so on. The volume of fluid should approximately correspond to the volume that the child loses through diarrhea and vomiting. This is especially important to consider when treating newborns and infants, since excess water entering their body can also be accompanied by the development of complications.
  • Baby care. It is extremely important to ensure that when vomiting, a newborn or infant does not choke on the vomit, which can lead to the development of pneumonia or even suffocation. To do this, you should constantly monitor the child, and during an attack of vomiting, turn him on his side. You should also regularly change your baby's diapers and perform toileting in the anal area, since the impact of feces on the skin can lead to inflammation or even infection.
  • Isolation of a sick child. If there are several children in a family, it is extremely important to limit access to the sick child in a timely manner, which will prevent infection of other children. Immediately after identifying signs of infection, all family members should wash their hands thoroughly. No child should approach a sick child or touch him or his things ( especially diapers, clothes, underwear, toys and so on). The person caring for the child should also wash their hands regularly after each contact or activity with the child. hygiene procedures, while trying not to touch healthy children with unwashed hands.
  • Body temperature control. A pronounced increase in temperature in the first days of the disease is not typical for rotavirus infection. However, if the baby's body temperature rises too high ( up to 39 degrees and above), this can trigger the development of seizures. To prevent this, your child can be given antipyretic drugs ( for example, paracetamol suppositories, the dose of which is calculated depending on the age and weight of the baby). If the temperature continues to rise, you can undress the child and rub him with vinegar, which will temporarily cool his body.
If the listed activities do not provide positive result, and the child’s condition worsens, you should call ambulance or consult your doctor.

How many people are in the hospital with rotavirus infection?

At mild degree diseases and satisfactory condition the patient does not require hospitalization ( treatment can be carried out at home). At the same time, with severe infection, as well as with the development of complications ( dehydration, high temperature and so on, especially in children) hospitalization in an infectious diseases hospital is indicated. Extremely severe patients in this case, they may be placed in the intensive care unit, where they will receive appropriate treatment.

In uncomplicated cases, the patient should remain in the hospital until all clinical manifestations of the disease disappear ( that is, at least 5 – 7 days). At the same time, if the functions of vital organs are impaired, with the development of complications from various systems body and in the presence of concomitant pathologies, the duration of hospitalization can be increased indefinitely ( until the patient's condition is stabilized).

Is an enema necessary for rotavirus infection?

For rotavirus infection, an enema is not needed, since it will not help eliminate the manifestations of the disease or in any way affect its course. The fact is that the rotavirus that affects the intestines is not located in its lumen, but penetrates the cells of the mucous membrane of the small intestine, destroying them and disrupting absorption nutrients, thereby contributing to the development of diarrhea. Therefore, performing an enema will not help remove the virus from the body, nor will it help prevent the development of diarrhea.

How to cure rotavirus infection with folk remedies at home?

Alternative treatment can effectively combat the symptoms of the disease, as well as prevent the development of some complications. At the same time, it is worth noting that treatment exclusively with folk remedies ( without prior consultation with a specialist) may endanger the patient's health. That is why, before starting self-medication, as well as when the patient’s condition worsens due to the use of folk remedies You should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Alternative treatment for rotavirus infection may include:

  • A decoction of St. John's wort herb. St. John's wort has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect, which helps normalize the condition of the mucous membrane of the small intestine. To prepare a decoction 20 grams ( 2 tablespoons) chopped herbs should be poured into 400 ml of boiling water and placed in a water bath for 15 - 20 minutes. After this, the broth should be allowed to cool, strain it thoroughly and add another 100 ml of boiled water. The resulting mixture should be taken orally, 50 ml 3 times a day ( warm).
  • Infusion of chamomile flowers. Chamomile contains essential oils and flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. This allows you to slow down the damage to the mucous membrane of the small intestine by inflammatory processes, as well as reduce the severity of the processes of decay and fermentation in the large intestine ( thanks to antimicrobial action drug). Moreover, the infusion has a moderate antispasmodic effect, that is, it prevents excessive contraction of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby reducing the severity of abdominal pain. To prepare the infusion, pour 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers into 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 6 to 8 hours. Then the infusion should be filtered and taken orally, 1 tablespoon 6 – 8 times a day ( for children from 1 to 3 years old – 1 teaspoon 3 – 8 times a day).
  • Infusion of bird cherry fruits. Bird cherry fruits are an antidiarrheal agent that helps reduce the severity of diarrhea due to rotavirus infection. This is achieved due to the fact that the substances contained in the bird cherry fruit increase its strength. blood vessels and tissues of the mucous membrane, thereby preventing the transfer of fluid from vascular bed into the intestinal lumen. To prepare the infusion, pour 25 grams of bird cherry fruits into 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 4 to 5 hours. After this, strain and take 100 ml orally 3-4 times a day ( for children from 1 to 3 years – 1 – 2 teaspoons 8 – 10 times a day).
  • Electrolyte solution. With diarrhea and vomiting, the body loses not only fluid, but also electrolytes, which also need to be restored. To do this, you can buy ready-made powders for preparing solutions at the pharmacy or prepare such a solution yourself. To prepare the solution, take 1 teaspoon of salt, 4 teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon baking soda. The resulting mixture should be stirred in 1 liter of warm boiled water. The solution should be taken orally, 1 tablespoon every 15 to 30 minutes or after each loose stool (for children from 1 to 3 years – 1 teaspoon every 10 – 15 minutes or after each loose stool).

Is it possible for a child to go for a walk if he has a rotavirus infection?

In case of an uncomplicated course of the disease, a child is not prohibited from walking on the street if his condition allows it ( that is, if he does not have diarrhea, vomiting, fever or abdominal pain). At the same time, it is worth remembering that the child may remain contagious for several days after the infection subsides. clinical manifestations diseases, so you need to follow increased measures hygienic safety.

When walking with a child sick with rotavirus infection, you should:

  • Wash your child's hands before leaving the house.
  • Make sure that your child does not develop diarrhea while walking. If diarrhea begins, it is recommended to return home as soon as possible. In this case, diapers or other personal hygiene products must be taken with you and destroyed at home. You should not throw them outside, as they can become a source of infection.
  • Keep your child away from playgrounds. Even with careful adherence to personal hygiene rules, a child can contaminate the rides, swings or benches on which he sits.
  • Avoid contact with other children. The reason for this is also increased risk infection of healthy children ( for example, during games). That is why it is better to walk with your baby in a park, garden or other uncrowded places.
At the same time, it is worth noting that there are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which it is recommended to refrain from walking on the street.

Walking with a child with rotavirus infection is not recommended:

  • If you have frequent diarrhea or vomiting. Firstly, it will be extremely inconvenient ( for both mother and child). Secondly, feces a sick child contains a large number of rotaviruses, which increases the risk of infecting others and spreading the infection.
  • If there is a high temperature ( more than 38 degrees). As the temperature rises, the child's body loses heat very quickly. If you go out into cool air under such conditions, your baby may develop hypothermia or a cold.
  • With concomitant respiratory tract infection. The development of rotavirus infection is often accompanied by a cold or flu, manifested by cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, and so on. It is not recommended for a child in this condition to walk in the cool air, as he can infect other children, and his general condition may also worsen. Instead of walking, it’s better to go regularly ( 3 – 4 times a day) ventilate the room in which the child is located, while taking him to another room.
  • For severe dehydration. If the child has lost a lot of fluid through diarrhea or vomiting ( what will be indicated by severe weakness, lethargy, dry skin and tongue, and so on), he should be immediately taken to hospital for intensive treatment. Walking is prohibited, as on the street the child may feel ill, become dizzy or lose consciousness.

Drug treatment of rotavirus infection

Medicines are used to treat rotavirus infection and prevent progression of the disease, as well as for prevention and treatment possible complications and to restore the body during the recovery period.

Drug treatment may include:

  • oral rehydration preparations;
  • antidiarrhea medications;

Antiviral drugs ( Viferon suppositories, tablets)

There are currently no specific drugs that could destroy rotavirus in the intestinal mucosa. At the same time, immunomodulators are successfully used for this pathology. These agents enhance the body’s antiviral defense, thereby facilitating the accelerated removal of the virus from tissues and slowing down the processes of its development. The success of this treatment method is also due to the fact that in most cases, rotavirus infection develops against the background of reduced immunity and a weakening of the body's defenses.

Antiviral drugs for rotavirus infection

Drug name

Mechanism therapeutic effect

Directions for use and doses

Viferon candles(interferon alpha-2b)

The drug suppresses the proliferation of viruses and also promotes the removal of viral particles from tissues.

Suppositories are administered rectally ( into the anal passage). Adults and children over 7 years of age should be administered 1 Viferon suppository ( 500,000 International Units, IU) 2 times a day ( morning and evening, at the same time) within 5 days. The course dose is 10 suppositories.

Children under 7 years of age are given 1 suppository ( 150,000 IU) 2 times a day ( every 12 hours) within 5 days.

If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated no earlier than 5 days after the end of the previous one.


Strengthens the body's antiviral defense by stimulating the formation of interferon ( natural antiviral substance).