Bones of the chest. Human Thorax Bones Amount of bone in the rib cage

The human chest is a shield that protects vital human organs from external influences - the lungs, large blood vessels, and the heart. In addition to protecting organs, the chest performs two more vital functions: respiratory and motor.

Structure and functions of the chest

Human chest

The rib cage is the largest section of the spine. It consists of 12 thoracic vertebrae, ribs, sternum, muscles and part of the spinal column.

The upper part of the sternum begins with the first thoracic vertebra, from which the first left and right ribs extend, connected by the manubrium of the sternum.

The lower part of the chest is much wider than the upper. The end of the thoracic spine is the 11th and 12th ribs, the costal arch and the xiphoid process. Due to the costal arches and the xiphoid process, the substernal angle is formed.

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Anatomy of the thoracic spine and its functions

The thoracic spinal column performs supporting functions, which are carried out by 12 semi-movable vertebrae. The size of the vertebrae increases from top to bottom, taking into account the load of the person’s body weight. The vertebrae are connected by cartilage and muscle to 10 pairs of ribs. The vertebrae have processes located on both sides. The spinal processes in humans serve to protect the spinal cord, which is located in the spinal canal.

Anatomy of ribs and their functions

The ribs are located in the anterior part of the thoracic region and are paired arches that consist of a body, head and cartilage. The inner cavity of the ribs contains bone marrow.

Of the 12 ribs of the thoracic region, 7 upper pairs are fixed between the spine and the manubrium of the sternum. The remaining 5 vertebrae are attached only to the vertebral stelae.

The eleventh and twelfth pair of ribs are oscillating, and in some people they are absent.

It is the ribs that perform the main protective function of the internal organs of the chest.

Anatomy of the thoracic muscles and their functions

The main functions of the muscles of this section are:

  • ensuring movement of the arms and shoulder girdle;
  • maintaining a breathing rhythm.

According to the anatomical structure, the pectoral muscles are divided into:

Depending on the anatomical structure of the human body, the structure of the chest has 3 types:

  1. Asthenic. With this type of structure, the sternum is a narrow, elongated flat cone, on which the costal spaces, clavicles, and clavicular fossae are clearly visible. With an asthenic structure, the back muscles are very poorly developed.
  2. Normosthenic. The normosthenic structure is characterized by a cone-shaped truncated shape. With this cell structure, the ribs are located at an angle, the shoulders reach an angle of 90% in relation to the neck.
  3. Hyperhypersthenic. This structure is characterized by a cylindrical shape. The diameters of the costal arches are almost equal. The anatomy of the spine and ribs is characterized by small spaces between the ribs and processes of the spine.

Improvement and restoration of functions in the thoracic spine

Improvement and prevention of diseases in this part of the spine is very important for health. Due to the fact that the thoracic region is the most immobile part of the back, it turns from side to side as a single unit, except for the lower ribs, which are most freely located.

Any change or minimal deformation can lead to compression of the nerve endings of the spinal cord, which will disrupt the functioning of the entire peripheral nervous system.

In order to restore functions in the thoracic spine, it is necessary to ensure proper load and mobility of all muscle groups and vertebrae.

Physical exercises to restore function are indicated only for mild ailments and minimal curvature of the spinal column. In cases where the curvature is severe, a special course of therapeutic massage is required, which can only be carried out by a qualified specialist.

In cases where the curvature is severe, a special course of therapeutic massage is required, which can only be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Depending on the structural features of the thoracic region with minimal deformities, a person can independently engage in therapeutic physical activity aimed at restoring function.

With minimal deformities, a person can independently engage in physical activity aimed at restoring function.

The main health-improving exercises include the following groups of physical activity:

On the dorsal surface of the sacrum, as a result of the fusion of the spinous processes, the median sacral ridge (crista sacralis mediana) is formed (12); dorsal sacral foramina (foramina sacralia dorsalia) (13), as well as on each side when the articular processes grow together - the intermediate sacral crest (crista sacralis intermedia) (14); lateral sacral crest (crista sacralis lateralis) - the result of fusion of the transverse processes

(15) and the superior articular process (processus articularis superior) (16).

The rule for the location of the sacrum is: the base of the sacrum is upward, the pelvic (smooth, concave) surface is anterior.

The coccyx (os coccygis) (coccyx), a rudimentary part of the spinal column, has a triangular shape, consists of 4–5 fused coccygeal vertebrae (vertebrae coccygeae). The first coccygeal vertebra has a small body, the coccygeal horns (cornua coccygea) are a rudiment of articular processes. The vertebrae have no arches or processes.


IN During embryogenesis, the vertebrae go through 3 stages of development: 1 - membranous, 2 - cartilaginous, 3 - bone.

IN every vertebra on In the 2nd month of intrauterine development, 3 main points of ossification appear: 1 - in the body and 1 in each half of the vertebral arch; their fusion into one bone occurs by the 3rd year of life; at the first cervical vertebra one point appears in the anterior arch and 2 in the lateral masses (in each half of the posterior arch), which fuse at 5–6 years of life.

The sacral vertebrae fuse into the sacrum from the age of 13 until the age of 17–25. The coccygeal vertebrae have one ossification point each, which appears from 1st to

10 years; fuse into one bone by about 30 years of age.

The vertebrae acquire the structure characteristic of an adult by the age of 23–30.


1. Atrophy of vertebral bone tissue.

2. Bone formation osteophyte spines as a result of calcification of the ligaments at the upper and lower edges of the vertebral body.


1. What parts does the human body consist of and what functions does it perform?

2. What bones make up the skeleton of the body?

3. Why is the thoracic vertebra called typical? Tell us about the anatomical formations of the vertebra.

4. What are the features of the structure 1st and 2nd cervical vertebrae?

5. Tell us about the anatomical formations of the sacrum.

6. How to correctly position the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral (sacrum) vertebrae?

7. Name the stages of development of vertebrae in embryogenesis and tell us about their age-related changes.

Bones of the chest

The bones of the chest, ossa thoracis, are represented by the sternum (sternum) and 12 pairs of ribs (costae).


The sternum, sternum (Fig. 10) is an unpaired flat bone, has a manubrium sterni (1); body of the sternum (corpus sterni) (2); xiphoid process (processus xiphoideus) (3); angle of the sternum (angulus sterni) (4) (corresponds to

level of attachment of the 2nd rib); jugular notch

(incisura jugularis) (5); clavicular notch (incisura clavicularis) (6); seven pairs of rib notches (incisurae costales) (7).


Ribs (costae) - 12 pairs. 7 pairs of upper ribs

(I–VII), connected to the sternum, are called true

long ribs (costae verae); 3 pairs below the

married ribs (VIII, IX, X) are not connected to the sternum, but

connect with the overlying ribs and receive

name of false ribs (costae spuriae); 2 last

pairs (XI, XII) with overlying ribs are not connected -

are formed, but end freely in the side wall

abdominal cavity, are very mobile, therefore they are called

Rice. 10. Sternum:

they have oscillating ribs, costae fluctuantes.

On the rib (Fig. 11, a, b, c) there are: bone

a - front view; b - side view

part of the rib (os costale) (1) and costal cartilage (cartilago costalis) (2); the rib has outer and inner surfaces.

Rice. 11. Ribs: a - first; b - second; c - fourth

The bony part has a rib head (caput costae) (3) (for connection with the vertebral bodies

kov), neck of the rib (collum costae) (4); tubercle of the rib (tuberculum costae) (5) (for connection with the transverse process of the vertebra, absent at the XI, XII ribs); rib angle (angulus costae) (6) (at the 1st rib it coincides with the tubercle of the rib); rib groove (sulcus costae) (7) (on the inner surface of the lower edge) for blood vessels and nerve.

On the head of the rib there is a crest of the rib head (crista capitis costae) (8); which is absent from the I, XI and XII ribs; on the neck of the rib there is a crest of the neck of the rib (crista colli costae) (with the exception of the XI and XII ribs).

The 1st rib (Fig. 11, a) has an upper and lower surface. On the upper surface there are: tubercle of the anterior scalene muscle (tuberculum musculi scaleni anterioris) (9);

groove of the subclavian vein (sulcus venae subclaviae) (10) - anterior to the tubercle; groove of the subclavian artery (sulcus arteriae subclaviae) (11) - posterior to the tubercle.

Location rules:

1) sternum - the manubrium of the sternum is located upward, the angle of the sternum is forward;

2) ribs - the head of the rib is located posteriorly, the sharp edge is directed downward, the convex (outer) surface of the rib is directed outward;

3) I ribs - the head of the rib is directed posteriorly, the tubercle of the anterior scalene muscle is upward, outward - the convex edge.


During embryogenesis, the ribs and sternum go through 3 stages of development: membranous, cartilaginous, and bone. The ribs contain 3 ossification points, which appear in the head, tubercle and body in the 2nd month of embryogenesis.

Complete fusion of parts of the rib and acquisition of a definitive structure (as in an adult) occurs at approximately 25 years of age.

The sternum in intrauterine development is formed as a result of the fusion of the ventral rib anlages to form the sternal stripes. There are 1–2 ossification points in the manubrium of the sternum; 6–7 ossification points appear in pairs in the body of the sternum on both sides; their fusion into one bone occurs around the age of 20); The sternum acquires a structure characteristic of an adult after 30 years. After 30 years, synostosis may form between the body and the manubrium of the sternum, as well as between the body and the xiphoid process.


Spinal column:

fusion (assimilation) of the atlas with the occipital bone;

splitting of the posterior arch of the atlas in the area of ​​the tubercle;

Non-fusion of the body of the second cervical vertebra with the tooth and the presence of a joint between them;

reduction in diameter or absence of the foramen of the VII cervical vertebra;

reduction in the number of cervical vertebrae to 6 (in the presence of cervical ribs); The VII cervical vertebra acquires all the characteristics of the I thoracic vertebra;

an increase in the number of thoracic vertebrae to 13 (with an increase in the number of ribs to 13 pairs), the number of lumbar vertebrae decreases to 4;

decrease in the number of thoracic vertebrae to 11, with 11 pairs of ribs, the number of lumbar vertebrae increases to 6;

presence of 6 lumbar vertebrae;

presence of 4 sacral vertebrae;

with the fusion (assimilation) of the IV and V (more often) lumbar vertebrae with the sacrum, there are 3 or 4 lumbar and, respectively, 6 or 7 sacral vertebrae (sacralization of the vertebrae);

assimilation of the first sacral vertebra to the lumbar vertebrae (lumbolization), which is manifested by the presence of 6 lumbar and 4 sacral vertebrae.

complete or partial non-fusion of ossification points in the halves of the arches along the line of the spinous processes, when the median sacral crest is completely or partially bifurcated

(spina bifida sacralis totalis s. spina bifida sacralis partialis).

– 13 pairs of ribs;

reduction in the number of ribs: absence of XII, and sometimes XI ribs;

presence of 8 true ribs;

splitting of the anterior end of the rib;

reduction in the length of the XII pair of ribs;

fusion of the XII rib with the vertebra.

the presence of various shapes, sizes and numbers of holes in the body and xiphoid process;

bifurcation of the xiphoid process into two plates;

– the presence of two small suprasternal bones (ossa suprasternalia).


1. What bones make up the chest?

2. What anatomical structures are distinguished on the sternum? How to position the sternum correctly?

3. How many ribs are there in the chest? How are they divided?

4. What anatomical structures are there on the rib? How to position the rib correctly?

5. Name and show the differences between the 1st, 11th and 12th ribs from the rest?

6. Explain the main stages of development of the vertebrae, sternum and ribs.

7. Name the anomalies of the vertebrae.

8. What anomalies are characteristic of the sternum and ribs?

Connection system - arthrology

Arthrology (arthrologia) is the study of bone joints.

All connections (juncturae) between bones are divided into 2 main types:

1) continuous connections- synarthroses (Fig. 12, a, b, c, d);

2) discontinuous connections- diarthroses or synovial joints (joints) (diarthroses seu articulationes synoviales) (Fig. 12,d).

Bone joints in the body have the following meaning: 1. They connect the bones into a strong base (support) of the body.

2. Provide and regulate movements between bones. 3. They are zones of bone growth (epiphyseal cartilages, sutures).

4. Protect internal organs and the central nervous system from shocks (shock absorption) during movements and work.


A continuous connection is the connection of bones using a continuous layer of tissue.

Depending on the connecting tissue, the following continuous connections are distinguished:

1. Fibrous connections(juncturae fibrosae: syndesmoses) (Fig. 12, a, b) -

these are bone connections through dense connective tissue: ligaments (ligamenta) (1);

membranes (membranae); sutures (suturae) (2); dentoalveolar syndesmosis(gomphosis) (Fig. 12,c) -

connection of the cementum of the tooth root with the bone of the alveolus through connective tissue bundles (4).

2. Cartilaginous connections(juncturae cartilagineae) or synchondroses (synchondroses) (3) -

connections of bones through cartilage (hyaline - between the first rib and the sternum, fibrous - intervertebral discs); symphyses. Symphyses are a type of bone joint that is an intermediate form between continuous (synarthroses) and discontinuous (diarthroses). At the symphysis, the two bones are connected by a layer (disc) of fibrocartilage, in which there is a gap. There are permanent and temporary symphyses.

TO constants include the pubic symphysis (symphysis pubica) and sacrococcygeal (symphysis sacrococcygea). Temporary symphyses are sometimes noted at the junction of the manubrium and xiphoid process with the body of the sternum.

3. Bone connections(juncturae osseae: synostoses) - the result of replacement of fibrosis

joints or cartilaginous joints with bone tissue (overgrowth of sutures, fusion of sacral vertebrae, etc.).


A discontinuous joint or joint (diarthrosis seu art. synovialis) is a connection of bones, between the articulating surfaces of which there is an articular space containing synovial fluid and surrounded by an articular capsule.

A joint is characterized by the presence of mandatory basic elements and an auxiliary (additional) apparatus.

The main elements of the joint (Fig. 12, d):

1. The articular surface (facies articularis) of connecting bones, which is covered with articular (hyaline) cartilage (cartilago articularis) ( 5 ).

2. Articular cavity (cavitas articularis) ( 6 ).

3. Articular capsule (capsula articularis) ( 7), which consists of an outer fibrous layer (membrana fibrosa) and an inner synovial layer (membrana synovialis).

4. Synovial fluid - synovia.

Auxiliary (accessory) apparatus of the joint:

1. Ligaments (ligamenta) (8), which in relation to the joint capsule can be:

– extracapsular (ligamenta extracapsularia);

– capsule (ligamenta capsularia);

– intracapsular (ligamenta intracapsularia).

2. Articular disc (discus articularis).

3. Articular meniscus (meniscus articularis) ( 9 ).

4. Articular lip (labrum articularis).

5. Synovial villi (villi synoviales).

6. Synovial folds (plicae synoviales).

7. Synovial bursa (bursa synovialis).

Rice. 12. Types of connections:

a, b, c - continuous; d - discontinuous (joint); e - half-joint


Movements around three axes are possible in the joints:

– frontal (transverse) axis: flexion (flexio) and extension (extensio);

– vertical axis: rotation (rotatio); outward rotation (supinatio) and inward rotation (pronatio);

– sagittal axis: abduction (abductio) and adduction (adductio).

In some joints (biaxial and triaxial), circular motion (circumductio) is possible, in which the moving part of the body describes a cone.


The classification of joints can be carried out:

– by the number of articular surfaces;

– according to the shape of the articular surfaces;

– according to the number of axes of rotation of the joints.

Based on the number of articular surfaces, the following joints are distinguished:

A simple joint (art. simplex) is a joint in the formation of which only 2 bones are involved. Example: interphalangeal joint.

Simple joints can be combined- two joints that are topographically separated, but function together. Example: atlanto-occipital joint, facet joint, temporomandibular joint.

Complex joint (art. composita) - in the formation of which more than two bones are involved. Example: elbow joint, wrist joint.

A simple or complex joint can be complex, that is, have an articular disc or meniscus between the articulating surfaces. Example: knee joint, sternoclavicular joint.

The shape of the articular surfaces is compared with a geometric figure (ball, ellipse, cylinder, etc.) (Fig. 13). The following types of joints are distinguished: cylindrical (1), block-shaped (2), ellipsoidal (3), spherical (4), flat (5).

Rice. 13. Types of joints according to the shape of the articular surfaces

Based on the number of axes of rotation, they are divided into: one-, two-, and three- (multi-axial) joints. The shape of the articular surfaces determines the number of axes and the function of the joint. Therefore, according to

By the number of axes of rotation, 3 types of joints can be distinguished: Uniaxial joints: cylindrical joints (art. sulindrica). Among them are:

trochlear joints(ginglymus), the axis of rotation in which is directed transversely (frontally); functions: flexion and extension. Example: humeroulnar, interphalangeal

And ankle joints;

rotator cuff(art. trochoidea), which have a vertical axis of rotation. Example: midatlantoaxial, proximal and distal radioulnar joints.

Biaxial joints(Fig. 13.3): ellipsoid (art. ellipsoidea) (example: wrist-

ny); saddle joint (art. sellaris) (6) (example: carpometacarpal joint of the thumb); condylar joint (art. bicondylaris) (7) (example: knee joint, atlanto-occipital joint).

In biaxial joints, movements around two axes are possible: 1) frontal (transverse): flexion and extension; 2) sagittal: abduction and adduction, as well as circular motion.

Triaxial or multiaxial joints: spherical joint (art. spheroidea) and flat joint (art. plana) (a type of spherical).

In the spherical joint, movements around 3 axes are possible: frontal (transverse); vertical and sagittal; in this case, movements are carried out accordingly: flexion

And extension, internal and external rotation, abduction and adduction, as well as circular motion. Example: shoulder and hip joints.

A flat joint is tight and inactive - amphiarthrosis. Example: sacroiliac joint, facet joints.

When studying private syndesmology, the following scheme for considering joints is proposed:

1. Name of the joint (Russian, Latin).

2. Names of the bones that form the joint (Russian, Latin).

3. Names of the parts of the bone that form the articular surfaces (Russian, Latin). 4. Joint classification:

simple or complex (combined, complex);

according to the shape of the articular surfaces;

along the axes of rotation.

5. The presence of auxiliary devices and their effect on the range of motion in the joint.

6. Types of movements in the joint (demonstrate).

7. Muscles acting on a joint (after studying myology).


1. What does arthrology study? State the meaning of connections.

2. Define and characterize continuous connections.

3. What are discontinuous connections? Indicate the main elements of the joint.

4. Specify the auxiliary (additional) elements of the joint.

5. What principles underlie the classification of joints?

6. What are the different types of joints?

7. What diagram is used when considering the structure of a joint?

The skeleton of the human chest is part of the musculoskeletal system. It consists of vertebrae, ribs and itself, which are connected to each other using ligaments and joints. Like the entire skeleton, this part of it performs a protective and supporting function, ensures mobility of the human body, and promotes hematopoiesis.


The chest skeleton consists of the thoracic spine and sternum. They successfully protect vital internal organs, especially the heart and lungs. The following bones of the chest are distinguished:

  • clavicular notch;
  • chest vertebra;
  • sternum angle;
  • handles;
  • true ribs;
  • chest body;
  • rib cartilage;
  • xiphoid process;
  • connection of rib and vertebra;
  • false ribs;
  • thoracic region;
  • oscillating rib.

The sternum is a flat-shaped bone, its size is approximately 16–22 cm. It consists of three parts, namely:

  1. The first part is the handle, which is located at the top of the thoracic region, and is connected there with the help of two clavicles; this part primarily helps to protect the chest from injury.
  2. The second part is the body of the chest itself, which is reunited with the handle; it has about seven notches designed specifically for the ribs. Due to the fact that the sternum is located superficially, it is possible to take punctures for the purpose of conducting detailed diagnostics and examination.
  3. The third part - the xiphoid process - is initially cartilage, which ossifies as a person grows older.

The sternum of a newly born person has a pyramidal shape, then it constantly changes, the volume becomes larger. Changes and differences can be observed due to a person's gender. For example, the female chest region is wide at the top, so women have good chest breathing.

Interesting fact! The skeletons of men and women are not very different from each other. However, specialists - archaeologists, pathologists - can determine gender from the chest. In women it is narrower than in men.


The rib cage has twelve pairs of ribs, all of them different in size and shape. All the ribs at the back connect to the human spine. Seven of the twelve pairs are attached to the sternum using cartilage. The five pairs are called false ribs because they are connected to each other by cartilage. Another two are completely free, they end in muscle tissue, which is why they are called “oscillating”. The surface of all pairs of ribs has a groove, on which all the nerves or vessels are located.

The first rib is almost always located horizontally; there is a small tubercle on it, to which the muscle is attached.

Extra rib

Sometimes a person may have an extra rib. During the development of the embryo in the womb, it initially has 29 pairs of ribs, of which only 12 pairs subsequently remain. The remaining 17 pairs are reduced.

If the development process of the embryo is disrupted, cervical ribs may appear. Their location is at the level of the VII–VIII cervical vertebrae. They can be of two types:

  1. Full - similar to real ones, attached to the first rib.
  2. Incomplete - its completion occurs in soft tissues.

9 out of 10 patients with an extra rib do not experience any difficulties or complaints about its presence. Many of them find out about it only after an x-ray. But every tenth owner of an extra rib faces big problems due to its presence.

Since the rib is not provided for in normal human development, there is no special place for it. This bone can put pressure on muscles, nerves and arteries. Symptoms that an extra rib is having a negative impact on a person's health are:

  1. Pain appears after physical activity.
  2. The head, arms and neck change their natural position.
  3. Sensitivity in the upper extremities is impaired, paresthesia and hyperesthesia appear.
  4. Blood circulation is impaired, which can even lead to gangrene of the limbs.

It is important to know! The pain does not appear in the location of the extra rib, but may be in the shoulder, arm or neck.

If this bone does not cause discomfort, then the person does not require medical attention. In other cases, the help of a specialist doctor is required, namely:

  1. Massage.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Electrophoresis.
  4. Drugs are used that relieve muscle spasms.
  5. Vasodilator medications are prescribed.

If conservative treatment does not help, the doctor may prescribe surgery to remove the extra rib. Such a radical solution to the issue in many cases gives a positive result for the patient’s health.


When a person walks, runs or moves in any way, his chest is also in motion. This process almost always occurs during breathing. With rapid breathing it increases in size, and with slow breathing it becomes smaller.

This process is ensured by the elasticity of the cartilage found in the ribs and muscles. When inhaling, the volume of the chest increases significantly. Because of this, the distance between the ribs becomes slightly larger. When exhaling, the whole process occurs exactly the opposite: the distance between the ribs, as well as the volume of the chest, decreases.

Features of the chest

A newborn baby has a horizontal arrangement of bones. Only after some time has passed during the formation process do they occupy a vertical position. The end of the ribs, as well as the head, are approximately nearby. Further, the edge of the chest descends to the level of the third and fourth vertebrae. This begins to function from the moment the baby begins to breathe.

People who are elderly have many changes associated with the sternum. For example, cartilage becomes less elastic, so the diameter of the chest becomes much smaller when breathing. This leads to permanent diseases that are associated with the human respiratory system. In addition, the shape of the thoracic frame itself changes.

As stated above, the shape of the thoracic region may differ between men and women. Men not only have a much larger chest frame, but they also have steeper ribs. In women, the shape of the ribs has a flatter appearance, and for this reason they have a more developed thoracic rather than abdominal respiratory apparatus.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the shape of breasts varies from person to person. If their height is short, then they have a developed abdominal cavity, and their thoracic region is wider and shorter.

Possible diseases

All pathologies associated with the chest are caused by its deformation and are conditionally divided into two categories:

  • hereditary;
  • acquired.

The acquisition of deformities is associated with such pathologies as:

  • rickets;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chondroma;
  • osteom;
  • osteomyelitis of the ribs.

If the soft tissues of the chest wall and pleura are affected by purulent inflammation, this also leads to deformation of the chest. This can also lead to:

  • teratoma;
  • neurofibromatosis;
  • emphysema;
  • injuries;
  • burns.

Deformation of the chest skeleton develops rapidly in childhood, since the child’s body is still developing. Negative factors, diseases, injuries are the main reasons for deviations from normal skeletal development.

It is important to know! Destructive changes in the chest skeleton can stimulate pathological processes in other parts of the body. For example, a headache caused by inflammation of the occipital nerve in the cervical spine may be a consequence of scoliosis in the thoracic spine.

In case of the slightest pathologies that are associated with a disorder of the spine or chest, you should first consult a specialist doctor. He will conduct a comprehensive examination of the human body, determine the problem and methods of its treatment.

Prevention in children

First of all, you need to exercise as much as possible. The priority is swimming. After all, it helps to relax all the muscles, stretch and straighten your posture. Any physical activity, even light in the morning or before bed, is the main guarantee of beautiful and healthy posture, and therefore the thoracic region.

Often children at school sit in the wrong position; their backs must be at an angle of 90 degrees, otherwise curvature cannot be avoided. Parents should teach their children that they should never slouch.

If breast deformation is detected, you should consult a specialist doctor. It is quite possible that it arose as a result. This process has negative consequences on a person’s lifestyle, and the internal organs of a person are at risk.

Prevention in adults

If you follow a proper diet, a healthy lifestyle, quit smoking and alcoholic beverages, you can bring the respiratory process back to normal. As a result, chest diseases can be avoided.

These are non-trivial recommendations. Smoking and alcohol remove calcium from the body. A healthy person's bones are very elastic and strong. For reference, they are 2–3 times stronger than granite. But the influence of tobacco and alcohol makes them more fragile and less durable. Poor nutrition and lack of food rich in calcium and vitamins further aggravates the situation.

Conversely, if you engage in an active lifestyle and visit regularly, this makes your bones stronger. In addition, growing muscles additionally protect the chest skeleton (and not only) from negative effects.

The human body is very fragile. To ensure the safety of vulnerable areas, there are special protective structures. One such system is the chest. Its special structure serves as a shield for the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, spinal cord and brain.

An interesting feature of the chest is its mobility. Due to respiratory movements, it is forced to constantly change size and move, while maintaining its protective properties.

Structure of the human chest

The structure of the chest is simple - it consists of several types of bones and soft tissues. A large number of ribs, the sternum and part of the spine give volume to the chest cavity. In size it is in honorable second place. Its interesting structure is due to its participation in breathing and support of the human body.

Mobility of such a complex system is given by a complex of joints. All bones are connected to each other with their help. In addition to joints, muscle tissue plays an important role in mobility. Such a comprehensive solution provides high protection for the cardiac and respiratory systems.


Most of the population is unfamiliar with human anatomy and does not know the exact boundaries of the chest. It is a misconception that it only applies to the chest area. Therefore, it is necessary to talk in more detail about its boundaries.

  1. The uppermost border is located at shoulder level. The 1st pair of ribs begins under them;
  2. The lower border does not have a clear line. It resembles a pentagon. On the sides and back, the border runs at the level of the lumbar region. The anterior cavity ends along the edge of the ribs.


The sternum is responsible for the proper formation of the front part of the chest. The sternum is attached to most of the cartilage, which serves as a cushion between the bone and the ribs. Outwardly it looks like a plate, vaguely similar to a shield, convex on one side and slightly concave on the side of the lungs. Consists of three connecting parts. They are held together by tightly stretched cords. The division into three parts provides the rather rigid bone with mobility, which is necessary due to the expansion of the cavity during breathing.

Together they provide a protective function. But each part has its own purpose and specificity.

  • Lever. This part located on top is the most voluminous. It has the shape of an irregular quadrangle, whose lower base is smaller than the upper one. Along the edges of the upper base there are holes for attaching the clavicles. On the same base, one of the largest muscles of the cervical region is attached - the clavicular-sternomastoid;

  • The body is the middle section of the sternum, attached to the manubrium at a slight angle, which gives the sternum a convex bend. The lower part is wider, but towards the junction with the manubrium the bone begins to narrow. This is the longest part of the sternum. Shaped like an elongated quadrangle
  • Process – the lower segment of the sternum. Its size, thickness and shape vary from person to person, but in most cases it resembles an inverted triangle. The most mobile part of the bone.


Ribs are curved bony structures. The posterior edge has a smoother and more rounded surface for attachment to the spine. The anterior edge has a sharp, sharp edge that connects to the sternum using cartilaginous tissue.

The ribs have the same structure, and their only difference is their size. Depending on location, ribs are divided into:

  • True (7 pairs). These include the ribs, which are attached by cartilage to the sternum;

  • False (2-3 pairs) – not attached to the sternum by cartilage;
  • Free (the 11th and 12th pair of ribs are considered free). Their position is maintained by adjacent muscles.


The spine is the supporting part of the chest. The atypical structure of the joints that connect the ribs and vertebrae allows them to participate in the narrowing and expansion of the chest cavity during breathing.

Soft tissue of the chest

Not only bone structures, but also more plastic elements play an important role in the formation of the thoracic cavity. For the proper functioning of the respiratory system, the chest area is equipped with many muscle tissues. They also help the bones in their protective functions: by covering them and covering the gaps, they turn the chest into a single system.

Depending on the location, they are divided into:

  • Diaphragm. It is an anatomically important and necessary structure that separates the thoracic region from the abdominal cavity. It looks like a wide, flat substance that is shaped like a hill. By tensing and relaxing, it affects the pressure inside the chest and the proper functioning of the lungs;
  • Intercostal muscles are elements that take a large part in the respiratory function of the body. They serve as a connecting element for the ribs. They consist of two layers with different directions, which contract or expand with breathing.

Part of the muscles of the shoulder region is attached to the ribs and is responsible for their movements. The body does not use them in everyday life, but only during periods of severe physical or emotional stress for more intense breathing.

What chest shapes are normal?

The chest is an important part of the body's defense. Its form has been formed over long millennia of evolution, and is most suitable for performing the tasks assigned to it. The shape is influenced by a person’s height, heredity, disease and physique. There are many options for chest shape. But still, there are certain criteria that allow it to be classified as normal or pathological.

The main types include:

  • Conical or normosthenic shape. Typical for people of average height. A small gap between the ribs, a right angle between the neck and shoulder, the front and back planes are wider than the side ones;
  • The hypersthenic chest resembles a cylinder. The width at the sides almost matches the front and back of the chest, the shoulders are significantly larger than those of people with a conical shape. They are more common with growth below the average. The ribs are parallel to the shoulders, almost horizontally. Abundantly developed muscles;

  • Asthenic is the longest variant of the norm. The structure of the chest of a person of the asthenic type is distinguished by its small diameter: the cell is narrow, elongated in length, the clavicle bones and ribs are clearly visible, the ribs are not located horizontally, the gap between them is quite wide. The angle between the neck and shoulders is obtuse. The muscular system is poorly developed. Occurs in tall people.

Chest deformity

Deformation is a physiological change that affects the appearance of the chest. Violation of the structure of the chest affects the quality of protection of internal organs, and in some types of deformation it can itself be a threat to life. It occurs due to the complex course of the disease, burns, trauma, or may be initial, from birth. In this regard, several types of deformation are distinguished.

  • Congenital – abnormal or incomplete development of the ribs, sternum or spine;
  • Acquired, received during life. It is a consequence of illness, injury or improper treatment.

Diseases that cause deformity:

  • Rickets is a childhood disease in which the body grows too quickly, resulting in impaired bone formation and decreased flow of nutrients;
  • Bone tuberculosis is a disease that affects adults and children and develops after direct contact with a carrier of the disease;
  • Respiratory diseases;
  • Syringomyelia is a disease associated with the formation of extra spaces in the spinal cord. The disease is chronic;
  • Scoliosis is a disorder of the shape of the spinal column.

Severe burns and injuries also cause deformation.

Acquired changes are:

  • Emphysematous – barrel-shaped chest. The pathology develops after suffering a severe form of lung disease. The anterior plane of the chest begins to grow;

  • Paralytic, when the diameter of the chest is reduced. The shoulder blades and clavicular bones are clearly defined, there is a large gap between the ribs, and when breathing, it is noticeable that each shoulder blade moves in its own rhythm. Paralytic deformation occurs in chronic diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Scaphoid. Begins to develop in people with syringomyelia. A boat-shaped pit appears in the upper part of the chest;
  • Kyphoscoliotic. The disorder is typical for people with diseases of the bones and spine, for example, bone tuberculosis. There is no symmetry in the chest, which interferes with the normal functioning of the cardiac system and lungs. The disease progresses quickly and is difficult to treat.

Birth defects

Most often, the cause of deformation in children is disturbances in the functioning of the genetic material. An error is initially present in the genes, which predetermines the incorrect development of the organism. This is usually expressed in the atypical structure of the ribs, sternum or their complete absence, in poor development of muscle tissue.

Types of chest cells with congenital pathologies:

  • Funnel-shaped. It ranks first in frequency of manifestation among congenital chest pathologies. Predominant among the male population. The sternum and adjacent ribs bend inward, there is a decrease in the diameter of the chest and a change in the structure of the spine. The pathology is often inherited, which gives reason to consider it a genetic disease. Affects the functioning of the lungs and cardiovascular system. In severe cases of the disease, the heart may be in the wrong place.

Depending on the degree of complexity of the disease, there are:

  • First degree. The cardiac system is not affected, and all organs are located in anatomically correct places, the recess is no more than 30 millimeters in length;
  • Second degree, when there is a displacement of the heart muscle of up to 30 millimeters and the depth of the funnel is about 40 mm;
  • Third degree. At grade 3, the heart is displaced by more than 30 millimeters, and the funnel is more than 40 mm deep.

The organs suffer most during inhalation, when the chest is closest to its back and, accordingly, the funnel too. With age, the deformity becomes more visible and the severity of the disease progresses. The disease begins to progress rapidly at the age of three. Such children suffer from poor circulation and develop more slowly than their peers. Their immune system cannot function at full capacity, so they often get sick. Over time, the funnel becomes larger, and along with it, health problems grow.

  • Keeled is a pathology associated with excess cartilage tissue in the area of ​​the ribs and sternum. The chest is very prominent and resembles a keel in appearance. The condition worsens with age. Despite the outwardly scary picture, the lungs are not damaged and function normally. The heart changes its shape slightly and copes worse with physical activity. Possible shortness of breath, lack of energy and tachycardia;
  • A flat chest is characterized by less volume and does not require treatment. It is a variant of the asthenic type, does not affect the functioning of internal organs;

  • Sternum with cleft. The cleft is divided into complete and incomplete. Appears during pregnancy. With age, the gap in the sternum grows. The larger the lumen, the more vulnerable the lungs and heart with adjacent vessels become. Surgery is used for treatment. If the operation is performed on a child under one year old, then simply stitching the sternum together can be done. At this age, bones are flexible and easily adaptable. If the child is older, then the bone is widened, the cleft is filled with a special implant, and secured with a titanium alloy plate;
  • Convex deformity is a very rare and little-studied type. A protruding line forms in the upper chest area. It is only an aesthetic problem and does not affect the health of the body;
  • Poland syndrome is a genetic disorder that is inherited and is associated with recessed areas of the chest. The disease affects all parts of the chest: ribs, sternum, vertebrae, muscle tissue and cartilage. Corrected through surgery and prosthetics.

Fracture and its consequences

A chest fracture most often occurs due to a strong blow or a fall. It is diagnosed by a bruise and hematoma in the area of ​​injury, as well as severe pain, swelling and possible deformation of the chest. If as a result of the impact only the bones were damaged, then with a high probability everything will heal quickly. You should be concerned if there is a suspicion of a bruise or damage to the lung. Pieces of shrapnel or a sharp edge at the fracture site can puncture the lung. This is fraught with complications and long-term rehabilitation.

If you suspect lung damage, you should consult a doctor. The patient will begin to accumulate air in the cavity, which will interfere with the breathing process, until it stops completely. You won't be able to deal with the consequences on your own.

Fractures are divided into open and closed. With an open fracture, the integrity of the skin is compromised and the risk of infection increases. A closed fracture is characterized by the absence of open wounds on the skin, but there may be internal bleeding.

What is a bruise?

A bruise is a closed type injury. If the bruise does not result in a broken bone or damage to the internal systems of the body, then it is diagnosed with a number of symptoms.

  • Severe tissue swelling due to damage to blood vessels;
  • Pain localized at the site of the injury, intensifying with a deep breath;
  • Bruises and hematomas.

Most often, a bruise occurs due to a strong blow or collision. Common reasons include:

  • road traffic accidents where injury is caused by the steering wheel, seat belt or airbag;
  • professional competitions or fights;
  • fight or attack;
  • You can also get a bruise by slipping and falling on an object or an uneven surface, which will cause the bruise to be worse.

A common consequence is contusion of the lungs, causing the lungs to bleed, leading to swelling. The symptoms are similar to a regular bruise, but with the addition of coughing up blood and pain when trying to change the position of the body.

Speaking about the structure of the chest, it is important to take into account that its shape largely depends on the gender, degree of corpulence, characteristics of physical development, as well as the age of the person. Considering the connections of the bones of the chest skeleton, they are classified as connections of true ribs (from the 1st to the 7th) and false (from the 8th to the 10th). In the first case, each edge is fixed at three points, in the second - at two.

Rib cage ( thorax) - this is part of the skeleton of the body; it is formed by the thoracic spine, all the ribs and the sternum, firmly connected to each other into a single whole.

Numerous connections of the chest, represented by syndesmoses, synchondroses and joints, ensure, first of all, the synchronous movement of all ribs (with the exception of XI and XII) during inhalation and exhalation and their relatively low mobility relative to each other.

This article discusses the structural features of the human chest and the main types of rib joints.

The structure and main functions of the human chest

The rib cage forms the walls of the chest cavity. Its main purpose is to ensure a change in its volume, and with it the volume of the lungs when breathing. In addition, the chest protects the heart, lungs and other organs located in it from mechanical stress.

There are two apertures (holes) in the structure of the chest: superior thoracic outlet (apertura thoracis superior) , limited by the manubrium of the sternum, the first rib and the body of the first thoracic vertebra, and the lower opening of the chest (apertura thoracis inferior) , the boundaries of which are the xiphoid process of the sternum, costal arches and the body of the XII thoracic vertebra.

The diaphragm, the main respiratory muscle, is attached to the edge of the lower opening of the chest, which also serves as a partition between the thoracic and abdominal cavities.

The costal arch in the structure of the human chest skeleton is formed by the anterior ends of the VIII-X ribs, which are sequentially attached to the cartilage of the overlying rib. Both costal arches form a substernal angle, the magnitude of which depends on the person’s body type: in people with a dolichomorphic type it is narrow, and in people with a brachymorphic type it is wide.

The largest circumference of the chest is determined at the level of the VIII rib and should be at least 1/2 of the person’s height. The shape and size of the chest are subject to significant sex, individual and age differences; they are largely determined by the degree of development of muscles and lungs, which, in turn, depends on the person’s lifestyle and profession.

The shape of the chest affects the position of the internal organs. So, with a narrow and long chest, the heart, as a rule, is located vertically, with a wide chest, it occupies an almost horizontal position.

In the structure of the human chest, a distinction is made between the anterior wall, formed by the sternum and costal cartilages; side walls formed by ribs; the posterior wall formed by the thoracic spine and the ribs to their angles.

The walls of the chest limit the chest cavity (cavitas thoracis) .

Speaking about the structure and functions of the thorax, it is important to note that the chest is involved in the act of breathing. When you inhale, the volume of the chest increases. Due to the rotation of the ribs, their anterior ends rise upward, the sternum moves away from the spinal column, as a result of which the chest cavity in its upper half increases in the anteroposterior direction.

In the lower parts of the chest, due to the sliding movements of the false ribs relative to each other, its preferential expansion occurs due to an increase in transverse dimensions. When you exhale, the opposite process occurs - the lowering of the anterior ends of the ribs and a decrease in the volume of the thoracic cavity.

Features of the structure of the chest are presented in these photos:

Connections of the true thoracic ribs

True ribs (I-VII) have relatively inactive connections with the spinal column and sternum.

Each edge is fixed at three points using:

  • Rib head joint- with the bodies of two adjacent vertebrae
  • Costotransverse joint- to the transverse process of the vertebra
  • Sternocostal junction

Rib head joint ( articulatio capitis costae) formed by the articular surface of the rib head and the articular surfaces of the upper and lower costal fossae on the bodies of adjacent vertebrae. The capsule of this connection of the bones of the chest is tightly stretched and strengthened by the radiate ligament of the head of the rib (lig. capitis costae radiatum) .

Inside each joint (except for the I, XI, XII ribs) there is an intra-articular ligament of the rib head (lig. capitis costae intraarticulare) , which goes from the scallop of the rib head to the intervertebral disc and significantly limits all movements in this joint.

Costotransverse joint ( articulatio costotransversaria) formed by the articular surface of the tubercle of the rib and the costal fossa on the transverse process of the vertebra. The joint capsule is tightly stretched.

One of the features of this connection of the chest is the limited mobility of the rib relative to the vertebrae due to the costotransverse ligament (lig. costatransversarium) , running from the transverse process of the vertebra to the neck of the rib.

The head of the rib joint and the costotransverse joint function together as a single combination joint with a single axis of motion through the head and tubercle of the rib, which allows only small rotational movements of the rib during breathing.

The sternocostal joints are formed by the costal cartilage and the corresponding costal notch of the sternum. In fact, they are different types of chest joints - synchondroses.

Cartilages I, VI, VII, ribs directly fuse with the sternum, forming true synchondrosis (synchondrosis costosternalis) .

At the II-V ribs, synovial cavities are formed at the junction of their cartilaginous parts with the sternum, therefore these connections are referred to as costochondral joints (articulationes sternocostales) .

These connections of the human chest are characterized by low mobility and provide sliding movements of small amplitude when the ribs rotate during respiratory excursions.

In front and behind, the costosternal joints are strengthened by radiate ligaments, which form a dense sternal membrane on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the sternum, together with its periosteum. (membrana sterrn) .

The parts of the sternum (manubrium, body and xiphoid process) are connected to each other by fibrocartilaginous joints (symphyses), due to which slight mobility is possible between them.

Connections of false ribs of the chest

False ribs, like true ones, are connected to the spinal column using two joints: the rib head joint and the costotransverse joint. However, they do not directly communicate with the sternum.

Each of the false ribs (VIII, IX, X) is connected by the anterior end of its cartilage to the lower edge of the cartilage of the overlying rib through a synovial joint-like joint, which is called costochondral (articulationes costochondrales) .

Synovial intercartilaginous joints are also formed (articulations interchondrales) .

Thanks to this type of connection of the bones in the chest during breathing, sliding movements of the ends of the false ribs are possible, which facilitates the mobility of the ribs in the lower part of the chest during respiratory excursions. The ends of the XI and XII ribs (oscillating ribs) are not connected to other ribs, but lie freely in the muscles of the posterior abdominal wall.

Syndesmoses of the chest, filling the intercostal spaces, play a very important role in stabilizing the position of the ribs in the chest and, most importantly, in the synchronous mobility of all ribs during respiratory excursions.

The anterior sections of the intercostal spaces (the spaces between the costal cartilages) are occupied by the external intercostal membranes (membrane intercostalis externa) , which consist of fibers running down and forward.

The posterior sections of the intercostal spaces from the spinal column to the angles of the ribs (the spaces between the bony parts of the ribs) are filled with internal intercostal membranes (membrane intercostalis interna) . They have a fiber course opposite to the external intercostal membranes.