Causes of hormonal imbalance in girls. Sleep disturbance and increased fatigue. To correct the patient's condition, doctors use

In women after 30, various changes in the state of the body are possible. And often they don't happen for the better. It often happens that at this age, hormonal imbalance in women can occur, that is, an imbalance of female hormones. What it is, and what symptoms the fair sex may experience as a result of this, we will tell you in our article.

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How does it manifest?

There are quite a few signs of hormonal imbalance in women. If you notice the manifestations that we will now list, you may be experiencing a hormonal imbalance and you need to get tested. But we draw your attention to the fact that only a doctor can accurately establish such a diagnosis. Therefore, if you feel such symptoms, immediately make an appointment with a qualified specialist, because self-medication can have unpleasant consequences for you.

So, hormonal imbalance in girls may be accompanied by:

  • changes in the menstrual cycle - menstruation becomes irregular;
  • increased irritability;
  • frequent mood changes - the girl either cries or laughs for no apparent reason;
  • high fatigue;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • lack or decrease in sexual desire for a partner;
  • frequent headaches turning into migraines;
  • deterioration;
  • deterioration in the appearance of the skin - the appearance of premature signs of aging.

Why does it happen?

The causes of hormonal imbalance in women can be very diverse. Normal hormonal levels in girls are determined by the balance of two hormones - estrogen and progesterone. If an imbalance occurs, failure may occur. Most often it occurs due to the fact that progesterone levels increase significantly. But there is no need to panic over this. There are drugs and remedies that help restore normal hormonal levels in women after 35, because modern treatment for such problems is quite effective.

Hormonal imbalances in women aged 30 can be caused by:

  • pregnancy and childbirth. But after the birth of the child, this problem solves itself;
  • hormonal medications. Those girls who take oral contraceptives for a long time are susceptible to possible hormonal imbalance. Also, such medications are used to correct neurological problems, skin diseases, and allergies. Be careful when using these pills.
  • neurology. Frequently being in stressful situations is also not good. The central nervous system is connected to the endocrine system, so take care of your nerves.
  • improper planning of your day - little time for sleep.
  • poor nutrition - strict diets, too little or too much calorie intake per day, abuse of fast foods.
  • obesity (it causes insufficient production of hormones, which, of course, changes the overall hormonal balance);
  • gynecological diseases
  • other diseases, including even acute respiratory infections;
  • physical activity that is too much for the body.


To correct hormonal imbalance in women aged 30-35, you will have to go through two stages. First, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused the disease. That is, if the reason is poor nutrition or obesity, then you need to contact a nutritionist who will help you create the right diet, start playing sports, and give your body feasible physical activity. The second stage will require the use of funds to restore the balance of female hormones in the body. Let us note right away that if you skip the first stage and immediately move on to another, you will not get the desired effect.

There are many hormones in our body that play an important role. And all of them are produced in a certain quantity, which guarantees the stable functioning of all organs and systems. But if the amount of certain hormones changes upward or downward, a hormonal imbalance occurs. Thus, the question of what hormonal imbalance is can be answered in one phrase - it is a violation of the ratio of different hormones in our body.

Normally, hormones in the body are in balance, so if an imbalance develops, you must urgently seek medical help to stabilize the background, otherwise it can be fraught with serious problems. It should be noted that symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women sometimes do not cause suspicion, because they do not indicate exactly the causes of the disorders that have appeared. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex do not suspect for a long time that something is wrong in their body.


So, the symptoms of hormonal imbalance are different. The most obvious of them is menstrual irregularities. When a woman suffers from irregular periods or does not have periods at all for many months, then most likely the reason for this disorder lies precisely in the hormonal imbalance in her body.

There are also signs of hormonal imbalance in girls and women, such as mood swings and increased sensitivity or, conversely, excessive irritability. Often a woman with this disorder cannot understand why she starts crying out of the blue, or why she gets angry at family and friends when there are no objective reasons for anger. And yet there is a reason, and it lies in this disorder. This also includes the development of such pathological conditions as frequent and life-long ones.

Hormonal imbalance, of course, is manifested by other indicators, such as:

  • rapid weight gain;
  • lack of desire or it is too weak;
  • general fatigue;
  • frequent headaches;
  • deterioration of hair condition and excessive hair loss.

Hormonal imbalance in women also manifests itself with typical signs for this pathological disorder. In particular, representatives of the fair sex experience discomfort in the vagina, characterized by dry mucous membranes and itching. In addition, against the background of the disorder, women may develop a pathology such as and other diseases of the female genital area.

And a woman with a hormonal imbalance ages faster - wrinkles appear at a young age, her skin loses elasticity, and her complexion deteriorates.

Do not forget that such a pathology as hormonal imbalance can develop not only in the fair sex, but also in men. The symptoms of this pathological disorder are largely identical - sagging skin, weakness and hair loss, excess weight, irritability, etc.

But at the same time, hormonal imbalance in men also has its own specific symptoms, which include:

  • the occurrence of sexual disorders;
  • development ;
  • (female type);
  • decrease in muscle mass;
  • development and


The causes of this disorder in women and men may be different. Women face this problem for a natural reason - when it occurs, when the female body begins to produce sex hormones in smaller quantities. And in girls, hormonal imbalance develops during puberty, when the body shifts to perform its reproductive functions. Sometimes teenage hormonal imbalances last a long time, and hormone production returns to normal only after pregnancy and childbirth.

Conception, gestation and birth of a child also cause such disturbances in the body. Hormonal imbalance after childbirth leads to young women rapidly gaining, or, conversely, losing weight. As a rule, such a disorder normalizes on its own over time, but if the hormones do not return to normal even after the woman has stopped breastfeeding, medical attention is required.

And women experience not only hormonal disruption after childbirth, but also after abortion, since during the process of conception the body is rebuilt and prepared for bearing a baby, and when the pregnancy is terminated, it is difficult for it to adapt to new conditions, as a result of which hormonal imbalance develops.

The constant stress that a modern woman is exposed to can also cause this disorder. This is why in modern society so many women suffer from hormonal imbalance, because today the fair sex leads the same active life as men, being exposed to stress and solving complex problems.

Other reasons for the development of such a disorder include:

  • unhealthy diet, with a predominance of fatty, fried, smoked foods, as well as foods rich in hormones (chicken meat and others);
  • poor lifestyle and lack of sufficient physical activity;
  • excess weight;
  • pathologies of the female sphere, as well as common viral and bacterial diseases;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • excessive physical activity.

If we talk about hormonal imbalance in men, then completely different reasons lead to this pathological condition. In particular, possible causes include congenital or acquired disorders of the endocrine glands, injuries, infections or tumors of the gonads, as well as the toxic effects of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs on the body of representatives of the stronger sex. In older men, the cause of the disorder may be androgen deficiency associated with the natural aging process of the body.

Adolescence is also critical for men in terms of hormonal changes in the body, and therefore background disturbances often appear during this period.

Diagnosis and treatment

Many women want to know how to treat hormonal imbalance. You should not prescribe treatment for yourself - you should consult a doctor and donate blood for hormones, which will confirm or refute the presence of a hormone imbalance in the body.

Treatment should be comprehensive and include eliminating the factors that caused the disorder, as well as taking specific medications prescribed by the doctor. If the cause of the disorder is not eliminated, the treatment will not give the desired result and the pathology will develop again. As for medications, treatment with them is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since these medications (hormones) are very harmful to the body and require precise dosage and compliance with the timing of administration.

Often women have to treat hormonal imbalance after childbirth, because this is a critical period when all body functions can be disrupted, including hormonal ones. This will require appropriate hormone replacement therapy.

Let us note that treating this disorder is not an easy task, because hormonal levels can only be adjusted if you take into account all the subtleties of the body of each individual woman, and this is not at all easy to do.

As for men, the treatment of imbalance in them is associated with the prescription of testosterone drugs - the dosage and duration are also determined by the attending physician.

Sometimes women ask the following question: is it possible to get pregnant if there is a hormonal imbalance? There is no definite answer to this, because it is unknown how the body of a woman who dreams of having a child will react to this violation. But if the pathology is manifested by a menstrual cycle disorder, namely the absence of menstruation or complete amenorrhea, then, of course, a woman will not be able to get pregnant in this situation. If your period continues, you can get pregnant, but in this case the risk of miscarriage or premature birth increases.

Prevention plays an important role. To prevent the development of this disorder, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy food and be less nervous.

However, hormones also play a very important role in the adult body. Thus, the presence of more estrogen hormone than androgens indicates female gender and determines the presence of corresponding sexual characteristics. Not only the health, but also the mental state of a woman, her attractiveness and resistance to stress can depend on the lack or excess of a particular hormone. Mastopathy, various fibroids and cysts in the mammary glands, uterus and ovaries can indicate a serious hormonal imbalance in a woman. At the same time, the balance between the main female hormones - estrogen and progesterone - shifts in favor of one of them.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women

The appearance of severe headaches for no apparent reason, insomnia, a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure, and frequent dizziness should alert any woman, because they may indicate a hormonal imbalance in the body. Problems with hormones are also indicated by rapid fatigue, excessive sweating, and a jump in weight in the direction of losing weight or being overweight. Other signs of hormonal imbalance in women can be irritability, nervousness, or, conversely, indifference to everything and even depression. Serious problems with hair growth also indicate this problem. With hormonal imbalance, both girls and mature women may experience such extremes as excess body hair or excessive hair loss on the head, including the formation of bald spots.

Each hormone plays its own distinct role in the female body. Thus, a decrease in estrogen production manifests itself in general withering and the onset of menopause. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in the form of a lack of it will include memory impairment, sudden weight gain or loss, loss of skin elasticity, the appearance of acne, inflammation, stretch marks, as well as swelling on the legs, body and face, and painful periods. In addition, estrogen prepares a woman to become a mother in the future, influencing the proper development of the female genital organs. Under its influence, already in adolescence, such sexual characteristics as armpit and groin hair, a wide pelvis, an increase in the size of the mammary glands, and a change in the size of the uterus appear. In this case, fat cells are distributed according to the female type in the area of ​​the chest, hips and buttocks, which generally gives the figure a rounded shape. A sufficient amount of estrogen in women manifests itself in regular periods, and one of the signs of a lack of this hormone can be infertility. Girls, start
Since adolescence, its deficiency can cause delayed development of the mammary glands, genitals, even the skeleton, and prolonged absence of menstruation.

Signs of hormonal imbalance in girls and women

Another important hormone for women is called progesterone. It can often be called the pregnancy hormone, because it is what contributes to the good fixation of the egg in the uterus after fertilization and the successful gestation of the fetus. At other times in a woman's life, this hormone is responsible for maintaining psychological and emotional balance during the monthly cycle. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in girls in the form of a lack or excess of progesterone can be sudden changes in mood and inexplicable nervousness in her behavior. An imbalance of progesterone also manifests itself in excessive breast tenderness during menstruation, mood swings, various menstrual irregularities, as well as vaginal bleeding, and during pregnancy it can affect complications of its normal course and even lead to failure.

Hormonal imbalance after childbirth

Estrogen and progesterone play a special role in the body of a pregnant woman and after childbirth. Pregnancy and childbirth are a big hormonal “shake-up” for the entire female body. At the same time, the level of both hormones seriously increases, and along with it the mammary glands increase in size, and the likelihood of frequent mood changes in the pregnant woman and various “whims” increases. In addition, high levels of progesterone also stimulate appetite and help to accumulate fat and muscle mass. Interestingly, every woman feels a similar effect of progesterone not only during pregnancy. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, when the amount of progesterone increases compared to estrogen, many notice an increase in appetite and some weight gain, although not as significant as during pregnancy. Immediately after conception and during the further almost 10-month gestation of the child, a lot changes in the body of the expectant mother. If conception has occurred, and there is a lack of progesterone in the body, the woman’s body, figuratively speaking, does not understand that it is necessary to prepare for pregnancy, then the egg will not be able to properly consolidate in the uterus, and after the onset of a new monthly cycle, the body will reject it.

For some time after childbirth, progesterone and estrogen continue to remain in increased quantities, in addition, the effect of the hormones oxytocin, which is responsible for contracting the uterus and returning it to normal, and also promotes the normal course of breastfeeding, and prolactin, which is responsible for the production of breast milk, is enhanced. milk. These female hormones will regulate milk production until the end of breastfeeding. Hormonal imbalance after childbirth, even with the right diet, can lead to serious weight problems, which manifests itself in severe weight loss or excessive weight gain. It is also worth thinking about hormonal problems if breastfeeding has already stopped, and the onset of menstruation is too heavy and painful or lasts more than 7 days.

Causes of hormonal imbalance

Since the female body works in a cyclical mode for a significant part of its life, during each such monthly cycle estrogen and progesterone increase and decrease their amounts alternately every two weeks. Both excess and deficiency of one of these hormones immediately manifests itself externally and internally.

Hormonal disruptions often accompany the onset of menopause, when the formation of eggs in the body of women over 40 almost stops and estrogen production decreases. However, today hormonal imbalances also occur in girls. Hormone imbalance can occur due to the way the ovaries work, with a short interval (less than 10 days) between ovulation and the onset of menstruation. Chronic inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system and improper use of medications can also cause hormonal imbalance. Abortion can result in the most unpredictable consequences for hormonal levels. Subsequently, it can turn into a mass of gynecological diseases, and they do not always appear immediately after the intervention. Sometimes hormonal imbalances begin several years after the abortion.

In modern society, hormonal imbalance is often preceded by some kind of stressful situations and strong experiences, but everything in the body is interconnected, and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system can lead to disruption of hormone production. A busy lifestyle, chronic fatigue syndrome and poor nutrition, particularly over-dieting or excessive weight gain, can all combine to cause severe hormonal imbalances.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance in women

In the treatment of mastopathy, uterine myomas and fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, one of the most important components is systemic diagnostics, including analysis of hormones. Often, surgery cannot guarantee that these diseases will be cured completely if they are caused by an imbalance in estrogen and progesterone. In such cases, the only solution will be complex treatment, when the root cause of the disease is eliminated.

To prevent and treat hormonal imbalance, a variety of drugs are used that contain phytoestrogens (plant estrogens, the structure of which is similar to human ones), or have a progesterone base, including some means of preventing pregnancy. However, it is recommended to take them only on the recommendation of a doctor. If some of the signs of a lack or excess of hormones become noticeable, you should consult a doctor, who will select an individual treatment regimen and tell you in detail how to treat such a hormonal imbalance. If the imbalance is not too significant, the doctor will most often suggest taking a course of vitamins E and A. As you know, vitamin E is not very similar in action to estrogen and to some extent can relieve symptoms of estrogen deficiency such as dry mucous membranes, depression and apathy , hot flashes, increased sweating and mood swings characteristic of menopause. In addition, vitamins E and A prevent dry skin and improve the condition of hair and nails, and play an important role in nourishing the skin and mucous membranes. Certain oral contraceptives, which will contain estrogen and progesterone in the right ratio, may also be prescribed to treat hormonal imbalance. It must be remembered that abuse or misuse of such contraceptives can result in serious hormonal imbalance. For example, self-use for therapeutic or contraceptive purposes of contraceptives that contain large amounts of progesterone and its analogues will contribute to weight gain.

How to treat hormonal imbalance correctly?

Before prescribing a particular drug for the treatment of hormonal imbalance in women, a doctor may recommend a blood test for hormones. Any test must be done correctly, since in the second half of the monthly cycle the concentration of progesterone increases, and in the first half - estrogen. When prescribing a progesterone test, the doctor will definitely tell you which day of the cycle is best to take it. With a regular cycle, such an analysis is usually carried out a week before the start of menstruation, and with an irregular cycle, measurements will have to be taken several times.

If we are talking about a lack of estrogen, then you can slightly increase its level with the help of certain foods, for example, soy and soy products, as well as other legumes, vegetables and fruits such as carrots, pumpkin, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts, and eggplant. We must remember that too large portions of these products can cause an increase in the amount of hormones, which again has negative consequences.

Today, many women, in their rush to work and the daily bustle, do not pay due attention to their body and do not pay attention to even obvious signs of hormonal imbalance, such as irregular and too painful periods, bleeding between periods, breast swelling and the appearance of lumps in it. It must be remembered that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, and at its very beginning, even minimal treatment can completely solve the problem. At the same time, delaying the solution to the problem of hormonal imbalance can lead to a number of diseases that may require serious intervention.

Hormonal balance in the human body plays a huge role; appearance, emotional state, mood, activity of the reproductive system, general health and even life expectancy depend on it. Unfortunately, hormonal imbalance in women occurs quite often, and women may not be aware that they have serious health problems, attributing everything to stress and a tense life situation. The causes of hormonal imbalance in women can be completely different, and sometimes it is difficult to find them, but most often this disease affects women with nervous work or a weakened nervous system.

A woman’s hormonal background changes several times in her life, and these changes under unfavorable conditions can lead to serious disorders. After puberty, a young girl may not have a hormonal balance established for quite a long time, but more often than not, everything quickly returns to normal. The amount of hormones in a woman changes during pregnancy and after childbirth, after miscarriages or abortions. After 50 years, women experience a hormonal decline associated with the decline of ovarian function. All other serious hormonal changes are not normal.

Causes of hormonal imbalance

All causes of hormonal imbalance can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Reasons that are caused by problems with central regulation.
  2. The reasons that provoked pathological processes in the body.

Let us be more specific by going directly to the reasons themselves:

  • The hypothalamic-pituitary system, which is responsible for the production of all hormones, may begin to malfunction for organic reasons: tumors, inflammation, pathological changes, brain injuries, and so on. Also, the work of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus can be disrupted by prolonged chronic fatigue, constant lack of sleep, and severe physical exhaustion.
  • The thyroid gland and adrenal cortex take an active part in the production of hormones that affect human life and reproductive function. With their diseases, the endocrine glands begin to work incorrectly.
  • Metabolism of hormones occurs in the liver, and the kidneys ensure their timely elimination. Disruption of these organs can lead to hormonal imbalances.
  • Hereditary disorders, especially those related to the age of onset and its course, also largely affect a woman’s health. For example, if her mother and grandmother had an early menopause and began after 40 years, then there is a high probability that such an anomaly will be observed in her daughter.
  • Congenital pathologies, which most often manifest themselves as a delay in puberty or its complete absence.
  • Physiological changes in women can cause disorders. Hormonal imbalances are often observed in women after the birth of children, and less often after abortions.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women

The amount of estrogen and progesterone in a woman’s body varies at different periods of life and cycle. Violation of their quantity does not pass without a trace. From the reproductive system, the following symptoms occur:

  • a noticeable decrease in libido up to the complete disappearance of sexual desire;
  • delayed or premature sexual development
  • anorgasmia or difficulty achieving orgasm; in teenage girls;
  • infertility.

Nervous system disorders:

  • rapid fatigue even after short and light work;
  • short temper, irritability, nervousness;
  • high tearfulness, extreme instability of emotional state;
  • decreased mental abilities;
  • deep emotional disturbances up to persistent depressive states;
  • increased drowsiness, hypersomnia.

Metabolic disorders:

  • weight change without changes in diet. Most often, with hormonal imbalance, women get better, but in some cases (with abnormal functioning of the thyroid gland), weight can decrease uncontrollably;
  • progressive due to difficulty in absorption.

Also, women sometimes experience hypertrichosis - increased hair growth. All of the above symptoms are reversible, everything returns to normal after treatment and normalization of hormonal levels. Treatment must begin as early as possible, since imbalance can cause a number of diseases of varying severity, including oncology.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in teenage girls

For the first time, a hormonal imbalance can be detected in a teenage girl if by the age of 14-16 she has not started menstruation, the mammary glands are not developed, and her physique remains anemic. Low weight can increase hormonal imbalance. If a girl of average height weighs less than 48 kg, this can cause hormonal imbalance and insufficient development of secondary sexual characteristics.

Hormonal imbalance can occur even in teenagers

Hormonal disorders can lead to the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in a girl under the age of 7 years, and she stops growing in height due to ossification of the skeleton in the growth zones. In rare cases, early or late maturation may be a constitutional feature; development occurs a little later or a little earlier, but by the age of 17 the reproductive system and hormonal levels return to normal.

A common sign of hormonal imbalance in girls is bleeding, which appears with the onset of menstruation and does not stop for up to 15 days. Most often they indicate excessive mental or physical stress and go away quickly if the right treatment is chosen. Irregular periods in a young girl (delayed by more than two months) are also a sign of hormonal disorders.

Important! If a girl shows signs of hormonal imbalance, she should immediately consult a doctor and under no circumstances self-medicate. Remember that your daughter’s health and her ability to become a mother in the future depend on timely, qualified treatment. Juvenile hemorrhage in some cases can cost a child his life.

Signs of hormonal imbalance in women of fertile age

The most obvious sign of hormonal imbalance is the complete absence of menstruation. Sometimes extremely emaciated and emaciated women are observed, especially among women under 30 years of age, who are manically pursuing slender forms. If a woman looks healthy, then the absence of menstruation in this case is caused by a malfunction of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, a malfunction of the adrenal cortex, or ovarian dysfunction.

Itsenko-Cushing syndrome also indicates that there are serious problems with hormones. In this case, the woman experiences male-type obesity (fat accumulates in the upper part of the body), the limbs dry out, and stretch marks appear on the skin. With such a disease, it is useless to think about how to lose weight during hormonal imbalance, since without eliminating the cause, the weight will not normalize. Even with the most stringent diets, the body will save every available calorie for future use; the laws of normal metabolic processes no longer apply.

Amenorrhea is one of the main signs of hormonal imbalance

Obvious premenstrual syndrome, contrary to the belief of many women, is not the norm. occurs as a result of changes in hormones and is generally almost invisible in a healthy woman.

If observed:

  • excessive irritability;
  • tearfulness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • surges and pulse;
  • swelling of the legs and face;
  • severe headaches;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • temperature increase;
  • severe swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands.

In women after 40 years of age it leads to severe irritability, while younger ladies during this period become depressed and melancholic.

Hormonal imbalance after abortion and childbirth: signs

After an abortion, hormonal imbalance is the most common complication. During this period, the woman experiences severe physical and psychological stress, especially if it was her first pregnancy. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance after an abortion are the same as with PMS. In most cases, after a termination of pregnancy, the doctor immediately prescribes hormone therapy to normalize the cycle.

After childbirth, hormonal levels usually return to normal after the resumption of menstruation, and all hormonal changes that occurred to a woman during pregnancy disappear after lactation ends. But sometimes this does not happen, the woman continues to gain weight, the cycle does not normalize or amenorrhea develops, the body becomes covered with stretch marks, the woman is subject to strong and sudden mood swings. All this is a reason to visit and get tested for hormones. Recovery after childbirth is a natural process that occurs much easier if a woman has the opportunity to fully rest.

Signs of hormonal imbalance in menopausal women

Few women experience menopause calmly, since this process is associated with psychological experiences. But in some cases, menopause is complicated by hormonal disorders, which manifest themselves as follows:

  • degeneration of tissues of the genital organs;
  • "tides"
  • metabolic disease;
  • deterioration in appearance: receding hair, brittle nails, dry skin.
  • migraine.

A failure is more likely to occur in women with a history of abortion, infertility, or complicated childbirth.

Diagnosis and treatment of hormonal imbalance

If there are several signs of hormonal imbalance, you need to contact or, who will prescribe the appropriate tests:

  • blood analysis;
  • differential examination of internal organs;
  • examination for organic pathologies such as liver, hypothalamic tumor, etc.

Once hormonal imbalances have been stopped, a full examination is necessary to identify diseases caused by imbalances.

Before treating hormonal imbalance, it is necessary to find out why it occurred. The search for the cause, if it is not obvious, should be done exclusively by a doctor. If hormonal disorders were caused by external factors (childbirth, abortion, stress, bad habits, uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives, weight problems, etc.), then hormonal medications are usually prescribed, which are usually taken for a year. During this time, in most women, the hormonal levels level out under the supervision of the attending physician, who, if necessary, can change the drug and its dosage. In some cases, hormonal drugs need to be taken longer - as much as the body needs to completely restore and normalize the functioning of the endocrine glands.

In some cases, hormonal imbalance must be treated not only traditionally with medication, but also surgically, if it was caused by a tumor of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus or any endocrine gland.

Treatment is usually comprehensive, which includes lifestyle changes, giving up bad habits, caring and attentive attitude towards your body, and avoiding stressful situations.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance with traditional methods

Treatment with folk remedies is indicated when the changes are insignificant and have a very specific nature. Folk remedies are quite helpful in eliminating the symptoms of minor disorders: nervousness during PMS, “hot flashes” during menopause. Sometimes herbal medicine helps increase estrogen levels and promote conception, but in this case the treatment must be comprehensive.

If there is a lack of estrogen, taking sage is indicated. A tablespoon of herb is poured into a glass of boiling water, infused for 15 minutes and taken twice a day, ½ cup. This treatment is contraindicated for thyroid disorders, pregnancy and lactation.

Hops are a source of phytoestrogens and can also be taken in the same way as sage. In addition, hops have a calming effect.

For severe menopause, taking 1 tablespoon of flax seeds on an empty stomach is recommended. This product can support the female body, improve the condition of nails, hair and skin, which is negatively affected by a lack of female hormones.


The consequences of a hormonal imbalance that is not treated in time can be irreparable, resulting in infertility and oncology. It is easier to avoid disorders than to treat them. Of course, it is difficult to avoid hereditary characteristics and pathologies, but it is possible to insure yourself against disorders caused by external factors. To do this you need:

  • play sports, selecting physical activity according to your strengths and preferences;
  • giving up drugs, smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • avoidance of stressful situations. During difficult periods of life, it is advisable to take courses of sedatives and, if necessary, visit a psychologist;
  • eat right, don’t overeat or starve;
  • If the first signs of hormonal disorders appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

All vital processes of the human body are interconnected with physiological changes in the level of hormones in the blood, which control its cycles of development and growth, reproduction and withering. The system of functional regulation of internal organs is responsible for hormonal secretion in the body - the granular apparatus, represented by various endocrine endocrine glands.

They have a significant impact on the functioning of the central nervous system and exercise control and functional regulation of every vital organ. Hormonal imbalance is a process of hormonal dysfunction caused by pathologies in the neuroregulatory and endocrine systems.

The activity of the intrasecretory glands and the hormones they synthesize in a healthy body are in a state of harmonious equilibrium and balance. But this state is very fragile.

Violation of the synthesis of just one type of hormones leads to a violation of the coordination in the work of all endocrine glands - an imbalance of hormones, manifested by various pathological changes in the body.

Signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance are observed in women of different ages; various disorders lead to hormone imbalance:

  • an increase in hormone synthesis or a decrease in it;
  • changes in the chemical structure of hormones, leading to disruption of synthesis;
  • disturbances in the transport system of hormonal organic substances;
  • simultaneous failure of synthesis in various glands of the endocrine system.

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Causes of hormonal imbalance in women

The factor of insufficient hormonal synthesis, which causes hormonal imbalance in women, can be various pathological processes in the form of:

  1. Infectious and inflammatory processes in the endocrine glands;
  2. Anatomical congenital anomalies caused by their underdevelopment;
  3. Surgical interventions for injuries or tumor processes in the secretory glands;
  4. Hemorrhagic manifestations in their tissue structure;
  5. Lack of or impaired blood supply;
  6. Deficiency of vitamin and mineral elements in the diet;
  7. Immune failure.

Excess hormone secretion is provoked by:

  • uncontrolled use of drugs containing hormones;
  • various injuries (mainly to the abdomen and head);
  • inflammatory pathologies.

The balanced operation of the granular apparatus system can be disrupted by:

  • stressful and hypodynamic conditions;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • addiction to bad habits;
  • too early sexual life, or its complete absence.

In addition, there are reasons for changes in hormonal levels in women due to physiological reasons. This is facilitated by the reorganization of the background during pregnancy.

During this period, the synthesis of new hormones begins to ensure normal gestation. At the beginning of pregnancy, the synthesis of female hormones increases, and at the beginning of the 2nd trimester it decreases, as the synthesis of estriol by the placenta begins.

Changes in hormonal levels occur again after delivery. Pregnancy hormones stop being synthesized and are replaced by the synthesis of the prolactin fraction, which stimulates the intensity of milk production. When a woman stops breastfeeding, a decrease occurs and the body returns to the normal volume of synthesis of the main female hormones (progesterone and estrogen).

Medical abortions also cause a sharp imbalance of hormones. Endocrine glands stop the synthesis of a number of hormones. In response to such stress, the body responds with increased secretion of adrenal and female sex hormones. During this period, the female body is very vulnerable.

Concomitant pathologies and unfavorable factors against the background of hormonal imbalance can provoke pathological disorders in the structure of the ovaries - their tissue proliferation (thecomatosis), tumor formations, or the development of processes.

signs of hormonal imbalance, photos

There are almost no specific, special symptoms of a malfunction in the balance of hormones in a woman’s body, so diagnosing endocrine diseases is not an easy process - the signs of a hormonal imbalance are similar to the symptoms of many other diseases. Although several signs suggest hormonal imbalance still exist. They appear:

Increased appetite, but at the same time weight loss progresses. This indicates increased secretion processes in the thyroid gland. Pathology appears:

  • irritability and nervousness;
  • insomnia and hyperhidrosis;
  • tremor of fingers;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • low, prolonged body temperature.

Lack of functional activity of the thyroid glands is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • development of simultaneous obesity throughout the body;
  • weakness (asthenia) and tendency to drowsiness;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes, including the vagina;
  • brittle hair and its thinning;
  • chilliness and low temperature;
  • hoarseness of voice.

In women over 30 years of age, hormonal imbalance often results from dysfunction in the hypothalamic-pituitary system. What provokes the development of the selective process of obesity, when with thin legs the upper part of the body quickly becomes overgrown with fat. Wavy purple stripes appear due to stretching of the skin of the thighs, abdomen and mammary glands.

The presence of such “metamorphoses” causes sharp increases in blood pressure in women. As a result of excessive synthesis of somatotropin (growth hormone), the appearance changes - the jaw and tongue enlarge, the shape of the lips, cheekbones and brow ridges changes.

The voice becomes hoarse, increased hair growth and joint pain are noted. In the presence of tumor growths in the pituitary gland, the symptoms of hormonal imbalance are marked by deterioration of visual functions, accompanied by constant migraines.

Failure of the endocrine gland of the digestive system (pancreas) leads to the development of diabetes, accompanied by itchy skin, slowly healing wounds, furunculosis, constant thirst and polyuria (frequent urination).

Increased synthesis of androgens (testosterone) provokes hormonal imbalance in women with symptoms of delayed menstrual cycle, heavy menstrual flow, intermenstrual hemorrhages, and irregular periods. At the same time, changes in appearance appear:

  • excessive hair growth on the body and face of women;
  • rough, oily skin;
  • regular rashes and the development of acne.

Signs of age-related hormonal imbalance in women manifest themselves with a host of unpleasant symptoms during menopause. This is due to a sudden cessation of hormonal synthesis of female hormones and an increase in hormones synthesized by the glands of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, thyroid and adrenal glands. The manifestation of symptoms depends on the genesis of various disorders.

With the vegetative-vascular nature of the disorders, the symptoms are expressed:

  • hypertension and heart pain;
  • attacks of tachycardia;
  • hand tremors and hyperhidrosis;
  • hot flushes to the head.

For emotional disturbances:

  • excessive nervousness, attacks of anger and anger;
  • depressed mood and tearfulness;
  • anxiety and depression.

insomnia is one of the signs of hormonal imbalance

Neurological signs:

  • decreased attention and impaired mental productivity;
  • drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night;
  • frequent manifestation of migraines and signs of vertigo.

Functional disorders in metabolic processes, manifested by:

  • osteoporosis – increased fragility of bones;
  • symptoms of hirsutism (hair growth in the form of a mustache and beard);
  • slower hair growth in the armpits and groin area.

If women experience symptoms and signs of hormonal imbalance, treatment depends on which hormone deficiency is found in the body - one or a group. The treatment protocol is based on two directions - regulation of the imbalance with oral contraceptives or individual drugs.

In the first option for treating hormonal dysfunctions, oral contraceptive drugs with different numbers of hormonal combinations are used - low-dose and micro-dose forms. Sometimes, if long-term treatment is necessary, a mixed course of drugs is prescribed, but a short-term course of high-dose contraceptives is also possible.

  • Among low-dose drugs, preference is given to Femodene, Gestoden, Marvelon, Desogestrel, Cyproterone, Janine, Yarina, and Drospirinone.
  • When treating with microdosed drugs, Mercilon, Desogestrel, Novinet, Loest and Gestodene are used.

Treatment of hormonal levels in women with hormone preparations begins with an individual selection of medications. Which causes a certain difficulty, since the treatment course consists of several drugs and it is important to select them in such a way as not to cause a disruption in the secretion of those hormones that are present normally.

  • If there is excess androgen secretion, drugs such as Dexamethasone, Cyproterone or Metipred are prescribed.
  • To normalize the level of progesterone in the blood, Urozhestan and Duphaston are prescribed.
  • Estrogen deficiency is corrected with Premarin, Divigel or Proginova, and if there is an excess amount, Clomiphene or Tamoxifen are prescribed.

These are just minor examples of treatment for this problem; a specific therapeutic treatment plan should be drawn up by a medical specialist.