How to gain weight quickly at home. Sports supplements for fast weight gain. Special exercises to increase mass

Dear girls. Are you wondering how to quickly gain weight at home? Then, let me say this, you have come to the right place. It’s exactly how to do this quickly that will be discussed; I’ll also tell you what you need to do for this and what you shouldn’t do.

Tell me, if you had a very thin figure, would you like to gain a few kilograms of weight to look more attractive? But you must admit that you still wouldn’t want to have excess weight (meaning fat), no matter how thin your figure is. Therefore, by the word “get fat,” I suggest you mean gaining muscle mass, not body fat. It will be both more beautiful and more useful.

Some information for girls

There is an expression: “A man is not a dog; he will not throw himself at bones.” And there is a certain meaning in it, which says that too thin representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are not always liked by men.

But I hasten to either disappoint you or make you happy, but along with gaining muscle mass, girls will still have to slightly increase their body fat. After all, if it doesn’t exist, then at the first feeling of hunger, the body will begin to actively “eat itself,” sending into the furnace precisely the muscles that are so difficult to build on the female body.

Yes, muscle growth is very difficult for girls - that’s their nature. Compared to the male body, where muscle initially predominates over fat, the female body differs in that there is relatively little muscle and more subcutaneous fat. Therefore, I warn you right away - get ready for serious and painstaking work on yourself and your appearance. After all, in the end, not only the way you will look will improve, but also your moral qualities - endurance, patience.

The thinness of a growing body or an already adult indicates that we will try to regulate it with you. This, by the way, is better for a teenager than for an adult girl: the body has not yet fully formed, so you can “sculpt” anything.

What you need to know to achieve a balanced body

Well, first I want to say that nothing will work out if you don’t play sports. Although it will be enough to visit the gym, and it is not easy to visit, but to work hard enough in it. There you will have to plunge into muscle pumping - you will have to lift weights, work with weights or with the resistance of your own body. And one of the key points will be the use of basic exercises.

Compound exercises are exercises that involve more than one pair of joints and more than one muscle group. To quickly list them, you should do the following: dips, deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, weighted lunges, pull-ups or exercises with dumbbells on the shoulders and arms.

These are exactly the exercises that will help you gain weight as much as possible. Moreover, focus on the lower part of the body, because it is more prone to growth. You can exercise, for example, 3 times a week, paying attention to your legs, butt, and sides during the first and last workouts. And devote the second workout to your torso, specifically your chest, arms and back. So go ahead and get a gym membership.

The next tip is to move less. Wherever you are, do not make unnecessary movements, try to do everything smoothly and stretched out. And even more so, do not choose fitness, aerobics, swimming, athletics for yourself in terms of sports - they will not help you acquire rounded hips, buttocks and other “attractions”. Develop endurance, develop lungs - yes, but not gain a couple of kilograms of muscle.

Further. Eat more protein, slow carbohydrates, and don't forget about vegetables and herbs. In general, rearrange your diet. Include in it fatty protein foods (cottage cheese, cheeses, milk), slow carbohydrates (various cereals), and also eat plenty of cabbage, zucchini, make salads and vegetable slices. Eating fast carbohydrates (sweets, sweet fruits, baked goods) is not prohibited - they also accelerate the growth of meat on the bones, but if you get carried away, you can “float with fat.”

Drink water, and lots of it. After each meal, drink high-fat kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk. Divide your meals not into the usual 3, but into 6. Portions should be larger than usual, and this may cause discomfort at first, but beauty... what does it require? Eat slowly, without rushing.

Get enough sleep or even oversleep. Are you used to sleeping 7 hours a night? Well, increase your sleep time by at least half an hour, or even better by an hour.

Use sports nutrition. Gainers, proteins, amino acids and vitamins with minerals are for you. Ideally, it would be correct to further increase the level of growth hormone - testosterone. This can be achieved by taking Tribulus Terestris. But such a step is a responsible matter. Be careful not to overdo it.

Increase your working weights regularly during training. You can do this yourself, but it is better to use the services of a personal trainer: he will create a program for you, help you with your classes, and select the appropriate exercises.

Do you know any way to quickly gain weight at home? Be sure to write in the comments and subscribe to blog updates. Do you think this article will be interesting for your friends on social networks? Then share it, don't be greedy. Although no, first make yourself a beauty, and then you can share the secret of success with your friends. Everyone is happy.

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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Despite the fact that the problem of excess weight is one of the most acute and pressing today, there are also many women who are faced with the completely opposite task - how to gain this very weight.

And what is most interesting: underweight is such a serious deviation that even the most strong-willed people are sometimes unable to cope with.

The problem of obesity, like a huge funnel, draws everything around it into itself: fitness gyms today are working hard to lose weight, and a large army of nutritionists are doing the same. As a result, there is an extreme shortage of specialists dealing with the problem of underweight, and many girls with excessive thinness have to get out of this situation on their own.

But often it is the weight problem that has the greatest negative impact on the full development of pregnancy and its onset in general. In addition, people who suffer from thinness constantly experience real pressure from physical (elementary lack of strength) and psychological ailments (lack of sleep, the feeling of an “ugly duckling” and other troubles).

Regarding the question of how to gain weight in a week, in this case there are many different strategies and techniques that will allow you to achieve the desired result without any danger to your own body.

However, please note that sometimes it can be very difficult for a girl who is too thin to gain weight, and the main thing in this matter is her patience and work.

How to gain weight: work for results

Rule No. 1 – proper nutrition

To achieve your goal, many “advisers” can recommend that you increase the consumption of those foods that are directly contraindicated for people with excess weight problems, that is, flour, sweets, fatty foods, etc. However, keep in mind that such a diet can only lead to the development of obesity and subsequently to serious health problems, but not to the growth of muscle mass, which in this case is vital for you.

Remember! A healthy weight is about extra muscle tissue, not body fat. This means that cakes, fast food and other delicacies cannot be the real key to a healthy and beautiful physique.

Of course, you should not completely exclude from your diet foods rich in fats, proteins, etc., since your body simply needs all of them in reasonable quantities.

For example, the daily menu of an adult must include meat (preferably lean), as well as legumes, mushrooms, and dairy products, because they contain a sufficient amount of proteins necessary for the construction and restoration of muscle fibers.

It is also imperative to consume fresh vegetables and fruits:

  • Firstly, these wonderful gifts of nature contain a huge amount of useful vitamins.
  • Secondly, it is fresh vegetables and fruits that are the main helpers in the complete absorption of foods by our body.
  • Well, and thirdly, a lack of fiber or its complete absence is one of the problems of poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which in turn leads to constipation and disorders.

Plus, in order to safely gain weight in a week or, for example, even in a month, it is important to change the frequency of meals during the day - instead of three main meals, eat 5 or 6 times with snacks based on dried fruits and.

Also learn to enjoy your nutrition: do not snack “on the run”, but do it in a calm and comfortable environment. This is due to the fact that overexcitation can provoke exhaustion of the body and poor absorption of food consumed. Also try to write down everything you eat and the amount of food you eat (the daily norm is at least 700 grams).

And one more very useful tip! Everyone knows that small children grow and develop very quickly, so a proven way to gain weight is to consume baby food, which is based on milk and is an excellent source of healthy calories for you. You can also regularly prepare milk porridges, for example, or.

Ideal foods for weight gain:

Dairy products (sour cream, cream, butter, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, ice cream), eggs, fish, flour products (bread, sandwiches, pies, cookies, waffles, buns, cakes). But only in acceptable quantities. Don't abuse it!

Legumes, nuts, porridges (buckwheat, rice, millet, barley, pearl barley), cooked in milk with the addition of butter. Fruits (bananas, apples, grapes, melons, peaches, mangoes, apricots, persimmons) plus freshly squeezed fruit juices with pulp. Meat (beef, pork, turkey, chicken, lamb).

Sweets (sweets and chocolate). But the amount should be normalized so as not to harm your body even more. Sugary sodas are a great source of “quick and easy calories.” But only after eating them is it necessary to brush your teeth, since the sugar and dyes they contain have a detrimental effect on tooth enamel.

Of course, this list could go on for a very long time. The main thing for you is to create a menu that will bring you not only taste pleasure, but also benefit your body.

Here is an example of six meals a day, which is enriched with all the necessary components. So:

  • Breakfast (7.00 – 8.00): milk buckwheat porridge, cocoa with milk and a sandwich with butter.
  • Second breakfast (10.00 – 11.00): 2.5% kefir and a bun.
  • Lunch (12.00): soup with meat broth, mashed potatoes with cutlets, sweet tea, cottage cheese casserole for dessert.
  • Afternoon snack (16.00): cottage cheese with sour cream and fruit.
  • Dinner (19.00): rice with butter, goulash, vegetable salad with sour cream, sandwich with cheese, tea with sugar, compote.
  • Second dinner (21.00): yogurt (kefir) with cookies or buns.

Rule No. 2 – physical activity

Your weight will begin to increase only when your body contains a sufficient amount of unspent calories. However, you should not give up sports; the best option for you will be exercises that will help increase muscle mass.

You can also reduce the number of workouts to two per week and use the services of a personal trainer who will create an individual training program for you, so you can achieve the desired result.

Try to avoid aerobic exercise, but the dumbbells and barbells that are familiar to all athletes, as well as exercises such as the bench press, will all be an excellent training option for you. Additionally, you can consume protein shakes, which will help you compensate for lost energy, as well as restore the functionality of the body and provide all the necessary materials for muscle growth.

In addition, do not forget that your sleep should be at least 8 hours a day or more.

Rule No. 3 – timely contact a specialist

If you have a weight problem suddenly, unexpectedly, for a reason unknown to you, then immediately seek help from a specialist (an endocrinologist deals with these issues). It will help you promptly identify possible abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid or pancreas, provided, of course, that the cause of your weight loss is not banal malnutrition.

Another reason for such serious deviations can be the elementary indigestibility of food, so if you have the slightest causeless pain in the abdomen and flatulence, you should seek help from a gastroenterologist. Because without the necessary treatment and medical intervention, all your attempts to gain weight will be useless.

And one more thing - try to avoid stressful situations, which in your case can play a very bad role.

As you probably already understood, gaining weight in a week or a month is not at all difficult. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the set strategy and confidently expect the result!

Not all women have problems with excess weight, but thin women are also not always happy with their appearance, especially when thinness borders on dystrophy. It’s difficult to call such a figure beautiful, and you need to gain a few kilograms and round out your shape in order to gain a more attractive look. Such women need a diet in order to gain weight.

Why is it bad to be overly thin?

Of course, girls who dream of losing weight will say that it’s great to be thin. But those whose weight is at a critical point will answer: “Not always.”

Low blood pressure and fatigue, poor exercise tolerance, and most importantly, with very low weight, menstrual function may be disrupted, and with it - fertility . In women weighing less than 45-47 kg with average and high height, disturbances in the maturation of eggs due to thinness are natural.

In addition, sudden weight loss with an unchanged lifestyle and normal diet always indicates health problems and requires consultation with a doctor - therapist, endocrinologist - and a detailed examination.

This is usually caused by digestive problems, allergies or endocrine, tumor diseases. Therefore, you should not be overly happy about being too thin. To improve your health, you should gain a couple of kilograms and build muscle mass.

Nutrition principles for weight gain

Usually the reason for such slimness is increased metabolism and not entirely proper nutrition, decreased appetite (especially in case of illness).

To get better, it is necessary to stimulate your appetite, because if you eat through force, there will be no benefit from such nutrition and the food simply will not be digested properly. In addition, you need to review your daily diet and increase calorie content of dishes without changing the volume of foods eaten.

The only undoubted advantage in your diet compared to “donuts” is that you don’t need virtually any dietary restrictions, you can eat everything – high-calorie dishes, flour, fatty and sweet foods.

However, all these products must be evenly and reasonably included in the diet. Meals should be frequent and small, at least 5-6 times a day, in small portions with a charge of calories. Before each meal, you should drink some vegetable or fruit juice to stimulate digestion and appetite.

There should be no hungry periods in your diet. After all, hunger will negate all your efforts to gain weight by burning the calories and fat you have stored. Eat snacks between meals to avoid feeling too hungry.

Which products to choose?

In your diet, focus on carbohydrate and protein components. In this case, most of the protein should be of animal origin - fish, meat , chicken or eggs. Poultry meat is digested faster and more fully, and should be given preference. Its proteins help increase the volume of muscle tissue and give volume to the muscles.

In addition, it is worth supplementing the protein diet dairy products high in protein and fat. Calcium is also more actively absorbed from such products. You need cottage cheese, cream, sour cream and baked milk with a high percentage of fat content - at least 9%.

There are even special protein shakes for those who want to gain a little weight and increase muscle mass: mix 200 g of cottage cheese in a blender with a glass of cream, honey and a handful of berries.

Carbohydrates also help you gain weight. Feel free to eat rolls and bread, soft wheat pasta, potatoes, sweet foods, candies and chocolate. Just watch your pancreas.

To ensure that enzymes work more actively and have time to digest the entire volume of food, drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day: tea with milk and honey, coffee with cream, cocoa with milk, sweet juices, water.

Let's create the right menu

It is necessary to pay special attention to the main meals and the rules for constructing a diet for them.

Diet for those who want to gain weight

  • Breakfast is a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day. Further nutrition largely depends on its correctness. Don't miss out breakfast , do not replace it with a cup of coffee. For breakfast, eat two sandwiches with cheese and butter or ham and lettuce. You can make a dessert from honey and nuts. By the way, nuts are also suitable as a snack between meals - they are filling and quite high in calories, they contain a lot of vitamins .
  • Fruit creamy is suitable for second breakfast yogurt high fat content or tea with sugar and cookies. This is a source of calories that are quickly mobilized and enter the blood.
  • Make lunch hearty and high in calories. Eat a salad or vegetable soup (to whet your appetite), as well as a high-calorie main course and dessert. It is necessary that it be meat or poultry, but not beef, it takes a long time to digest and provides few calories. It is best to choose potatoes or pasta or rice as a side dish.
  • Plan an afternoon snack - it should include cottage cheese with cream or sour cream, a casserole or coffee with cream and cookies; by dinner you should already be slightly hungry.
  • For dinner, prepare nourishing, but not heavy on the stomach dishes. Porridge with butter, flour dishes or fruit and cream salads are suitable; in addition, you can eat baked goods.
  • At night, milk with honey, drinking yogurt or kefir with 3.2% fat content are useful.

How to improve your appetite

There are several secrets to stimulating your appetite:

  • Before your main meal, eat some grapes or an apple half an hour before your main meal; they will whet your appetite.
  • Generously season your food with spices - add onions and garlic, wild garlic, cinnamon, curry and saffron, they stimulate digestion and stimulate appetite, improve the taste of food. Marinades and broths are useful.
  • Eat in a calm environment, stop watching TV or reading news on the Internet, you should enjoy the taste of food.
  • Chew your food thoroughly and for a long time - in this form it is easier and faster, which means it will be digested more fully.


These tips are completely suitable for those who do not have digestive problems. If you have chronic diseases of the digestive tract, you should create an individual menu together with your doctor.


Most often, weight problems occur in middle-aged people. This is facilitated by many factors - heredity, poor nutrition, stress, poor lifestyle, and more. In most cases, both men and women strive to lose extra pounds. But there are also people, and there are quite a few of them, who, on the contrary, cannot gain weight and remain thin under any conditions. Fortunately, thanks to modern medicine, nutritionists and physiotherapists have established rules on how to gain weight at home. By following the recommendations of experts, you can create an ideal body without harming your health without interrupting your regular work schedule.

How to gain weight at home. Establishing a regime

First of all, you need to find out the reason why you cannot gain weight. To do this, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis at the clinic. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor will give recommendations on what the patient should do next. There are several methods on how to gain weight quickly at home:

  • restoration of normal functioning of the whole body;
  • compliance with the established daily routine;
  • doing physical exercises

Initially, it is necessary to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. To do this, you need to exclude harmful foods from your daily diet - fried, smoked, fatty foods. For drinks, you can drink chamomile tea without sugar. You need to eat 5-6 times a day, strictly at the same time. This diet must be followed for 2 weeks. During this period, if a person does not have serious diseases, his metabolism should return to normal.

After cleansing, you need to create a menu for the period of weight gain. This can be done using our “Getting Fat Together” program. The daily diet must contain the required amount of calories. To gain weight, you don’t have to overeat, you need to eat right. Women should consume from 2000 to 2500 kcal per day, and men from 2500 to 3500 kcal. In order to gain weight quickly, you need to balance your diet. The daily diet should include fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, legumes and other healthy foods. It is advisable to focus on proteins, but do not forget about precautions so as not to overload the digestive system.

Regarding the daily routine, it is necessary to establish clear hours of work, rest and sleep. People who are overtired and sleep poorly can lose weight very quickly. An adult's sleep duration should be at least 7 hours. During this period, his body manages to restore the lost strength.


There are also several ways for a girl or guy to gain weight at home, without overexerting too much. To do this, you don’t need to lift barbells in the gym. To build muscle, you can use dumbbells. Push-ups, pull-ups on a horizontal bar (you can install a bar in any apartment), squats, lunges, etc. will also help you gain weight. Training must be carried out at least 3 times a week, constantly alternating loads on different muscle groups.

From a scientific point of view, being overly thin means being underweight. This corresponds to a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5.

BMI is equal to a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of their height in meters. For example, my height is 1.84 meters and my weight is 107 kilograms. My BMI is 31, which means I have first-degree obesity.

As you understand, the BMI indicator is lower, the larger a person’s mass. The formula is extremely primitive and does not take into account the qualitative composition of these same kilograms. If you are not good at sports and weigh a hundred and a few pennies, then everything is sad. If, with the same weight, you press one and a half of your body weight from your chest, that’s a completely different story.

In the case of low weight, BMI is more indicative. It doesn't matter if it's fat or muscle. You have neither one nor the other.

According to American studies, only 1% of men are underweight. Among women there are 2.4%. However, gender does not matter in this case, because health problems due to underweight can occur in anyone.

The impact of underweight on health

The problems of fat people are obvious, everyone knows about them. Thin people, except in cases of outright frailty in appearance, appear healthy, but scientific research shows a different picture.

What can cause underweight

Not just genes and heredity. Sometimes this is a very specific disease that a person is not aware of.

  • Eating disorders. This includes anorexia nervosa - a person’s deliberate desire to reduce their weight as much as possible.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid gland, can lead to unhealthy weight loss.
  • Celiac disease, also known as celiac disease, is an acute form of gluten intolerance.
  • Type 1 diabetes.
  • Infections.

The problems listed above will not go away on their own, and self-medication will cause even more harm. Therefore, the first and main advice for a person suffering from underweight is to visit a doctor, especially if signs of weight loss have appeared since a certain point in time and have not bothered you before.

The right approach to food

Probably there is more? This is the surest way, but thoughtlessly drinking sugary drinks while devouring kilograms of cakes and pasties is a guaranteed health undermining. Outwardly healthy people, without weight deviations, receive terrible diagnoses, which usually accompany severe forms of obesity. All because of bad food.

The thesis “there is more” needs to be specified. "Eat more healthy foods." That's better.

However, even when eating exclusively healthy food, you need to think about the end result. It's unlikely that you just want to become fat. And the very concept of “healthy fat” is somehow hard to wrap my head around.

Gaining weight in one way or another implies building up both fat and muscle tissue, and therefore the problem cannot be solved by eating alone. You will still have to make friends with sports, but more on that later.

Calorie surplus

The fundamental law of weight gain is a calorie surplus. Take in more calories than you burn. If you ignore this foundation, then all other efforts will be in vain.

Finding the point beyond which you reach a calorie surplus is very easy. At first you won't need anything other than food, scales and patience.

Every day you need to eat more than yesterday.

Don't speed up too much. After some time, you will notice that the body weight graph has slowly but surely gone up. This means you have achieved a calorie surplus.

Now you need to turn to the calorie calculator and find out the numerical value of the daily calorie requirement at which your body began to gain weight. Just add up the calories of everything you eat in a day. Based on this data, you can freely change your diet, focusing on total calories.

If weight growth has not stopped, then there is no point in continuing to greatly increase caloric intake. A surplus of 300–500 kcal is enough for slow, confident weight gain. With an excess of 700–1,000 kcal, you will recover much faster.

At this stage, it is much more important to convince yourself that in the future this approach to nutrition will become the norm for you. Essentially, you will have to change the way you think about food for the rest of your life. Psychologically, it is difficult, but without turning a new approach to food into a habit, all the gains will inevitably be lost.


Protein is the most important nutrient. Building material for your body and muscles in particular. No matter how you experiment with the menu, it is important to maintain protein levels. Unfortunately, protein is not only the most necessary, but also very filling. Increasing the amount of protein in your diet will make it more difficult to meet your calorie goals, but there is no alternative way to achieve the desired result.

When gaining weight, your daily protein requirement will be the same as that of athletes - from 1.5 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight.

Protein-rich foods are always the most expensive, but delicious. Meat, fish, eggs, milk, legumes, nuts. These are your best friends. There is one hack that makes it easier to get your daily protein intake up to the desired level. This is high-quality sports nutrition. It is also expensive, but whey or multi-component protein between meals and casein before bed will give a very good bonus. In any case, you will come to a sports nutrition when you start playing sports, but you can get acquainted with this interesting world a little earlier.

Carbohydrates, fats, number of meals

Don't limit yourself in anything. A pleasant feature of gaining weight is complete freedom in choosing food, as long as it is healthy. Don't listen to crazy people talking about the dangers of animal fat. We are omnivores, we need all fats - both animal and plant. And complex carbohydrates. Lots of complex carbohydrates.

Try to reduce your diet to 4 grams of complex carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight per day. Difficult, but real. Besides, deliciously prepared porridge is very cool.

You should make friends with cereals, pasta, potatoes and bread.

And here, too, there is a sports pit hack - . Much has been written about them on specialized websites.

With meals, everything is very simple. The more often the better. At least three full meals a day with high-calorie snacks between them.

High-calorie foods and supplements

If you don't have enough appetite, you will start looking for the most high-calorie food. There is a risk of descending into fast food. In fact, there are alternatives. Much more high in calories and very healthy.

High-calorie food is food with the maximum ratio of energy value and mass/volume. Such food takes up little space in the stomach and is easier to eat.

  • Nuts (almonds, walnuts, peanuts).
  • Dried fruits.
  • Fatty dairy products.
  • Vegetable oil (olive and avocado oil).
  • Cereals.
  • Fat meat.
  • Potato.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Avocado.
  • Peanut butter.

Unfortunately, the desire to maximize the caloric content of your diet will force you to limit yourself to vegetables, but in no case give them up completely.

When choosing fruits, try to pay attention to those that require less chewing.

A little more about food

  • Eating more is easier if you eat more often.
  • Don't drink before eating, leave room for food.
  • Are you thirsty? Try milk instead of water.
  • The larger the plate, the less food appears to be on it.
  • Coffee tastes better with cream.

Strength sports

Excess calories allow you to gain weight. The only question is where you want to see these kilograms. In the sides or in the muscles? If you like the latter, then welcome to the world of sports for skinny people.

Sport, no matter how you feel about it, is an equally important factor in the right way. Suffice it to say that sport greatly increases your appetite, and you really want to learn how to eat more.

First, we go to the doctor and make sure that there are no serious obstacles to playing sports. Nobody forces you to break records right away. Strength sports are measured progress.

You'll do fewer sets and reps, but with heavier weights.

Naturally, we must not forget about cardio, but in your case the emphasis will be on strength training. Focusing on cardio burns calories, and you don't want to waste extra energy.

If funds allow, then first it is better to contact a professional trainer. He will explain and show the basics, and over time you will begin to understand everything yourself.