What are wen under the skin. Extermination by folk remedies. Green and onion

As statistics show, lipoma is a very common ailment, and almost anyone can face it sooner or later. Lipoma, commonly referred to as a wen, is a benign tumor of adipose tissue, the causes of which are still unknown to official medicine.

A wen can form in any person, in any part of the body. And do not believe the myth widespread among the people that only people who are obese are susceptible to wen. This myth has nothing to do with reality. How to detect a wen if it suddenly appears? Very simple: this subcutaneous defect is very difficult to miss. And even if you do not notice it right away, after a while it will definitely make you pay attention to yourself.

Despite the fact that a wen at its initial stage (the first months after its occurrence) does not cause absolutely no pain in a person, it is usually noticed immediately - a certain seal forms under the skin, most often about 1-1.5 cm in diameter. When probing this place, a person feels a rather soft and plastic “ball” under his skin, which, when pressed, does not cause any pain.

Most people do not attach any importance when they first discover a wen. But in vain. Because the wen, although it is a benign tumor, does not threaten human health with anything particularly serious, nevertheless, if you continue to ignore it, it can soon cause a lot of inconvenience to a person.

The thing is that the wen tends to grow and is constantly increasing in size. This process is quite long. For example, a wen with a diameter of about 2 cm in about 6 months can grow to 3-4 cm. And in people who have run their wen for several years, they sometimes grow to monstrous sizes. It is enough to google a photo for the query “wen” or “lipoma” to understand that a wen the size of a tennis ball is still far from the largest size to which this tumor can grow.

Zhirovik not only disfigures the appearance of a person. Growing to an impressive size, it begins to compress all the tissues surrounding it. And then it all depends on the location of the wen. For example, if it was formed on a part of the body with an abundance of nerve endings, then already at a size of 3-4 cm it can cause very painful sensations, as it will compress the nerves located nearby. All this means one thing - despite all its harmlessness from the point of view of official medicine, it is by no means possible to start a lipoma. At least - it is capable of greatly disfigure a person outwardly. But most often, over time, it still has to be removed surgically, as it begins to bring torment to its owner. Therefore, it is most reasonable to get rid of it at the very initial stage: better sooner than later.

Official medicine offers only one way to get rid of the disease - surgery. To the question: “Is it possible somehow differently?” Most dermatologists unanimously respond sharply negatively. However, if the wen has a size of either up to 1 or up to 2 cm, dermatologists advise removing it with a special injection. A special medical solution is injected into the wen using a needle, which for some time is designed to dissolve the tumor. But such injections can be resorted to only at the very initial stage, when the tumor has just been detected and is small in size. Anything larger than 2 cm - doctors recommend either removing it surgically, or “leaving it and not paying attention” if the tumor does not cause pain. The last advice is rather strange to hear from dermatologists, who seem to be called upon to fight for human skin to always be healthy and beautiful, but as practice shows, they really advise this. And they add that it will always be possible to remove the wen, in which case, as soon as it starts to cause pain. Such is the strange logic.

And yet, if nature has rewarded you with a wen, and at the moment it has already reached medium size, in addition to surgical intervention, there is another effective and very effective way. On the Internet you can find many sites offering traditional methods of treatment, and there, of course, you can also find many recipes. But who knows who wrote everything there, where the information was taken from and whether it is worth trusting? In the same article, you will be offered one and only, but proven in practice and giving wonderful results, method.

Lipoma Removal with Egg Wrap

All you need is ordinary raw chicken eggs, which you can buy at any grocery store. From the egg, we will need only a thin shell film. And the method itself is very simple: we break the raw egg in half, carefully separate the thin film from the shell and simply glue it on the wen.

Many people doubt the effectiveness of this method (until they try it themselves) because they simply do not believe that "some kind of egg film can have healing properties." But all these people themselves can search for information on the same Internet, and find out that, for example, some pharmaceutical companies make creams and ointments based on egg shell film, designed to fight various diseases of the skin and joints. This only proves that the healing properties of the egg film are scientifically proven and there is no reason to doubt it.

So, in order for the wen to disappear, it is necessary to stick an egg film on it. How often should this be done? Experience shows that once a day is enough. Although some patients did this even less often - once every 2-3 days - and in about a month they managed to completely get rid of a wen about 4 cm in size.

Now for the subtleties. To make it easier for you to separate the film from the shell, try after you break the egg, wait 2-3 minutes. In this case, the inner surface of the egg dries out a little, and the film is separated from the shell much easier. It is not necessary to glue the film on the wen with the help of auxiliary means. If you carefully and tightly apply it to the skin, after about 10 minutes, when it dries and turns white, it will stick to the skin quite confidently and is unlikely to peel off. Although, for additional fixation, you can use a patch. Just before applying the patch, wait 3-4 minutes for the film to dry - the patch may not adhere to the wet film. The film must be glued, of course, with the inner (sticky) side to the skin.

How is the healing process

After the very first procedures, you will most likely feel a slight burning sensation in the area of ​​the wen. This is good, and means that the healing processes have already begun. After several procedures, the area around the wen will begin to swell, swelling will appear, and the skin in this place will turn red. Don't be afraid of it, that's how it should be. The egg film, as it were, pulls the wen closer to the surface of the skin and the substances that the skin has absorbed from the egg film begin to have an effect on the adipose tissue that makes up the tumor. Adipose tissue begins to burn quickly, and swelling and swelling of this area is a consequence of this process.

The disappearance of the tumor occurs very quickly: for example, a lipoma about 4 cm in size completely disappears in about 10 procedures. During treatment, it is also better to refuse fatty foods. This is explained simply: the adipose tissue of the wen burns out, while the liver is under load (the liver is responsible for cleaning the body of toxins that will be formed during the combustion of fat), and if you eat fatty foods or alcohol during treatment, this can create too strong stress on the liver. Therefore, it is better to refrain from using such things for the duration of treatment.

Getting rid of a large wen at home will not work. But you can try to remove a small neoplasm. Let's see how.

How to distinguish a wen from other types of neoplasms on the skin?

Before choosing one or another method of treatment, you need to make sure that this is a wen, and not something else. How to distinguish it?

  • Wen (aka lipoma) is formed in a closed capsule, consists of a homogeneous adipose tissue. This is expressed in a clear round shape of the formation and its dense to the touch structure.
  • A wen, unlike a dense subcutaneous pimple in the maturation stage, does not have a tip tapering upwards, its shape is even and round. There is no ripening center in the middle.
  • Touching the wen does not cause pain.

Here we will tell you exactly how to get rid of it at home.

First of all, seeing a wen, a person thinks that the easiest way to remove it is to squeeze it out. However, you should not do this - in place of the existing cone, a new one may appear.

Get rid of wen at home

So, you are convinced that the ball on the skin is, indeed, a wen. If it is very small, you can try to remove it yourself without going to the hospital.

Medical methods

Ointment Vishnevsky, "Asterisk" or ichthyol ointment

You can try to remove the wen with the help of a means proven for decades - Vishnevsky's ointment. It is applied to the skin in the form of a compress, which is changed every 9-10 hours. To completely eliminate the problem, a treatment lasting several days is required.
Please note: if Vishnevsky's ointment is not at hand, "Asterisk" and ichthyol ointment can be used in the same way.

Iodine can help to remove a wen, which is sure to be found at home for everyone. It must be mixed with vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio. The mixture is applied with a cotton swab to the body of the lipoma. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day daily until the wen disappears.

The easiest way to get rid of a wen is to systematically treat it with iodine

Hydrogen peroxide

You can try to remove the lipoma with another inexpensive pharmacy remedy - hydrogen peroxide. It can be used as a compress or applied to the bump several times a day.
Please note: in order for the wound to heal faster, lubricate it with Levomekol ointment or tetracycline ointment.

With Products


Some believe that garlic helps to get rid of the wen better. The slice is cut and superimposed with a cut on the skin, sealed with a plaster on top. If there is no discomfort, such a compress can be left overnight. However, for people with sensitive skin, this is unlikely to work.

Others believe that garlic works best in tandem with lard. 1 clove of garlic should be chopped in a blender with two teaspoons of lard. This mixture is applied to the skin daily until the bump on the skin disappears.


Bake a whole onion in the oven. Grate, add shavings of laundry soap, mix. Apply to the skin as a compress, leave overnight. Do the procedure every day in the morning and evening. Make a new mixture each time.

Note: there is an opinion that you can get rid of a wen by eating one head of onions daily.

Onions and garlic have helped many people get rid of a wen

fresh beets

The root crop is rubbed on a grater, gruel is applied to the wen, covered with polyethylene on top, and a patch is glued on top of it. They keep such a compress all night, in the morning they change it to a fresh one.

Vegetable oil

The oil is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1:1. Apply the mixture to the skin in the form of a compress, wrap something warm on top. You can put a warm towel, you can wrap this place with a scarf.

Raw egg film

You can try to cure a wen with a film from a raw chicken egg. The film is separated from the shell and glued to the wen. In principle, it should hold on its own, but for greater fixation, it can be glued to the skin with a plaster. The film is changed every day.

This treatment will be quite long. Reviews indicate that this will take about a month. The duration of treatment depends on the size of the wen. As the treatment in place of the wen, the skin may turn red and look swollen. You should not be afraid of this. This signals that the body of the lipoma is getting closer to the surface of the skin and will soon come out.

Note: separating the film from the shell can be problematic. To make the process easier, do not tear off the film immediately after cracking the egg. Wait a few minutes for the inside of the shell to dry. This will make the film come off much easier.

Salt + sour cream + honey

All components are taken in equal quantities. The mixture is applied to the wen for a quarter of an hour, then washed off with water. Lipoma with this treatment is not opened, but resolves.

Black pepper, cinnamon, honey, various ointments and even chestnut fruits - this is not a complete list of ingredients used to remove a wen at home.

Kefir + red clay + salt

The components are mixed in such proportions that a thick slurry is obtained. A cake is formed from it, which is applied to the lipoma, covered with a plastic bag and, to increase efficiency, wrapped on top with a warm towel or cloth. Repeat until the ween disappears.


To get rid of lipomas with the help of this spice, you need to eat one teaspoon of it daily.

Ground black pepper

Another spice that is used to remove the wen. This is black pepper. 1 teaspoon of spice is poured onto a cloth moistened with alcohol or vodka, and a compress is applied to the lipoma for 15 minutes. The procedure is done 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening. Reviews of those who have tried this treatment suggest that after 2 weeks the contents of the neoplasm will gradually come out in the form of white clots.

With indoor plants


Surely everyone has aloe at home. This medicinal plant can also help get rid of wen. Take a leaf of a plant and cut it along its entire length so that it opens like a book. Apply it with pulp on the skin, glue it with a plaster. Such a compress can be left all night - it will not bring any harm to the skin. Reviews of those who have tried this treatment on themselves say that the lipoma should come out after 4-5 days. A rod will appear on the skin - gently squeeze it out, after treating the skin with an antiseptic.

note: to make aloe juice more effective, you can put the torn off leaf of the plant in the refrigerator and hold it there for 3 days.

You can fight with a wen using aloe juice and pulp


In a similar way, you can use the leaves of Kalanchoe, which is called a living tree for its beneficial properties. Its leaves are glossy, therefore, in order to gain access to the pulp, you need to carefully remove the top film. You do not need to keep it in the refrigerator for several days. The duration of treatment is at least a week.

With other herbal remedies


You can use the juice of a fresh plant, or you can buy a ready-made remedy at a pharmacy - some believe that it is more effective. You can brew celandine as a tea. Whichever option you choose to prepare the plant for use, the treatment procedure is the same - a tissue soaked in a liquid is applied to the lipoma, thus a compress is obtained. It must be left on all night. The celandine will open the wound (as a rule, this happens on the 10th day of treatment), after which it will need to be treated with Vishnevsky's ointment so that everything superfluous comes out of it and it heals faster.

Golden mustache

The plant is crushed (the amount of raw materials is determined based on the size of the neoplasm) and applied as a compress for the night.

fresh nettle

The plant is crushed (you will need about 3 tablespoons of raw materials), poured with half a liter of vodka or alcohol, infused for 22 days. The resulting tincture is applied to the skin in the form of a compress.


If you find anywhere 5 chestnut fruits, you can make an effective mask from them. They are crushed, a tablespoon of honey and 3 crushed aloe leaves are added to them. The mass is applied to the wen, bandaged. You need to change the bandage twice a day.

This is what a lipoma looks like after opening. Neoplasms of this size should not be removed on their own - it is better to trust the medical staff so as not to introduce an infection into the body and prevent the development of complications

Pine pollen + honey

Pine pollen is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1:1. The mixture should be taken every day an hour after meals, 3-4 times a day. It is recommended to drink it with oregano, brewed in the form of herbal tea. Even if this method of treating a wen turns out to be ineffective and the lipoma will have to be eliminated by another method, such a procedure will have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and help strengthen the immune system, so it’s definitely worth a try.


A good effect is the use of fresh coltsfoot leaves. They can be applied to the lipoma as a compress (the bandage is changed 2-3 times a day) or used in the same way, after grinding.

Diet against wen

It is believed that the cause of the appearance of lipoma is excessive slagging of the body. Some admit that they managed to get rid of the wen by observing a strict fast. You can try to get rid of the bump by limiting the consumption of fatty, smoked and other junk food. It is recommended to exclude smoking, alcohol, excessive consumption of coffee, drink more water. Many have managed to eliminate the problem by starting to lead a healthy lifestyle, in which proper nutrition and exercise played an important role.

Many people believe that maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps fight wen

The most unusual ways to treat a wen

bee stings

The HLS magazine (Issue No. 18, 2010) provides data on how one man managed to get rid of a wen with the help of bee stings. First, a bee bit him in a lump that had been on his head for many years, quite by accident. He noticed that the tumor was getting smaller. Then he went to the beekeeper, and he planted two bees on the sore spot. After their bites, the wen disappeared.

Sheep's wool

There is evidence that compresses made of sheep's wool mixed with grated laundry soap helped some.

What not to do

Some believe that since the lipoma is not deep under the skin, you can try to pull it out with a disinfected needle from the syringe. You should not do this, because you will not be able to peel out the capsule in which the neoplasm has formed completely. At this point, it may reappear. In addition, it is so easy to provoke the development of complications, and the new wen can be much larger.

At home, you can not remove wen and any other neoplasms located near the eyes

For the same reasons, you should not squeeze out the wen. Remember that although this is a benign neoplasm, it can still acquire a malignant nature, and its traumatization is the main risk factor.

Also, do not remove the wen at home, which is located on the face, especially in the area around the eyes and on the eyelid itself. This can lead to serious problems, including loss of vision.

It is quite possible to get rid of a wen, and many people prefer to do it at home using various means. In the course are alcohol pharmaceutical tinctures, ointments, herbal remedies, spices, alcohol and much more. In some cases, this treatment helps, in others it does not. The characteristics of the body are individual, so it is impossible to say whether this or that method of treatment will help you. You can try, but be careful not to hurt yourself. Remember that you should not take risks if the wen is on the skin around the eyes. This is fraught with vision problems. It is also very important to carry out treatment under sterile conditions and not to bring any infection into the opened wound.

Subcutaneous wen, or lipomas, are by far one of the most common problems. They can appear on any part of the skin where there is adipose tissue. Statistics show that in men, lipomas are most often formed on the face, while women find similar neoplasms on the body.

What is a lipoma?

Subcutaneous wen are small neoplasms, mobile and soft to the touch. A similar structure occurs as a result of the growth of adipose tissue. In most cases, their diameter does not exceed 1.5 cm. It is worth noting that most often wen are an aesthetic problem. So, subcutaneous wen on the face can hardly be considered an adornment of appearance and often become a source of various psychological complexes. At the same time, they often do not pose a health hazard.

Subcutaneous wen and their causes

In fact, the causes of the formation of lipomas are not yet fully understood. Some scientists tend to believe that a wen develops at the site of a clogged sebaceous gland: over time, a large amount of secretion begins to accumulate in it, and its pathological growth is observed. There is a theory that lipomas are the result of accumulation of toxins in the body.

When is it necessary to remove subcutaneous wen?

As already mentioned, a lipoma is more of an aesthetic problem, so removal is not always required. But many people go to the doctor with a request for treatment. Often you can see wen on the chin, neck or arms. These neoplasms interfere with patients. There are some medical indications for the removal of lipomas. Sometimes there is a rapid growth of the neoplasm, as a result of which it begins to put pressure on nearby organs, pinch blood vessels and nerve endings. In such cases, an operation to remove is simply necessary.

Is it possible to remove subcutaneous wen on my own?

Many patients try to get rid of lipomas on their own, using traditional medicine methods and improvised means. But it is worthwhile to understand that such self-medication is fraught with dangerous consequences:

  • The wen is enclosed in a dense capsule, which is simply impossible to remove on its own. The patient can only get rid of the internal contents of the lipoma, but another one will quickly appear in place of the extruded lipoma. Often, after inaccurate and inept removal, the neoplasm grows, which only aggravates the situation.
  • Damaged skin tissues become a gateway for infection, so a common complication after self-removal of a wen is an inflammatory skin disease.
  • Quite often, patients mistake other, more dangerous neoplasms for a wen, which in no case can be squeezed out. And it is almost impossible to make a correct diagnosis without tests and studies, so it is hardly possible to do without the help of a doctor.

Subcutaneous wen: treatment

The only effective method of treatment is the complete removal of the lipoma along with the capsule. Most often, such a procedure is performed under anesthesia: the surgeon cuts out the neoplasm using standard tools. Unfortunately, if the lipoma is large, then a scar may remain in its place. Today, methods of radio wave and laser therapy are becoming more and more popular, which allow you to quickly remove the wen without leaving marks on the skin.

This type of neoplasm under the skin of a person is popularly called a wen.

In medical terminology, this is. The word form is formed from a combination of the Greek roots "lipos" and "oma", which can literally be translated as a fatty tumor. More precisely, a tumor of adipose tissue.

You should not be afraid - the wen has nothing to do with cancerous tumors and is a benign neoplasm.

Sometimes, and in recent years, not so rare, a person suddenly finds a small seal under his skin. Soft to the touch, it has certain boundaries and is able to move slightly if you press on it with your finger. According to tactile sensations, this anomaly is a small pea, the size of which increases with time.

In part, a wen is similar to an inflamed lymph node, but only outwardly. The remaining symptoms indicate the absolute difference between these two concepts.:

  • The appearance of a wen for quite a long time can go unnoticed, since its existence is not associated with fever or the presence of pain.
  • Lipoma, even when pressed, does not cause pain.
  • It can be located in any part of the body - from to the limbs, and only where adipose tissue is present. It is not uncommon for them to appear even in the abdominal cavity.

The only trouble that a lipoma delivers is its appearance. Or rather, swelling on the surface of the body, which looks unattractive. Especially if it is not possible to hide the ever-increasing seal under clothing.

What causes the formation of wen

The food of the 21st century leaves much to be desired. It contains many ingredients of non-biological origin, the presence of which disrupts the normal cleansing of the body in the course of its life.

In addition, a sedentary lifestyle, non-observance of the daily regimen leads to a decrease in the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, which chronically does not have time to remove decay products and they are absorbed by the body along the nooks and crannies of the body, including its peripheral zone, which is subcutaneous adipose tissue. It is here that the so-called "slags" are stored, an excess of which, ultimately, can block the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

What are dangerous wen

Zhirovik, as noted earlier, is a benign neoplasm. However, there is a (though small) chance of its mutation. This happens when an old internal wen is encapsulated and, inaccessible to protective antibodies, becomes a breeding ground for the development of pathogenic microflora.

It is also dangerous in the case of radical self-treatment: in no case should you squeeze or pierce a lipoma at home, as this can lead to infection. In addition, gross intervention in the structure of adipose tissue can cause its abnormal growth.

How to get rid of the wen that appeared on the body on your own?

You can try to remove a small fat seal using long-known and absolutely safe folk remedies, the action of which is aimed at increasing blood circulation in the area of ​​​​localization of the lipoma.

  • Often a compress is used from a freshly picked leaf of fragrant callisia. It is applied to the tumor and tightly bandaged for 10-12 hours (for a greater effect, the sheet is covered with plastic wrap). What is this plant? It is known to everyone as the Golden Us.
  • Enhance blood circulation and gruel of garlic, thoroughly pounded with a few drops of vegetable oil. This composition must be rubbed daily into the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body.
  • If a dense compress from films of raw chicken eggs is applied to a wen, then after a while the skin under it will turn red and become swollen. This indicates blood flow to the affected area. Then the compress is removed and the tissues are given time to recover. Continue treatment procedures only after the removal of puffiness and restoration of the natural color of the skin.
  • On an open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, devoid of intense hairline, a more radical method can also be used: drop a drop of fresh juice from a plant called . It is poisonous and its effect on the skin will cause ulceration, that is, the appearance of a hole in the wen. After that, you can use any available means to remove the contents of the seal. It can be a compress from the well-known to everyone, from a baked onion, from a freshly picked leaf or from plantain leaves, pounded to a mushy state.
  • To increase the body's resistance during treatment, it is necessary to eat from 0.5 to 1.5 large spoons of cinnamon powder. This is a well-known spice that can be taken with food: hot milk with cinnamon, coffee with cinnamon, cinnamon can be added to cereals and soups.

If the taste of food in the presence of cinnamon does not cause pleasant sensations, then it can simply be taken before meals and washed down with plenty of water.

Surgical methods for removing wen

Sufficiently large ones are no longer amenable to treatment with folk remedies, and to get rid of them, one has to resort to surgical removal.

  1. Removal by injecting a special solution inside, leading to the resorption of the accumulated contents. This method is good in that it does not leave, but it is only suitable when the dimensions of the seal do not exceed a couple of centimeters.
  2. For wen, the size of which exceeds 3 cm, surgical removal is used. This type of treatment is performed under anesthesia and leaves behind unattractive scars on the surface of the skin.
  3. The most advanced method of treating lipomas in a clinical setting is laser surgery. Carried out under local anesthesia, it does not require a lot of time to heal and does not leave behind noticeable skin defects.

Wen is a neoplasm of a benign genus. The medical name is lipoma. Placed under the skin, large tumors appear as a bulge, small ones appear as granular white dots. Lipoma creates not only an ugly appearance. It can create discomfort from contact with clothing, internal ones - cut into muscles, interfere with movement, make it painful, affect bone tissue and nerve channels. How to get rid of a wen at home, folk methods, further in our article.

As it is easy to understand from the name, a tumor is formed from fat. Fat cells are collected in a sheath of connective tissue. Fat in it is combined into lobules, which are separated from each other by the stroma. The consistency of fatty tumor formation depends on the amount of stroma. They may be without a shell, such are less common. Education is different in structure and size. The wen is mobile, when fingered, it moves in different directions.

Types of wen

Depending on the location and structure of education, there are:

  • subcutaneous - appear due to blockage of the sebaceous canal;
  • myolipomas - composed of muscle fibers;
  • angiolipomas - pass through the blood vessels;
  • adenolipomas - the composition includes yellow cells;
  • ossilified ones include bone fibers;
  • perineural - located near the nerve canals, others.

Expert opinion

Alexander Vitalievich

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Wen can also be placed on the internal organs - the liver, kidneys, uterus and others.

Reasons for the appearance

There is no single opinion on this matter. There is an opinion that this is a genetic predisposition, that is, it is inherited. Another opinion is based on the fact that the disease can be caused by a number of circumstances:

  • malfunction of the endocrine system;
  • violations of the functioning of the liver and thyroid gland;
  • acute form of diabetes;
  • unbalanced nutrition - the presence of fatty, artificial food in the menu;
  • bad habits - alcohol, smoking.

Removing wen at home

You can get rid of lipoma in an operative way, with the help of ointments, balms, folk methods. Not all tumors can be removed on their own. You should not do this if the fatty tumor is located on the mucous membrane, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, in the armpits. Injury to these areas can lead to serious health complications.

Use of balms, creams

To remove small formations, Vitaon is prescribed in the form of a balm or ointment. It is created on a natural basis - an extract of medicinal herbs. Safe during pregnancy and for children.

Folk recipes

The action of the recipes is directed:

  • on burning fat by increasing blood circulation in the formation zone;
  • pulling fat from the capsule to the surface;
  • mechanical removal.

The most popular and effective methods

  • a compress from Golden Us sheets relieves a wen on the back, arm, leg. It is applied at night until complete cure;
  • a mixture of chopped garlic with a few drops of vegetable oil will help increase blood circulation. Apply at night until the lipoma completely disappears;
  • the film from a raw egg draws the fat to the surface. At some stage, the place will turn red from the influx of blood. This is considered normal;
  • burning lipomas with celandine juice. After that, it is necessary to apply a compress from aloe, plantain, Vishnevsky ointment to draw out the remaining fat. Disinfect the wound, seal with a plaster.

Mechanical home removal

A thin, sterile needle is used. Hands, operating area must be wiped with alcohol or vodka. A small puncture is made in the tumor, the sheath with fat clings to the needle and is pulled out. The wound is wiped with alcohol, sealed with a plaster. This is a delicate work, it is impossible to do it on your own, someone's help is needed. It is important to pull out the wen with the shell.

Expert opinion

Alexander Vitalievich

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It is better to consult a doctor - self-medication is a big mistake!

Consequences of home treatment

You can only remove young, small wen on your own.

What is the danger of home treatment?

  • trauma leads to blood poisoning, abscesses, malignant tumors;
  • in the case of compresses, the fat goes away, but the capsule remains. After a while, a relapse is possible at the same place;
  • with mechanical home removal, it is quite difficult to pull out the capsule on your own. Its remaining particles can cause inflammation and abscess;
  • after self-intervention, wen often grow in size, increase in number.

Expert opinion

Alexander Vitalievich

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