How to reduce menstruation. How to reduce menstruation - simple ways to solve complex problems. Nutrition and exercise

Menstruation causes women considerable discomfort and pain, accompanied by mood swings and overeating. Sometimes “critical days” come at the wrong time, before an important event. There are several ways you can reduce the frequency of your periods and their duration.

Menstruation brings serious discomfort to women

Cause of heavy and prolonged periods

If a woman is bothered by heavy discharge that does not stop for a long time, then she should consult a doctor to identify the cause and undergo treatment. This behavior of the body can be caused by various health problems: diseases, tumors, lack of iron, reduced production of thyroid hormones.

If there are no health problems, but for some reason you need to reduce discharge, you can use folk remedies and contraceptives, play sports, go on a diet, and more.

Herbal decoction

Decoctions of many herbs help contract the muscles of the uterus. Each of them has its own contraindications for use. Their use will help reduce the number of days of menstruation and reduce discharge. These herbs include:

  • fennel;
  • nettle;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • burnet;
  • chamomile;
  • barberry;
  • valerian;
  • wild blackberry;
  • raspberry leaves, mint;
  • yarrow.

To prepare a nettle decoction, brew 5 tablespoons of its dry leaves and pour half a liter of boiling water. Then keep it on low heat for 20 minutes, no need to boil the water. After the decoction has infused and cooled, take 3 tablespoons 4-5 times a day. They start drinking from the first days of menstruation.

To prepare an infusion of shepherd's purse, pour 20 grams of this herb into a glass of hot boiled water, leave for 5 minutes and drink 200 milliliters per day. You should consume it a few days before the start of your period and stop drinking it after the discharge ends.

Mix mint and raspberry leaves in equal proportions. They are poured with boiling water in an amount of 250 milliliters. After the decoction has infused, drink it like tea.

Pharmacies sell tincture of water pepper. You need to drink it three times a day, 15 drops. Reception begins three days before the start of menstruation.

A good remedy is an infusion of corn silk. One tablespoon of them is poured into a glass of boiling water, one tablespoon is taken 5-6 times a day every 2-3 hours.

Chamomile tea can help shorten your periods


Vitamins C and E strengthen blood vessels and vaginal walls, reducing pain and helping to shorten the duration of discharge. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits. One of the recipes involves drinking lemon juice. It is necessary to take a glass of fresh lemon juice and dilute it with boiled water in a ratio of three to seven. On the third day of discharge, drink it a glass a day, divided into several doses.

Vitamin E increases blood flow in the uterus, making the walls of blood vessels more elastic, and menstruation ends faster. You need to take vitamins a couple of weeks before your period starts.

You should start taking vitamin E 14 days before your period starts.


Dieting is a method that helps reduce the duration of “critical days.” Meat is excluded from the diet, consumption of flour and sweets is reduced, and the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables is increased.

Tasty and harmless products such as hematogen and pomegranate juice contain hemoglobin. Increasing its level in the blood contributes to the rapid completion of menstruation.

It is necessary to enrich the diet with foods containing iron. This useful element increases hemoglobin, helps reduce “critical days” and is found in the following products:

  • beans;
  • cocoa;
  • chocolate;
  • buckwheat;
  • liver;
  • mushrooms;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • beef;
  • mutton;
  • greenery;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • spinach;
  • lentils;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • Rye bread.

Cocoa contains hemoglobin, which allows you to shorten your period.

Sports loads

In the first days of discharge, it is not recommended to engage in active physical activity. On other days, the following activities are allowed:

  • yoga;
  • fitness;
  • stretching;
  • gymnastics;
  • Pilates;
  • bodyflex.

Exercises have a positive effect on the course of menstruation: pain and duration are reduced. Stretching will help reduce the duration of discharge. It will relieve discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Yoga is great for women


Some drugs stop bleeding, normalize the cycle, and help reduce the number of periods. Oral contraceptives with a contraceptive effect allow you to manage your menstrual cycle. You should not take medications without a doctor's prescription. This can cause negative consequences such as hormonal imbalance and blood clots.

During “critical days” it is not advisable to take vasodilating medications so as not to increase bleeding.

Sexual intercourse

Sex has been scientifically proven to help your periods go faster. This should be a sufficiently long sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives. And having sex more than 2 times a week will also help reduce bleeding days.

Other methods

Sometimes an ordinary cold heating pad is applied to the lower abdomen and held for no more than 15 minutes. To reduce discharge, you can use highly absorbent tampons. But this method will only help in the last days of menstruation.

Correct cycle

Female representatives do not always have a constant cycle. Its duration should be 28 days, and the period itself should last 4-5 days. Disruptions in the duration of the menstrual cycle can occur for various reasons. If your cycle is much longer or shorter, and your periods are heavy and painful, you should be examined by a gynecologist.

After all, normal regular discharge is an important condition for the possibility of fertilization, and disturbances in their cycle can cause anemia.

Using methods to reduce menstruation can cause disruption of the menstrual cycle and sometimes disrupt hormonal levels. Gynecologists do not recommend experimenting with the female body. Every way to shorten “critical days” is an emergency that should not be carried away.

Many women suffer from heavy menstruation, which is accompanied by deterioration in health. This condition is dangerous for the health and life of the patient, so it is important to determine the cause of its occurrence in time. Normally, menstruation lasts 3-5 days. The amount of blood should not exceed 100 ml; any deviations from this figure indicate a serious pathology. A woman needs to see a gynecologist who will tell you how to reduce heavy periods and improve overall well-being.

What is considered abundance?

It is the rejection of the endometrium along with blood in the absence of fertilization. The normal volume of menstruation is 60-70 ml for the entire period. In the first days, the discharge is intense, then its quantity decreases. Often during this period, women feel slight discomfort and pain in the ovarian area.

If the volume of discharge exceeds 70 ml, the patient suffers from iron deficiency. This is accompanied by hair loss.

The following signs indicate a problem:

  1. The duration of regulation exceeds 7 days.
  2. There is a need to change the gasket every hour or more often.
  3. Severe pain in the ovarian area.
  4. Decreased hemoglobin levels.
  5. Excessive fatigue.

With uterine fibroids and similar diseases, sexual intercourse causes serious blood loss these days. If the amount of blood released exceeds 150 ml, you should urgently see a doctor.

Why does abundance occur?

To determine it is necessary to go through a lot of research. Most often, ultrasound, blood donation, and smears from the cervix and urethra are prescribed. After receiving the results, the gynecologist makes a diagnosis and selects the correct treatment.

The main factors for severe menstrual blood loss:

There are also additional reasons for heavy menstruation:

  1. Sexual infection.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Malignant formations.
  4. Poor blood clotting.
  5. Operations performed on the reproductive organs, such as curettage, etc.
  6. Emotional shock.
  7. Incorrectly installed intrauterine device.
  8. Excessive physical activity.
  9. Inflammatory processes.

It is impossible to independently determine the cause of heavy periods, as well as prescribe adequate treatment. Some pathologies require urgent therapy, selected individually by the doctor.

What could be the danger?

Large blood losses are very dangerous not only for the health, but also for the life of the patient. Lack of treatment leads to anemia and progression of serious diseases. A decrease in hemoglobin levels leads to a deterioration in well-being and quality of life. Self-administration of various drugs threatens the development of inflammation, blood clots and other complications.

How to reduce bleeding

There are many treatment methods for menorrhagia. Therapy is prescribed only after a thorough examination and identification of the cause of the abundant regulation. Most often, you can cope with the problem using. Often, in addition to the main treatment, the patient is prescribed the use of traditional methods of reducing blood loss; let’s look at the most effective of them.

First of all, the patient must adhere to some rules. Taking care of the health of the reproductive system is the responsibility of every woman. With abundant regulations, the following measures can be taken:

  • It is recommended to drink water frequently to avoid dehydration;
  • You should not carry heavy objects and overload yourself with physical work;
  • It is necessary to refrain from visiting the sauna, bathhouse, smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • It is advisable to eat more food containing vitamins A, B, C;
  • You should not consume a lot of sweets, fatty foods, tea and coffee.


Emergency measures to stop bleeding include curettage, but this can be avoided by taking special medications. For mild disorders, tablets are prescribed:

If the symptoms are too severe, give an injection or. To regulate water balance, heart function and other processes, you can drink potassium. Potassium supplements are often taken constantly, since many women’s bodies lack nutrients.

You can reduce the amount of discharge using contraceptives, the most popular include:

  • Jess Plus;
  • Rigevidon;
  • Yarina;
  • Novinet;
  • Janine;
  • Logest;
  • Non-Ovlon.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce the heaviness of menstruation by 30%.

Most often, women take Ibuprofen, which additionally relieves pain. It is not advisable to use such medications for people with stomach diseases.

In addition to basic treatment, folk recipes help cope with heavy menstruation. They are used after consultation with a gynecologist.

Folk remedies

Infusions, teas and decoctions are often prepared at home. The only disadvantage of this therapy is the long wait for the effect. The most effective recipes include:

  1. – the leaves of the plant increase the tone of the uterus, improve blood clotting, and help with heavy menstruation. Dried raw materials (1 tsp) are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for a couple of hours. The decoction is divided into 2 equal parts and taken at intervals of 5-6 hours.
  2. – accelerates blood clotting, heals wounds. 1 tbsp. l pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Before breakfast, drink 3 tablespoons of the resulting drink.
  3. Shepherd's purse tea is a medicinal drink that improves overall well-being and reduces the amount of blood secreted. To prepare, take 100 g of raw materials and pour 0.5 boiling water. Leave the infusion for half an hour, filter and drink 100 mg 3 times a day.
  4. A decoction based on cinnamon - a spice that can eliminate even severe bleeding. The medicine is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp of powder is poured with warm water and drunk every 30 minutes.
  5. Viburnum bark or fruits - buy raw materials at the pharmacy, take 2 tbsp and pour boiling water (400 mg). The drink is infused for 3 hours and taken 2 times a day, 200 ml after meals. Berries (2 tbsp) pour 0.5 boiling water, leave for 1 hour, drink 1/2 cup three times a day.
  6. Corn silk tincture - pour 3 tbsp of dry herb into 1 liter of boiling water, leave in the refrigerator for a couple of days and take 1 tbsp before meals.
  7. A decoction of orange peel will help stop bleeding - you need to take 2 oranges, pour boiling water over them, and soak for 8-10 minutes. in cold water, remove the peel, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 25 minutes. on low heat. In 5 min. until ready, add 1 stick of cloves and cinnamon. The resulting drink should be consumed every other day.
  8. A decoction of yarrow and peppermint - take 2 teaspoons of knotweed and 1 teaspoon of yarrow, pour in 0.5 boiling water, leave for 3 hours, strain, divide into 3 parts. Drink the decoction 3 times a day before meals.
  9. An infusion based on mint and raspberries - 1 tablespoon of leaves, pour 0.5 boiling water, leave for about 60 minutes, put in the refrigerator, take 1 spoon three times a day before menstruation.

There are many traditional methods for reducing bleeding; your doctor will tell you which one is more effective. Frequent or improper use of decoctions and infusions can cause uterine bleeding, requiring urgent hospitalization.

The onset of critical days occurs according to the rhythm set by nature. For every girl or woman, the menstrual cycle is individual and constant. But sometimes it fails, and menstruation does not stop longer than usual or becomes more abundant. In such situations, you can try to reduce menstruation at home. The question of how to reduce heavy periods arises for other reasons. Therefore, it is worth considering it in detail.

In what ways is it possible to reduce

To stabilize the course of menstruation, it is advisable to turn to traditional medicine. After all, cycle disruption can be associated with serious diseases. Therefore, you should consider treating heavy menstruation under the supervision of a specialist.

The process of menstruation is a way of cleansing the female body, created by nature itself. Oppressing him is very harmful and dangerous. But women have long been looking for ways, without the help of doctors, at home. Many recognized traditional medicine recipes are in demand to this day.

Menstrual flow depends on many reasons. They are affected by blood clotting, permeability and fragility of blood vessels, hormonal levels, the state of the nervous system, the presence of endocrine abnormalities, resistance to infections and much more. Therefore, all methods of reducing the abundance of discharge affect each of these causes, together or separately.


One of the simplest solutions to the problem of how to reduce bleeding is to use medications. Medicines differ in the speed at which they achieve their effect and the range of their effects.

  1. To cope with heavy discharge during menstrual periods, you need to strengthen the body and adjust hormonal levels. Such events are carried out over a long period of time, in courses. Their effect becomes noticeable only after at least 1-2 months.

Hormonal levels are regulated by oral contraceptives (Rigevidon, Novinet, Jess) and the drug Duphaston, which retains the endometrium. Such medications are prescribed strictly by a specialist.

Strengthening therapy involves the use of vitamin complexes with a high content of B vitamins and calcium supplements. In this case, an additional advantage will be improved appearance and strengthening of the nervous system.

  1. Methods that reduce heavy discharge during menstruation include regulation of metabolism and effects on the endocrine and nervous systems.

Read also 🗓 Why do you have heavy periods?

Diseases of the endocrine system have a direct impact on the course of menstruation. It's a complex relationship. It is known that with diabetes, the cycle can change abruptly, and with hypothyroidism, periods become more abundant. Any vascular diseases, for example, vegetative-vascular dystonia, negatively affect the course of critical days. Insomnia and depression can lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle. To normalize the discharge, it is necessary to treat all of these pathologies.

  1. A rapid reduction in the amount of discharge during heavy menstruation is achieved by preparing the body for critical days and mobilizing its protective systems.

3-4 days before the onset of menstruation you must:

  • establish smooth work Gastrointestinal tract;
  • start taking medications that strengthen blood vessels and reduce their fragility;
  • start taking additional vitamins and medications that strengthen the immune system, participate in protein metabolism and hematopoiesis, and regulate blood viscosity.

Such medicines include:

  • vitamin C: both alone and in combination with vitamin E;
  • folic acid and iron supplements;
  • glutamic acid;
  • methionine, lecithin, vitamins B1 and B12;
  • calcium gluconate or calcium chloride;
  • rutin (vitamin P) preparations, for example, Ascorutin tablets;
  • Dicynone or Vikasol in tablet form.
  1. In emergency cases, use hemostatic drugs, including Tranexam tablets, tincture of water pepper. With intravenous administration of Dicynon, Tranexam or Etamsylate, a decrease in secretions occurs within a couple of tens of minutes.
  2. Before menstruation, it is advisable, after consulting with a doctor, to reduce blood loss, to cancel previously prescribed vasodilator drugs.


New observations in constantly changing living conditions are being collected bit by bit. They add to the list of folk tips and recipes for preparing infusions that help cope with heavy periods. Time-tested recommendations do not go unnoticed and are used by modern women at home.

Most folk remedies that reduce blood loss are infusions, teas or decoctions of medicinal plants.

  1. Nettle helps to significantly reduce blood loss. To prepare the infusion, take 20 grams of dry leaves of stinging nettle per glass of boiling water. Take 50 milliliters every 3 hours until the effect occurs.
  2. Mix 20-25 grams of dry yarrow herb, shepherd's purse and cinquefoil rhizomes. Add 10 grams of oak bark. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over everything. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. Without letting it boil, remove from heat. After 40 minutes, you can drink the decoction 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals twice a day. Reduces menstruation.
  3. Bring a tablespoon of peppermint in a glass of boiling water to a boil and remove from heat. Divide the portion into 3 parts, drink 20-30 minutes before meals three times a day. Stops bleeding. Snakeweed works in a similar way. The same recipe is used for corn silk.
  4. Lilac seeds (1 tsp), pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Next, boil the broth over low heat for no more than 10 minutes. and the duration of menstruation, due to increased vascular tone. An alcohol tincture of lilac and propolis flowers is used in the same way.
  5. Infuse berries and barberry leaves in alcohol or vodka for 14 days. The tincture has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, increases hemoglobin, and reduces diarrhea.
  6. Viburnum bark and berries normalize. Decoctions are prepared from them. The berries are also consumed dried and added to tea.
  7. Cherry branches in the form of a decoction reduce inflammation, tone blood vessels, supply the body with vitamins, and improve hematopoiesis due to the high content of folic acid.
  8. Taking decoctions of wormwood, tansy, sage or hops 4-5 days before the start of the critical days stabilizes the menstrual cycle, helps regularly cleanse the body, and protects against abrupt changes in menstruation. Sage and hops contain phytoestrogens that help regulate the course of menstrual periods.
  9. Taking clover infusion before critical days reduces inflammation of the appendages, headaches, cleanses the blood, and normalizes menstrual flow.
  10. Decoctions of mint, raspberry leaves, and willow bark are beneficial for the nervous system. Their tinctures reduce discharge during menstruation.

Almost every girl is taught from childhood that painful and heavy periods are a completely normal occurrence.

However, as it turned out, in 90% of all cases, heavy menstruation is a consequence of various gynecological diseases that affect both the general well-being of a woman and her reproductive system.

Experts often compare heavy periods (menorrhagia) with uterine bleeding, which occurs as a result of changes in hormonal levels, the development of inflammatory processes and all kinds of blood diseases.

In this case, it is not always effective to take medications, so many people turn to folk remedies for help with heavy periods.

Typically, menstruation in a healthy woman does not last more than 7 days, and the daily volume of bleeding should not exceed 80 ml. If one of these indicators deviates from the norm, there is reason to believe that the woman has heavy periods.

To solve this problem, you should contact a gynecologist who will examine the woman and prescribe the use of hemostatic agents.


There can be many reasons for heavy bleeding during menstruation. It can be:

However, the most common stimulating factors for the development of menorrhagia are inflammation in the endometrium or myometrium, hormonal imbalance, the development of fibroids, fibroids that appear in the submucosa.

In order to understand the true cause of heavy periods and what to do in this regard, you will need a comprehensive analysis of microflora smears and an examination by a gynecologist.

Only after acquiring all the necessary data will it be possible to determine the main reason for the development of severe bleeding during the period of critical days.

Heavy bleeding may also indicate uterine bleeding, therefore, in order to distinguish it from normal menstruation, you need to know the symptoms accompanying this pathology.

Characteristic signs of uterine bleeding are:

  • not the darkish-brown color of the blood (as it should be during normal menstruation), but bright red;
  • the blood flows in a stream or comes out in large drops, there are practically no clots;
  • Pads or tampons must be changed every few hours or more often;
  • bleeding did not start according to the menstrual schedule;
  • loss of more than 80 ml of blood per day.


Each woman can roughly estimate how much blood she loses every month during her menstrual period. On average, this figure is 150 ml, that is, about 20-30 ml per day.

In the case of heavy menstruation, the amount of blood lost increases significantly, and blood clots often appear, which some women compare to pieces of liver. Both all days of the menstrual cycle and 3-5 of them can become heavy.

If a woman regularly suffers from heavy periods, the body is often unable to keep up with the volume of lost blood, so anemia often occurs, the symptoms of which vary depending on the degree of its development.

Anemia can be determined by the following signs:

  • pale skin;
  • general weakness, lethargy, increased fatigue;
  • shortness of breath with little physical exertion and even when walking;
  • frequent dizziness.

In most cases, an increase in the level of hemoglobin in the blood leads to the disappearance of alarming symptoms.

If a woman is faced with this problem, she should not despair, because there are a huge number of ways that will soon help reduce the amount of lost blood.

Such methods can be used even before consulting a doctor, a visit to whom is simply inevitable. So, how to stop heavy periods at home?

There are a number of simple rules for quickly stopping bleeding:

Heavy periods in most cases are accompanied by painful sensations. What to drink to make your periods painless with little blood loss?

During heavy periods, hemostatic herbs, decoctions and tinctures based on them can not only stop excessive bleeding, but also provide an analgesic effect.

The main advantage of traditional medicine is that such natural gifts do not mask an existing disease, but eliminate the root cause of its development. How to recover using proven folk methods?

To do this, you will need to select, with the help of a specialist, a traditional medicine recipe for heavy periods that will relieve inflammation, swelling and stop bleeding.

In order for herbal infusions to have the expected beneficial effect, they should be consumed at least 5 days before the start of menstruation.

Treatment of heavy bleeding with folk remedies should be carried out in courses lasting up to 2 months, with short breaks during the menstrual cycle.

If a woman of reproductive age or during menopause suffers from very heavy periods with large clots, what should she do in this case?

Method 1. For heavy periods, take the following herbs in equal parts (1 tablespoon): mistletoe, knotweed, shepherd's purse, valerian root. Then fill them with half a liter of boiling water.

The mixture should be infused for 15 minutes, and then add 1 liter of clean water to it and bring the composition to a boil. Strain the healing broth thoroughly using a gauze cloth and cool to room temperature.

Drink half a glass of herbal tea twice a day. This remedy helps relieve PMS and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the uterus.

Method 2. Shepherd's purse, yarrow, cinquefoil root (take 25 grams of all herbs), oak bark (10 grams). Mix, add boiling water and bring to a boil.

Take 1 tablespoon of the medicinal decoction on an empty stomach twice a day..

What effect does this product have? Thanks to yarrow, the infusion acts as an anesthetic and hemostatic agent.

Method 3. To prepare this medicine, you will need 1 tablespoon of peppermint, pour 250 ml of boiling water and bring the liquid to a boil again.

This medicinal infusion should be used before meals 3 times a day.. This drug has pronounced hemostatic properties (can stop bleeding).

Method 4. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of common lilac seeds. The broth should be infused for 15 minutes, and after this time it is necessary to put the mixture back on low heat and cook for 5 minutes.

You should drink the decoction in the morning on an empty stomach, 2 tablespoons.

Method 5. This remedy for the treatment of heavy periods is prepared from stinging nettle. To do this, take 20 grams of dry herb and pour a glass of boiling water over it.

It is recommended to take 50 ml of medicinal decoction every 3 hours. Nettle is known for its antibacterial properties; it perfectly relieves inflammation, can stop bleeding and fight infection.

Method 6. Take 100 grams of viburnum bark and fill it with 200 ml of water, but before that it should be crushed using a mortar or coffee grinder. The broth should be simmered in a shallow bowl for at least half an hour over low heat.

You need to consume the finished product 2 tablespoons every 3-4 hours. A decoction of viburnum bark effectively relieves pain and even helps get rid of diarrhea.

Method 7. Prepare an alcoholic tincture of centaury. To do this, pour half a glass of vodka into 20 grams of dry plant, tightly closing the container with the infusion with a lid. Leave the mixture in a dark, warm place for at least 2 weeks.

After this time, you can use this infusion twice a day, 20 drops before meals.

Method 8. This folk remedy can have a hemostatic effect, relieve pain and relieve inflammation in the pelvic organs.

To do this, take one puffball mushroom, boil it in salted water and eat it on an empty stomach.

Method 9. Take a pinch of oregano (2-5 grams) and brew it with a glass of boiling water. For the highest healing effect, oregano can be added to your favorite black or green tea.

It can be used at any time of the monthly cycle; the herb is also suitable for daily use. Oregano decoction strengthens and cleanses blood vessels, removes harmful toxins from the body, and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, oregano infusion helps improve digestion and relieve diarrhea.

Method 10. As often as possible, add a pinch of ground cinnamon to your favorite tea and drink this delicious drink several times a day.

What are the benefits of cinnamon for women's health? The crushed bark of this tree can not only help with severe bleeding, but also contribute to significant weight loss.

Method 11. Prepare a decoction of plantain. To do this, pour 15 grams of dry grass with 1 glass of boiling water. It is recommended to consume the finished infusion 1-2 tablespoons every 2-3 hours during the day.

Plantain juice also has an excellent effect, which should be consumed 10 ml before meals.

Method 12. Tincture of berries and barberry leaves. Pour 50 grams of herbal mixture with half a glass of alcohol or vodka, tightly close the container with a lid and leave for up to 14 days in a warm place.

Barberry tincture increases hemoglobin (suitable for treating anemia), relieves pain, and stops heavy bleeding. It is recommended to take 30 drops of the tincture before eating.

Then the broth should be diluted with a glass of water and left for 30 minutes. After this time, the drug is used before meals, 1/5 cup.

What effect does this method of therapy have? Water pepper relieves PMS, can restore blood circulation, and increase hemoglobin. In addition, the decoction has analgesic properties.

Method 14. Prepare a mixture of six quail or chicken eggs with citric acid (0.5 tsp). Drink the solution raw during your period.

Method 15. Tincture of galangal (erect cinquefoil) promotes contraction of the uterus during menstruation, thereby providing a hemostatic effect.

To prepare the tincture, pour 50 grams of crushed galangal root with alcohol or vodka (150 ml) and leave in a dark, dry place for 10 days.

Method 16. The decoction is prepared from chamomile branches, heather branches, valerian root, birch leaves and buckthorn bark (take 1 tablespoon of all herbs).

Mix the herbal mixture and pour 1.5 cups of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then the broth should be diluted with another 100 ml of clean water and taken half a glass 2 times a day.

Method 17. Red brush is one of the most commonly used herbs for women's diseases, which has multidirectional effects.

For heavy periods, it is especially effective if the main cause of this pathology is hormonal disorders or uterine fibroids.

Take 2 tbsp. l of plant root, chop it and pour 400 ml of water. Then bring the mixture to a boil and keep on the stove for 20 - 30 minutes. Take the decoction 15 minutes before meals, half a glass three times a day.

In fact, heavy menstruation is a serious cause for concern..

Since numerous inflammatory processes, which can be hidden behind heavy and painful periods, affect the entire reproductive system and can cause pathologies of the pelvic organs.

Unfortunately, folk remedies alone will not completely stop severe bleeding.

Therefore, it is important to take constant care of such fragile women’s health in advance.

Many women are interested in the question: how to reduce discharge during menstruation if it is too heavy?

This issue becomes especially relevant on the eve of important events and events that are of great importance in a woman’s life. Heavy bleeding can make a woman's life difficult. That is why girls do their best to make the discharge less abundant and reduce the pain of menstruation.

Why are my periods too heavy?

If a woman suffers from excessive bleeding, then she first of all needs to find out the causes of this phenomenon, called menorrhagia.

Sometimes the body works normally, but the girl thinks that her menstruation is excessively heavy. The normal amount of blood that is released during the entire period of menstruation is 50-150 ml, while its normal duration should be 2-7 days.

The duration of menstruation for more than a week is already an alarming sign. Also, a sign of dysfunction in the female reproductive system may be the release of more than 150 ml of blood during menstruation. In this case, the woman may be diagnosed with bleeding, which may indicate such serious pathologies as:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • lack of thyroid hormone;
  • tumors.

If you suspect bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination.

Ways to reduce discharge

If the reason that your periods are heavy is gynecological diseases, then you can only take those medications and remedies prescribed by your doctor. This will prevent the development of complications, because the main thing in any treatment is not to harm yourself. Self-medication for diagnosed gynecological diseases can be life-threatening.

If heavy periods are considered normal, but the girl still wants to reduce the amount of blood released, then she can be advised to use the following safe and affordable methods:

  1. Increase your iron intake. Heavy periods can be caused by iron deficiency in the body. This is due to the fact that iron is responsible for blood clotting and regeneration. A lack of iron in the body can occur due to blood loss during menstruation. Therefore, to reduce the amount of bleeding during menstruation, it is recommended to consume as many foods as possible that increase the level of iron in the body. Apples are famous for their high iron content; it is also useful to take multivitamin complexes that contain iron.
  2. Ascorbic acid. With this drug you can strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Ascorbic acid in the form of ascorutin gives a pronounced positive effect. If the walls of the blood vessels become stronger, the capillaries will burst less, and this will reduce the abundance of menstruation. Thanks to a simple and affordable drug, you can significantly reduce the amount of blood released during menstruation.
  3. Folk remedies. The use of natural herbs and infusions can significantly reduce the heaviness of menstruation. Traditional methods are good because they will not cause harm to a girl’s body, while uncontrolled use of medications can have a negative impact on a woman’s general health. There are several useful traditional medicine recipes for reducing the heaviness of menstruation and shortening its duration.

Herbal tea made from nettle, peppermint and shepherd's purse mixed in equal proportions is beneficial. Pour boiling water over the herbal mixture and leave for 5-19 minutes. It is recommended to start drinking this decoction 3 days before the first day of menstruation and continue drinking during menstruation. During the day you need to drink half a glass 3 times.

A very tasty tea is made from peppermint and raspberry leaves. When the leaves mixed in equal proportions are brewed with boiling water (for 5-10 minutes), viburnum, ground with sugar, should be added to them. You can drink this tea all the time. It will be useful on any day of the cycle.

An infusion of corn silk has excellent properties. For 1 tablespoon of dry material, 1 cup of boiling water is required. The mixture must be given time to infuse. The finished medicine is taken 6 times a day, every 3 hours, 1 tablespoon.

Girls can also reduce the amount of menstruation with the help of manual therapy.

To do this, you need to press 60 times on a point on the upper lip under the nose. This point is responsible for blood circulation, so a similar procedure before menstruation will help normalize the amount of blood released.

Every girl should remember that in excessive efforts you can only harm your body, since this process is natural and necessary for the normal state of women's health.