Vitamins for facial skin elasticity. Restoring skin elasticity using water treatments. Vitamins for improving skin - names of drugs

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The skin is a separate organ human body, performing various very important functions, such as protecting internal organs from the harmful effects of environmental factors, maintaining a constant temperature in cavities and tissues, removing toxic metabolic products with sweat and sebum, breathing, etc. However, the skin is rarely considered as a full-fledged and functionally very active organ; most often the skin is treated as a kind of integral indicator external beauty person. Healthy, beautiful, elastic, radiant, uniform skin, without inflammation, enlarged pores, pimples and comedones, is synonymous with the beauty of a woman or man. Therefore, almost every person wants to make their skin perfect. This primarily applies to the skin of the face, arms, chest, and to a lesser extent – ​​the body and legs. One of the ways to achieve beautiful skin is to use vitamins inside and outside.

Why are vitamins necessary for skin?

Like any other organ of the human body, the skin needs oxygen for breathing and nutrients for constant renewal, growth and development of new cells to replace old, dying ones. naturally. Everyone is normal physiological processes in the skin, such as growth, development and disposal of old cells, respiration, sweat formation and sebum, excretion of metabolic products and others, occur in the form of complexly coordinated biocascades chemical reactions. This means that both appearance skin - its elasticity, smoothness, dullness, fit, absence of wrinkles and inflammation, and all its functions - protecting organs from the environment and maintaining the constancy of the internal environment of the body are carried out by numerous biochemical reactions occurring at the cellular level. This is quite difficult to imagine, but it is possible.

For example, for elasticity and firmness of the skin, constant synthesis and renewal of collagen and elastin fibers is necessary, as well as timely removal of dead skin cells of the epidermis. The synthesis of collagen and elastin is carried out using a certain cycle of biochemical reactions. And the removal of dead epidermal cells, in turn, is carried out by special enzymes that destroy the connections between dead and still living cellular structures. But enzymes, destroying existing connections between cells, do this using a chemical reaction. The formation of sweat and sebum is carried out by special glands, which also do this with the help of bio chemical transformations.

And for any biochemical reaction to occur, so-called coenzymes are needed, which activate the entire process and maintain its speed. That is, the normal functioning and maintenance of skin health depends on whether a sufficient amount of coenzymes enters its cells. Vitamins are used as coenzymes in the human body. Therefore, it becomes clear that without vitamins, it is impossible for the biochemical transformations that carry out the normal functioning of the skin and maintain its health and beauty. Thus, the role of vitamins for beautiful and healthy skin very important.

Vitamins necessary for the skin can be used various methods– take internally or apply externally. Preferred method The use of vitamins depends on the situation and is determined individually. Often when poor condition of the skin, it is necessary to simultaneously take medications orally and apply them to the surface of the skin to achieve better and faster clinical effect. To simply maintain the skin in normal condition, it is enough to take a course of vitamins internally 2–4 times a year and regularly apply them to its surface as part of cosmetics as part of a routine care program.

Vitamins for skin

Vitamins for all skin areas

Leaks in the skin great amount biochemical reactions that ensure its normal functioning, and to activate and maintain the speed of each of them, vitamins are needed as coenzymes. It may seem that there are too few vitamins (only 13) to provide such a wide range of chemical reactions, but nature is much wiser than us, and she was able to do this easily and gracefully. Yes, that's it biochemical reactions(about 3,500 occur in the skin daily) are divided into six large types depending on the action they perform with organic compounds. For example, transfer reactions are the transfer of an active group from one substance to another, ligation reactions are the combination of several substrates into one long polymer molecule, etc. Each type of biochemical reaction requires only 1 - 2 vitamins as coenzymes. And thus, due to the universalization of chemical transformations that are common in their essence and the use of the same coenzymes for them, only 13 vitamins are enough to provide normal course more than 5000 biochemical reactions in the human body.

Since not only biochemical reactions specific to it occur in the skin, but also common to all cells of the human body, it, in principle, needs all 13 known vitamins. However, to ensure its specific functions and maintain a healthy and beautiful appearance, not all, but only certain vitamins are especially necessary. And it is this group that is called vitamins for the skin.

Currently, the following vitamins for the skin that have a beneficial effect on its condition are considered:

  • Vitamin A (retinol);
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinamide);
  • Vitamin F (F);
  • Vitamin B 1 (thiamine);
  • Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin);
  • Vitamin B 5 ( pantothenic acid, panthenol);
  • Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine);
  • Vitamin K
All of the vitamins listed are necessary to maintain the health and beauty of the skin on the face, head and all other parts of the body. However, among the above, the five most important vitamins for skin are:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin K;
  • Vitamin RR.
Residents of the CIS countries most often have a deficiency of vitamins A and C, which is due to dietary habits and food quality. For example, vitamin C can only be obtained from fresh vegetables and fruits, since ascorbic acid is destroyed during any heat treatment or storage. And residents of the CIS countries, especially Russia, traditionally eat little fresh vegetables and fruits. According to WHO, approximately 80% of the population of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Kazakhstan suffers from vitamin C deficiency, and 20% of them have hypovitaminosis so severe that they may soon develop scurvy.

Vitamin A is present in meat, which is most often consumed in the form of sausages and minced meat products (cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, filling for whites, pasties, pies, etc.), prepared from frozen carcasses of farm animals supplied from Poland, Argentina , Brazil and other countries. It is obvious that such meat products poor in vitamins. Residents of the CIS countries consume little fresh meat, which contains essential vitamins.

Vitamins for facial skin

Facial skin needs careful care to keep it beautiful, elastic, toned and wrinkle-free for as long as possible. Therefore, vitamins are very important for her, ensuring intensive replacement of old cells with new ones, exfoliation of dead cells, as well as constant synthesis of collagen and elastin. These vitamins include:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin F;
  • Vitamin H;
  • Vitamin B 5;
  • Vitamin B 6.

Vitamins for body skin

The skin of the body needs hydration, timely exfoliation of dead cells and maintaining lipid and mineral metabolism. To do this, she needs the following vitamins:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Vitamin F;
  • Vitamin B 2;
  • Vitamin B 5;
  • Vitamin K

Vitamins for hand skin

The skin of the hands needs to be moisturized and maintained at a fairly high rate of synthesis of collagen and elastin, so that the hands do not turn into wrinkled, brown, covered with unsightly spots and calluses, calloused upper limbs. Therefore, the following vitamins are necessary for the skin of the hands:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin F;
  • Vitamin B 1;
  • Vitamin B 5;
  • Vitamin B 12.

What vitamins improve health and improve the appearance of skin - video

Vitamins for facial skin - video

Useful vitamins for the skin - a brief description of the properties and physiological effects

Let's consider what effects vitamins that are beneficial for the skin can have on its general condition and appearance.

Vitamin A for skin is one of the most important vitamins, since it plays a leading role in ensuring normal nutrition of all skin cells. Vitamin A normalizes sebum production, prevents acne and enhances the synthesis of collagen fibers. By activating the processes of cell renewal and collagen synthesis, vitamin A smoothes out fine wrinkles, eliminates skin dryness, and also increases its elasticity and firmness.

With a deficiency of vitamin A, comedones (blackheads), dryness, sagging and sagging skin appear, and sweat and sebum production decreases. Vitamin A is indicated for use to eliminate dry skin, seborrhea, acne, rosacea and boils. Women during menopause need vitamin A to eliminate dryness of the skin, nails, hair and mucous membranes.

Vitamin E for skin very important because it prevents cell damage by stabilizing and strengthening membranes. It is the ability to impart stability to cell membranes that makes vitamin E a powerful antioxidant. As an antioxidant, tocopherol maintains the integrity of cells and collagen, thereby reducing the rate of skin aging and wilting.

Vitamin E moisturizes and smoothes the skin, relieves inflammation, heals wounds and protects it from the negative effects of sunlight. Tocopherol is indicated for use to maintain the tone, elasticity and smoothness of aging skin, as well as for the treatment of seborrhea and ulcers.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant, promotes the absorption of tocopherol and retinol, improves collagen synthesis and accelerates the restoration of normal tissue structure, including wound healing. Due to this, vitamin C whitens, tones and evens out the surface of the skin, as well as tightens it and smoothes out wrinkles. Vitamin C is essential for maintaining youthful skin and reducing the rate of aging.

With a deficiency of ascorbic acid, wound healing processes are slow, the skin becomes dry, pale and thin with numerous comedones. Vitamin C is indicated for use in the treatment of rosacea, dry skin, age spots and freckles, as well as maintaining the elasticity and smoothness of aging skin. Ascorbic acid is necessary to maintain normal tone, elasticity and hydration of the skin around the eyes.

Vitamin PP dilates the blood vessels of the skin, thereby improving blood supply, and, consequently, providing nutrients and oxygen of all cells. In addition, vitamin PP maintains the balance of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism in skin cells. This vitamin is the best skin moisturizer, maintaining skin hydration. In addition, vitamin PP reduces redness and improves the properties of the skin's hydrolipid barrier, thereby increasing its protection.

With a deficiency of vitamin PP, the skin becomes inelastic, begins to peel, and its color changes to pale with small areas of redness. The vitamin is indicated for use in the treatment of pigmentation disorders and dry skin, seborrhea and dermatitis.
Vitamin F (F) improves local immunity of the skin, increases the ability of the epidermis to regenerate, and also activates lymph and blood flow in all layers of the skin. Due to these effects, vitamin F promotes rapid cell renewal, wound healing and maintaining youthful skin. Vitamin F at regular use reduces skin dryness, smoothes wrinkles, increases elasticity and turgor, prevents peeling, rashes and roughness to the touch.

Vitamin F deficiency leads to dryness and thickening of the skin, as well as the frequent formation of ulcers and eczema on its surface. The vitamin is indicated for use in the treatment of seborrhea, acne, eliminating peeling and dryness, as well as maintaining the elasticity and smoothness of aging skin.

Vitamin B 1 reduces the severity of inflammatory processes on the skin and relieves itching. That's why this vitamin very important for the treatment of acne and pimples, as well as various inflammatory and allergic rashes on the skin. In addition, vitamin B1 maintains youthful skin, preventing early aging.

With a deficiency of vitamin B1, the skin begins to age early. Vitamin B 1 is indicated for use in the treatment of pyoderma (pustular rashes on the skin), furunculosis, and rosacea.

Vitamin B 2 maintains smooth and beautiful colour face, makes the skin smooth, and also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and thereby prevents the appearance of acne.

With a deficiency of vitamin B 2, eczema develops, red and rosacea appear, the skin begins to peel and itch, and pockets form in the corners of the mouth. Vitamin B 2 is indicated for use in the treatment of seborrhea, rosacea, acne and photodermatoses.

Vitamin B 5 ensures the removal of toxins from skin cells and supports normal condition fat metabolism. Provides smoothness and elasticity of the skin. With a deficiency of vitamin B 5, the skin becomes thin, flaky, dry and flabby. Indications for the use of vitamin B 5 are dry skin and photodermatosis.

Vitamin B 6 normalizes fat metabolism and sebum production, thereby making the skin matte, with an even beautiful color without acne, pimples and peeling. With a deficiency of vitamin B 6, the skin becomes rough, flaky and oily, and the pores become enlarged. In addition, numerous comedones, acne, seborrhea and rosacea appear. The vitamin is indicated for use to eliminate peeling and roughness of the skin, urticaria, acne, seborrhea and rosacea.

Vitamin K normalizes blood clotting, reduces the visibility of damaged capillaries through the top layer of skin, eliminates pigment spots and stops inflammatory process. In addition, vitamin K reduces swelling of the skin, minimizes the size of dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Vitamin K deficiency causes swelling of the skin, age spots, as well as severe bags or circles under the eyes in combination with broken capillaries visible through the skin. Vitamin K is indicated for use in the treatment of rosacea (translucent broken capillaries), eliminating age spots, bags and dark circles under the eyes, as well as relief of inflammatory processes.

Which skin vitamin should you take to get certain effects?

Each vitamin has its own specific action, for example, one smoothes the skin, another gives elasticity, etc. Therefore, if you want to achieve any specific effect, you need to know which vitamin can provide it. To achieve the desired effect, the vitamin should be taken orally and applied externally, adding to cosmetics. To speed up the achievement of the desired effect, it is necessary, if possible, to take vitamins A, E, C, K and PP in addition to the selected one. So, let's look at what vitamins are necessary to give the skin certain properties.

Vitamins for beautiful skin

Vitamins for beautiful skin are vitamins A, E and C. They must be taken orally and applied to the skin as part of cosmetic products for permanent care. These vitamins are the most important for maintaining the beauty of the skin.

Vitamins against flaking skin

Vitamins against peeling skin are vitamins B 2, B 5, B 6, F (F), A or PP. Moreover, most often dryness in combination with peeling of the skin is caused by a deficiency of vitamins B2, B6, A, PP or F.

Vitamins for youthful skin

Vitamins for youthful skin are vitamins A, E, C, B 1 and F (F). It is the vitamins listed that have the most pronounced, so-called anti-age effect, therefore, to maintain youthful skin, they must be taken orally in periodic courses several times a year and used externally daily as part of cosmetic care products.

Vitamins for acne skin

Vitamins for acne skin are vitamins A, E, B2, B6, H and C. It is these vitamins that can normalize the production processes and quality of sebum, as well as ensure the timely removal of exfoliated dead epidermal cells, thereby ensuring correct work sebaceous glands and elimination of acne and comedones. Vitamins for acne must be taken orally; it is not necessary to use them externally, since their absorption into the deep layers of the skin is insignificant and does not provide the concentration necessary for the appearance of a clinical effect.

Vitamins for skin firmness and elasticity

Vitamins for skin firmness and elasticity are vitamins A, E, PP, K, C, F (F), B 1, B 5. It is these vitamins that ensure active regeneration of skin cells and the synthesis of collagen fibers, which maintains the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Vitamins for radiant skin

Vitamins for skin radiance are vitamins B 3, K, PP and C. It is these vitamins that make the skin smooth, matte, without pigment spots and swelling, which creates the effect of inner radiance. To achieve the effect, vitamins must be taken orally in courses lasting 1 - 1.5 months with breaks between them of 3 - 4 months.

Vitamins for improving skin - names of drugs

Currently available wide range various vitamin preparations and vitamin-mineral complexes designed to improve the condition of skin, hair and nails. Such drugs may belong to the group of pharmacological vitamins or biologically active additives (BAA). The main difference between dietary supplements and pharmacological vitamins is that the former contain natural vitamins, obtained from plant or animal raw materials, and the latter includes artificially synthesized chemical compounds with a structure identical to natural vitamins.

Otherwise, on the market of the CIS countries there are no differences between dietary supplements and pharmacological vitamin and mineral preparations. Their efficiency is approximately the same, the conditions and production standards are the same. Moreover, in last years Many pharmaceutical factories stopped producing medicines due to a drop in demand, and began producing dietary supplements from natural raw materials using the freed up capacity.

Therefore, below is a list of vitamins for the skin, which includes both pharmacological preparations and registered dietary supplements with clinically proven effects:

  • ABC-Spectrum;
  • Adivit;
  • Alphabet Cosmetics;
  • Viardot and Viardot forte;
  • Vitalipid N;
  • VitaCharm;
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Vitrum Beauty Coenzyme Q 10;
  • Vitrum Beauty Elite;
  • Vitrum with beta-carotene;
  • Gerimaks;
  • Decamevit;
  • Doppelhertz;
  • Yeast in tablets or capsules for oral administration;
  • Duovit for women;
  • Imedin;
  • Inneov;
  • Complements Radiance;
  • Complex Lunden Ilona "Skin Hair Nails";
  • Lady's formula;
  • Makrovit;
  • Merz;
  • Multi-Tabs;
  • Will direct "Beauty Vitamins";
  • Novo-Aekol;
  • Nutricap;
  • Oenobiol;
  • Pangexavit;
  • Perfect;
  • Pikovit;
  • Solgar "Skin Hair Nails";
  • Phytophaner;
  • Woman's Formula;
  • Qi-Clim;
  • Zincteral;
  • Wellwoman.

Complex of vitamins for the skin - brief description and reviews of commonly used drugs

Vitamins Solgar "Skin Hair Nails"

Vitamins Solgar "Skin Hair Nails" are a biologically balanced active supplement, containing vitamins and sulfur compounds, without which healthy nails, hair and skin are impossible. These vitamins are produced by the American corporation iHerb, which has been operating since 1947. The tablets do not contain any artificial colors, preservatives, additives, etc. All vitamins are in a special chemical form that is easily absorbed by the human body.

The content of the article:

The elasticity of the skin is its natural ability to maintain its shape after mechanical stress. The degree of elasticity, on which the appearance of the human body and face depends, is characterized by the speed at which the dermis takes on its original shape after any mechanical manipulation, for example, pressing or pulling. There are many reasons for this ability to be impaired, but the result is almost always the same: the skin becomes flabby, unsightly and looks significantly older. Such changes are sometimes quite difficult to deal with, but even more difficult to come to terms with. Therefore, people seeking to preserve beauty and youth choose to actively fight the causes and use a lot of safe means for this. In this article we'll talk about useful substances, integrated means and procedures that can restore youth and flawless appearance to the skin, stopping premature aging.

Why does skin lose elasticity?

Loss of skin elasticity manifests itself in at different ages any person. But taking into account physiology, it can be noted that they tend to weaken elasticity more women than men. However, there are a number of other reasons besides gender.

It is worth noting that in the mechanism of maintaining cell tone main role special proteins play, namely collagen and elastin. Among their functions is maintaining the density of the walls and the adhesion of cells to fatty tissue. Impaired functionality or lack of these proteins leads to the body becoming flabby and unattractive. It is known that the human body is capable of independently synthesizing them, but this ability is lost under certain conditions.

The main reasons for decreased elasticity of the skin are:

  • Aging. With age, the body's natural ability to independently synthesize protein is slowly but surely lost, as evidenced by sagging skin.
  • Dramatic weight loss. At rapid decline The cell weight does not have time to adapt, and the protein fibers do not have time to shrink. This leads to inevitable sagging of the skin. In this case, there is no need to talk about tone. Experienced nutritionists do not recommend resorting to aggressive weight loss, promoting healthy image life and proper nutrition. Speed ​​dial weight leads to disruption of the skin structure and the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Dehydration. It manifests itself when drinking insufficient amounts of fluid, after a long course of infectious diseases. digestive tract, as a result long stay under the hot sun. Lack of water in the body leads to cell depletion.
  • Bad habits. Tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption and intake narcotic drugs poison the body, thereby contributing to metabolic disorders, blocking the absorption of healthy products, which can lead to disruption of the intracellular synthesis of proteins necessary for skin elasticity.
  • Exposure to sunlight. In addition to dehydration, being under the sun without protective equipment (clothing, sunscreens) opens the way to the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. The same Negative influence There is also a solarium.
  • Insufficient care. The skin constantly needs cleansing, for which it is best to use safe hygiene products and clean water. In the summer, the skin also needs hydration and nutrition.
  • Environmental influence. People living in contaminated regions are more susceptible to premature aging skin due to a poor environmental situation, contributing to a lack of nutrients in the body. This also includes low-quality food products.
  • Chronic diseases. Sometimes the synthesis of collagen and elastin worsens with the development of certain diseases of the nervous, endocrine, vascular, cardiac, and digestive systems.
Properly selected products and procedures do not always give 100% results, because... it also depends on individual characteristics the body of every person.

What products to use for skin firmness and elasticity

The very first step to restore the skin to its former elasticity should be getting rid of the reasons that caused it to wither. It's about about giving up bad habits, normalizing nutrition and lifestyle, maintaining a stable weight. However, it is impossible to fight age and change genes. IN in this case it is necessary to try to correct the state of health and in every possible way help the skin to function normally. In this difficult work, various cosmetics and procedures come to the rescue. Let's look at the options in more detail.

Skin elasticity cream

When choosing a cream for skin elasticity in a store, pay attention to the presence of such important components as retinol and carotene, which are converted into vitamin A inside the body, as well as vitamins E and C, which have a beneficial effect on the skin. These ingredients can also be used when preparing mixtures at home. This cream will be different natural composition and safety of use.

There are many recipes. Let us describe the most effective of them:

  1. Citrus cream. Beeswax(20 g) and cocoa butter (40 ml) are placed in a heat-resistant bowl and placed on water bath. Stir until completely dissolved. After removing from heat, add carrot seed oil (4 drops) and glycerin (20 ml). After the formation of a homogeneous mass, without stopping stirring, add the remaining ingredients in small portions: lemon oil (10 drops), a mixture of two oils - soybean and apricot kernels (50 ml).
  2. Chocolate cream. All ingredients - dark chocolate (30 g), cocoa butter (1 tbsp), natural honey (50 g), lanolin (40 g) - are placed in a water bath and melted until the mixture is homogeneous, then cooled. The product is stored in a cool place without access to light. Frequency of use: 1-2 times a day.
  3. Cream with mumiyo. Place baby cream (50 ml) into a container convenient for stirring. Add 2 mummy tablets and leave to dissolve. After this, the resulting unpleasant aroma relieved with essential oils. It is best to take 10 drops of orange and juniper oil and 2 to 5 drops of cinnamon oil. You should be careful with the last ingredient, because... it gives off a rather intense smell. After thorough mixing, the cream is ready.
These creams can be used daily after preliminary cleansing of the skin. There is nothing easier than applying cream to problem areas, let it completely absorb for 1-2 minutes and continue with your daily activities. Applying the cream with massage movements is encouraged, which helps improve blood flow and metabolism.

Masks for skin elasticity

Masks for skin elasticity are not only products produced in laboratories, but also homemade mixtures designed to significantly improve the condition of the skin. Everyone decides for themselves which option suits them best.

Ready-made masks can be fast-acting or provide benefits after permanent use within a certain period. Others recommend using continuously at regular intervals, such as every 2-4 days.

At home, it is almost impossible to accurately reproduce the composition of ready-made masks that cosmetic stores offer us. However, this has its own advantage: ready-made mixtures cannot boast of a completely natural and safe composition. And homemade masks are rarely prepared in advance, so there is no need to use preservatives that extend the shelf life.

When preparing homemade mixtures, simple but very healthy foods and substances. Homemade masks often include components such as vegetable oils, honey, yeast, oatmeal, fruit and others.

Popular recipes for body masks that support skin tone:

  • Coffee mask. For cooking, take 1 tbsp. coffee grounds formed after brewing natural ground coffee, 1 tsp. sugar and 2 tbsp. olive oil. After thorough mixing, the mixture is applied to problem areas and left to act for 15 minutes. Application can be combined with rubbing, then small particles of coffee will gently massage the skin. Frequency of use: 1 time every 7-10 days.
  • Honey-coconut mask. Thoroughly mixed ingredients, namely honey, ground oatmeal and coconut milk, applied to clean skin. Leave for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water. The end of the procedure is rinsing the body with cool water.
  • Yeast mask. Yeast (20 g), cream (50 g), honey (50 g) are mixed until smooth and applied to the skin. Exposure time is up to 30 minutes. You can also add essential oils to the mixture, such as verbena or geranium.
  • Clay mask. Clay (100 g) is gradually diluted with water until a paste forms. Then mix coffee grounds (40 g) into the mixture and add orange essential oil (10 drops). After application, for greater effect, you can wrap the treated areas with film.
Masks are most often used in courses with a certain time interval between procedures. They become most effective when the skin is thoroughly prepared (cleansing, massage, steaming). Each mixture must be removed from the skin after exposure, which usually lasts 10 to 30 minutes.

Oil for skin elasticity

Many useful natural oils are included in creams, masks and other ready-made mixtures, but at the same time they are considered completely self-sufficient means that can improve the condition of the skin, increase its elasticity and firmness.

The basis of the composition is vitamins, unsaturated fatty acid and many biologically active substances. All these substances provide such beneficial properties as improving intracellular metabolism, stimulating regeneration processes and the synthesis of useful substances, strengthening cell membranes, preventing oxidation processes, normalizing water balance and increasing the ability to remove harmful substances from cells.

Among the large variety of oils, the most effective in the fight against early aging are the following: almond, wheat germ, peach, apricot, avocado, borage, walnut, garcinia indica, castor, rice. Most oils have virtually no contraindications, because... They are natural products, but individual intolerance may occur.

Here are several recipes for creating complex oils for skin elasticity:

  1. Recipe No. 1. The composition includes almond seed oil (120 ml), avocado oil (80 ml), patchouli essential oil (10 drops), sandalwood (20 drops) and carrot seeds (5 drops). All ingredients are mixed until smooth and placed in a container with a lid for long-term storage.
  2. Recipe No. 2. Includes: the following oils: sesame (40 g), grapefruit (10 drops), sweet orange (7 drops), ginger (5 drops), cardamom (5 drops) and black pepper (3 drops). Auxiliary component - cyclomethicone or natural emollient (60 g). This mixture is considered dry oil, because. includes cyclomethicone, which can volatilize from the treated surface.
  3. Recipe No. 3. In this recipe you should focus on percentage each ingredient and use a scale during cooking. The composition includes shea butter (46%), coconut oil (34%), mango butter (6%), cocoa butter (6%), starch (8%). The last ingredient eliminates stickiness from the resulting mixture, prevents it from spoiling, and allows you to achieve a feeling of airiness on the skin. First, all the oils are melted and mixed, and then starch is added. Once the mixture is homogeneous, place it in the freezer for 10 minutes. Then beat with a mixer until a light and thick mass is obtained that is able to hold its shape. This composition has a long shelf life.
After application, oils most often do not require rinsing, but it is necessary to wait until they are absorbed in order to improve the effect and so as not to stain bedding or clothing. Traditionally applied to cleansed skin. Can be used daily. Doesn't give quick results. The effect is noticeable with long-term systematic use.

Wraps to improve skin elasticity

Wrapping is a fairly popular skin care procedure. More recently, such manipulations were carried out only within salons, but every day more and more large quantity girls prefer to carry out body wraps at home in order to save money and time.

A professional body wrap is a procedure during which a special composition, then the treated areas of the body are wrapped in cosmetic film. Wrapping takes time and technology. Exposure time is from 30 to 60 minutes. The drugs work best when heated, so the client is placed in a warm room or additionally wrapped in a blanket.

The compositions are different. Gel-like ones are applied directly to the skin. Liquid ones are diluted with water in the ratio specified by the manufacturer and serve as an impregnation for fabric bandages, which are used to wrap problem areas.

As already mentioned, wrapping can also be done at home. For this purpose, improvised products that have natural origin and can increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. As an example, here are several types of home wraps that are beneficial for skin firmness and elasticity:

  • Mustard-honey wrap. According to the recipe, you need to take 30-40 g of dry mustard and mix 20 ml of olive oil into it. Then add 40-50 ml natural honey. The thoroughly mixed mixture is applied to the skin (the most problem areas are the stomach, thighs) and tightly wrapped with cling film, then wrapped in a blanket or put on warm clothes. Exposure time is up to half an hour. Not recommended for sensitive skin. Beneficial features: reduction of cellulite, restoration of skin elasticity, acceleration of tissue regeneration.
  • Mustard-clay wrap. The recipe is: 60-80 g mustard powder mixed with 40 g clay blue color, bred a small amount warm water. Essential oils are used as an additive, for example, grapefruit, orange, rosemary or lemon oil. Processing is carried out according to general rules. Exposure time - 30 minutes.
  • Nettle wrap. Pre-dried and crushed nettle (40 g) is poured with water (200 ml). Slowly bring to a boil and simmer for about 10 minutes over low heat. After cooling completely, the gauze is moistened in the resulting broth, the problem areas are covered with it and wrapped in film and a warm blanket. Exposure time - 60 minutes.
  • Vinegar wrap. To obtain a solution, you need to mix the ingredients - water (200 ml) and vinegar 9% (20 ml). Gauze soaked in the solution is applied to the stomach and thighs, wrapped in film and a warm blanket. Exposure time - 30 minutes.
  • Seaweed wrap. Considered the most effective. Laminaria purchased at the pharmacy (40 g) is poured hot water and leave to swell. Apply to problem areas and wrap. Exposure time is from 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Horsetail wrap. Crushed leaves of the plant (300-400 g) are poured with boiling water (200 ml), lemon juice (20 ml) is added. Leave for 1 hour. Then moisten cloth or gauze with the solution and wrap areas of the body with sagging skin and cellulite. Exposure time is from 2 to 3 hours.
  • Wine wrap with aloe. To prepare the mixture for 7 procedures, use 500 g of crushed aloe, 1 tsp. honey, 200 ml fortified wine. The exposure time can be long - up to 8 hours. In a closed container in a cool place, the mixture retains all its beneficial properties.
  • Raspberry wrap. To prepare the solution, use fresh or dry raspberry leaves (100 g). They should be filled with boiling water (400 ml). After a short infusion, honey (200 ml) and lavender oil (20 drops) are added to the solution. Exposure time is 30-40 minutes.
At home, you can use special shorts that produce a sauna effect.

Don't forget to take precautions to avoid allergic reactions or the appearance of irritation. Treat your body with due attention and care. Mustard powder wraps are very effective, but can lead to burning and redness of the skin. After the procedure, it is advisable to treat the skin with a moisturizer.

The duration and number of wrap courses depend on the goals and initial data of each individual person. The simplest cases, when it is necessary to maintain the body and lose a small amount of excess fat tissue, require 3 to 5 procedures. More advanced ones - from 12 to 15 procedures in three to five courses.

Restoring skin elasticity using water treatments

Water treatments are an integral part of daily body care. They not only help cleanse the skin, but also have beneficial effect on them, which manifests itself in the activation of metabolic processes, replenishment of nutrients, improvement of blood circulation, and removal of decay products. The skin is restored, becomes softer and at the same time retains its elasticity.

A set of water treatments useful for preserving youthful skin may include several techniques and methods:

  1. . After completing the ritual of cleansing the skin under warm water, it is necessary to carry out a simple procedure - repeated alternating rinsing of the body with either hot or hot water. cold water. Moreover, the last jet must be cold. A change in temperature perfectly stimulates all metabolic processes, tones not only the skin, but the entire body. Cold and hot shower, used for 30 days, will significantly improve the condition of the skin, the changes will be noticeable even with visual inspection. The skin strengthens, becomes more elastic and soft.
  2. Massage while taking a bath. This manipulation can be carried out using a massage mitten and your favorite shower gel or using a scrub, which contains not only abrasive particles that have a massage effect, but also a variety of beneficial substances that penetrate the skin more thoroughly, causing normalization of metabolism and restoration. cells, increasing firmness and elasticity. A product such as a scrub can be used 1-2 times a week. Avoid over-handling, which could lead to scratches.
  3. Body baths. In the modern hustle and bustle, most people prefer short-term showers, refusing a full-fledged bathing procedure. Half an hour stay in clean water or with the addition useful means It will not only help moisturize skin cells, but fight the signs of aging.
There are many recipes for skin-healthy baths. Here are a few of them:
  1. Milk-honey bath with rose oil. Honey (80-100 g) and rose oil (40 ml) are added to slightly warmed milk (1 glass). The resulting mixture is poured into a bath of water at a comfortable temperature. The procedure time is 30-40 minutes with periodic addition of warm water.
  2. Herbal bath. Herbs are a frequent savior against many ailments, including premature aging and depletion of the skin. The recipe uses ready-made herbal teas, which can be purchased in pharmacies, or personally collected and dried herbs. For the decoction they take chamomile, sweet clover, birch leaves, thyme in the amount of 5 g, as well as hernia herb in the amount of 10 g. All ingredients are poured with boiling water and left for at least an hour. The finished decoction is added to water and a bath is taken. Active in preserving youth are mint, rose petals, oregano, and lemon balm.
  3. Mineral baths. The main ingredient is heated carbonated mineral water. The greater its concentration, the better. Instead of mineral water, you can use sea salt, but in addition to providing microelements, it helps dry out the skin.
  4. Mustard bath. Enough cheap option to maintain youthful and healthy skin. Just 100 g of dry mustard added to water can help you lose weight, reduce swelling, improve blood circulation, reduce the appearance of cellulite, and add elasticity. Mustard is also combined with other ingredients, for example, with sea salt in a ratio of 1 to 3, i.e. take 100 g of mustard powder and 300 g of sea salt.

The best way to give the skin firmness and elasticity is not to lose it, but to maintain it at the proper level, minimizing factors that contribute to premature aging of the body and skin in particular. These, as previously described, include bad habits, diseases that must be combated. There are other recommendations that will help give your skin elasticity.

What needs to be done to give the skin elasticity and prevent its premature aging:

  • Watch your weight. Any sudden changes in weight are fraught with deterioration in the condition of the skin. Do not resort to strict diets, stop using untested weight loss products.
  • Maintain a work-rest schedule. This rule provides consistently Good work the whole body.
  • Exercise. Exercising is important not only for health, but also for beauty. Optimal physical exercise normalize all metabolic processes in the body, contribute to the appearance of a beautiful body contour and improve skin elasticity.
  • Eat normally. Healthy eating includes many natural products. The diet should always include cottage cheese, fish, lean meat and other foods rich in proteins. Don't forget about the benefits of vegetable oils and nuts.
  • Maintain drinking regime. Everyone has long known about the dangers of alcohol and carbonated drinks, which should be completely excluded from the diet. Tea, compote, pure and mineral water are drinks that are beneficial for the beauty of the skin.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. Tanning is beautiful, but also unsafe. Skin exposed to UV rays quickly loses moisture, becomes dry and flabby.
  • Take vitamin complexes. In addition to entering the body with useful substances from food and body care products, you should consume vitamin complexes. This will definitely speed up getting the desired result.
  • Solve the problem comprehensively. You cannot get quick and lasting results by choosing just one method. It is always necessary to apply a set of measures, especially since the means and procedures given in the article are perfectly combined with each other and significantly increase the beneficial effects.
How to give elasticity to the skin - watch the video:

Thanks to the riches of our nature, it is quite easy to take care of your body, maintaining beauty and youth. All new effective procedures, which was previously possible only within the walls of salons, can now be carried out at home. You just have to be attentive to your health, take care of the gifts of nature and use them to the fullest to be beautiful.

Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about which ones are best to take vitamins for body skin. You may ask – what does this topic have to do with losing weight? The most direct. We all strive to be slim, and therefore beautiful.

And one of the tasks of vitamins is precisely to make our face and body well-groomed and healthy. How do they do it and which ones are better? Are they generally suitable for solving certain skin problems? First things first, join us!

On guard of beauty

The cosmetics industry today offers huge selection all kinds of creams and masks to maintain youth and beauty of the body. But it is naive to believe that this can be achieved only with creams.

The fact is that any cream contains only a small concentration of these substances. And, for example, vitamin C, which is difficult to process, is often present in inexpensive creams only on the packaging - it is extremely volatile and quickly breaks down in the air.

You can’t do without vitamins; they help to cope with many tasks of making your body shine at once, nourish it, protect it, promote cell renewal, and maintain a healthy appearance.

General information about them can be gleaned from this video.

Signs of ill health

We get vitamins from food or by taking them in the form of capsules or pills. It is important to remember that not all of them are synthesized in our body; some, like those belonging to group B, are washed out quite quickly and their supply must be constantly replenished.

And the lack of one or another element is reflected in the condition of the skin, which in this case acts as a kind of “mirror”. By the way, hair and nails, as well as the general condition of the body, can be a litmus test here.

Of course, only a doctor can give you the most accurate diagnosis. But if you think that you are fine, pay attention to some signs that can easily determine vitamin deficiency.

  • Dry and flaky skin, the appearance of inflamed areas on it, dermatitis.
  • Chapped lips and so-called “jams” in the corners and ulcers.
  • Dull, brittle nails, the appearance of dimples, stripes, spots on them.
  • Brittle hair prone to loss. Presence of dandruff, itching.
  • Decreased vision, swelling and redness of the eyelids can also be the cause of vitamin deficiency.
  • Depression, apathy, inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite.

If a problem exists, it's time to think about what to do to get everything back to normal? First, you need to figure out exactly what vitamins you need.

Because thoughtless consumption of everything in a row can do more harm than good. It is also worth considering that many of these elements work best in combination. Their close interaction enhances each other's effects and accelerates absorption.

Which vitamins are better

So, in general, these elements can be divided into the following groups. Why conditional, you ask? Because each of them “works” in several directions at once.

For youth and accelerated regeneration

Actively fight skin aging and help preserve it elasticity , reduce dryness and flaking vitamins A, C, E.

This - natural antioxidants, which do not allow free radicals to interact with elements of skin cells.

The number of free radicals increases sharply during illness and during the cold season. Accordingly, the intake of such elements during these periods should be increased.

This group also improves regeneration tissues after microtrauma or other damage, healing of acne wounds, helps spots and small scars disappear faster.


  • Tocopherol (E) actively helps fight skin sagging and slow down the aging process. Pale, rough, dry skin indicates its deficiency.
  • Retinol (A) – promotes it to a greater extent moisturizing and protection from harmful environmental factors, helps from peeling.
  • Ascorbic acid (C) is responsible for its elasticity , promotes the synthesis of new collagen fibers.

Where to get it

In addition to direct multivitamin complexes - in food products.

Cabbage, green salad, mushrooms are rich in retinol. green pea, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes. As well as products of animal origin - yolk, fish, liver, fermented milk products.

Ascorbic acid, as you know, is worth looking for in citrus fruits; in addition, it is found in apples, spinach, cauliflower, berries, rose hips, and nuts.

Sources of tocopherol are unrefined vegetable oils (especially corn, peanut, flaxseed, soybean, nuts), beans, sunflower seeds, red fish, and especially sprouted cereals.

Its highest concentration is in sprouted wheat, which also contains a whole complex of other useful substances - A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 and micro- and macroelements.

To prevent and combat wrinkles

Structural disorders of the skin cannot be avoided over time, but reducing them is quite possible. Especially useful in this direction, representatives of group B.

Each of them has its own characteristics, and their lack is indicated by itching, irritation, pimples and blackheads, as well as hair loss.

It is worth paying attention to this group (as well as the previous one, however) for those who are actively losing weight. Vitamin complexes with their composition it is worth taking in order to tighten skin, which was discussed in particular in the article .


  • Thiamine (B1) helps strengthen nervous system, and almost all diseases, as we know, are caused by nerves (including skin diseases). In addition, it protects against allergic and inflammatory reactions, removes excess liquid, preventing swelling.
  • Riboflavin (B2) helps improve metabolism and cell respiration. And its deficiency also causes dandruff.
  • Nicotinic acid, niacin (B3 or PP)- its deficiency leads to a serious illness - pellagra, dermatitis, the severe form of which results in serious rashes, itching, diarrhea and even mental disorders.
  • Pantothenic acid (B5)– accelerates skin renewal and wound healing.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) Famous for its nourishing and moisturizing properties, it helps protect against harmful environmental influences.

  • Biotin (B7), also known as vitamin H. One of the most important elements for the body, it is no coincidence that its name contains the prefix “bio” - life. Participates in the regeneration of skin, nails and hair cells.
  • Folic acid (B9) helps cells renew themselves, and protects the walls of blood vessels from destruction.
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12)– participant in the process of cell division. It is an essential component of procedures for dermatitis, and is also very useful for affecting mature skin. Its deficiency can cause nervous tic, muscle spasms faces , which leads to the formation of wrinkles.

Where to get it

In multivitamin complexes, as well as in food products. Your diet should include whole grain cereals, brown rice, sprouted grains, green onions, color and White cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, peanuts, soybeans, figs, dates, fruits.

If there are products of animal origin on your table, then you can recommend eggs, cheese, salmon and tuna, pork and beef kidneys, and liver.

For face and eye area care

This is a special zone, since it is the one that is exposed to maximum exposure to harmful environmental factors.

In addition, this is where the most visible wrinkles are located to everyone around us (and to ourselves, first of all, of course), which we so want to part with.

In general, the complex of elements here is the same as for the whole body. But there are some features, especially for caring for the area around eyes.

Ascorbic acid (C) for masks around the eyes.

IN pure form It is recommended to simply apply the ascorbic acid solution for injection to the face, rubbing it in, and a few minutes later, after drying, apply the cream.

A pure solution is not suitable for the eyes; ascorbic acid is very stinging and can cause irritation. Experts recommend mixing it with mineral water or yogurt. Among the recipes there is this:

Tocopherol (E) for the eye area.

The principle is the same - apply under the eyes and on the eyelids. The procedure is called rejuvenating and tightening; it helps to remove “crow’s feet” and saggy folds on the eyelids.

In general, blood circulation and oxygen supply to cells improves, the skin is toned and looks healthy.

It's better to take pharmaceutical oil Vitamin E solution in ampoules is not recommended - it is too concentrated and, as in the case of axorbic acid, can cause irritation. Apply for 10-20 minutes.

This is just a small part of the advice. If anyone has own recipes beauty – share them in the comments, I’m sure the readers of my blog will be grateful to you. In conclusion, I would like to point out the following:

What to remember:

  • Vitamins certainly help keep the whole body in good condition.
  • Their deficiency is reflected directly on the skin itself, which takes on a painful appearance, flakes, and itches.
  • Only a doctor can help determine the exact cause of the problem. You should not self-medicate.
  • To avoid vitamin deficiency, you should adjust your diet - it should contain everything necessary for normal life.

Well, that's all I have for today. See you again in new articles on my blog!

Beauty starts from within. This is an axiom known to most of those at least somewhat interested in the topics of health and preserving youth. You can nourish the skin from the outside as much as you like, using a variety of fortified creams, but if there is a lack of certain substances in the body as a whole, this will lead to almost nothing and will give, at best, temporary and exclusively visual positive effects. The problem is that any cream can penetrate only into the most superficial layers of the skin. To achieve a significant and lasting result, it is necessary to approach the problem comprehensively.

In addition, we must understand that the vitamins and microelements that we get from food are most often not enough to fully compensate for the body’s needs. And first of all, the substances obtained are not used for “cosmetic” purposes. And in order to make time turn back and bring back youth, special measures will be needed.

What vitamins are needed for firmness and elasticity of the skin of the face and body?

In order for the skin to look elastic and taut, it is necessary to ensure continuous synthesis and renewal of collagen and elastin fibers and timely removal of dying cells. To activate this process, coenzymes are needed.

So, for the normal course of all biochemical processes in the skin, the body needs:

  • Vitamin A (retinol) is one of the key vitamins that ensure proper nutrition of skin cells. Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency include the appearance of comedones (blackheads), ptosis and dry skin. Let us note that in the CIS countries, deficiency of vitamins A and C is especially common. This is due to stable eating habits and the quality of food consumed.

  • Vitamin C - strong antioxidant, promotes the absorption of vitamins A and E and counteracts skin aging.

  • Vitamin E - stabilizes and strengthens skin cell membranes, thereby preventing their damage. A powerful antioxidant that supports collagen levels.

  • Vitamin PP - helps blood supply to cells and ensures the delivery of oxygen to them.

  • Vitamin F - promotes skin regeneration, increases its local immunity.

  • Vitamin B2 - improves complexion, promotes normal operation sebaceous glands, improves skin texture.

  • Vitamin B5 - helps remove toxins from cells.

  • Vitamin K - reduces swelling and age spots.

What else should you include in your beauty routine?

A key factor influencing skin elasticity is the normal synthesis of collagen fibers. One of the methods of stimulating collagen production is to eat foods and take dietary supplements containing proteins, amino acids, as well as essential vitamins and minerals.

First of all, these are, of course, high-quality multivitamin complexes. An ideal complement to them would be a course of bovine or fish collagen.

Of course, collagen from a jar will not immediately become your own collagen, able to integrate into your skin. However, it contains all the amino acids needed to form your own collagen fibers. The optimal course of taking collagen is about three months. Ideally, combine collagen with hyaluronic acid.

In addition, it makes sense to alternate taking collagen with taking collagen production stimulants. These are silicon-based drugs. Some of the most effective similar drugs on iherb - Natural Factors, BioSil (also contains choline) and Jarrow Formulas, JarroSil (contains zinc and boron).

There are people for whom the release form is critical precisely because of the taste of collagen. In this situation, you can opt for collagen in capsules or tablets. Alternatively, you can try the same Neocell, Super Collagen + C, type 1 and 3, 6000 mg, 250 tablets.

The collagen generators in the table above are silicon preparations. The already named Natural Factors, BioSil and Jarrow Formulas, JarroSil are ideal.

There is also the most economical option - specialized multivitamins for skin, hair and nails. This “broad specialization” is due to the fact that to maintain the skin in optimal condition we need the same substances as for growth healthy hair and nails. As a rule, such complexes contain vitamins, collagen, and hyaluronic acid, and certain antioxidants. And the effect of taking them can also be quite noticeable. But you need to understand that it is simply physically impossible to really put it in one tablet. optimal dosages each of the substances, so such multivitamins can be considered as a kind of half-measure. But in most cases, it is enough to take such multivitamins two or three tablets a day, so this option may be suitable for those who are not ready to drink dietary supplements by the handful and are looking for some more or less universal drug.

Some of the best according to reviews on iherb complex vitamins for skin, hair and nails - Nature's Bounty, Optimal Solutions, Hair, Skin & Nails, Extra Strength, 150 instant softgels (contains complex vitamins and minerals, choline, collagen, hyaluronic and alpha lipoic acids) and Solgar, Skin, Nails and hair, improved MSM formula, 120 tablets (contains vitamin C, silicon, minerals and amino acids).

The article was written for the website

The skin is the largest organ in the body and acts as a protective barrier for internal organs. She is exposed to harsh external factors such as wind, chemicals and solar radiation. With age this may have an effect negative impact on the appearance of the skin, which leads to loss of elasticity, wrinkles, and increased roughness. Certain vitamins and minerals help maintain skin firmness and youthful appearance.

Vitamin C

The main vitamin that helps maintain skin elasticity is vitamin C. This vitamin, also called ascorbic acid, helps increase the production of collagen protein in the skin. Collagen maintains skin elasticity and also acts as a favorable basis for the growth of new cells. Loss of collagen in the skin can lead to wrinkles and tears, while a strong collagen network keeps the skin elastic. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially red peppers and pineapples, sources of vitamin C.


Copper also helps maintain skin elasticity. It promotes the production of elastin, another protein that forms the skin. Elastin works together with collagen to maintain skin structure. Elastin helps maintain skin elasticity. Consuming enough copper every day benefits your skin. Seafood, nuts, nut butters and organ meats are rich sources of this mineral.

Vitamin A

Another vitamin that helps maintain skin firmness is vitamin A, or retinol. Vitamin A, which you consume as part of your diet, interacts with skin cells and helps regulate sebum production. It is necessary to maintain skin elasticity, because moisturized skin retains its elasticity better than dry skin. Research shows that creams containing vitamin A help get rid of fine lines and wrinkles.

Vitamin E also helps maintain skin elasticity and helps prevent visible aging. Part of the visible aging process occurs due to the presence of free radicals, chemicals that disrupt the functioning of skin cells, ultimately leading to loss of elasticity. Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals in skin cells, improving its appearance. Using a vitamin E lotion helps relieve the roughness and roughness that can occur with dry, inelastic skin.

Vitamin B

B vitamins help keep skin hydrated and protect against dryness and flaking. Because dry skin is less elastic, it may be more prone to wrinkles, sagging, or stretch marks. Vitamins can be found in whole grain and dairy products.