What is the standard male size. How to measure the penis correctly. You have serious problems with potency

It is difficult to meet a man who would not be interested in the question of what size his penis is, is it small? Many of them strive , although most don't need to do anything, they are a great size. Before drawing conclusions, you should understand what the size of the penis should be in a calm state.

Unfortunately, adult film producers have instilled an incorrect stereotype about the size of male genitalia. This causes a large number of men to have complexes about their own parameters. The length and thickness of a man’s intimate organ does not affect his sex life and his partner’s satisfaction from intimacy as much as is commonly believed.

The size of the resting penis depends on a number of factors that should be taken into account when measuring:

  • Genetics, the size of the unexcited organ directly depends on it. These are nationality and race. Representatives of Southeast Asia (Mongoloid race) have members that are smaller in size than representatives of other races. Negroids have a calm organ that is much more impressive; Europeans have an average penis size in a calm state.
  • Features of development in adolescence, when the length and volume of the genital organ complete its formation, and the main thing at this stage is to exclude the possibility of genitourinary diseases, which cause the genitals to slow down in growth.
  • Excess body weight, it visually hides part of the male reproductive organ under the fat layer, and for every extra 6 kilograms, the penis visually decreases by 1 centimeter.

Normal penises in a supine position are from 4 to 5 cm long, then in a state of erection they increase to 10-11 cm. With a length of 6-7 cm in a calm state, when excited they become from 12 to 14 cm. At 8-10 cm, at rest, the erect organs will become from 15 to 17 cm. If the calm penis is from 11 to 12 cm, then when it is ready for intercourse, it will increase to 17-19 cm. If the calm organ is more than 12 cm, during erection it will become longer than 19 cm. This is according to statistics. The average size of a male penis is 8.8 cm at rest and 12.9 cm when erect, but there is no direct relationship between these indicators.

What are the penis sizes of men in different countries?

Leading in parameters the penis of a man from the Congo, their length is over 18 centimeters. The Ecuadorians are a little shorter, 17.8 cm. In third place are the citizens of Ghana with 17.3 cm. In Europe, the Hungarians have the most impressive manhood, according to the latest statistics, 16.5 cm.

Following them are the Icelanders, with a length of 16.1 cm, and the Romanians have the shortest penis, “only” 12.7 cm. The average figures for the British are 14 cm, the French - 13.5 cm, the Swedes - 14.98 cm, the Greeks - 14.75 cm, Germans - 14.48 cm. Recognized machos from Spain and Italy have 15.74 cm. Australians with a length of 13.3 cm and citizens of North America with 13 cm are in the middle of the list.

In the countries of the former USSR, Georgians are the leaders in size, they have 16 cm. Belarusians are larger than Russians, 14.65 cm. Arab men have quite impressive parameters, on average 16 cm and above.

Men from Southeast Asia cannot boast of large dimensions; they are at the bottom of the list. The Chinese have an average length of the penis of 11 cm, the inhabitants of Thailand and India have 10 cm each, Koreans generally occupy the last place in the world with 9.7 cm. A non-erect penis can be different, 4 cm, and 12 cm, but when it occurs erections, sometimes the very miniature sexual organ surprises with its dimensions.

At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, sexologist I.S. Cohn conducted a gender experiment, where he found that Russians have a manhood on average of 15 cm, ±2 cm. According to statistics, only 3% of Russians have less than 12 cm in erection, and 4% have more than 20 cm. The main percentage falls on owners from 13 cm to 17 cm in an erect state.

How to measure your penis correctly

It is difficult to establish the normal size of the penis in a calm state, but scientists and doctors have nevertheless made some conclusions that on average it is 9 centimeters, but allowances should be made for the heredity, race and stature of the man. The average data looks like this: in a calm state, 4-5 cm approximately corresponds to 10-11 cm in an erect state. 6-7 cm will become 12-14 cm, 8-10 cm will increase to 15-17 cm, and 11-12 cm will equal an impressive 17-19 cm. A calm penis over 12 cm long becomes a giant over 19 cm long.

If the erect organ is less than 9 cm, the length is considered insufficient, less than 7 cm is already a micropenis, but you can help yourself by using or a drug .

To measure the length of the calm male reproductive organ, you need a warm room, since it will be smaller in the cold. To obtain an accurate result, the head of the genital organ is exposed and given a horizontal position. After this, apply a ruler over the penis and measure the distance from the pubic bone to the end of the head. The result will be the parameter of the member in a quiet state.

The volume of the male organ is more important than its length; it is measured in three places, near the pubis, in the middle of the penis and near the head. The average figure will be the approximate volume of the penis.

What to do if you are undersized

Penis sizes- indicators of the length and thickness of the male genital organ in a calm state and with an increase in volume as a result of filling the cavernous bodies of the organ with blood (in an erect state).

The size of the penis has an important impact on a man’s sex life, since size characteristics contribute to the fullness of a man, his psychological state and the quality of his intimate life in general.

Classification and types of penis size

Standard size characteristics of the male genital organ measures 12 to 18 centimeters in length and 3–4 centimeters in diameter when erect. In a calm state, the penis has the following average length: from 7 to 10 centimeters. Depending on the length in the erect state, there are the following types of penis size:

  • micropenis– less than 8 centimeters in length;
  • small penis– length from 9 to 12 centimeters;
  • average penis– length from 13 to 18 centimeters;
  • large penis– length more than 18 centimeters.

The reasons for different penis sizes mainly depend on the race of the man; it is known that representatives of the African-American race have the highest parameters, Asians have the lowest, Europeans have average penis sizes of the reproductive system.

The most comfortable penis size is medium. Owners of average size indicators have more opportunities for a full intimate life than owners of the highest length and thickness indicators, and owners of a small penis, the size of which can become the basis for the onset of depression and irregular sex life. Thus, the size of the penis affects lifestyle and subsequently physiological health.

Signs of the size of the penis at rest depend on the filling of the cavernous bodies with blood. The work of the cavernous bodies is identical to the work of the body’s vessels, which narrow when the temperature drops and expand when the temperature rises. Ambient temperature effectively influences the effects of penile size. But the characteristics of the penis in a calm state and the size indicators during erection are not related to each other and do not reflect possible changes in parameters.

Measuring the size of the penis

The size of the penis is important for the psychological health of a man, who independently sets the norm, which is formed on the basis of unsuccessful sexual experiences, personal data and assumptions, unreliable information and indicators. Such a diagnosis of penis size can cause depression with subsequent refusal of intimate life.

The measurement of the reproductive organ should be carried out in a room with optimal temperature when the penis is in an erect state to prevent psychological complications that may arise from incorrect measurement.

The length of the penis is measured from the pubis to the end of the head, assessing the functional parameters and capabilities of the penis. If you have diseases associated with the reproductive system and erectile dysfunction, the size indicator may have errors and show inaccurate data. Normal indicators of the penis in the absence of diseases are evidence of the normal physical health of a man.

Penis size treatment

The size of the penis is not just an indicator of the organ; for a man it is a characteristic of his functionality, courage and dominance. Despite having predominantly average sizes, many men prefer to use a surgical method of treating their sizes, through penis enlargement surgery. The reason for the operation may be the testimony of an andrologist or a man’s dissatisfaction with his intimate life.

Taking into account the experience and professionalism of modern doctors, penis enlargement operations are gaining more and more popularity, although it is necessary to take into account the fact that satisfaction from intimacy is achieved not due to the length of the male genital organ, but due to its thickness and the force of compression of the vaginal muscles.

Before undergoing surgery, you must consult a doctor and undergo an examination to make sure there are no contraindications.

An effective alternative to surgery

We all know that modern medicine does not stand still and develops every day. Not long ago, European scientists showed their innovative development, thanks to which it is possible to increase the size of the penis even at home.

Prevention of penis size

Prevention of a healthy and fulfilling intimate life cannot exclude the prevention of health of the reproductive system and genital organs. Starting from the age of 12-13, when the increase in penis size becomes more noticeable, it is necessary to undergo regular examination by a doctor, who can, if necessary, prescribe surgical operations or growth-stimulating drugs.

Anyone who understands this will never become fixated on the size of their penis. Conclusion: normal penis size is a rather vague indicator. Scientists believe that the normal size of an erect penis ranges from 12 to 20 centimeters. What is the normal penis size? The thickness of a penis is more important than its length.

The question of the average size of manhood has always worried many men, especially in adolescence and middle age. Almost every member of the stronger sex was interested in what the normal size of a penis is and compared it with their parameters. At one time there was a lot of discussion around this topic, but now it’s time to understand this issue and put an end to this topic.

Currently, regarding the size of the penis, there are the following concepts:

  1. Micropenis- if the length of the stretched penis is no more than 2 cm
  2. Small penis- penis less than 9.5 cm long when erect
  3. Normal penis- statistically average size is 9.5 cm or more when erect

The length of the penis is closely related to the anthropometric characteristics of a man - a positive correlation was found with height and a negative correlation with a man’s weight.

In the course of numerous worldwide studies in this area, scientists have not identified any relationship between the size of the penis in a relaxed state and in an erect state.

The size of the penis must be measured according to 3 parameters:

  • at rest
  • at maximum stretch
  • during erection

The measurement is taken along the dorsal surface, from the penopubical angle (the angle formed by the base of the penis and the anterior abdominal wall) to the edge of the glans. The penopubical angle should be 90 degrees.

By shape Three main types predominate. The first is cylindrical, when the base and tip of the penis are approximately the same diameter. The second type is pointed, when it is clearly wider, but the opposite is true, then the third type is mushroom-shaped, with a wide head and a narrow base.

By lenght male organs also differ significantly from each other. All those that reach 24 centimeters during an erection are included in the group giant. Towards the Commonwealth standard include penises from 16 to 22 centimeters. Sturdy organs with a length of 8 to 16 centimeters are named. Of course, there are unique ones - huge, more than 25 centimeters, and very small ones shorter than 2.5 centimeters, these are included in the extreme group, which is of interest to surgeons, endocrinologists and sex therapists.

Latest Research

Scientists from the French National Academy of Surgery recently decided to clarify and determine the normal size of the penis of the average man. The research results showed that the average length of the object of male pride at rest is 9-9.5 cm, and during erection it reaches from 12.8 to 14.5 cm. At the same time, the girth at rest averaged 8.5-9 cm, and in an erect state - 10-10.5 cm.

Also, the academy's experts came to the general opinion that surgery to enlarge the penis is very often unjustified. According to French surgeons, it is mainly men who insist on such intervention who believe that their parameters do not correspond to the anatomical norm. However, they often have a normal penis size. According to statistics, the number of such requests is more than 85% of the total number of people who applied for such services.

At the same time, the report notes that existing methods for correcting penis size are very limited in effectiveness, and at the same time can lead to serious complications. For example, one of the most common methods of surgical intervention - dissection of the suspensory ligament of the penis - can cause erectile dysfunction. And increasing the size using fat implantation gives only a temporary and minor cosmetic effect. Regarding the use of silicone or other artificial fillers, experts believe that this method should be prohibited altogether.

The use of these methods can be justified only when there is a congenital anomaly of the genital organ, or to eliminate the consequences of cancer and trauma. Experts believe that when a man with a normal penis size makes such a request, the doctor is obliged to politely and clearly explain the unfoundedness of such demands and notify about the possible consequences.

Curious facts

According to a sociological survey of Russian women, the majority believe that the normal length of a penis is 15 cm and it is not its length that is important, but its thickness.

Women will be interested to know that a man’s sexuality can be assessed based on the shape of his ring finger. At least this is the statement made by Camille Ferdenzi, a sexologist working at the University of Geneva. And the popular publication “Men’s Health” in one of its articles reports that there are two types of penis. The first one has a smaller initial size, but during an erection it lengthens and expands more than the second one. In the latter, on the contrary, the size at rest is larger, but an erection does not lead to its increase too much. Thus, the difference in size in the excited state can be leveled out. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the normal size of the penis when it is in a non-erect state. According to statistics, 79% of men can be classified as the first type and only 21% as the second.

The well-known manufacturer of protective equipment LifeStyles conducted its research, according to which only 4% of men can boast a penis length equal to or exceeding 17.78 cm. And the officially registered length of the longest object of male pride was 34.3 cm.

For most men, the most important and significant part of the body is the penis. What do the advantages depend on?

This issue is of interest not only to the stronger sex, but also to the bulk of the female population. There are a huge number of beliefs and signs that supposedly explain what determines the size of the penis in men. Below we will consider the most common conjectures and will either receive confirmation or refute them.

How does the male reproductive system work?

The reproductive organs of the stronger half are divided into internal and external. The former consists of the testicles, vas deferens and seminal vesicles, while the latter consists of the scrotum and penis, or penis. Their main function is reproductive.

Properties of the penis

Male flesh is a sexual organ that is designed to transport sperm into the vagina during copulation, as well as remove urine from the body.

The phallus consists of a base, a body and a head. The base consists of 2 parts, or two bodies - cavernous and spongy, containing many lacunae filled with blood. At the end of the corpus spongiosum there is a thickening - the head, the edge of which covers the ends of the cavernous bodies. It is covered with the most delicate skin (foreskin), which has an abundance of glands responsible for smegma.

The appearance of each man's penis is unique; at rest it is straight, but during an erection it has a strong bend.

Penis size standards

The size of the reproductive organ in men in an inactive state is small - from 5 to 10 cm, but during arousal it reaches 14-16 cm, which corresponds to the size of the female vagina. Interestingly, shorter phalluses grow larger during erection than longer ones. But the shape and slope during this period are individual. A penis whose length in an erect state ranges from 16 to 18 cm is considered large, and one that reaches 18-20 cm or more is considered a giant. The diameter of this organ usually varies from 3 to 4 cm.

At the time of birth, the length of the penis in boys is from 2.5 to 5.5 cm, about 6 cm, then this organ actively grows until adulthood, and after 18 to 25 years it does not increase much.

At the moment of arousal, the size of the phallus increases from 2 to 8 times due to a decrease in venous outflow with the contraction of special muscles near the base.

So what determines penis size in men?

Basic misconceptions

The most common mistake is the belief that the size of a man's penis depends on the length of his nose. But this is absolutely not true. Scientists have proven that the main respiratory organ has nothing to do with the size of the penis. It is also generally accepted that the length of the penis in men is directly proportional to the length of the foot, which is also completely false.

Another misconception is comparing the distance from the base of the thumb to the tip of the middle finger with the length of the penis. This judgment has long been refuted by scientists and is completely groundless.

Also, the researchers could not prove that there is any relationship between a man’s height and the size of his reproductive organ. Therefore, this criterion is also considered erroneous.

Recently, there has been an opinion that representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation have a more impressive phallus than heterosexuals, but this is absolutely not true, as proven by Richard Edwards, in whose study 1,768 people took part.

Does weight category matter?

The next common question is: “Does penis size depend on weight?” Let's figure it out.

When a man has a large amount of fat deposits accumulate in the pelvic area, this causes the visible size of the penis to decrease. But when returning to normal body weight, the size of the phallus also becomes the same. So what does the size of a man's penis actually depend on?

Factors affecting male flesh size

First of all, the length and thickness of the male penis (as well as other parts of the body) is determined by heredity! Genes are the most important factor influencing the appearance and structural features of the body as a whole.

Of course, the characteristics of growth and development also play a role. If even before the birth of a boy or at the time of puberty there was a failure in the formation of testosterone, then the formation of the genital organs may not proceed correctly.

The causes of a small penis can be injuries, surgeries, epispadias, hypospadias.

The infamous professor conducted a very interesting study and gave his answer to the question of what determines the size of the penis. It turns out that it depends on race!

Thus, according to the test results, the leading position is occupied by residents of Africa, namely men from In this country, the majority of the stronger sex has a phallus length of 18.0 cm. Next come Ecuadorians - 17.77 cm. In third place are men from the country of Ghana.

Europeans follow only from the 10th line in this list, and the Hungarians are in the lead (16.50 cm). And in Russia, the average penis size is 13.21 cm. This figure is generally an indicator of standard penis sizes throughout the world. So to speak, the golden mean. Residents of North and South Korea, or rather the male part of them, have “dignity”, the length of which does not exceed an average of 9.66 cm. Asians took all the last places in Richard Lynn’s table.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the researcher is right, and the nationality of the man plays a significant role in the size of such an important organ.

A sexologist's opinion on this issue

From the point of view of sexologist Pavel Pavlovich Salov, the main factor on which the size of the penis depends is still considered to be genetics. He also explains the desire of men to have “great dignity” by the fact that for the stronger half of the population, the phallus is their pride and ego. This perception is present in every son of Adam on a subconscious level, and this state of affairs has existed from time immemorial.

It’s just that men with outstanding sizes are more ambitious, which is why they are so popular among women. In fact, the sexologist assures, there is nothing wrong with a small penis (if it is not a pathology), the main thing is to be confident in yourself and your abilities, then there will definitely be no problems with the fair sex.

And finally, let’s discuss whether men should worry about amorous affairs, and whether orgasm depends on the size of the penis.

Is more better?

Most women answer without hesitation that the size of their partner’s “dignity” does not play a special role in delivering pleasure. The main criteria are skills and abilities!

As you know, Grigory Rasputin and Casanova were owners of phalluses of very modest size, but women, nevertheless, went crazy for them. Why? The whole secret is in the ability to bring your beloved to orgasm!

Sexologists assure you: you just need to find the right approach to your partner, and not be shy during intimate games and the act itself. The psychological factor plays a huge role in such a delicate situation: the less a man has complexes about the size of the penis, the more relaxed he behaves in bed, pays more attention to the lady, feels relaxed and conquers the woman with his skills.

Penis size is important in every man's life. Many people underestimate the actual size, while others overestimate it. Despite existing subjective assessments, there are official studies conducted by scientists and sociologists from different countries. Studies have shown what normal penis length is. Let us note right away that the concept of norm is flexible and applicable only in a subjective understanding. So, in theoretical cases, a length of 14-15 cm can be considered normal, but in practice, women prefer larger sizes. For reliable and high-quality penis enlargement, you can use extenders and other devices, but more on that a little later. Let's consider what established norms exist regarding male genitalia.

Measuring a man's penis.

In order to measure the length of the penis as accurately and correctly as possible, it is necessary to bring it to a state of full and high-quality erection. It is impossible to achieve such a result in medical institutions, but in Brazil, during research, doctors used special medications that made it possible to accurately measure the length.Individual clinicians measured penile length by stretching it to its maximum in a non-erect state. Indicators that were obtained as a result of self-measurements are often criticized because men exaggerate the actual size of the penis. For correct measurements, it is necessary to take several measurements, at different times of the day and with different degrees of erection. As a result, the indicators are added up and the average result is displayed, which determines what the normal length of the penis is.

Known results of studies on penis length.

The results obtained from studies vary significantly, but most medical experts from the United States have concluded that the average penis size is 14.5-16 cm. According to the confidence level, 95% of the subjects have a penis length in the range of 11.7-20.1 cm. The average width was also calculated, which in the erect state is 12.83 cm. It should be noted that the average dimensions are slightly larger than its median dimensions. Most of the known measurement results were published by specialists from the USA.

The length of the penis in a state of erection.

We do not take into account indicators that were achieved as a result of self-measurement. For the reliability of the data, we present only those results that were obtained as a result of measurements taken by medical personnel.

In September 1996, the Journal of Urology concluded that the normal length of a man's penis is 12.9 cm when measured by staff members. The study was conducted to provide guidance to men who are considering penis enlargement. Also, as a result of research, it was determined that 80% of average Americans with an average age of 54 years had an erection induced with the help of medications. As a result, it was concluded that neither the length of the penis at rest nor the age of the man can provide information about the exact size of the erect penis.

In December 2000, a study was conducted by the International Journal of Impotence Research, as a result of which it was concluded that the average length of the penis in 50 observed men was about 13.6 cm. Erections in the observed men were induced using pharmacological agents, and all individuals went to medical institutions regarding the presence of erectile dysfunction. The average age of the men was 47 years (+/- 14 years). These studies excluded individuals whose erectile dysfunction was due to a number of psychological rather than physical factors.

In the spring of 2001, studies were conducted on 401 college students by the LifeStyles Candoms organization. The purpose of the study is to determine the required sizes of condoms based on the needs of potential buyers. According to research results, the normal length of the penis reaches 14.9 cm. In 300 observed, an erection was induced clinically, without the use of pharmacological agents. Despite this, it should be noted that the study was not conducted among all categories of people, but exclusively among college students, so the data can also be called subjective.

Width and girth of the penis.

In 1998-2002, Igor Kon, the famous Russian sexologist and sociologist, conducted research in Russia on more than 8 thousand men over 18 years of age. As a result of the research, the following conclusion was made: the width of the male penis is, on average, 14-15 cm. To date, no other similar studies have been conducted.

What penis length is considered normal? The answer to this question is sought by many men who cannot objectively assess the actual size of the penis due to an incorrect perspective of perception (from top to bottom), as well as due to voluminous accumulations of adipose tissue near the base of the penis. Surveys conducted by sexologists from different countries have determined that the length of the penis may be normal, despite the perception of men.

Some of the most common discussions involve the question of what length of a normal penis women prefer:

  • 1) In 2005, a study was conducted on the Internet, where more than 52 thousand heterosexual couples, as a result of the survey, found that: 55% of men are satisfied with the size of their penises, while 85% of women are more than satisfied with the penises of their partners. Only 6% of women noted that their partners are smaller in size than necessary.
  • 2) Boston University Medical Center conducted a study in which the majority of women noted the significant importance not so much of the length as the width of the penis. Also, 71% of women noted that men often underestimate the size of their penises.
  • 3) A similar study was conducted at the University of Utrecht, as a result of which women preferred larger penis sizes, and men directly linked penis size with their own self-esteem.

Despite the above studies, we note that more modern women still prefer large penis sizes. There are surveys on this subject, as a result of which women who consider themselves attractive are more likely to want partners with larger penis sizes. From here we can draw the following conclusion: the normal length of the penis is an average indicator, which should be focused only on the larger side.

Methods to enlarge the penis.

Today, there are three most common methods of penis enlargement used by men:

  • 1) Historical methods.Many of the existing techniques were developed several centuries ago. Thus, jelq is a popular method of enlargement, first invented in Sudan. The essence of the process lies in methodical and frequent blows to the penis, which results in an increase in length and width. Despite the fact that the process is effective, according to many practitioners, it can lead to numerous microtraumas of the penis, so this method is rightfully considered traumatic. There are also certain Taoist sexual practices. According to the Taoists themselves, within one to two months of constant practice you can achieve an increase of 1-2 cm. Unfortunately, there is still no evidence of the effectiveness of these methods.
  • 2) Surgical method of enlargement (phalloplasty).Thanks to modern advances in the field of surgery, surgical enlargement of the male penis has become possible. Today there are two established and most common methods. The first involves lengthening the penis by releasing the sling and suspensory ligaments, thanks to which the erectile bodies are attached to the pubic bone. As a result of excision of these ligaments, the hidden length of the penis is released - about 1-2 cm. Another surgical method of enlargement is the introduction of polymethyl acrylate into the cavity of the penis. Thus, the circumference (width) of the organ increases.
  • 3) Increase using specialized means.This category includes extenders, special pumps, attachments and other means. Each product has its own specific application.

The latter method is rightfully considered the safest and optimal in terms of the ratio of the final result and the time of use of the product. That is why we will pay special attention to specialized means of penis enlargement, in particular extenders.

Penis enlargement using extenders and other means.

Today, the following types of extenders and devices for penis enlargement are actively used:

  • Loop extenders.They show good final results, but their long-term use is characterized by painful procedures. Despite this, loop extenders are in wide demand due to their low cost. All such products have mandatory medical certificates.
  • Extenders with belts.More comfortable and less painful devices compared to the previous category, but they cannot be used for long-term (more than six months) training. In essence, they are special physiological devices that have registered medical patents. Stimulation of cellular tissue over long periods of use causes growth of the penis (increase in its length and width).

There are also other means that are temporary in nature and in most cases are of an applied nature. This category includes various nozzles, rings, pumps and other similar devices.What is the operating principle of extenders? In their essence and design, extenders are not much different from the Ilizarov apparatus known to doctors - the beneficial effect is caused by constant mechanical deformation of the tissues of the penis. As a result, as a result of microtraumas, the surface of the penis increases, and blood flows more intensely into the spongy body, due to which the duration of the erection also increases. With proper use of these specialized tools, favorable results can be achieved.

The result of using an extender is a significant increase in the length of the penis (from 3 to 5 centimeters) and its width (up to 2 centimeters in girth). A distinctive feature of extenders is safety of use, which is complemented by ease of operation and the absence of the need to perform certain exercises and training. In addition, the device can be used both at home and at work, and no prior consultation with a doctor is required before use. We can conclude that extenders are the best modern means for penis enlargement.