What are the benefits of mother's milk for a baby? Nutritional value and beneficial substances in breast milk components. What kind of product is this - breast milk?

Meaning breastfeeding It is difficult to overestimate: in addition to the fact that the baby receives a lot of useful substances from mother’s milk, it is through breastfeeding that an invisible, but such a strong connection is created between mother and child. At this moment, the mother’s heart is filled with aching tenderness, and the baby, feeling this, responds to himself dear person endless devotion.

The young woman has become a mother and is ready to do everything in her power to ensure that her beloved baby grows up healthy. The most important contribution to the health and well-being of a child will not cost you any material or physical costs, but is truly priceless. It's about about the importance of breastfeeding - both for mother and child, because nature made sure that the woman who gave birth to the baby could feed him herself. Why is it that in our country only 10-15% of babies under 3 months of age are provided with breast milk? And there are even fewer children receiving their mother’s breasts up to 1 year of age - only 5%. Things are somewhat better in rural areas. There women, not spoiled by civilization, use their breasts according to their direct purpose and feed children up to a year and longer, focusing only on the child’s desire and lactation status. However, even such a low percentage of breastfeeding continues to fall, despite the adoption in Russia since 1997 international program on breastfeeding support developed by UNICEF ( Children's Fund United Nations).

Pediatricians, concerned about this state of affairs, directly link the increase in childhood morbidity with the early (and what is most sad, unfounded!) transfer of babies to artificial feeding.

The value of breastfeeding for a child is invaluable - it is the best thing you can give to your child. Mother's milk provides not only food, but also immunity from many diseases, strengthens the physical and spiritual connection between mother and baby, instills in him a sense of security in this huge and mysterious world. Breastfed children are much less likely to suffer from viral infections And various kinds allergies than those who were bottle fed.

Breastfeeding is necessary not only for the baby, but also for his mother. The importance of breastfeeding for the mother is that during sucking there is stimulation nerve endings nipple, which leads to the production of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin. Prolactin is also called the hormone of motherhood, as it increases a young woman’s feeling of love and tenderness for her child. Oxytocin reduces muscle fibers around the lobules of the mammary gland and pushes milk into the ducts, from where it is injected into the child’s mouth; in addition, it promotes contraction of the uterus, allows you to quickly restore its former slimness, and serves as a natural contraceptive. Women who breastfeed are much less likely to develop a serious disease such as breast cancer, which tends to spread.

Those women whose husbands understand and appreciate the importance of natural feeding and support them in every possible way. That's why outreach work should be carried out not only among expectant mothers. Talk about the benefits breast milk It is a must for a child and for fathers.

The main thing is to understand the benefits and importance of breastfeeding even before giving birth, create a mindset for breastfeeding, eat well, have time for have a nice rest and execute simple rules stimulating lactation.

Breastfeeding is the simplest and most natural thing in the world. Each healthy woman, knowing the importance of breastfeeding for a newborn child, can and should provide mother’s milk to her baby, and therefore lay the first and, perhaps, main stone in the foundation of his health and well-being.

And one more argument in favor of breast milk: you don’t have to constantly buy formula (and they are not cheap at all), dilute them, or bother with washing bottles and nipples. And your milk is always ready with you.

What are the benefits of breastfeeding for a baby?

Of all food products, no matter how tasty and healthy they may be, the most perfect is mother's milk. Created by nature, this elixir of life contains everything you need to favorable development baby.

The composition of a woman's breast milk is variable and depends on the age of the child and the lactation period. So, in the first days after birth, when the newborn is still weak and his stomach is very small, the mother’s body produces colostrum, which has a high content of protein, vitamins, minerals, immune bodies and others protective factors, protecting the child from diseases.

Colostrum according to physical and chemical properties close to the tissues of the newborn, therefore easily absorbed by the body. The benefits of breastfeeding even in the first days are so high that even those 10-20 ml received by the baby at one time are enough to ensure his vital functions.

As the baby grows, the composition of breast milk changes, and by the 15th day it becomes mature, acquiring a constant content. The benefits of breast milk are especially high for a premature baby. It has been proven that after premature birth in breast milk the concentration of protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA) and protective factors are higher, which ensures premature baby favorable conditions for intensive growth and development.

Recent studies by American scientists convincingly prove the benefits of breast milk: it turns out that children who were breastfed are far ahead in mental development of their peers who were fed artificial formula. The point is not only that the physical chemical composition Mother's milk has a beneficial effect on the baby's brain, but also in that close contact with the mother during feeding creates an atmosphere of love and care that promotes mental and physical health.

Breast milk is so beneficial for a child that since ancient times it has been considered not only an elixir of health, but also an elixir of intelligence. Experts in the field baby food they also say that the way the child is fed in early childhood depends not only on its degree mental development, but also life expectancy. This dependency is at the core of the program eating behavior, which is formed from the moment the child is born and accompanies him throughout his life. In a child fed with mother's milk, a program of correct eating behavior is laid down from the first days. Therefore, as he grows up, he is less susceptible to atherosclerosis, and consequently, myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke and other serious diseases.

What is the chemical composition of a woman's breast milk?

So, no sane person doubts whether breast milk is healthy, because it is the ideal food for a baby. Compared to cow's milk, which is most often used as a base for artificial feeding, human milk has a number of well-known and undeniable advantages.

What is included in breast milk and what properties does it have? Firstly, human milk protein consists mainly of serum albumins and globulins, which are involved in the development of immunity and contain essential amino acids. In addition, human milk albumins are finely dispersed, so they are easily digested and do not require large quantity digestive juices. There is 10 times less casein in human milk than in cow's milk. And its small particles form tender flakes in the baby's stomach, while the coarse protein of cow's milk curdles into larger and denser flakes.

Secondly, the amino acid composition of human milk is unique and provides the child’s body with vital substances.

Thirdly, polyunsaturated fatty acids predominate in the fat of human milk (2 times more than in cow's milk), necessary for brain development and nerve fibers, and phospholipids promote the production of bile and the active absorption of fats in the intestines. The amount of volatile fatty acids that can have irritant effect on the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract, in human milk compared to cow's milk is reduced. Valuable quality is the high dispersion of fats, which facilitates their absorption. The fats in mother's milk are absorbed by the child's body by 80-95%, which is facilitated by the enzymes contained in milk that compensate low activity the child's own enzymes.

Fourthly, carbohydrates in mother's milk are represented mainly by milk sugar - lactose, which is broken down in small intestine, and a small part of it in undivided form enters colon and suppresses pathogenic flora there.

Fifthly, although there are fewer minerals in human milk than in cow's milk, they are in an easily digestible form. Calcium and phosphorus content in an ideal 2:1 ratio ensures normal growth and development bone tissue, and baby teething. Iron from mother's milk is absorbed by 50-70%, and from cow's milk by only 10-30%.

Sixthly, in terms of the content of vitamins (A, C, P, E, D, group B), microelements (magnesium, zinc, iodine, copper, etc.), hormones, human milk is much richer than cow’s milk, which provides significant support to the baby’s body in difficult first months of life.

Seventh, human milk contains 19 enzymes that facilitate the digestion and absorption of essential nutrients against the background of decreased secretion of its own digestive enzymes child.

Eighth, with breast milk, the child receives from the mother a whole complex of immune bodies and protective components: lactoferrin, lysozyme (100 times more active than cow's milk lysozyme), bifidum factor and others that protect the baby from diseases.

Ninth, tenth, twenties and hundredths... This list can be continued indefinitely, but we will not test the reader’s patience, but will add a few more words about the undoubted advantages of mother’s milk.

The chemical composition of breast milk includes substances that regulate the processes of growth and development of the baby, the so-called epidermal growth factors, nerve tissue, insulin-like growth factor, etc. Numerous hormones in mother's milk: gonadotropin, insulin, calcitonin, thyrotropin, thyroxine, triiodothyronine, somatostatin, etc., etc., help the child adapt to the surrounding reality.

Beneficial properties of mother's breast milk

And one more important fact: the child receives mother’s milk in a warm and sterile form. Unique properties breast milk is preserved in its original form.

During the first six months, intensive development of all organs and systems occurs, adaptation to the outside world, which is why it is so necessary to give the baby the maximum through food. No one in the world has yet created a mixture that would be a complete analogue of mother's milk.

Our article will tell you about the benefits of breastfeeding, the composition of human milk and convince you of maintaining natural feeding and this natural product as long as possible.

A woman's breasts are not only a woman's beautiful asset, but also an organ that allows her to feed babies. This occurs due to the fact that the gland is divided into ducts and narrow channels. At the outlet of the nipple, the ducts have expansions - lacteal sinuses.

And at the other end of these ducts there are cells that produce milk. The cells form groups - alveoli, of which there are a great many.

So, a woman gets pregnant and carries the baby for 9 long months. At this time, things happen in the brain complex processes, thanks to which prolactin begins to be produced. This hormone is released into the blood after the baby is born.

The second assistant in milk secretion is the hormone oxytocin. It expands the milk sinuses, and when the baby’s mouth captures the nipple, milk moves freely through the ducts and easily leaves the breast. Only the coordinated work of these two hormones will make it possible for calm and proper breastfeeding.

Scientists have proven that milk is “in the head” of a woman. This means that if a woman has a great desire to breastfeed, then her body will mobilize all its strength and capabilities to produce milk. But if a woman does not want this, then, most likely, she will not have enough milk.

Milk is produced in the mammary glands by special cells. This process should normally occur in women only during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Signals from the brain stimulate the production of the hormone prolactin, which, in turn, ensures milk production. Even before giving birth, a woman may notice discharge from the mammary glands - colostrum.

Colostrum has the following properties:

  • low-fat,
  • high-calorie,
  • With high content microelements and vitamins,
  • rich in proteins.

In our country, early breastfeeding in the delivery room is encouraged. This is necessary in order to stimulate lactation in the mother. Colostrum helps plant the “seed of health” in the baby and also stimulates the sucking reflex.

Colostrum is produced in small quantities. And the first day after birth, the baby can very often attach to the breast and literally “hang” on it. Early milk is a “helper” in the formation of healthy digestive tract baby. It has a very powerful immunostimulating effect.

Colostrum is not too fatty in composition and is easily digested, which is so necessary for the first days of a baby’s life. The volume of a newborn’s stomach is no more than a teaspoon, so nature intended it to be so as not to overload the digestive tract.

Transition milk

Begins to be produced by 3-4 days after birth and is produced for about a week, until the next transition to mature milk. The difference from colostrum is higher fat content and larger volume.

The composition changes - the content of protein, sodium, and potassium decreases. The fat and carbohydrate components increase.

This natural product is divided into:

  • front,
  • rear

A woman’s body produces one breast milk, and in the mammary gland it is already divided into two types. During the tide (milk coming in), it is in the breast, and the fattier milk (hind milk) remains in the ducts. Accordingly, the more liquid (anterior) flows closer to the nipple.

In chemical and vitamin composition Foremilk and hindmilk are similar. They are distinguished only by the amount of fat, and hence the caloric content and satiety.

Foremilk is created to quench the baby's thirst. It is released at the beginning of the act of sucking. It has a more liquid consistency and blue color. Produced in small quantity.

Hind milk is the main source of nutrition. In order to receive it, the baby needs to make an effort when sucking.

Therefore, during one feeding, try to feed one breast. If the baby abandons her early, do not rush, offer it again.

Hind milk is higher in calories and contains the most fat, which is why babies love to fall asleep while sucking. mother's breast. Hind milk has everything you need useful material, which we will talk about later.

Beneficial properties of breast milk

  • balanced composition of fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • the main source of food and drink for the infant;
  • prevention of allergic reactions;
  • milk can fight cancer cells.

    Scientists from Sweden have proven that albumins in milk can defeat about 40 types of cancer;

  • normal operation and strengthening immune system. Since it contains many protective antibodies, this good prevention infectious diseases. The presence of stem cells in milk makes the baby resistant to diseases;
  • facilitates adaptation processes digestive system baby;
  • intensive brain development due to lactose sugars and complex proteins;
  • Breastfed babies are less likely to suffer from stomach problems.

The benefits of breastfeeding

  • mothers who feed their children experience a feeling of satisfaction with motherhood, as they give them something that no one else can give;
  • saving time. You don't need to boil bottles, nipples, get up at night and heat the formula. Also convenient on long trips. All it takes is your breasts;
  • when the baby suckles, the mother produces the hormone oxytocin, which reduces stress levels;
  • communication and close contact with mother. Feeding for a baby is an additional opportunity to be alone with mom, to enjoy her smell, care, and warmth;
  • education taste qualities child. The more you eat varied, but healthy and hypoallergenic foods, the more often the taste of milk will change. So the baby will learn new tastes through milk.

Komarovsky: “After childbirth, sucking produces the hormone oxytocin, which promotes contraction of the uterus, which, in turn, leads to rapid recovery internal organs."

What does the immune defense of human milk consist of?

  1. Immune cells - lymphocytes, macrophages.
  2. Class A immunoglobulin. This protects the mucous membrane from harmful agents. Remains active in the child’s stomach and protects its mucous membrane.

    A child receives half a gram of immunoglobulin per day with milk, and this is 50 times higher than what patients with immunodeficiencies receive by injection.

  3. Lysozyme. Moreover, its concentration becomes greater in the second year of lactation.
  4. Bifidobacteria.

Breast milk contains about 500 different components.

According to WHO, milk carries value for a child during the first 2 years of life.

  1. The main component is water. It is about 90% in milk. It helps to avoid dehydration of the child's body.
  2. Protein in a quantitative ratio of about one percent, one of the most important components for normal height body. Ensures the development of the muscular, circulatory and nervous systems.

    As milk ages, proteins tend to decrease. This is due to the fact that the baby’s growth rate after a year is more dependent on regular food. The need for breast milk proteins decreases.

  3. Fats. Available in small quantities - 4%, since it is very difficult for a newborn to digest fatty milk.

Carbohydrates - about 7%. Lactose is a substance necessary for the development normal microflora intestines. Helps destroy pathogenic flora.

Often women give up breastfeeding after giving birth. Many people associate this with urbanization - they say that the environment and nutrition are changing, and health is getting worse. Meanwhile, breastfeeding experts say that only 3% of women are unable to breastfeed their children. medical indicators. Other women, if desired and certain conditions are created, are quite capable of doing without artificial mixtures. Often women do not want to breastfeed because they have heard a lot of myths about it. Meanwhile, they deny their babies the most valuable thing - complete and balanced natural nutrition. Let's try to understand the most common myths about breastfeeding.

1. Breasts lose shape during feeding

Changes in breast shape occur during pregnancy, during hormonal changes: glandular tissue, which is responsible for the production of breast milk, grows, it gradually replaces adipose tissue. The breasts begin to swell and grow, and then in the last trimester of pregnancy and lactation they become soft. It takes time for the breasts to recover and fill with fatty tissue again. Regardless of the mother’s decision to feed the baby with milk, the breasts increase in size as much as possible with the arrival of milk (3-10 days after birth). The shape of the breasts is negatively affected by feeding according to a regimen when excessive amounts of milk accumulate in the breasts, constant or incorrect manual expression, and poor skin elasticity. The baby, no matter how much he wants, cannot spoil the shape of the breast - after all, he only grasps the nipple and areola with his mouth. With a smooth completion of breastfeeding, the shape of the breast is restored.

2. Breastfeeding can ruin your figure

Some women, while breastfeeding, begin to eat for three and can actually gain weight. In order to have milk, you do not need to increase the amount of food you eat; it is enough to eat foods that increase lactation. Plus, you can include auxiliary products in your diet. For example, which includes natural herbs, which have lactic properties. With normal nutrition during breastfeeding, a woman even loses weight. But after he finishes feeding, he can gain several kilograms excess weight. It's connected with hormonal imbalances, but over time, the woman’s weight will stabilize and return to what it was before pregnancy. Provided, of course, that she follows her diet and exercises.

3. Chest with flat or inverted nipple the baby won't take it

A child, expressing milk with his tongue, sucks more actively on the areola than on the nipple. When a baby is properly attached to the breast, the nipple is located under the baby's palate and serves as something like a “milk tap.” Of course, if the nipple is inverted or flat, it will be difficult for the baby to latch on to it and will take time to adjust. But the sucking reflex is the strongest in a baby; babies can suckle at the breast in any position, and even the flattest nipple is not a hindrance for a hungry baby.

4. 7-15 minutes are enough for feeding, then the baby simply “plays around”, using the breast as a pacifier

This is not true, very few babies nurse actively, the rest need breaks to rest and even sleep. Therefore, the average feeding time should be 40 minutes. If you take the breast before the baby releases it on his own, there is a risk that the baby will remain hungry. In addition, in the first minutes the baby sucks out the “front”, less fatty milk and may not receive enough “hind”, more fatty milk. Over time, the baby will become stronger and learn to breastfeed more actively. And by six months he will become an “expert” in this matter. By the way, how much breastfeeding to feed and until what age is decided by each mother individually.

5. Milk disappears due to stress

The amount of breast milk depends solely on the hormone prolactin, which is produced during feeding of the baby. The more often you feed your baby, the more milk comes in. Mom's nerves do not affect lactation. But the release of milk from the breast depends on the hormone oxytocin; if the mother is nervous, oxytocin stops being produced and the milk stops flowing. Therefore, before feeding the baby, you need to relax, you can drink tea that stimulates lactation, for example, ignore external problems.

6. When breastfeeding, you still need to supplement your baby's food

Breast milk is both food and drink for the baby. This is how nature intended. If you want to give your baby something to drink, just put him on your breast, because milk is 90% water. It is necessary to supplement the baby's food when artificial nutrition, since it is more concentrated. It is allowed to supplement the child's drinking with clean boiled water during periods of high heat and severe dehydration baby.

7. Modern mixtures no worse than breast milk

No matter how well-balanced the formula is, it cannot replace breast milk. Human milk contains more than 400(!) components that meet the baby’s different requirements: to eat, drink, calm down, sleep, normalize the stomach microflora, and recover. Breast milk can adapt to the needs of a sick baby. Naturally, the composition of the formulas is much poorer, not to mention the fact that it cannot be changed to suit the needs of your child.

8. Breasts don’t have time to fill if you feed too often.

Milk arrives in the breast as the baby demands. How bigger baby sucks the breast, the more it fills. On average, a newborn needs to be applied to the breast from 12 to 20 times a day; if the child is applied less than 12 times, it means that the mother simply does not notice his requests. As the baby gets older, the number of feedings will decrease.

9. If your breast size is small, there will be no milk.

The presence of milk is not related to breast size. Sometimes a woman with large breasts has less milk than a woman with small breasts, because breast size most often depends on fatty tissue, which has nothing to do with lactation. The only caveat is that a mother with small breasts will need to latch on to her baby more often and not take long pauses between feedings.

10. You need to eat a lot for milk to come in

Nature designed it so that the baby would receive everything he needs in any case. Therefore, the fat content of milk changes in accordance with the needs of the baby, and the composition of the milk also changes over time. According to WHO, even undernourished women can produce milk in sufficient quantities and with sufficient fat content. Therefore, the main thing is not to eat too much, but to eat balanced food, rich in vitamins and microelements.

11. You need to drink a lot of fluids to produce more milk.

Everything is good in moderation. You need to drink as much as you want. However, it is worth remembering that many pediatricians recommend that women observe daily norm in 3-4 cups of tea. The fact is that tea, like coffee, is one of the natural energy drinks. Theine in tea has a slightly milder effect than caffeine in coffee; however, you shouldn’t drink too much tea, even with milk, to rule out the possibility Negative influence caffeine on a child's health. Many mothers add sugar to tea, and excess sugar can cause colic in the baby. The question of how to increase breast milk is not faced experienced mothers. To stimulate lactation, women drink special herbal teas, For example, .

12. Not all women produce milk.

Breastfeeding is a necessary function female body, laid down by nature. The ability to lactation is preserved even in elderly and nulliparous women. So almost any woman who has given birth can breastfeed. You just need to avoid making mistakes and be persistent if you suddenly have any problems with breastfeeding. The main thing is to believe that everything will work out!

Breast milk is a unique nutrition that is necessary for the full growth and development of a newborn. Only mother's milk gives to baby full complex vitamins and elements. Only such food satisfies the child’s needs 100%. Breast milk contains about 500 nutrients.

To understand how breast milk is produced, let's find out what prolactin is. Prolactin performs reproductive function and regulates menstrual cycle. This is the hormone where breast milk comes from. During breastfeeding, prolactin levels increase. It begins to act in response to sucking or pumping.

Types of milk

  • Colostrum is a sticky and thick liquid. yellow color, which is produced the first four days after the birth of a child. Colostrum contains large quantity proteins, vitamins and salts and less fat and lactose than other types of milk. This is high-calorie milk with high content protective substances, which is very important for a baby in the first days of life;
  • Transitional milk appears 4-5 days after birth. The composition of breast milk acquires more fat and approaches the normal mature milk to which we are accustomed;
  • Mature milk appears at the end of the second or beginning of the third week. The composition of breast milk continues to change throughout the lactation period, becoming thicker and fattier. In addition, the quality and taste varies depending on the diet of the nursing mother, time of year and day. The composition of breast milk also affects a woman's health and well-being.

Composition of milk

Component Functions Content
Water Provides necessary moisture and quenches thirst. If the baby is fully breastfed, he does not need supplemental feeding 87-89%
Carbohydrates Accelerate development nerve cells and brain, protects against harmful bacteria and microbes, normalizes intestinal function 7%
Fats A source of strength, vigor and energy, they form and strengthen the immune system, participate in the construction of nerve cells 4%
Squirrels Provides growth and weight gain for the baby. Low protein content prevents obesity and diabetes 1%
Hormones, vitamins and minerals, antibodies and white blood cells Provide the necessary dose of substances for full growth and development. And such a small content contributes to quick and easy absorption. Up to 1%

Benefits of breastfeeding for your baby

  • Breast milk reduces the risk of appearance and development viral diseases, allergies and dysbacteriosis in infants;
  • Breastfeeding provides close emotional contact between mother and baby, which has a positive effect on the psyche and well-being of the newborn;
  • Breast milk is always ready for consumption thanks to its sterility and optimal temperature. It does not need to be sterilized or heated or cooled. Artificial mixtures require preparation;
  • Breastfeeding prevents the occurrence of vascular and heart diseases, obesity and diabetes;
  • Milk contains as many elements as a baby needs for his age. The composition of milk changes with the baby's needs;
  • Breast sucking shapes correct bite and prevents the occurrence of caries;
  • Mother's milk forms healthy microflora intestines;
  • Breastfeeding promotes the normal formation of hormones and the development of reproductive functions.

Benefits of breastfeeding for mom

  • Pre-pregnancy forms and the body of a woman who is breastfeeding are restored faster. This occurs due to the hormone oxycidine, which is produced during sucking. Oxtiocide contracts the uterus, which promotes recovery;
  • Lactational amenoria – natural way contraception that gives rest reproductive system women and protects against new pregnancy. Efficiency this method is 98-99%. However, the method only works with complete and properly organized breastfeeding! Be careful: a new pregnancy during lactation is possible even in the absence of menstruation!;
  • Breastfeeding reduces the risk oncological diseases in a woman;
  • Neropeptides or “happiness hormones”, which are produced during breastfeeding, give strength and energy, elevate mood and increase resistance to stress. This is very important for a woman, because caring for a newborn requires a lot of emotional and physical strength;
  • Breastfeeding promotes rapid bone tissue renewal and the removal of toxins from the body. This strengthens the mother’s immunity and improves her well-being.

Breastfeeding rules

  1. Correct infant attachment and feeding position. Make sure your baby latch onto both the nipple and areola. Read more about how to properly organize feeding.
  2. Feed your baby on demand, not according to a schedule. During the day, a newborn should be fed every two hours, at night - at least four times. However, if your baby requires more, feed more often;
  3. The nutrition of a nursing mother affects the well-being of the baby. After all, food components pass into breast milk, and then to the baby. They can cause both positive and negative reaction. This could be allergies, stomach upsets, or even poisoning. The breastfeeding diet will tell you how to eat properly;
  4. Choose comfortable underwear for feeding, take care of hygiene and nipples. It is enough to wash your breasts twice a day warm water using liquid neutral soap. It is better to wipe with napkins. Regular soap and towels rub and irritate the chest;
  5. Regularly check your breasts for lumps and lumps to avoid future problems such as lactostasis or mastitis;
  6. Prevent cracked nipples. Infection can get into breast milk through cracks and wounds! Besides, painful condition nipples leads to lactostasis and mastitis. For prevention, use compresses from cabbage leaves, special ointments and creams for nursing mothers containing retinol. Which remedy is better to choose, read the article “Cracks and abrasions on the nipples during feeding”;
  7. If there is a need to express, then it is better to do the procedure by hand;
  8. Don't use medications without consulting a doctor! Many medications are dangerous for babies and cause intoxication, delays in growth and development;
  9. To maintain lactation longer, drink more fluids. The required volume is 2-3 liters, with half of the volume being simple drinking water. In addition, foods and drinks to improve lactation will help increase milk production;
  10. Complementary feeding begins at 4-5 months. But you can continue breastfeeding as long as lactation continues. Doctors recommend stopping breastfeeding when the baby is 1.5-2 years old. However, this is an individual decision that depends only on the child and mother.

Abundant warm drink, proper nutrition and well-established breastfeeding– the key to successful lactation, high-quality and healthy breast milk! Don't stop breastfeeding unless absolutely necessary. No amount of formula can replace the benefits of breast milk.

There is probably not a single mother who does not know about the benefits of breast milk for a child, and yet parents often abandon this miraculous natural product in favor of artificial formulas. Of course, feeding a baby with a bottle is much faster and easier. But is it possible to put the benefits of mother’s milk for the baby’s health and practicality on the same scale?

The benefits of feeding your baby breast milk

The benefits of breast milk are due to the fact that it is not only a complete set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, genetically selected specifically for your child, but also a set of immunoglobulins selected by the same nature that are responsible for the immunity of your baby.

Mother's breast milk contains so-called bifidus factors (prebiotics), which contribute to the rapid colonization of the intestines with beneficial microflora. In addition, the benefit of breastfeeding for a child is that mother’s milk contains a lot of lysozyme, a protein with pronounced bactericidal effect- and immunoglobulin A, which are a barrier to pathogenic flora.

No formula, even the most expensive, will give you such a set!

And one more point regarding the benefits of breastfeeding: when a small human being freezes at the mother’s breast, it absorbs all the mother’s love, all the energy that the mother gives to him.

Breastfed babies always grow up calmer. Neurological disorders, if any, go away faster.

Breastfeeding is hard work

But here's the problem: To breastfeed a child, the mother needs to make an effort. Considering all the benefits of breastfeeding, do not forget that it is work, sometimes, especially in the first month of a child’s life, hard work.

Sometimes it’s not only work, but also constant pain in the breast, non-healing wounds, lumps, stagnation of milk.

It's finally time. Hold the baby at your breast eight times a day for half an hour! And even more often!

Don't sleep at night! And don’t go for a walk, and don’t run to college. Don't chat with your girlfriends.

It's a different matter - a bottle: diluted, poured, five minutes - and the child is fed! Especially if the hole in the nipple is made larger.

Just think, immunity! Where is this immunity? He is neither seen nor heard.

And further: When the pregnant woman walked, she abstained from smoking. And now she has already given birth. Everything seems fine.

And I really want to smoke! Smoke, drink with friends.

Yes, still the beauty of breasts! For some mothers, this is an important reason not to breastfeed. But how deceptive this reason is...

So the milk is gone. It disappeared as if it never existed.

Believe me: True, primary loss of milk by the mother is extremely rare.

You don't have to voice it the real reason why you don't want to breastfeed. You may not even admit to yourself why you don’t want to feed.

The child, of course, will grow up, but the milk has disappeared, and “freedom” has come. Nothing hurts anywhere. My back does not ache from sitting in the same position with a child in my arms. You can smoke, drink. You can leave for a long time or leave home, leaving the baby with your grandmother or even a nanny.

There are a lot of milk formulas now. For every taste. Hypoallergenic, lactose-free. With cow's milk and goat's milk, and soy milk if you need it.

It's good that they exist. Demand creates supply. The child, of course, will be fed and grow. Maybe he'll even be chubby.

Only to what he, poor fellow, is already burdened with, will be added the lack of immunity transmitted from the mother.

Do you see how red and shiny the child’s cheeks are? Maybe not only cheeks, but also dry skin or round plaques all over the body? This is his infant form.

Do you hear him scream, your child? His tummy is swollen. Instead of calmly recovering from each feeding, he barely walks once a day, and sometimes once every two days, and even with an enema.

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