Is chocolate harmful and what are the benefits of it? Dark chocolate: health benefits and harms

The sight and especially the taste of this wonderful dessert magically attracts most people. Chocolate is a favorite delicacy for children, and adults are not too far behind them, and scientists never cease to study its effect on the body.

Even if the harm of chocolate outweighed its benefits, nothing could stop people who truly loved it from the temptation to eat another bar. But, fortunately, chocolate does more good than harm. However, not all so simple. Let's figure it out!

Types and composition of the product

Modern industry produces three types of chocolate: dark or black, milk and white. Some people love dark chocolate and they are absolutely right. This product contains only cocoa beans, grated in powder form and cocoa butter - natural ingredients inherent in real chocolate. Of course, the composition contains sugar, emulsifiers and vanilla. The content of cocoa beans is not less than 55%. This type is the healthiest because it contains organic and unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber and starch.

Vitamins E, PP, B and minerals enhance the beneficial properties: potassium and sodium, phosphorus and magnesium, iron. Dark chocolate has a pronounced, bright and bitter taste.

The milky variety received this name because milk powder was added to it, replacing part of the cocoa beans. This gives it a creamy flavor and a light appearance. Chocolate is not so bitter and is more recommended for children. Dry matter content is at least 25%, and in elite varieties up to 50%.

White chocolate does not contain cocoa beans, but it does contain up to 20% cocoa butter. Therefore, although this product is specific, it is classified as chocolate. He has fewer supporters. It also contains powdered or condensed milk (14%), sugar - up to 55% and about 4% milk fat.

Chocolate of any of the three types has approximately the same calorie content - more than 500 kcal. This figure is very high, which already tilts the benefits of the product to the minus. For those who want to keep their appearance in shape, it is better not to consume chocolate. And if you really want to, then just a little bit – 25 grams per day!

Video: What happens if you eat chocolate every day?

The benefits of chocolate

The history of the emergence and long existence of a drink made from cocoa beans shows real interest in this product. But at first his recipes were kept in the strictest confidence and only high-ranking individuals consumed hot chocolate. However, it was simply impossible to hide such a wonderful product from the people. The love for chocolate spread throughout the world, especially when the Spaniards began adding sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg to the bitter drink.

The recipe for the delicacy was brought to Russia by the plenipotentiary ambassador of one of the Latin American countries. It was a gift for Empress Catherine II. We will not go into details of the development of chocolate production - this is not our topic.

Why is chocolate so attractive to humans? Of course, when they talk about the benefits of this dessert, they mean dark chocolate:

  • contains substances that protect against tumors - these are antioxidants that destroy free radicals;
  • theobromine, caffeine and polyphenols contained in chocolate reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Regular consumption of chocolate (but in reasonable quantities) prevents the formation of blood clots, and as a result, the risk of heart attack or stroke is reduced;
  • the work of the heart muscle is normalized and the elasticity of blood vessels increases;
  • blood pressure returns to normal;
  • chocolate is useful for autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis;
  • has a beneficial effect on memory in older people, stimulates brain function;
  • polyunsaturated acids (oleic, stearic), which are part of chocolate, fight “bad” cholesterol;
  • the product stimulates digestion, improves intestinal motility, prevents stomach ulcers;
  • strengthens the general condition due to the content of vitamins and other beneficial substances.

For it to be really that good, you need to eat no more than 50 g of chocolate per day. When a person is in trouble and feels bad, he is offered to eat some chocolate. After all, this delicious dessert also cures us of depression, thanks to the presence of “joy hormones” in it - endorphins and serotonins.

What are the health benefits of chocolate?

We have learned so many positive things about it that we can’t even believe that this delicacy could harm anyone. But alas, this is so. Chocolate is contraindicated:

  • people suffering from diabetes (due to the sugar content);
  • overweight. It is especially not recommended to eat milk and white varieties, but you should not refuse a piece of dark chocolate - it certainly will not cause harm;
  • for allergy sufferers during an exacerbation of the disease. Chocolate itself does not cause allergies, but it can aggravate it. Therefore, it is better to abstain from chocolate while taking antihistamines.

Can children eat chocolate?

Definitely, chocolate should not be given to a child under three years of age. This is explained by the fact that his immunity is just developing and it is dangerous to burden the baby’s body. Upon reaching the age of three, he can be gradually accustomed to adult food, because... the body has already formed. Within a week, a child can eat a bar of real dark chocolate. But at the same time, follow some rules: eat it only on a full stomach. Give only milk chocolate to young children, as black chocolate is high in theobromine. This alkaloid leads to poisoning: the child will experience nausea and vomiting, headache and stomach problems.

Those children who have allergies should absolutely not eat chocolate - it can cause a serious attack of this disease.

The harmful properties of chocolate also include its high sugar content. If a child often indulges in this dessert, it will lead to obesity, heartburn and nausea. Sugar does not have a very good effect on the functioning of the pancreas.

But, despite these negative manifestations, chocolate also brings many benefits to a child when consumed in moderation: potassium and phosphorus, which are part of the sweetness, help the development of the child’s body and stabilize the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. A piece of chocolate can always calm a crying baby and improve his mood.

There is constant debate about how chocolate affects teeth in children and adults. People have heard enough that sugar destroys tooth enamel. This is true, but chocolate contains cocoa butter, which coats the teeth and thereby prevents the development of caries. In addition, the treat contains a natural antiseptic that disinfects the gums and oral mucosa.

Chocolate, pregnancy and breastfeeding

A woman expecting the birth of a baby should think about what will be useful or harmful for the child. Listen to the advice of doctors who say that chocolate can harm both. This is primarily caffeine, which increases blood pressure and causes insomnia. If you overdo it with the amount of food eaten, you can increase heartburn, which often accompanies pregnancy, and cause oxygen starvation in the child.

If there are allergy sufferers in the family, then it is better for a pregnant woman not to take risks with chocolate. The same should be done during the formation of immunity in the child (2nd and 3rd trimester). Chocolate can reduce it and in the future the baby will have problems with the intestines and skin manifestations.

When a child receives mother's milk, she should not eat chocolate at all, at least for the first three months, because the child is often tormented by gas in the tummy.

Here is such an interesting product - chocolate, which at the same time can harm, but also be useful due to its rich composition:

  • potassium improves metabolism and stabilizes blood pressure;
  • magnesium has a positive effect on the formation of the child’s brain, the mother’s nerves become stronger, immunity increases, and anxiety decreases;
  • theobromine regulates cardiac activity;
  • iron is involved in the formation of the fetus;
  • microelements and vitamins strengthen the body.

All this applies to dark chocolate. Little by little, the expectant mother can eat it. A thoughtful mother should, before eating such foods, weigh the pros and cons specifically for her and her unborn child. This will help prevent mistakes.

If you want to lose weight, don't eat chocolate

Those who want to lose extra pounds absolutely do not need milk and white chocolate, because they contain a lot of sugar and fat. Your diet can be ruined by just a few bites of this dessert, and a couple of weeks of weight loss will go down the drain. Especially if the chocolate is not of very high quality. In such bars, milk fat is now replaced with hydrogenated or vegetable fats. They can’t give anything good other than harm to health.

The issue of dark chocolate for weight loss is controversial. A small piece of it will reduce appetite and dull the feeling of hunger. This will reduce your cravings for fast carbohydrates and make it easier to control your weight.

The most valuable elements of chocolate - potassium and magnesium - make it useful even for overweight people, and phenols and caffeine help burn fat.

Chocolate – “Food of the Gods”?

At the beginning of its triumphal march around the world, this delicacy was called exactly that. And this is connected with theobromine, because in translation this word means food of the gods. In fact, this substance is a toxin, but in our body it is immediately broken down into simple and safe compounds. But for animals it is dangerous, since their body is structured differently and cannot protect itself, the animal may die. Therefore, do not treat your pets to chocolate.

A person who abuses chocolate quickly develops dependence on it and, to a greater extent, on the bitter variety. This craving is similar to an addiction to alcohol or smoking. And in children it develops much faster, so try to avoid them consuming this delicacy.

In conclusion, I would like to add: do not make a cult out of chocolate, consume it in moderation, and then you will get more benefits from it than harm. Good health to you!

Chocolate and its health benefits (as well as harm) were already known to the ancient Mayans. The modern history of this product began in 1517, when it was initially sold only in pharmacies, and doctors recommended it for recovery from various diseases. And only in 1951 the first book was published about its effect on human health - about the beneficial properties and harms of chocolate.

Composition and quality

To the question of which chocolate is the best, everyone probably knows the answer. Of course, dark, containing 75-99% cocoa; a daily dose of about 50 g is considered optimal in terms of prevention.

Consumption of this famous delicacy in large quantities is suitable for therapeutic purposes, but is not beneficial due to its caloric content.

The dark variety with a high percentage of cocoa contains a large amount of nutrients, as well as significant levels of soluble fiber and minerals.

A bar (100 g) of a quality product contains (% of the recommended daily intake):

  1. 11 g fiber.
  2. 67% iron.
  3. 58% magnesium.
  4. 89% copper.
  5. 98% manganese.

In addition, it contains phosphorus, zinc, potassium and selenium.

Calories, fats and sugars

Overall, the nutritional value of this product is very difficult to determine. It depends on its type (there is bitter, milky, white, with nuts...) and differs in the amount of fat, milk and cocoa percentage.

Calorie content of a chocolate slice (approximate amount per 1 slice – 7 g):

  1. Gorky – 30.
  2. Dairy – 35.
  3. White – 38.

Nutritional value and calorie content of chocolate per 100 grams:

  1. Bitter
    The healthiest option. Unlike other types, it contains a higher percentage of caffeine (59 mg/100 g). In addition, this variety also has a relatively low kilojoule content: 2162 (correspondingly, the calorie content of dark chocolate is 517 kcal). Its advantage is the absence of cholesterol.
  2. Lactic
    Together with white it contains more calcium compared to bitter. This is due to the milk content. But at the same time, the calorie content of milk chocolate is also higher - 2250 kJ/100 g, 538 kcal.
  3. White
    This variety contains a minimum of cocoa and a maximum of fat - more than 33.2 g/100 g. It has very little in common with the bitter variety, which is characterized by a high cocoa content (70%). It is made from cocoa butter and is often mixed with vegetable fats, which may contain unhealthy unsaturated fatty acids. The energy value and calorie content of white chocolate is very high: 2,528.95 kJ/604.42 kcal.
  4. With nuts
    In this variety, you should pay attention not only to the energy value: 2176 kJ (520 kcal), but also to the increased cholesterol content: 21 mg/100 g. With nuts and dried fruits Almost similar to the previous variety, but has fewer kilojoules: 2151 (514 pooped). However, it contains more sugar: 57.7 g/100 g.


Have you ever heard of the Food and Beverage Antioxidant Capacity (ORAC) scale?
ORAC (English: Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is a scale for measuring the antioxidant rate of foods and beverages.

In terms of actual benefits to human health, the results of ORAC studies are often questioned because they are all done in test tubes in laboratories and do not work directly in the human body.

However, according to this scale, cocoa products are classified as foods with high levels of antioxidant activity. They contain a wide range of antioxidants, such as polyphenols, flavonols, catechin and others. One study found them to have higher antioxidant activity than blueberries or Brazilian acai.

Improving blood circulation and lowering blood pressure

Flavonols, which are found in quality dark sweets, stimulate the endothelium of blood vessels to produce nitric oxide (NO).

One of the functions of nitric oxide is to transmit signals to the blood vessels to relax; thus reducing their resistance. This, in turn, lowers blood pressure.

However, modern medicine and dietetics are not so supportive of this effect. Although there have been many controlled studies showing that cocoa and cocoa products have an effect on blood pressure and blood circulation, this effect appears to be insignificant.

However, there are also studies that have failed to show any effect on blood pressure. Therefore, there is no clear question as to whether it increases or decreases blood pressure.

Increases HDL cholesterol levels and protects LDL from oxidation

As it turns out, we are talking about a delicacy that is recommended to be included in the diet (in reasonable quantities!) for people leading a healthy lifestyle. Consuming high-quality sweets may reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Controlled studies have shown a significant reduction in oxidized LDL particles in the blood. In addition, there is an increase in HDL cholesterol and a decrease in LDL when their levels are elevated.

Oxidation of LDL cholesterol occurs as a result of its reaction with free radicals. This causes LDL to become a radical itself and destroy surrounding tissue, especially the blood vessels that feed the heart.

Due to the high content of active antioxidants that enter the bloodstream, the effect of dark sweetness is to reduce the number of LDL particles in the blood. Thus, there is an effect of protecting lipoproteins from damage by oxidative stress.

Reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases

This means that in the long term the risk of damage to arterial walls, and therefore cardiovascular disease, is reduced.

There are several controlled studies that have demonstrated a significant effect of the substances contained on the condition of blood vessels. One of them shows that when eating treats at least 2 times a week, the risk of developing atherosclerotic plaques is reduced by 32%. With less frequent use, these positive effects will not appear.

Another study found that eating sweets 5 times a week reduced the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 57%.

Insulin resistance and diabetes

Until recently, there was only a dia product. The problem is the sweeteners, the quality of the product, the content of sugar cane or agave syrup, which are not suitable for diabetics. Therefore, it is better to give preference to fructose content.

However, recently studies have been conducted aimed directly at studying the effects of this beloved delicacy on the diabetic body.

According to British scientists, there is no harm to people with this diagnosis; on the contrary, the bitter variety can help by maintaining optimal cholesterol levels. Especially suitable for diabetes is a treat with cocoa pieces and rich in polyphenols.

Protecting skin from UV rays

Biologically active substances have a protective effect on the skin. Flavanols protect it from damage caused by sunlight. They also improve hydration and increase blood circulation.

The minimum erythemal dose (MED) is the minimum amount of ultraviolet radiation that causes skin redness after 24 hours of sun exposure.

A study of 30 people found that after 12 weeks of regular consumption of a dark variety of treat that was high in flavonols, there was a doubling of the MED (i.e., for the skin to be exposed to twice the dose of solar radiation).

Thus, if you plan to spend long periods of time in the sun, it is advisable to stock up on a sufficient dose of flavonols.

Improved brain function

Chocolate is also good for the brain, having a positive effect on improving brain functioning.
In one study, healthy volunteers consumed a product with high doses of flavonols for 5 days. The result was improved blood flow to the brain.
Cocoa significantly improves cognitive function in older people with cognitive impairment. This is reflected, for example, in improved verbal expression.

Cocoa also contains stimulants such as caffeine and theobromine, which have positive, albeit short-term, effects on brain function.

Stomach ulcer

If you have a stomach ulcer, it is advisable to exclude foods that stimulate the production of gastric juice. These, unfortunately, include the popular sweet in question.

“Sweet” weight loss

When losing weight, the bitter variety will not hurt in any way! The key is making the right choice. You should give preference to a treat with a cocoa content of at least 50% (even better - 70%). Although it does not melt on the tongue (), it belongs to the so-called. "superfoods" along with green tea, salmon and. And, on the contrary, dairy sweetness with a high percentage of fats, carbohydrates and chemical additives will successfully destroy any attempts to lose weight!

There is still debate about the ideal amount suitable for consumption when losing weight. Some nutritionists recommend 20-30 g 3 times a week, others recommend the same amount every day. Therefore, in this matter you should rely only on yourself and the reaction of your body.

Source of good mood

Do you suffer from stress and bad mood? This is another reason to eat sweets that pamper your taste buds and lift your spirits! Scientists have been able to prove the fact that the world's most famous sweet causes a feeling of happiness and well-being.

At least that’s what Swiss researchers say, who studied 2 groups of people for 14 days. Participants in one of which ate 40 grams of treats per day, the second group was deprived of such pleasure. Results?

Those people who indulged in the “sweet treat” were measured to have significantly lower levels of stress hormones. We have anandamide in cocoa beans to thank for this. It creates a feeling of well-being in the brain, and therefore is a good medicine for depression.

Gastritis and pancreatitis

Although this is a very tasty sweet and most people cannot imagine life without it, it is, unfortunately, something to be avoided.

This should be done because this delicacy irritates the intestinal mucosa, and can cause irritable bowel syndrome or provoke an acute attack of the present disease.


Theobromine, found in cocoa, has the ability to block the activity of sensory nerves and thereby prevent coughing up to 3 times more effectively than codeine, which is commonly used to treat the disease.

When choosing a sweet, you need to follow the rule that the more cocoa, the better, otherwise you may find that not only did you not get rid of your cough, but you also gained weight...

Amount of theobromine (mg/30 g):

  • bitter – 400-450;
  • milk – 60.


For people suffering from chronic constipation or irritable bowel syndrome, this healthy treat may make symptoms worse, according to a 2005 study.

But there are also conflicting results from other studies that claim that this product, on the contrary, helps with constipation. You decide…


The substance tyramine, present in chocolate, is a known trigger. People who are at risk (personal or family history of migraine) should pay attention to this. However, there is good news: the more cocoa powder is present in the treat, the more the risk of headaches is reduced.


The harm to teeth, according to numerous studies, is exaggerated and is minimal. Fluoride, contained in cocoa and cocoa butter, plays an important role here. It forms a coating on the surface of the tooth that protects against bacteria due to its tannin content.


The stimulating properties were already known to the Mayans and Aztecs; ruler Montezuma, according to historical records, drank several dozen cups of liquid chocolate a day. Casanova and DuBarry loved to feast on it. At the same time, according to recent studies, women are more susceptible to the effects of phenylethylamine than men.

Beauty of hair and skin

Chocolate has been used for the face and hair since time immemorial. Thanks to it, collagen production is stimulated, which makes the skin smooth and elastic.

Gentle face mask
The mask for healthy skin and even out complexion is effective thanks to the biologically active substances contained in cocoa. Simply heat the high-quality sweetness in a water bath, let it cool slightly and apply to clean skin. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Hair Mask
Give your hair new strength! Mix 3 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese with warm water until smooth. Add 1 tbsp. cocoa and mix again. Apply the mixture evenly to your hair. Leave on for 10 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Thanks to the regenerative and moisturizing properties of the mask, your hair will acquire a beautiful shine.

Treat for children

Due to the popularity of this delicacy, the question of at what age can a child be given it is always relevant. It should be borne in mind that it can affect young children as an allergen, therefore it is not recommended for use by children under 2 years of age (the maximum amount for 2 years is 50 g).

The following question can also be related to children's issues: can a nursing mother have chocolate? But in this case there is no clear answer. It all depends on the individual tolerance of both the mother and the baby.

Try it by starting with a minimum dose of 20-30 g per day. Eat only bitter products, avoid dairy and, especially, white ones due to the high percentage of fats and sugars, which can adversely affect the baby’s digestion.

Ah, this allergy...

There is no allergy to chocolate; it is caused by its individual components.

Allergy symptoms vary depending on what component is causing it.:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the lips and tongue;
  • dyspnea;
  • irritability;
  • skin rash (this is what is often called “chocolate acne”);
  • stomach ache;
  • anaphylactic reactions that can put life at risk.

Components that may cause unpleasant reactions:

  1. Milk.
  2. Peanut.
  3. Gluten.

Despite the health benefits, widespread and loved by everyone, sweets should be consumed as an independent food, not combined with another. An important factor is the quantity - you should not eat it in large portions, otherwise, instead of beneficial effects, you risk getting harm and the allergy mentioned above.

Chocolate is a delicacy that consists of 70% cocoa. There are several types of this dessert: bitter, black, white, porous. Dark chocolate has a divine taste, the benefits and harms of which have been studied by experts. A quality product will benefit the body if you do not overeat it.


Chocolate is an original product that brings pleasure and is medicinal when used internally and externally. Thanks to cocoa, the main components of chocolate, it improves mood, activates brain function, and adds strength.

Dark chocolate is considered truly healing. Medicine uses it for:

  • reducing heart pain;
  • improving liver function;
  • prevention of varicose veins, atherosclerosis;
  • getting rid of skin diseases;
  • lowering blood cholesterol;
  • treatment of depression, stress conditions;
  • prevention of cancer;
  • improvement of working capacity and activation of brain activity;
  • prolongs youth;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system.

Dark chocolate has its connoisseurs as a cosmetic product. It is used for wrapping and masks. This remedy has a charitable effect:

  • on the skin;
  • on hair growth, makes it healthier;
  • for people who do fitness.

The sweet product is part of the diet. Athletes use it. If dark chocolate is added to the regular menu for men, it will reduce the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.

Sweet dessert is no less useful for women. When eating a small amount of chocolate (1/4 of a bar), depression and stress go away, and your mood improves, as the production of cortisone decreases. Antioxidants, which are part of chocolate, help prolong youth and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Dark chocolate is an excellent stimulant of sexual activity.

When consumed, the brain is activated. The product is able to supply the brain with oxygen and dilate blood vessels. It will also help the patient recover after a stroke.

Real dark chocolate without foreign impurities in the form of a hot drink will raise your tone and improve blood circulation if you drink it in the morning with a small amount of liquid. The effect will be enhanced by adding cinnamon to the drink.

People at high risk of cardiovascular disease should consume chocolate with 50% cocoa content. The product will be a good addition to the therapy that is already available. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids. These substances:

  • lower blood cholesterol;
  • prevent damage to cells that participate in the work of the heart;
  • help reduce blood pressure;
  • help maintain the balance of the hormone estrogen.

Dark chocolate, which contains the highest percentage of cocoa - 70%, has all the beneficial qualities.


Any product will be harmful if you forget about the sense of proportion. If a person consumes more than 30 grams of dark chocolate per day, carbohydrates begin to turn into fat, which is not excreted from the body.

Low-quality chocolate with a sour taste will be harmful. This product will increase the acidity of the stomach, which can lead to gastritis.

A delicious dessert will not do any good:

  • overweight people;
  • with a weak digestive system;
  • children under 6 years old.

If you are overweight and it is difficult to give up chocolate, you need to choose a product with a small amount of sugar. In addition, limit the amount of consumption, or better yet, give up sweets altogether.


Although dark chocolate has no restrictions, there are contraindications for it. If you abuse this product, you will develop an addiction that will not bring any benefit to the body. Theobromine and caffeine it contains act on the human body in a similar way to marijuana. This will happen if you consume a lot of dessert. To prevent addiction, it is necessary to limit the amount of its use.

Chocolate is contraindicated:

  • in case of metabolic disorders;
  • in case of allergic reactions to product components;
  • people with sleep disorders;
  • those who are overweight;
  • children under 6 years old;
  • if there are problems with blood pressure.

Caffeine, which is present in chocolate, will prevent you from falling asleep, will increase blood pressure, in men it will provoke an enlarged prostate, heartburn and nausea may occur.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

Dark chocolate is beneficial for pregnant women in small quantities. After all, it improves mood, eliminates stress and depression, improves immunity, which is important for expectant mothers. If there are no contraindications, then dark chocolate will be the healthiest. It has a beneficial effect on blood pressure and relaxes the smooth muscles of internal organs.

During breastfeeding, chocolate consumption should be limited. It can cause allergies, and the caffeine contained in it will have an exciting effect on the baby. If there are no contraindications to this product, it should be introduced into the diet in small portions. At the same time, monitor the child’s condition. You will have to stop taking it immediately if a negative effect on the baby’s condition is noticed.

Composition (vitamins and microelements)

One bar of dark chocolate contains one fifth of the daily amount of calories that a person needs.

100 grams of chocolate contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Quantity Norm % of the norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
Calorie content 539 kcal 1684 kcal 32% 5,9% 1684 g
Squirrels 6Iu.2 g 76 g 8,2% 1,5% 76 g
Fats 35.4 g 60 g 59% 10,9% 60 g
Carbohydrates 48.2 g 211 g 22,8% 4,2% 211 g
Organic acids 0.9 g
Alimentary fiber 7.4 g 20 g 37% 6,9% 20 g
Water 0.8 g 2400 g
Ash 1.1 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.03 mg 1.5 mg 2% 0,4% 2 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.07 mg 1.8 mg 3,9% 0,7% 2 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 0.8 mg 15 mg 5,3% 1% 15 g
Vitamin RR, NE 2.1 mg 20 mg 10,5% 1,9% 20 g
Niacin 0.9 mg
Potassium, K 363 mg 2500 mg 14,5% 2,7% 2503 g
Calcium, Ca 45 mg 1000 mg 4,5% 0,8% 1000 g
Magnesium, Mg 133 mg 400 mg 33,3% 6,2% 399 g
Sodium, Na 8 mg 1300 mg 0,6% 0,1% 1333 g
Phosphorus, Ph 170 mg 800 mg 21,3% 4% 798 g
Iron, Fe 5.6 mg 18 mg 31,1% 5,8% 18 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins 5.6 g
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 42.6 g 100 g
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids 20.8 g 18.7 g

Dark chocolate is a high-calorie confectionery product because it contains a large amount of cocoa butter.

How to cook

Handmade chocolate is preferred by everyone who cares about their health. To be sure that the chocolate contains no harmful additives, it is better to prepare it yourself, or be present while preparing the delicacy.

This chocolate is much better than store-bought chocolate, even high-quality one. Handmade product attracts attention:

  • lack of sugar, instead you can add honey, fruit syrup, coconut sugar;
  • using the highest quality ingredients;
  • adding healing additives: goji berries, dried fruits, nuts, chia seeds;
  • lack of lecithin in the composition.

To make chocolate at home, you need to stock up on high-quality cocoa beans (100 g), cocoa butter in approximately the same quantity, a natural sweetener to taste, various additives as desired (vanilla, nuts, mint). It is not recommended to use high heat when cooking. Using a blender, all the ingredients of a delicious dessert are easily mixed until smooth, after which the finished mixture is poured into molds.


If dark chocolate is without additives and purchased in a store, its shelf life is up to 12 months. Chocolate with additives can be stored for about 6 months. Handmade chocolate lasts no more than a month. Sweet treats should not be stored in a place where there are foreign odors. The chocolate will borrow this smell and will be hopelessly spoiled.

It is stored:

  • in tightly closed glass containers or paper packaging;
  • away from spices;
  • not in the refrigerator, the optimal storage temperature is 16-19 degrees.

Do not overheat the chocolate because it will melt and become bitter.
It is necessary to monitor the air humidity, since if there is an excess of it, the chocolate will turn into plasticine. If there is not enough moisture, the product will dry out, become brittle, and lose its aroma.

How to choose

Chocolate will be harmful if it is made from cheap, low-quality raw materials from an unknown manufacturer. Real dark chocolate contains no palm oil, coconut oil or trans fats. These cocoa butter substitutes will provoke hormonal imbalance, atherosclerosis, malignant tumors, and allergies.

Nuts, cayenne pepper, do not spoil the taste of chocolate apples.
Although dark chocolate is a very high-calorie product, there is no need to deprive yourself of the pleasures of chocolate therapy. Reduce your consumption of bread and potatoes to reduce the calorie content of your menu, give yourself a tasty and healthy holiday.

A sweetness that is familiar from childhood and does not need pompous epithets to awaken the appetite and want to quickly feel this magnificent taste on the tongue.

One word, three syllables, seven letters. Chocolate. And immediately in my head there appear mountains of milky, white, porous, with raisins, nuts, dried apricots, fruit filling, so alluring and sweet... Or extra-black, the most bitter and classic - how many lovers of this taste? And is it true that of all his “brothers and colleagues” he is the most beneficial for health?

How is it made?

Real dark chocolate is obtained after fresh cocoa beans are dried, fried, oil is squeezed out of them (by special pressing) and cocoa powder (also using a special technology), sugar is added to them (in the case of making a dietary version, various substitutes are used) . The higher the percentage of cocoa content, the brighter the taste and aroma of the product. However, many people still prefer milk chocolate to dark chocolate. To obtain it, sweets also include milk or cream.

But it is black, and sometimes extra-black, with a high cocoa content (such types have recently begun to appear more and more on sale) that are associated with real chocolate taste. However, he is not loved by everyone.

Dark chocolate: benefits and harm - this is what is worth considering in as much detail as possible. After all, there are too many myths and legends about him. For example, they say that sweetness is useful in the following cases.

Bitter chocolate. Benefits and harm to the body

First of all, of course, they try to determine the effect of the product on the physical condition of a person. Should you use dark dark chocolate as a medicine? Its benefits and harms, as opposing concepts, are described below.

For vessels

The benefits of dark chocolate have been proven by its effect on cerebral blood flow. A dosage of 100 grams of this product changes the level of carbon dioxide in the blood and improves its circulation throughout the body. Regular consumption of sweets will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce the likelihood of strokes.

Is it so?

“Chocolate therapy” really works. The information is confirmed by a number of experiments conducted by Australian scientists. The subjects were given just a dose of one hundred grams. In real conditions, the main thing is not to abuse the product. A dosage similar to the above is used only in extreme, isolated cases.

For heart

Cocoa beans are an essential component of real dark chocolate and are characterized by a high content of flavonoids. They are responsible for lowering cholesterol in the blood, and this is an undeniable benefit.

You should eat only 30 grams of dark chocolate per day, and this will already be an excellent prevention against cardiovascular diseases.


Numerous studies have confirmed that consuming dark chocolate (more than fifty percent cocoa content) can be an adjunct to the treatment of heart disease or even an alternative treatment for heart disease.

Against cough

The already mentioned theobromine, one of the alkaloids that make up the well-known product, has one interesting property. As it turned out, it can be used to cure an incessant cough. True, it is not clear whether this applies to any chronic diseases or just to typical colds.

Where did the information come from?

Clinical studies have shown that theobromine is thirty-three percent more effective than codeine, previously used in the production of cough medicines. According to the plan, new medical products should hit the market in about two years. In the meantime, for prevention, you can eat a couple of pieces from the bar, and at the same time treat yourself to such a wonderful product as dark chocolate.

Sweetness for the soul

A large percentage of cocoa in the composition determines both the great benefits and harms of dark chocolate. 90% of it is found in the favorite sweet, however, it can be very difficult to find on store shelves. Experts say that this kind of chocolate is best to choose among other varieties. Why can you use it to benefit yourself, your body?

For weight loss

Danish nutritionists claim that dark chocolate, the health benefits and harms of which is a controversial topic of discussion, can also help those trying to lose weight. The sweet should contain more than seventy percent cocoa to reduce appetite and at the same time provide energy. In addition, caffeine and phenol contained in the composition promote fat burning. Ordinary chocolate does not have such an effect, as research by scientists from Copenhagen has shown.


British experts place dark chocolate in one of the first places among products that cause a serious blow to the figure. The benefits and harms of losing weight, in their opinion, do not balance each other: there are many more disadvantages when consuming this sweetness, and they all consist of too many calories.

For happiness

It is widely known how chocolate can help against depression, and just a bad mood. Sadness has been treated with this sweetness for quite some time. This effect on well-being is justified by the content of cannabinoids, which result in a feeling of euphoria, as well as magnesium, which is involved in the production of serotonin.

Fairy tale or true story?

Italian scientists have emerged as myth busters, disproving the idea of ​​chocolate therapy against the autumn-winter blues, since the dosage of such a medicine would need to be about 13 kg to actually have any effect.

However, this does not negate the fact that true lovers of the product can really lift their spirits with just one piece due to its wonderful rich taste.

For excitement

Theobromine found in chocolate makes it an aphrodisiac, some claim. Sometimes its stimulating property is extolled so much that it is compared with the well-known Viagra. The benefits of dark chocolate in this matter even sound very doubtful. And yet it is this theory that continues to be on everyone’s lips.

How are things really going?

For the desired effect to manifest itself, you will have to eat more than half a kilogram of sweets, or even a whole kilogram. And then you won’t even have to solve the dilemma posed by dark dark chocolate: the benefits and harms on the two sides of the scales will no longer constantly swing them each in their own direction. Ultimately, the device will settle on the second option: after all, it is necessary to observe moderation in everything!

The only thing we can vouch for is that chocolate will definitely give the body additional energy. And then it’s the person’s choice - what to spend it on. Dark chocolate without sugar is preferable in this regard.

Benefits and harms: debunking myths in one fell swoop

Myth 1. Chocolate causes skin problems: rashes, acne, blackheads, etc.

Reality. In fact, the situation is that the cause of such troubles is not sweetness, but hormonal imbalance.

Myth 2. Chocolate is harmful to the enamel, structure of teeth and gums, and causes tartar.

Reality. In fact, dark chocolate not only does not cause harm, but is also healthy. It has an antibacterial effect and is therefore an excellent tool for the prevention of caries.

Myth 3. Chocolate is contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

Reality. Sweetness very rarely causes allergies on its own. It is true that chocolate can intensify an existing allergic reaction, but it can almost never be an independent cause. It is quite possible to avoid the first option by consuming the product in moderation (in fact, this rule applies to any food: eat what you love, but little by little).

Just don't overdo it!

Everything seems to look quite harmless and even optimistic and positive: chocolate gives happiness, joy and health. And although none of the above facts are completely denied, all this is reliable information, it cannot be said that dark chocolate brings only benefits.

In some cases, the dosage is responsible for a lot: and then losing weight turns into gaining weight, and using it for the sake of health leads to a deterioration in the condition. It should be borne in mind that for an adult the daily dose is no more than 50 grams. And then it needs to be distributed throughout the day.

In addition, when choosing a chocolate bar, it is very important to pay attention to its composition: how much sugar is contained in the product, whether vegetable fats are natural and, again, what is the percentage of their content in the bar. The sweetness itself, containing proteins, can affect muscle mass and improve muscle tone, while the additives that manufacturers are happy to offer to customers are more likely to cause fat deposits.

Chocolate in large quantities before bed will lead to overstimulation and cause insomnia. That's why it's better to leave the sweetness in the refrigerator overnight for the next day. Eat a couple of bites in the morning - energy and positive mood will be ensured in the coming hours!

By the way, scientists, in principle, recommend including all sweets in the morning diet. The well-known saying “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend...” also tacitly hints at this. No discrimination against sweet tooths - just a feature of the human body in the distribution of energy.

Chocolate is harmful for people with eating disorders and allergies (debatably, the warnings are written above), and people with diabetes also have to limit themselves in consuming this sweetness.

But, despite this, this article clearly demonstrates that the benefits of your favorite product are much greater than the harm!


If you have a choice whether to eat dark chocolate or not, feel free to choose the first option! Perhaps at first it does not seem as sweet as milk or white, but once you taste it a little better, feel this unimaginable taste, and it will immediately become your favorite sweet.

For many centuries, chocolate has been one of the most favorite treats of millions of people around the world. True, they learned to make chocolate in its modern solid form less than 200 years ago, but previously it was consumed as a drink and was not available to everyone. Now chocolate is available to people with different income levels and different social status. Chocolate not only pleases with its wonderful taste, but can also have a healing effect on the human body. Unfortunately, chocolate can also cause harm.

Before understanding the benefits and harms of chocolate, it is worth talking about its types, because depending on the variety and composition, the properties of this amazing product vary greatly. The main ingredients for making different types of chocolate, except white, are cocoa mass, cocoa butter and powdered sugar.

Main types of chocolate:
Bitter (dark) chocolate . In this type of chocolate, cocoa products must make up at least 55% of the total composition. Dark chocolate has a pronounced aroma and bitter taste. The more cocoa mass and the less sugar in such chocolate, the more bitter it tastes and the more beneficial it is for the body of an adult.
Dark chocolate. In dark chocolate, the amount of cocoa products should not be less than 40%. All sorts of ingredients are often added to this type of chocolate (nuts, raisins, candied fruits, jams, alcoholic beverages and other additives).
Milk chocolate. This type of chocolate is made with the addition of dry or cream. Milk chocolate has a softer and sweeter taste than bitter or dark chocolate and is the most popular of all types. Milk chocolate, like dark chocolate, often contains nuts (, etc.), raisins, jams and other ingredients.
White chocolate. White chocolate is prepared without adding grated cocoa. The color of white chocolate is creamy, the taste is pleasant caramel. This type of chocolate is the least beneficial for the body.

The healthiest type of chocolate is dark chocolate, since it contains more cocoa products than other types. It is cocoa products (cocoa mass and cocoa butter) that have a beneficial effect on the body. Therefore, the beneficial properties listed below apply specifically to dark chocolate.

Useful properties of chocolate:

  • Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants that help slow down the aging process in the body.
  • Good for the nervous system. Favors the production of endorphin - the hormone of joy, which helps lift your mood and fight nervous tension, stress and depression.
  • Chocolate helps improve human performance and is recommended for heavy mental and physical stress.
  • Moderate consumption of chocolate is good for blood formation.
  • It contains, and, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Helps protect against vascular and heart diseases (including atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke), helps normalize blood pressure, and prevents blood clots.
  • Dark chocolate prevents the destruction of enamel, protecting teeth from caries.
  • Strengthens bone tissue.

Harm of chocolate:
Eating chocolate in large quantities can lead to obesity, diabetes and other unpleasant consequences.

Contraindications for chocolate:
Chocolate is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes. But nowadays there are many types of special diabetic chocolate that use sweeteners instead of sugar.
People who are overweight, prone to allergies or have metabolic diseases should not consume chocolate. In addition, if you have serious illnesses, you should consult your doctor before including chocolate in your diet.
Dark chocolate is contraindicated for children.

Chocolate consumption rate.
Experts recommend that adults consume no more than 50 grams of dark chocolate per day, and no more than 25 grams of milk and white chocolate.

Enjoy chocolate in moderation and be healthy!