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My problem is that my girlfriend does not listen to me, her mother, only her friends who cannot even walk her home at night. You see, we live in a rather dangerous area in terms of being attacked by drunken "fools". We are trying in every possible way to explain to her that it is dangerous to walk the streets at night, and even when she is tipsy, but she does not listen. Today she was attacked by some drunk men, she fought back. Called me, I quickly came to her she was hysterical, I took her. At home, a very strong scandal began about the fact that we explained all this to her 1000 times, but she stands her ground and accuses us that we do not support her, although we are trying in every possible way to protect her from this. Explaining the obvious to her, she is trying to make us feel guilty, stands on her "bringing us to a white knee", it seems that she gets satisfaction in a drunken tantrum when she provokes us and her mother to anger. Such cases are not frequent, but they happen in other plans. Telling her that she is wrong, she gives examples of our wrongness and clinging to a minor problem that seems to her very significant, she tries to give examples of her rightness on the basis of our wrongness.
Would like to hear advice. What to do? How to proceed?
Due to the fact that the case is not primary, I already think that we are not quite suitable for each other, although in the first year of our relationship we lived perfectly without conflicts.

Hello Arthur!
I think that you need to think carefully - do you really need such a relationship when a girl constantly creates dangerous situations, and you run to the rescue, "rescue"? I don’t argue, it’s nice to be a savior and a savior, but just won’t you get bored with time? Moreover, the girl not only puts herself in dangerous situations, but thereby sets you up.

Bondareva Svetlana Pavlovna, psychologist of Almaty
Skype consultation.

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Hello Arthur.

Your girlfriend's behavior is not entirely logical from the point of view of her safety, so here we can talk about unconscious behavior that is more seil than logic. Those. we're talking about true reasons her behavior, it may be a strong protest, the desire to get into dangerous situation and get a large portion of attention from loved ones, the struggle for independence from the mother, etc. those. here the question is in the study of the causes of its behavior and their neutralization.

In life, you will have to face a lot of situations that will need to be addressed. if you run away from them, they will still find you, but in a tougher form, because. you have to go through it because of the fact that it is already happening in your life. So why do you need that kind of experience?

In a relationship, the partner shows our shadow unconscious sides in an obvious form, so your girlfriend shows you yourself, perhaps in the context of insufficient responsibility for something in life, or inadequacy, etc., so you are generally together, due to your similarities. People are attracted to likeness. You can see my how it works.

And to be specific, as part of a personal reception, you can see what exactly makes her behave this way, even working with you without her presence, if she does not want to deal with it. And most importantly for you, why is this happening in your life, why, and how to remove it.

Velisvet Stepan, integral psychotherapist, online consultant, Kaluga

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I already think that we are not quite suitable for each other

Often difference accept as we are NOT suitable for each other. Yes, you and her are different. You are steady, she is not. You are a sober thinker and she is not. You are a man, she is a woman. Before breaking off the relationship, try to accept her for who she is, NOT trying to remake her. Well, she will get it once - maybe she will understand, she will not understand yet. The main thing is not to fatal. Because while you forbid it all, she is drawn to all this. So you all together and play the game. Try to stop doing it and see what happens. Only personally for yourself, determine the time that you are willing to spend on this (a week, a month, half a year). Breaking a relationship is always easy. But to accept another is much more difficult. At the same time, focus on positive points relationships, not negative ones. With this behavior of yours, she will then mature faster and learn to appreciate male wisdom and strength.

All the best

Evgenia Kislitsyna, psychologist in Almaty

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It is very important when in life there is someone for whom you can do a lot. It is very difficult to live without a loved one. But what if your girlfriend does not appreciate and respect you? How to gain the respect of a girl and make her appreciate and listen?

Is it possible to get the respect of a girl

Loved ones are the most precious thing in everyone's life. Without the support and understanding of relatives and friends in our time, it is very difficult to succeed in life. However, there are situations when the girl you love does not appreciate the actions that you do for her, and also does not appreciate you as a person.

In such situations, no matter how hard the guy tries, his actions do not command respect from his girlfriend. Taking into account the fact that similar situations not uncommon, the question "how to achieve the respect of a girl?" is extremely relevant.

First of all, in order to make a girl respect herself, it is necessary to show her the respect of others. You should be respected by your friends, your parents, teachers and other people.

At the same time, don't embellish yourself. For example, lying about having your own business or powerful friends, as this may cause serious complications in a relationship. Visit the pool Gym, or just keep yourself busy with something interesting. You have to convince the girl that you are all-round developed personality.

In order to gain the respect of a girl, you must make the girl herself start looking for a meeting with you. Women always appreciate more what they don't have, which is why by reducing the likelihood of your regular meetings, you will become more in demand.

By surprising your girlfriend, you will make her appreciate you, because they are very sensitive to the monotonous gray everyday life. Regularly arrange various surprises for your girlfriend, and also try to please with symbolic gifts. To do this, you can wake up earlier and cook breakfast for her. By introducing romance into your relationship, you will not only make her respect yourself, but you will also become much more closer friend to friend.

If all the above methods do not work, you can take specific measures. You can, for example, temporarily stop or limit communication with her, so that she understands that you are much more comfortable and comfortable. The fact is that a person begins to appreciate what he has only when he realizes that he can lose it.

Give the girl the opportunity to lose you, and in the event that she realizes her mistakes, let her again feel the beauty of your relationship with her. If everything goes smoothly, and she really loves you, after your reunion, the relationship will go to high quality. new level, and be sure that she will begin to appreciate you and what you do for her.

It is very important that you show your girlfriend that you are respected by all other people. Otherwise, how can she respect you? To do this, you must earn the respect of others, and this is not done overnight.

To earn respect in your circle, always keep your word, be true friend, never betray anyone and do not change your principles, even if at some point it is beneficial. You will regret it later anyway, so always stay in tune with your conscience.

Be a reliable shoulder and support for a girl, a person whom she can rely on day and night. At the same time, you don’t need to run around and fulfill any of her requests - explain to her right away that you are not her servant. But in cases where she needs your help and protection, she can count on you.

Show her that you have other interests besides her and you can keep yourself busy with something. Go out with friends to parties, tell the girl about your business. In general, try to do something interesting so that your girlfriend understands everything. Go to the gym, swim. In general, make sure that you have almost no free time left.

Do not speak a large number of time on the phone. Otherwise, the girl may think that you lazy man. Also, she may understand that you can give her all your time. After all, the main thing to remember is that if you love a woman less, then she will like you more. And that's why, show love to your girlfriend, but not to much. large quantities.

How to get a girl's respect? Try to make the girl herself start looking for time to chat with you. After all, all girls appreciate what they do not have. So always remember this. If your meeting is very unpredictable, then it will be even more pleasant for the girl. However, don't go too far with this. If you put off meeting her every time, she may think the most unpleasant things about you. So be careful.

If things are going too badly, you have lost the respect of the girl, then you need to act concretely. Stop talking to her altogether for a while. Let her come running to you. After all, we are all arranged in such a way that we begin to appreciate everything only when we lose it. And if the girl realizes that she is nowhere without you, then everything will work out and your relationship will return to its previous course.

How to get a girl's respect and make her obedient

First of all, when such a question arises, it is necessary to remember that your beloved is an adult, even though it sometimes seems to you that she behaves like a child.

Very often, girls who are naive at first glance have a strong character, which is why, before forcing a girl to obey you, you need to take a closer look at her and understand whether she is capable of becoming obedient at all.

First of all, in order to gain the respect of a girl and make her obedient, you need to understand why you need it. Are you trying to break her character, subjugate, impose your will on her? If so, then you should deal with your complexes, as this is an unhealthy desire.

Another thing is if your girlfriend doesn’t put you down, plays and manipulates you, doesn’t appreciate you. Then it’s better to just part with it and engage in self-development in order to start respecting yourself. And only then start relationships with girls.

But consider the option when you need to gain the respect of a girl and make her obedient, because she has difficulties with behavior, and you feel responsible for her, or you are older and wiser.

Never tell a girl directly that you expect complete submission from her. Also, don't compare your current girlfriend to her friends, or your ex-girlfriend, especially if this comparison is not beneficial for her. When expressing your complaints, start the conversation with praise, smoothly moving on to the fact that, despite this, there are some shortcomings. If she allows you to flirt with other guys, you should gently hint at her about it, and try to surround her with your attention so that she never looks at other guys again.

In order to achieve the respect of the girl and make her obedient, it is necessary first of all to specify your claims. So, for example, if you do not like that your girlfriend is often late at work, first of all find out why she is late. After that, try to explain to her that you are very worried and worried about her.

Remember that having achieved complete submission on the part of the girl, you can thereby deprive her of the right to vote, and soon she can simply become your reflection.

How to get respect and obedience from a girl

Sometimes men get tired of women's oddities. The heroine of a famous film, "all so sudden," can turn anyone's head, but it can be very difficult to build a long-term relationship with such a girl. Young people dream of an obedient girl.

Remember that your girlfriend is an adult, even if it seems to you that she is still a child. Sometimes for external beauty hiding very a strong character. It’s also better to take a closer look at her and decide if she is ready to become yours forever?

If you are confident that you are capable of being a husband, come up with a transformation plan that will not hurt positive sides your favourite. Probably, she will gladly obey you, because many women dream of men who take the solution to all their problems into their own hands.

Do not forget that your ways to gain the respect of the girl and make her obedient should not humiliate the girl. No matter how much you want her to become a blonde, and change her sneakers to high heels, these decisions should be made only by the girl herself. Make similar claims mild form it is possible, but it is not worth demanding a cardinal change of image. Look for a compromise. Let her also express her point of view on yours. appearance. Make concessions to each other.

Do not say directly that you expect obedience from her. In addition, you do not need to compare your girlfriend with friends not in her direction, you should not use your ex-girlfriend as an example. All this will only make you more angry. If you express your claims, then always start with praise. Say that she is undoubtedly very beautiful. Although is it necessary to flirt so openly with men? Surround her with care and attention, and she will definitely look only at you.

Tell us about your claims. For example, you are not satisfied that she returns very late from work. Find out why she's delayed. Explain that you are worried about her. Try to talk more about your feelings and do not demand that the girl become a housewife. And if this is your cherished dream, look for opportunities to increase your income. Convince her that with your earnings she has the opportunity to travel all year round rather than being bored in the office.

How to gain the respect of a girl and make her obedient? First: prove to her the benefit of such a position. Secondly: explain that if she completely trusts your tastes and preferences, she will live like behind a stone wall. Thirdly: try to solve a few of her problems, and she will understand that it is with you that she will never be lost.

Don't forget, if you have achieved total submission, you have not only deprived your girlfriend of the right to vote, but you have taken full responsibility for her life. Do you need a girl who is just your mirror image?


Remember that your girlfriend is an adult, even if it seems to you that she is a real child. Behind the outward meekness sometimes hides a strong character. Take a closer look at her, is she ready to become your Galatea?

If you are sure that you are capable of the role of Pygmalion, come up with a transformation plan that will not hurt the dignity of your chosen one. Perhaps she will be willing to obey you, because many young ladies dream of taking upon themselves the solution of their problems.

Remember that your wishes do not have to. No matter how much you want her to become a blonde and change her sneakers to high heels, only the girl herself can make such decisions. It is not forbidden to express such claims in a mild form, but it is not worth insisting on a radical change in the image. Look for a compromise. Let her also comment on your appearance. Make concessions to each other.

Do not say that you expect submission from her, directly. Also, you should not compare your chosen one with friends not in her favor, you do not need to set your example as an example. girl. This will only piss off the young lady. When making a complaint, start with praise. Note that she is definitely a beauty. But is it worth it to flirt so frankly with? Surround her with attention, and she will only look in your direction.

Specify your claims. For example, you don't like that she comes home from work too late. Find out why she's delayed. Explain what you are experiencing. Talk about your feelings, and do not demand that the girl become a housewife. And if this is your secret dream, look for opportunities to increase income. Convince her that with your earnings, she can travel all year round, and not be bored in an office with windows on a construction warehouse.

To the girl you in everything, prove to her the benefits of such a position. Explain that trusting your tastes and preferences completely, she will live like behind a stone wall. Solve a couple of her pressing problems - she will understand that she will definitely not be lost with you.

Remember that by achieving complete submission, you do not just deprive girl the right to vote, but also take full responsibility for her life. Do you need a girlfriend who is just a reflection of you?

In ancient times, knights spent their whole lives looking for the one and only and called her the lady of the heart, striking the imagination with the most beautiful immortal deeds and passionate serenades. Times have changed, and now it is becoming more and more difficult to surprise the lady of the heart. But imagine yourself, if not a knight on a white horse, then at least, a novice seducer. And try to spin head at least one representative of the fair sex ...


Immediately understand for yourself that there are girls who, due to their upbringing or moral convictions, may not adequately perceive your encroachments on the title of ruler of their thoughts.

Think about how in the view of this or that girl her hero looks like. Do not idealize yourself or. A modest romantic young lady can be a yard bully with a three-day stubble, and an uninhibited nymphet can be crazy about some "man in a case."

Create your own unique image. It is not necessary to make an appointment with a fashion stylist for a month or dress up in informal junk. To do this, it is enough to emphasize your everyday suit with some unexpected detail. It can be a sweater with an unusual pattern, a fancy-shaped tie, etc. But do not overdo it with accessories: they should attract attention, but not cause disgust or an attack of Homeric laughter.

If you are not familiar yet, come up with an original way to draw attention to you. Do not impose yourself with and do not fall face down in. These actions do not contribute to the development of relations. If fantasy does not tell you any original way to get acquainted, on extreme case you can try to unobtrusively show off your intellect, but only in the area that you really understand.

Try to impress someone in an unexpected way. Can be handed girl a beautiful box from which dozens of butterflies will flutter out or invite her to dinner on the roof of the house. If you can’t afford these methods yet, you can come up with some kind of game for two, not necessarily with a touch of intelligence, but within the bounds of decency. For example, "edible-inedible".

Perform some act that characterizes you as a person who is not only noble, but also understands the female soul. It is better to perform such feats by agreement with friends, but at the very moment when the girl is unaware of your intentions.

Try to ensure that your actions are not related to the violation of social norms and decency, or rather, be invisible to others. The main thing is that the girl understands that any circumstances do not mean anything to you if she is around.

Old friends or new acquaintances often become lovers. But to explain girl that you like her, that you want to build a relationship with her, is not an easy task.


Don't hide your emotions. Communicating with the one you like in the company of friends, do not try to move away from her so as not to show your feelings. On the contrary, talk to her more, find common interests and common ground.

Ask a girl out on a date. It is not necessary for her to receive information from the first minutes that you like her. Spend an evening together, have fun and have fun. Be sure to escort the lady to the entrance of the house in which she lives. It will best place and the moment to begin recognition.

look girl in the eyes and tell her that you had a great evening with her. And in general, time flies with her imperceptibly, but you still don’t want to part after a few hours together. Tell her that you haven't had such a pleasant time with anyone in a long time, and you would like to do it more often. Invite her to go somewhere else together. Don't hesitate to invite. The next meeting is best arranged next weekend.

For the second date, be sure to dress up (never come in shorts and a T-shirt) and tune in to important point recognition. This meeting can be more relaxed: allow yourself to take her hand, be gallant and act like a gentleman. The end of the meeting will be the most opportune moment to talk about your feelings.

Seeing off, give her flowers bought in a stall on your way. Take her by the hand and, looking into her eyes, say that she is a very beautiful, sweet and cheerful girl, and that this is exactly what you have been looking for for a long time. A simple phrase "You've been to me for a long time, and I would like to date" will be the best ending to a date.

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Don't be upset if the girl you like doesn't love you back. After all, you are still young and in your life there will be many those with whom you want to be together.


  • confession that you like a girl

Women's dreams of marriage and having children

The dreams of a girl are individual and depend on a number of factors: social status, upbringing, environment, personal qualities. As a rule, at the age of 19, a lot of thoughts are devoted to the topic of love and marriage. The girl dreams of meeting her beloved young man to build a happy relationship with him. It is worth noting that the desire to find mutual love is a fundamental need of most people. Most often, girls also make plans for beautiful wedding and the birth of children. It is possible that future bride has a detailed idea of ​​his dreams.

For example, in what environment the groom will propose marriage to her, what ring he will give, where the ceremony will be celebrated, who will become a bridesmaid and other components of the desired event. The described aspirations of the girl are dictated by maternal instincts, upbringing and attitudes received in childhood from her parents. It is worth noting that social norms and values ​​also contribute to strengthening the desire of most girls to marry and have children.

Girls dreams of career, fame and fortune

There is also a category of girls who dream of fame and recognition. As a rule, at the age of 19, the fair sex has already begun to realize their talents and abilities in any field. Some of them are fond of dancing, playing on musical instruments or singing, having experience of performing on stage. The desires and dreams of potential stars of the public come down to achieving a high position in society, gaining wide popularity and fame among the audience.

Other girls like to play sports, represent the honor of the educational institution in competitions. It is worth noting that training, diet and regimen temper character and will, making a person purposeful and strong. IN this case young people dream of winning championships and olympiads, receiving awards, as well as achieving universal recognition.

Many girls are passionate about career and financial well-being. They dream of an expensive car, a luxurious apartment and other components of a comfortable and comfortable life. As a rule, potential careerists see their activities in the field of management and control. Most likely, they have little experience in leading a group in educational institution have organizational skills and are high level mental abilities.

Always let a woman know that you are a business person and there are no empty graphs in your schedule - even if this is only partly true! If a woman comes to the conclusion that you are only sitting at home and hitting the thumbs, then she will perceive you as a loser or, even worse, a nonentity rejected by all women in the world.

If you let her know that you are extremely busy, then she will begin to look at you as a confident leader who not only knows her goal, but also knows how to achieve it. You do not beg, but you confront her with the fact that you have other values ​​in life besides her. A woman is forced to seek meetings with you, and thanks to this, control over the situation passes into your hands. She needs your location more than you need her, and, therefore, the woman begins to hunt for you. Everyone dreams of what they don't have, right?

A woman should never become the main priority of life (until you find a girl with whom you want to connect your life - with the mother of your children or with your wife - she should become the measure of all values). A woman should take second place in the scale of your values ​​- after family, career, friends, etc. However, always give her a faint hope of taking first place in the future if she is obedient enough. A woman may even suspect that you are having affairs on the side. There is nothing wrong. She will understand that you are popular, or, in other words, worthy of a woman spending time on you. On my own own experience she will learn that it is not so easy to lead you astray by using all her charm and charm.

If a girl asks what you did yesterday, don't say, "I just sat there and got bored." It is better to say: “I got up early in the morning to go to business meeting, then was at the gym, met with a friend for lunch and spent the rest of the day working in the office. If a girl called and asked what you're up to, say back: "I just got in" or "I'm going to go about my business." Do not occupy the telephone line for hours talking to women. Call only on business and be polite.

Make a woman work hard to get you and appreciate you. She should show interest in developing relationships herself, call first, and you should do her a favor. Thus, the woman will have the opportunity to re-evaluate the significance of her feelings towards you. If a woman does not appreciate the time spent together and you at the same time, then you need to find enough determination in yourself to leave her.

How do you know if a woman appreciates you? It is necessary to force her to sacrifice something for you. If something is received practically without any effort, that is, for free, then the attitude towards this will be like cheap stuff. Simply put, the easier the access, the less the value. People tend to confuse the concepts of price and value, and often they do not even try to think about the true significance of the event that happened in their life. In other words, it is much better when you represent some value, otherwise the woman will come to mind that she deserves more. I'm not hinting at the monetary equivalent of what is happening, but if you occasionally make her pay for your dinner, you will perfectly demonstrate your importance and achieve control over the development of the relationship.

Try to be inaccessible. The hardest to get is always valued more, isn't it? This is the reason why diamonds are the most valuable. precious stones. So, be a diamond. Cancel dates from time to time and have her call twice before answering the call. Do not elevate this to the rank of law, but demonstrate to her over and over again that you are not a puppet.

Judge a woman by her deeds, not her words. Many women know how to skillfully deny and mislead. They make promises and don't keep them. They break dates, do not call, show their disdain... Unsuccessful men will ignore all the signs of an impending hurricane and continue to persist, paying attention only to positive signs. They will try to show their admiration and interest in a woman instead of gaining her respect. The professional seducer, on the contrary, before taking the next step, asks the question: “Will it lead to a revision of the value system of this woman, where I occupy the main place?” Then, having done it, he evaluates her reaction. If a woman shows her disposition, then he concentrates on positive signs. If not, he changes tactics, puts the woman in her place or abandons her.

[Few people are afraid of losing something that no one else needs - for example, a rusty broken car or a half-century-old TV set ... Similarly, a girl will turn away from you if she feels that you are of no interest to anyone. It is useless for a man who does not take care of his appearance, does not control his behavior, is unable to maintain a fascinating conversation and arouses interest from the fair sex ... A woman does not need such an instance even as a free application. If in a relationship with the fair sex you are not satisfied with the career of Elusive Joe, if you want not only to control your emotions and act with cold calculation, but also to be a competitive man in the eyes of women, then you will become one in real conditions at practical pickup training at the Dating Academy using special equipment.]

It is very important at the very beginning of the relationship to establish the rules of the game. Make it clear to the woman what is and is not acceptable. If a woman crosses the line of what is permitted, it is necessary to warn her about the unacceptability of such behavior. If she takes up her old ways again, leave her. In addition to her, there are millions of women in the world, therefore - good riddance.

If you leave a woman who has been disrespectful to you, she may suddenly want to come back. However, it's not as simple as she thinks. Insinuate in an ambiguous way that her behavior has gone beyond what is acceptable, and there is only one possibility left for her return, which is to do something truly meaningful for you. This could be anything you want. There is nothing left for a woman to do but to suck up to you and thereby give control of the situation into your hands. If she does not want to correct her mistake, then let her resign.

This method was called "The Return of the Prodigal Girlfriend". It is recommended not only for women who do not show their affection and are forced to return to your life after you forgot about them, but also for those women who ignore you at a nightclub or at a party, and later try to approach and turn on conversation with you. You have the right to demand anything from her, but the demand for sex is only suitable for exceptional cases. Otherwise, you run the risk of turning from a man demanding satisfaction into a sexually preoccupied type.

Always remember that a woman only experiences real passion if she truly believes that she can lose you. If you cling too tightly to the girl, if all your thoughts are devoted only to her, then she will very soon stop cherishing you. If you notice how a woman who showed interest in you suddenly walks away, as if you meant nothing to her, then she may mean too much to you, and she got you extremely easily. If you have noticed how passionate relationships turn into icy ones, then perhaps the reason lies in the same.

You must always emerge victorious from all life situations, whether it be: seduction; a night spent together; complex relationships; job competition. You are the prize for the winner. You are a lasting value. You are a happy chance in their life, and if they miss it, then it is too tough for them. There are thousands of other fish swimming in the sea, and you can immediately catch any other of them.

What could be more precious than anything in the world? Of course, our favorite people. Without them, their understanding and support, it is much more difficult for a person to achieve his intended goals. But what to do and what to do if your girlfriend does not appreciate you? In such a situation, any of your actions do not cause the slightest respect on her part and do not leave a mark on her heart. But this state of affairs can be corrected by knowing our secrets. So, let's find out how to make a girl appreciate you.

  1. Show your girlfriend that you have a lot of interesting and varied activities besides her. But don't stoop to lies when talking about your cool and famous friends or big own business. Just try to keep yourself busy with something very interesting. Start going to the gym regularly hand-to-hand combat or join the pool. Convince your girlfriend that you are a busy person and you have almost no free time left.
  2. Don't talk to her for too long on the phone. Such an activity can lead a girl to the idea that you are a slacker. She will also understand that you want to give her your time entirely. But remember the main rule less woman we love, the more she likes us!” - gold words. Do not show too zealously your feelings for her and desires.
  3. Take matters into your own hands. Make the girl herself want and start looking for a meeting with you. Women always value and desire what they do not have much more, trying to get the sweet forbidden fruit by all means. The girl will look forward to a meeting in which she is not one hundred percent sure that she will take place. But do not go too far: if every time you postpone the date of your date, the girl will get tired of it one day and she may even refuse it later.
  4. Surprise your loved one. It is not at all easy to make a girl appreciate you, especially if her life has turned into ordinary gray everyday life. Regularly arrange pleasant romantic surprises for your other half, please her with small, not necessarily expensive, gifts. Get up early and make her breakfast. Constantly bring romance into the relationship between you, and the result will not be long in coming.
  5. Take concrete action. If you have already tried all the methods listed above, and nothing worked, and your girlfriend still categorically refuses to appreciate your concern for her, then stop communicating with her at all, at least for a while. Let her now have more free time, she will have the opportunity to think things over carefully, and she will finally understand how good she was only with you, and how uncomfortable, bad and lonely she is now alone.

A person is arranged in such a way that he begins to appreciate something only after he loses or loses it. Let your girlfriend lose you at least for a while and let her feel the beauty of your relationship again if she herself realizes all her mistakes.

Now you know exactly how to make a girl appreciate you. Good luck!