Microelements in dried apricots. Recipe for carrot and dried apricot salad. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value. Composition of vitamins, beneficial properties

Dried apricot is a dried apricot that has long term storage and containing everything useful material inherent in fresh fruit. Due to the high degree of preservation, this product can be consumed throughout the year, while the concentration of microelements in it is not reduced. The vitamins in dried apricots are practically not destroyed if they are dried in natural conditions without the use of chemical reagents. High-quality dried fruits are easily recognized by their clean, elastic, matte, harsh skin, their benefits, nutritional value and nutritionists confirm its harmlessness. If the fruits are too rich Orange color, which means they are treated with chemicals to give them a marketable appearance. If the skin is excessively hard, rubbery, and the taste of fermentation is felt in the pulp, then they were processed and stored incorrectly. Dried apricots from Central Asian producers are considered the best.

What are the benefits of dried apricots?

The main advantage of dried fruits over boiled and canned fruits is the fact that when dried for a long time, a significant percentage of their nutrients remain intact. Dried apricot is not rich in vitamins, but it contains more minerals than fresh fruit. It has good antioxidant properties: strengthens the immune system, improves heart function and health blood vessels, helps the body fight infection, removes toxins, radioactive particles, heavy metal salts.

For patients suffering from heart rhythm disturbances, poor circulation For those who have had a heart attack, doctors recommend consuming 150 grams of dried apricots daily. It should also be included in the menu for people with diabetes mellitus, kidney and thyroid diseases, intestinal dysfunction. Dried fruits help relieve headaches and colds; it’s good to take potent medications with a small handful: they reduce harmful effects antibiotics on the body.

Dried fruits help raise tone and restore physical strength, so they are useful in the treatment of vitamin deficiency, during the rehabilitation period after surgery or a serious illness. In the environment traditional healers There is an opinion that dried apricot is an excellent remedy for the prevention of cancer, but scientific research There have been no studies that could confirm this assumption. Antioxidants contained in dried apricots have beneficial effect on skin and hair, beta-carotene and retinol in high concentration help maintain visual acuity. Thanks to fiber and pectin, microflora is restored intestinal tract, cholesterol is removed from blood vessels, phosphorus found in orange fruits supports brain function and strengthens bone tissue.

What are the calorie content and nutritional value of dried apricots?

The nutritional value of dried apricot is quite high, amounting to almost 220 kilocalories per 100 grams of pulp. It is also sickly sweet due to its saturation with plant sugars: glucose, fructose and sucrose. Therefore, it is advisable to eat no more than four pieces of fruit per day. This amount is quite enough to replenish nutrients. One hundred grams of dried apricots contain the following amount of nutrients:

What microelements are contained in dried apricots?

Orange dried fruits do not have a variety of vitamins. But all the beneficial substances in them are very important for the normal functioning of the body. What vitamins are contained in dried apricot fruits, and in what concentration? 100 grams of pulp contains:

Vitamins per 100 grams of productContents
Vitamin A0.6 mg
Vitamin C4 mg
Vitamin E5.5 mg
Vitamin B10.1 mg
Vitamin B20.2 mg
Vitamin B33 mg

To understand all the benefits of dried fruits, you need to know what vitamins in dried apricots support health and what function they perform in the body.

  1. Retinol. This microelement is an essential participant in metabolic processes. Without it, oxidation and reduction reactions cannot occur. Maintains visual acuity, promotes normal growth and development of organs and systems.
  2. Ascorbic acid. The strongest antioxidant. Regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and nitrogenous substances, removes excess cholesterol from the blood vessels, and waste products and toxins from the intestinal tract.
  3. Tocopherol. Vitamin of youth and beauty. Protects cells from the aggressive effects of oxygen molecules, slows down the aging process.
  4. Thiamine. Energy supplier. Participates in lipid, carbohydrate and water-salt metabolism, helps strengthen the heart and blood vessels, normalizes function nervous system.
  5. Riboflavin. This substance is necessary to maintain an attractive appearance and visual acuity. Controls the synthesis of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, supports the function thyroid gland and reproductive system.
  6. A nicotinic acid. Vitamin for blood circulation and brain activity. Regulates the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates, participates in water-salt metabolism, reduces the level of bad cholesterol in blood vessels.

In addition to vitamins, apricot fruits contain a large number of minerals. One hundred grams of dried pulp contains the following microelements:

Dried apricots contain substances important for the body such as magnesium, calcium, sodium, and phosphorus.

When consuming dried fruits, you need to remember that they are concentrated foods. If a fresh apricot contains only 2 grams of plant fiber, then a dried one already contains 18 grams. Therefore, you should not feast on dried apricots in large quantities, no matter how appetizing it may seem. In order not to damage the intestines, it is advisable to eat no more than 100 grams of fruits per day. Dried fruits do not tolerate heat treatment well, but go well with baked goods, salads, meat dishes, and can be a useful substitute for sugar. They are not recommended on an empty stomach or after eating a heavy meal. Excessive intake of the product into the digestive system can cause bloating, colic, and diarrhea.

Can dried apricots cause harm?

Dried apricot is very useful product, but there are restrictions on its use. Because of high calorie content and the concentration of fiber and sugars in certain diseases, it can cause harm to the body. It should not be included in the diet of people with the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic disorders of the liver, stomach and intestines;
  • gastritis with increased acidity gastric juice;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hypotension;
  • allergies;
  • obesity and metabolic disorders.

You should be very careful when choosing dried apricots in stores. Modern drying technologies involve the use of sulfur dioxide and highly toxic preservatives in order to preserve the attractive appearance of the product for a long time. These toxic substances can accumulate in the body, causing allergies and pulmonary diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to examine dried fruits extremely carefully before putting them in the grocery basket: specimens that differ unnaturally bright color, it's better to leave it on the counter. They are clearly treated with chemicals. At home, before eating, it is recommended to rinse the fruits thoroughly or soak them in warm water for 15 minutes.


Dried apricots. Useful properties of dried apricots. Health benefits of dried apricots. Vitamins and minerals in dried apricots. How to choose and how much dried apricots you should eat

Almost everyone knows that dried fruits are very healthy, but most people eat them much less often than other foods. IN best case scenario compotes are prepared from dried fruits, or used as an additive to baked goods.

Meanwhile, dried fruits can and should be consumed as a separate dish, and even with their help, alleviate the course of many diseases, strengthening your health and immunity.

In winter there are almost no ripe natural fruits. Those sold in markets and even more so in supermarkets can be considered just a delicacy that does not contain almost any nutrients and beneficial substances. After all, fruits collected in southern countries are treated with special chemicals and preservatives that help maintain their attractive appearance.

In addition, they are collected unripe so that they do not spoil during transportation, which means that the nutrients simply do not have time to form in them in sufficient quantities.

Dried fruits (dried fruits) retain everything necessary for a person biologically active substances, moreover, in concentrated form. There are no artificial ingredients in dried fruits food additives– various flavors, dyes and especially taste enhancers, but microelements, vitamins, fiber and pectin are preserved - a very important substance that has a beneficial effect on work endocrine system, and also helps the body cleanse itself of waste and toxins.

All dried fruits, as a rule, are very sweet, but they do not contain sugar, but glucose and fructose - natural carbohydrates. They don't provide harmful influence on the body, like regular sugar, they do not contribute to an increase in insulin levels in the blood and do not cause a tendency to obesity.

Dried fruits are very nutritious, and they are not empty calories. They are digested so easily that they can be combined with fats, even with separate meals. Thus, a salad of dried fruits with nuts, seasoned with fresh sour cream or cream, is a wonderful and nutritious dish, very loved by supporters healthy eating.

Dried fruits are all useful, but today we will talk about such a well-known and beloved product by many as dried apricots.

In our markets this dried fruit (dried apricot) is always available in large quantities and different varieties.

Vitamins and minerals in dried apricots

The set of vitamins in dried apricots is not too large, although they do exist: vitamin C, A, PP and B vitamins. But in terms of the content of minerals - iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, dried apricots are significantly superior to fresh fruits, and those contained in it together Together with organic acids, pectins remove even radionuclides and heavy metals from the body.

Useful properties of dried apricots

Dried apricots are not only an excellent tonic. This dried fruit can prevent and alleviate anemia, heart disease and gastrointestinal diseases, as well as improve vision. If you eat dried apricots constantly, then you are not in danger of blocking blood vessels or developing solid tumors; your skin will remain young for a long time, and your hair will remain strong.

Dried apricots contain much more potassium salts than sodium salts - this explains its excellent dietary properties. There is so much magnesium in it that many experts recommend dried apricots for the treatment of anemia and hypertension - a common disease in our time.

Dried apricots contain a lot of vitamin A, which is responsible for normal work many systems of our body. It also has a mild diuretic effect, especially its thick infusion or decoction, which is often prescribed for kidney diseases and cardiovascular problems.

Dried apricots are also useful for those who suffer from diabetes, thyroid diseases and hypovitaminosis. Dried apricots are also included in many homeopathic medicines, and these natural drugs help to significantly reduce the need to take synthetic drugs for various chronic diseases.

How much dried apricots should you eat?

How much dried apricots should you eat to maintain your health? Do not forget that dried apricots are a concentrated product. If fresh apricots contain only 2g of fiber (per 100g of product), then dried apricots contain 18g. Therefore, if you eat dried apricots in large quantities, you can get stomach and intestinal upset.

It is best to eat 80-100g of dried apricots per day, or add them to all kinds of dishes, trying not to heat them too much. For example, you can bake sweet homebaked bread, adding chopped dried apricots, seeds and nuts to the dough. This bread turns out very tasty, and it is certainly much healthier than store-bought cream cakes.

Dried apricots go well with salads, rice, meat and fish.

How to choose dried apricots

Learn to choose the right dried apricots: they should be of a natural color and not too transparent; clean and large, moderately hard and elastic. If dried apricots have a too bright, attractive orange color, then this may be due to the use chemicals, improving appearance goods. It is better to buy matte dried apricots with light gray tint– this is exactly what fruits become during the natural drying process.

In the cuisines of peoples all over the world there are many recipes for dishes made from dried apricots, or with the addition of dried apricots. There are so many recipes that more than one book could be compiled from them. For example, meat with dried apricots turns out very tasty, and it is much easier to digest.

Recipe from inmoment.ru: chicken with dried apricots

A very simple recipe - chicken with dried apricots. You need to take a small young chicken (you can use a large chicken), cut it into portions, add salt, rub with spices to taste, and simmer under the lid with the addition of olive (or ghee) oil until half cooked. Cut the soaked dried apricots into thin strips, peel the tomatoes (by pouring boiling water over them), finely chop the garlic, and cut the onion into rings or half rings. Add all this to the chicken and simmer over low heat, covered, for another half hour.

Small chicken – 1 pc., tomatoes – 3 pcs., onions – 2 pcs., garlic – 4 cloves, dried apricots – 200g, salt, spices, oil.

If you are preparing compote from dried apricots, or any dried fruit in general, remember that they should not be boiled. Of course we for a long time They taught something completely different, but in boiled dried fruits there are practically no vitamins and other useful substances left.

Dried fruits need to be washed well (heavily contaminated ones should be soaked first), bring to a boil, remove from heat and leave for several hours. Sugar in such a compote is completely unnecessary and even harmful. If you like it sweet, you can add honey to taste.

By the way, an infusion of dried apricots is very helpful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Pour the washed dried apricots into a glass of warm boiled water and leave to infuse under the lid. After an hour, the infusion is ready. You need to prepare this infusion every day so that it is fresh, and take it before meals, dividing it into three parts. I wish you health and good appetite!

Dried apricots for weight loss Chocolate dried apricots

Tags: dried apricots, apricot, diet, honey, dried fruits

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Dried apricots or dried apricots: good or bad for health? Proven scientific facts about the benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body

It is no secret that dried fruits contain a colossal amount of vitamins and minerals, but they are not particularly popular among people.

It is customary to cook compotes from them or add dried fruits to baked goods.

But the range of uses for dried fruits is wider than it seems at first glance.

In this article we will talk about dried apricots - an orange-yellow dried fruit that has pleasant aroma And attractive looking.

Simply put, dried apricots are dried apricots that can be used as food in all year round and receive useful substances in the same volume as from a fresh fruit. The benefits of dried apricots have been proven by doctors and people’s experience, but is there any harm from consuming it? bright dried fruit?

Composition and calorie content of dried apricots

The beneficial properties of dried apricots can be explained by its composition. This dried fruit contains water, starch, organic acids (citric, salicylic, etc.), pectin, fiber and other fatty acid. In addition, dried apricots contain vitamins:

Vitamin A (Retinol);

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin);

Vitamin B2 (Riboflabin);

Vitamin B5 ( Pantothenic acid);

Vitamin C;

Vitamin E (tocopherol);

Vitamin PP (Nicotinic acid).

This dried fruit also contains minerals, such as:



In terms of the amount of minerals, dried apricots surpass even fresh fruits.

The calorie content of dried apricots is quite high - 241 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, in order to provide the body with useful substances without harming the figure, it is recommended to eat no more than 4-5 pieces per day. 1/2 of the composition of dried apricots is carbohydrates - 51g per 100g. Proteins and fats – 5.2g and 0.3g, respectively. The sweetness of this dried fruit comes from sucrose, glucose and fructose, the total content of which is approximately 80%.

How are dried apricots used?

This dried fruit is popular in cooking - compotes and baked goods are not the limit; some people use dried apricots when preparing meat and salads. They also make porridge with dried apricots and even smoothies. On store shelves you can even find candies made from dried apricots - dried apricots in chocolate.

Dried apricots are also used for weight loss, despite its calorie content. There is no mono-diet involving this dried fruit, but you can eat dried apricots as a dessert, but not more than 20-30g per day. Dried apricots are also used to cleanse the body of harmful substances and for the treatment of certain diseases.

What are the benefits of dried apricots for the human body?

The beneficial properties of dried apricots are numerous. This dried fruit has long been used to treat diseases. various systems internal organs, since it is tonic wide range.

Eating dried apricots is especially beneficial for people who have problems with heart disease. vascular systems Ouch. This dried fruit helps normalize blood pressure, increase hemoglobin levels, increase the number of red blood cells in the blood. Dried apricots are recommended for use in cases of anemia and anemia. In addition, regular consumption of this dried fruit helps prevent the formation of blood clots. People call dried apricots “food for the heart.”

Dried apricots also have beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal tract positive impact. This sweet dried fruit helps improve intestinal motility and cleanse the body of waste, toxins and cholesterol. Pectins contained in dried apricots help remove heavy metals and radionuclides from the human body. This dried fruit contains 9 times more fiber than fresh fruit of the same weight. Therefore, to ensure normal digestion, it is enough to eat a handful of dried apricots once a day. Dried apricots have a mild laxative effect, so they are effective for constipation.

Dried apricots are also useful for diseases of the kidneys, thyroid and pancreas. This dried fruit helps normalize the functioning of the insulin apparatus of the pancreas. Therefore, dried apricots are recommended to be consumed by people suffering from diabetes, but in moderation.

The benefits of dried apricots are also undeniable in cases of vitamin deficiency. This dried fruit contains vitamins that help strengthen the immune system. When using antibiotics, it is also worth including dried apricots in your diet, as it will help reduce the harmful effects on the body. This dried fruit is also useful in postoperative period or after past illness, as it helps restore the vitality of the body. It is also worth consuming dried apricots during colds and migraines.

Carotene and vitamin A contained in dried apricots have a positive effect on vision. The phosphorus contained in this dried fruit is necessary for mental activity and strengthening skeletal system. In addition, dried apricots contain a large amount of antioxidants, which are useful for skin problems and hair loss. There is a popular belief that dried apricots can treat cancerous tumors and prevent their appearance, but there are no scientific arguments on this matter, so you should not blindly trust all the information from the Internet.

Being high-calorie product, dried apricots will help quickly satisfy hunger and saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals. Dried apricots are allowed even during diets, since this dried fruit contains natural sweeteners - fructose, glucose and sucrose.

A decoction of dried apricots has a diuretic effect and helps get rid of swelling of various origins. This sweet dried fruit has a positive effect on genitourinary system generally.

Pleasant taste, year-round availability and beneficial features Dried apricots attract a lot of people. But will eating dried apricots cause harm, and in what quantities is this dried fruit safe for health?

Harm of dried apricots to human health

Dried apricots are a healthy product, but there can still be harm from consuming this dried fruit.

Drying fruits uses chemicals such as sulfur dioxide or toxic preservative compounds. Under the influence of chemicals, dried apricots retain their attractive appearance and bright color. Sulfur dioxide tends to accumulate in the body, and when accumulated required quantity of this substance arise allergic reactions, the likelihood of damage to the bronchi and lungs increases. Therefore, it is important to be able to choose the right dried apricots so as not to provoke chemical poisoning. You should avoid bright orange and bright yellow fruits, as the brightness and richness of the color indicate that these fruits have been chemically treated.

Eating dried apricots in large quantities is likely to cause indigestion, diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain. Therefore, you should not abuse this useful dried fruit. For the same reason, it is not recommended to consume dried apricots for people suffering from intestinal and stomach diseases, especially in chronic form.

Abuse of dried apricots is not recommended for diabetics, since the sugar substitutes they contain cause attacks of hypoglycemia. The calorie content of dried apricots also affects weight gain, so people who are obese should exclude this sweet dried fruit from their diet.

Allergic reactions to apricots also occur. In such cases, dried apricots should not be eaten so as not to provoke an allergy.

Dried apricots help lower blood pressure, so if you have hypotension, it is not advisable to consume dried apricots.

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for pregnant and lactating women

Women during pregnancy and lactation are concerned about their health, and great attention pay proper nutrition. After all, the health of the child depends on the woman’s nutrition during these periods.

Dried apricots are beneficial for the body of a pregnant woman.

With the help of dried apricots you can cope with high blood pressure, which often appears on later pregnancy.

And swelling can be eliminated if you use a decoction of this sweet dried fruit.

If during pregnancy a woman is contraindicated in foods containing sugar, then eating dried apricots in reasonable quantities is not prohibited.

During pregnancy, the load on the heart increases. Therefore, regular consumption of dried apricots will help normalize the functioning of this important body.

The kidneys and thyroid gland are most susceptible to disease during pregnancy. Dried apricots help avoid problems with these organs.

Anemia and iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women can be treated with dried apricots.

Regular use This sweet dried fruit will help remove waste, toxins and heavy metals from the body.

Dried apricots are a mild laxative. Therefore, constipation during pregnancy and lactation is curable without medicines.

In addition to its beneficial properties, dried apricots also have contraindications.

Pregnant and lactating women who have low blood pressure should not consume dried apricots.

Excessive consumption of dried apricots provokes weight gain. During pregnancy and after it, a woman’s hormonal levels are unstable, which is why excess weight is gained rapidly.

Excessive consumption of dried apricots provokes an upset stomach, so you should not get carried away with these bright fruits.

If you are allergic to dried apricots, you should not eat it.

Dried apricots are available in stores all year round and have beneficial properties. pleasant taste and aroma, which is why this dried fruit is so loved by women who take care of their figure and health.

Greatest benefit will bring consumption of dried apricots along with cereals. This sweet dried fruit goes perfectly with oatmeal. Before eating, it is better to soak dried apricots in warm water.

Dried apricots for children: good or bad?

Children's body For normal height and development, vitamins and nutrients are needed. find in summer fresh fruits not difficult, but where to find them in winter? In the cold season, dried fruits can help out.

Dried apricots nourish the child’s body useful vitamins and minerals and charges it with energy. Calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and phosphorus are necessary for a growing body, for the normal formation of the skeletal system and increased brain activity.

From 6 months it is allowed to cook weak compotes from dried fruits, because even a small body needs vitamins.

The fiber contained in dried apricots normalizes digestion and improves intestinal motility. Dried apricots are ideal for a nutritious snack.


Dried apricots - benefits and harm for the body of men or women, daily intake, vitamin content

The benefits of dried fruits have been proven repeatedly. They are rich in micro- and macroelements, vitamins, which makes them indispensable for consumption. Since dried fruits do not have artificial colors or additives, their consumption benefits the body. One of these products is dried apricots - the benefits and harms to the body are discussed below.

What is dried apricots

Depending on the type of dried apricot, there are three types of dried fruits:

  • apricot (small apricot, dried with pit);
  • kaisa (large dried apricot without pit);
  • dried apricots (dried pitted apricots cut in half).

About a week is allotted for drying, during which the moisture evaporates from the apricot, after which it loses up to two-thirds of its weight (out of 3-4 kilograms one comes out). If contact with moisture occurs during the drying process, the color changes to dark brown. Commercially, the drying process uses sulfur dioxide, which allows the product to remain bright orange.

With prolonged consumption of industrially prepared dried fruits, there is a risk of dioxide accumulation in the body, which can cause asthma, allergies, and damage the lungs and bronchi. If dry apricots have a winey taste, then you should discard them, since the technology was not followed during drying. Properly cooked dried apricots are most valuable product, which has found its application in cooking and medicine. There are four grades of the product: table, first, highest, extra.

The product has a sweet or sour-sweet taste, but this is achieved not by adding sugar to it, but because of the glucose it contains. It does not harm the body and does not cause an increase in insulin in the blood. Calorie content of dried apricots ( the nutritional value per 100 grams) is 215-241 Kcal. Dried fruits cannot be called dietary, but the calories they contain are easily digestible and therefore do not cause obesity.

Dried apricots - composition

As noted earlier, dried fruits are rich in minerals and vitamins. IN chemical composition dried apricots include:

  • proteins;
  • B vitamins;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamin A, E, K, C;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • niacin;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • pectins;
  • sucrose;
  • selenium;
  • carbohydrates;
  • phosphorus;
  • choline;
  • zinc, etc.

Dried fruits due to content large number micro- and macroelements have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Dried apricots improve skin condition, remove toxins and waste from the body, and help strengthen the immune system. Recommended for use by people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes. They are able to remove excess cholesterol from the body.

For diabetes, doctors recommend consuming this product because it normalizes the functioning of the pancreas, helping the production of insulin. Constant use in food helps with anemia, fighting blockage of blood vessels. The benefits of dried apricots for the body are limitless, since it improves vision, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, and prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Dried apricot decoction

Dried apricots can be used to prepare a decoction of dried apricots to treat constipation in children. To do this you need to take:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100 g dried fruits.
  1. Before cooking, dry fruits are thoroughly washed, then soaked in water for half an hour to soften well.
  2. Afterwards they are placed in warm water, bringing to a boil over low heat, leave for an hour.

To prepare the decoction for making ice in for cosmetic purposes, have to take:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 500 g dried apricots;
  • mint;
  • Melissa.
  1. The washed dried fruits are poured with water and boiled for 20 minutes, after which a pinch of mint and lemon balm is added.
  2. Then the broth must be left on the fire for another 15 minutes.
  3. The prepared mixture is removed and poured into molds for freezing.
  4. The resulting ice is rubbed onto the skin of the face and décolleté to give it elasticity and a healthy appearance.​

Infusion of dried apricots

To maximize the preservation of all the nutrients of dried fruits, prepare an infusion of dried apricots. For this purpose, the fruits are thoroughly washed and then poured boiled water. Leave to infuse for at least 5 hours. It is preferable to use the infusion if available cardiovascular diseases, kidney problems. The infusion is mild diuretic effect, helping to relieve swelling.

Dried apricots for the stomach

If you do not overuse dried apricots, then dried apricots for the stomach will be useful for improving digestion. It can be used as decoctions and infusions. In addition, dried fruits have proven themselves well in dietary cooking - they can be added to cereals and desserts. Dried apricot improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents the development of constipation, and improves metabolism. Excessive consumption, on the contrary, harms the gastrointestinal tract.

Benefits of dried apricots for the heart

Sodium, potassium and magnesium contained in dried fruits make dried apricots indispensable for the heart. It helps with atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, spasms in blood vessels. It will help hypertensive patients fight high blood pressure. If you have low blood pressure, there are contraindications - dried fruits can be consumed in minimum quantities. Iron, which dried apricots are rich in, helps increase hemoglobin levels.

What are the benefits of dried apricots for women?

The product helps to normalize hormonal levels in the fair sex. The benefits of dried apricots for a woman’s body have been proven when losing weight and in the fight against overweight. It has laxative properties. Vitamins A and E will help the skin stay young and elastic. The benefits of dried fruits in the fight against malignant neoplasms thanks to the presence of antioxidants. Dried fruits used to prepare masks and decoctions used for skin and hair problems.

What are the benefits of dried apricots for men?

Being a source of fiber, it is able to normalize intestinal function, and this has a beneficial effect on blood circulation occurring in the pelvic organs. As a result, the development of prostatitis and potency is prevented. The benefits of dried apricots for men also include the fact that testicular function improves, sperm production improves, and hormonal levels are normalized.

Dried apricots during pregnancy - benefits and harms

When carrying a child, every woman should take a responsible approach to choosing food. What are the benefits and harms of dried apricots during pregnancy? Firstly, it is worth excluding it for everyone who has a predisposition to allergies, reduced arterial pressure and asthma. Secondly, you need to add the product to your diet gradually, observing the body’s reaction. When choosing dried fruits, you should give preference to matte rather than bright, shiny fruits. The best option There will be consumption of apricots dried independently.

Pregnancy is a difficult and responsible period for every woman, so there are several ways to alleviate toxicosis, get rid of stress and vitamin deficiency, improve the condition of nails and hair, help strengthen the skeletal system of the fetus and improve your health.

To prepare the cocktail you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100 g dried apricots;
  • 1 tbsp. l. natural honey.
  1. Dried apricots must be washed and placed in a saucepan (for these purposes it is better to use enamel dishes).
  2. Fill everything hot water and put on fire for twenty minutes, then strain.
  3. Grind the cooked dried fruits thoroughly, mix with compote, add honey.
  4. Shake the resulting composition well and can be eaten.​

For fruit salad you need the following ingredients:

  • 3 tbsp. l. dried apricots;
  • 6 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 3 tsp. honey;
  • 600 g yogurt;
  • 1 apple;
  • 1 pear;
  • 1 carrot.
  1. At the initial stage, dried apricots are washed and soaked for 15 minutes.
  2. Cut the fruits into cubes and add grated carrots to them.
  3. The soaked dried fruits are crushed and added to the mixture. Then oatmeal and honey are added, after which everything is topped with yogurt.
  4. The resulting salad is left to soak for 7 minutes.

How many dried apricots can you eat per day?

It will not harm the body if you consume no more than 100-120 g of dried apricot, since the product can cause intestinal irritation. The daily norm of dried apricots is 3-5 fruits, which can saturate the body with the necessary nutrients. In order to get the maximum possible number of vitamins and microelements, it is recommended to consume dried fruits throughout the day and try not to expose them to heat treatment(this way all the beneficial properties of dried apricot for the body are preserved).

During menopause, what vitamins should you take?

seedless. So that they acquire an amber shine and flawless sunny color, in production, when drying apricots, specific chemicals are used, but if you dry the southern fruit at home (under the sun in a ventilated and slightly shaded place), then the benefits of dried apricots will be much greater - the absence of any preservatives and other chemical compounds will play a role.

Composition and calorie content of dried apricots

Nutritional value 100 g:

  • Calorie content: 232 kcal
  • Proteins: 5.2 g
  • Fat: 0.3 g
  • Carbohydrates: 51 g
  • Dietary fiber: 18 g
  • Organic acids: 1.5 g
  • Water: 20 g
  • Unsaturated fatty acids: 0.1 g
  • Mono- and disaccharides: 48 g
  • Starch: 3 g
  • Ash: 4 g
  • Saturated fatty acids: 0.1 g


  • Vitamin PP: 3 mg
  • Beta-carotene: 3.5 mg
  • Vitamin A (VE): 583 mcg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.2 mg
  • Vitamin C: 4 mg
  • Vitamin E (TE): 5.5 mg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 3.9 mg


  • Calcium: 160 mg
  • Magnesium: 105 mg
  • Sodium: 17 mg
  • Potassium: 1717 mg
  • Phosphorus: 146 mg


  • Iron: 3.2 mg

Dried apricots are not only a delicacy, but also a very useful product, because it contains a simply unimaginable mass of all sorts of “useful things”. List full composition It’s not worth it, you only need to focus your attention on three aspects.

Firstly, even after drying the apricot, the most persistent vitamins remain in the dried fruit - A, B, PP and C. Moreover, they are so successfully combined in this product that they are completely absorbed by the body and “work” to improve health.

Secondly, dried apricots contain a lot of water (despite the fact that the product is dried), proteins and carbohydrates, but there are practically no fats. Of course, dried apricots will not replace meat, but you definitely need to include them in your diet if you want to lose weight.

Thirdly, dried apricots contain a number of micro- and macroelements - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc and others.

The calorie content of dried apricots is quite high - 232 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

Nutritionists classify dried apricots as rare foods. medicinal properties, thanks to its rich chemical composition. It is recommended to use the product in question in the following cases:

Note:recent studies have confirmed the theory that the product in question helps remove salts of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body. Regular consumption of dried apricots stops the growth of even cancer cells.

Harmful properties of dried apricots

Of course, the product in question, like all others, can be harmful to health - you need to know the “pitfalls” in advance and avoid unpleasant consequences. So, what do doctors warn about?:

  • dried apricots are capable - hypotensive people should not get carried away with this delicacy;
  • dried apricots contain quite a lot of fructose and sucrose - people with obesity and diagnosed diabetes mellitus should consult a doctor before introducing dried fruit into their diet;
  • if you eat too much dried apricots, your work may be disrupted digestive system– nutritionists recommend consuming no more than 100 grams of the product per day, which is equivalent to 5 fruits. Moreover, you can eat them all at once or spread them out throughout the day;
  • If dried apricots are given to children for the first time, then you need to carefully monitor the child’s health - this product can cause an allergic reaction.

To be honest, doctors categorically do not recommend purchasing beautiful, shiny, amber dried apricots - they contain so many harmful chemical compounds that the benefits of the product come into question. It is much better to prepare the product in question yourself - just peel the apricots, wash the fruit thoroughly and dry them either in the oven, or in the sun, or in automatic dryers.

If you still had to buy ready-made dried apricots, then before consuming them, try to thoroughly clean the delicacy. You don’t just need to wash it under running water, but do it in a bowl until clear water appears. Then the dried apricots are soaked in warm water for 15 minutes and washed under running water - only after all these steps can the product be consumed.

You need to store dried apricots in a cool and, preferably, dark place in a tightly tied canvas bag - polyethylene is simply harmful for this product.

Dried apricots are a real storehouse of useful substances for the body, but you need to use this product in moderation and with caution in case of certain diseases. Even if your health is in perfect order, the product in question must be included in your diet - it is both tasty and healthy. Dried apricots are allowed to be consumed in childhood, during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, but only if there is no allergy to it.

Dried fruits contain a lot of valuable minerals, vitamins, organic acids, and dietary fiber. IN winter time This kind of food will strengthen your immune system in the best possible way. One of the most common types of dried fruits is dried apricots - dried apricots. The product is added to baked goods and consumed as an independent snack. Many people are interested in what benefits and harms the orange fruit can bring? Let's talk about everything in order.

What is dried apricots

Dried apricots are dried apricots. The product is considered the most nutritious among its fellows. To prepare 150 gr. dried apricots, you need to take 500 g. fresh raw materials.
Previously, dried apricots took a long time to cook. First, the apricots were sorted, cut, and pitted. Then they were left to dry in the heat, covered with a cloth to protect them from insects.

Today, dried fruits are produced using special technology using chemical components. To make dried apricots a bright orange with a pleasant shine, you need to add sulfur dioxide to the soaking mixture.

To reduce the duration of drying, ovens and ovens are used. As mentioned earlier, to make 150 gr. dried raw materials require 0.5 kg. moderately ripe apricots.

The following types of dried fruits are distinguished:

  • Dried apricots are cut into 2 parts, the seeds are removed and dried.
  • Kaisa - seeds are extracted from whole fruits using a special device, then dried in the sun.
  • Apricot - apricot is washed, prepared, dried along with the pit.

Dried fruits, in particular dried apricots, are used everywhere. Most often it is used in folk medicine, diets, culinary purposes.

Calorie content, composition, nutritional value

  1. Dried apricots belong to the category of dried fruits; most of it is water. For 100 gr. product is 70 grams. liquids. The next leading position is occupied by carbohydrates - about 25.2 g. per 100 gr. dried apricots.
  2. Dietary fiber, in particular fiber, is allocated about 4 grams. This amount is 1/5 of the daily requirement, which is necessary for an adult. Dried apricots contain protein (1.2 g), ash (1 g), and fats (0.16 g).
  3. During drying, apricot loses some valuable elements, most often vitamins. However, the “strongest” remain and benefit the human body.
  4. Among the “persistent” vitamins there is retinol, or vitamin A. B 100 g. dried apricots about 108.68 mg. of this substance. Some may think that this amount is not enough. But it takes up 13% of the allowable daily value for an adult.
  5. Also, during the drying process, B vitamins are preserved. This section includes a whole “bouquet” of irreplaceable compounds. So, pyridoxine, or vitamin B6, is given 0.14 mg. per 100 gr. (6% DV). Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is contained in an amount of 0.2 mg.
  6. Dried apricots are also rich in riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine (vitamin B1), niacin (vitamin PP, niacin), ascorbic acid(vitamin C).
  7. The value of dried apricots is due to the accumulation of micro- and macroelements. For 100 gr. dried dessert requires 444 mg. potassium - daily requirement. The dried fruit is rich in calcium, 15 mg, magnesium (16 mg), phosphorus (39 mg).
  8. Dried apricots include copper (0.15 mg), which is 15% of the permissible daily value. Iron in dried fruit is 1.6 mg. (9% of the norm), manganese is allocated 0.1 mg, zinc - 0.25 mg.
  9. A fairly large number of organic acids allows us to saturate the human body with essential compounds. As for amino acids, dried fruit contains them in abundance (isoleucine, tryptophan, threonine, lysine). In total, dried apricots contain 12 amino acids, including 7 essential ones.
  10. Do not forget about fructose, sucrose, glucose, they account for 80% of the total volume of fruits. With such extensive indicators, the calorie content of dried apricots is considered low - 242 Kcal. per 100 gr. To provide the body necessary minerals, acids, vitamins, it is enough to eat 5 pieces. per day.

  1. Dried fruits have diuretic properties. For this reason, practicing doctors prescribe people with kidney diseases to take a decoction based on dried apricots. The composition removes sand and small stones from the cavity of the internal organ, and also prevents their further deposition.
  2. The product is used when creating menus for obese patients. Dried apricots are often consumed when following a diet, despite the added saccharides and calorie content. In this case, the daily norm is limited to 25 grams. As a result, old waste and bad cholesterol are eliminated.
  3. Dried apricots partially thin the blood and prevent blood clots. It is useful to eat dried fruit for people with varicose veins veins Incoming pectin removes heavy metals and radionuclides, dietary fiber accelerates metabolic processes.
  4. To improve digestion, you need to eat half a meal per day. Dried fruits contain 9 times more fiber than fresh apricots. The element controls the activity of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
  5. Dried apricots contain many vitamins that increase protective functions body during the period of vitamin deficiency. Dried fruits are useful for adults and children to consume to avoid infection with helminths.
  6. The product reduces fever, helps to recover after serious illness or previous surgery. Dried apricots relieve headaches and fight frequent migraines, eliminate signs of colds and flu.
  7. Incoming carotenoids have beneficial influence on human vision. Elements prevent the development of cataracts, lubricate eyeball and strengthen muscles. This property is extremely valued by people with low vision.
  8. Dried apricots increase physical endurance, which is why dried apricots are often used in the preparation of diets for athletes. In addition, dried fruit fills voids in the bones, promotes speed dial muscle mass, improves mood and morale.
  9. Fruits influence mental activity, so dried apricots are useful for people who work hard with their heads. Also, dried fruits of this type are included in the menu of schoolchildren and students to increase perception, memory, and concentration.
  10. Decoctions with dried apricots remove excess liquid, thereby fighting swelling. This property is valued by people with varicose veins and pregnant girls who experience heaviness in their legs.
  11. Dried apricots promote rapid absorption of antibiotics into the blood. If you are taking a course of medications, include dried fruit in your diet. You need to consume at least 20 grams. daily.
  12. Dried apricots should be given to children in winter and spring. It is at these times of year that there is a deficiency of vitamins. Dried apricots will more than make up for everything and strengthen the immune system.
  13. This type of dried fruit has the ability to lower blood pressure. For this reason, dried apricots are consumed by hypertensive patients. Hypotonic patients should be careful; the maximum daily amount should not exceed 10 grams.

Acceptable daily allowance

It should be remembered that dried apricots are highly concentrated products. It contains 2.5 times more sugar than fresh fruits. Also, if the apricot contains only 2 grams. dietary fiber, then in dried fruit this amount increases to 18 grams. The difference is significant.

An adult who has no contraindications for use should not eat more than 70 grams. dried fruits daily.

At the same time, dried apricots are added to baked goods, hot and cold appetizers, salads, meat dishes, side dishes. Dried fruits are often used to make fruit drinks and compotes, jellies, smoothies, etc.

Since the figure is 242 Kcal. per 100 gr. involves some restrictions; dieters should not consume more than 4-5 pieces. per day.

  1. For full development, a child needs a complex of vitamins with mineral compounds, organic acids, and dietary fiber. Dried apricots include all of the listed substances.
  2. Incoming compounds are responsible for the transformation of carbohydrates into energy, as a result of which the child is energized. Calcium forms bone and muscle tissue, magnesium supports the functioning of the heart and brain, iron increases blood circulation.
  3. School children, preschool age and students work hard mentally. To improve thought processes and relieve nervous tension Dried apricots should be eaten daily, 10-15 grams.
  4. Starting from six months, you can gradually introduce dried fruits into your baby’s diet. Start cooking low-concentrated compotes without sugar, then give your child 5 ml.

The benefits of dried apricots for women

  1. Dried apricots are responsible for normalizing hormonal levels in girls and women. If you eat dried fruit during menstruation, you will lose muscle spasms, hemoglobin levels will be restored.
  2. Women during menopause need to consume dried apricots to reduce the number of hot flashes and their severity, as well as normalize the psycho-emotional background.
  3. Dried apricots have mild laxative properties, so they are often used for weight loss. Systematic consumption will cleanse the intestines and prevent slagging.
  4. A large concentration of “beauty vitamins” of group A and E is responsible for the health of hair, nails and skin. Dried apricots even out complexion, fight wrinkles and skin pigmentation, eliminate hair loss and dandruff.
  5. Tocopherol (vitamin E) is considered a natural antioxidant. He has preventive properties education malignant tumors, and also blocks blood access to existing cancer cells.

The benefits of dried apricots for men

  1. Dried apricots are a complete source of fiber. Dietary fiber takes responsibility for the activity of the intestinal tract. This has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  2. Dried fruit is useful for men to prevent prostate diseases. Dosed consumption (about 40 grams per day) increases reproductive function and potency.
  3. Dried apricots stimulate testicular activity, increasing the quality and quantity of sperm. As a result, hormonal levels are normalized.
  4. Men are more likely than women to suffer from diseases of the heart and vascular systems. Dried apricots prevent probable diseases, reducing the risk of their development to a minimum.
  5. The benefits for the stronger sex are due to increased physical endurance. Therefore, dried fruits should be eaten by people who work a lot with their hands and play sports.

  1. In the later stages of gestation, a woman often experiences an increase in blood pressure, and dried apricots reduce the levels.
  2. Regular consumption of a decoction with the addition of dried apricots relieves swelling of internal organs, limbs and face.
  3. More often female doctors Avoid eating foods with sugar during pregnancy. But dried apricots are not included in this list.
  4. Dried fruits stabilize the activity of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system, control heart rate.
  5. Pregnant women suffer from constipation; dried apricots affect intestinal motility and have a mild laxative effect.

Harm of dried apricots

  1. Abuse of the product may lead to dysfunction digestive tract. Diarrhea, bloating, and stomach pain will appear.
  2. Dried apricots are contraindicated for people with chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, allergies to the product, bronchial asthma.
  3. Diabetics are not prohibited from eating dried fruits, but the amount should be measured. You can consume 2-3 pcs per week. dried apricots.

Dried apricots will not cause harm to the human body if you use the product wisely and take into account contraindications. Add dried apricots to your usual dishes or use as a snack. Follow the daily norm and introduce dried fruits into your children’s diet.

Video: what are the benefits of dried apricots?

This southern guest makes not only desserts special, but also savory dishes. It goes great with chicken. Many people love dried apricot, but not everyone knows about its properties. Let's look at the benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body.

Dried apricots - composition

This fruit cannot be called low-calorie. One hundred grams of it contain 241 kcal. However, this calorie content also has its significant advantages. When consumed, you will feel full, and you will not be tempted to eat fast food or other harmful product. Dried fruits such as dried apricots have a special chemical composition. It contains:

  • carbohydrates;
  • water;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • cellulose;
  • ash;
  • organic acids;
  • selenium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.

What vitamins are in dried apricots?

Speaking about the benefits and harm dried apricots can cause to the body, one cannot fail to mention its unique composition. Dried apricots contain various beneficial substances that do not cause harm, but, on the contrary, are vital for the human body. What vitamins in dried apricots are not known to everyone, but these are:

  1. Vitamin A – 583 mcg. Participates in processes such as oxidation and reduction. In its absence, blindness may develop.
  2. Vitamin B1 – 0.1 mg. Takes part in regulating metabolic processes and delivers energy to the body. Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous system and digestive tract.
  3. Vitamin B2 – 0.2 mg. Actively participates in metabolic processes and affects visual acuity.
  4. Vitamin C – 4 mg. Participates in nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism, removes cholesterol from the body.
  5. Vitamin E – 5.5 mg. Its main function is protection against oxidation by oxygen.
  6. Vitamin PP – 3 mg. Takes part in the regulation of carbohydrate, protein, water-salt exchanges, normalization of cholesterol levels.

Dried apricots - benefits for the body

Many people are interested in the benefits of dried apricots and whether they are harmful to the body. It is often used during the treatment and prevention of childhood and adult diseases. Since dried apricot contains a lot of iron, it is often included in the diet for anemia. Those suffering from cardiovascular diseases are also recommended to use it. The southern guest will also be an excellent assistant in the fight against bacteria.

It is also often used:

  • to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • to thin sputum;
  • in the treatment of dry cough;
  • in order to lower the temperature;
  • during arrhythmia;
  • for hypertension;
  • for diseases of the liver and thyroid gland.

The eastern guest is able to remove waste and toxins and may be suitable for the prevention of cancer. It is often offered to be included in the menu for people who have been exposed to radioactive effects. Dried apricot is an excellent helper in the fight against stress. It helps improve brain activity, helps improve vision, skin, .

What are the benefits of dried apricots for women?

The southern guest is loved by many representatives of the fair sex and it is no coincidence, because it has long been called a “women’s dessert”, because the benefits of dried apricots for female body is undeniable, and it does practically no harm. With its help, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth. In addition, sunny fruit is used in the treatment of nervous system disorders caused by PMS. It also has a beneficial effect on skin diseases, rashes, and redness.

What are the benefits of dried apricots for men?

Not all men know about the properties of dried apricots. There is no harm from it, but it is beneficial for male body obvious. This oriental fruit contains carotene, which is not only capable of providing therapeutic effect on the heart and blood vessels, and slows down aging, improves vision, increases the potency of men, therefore oriental sweetness should be present in the diet of the stronger sex.

Dried apricots for weight loss

Often, representatives of the fair half are interested in whether it is possible to eat dried apricots while losing weight. As it turned out, the southern guest not only does not cause harm to the body, but can also become an excellent helper for anyone who wants to say goodbye to excess weight. One of the advantages of oriental sweets is its nutritional value. Although it is quite high in calories (one hundred grams of dried apricots contains 232 kcal), it is still much less than in pastries and cakes.

Dried apricots contain a lot of carbohydrates, which provide the human body with energy but are quickly consumed. There are practically no fats in dried fruit. The southern guest has a diuretic effect - so the body is able to get rid of excess liquid which helps you lose weight. Since dried apricots contain a lot of fiber, consuming it can cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins and accumulated deposits, improve digestion and metabolic processes.

Diet based on dried apricots

Looking for the best ways to become beautiful and slender girls and older women often wonder if dried apricots are useful for losing weight. Exist various diets based on oriental dried fruit. One of the most effective is considered to be 2 daily diet. In just a few days, there is every chance of getting rid of an extra couple of kilograms.

  • breakfast – oriental sweetness (no more than 70 g);
  • dinner - vegetable soup, boiled meat (150 g) and dried fruits (50 g);
  • afternoon snack – dried fruit and vegetable salad (30 g);
  • dinner - rice porrige with the addition of dried apricots (50 g).
  • breakfast – southern fruit (70 g);
  • lunch – buckwheat or oatmeal and dried apricot (50 g);
  • afternoon snack – fruits (except bananas and grapes), dried fruit (30 g);
  • dinner – fish and dried apricots (50 g).

Diet adjustments are allowed, but it is important to follow some rules:

  1. Sweets, fried and high-calorie foods should be completely excluded from the diet.
  2. Drink up to three liters of water every day. Avoid sweet carbonated drinks.
  3. The menu must definitely include fish and lean meat.

Fasting day on dried apricots for weight loss

We have found out what beneficial properties dried apricots have for weight loss, so you should pay attention to another method of losing weight with this dried fruit. It's about o, which are sometimes necessary, especially after overeating. To relieve the body of stress, such deloading is often recommended to be done together with orange oriental sweetness. This express diet is suitable for those who do not have problems with the pancreas. It is suggested to prepare a cocktail and drink it 4-5 times throughout the day in portions of 150-200 grams.

Dried apricot cocktail for weight loss

This cocktail is an additional source of vitamins and micronutrients and can replace one of your meals.

The benefits of dried fruits have been proven repeatedly. They are rich in micro- and macroelements, vitamins, which makes them indispensable for consumption. Since dried fruits do not have artificial colors or additives, their consumption benefits the body. One of these products is dried apricots - the benefits and harms to the body are discussed below.

What is dried apricots

Depending on the type of dried apricot, there are three types of dried fruits:

  • apricot (small apricot, dried with pit);
  • kaisa (large dried apricot without pit);
  • dried apricots (dried pitted apricots cut in half).

About a week is allotted for drying, during which the moisture evaporates from the apricot, after which it loses up to two-thirds of its weight (out of 3-4 kilograms one comes out). If contact with moisture occurs during the drying process, the color changes to dark brown. Commercially, the drying process uses sulfur dioxide, which allows the product to remain bright orange.

With prolonged consumption of industrially prepared dried fruits, there is a risk of dioxide accumulation in the body, which can cause asthma, allergies, and damage the lungs and bronchi. If dry apricots have a winey taste, then you should discard them, since the technology was not followed during drying. Properly prepared dried apricots are a valuable product that has found its use in cooking and medicine. There are four grades of the product: table, first, highest, extra.

Dried apricots - calorie content

The product has a sweet or sour-sweet taste, but this is achieved not by adding sugar to it, but because of the glucose it contains. It does not harm the body and does not cause an increase in insulin in the blood. The calorie content of dried apricots (nutritional value per 100 grams) is 215-241 Kcal. Dried fruits cannot be called dietary, but the calories they contain are easily digestible and therefore do not cause obesity.

Dried apricots - composition

As noted earlier, dried fruits are rich in minerals and vitamins. The chemical composition of dried apricots includes:

  • proteins;
  • B vitamins;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamin A, E, K, C;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • niacin;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • pectins;
  • sucrose;
  • selenium;
  • carbohydrates;
  • phosphorus;
  • choline;
  • zinc, etc.

Useful properties of dried apricots

Due to the content of a large number of micro- and macroelements, dried fruits have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Dried apricots improve skin condition, remove toxins and waste from the body, and help strengthen the immune system. Recommended for use by people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes. They are able to remove excess cholesterol from the body.

For diabetes, doctors recommend consuming this product because it normalizes the functioning of the pancreas, helping the production of insulin. Regular consumption helps with anemia by combating blockage of blood vessels. The benefits of dried apricots for the body are limitless, since it improves vision, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, and prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Dried apricot decoction

Dried apricots can be used to prepare a decoction of dried apricots to treat constipation in children. To do this you need to take:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100 g dried fruits.
  1. Before cooking, dry fruits are thoroughly washed, then soaked in water for half an hour to soften well.
  2. Then place in warm water, bring to a boil over low heat, leave for an hour.

To prepare a decoction for making ice for cosmetic purposes, you need to take:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 500 g dried apricots;
  • mint;
  • Melissa.
  1. The washed dried fruits are poured with water and boiled for 20 minutes, after which a pinch of mint and lemon balm is added.
  2. Then the broth must be left on the fire for another 15 minutes.
  3. The prepared mixture is removed and poured into molds for freezing.
  4. The resulting ice is rubbed onto the skin of the face and décolleté to give it elasticity and a healthy appearance.​

Infusion of dried apricots

To maximize the preservation of all the nutrients of dried fruits, prepare an infusion of dried apricots. For this purpose, the fruits are thoroughly washed and then poured with boiled water. Leave to infuse for at least 5 hours. It is preferable to use the infusion if there are cardiovascular diseases or kidney problems. The infusion has a mild diuretic effect, helping to relieve swelling.

Dried apricots for the stomach

If you do not overuse dried apricots, then dried apricots for the stomach will be useful for improving digestion. It can be used as decoctions and infusions. In addition, dried fruits have proven themselves well in dietary cooking - they can be added to cereals and desserts. Dried apricot improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents the development of constipation, and improves metabolism. Excessive consumption, on the contrary, harms the gastrointestinal tract.

Benefits of dried apricots for the heart

Sodium, potassium and magnesium contained in dried fruits make dried apricots indispensable for the heart. It helps with atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, spasms in blood vessels. It will help hypertensive patients fight high blood pressure. If you have low blood pressure, there are contraindications - dried fruits can be consumed in minimal quantities. Iron, which dried apricots are rich in, helps increase hemoglobin levels.

What are the benefits of dried apricots for women?

The product helps to normalize hormonal levels in the fair sex. The benefits of dried apricots for a woman’s body during weight loss and in the fight against excess weight have been proven. It has laxative properties. Vitamins A and E will help the skin stay young and elastic. The benefits of dried fruits in the fight against malignant tumors due to the presence of antioxidants have been proven. Dried fruits are used to prepare masks and decoctions used for skin and hair problems.

What are the benefits of dried apricots for men?

Being a source of fiber, it is able to normalize intestinal function, and this has a beneficial effect on blood circulation occurring in the pelvic organs. As a result, the development of prostatitis and potency is prevented. The benefits of dried apricots for men also include the fact that testicular function improves, sperm production improves, and hormonal levels are normalized.

Dried apricots during pregnancy - benefits and harms

When carrying a child, every woman should take a responsible approach to choosing food. What are the benefits and harms of dried apricots during pregnancy? Firstly, it should be excluded by anyone who has a predisposition to allergies, low blood pressure and asthma. Secondly, you need to add the product to your diet gradually, observing the body’s reaction. When choosing dried fruits, you should give preference to matte rather than bright, shiny fruits. The best option would be to use self-dried apricots.

Pregnancy is a difficult and responsible period for every woman, so there are several ways to alleviate toxicosis, get rid of stress and vitamin deficiency, improve the condition of nails and hair, help strengthen the skeletal system of the fetus and improve your health.

To prepare the cocktail you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100 g dried apricots;
  • 1 tbsp. l. natural honey.
  1. Dried apricots must be washed and placed in a saucepan (for these purposes it is better to use enamel dishes).
  2. Pour hot water over everything and put on fire for twenty minutes, then strain.
  3. Grind the cooked dried fruits thoroughly, mix with compote, add honey.
  4. Shake the resulting composition well and can be eaten.​

For fruit salad you need the following ingredients:

  • 3 tbsp. l. dried apricots;
  • 6 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 3 tsp. honey;
  • 600 g yogurt;
  • 1 apple;
  • 1 pear;
  • 1 carrot.
  1. At the initial stage, dried apricots are washed and soaked for 15 minutes.
  2. Cut the fruits into cubes and add grated carrots to them.
  3. The soaked dried fruits are crushed and added to the mixture. Then oatmeal and honey are added, after which everything is topped with yogurt.
  4. The resulting salad is left to soak for 7 minutes.

How many dried apricots can you eat per day?

It will not harm the body if you consume no more than 100-120 g of dried apricot, since the product can cause intestinal irritation. The daily intake of dried apricots is 3-5 fruits, which can saturate the body with essential nutrients. In order to get the maximum possible number of vitamins and microelements, it is recommended to consume dried fruits throughout the day and try not to subject them to heat treatment (this preserves all the beneficial properties of dried apricots for the body).
