What to do with pine pollen. Complete chemical composition of pine pollen. What is the difference between pine pollen powder and tincture?

Pine pollen is known among supporters of alternative medicine as a means of healing the body. What is the benefit of the product, what ailments does it help fight and how to use it correctly?

  • vitamins (carotene, E, B1, B2, B6, B9, PP, C);
  • minerals (selenium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, molybdenum, iron, zinc, copper, etc.);
  • amino acids;
  • nucleic acid;
  • enzymes;
  • flavonoids;
  • cellulose;
  • coarse fibers;
  • lignin

Pine Pollen represents the male reproductive cells (gametes) of the tree.

Pine is highly valued among folk healers: medicinal purposes not only pine needles, resin and cones are used, but also tree pollen

The combined effect of the components included in the product ensures it healing properties. Application of pollen:

  • provides choleretic and diuretic effects;
  • has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • exhibits antioxidant properties;
  • increases potency;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • removes waste and toxins from the body;
  • restores mental and physical performance;
  • normalizes appetite;
  • has a general strengthening effect;
  • optimizes cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous system;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lifts the mood;
  • reduces sensitivity to weather changes in weather-sensitive people;
  • promotes normal growth and the development of the child's body.

The medicinal power of pollen allows the product to be used for:

  • reduced immunity, general weakness of the body;
  • low performance, loss of strength;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • depression, neuroses and other disorders of the nervous system;
  • preparing the body for surgical interventions;
  • conditions after operations;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • allergies;
  • constipation and other diseases digestive system(including ulcerative lesions stomach and intestines);
  • pathologies of the prostate gland, impotence;
  • climacteric syndrome;
  • oncological diseases;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • binges, hangovers, etc.

Athletes are recommended to take pine pollen to increase physical endurance

Video: Composition and benefits of pine pollen

Methods of application

You can buy pine pollen or prepare it yourself.

Procurement of raw materials

Pine pollen is collected during the flowering period of the tree. Usually this time coincides with the apple tree blossoming time (May 9–16).

Pine blooms for only 2-3 days, you need to try so that the inflorescences do not have time to close.

  1. Pine inflorescences, which are about to become dusty, look like a small ear of corn. At first they are green, then yellow-green, and then completely yellow: it is during this period that they need to be collected. Inflorescences ready for harvesting are popularly called anthers.
  2. The collected inflorescences need to be laid out in one layer on clean sheets paper in a draft-free room. From one bucket of anthers you can get approximately 2 liters of pollen.
  3. After some time (usually after 3 days), the pollen will fall off: now it needs to be sifted.
  4. For storage, raw materials are placed in sealed packaging.

The anthers resemble a small ear of corn

Video: collecting pollen

Use in its pure form

This method of use can be used for all diseases that are indications for the use of pine pollen. According to most experts, daily norm product - 3–4 g, and this dose should be consumed in 2–3 doses. Duration of treatment is 3–4 weeks.

For some diseases traditional healers dosage is specified separately.

Table: dosage and duration of treatment

Use in combination with other components

For increase medicinal strength pollen is used in combination with other components. To make medicines, either pollen itself or anthers (pollen-covered inflorescences) are used.

Pine pollen can be used in pure form or in combination with other components

With honey

The remedy is prescribed for general strengthening body, as well as when:

  • pathologies of the prostate gland;
  • anemia;
  • ailments of the stomach and intestines.

Mix a tablespoon of pollen with a liter of honey until the mixture turns yellow. If the honey is candied, it must be preheated in a steam bath so that the product becomes liquid.

Take 2 teaspoons half an hour before meals (or an hour after meals) three times a day. The last dose of medication is no later than 19:00. The duration of treatment is until recovery, but not more than 2 months. If necessary, therapy can be continued after a two-week break.

In the 50s of the 20th century, Academician N. Tsinin published the results of his research, according to which the use of pine pollen increases life expectancy.

For tuberculosis, a tablespoon of pollen is stirred in 150 g of honey until the mass turns yellow. Take a tablespoon half an hour before meals three times a day. The duration of treatment is 2 months, the course is resumed after a break of 14 days.

The antioxidant and immunostimulating properties of honey enhance healing power pine pollen

Video: pine pollen with honey

With sugar

The medicine helps with asthmatic attacks.

  1. Make a syrup by combining 0.5 liters of water and 0.5 kg of granulated sugar over low heat.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture (hot, but not boiling) into 0.5 kg of dusty inflorescences.
  3. After 5-6 hours of infusion, filter.
  4. Place in a dark place for a day.
  5. Filter.

Drink a tablespoon half an hour before meals. Duration of treatment - 3 weeks.

With milk

  • For bronchitis and tuberculosis. Boil a liter of milk and pour in a tablespoon of pollen. Mix. Wait until it cools down and strain. Take 50 ml before meals.
  • For hypertension. Dilute pollen in 100 ml of fresh milk (on the tip of a knife). Use every morning an hour before your first meal. The duration of treatment is 2 months, then a break of 14 days is required, after which the course can be repeated.

For medicinal purposes it is advisable to use homemade milk

Alcohol tincture

The use of the product is indicated for rejuvenation of the body, restoration of vitality, restoration of immunity, prevention oncological diseases, as well as when:

  • bronchopulmonary pathologies (including bronchial asthma, tuberculosis);
  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines;
  • gout, polyarthritis, arthrosis;
  • decreased potency, prostate hypertrophy;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • diabetes mellitus

In collections of traditional medicine there is information that 3 components are used to prepare the product: pollen, honey and alcohol. However, the exact proportions of the ingredients and the duration of infusion are not specified.

Drink a tablespoon three times a day. The medicine is taken 30–40 minutes before meals.

Alcohol tincture with egg and honey

Prescribed for pulmonary tuberculosis.

  1. Place 3 large handfuls of pine anthers into a glass jar.
  2. Pour the raw material with a liter of alcohol (or the same amount of milk brought to a boil). Mix.
  3. Leave in a dark place for 2-3 days, stirring the composition from time to time.
  4. Add 150 g of honey, 100 g of good butter and 2 eggs into the tincture, stir.
  5. Place in the refrigerator for storage.

The expectorant and enveloping properties of butter are often used in folk medicine in the treatment of cough

For 2 months, drink a tablespoon before meals three times a day. Treatment can be resumed after a two-week break.

Vodka tincture

Prescribed when nervous fatigue for achievement sedative effect. It is also used as a general tonic.

Pour 0.5 liters of vodka into 50 g of pollen and 100 g of anthers. Leave for 3 days.

Take a teaspoon three times a day. Take the medicine before meals. If necessary, the product can be stirred in small quantities mineral water or tea. The duration of treatment is 3 weeks, then a seven-day break is required, after which the course can be repeated.

Contraindications and precautions

The only direct contraindication to consuming pollen is individual intolerance to the product. Application of the product in large quantities may cause bleeding disorders and cause allergic reactions.

Pine pollen in its pure form can be used to treat children over 6 years of age. First, the child is given 1/10 of the recommended dose, and then this volume is gradually increased if no undesirable manifestations are observed.

If the product is used in combination with other components, it is important to take into account the contraindications of all ingredients included in the product.

Experts warn that pine pollen is not a panacea; it can only be used for health purposes as an adjunct in the composition. complex treatment in consultation with the doctor.

Pine pollen is rightfully considered a gift from nature: it contains a large amount valuable substances, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the body. The use of the product strengthens the immune system and restores vitality, however, it is important to remember that treatment serious illnesses requires an integrated approach.

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Just the phrase “pine pollen” already evokes thoughts of magic and some kind of magic. And there is some truth in this, because this product really has certain healing properties, which have long been used in alternative medicine, especially in Northern China, USA and Northern Europe. How such an extract is obtained and in what situations it is used - let's talk in more detail.


Surprisingly, such microscopic grains have absorbed a wide range of various useful substances. Among them:

  • vitamin A, group of vitamins B, C;
  • calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium, which stimulate metabolism and strengthen the immune system;
  • zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, iron, without which biochemical processes in the body are impossible.
The peculiarity of pollen is that all these useful components its composition is perfectly balanced, thanks to which this natural product has significant health potential, but does not cause allergies.

Did you know?In ancient times, nectar collected from young pines gained fame as a strong aphrodisiac.

Such a diverse composition was created by nature for one simple reason. Pollen- these are male reproductive cells that pollinate female ones for further fertilization. And in order for the newly created embryo to have the strength and vitamins for growth, the paternal cells must give it a supply of useful substances.

Useful and healing properties

Unique composition pine raw materials provide comprehensive strengthening of the immune system, and also contributes to the improvement and treatment of a number of specific diseases.

It has long been noted that pine has beneficial influence for lung function. And all this thanks to pine nectar. Getting into the lungs in the form of dust, it blocks the receptors located there, the active work of which provokes an asthmatic cough. Therefore, asthma patients are advised to walk longer in pine forests.

Pollen is recognized as the main enemy of the most terrible disease respiratory tract - tuberculosis. Essentially, pine raw materials act as natural antibiotic, which first slows down the proliferation of the tuberculosis bacillus and then gradually destroys it. On early stages For diseases, doctors prescribe pine pollen as the main component of therapy.

Did you know? IN Ancient world not only pollen was used as medicine, but also pine needles. For example, during excavations on the territory of the Sumerian state, clay tablets with a dozen recipes were found various compresses and infusions based on pine needles.

This product also has a positive effect on the hematopoietic system, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, cleansing them of excess fats and cholesterol plaques. Thanks to this, there is active work on the absorption of iron in the blood, which prevents the occurrence of anemia. Pollen also helps improve blood clotting, accelerating the healing process of wounds.

In addition, the improvement in circulatory processes is reflected in the processes in the pelvis, in the area of ​​the prostate gland inclusive. And for men this means prevention of prostatitis and prostate adenoma. If the disease is already developing, then the use of nectar can stop the growth of the tumor and then provoke its gradual resorption.

Pollen produces such an antitumor effect in the case of cancer cells. If the human immune system does not “see” sore spots in the body, then pine amino acids immediately notice pathologies and begin to fight them without touching them. healthy cells, unlike antibiotics.

By consuming pine raw materials, people suffering from diabetes are able to protect the pancreas from damage, thus stopping the development of the disease. In parallel with this, nectar increases the body's production of natural insulin, helping to lower blood sugar levels.

For problems with the stomach and liver, pollen will also come to the rescue. Its enzymes speed up the work of the intestinal muscles, relieving constipation, while amino acids help the liver in its filtration processes and removal of toxins. And in the treatment of anorexia, preparations based on pine nectar are used to stimulate appetite.

How aid pine pollen is prescribed for depression, for the prevention of influenza and colds, as well as for hypertensive patients who need to normalize blood pressure.


In accordance with such a wide spectrum of action, pine pollen is used in various fields and directions.

For starters, she- a great addition to daily diet nutrition. This product does not require special processing or preparation before use. Simply mix a pinch of pollen with a spoon of honey or dissolve it in a glass of milk.

As for traditional medicine, then the quantity healthy recipes with the participation of pollen there are countless numbers here. There are various syrups and tinctures with decoctions that are quite easy to prepare.

Among these recipes- And honey mixture from bronchitis. To prepare it, take 1 tbsp. l. pollen per 1 liter of honey. In such a situation, already candied honey heated in a water bath will do. Carefully mix the ingredients and then take three times a day half an hour before meals. Honey by itself is quite strong remedy in the fight against respiratory tract pathologies, and the extract gives it additional nutrition.

Important! If you are allergic to honey, you can replace it with 1 liter of boiled milk.

Pine pollen also has its own vocation in the field of dietetics and weight loss. For those who like to go on diets and practice healthy fasting, doctors recommend consuming this nectar during the diet, and especially during the period of exit from it. An abrupt transition from fasting to eating everyday food deals a heavy blow to the body, which is already unaccustomed to stress. Pine pollen, which can provide a transition period during the digestion process, will help protect your health from such stress.

This product is actively used in cosmetology. After all, face masks based on it:

  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • nourish the skin with beneficial microelements;
  • tone and moisturize;
  • improve blood circulation in the dermis;
  • eliminate acne and skin rashes.

Please note that this diet is suitable for both oily and dry skin types.

If you use pine nectar as a hair balm, then after just a few sessions the curls will become fuller, healthier and will delight their owner with a beautiful shine. And here essential oils based on pollen, they strengthen the hair roots and can also get rid of dandruff.

Did you know? 1 hectare of pine forest produces up to 4 kg of essential oil per day, which dissolves in the air.

How to use

Most often, pine pollen is used simply by mixing with honey, without any additional processing. The fresher the honey, the more beneficial vitamins it will retain. As for the already candied delicacy, you can dissolve it in a water bath, but not exceeding the temperature of 40 ° C, otherwise the sweetness will lose its nutritional value.

If it is not possible to use honey, then use milk is coming, pre-boiled. After mixing the liquid with pollen, let them brew for 24 hours. After this, you need to drain the tincture, straining the sediment, and use the pure product.

If we're talking about about adult patients, they will perfectly help strengthen the body and cure diseases alcohol tinctures. They can be used either in pure form or added to tea.

But for children to enhance the effect give pine nectar along with butter or egg yolk, which will help the medicine to be better absorbed. To give the mixture a more pleasant taste, sour cream and lemon juice are also used.

How to choose a good product

The effect of taking pine pollen depends, first of all, on the quality of the product. Therefore, it is so important to know how to choose it correctly.

It’s great if you can purchase the product directly from beekeepers. They usually offer pollen drenched in honey - beebread. And many craftsmen collect this nectar on their own, but more on that later.

Important! Today you can buy pollen in large stores, but it is better to do it in pharmacies, where control over storage conditions is much higher.

If everything is clear with the place of purchase, then let’s move directly to the product. The quality of pollen offered for sale is can be determined by several criteria:

  1. If the purchase is made during the season (May-June), then the granules should be bright, rich in color, after all, they were only recently collected and had not yet had time to dry. If the coloring of the raw materials is not monochromatic, it’s not a problem, but a dull, faded shade is a sign of stale (last year’s) goods. And at the same time, if you buy pine pollen in autumn-winter, pay attention to pale shades, because for long-term storage The pollen can be dried, during which it loses its color. During this period, the bright coloring of the raw materials should, on the contrary, alert you - most likely, such granules will be a fake.
  2. It's great to be able to touch the pollen. Quality product will be in the form of tiny (1–2 mm) granules that do not turn into dust when touched. If they knead with their hands, it means that the manufacturer did not dry the nectar well or allowed moisture to get into it.
  3. Try to smell the raw material. Fresh, it has a soft, enchanting aroma of honey and flowers, but this smell is light and quickly dissipates.
  4. Quality is also checked by taste. Good pollen is not sour or sweet, and there is no obvious taste of honey in it. If the product is too sweet, then most likely it has been additionally processed, and if it is sour, it is spoiled.

In supermarkets, when the product is on the shelves in packaging, there is rarely an opportunity to touch or try the product. Therefore, in such cases, you need to focus on color, as well as the following signs:

  1. Package: It must be sealed and prevent air flow. Glass or plastic containers meet the requirements, but bags (especially those with reusable zippers) are best avoided.
  2. Consistency: The better and clearer the tiny granules are visible, the better. A large number of“flour” (ground pollen) may indicate the presence of harmful mites in the product.

Harm and contraindications

Despite being non-allergic and rich vitamin composition pine pollen, there are still cases when it is better to refrain from consuming it.

Pine contains a complex of vitamins and minerals. Fragrances coniferous tree inhaling is useful as healthy people, as well as persons with diseases respiratory system. Inhalations with essential oils can help you get rid of an obsessive dry cough. They soften the throat, eliminate runny nose and nasal congestion. But pine pollen is also useful for other pathologies, in particular, problems with potency in men, neurasthenia and diabetes.

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    List of main properties

    Pine pollen treats various diseases. It can have a strengthening effect on the human body. Using this tool, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing functional disorders many systems of the body. Pollen is successfully used not only for medicinal but also for preventive purposes.

    Among the beneficial properties of this natural medicine are:

    • strengthening the immune system;
    • improving joint mobility;
    • combating infectious agents;
    • normalization of liver function, including prevention of hepatitis;
    • improving the functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • prevention of autoimmune, cardiovascular, oncological diseases, as well as pathologies of the urinary system;
    • restoration of the nervous system;
    • reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol;
    • improvement of sputum separation in diseases of the respiratory system;
    • acceleration of connective tissue regeneration.

    Pine pollen is useful for frequently ill children with weakened immune systems. The essential oil in its composition softens the throat and eliminates cough, the smell of pine needles disinfects the air in the room, saturates it with microelements that are beneficial for health.


    This medicinal product contains many ingredients, such as various resinous substances, vitamins, minerals and many other components that are beneficial to health. It also contains various chemical compounds of both organic and inorganic origin. Thanks to this combination, pollen is richest source microelements that are necessary to maintain the body’s performance at a high level.

    Amino acids in pine pollen

    The following components can be found in the product:

    • vitamins C, E, D;
    • carotene;
    • flavonoids;
    • amino acids;
    • polysaccharides.

    Despite the abundance of specific ingredients, pollen is not toxic even to small children. It completely lacks components that contribute to the deterioration of performance internal organs. There are practically no contraindications for its use. The product contains a lot of proteins and lipids. It also contains calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and other useful substances.

    Indications for use

    Pollen can have beneficial effect on many human systems and organs. Separately, it is worth noting the powerful antimicrobial, restorative and antiseptic properties. The effectiveness of pollen has been proven in practice by research.

    This product is prescribed for the following disorders:

    • hypertension (high blood pressure);
    • neuroses;
    • weather dependence;
    • kidney and liver diseases;
    • hypovitaminosis;
    • gastrointestinal disorders;
    • cold;
    • constipation;
    • neurasthenia;
    • decrease in hemoglobin levels;
    • vascular diseases;
    • menopause;
    • "male" diseases;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • the day before surgical interventions and in the early postoperative period.

    Pine pollen can be of particular benefit when the treatment is combined with the use of various diets. After all, a sudden change in diet often negatively affects the condition of the entire body. In this case, the use of pollen will allow you to restore strength much faster, in particular by replenishing the supply of vitamins. As a result, it will be possible to avoid development side effects subject to therapeutic diets.


    If pollen is consumed in small quantities and in the absence of serious contraindications, it will not cause any harm to the body. But if necessary long-term use You should first consult with a specialist.

    If headaches begin to appear during treatment with pine pollen, therapy should be discontinued and seek advice from a doctor. The appearance of rashes on the skin can be considered a sign of an allergy to this product. of various etiologies. Such reactions can also manifest themselves in the form of lacrimation, frequent sneezing, nasal congestion. The last symptom is observed with swelling of the nasal sinuses.

    Among the obvious contraindications to the use of pine pollen are:

    • Pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, women should not use any coniferous products.
    • Lactation. The infant may react poorly to the ingredients in the product.
    • The presence of individual intolerance to the fingers or its individual components.
    • Exacerbation of any chronic diseases.
    • Hepatitis.

    Frequent and heavy consumption of pollen can disrupt the blood clotting process. To avoid this, you must follow the dosage and dosage regimen.

    If you suspect a disease that would contraindicate the use of pollen, it is recommended to first consult with your doctor. You may need to undergo additional medical examination.

    Where can I get pollen?

    You can prepare pine pollen yourself, but this process is quite labor-intensive. Therefore, it is much easier to buy it at the pharmacy.

    The cones can be picked if they have turned yellow but have not fully opened. Lay them out in a dry place where there are no drafts.

    After complete drying, carefully shake out the pollen from the cones onto a sheet of paper and sift through a fine sieve. Pour the resulting material into a glass jar and close the lid. Sent for storage to dry room far away from sun rays.

    Use in folk medicine

    Pollen can be taken in combination with by various means, capable of enhancing the therapeutic effect.

    The product is used in folk medicine for diseases of the bronchi or lungs, heart, kidney and liver diseases.


    The drug is successfully used for tuberculosis. In this case, pour 100 ml of preheated milk into a spoonful of pollen. Add a spoonful of natural honey, an egg and butter. The mixture is thoroughly mixed. The result should be a mass of thick consistency; use a spoonful three times a day. It should be taken before meals.

    Respiratory system diseases

    When treating bronchitis and other respiratory pathologies, a couple of tablespoons of the product are mixed with liquid honey. According to the recipe, the preparation is infused for 24 hours and taken a teaspoon half an hour before meals. But in this case you need to be sure that you are not allergic to honey. If such a reaction occurs, pre-boiled milk is used instead of the beekeeping product. The preparation can be taken a few hours after preparation.

    Depressive states

    To make a remedy for depression, 50 g of pollen is mixed with 500 ml of vodka. The solution is infused for 3 days, after which it is taken a spoonful three times a day. The medicine should be taken strictly before meals. The duration of treatment should be at least 2 weeks.


    For hypertension, pollen is mixed with honey and a small amount water. Ready product take ½ spoon several times a day. The therapeutic course lasts 3 weeks.

    Effect on potency

    Pollen is often used as an aphrodisiac; it is an excellent potency regulator. Helps if available inflammatory processes, which accompany “male” diseases, for example, urethritis or prostatitis. The product has glutamic acid And beneficial amino acids, promoting blood supply to prostate tissue. Pollen contains flavonoids, thanks to which products made from it successfully treat prostate hyperplasia. If you use this natural product for prevention, the risk of developing prostate cancer will be reduced by 50%.

    Use against cough

    To improve the condition immune system and for colds, take 1 spoon of pollen several times a day, half an hour before meals. Pollen treatment is also carried out in case of cough. It is usually used as an auxiliary component. With its help, solutions, decoctions, infusions, and compresses are prepared. The resulting products can be used for inhalations and baths. Among the contraindications for use, the presence of individual intolerance and allergies should be noted. The product should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

    Particles of hardened pine resin alleviate colds and help with coughs, making them more productive.

    Pollen can cope with various respiratory disorders, for example, cure pulmonary tuberculosis. In this case, it is used as an additional therapeutic agent. That is why tuberculosis hospitals are often built next to pine forests. Coniferous air promotes speedy recovery, improving the dynamics of the course of diseases.

    For diabetes

    Pine pollen contains pyridoxine, the main function of which is to protect the body. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of pancreatic cells. After all, a lack of insulin often leads to disturbances in its functioning. This can also happen due to poor nutrition.

    Under the influence of vitamin B6, the digestive organs digest as efficiently as possible meat products, with which the body receives a sufficient amount of tryptophan and other useful substances. In case of a lack of the designated vitamin, tryptophan begins to be converted into xanthurenic acid, leading to the destruction of pancreatic cells. The use of pollen eliminates the deficiency of pyridoxine.

    To improve the body's condition in diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to increase the consumption of a number of microelements:

    • gland;
    • manganese;
    • phosphorus;
    • zinc;
    • chromium.

    Pine pollen contains all of the listed components, so taking it allows you to quickly compensate for their deficiency. This product is also rich in fiber, which is indispensable for many endocrine diseases. Most dangerous complications diabetes mellitus– heart and vascular diseases, kidney damage, cataracts.

    Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

    Pine pollen contains thiamine. If the product is used constantly, this will increase the supply of vitamin to the body, resulting in digestive tract will function much more efficiently. Accordingly, the general condition of the body will improve.

    Thanks to thiamine and magnesium, which are contained in pollen, you can special labor improve the functioning of the nervous system. The product is also suitable for the prevention of various gastrointestinal diseases that develop due to stress.

    Often a complication of diabetes mellitus is the development of various dermatological diseases. Therefore, the use of special lotions and compresses with pollen will stop the spread of inflammatory processes and eliminate other types similar pathologies.

    Liver treatment

    Brain nutrition

    Pine pollen improves influx nutrients, minerals and vitamins to brain cells. Thus, regular intake of products made using of this product, promotes brain stimulation, increases the speed of thought processes and significantly improves intellectual abilities.

Coniferous plants, including pine, are real storehouses of useful, even unique substances. Traditional healers have long noticed such features of these representatives of the flora and very successfully apply them in practice. With the help of potions prepared from various parts of pine, many people are treated, including very dangerous diseases. So, how is pine pollen useful, what is its use in folk medicine, what ailments does it help with, I will consider contraindications for use for you, dear reader, and reviews about its use.

Pine pollen, beneficial properties

First of all, it should be noted that pine pollen does not contain any dangerous chemical compounds. The use of drugs from it is completely safe. In addition, we are talking about a hypoallergenic substance, the use of which is extremely rarely accompanied by allergic reactions.

Pine pollen contains the following substances beneficial to humans: rare proteins, essential amino acids, minerals, essential oils, flavonoids, enzymes, vitamins, tanning agents, phytoncides and polysaccharides.

Some substances that make up pine pollen have pronounced antioxidant properties, which are extremely beneficial for the human body. Thanks to these connections, it is possible to avoid the development of individual serious illnesses, including oncological ones.

Pine pollen is an excellent remedy that slows down the aging process. Drugs prepared from it allow you to prolong the youth of your skin and hair, slow down the appearance of age-related pathologies, restore previously reduced mental abilities, and so on.

Pine pollen flavonoids can improve blood lipid composition, which is an excellent remedy prevention cardiovascular pathology. In addition, these substances normalize heart rate, improve functional state myocardium (heart muscle), increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

Pine pollen is an excellent remedy for hangover syndrome. Some substances of its chemical composition are capable of binding potentially dangerous toxins (products of ethanol metabolism), facilitating the functioning of the liver and excretory system.

Using potions from pine pollen, they prepare excellent tools for the treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis. Regular appointment These drugs can reduce swelling of the pelvic organs, which will restore urodynamics and reduce the intensity of pain.

Pollen is a real remedy for the treatment and prevention of diabetes. The use of such medicinal drugs stimulates endocrine function pancreas and normalizes the processes of glucose utilization by peripheral tissues.

Pine pollen, contraindications

Medicinal drugs prepared from pine pollen may be unsafe in the following cases:

Kidney failure;
Spicy and chronic hepatitis;
Lactation period;
Increased sensitivity.

In addition, there is a pathology of blood clotting.

Taking into account the contraindications, you can experience the effect that pine pollen has; you just have to figure out how to take it...

Uses of pine pollen

Pine pollen for prostatitis

For cooking healing potion You will need one heaped tablespoon of pine pollen and a liter of honey. Both ingredients need to be mixed thoroughly, then healing agent ready. There is no need to insist or endure anything.

Pine pollen in folk medicine for hypertension

As mentioned above, pollen does not contain compounds that are toxic or dangerous to humans. Because of this, for hypertension, it is recommended to use it in its pure form, one teaspoon twice a day, with half a glass of plain water.

The duration of treatment should be exactly 21 days. After a 2-week break, treatment can be resumed. Experts claim, not without evidence, that such treatment of hypertension is not inferior in effectiveness drug therapy.

Pine pollen as an immune booster

To prepare this remedy you will need high-quality flower honey and pine pollen itself, but unlike the previously given recipe, you need to prepare the drug immediately before taking it.

One serving of the drug consists of half a teaspoon of pollen and half a tablespoon of honey. All ingredients should be mixed and consumed 30 minutes before meals. Treatment with pine pollen continues for 30 days. You can conduct 2 such courses per year.

Well, now it’s time to say whether pine pollen is good for business, what do people say about its use?

Thanks to its unique chemical composition, pine pollen considered one of the most beneficial substances recognized in the world. This natural medicine it is simply invaluable for the body, especially considering that its composition cannot be reproduced in laboratories. Numerous studies have revealed that pollen contains much more benefits than in the rest of the tree. Therefore, this storehouse of nutrients is successfully used to treat numerous diseases. What beneficial properties What pine pollen has and how to take it correctly.

Useful and healing properties of pine pollen

It's not called this product for nothing source of youth and strength. First of all, due to its stimulating effect, pollen is useful for people who get tired easily, as well as for those who are subject to regular physical activity. Long-term use of pollen-based preparations eliminates plaques, slows down the aging process and restores vitality. For the same reason, athletes take this raw material to improve their athletic performance.

Pine pollen is useful for frequent changes mood, be it depression, neurosis, menopause or regular stress. This tool also recommended for those who live in unfavorable environmental conditions. Regular use pollen relieves symptoms such as overexertion and exhaustion associated with difficult conditions around.

Good results from the use of pollen are observed in people with weakened immune systems. Thanks to high content vitamin C, diseases such as sore throat, ARVI or runny nose go away much more mildly and quickly. Pollen is recommended to be taken in conjunction with the main medicines, since it enhances the effect of these drugs. It is also useful to take this remedy as an immunomodulatory and tonic for organisms that are weakened long-term illness.

IN medicinal purposes Pine pollen is suitable for the following diseases:
  • tuberculosis;
  • BPH;
  • problems with the cycle in women;
  • oncology and radiation exposure;
  • diabetes;
  • constipation;
  • impotence.

Pine pollen indispensable for blood vessels, since its use makes them more elastic. The healing effect on the walls of blood vessels improves blood circulation, reduces the level of bad cholesterol, and also enhances brain nutrition.

Finally, pollen is actively used in various cosmetics home and industrial production. Its main effect is aimed at rejuvenating the skin, so it can be found in various creams and masks. The use of such products allows you to give your face healthy color, make the skin elastic, get rid of pigmentation and avoid the appearance of acne and purulent diseases skin.

The use of pine pollen in folk medicine

Having virtually no contraindications or side effects, pine pollen is actively used in folk medicine. No wonder this raw material is considered source of longevity. With the help of this natural remedy it is possible to normalize the work of such important organs like the liver, heart, brain and intestines. Long-term consumption of pollen helps to get rid of many diseases, improve general condition health.

Pine pollen slows down aging, relieves fatigue, restores youth, improves gastrointestinal functions, protects the liver and removes toxins from it, supports heart function, and suppresses tumors. This remedy is also actively involved in the treatment prostate and diabetes. In particular, it improves vision damaged by such unpleasant illness like diabetes.

Chemical composition

Pine pollen is a real storehouse of nutrients. This product contains an impressive supply of essential enzymes, mineral salts, enzymes, etc. It is also known that pollen contains 27 minerals. That is why it is impossible to reproduce its composition in laboratory conditions. Pollen also successfully combines vitamins, and.

How to take pine pollen for weight loss

When following strict diets it is incredibly important replenish the body in a timely manner essential vitamins and minerals. IN otherwise, this will lead to breakdowns and deterioration of well-being. As a result, the diet will have to be stopped, and overweight will return again, but now along with diseases. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to introduce pine pollen into your diet. Being a unique source the most useful substances, this product nourishes the body and also provides a smooth exit from diets.

Also when losing weight, an important factor is Gastrointestinal health and good metabolism. Due to the fact that pine pollen successfully copes with constipation and also removes waste products from the body, this allows you to improve nutrition. This approach will ensure easy loss of extra pounds that will never return.

Use in healthy and therapeutic nutrition

The most popular way to use pine pollen is to mix it with and take it as directed. This composition will help cure tuberculosis, gastrointestinal diseases, and prostate adenoma.

Cope with vascular disease or blood pressure A pinch of pollen dissolved in a glass will help.

How to choose a good product

Pine pollen can be bought in pharmacies or stores, or you can also purchase a product from beekeepers called pollen collected by bees from plants and drenched in honey. You can also collect pollen yourself, since this will not be particularly difficult.

When and how to collect pine pollen

These raw materials are usually collected in early May (from 9th to 16th), when the trees are just blooming, and the pollen has not yet had time to fall off. It blooms around the same time Apple tree. Male inflorescences growing mainly on the south side are suitable for collecting pine pollen. The fact that flowering has begun is signaled by green inflorescences that appear after the buds shed their scales. If you press on them, a cloudy liquid containing immature pollen will come out. Before collecting such material, you should wait a couple of days until the inflorescences stop oozing. Only at such times are they suitable for collection.

Video on how to collect pine pollen

In this video you will find useful information about the pollen collection process. When is it better to do it, how to choose suitable tree and assess the degree of readiness of the pine blossom for harvesting.

How to use pine pollen

In the treatment of various diseases, pine pollen is used to make tinctures or decoctions with milk. Moreover, the effect of such a medicine will increase significantly if you add honey to it, and.

If there are problems with childhood anemia, gastrointestinal or prostate diseases detected, a spoonful of pollen is mixed with natural honey, stir until yellow color. The frequency of use of this composition is 3 times a day, ½ small spoon.

Pollen is applied externally, diluting it with honey and.

Product storage features

Before packing pollen, it should be dry thoroughly. This is done simply. The strobili are left in a dark, unventilated place, scattered in a thin layer on paper. As soon as the raw materials are dried, you need to take a fine sieve, attach a plastic bag to it and sift the pollen into it. The finished material is tightly closed and then put away in a cool, dark place, periodically checking for the presence of droplets of moisture.

Harm and contraindications of pine pollen

Pollen should not be given to those who have allergies, individual intolerances, chronic illness kidney or acute gastritis. Also, pregnant and lactating women should not use this product.

In its tonic properties, pine pollen resembles the world famous one. Possessing pleasant taste and a subtle aroma, this remedy helps get rid of wide range diseases, including chronic ones.