How is meat tested for trichinosis? Checking meat for trichinosis Trichinosis heat treatment of meat

Asian 25-09-2009 13:07


Where can I test wild boar meat for trichinosis? Or maybe you can do it yourself?

DK-76 25-09-2009 13:36

Is it a poaching boar or something, or a downed one? If it is official, then they explain this when issuing a license. In the veterinary station. You need a head and a diaphragm, and a failure just in case.

Asian 25-09-2009 14:53

Boar, as usual, treated. And if not official, how to check?

DK-76 25-09-2009 15:31

Cut 30-40 slices with aperture, very thin and under a microscope. The second option is to treat your wife or mother-in-law to a neighbor's last resort and wait. True incubation period of up to six months.

SEIKO50 25-09-2009 21:45

quote: Originally posted by DK-76:
Cut 30-40 slices with aperture, very thin and under a microscope. The second option is to treat your wife or mother-in-law to a neighbor's last resort and wait. True incubation period of up to six months.

Asian 29-09-2009 12:10

Empirically, this is good, but seriously, that everyone eats so without checking.

SEIKO50 29-09-2009 15:04

That's how they eat

sokol1 06-10-2009 20:22

It's not good, Mr. Moderator, to encourage such things.)))

ay 23-11-2009 12:03

I really don’t advise without checking, recently in one farm of the region 3 wild boars of the year were shot in a row - all trichinosis, read a lot of literature about the consequences of this disease, symptoms too)))

Asian 23-11-2009 11:18

So I'm talking about the same thing. The consequences are serious. Where to check?

sokol1 24-11-2009 21:00

quote: recently, in one farm of the region, 3 wild boars of the year were shot in a row - all trichinosis,

For information, tell me where? And then somehow restless, not every veterinarian will see.

SEIKO50 25-11-2009 22:38

quote: [B] 3 wild boars of the year - all trichinosis,

If the information is classified, you can PM.

ay 03-12-2009 12:26

quote: So all the same, in what economy.
If the information is classified, you can PM.

I won’t name the farm, now you can end up in court for even truthful information, not socialism))) but the entire left bank of the Volga is already unfavorable for trichinosis, no one can give any guarantees on the right, but porverka gives a guarantee, at least I don’t have any facts when they got infected after the check, but I’ve heard a lot about blood transfusion with AIDS and hepatitis))) so gentlemen gourmets to the laboratory))

ay 03-12-2009 20:46

A student of a Saratov university is suspected of spreading panic rumors about an outbreak of pneumonic plague in the Saratov region. A young man who published an entry about the plague on his blog in LiveJournal has been prosecuted under the article "knowingly false reports of an act of terrorism."
Draw your own conclusions, gentlemen)) here it is freedom of speech)) I wrote it in my journal and behind bars)) and you tell me))

meerkat 17-01-2010 13:46

They showed on TV, a special device made especially for rangers, or you can train someone from your hunting company. In a box the size of a first-aid kit there is a microscope, between which a slice of striated muscles is laid between the glasses. All this is considered, once you see a worm, you won’t be mistaken again! They say they are quite large, you can see it well under a microscope. Well, in general it is necessary
Consult either in a veterinary clinic or in the SES: where to take a sample, how much to take, how to determine the presence or absence. In general, a useful thing.

November and December are traditionally rich in holidays. And that means festive feasts. Usually they are a great occasion to demonstrate a wide variety of culinary delights. The hostesses put on the table rustic delicacies - mouth-watering circles of “finger phanoy” sausages, pink slices of smoked pork. Male miners are concerned about the supply of hunting trophies. Nice to offer guests wild boar roast or juicy bear meat chops. We have nothing against. In the event that, along with a selected piece of meat, you do not acquire a disease, the consequences of which can be very sad ...

« terrible demon», « terrible enemy of man"- so in the middle of the last century they called the infectious disease trichinosis, from which entire families died out in Europe. Nowadays, such large outbreaks of trichinosis almost never occur, but this disease is not uncommon among the population of Belarus.

Almost every year in Minsk November to February, during the period of mass slaughter of domestic pigs, hunting for wild animals (boars, foxes), cases of the disease are recorded trichinosis. Moreover, people began to get sick much more often. If earlier we were talking about isolated cases, now the score goes to dozens. The reason for that - elementary ignorance, and even more often - the frivolity so characteristic of us: “ maybe it will blow, but I'll save money».

Let's say right away - the "thrifty" housewife, having fed the homemade pork infected with trichinella, will soon be forced to borrow money for medicine for the whole family. And it's good if there are no tragic outcomes - untreated trichinosis can lead to death sick.

So let's take a closer look at what this disease is and how to avoid it.

A person most often gets sick when eating contaminated pork and homemade sausages who have not passed the veterinary examination. There are a lot of pathogenic larvae in the muscles of the animal, they are literally “stuffed” with them. For example, in 1 g of muscle tissue of a brown bear, up to 200 trichinella larvae that can only be seen under a microscope.

Meat affected by trichinosis does not differ in any external signs (smell, color, texture ...) from ordinary benign meat. However, its the ability to cause disease larvae retain for years, in the corpses of animals, they die when exposed only to very high or very low temperatures.

The main cause of human disease is the consumption of contaminated meat without sufficient heat treatment or meat products cooked deliberately raw or half-cooked. Pathogens enter the body of wild and domestic animals when they eat the corpses of rodents and other living creatures affected by trichinosis, and deposited in muscle fibers in the form of spirals coated with lime.

In the stomach of a person who has eaten infected meat, the lime capsules dissolve, Trichinella invades the intestinal wall and begins lay larvae that are carried by blood and lymph throughout the body and settle in the muscles.

The disease manifests itself after a certain period ( 3 days to 4-5 weeks). The sick person begins to complain about severe muscle pain. A rash appears on the body, breathing, swallowing and eye movement become difficult and painful. The appearance of edema on the face is characteristic of this disease, hence its popular name " puffiness". In severe cases, damage to the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems is possible.

To avoid infection, it is necessary to veterinary control of each carcass of a slaughtered pig or wild boar by trichinoscopy. It is carried out by veterinary and sanitary laboratories available in every district center and in large markets.

For trichinelloscopy, pieces of meat most affected by trichinella should be delivered ( diaphragm, intercostal, chewing and tongue muscles). When found in sections at least one trichinella meat is considered unfit for food and is subject to destruction. At the same time, external fat can be eaten only melted, and internal - without restrictions.

Meat must be controlled because in Belarus, from time immemorial, pork has been made into dried sausage, polendvitsa and consumed almost without any heat treatment, and trichinella, even with prolonged cooking of a piece of meat, can remain viable in it.

When you buy meat from the state trade, there is a guarantee that it has been tested for trichinosis. If you purchased meat on the market, then make sure that it has hallmarks. In no case should you buy meat or lard, as well as home-made sausages in random people and in unidentified places.

For personal prevention, meat or lard should be thoroughly boiled or fried in small pieces. The death of trichinella occurs only when cooking pieces of meat no more than 8 cm thick for 2.5 hours. Salting, smoking, or freezing meat and lard do not kill the larvae, even with prolonged exposure.

Finally, a special warning to hunters. Remember that your hobby “can bring not only pleasure, but also trouble. In most cases, trichinosis is associated with the consumption of wild boar meat. So do not be too lazy to first check your "trophies" in the veterinary laboratory, and only then set the table. This simple precaution will avoid a serious threat to your health.

A. Smooth, chief state sanitary doctor of the Leninsky district of Minsk, Y. Ignatova, hygienist.
Health and Success Magazine, No. 11, 1997.

With all that said, all meat-eaters need to know what meat testing for trichinosis is, and what to do if there is no money to purchase a special device.

The larvae spread in the human musculature and begin the process of destruction there. They create fibrous capsules, which are compacted under the influence of calcium salts. So the larvae can live for many years.

Trichinosis infection occurs through meat products without special treatment.

A few days after infection, the disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • a person has diarrhea;
  • he is worried about heartburn;
  • may feel sick;
  • the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract is impaired.

Clinical manifestations do not end there, but only new ones continue to arise in the form of systemic itching, sore muscles and joints, headaches, swelling and coughing are possible.

The worst outcome for a person will be when the helminths enter the brain, which leads to paralysis and ends fatally.

Death can also occur due to encephalitis, lung damage, myocarditis. If you have similar symptoms, you should get tested as soon as possible.

What animals are the most dangerous

The meat of chickens, rabbits, hares, rodents, ducks can be infected. Occasionally, the infection affects horses and sheep.

There is no one hundred percent way to test meat for trichinosis at home. This is because the larvae are very small, but there is a special device called a trichinoscope.

The price of a device for testing meat for trichinosis depends on the ability to increase. The device includes:

Lighting is built so that you can perform actions in the field and on the road. Despite the informativeness of the device, it is not enough to purchase it. You need to know well what trichinosis looks like in meat in the photo.

The material is examined under a magnification of about a hundred times, but no more. When checking smoked or salted meat products, it is necessary to lighten the meat slices with glycerin.

According to sanitation standards, meat is considered unfit for consumption if it was found in it. If larvae are found in the meat, the carcass is disposed of. There is also the option of disinfecting the product by boiling or frying with a small number of larvae found.

Despite the high cost of the equipment and the complexity of the event, self-analysis of meat is a common express method.

Naturally, you should not completely believe such a test, because meat, especially wild animals, makes sense before eating.

Ideally, meat should be tested in the laboratory. This is due to a number of reasons:

  • employees who constantly conduct veterinary examinations have vast experience in detecting all types of helminths;
  • laboratories use expensive equipment that is accurate and highly informative;
  • not only certain muscles are checked, but also sections on the calves, diaphragm, intercostal parts, tongue, etc.

Today, such laboratories are present in almost every city, both public and private. Therefore, in the question of where to check the meat for trichinosis, there are no problems.

What to do if you get trichinosis?

When infected with trichinosis, treatment should not be delayed

If you find out that you are sick with trichinosis, then treatment should not be postponed. Modern medications are effective when affected by adults, but cannot overcome the larvae that are in the muscles.

If medical actions are started in a timely manner, then the spread of larvae stops., and the clinical manifestations of the disease eventually disappear. If the treatment was started too late, the disease will progress and the symptoms will make themselves felt for a long time.

To control the patient's condition, careful observation of the doctor is necessary.

Prevention measures

Animal meat must be carefully processed before consumption. For humans, any meat, both domestic and wild animals, is a threat. Products must be carefully heat treated and tested in special laboratories.

Freezing meat products, which can be destructive for other types of helminths, may not be effective for trichinosis. Today, types of helminths have already been discovered, the larvae of which persist for a long time.

The drying or smoking method may be ineffective against Trichinella larvae. Therefore, do not rely on this method.

Trichinosis is dangerous to human life and can be fatal

The trichinosis disease itself is very dangerous for human life and can lead to fatal outcome.

Only a laboratory study can determine the suitability of meat for consumption, so be vigilant and better play it safe once again.

In contact with

Boar diseases: Trichinosis

Trichinosis is a very dangerous helminthic disease that affects more than 60 species of animals and humans. Distributed throughout the globe. Infected wild boars are completely destroyed, so farms suffer great economic damage.

The encapsulated larva remains viable throughout the life of the host. Encapsulated and non-encapsulated Trichinella larvae, resting in the muscles of the host, enter the stomach of another meat-eating animal or person. There, the Trichinella shell dissolves, the larvae move into the small intestine, begin to multiply actively there, causing the intestinal form of the trichinosis disease, accompanied by high fever and bloody diarrhea. Newly born Trichinella larvae, penetrating into muscle fibers, cause stabbing pain in the muscles, release a toxin that has a detrimental effect on the blood of animals and humans. On the 8th - 9th day, with a strong infection of a person with trichinosis, a fatal outcome of the disease is often noted.

The main sources of trichinosis disease are wild animals living in natural conditions, having the opportunity to eat the corpses of dead animals. Infected boars remain trichinella carriers for life. In sick boars, signs of the disease cannot be determined. They develop muscle tremors, itching of the body, convulsive twitching of the chewing muscles, diarrhea, fever, unsteady gait, wild boars climb into sheltered places. With a strong infection, wild boars die.

The diagnosis of trichinosis in wild boars is established after their death by the method of compressor trichinoscopy, based on the detection of trichinella (mainly encapsulated) in muscle tissue. Trichinella often inhabit the muscles of the tongue, diaphragm, abdominal, calf, intercostal. Samples are taken along the muscle fibers from the places of their passage to the tendon endings.

Wild animals, especially wild boars, are the main, most persistent reserve of trichinosis in nature, therefore, mandatory trichinoscopy of all wild boar carcasses can serve as control and prevention measures.

All carcasses and corpses of wild animals affected by trichinella must be burned. Carcasses of wild caught and shot predators must not be thrown away for feeding other animals and fed to domestic animals. The corpses of pets (dogs, cats, pigs) infected with trichinosis must not be thrown into the forest and field, where they can be eaten by wild predators, rodents, omnivores, as well as stray dogs and stray cats. This contributes to the spread of trichinosis in settlements and in nature. Boar meat, even in small quantities, should not be eaten raw ...

G. I. Ivanova, N. I. Ovsyukova. BOAR. HUNTING FOR UNGATES.-Publishing house "Forest industry", 1976

Without laboratory tests indispensable if you want to eat the meat of a freshly shot bear or wild boar and not be afraid for your health.

In order for the picture of the study to be complete, it is necessary that the laboratory be delivered kiss the carcass of the slain beast. And what is important - with all internal organs (some infectious diseases can only be identified by the affected internal organs). But, as a rule, only small pieces of animal meat, particles of the diaphragm, intercostal muscle are brought to the laboratory (the infection is most often localized in these places), but this cannot give a 100% guarantee that the entire carcass is not infected. The reason is that if you check the whole carcass, then you will have to pay a lot for the examination, plus provide the necessary certificates (permission to shoot, a copy of the license ...).

So it turns out that hunters go for examination for payment only if the hunter himself is from another area and when transporting the carcass without a corresponding certificate from the veterinary sanitary examination laboratory, questions may arise, or when studies have shown that the meat is not suitable for human consumption. In the latter case, the infected carcass of the killed animal is destroyed or sent for disposal.

The hunters themselves, who bring meat to the laboratory for testing, admitted that they do not like to advertise their activities, and that it is much easier to bring parts of the carcass for testing. After all, often hunters from different cities, even from different regions, participate in an ambush on a wild boar, and the carcass of the killed animal is immediately divided into parts and taken away by the hunters to their homes.

There has also been an increase in cases of detection in the meat of wild animals of diseases such as sarcocystosis(affects muscle tissue) ascadiasis, metastrangilosis, echinococcosis, finnosis (in which the quality of meat products decreases), as well as damage to the skin of animals by septic processes (purulent wounds, abscesses, phlegmon), in the presence of which it is impossible to eat meat.

However this is only a small part of the diseases that can be contracted through the meat of wild animals, and therefore, laboratory tests are indispensable, if you want to eat the meat of a freshly shot bear or wild boar and not be afraid for your health.

For questions about checking the meat of wild animals and birds, you can always contact the laboratory of Vet Clinic No. 1, as well as get advice on these issues.

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