If a woman has more male hormones. Male hormones in the female body: signs of excess and how to reduce the amount

Sex hormones are produced by the testes in men and ovaries in women. Traditionally, “male” hormones, such as androgen, are necessarily present in the body of every woman, but in very small quantities. If male hormones in the female body begin to be produced too actively, their total amount increases and hormonal imbalance occurs. This condition negatively affects health and can lead to serious consequences.

Causes of hormonal disorders

All substances produced by the body must be in a certain concentration and balance in relation to each other. In men, androgens determine the development of secondary sexual characteristics and are responsible for sexual desire.

An excess of male hormones in women indicates a disruption in the functioning of the body and poses a threat to health:

  • Heredity. If the male hormone is produced in excess in the mother's body, then there is a high probability that this disorder will be hereditary.
  • Severe stress, emotional shock, anxiety, psychological and neurological diseases lead to a state where too many hormones are produced.
  • Metabolic disorders can cause an increase in the amount of certain hormones.
  • The destruction of the bond of testosterone with proteins leads to the appearance of a high concentration of free androgen

The male hormone produced during pregnancy exceeds the norm by 3-4 times. This is not a malfunction of the body. For the full development of the fetus, increased production of hormones and other substances is necessary. Childbirth will help remove excess androgen. Over time, the normal balance of hormones is restored.

Symptoms of Imbalance

An increase in one indicator can negatively affect other substances. Doctors recommend doing a hormone test immediately when characteristic symptoms of androgen excess are detected. Signs of malfunctioning glands manifest themselves physically and emotionally. If you notice any alarming symptoms, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible.

  • The most common symptom is the appearance of excess facial hair, like in men
  • An excess of androgen can lead to changes in physique, the figure may become similar to a man’s
  • Weight gain, obesity
  • The appearance of acne on the face and shoulders
  • Changing the timbre of the voice, it becomes similar to a man’s
  • The appearance of coarse, actively growing hair on the arms
  • Increased sweating
  • Hair becomes greasy, and bald spots may appear on the head, like in men
  • Male sex hormones increase sexual activity and physical endurance
  • Increased androgen levels lead to dry skin and flaking
  • Lethargy, irritability and even rudeness, the same symptoms are observed with excess androgen in men
  • Menstrual irregularities, delays or complete absence of menstruation, cessation of ovulation

It should be noted that sometimes the high content of male hormones in women does not manifest itself externally. Only the results of hormone tests will help you find out about the violation. When sent for analysis, male hormones may be called androgen, testosterone, etc. When deciphering the results, the attending physician will give all the necessary explanations.


Blood tests from a vein are always taken on an empty stomach. Also, 1-2 days before donating blood, you should refrain from sex, sports training and other physical activities, do not overeat and completely eliminate alcohol. Failure to follow simple rules for preparing for the test may distort the results of the study and the blood will have to be donated again.

The test is usually scheduled on days 3-5 or 8-10 of the menstrual cycle.

Before lowering the androgen level, you should conduct a full diagnosis and determine the cause of the disorders. Blood tests for male and female sex hormones are not a sufficient basis for making a diagnosis. In men and women, tests can only show an excess of androgens, but not answer the question: why this happens. There are several main factors that influence the production of androgens: the functioning of the adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland and general metabolism in the body.

As part of a comprehensive examination, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist and endocrinologist. Examining your thyroid gland, which can affect the hormone production of other glands, will give your doctor more information. The female doctor necessarily prescribes an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. Using modern scanning techniques, ultrasound can detect polycystic ovary syndrome or the presence of tumors. Timely diagnosis promotes a speedy recovery.

Normalization of hormone levels

To understand how to reduce male hormones in women, you need to determine the causes of the imbalance of substances. If the body receives excess amounts of androgens, reproductive functions may suffer and infertility may develop. As a treatment, the doctor may prescribe special medications that affect the level of androgens in a woman’s body. Any drug that removes excess hormones should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Dexamethasone, Digitalis, Cyproterone, etc. are often recommended.

Many patients are concerned about the question: how to reduce the level of male hormones on their own? There are ways to normalize hormonal levels without the use of drugs. However, lowering androgen levels requires the assistance of a qualified physician. Self-medication can end in failure. Blood tests from a vein are used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

During the course of therapy, the patient undergoes several tests, the frequency of which is determined by the attending physician.

Reducing the concentration of androgens is carried out by changing the diet. The diet should include meat, fried vegetables, olive oil, white bread, sugar, natural bee honey, juices, and salt in moderation. During treatment you will have to give up diet and vegetarianism. High levels of some hormones can be corrected with folk remedies (licorice root, Maryin root, vitex, etc.). The use of homeopathic remedies should be supervised by a doctor. As a rule, doctors recommend combining traditional therapy with treatment with natural remedies.

Some sources claim that yoga causes a decrease in male hormones, but there is no scientific evidence for this. Moderate physical activity and relaxation undoubtedly have a positive effect on the nervous, immune system and health in general. But yoga is not a cure.

Analysis of male hormones in the female body is carried out according to the corresponding indications and complaints of patients. Hormonal testing is also carried out for preventive purposes. Such tests help prevent serious problems in the health and functioning of the body’s internal systems. A woman’s sex hormone levels must be examined when planning a pregnancy.

In contact with

If you notice excess unwanted hair on your body, the disappearance of your periods, or your skin has changed in any way, this may be caused by an excess of the male hormone testosterone in your body. If testosterone increases during pregnancy, there is no need to worry, this is a normal reaction of the body. But there are times when the male hormone begins to be produced under the influence of some unpleasant disease.

Undoubtedly, male hormones must be present in a woman’s body, but within reasonable limits. When testosterone levels rise above the permissible norm, this can lead to unplanned weight gain, a mustache appears on the upper lip and chest, etc. To avoid these troubles, timely contact with a specialist will help you.

You will need:

1. Consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist;


3. Blood and urine tests, ultrasound of the genital organs, examination of the adrenal glands using ultrasound, etc.;

4. Traditional medicine;

5. Hormonal agents


1. The very first thing to do if you notice some changes in yourself is to go to a gynecologist-endocrinologist and be examined for the presence of the hormone testosterone. Tell the doctor all your concerns and suspicions about your experiences, tell us about the changes in your body, the peculiarities of the menstrual cycle, etc. The main thing in this matter is not to rush to conclusions and not to start treatment on your own, because this may be due to heredity;

2. If your fears are confirmed, take tests for the levels of pituitary and thyroid hormones, as well as a genetic analysis for the presence of an extra chromosome. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment for you. If your doctor decides that you need to take hormonal medications, take them as directed. If you suddenly get pregnant, do not stop taking your medications. This will help you keep your hormones under control and eliminate the risk of miscarriage;

3. Be sure to do an ultrasound of the ovaries and adrenal glands to rule out tumors, which may also be the cause of increased testosterone. Listen to what your doctor tells you to avoid surgery on your body;

4. If you do not completely trust your doctor or are afraid to be treated with prescribed drugs, contact another and carry out additional procedures, but do not stop treatment. You need to treat your body carefully, because otherwise, inattention can lead to more complex problems: obesity, diabetes, infertility;

5. In addition to hormonal and medications, take traditional medicine to normalize minor disorders.

Traditional medicine:

1.Take the red root plant. It normalizes hormonal levels. The red root adapts to the individual characteristics of the body, so it affects the body differently. In women, it increases estrogen, and in men - testosterone. The method of using the drug is written in the instructions. Red root is sold both in tablets and as an herb. Decide how best to take the drug and buy the best option for yourself;

2. Caffeine also corrects female hormones, increasing their levels. If you drink several cups of coffee a day, you can adjust your hormones: testosterone levels will decrease and estrogen levels will increase. But, if you have a heart problem and cardiovascular diseases, this method should be neglected;

3.Drink more mint tea or just brew mint. Mint removes testosterone from the body, so it is not recommended for men to drink;

4. Buy flax seeds at the pharmacy and eat one spoon twice a day, washed down with boiled water;

5.Take “feminine” herbs such as red clover heads, sorrel, and sage. Twenty heads of red clover are poured with a liter of boiling water, cooled and drunk like regular tea. You can add honey or sugar to taste. Sorrel is used for food, making salads, pies, boiling soups and eating raw;

6.Brew horsetail or field cloves, drink herbs twice a day;

7.Have sex without a condom. Sperm will help increase the level of female hormones, eliminating excess male hormones.

Choose the most optimal way to remove male hormones from the body and enjoy life!

Under what circumstances can there be an increase in the level of male sex hormones, especially testosterone? When measuring the level of this hormone, we can talk about a slight increase and a significant increase, which is accompanied or not accompanied by signs of hyperandrogenism. Therefore, the tactics for finding the cause of increased testosterone depend on its level, as well as on the speed at which signs of hyperandrogenism appear - within months or years or several weeks.

We already know that androgens are produced by the ovaries, adrenal glands and peripheral tissues (adipose tissue). This means that an increase in testosterone levels may be associated with its greater production. And here it is important to know which testosterone is increased - free or bound. Symptoms of hyperandrogenism depend largely on increased levels of free testosterone and partly on the level of bound testosterone, not with globulin (SHBG), but with albumin. Thus, testosterone associated with SHBG is an inactive hormone and does not cause harm to the body.
Logically, if there is a lack of SHBG in a woman’s body, then the amount of “harmful” testosterone fractions may increase. When do levels of this important protein decrease? The following substances can lower SHBG levels: male sex hormones, which a woman takes additionally, synthetic progestins (synthetic progesterone drugs - norgestrel, desogestrel, norgestimate and others, which are part of oral hormonal contraceptives and other drugs), glucocorticoids, growth hormones, insulin, as well as conditions such as obesity, decreased thyroid function, and increased insulin levels in the human body.
Estrogens, thyroid hormones, pregnancy and estrogen-containing drugs, on the contrary, increase SHBG levels and therefore reduce the free testosterone fraction.
Bound testosterone undergoes a breakdown process mostly in the liver and is excreted by the kidneys along with urine.

So, increased production of testosterone and disorders associated with the process of combining testosterone with protein,These are two reasons for increased testosterone. Third reason This is a process of disruption of the exchange of male sex hormones, including disruption of the breakdown of androgens and their removal from the body. This group of diseases most often has a hereditary or genetic nature and is associated with a disruption in the production of certain enzymes due to a “breakdown” at the gene level. Such diseases are sometimes called enzymopathies.

Excess male sex hormones most often affects the skin, in particular, the system for producing skin lubricant (fat) and hair follicles, as well as the woman’s reproductive system. Therefore, the very first “visible” sign of hyperandrogenism may be increased oily skin, the appearance of acne, increased hair growth - usually in adolescence.
A slight to moderate increase in the level of male sex hormones can be observed in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). For your information, this is not an ultrasound diagnosis, since in 20-25% of healthy women, “polycystic” ovaries can be seen on ultrasound, and vice versa, in 20-30% of women with PCOS, the ultrasound picture of the ovaries is normal. PCOS is a disease associated with metabolic disorders of a number of substances, and therefore belongs to the category of metabolic diseases.
In former post-Soviet countries, the diagnosis of PCOS is extremely abused, most often due to illiteracy and ignorance of modern criteria for making this diagnosis. The worst thing is that senseless, outdated treatment is prescribed, and a vicious circle of women going to antenatal clinics is created not just for months, but for years. Polycystic ovary syndrome is accompanied by metabolic disorders of a number of substances, and is characterized not only by increased levels of testosterone, but also by increased levels of insulin, as well as obesity. It is a complex, complex metabolic disease.

Another reason for increased androgen levels in non-pregnant women is congenital adrenal hyperplasia (more precisely, the adrenal cortex), and less commonly acquired adrenal hyperplasia. There are classic and non-classical adrenal hyperplasia, with a range of different symptoms. All congenital adrenal hyperplasias are associated with a deficiency in the production of certain enzymes and have a genetic basis. There are five main types of enzymopathies, or five main types of adrenal hyperplasia, but in addition to these five most common types, there are more than twenty other types of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. To determine the type of this disease, there are special examination algorithms, that is, the level of a number of substances in the blood serum (less often in the urine) of a woman is determined. The combination of disturbances in the production of hormones and other substances for each type of hyperplasia may be different. The most common are 21-hydroxylase deficiency (an autosomal recessive disorder) and 11a-hydroxylase deficiency. Most doctors, and not only gynecologists, but also endocrinologists, have no idea about the types of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Making an accurate diagnosis is necessary, because the treatment and management tactics of a woman, especially a pregnant woman, will depend on it.

If testosterone levels are high, attention needs to be sharpened by looking for tumors that produce male sex hormones. There are at least ten types of tumors (8 of ovarian and 2 of adrenal origin) that produce male sex hormones. Almost all of these tumors are malignant and can metastasize to other organs. On an ultrasound, the doctor can detect a cystic formation in the ovaries, and then the woman undergoes long-term, meaningless treatment, which can do more harm than good. Time is lost, and often human life is lost. Therefore, if androgen levels are high, it is urgent to look for the cause of the increase in the levels of these hormones, and carefully examine the woman’s ovaries and adrenal glands.

Now let's talk about the special condition of a woman– pregnancy, when changes occur in the female body, the norms of non-pregnant women cannot be acceptable for the state of pregnancy. Unfortunately, most doctors are not aware of these changes, laboratories issue test results with norms for non-pregnant women, without taking into account the state of pregnancy, and a long hassle of searching for “terrible” diseases begins, medications are prescribed and a stressful situation in the life of a pregnant woman is escalated. Remember the norms of a non-pregnant woman cannot be used to interpret the tests of a pregnant woman.
During pregnancy, the levels of a number of male sex hormones change significantly. Not only does the volume of blood plasma increase and the blood becomes more diluted. Under the influence of an increase in estrogen (this is pregnancy!), the amount of testosterone binding protein – SHBG – increases. An increase in testosterone levels during normal pregnancy occurs literally from the first weeks of pregnancy - two weeks after conception. The source of increased testosterone during this period of pregnancy is the ovaries, in particular the corpus luteum of pregnancy.
With pregnancy, the level of total testosterone increases due to an increase in the fraction of bound testosterone. However, the level of free testosterone remains unchanged until the third trimester (28 weeks of pregnancy), and then doubles. The source of the increase in testosterone levels during this period of pregnancy is unknown. Obviously, there can be several sources, both from the mother and from the fetus.
Women pregnant with boys have slightly higher testosterone concentrations than women pregnant with girls. Since extremely little is known about the regulation of fetal testosterone production, the source of increased testosterone levels in a mother with a male fetus is also unknown, although several hypotheses exist to explain this phenomenon. It is believed that the increase in testosterone levels in such women is still of ovarian origin, and not the result of testosterone production by the male fetus.
In the third trimester of pregnancy, androstenedione levels increase. DHEA-S also increases with the onset of pregnancy, but is thought to originate in the fetus. From the second half of pregnancy, the level of this hormone decreases significantly, and the placenta plays a large role in this decrease.
The concentration of androgens in the blood of a pregnant woman is three to four times higher than the concentration of these hormones in the baby's umbilical cord.

Despite the increase in the levels of total and free testosterone in the blood plasma of a pregnant woman, most women and fetuses are protected from the effects of androgens and do not develop signs of hyperadrogenism. There are several mechanisms for such protection.
First, increasing the concentration of SHBG protein causes most of the “excess” testosterone to bind to the protein, and such testosterone becomes inactive. At the same time, the level of free testosterone remains unchanged until the third trimester, and then its increase has practically no effect on the target tissues.
Secondly, an increase in progesterone during pregnancy (this hormone increases almost 10 times compared to the level of progesterone in non-pregnant women) leads to inhibition of the sensitivity of androgen receptors and a decrease in their ability to bind to molecules of male sex hormones.
Third, progesterone reduces the conversion of testosterone precursors to testosterone in target tissues by affecting the enzyme involved in this biochemical reaction.
Fourthly, the placenta has a unique property - it can convert testosterone into estrogens (estrone and estradiol), that is, into female sex hormones, and this conversion mechanism is called aromatization. This is a kind of natural protection for the influence of a number of mother’s hormones on the fetus, and vice versa. It is believed that there is a fairly strong placental barrier that does not allow the mother's testosterone to penetrate the bloodstream of the fetus.

However, in some rare cases, women may experience symptoms of hyperandrogenism, which are often called signs of virilization. It is important to understand here that elevated androgen levels in non-pregnant women most often manifest as signs of anovulation, when the eggs do not mature, and such women often suffer from infertility. Therefore, the goal of lowering androgens in such women is to achieve ovulation, and not to get rid of signs of virilization (increased hair growth, acne), since these signs are absent in many cases. In pregnant women, the reasons for the increase in androgens are different, and therefore the effect of hyperandrogenism on the woman and fetus is manifested by other symptoms. The most common sign of hyperandrogenism in a pregnant woman and fetus is hirsutism - increased hair growth.
Elevated levels of androgens in the mother do not affect the development of male fetuses. Hyperandrogenism can only affect female fetuses. Signs of virilization in girls are manifested by an enlargement of the clitoris (clitoromegaly) and fusion of the labia. False hermaphroditism is extremely rare. Since the development of the external genitalia in girls occurs at 7-12 weeks of pregnancy, this is the most dangerous period of the negative effects of androgens. After 12 weeks, the risk of clitoromegaly is significantly reduced, and fusion of the labia is not observed.

The body of women and men is designed in such a way that proper functioning depends on the balance of hormones produced by the reproductive system. Thus, they are an integral part of the strength of women's health and its balanced functioning.

Male hormones in women are the key to good health. The unique functions of the hormone (and in medicine it will be called testosterone) are described in numerous medical works.

  • Its correct amount allows muscle tissue to be strong. Both beautiful shapes and a toned body depend on this.
  • Good mood. The balance of male hormones in women is always optimism, cheerfulness, prevention of fatigue and anxiety. Doctors insist that an imbalance of male hormones always leads to fatigue and depression, which are difficult to treat with medication.
  • The male hormone is the key to sexual desire. It acts directly on parts of the brain, improves mental activity, and helps control one’s behavior and emotions.

Unfortunately, the balance of these hormones in women is not always normal. Increased hormonal levels often lead to infertility and menstrual irregularities. Women begin to develop male characteristics on their bodies: hair grows, shapes change, they become coarser and sharper.

Causes of hormonal imbalances in women

An excess of male hormones in women is always a signal of the development of serious health problems. Many doctors claim that the reasons that cause excess are:

  • hereditary factor. If the mother has problems with the functioning of the glands, then there is a high risk that the daughter will also have a problem;
  • long-term depression, psychoneurological diseases;
  • in the absence of testosterone binding to protein;
  • metabolic disorders in the body that block or enhance the release of certain hormones from the body.

Symptoms of high testosterone in women

An excess of hormones quickly makes itself felt. A woman, based on visual signs, can immediately suspect problems and consult a specialist for medical help.

The first symptoms that should be a signal for women:

  • increased number of rashes on the skin of the face and body. This is a sign of malfunction of the sebaceous glands, in which the level of fat increases sharply;
  • systematic changes in mood. High levels of testosterone are a faithful companion to depression, nervous breakdowns, and stress;
  • problems with the reproductive system. Symptoms of the disorder are irregular menstruation, lack of ovulation, bleeding;
  • body hair increases according to the male type. Hair becomes coarse, thick and dark;
  • the amount of muscle mass increases, the chest decreases, the shoulders increase, the voice deepens;
  • excess weight appears;
  • Sweating may increase.

Male hormones in a woman’s body are especially dangerous for the reproductive system. There are a large number of cases where the predominance of testosterone causes infertility, problems with bearing a child, and complications in fetal development.

What forms of hormonal imbalance do doctors identify?

In order to prescribe the correct treatment regimen, it is necessary to diagnose the form of hormonal imbalance. High levels may occur due to:

  • adrenal tumors or hypertension;
  • or dysfunction of the ovaries;
  • pituitary diseases;
  • metabolic disorders in the skin.

Ways to lower testosterone levels

There are several options to solve this problem. We tried to collect video collections, as well as describe the most common ones.


In order for testosterone reduction to proceed correctly, you must first contact a gynecologist and get tested. The optimal and accurate analysis is performed 6-7 days after menstruation.

Drugs that contain metamorphine and spironolactone are used as drug therapy. These components enhance production, so the elevated level decreases. There are contraceptives that can help reduce the resulting testosterone and bring it back to normal.

It is difficult to get rid of high testosterone levels on your own; it is not recommended to self-medicate, as there is always a risk of serious illnesses or health problems.


By adjusting her diet, a woman can achieve harmony in her body by normalizing the balance of hormones. This point is important for any treatment option.

Firstly, to lower the level you need to limit your consumption of meat and animal products. You can get rid of excess testosterone with the help of fresh vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits.

You can have sugary snacks to increase your carbohydrate levels. A lot of carbohydrate will stimulate additional production, which reduces testosterone synthesis. The optimal and healthy option for sweets is honey, which also helps strengthen the immune system and normalize hormonal levels in women.

It is extremely important to exclude coffee from your diet. The maximum dose that can be drunk per day is 1 cup of a weak drink in the morning.


The most effective way to lower testosterone without is considered a set of training. Classes should take place in a calm atmosphere, without strength exercises, cardio loads or barbells. The body gets balance after callanetics, aerobics, yoga, stretching.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes that indicate how to reduce high testosterone levels and make a woman beautiful with the help of medicinal plants. Among the most popular are the following:

  • Mint tea. It calms the nervous system, relieving tension. You need to take the prepared decoction 2 times a day, 200 ml. The optimal option is morning and evening administration;
  • A decoction of flax seeds is also called cleansing. 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of seeds into a glass of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Drink 50 ml of the finished product 30 minutes before meals;
  • Licorice root can relieve nervous tension and stimulate the immune system. You can buy it ready-made at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. To do this you will need 1 tablespoon of root and half a liter of boiling water. Infuse the product for 3 hours. Take 150 ml an hour after meals 2 times a day;

  • You can normalize normal hormonal levels in women and men using fresh carrots and celery. The course of treatment with such fresh juices will be from 10 to 14 days. The best option would be to alternate juices every other day;
  • You can reduce the level of the hormone in women with a decoction of oats. Raw grains are poured with a glass of water and simmered over low heat for an hour. If the water boils away, it needs to be added. The finished oats are rubbed through a sieve and mixed. You need to take this type of remedy for male hormones 200 ml 2 times a day. The course of treatment is from 10 to 14 days.

Some doctors suggest the use of nutritional supplements that help reduce testosterone in women. All of them involve treatment in courses of 3 to 6 months.

Sexual behavior of women with elevated testosterone levels

Scientists have proven that the sexual activity of women and men depends on the ratio of certain hormones. It is testosterone that is responsible for sexual activity and is called the main culprit of problems. At the slightest disruption in the body, changes begin, including sexually.

Women with high testosterone levels are always aggressive, highly active and persistent in sex. In medicine, this behavior will be called “aggressive sexuality.” But not all men want such persistence; they expect affection and sensitivity more. Therefore, such women remain unclaimed. They don’t want to see such women as a wife, since a man is more suited to a submissive and affectionate, gentle and calm companion.

To cope with sexual aggression, a man must surround her with affection and warmth; to relieve excessive activity, longer foreplay can be carried out. When the sexual act is playful and gentle, the woman’s aggression will gradually be smoothed out and implemented in other everyday activities.

High testosterone levels in women are a problem that can have serious consequences. You should not self-medicate, let everything take its course, because women’s health, maternal happiness, a desirable man are the meaning of life and happiness of every woman.


  1. Biochemistry: Textbook for universities / ed. E. S. Severina, M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2003. – 779 pp.;
  2. Kolman Y., Rem K. - G., Visual biochemistry // Hormones. Hormonal system. - 2000. - pp. 358-359, 368-375.
  3. Solsky Ya. P., Mikhedko V. P., Ferdman T. D., Borin A. L. Gynecological endocrinology: a book for obstetricians and gynecologists. – Kyiv: ZDOROVYA, 1976.
  4. Guide to endocrinology. - M.: Medicine, 2017. - 506 p.

Human sex hormones are special compounds that are produced in the corresponding glands and adrenal cortex. According to their chemical structure, the substances belong to the category of steroids. Female and male hormones are progestogens, estrogens and androgens. All of them are present in the body in one concentration or another.

General information

Estrogens are represented by estradiol and its derivatives - estriol and estrone. Androgens are the hormone testosterone and androsterone. They are produced in the interstitial cells of the testes. The adrenal glands produce steroids that have androgenic activity. Next, let's look at what the male hormone is.

Androgens: basic information

The male hormone is not detectable in urine. It contains a steroid metabolic product. It's called androsterone. Androgen production also occurs in the adrenal cortex. Metabolites such as dehydroepiandrosterone and dehydroisoandrosterone are present in the urine. In addition to these compounds, androgenic biologically inert substances are also found in it. For example, 3(α)-hydroxyethycholan-17-one.

Androgen production

This or that male hormone in the female body, which is excreted in the urine, is predominantly of adrenal origin. Some androgens are produced in the ovary. Some men excrete a certain amount of androgens in their urine. They are also of adrenal origin. This is evidenced by the results of urine tests of eunuchs and castrati. As mentioned above, androgens in men are mainly formed in the testes. The producers are Leydig cells. They are present in interstitial tissue. It was found that when testis sections were treated with phenylhydrazine (a substance that reacts with keto compounds), a positive reaction was observed exclusively in Leiding cells. It indicates the presence of ketosteroids in the tissue. Against the background of cryptorchidism, a disorder of spermatogenic function is noted. However, over a relatively long period, the production of androgens remains normal. Leiding cells remain intact (undamaged).

Effect of androgens

The male hormone and its derivatives have a selective effect on the development of secondary dependent sexual characteristics. In particular, under the influence of androgens the following occurs:

  • Growth and formation of the epididymis, penis, prostate gland, seminal vesicles.
  • Male pattern hair growth. In particular, a beard, mustache, and hair on the body, limbs, and pubic hair (in the shape of a diamond) grow.
  • Enlargement of the larynx.
  • Thickening of the vocal cords. At the same time, the timbre decreases.
  • The appearance of adequate sexual desire.
  • Stimulates muscle growth and the entire body.

Regulatory mechanisms

The hypothalamus is located in the brain. It controls the functions of the male genital organs. In the nuclei of the hypothalamus there is a constant production of gonadoliberin. In women, unlike men, it is produced cyclically. GnRH stimulates the pituitary gland located in the brain. It produces first luteinizing hormone (lutropin), and subsequently follitropin (FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone). The process of release of GnRH by the hypothalamus is regulated by a feedback mechanism. The release of this compound is reduced due to its own high concentration, as well as the increased content of lutropin and follitropin, estrogens and testosterone.

Steroid activity

Stimulation of testosterone formation in the testicles is provided by luteinizing hormone. Follitropin is considered the main activator of the growth and formation of seminiferous tubules, as well as the formation of sperm. Estrogen is synthesized in the testicles in small quantities. From the testicles, the male hormone is distributed throughout the body. Transportation is carried out by carrier proteins. In the tissues of the body, the male hormone breaks down into 2 types of steroids. They are more active. These steroids are dihydrotestosterone and a small number of estrogens. The concentration of the latter increases with age and with increasing body weight. This is due to the fact that in men, estrogen production mainly occurs in adipose tissue.

Androgen concentration

In boys, at the time of birth, the level at which the male hormone is located is not much higher than in girls. After the birth of the first, the concentration begins to increase significantly, but, however, by the first year of life it decreases. Until adolescence, the male hormone is contained in small amounts. And then the level increases again. In the period from 17 to 60 years, its concentration is almost constant. After sixty, the level of male hormone in men begins to decline.

Androgen deficiency

With a deficiency of sex hormones in men during intrauterine development, abnormalities of the genital tract are likely to develop. In particular:

  • Microphallus.
  • Cryptorchidism.
  • Hypospadias.

Before adolescence, “eunuchoidism”:

  • Puberty is not observed.
  • There is poor muscle development, partial or complete absence of body hair, and impaired bone formation.
  • Bone formation disorder: arm span is disproportionate to height, increasing by several centimeters.

After adolescence:

  • Libido disturbance.
  • Preservation of most formed sexual characteristics of the secondary type.
  • Erectile dysfunction is the disappearance of spontaneous erections and those provoked by adequate stimuli.
  • Reduced testicular size, decreased sperm quality and decreased muscle strength.
  • Development of concomitant psycho-emotional disorders, including depression.
  • The appearance of insufficiency of the functions of the gonads with impaired formation of sperm and androgens.

A significant decrease in testosterone concentration can provoke male infertility.

Physiological properties of androgens

The male hormone has the ability to influence protein metabolism. Androgen has a stimulating effect on the formation of these compounds, mainly in the muscles. The most pronounced anabolic effect is observed in methyl testosterone and testosterone propionate. At the same time, other androgens do not have the ability to stimulate protein accumulation. These include, in particular, dehydroandrosterone.

Male hormone in the female body

Androgens are also present in representatives of the opposite sex. However, they are normally found in low concentrations. If a woman has more male hormones, then an endocrine disorder occurs. Such violations are observed in practice relatively rarely. As a rule, increased male hormones in women occur during reproductive age.

Main symptoms of androgen excess

If male hormones are found in large quantities in women, then it is customary to talk about a serious imbalance. This phenomenon occurs under certain conditions. In the male body, as mentioned above, there are more androgens, and in the female body there are more estrogens. Ladies, as a rule, do not have such hair growth: the cover is noted on the head and pubis, but is not observed on the body, lips, chin, neck, abdomen, or back. However, when androgens are produced in large quantities, a condition called hirsutism develops. It manifests itself by the appearance of “male” characteristics. In particular, the above areas are covered with hair. It should be noted here, however, that hirsutism is most often a hereditary pathology, and in some cases it is caused by a cyst in the ovaries (polycystic syndrome). Inflammation in the sebaceous glands - acne - can also indicate that male hormones are present in women. As a rule, lesions are noted in the forehead and neck. In some cases, acne appears on the upper back, shoulders, and chest. An excess of androgens is also indicated by menstrual cycle disorders. These disorders can also be caused by polycystic syndrome. And it, in turn, is caused by the production of androgens in large quantities. Irregular cycles may include missed periods and excessive bleeding.

Faithfulness and infertility

Among the most serious complications of androgen excess in women is the inability to conceive. This may be due to the fact that the irregularity of menstruation will be interrupted by the ovulation cycle. Verification is considered another complication of excess production of male hormones in women. In this case, we are talking about the development of physical qualities that are unusual for them. In particular, a woman’s voice may become rougher and the timbre may become lower. Some subjects even experience baldness.

Blood analysis

Laboratory research can show the condition of various systems and organs. Normally, under adequate conditions, the body maintains hormonal balance. This balance is ensured by a certain concentration of steroids. With any deviations, certain pathologies begin to develop. A blood test allows you to identify hormonal imbalances and determine the cause of the disease. Based on the research results, specialists select the optimal therapeutic course. Analyzes are used in oncology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, neuropathology, gynecology, urology and other medical fields.

When is it necessary to get tested?

Indications for prescribing an estrogen test are:

  • Infertility.
  • Irregularities in the menstrual cycle.
  • Miscarriage.
  • Overweight.
  • Acne.
  • Mastopathy (cystic fibrous).

Indications for androgen testing are:

During pregnancy, hormonal testing is recommended if there is a suspicion of fetal development pathology. The material used is venous blood. In accordance with the clinical signs, a study of a particular steroid is prescribed. Laboratory analysis of human chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced in the cells of the germinal membrane, makes it possible to detect pregnancy in the early stages. In particular, it can be determined already on the sixth or tenth day after successful fertilization.

Test results. Decoding hormones

Normal estrogen values ​​depend on the phases of the cycle. Elevated levels may indicate tumors in the ovaries and adrenal cortex or cirrhosis of the liver. Estrogen levels may also be reduced. In this case, sclerosis or insufficient development of the ovaries can be diagnosed. Norm for progesterone: phase 1 - 1.0-2.2; Phase 2 - 23.0-30.0, postmenopause - 1.0-1.8 nM/l; for estradiol - 1 - 198-284; 2 - 439-570; postmenopause - 51-133 pM/l. Androgen levels do not depend on the cycle. For women, the norm is 0.38-1.97, for men - 4.94-32.01 nmol/l. If there are any deviations, additional studies may be prescribed. In such cases, consultation with an endocrinologist, andrologist or gynecologist is mandatory.