Cough in a child without fever how to treat. consequences and complications. Residual cough after an illness

Children repeatedly pick up in spring and autumn colds. One of the signs of a wide range of diseases is a cough. It happens that relatives do not pay due attention to dry cough, if there are no signs of the baby's body temperature rising. But this sign needs to be given close attention, and the sooner you begin to deal with this problem, the better.

Dry cough is called not accompanied by separation of mucus or sputum. Attacks of such a cough in children are painful and strong. Every adult and child is sometimes harassed by the desire to cough, helping the body to cleanse Airways from accumulated sputum and dust. This is a normal physiological reaction of the body and should not cause anxiety in parents. Another thing is if the cough is repeated many times, unproductive, intensifies at night and ends with weakness and vomiting. In this case, it is necessary to show the child to the local pediatrician.

Dry cough is diverse in its manifestations, it is divided according to the nature, duration, reason for the appearance:

The most common causes of dry cough are:

  • Penetration foreign object into the lumen of the trachea. This is probably a tiny speck that will activate the cough reaction.
  • Chronic bronchitis as a complication after a previous infection. Symptoms of intoxication pass, but the cough remains.
  • Asthma. Such a cough will most of all torment the child at night, as well as after physical or emotional stress. These attacks can annoy the baby, several times a day.
  • Allergy. Most often, an allergic cough occurs during the flowering of certain plants. Children may react similarly to objects household chemicals and for a large number house dust.
  • A serious manifestation of dry cough may be infection of the child with tuberculosis. The disease begins in an ordinary way, with a slight cough and malaise, weakness, lethargy of the child, in this case visit only pediatrician can help to recognize the disease and proceed to necessary therapy. Never self-medicate in such cases, because you can start the process strongly and face serious complications. this disease.
  • Difficulties with the process of digestion. Hydrochloric acid gastric juice, getting into the esophagus during belching, irritates its walls and causes unproductive cough.
  • Stress. Children often cough when experiencing emotional stress. This condition passes without consequences after the child calms down.
  • Whooping cough is a serious infectious disease that usually begins with a high fever and a rash, but Lately there is an uncharacteristic development of this disease. Specific "whooping cough" is characterized by a buzzing sound, lacrimation, protrusion of the tongue during coughing fits.

Treatment of dry cough without fever in children.

Dry cough without fever in children is more difficult to cure than common cold. The use of medicines and medicinal herbs for children under 5 years of age is carried out only in agreement with the district pediatrician. Cough treatment at home comes down to warming compresses, lotions and inhalations. Helps to overcome cough remedy made from equal parts natural honey, and lemon juice. Children over five years old you can give lozenges and lozenges for coughing.One of effective methods with a dry cough, inhalations are considered. Procedures can be carried out using steam inhaler or compressed air supply.As active ingredient use:

  • Sodium chloride solution isotonic,
  • Natural mineral water,
  • Solution baking soda(a teaspoon of soda per 200 ml of boiled water).

The use of a steam inhaler gives excellent results, but the use of this device for children younger age must be strictly controlled. The presence of steam in the design can heat the mask for inhalation, which can lead to burns on the delicate skin of the child or the unwillingness of children to undergo these procedures. During therapy, children should be provided with a sufficient amount of warm (not hot!) drink. It can be compotes, rosehip decoctions, lingonberry or cranberry juice, tea with lemon, infusions of coltsfoot, thyme, oregano.

Prevention of dry cough in children.

Weakened children should carry out hardening measures in advance. Get used to work physical culture, swimming, to regular walks on fresh air. Ventilate the children's room daily and winter period apply in children's air humidifiers. Perform regular sanitation oral cavity to avoid unnecessary foci of infection. Should not be abused self-treatment so as not to accidentally overlook a serious illness. If you see that your child's cough does not stop within a few days, does not become productive, does not show other symptoms of a cold, then you should insist on an additional examination. The sooner the causes of the disease are identified, the greater the chance that the disease will not pass into chronic form and there will be no complications.

A dry cough in a baby, like an older child, can be either a sign of a certain disease, or a temporary phenomenon that is provoked by improper care or physiological processes. It differs from a dry, irritating cough in the absence of expectorant sputum and is more painful and intrusive. The baby must be shown to the doctor, who will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

To determine the cause of dry cough, it is necessary to show the baby experienced pediatrician

Causes of dry cough in children

When a foreign body appears in the airways or mucous secretions accumulate, then dry or moist cough- this is the most ordinary reaction organism. Let's see in what cases we start to cough:

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  1. Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). At first, the cough is dry and heavy, and then becomes wet - the body develops immunity to the disease. With SARS, cough is often accompanied by subfebrile condition.
  2. Influenza is more severe - it is complicated by high temperature (up to 37-38 degrees). The child coughs often and hysterically, feeling pain behind the sternum. In children 2 years of age, influenza is often complicated by stenosing laryngitis, when the cough occurs in attacks and becomes barking, and the voice is hoarse. If the disease is complicated by stenosis of the larynx, attacks occur in the evening and at night.
  3. Whooping cough is characterized by a very strong, paroxysmal cough, leading to vomiting and accompanied by a characteristic buzzing sound (more in the article:). Coughing, the child will stick out his tongue with a boat, and the attack will end when viscous sputum begins to come out (we recommend reading:). Whooping cough can last up to a month.
  4. In gastroesophageal reflux disease, coughing is a reaction to irritation of the throat by gastric contents. It appears during or after eating, and even when the position of the body changes. Heartburn, vomiting and overexposure saliva.
  5. A dry, paroxysmal cough that occurs at night during sleep may be a sign of heart failure.
  6. During attacks of bronchial asthma, the cough is dry and wheezing. The temperature does not rise.
  7. If a wheezing cough alternates with a wet one and is accompanied by a high temperature, this may indicate measles, pleurisy, bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis.
  8. With inflammation in the respiratory organs or tuberculosis, a dry cough will be wheezing and incessant.
  9. The presence of helminthic invasions in the body is sometimes accompanied by coughing without other catarrhal phenomena.

Dry cough also accompanies compression of the nerves by aneurysm of the aorta, disseminated processes in the bronchi, and an increase in the lymph nodes of the mediastinum. Quite rare, but found hereditary disease cystic fibrosis.

Dry cough of a paroxysmal nature at night may indicate problems of cardio-vascular system child

Cough as a feature of some conditions

Apart from painful conditions, dry cough manifests itself in young children due to some physiological processes. You can’t call it a disease, because every age has its own characteristics:

  1. In children up to a year in the morning, it often happens coughing. There is nothing dangerous in this - the body simply gets rid of sputum that has accumulated overnight in the respiratory tract.
  2. At 6-7 months, a rare superficial cough can be observed in infants, which is associated with teething.
  3. When a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, coughing fits can be frequent, with chest pain, suffocation, and can occur without these symptoms. There will be no fever or fever. Everything returns to normal when foreign particles are removed from the respiratory system.

Relief of the child's condition

Yet not all listed diseases found in breasts. At this age, coughing is more often a consequence of SARS or the consequences of diseases. respiratory organs. In this regard, the main task that arises before parents is how to make a dry, unproductive cough wet, productive? Until the phlegm starts to come off, obsessive cough this will hurt the child. The doctor will prescribe the treatment, and we will see how we can alleviate the condition and calm the baby.

Plentiful warm drink

In order for sputum to drain better, it must be thinned. When the blood is thick, then the mucous secretions will be thick and viscous, and this is facilitated by the high temperature of the body and the air in the room. The body loses fluid. This can be determined by the dryness of the tongue and oral mucosa, as well as by the number of urination. The baby should write at least 1 time in 3 hours. If this happens less often, the child needs to drink more.

Acidic drinks are not suitable for such a baby - they will irritate the mucous membrane. Best fit:

  • decoction of wild rose, raisins, chamomile, linden;
  • cranberry, currant, raspberry juice.


At 6-7 months, during the illness, the child can be given mashed food as complementary foods, which is easy to swallow and does not irritate the mucous membranes. The taste should be neutral, that is, without the addition of sugar, salt, spicy and other seasonings. Very suitable in this case dairy oatmeal and berry jelly. The child must be fed with warm food, as hot food will irritate the esophagus, and cold food will cause discomfort.

Of the drinks, hot milk is preferable (baked milk is best). good addition to it will be a little butter or cocoa butter. Another option is to add honey and some baking soda to the milk. Then the cough will quickly become wet and sputum will begin to move away.

Microclimate in the house

Ideally, the air temperature should be kept within 20 degrees, and humidity - about 60%. In the autumn-winter period, when it works around the clock central heating, it is difficult to maintain such parameters, since the air in the apartments becomes excessively warm and overdried. What measures can be taken:

  1. Install an ultrasonic humidifier. Additionally, you can use an air purifier.
  2. Regularly do ventilation in the house and wet cleaning so that the air is always fresh and does not stagnate. At the time of airing the baby must be taken out to another room.
  3. Free the nursery from upholstered furniture, carpets with a high pile, heavy curtains, on which dust quickly accumulates.
  4. Don't let the nursery get into tobacco smoke, the smell of perfume or chemistry.
  5. If possible, replace the batteries with modern ones, on which the temperature is controlled manually.

As you can see, one of the main requirements is the purity and freshness of the air. If they are provided, the problem of coughing in a child will be much easier to eliminate.


Steam inhalation with a dry cough and shortness of breath is absolutely impossible to do. hot steam leads to swelling of dry mucus and narrowing of the airways, which, in turn, will cause suffocation. In addition, for the baby, such a procedure will be fraught with great stress.

In addition to inhaling moisture from, you can use a nebulizer - this device breaks the liquid into tiny fractions and then sprays them. Fine water dust enters the respiratory tract and stops coughing and choking attacks (see also:). Such therapy is even used to treat bronchial asthma, laryngitis, pleurisy, false croup. As a therapeutic liquid, decoctions of medicinal herbs are poured into the inhaler:

  • coltsfoot;
  • sage;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • eucalyptus;

Inhalations are used essential oils to make breathing easier, and sea ​​salt. by the most simple view inhalation can be considered inhalation of warm moist air in the bathroom.

Due to the content of iodine and a large number trace elements sea salt becomes an excellent component of home inhalations

Other procedures

Various warming procedures at this age are used very carefully. Any of them are contraindicated in elevated temperature body (37.5 degrees and above), as they can worsen the condition of the child. What should not be used:

  1. Drainage massage. It helps to get rid of viscous mucus with a wet cough.
  2. Warming ointments for colds. They are shown to children from 2 years.

In this situation, many will probably remember mustard plasters - the old way of getting rid of coughs and other manifestations of a cold. In theory, mustard plasters are allowed to be placed on children no earlier than six months, but in practice, many pediatricians do not recommend using them even at this age. . For now, we just recall the most important rules. If you still decide on this procedure, use small mustard plasters, which consist of 4 cells. Glue them with the active side up so that there is no burn on the delicate baby skin, and hold for no more than 5-7 minutes. After use, wipe the skin well and lubricate it with a baby moisturizer.

Ointments for rubbing the skin for coughs and colds are used for children over two years old.

Folk remedies

Using for the treatment of cough in infants means traditional medicine, do not forget to do a test for individual intolerance to the components. Of course, grass allergies are rare at this age (unless they are hereditary), but forethought never hurts.

What can small children take? This chest fees and infusions of medicinal herbs that facilitate breathing and improve the functioning of the entire respiratory system. One of the most effective means is an infusion of plantain leaves. remember, that medicinal herbs do not brew with boiling water and do not boil - so they lose useful material. To obtain the infusion is used water bath or thermos.

Another popular remedy is radish with honey. You should grate the radish, squeeze the juice and mix it with honey. You can do it differently - cut a recess in the whole root crop and put honey there, which will be infused with gradually released juice. This remedy is taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. It promotes liquefaction and separation of sputum.

Radish with honey can save a child even from a strong cough, but not every patient is ready to put up with her taste.

Medicinal appointments

Is it worth talking about what to treat baby on its own is dangerous and fraught with problems. When the baby begins to cough, immediately go to a consultation with a pediatrician. He will make a diagnosis and make an appointment. List of allowed drugs:

  1. Cough preparations. They are prescribed for a dry, prolonged paroxysmal cough and are aimed at relaxing smooth muscles and suppressing the cough reflex. They can be prescribed for whooping cough and dry pleurisy. By action, they are divided into central and peripheral; by composition - into narcotic and non-narcotic. Because they have many side effects, There is Great chance addictive and strong action on oppression respiratory center, they are prescribed even by a doctor very carefully, plus there is age restrictions. The most famous antitussive drugs are Broncholitin, Sinekod, Codeine, Glycodin, Codelac Neo.
  2. Combined drugs are a mixture of antitussive, mucolytic, bronchodilatory and anti-inflammatory components. They can be vegetable and synthetic origin. Mucolytics thin the mucus. Available in the form of a syrup: Broncholitin, Mukodin, Linkas, Ambrobene, Suprima-Broncho, Doctor MOM, Fluifort.
  3. Expectorants. They are used already with a wet cough.
  4. Antibiotics. They are appointed at serious illnesses(for example, with whooping cough or complications after SARS).

An antitussive like Codelac Neo is quite effective, but doctors prescribe it with caution.

Do not forget that any treatment should be comprehensive. If the doctor prescribed some drugs, the effect of them will be noticeable only if all the hygiene standards that we described above are observed.

Pay Special attention for the simultaneous presence the following symptoms: dry barking cough, hoarse voice, shortness of breath. This combination indicates laryngotracheitis ( false croup). If you are watching respiratory failure and suffocation, urgently call " ambulance". You can read more about this disease and its treatment in a separate article on our website.

Bronchospasm - reflex reaction for irritation of the respiratory tract by a foreign or inflammatory agent. Dry cough is a sign of an ongoing illness, it is not an independent disease.

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, take a lot of air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

Do you feel dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity Are you quickly "out of breath" and tired, breathing becomes faster, after which there is a lack of air)?


The appearance of a dry cough significantly impairs normal functioning child's body. The exception is isolated cases of coughing, which are characteristic of the normal functioning of the respiratory system.

Unproductive (dry) cough is a complex protective-compensatory reflex, which is not accompanied by secretion (sputum).

Causes of dry cough:

Dry cough often appears without fever. In the process of development of the underlying disease, it can transform into a productive (wet), pass on its own or persist throughout the entire period of the disease (in this case, treatment is necessary).

Clinical features

Dry cough is divided into:

  • spicy;
  • chronic;
  • seasonal;
  • periodic;
  • night or day;
  • spastic (paroxysmal).

Respiratory diseases

Almost all sharp respiratory infections subsequently accompanied by the appearance of bronchospasm. Inflammatory processes respiratory system in children early age run the hardest. This is explained anatomical features respiratory tract in children. The lumen of the nasal passages and bronchi at such a young age is very narrow due to their physiological immaturity.

Provokes the occurrence of dry cough during respiratory diseases irritation of reflexogenic areas rear wall pharynx down which flows thick mucus from upper divisions respiratory tract. The mucous membrane of the pharynx and bronchi in this case is dry, swollen, reddened. Bronchospasm occurs in the first two or three days of illness, develops rapidly and is aggravated by mucosal edema, shortness of breath.

With a high resistance to the pathogen of the body, a dry cough is not accompanied by an increase in temperature. It usually occurs in combination with damage to the nasopharynx (dry throat, perspiration, runny nose) and is a consequence of inflammation of its mucosa. With the elimination of the underlying disease, bronchospasm resolves on its own.

Looseness of the mucous membrane of the pharynx contributes to the development of diseases of the throat. Inflammation lymphoid tissue due to dryness of the epithelium, it provokes the occurrence of a reflex frequent cough without sputum.

Worm infestation

Infectious diseases

Some infectious diseases provoke the development of a cough, which manifests itself in the form of a residual phenomenon after an illness. So, with whooping cough, over time, a dry hysterical cough occurs, which, against the background of an improvement in general health, noticeably intensifies. Such a dry cough in children without fever lasts for several months. During the day, from 5 to 50 paroxysmal cough shocks occur.

Even after recovery, in this case, it is noted hyperexcitability cough center, since the etiotropic pertussis toxin continues to act on the cough center in the brain and forms a focus of excitation. Subsequently, the cough becomes frequent, painful and importunate.

There is an increase in bronchospasm in the evening and at night, children's sleep. Dry cough is paroxysmal in nature with a reprise (difficulty inhaling with a characteristic whistle), may be accompanied by breath holding and vomiting.

With whooping cough, the cough does not transform into a wet one. It remains dry and painful throughout the entire recovery period. Between coughing attacks, the child feels satisfactory.

Recall that fungal infection also leads to the development of dry cough.

Frequent coughing throughout the day long period(several months) may indicate a tuberculous lesion of the lungs. However, final conclusions are drawn after additional research and consultation with a phthisiatrician.

allergies and asthma

Allergic cough is also not accompanied by fever. Bronchospasm occurs as a result of the action of the allergen on the child's body. Dry cough is only a symptom of a systemic pathology. Appears:

  • periodically (seasonally) - during the flowering of some plants, may be accompanied by rhinitis, conjunctivitis;
  • throughout the underlying disease - as a result of the use of some medicines sometimes accompanied by skin reaction(rash, itching).
  • as a sign of complicated allergy in bronchial asthma.

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system or gastrointestinal tract

Dry cough in a child without fever sometimes occurs as a result of cardiac decompensation and pathology gastrointestinal tract. Cardiac bronchospasm is also accompanied by shortness of breath, cyanosis of mucous membranes, fast fatiguability child. The cough is aggravated by physical exertion.

The occurrence of dry bronchospasm, especially in young children, is observed with gastroesophageal reflux. Attacks are noted during or immediately after feeding.

Foreign bodies in the airways

The sudden appearance of a dry cough may be a sign of foreign bodies entering the child's respiratory tract. The temperature does not rise, but general state bad. The kid is worried, constantly coughing. Over time, without establishing the cause of bronchospasm and adequate assistance foreign body moves into lower divisions respiratory tract, and the general condition appears to be normal. But such an improvement is deceptive: pneumonia may subsequently develop, Chronical bronchitis. During this period, a dry cough is transformed into a wet one and coughing up purulent mucus. Possible increase in body temperature.

Important! If you suspect that a foreign body has entered the child's respiratory tract, you should immediately consult a doctor. You should not try to remove the object yourself if it is far enough away: the mucosa will be injured during manipulation. X-rays should be taken as soon as possible.

Violation of the microclimate in the room

Deviation from the normal parameters of the microclimate in the room leads to the appearance of a dry cough. Heat external environment(23 ° C and above) and low humidity (less than 70%) causes overdrying of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and the occurrence of reflex cough. At the same time, bronchospasm is frequent, superficial in the form of coughing. Air pollution, exposure to tobacco smoke passive smoking also provokes irritation of the respiratory tract and the occurrence of this symptom.

Influence external stimuli on the child's body (tobacco smoke, chemicals) causes a dry cough without accompanying signs of an inflammatory process.

In children of adolescence or preschool age sometimes there is a dry neurogenic cough as a result constant stress. There is a bronchospasm in day period. There is no cough at night, which is explained by a decrease psycho-emotional stress child. Explained this pathology gap reflex arc central nervous system - cough center.


Elimination of dry cough is necessary, even if it is not accompanied by fever. For successful treatment bronchospasms, it is necessary to clearly find out the cause of their occurrence, take into account the course of the disease and the nature of the cough.

Features of the treatment of dry cough without fever:

  1. At allergic cough the exposure of the patient to the allergic agent should be stopped. Often used antiallergic drugs. Do not smoke in the presence of a child, spray in indoors volatiles.
  2. With an invasive cough, treatment consists in eliminating the cause of the disease - removing worms.

Getting rid of dry cough in children without fever always means A complex approach to treatment and a strict assessment of the appropriateness of the use of drugs. It should be remembered that bronchospasm can be both a symptom of the disease and normal reaction organism to a stimulus. With a systematic and persistent manifestation of cough, a doctor's consultation is required.

A cough, both dry and wet, may indicate a leak in the child's body. huge amount various diseases. In some situations, this symptom persists for several days, but in most cases it takes on a protracted character, and it can be very difficult to get rid of it.

At the same time, if the baby's body temperature additionally rises, each mother rightly suspects colds and takes measures to prevent the development of complications after such ailments. If the temperature of the crumb remains within normal values, and the coughing does not stop, the parents begin to worry and do not know what to do.

In this article, we will tell you what diseases a child can have a dry cough without fever, and what treatment can be prescribed in different situations.

Causes of dry cough without fever in children

This unpleasant symptom in boys and girls in different ages can cause the following reasons:

  1. In some cases, it is with a slight cough without an increase in body temperature that various acute respiratory diseases. Often, these symptoms are also accompanied by a sore throat, which makes the child try to cough. Subsequently, a runny nose may join them, in which case the nature of the cough may change.
  2. A rare dry cough in a child without fever throughout the day may indicate
  3. Allergy is often the cause of this phenomenon. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, coughing in most cases disturbs the baby not only during contact with the allergen, but also much later, when no other symptoms of allergy are seen. Under such circumstances, the diagnosis of the disease can be difficult, and even doctors do not understand for a certain time what exactly is happening to the child. IN severe cases Allergy takes the form of such an ailment as bronchial asthma, which can disturb the baby throughout life.
  4. After suffering whooping cough, a child often has a dry paroxysmal cough without fever, which occurs mainly at night. In this disease, nervous system crumbs, a “center of excitation” is formed, which can provoke this unpleasant symptom for a long time.
  5. Also the cause of dry cough in a baby with normal temperature body may come into contact with volatile substances that irritate the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. In a similar way, it can also manifest itself if it enters the respiratory system.
  6. Finally, a frequent dry cough in a child without fever, more like a cough, can occur in a room with excessively low air humidity. In this case, the cause of the cough is the drying of the mucous membranes.
What to do if the baby has a dry cough without fever?

Of course, if your child has a dry cough without fever, especially for a long time, you should see a doctor. To get rid of this unpleasant symptom may apply medications, depressing the cough reflex, however, in the treatment of babies, they are used extremely rarely and only as prescribed by the doctor.

In addition, if the cause of dry cough is bronchial asthma, your child may need medications that affect the lumen of the bronchi. Such drugs act throughout the body and have a lot of contraindications and side effects, therefore, they are also categorically not recommended for use without prior consultation with a pediatrician.

To alleviate the condition of the crumbs and speed up his recovery, you need to provide him plentiful drink, as well as the optimal level of humidity in the children's room. All other receptions and procedures can be carried out only under the guidance of a doctor.

Various symptoms of a cold often occur in many children, but parents need to understand that coughing is not always associated only with SARS. You can cough due to any health problem, and before taking medicine, you need to accurately determine the cause of the disease.

How to treat a cough in a child

The body has the ability to cleanse the respiratory system on its own. Coughing reflexively is effective way, allowing you to get rid of foreign bodies, dust, accumulated mucus. However, this is often a sign of a disease: SARS, influenza, otitis media, bronchitis. It is not uncommon for infants to cough and sneeze when allergic reactions occur.

Pediatricians prescribecough treatment in childrenonly by defining its nature. If the mucus leaves, this is a wet (wet) version of the disease, if not, it is dry. In addition, you should consider how long the baby has been sick. If less than 3 weeks, this acute symptom if longer - chronic. It also matters when attacks occur more often - during the day or at night.

If there is prolonged cough in a child without fever - how to treat this symptom, the doctor decides. Therapy will be more effective if immediately eliminated bad influence on the baby's breath of dry air, irritating odors, indoor plants, mildew. The task of treatment is to transfer the dry variety of the disease to the wet one, and then activate the discharge of liquefied sputum.

You can stop seizures with drugs of two opposite groups in their action:

1) expectorants;

2) antitussives.

For one-year-old babies, medicines are available in the form of sweetish syrups, while older children are prescribed tablets. With colds and SARS, a strong cough in a child without fever passes faster if inhalations are used, thanks to which the drugs penetrate deep into the respiratory system. Try rubbing chest warming ointments, massage, hot foot baths, drinking plenty of water.


Doctors call this symptom productive, because during this period sputum is intensively excreted.Wet cough in a child without fever(along with a runny nose, red throat) - a common occurrence in colds, inflammation of the respiratory tract. However, you do not need to rush to give the baby antiviral agents. If the symptom does not disappear for more than a month, it is necessary to exclude early stage tuberculosis.

Sometimes a wet variety of the disease, more precisely, coughing with the urge to vomit, is a symptom of reflux esophagitis, when food masses are thrown from the stomach into the respiratory tract. This symptom is treated differently. In addition, a cough with sputum without fever in a child also occurs for reasons such as allergies, asthma.

Dry without temperature

Such a symptom is considered unproductive, since the airways are not freed from sputum. Constantdry cough in childrenmay cause foreign bodies, allergens, infection. Young children are observed frequent seizures with "barking" sounds, the cause of which is swelling of the larynx. barking cough, responding chest pains, increases at night, as sputum accumulates in large quantities than during the day. However, infants barking symptom is rare reaction to dust.

If a dry cough occurs in a child without fever, the mother does not always know how to treat this type of illness. With antitussive drugs, one must be careful: a pediatrician should prescribe a medicine, taking into account the age of the baby - self-medication is dangerous. Before meeting with the doctor, in order to at least partially relieve an ongoing attack, you can give warm tea or milk with honey, butter, raspberry jam.

Protracted without temperature

More quick deliverance from an illness comes if the children's room is often ventilated, the air in it is humidified. Atpersistent cough in a child without feverit is useful to do inhalations, massage. You should not resort to codeine tablets, which are too aggressive for the child's body. If you are thinking about what to give your child for coughing, pediatricians recommend using Panavir Inlight, a safe spray.

Cough treatment with folk remedies

They have almost no side effects. Besides,folk remedies cough for childrenact gently. However, they should be used after consulting a pediatrician. When does frequent cough a child without a temperature - how to treat him, if you use methods alternative medicine? Popular recipes are:

  1. Rub the back, chest, feet with badger or goose fat.
  2. In 1 liter of boiled milk or water, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pine (spruce) buds, cover, leave for 1 hour. Give your baby a little water every hour.
  3. Take equally liquid honey, soft butter and grind with two chicken yolks. Give daily 4-5 times.

Cough medicines for children

Antibiotics should only be given if a bacterial (not viral!) infection is detected. Many effectivecough medicine for children