Nicotinic acid and copper. What is nicotinic acid used for? How is nicotinic acid useful for the body? Drugs, indications for use, reviews. Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

One of the little-known but necessary vitamins for the human body is nicotinic acid. Everyone should know why tablets of this substance are prescribed. The drug has many beneficial effects, and in addition to its direct purpose - the treatment of diseases, it is often used for other purposes, for example, for weight loss or hair growth.


Nicotinic acid, as well as derivatives of this substance: nicotinamide and nicotinamide are included in the group of water-soluble PP vitamins. All nicotinic acid compounds can be transformed into each other and have identical vitamin activity.

Important! Lack of vitamin PP leads to the disease pellagra, manifested by dermatitis, dementia and diarrhea.

Nicotinic acid and its derivatives - nicotinamide, niketamide - form a group of water-soluble PP vitamins. These chemically and biologically related compounds are easily converted into each other in the body, and therefore have the same vitamin activity. Other names for nicotinic acid are niacin (obsolete name), vitamin PP (antipellagric), nicotinamide.

Nicotinic acid (old name niocin) is involved in:

  • most redox reactions in the body;
  • enzyme synthesis;
  • carbohydrate and lipid cellular metabolism.

Nicotinic acid can be found in some foods:

  • pineapples;
  • mango;
  • buckwheat;
  • beans;
  • rye bread;
  • offal;
  • mushrooms;
  • meat;
  • beets

Worth knowing! Nicotinic acid is used in the food industry as a food additive E375.

Industrially produced nicotinic acid is a slightly acidic, odorless, white crystalline powder. The substance is difficult to dissolve in cold water, ethanol and ether.

Worth knowing! Nicotinic acid was first produced artificially as a result of the oxidative reaction of nicotine and chromic acid in 1867 by researcher Huber.

In 1873, nicotinic acid received its name thanks to the Austrian chemist Hugo Weidel, who extracted the substance by oxidizing nicotine with nitric acid. In 1920, US doctor Joseph Goldberger suggested the existence of vitamin PP, which can be used to treat pellagra, and only in 1937 was it proven that nicotinic acid and vitamin PP are identical substances.

Today, in industry and laboratory conditions, nicotinic acid is produced as a result of the oxidation of pyridine derivatives.

In the human body, nicotinic acid is transformed into nicotinamide, which binds to codehydrogenase enzymes that transfer hydrogen; it is involved in:

  • metabolic processes of proteins, fats, amino acids, purines;
  • tissue respiration;
  • biosynthesis processes;
  • glycogenolysis.

Worth knowing! Nicotinic acid can be synthesized in the intestine by bacterial flora from tryptophan supplied with food.

Nicotinic acid tablets are vitamin preparations and contain:

  • vitamin PP as the main active ingredient;
  • glucose;
  • stearic acid.


Nicotinic acid tablets:

  • normalize the concentration of lipoproteins in the blood;
  • reduce total cholesterol levels;
  • dilate small blood vessels, including those of the brain;
  • enhance blood microcirculation;
  • have anticoagulant effects and detoxification properties;
  • improve heart function;
  • have a hepatoprotective effect (if the dosage is exceeded, they can cause fatty liver);
  • influences fat metabolism;
  • helps with dizziness and ringing in the ears.

Worth knowing! Vitamin PP is able to combine with proteins, creating various enzymes, which make it possible to release energy from proteins, fats and carbohydrates that enter the body with food.

Nicotinic acid takes part in the following biological processes:

  • cellular respiration and release of cellular energy;
  • circulation;
  • metabolism;
  • sleep and mood;
  • cardiac activity;
  • regulation of cholesterol levels;
  • functionality of muscles and connective tissues;
  • secretion of gastric juice;
  • functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.

In medicine and the treatment of various diseases, the following effects of vitamin PP are successfully used:

  1. Effect on the digestive system. Nicotinic acid helps restore the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the liver and pancreas, therefore it is prescribed as part of the treatment of pathological processes of the liver and stomach, enterocolitis and other diseases.
  2. Action on the CNS. Nicotinic acid ensures the functionality of the brain and nervous system as a whole. The element is necessary for the normal development of the nervous system of children, and with its deficiency, serious diseases develop.
  3. Effect on the heart and blood vessels. Taking vitamin PP helps dilate small blood vessels, stimulate blood circulation, cleanse the blood of cholesterol and lower blood pressure.
  4. Effect on hormonal balance. Nicotinic acid is involved in the secretion of many hormones in the body.

Worth knowing! The main natural source of niacin for humans is meat, so vegetarians should take extra care of the substance.

Daily norm

There are norms of nicotinic acid required by a person every day, they directly depend on age:

  1. For children up to a year - 506 mg.
  2. For children aged 1 – 6 years – 10-13 mg.
  3. Children 7 – 12 years old – 15-19 mg.
  4. Adolescents 13 – 15 years old – 20 mg.
  5. Adults – 15 – 25 mg.

Worth knowing! The daily norm of nicotinic acid based on the patient’s weight is calculated based on the calorie content of his daily diet using the formula 6.6 mg of vitamin per 1000 calories.

In some cases, there is an increased need for nicotinic acid:

  • in old age;
  • after severe injuries and burns;
  • when consuming alcoholic beverages and drugs;
  • for chronic diseases, cirrhosis, pancreatic insufficiency, malignant neoplasms;
  • under severe stress and nervous stress;
  • children with impaired metabolism (congenital chromosomal pathologies);
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with nicotine addiction (smoking reduces the absorption of the vitamin);
  • with unlimited consumption of sweet foods and drinks.
  • Indications

    Official indications for the use of nicotinic acid tablets are:

    1. Treatment and prevention of pellagra (vitamin PP deficiency).
    2. Complex therapy for ischemic circulatory pathologies in the brain and obliterating diseases of the vessels of the extremities (endarteritis, Raynaud's disease).
    3. Therapy of renal diseases.
    4. Treatment of complications of diabetes mellitus (microangiopathy, polyneuropathy).
    5. Therapy of acute and chronic hepatitis, low-acid, enterocolitis.
    6. Intoxication (drug, alcohol, chemical, infectious).
    7. Slow healing of wounds and ulcers.

    Prescribing additional intake of vitamin PP is possible if the body has an increased need for it, including:

    • malnutrition;
    • malabsorption;
    • rapid weight loss;
    • prolonged fever;
    • after gastrectomy;
    • Hartnum's disease;
    • hyperthyroidism;
    • the presence of malignant neoplasms.

    Worth knowing! In addition to tablets, there is also an injectable form of nicotinic acid.

    Other uses

    Due to its numerous beneficial properties and effects on the body, nicotinic acid is used not only in the treatment of various diseases, but also for cosmetic purposes, in particular:

    • stimulation of hair growth;
    • weight loss.

    For hair

    When applying nicotinic acid preparations to the scalp:

    • blood vessels dilate;
    • blood circulation increases;
    • metabolism in tissues increases;
    • hair follicles awaken from the sleep phase;
    • damaged bulbs are restored;
    • baldness slows down;
    • hair loss is prevented by strengthening its roots;
    • the thickness of the hair increases;
    • hair becomes shiny and silky;
    • pigmentation is preserved (vitamin PP stimulates the production of melanin and prevents the appearance of gray hair).

    You can read about other methods of combating hair loss in the article “”.

    Nicotinic acid tablets for hair are used as part of various homemade masks in powdered form.

    Worth knowing! For ease of use, there is a special solution of vitamin PP in ampoules, it is also possible to use a solution for injection.

    The rules for using liquid nicotinic acid against hair loss are as follows:

    1. Open the container with the agent immediately before use (the vitamin is destroyed in the open air).
    2. Apply to clean scalp (after washing) thoroughly rubbing over the entire surface.
    3. Apply once every three days, in a course of 14 procedures every quarter.

    Important! Before using nicotinic acid for hair, you should read the instructions. After application, redness and tingling of the skin due to increased microcirculation is possible.

    Some take nicotinic acid tablets by mouth to prevent hair loss. In this case, it is important to adhere to the minimum dosage of the drug - 1 tablet per day, and with long-term use, regularly (at least once every couple of months) take a biochemical blood test.

    Worth knowing! Nicotinic acid does not dry the scalp even with repeated use and does not lead to dandruff. Undesirable side effects may develop from taking vitamin PP tablets.

    For weight loss

    The hormone serotonin, which causes a feeling of joy in a person, is produced after eating sweets. This is why women often eat chocolate for stress and depression.

    Nicotinic acid stimulates the production of serotonin in a similar way to sweet foods. As soon as the process of secretion of the hormone of happiness starts in the brain, the need for simple carbohydrates decreases sharply, so the desire to eat sweets or starchy foods disappears.

    This property of vitamin PP is actively used by women for weight loss, especially during low-carbohydrate diets, to simplify the process of abstaining from desserts.

    Important! High dosages of vitamin PP help remove ascorbic acid from the body, which is necessary for normal metabolism.

    Taking nicotinic acid tablets for weight loss is carried out according to the following rules:

    1. The required dosage of the drug should be carefully calculated. You should start taking it with a minimum dose, gradually increasing it (by 0.1 g every 5 days). The maximum allowable intake is 1 g of nicotinic acid per day. In case of overdose, side effects and negative effects of the drug on the liver are possible.
    2. It is best to take the drug after meals with mineral water (milk in case of increased stomach acidity). You can drink nicotinic acid with warm drinks to enhance its absorption by the body.
    3. After taking the pills, dilation of blood vessels and redness of the skin may occur. There are contraindications for taking the drug, in the presence of which weight loss with its use is impossible.
    4. For the best effect and maximum weight loss, taking the drug should be combined with a low-calorie diet and physical activity.

    Important! Before using nicotinic acid for weight loss, you should consult your doctor and get tested.


    1. Individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug.
    2. Acute stages of peptic ulcers.
    3. Arterial hypertension.
    4. Gout.
    5. Pregnancy and lactation period.
    6. Hyperuricemia.
    7. Nephrolithiasis.
    8. cirrhosis;
    9. Decompensated diabetes mellitus.
    10. The drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

    Taking vitamin PP may be accompanied by the following side effects:

    • allergic reactions;
    • rush of blood to the head;
    • skin redness;
    • dizziness;
    • hives
    • feeling of numbness and loss of sensitivity;
    • tingling skin.

    Worth knowing! If there are adverse reactions, the dosage should be reduced or the drug should be discontinued completely.

    With long-term use of nicotinic acid, the following conditions may develop:

    • fatty liver;
    • hyperuricemia;
    • increased enzyme activity;
    • decreased glucose tolerance.

    Important! To monitor the patient's condition during long-term therapy with nicotinic acid, periodic laboratory diagnostics of basic blood parameters are carried out.

    Instructions for use

    Nicotinic acid tablets should be used as prescribed by a doctor.

    The recommended dosage indicated in the instructions for the drug is as follows:

    1. To treat pellagra:
      • adults – 0.1 g 2-4 times a day (no more than 0.5 g per day);
      • children – 0.0125 – 0.05 g 2-3 times a day, depending on age;
      • The duration of the course of treatment is 15-20 days.
    2. Adults for the treatment of ischemic circulatory disorders in the brain, vascular spasms in the extremities, low-acid gastritis, neuritis of the facial nerve, ulcers and wounds:
      • dosage 0.05 – 0.1 g 34 times a day (up to 0.5 g maximum);
      • course of therapy – 30 days.

    Worth knowing! To prevent possible liver complications associated with the use of nicotinic acid in high dosages, you should include foods with methionine in your daily diet, such as cottage cheese, or take the drug in tablet form, or any other lyotropic drugs (Essentiale, lipoic acid, etc.). d.).

    The use of nicotinic acid in therapy simultaneously with other drugs requires consultation with a doctor.

    You should not combine taking vitamin PP with the following drugs:

    1. Thiamine chloride solution (nicotinic acid destroys thiamine).
    2. Fibrinolytic agents, antispasmodics, cardiac glycosides.
    3. Alcoholic drinks (toxic effects increase).
    4. Antihypertensive drugs (strengthens their effect).
    5. Anticoagulants, acetylsalicylic acid preparations (hemorrhage may develop).

    When taking nicotinic acid simultaneously with antibacterial drugs, severe hyperemia (redness of the skin) is possible.

    Taking nicotinic acid reduces the toxic effects on the body of drugs from the following groups:

    1. Barbiturates.
    2. Antituberculosis drugs.
    3. Sulfonamides.

    Worth knowing! When taking oral contraceptives and isoniazid, the body's need for vitamin PP increases, as the transformation of tryptophan into nicotinic acid slows down.

    One milliliter of 0.1% solution for injection contains 10 mg of the active substance, as well as sodium bicarbonate and water for injection.

    The Xth edition of the State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR states that the solution is a transparent, colorless liquid with a pH from 5.0 to 7.0.

    The concentration of nicotinic acid in one tablet is 0.05 grams.

    Release form

    Pharmacological forms of nicotinic acid: 1% injection solution and 50 mg tablets.

    Ampoules with 1 ml of solution are packaged in 10 pieces in blister packs, 5 packs in a pack.

    Tablets are sold packaged:

    • 50 pieces in jars made of polymeric materials or dark glass;
    • 10 pieces in blister packs, 5 packs in a pack.

    pharmachologic effect

    Vitamin B . Compensates for the lack vitamin PP (B3) , renders vasodilating (vasodilator) , hypocholesterolemic And hypolipidemic action.

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

    Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) is a vitamin that takes part in a large number of oxidative reactions occurring in living cells.

    The drug has a specific effect antipellagric effect and is used to improve performance blood vessels .

    The appointment of nicotinic acid preparations allows you to normalize the permeability of the vascular walls and, accordingly, reduce the swelling of the tissue, improve the state of tissue (in particular, nitrogen and carbohydrate) metabolism and microcirculation, expand the lumen of the vessels (the vasodilating effect is noted at the level of small blood vessels, including those of the brain). brain), increase the fibrinolytic activity of blood plasma and reduce platelet aggregation by suppressing the synthesis of TxAj (thromboxane A2), a mediator of their aggregation and degranulation.

    In organism vitamin PP biotransforms into nicotinamide , which binds to the hydrogen-transfer coenzymes NAD and NADP. Regulates oxidation-reduction reactions, takes part in synthetic processes, metabolism , purines , proteins , as well as in glycogenesis And tissue respiration .

    Reduces the rate of VLDL synthesis and inhibits lipolysis (fat degradation) in adipose tissue. Helps normalize blood lipid composition: reduces LDL concentration, triglycerides And general , while increasing the level of HDL in the blood. Shows antiatherogenic And detoxification properties .

    Ensures the conversion of the trans-form of retinol into cis-retinal, which is used in the synthesis of the visual pigment rhodopsin, stimulates the release of histamine and promotes the activation of kininogenesis.

    Vitamin B3 well absorbed into pylorus of the stomach and upper parts of the duodenum . With the participation of and can be produced by the bacterial flora of the intestine from, which comes with food. Amount required to form a milligram of substance tryptophan - 60 mg.

    Metabolization occurs in the liver. Nicotinic acid and its metabolic products are excreted by the kidneys; when taken in high doses, the substance is excreted primarily in pure form.

    Indications for use

    Indications for the use of Nicotinic acid are:

    • hypo- And avitaminosis caused by insufficient intake vitamin B3 with food, exclusively parenteral nutrition, malabsorption syndrome (including against the backdrop of disruptions pancreas ), Hartnup's disease, rapid weight loss, gastrectomy , diseases of the digestive system ( persistent diarrhea , including tropical , gluten enteropathy , Crohn's disease );
    • conditions accompanied by an increased need for vitamin PP (diseases of the hepatobiliary system, prolonged fever, prolonged stress, chronic infections, pregnancy, lactation, cancer);
    • hyperlipidemia (including triglyceridemia And hypercholesterolemia );
    • obliterating diseases of the vessels of the lower extremities (for example,);
    • ischemic cerebral circulatory disorders ;
    • spasm of the urinary and biliary tract, vessels of the extremities;
    • microangiopathy ;
    • diabetic polyneuropathy ;
    • hypoacid gastritis ;
    • And enterocolitis ;
    • facial nerve neuropathy ;
    • trophic ulcers and non-healing wounds.


    Categorical contraindications for both dosage forms of the drug are serious liver dysfunction, bleeding, cerebral hemorrhage, hypersensitivity to nicotinic acid.

    Nicotinic acid tablets should also not be taken during periods of exacerbation. peptic ulcer and children under 2 years of age (as anti-sclerotic agent ).

    Additional contraindications to the use of Nicotinic acid in ampoules are: atherosclerosis , hyperuricemia , severe arterial hypertension , childhood.

    Side effects

    The drug stimulates the release histamine , which in some cases may be accompanied by:

    • redness of the skin (mainly the upper half of the body and face) with a burning and tingling sensation;
    • hypotension ;
    • orthostatic hypotension (with rapid injection into a vein);
    • increased secretion of gastric juice;
    • dizziness;
    • sensation of a rush of blood to the head;
    • itching.

    Side effects associated with long-term use of high doses vitamin B3 , are expressed as:

    • anorexia ;
    • dysfunction and fatty liver;
    • vomiting;
    • diarrhea ;
    • irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive canal;
    • ulceration (ulceration) of the gastric mucosa;
    • transient increase in the activity of alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase;
    • paresthesia ;
    • decreased glucose tolerance;
    • hyperglycemia .

    Application instruction of Nicotinic acid

    Nicotinic acid injections: instructions for use

    The route of administration and dose depend on the indication. At ischemic stroke And pellagra the solution is recommended to be slowly injected into a vein. At pellagra it is also allowed to give injections intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

    Antipellagric therapy involves a single or double administration of 50 mg intravenously or 100 mg intramuscularly. The duration of treatment is 10-15 days.

    At ischemic stroke the drug is administered in a dose ranging from 10 to 50 mg.

    Injections are allowed to be placed in three ways:

    • 1 ml of a 1% solution into the muscle;
    • intradermally (to fill the need for a vitamin);
    • in a vein, 1-5 ml of a 1% solution, previously diluted in 5 ml of saline.

    V / m and s / c injections of the drug are quite painful and may be accompanied by a burning sensation. Intravenous injection may cause reddening of the skin and a sensation of heat.

    Such a reaction of the body is normal. On the contrary, the absence of redness may indicate the presence of certain problems with blood circulation.

    Instructions for tablets

    The tablets are taken after meals.

    The prophylactic dose for adults varies from 12.5 to 25 mg per day, for children - from 5 to 25 mg per day.

    At pellagra adult patients are prescribed to take 100 mg of nicotinic acid 2 to 4 times a day. Course duration is 2-3 weeks. Children are given the drug 12.5-50 mg two or three times a day.

    For vascular lesions atherosclerotic origin patients are recommended to take 2-3 grams in 2-4 doses vitamin PP .

    Starting dose at dyslipidemia - 50 mg per day in one dose. Subsequently, if the therapy does not provoke adverse reactions, the frequency of applications is increased up to 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course is from one month. Intervals should be maintained between repeated courses.

    In all other cases, the daily dose for adults is from 20 to 50, for children - from 12.5 to 25 mg. In some cases, for an adult patient, the doctor may increase the daily dose to 100 mg. Depending on the indications, tablets are taken 2 or 3 times a day.


    High doses of the drug can cause a rush of blood to the upper body and head, indigestion and itching.

    In case of overdose, supportive treatment is indicated.


    N. acid enhances the effect vasoactive drugs (in particular, ganglion blockers), which may be accompanied by seizures orthostatic hypotension .

    Bile acid sequestrants (eg. colestipol or) reduce the bioavailability of acidic drugs, including n. acid, so the drug should be taken at least one hour before or no earlier than four hours after taking these medications.

    When conducting an analysis to determine the level of glucose in urine, the drug may provoke a false-positive reaction with Benedict's reagent (copper sulfate solution).

    N. acid has hyperglycemic potential and can significantly reduce the activity of acarbose, which can cause the development of decompensation.

    Due to the ability of N. cause acids hyperglycemia , in patients for whom the drug is prescribed in combination with “+ saxagliptin ” or “metformin + sitagliptin ”, glycemic control parameters should be constantly monitored.

    In patients taking nadroparin calcium, it is necessary to keep hemocoagulation parameters under control.

    With simultaneous use of n. acids and combinations “+”, n. acids and n. acids and may increase the risk of developing myopathies . Combination n. acids with simvastatin can also provoke rhabdomyolysis .

    Myopathy And rhabdomyolysis are also possible in case of using the combination “n. acid in lipid-lowering doses and + Ezetimibe ”.

    Development risk myopathies also increases when lipid-lowering (exceeding 1 gram per day) doses are prescribed. acids in combination with . In this regard, treatment Rosuvastatin should start with 5 mg/day.

    When used simultaneously with n. acid reduces the effect:

    • Glipizide ;
    • hypoglycemic effect Gliquidone ;
    • Insulin Lizpro (including two-phase);
    • Metformin ;
    • Repaglinide ;
    • hypnotic effect .

    It is forbidden to mix n in one syringe. acid and

    Despite the fact that the simultaneous use of n. acids with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors can provoke myopathy , with the simultaneous administration of a drug with the bioavailability of the latter, as well as the bioavailability of n. acid does not change. However, this combination should be used with caution.

    Terms of sale

    On prescription.

    Recipe in Latin for the injection form of the drug:
    Nicotinic acid - ampoules
    Rp: Sol. Acidi nicotinic 1% – 1 ml
    D.t. d. N 20 in ampull.
    S. 1 ml IM.

    Recipe in Latin for the tablet form of the drug:
    Rp: Tab. Acidi nicotinic 0.05 g
    D.t. d. N 20 in tab.
    S. 2 tablets 3 times a day after meals (with pellagra ).

    Storage conditions

    Store at room temperature in a well-closed container, protected from sunlight. Keep away from children.

    Best before date

    For the solution - 5 years. For tablets - 4 years.

    special instructions

    What is vitamin PP?

    Wikipedia answers the question “what is nicotinic acid” that it is a white powdery substance, odorless and slightly sour in taste. The powder dissolves poorly in cold water, ethanol, ether and slightly better in hot water.

    The gross formula of the substance is C₆H₅NO₂. It was first obtained in 1867 by the oxidation of nicotine with H2CrO4 (chromic acid).

    The benefits and harms of vitamin B3

    Clean vitamin B3 can strengthen so much that the human body acquires natural protection against Staphylococcus aureus and a number of other, no less serious, viruses.

    Scientists are confident that very high doses can stop even HIV infection and a bacterial infection, against which most existing drugs are powerless.

    Besides, vitamin B3 has properties detoxifier .

    The body of an adult male requires from 16 to 28 mg daily vitamin B3 , a woman’s body – from 14 to 20 mg.

    The need for the vitamin will increase during intense nervous and mental activity, increased physical activity, in people working in a hot shop, in a hot climate and in the Far North, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, in people whose diets include vegetable proteins over animals (including people fasting and people on a low-protein diet).

    Nicotinic acid is necessary for the release of energy from fats and carbohydrates, as well as for the normal course of protein metabolism. It normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and stomach, and is also part of the enzymes that ensure cellular respiration.

    The vitamin has a beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, maintains healthy mucous membranes of the oral cavity and intestines, and skin; takes part in ensuring normal vision, reduces high blood pressure and improves blood circulation.

    A lack of this substance in the body is accompanied by apathy, lethargy, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, dry and pale skin, insomnia, irritability, decreased appetite and body weight, constipation, palpitations, and decreased resistance to infections.

    If a person does not receive enough nicotinic acid, he develops a disease pellagra . The first signs of the disease are:

    • frequent, watery stools (3 or more times a day, without blood or mucus);
    • poor appetite, heaviness in the stomach;
    • belching and heartburn;
    • redness of the oral mucosa;
    • salivation , burning in the mouth;
    • swelling and cracking of lips;
    • protrusion of the papillae of the tongue with red dots;
    • the appearance of deep cracks in the tongue and red spots on the face, hands, elbows and neck;
    • swelling of the skin (which may hurt, itch, or form blisters);
    • noise in ears;
    • severe weakness;
    • headache;
    • crawling sensation and numbness;
    • pressure fluctuations;
    • unsteady gait.

    Excess vitamin in turn can cause skin rashes, itching and fainting.

    Products containing vitamin B3

    To warn hypovitaminosis RR , it is preferable to adjust the diet so that the diet contains vitamin B3 containing products.

    Where is niacin found? The products contain the greatest amount vitamin B3 can be found in liver, egg yolk, yeast, nuts, fish, milk, chicken, green vegetables, meat, legumes, ground nuts, buckwheat and any other food containing α-amino acid tryptophan .

    Heat treatment does not affect the amount of vitamin.

    Why is nicotinic acid needed in cosmetology?

    The rejuvenating effect of the drug is based on the ability of nicotinic acid to dilate blood vessels in the peripheral part of the circulatory system, increase the supply of oxygen to tissues, enhance the outflow and removal of aggressive waste and free radicals from skin cells.

    As a result, the skin becomes smoother, more hydrated and acquires a beautiful and even color.

    Nicotinic acid is also used for hair growth. One course usually requires at least 30 ampoules of solution.

    After opening the ampoule, the solution is transferred with a syringe into a small container, after which it is distributed with fingers (or a syringe without a needle) over the entire scalp: first at the temples and along the hairline, then along the partings. Usually, 1 ml of solution is sufficient for one procedure (this corresponds to the volume of the contents of 1 ampoule).

    It is very important that the hair is clean, as a coating of dust and grease will prevent the drug from being absorbed into the scalp. Before using the drug, you should not use shampoos with silicones to wash your hair, as they will create a barrier for the drug to penetrate into the tissue.

    Nicotinic acid is destroyed quite quickly in air, so the procedure should be performed as quickly as possible. An open ampoule cannot be stored.

    Normal reactions to the drug are a slight burning sensation, a crawling sensation, redness and burning of the skin.

    The appearance of hives, rashes, itching, and headaches indicate intolerance to nicotinic acid. If these symptoms occur, you should wash your hair and stop using the product further.

    Once the solution is completely applied, the procedure is considered complete. Repeat it daily for a month. There is no need to wash off the drug.

    After completing the course, almost all girls note hair growth of 3 cm.

    An injectable solution of nicotinic acid has also found use as a remedy for cellulite. Before the procedure, the contents of one ampoule are diluted in 3 ml of water. Then a wide bandage is moistened in the resulting solution and tightly - but not tightly! - wrap it around problem areas.

    This method is most effective in getting rid of cellulite on the thighs and abdomen, since these are the areas of the body that are most convenient to bandage. But to eliminate cellulite on the buttocks, it is recommended to use other means.

    The bandages are wrapped in cling film and a towel (for insulation). Instead of a towel, you can use a blanket or blanket.

    The duration of the first procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. If the skin responds well to the drug and there are no side effects, the time may be increased in the future.

    Precautionary measures

    It should be borne in mind that nicotinic acid injections are painful.

    During treatment, it is necessary to constantly monitor liver function, especially if the patient is prescribed high doses. vitamin B3 .

    To prevent hepatotoxicity, it is recommended to introduce a sufficient amount of rich foods (milk, dairy products, buckwheat, legumes, fish) into the patient's diet or prescribe lipotropic drugs (including drugs methionine ).

    Nicotinic acid, given its ability to irritate the mucous membrane, is used with caution when peptic ulcer (in remission) and hyperacid gastritis . If it is necessary to prescribe the drug in these cases, taking large doses is contraindicated.

    To reduce the irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, it is recommended to drink the tablets with milk.

    Due to the potential for hepatotoxicity, high doses vitamin B3 also contraindicated for liver diseases (including hepatitis and ) and diabetes mellitus .

    Use of the drug for correction dyslipidemia at diabetes mellitus impractical.


    Synonyms: Nicotinic acid-Vial , Nicotinic acid-Bufus .

    Nicotinic acid: compatibility with alcohol

    The drug helps eliminate heavy metals and toxic substances from the body, so it can be used both when drinking alcohol and to eliminate the consequences of alcohol poisoning.

    Nicotinic acid for weight loss

    Nicotinic acid stimulates metabolic processes, and it is this property that makes it advisable to use the drug for weight loss.

    The effect develops not due to burning excess fat, but due to balancing the concentration cholesterol in the blood and detoxification of the body.

    To achieve more pronounced results, taking the tablets should be combined with reasonable physical activity, a balanced diet and drinking enough water. To speed up your metabolism as much as possible, it is best to take the tablets immediately after meals.

    It should be remembered that people with high acidity of gastric juice are recommended to take the drug with warmed milk or mineral water.

    Nicotinic acid during pregnancy

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding, taking high doses of the drug is contraindicated.

    Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) is one of the most necessary vitamins for humans. This vitamin is especially useful for smokers who have impaired nervous system function. If there is not enough vitamin PP in a person’s body, he can be aggressive, irritable, he rushes in all directions and cannot make decisions calmly. This is probably why doctors dubbed nicotinic acid the vitamin of calm. When smokers stop getting niacin from cigarettes for a short period of time, they become very irritable. This creates the need for a cigarette.

    The benefits of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP)

    All vitamins help the body convert carbohydrates from foods into an energy source (glucose), and niacin is no exception. It is part of a complex of vitamins necessary for healthy skin, hair, eyes and good liver function. Vitamin PP also helps the nervous system remain strong and efficient.

    Nicotinic acid also helps the body - attention! – reduce the effects of stress. It inhibits the production of hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands during stress, and also helps improve blood circulation.

    Scientific research has shown that niacin may improve the symptoms of arthritis, including increasing joint mobility and reducing the negative effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Studies over the past few years show that people who were recommended by their doctor to take higher levels of niacin had a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

    Another study found that people who received adequate doses of niacin from foods and supplements had a reduced risk of developing cataracts.

    Scientific research is currently underway to prove that the use of nicotinic acid can reduce the risk of serious diseases such as migraines, dizziness, depression, alcohol addiction and tobacco smoking.

    The need for vitamin PP

    The daily dose of vitamin PP is small - for men it ranges from up to 28 mg, and for women - up to 20 mg.

    Forms of vitamin PP

    A person who takes niacin should know that it exists in two forms: niacin and niacinomide. If niacin is used in combination with vitamin C, a person will be able to tolerate colds much easier. This is a good remedy for boosting immunity. The good thing about niacin is that it cannot be destroyed by cooking or drying, so a person can consume processed foods that are sources of niacin.


    People with liver disease, kidney disease, or stomach ulcers should not take niacin supplements. Those with diabetes or gallbladder disease should only do this under close medical supervision.

    Stop taking niacin at least two weeks before your scheduled surgery.

    Niacin and niacinamide can aggravate allergies due to an increase in histamine in the body.

    People with low blood pressure should not take niacin or niacinamide because it causes a decrease in blood pressure.

    Patients with gout should not take vitamin PP.

    People with coronary artery disease or unstable angina should not take niacin without medical supervision, as in large doses it can increase the risk of heart rhythm problems.

    Taking vitamin PP for a long time can lead to an imbalance of other vitamins in the body.

    Overdose of vitamin PP

    Very high doses of vitamin PP can be toxic to the body. You should not take more than the recommended daily dose of niacin. This can cause fainting, skin rashes, itching, weakness, and increased doses of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

    Large doses of niacin cause headaches, dizziness, and blurred vision. There is also an increased risk of liver damage. In addition, niacin may interact with other medications or vitamins, causing a person to have an increased risk of heart and vascular disease.

    Possible interactions of vitamin PP with other drugs

    If you take any of these medications, you should not take niacin without talking to your doctor.

    Tetracycline antibiotics - Niacin should not be taken with tetracycline because it interferes with the absorption and effectiveness of this drug.

    Aspirin - Taking this before taking niacin may reduce the effectiveness of both, so both drugs should only be taken under medical supervision.

    Anticoagulants (blood thinners) - Niacin may make the effects of these medications stronger, increasing the risk of bleeding.

    Alpha blockers (drugs to lower blood pressure) - nicotinic acid in interaction with them can lower blood pressure even more.

    Cholesterol-lowering medications - Nicotinic acid binds to components of cholesterol-lowering medications and may make them less effective. For this reason, niacin and similar medications should be taken at different times of the day.

    Diabetes medications - Niacin may increase blood sugar levels. People taking insulin, metformin, glibenclamide, glipizide, or other medications to lower high blood glucose levels should avoid niacin supplements.

    Isoniazid (INH) – This drug for the treatment of tuberculosis can cause vitamin PP deficiency.

    So, before including vitamin PP in your diet, you should definitely consult with your doctor in order to bring benefit and not harm to your health.

    Food sources of vitamin PP

    The best food sources of vitamin PP are beets, brewer's yeast, beef liver, beef kidneys, salmon, swordfish, tuna, sunflower seeds, peanuts. Bakery products and cereals are rich in niacin. Protein foods containing niacin include red meat, eggs and dairy products.

    Higher doses of nicotinic acid are used to treat specific diseases only with a doctor's prescription. The amount of niacin should be increased slowly over 4 to 6 weeks, and it should also be taken with meals to avoid stomach irritation.

    Vitamin PP deficiency

    This is a water-soluble vitamin, the body does not store it for a long time. Therefore, a person can very easily develop a deficiency of vitamin PP, that is, nicotinic acid.

    But you should know that alcoholism is the main cause of vitamin PP deficiency.

    Symptoms of mild deficiency of this vitamin include upset stomach, fatigue, stomach ulcers, vomiting and depression.

    Severe niacin deficiency can lead to a condition known as pellagra (a type of vitamin deficiency). Pellagra is characterized by cracked skin, scaly skin, dementia, and diarrhea. Vitamin PP deficiency also causes a burning sensation in the mouth and a swollen, bright red tongue.

    | Nicotinic acid

    Analogues (generics, synonyms)

    No other names

    Recipe (international)

    Rp.: Sol. Ac. nicotinic 1% -1.0
    D.t.d.. No. 20 in amp.
    S. Administer 1 ml intramuscularly once a day.

    pharmachologic effect

    Vitamin and lipid-lowering agent. In the body, nicotinic acid is converted into nicotinamide, which binds to coenzymes codehydrogenase I and II (NAD and NADP), which transport hydrogen, and participates in the metabolism of fats, proteins, amino acids, purines, tissue respiration, glycogenolysis, and synthetic processes. Replenishes deficiency of vitamin PP (vitamin B3), is a specific antipellagritic agent (vitaminosis of vitamin PP). Normalizes the concentration of blood lipoproteins; in high doses (orally 3-4 g/day) reduces the concentration of total cholesterol, LDL, TG, reduces the cholesterol/phospholipid index, increases the content of HDL, which has an antiatherogenic effect. It has a vasodilating effect at the level of small vessels (including the brain), improves microcirculation, and has a weak anticoagulant effect (increases the fibrinolytic activity of the blood). The hypocholesterolemic effect is observed within a few days, and a decrease in TG is observed within a few hours after administration.

    Mode of application

    For adults: To prevent pellagra for adults, 15-25 mg/day orally, for children - 5-20 mg/day. For pellagra in adults, 100 mg orally 2-4 times a day for 15-20 days, parenterally - 10 mg 1-2 times a day for 10-15 days. Children orally - 5-50 mg 2-3 times a day. For other indications, adults: 20-50 mg (up to 100 mg), children: 5-30 mg 2-3 times a day. For ischemic stroke, 10 mg is administered intravenously.


    Hypo- and vitamin deficiency RR: pellagra
    - inadequate and unbalanced nutrition (including parenteral)
    - malabsorption syndrome (including due to impaired pancreatic function)
    - rapid weight loss
    - gastrectomy
    - Hartnup's disease (hereditary disease
    - accompanied by impaired absorption of certain amino acids (including tryptophan)
    - gastrointestinal diseases (gluten enteropathy, persistent diarrhea, tropical sprue, Crohn's disease).
    - Conditions of increased body need for vitamin PP: prolonged fever, diseases of the hepatobiliary region (acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver), hyperthyroidism, chronic infections, malignant tumors, prolonged stress, pregnancy (especially against the background of nicotine and drug addiction, multiple pregnancy), lactation period.
    - Hyperlipidemia, incl. primary hyperlipidemia (types IIa, IIb, III, IV, V).
    - Ischemic cerebrovascular accidents, obliterating vascular diseases of the extremities (obliterating endarteritis, Raynaud's disease), vascular spasm of the extremities, biliary and urinary tracts; diabetic polyneuropathy, microangiopathy.
    - Neuritis of the facial nerve, hypoacid gastritis, enterocolitis, colitis, long-term non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers.


    Hypersensitivity to nicotinic acid.
    - For oral administration: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase, children under 2 years of age (as a lipid-lowering agent).
    - For parenteral use: severe arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, gout, hyperuricemia, childhood.

    Side effects

    From the cardiovascular system: hyperemia of the skin of the face and upper half of the body with a sensation of tingling and burning; with rapid administration - a decrease in blood pressure, orthostatic hypotension, collapse.
    - From the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system: paresthesia, dizziness.
    - From the digestive system: with long-term use - fatty liver degeneration.
    - From the metabolic side: with long-term use - hyperuricemia, decreased glucose tolerance, increased blood levels of AST, LDH, alkaline phosphatase.
    - Local reactions: pain at the site of subcutaneous and intramuscular injections.
    - Other: allergic reactions.

    Release form

    Injection solution 10 mg/ml: 1 ml ampoule 10 pcs.
    Solution for injection in the form of a clear, colorless liquid.
    1 ml
    nicotinic acid 10 mg
    Excipients: sodium bicarbonate, water for injection.
    1 ml - ampoules (10) - cardboard boxes with partitions.


    The information on the page you are viewing is created for informational purposes only and does not in any way promote self-medication. The resource is intended to provide healthcare workers with additional information about certain medications, thereby increasing their level of professionalism. The use of the drug "" necessarily requires consultation with a specialist, as well as his recommendations on the method of use and dosage of the medicine you have chosen.

    A nicotinic acid

    International nonproprietary name

    A nicotinic acid

    Dosage form

    Solution for injection 1%, 1 ml


    1 ml of solution contains

    active substance - nicotinic acid 10 mg,

    Excipients: sodium bicarbonate, water for injection.


    Transparent, colorless liquid.

    Pharmacotherapeutic group

    Lipid-lowering drugs. Hypocholesterolemic and hypotriglyceridemic drugs. Nicotinic acid and its derivatives . A nicotinic acid.

    Code АТХC10AD02

    pharmachologic effect


    Nicotinic acid is rapidly absorbed when administered parenterally. Evenly distributed throughout organs and tissues. Inactivated mainly by methylation and less by conjugation. Partially biotransformed in the liver with the formation of N-methylnicotinamide, methylpyridonecarboxamides, glucuronide and a complex with glycine. The half-life (T1/2) is 45 minutes. It is excreted from the body by the kidneys in unchanged form and in the form of metabolites. Renal clearance depends on the concentration of nicotinic acid in the blood plasma and may decrease at high plasma concentrations. Pharmacodynamics

    The structure of nicotinic acid is close to nicotinamide. Nicotinic acid and its amide play a significant role in the life of the body: they are prosthetic groups of enzymes - codehydrase I (diphosphopyridine nucleotide - NAD) and codehydrase II (triphosphopyridine nucleotide - NADP), which are hydrogen carriers and carry out redox processes. Codehydrase II is also involved in the transfer of phosphate.

    Nicotinic acid replenishes the deficiency of vitamin PP and has a vasodilating effect. Participates in the regulation of tissue respiration, fat metabolism, reduces total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins (especially triglycerides).

    Indications for use

      prevention and treatment of pellagra (vitaminosis RR)

    As part of complex therapy: vascular spasm of the extremities (obliterating endarteritis, Raynaud's disease), neuritis of the facial nerve, ischemic cerebrovascular accidents

    Dosage and administration

    Nicotinic acid is administered to adults subcutaneously, intramuscularly or slowly intravenously.

    For intravenous jet administration a single dose of the drug is diluted in 10 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution, administered no less than 5 minutes (no faster than 2 mg of nicotinic acid in 1 minute).

    For intravenous drip administration a single dose of the drug is diluted in 100-200 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution, the rate of administration is 30-40 drops per minute.

    Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections are painful.

    For pellagra, a 1% solution of 1 ml is administered intravenously or intramuscularly 1-2 times a day for 10-15 days.

    In case of ischemic cerebrovascular accident, 1 ml of 1% solution is administered intravenously (slowly).

    For other indications prescribed subcutaneously or intramuscularly at 10 mg (1 ml) 1 time per day for 10-15 days. It is possible to add to the infusion solution: 10 mg (1 ml) of nicotinic acid per 100-200 ml of infusion solution.

    Higher doses for intravenous administration: single - 100 mg (10 ml), daily - 300 mg (30 ml).

    Side effects

    Hyperemia of the face and upper half of the body with a sensation

    tingling and burning (in people with hypersensitivity)

    Hives, skin rash, itching

    Dizziness, feeling of a rush of blood to the head, headache

    Orthostatic hypotension, collapse (with rapid intravenous administration)

    With long-term use of large doses

    - dry skin, exfoliative dermatitis

      • anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea

        liver dysfunction, incl. fatty liver, jaundice

    • paresthesia

      • hyperuricemia

        hyperpigmentation, hyperkeratosis

        decreased glucose tolerance


        transient increase in aspartate aminotransferase activity,

    lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase

      • irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

    - asthenia

    - pain at the site of subcutaneous and intramuscular injections.


    Hypersensitivity to nicotinic acid

    Severe forms of arterial hypertension

    Atherosclerosis (for intravenous injections)

    Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (at the stage


    Severe liver dysfunction: hepatitis, liver cirrhosis

    Recent myocardial infarction

    Decompensated diabetes mellitus

    Gout and hyperuricemia

    Pregnancy, lactation period

    Children under 18 years of age

    Drug interactions

    Oral contraceptives and isoniazid reduce the conversion of tryptophan to niacin and thus may increase the need for niacin.

    Nicotinic acid reduces effectiveness and toxicity barbiturates, anti-tuberculosis drugs, sulfonamides. When used together with sulfonylurea drugs, it can increase blood glucose levels. Nicotinic acid also reduces the toxicity of neomycin and prevents the decrease in the concentration of cholesterol and high-density lipoproteins induced by it.

    Antibiotics may increase the redness of the skin caused by nicotinic acid.

    Acetylsalicylic acid reduces the effect of skin redness that occurs under the influence of nicotinic acid.

    Lovastatin, pravastatin Due to the increased risk of adverse reactions, it is not recommended to combine it with nicotinic acid.

    Care must be taken when combined with antihypertensive drugs(may increase hypotensive effect), anticoagulants, acetylsalicylic acid(due to the risk of developing hemorrhages).

    The drug potentiates the action fibrinolytic agents, antispasmodics and cardiac glycosides, toxic effects of alcohol on the liver.

    Do not mix with thiamine chloride solution (thiamine is destroyed).

    special instructions

    Before using the drug, you should consult with your doctor.

    Since long-term use can lead to fatty liver disease, to prevent the latter, patients’ diets include foods rich in methionine or prescribe methionine and lipoic acid. During treatment it is necessary to monitor liver function. If hypersensitivity to the drug occurs (except when used as a vasodilator), it can be replaced with nicotinamide.

    Carefully the drug is used for hyperacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers (outside the acute stage).

    The use of the drug may lead to an increase in the need for insulin in patients with diabetes. It is not advisable to use for the correction of dyslipidemia in patients with diabetes mellitus.

    It is necessary to regularly monitor glucose due to a possible decrease in glucose tolerance, as well as serum uric acid levels due to a possible increase as a result of long-term therapy.

    Carefully prescribed for glaucoma, bleeding, arterial hypotension, impaired liver and kidney function, liver diseases and a history of impaired liver function, diabetes mellitus, heart rhythm disturbances, migraines, alcohol abuse.

    Features of the influence of the drug on the ability to drive a vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms

    Considering the side effects of the drug, caution should be exercised when driving vehicles and moving machinery.


    Symptoms: increased side effects from the cardiovascular system - arterial hypotension, headache, possible loss of consciousness, dizziness, a feeling of a rush of blood to the head.

    Treatment: drug withdrawal, detoxification therapy, symptomatic treatment. There is no specific antidote.

    Release form and packaging

    1 ml in neutral glass ampoules for syringe filling or imported, or sterile ampoules for syringe filling imported, with a break point or break ring.

    Each ampoule is labeled with label paper or writing paper.

    5 or 10 ampoules are packed in blister packs made of polyvinyl chloride film and aluminum or imported foil.

    Outline packages are placed in boxes made of cardboard or corrugated cardboard.

    Approved instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages ​​are placed in group packaging with contour packaging. The number of instructions is nested according to the number of boxes or packages.

    Storage conditions

    Store in a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C.

    Keep out of the reach of children!

    Shelf life

    Do not use after expiration date.

    Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

    On prescription


    Registration Certificate Holder

    JSC "Khimpharm", Republic of Kazakhstan

    Address of the organization that accepts claims from consumers regarding the quality of products (products) on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    JSC "Khimpharm", Republic of Kazakhstan

    Shymkent, st. Rashidova, 81

    Phone number 7252 (561342)

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