What are the benefits of chicken meat? Chicken meat: benefits, calorie content. Chicken dishes. Improving reproductive functions

In the spring, most housewives do general cleaning . This has already become a kind of tradition - with the arrival of warmth and lengthening daylight hours, we want the house to be filled with freshness, “air” and in itself give us a great mood.

The term “spring cleaning” is usually associated with quite a serious time investment: everything needs to shine, sparkle and breathe. The main thing that is required of you is to complete the cleaning (so that it does not develop into summer, and then autumn, winter, etc. - year-round).

What is spring cleaning?

Spring cleaning- this is liberation, clearing space from things that, with the arrival of warmth, are no longer needed. In parallel with the cleaning, there is a “global” tidying up of the entire apartment or house. This, among other things, is a great time to get rid of the junk that has accumulated over the past six months or a year.

Mid-to-late spring is suitable for general cleaning not only because you need to wash/clean winter clothes, but also because the weather is excellent outside - you can open the windows wide, wash them thoroughly and at the same time ventilate the room, driving away the musty winter smell. Right there, in the air, you can ventilate and dry warm clothes properly under the sun.

What should not be considered part of a spring cleaning? All the things you already do regularly: cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming the carpets, dusting. You will have your own time for these tasks, in accordance with your usual schedule at home.

What's the best way to do spring cleaning?

It is clear that spring cleaning is a fairly extensive task. After all, sometimes it happens that a complete tidy just in the bathroom is already exhausting... But here - the whole apartment needs a spring transformation! To successfully solve a problem, you need to find your own approach. Here are 2 main paths you can take:

1. In one fell swoop

With this approach, you will need to allocate enough a large number of time: tidy up until you have done everything planned. In time, this could be one full weekend or even whole week. The main idea of ​​the approach is to complete the general cleaning as quickly as possible. This method will certainly appeal to those who find it easier to give their all once rather than drag things out and constantly think about what is not completed.

2. Break the tidy up into small “projects”

Contrary to the previous option, you can break the cleaning into many small parts and disperse them over long term. For example, you could devote one Saturday entirely to tidying up the balcony, the next to sorting things out, sorting them into necessary/unnecessary ones and, for example, putting up unnecessary ones as lots at auction on the Internet, etc.. This method is suitable for those who do not can allocate a lot of time at once.

Any of the methods will work as long as you are properly configured and know exactly what you want. Don't take the one-shot approach unless you're sure you have the time you can commit. If you choose the second path, then make a schedule for completing subtasks and stick to it. After all, if you delay tidying up for six months, then by the time it’s “ended”, the traces of the first steps will be completely lost and it, looped into the next circle, will never be completed.

Once you've chosen an approach, it's time to start tidying up. And you need to start with a plan. The plan will help you complete the spring cleaning without a hitch. Here are 10 tips to help you get everything done... top level and complete it within the allotted time frame.

1. Make a list

List everything you would like to achieve as a result of spring cleaning, and then group tasks that can be conveniently completed one after another. This will “compact” and make the application of force more effective; you will not be scattered, often changing the type of activity. And, of course, after drawing up a to-do list, you will have no questions about what to do next.

2. Assemble a team

Prepare your assistants in advance. Let your husband and children know that you may need their help this weekend. Roughly think about what tasks you will assign to them. If potential helpers are not particularly enthusiastic about this idea, you can promise them festive dinner or a picnic in nature - spring should be celebrated in full!

3. Stock up on everything you need

In the week leading up to your scheduled cleaning, purchase everything you might need. Make a shopping list before visiting the hardware store (based on your to-do list). Find out in advance which tools are best for you to use for each task.

4. Plan to complete time-consuming tasks earlier

If you have something labor-intensive and time-consuming planned, you may need to set aside extra time for it. For example, if you are going to shampoo your carpets, they will need a day or two in the sun to dry thoroughly. Therefore, it is better to do this in advance so as not to think about drying the carpets during the main tasks. IN as a last resort, you can reschedule such tasks for a time after finishing cleaning.

5. Focus on one specific task at a time.

Do you know the feeling when your eyes wander from things to do? We need to do both this and that. We start taking on one thing, then along the way we jump to another. This wastes more effort, and the end of the cleaning is still not in sight. To avoid this development, focus only on the task you have taken on until you complete it. It is impossible to do several things well at the same time. This rule is fundamental for proper time management.

6. Praise yourself for your successes and recognize progress.

It's very easy to give up if you're always thinking about how much there is left to do! Yes, general spring cleaning is a voluminous task; there may be fifty tasks on the list, some of which require quite a lot of time. When cleaning is in full swing, pay attention not to how many items are left, but to how many you have already done. Recognize that you have made good progress in your difficult undertaking. In order to see progress, you don’t even need to check the list - just watch how everything around you begins to transform. Think only about the good and do the tidying in a great mood.

7. Be realistic

Remember that cleaning is a big project (I’ve reminded you of this more than once and will remind you again). It requires a serious investment of time. And now you are doing general cleaning, although you could be doing something else. But imagine how much satisfaction you will get from the work done. Pride in yourself, joy in visible result- all this will certainly happen too.

8. Take breaks

You are not a machine, you cannot work all day without rest. Plan breaks in advance. When “the end is in sight” it is easier to work. While waiting for a break, time will fly faster, and during a break you can relax and enjoy the sun, fresh air and the singing of birds. Planning your breaks in advance will prevent you from taking them too often and for too long;)

9. Prepare snacks and meals in advance

You will have to spend a lot of effort on general cleaning, so it would be nice to have something on hand for a snack (but not fast food! - yoghurts, fruits). It’s also best to prepare lunch in advance, the night before, so you can simply reheat it when the time comes.

10. Be prepared for traffic jams

What you don't have to do! But don't be upset, try to have fun. Turn on your favorite playlist and start fighting for order in your home! Choose fun, fast music to keep your work moving. You can even include dance moves in the cleaning process - it will work excellent complex aerobic exercise!

To make sure you haven't forgotten anything, read the example and compare it with yours.

March is approaching, which means a big spring cleaning is just around the corner! For those who want to put things in perfect order and enjoy a sparkling clean home filled with fresh air, we have compiled a list of things and places that you need to remember to clean.

1. Door handles (and around)

There are three dirty areas on the doors in the handle area. Firstly, the handles themselves, on which, in addition to the shining parts polished by our fingers, there are also accumulations of dirt and dust. Secondly, the surface of the door around. Thirdly, that part of the door that we grasp when we close or open it. Now go into the bathroom or bedroom and pay attention to how you close the door behind you: most likely, you grab it above the handle.

2. Switches

The same as with the door handles: the center is polished by our touches, but dirt has accumulated around the edges, there is dust on the upper end, and the wall around is quite dirty. When wiping switches, be aware of electricity and do not use a cloth that is too wet.

3. Doors

Not only door handles, but doors in general require attention. Dust accumulates on the edge of the platbands, baguette elements and on the upper end of the door itself. You can’t just use a damp cloth; you’ll also need a brush to clean dirt and dust from the corners.

4. Lamps

Floor lamps, sconces, work lamps and ceiling lamps - they all need your attention, and the latter especially. It is not so easy to get to the chandeliers, but it is necessary to do this at least once every six months: dust accumulates on them, which then scatters around the house again, and if the lampshades are transparent, it also noticeably dims the light.

5. Trash can

You regularly take out the trash, but how often do you wash the bin itself and the place where it stands? Yes, this is a terribly unpleasant task, but without this, real cleanliness and a smell of freshness at home cannot be achieved. So take the bucket to the bathroom and clean it with a brush and antibacterial solution.

6. Sofa

Once, in a rented apartment, I put my hand between the sofa cushions and, together with the invisible person who had rolled there, pulled out into the light of day several coins, tweezers and a hair tie. Naturally, besides this there was still a lot of dust and crumbs. So even if you can't remove the cushions from your sofa, that's no reason not to vacuum it at least once a year. Take a narrow nozzle and go ahead.

7. Curtains

Curtains collect dust and absorb odors just as much as anything else in the house, so they need to be washed from time to time. If you are buying curtains made from a complex fabric, take a photo of the washing instructions as a keepsake.

8. Paintings and posters

It is better to brush off dust from paintings, posters and photos in frames hanging on the wall during each cleaning, but during general cleaning you can wipe not only the frame, but also the glass.

9. Teapot and teapot

Don't forget about the kettle and teapot. Wash the first one from dirty splashes and dust from the outside, and the second one, get rid of plaque inside. A French press will require attention to the strainer, a classic teapot will require attention to the spout. In any case, remember that the best cleaning agent is soda: it does an excellent job of removing plaque and leaves no odors.

10. Batteries

Heating radiators with all their curves and roughness are not easy to clean, especially in winter when they are hot. So you don’t have to include them in your pre-spring cleaning plan, but remember them as soon as the heating is turned off.

11. Intercom

Another thing that successfully hides from our attention. Dust from the handset can be wiped off with a regular rag, but in general it is more convenient to clean it from dirt with special wipes for electronics.

12. Computer mouse

If you often work at home on a computer, do not forget to clean not only the keyboard and monitor, but also the mouse from time to time: we handle it every day, and not always with perfectly clean hands, especially if we are used to eating in front of the monitor.

13. Washing machine

Clean the outside, paying attention to the sides, buttons and door glass. At the same time, start the drum cleaning mode so that the inside of the washing machine is perfectly clean.

We offer you a cleaning plan for 14 days. By dividing the zones in the apartment and allocating an average of 2-3 hours a day to each, you can clean on weekday evenings without spending a lot of effort, as when cleaning the entire apartment at once. In addition, thanks to the division into days and zones, you will have the opportunity to more objectively assess the “front of work” and not get confused in thoughts and deeds, as when working on the entire apartment at once.

The first thing you should think about is an arsenal of tools for work. We have compiled list of what you will need:

A set of detergents: from dirt and soap scum, from rust, for washing acrylic bathtubs, window cleaner, cream for washing a glass-ceramic stove (if you have such a stove), shampoo for washing floors, window cleaner;
- polishing agents: furniture polish, parquet or laminate polish, baking soda, mustard, vinegar;
- a set of rags and washcloths different sizes and textures: microfiber, terry, natural cotton, large and small sponges, brushes, pipe cleaners, paper towels;
- cleaning equipment: bucket, mop (your choice - flat with a rectangular rag, worm mop, traditional wooden one with a separate rag), broom or brush, dustpan, vacuum cleaner.

Day 1. Clothes audit

We devoted the first day of cleaning to sorting through clothes and belongings and selecting out-of-season items that you are ready to part with. This is a very important activity to do every year to keep your closet or wardrobe clean.

The principle of selecting things is simple - everything that has not been worn for more than a year is out of the house. It's up to you to decide what to do with these things - give them to friends or relatives, take them to a shelter, or simply take them to the trash cans and leave them in a bag. In any case, don't throw them away, as there will always be people who need them more than you.

Day 2 and 3. General cleaning

We put things in order in the living rooms. If you have 1-2 of them, you can do it in one evening; if you have more than 2, split the cleaning into two days. The first thing to start with is collecting dust and cobwebs from the ceiling, then we wipe off all the dust even in the farthest corners, which hands cannot reach during normal cleaning, wash all accessories and decor - paintings, figurines, photo frames.

We vacuum, sweep, wash the floors - we do everything as thoroughly as possible. We change tablecloths, capes, furniture covers, etc. Along the way, you can make a rearrangement where you have long planned.

Day 4. Washing curtains

After general cleaning, we can move on to small but time-consuming issues. On this day we will wash the curtains. This is a very tedious process, so it is best to take someone from your household as an assistant. First of all, we remove the curtains and sort them by materials and colors. Next, we decide on the type of washing - hand or machine, or even send them to dry cleaning.

Of course, it’s good if the curtains are made of natural fabrics, have simple colors and tailoring styles, then we just machine wash them, then iron them while still wet and hang them on the curtain rod. And only then the curtains will dry and look neat. If you have “complex” curtains made of thin tulle, lace, mesh, silk, you need to wash them by hand. We recommend washing them with a light shampoo solution, without too much foam, without squeezing or twisting too much.

After washing, rinse thoroughly 2-3 times so that there are no foam streaks left. Then we carefully lay it out on a swing dryer or we can immediately hang it on the ledge. Be careful with lambrequins - when wet, they can sag. After drying, iron the curtains with a warm iron.

Day 5. Battery washing

On this day we wash the batteries. Just like washing curtains, it is a labor-intensive task. The main problem is the inaccessibility of places where there is the most dust - the lower and rear end batteries. Therefore, we advise you to buy a special brush for cleaning batteries, and also get a thin tubular attachment for the vacuum cleaner.

With their help you can quickly cope with this challenging task. First, walk with a dry brush between the sections, thereby shaking off all the dust down onto the floor, then vacuum up the dust. And only then wet the same brush and wipe the sections to collect any remaining dust. Where the brush cannot reach, you will have to reach with a wet rag.

Day 6. Window cleaning

Cleaning the windows. This process is almost a symbol of the spring cleanup, because after it, the house seems to “open its eyes after sleep.” The matter is labor-intensive and can take 2 days. The first thing we do is wash the outside and inside of the window with a wet rag, maybe with a light soap solution - we wash off the dirt from the outside from the street, and our dirt from the inside.

Next, when the glass is dry, take window cleaner and newspaper or paper towels. Apply the product, then crumple the newspaper or rag into a ball and polish the glass until the streaks disappear and the glass becomes transparent.

Day 7. Hiding winter things

Changing things different seasons in some places. Let's hide the winter things away and take out the spring ones. Put all your winter shoes in order - wash them, and then treat them with creams and impregnations, depending on the material. Next, we stuff the shoes with rolls of paper or special shoe inserts - all so that the shoes will hold correct form until next season. And we hide them in boxes, which we place on the top shelves of the cabinets.

Next, we take on the outerwear - it’s best to take it to the dry cleaner first, and then hide it. Those things that you do hide away, put them in covers, and don’t forget to hang boxes with moth repellents between them, since confined spaces are an ideal environment for moths.

Plastic boxes for storing things or vacuum bags from which air is extracted with a vacuum cleaner are very convenient. Place sweaters and wool jackets in them separately, along with a bag of lavender - to fight moths. Separately, clothes made from mixed fibers - they are not afraid of moths.

Day 8. Cleaning the bathroom

A fairly simple traditional procedure, but also more thorough than usual. We clean the bathtub and shower cabin with limescale removers. I wash all metal and chrome parts with anti-dirt and soap scum. I wash the glass inserts in the cabin and mirrors according to the principle of washing windows. Next, we clean the seams in the tiles with anti-fungal agent.

If you have an enameled bathroom and its surface is damaged or simply requires restoration, we recommend calling a specialist who will restore the surface of the bathroom for you.

We go through all the bottles of shampoos and products. We hang up the clean towels and the bathroom cleaning is complete.

Day 9. Kitchen cleaning

That day it was time for the kitchen. The workload is large, so one evening may not be enough. The main tasks for cleaning the kitchen are to wash the furniture from drops of fat that fly from the frying pan during cooking, wash the tiles on the kitchen apron, wash the sink and faucet, put things in order in kitchen drawers and cabinets (sort out cereals, spices, teas, etc.). d.).

After all of the above is done, it's time to defrost the refrigerator, if your refrigerator needs it, of course. First, remove all the food from it and leave it overnight to defrost, and in the morning wash the inside of the refrigerator and the floor around it. It is because of the defrosting of the refrigerator that the process can take two days.

Day 10. Floor care

When almost all the cleaning is completed, we can begin caring for the floors, if you have parquet, wood or laminate on the floor. Linoleum does not require special care.

Remember that laminate flooring should not be washed with a too-wet cloth or a washing vacuum cleaner, so as not to over-wet it, since laminate flooring is very sensitive to moisture. Take a bucket of water, add table vinegar to it - 1 tbsp. for 5 l. water, carefully twist the rag, and wash the floors almost dry. This will be the most the best care for laminate. Next, let the floor dry thoroughly.

Then we take wood polish from our basket of equipment - for caring for natural floors. To polish parquet, you need a soft cloth with lint. Squeeze out a small amount of polish on the floor, and rub it in a circular motion into the parquet. Give the polish time to soak in, and you are done cleaning the floors.

Day 11. Washing chandeliers and lamps

The next task on the cleaning list will be washing the chandeliers and lamps. Perhaps you could already wash them in the first days of our marathon. But still, we will set aside a separate evening for washing chandeliers. This is especially important for chandeliers made of crystal and glass. The main problem is that you will have to stand on a chair or stepladder for a long time and wash the chandelier with your arms extended upward. If you can remove it, great, you'll save a lot of effort.

Make a light soap solution and wipe all the parts with a soft sponge; if the chandelier does not require thorough washing, it will be enough to simply wipe everything with wet dust rags. If there are fabric lampshades, you can remove them and put them in the wash. Remember that after washing frosted glass with a wet cloth, you need to wipe it with a dry one to avoid dirty marks.

Day 12. Washing dishes

We put dishes and kitchen utensils in order. We specifically set aside a whole evening for this activity and did not include it in cleaning the kitchen, as this can be quite a labor-intensive task. From your arsenal of products you may need dish creams, detergents and baking soda with mustard.

Soda and mustard can replace all detergents. These two nutritional supplements We have known them for a long time and are excellent helpers around the house. Mustard dissolves fat, and soda removes any plaque, scale and soot. With their help, you can clean greasy pans and burnt bottoms of pots.

In order to descale the kettle, you need vinegar - pour about 500 ml. vinegar and bring it to a boil, after which all the kettles inside look like new. Baking soda is also great for caring for glass and crystal.

If you have something burnt on the stove, pour about 200 grams into this dish. baking soda, add water and leave overnight, just rinse with water in the morning and you will see that all the carbon deposits have come off overnight.

Day 13. Flower care

We take care of flowers. Of course, such procedures are relevant for amateurs indoor plants. For those who don’t have them, we can offer to sort through books, clean them of dust, or review DVDs and put away unnecessary ones or simply give them away.

Let's return to flowers. You will need to wipe all the leaves of your house plants from dirt and dust using washcloths or rags. Everything should be done carefully so as not to accidentally damage the leaves. You can also start replanting flowers in other pots or fertilizing them. Be careful when choosing pots and flowerpots for flowers, because they can either decorate or ruin general form premises.

Day 14. Latest details

After two weeks of cleaning, you were already able to understand what you need to repair, glue, fix, attach, and what can be sent to the trash. Therefore, on the last day of cleaning, we suggest doing just these things. Of course, it’s not difficult to glue the wallpaper, attach the baseboard, or add a nail for the picture yourself. If there are more complex problems, for example, restoring or repairing furniture, we advise you to contact specialists for these types of repairs.

Let's summarize.
So, you were able to make sure that if you approach the cleaning issue wisely, draw up a detailed plan and break it down into 2 weeks, then all the work will be done easier and without exhausting costs of time and effort. In addition, cleaning will not interfere with your ordinary life and will allow you to spend your weekend the way you want.

tell friends

With the arrival of spring, I want to make some changes in the house. Cleaning up your rooms and all your things is not so easy. Moreover, not every housewife has the opportunity to devote a whole weekend to this. That's why we created small plan cleaning, which is designed for two weeks. According to it, the entire apartment is divided into functional zones. You will have to spend approximately 2-3 hours of your time on each of them every day. This way you will have the opportunity to slowly clean the entire house, even on weekdays. It is much more convenient and practical. After all, gradual cleaning is usually much better than what you need to do in one day.

Required supply of funds

Before you start cleaning the first area, you need to buy everything you need for cleaning. For example, detergents. You need to buy cleaning products for windows, floors, bathtubs, and stoves. You will also need furniture polish, special means for laminate and parquet care. You can’t do without rags and sponges. And, of course, you need a mop, bucket, brush and vacuum cleaner.

Day No. 1 - checking and sorting out the wardrobe

The very first day should be devoted to a wardrobe audit. First, sort all your items into seasonal and non-seasonal. Carefully inspect each item of clothing for dirt, holes, etc. Be sure to go through all your things and think about what things you are ready to say goodbye to.

When selecting things you can be guided simple rule: those clothes that you have not used at all for more than a year are sent in a separate package. His future fate It's up to you: perhaps you give it to relatives, give it to those in need, or simply throw it away.

After such an audit, you will have free space in your closet, which means you can put things in order.

Days No. 2 and 3 - general house cleaning

You can devote two days to general cleaning of living rooms. First, collect all the cobwebs. It is also necessary to wipe off dust in all hard-to-reach places. You can even move the sofas and dust behind them. Wash and vacuum floors thoroughly. If necessary, you can make a planned rearrangement. Replace all tablecloths and furniture covers with clean sets.

Day No. 4 - wash the curtains

Spring cleaning necessarily involves washing curtains after winter. They have accumulated enough dust that you and your household breathe. Take down curtains throughout the house and organize them by color and material. Be sure to check which curtains are machine washable and which ones will have to be washed by hand.

After washing, you need to dry the curtains. You can hang them on the cornice while still wet. This will save you from having to iron them. But this rule is not valid for all curtains. Therefore, you still have to turn on the iron.

Day No. 5 - wash the batteries

You need to devote a separate day to such a labor-intensive task. It is necessary to wash them thoroughly even in the most difficult to reach places. Many stores sell a narrow brush designed for cleaning batteries. With its help you can solve your problem. First you need to carry out dry cleaning, and then wet cleaning.

Day No. 6 - wash the windows

In spring you want cleanliness in everything. Especially in the windows. First, wash the window on both sides with a wet cloth. Then use a light soap solution to help wash away any accumulated dirt. Use a dry cloth to clean the window until completely clean.

Day No. 7 - sorting through and putting away all winter things

Carefully inspect all winter items. Perhaps your shoes need repairs, and your favorite down jacket is in the wash? Wash all your winter shoes, use special creams, stuff them with paper, and then put them away in boxes.

Outerwear can be packed in special cases. If you have a fur coat, then you need to carefully pack it and hang bags of lavender next to it.

For sweaters and winter jackets, you can use vacuum bags or special plastic boxes. It's better to sort all your things. Place wool clothing in one bag, and mixed fiber clothing in another.

Day No. 8 - cleaning the bathroom

The task of this day is to thoroughly clean the bathroom. The bathtub or shower needs to be cleaned. To do this, you can use special products designed to remove limescale. Thoroughly wash all metal parts. The seams in the tiles can be treated with products that prevent the appearance of fungi.

Be sure to go through all the jars and bottles of face, body and hair care products. This way you will see where the expiration date has expired and what you need to buy again. The final stage cleaning the bathroom means replacing towels.

Day No. 9 - cleaning the kitchen

Cleaning the kitchen involves washing furniture, kitchen aprons, and plumbing fixtures. It is also important to clean up your kitchen furniture. Sort through all the grains and spices. Carefully check all pots and baking dishes for damage. If they do exist, feel free to throw the dishes in the trash. You will also need to defrost the refrigerator and wash it thoroughly.

Day No. 10 - floor cleaning

This item is intended for floor coverings such as wood, laminate or parquet. If as flooring Linoleum is used, you can safely skip this task.

To care for laminate flooring, you can use a combination of water and table vinegar (at the rate of 1 tbsp of vinegar per 5 liters of water). It is not recommended to wash this coating with a wet cloth. It is necessary to thoroughly wring it out and wipe the floor with a barely damp cloth.

To care for wooden floors, you can use a special polish. You will also need a soft lint cloth.

Day No. 11 - wash chandeliers and lamps

It’s good when the chandelier can be removed and washed carefully in the bathroom. It is necessary to prepare a weak foam solution. Use a sponge to wipe all parts of the lamp. Fabric lampshades can be removed and washed. For lamps with frosted glass lampshade, there is one important rule: after wet cleaning product, be sure to wipe it on top with a dry cloth, otherwise streaks may occur.

Day No. 12 - wash the dishes

It is necessary to organize dishes and various kitchen utensils. Take advantage good means for dishes, you can also use baking soda as an alternative.

Take care of the kettle too. It needs to be descaled. To do this, you can use vinegar or citric acid.

Day No. 13 - caring for flowers

Houseplants also need careful care. Gently wipe all leaves to remove accumulated dirt and dust. This must be done carefully, because you can damage your favorite flowers. If necessary, replant the plants in other pots. Don't forget about fertilizers.

Day No. 14 - final stage

The last day of cleaning can be devoted to various little things. Perhaps you need to glue some wallpaper somewhere or nail a nail for a new painting. Complete all important cleaning tasks on this day.

Drawing conclusions

As you can see, doing general spring cleaning is not so difficult if you divide everything into 14 days. This way you won’t exhaust your body with cleaning in one day. Yes, it is unlikely that you will be able to complete all tasks efficiently, having 1-2 days off in your arsenal. It’s better to do everything gradually, and you will see how your home has changed for the better.

The beautiful spring has arrived. I don’t know about you, but I immediately had a desire to clean up my house. I want to tidy up and get rid of excess trash.

Useful tips

You know, it’s still worth sticking to the rules, even though some of us tend to break them. I'm the kind of person who likes to do things right. Therefore, I adhere to some recommendations that help me a lot. I will be happy to share them with you.

List. I make a list of what I need to do. Whenever possible, I think through their order, urgency and importance. For example, I distribute what I need to do by day. I have one year old child, which “helps” me a lot. He is learning about the world, but all I can do is monitor his “learning.”

There is very little time, there are a lot of plans, so you need to keep busy. You can make a list by day, for example, on Monday we washed the windows. On Tuesday we cleaned up the attic, Wednesday we cleaned up the area. The list and to-do list can be anything.

I don't try to do everything at once. It is a very bad quality to grasp all the work at once. Still, nothing works out, you can’t finish what you started, and you’ll just fray your nerves. If you can’t do it in one go, it’s better to stretch it out, but bring everything to mind. For example, I can’t wash all the windows in a day. I wash 2 windows, both outside and inside, plus I also wash the window sill.

Cleaning supplies. These are irreplaceable things. I prepare various rags, washcloths, sponges and brushes in advance. Old junk is very helpful in cleaning hard to reach places. Toothbrush. In this regard, she is my lifesaver!

I also buy washing powder (to wash not only clothes, but also carpets), cleaning powders, gels and detergents. Buying in advance and in reserve is a very wise decision. When all the cleaning equipment is at hand, there is no need to run to the store and waste valuable time.

Outdoor cleaning

Anyone who lives in a private house will understand me. In spring there is a lot of work outside. It is necessary to tidy up the beds, fluff up the soil, and replant flowers. I fertilize the ground with some waste, so to speak. These are skins from oranges, tangerines, and bananas. In principle, they can be filled with water and also watered indoor plants.

All work equipment (hoes, shovels, rakes, brooms) must also be put in order. I always find work in the yard: I need to sweep, collect garbage, and whitewash the trees. There are a lot of ideas in the plans that can turn an ordinary yard into something fabulously beautiful!

Cleaning the house

It's a little more complicated here. After all, every room requires different types cleaning You know, in a nursery it’s enough to wipe off the dust, collect or sort toys, vacuum, and wash the floors. I always clean and wash my carpets every year. Carpet in the nursery with special care. After all, the baby must be accustomed to cleanliness, and his feet must walk on a clean and fluffy surface!


Cleaning takes a lot of time. In spring you really want to clean everything up! That's why you need to do general cleaning throughout the house. Following the advice, I cleaned almost everywhere.

How do you clean your house? Perhaps there are some special secrets and wisdom?

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