What colors suit Libra? About sunny shades. Is it possible to buy ready-made talismans and amulets?

Libras are very gentle, romantic and sophisticated in nature. According to the horoscope, the Libra flower is a miracle of nature; they can exalt the beauty of this creation and glorify the aromas. If you give flowers to a Libra, they may identify you with them.

Which flower suits Libra according to the horoscope?

From the entire spectrum of beneficial properties that are characteristic of Libra plants, two of the most universal ones are distinguished. This, of course, develops excellent taste and has a great influence on partnerships.

We can say that their sign takes responsibility for the harmony that a favorable environment and partnership creates. After all, it is the special traits of Libra that have an excellent grasp in creating strong partnerships, as well as marriages.

Saturn and Venus awarded Libra plants with the ability to develop a subtle, refined taste in people. They also contribute to the development of an understanding of aesthetic beauty.

You can give roses to Libra without hesitation; the main emphasis should be on symmetry, which is one of the features of good taste. Some of the most successful gifts will be roses in delicate colors, such as light shades of pink, light lilac, and white. It should be noted that they can easily abandon lush roses in favor of delicate tulips.

Thanks to the loving, romantic goddess of love, Venus, the zodiac sign Libra, plant flowers and fruits, under her gently white light, have always been distinguished by their beauty, they are bright, attractive, and the strong planet Saturn pours strength into tiny green sprouts, allowing them to strengthen the stems and hold on firmly and straight. Flowers and plants of Libra can be useful not only to people who were born under this zodiac sign.

Libra loves flowers very much. But it is important for them that these flowers are a symbol of something. Of the most basic colors that have an influence on this zodiac sign, the following can be distinguished.

Indoor flowers Libra

Libra flowers: hybrid heliotrope, azalea, hibiscus, pineapple, hydrangea, croton, truncated zogocactus, capsicum, camellia, small-flowered chrysanthemum and Japanese fatsia. People whose zodiac sign is Libra is a flower, or better yet, even a few plants, experts do not recommend growing such specimens as agave, aechmea, dracaena, begonia and Kalanchoe.

For representatives of this zodiac sign, it is important that the flower not only be beautiful, from the point of view of their high level of aesthetics, but also be a kind of talisman or amulet. It is important here that the flower not so much “bring something” as it does not give the opportunity to disturb his inner peace.


Violet for Libra is a symbol of friendship. They are indeed very open and sociable people, especially if they find something interesting in someone. They are excellent partners, reliable support and always ready to help. Violet gives strength to Libra for such actions.


Hydrangea – this flower helps Libra get rid of heavy thoughts. And they quite often need this. The amazing ability of this flower is that it, somehow magically, is able to neutralize the negative emotions that Libra experiences.


Orchid is the source of Libra energy. This is exactly how they affect people of this zodiac. In addition, it rewards its owner with a good mood and optimism, which will not interfere with Libra in any area of ​​its activity.

Garden flowers for Libra


Marigolds are a flower of the zodiac sign Libra, which should accompany a representative of this zodiac sign almost everywhere. These flowers promote internal harmonization of Libra, they relieve psychological stress and soothe various mental suffering.


Rose is a symbol of love. But in the case of scales, this is a parameter of variability. Depending on what kind of roses your Libra likes, you can judge his character. At the same time, a rose can often become the cause of not just constant variability but also betrayal.


Oh, this is one of the most interesting colors that can have an effect on Libra. This is a symbol of constant youth and freshness. And due to the fact that Libras never complain about low self-esteem, lilac simply adds strength and self-confidence to them. It is this flower that can make a person purposeful.

As you can see, all these flowers are different. They have their own influence. And what it’s better not to do is not to combine them into one bouquet. Each flower carries its own information, therefore, in combination with any other, the positive influence may decrease or disappear altogether.

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac (September 23 - October 23), which belongs to the element of Air and is under the auspices of the planet of love Venus. These are calm, balanced and peace-loving people with a disarming smile that can melt any heart. They always strive to achieve harmony, try not to conflict with others and outwardly look absolutely serene. But the scales of Libra are not always in balance, and at such moments, representatives of this sign lose faith in their strength, fall into confusion and depression, and cannot work normally and communicate with loved ones. To eliminate indecision, the tendency to constant fluctuations and extremes, they need protection and support. A correctly selected Libra talisman will make their life much easier, charge them with positivity, and protect them from enemies and negative thoughts.

Specifics of the talisman for the zodiac sign Libra

Any object can serve as an amulet for a person, but choosing it is not as easy as it seems - it must have special properties that will allow it to perform the necessary functions to the fullest. The energy of the talisman should not conflict with the energy of its owner, but complement and nourish it, closing the gaps that are formed under the influence of negative factors. For representatives of the sign of Libra, the best amulets are those that carry the energy of its rulers - the elements of Air, the planets Venus and Chiron.

Talisman stones

Semi-precious and precious stones are the most common talismans, which not only carry powerful energy, but also look very aesthetically pleasing.

Women can wear them in the form of any jewelry, men - in the form of cufflinks and bracelets. In addition, the stone can simply be placed in a wallet or pocket - in any case, it will be reliable protection from enemies and a support in difficult situations.

Stones-amulets for Libra women

The fairer sex is suitable for:

Stones for men

For representatives of the stronger sex:

Flowers and plants as amulets for Libra

As an amulet for Libra, you can use indoor plants, each of which has no less powerful energy than stones and other objects. You need to choose the right flowers and place them where a person is most often - living talismans will charge him with positivity and help him in all his endeavors.

Will generously thank the owner for proper care

In character and energy, this plant resembles Libra themselves like no other - it needs constant care and attention. Hydrangea is a strong amulet that will protect its owner and his home from the evil eye, depression and depressive thoughts. It is perfect for representatives of the sign who are prone to excessive dreaminess, or, conversely, too down-to-earth natures - the influence of this flower perfectly helps to balance contradictions and find harmony.

Bell pepper

Improves mood and increases Libra's income

A bright and cheerful plant that will not only be an excellent interior decoration, but will also significantly improve the atmosphere in the house. It transforms the negative energy of irritability and dissatisfaction into positivity, optimism and acceptance of the world around us.

Capsicum represents well-being and material success, and is especially suitable for creative people who dream of receiving practical benefits from their hobby, or increasing their fees.

Helps in solving family problems

The plant carries the energy of airy Mercury, a planet that gives the ability to quickly make the right decisions and navigate difficult situations. It will relieve representatives of the Libra sign from unnecessary doubts, anxieties and worries, harmonize the atmosphere in the family, eliminate minor quarrels and reduce the aggressiveness of household members. Fatsia especially favors people whose activities involve travel or business trips.

The plant is positive not only externally, but also energetically

Indoor pineapple is a plant with pronounced positive energy and the ability to bring positive changes to life. It helps to eliminate internal barriers, get rid of prejudices and routine, and find new, original solutions to old problems. The plant will be very useful for Libra, who are prone to depression, sudden mood swings and apathy - its vibrations will quickly normalize the nervous system and emotional state.

Garden and wild plants

Fresh flowers protect against bad mood

Representatives of the sign who are fond of gardening and love to decorate their home with bouquets and living arrangements are recommended to choose the following plants:

  • freesia;
  • rose;
  • chrysanthemum;
  • violet;
  • marigold;
  • azalea;
  • tulip.

When choosing flowers as a talisman, representatives of this sign are advised to opt for exotic representatives of the fauna world - they carry the energy of mystery, harmony and purity that are inherent in all people born under the sign of Libra, especially women.


It has been noticed that long-lived trees carry strong energy

Thanks to the powerful energy that accumulates over many years, trees can also serve as an amulet for humans. Trees that are suitable for Libra as a talisman include:

  • cherry;
  • alder;
  • olive;
  • hazel;
  • Rowan;
  • maple.

Olive will help Libra in solving everyday problems, rowan will promote career success, and maple will protect against stress and depressive thoughts. In order to make a talisman from wood, it is enough to keep a piece of wood, a twig or dried fruit on your desktop.

Animal mascots

Libra's living mascots are primarily birds, since they most closely correspond to the element of Air. The goose and dove are best suited for representatives of this sign - in order to receive their support, it is enough to carry a bird feather with you. The goose will give them calmness and self-confidence, will not allow them to “soar in the skies” too much and will return them to real life. The dove is a symbol of peace that will protect Libra from any negativity and enemies, and will give strength to solve problems and conflicts.

Indecisive, insecure people can carry with them a peacock feather, which is always proud of itself and does not have the slightest doubt about its attractiveness.

Another living talisman that is perfect for people born in October is a donkey. At first glance, this animal seems stupid, but in fact it has a keen intuition, and will gladly share this quality with its owner. In addition, donkeys are extremely hardy and know how to survive in any conditions, which won’t hurt Libra, who often has poor health.

Representatives of the sign Libra also need the endurance of donkeys.

Other amulets by date of birth

As a talisman, you can choose not only a stone or a tree, but also other objects suitable for energy. One of the important conditions for choosing an amulet is that its owner should like it and evoke exclusively positive emotions in him.


Air signs, which include Libra, should give preference in everyday life to discreet pastel colors, as well as all shades of green and blue. They will bring calm and comfort into the lives of representatives of the sign, help them cope with difficulties and problems, and give them a charge of positivity.


Sometimes bronze combined with precious stones looks more impressive than gold

White gold and bronze suit Libra better than other metals - talisman stones are best worn framed from these materials. They are non-aggressive, but carry the energy of material well-being and stability. Decorations and costume jewelry should be small, since things that are too massive can negatively affect the emotional state of the representatives of the sign.


Often women wear pendants with the image of their sign

A figurine or image of scales is an ideal amulet for people born between September 23 and October 23. They will help you cope with fears and doubts, attract money energy, and give you peace and stability. It is better to choose scales with bowls located on the same line - such a thing will bring harmony to the life of its owner and will balance its contradictory sides.


The sign of Libra is ruled by the planet of love, Venus, so heart-shaped jewelry is suitable as an amulet for its representatives. It will give single people good luck in love, instill confidence in their attractiveness and attract the attention of the opposite sex, and for those who have a permanent partner, it will help make relationships purer and more sincere.


Such a figure, like a circle, a figure eight, symbolizes infinity

The wheel has the correct shape and symbolizes the infinity of all processes on Earth. Libra can always carry a small wheel with them as a talisman - it will protect its owner from negativity and unnecessary doubts in resolving important issues, and will sharpen intuition and practicality.

Winged insects

Butterflies and dragonflies are the personification of the air element, purity and beauty, so they are perfect for Libra as a talisman - they will relieve depression, give energy for new achievements and good luck in business. People who are prone to loss of productivity and laziness can choose a bee for themselves - a symbol of health and hard work. An important condition is that you cannot carry dead or dried insects with you, only images or figurines.

Slavic talismans

The wisdom of the ancient Slavs is also capable of protecting and helping in solving problems

The ancient Slavs believed that people born in mid-autumn entered the palace of the Boar, whose patron was the god of order and justice Ramkhat. The patron tree of the Boar is a pear, and the amulet is a swastika against the background of an image of the sun or star, enclosed in a circle. It symbolizes the harmony of nature, the unity of the elements, the powerful energy of goodness, and will give its owner keen intuition, the ability to make the right decisions and overcome any obstacles.

How to make an amulet yourself

You can acquire an amulet in different ways - buy it, receive it as a gift or by inheritance, but the most powerful are considered to be artifacts made by yourself, since they initially carry the energy of the owner. For Libra, it is best to choose light, airy natural materials - for example, paper or fabric (linen, cotton). You can cut out a small heart from paper or sew it from fabric and stuff it with cotton wool.

Before starting the process, you can take a shower to wash away all the negativity, sit for a while in a calm environment or listen to pleasant music to relax as much as possible. The finished talisman should be placed under the pillow for the whole night, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.

Video: How to make a good luck talisman with your own hands


To activate the talisman, you need to perform a small ritual addressed to the powers of the patron element of the zodiac sign. For Libra, this element is Air. The item needs to be placed in the palm of your hand, the other one folded into a tube and blown on the amulet, taking deep breaths and exhalations so that they coincide with the heartbeat. Mentally you need to ask the forces of nature for protection and support, wait a little, and then also mentally thank the patrons.

How to wear it correctly

The Libra talisman is best worn on the body, but can be placed in a wallet, on a desk, next to the bed, or anywhere else where a person spends the most time. Libra is responsible for the fourth, heart chakra, so the amulet is best worn closer to the heart (on a chain or in a breast pocket), on the left hand or ring finger. You should not give your personal amulet into the hands of strangers, as it can “re-tune” to another energy, and in general you should show it less to strangers. From time to time, the talisman needs to be cleaned of accumulated negativity - rinsed under running water or left in a place where the wind will blow through it, and recharged.

If the amulet has cracked, fallen into pieces, darkened, etc., do not be afraid - this means that it has taken on a large flow of negativity, protecting its owner. In this case, it is recommended to deactivate the item - it is best to burn it and gratefully scatter the ashes to the wind, and then make a new amulet.

People born under the sign of Libra, like the symbol of their constellation, are often subject to hesitation, self-doubt and extremes, depending on which cup weighs in at a certain moment. A correctly selected or made amulet will help its representatives find harmony and tranquility in life, balance contradictory character traits and help them easily overcome obstacles that arise along the path of life.

Compatibility horoscope: what color suits the zodiac sign Libra - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

For people born under the zodiac sign Libra, soft shades of blue, blue and green bring good luck. Blue color heals the mind, brings calm and relaxation. Pale green has a tonic effect, helping to maintain balance of mind, soul and body, which is very important for most representatives of this zodiac sign.

Blue is the ideal color for Libra. Blue color is considered one of the most spiritual colors in esotericism. Just look at the sky on a clear day and feel the grandeur and tranquility of the endless blue sky. Blue color stimulates Libra's intellect, helps them show talents and establish positive communications.

One of the stones of the Libra sign is emerald. Place the stone under your pillow while you sleep; it will eliminate negative thoughts, promote good rest and induce pleasant dreams.

Green is associated with growth and vitality. Green jade brings good luck to Libra, this stone is known for its ability to heal and induce good sleep. If you place jade under your pillow while you sleep at night, it can bring you new ideas and insights in your dreams. Jade enhances love and strengthens friendships, brings positive energy, and frees the mind from negativity. If there is a tendency to kidney diseases, Libra is recommended to wear jade, the stone will help healing. You can read about other Libra stones and talismans that attract love and luck here.

Other colors that bring good luck and prosperity to Libra are white and pink. As an air sign of the zodiac, they will benefit from visualizing these colors combined with deep breathing.

Some representatives of this zodiac sign have weak kidneys; they are advised to drink more water to protect this vital organ from waste and toxins. Cucumbers, celery, cabbage, spinach and other green vegetables are useful; they will support body functions at the proper level. It is better for Libras not to consume large quantities of sugar and sweet carbonated drinks, they provoke lethargy and burden the mind and body.

what color suits the zodiac sign Libra

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Nature has endowed Libra with a proportional physique, elegance and graceful movements. Libras are usually not inclined to be overweight and cannot boast of being curvaceous. But their figure is also very far from athletic; their appearance is adorned with beautiful long legs, narrow hips, and a thin waist. For the most part, people of this zodiac sign are very concerned about their appearance and do not allow themselves to dress tastelessly, much less untidy. Their native element is the world of beauty, glamor and luxury. It is no coincidence that many representatives of the fashion industry are Libras.

Libra's preferences in clothes and shoes

Libras are famous for their sense of style. They know how to wear clothes with amazing grace, even if they are not too expensive and not very fashionable, and at the same time they will look charming and have a unique charm. Libras don't just wear clothes, they know how to wear them. Their motto is elegance. In the wardrobe of Libra women you can find many blouses, skirts, dresses, and feminine suits, including trouser suits. Typically, a woman of this sign is reluctant to use clothes from a man’s arsenal - T-shirts, jeans, sweaters. They are not too fond of sports style either: a tracksuit and sneakers, even very sophisticated and expensive ones for their category, are rarely the choice of these women. They do not stop paying attention to their appearance at home, putting on clothes in which they can go out “in public” even now.

Women are partial to beautiful lingerie; they choose the highest quality and most elegant, preferably with lace. At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether someone sees this luxury or not: It is enough for this woman that she is simply wearing such underwear, it gives her self-confidence, makes her gait smoother, and her back straighter.

A Libra woman chooses clothes and accessories with an understanding of the responsibility of this event. She dresses in such a way that the clothes will suit the season, the weather, and, most importantly, her mood. This woman never buys things just like that, without an “eye” to possible combinations with other wardrobe items, and the starting point for the ensemble can be not only clothes, but also, for example, a bag or gloves. It is very important for them that the appearance is not just beautiful and impressive, but integral and harmonious. Libras, with their finely developed sense of touch, like materials that are pleasant to the touch: satin, silk, fine wool. They love soft, flowing draperies and are partial to embroidery and lace. Most likely, you will not find strict stripes, checkered patterns, or geometric shapes in their clothes.

Favorite colors of Libra

Libras for the most part do not like bright, provocative colors, preferring pastels, preferably fashionable ones. So, depending on current trends, they can choose the color of coffee with milk, sheep's wool, pistachio, vanilla, linden, soft lilac, creamy pink, etc. Libra knows a lot about color nuances. Green, pink, turquoise, light blue, and purple are very suitable for them.

Libra accessories and jewelry

Libras cannot imagine their appearance without accessories, they use them actively, and most importantly, very skillfully. They like a variety of jewelry, from earrings and chains to hair clips. Jewelry with precious stones is in high esteem among them, but if financial possibilities do not allow, they know how to choose cheap things so that they look no worse than jewelry with mind-boggling price tags.

With the help of makeup, Libra can work real miracles, transforming their appearance beyond recognition - of course, for the better. They really like to focus on the eyes, emphasize their depth or visually enlarge them. Libras tend to be heavy users of mascara; wouldn’t mind turning your lips into more sensual and plump ones. They often use not very bright, translucent lipsticks, blush, eye shadow, but sometimes they can overdo it. Surprisingly, this usually does not spoil the overall impression.

As a rule, these women have manageable hair, usually light in color. Many of them have hair that curls on its own - both large and small curls. Libra hairstyles are the personification of lightness and grace. They manage to create something original and at the same time harmonious on their head, without a hint of vulgarity or negligence, with a few seemingly careless manipulations. Often such women like to wear their hair in a ponytail and wear it at medium length.

Libras take scrupulous care of their nails and never neglect a pedicure. Since they often successfully manage to free themselves from hard physical work and numerous chores around the house, they can easily afford the luxury of long nails. Libras strictly ensure that the polish on their nails is in harmony with the rest of their appearance. The horoscope recommends paying attention to the most suitable soft colors, for example, lilac, pistachio, silver, pink, which can be complemented with white elegant patterns to add contrast.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Zodiac horoscope

for all occasions

Libra zodiac sign color

Libra zodiac sign color

Libra is ruled by the planet of love, Venus. They are representatives of the air element. This means that they are elegant, have good taste, and have an easy-going character. Harmony is important to them. They cannot stand flashy colors, untidiness, or harsh sounds.

It is important for them that their clothes, hairstyle, and makeup are impeccable. Libra It is important to please others. They choose calm colors that put them in an optimistic mood. They prefer pastel colors or cool, restrained shades. If Libra is in a room where the interior is designed in similar colors, then they will be able to relax and unwind.

Astrologers claim that pink, dark blue and yellow-green are most suitable for Libra. If they wear clothes or talismans with similar shades, they will be able to attract good luck and enhance the positive qualities of their character.

Libra men are most suited to blue, green and grey, while Libra women are most suited to yellow, blue, pink, indigo and green.

Libra Man carefully monitors his appearance. You can consult him about choosing a wardrobe. He has good taste, follows fashion trends, and has a natural sense of style. This is the rare type of man who can spend hours shopping with his girlfriend and appreciate her appearance.

It’s not a fact that he has money to pay for purchases, but this makes it possible to save on stylist services. You can be sure that if he recommended purchasing some things, then you need to do it. The girl will be convinced of this by listening to compliments from others about her appearance.

His main qualities are intelligence, sociability, and indecisiveness. His manners are impeccable, he is a true gentleman, but sometimes he lacks energy and pressure. Correctly chosen colors will help him achieve success and become more enterprising.

Blue is best for work. It will allow you to gain authority, clarify your thoughts, and help you find the most optimal solution. Even in the most nervous environment, the Libra man will remain calm and collected, becoming an island of calm in the kingdom of chaos. The color blue will help those who are getting an education. It will allow you to systematize the information received and capture the most important points.

The Libra man is diplomatic and tries to find compromises. This quality gave him the stars, and the gray color will help strengthen it. He can wear clothes in these tones at work. It will allow him to make the right decision, make him more attentive, and help improve his intellectual abilities. Those around you subconsciously begin to treat Libra with great respect.

Libra Woman romantic, sociable, loves flirting and luxury. He has good manners and impeccable taste. She likes the color pink. It allows her to relax, become even more feminine, and show her tenderness. The Libra woman appears at formal receptions in a pink dress. In it she looks sweet and flirty, men have an involuntary desire to protect and protect her.

She prefers to wear green things in the office. They allow her to gain the trust of her partners and give her a collected look. She often uses it in the interior of a bedroom or nursery. In this case, green will allow you to relax and relieve unnecessary fears.

Light blue color also attracts the Libra woman. It is associated with the sky, the boundless air space around us. The blue color will allow her to relax, stop worrying about trifles, and focus on serious issues. Harmony is important to her; she does not like quarrels and disagreements.

The Libra woman is sociable, and the blue color will give her speech expressiveness and sophistication. In clothes of these tones you can go to important negotiations. He is liked by Libra women who are psychologists, managers, sales representatives, advertising agents, and journalists.

Libras are drawn to the color blue during periods when they are upset, irritated, or nervous. It will allow them to maintain balance even in a critical situation and helps them quickly absorb information. It brings success in financial matters and in exams.

Astrologers do not recommend bright colors for Libra. They cause them nervous tension, cause irritation, and push them to commit rash acts. The worst color for Libra is red. It can lead to a nervous breakdown and attacks of aggression. Orange is also not the best choice. It does not give them energy, but draws strength out of them.

Libra colors

Let's analyze how the colors of Libra are used in life by people with this zodiac sign. Libras are real aesthetes, just like Taurus, ruled by Venus, but superior to their “earthly” brothers in grace and sophistication. It doesn’t matter what shades and color combinations they choose, but you can be sure that this is an example of exquisite taste. They don’t just dress beautifully, but create a certain aesthetic environment around themselves, representing an organic part of it. The appearance of Venus’s ward is airy, as well as the apartment he decorated, and even the table he set for dinner, can please the eye, and even deliver real artistic pleasure. And creative products created by his hands (Libra often demonstrates an aptitude for the arts) will look like professional work, regardless of the availability of the appropriate education.

So, you already understand that representatives of the sign of Libra are simply physically unable to combine, for example, yellow, red and blue. And individually, these colors can cause them some tension because of their brightness and, so to speak, “straightforwardness.” They will prefer more subtle and elegant shades: light turquoise, pastel blue, delicate pink, light green and peach.

Libra colors. One of the representatives of this charming sign, thanks to whom my interest in psychology first flared up, was not only a charismatic person, but also a very attractive woman. Watching her during classes (and she led psychological seminars) was a complete pleasure, especially since her outfits and jewelry were very harmonious both in style and color. A delicate silk blouse, a fluffy openwork blouse in pastel colors, and a tapestry suit with a delicate pattern - all this brought back memories of Venus herself, the patroness of beauty. Needless to say, this woman also showed herself as a talented artist, implementing in her works a subtle understanding of beauty and a developed sense of color.

And here is another example from the world of celebrities - the magnificent Catherine Deneuve, a bright representative of the sign of Libra. In our country, it gained popularity after the famous film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg”, at the same time becoming a standard of grace and high taste. However, she retains this status to this day, despite her advanced age.

We find the color scheme characteristic of Libra in the works of the remarkable painter and cultural figure born under this sign - Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich. The shades of blue and green he uses are striking in their diversity, and, of course, the abundance of delicate turquoise in some places and ringing turquoise in others attracts attention. And its combination with other delicate colors - light pink, pale yellow, blue and lilac - gives the person contemplating his painting a feeling of unearthly harmony.

Happiness colors for Libra

Libra colors: dark blue, light lemon, purple, sea green, dark shades of green. Libra suits a sophisticated and delicate palette that contrasts beautifully with white. White color seems to bring everything into balance. In the colors of Libra one can observe a faintly expressed artificiality and a certain charm and piquancy. Such colors attune to the aesthetic perception of the surrounding world, help to be in constant harmony with oneself, which undoubtedly helps this sign to be attractive to others. Show your best traits and quietly fade into the shadows in unfavorable situations.

Happiness colors for each zodiac sign - choose your zodiac sign

Libra: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Zodiac Metals

Libra's colors are dark blue, green, aqua, pastel colors in general. And this is no coincidence, because Libra is an air sign, and each of the named colors symbolizes limitless air space.

Libra flowers are marigold, rose and violet. Marigolds can soothe the mental suffering of Libra. The rose - the queen of all flowers - symbolizes the variability of Libra's character, which sometimes turns into betrayal of feelings. The violet symbolizes that Libra often demonstrates modesty and is capable of sincere friendship.

Libra stones are opal, coral, diamond, sapphire, beryl, crystal, peridot, moonstone, green jasper, zircon.

Let's say more about some of them. Opal is a stone of hope and fidelity; it suits Libra perfectly, because they are often capable of making the most unexpected decisions, based solely on their feelings. At the same time, they need hope so much, because they are very afraid of failure. Diamond can make Libra happy. Sapphire is able to discipline this zodiac sign prone to inconstancy. Zircon gives self-confidence: sometimes they lack this so much!

The metal of Libra is bronze. It is this alloy, if Libra wears jewelry made from it, that can give greater stability to the changeable nature of this zodiac sign.

Please advise. I wanted to order a ring made of bronze, I wanted a wolf, I like this animal, but? Whether the animal approaches the scales or in any arc is just which one.

What resonates in your soul is closer to you. Listen only to yourself.

The Right Colors for Libra

This lady loves communication and wants to arouse respect and interest in the company. She is always tastefully dressed and smart. The Libra woman has an excellent sense of style. All her outfits are usually calm colors, but sometimes such a lady likes to lift her mood by using rich, bright shades. All natural tones suit her optimistic disposition, and defiant, flashy colors usually do not evoke sympathy among women of the intellectual sign of the Zodiac.

The bright color of attention, sun, and optimism is suitable for this lady to overcome doubts, become open and arouse interest in an unfamiliar society. Yellow tones are recommended for Libra in moments of fatigue, apathy, and boredom. Such shades subconsciously attract attention, which will help you achieve success at a party or in places where there are a lot of people. In a Libra setting, yellow should not be used.. It excites their imagination too much, does not allow them to relax, and can irritate them.

This magnificent color of harmony will help Libra earn the trust of colleagues and acquaintances. It helps create an atmosphere of understanding if green shades are used in the interior. Wearing clothes of these colors will emphasize the peacefulness of the zodiac sign, soften eternal doubts, and help create warm relationships with loved ones. Green tones perfectly relax, dispel fears, and put thoughts in order. It is beneficial for Libra's health and mood.

These colors are indispensable for Libra during periods of strong excitement, nervous tension, rage, and fatigue. Blue cools strong unpleasant feelings and is suitable for work involving people or requiring attention. These shades help you concentrate extremely and remain calm at critical moments. Blue promotes making the right decision, assimilation of information, and rapid learning. A woman of the zodiac sign can wear clothes of this color to an important meeting, meeting, exam. This will bring good luck in financial matters and contribute to successful cooperation.

The delicate color will help Libra women relax, become softer and more warm-hearted. It literally teaches understanding and helps create harmony in relationships. Wearing a pastel pink dress is good for going to a love meeting to get in the mood for romantic feelings. This color is very suitable for leisure due to its relaxing qualities. At a gala reception, a Libra woman will attract the attention of strong men and will be defenselessly beautiful and feminine.

The element of Water in this color is suitable for relaxation and creating a calm atmosphere. In clothes of blue shades, the Libra woman will feel confident, will be able to quickly collect her thoughts, and will become focused. This color develops sociability, the main quality of the zodiac sign. Speech will become more expressive, bright, and refined. Blue can be worn to a friendly party or important negotiations. It is suitable for psychologists, managers, consultants, writers.

Colors for a Libra man

According to the horoscope, Libra men are very active. Their wardrobe consists of comfortable but elegant things. The tones of clothing should help him realize the main qualities of the zodiac sign - sociability, mobility, intellectuality. At home he should relax a little; calm colors will greatly contribute to this. The mood, and therefore success, often depends on what tone this receptive man chooses in his clothes.

This color is indispensable at work. For Libra business men, he will help them earn authority and find the most profitable solution. Blue tones perfectly clarify thoughts, teach order, and bring equanimity.. In the most nervous environment, a man of the Zodiac sign will be very collected and calm. When studying, blue color perfectly structures the information received, helps to find the essence, and highlight the most important points in new knowledge.

This color harmonizes the feelings of a Libra man, teaches him understanding, care, and perfectly relaxes and balances him. At work, green color will promote business communication, help you find profitable partners, and work out a compromise during disputes.

At home, it relieves nervous tension, helps restore strength, and calms quarrels.

For Libra men, it is very important to find a compromise in any contradictions. This property of the zodiac sign is perfectly reflected by two completely opposite shades combined in this color. Libra men can wear clothes in gray tones at work. This will help you overcome doubts, avoid mistakes, become balanced and attentive. It promotes intelligence development and learning.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about talismans and amulets according to the horoscope for the sign of Libra. Not only natural precious stones can become effective amulets for zodiac signs. Each symbol of the zodiac circle has other magical artifacts that are associated with success and strength, giving their bearers protection, luck, strength of character and chances to get what they want. Of course, the zodiac sign Libra also has such items.

What talisman is needed to attract money and luck to the zodiac sign Libra?

Everyone wants to avoid troubles and disasters on the path of life (further, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how to set up a talisman to help achieve the desired results). And everyone wants success and luck to accompany them. It is believed that a person’s well-being depends on the efforts he puts into it. But this is only partly true. There are different forces at work in the world, and magical power is one of the most powerful and unknown.

Possessing this power, knowing how to concentrate and direct it, you can influence the events of the physical world. For this, there are various rituals, and magical objects - talismans, amulets and amulets that are used according to the horoscope, are nothing more than a variety of such tools.

People born under the astrological sign of Libra can correct an undesirable situation with the help of a protective talisman or personal amulet. And you can protect yourself from the evil of the human world, from the evil eye, curses and manifestations with the help of amulets for the horoscope sign Libra. Magical items - protective amulets and talismans for good luck according to the signs of the zodiac, can significantly improve the life of their wearer. But you need to choose the amulet correctly.

The most popular classification of magical assistants, powerful talismans and amulets according to the signs of the zodiac is considered to be the classification according to the signs of the zodiac circle. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, think that it is very convenient. Talismans are chosen depending on the date of birth, taking into account the individual characteristics of a person born in a particular sign. I'm a magician Sergei Artgrom, I'll tell you what amulets for the zodiac sign Libra What kind of strong talismans and protective amulets are recommended for representatives of the air trine?

What should be the amulets of the zodiac sign Libra?

Magical artifacts - amulets and birthday talismans allow their wearer to develop and enhance positive characteristics. At the same time, negative traits, thanks to the power of practical magic, can be subjected to the necessary correction. Depending on what features of your personality you want to work on, what you want to change in yourself, choose magic items.

Is it possible to buy ready-made talismans and amulets?

It’s possible, but making your own talisman for your zodiac sign is always welcome. Especially if you are not lazy to work on yourself, develop your spiritual and magical power, and know how to charge talismans. In the old days, items of Power were made by magicians and sorcerers. This practice also applies in the modern world. So, go for it - make magical helpers for yourself or ask knowledgeable people to do it.

Having learned about the strengths and weaknesses, and the sharp edges of the character of people of the Libra horoscope sign, you can begin to select artifacts that will have a positive impact on the goals of the representatives of this astrological horoscope. The main task of birthday talismans for the zodiac sign Libra should be the task of harmonizing relationships with people and oneself.

What talismans bring good luck to the sign of Libra - figures and metals

To solve this most important problem, a figurine depicting scales is suitable. Amulet for the zodiac sign Libra as good as it gets. It is desirable that such a figurine be made of copper, bronze or gold. Silver also works well. The ruling planet of this horoscope sign is Venus, and copper is the metal of Venus, the planet of love.

Venus is not the only planet that patronizes the horoscope sign Libra.

They are also under the tutelage of the Sun, Mars and Saturn. These planets have their own metals - gold, steel, lead, which are usually used to make various magical objects - talismans, strong protective amulets, Slavic amulets by date of birth for representatives of the zodiac sign Libra.

Copper, which conducts the powerful energy of the planet Venus, symbolizes naturalness and eroticism. This metal has healing properties. To get out of a depressed state, it is recommended to wear copper jewelry. However, it is worth considering that copper intoxicates and puts you to sleep. Therefore, if you prefer ancient amulets with solar signs as magical assistants, remember that this metal cannot be worn for a long time.

But, since at the moment we are talking about such an amulet based on the date of birth, like a figurine in the shape of scales, which is not forbidden to stand on the desktop, then it may well be copper and bring success in love and business.

Talisman for the horoscope sign Libra in the shape of a heart.

The heart as a sign of good luck for the zodiac sign Libra is perfect for you. A heart-shaped medallion made of bronze is believed to be a powerful, highly effective magical item. Therefore it is often considered as amulet for men of the Libra sign. A feature of the character of people born under this constellation, which undoubtedly refers to the weak, negative side of character, is indecision and timidity. In addition, Libras often have difficulty making independent decisions. Bronze helps people of this sign to become resistant to the negative influence of others, gives its bearer confidence and stability, despite his changeable character.

Magical items made of silver - boxes, caskets, figurines, jewelry.

And for those representatives of the Libra horoscope sign who are discouraged, sick or stuck in negative energy, silver is perfect.

People often ask what is the best talisman in a state of spiritual and physical weakening?

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, answer: any magical object made of silver. These can also be silver figurines recommended for the Libra horoscope sign as talismans, amulets, or amulets for women or men's talismans (miniature boxes, caskets, figurines in the form of scales, hearts, wheels); and silver jewelry.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

The strong magical properties of this noble metal will purify thoughts and energy, and improve the internal state of a person born in this constellation. And, in addition, silver will help heal wounds of the physical body more quickly. It is not for nothing that in the old days Slavic amulets for women were made of silver. It gives strength, resilience, and assistance during pregnancy and childbirth. And, of course, a silver amulet for a woman with the horoscope sign Libra bestows feminine attractiveness and charisma on its owner.

What amulet to buy for success in life

A miniature wheel, worn in the form of a pendant, can become a very good amulet that will bring true luck and success in any business to the life of a representative of this sign. In other words, the wheel can become good money amulet for the zodiac sign Libra. And, since I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, am talking specifically about the functions of an amulet that attracts good luck, then this item will provide protection to its wearer.

The wheel will protect its bearer from the outside, as well as from unnecessary doubts. It will teach you to trust your intuition and make sober, rational decisions. The wheel can be an effective magical amulet for a woman of the sign of Libra, as well as for a man of this constellation. You need to carry such an amulet with you at all times.

But how to activate the talisman and amulet in the form of a wheel?

In the usual way, like any other magical object - through a witchcraft ritual, or through endless interaction, i.e. through constant contact with a magical artifact.

Talismans of financial luck for the zodiac sign Libra

Apart from the good luck attracting wheel, what are the effective money talismans for the Libra sign that will bring constant financial luck to the people of this sign? Libra belongs to the elemental trine of Air. For all air signs - Libra, Aquarius and Gemini, a talisman made of crystal or glass is perfect. These materials are great for attracting financial luck into the lives of air signs.

Form money talisman for Libra by date of birth, whose main task is to attract cash flows, a pyramidal or cone-shaped one is chosen. A small glass or crystal pyramid placed in the center of the room will accumulate positive energy, as well as the energy of money and well-being.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you what talisman Libra needs to attract and stabilize the family budget:

  • miniature scales – figurine or piece of jewelry
  • a wheel that can be worn as a medallion or kept on your desktop as an element of interior decor
  • figurine in the shape of a pyramid

Which plant talismans bring good luck to the sign of Libra?

The plant kingdom has its own magical helpers and protectors, as well as money talismans based on the dates of birth of the zodiac sign Libra. It is best to give preference to a person of this astrological constellation:

  1. roses,
  2. violets
  3. and marigolds (calendula).

How to choose a talisman and amulet for a person of a certain Zodiac Sign? For example, for the sign Libra.

Of course, taking into account its pros and cons, in order to enhance the former and minimize the latter.

Character and qualities

The first task of those born under the sign of Libra is to be an indicator of beauty and harmony, as well as an arbiter for other people, resolving situations of disputes, conflicts, and misunderstandings.

Their second task is to be a partner, balancing their feelings and concepts with the feelings and concepts of the other person.

Strengths of Libra, which, due to the symbols and signs of amulets, amulets and talismans, can be strengthened:

  • peacefulness and diplomacy, they are more inclined to negotiate, discuss, explain, rather than show aggression. Violence is not their way of life;
  • aestheticism, they strive to look beautiful, because they need to be a standard in everything;
  • skill and desire build relationships with another person and society as a whole, excellent communication skills;
  • feeling justice and instincts for the right actions - because of which people turn to Libra for advice.

Disadvantages of the Libra sign that need to be minimized:

  • indecisiveness, a long period of doubts and hesitations, because it is difficult to take into account all the nuances, weigh and evaluate everything, especially when you are personally responsible for the correct choice;
  • some snobbery, reliance on the authorities of one’s social stratum;
  • weakness of will- due to internal doubts.

Symbols for amulets, amulets and talismans of the Libra sign

Scales, square, compass– help representatives of this sign enter into events more accurately and clearly, spend less time on doubts, and more quickly compare the proposed options for what is happening: events, giving and receiving, space and time.

With such a talisman, a person will be attuned to his own rhythm of internal balance.

2 wedding rings- although this is a symbol of all people connected by marriage, for Libra it is a 100% individual talisman. Because this Zodiac Sign understands and feels it better than others, 2 rings are connected with their life mission.

Rings will also support the social and cultural level of your relationship. All this helps Libra to grow and develop according to their own program: to remain faithful, cultivate a sense of longevity and develop the quality of responsibility in themselves.

Palace, castle in the air- a symbol and model of an ideal spatial structure, architecture - here on the “sinful” earth. Products and souvenirs of palaces, castles in personal space, at home or at work - help Libra socially, tuning them to a high level and lifestyle. To the standard.

Labyrinth- as a symbol of the path of reflection, the search for the correct assessment, choice. The labyrinth helps Libra find their way in the artificial structures of human culture and society.

The labyrinth is a magical symbol; passing through the labyrinth raises a person to a new level of Initiation. New opportunities open up for him, but also the responsibility that accompanies them.

Anvil, trowel– for those representatives of the Sign of Libra who want to focus their strength and abilities on handmade craftsmanship, on changing the world. Perfect for people in applied professions who create and create real value.

In addition, the use of talismans-tools as symbols contributes to the growth of Libra's mastery and artistry in all areas of their life.

Judge's gavel, Themis– symbols focus Libra’s ability to act as a fair arbiter. Friends and girlfriends often turn to such people for advice; their opinion is valuable because it helps make choices easier, make a clear and specific decision, and choose the right option.

Colors of the Libra sign

According to ancient sources, according to books written by medieval authors, the colors of Libra are strontium yellow, pink and beige with turquoise. I think that any person, including a representative of this sign, can love and wear any colors, including those listed.

But in modern colorology, the most resonant in vibration and meaning for a person born from September 24 to October 22 are blue and orange, their shades and their combinations.

It is these colors that are most useful for their energy and feeding the brain with color.

Talisman stones for the Zodiac sign Libra

Stones will be useful for all representatives of the Libra sign orange And blue shades that allow you to think soberly and make decisions easier. They also promote partnerships, the preservation of love and mutual understanding.

It is your right to take into account or not take into account the boundaries of your month of birth.

For Libra born in September (September 24-30)

First of all this diamond, preferably blue. Remember the “Heart of the Ocean” stone from the movie “Titanic” - this is the best example. The natural stone is rare and extremely expensive, with only a few blue diamonds found each year.

However, there are synthetic blue diamonds. Such a stone will contribute to the quality of Libra's thinking, ease of decision-making and self-confidence. It is these qualities that they lack to facilitate their journey through their own labyrinths.

Light shades are also suitable sapphires. Sapphire is considered a stone of purity and chastity, which will help Libra maintain its objectivity in relationships with itself and other people.

A wonderful blue stone for Libra – topaz. This stone helps Libra avoid sharp corners, distance themselves from emotional judgments, and protect themselves from insincerity. And remain objective. Topaz also helps to establish contacts with a partner, adding wisdom to the person who wears it.

Blue topazes have a beneficial effect on health and support the quality of the genitourinary system, which is key for the health of Libra.

Aquamarine- affects the internal state of a person born under the sign of Libra - making him more attentive to the many verbal and non-verbal signals that other people send him. Which is especially important for business and the negotiation process.

With this stone it is easier to convince other people and convey to them your own opinion, achieving the goal and getting the desired result.

Lapis lazuli– helps Libra to be more ambitious, to strive for a higher standard of living and a higher social status. They have a good effect on the female nervous and hormonal system.

With this stone it is easier to relax and unwind, sometimes this is what the over-responsible Libra lacks.

For Libra born in October (October 1-22)

For October Libra, orange stones are most suitable, and stones that combine orange and blue tint. And by name and meaning - nephritis.

Opal– a stone that is recommended exclusively for energetic people who live at an increased pace of life. It will help you achieve even more, and will enhance your charisma and talents in relationships with others. If you are not one of the described types of people, it is better to avoid opal.

Orange-blue opal will enhance the sexuality and masculinity of men, and deepen the sensuality and passion of women.

Orange garnet– attracts new relationships into your life. Capable of kindling the flame of love in a person of the Air element, to which the Sign of Libra belongs. It has a good effect on the health of a person’s sexual sphere, ensuring the flow of energy of the corresponding orange (sexual) chakra.

Jasper– strengthens the body, self-esteem and character well. Maintains health and sharpens the senses, especially the sense of smell.

Libra Jasper can be worn throughout one’s life, but during periods, it accumulates a person’s positive energy and releases it in portions if necessary.

A stone placed under the pillow has an even more profound and subtle effect on the energy, acting as a healer. Its influence is carried out at the level where a person really needs help.

Nephritis any, but especially orange, strengthens the health of the kidneys, which are vulnerable in Libra.

Jade is famous and valued in eastern countries because it gives a person health, longevity and prosperity. Maintains humanity and a calm, sober mind in the wearer. It makes it easier to show true respect for people because jade removes negative energies from a person’s field.