Beaver jet: preparation of tincture and its medicinal properties. Medicinal properties, indications for the use of beaver jet

Curing diseases and restoring the body after them, the unique composition has valuable substances. It is thanks to its composition that the beaver's jet is able to raise to its feet both the seriously ill and those who have an unreasonable decline in strength, and help those who have neuroses.

The incredible properties of the remedy were used in ancient China, and it was there that the healers knew how to prepare a tincture from a fresh beaver stream.

The recipe for making tincture from the beaver stream was known to those who already used the unique composition, having learned in secret how to prepare it. They felt the effect of the composition on themselves. After all, he helped with almost any ailment. It is able to cure acute and chronic inflammations, even affecting the suspension of the development of oncological tumors, and they have experienced its effectiveness.

The effect that made the tool so popular:

  • Strengthening active agent on the body has a tonic and restorative effect. It has an antibacterial effect and successfully fights the penetration of viruses. By ridding the system of live microorganisms, the infusion of the beaver jet will reduce cough of any nature.
  • Beaver tincture is most effective as a remedy for the treatment of skin diseases. During the rehabilitation period and after paralysis, it is used to improve metabolic processes, which will result in enhanced transport delivery of nutrients to the site of injury.
  • Cooked beaver spray on alcohol will help prevent reactions to allergens. Ingestion will help prevent allergy attacks on the skin and on the mucous surface.
  • The transitional period of age-related changes in men and women will help push back a dozen years of a beaver tincture of alcohol.
  • The product is suitable for taking at any adult age with hormonal disorders, as a result, it will recover. In addition, inflammation of the genitourinary system will stop.
  • For the male half of a person, a recipe for a beaver stream will be relevant in situations with problems in sexual life. After all, in the past, this composition, obtained from an active animal, helped men be ready for a love relationship at any time. Those who used it were reputed to be indefatigable lovers. But they, like everyone else, did not always know how to draw a beaver stream.

2. Required items

The animal has a very varied herbal diet, and only eats essential plant species. Its habitat allows it to travel fairly long distances in search of desired grass. The clean areas along the banks of the rivers have a wide variety of living plants, which allows swimming animals to be so selective in their diet.

They consume those plants that provide their body with the elements to maintain a full life in cool water and on land. And in order for a living creature to be able to stay in the water and on land, it needs a lot of strength, so for this it selects a unique diet that is not similar to other animals. Using his gland, people learned how to get a miraculous result and learned how to insist a beaver stream on vodka.

3. What is the unique composition made of

The name of the base component in the preparation of the beaver jet means that the glands of the animal themselves are used.

Suitable for this:

  • dried up;
  • dried;
  • or wet bags.

Depending on the type of use of the base, it can be immediately cut into small pieces or ground to a powder. In its raw form, the product is broken into the smallest pieces, and in a dry or solid state, it is ground to a powder state.

Raw or fresh, this unique product looks like a yellow-green mass.

After all, before you prepare a beaver stream, you must first purchase it. To prepare a quality product, it is desirable to have at least a small idea of ​​​​how to choose it, and only then specify: what to make the beaver stream tincture on.

If this product is taken in a prepared dried state, before preparing the beaver stream at home, then it can immediately be ground to a state of dust. Even in this dry form, it can already be taken for treatment.


  • The existing nuance of specificity of aroma and bitterness of taste can interfere with taking iron in its pure form. It is better to learn all about the beaver stream and how to make the tincture. Having insisted it on alcohol or on ordinary vodka, it will not only be better and much longer preserved, but it will also be much easier to use. And besides, it is more convenient, since it is very simple to prepare a beaver stream, and it will be suitable for any kind of application.
  • At the beginning of how to prepare a tincture from a beaver stream, prepare special ingredients for this. Vodka or alcohol is taken in the same amount regardless of the degrees, but the alcohol should not be higher than 70 percent so that there is no tannic effect. Knowing how to prepare a beaver spray, do not add other types of strong liquids, such as moonshine or anything else.
  • In the resulting liquid, depending on what type of raw material it is infused, there is no difference. But it is believed that it is more convenient to prepare a healing liquid from a powder. To do this, you need to know, using a beaver stream, how to prepare a future remedy from a fresh stream or from a solid pre-dried product.

4. Why it is more convenient to use the powder state option for preparing a beaver jet

  • For ingestion or application in the form of compresses or treatment of wounds, mucous membranes, tamponade, a powder prepared from a prepared gland is best suited. But if it is simply added to water before drinking or to reduce an unusual aftertaste in tea or coffee, then it will simply float to the top, and it will be difficult for you to drink it. Therefore, information on how to infuse a beaver stream will be important for such a process.
  • For external application, penetration will be much faster if it is infused with alcohol. Well, if you take a broken aromatic substance in the form of pieces, then it will also be more difficult to apply it to the skin and mucous membranes. This will be one of the most inconvenient use cases.

How to get the powder

In order to be able to rub the iron to a state of powder, it is recommended to pre-dry it or purchase it already in this state. In a well-dried state, it acquires a hardness, making it easy to grate. A fine grater is suitable for this purpose. The resulting powder is suitable for preparing a beaver jet at home. It can be intended not only for internal subsequent use, but also for external use.

In order for the composition obtained from a waterfowl to be ready for application to the skin, mucous membranes or ingestion, you need to know exactly how the tincture is prepared from the beaver stream so that it can be stored longer and not change its medicinal properties. After all, in the future you can use it for different purposes.

Having at hand such an assistant in the fight against ailments, you can use the tincture for preventive purposes. And in order for it to be at hand, it should be properly prepared. You will know how to properly prepare the beaver stream tincture so that you can apply it at any time.

When we begin to lose control of our body, it becomes harder for us to cope with diseases. Stocking up in advance with a unique means of struggle, it will be much easier for us to cope with the problem in the body.

Pre-fabrication of the beaver spray at home will create the opportunity to use it at the very moment when the problem arose, without waiting for a long period of time when the future medicine is infused.


  1. Before you prepare a medicine from a beaver jet, you need to know the exact weight of the product. This is necessary to calculate the combined alcohol with the base.
  2. The mass used, that is, the base, is a beaver stream, which is prepared with alcohol in this way: each 100g of the product as a base is poured for infusion with half a liter of alcohol. It is cut into small pieces or brought to a powdery state so that during the period of connection with alcohol, it is not only better, but also faster infused. A simple recipe for how to make a tincture from a beaver stream has some sequence of your actions.
  3. The poured powder is thoroughly mixed for uniformity.
  4. Sometimes you need to get the finished solution faster. Having specified how to insist on a beaver stream, you can get a ready-made composition in a few days. To do this, the placed ingredients are placed in a dark place for several days in a container with a tightly ground or well-twisted lid so that evaporation does not occur. The solution stands in a dark place, at room temperature for several days.
  5. If you plan to carry out the prevention of any diseases or will use an alcoholic liquid in a small dosage, for this you can learn how to make a recipe from a beaver stream, which will not differ in its composition, but it will take much more time to infuse.
  6. The crushed iron, mixed with alcohol, is rolled into an ordinary glass jar under an iron lid. To avoid air leakage, it is better to fill the distance between the lid and the jar with slightly melted warm paraffin. The jar is placed for two to three weeks in a dark place. After this period, the liquid is bottled and stored in a dark place at normal room temperature (22-26°C). Shake well before bottling liquid.
  7. By learning how to cook a beaver jet at home in many ways, you choose what is right for you. If you do not have the desire to do this, you can purchase a ready-made beaver stream, the recipe for preparing the tincture in this case will be indicated in the accompanying document.

5. What should be the color

Regardless of the type of raw material, you will get a brown beaver tincture at home. The color will be saturated, reminiscent of strong black tea or cognac.

Before you make a tincture from a beaver stream according to the standard ratio of 100g of gland per 0.5 liter of alcohol for prevention and treatment, or by the amount of the base (gland) exceeding more than 100g, but not more than 120g, you need to decide on the purpose of its use. If a larger amount of base (musk) is taken, then the color will turn out to be more saturated. Accordingly, the concentration increases with a higher content of the base.

Beaver stream tincture

The peculiarity of the beaver stream as infused in water is that it does not dissolve in such a compound. On the contrary, it is highly soluble in alcohol. Our ancestors did not know these features. And only with time did a new way of insisting for those times appear, thanks to which they learned that it was diluted in alcohol. And that the concentrated state can be diluted with water.

After learning the features of the beaver stream, how to dilute it after a period of infusion, people began to use it much more. This method has been used for a long time and has remained relevant to this day.

In the case of mixing the future solution with powder, the color appears much faster than if raw raw materials are used. According to all the recommendations for any insistence, you can hear that it is better to leave the liquid for this process in a light darkened from the sun's rays. In this case, before making a beaver stream at home, it is worth clarifying that there will be no color changes. Even if you insist the future mixture in a bright place, the color will not change.

6. An indispensable assistant in the weakening of the human system

Having data on how to infuse a fresh beaver stream, you can prepare yourself for the start of the treatment process. The time of infusion may be different, but not less than a few days. Sometimes they last up to two months. The longer this period is, the more effective the remedy will be.

Stocking up on a unique composition of organic substances with data on how to prepare an aqueous solution of a beaver stream, you get an indispensable assistant for headaches, stress, heart and vascular diseases, and kidney diseases. The substance produced by the endocrine glands is a powerful immunostimulating agent. You suffer from radiculitis, myositis, which means that your body cannot cope with the loads received. The body lacks some nutrients. In this case, alcohol tincture beaver stream is also suitable. After watching how to infuse the beaver stream in the video, you can use it to treat arthrosis of the joints that have appeared recently or have been tormenting for several years.

7. Types of use and use of the composition

As in any treatment for health problems, there are internal and external problems. You can solve them, of course, excluding the problem itself, but with the addition of this effective remedy, which can be used in its pure form or by determining individually how to breed a beaver stream for your purposes.

Internal problems:

  • The formed complex of internal problems is solved with the help of the internal use of a therapeutic liquid, for this, insisting on alcohol is used, and after preparing the beaver stream on water, drink it with the exact dosage.

Beaver stream ointment

Outdoor problems:

  • Existing external problems, as in therapeutic treatment, are eliminated by external application of a jet of beaver tincture, while it can be diluted with ordinary running or distilled water so as not to burn the skin or mucous membranes. This is also necessary in cases with open wounds.

Positive result

Improving the condition of your body as a whole, or being treated in one direction, you can notice a general positive result by taking the beaver stream tincture inside.


  • improvement of the general condition of the body;
  • surge of strength;
  • system toning;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • restful sleep;
  • increased performance and endurance.

But along with such results, you can still prolong your youth if you are over thirty.

Women passing into the category of Balzac age will also be helped by the action of a unique and valuable composition to maintain their health.

A tincture of a beaver stream recipe will be effective, which is suitable for cases of combating viral diseases or inflammatory processes in women. Before preparing the infusion of the beaver stream, an alcohol extract is used. The diluted liquid will affect the termination of the vital activity of harmful microorganisms in the human system.

And with varicose veins and problems with thrombophlebitis, the tincture can be applied to the place of discomfort.

External application will give a relieving effect the very next morning. Using the recipe, how to prepare an infusion from a beaver stream, you can help yourself with sprains, bruises, bruises and other soft tissue injuries.

8. Water solution

The beaver stream, which has practically no contraindications, the recipe for which is described above, can be used even for complex diseases. In some cases, the concentrated composition is recommended to be diluted with water.

And this method among all existing recipes is the simplest. The composition, diluted with water, is suitable for soaking tampons in case of pathologies and inflammations of the female genitourinary system, when instilling eyes and ears, when applying compresses to the skin.

To prepare a beaver stream on water, an infused concentrated liquid on alcohol is used. Water is added to it. It is recommended to use a diluted concentrated tincture for those who are contraindicated in alcohol-containing drinks, due to problems and changes in the mucous surface in the digestive system that have appeared for various reasons.

9. Dose increase

Also, before preparing an aqueous extract of the beaver stream, it is necessary to clarify that even in a diluted state, despite the fact that there are almost no contraindications, it is necessary to start taking it inside with a small dosage. Namely, with three or four drops. Active substances in their overdose can cause an increase in blood pressure and tachycardia. And in some cases, when people independently increase the amount of funds and nausea.

10. Recovery

The correct recommended use will not cause any side effects in the human body. On the contrary, it will help to cope with physical and emotional stress. Unpleasant manifestations of inflammatory phenomena in the system will disappear. Health will be restored. The work of the digestive tract will improve. Vigor and efficiency will appear.

To consolidate the result and for preventive purposes, it is necessary to repeat the course with a break.

With frights, convulsions, the conductivity of nerve impulses is restored, which gives a good result of stopping convulsions and reducing the stress state.

The unique natural healing composition is a healing agent. Improves well-being, even after taking in minimal doses.

There are rare cases of intolerance to a natural substance. There is no inhibition of the reaction and drowsiness. But at night, a person has a good rest, gaining strength.

Musk is produced in pear-shaped sacs located under the tail of the animal. An interesting fact is that only beavers have such an organ, while both males and females secrete a healing secret.

Castoreum contains a huge amount of enzymes, trace elements, vitamins, active biological substances. This ratio of useful components makes beaver musk a universal remedy for solving various problems related to human health and well-being.

Beaver stream is applied:

  • to strengthen immunity;
  • for the treatment of inflammatory processes;
  • for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • to solve problems in the work of the nervous system;
  • for the treatment of the respiratory system;
  • for the treatment of varicose veins;
  • for the treatment of viral infections.

Beaver Jet Efficiency repeatedly proven by the practice of its application. So, for example, a woman aged 28 for several years could not get rid of viral herpes, rashes on her lips appeared regularly with a certain frequency, accompanied by general weakness and pain.

Traditional treatment chemical preparations did not give the desired effect and did not help get rid of the problem. On the advice of a friend, the woman began to use a beaver stream for the treatment of herpes. Two months later, the problem of viral herpes was gone from the life of a young woman forever.

Would like to note that beaver musk is actively used not only for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, but is also often used in the beauty industry, as a component of cosmetic preparations, and in perfumery as an odor fixative.

Research has shown that the chemical composition of beaver musk includes more than 40 valuable substances. The unique properties of the beaver glands are associated with the animal's diet, which includes about 150 types of medicinal herbs and plants.

Beaver stream can get rid of more than 100 diseases, including:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • angina;
  • ischemia;
  • prostatitis;
  • cyst;
  • cystitis;
  • hypertension;
  • gynecological problems;
  • kidney failure;
  • blood diseases and many others.

In folk medicine, the beaver stream is used in four forms:

  1. in powder form;
  2. in the form of tincture;
  3. in the form of an ointment;
  4. in the form of candles.

For cooking healing powder is enough
o Grind the previously dried beaver glands with a grater.

The ointment is prepared on the basis of lard, bear or badger fat, into which crushed powder is introduced.

For cooking rectal suppositories use suppositories with herbal extract. Suppositories are melted in a water bath, a powdered beaver stream is injected. The prepared composition is poured into molds and cooled in the refrigerator.

To prepare a medicinal tincture from a beaver stream, you will need:

  • 700 ml. 40% solution of medical alcohol or vodka;
  • 150 - 200 gr beaver jet;
  • clean, sterilized container;
  • scissors.

The process of preparing the tincture:

  1. with the help of scissors, the beaver stream is cut into small cubes (the smaller the fragments, the better);
  2. pour chopped beaver stream into a jar;
  3. pour alcohol;
  4. insist for one month in a dark place.

Practical advice: when cutting the beaver stream, it is advisable to use gloves, since the smell of musk is very specific, sharp and persistent. If gloves are not used, hands may smell of musk for several days.

Right the prepared balm should have a cognac color. It is necessary to store the finished drug in a dark, cool place, you can also in the refrigerator.

How to use beaver jet depends on the form of the drug. Suppositories with a beaver stream are used as a traditional rectal suppository.

A course of treatment ranges from 10 to 30 days, one suppository is administered per day, usually at night. If necessary, a second course of treatment is carried out after a monthly break.

Beaver Musk Powder: once a day, use a small amount of powder (a single dose should not be more than a match head). The course of treatment is about two months. A second course is possible after 30 days.

Alcohol tincture based on the beaver stream is taken orally:

  • for preventive purposes - one teaspoon per day;
  • for the treatment of diseases and various pathologies - two to three teaspoons per day half an hour before meals.

Caution: people who are contraindicated in drinking alcohol should not use the tincture. It is better to take the beaver stream in the form of a powder.

Other ways to receive a beaver jet

Castoreum can be used in the form of compresses. This method is an effective treatment for hematomas, bruises, fractures, swelling.

For the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, in order to prevent colds, the beaver stream can be used in the form of inhalations.

Beaver jet can be used as ear or eye drops.

When treating thrush tampon saturate with alcohol tincture of beaver stream and inserted into the vagina.

Beaver Musk is excellent antidepressant, helps with overwork, beriberi, insomnia. The remedy helps to restore lost strength, increases mental and physical activity.

Medications, made from the secret glands of beavers, is often used to treat male problems. Beaver stream helps to increase sexual activity, potency.

Castoreum is an effective assistant in the treatment of many diseases, however, despite all the usefulness and safety of the product, when taking the drug, you must carefully listen to your own body, follow the dosage and rules for using the drug.

Beaver stream treatment, application

Beaver stream heals

The composition of the beaver stream

Musk of a beaver stream




Video description:

Application of the beaver jet

What is a beaver stream?

What is useful beaver stream?


An excursion into history.

premature ejaculation


During treatment:

Recipe comments.


Beaver stream is an aromatic substance animal origin. It is produced by special odorous glands of the beaver. When fresh, the beaver stream looks like a yellow-brown mass in the form of an ointment; when dry, it is brown. In folk medicine, two types of beaver stream are used: Canadian and Siberian (Russian). Russian is valued much higher. It consists of essential oil, salicin, phenol, fats.

Beaver stream heals many different diseases. it is used both externally and internally. But this musk found its main advantage in the treatment of diseases of the male urogenital area. This remedy even received the second name of natural Viagra, since it has a very strong effect on male potency, and at the same time, unlike regular Viagra, it does not harm a person.

The beaver stream is also distinguished by its bactericidal and healing properties, as a result of which it has found its application in the treatment of infectious wounds, injuries, and skin suppurations. Beaver stream is a powerful tool in the fight against pyogenic infections, in front of which antibiotics are often powerless.

The composition of the beaver stream contains a musky substance traditionally used in lung diseases. It is also able to effectively and quickly relieve cough. including smoker's cough.

Musk of a beaver stream destroys even Koch's wand, and also quickly improves human immunity and the general condition of the body. After the first course of application (lasting one month), the natural adaptogens contained in the beaver stream significantly increase a person's working capacity, both mental, physical, and psychological. The jet is also recommended for athletes.
Externally, the beaver stream is used to treat cuts, bruises, bruises and other injuries. In a few days of using the jet with a small injury, it passes. With more severe injuries, the healing time is also reduced and is usually one to two weeks.

Beaver stream is also used: in the treatment of cardiovascular, nervous diseases, paralysis, migraine. Effectively and quickly cures diseases of the male urogenital area (prostatitis, impotence, adenomas, etc.), as well as gynecological diseases and internal diseases: kidney stones. pyelonephritis. kidney failure, etc. In total, about 50 diseases are known that the beaver stream helps to cure.

In the prevention of joint diseases very effective is the beaver jet, which is used most effectively in a Finnish sauna or a Russian bath.

Oncology. Also, this remedy is used in the treatment of such serious diseases as cancer, hepatitis A and B, jaundice, blood diseases. She was prescribed even to Chernobyl victims and people who were in the affected area, in the treatment of the consequences of radiation sickness, leukemia, leukemia.

Cosmetology. The beaver stream is effective both in cosmetology in smoothing wrinkles and skin rejuvenation, and in perfumery in the production of very expensive perfumes.

Contraindications to the use of the beaver stream is not, except for individual intolerance. The tincture made on the beaver stream does not have a pleasant smell, and therefore it is often used in conjunction with other substances - for example, honey. You can also use a spoonful of coffee, but not hot, taking it first, and then immediately a beaver stream. Coffee most of all helps to reduce bitterness, as well as the smell from the beaver stream.

Take a beaver stream once a day, in the morning. For prevention and raising the general tone, take 20 drops of an alcohol tincture of the product or a dry piece the size of a match head. Therapeutic doses are determined individually, they depend on the condition: most often it is also a teaspoon of tincture or a small piece of dry remedy up to three times a day.

Video description:

Fragment of the transmission of Good Health. Gennady Petrovich Malakhov talks about the Beaver Stream.

Beaver stream, or, as it is also called, beaver musk, is an orange, jelly-like liquid with a pungent, rather persistent odor. This unique natural substance is produced by the beaver's body, namely, the endocrine gland. It contains about 50 different compounds that are beneficial to the human body. Therefore, the beaver stream has been used for many years to treat various diseases. What does the beaver stream treat? How to drink beaver stream? Let's talk about it:

From what beaver stream - indications for use

Beaver musk is a natural universal remedy. When ingested in the form of a tincture or powder, it has a tonic, tonic effect, rejuvenates the body. Helps to improve the work of the heart, activates the processes of hematopoiesis, improves the functioning of the nervous system, increases immunity, and normalizes hormonal levels.

Beaver stream is an excellent means of prophylaxis against tumor neoplasms. Effectively, quickly eliminates convulsions, neutralizes the negative effects of radiation exposure.

This tool has pronounced antibacterial properties, so it is often used in the complex treatment of acute respiratory diseases, sinusitis, tuberculosis, bronchitis, silicosis of the lungs and purulent pneumonia. In the process of taking this remedy, pathogenic bacteria, viruses that are in the body are destroyed.

This natural remedy is recommended to be taken in the treatment of diseases of the blood, liver (in particular, hepatitis A, B). Beaver jet is effective in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and pancreas. It is used to normalize blood pressure, to treat atherosclerosis. The tool is useful for people who restore health after a stroke.

This remedy is very effective in the treatment of radiculitis and osteochondrosis. The pain is significantly reduced after the first application.

The jet stimulates, activates the recovery processes in the body. Therefore, its reception accelerates the healing of various injuries: wounds, ulcers. Reduces, facilitates the process of rehabilitation after the treatment of fractures and injuries, facilitates the course of the postoperative process.

What else does the beaver stream treat? Yes, a lot more. For example, it is considered an indispensable, extremely effective tool that strengthens the walls of blood vessels, cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. Therefore, it is recommended to take it for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis.

Its healing properties also extend to the skin. Beaver jet is used to treat skin diseases: eczema, furunculosis, acne, psoriasis. The tool will help get rid of barley, help to cope with allergic rashes.

There is a lot of evidence of the fact that the use of this remedy has a very positive effect on male sexuality, increases libido, and enhances sexual desire.

Application of the beaver jet

This natural remedy can be used as a powder, tincture and rectal suppositories. They can be purchased ready-made, or you can cook yourself. Let's find out how to do it:

Beaver stream should be finely chopped with a knife. Put in a jar, fill with very good vodka. Follow the proportion: 100 g per 500 ml. Remove to a cool, but not cold, place. Let it infuse for 7-10 days. Shake the product every evening. The finished tincture has a beautiful cognac color.

For prevention, take 1 tsp. a day before meals. For treatment - 2 tsp. once a day. Can be added to tea. Treatment 10 days with a break for 10 days. Then you can repeat.

Dry the stream until it becomes firm. Now grind it to a state of powder (grate on a fine grater). The powder is used to treat skin diseases, used to heal wounds, purulent tumors. To do this, the powder is dissolved in water and compresses are made. Inside, you can also take the powder: on the tip of a knife three times a day.

Preparation of rectal suppositories

With the help of this remedy, hemorrhoids and prostatitis are effectively treated. To prepare it, purchase candles with any plant extract at the pharmacy. At home, melt them in a water bath. When the suppositories melt, cool, add a little powder from the beaver jet (for 1 candle - powder on the tip of a knife).

Mix everything well, make candles or fill in special molds. Place in refrigerator to chill. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, prostatitis, suppositories are used 1 time per day at night.

Before starting self-treatment with this remedy, do not forget to consult a doctor. Be healthy!

how to take and what helps

The beaver stream is secreted by special glands of the beaver. This aromatic substance (castoreum) is used by animals to mark their territory and attract individuals of the opposite sex.

As statistics show, most people continue to ask the same questions about the beaver stream. We publish answers to these frequently asked questions in this article.

What is a beaver stream?
Very often, ignorant people who have never encountered this medicinal raw material ask the question: “What is a beaver stream? Isn't this urine?
Beaver stream (castoreum) is not urine, but an endocrine gland, an aromatic substance of animal origin. It is produced by special odorous glands in the beaver. Paired glands, which are found only in beavers and beavers. Beavers lay biologically active substances in it. These reserves are consumed by beavers in difficult life situations, i.e. wounds, sickness, hunger. They are located on the belly under the skin. Nearby are paired glands with special fat for lubricating wool and genitals.

When beaver is harvested according to a certain method, this gland is extracted from the beaver, separated from fat, blood and mucus. Then it is dried in a dark, cool place so that there is no direct sunlight. This process takes about a month on average. And according to a certain method, which is kept secret, the beaver stream is used in the treatment of a large number of diseases.

The chemical composition of the beaver stream has been studied by a number of researchers. Benzyl alcohol, borneol, p-ethylphenol, acetophenone, benzoic, cinnamic and salicylic acids were isolated, and in total - more than 40 most valuable components. Organic substances that other animals excrete with urine are deposited in the glands of the beaver. In connection with this and the fact that beavers eat only fresh medicinal plants (nettle, horse sorrel, meadowsweet, angelica, goutweed, reed, water lilies - there are about 150 names of medicinal plants in their diet!) The stream is so healing.

What is useful beaver stream?
The beaver stream has always been considered a cure for all diseases. It doesn't happen that way, but that's the way it is. In fact, it's not even a cure. This substance increases the vitality of the body, increases immunity, and the body, your body, uses new forces to fight any disease.

To get a beaver stream, the animal was usually killed. But at present, a method has already been developed for obtaining this secret in vivo at fur farming facilities - an experienced doctor extracts part of the musk from the glands of the animal (no more than 10 grams) with a special gynecological instrument.

An excursion into history.
This medicinal raw material or, more precisely, medicinal derivatives (medical components of animal origin) have been used for thousands of years in Ancient Rus', and in Ancient China, and in Europe.

The ability of this agent to have an antibacterial effect makes it possible to use it for the treatment of sinusitis, herpes, viral respiratory diseases, tuberculosis, silicosis of the lungs, and purulent pneumonia.

When it is used, the cough passes quite quickly, pathogenic bacteria are destroyed. It is no less effective in the treatment of blood diseases, hepatitis A and B, various diseases of the stomach, pancreas, and liver.

Prostate adenoma, impotence, urethritis, prostatitis are cured, premature ejaculation . weakness, pain when urinating. The prostate is the second heart in men, after forty it should be given special attention, the beaver stream is a wonderful helper in this.

However, its effect of increasing sexuality should be taken into account: after all, with some cardiovascular problems, sexual activity is contraindicated. Therefore, before using the jet, consult your doctor.

In gynecology, the effect is as follows: thrush, candidiasis, colpitis, cystitis, pain in the chest and lower abdomen disappear, cysts resolve, inflammation of the glands, bartholinitis disappear.

The range of application of the beaver jet is very wide: for stroke paralysis and angina pectoris, atherosclerosis and ischemia, hypertension and hypotension, hepatitis A, B and gastric diseases, with pulmonary and respiratory diseases, even pneumonia and tuberculosis, with radiculitis and osteochondrosis, with furunculosis and barley, sepsis and herpes, with severe oncological and blood diseases.

The beaver's jet destroys viruses, staphylococci, fungi, Koch's bacillus. The beaver jet normalizes the hormonal background and pressure, stops inflammatory, tumor, infectious processes, relieves convulsions.

Taking tincture for prevention: one dessert spoon half an hour before meals, 1-2 times a day. It is advisable to take in the morning and afternoon, because. evening reception can cause insomnia.

During treatment: one dessert or tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals. With a person weighing more than 80 kg. the dosage increases from a tablespoon and above. The term of admission in the treatment and prevention of 1-2 months. It is very convenient to drink coffee with the balm - it is the taste of coffee that helps to smooth out the effect of natural bitterness and a sharp musky smell. A break after a course of treatment is at least two weeks.

Since the beaver stream is not a dietary supplement (Biologically Active Supplement), therefore, there are no contraindications for its use, with the exception of an overdose. This tool is very effective even in small quantities and is absorbed by the body at 100%, so be careful with the dosage! Don't overdo it!

  1. Grind dry musk on a grater.
  2. Melt pork fat (not salty) or buy ready-made herbal suppositories at the pharmacy.
  3. Mix fat and stream, based on one candle - the size of a match head of musk.
  4. Cool and shape into a candle.

Feedback on the use and treatment of the beaver stream

Recipes for making tincture of beaver stream

I am satisfied. If the lama in the Tibetan monastery approved of the beaver musk that I extract, then this beaver musk is really medicinal, although I know without a lama that what I do is good.

Recipe comments.

If you want to repeat the Tibetan recipe, then you must know what and why they do, and where such exoticism came from.

Continued comments on the recipe page; everything can be downloaded from our website

Recipe number 4. How to make a healing powder from a beaver stream.

For the treatment of tuberculosis, the so-called full course of the beaver jet (at least 100 g of gland) is usually required. Alcohol tincture of the beaver stream is consumed 3 times a day 2 hours before meals. An hour after the tincture, take 1-2 tbsp. spoons of bear or badger fat. In the evening, before going to bed, rubbing with a small amount of fat in the chest and back (shoulder blades) is done.

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Beaver stream (castoreum) is an oily substance with a specific smell that animals produce to mark the boundaries of their territory. This natural product has a unique composition, a wide range of therapeutic effects, helps people of different sexes and ages to get rid of various serious diseases and prevent their development.

Beaver stream - a unique natural remedy

Beaver jet - what is it?

Beaver stream is an aromatic secret secreted by animals, it contains many useful microelements, due to the fact that animals feed mainly on medicinal herbs. Organic components after processing enter the special glands of the beaver, and are not excreted in the urine. Many believe that the healing liquid is contained in the eggs of the animal, but this is not so - the glands are located at the base of the tail.

The chemical composition of beaver musk is rich in medicinal substances that are used in traditional medicine - benzoic, cinnamon, salicylic acid, acetophenone, benzyl alcohol. A more accurate composition of the liquid depends on the habitat of the animal, the characteristics of its diet. Beaver stream is often called the glands with their contents.

Beaver stream contains many useful elements

Main indications for use:

  • diseases of the urogenital, digestive system;
  • violations of reproductive functions;
  • high cholesterol, preventing the development of cardiovascular disease, pressure problems;
  • low calcium content, bone fragility, osteochondrosis, sciatica;
  • hepatitis;
  • sinusitis, colds;
  • varicose veins;
  • paralysis after a stroke;
  • ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes, herpes, furunculosis.

Beaver musk is an excellent tool for combating chronic fatigue, eliminating the manifestation of stress, emotional and mental overstrain. The drug is used in folk medicine for the prevention of cancer, strengthening the immune system in people with a positive HIV status.

Castoreum normalizes metabolic processes, cleanses the body of toxic accumulations, which allows it to be effectively used for weight loss.

In official medicine, beaver musk is skeptical, but some pharmaceutical companies let in dietary supplements based on this natural substance.

What is useful and what treats beaver stream

Due to the unique composition, high content of substances with a therapeutic effect, the beaver stream has a wide range of medicinal properties, has a beneficial effect on various systems and internal organs of a person.

What is useful beaver stream:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, restores their elasticity;
  • improves blood microcirculation, eliminates the deficiency of microelements and oxygen in tissues;
  • eliminates puffiness, normalizes arterial indicators;
  • helps to strengthen the body's defenses;
  • increases efficiency, improves brain activity;
  • accelerates the recovery process after serious illnesses and surgical interventions.

The beaver jet restores the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels

Beaver musk is a powerful natural antibiotic that effectively fights against various infectious pathologies, while not adversely affecting the liver and other internal organs.

Benefits for Women

Beaver musk is used in gynecology, cosmetology - the product helps to get rid of inflammatory processes, fungal infections, has a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

What diseases helps beaver musk:

  • thrush;
  • cystitis;
  • infertility;
  • mastopathy;
  • cysts;
  • cervical erosion.

Medicines based on the beaver jet help to endure menopause more easily, reduce the negative manifestations of PMS.

Castoreum helps treat mastopathy

For men

The beaver stream is also useful for men's health - it is used to treat prostatitis, urethritis, improve potency and libido, eliminate premature ejaculation, the product is often called Russian Viagra. With regular use, many men managed to cure prostate adenoma and avoid surgery.

Beaver jet effectively treats prostate adenoma

The natural product normalizes the synthesis of testosterone, increases sperm motility, which allows you to get rid of some forms of infertility in men, to prolong the reproductive age.

The safety of beaver musk for children has not been proven, experts recommend using the product for the treatment of children over 12 years of age in the form of an aqueous solution. The tool can be used for inhalation for colds, coughs, runny nose, used as an immunomodulatory agent.

For the treatment of a runny nose, you can do inhalations with a beaver stream

The jet contributes to the formation of a strong skeleton, has a beneficial effect on the teeth, it can be taken during periods of intense mental or physical stress in a student.
Before treating a child with a beaver stream, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

For preventive purposes, you can take a beaver stream 5 ml twice a day for a month, courses are carried out twice a year.

The maximum amount of useful substances is contained in an alcohol tincture based on a powder from the beaver gland. You can buy it at a pharmacy, or cook it at home.

How to prepare vodka tincture:

  1. Pour 100 g of jet with 500 ml of vodka.
  2. Place the mixture in a transparent glass container, put in a cool place.
  3. Shake the composition thoroughly every 3 days.
  4. The medicine will be ready in a month, it is not necessary to filter it.

We place the beaver stream in a glass jar

You can prepare a tincture with alcohol, with a strength of not more than 70%. It will take less time to infuse such a medicine, but it also contains somewhat less useful substances.

Mix 400 ml of alcohol with 100 g of crushed natural raw materials, close the container tightly, send it to a cool room for a week. The fastest recipe is to combine musk powder and alcohol in equal parts, the medicine is ready.

For the treatment of certain diseases, it is advisable to use a jet in the form of candles. For preparation, you will need chopped beaver gland and fresh unsalted pork fat - melt 100 g of the base, add natural raw materials at the rate of 1-2 g for each suppository, cool, cut into small suppositories.

On the basis of beaver musk, you can prepare a healing ointment - add 100 g of jet to 200 g of melted badger fat, simmer for 10 minutes in a steam bath, cool, store in the refrigerator.

An ointment can be prepared from beaver fat and a stream

An aqueous extract is used to treat children, the product is suitable for instillation of eyes, nose, rinsing the mouth. To do this, the alcohol tincture should be diluted with clean warm water in a ratio of 1: 2, after 5 minutes the alcohol vapor will evaporate.

To increase efficiency and endurance, you need to add 5 ml of beaver jet tincture to tea or coffee every morning.

Depending on the pathology, the treatment regimen with beaver musk depends, experts recommend starting the tincture with 2-4 drops, monitor well-being. The average duration of the course of treatment is a month, but it all depends on the severity of the disease.

For the treatment of bronchitis, colds for three days, you should take 3 drops of alcohol tincture, after dissolving it in 50 ml of water. You need to drink medicine every 6 hours. Starting from the fourth day, the dose should be increased by one drop daily up to a maximum of 15 drops. The duration of treatment is 4 weeks. A similar treatment regimen is used for diseases of the nervous system.

Treatment of colds should begin with small doses of the beaver stream.

With a hernia of the spine, it is necessary to take 5 ml of tincture three times a day for a month. Additionally, you need to lubricate the diseased area with ointment 2-3 times a day, or make compresses from an alcohol solution of the jet for an hour. This treatment regimen can be used for osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Topical application for various diseases:

  1. To get rid of thrush, it is necessary to dilute 10 ml of alcohol musky tincture in 250 ml of water, soak the liquid in a tampon, insert it into the vagina before going to bed. Usually, one session is enough to get rid of a fungal infection.
  2. For the treatment of urogenital infections, you need to apply an ointment with musk to the affected area, cover it with a sterile bandage, and put on thick underwear. The procedure should be done before going to bed.
  3. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, prostatitis, female diseases, one candle should be inserted at night for a month. With infertility, candles should be used by both spouses for six months, or take 15 g of powder daily. Between courses should take a month break.
  4. With ophthalmic problems, a runny nose, it is enough to instill one drop of an aqueous extract daily.
  5. In case of injuries, sprains, pain in the back, joints, muscles, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas twice a day with musk ointment. Or make compresses from tincture - soak a piece of natural tissue with a solution, apply to the problem area for not 40-60 minutes.

Medicines with beaver musk have a specific taste and smell, in order to smooth out unpleasant sensations, they should be washed down with coffee or chicory.

A beaver stream diluted in water can be dripped into the eyes

Does a beaver jet help with oncology

Beaver musk is a powerful antioxidant that activates all the forces in the body, stops the growth of malignant cells. It is most effective to use the product at the initial stages of oncological diseases, during the course of radiation and chemotherapy.

The treatment regimen consists of several stages - on the first day, the medicine should be taken in certain doses strictly by the hour.

The duration of the second stage is 3 weeks, you need to drink 5 ml of an alcohol solution every day, dissolve in 100 ml of water. Further, the dose of the drug should be increased to 15 ml, drink for at least three months.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, beaver tincture should be taken simultaneously in equal proportions with bear bile.

There are no special restrictions for treatment with preparations based on beaver musk, but experts do not recommend exceeding the indicated dosages in order to avoid the appearance of negative side reactions. The jet is combined with all methods of traditional treatment, medications.

The last intake of preparations based on beaver musk should be 3–3.5 hours before bedtime so that insomnia does not occur.

You can not use the beaver stream for tuberculosis

Harm and side effects

The natural product is very active, so some people experience pain in the liver while taking it. Musk can cause harm to people who suffer from alcohol addiction - in such cases it is better to use not an alcohol tincture, but an ointment, an aqueous solution.

Side effects during treatment are rare, most often nausea, diarrhea, and increased heart rate. But usually unpleasant symptoms disappear a few days after the start of therapy.

“For more than 7 years I have been taking beaver musk tincture for preventive purposes, during this time I did not even have a runny nose, pressure and blood vessels are normal, although I am almost 60 years old. There were no negative consequences, I feel great, I regularly go in for sports, I look much younger than my peers.

“My husband has been unsuccessfully treating prostatitis for a long time - medicines did not help for long. One elderly urologist advised me to make candles with beaver musk - the condition improved after a week. The husband took a month-long course, and for half a year he does not remember his problem.

Artyom Alexandrovich, therapist

“My patients often consult with me about the advisability of taking certain folk remedies, recently questions about the benefits of the beaver stream have become more frequent. This product helps to strengthen the immune system, allows the body to recover faster after illness. For prevention and as a general tonic, musk fits perfectly. But I do not recommend using it as a panacea for all diseases.

Beaver stream is a popular remedy in folk medicine, which helps to get rid of many serious and chronic diseases. The product has practically no contraindications and is well tolerated by patients at any age. Musk is not addictive, so it can be taken for a long time, it is also suitable for preventive use.

Folk remedies

Surely, few people know what a beaver stream is. Those who have never done home treatment think that this is beaver urine. But in fact, this is not the case, because this substance is used for treatment, and it is unlikely that anyone would use the biological fluid of an animal inside or outside.

But about how effective natural medicines are, probably everyone has heard a lot. Beaver stream is an aromatic substance that looks like a brown mass of solid consistency and a strong smell of musk. The benefits of this substance have been repeatedly proven, it contains more than 40 valuable substances.

Fact! While in many animals valuable substances are excreted in the urine, in these mammals they remain in the glands that are used to treat people.

Since animals eat mainly plant foods, their stream helps with many diseases. Thanks to its use, you can get rid of more than a hundred ailments. This substance is produced by the preputial glands and is located in the sacs located under the tail. This organ is found only in beavers and beavers; other mammals do not have it.

Today, few people know about such a substance as a beaver stream, but in ancient times it was very much appreciated, as it helps to get rid of almost any ailment. For example, the cost of an animal jet was 4 times higher than its skin. In the sixteenth century, the substance was attributed to official medicine, but the recipe for making the elixir has been lost. But this is not a problem, because today there are many recipes known, thanks to which you can be treated for various ailments.

Many people consider this substance not a medicine, but an obligatory biological substance that should be in the body of every person, since thanks to the jet it is possible to strengthen the immune system and overcome viral diseases.

From the history! During the war years, the soldiers of Alexander Nevsky rubbed their wounds, burns and injuries with a beaver stream, after which they quickly tightened and healed. And Ivan the Terrible, after being seriously wounded, got to his feet only thanks to this substance. Chinese leader Mao Zedong used the beaver jet to treat diabetes. Peter the Great used the substance internally for hangovers and colds. The poet Alexander Pushkin treated joints with a beaver stream, and devoted a whole work to this valuable substance.

There are many ways to use the beaver stream, the drug is widely used to treat various ailments. In ancient times, it was used to treat psychological disorders: epileptic seizures, depression, chronic fatigue. In addition, it was prescribed to people who had suffered the Chernobyl accident and with radiation sickness.

Many people think that the beaver jet is a dietary supplement, but no, it is a drug. But it is also impossible to be treated based only on this substance; it must be taken in combination with medications. It can be used in different forms: powder, ointment, tincture - internally externally.

It is used not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for cosmetic purposes: for rejuvenation, removal of acne, scars and other unpleasant rashes. In addition, thanks to this substance, you can improve your health after chemotherapy and other non-natural procedures.

Fact! Very often, patients, being treated for one disease, notice an improvement in the work of other organs. That is, this substance has a complex effect on the human body.

The range of application of the beaver jet is wide. This substance is recommended for use in the following diseases:

  • ischemia, strokes and other heart diseases;
  • diseases of the stomach;
  • hepatitis;
  • respiratory and pulmonary diseases;
  • oncology;
  • herpes;
  • kidney diseases.

Also, the tool can be used to treat the eyes. It perfectly fights problems such as tearing, itching, blurred vision, a feeling of sand in the eyes. You can also use it for athletes to always be on top. Many people use the beaver stream for beriberi and reduced immunity.

But most often this substance is used for female gynecological problems and male urological problems. Therefore, the people call it Russian Viagra. Men after forty years of age are recommended to use the substance as a prophylaxis. The jet helps with the following problems:

  • pain when urinating;
  • impotence;
  • thrush;
  • candidiasis;
  • cystitis;
  • cyst;
  • severe condition after premature birth;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • prostatitis;
  • inflammation of the glands;
  • pain in the chest and lower abdomen;
  • urethritis.

But if you want to use this substance to increase the desire for sex, you need to consult a doctor. After all, this drug may be contraindicated in heart disease.

  1. Melt pharmaceutical candles on herbal extract in a water bath.
  2. Add beaver jet powder to the liquid from the candle, per candle - a match head of powder.
  3. Mix ingredients.
  4. Pour the liquid into suitable molds.
  5. Put in refrigerator.
  6. Use as directed.

To obtain a powder, the substance must be dried in a dark place for a month. After the stream of the animal hardens, it must be grated or finely chopped. This method of application is considered one of the most effective for the treatment of hemorrhoids and other gynecological problems.

The most common ways to use the beaver jet are powder, candles and tincture. But the most effective is alcohol tincture, which is prepared very simply:

  1. Dry the beaver gland.
  2. Finely crumble the substance.
  3. Pour the dry matter into a jar and pour alcohol or vodka, in the ratio of 100 grams of jet - half a liter of liquid.
  4. Infuse for about a month in a dark room at room temperature.
  5. It is recommended to shake the tincture three times a day.
  6. After this time, get the tincture and take it as directed.

Important! You need to store the finished tincture in the refrigerator, it will resemble cognac in color, and the sediment that appears at the bottom does not need to be decanted.


Of course, you need to consult a doctor about the methods and doses of use. If you use a beaver stream for prevention, you need to drink 1 teaspoon of the product twice a day. Since this substance has a wakeful effect, it is recommended to take it in the evening 3-4 hours before bedtime, so as not to cause insomnia. For the treatment of any diseases, the remedy should be taken three times a day, one and a half teaspoons. The substance is recommended to drink half an hour before eating.

In the event that the patient's weight is more than 80 kilograms, then at one time he can take 1 tablespoon of the remedy. It is allowed to add the drug to tea or coffee. But the exact dose of the medication should be clarified with the doctor who prescribed such treatment. Self-medication is absolutely impossible.

Of course, alcohol tincture helps with various diseases best of all, but if a person has contraindications to alcohol, then it can be diluted with water or drink the substance in powder form.

The Chinese take this drug at dinner: sprinkling the powder of this substance on a piece of bread.

In the event that a pulmonary disease is being treated, it is not necessary to take alcohol tincture inside, it is only allowed to do inhalations. This method of using beaver tincture is no less effective and beneficial for humans. To do this, open the jar with the drug and take a deep breath through your nose or mouth.

Of course, the ways in which you take this drug primarily depend on the type you decide to use. For example, when treating with candles, they should be used in the same way as simple candles bought at a pharmacy. The course of treatment should last at least 10 days, inserting one candle per day into the anus. You need to perform this procedure before going to bed. If the disease has not gone away, then the course of treatment should be repeated after a month's break.

When treating with powder, it should be taken once a day, eating no more than a match head of powder at a time. The course of such treatment can last up to two months, after which there should be a break.

If you do not cook yourself, but use store-bought tincture for treatment, then instructions on how to drink it can be found on the jar. In the instructions you can find the following information, according to the methods of administration and dosage for children:

  1. Children under 2 years of age with severe illness, 1-3 drops during the day after meals. Before drinking the tincture, it must be diluted with water.
  2. Children 2-10 years old: 3 drops during the day.
  3. Children 10-14 years old: 5 drops during the day.

Treatment should be carried out in courses: you can drink the drug for 30 days, take a break for 30 days, drink again for 30 days, take a break for a month, then again you are allowed to take the drug for 30 days and after that you need to take a break for six months.

For adults, the methods of taking the drug will be somewhat different:

  1. For half a month you need to take the medicine 5 drops in the morning 30 minutes before meals, washed down with a coffee drink.
  2. For the next half a month, the tincture should be drunk twice a day, 5 drops each.
  3. The first half of the second month of treatment can be taken every morning 10 drops in the morning and 5 drops in the afternoon.
  4. For the next two weeks, it is allowed to drink 10 drops in the morning and 10 drops in the afternoon.
  5. The whole third month you need to take a break.
  6. Continue treatment in the same way.

If the course of treatment is completed completely, and the drug is taken correctly, then all ailments will disappear over time. There are several ways to use the beaver stream, you need to determine which one suits you best and consult a doctor.

Important! The drug should not be taken orally after 6 pm!

So that the bean stream does not harm a person, you need to take it in courses, which only a doctor can calculate. The dosage of the drug is calculated based on the weight and age of the patient and also the method of application. In general, this substance has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

Sometimes people develop intolerance to the smell and taste of this drug, as it is not entirely pleasant. However, you should not exceed the dosage indicated by the doctor, as it is unlikely that side effects will be avoided.

As we can see, the beaver stream is a unique preparation of natural origin that can relieve many ailments and diseases. The most important thing is to learn how to use it correctly, observing the correct dosage and your health will definitely improve.

What to do to support your immunity?

The latest development based on natural ingredients will help:

  • with continuous coughing;
  • unexplained fatigue;
  • elevated temperature.

The uniqueness of the product is that they were able to combine such components as badger fat, which is a natural antibiotic; beaver musk, which adds strength to fight illness; cardiceps, stone oil (mummy), propolis, chaga and many other natural elements…

The stream of a beaver is a musk that is produced in their glands to mark their territory. Education occurs in animals of both sexes. This substance has been used since ancient times.

On its basis, healers prepared ointments and tinctures that have healing properties. It was found that the liquid contains over forty useful substances. A tincture from a beaver stream is a remedy for diseases, how to do it, how much to insist, our article is about this.

The composition of the tincture

Beaver stream tincture is a folk panacea. Animals are finicky in their gastronomic preferences. They eat useful, medicinal plants.

Iron consists of an extract of these herbs. In total, it includes more than 50 useful components, many of which have not yet been studied.


  • Terpene alcohols, phenylcarbinol, ethylphenol, guaiacol are medicinal.
  • They contain various odorous oils and resinous substances. Their miraculous power is still being studied by modern medicine.
  • Many resins are complex chemical compounds that have not yet been unraveled.
  • The liquid has substances such as beaver castorine and gum, which are practically insoluble in water. For effectiveness, there must be a tincture, the preparation of which will be described in our article.
  • A decoction of castorium is a very thick, viscous mass that has many medicinal qualities.
  • In the gland there is almost the entire periodic table on the composition of trace elements and organic acids that take part in the therapeutic effect.
  • Thanks to the components, castoreum on alcohol is taken for various ailments. They also make healing ointments. From what and how to drink a beaver stream?

Infusion is used for diseases

  • It can be used as a wound healing agent, for various injuries, surgical interventions.
  • Infused iron is an excellent drug for pathologies of the vertebrae and joints. You can treat osteochondrosis, arthritis.
  • Beaver tincture is used for heart and vascular diseases. Used in the rehabilitation of patients after a stroke. Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Externally applied in the form of compresses for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. Relieves inflammation promotes the resorption of nodes.
  • Acts antiviral. Fights fungal diseases, staphylococci.
  • Purulent infections can be treated with extracts from the gland. Ingestion and external use accelerates the healing process of wounds.
  • Reception of alcohol contributes to the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, viral diseases of the liver.
  • Pulmonary diseases, tuberculosis are treatable. Take a tincture from a fresh beaver stream for a long period.
  • Well suited for inflammation of the urinary organs - cystitis, prostatitis, adenoma, colpitis.
  • Vapors of the drug can be inhaled for infectious diseases, ENT.
  • Beaver stream, a tincture that effectively affects the sexual sphere of men, has a positive effect on potency, increases libido.
  • Anomalies associated with nervous disorders are treated - insomnia, migraines, fear.
  • Prevention of stressful conditions, prolonged physical and mental activities.
  • There are practically no contraindications, because it consists of plant components.

Preparing the setting

How to make tincture from beaver stream? To obtain a concentrated mixture, it must be prepared by yourself. Pharmacies offer such a tincture from various manufacturers, but we do not know what is inside and what concentration it is.

Therefore, in order to be sure of the quality, you need to insist the beaver stream on vodka yourself. You can cook dried (dried), fresh gland. You need to know how to make a tincture from a beaver stream, how it infuses faster.

The main thing is to choose it accurately. It must be dried correctly at the appropriate temperature. Tears, mold must be absent, it has the smell of new skin.

Unpleasant odor is unsuitable. Cooking must be done according to all the rules.

How to insist beaver stream? The recipe has been known for a very long time. Proportions 1/5. We prepare vodka liquor: you need to take 100 g of crushed iron, dilute it with a bottle of vodka.

How to insist and how much? This is a very important point in the manufacture of the mixture. It is necessary to put infused for three days, shaking daily.

You will get a dark brown liquid, which should be diluted with 0.8-1.2 liters of vodka to make it cognac-colored. It is not necessary to strain the medicine. When it ends, you can do it again, but in a ratio of 1 / 2.5.

Cooking has certain rules:

  • The tincture on the beaver stream is prepared in a glass container; plastic cannot be used.
  • Dosage must be observed.
  • You need to know how to insist and how it gets divorced. Its concentration should be a rich cognac color.
  • You can not do too light, dark is also not allowed.
  • Store in a cool place (refrigerator) and out of direct sunlight.
  • The infusion acquires the highest concentration in 2-3 months.

How to use the beaver jet correctly

After manufacturing, the mixture must be taken in the correct doses. With all kinds of diseases according to different schemes. The main thing is to start treatment from the initial 1 tsp, if the weight exceeds 80 kg - a tablespoon.

It can be drunk once, or divided into 2-3 doses. Usually recommended before meals, with some deviations it is better to drink at night. The course depends on the disease. The minimum intake is two weeks.

The mixture has a sharp aroma and a bitter taste. There are a few tricks when using it. It can be taken with coffee drinks that interrupt the smell and taste.

How to cure diseases

Erectile dysfunction, impotence. First you need to conduct an intensive course of therapy. For 6-8 months, drink 1 tsp before meals, before the main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner).

When the condition improves, rest for 4-5 weeks, continue to drink 5-7 drops for 12 months. Also treated BPH, for a period of at least 6.

Diabetes- a serious disease that is not neutralized, has many complications. Thanks to the tincture of the jet and apple cider vinegar in equal proportions, you can reduce blood sugar.

It is necessary to take in the morning a teaspoon of these two components, drinking plenty of water. Drink monthly courses with a week break. Control blood glucose.

To normalize pressure it is enough to take a few drops of the product 5-7/k./day., with daily measurement.

The treatment regimen for nervous disorders consists of increasing the dose from 1 on the first day to 15 drops. Add every day 1 cap. From 16 it is necessary to reduce by 1, by 30 to reach 1. After a week's break, you can repeat the treatment.

For infectious diseases, colds inhale the vapors of the mixture. You need to open the container and breathe over it. Take a small amount, pour into a cup, warm slightly, inhale.

Tincture, diluted with boiled water (1: 1), you can wash any wounds. Purulent it is necessary to process 5-6 times a day until it drags on.

Gynecological diseases female genital area are treated according to the main scheme. Daily 1 tsp. mixtures. The result depends on how to take the beaver stream correctly.

The drug used inside can be used externally. Varicose veins rub after a warm bath.

How to take a beaver stream to restore strength? It is best to do this in the evening before bed. Add 1 tsp to tea, coffee drink. medicines. It will improve falling asleep, in the morning there will be cheerfulness and energy.


Despite the fact that this is a natural medicine, there are special instructions for using the drug. You can not use the mixture, instead of alcohol - 100 gr for appetite is not suitable.

It is necessary to start drinking with small doses and always follow the recommendations for the amount of the drug taken.

Sometimes a person cannot take the alcohol form of the gland, you can use another method of taking - decoctions. Make with water, or take in powder. Read new articles on our website.

The stream of beavers at all times was perceived as a valuable substance that can protect against any ailments. This is not entirely true, but these words make sense. In general, this substance with a stretch can be called a medicine. It is a unique tool that helps to increase the vitality of the body, strengthens the immune system, the body, the body as a whole, involves completely new powers in order to destroy and eliminate all sorts of diseases and problems.

With the help of a beaver stream, it is possible to successfully cure a huge number of serious diseases, disorders, while applying the medicine externally or internally.

And yet the most important advantage of this musk is the successful cure of diseases of the genitourinary system. It is not for nothing that the beaver stream has received a second name - “natural Viagra”, all thanks to its powerful positive effect on male potency. From the classic Viagra, the jet is distinguished only by the fact that it does not bring a negative impact on human health.

What does the beaver stream treat?

With the help of such a drug, it is possible to cope with such serous pathologies:

- diseases of human internal organs: epilepsy, herpes, influenza, SARS, sinusitis, gastrointestinal tract and hepatitis, tuberculosis, varicose veins, osteochondrosis, sciatica, joint diseases, kidney failure, kidney stones, pyelonephritis;

- female gynecological diseases: thrush, inflammation of the glands, cysts;

- diseases of the genitourinary system: prostate adenoma, prostatitis, impotence;

- cardiovascular, nervous diseases: paralysis, migraine, etc.

In addition, the beaver stream has healing, bactericidal characteristics, it is often used during the treatment of skin suppurations, bruises, injuries, infectious wounds. The jet shows the same high efficiency from the side of supporting a consistently strong human immunity.

Such a substance as a beaver stream is considered a very effective medicine that has a positive effect on a pyogenic infection, helps to overcome it, while almost all medicines and antibiotics cannot cope with it.

The beaver stream has a unique composition, one of the ingredients is a musky substance. Such a component is stably used during the treatment of lung diseases: with sarcoidosis of the lungs, tuberculosis, purulent or bilateral pneumonia, with silicosis of the lungs or bronchopneumonia. As quickly as possible, successfully removes coughs, including coughs of people who smoke chronically a lot.

Thanks to the musky substance, Koch's bacillus can be eliminated, which is why the beaver stream is so effective in the process of curing tuberculosis. In the case of such serious diseases as tuberculosis, pneumonia, it is worth actively using the beaver jet. In this case, it is possible to speed up the process of correction, reduce the negative effects of drugs, improve the patient's immunity.

In addition, it is permissible to use a beaver jet for healthy people - in case of depression, stress, overwork, vitamin deficiency, loss of strength. Beaver stream for athletes is literally a magical tool for achieving incredible sports peaks.

The legendary healers of ancient times Galen, Avicenna and Hippocrates actively used the following remedies in the treatment - bear bile, beaver stream. In their treatises on the beaver gland, bear bile, it is possible to find a description of the action of such medicines.

In the 19th century, the beaver stream was used during the treatment of the most neglected and complex long-term mental illnesses. According to historical facts, it becomes clear that these substances were used to cure epilepsy, various types of epiliptoid seizures, manic-depressive states, and depressive psychoses. Thanks to the musky substance of the beaver stream, in a fairly short time it is possible to increase the immunity of the individual, as well as to establish the overall energy state of a person.

How to drink beaver stream?

Immediately after the patient has completed the first course of treatment with a health-improving drug (as a rule, the duration of the course of admission is one month), the entire set of natural adaptogens that are arranged in a stream of a beaver (as well as in ginseng, bear bile) contribute to an increase in human performance in such areas as psychological, physical, mental, while the body staunchly resists fatigue - it is possible to work day and night without harming your health, keeping your mind clear.

Reception of a beaver jet is possible both inside and outside.

Benefits of external use: especially effective during the treatment of hematomas, soft tissue bruises, wounds, cuts, injuries. As a rule, if the injury was minimal, after a couple of days with a similar drug, it will pass. Sometimes it happens like this: in the morning the patient makes a compress for himself - and in the evening the hematoma decreases in size, or completely disappears. If the injuries are more serous, then the total period of the course of treatment is delayed up to a couple of weeks.

Castoreum or beaver jet, in general, is used in the field of medicine: for the treatment of cardiovascular, nervous diseases, paralysis, migraine, as a wound healing agent.

Very quickly, very successfully copes with the treatment of diseases of the urogenital area: prostate adenoma, prostatitis, impotence, and so on. The beaver stream in gynecology is very effective for the treatment of female diseases, as well as diseases of internal organs: thrush, kidney failure, kidney stone formation, pyelonephritis, and more (about fifty diseases in total).

In order to prevent joint diseases, it is most effective to use this remedy in a Finnish sauna or a Russian bath. Moreover, in our time, the beaver stream is very dynamically used in the field of perfumery and beauty: it helps to rejuvenate the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles.

Nowadays, this storehouse of health is actively used for the production of niche, most expensive perfumes, perfumes, the product fixes the smell, and also plays the role of a natural fragrance.

Certain people constantly confuse the jet with wen or sebaceous glands that are nearby, but they are not used for treatment and recovery.

What does the beaver stream treat?

Since ancient times, people have valued beaver stream almost four times more than beaver skins. So, in the 16th century, beaver jet products were included in the complex of official medicine preparations. There was a notorious recipe for "an elixir that saves from any ailments." It is a pity that it has not been possible to save it up to our times, and yet this information is already enough to realize that the beaver stream is an extremely strong immunomodulator, effective both for patients and for absolutely healthy people.

What is a beaver stream for?

The beaver stream is involved in the case of a wide variety of diseases: with the gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis; with herpes, sepsis, barley, furunculosis, influenza diseases, SARS and sinusitis (fights staphylococci, fungi, viruses); in the case of cardiovascular diseases (with hypertension, hypotension perfectly stabilizes pressure, with atherosclerosis, ischemia and angina pectoris); in the case of paralysis that occurs after a stroke, it is worth considering that the earlier the course of taking the jet is started, the sooner the recovery process of the affected functions will begin. In the case of varicose veins of the legs, the use of a beaver jet is marked by a gradual thickening of the venous wall, relieving pain, and reducing swelling. In the case of thrombophlebitis for 2 weeks, inflammation and pain disappear, over time, the thrombus dissolves a little bit, if you continue to use the remedy, you can prevent the formation of new thrombus formations.

As soon as possible, the beaver stream copes with the healing of injuries and abrasions. If you regularly instill eyes with this remedy, you can cope with the feeling of clogged eyes, remove itching, inflammation, and even improve your vision almost immediately after the procedure; when instilled into the auricles, it is possible to cure damage to the auditory nerve, as well as speed up thought processes, all thanks to the improvement of blood circulation in the vessels, the elimination of traffic jams, and the removal of contaminants and slag. As for hearing, it will improve so much that you can distinguish even the quietest mosquito squeak.

Beaver stream: applications for women in gynecology

The drug shows fantastic results in the field of gynecology - it eliminates candidiasis (the course of treatment is 1 day, a tampon compress with a medicinal solution is used), successfully copes with inflammation of the glands, and helps to dissolve cysts and other formations. For the treatment of male diseases, this remedy is also a real find: you can effectively restore all physiological functions in case of impotence (similar to Viagra, despite the fact that there are no side effects), men get prostate adenoma, prostatitis.

It's just wonderful that a beaver's jet can support working capacity, so a person can stay awake all night long, take another dose of the jet preparation in the morning, and regain vigor. The remedy copes well with osteochondrosis and sciatica, there is information that in some cases it is enough to rub with a jet and all inflammatory processes go away. In case of lung disease, it is very useful to breathe the vapors of the beaver stream. If you believe independent data, the beaver stream was able to cure a newborn child from sepsis, such an event makes it possible to assume that this is a very powerful drug in the fight against pyogenic infections, which honey and antibiotics are practically unable to cope with.

Moreover, the beaver stream does an excellent job with diseases of the nervous system, being one of the elements of the total course of treatment. With the help of such a drug, it is possible to restore the conductivity of nerve impulses, to have a therapeutic effect in case of epilepsy, convulsions, fright, stuttering, as well as in case of traumatic and other dysfunctions of the nervous system. In the case of particularly serious illnesses, the jet is taken in courses, always under medical supervision, it is best for a long time (taking breaks).

It is important that the beaver stream can be easily combined with conventional drug treatment, which is why it is not recommended to abruptly stop taking the medication prescribed by the doctor. Gradually, as the general state of health improves under strict medical supervision, in the future it is permissible to reduce the number of chemical preparations. And these are just a couple of examples of healing that is directly related to the use of a beaver stream, as well as other natural remedies.

Beaver stream: dosage

It is very important to pay attention to such an issue as the correct dosage while taking the jet.

There are no specific contraindications, apart from individual intolerance. Any person in the process of receiving a beaver jet should note the state of his body.

It's no secret that the tincture prepared on the beaver stream has a not very pleasant aroma.

As a rule, in ancient times, people mixed preparations based on this product with other natural compounds - with tinctures of medicinal plants, with honey and so on. That is why it is permissible to use a little trick: put a teaspoon of coffee drink, cooled, in your mouth, and then add one spoonful of beaver jet, swallow immediately.

We strongly recommend using natural coffee, as an option, you can try other available products for yourself. In general, coffee best of all helps to overcome the bright bitterness, as well as the aroma of the beaver stream tincture.

Remarkable first results can be achieved even in the case of external use of the beaver jet (mandatory if in parallel with this intake takes place).

Method of application of the beaver jet and dose

As a rule, I take a stream of beaver once a day, in the morning. For preventive purposes, as well as to strengthen the tone of the body, you can take 20 drops of tincture (one teaspoon) or a piece of dry gland, in the amount of a match head. Therapeutic doses of the drug are set on an individual basis, depending on the specific state of health of the patient: in general, a teaspoon (or dessert) of tincture or the smallest piece of the drug in dry form once or three times during the day.

You can take a beaver stream both internally and externally.

For external use: treats bruises, bruises, abrasions, cuts, other injuries. After a couple of days, in the case when the wound is not very large, healing of the abrasion can be noted. Sometimes it happens differently: in the morning the patient applies a compress to the bruise - and by the evening the hematoma resolves completely or decreases as much as possible. In the case of more complex and large-scale injuries, abrasions, fractures, hematomas, the treatment period is reduced to one to two weeks.

Regarding the internal use of the remedy, even our ancestors noted that such drugs were used to successfully cure more than a hundred ailments.

Beaver stream medicine - successful treatment of pulmonary and colds

This method is ideal for alleviating symptoms and completely curing all types of bronchopulmonary, respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis.

In such cases, the tincture of the beaver stream is used for inhalation procedures.

The recipe is very simple: you need to open a jar of alcohol tincture, take a couple of sharp breaths, first with your nose and then with your mouth.

In parallel with this, to improve immunity, it is very useful to take one teaspoon of beaver tincture orally (on an empty stomach, in the morning).

Beaver jet: treatment of soft tissue edema and varicose veins

If you experience aching pains from tumors, hematomas, varicose veins, then the doctor can prescribe the tincture of the beaver stream immediately inside and out.

In this case, the diseased area should be thoroughly steamed in a hot bath, sauna or bath, and then rub the tincture with simple massage movements. As for the internal intake, the dose is as follows: one teaspoon three times a day one hour before meals, while not drinking, not seizing the tincture. In general, the first results (improvement in appetite, general mood, reduction of bruising, cessation of pain) can occur 3 weeks after the start of treatment.

Effective candles that save from prostatitis and hemorrhoids

As a basis, you can use ordinary rectal suppositories, which are available at any pharmacy (best of all - candles with belladonna extract). Such medical candles should be put in a ladle, and then put in water (warm). Immediately after the medicine has completely dissolved, you need to add a pre-ground stream of beaver (1 candle - 1 match head of this product in dry form), mix very well, then pour into molds. As a form, disposable insulin syringes can be used, the tip of which is cut off from the side of the needle (in this case, the piston is pulled to the required length of the candle). Filled syringes are placed in a vertical position in the refrigerator on a stand. Such a medicine can be used after complete solidification.

In this case, the candles are squeezed out with a piston, used once a day, usually at night for ten days, after which they take a break and then repeat the treatment. In parallel with this, in the morning you can use the tincture of the beaver stream - one teaspoon per day.

Beaver stream from thrush (candidiasis)

To prepare the composition, the alcohol tincture of the beaver jet should be slightly diluted with warm boiled water (use a couple of tablespoons of the tincture in a glass of water). The tampon is thoroughly impregnated with this composition and inserted into the vagina. Basically, a single use is sufficient.

Recipe for an elixir for quick energy recovery

One teaspoon of beaver jet tincture for alcohol is added to coffee or tea. Drink warm (not hot). If you suffer from high blood pressure, insomnia, then coffee and tea can be replaced with infusions of medicinal herbs and berries.

Beaver stream from what diseases?

A beaver stream is used as a cure for especially serious blood diseases, with jaundice, hepatitis A, B, even with oncological diseases, unprecedented results are noticeable.

Even the victims of the Chernobyl disaster were prescribed a beaver stream, as well as those people who visited the zone of radiation damage, with leukemia, leukemia and the consequences of radiation sickness.

Perfectly without surgery, you can cure prostate adenoma, the problem of premature ejaculation, impotence, prostatitis, as well as age-related changes in the body (pain, cutting sensations during urination, weakness, inability to cope with male duties). According to urologists, a man after forty must undergo a complete medical examination at least once a year, since "The prostate is the second male heart." She should be protected.

The human body ages too quickly - eternal stress, unbalanced nutrition, an overly stressful pace of life. These factors leave their mark, because our body wears out much faster. This is where our difficulties come from.

There is an opinion that the beaver jet is used primarily to resolve female gynecological and male urological problems (in some cases it is called "folk Viagra" or "natural Viagra").

At the same time, the beaver stream has shown itself to be a proven remedy for curing many other disorders. What else is being treated with a beaver stream? It is used in a very wide range of diseases and pathologies, actively used in the field of traumatology.

For what reasons is the use of the beaver jet effective during the treatment of pulmonary pathologies, including tuberculosis?

As mentioned earlier, the beaver stream has a musky substance in its composition. From time immemorial, this musky substance has been used during the treatment of especially serious pulmonary diseases: with sarquidosis of the lungs, with tuberculosis, with purulent pneumonia, with bilateral pneumonia, with silicosis of the lungs and bronchopneumonia.

Even the cough of heavy smokers can be eliminated very successfully and quickly. The bottom line is that this substance kills Koch's wand on the spot, which is why the beaver's jet is so effective in the treatment of tuberculosis.

What does a badger jet treat together with a beaver jet?

In order to cure such serious diseases as tuberculosis, pneumonia, in addition to the beaver stream, bear fat, the badger stream is also used. At the same time, the recovery process is moving much faster, more pleasant and easier.

According to practical data, a beaver jet dramatically improves immunity. This substance can be used immediately after surgery, so that a person can quickly restore strength, return to its former shape.

Healthy people can take the beaver stream so actively - if there is a breakdown, vitamin deficiency, excessive fatigue, depressive disorders. Even athletes can use this tool to develop their form. In addition, even such an organization as the Institute of Space Medicine organized research, made special tinctures for astronauts.

As early as the beginning of the 19th century, the beaver stream was actively used to treat especially acute mental illnesses. Depression, epilepsy, many subspecies of epiliptoid seizures, even manic-depressive psychoses were treated with this remedy. Because the musky substance of the beaver stream can quickly increase the measure of human activity. In other words, already after the first course of treatment, the natural adaptogens that are present in the beaver stream affect the improvement of mental, physical, mental activity, so the body does not respond to the symptoms of fatigue - with a clear mind without harm to health, you can spend sleepless nights. Avid hunters know about it.

Beaver stream treatment of patients who are prohibited from drinking alcohol

In a particular case, it is worth deviating a little from the accepted rules. And yet this will slightly affect the overall effectiveness of the method, at least twice lowering it. At the same time, if there are no other options, the Chinese came up with the following options:

Recipe #1

The beaver stream is infused according to the traditional scheme (on vodka or alcohol). For internal use, it can be diluted as much as possible with a liquid, or used in minimal portions. When prescribing one dessert spoon, the dosage should be reduced to 1-2 tsp.

Recipe #2

Do not prepare tincture. It is worth grinding the beaver stream to the consistency of a powder, for example, in a mortar. Take the substance in dry form. Chinese doctors also advise taking a piece of black bread, one piece of beaver stream. This piece is placed inside the bread. Reception according to this scheme is carried out three times a day, about a couple of hours before meals.

What to do when a patient has a lung disease, and yet he is forbidden to drink alcohol?

Speaking of beaver spray, it is impossible not to mention the musky substance with a pungent odor that eliminates Koch's stick. At the same time, a traditional tincture is prepared. You need to open the jar, cover one nostril, take a sharp breath. Breathe in through your mouth and nose alternately. A certain inhalation is performed. Thanks to the phytoncides of the beaver jet, the bronchi and nasopharynx are immediately cleared. The general well-being of a person is improving in the presence of asthmatic, respiratory, pulmonary pathologies.

In the Middle Ages, epilepsy was treated in this way. Immediately, when a person fell and struggled in a fit, the doctor gave him a beaver stream to breathe. With the help of a musky remedy, an attack can be stopped, and the attack then proceeds in a less dangerous and acute form.

Beaver stream benefit and harm: are there any contraindications?

Since such a remedy is absolutely natural, this means that there are no special contraindications. Dosage rules should be strictly observed (they are calculated according to the developed table of the ratio of weight and height, in other words, the amount of medication is calculated per kg of weight - its daily rate).

The beaver stream has never been classified as a dietary supplement, which is why there are no contraindications.

In this case, it is necessary to distribute the doses very carefully. Do not take any more! These funds are the most effective, the body assimilates them to the fullest. Be careful: taking the drug in small doses has a positive effect, and in large doses it is negative.

It is necessary to adhere to the "golden mean" in every situation. These drugs are so powerful in their effectiveness that even a small amount of them can help.

The beaver jet is perfectly combined with the methods of traditional medicine (medical preparations of a chemical nature, laser therapy, chemotherapy).

Often, patients who have complex and serious illnesses from hopelessness can fall into depression and despair. It is important to recall that in any case there is a chance to improve your well-being, sometimes drastically. One has only to start taking such a therapeutic drug as quickly as possible, like a beaver jet, which has a unique healing effect. Very often, it helps people, it also happens that this healing elixir prolongs and saves lives.

Castoreum or beaver musk can be purchased as ready-made preparations in the form of liquid, tablets or rectal suppositories. However, traditional healers value natural much more highly - making a tincture from it allows you to get a more concentrated, effective and fast-acting remedy for the treatment of many diseases.

What do you need to prepare a beaver jet?

Castoreum tincture is made from 2 ingredients - alcohol or vodka, and the dried glands of the animal along with their contents. The latter look like 2 small bags connected to each other, have a pronounced and rather caustic tar aroma. For recipes, you can also use moonshine, medical (90%) or less strong alcohol. The concentration of the resulting drug will be different in each case, so it is important to clarify the ratio of ingredients and the time of infusion in advance.

From the dishes you only need a clean, pre-sterilized, glass jar and a tight nylon lid.

Recipes for making a beaver jet at home

First, consider the most affordable and simplest option for manufacturing a drug.

Recipe #1


  • dry beaver musk glands - 2 pcs.;
  • vodka - 1-1.2 liters.


Weigh the beaver stream. If the mass of both bags is standard, about 200 g, 1 liter of vodka is enough, in the presence of large glands it will take a little more. Cut into small pieces or grate the jet on a coarse grater, pour into a glass jar. Pour raw vodka at the rate of 500 ml for every 100 g of castoreum. Close the container tightly with a lid, shake it up, put it in a kitchen cabinet or refrigerator.

When the product acquires a cognac hue, it is considered ready. This takes 3 to 7 days. If the tone of the solution is darker, it is better to dilute it with water or another portion of vodka to the desired color.

The drug does not need to be filtered and discarded. It can be reused or left in vodka for further infusion.

Recipe #2


  • moonshine or weak alcohol (up to 70%) - 2 l;
  • castoreum - 200 g.


The method of manufacture and the duration of infusion are similar to the previous version. Only in this case, you won’t have to wait longer than 3-4 days, the stronger the alcohol, the faster it absorbs all the beneficial substances from the beaver stream.

It is important to pay attention to the color of the liquid, it should not be darker than cognac.

Recipe #3


  • medical alcohol (from 90%) - 1 l;
  • beaver stream - 50-80 g.


Concentrated tincture is made in exactly the same way as a preparation for vodka or moonshine. However, its manufacture requires much less active ingredient. The time of infusion is also shortened - just 1-2 days is enough.

In addition to the use of dry or dried castoreum, folk healers practice the preparation of tincture from a fresh stream of beaver. Nothing changes in the recipes, except for the length of stay of the musk glands in vodka or alcohol. Raw pouches need insist only 30 minutes, and the medicine is considered completely ready. After that, the raw material can be removed from the alcohol and poured again, or left to dry.

The preparation of an infusion from a beaver stream for the eyes or other mucous membranes is carried out on the basis of the previously described alcohol preparations. To make them less concentrated and suitable for gentle treatment, you need to dilute the drug with clean, distilled water in a ratio of 1:2. Such drugs are also used for the purpose of intravaginal administration, and the oral cavity.