Chemical castration of cats preparations. Types of drugs and mechanism of the procedure. The advantages of chemical castration often include:

Ginger cat Published 04/12/2014 admin 13.03.2019

Castration? Nooo!

The main feature of chemical castration of cats is that there is no need surgical intervention. The effect of the process is to reduce sexual desire and activity of the genital organs. It leads to complete absence in animals, sexual functions aimed at procreation. Most types of this type of castration are reversible.

The medical process of chemical castration must last the entire life of the animal. It consists in the fact that the owner gives the cat special pills that suppress the cat's sexual function. Stopping these medications for a while can lead to a restoration of sexual desire. There are also side effects this tool. From frequent use Baldness or obesity may occur.

In Russia, “Conrasex” or “Sex Barrier” is most often used. In Europe it is popular in last years the drug "Suprelorin", which shows quite good results on animals of all ages. The use of these tablets involves castration of the cat with some breaks. In order not to cause a large burden on the animal’s body, it is necessary to stop taking the tablets for a month every 1.5-2 years.

It's good that now there are many various clinics not only for people, such as Dr. Myshlyaev’s clinic, but also veterinary clinics are available for pets. It's great that you can even call a veterinarian at home.

Cat owners will certainly never deny their love for their pets. However, there are periods in the life of these “fluffies” when they will seriously get on the nerves of even the most patient, balanced and calm owners.

We are talking, of course, about those few months of the year when the reproductive instinct awakens in representatives of the cat family. All the jokes about “March cats” give little idea of ​​the horror that is happening in reality. Furniture upholstery torn to shreds (the animals have no idea how much money their owners spent on this set), “songs” that keep them awake at night and systematically undermine the psyche, a persistent “amber” from the territory marked by pussy.

Many people from decisive action The only thing holding them back from stopping all these outrages is the thought that they can make money on the instincts of their pets - in the event that the cats have an excellent pedigree, and their offspring will be expensive. At least some compensation for frayed nerves!

However, even this is not an argument for many - their own peace of mind is much more valuable to them. However, they do not always decide to take such a step as castration of a cat, considering similar actions inhumane. They believe that by doing so they deprive the animal of “love” (although this is not true - in reproduction, animals are guided solely by instincts, but not by feelings).

However, this is not the only fear that keeps the owner of pussies from ridding their pets of the opportunity to have offspring. Castration is still an operation, after which it is possible various complications, as after any surgical intervention. Thus, there is a risk that the pet’s metabolism will be seriously disrupted, it will gain a lot of weight, suffer from weakness and drowsiness, and lose a healthy appetite (according to at least, for a while) .

The main thing that worries skeptics is possible consequences exposure of pets to radiation. Large-scale research has not been carried out in this regard, and there is reason to assume that this kind of chemical castration of animals can provoke serious pathologies in their body.

However, in modern veterinary medicine there is an alternative to this method - chemical castration of cats. It is represented by two main directions - radiation and drug intervention.

The first, as you might guess, implies radiation exposure to the reproductive organs pet, leading to their functional inhibition and decreased sexual activity. In males, the testicles are usually irradiated. An absolute plus This technique is characterized by the short duration of the procedure itself, and since this is not an operation, it will not be necessary rehabilitation period.

There is also no need to use anesthesia (especially general anesthesia, which many representatives of the cat family tolerate rather poorly). There will be no need to worry about the fact that the pet, while licking itself postoperative suture, will inadvertently provoke tissue divergence and bleeding. By definition, there can be no scars after chemical castration.

The dose of radiation, according to experts, is selected for each animal individually, based on its age and size. There is no need to worry that radioactive rays will “hit” not only the cat’s genitals, but also all other parts of his body - they will be protected by a special apron.

However, although many scientists claim the relative safety this method castration, after all big number people question such bold statements.

A characteristic feature of medicinal chemical castration, compared to all other types, is its reversibility. In order for a cat to have the opportunity to have offspring again, the owners simply need to stop giving them medications.

It is probably for these reasons that the “radiation” method is not very widespread. Another type of chemical castration is much more in demand - drug effects. In this case medicinal product, which suppresses the development of germ cells, is introduced into the animal’s body in the form of tablets or injections. Cats and male cats will not have any “aggressive” manifestations during the mating season, and their coexistence with their owners will remain quiet and peaceful at any time of the year.

In essence, this method is an ordinary hormonal contraception(well known to many women who want to avoid unwanted pregnancy) . From the point of view of ease of use and considerations of humanity, medical castration of pets is perhaps the most preferable. Not being an operation, it does not require not only a recovery period, but also preparation. Just as in the case of radiation exposure, there will be no stitches on the animal’s body, and it will not need to undergo anesthesia.

However, there are downsides medicinal method enough too. One of the main inconveniences is the need to strictly follow the instructions of the drug used, which will need to be used constantly, strictly on certain days. It is also worth noting that absolutely no one will give any absolute guarantee of the effectiveness of such contraception. And the impact hormonal drugs It is completely unsafe for the body (this, by the way, is true for any female). Their regular use in many cases causes diseases.

Whatever method of castration the owners choose for their pets, they should thoroughly study this question(for example, after consulting a veterinarian) and weigh all the risks and arguments in favor of one or another type. Only after such “theoretical preparation” can you realize your intentions.

Orchidectomy (castration) is a standard procedure that suppresses libido and corrects the behavioral manifestations of a cat’s sexual activity. IN veterinary practice distinguish between chemical and surgical methods effects on the testes.

Surgical methods of cat castration

Any of surgical methods castration has its own nuances, ranging from the surgical technique to the influence on the process of regeneration of damaged tissues and the post-castration existence of the animal. All surgical procedures are performed under general anesthesia(routes of anesthesia administration: inhalation, intravenous or intramuscular).


  • closed method. The scrotum is dissected to the vaginal membrane (the skin, the muscular-elastic layer, and fascia are cut), it is dissected without opening it to the inguinal ring, and then it is compressed together with the spermatic cord or tied with a ligature. The spermatic cord and tunica vaginalis are cut below the ligature;
  • open method (“classical castration”). The scrotum and vaginal membrane are cut, the transitional ligaments are crossed with scissors, the testes and appendages are cut off by ligating, unscrewing or tearing off the cord.

Percutaneous (bloodless)

The main goal is to block the innervation and blood supply to the testes. The spermatic cords are crushed over their entire diameter with special forceps; within 4-5 months they atrophy and dissolve.

Pros of the radical approach: affordable price operations, a short postoperative period, the cat’s sexual functions are not restored.
Cons: likelihood of complications after anesthesia/surgery.

Vasectomy (sterilization)

Simple and effective operation, in which segmental bilateral ligation of the vas deferens is performed, as a result of which the cat becomes sterile.

Pros: preservation of the testes, low trauma (manipulations are performed under local anesthesia).

  • high price;
  • requires careful post-operative care for the animal for 10-12 days;
  • not every veterinarian will undertake to perform the operation due to its complexity;
  • vasectomy does not affect the production and distribution of testosterone (the animal retains normal sexual responses and the ability to mate).

Chemical methods of cat castration

There are several methods of chemical castration.


Involves the effect of radiation on the cat’s reproductive organs (testicles), leading to sharp decline sexual activity. The dose is selected individually, based on the size and age of the animal.

Medical contraception

Drugs based on megestrol acetate (Pillkan, EKS-7.5, EKS-5) are injected into the cat’s body by injection or in the form of tablets, which indirectly affect the regulation of behavioral manifestations and suppress sexual heat.

Temporary chemical castration

A method of suppressing the reproductive function of a cat with the possibility of subsequent restoration. A biologically compatible implant such as Suprelorin is inserted under the skin of the male. It contains Deslorelin, which relieves sexual desire animal. The expected result is achieved 6-7 weeks after the injection. This procedure is in little demand due to the limited availability of drugs and the high cost of chemical castration.

Advantages of the alternative approach: no preparation, rehabilitation period, or anesthesia is required.
Disadvantages: reversibility of castration, danger of radiation exposure, significantly increases the risk of developing inflammatory processes and neoplasms.

Each of the methods of suppressing the sexual function of an animal can be applicable, since their safety and effectiveness prevail over the disadvantages. But still, the most reliable is surgical castration. Removal of the testes not only provides a 100% guarantee, but also significantly prolongs full life beast, preventing such serious pathologies as deep injuries spermatic cords, scrotum, testicular tumors, orchitis. The choice of an acceptable method of castration is always up to the cat owner, but you should first consult with a veterinarian, weigh the pros and cons, and only then make a final decision.

A soft, fluffy, affectionate, purring little ball is a great happiness in the house. However, as they grow older and transform from a kitten into adult cat this cute pet begins to show natural instincts, and with them - sleepless nights, and loud meowing, and sudden changes moods. The cat ceases to be obedient, becomes uncontrollable, may refuse to eat and constantly tries to escape.

And if she has the opportunity to leave the house, then after a few months she brings kittens, which usually have nowhere to go. A humane way for the animal and its owners to get rid of all this and restore calm in the human-cat relationship is to sterilize the cat.

Why are cats sterilized? Pros and cons of sterilization

Sterilization of a cat is necessary in order to reduce the release of hormones - the so-called. estrogens that cause sexual activity. After sterilization, the animal calms down and stops suffering from hormonal surges. As a result, the risk of developing malignant tumors uterus, breast tumors, polycystic ovary syndrome, as well as other diseases associated with “downtime” reproductive system and/or long use hormonal drugs. Thus, after the operation, the cat’s life will be healthier and, most importantly, longer (based on the results of many years of observations veterinarians).

Undoubted advantages of sterilizing cats:

- Sterilization helps prevent unwanted offspring. What will a man do if his pet “brought a bunch of kittens in his lap”? It’s good if he can find a place in good hands. What if he can’t? Throw it out onto the street? Each mature cat is capable of kitting up to 4 times a year.

Count how many stray cats there will be in a year? And in two? And in 10 years? What is better - to sterilize one single cat once or to end up with a huge horde of stray animals in the future?

- Breeding purebred animals is not always the goal of the owner of a fashionable cat breed. Many people purchase an animal in accordance with their preferences, wanting to have a friend and, if you like, an interlocutor, but do not have the slightest desire to engage in breeding. A definite advantage for such people will be the opportunity to sterilize the cat.

In city apartments, where a cat lives without the possibility of going outside and looking for a cat, she begins to worry and suffer. During the period of heat, the cat almost stops eating, her hair may fall out, she begins to mark her territory and meow loudly invitingly. Both the animal itself and the whole family suffer from all this. After sterilization, the cat stops hunting, the calling vocalization that irritates owners so much disappears, it stops looking outside and trying to run away. The owners will finally be able to breathe easy.

We will also add one more point to the advantages of sterilization. Cats that have access to the outdoors and interact with their stray cats have high risk infections that are dangerous and incurable infectious diseases. First of all this viral immunodeficiency and feline viral leukemia. In addition, there is a high risk of developing feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). These diseases cannot be prevented; there is no cure for them. preventive methods protection, they are difficult to diagnose and impossible to treat. In addition, diagnosis and treatment are very expensive. By sterilizing an animal, the owner may be saving its life!

Disadvantages of sterilizing cats:

- The main disadvantage is the need for anesthesia. Sterilization is associated with damage to the integrity of the skin, muscles of the abdominal wall and reproductive organs(uterus). This requires adequate pain relief. Young cats tolerate anesthesia well, without any consequences for the body. The anesthetic risk for older animals increases many times over. In addition, there are so-called risk breed groups, the use of anesthesia in which can lead to dire consequences. For example, Maine Coons, Sphynxes, British and Scottish Fold cats, as well as some other breeds, have a tendency to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM), in which anesthesia can cause thromboembolism and death of the animal. Additional examination before surgery and consultation with a cardiologist will help reduce the risk.

As a result of decreased activity and increased appetite as a result of sterilization, Your cat's risk of obesity increases, and with it come heart problems. Prevention of obesity in sterilized cats is quite simple - you need to streamline your diet, stop feeding your pet food from the table and switch to special feed for sterilized cats (eg Royal Canin Neutered Young Female). They contain less fat and energy, which helps maintain optimal weight.

Methods for sterilizing cats

Sterilization and castration

What is the difference between sterilization and castration of a cat?
Modern Russian veterinary medicine usually means sterilizing a cat oophorectomy (OE) - surgical removal ovaries. As a result of this, sex hormones cease to be produced, hormonal levels change, estrus and related phenomena stop. The risk of tumors and cysts is reduced. Typically this method is used on young and nulliparous females with a healthy uterus.

Photo 1. Ovary of a young healthy cat

It is important to know
: after oophorectomy there is a high risk of developing purulent processes in the uterus, endometritis and pyometra. If these diseases appear in old cats (and, as a rule, they appear in old age), it becomes dangerous to perform the operation due to physiological reasons associated with the risk of anesthesia. Therefore, most veterinarians prefer castration of cats.

Castration is the removal of not only the ovaries, but also the uterus (ovariohysterectomy, OGE). It is performed in cats of all ages, as a planned procedure or according to indications (uterine pathologies, unsuccessful births, extirpation of the uterus with fetuses, etc.). As a result of castration, the risk of uterine diseases and many other health problems is negated.

Tubal occlusion

Otherwise - dressing fallopian tubes - a method in which sexual behavior is completely preserved, but the possibility of pregnancy is eliminated. It is rarely used in veterinary medicine, mainly for those cats whose owners insist on preserving sexual behavior in the pet, wanting to provide her with conditions that are stereotypical for humans.

The method assumes surgery, the degree of impact on the body is the same as OE or OGE, but without removal of the reproductive organs or their parts.

Since the method is not effective in terms of unwanted manifestations reproductive instinct (estrus will remain, characteristic behavior, the desire to run away in search of a partner), it is practically not used.

Chemical temporary castration of cats

For cat owners who do not plan to mate their pet in the near future, but want to do so in the future, we can recommend temporary chemical sterilization of the cat by inserting an implant under the skin. For example, the drug Suprelorin has proven itself as reliable means for chemical castration of cats.

When we're talking about Regarding the sterilization of cats, in modern veterinary medicine it usually means oophorectomy or ovariohysterectomy. They can be carried out different ways.

Surgical methods of sterilization

Cats are usually sterilized in one of three main ways, differing essentially only in access to the abdominal cavity:
access along the white line of the abdomen (the most common method)
access through a lateral incision
one or more punctures of the abdominal wall to remove reproductive organs using laparoscopic equipment.

1. Sterilization of cats with surgical access along the white line of the abdomen- the most common and familiar method. The animal's fur is shaved from the navel to the last pair of nipples, a skin incision is made, then the aponeurosis of the abdominal wall is cut (in the center, between the muscles, without bleeding).

Photo 2. Skin incision during sterilization of a cat with access along the white line of the abdomen

After this, the surgeon removes the uterine horns and, depending on the sterilization method, ligates the vessels and removes only the ovaries or the ovaries and the uterus.

Photo 3. Castration of a cat. Extract from abdominal cavity and removal of the uterus and ovaries

Sutures are then placed on the abdominal wall and skin.

Photo 4. The abdominal wall is sutured with a continuous suture using absorbable thread.

The peritoneum is sutured with absorbable suture material, the skin suture is performed in various ways, depending on the specific animal, the wishes of the owner, conditions of detention, etc. A little later we will dwell in more detail on the sutures placed on cats during sterilization.

To prevent the cat from licking the seam and introducing dirt and infection, a postoperative blanket is worn. The blanket is removed on the day the stitches are removed, not earlier.

The length of the incision for ovario- and ovariohysterectomy with access along the white line of the abdomen is from 1.5 to 5 cm, depending on the size of the animal, the presence of pathologies and the qualifications of the surgeon.

2. Surgical access through a lateral incision developed and used mainly in the implementation of a program for sterilization of homeless animals, without overexposure. Cats that wake up after anesthesia are immediately released into the external environment. Therefore, the method provides for low tissue trauma, a relatively small incision and no need for suture care. Ovariectomy is most often performed this way.

Photo 5. Removal of the uterus during sterilization of a cat through a lateral tissue incision

The good thing about this method is that the length of the suture is much shorter than with traditional ovariohysterectomy. A cat recovers quickly after such an operation and requires less care than after an operation with an incision along the white line.

In this case, tissue trauma is more pronounced due to damage to the muscle layer. When sterilizing along the white line, it is not the muscles that are damaged, but the aponeurosis (connective tissue).

Veterinarians do not like lateral access due to the inability to objectively assess the condition of the animal’s organs and take appropriate measures or give recommendations to the owner on further diagnostics or treatment of the animal (for example, an enlarged spleen or coprostasis in the intestines). In addition, muscle repair can be even more painful than aponeurosis repair.

3. Modern, low-traumatic and safe way– . Allows you to combine the possibility of complete visualization of the abdominal organs and ultra-low tissue damage.

Photo 6. Laparoscopic sterilization of cats ensures the highest degree of sterility

Laparoscopic sterilization of cats is carried out with a special instrument - a laparoscope, which is a tube with a video camera unit and a lens. The resulting image is displayed on the monitor and allows the doctor to carry out the procedure under full visual control.

Photo 7. Puncture of the abdominal wall with a trocar during laparoscopic sterilization of cats

The operation is performed through small incisions (up to a centimeter in length), into which a manipulator and laparoscope are inserted.

Photo 8. 3 mm punctures left after laparoscopic sterilization of a cat do not need to be sutured. They are simply sealed with medical glue.

To create an operative space, a carboxyperitoneum is created - the abdominal cavity is filled carbon dioxide, the abdominal wall rises, and the internal organs are in excellent visual access for the surgeon. All manipulations are performed directly in the abdominal cavity, bleeding is stopped by coagulating blood vessels and tissues, and the removed organs are removed through a puncture in the abdominal wall. Both spaying and neutering of cats can be performed laparoscopically.

Advantages of the laparoscopic method of sterilization of cats:

  • Minimal tissue trauma
  • The highest degree of sterility during surgery (contact of the surgeon’s organs and hands is completely excluded, only sterile instruments)
  • Good visualization. Opportunity for the surgeon to conduct a revision internal organs, both during and after surgery, to assess postoperative risks. Modern laparoscope video cameras provide excellent magnification. Comfortable and with high quality You can even operate on hamsters, mice and chinchillas.
  • No need for postoperative treatment. Seam processing is minimal. If the puncture is made with a 0.3 or 0.5 cm trocar, no stitches are applied at all, the wound is simply sealed.

The main disadvantage due to which laparoscopy is available in a very limited number of veterinary clinics is the high cost of equipment and the need for additional training of employees.

The cost of laparoscopic sterilization of cats is always higher than the cost traditional ways carrying out sterilization.

With any of these three methods it is necessary general anesthesia.

Sutures in cats after sterilization

With any method of sterilizing cats, stitches are placed on the wound. Abdominal wall sutured with catgut (rarely used) or synthetic absorbable threads (PHA, vicryl, etc.).

The skin suture is performed in two ways:
1. Classic skin suture. Non-absorbable threads are used (silk, nylon, etc.). Depending on the situation, an interrupted or continuous suture is applied.
2. Interrupted or continuous intradermal suture that does not require removal.

In what situations are certain sutures applied?
For example, photo 9 shows a classic interrupted suture that we applied when sterilizing a yard cat.

Photo 9. Cutaneous interrupted suture in a cat after sterilization

Such sutures provide high reliability of tissue fixation, eliminating divergence of the wound edges. In our case, the owner will not be able to watch the stray cat constantly, there is no guarantee that the animal will not damage the seam with its tongue or when jumping, so the most reliable, but not very attractive, method of application was chosen.

Photo 10. Applying a continuous suture to the skin

Photo 10 shows a cutaneous interrupted continuous suture. We apply this suture in 95% of cases of cat sterilization. It is the least labor-intensive, holds the edges of the wound well and is easily removed. In addition, such a suture has an excellent cosmetic effect - six months after the operation, the skin defect is almost invisible.

Photo 11. Continuous intradermal suture in a cat after sterilization

Photo 11 shows a continuous intradermal suture. We apply such stitches at the request of the owner. For example, if he cannot find time to visit a veterinary clinic to remove stitches or if the animal is aggressive. A special thread is used that dissolves 50-70 days after surgery.

Sutures are usually removed 7-10 days after sterilization or not removed at all if the suture is intradermal.

Caring for any skin suture comes down to maintaining cleanliness and preventing infection from entering the wound. Good protection the wound is achieved by using a spray with aluminum. Small particles The spray reliably closes the wound from bacteria and dirt.

Photo 12. Treating a cat’s skin suture with Aluminum spray

Optimal age of a cat for sterilization

The reproductive organs in cats reach full development by the age of 5 months. From this age, hypothetically, one can begin to plan the operation. However, we would not advise rushing. Five-month-old kittens tolerate anesthesia quite hard, and, according to some observations, are even delayed in growth and development compared to cats whose sterilization was carried out a little later, at 7, 8 or 9 months.

However, there is no point in postponing the decision about surgery until later. If estrus passes without mating for several years, the cat may develop diseases of the reproductive organs (very often polycystic ovary syndrome), so you should not delay the operation too much.

We consider the age of a cat to be between 7 months and 10 years optimal for sterilization. The operation is also permissible later; according to indications, it is performed at any age, if the animal does not have serious problems with health. It should be remembered that older cat, the higher the anesthetic risk. Anesthesia can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases and death of the animal. Therefore, for older animals we prescribe additional examinations before surgery.

Preparing a cat for surgery

Sterilization is a fairly serious surgical intervention on an animal’s body, so this matter must be approached with great responsibility, and the procedure requires general anesthesia. Therefore, animal owners should listen carefully to the doctor and follow all recommendations. Before the operation, the doctor may order tests and ultrasonography, as well as examination by a cardiologist and therapist. These are reasonable precautions because the doctor must be confident that the cat will tolerate the surgery well and that no complications will arise during the procedure. This is especially important for older cats (over 10 years old), since they may have pathologies of internal organs (tumors, polycystic disease, inflammation, etc.), as well as heart problems.

Before the operation, the cat is not fed for 8-12 hours, and water should not be given to it for 2-3 hours. If there is anything in the intestines (even water), vomiting will occur during anesthesia. Vomit may end up in Airways, carrying into the bronchi harmful bacteria, and call aspiration pneumonia. The body, weakened by anesthesia, does not cope well with the infection and the cat may even die. This is why following a fasting diet is so important for successful surgery.

Caring for a cat after sterilization

After sterilization, it is necessary to look after the cat special care. While she is under anesthesia, her body temperature drops, so she needs to be kept warm, maybe covered with a blanket. In this case, the bed must be on the floor and away from objects from which you can fall (tables, sofas, etc.) or which you can hit (radiators, bedside tables, etc.). Even under the influence of anesthesia, cats can begin to walk and jump on furniture, but during this period the animal’s coordination of movements is impaired, so it is necessary to carefully monitor so that no injuries occur.

You also need to make sure that the cat does not lick the seam - some cats manage to wipe the fabric of the blanket with their rough tongue in a week. Therefore, monitoring the condition of the blanket and the seams under it is very desirable.

Photo 13. After sterilization, it is advisable to put a blanket on the cat

It is better to put an absorbent diaper on the bedding on which the cat will lie, because... Under the influence of anesthesia, the animal does not control urination. In addition, vomiting may occur.

It is necessary to regularly inspect the seam; it should not bleed or fester.

You must follow your doctor's recommendations for wound care. Usually no complex interventions are required. When sterilizing a cat in our clinic, for example, the owner does not need to treat the sutures at all, only monitoring the condition of the protective layer and limiting the animal’s mobility.

Other specialists may prescribe daily incision hygiene antiseptic solutions(chlorhexidine, dioxidine) or lubricating the seam with ointment.

Antibiotic therapy in postoperative period necessary in most cases. As a rule, long-acting antibiotics are used wide range actions (for example, sinulox, amoxoyl, amoxicillin). Most often, two injections are prescribed, 48 hours apart. The owner can do the second antibiotic injection himself or come to see a doctor.

The recovery period after sterilization can last up to ten days and, as a rule, does not cause difficulties for cat owners. If you do not want to care for the animal yourself, many veterinary clinics offer inpatient services.

Changes in cat behavior after sterilization

Sterilization does not entail changes in the cat's character. After the operation, manifestations of the reproductive instinct completely disappear. The cat will not be in heat, sudden attacks obsessive affection or aggressiveness. Typically, after sterilization, cats become gentler and more obedient. Fully preserved hunting instinct, playfulness, desire to communicate with people and animals.

Change hormonal levels as a result of sterilization can lead to an increase in appetite, so you need to ensure that the animal does not gain excess weight, because obesity is also a disease. Therefore, you should provide rationed nutrition, do not overfeed the cat, and also play with it more often.

The desire of cats to reproduce is quite natural - it is their natural instinct, which can be dealt with and surgically. However, not all owners choose to sterilize their pets, despite the inconvenience experienced by the cat and the owner himself during the period of estrus. We are afraid to give the animal to a veterinarian because they do not know that sterilization of cats without surgery and without incisions has long existed.

Using medications to sterilize cats

Some cat owners, in order to avoid surgical intervention, use injections for cats from walking, tablets and drops of this kind.

These drugs can hormonally temporarily suppress the desire to reproduce and are used for prevention false pregnancy. The most common injection among injections is the drug Covinan. Injections are made by a veterinarian according to a certain scheme and before the cat starts hunting. On average, the effect of the drug lasts for five months. Among drops and tablets, the following are often used: “Contra-sex”, “Sex barrier”, “Gestrenol”, “Cat-bayun” and others. However, it should be noted that medical sterilization of cats hormonal drugs quite often leads to the appearance of cysts and tumors on the mammary gland and reproductive system in cats.

After development in an animal oncological diseases it will not be possible to do without surgical intervention, but in such a situation the life of your beloved pet will be at stake. Injections for cats instead of sterilization can also damage their psyche or lead to other serious pathologies.

Photos of complications after medical sterilization with hormonal drugs:

Professional preparations - an alternative to cat sterilization

In Europe, private clinics have been sterilizing cats using the drug Suprelorin for quite some time now. It is an implant, fully compatible with the animal’s body, which is inserted under the animal’s skin. Owners who have identified their pet using a chip know that such a procedure is painless and safe, and most importantly, it is carried out without incisions on the animal’s body.

The drug Suprelorin does not destroy forever reproductive function in animals, it only blocks it for a certain period. Depending on the dosage, Suprelorin is given to cats for one year (Suprelorin 4.7 mg) or for two years (Suprelorin 9.4 mg). This type of chemical sterilization of cats works as follows: the implant contains a substance that is gradually released. It allows you to suppress an animal’s sexual desire without surgery. This is optimal for this moment a method of sterilizing cats without surgery. The cost of the drug Suprelorin and its installation for cats for a period of 1 year is 6500 rubles, for 2 years - 11000 rubles.

Professional chemical castration

The Vetpost clinic employs professional veterinarians who perform chemical castration of cats in Moscow in accordance with all European standards. Such operations must be performed exclusively in high-quality veterinary clinics, because the:

  • Such institutions have all the certificates for products, including quite rare drug Suprelorin.
  • The cost of veterinarian services for any of the operations is known in advance to pet owners; it is stated in the official price list.
  • Doctors have necessary tools, medications and experience, without which chemical castration of cats is impossible.

With the help of well-performed chemical sterilization, it is possible to painlessly stop a cat's estrus for a long time, depending on the amount active substance inside the implant. If necessary, doctors at the Vetpost clinic remove it from under the skin of a pet, restoring its reproductive functions.