What are the lips filled with? What are the best ways? Pumped up lips with hyaluronic acid

Looking at the puffed up lips, the photos of which are flooded with newspapers and magazines, one simply marvels at how popular this in most cases unpleasant operation has become. Today, every second girl wants herself "sensual lips" in the spirit of Angelina Jolie and is ready to pay a fair amount of money for them.

Myth number 1. Inflated lips are beautiful.

Strange, but only girls think so. Most men do not like puffy lips. They are compared with the consequences. Many males are even scared to kiss a girl with such lips. And in general, men are in fashion now and not "inflatable women."

Myth #2. Puffy lips are more sensitive.

And again deceit. only create visible effect sensuality, which does not affect the sensations (except perhaps unpleasant) of both men and women. How can a piece of silicone or an injection synthetic substance increase the sensitivity of any zone? By filling? But then, on the contrary, at least a feeling of numbness is created, and even a complete loss of sensitivity of such zones.

Myth number 3. Inflated lips last a lifetime.

This is possible only after the introduction of silicone implants, but they will not give any guarantee that they will not "move out" to the side after a certain period. That is why after the operation, constant monitoring by doctors is recommended, who, if symptoms of displacement occur, can always slightly “correct” the situation. In the case of injections, correction should be done regularly. Moreover, having started such a "transformation", it is no longer possible to stop - if you do not make an injection on time, then the stretched lips will resemble chewed dumplings or the consequences of an injury.

Myth #4. Pumped up lips look natural.

In some cases this is possible, but in most cases it is not. The mania of the female half of humanity to make themselves "more sensual" and get a lot of new sensations, as it turned out, knows no bounds. As a result, instead of a small adjustment, despite the advice of a plastic surgeon, a total reincarnation is ordered. The opinion of the male half on this matter has already been voiced at the beginning of the article.

Myth #5. Puffy lips are corrective surgery.

Not at all. "Pumping" lips with silicone using implants is just a new fashion statement. But plastic surgery, which allows you to correct the wrong or almost complete absence of them - lips. And it is in no way aimed at

Myth No. 6. Immediately after the operation, you can go outside and enjoy the impression you make.

Partly true. Only now it is unlikely that you will be able to get pleasure from this (except with a few perverted tastes). Who will enjoy looking at your swollen pumped up lips? Before and after surgery, the appearance of the lips varies significantly. First of all, a huge swelling is noticeable, but not the result of the surgeon's work. The swelling will subside after a couple of weeks, at which time the best option is to spend time at home in calm environment away from prying eyes.

Let's start with the fact that I first made an injection of hyaluronic acid at the age of 20 (now I'm 25). Then there was the peak of the popularity of this procedure: in Ukraine they began to massively talk about lip augmentation, and many also massively began to actively “try” this procedure. I also fell under this influence. But to a greater extent, I enlarged my lips due to a psychological factor: I broke up with my young man, who forbade me any changes in appearance of this kind. I realized that now nothing is holding me back. I wanted a change and decided to make my lips more sexy. I was satisfied with the shape of the lips, but did not like their volume. It seemed to me that if there was more volume, then the whole emphasis would not be on the nose or eyes, but on the lips. This is exactly the effect I was looking for. I wanted radical change.

How did I decide?Of course, like any girl, I read the forums. I nurtured the idea for about six months, but decided in one day. On that day, I got a tattoo, dyed my hair blonde and got my lips done. All in one day.

A little about the financial side of the procedure

As a rule, each doctor works with certain brands of drugs. Basically, the French drug Juvederm is now very popular all over Europe. With it, you can increase the lips for a period of 8 to 15 months. Surgiderm is also popular. There is also Princess, but many have abandoned it. When I did lip augmentation, I trusted my doctor. He worked with several drugs, and Juvederm recommended me. It is more expensive, but I have never had any problems after the procedure (the effect did not disappear, etc.). The least to be feared is any risk of allergic reactions. All preparations are hypoallergenic, and besides, hyaluronic acid is a component native to humans.

The procedure at that time (2011-2013) cost UAH 6.5 thousand. Now the same procedure would cost me 8 thousand UAH. In general, the price for the procedure is very dependent on the name of the doctor and his popularity. The more popular the doctor, the more expensive the procedure will cost.

About choosing a doctor

The moment of trust in the doctor is very important. If you trust the doctor, then you trust the drugs he uses. If you don't trust, leave there and don't come back. ABOUTBe sure to look at the photos of his works: a good doctor will never hesitate to post them online. Most often, he will even answer you personally for questions regarding cost, possible risks etc.

A good doctor will never add more volume, but on the contrary, he will always try to dissuade you if you are already overstepping some boundaries, violating the proportions of your face, and asking you to inject more of the drug than necessary.

He will immediately dissuade you from this idea.

What happened before and during the procedure

Before the procedure itself, the doctor held a consultation, where she told me everything in detail about what would happen now and answered all my questions. Before the procedure, my lips were smeared with lidocaine ointment. I lay with her for about ten minutes until I felt numb. Pain relief makes the injections easier, but it still feels like something is being injected into your lips.

Even while I was being injected with the drug, the doctor constantly gave me a mirror and asked “maybe we can add it here”, “let's correct it here”, etc. And I have already decided whether I like this idea or not. A good doctor is very well versed in the proportions of the face, and he knows what needs to be corrected.

I am not afraid of injections, but I confess that the effect of an injection on the lips is not the most pleasant. It is very easy to endure: it is no more painful than a regular blood draw from a vein, but still unpleasant when a needle walks over your face. After all, you get a lot of injections in different areas of the lips. They prick, then knead, then prick again, etc. The procedure is not pleasant, but in my opinion it is tolerable.

Feelings after the procedure

There is a generally accepted norm: after the lip augmentation procedure, there will be swelling for 2 days. And if during the procedure the doctor accidentally gets into the capillary, a bruise will form in its place.

Three days after the procedure, I did not plan anything, because I understood that the swelling would be visible to people. And the lips were too big. By the way, during these 3 days it is not allowed to drink hot and paint lips. After 3 days, the lips return to normal and you can already do whatever you want. In general, the lips feel like their own. They can do everything: eat cold, hot, kiss, etc. The only thing that is not recommended is to go to the sauna and bath: the drug will dissolve faster.

How often should lip correction be done?

Corrections can be made at any time. If you feel the urge to go again 2 weeks after the procedure and inject hyaluronic acid, you can safely do it. Ideally, before injecting the drug, the doctor says what time of action it has. If it is 8 months, then the correction is recommended to be done after the same period of time. In my case, 7 months passed between the first and second procedures: I felt that the effect was not the same and I wanted to resume everything again. The second time I did lip augmentation for 15 months.

A woman must herself understand when she needs a correction. If she has a strong asymmetry (the lower lip is normal and the upper lip is very thin, or vice versa), then she is likely to repeat the procedure a little earlier, because. when the drug is absorbed, the effect of asymmetrical lips will become noticeable again.

The duration of the effect (7, 15 months) depends on the density of the drug. The denser the preparation, the longer it does not resolve. I have tried both less dense and denser preparations and I cannot say that there is any difference between them in terms of visual effect. The lips feel the same.

What happens to the lips after the gel is absorbed. Possible negative consequences

Lips become exactly the same as they were before injections. There is no feeling that they are stretched like an accordion. But the only thing that can happen to the lips after injections is the appearance of lumps. This is such a mini-form of fibrosis, in which tissue dies at the injection site. Their appearance depends on the qualifications of the doctor and on certain individual characteristics of your body. I have one lump left. It can be removed with hyaluronidase. But I don’t want to do this and I don’t have a complex about it at all. Let me remind you of that time.

In women who prick their lips, these lumps form over the years. This suggests that too much drug was injected into certain areas. Before deciding on this procedure, it is important to understand that the more injections are made over several years (whatever the quality of the drug), the greater the risk that these lumps will be larger in size. It's in Once again says that you should always know the measure in everything. Perhaps someone is more lucky, and such unpleasant consequences are bypassed.

When I first went to speech technique courses at 22, my teacher immediately told me, “Yeah, lips are not my own. It will be very difficult for you to study."

And yes, indeed, if the hyaluronic lips did not prevent me from kissing, eating, drinking and doing anything, then it was difficult with the speech technique, because these lips were really big. They prevented me from correcting some speech defects.

It was not difficult to speak, but if you deal with the technique of speech professionally, then it is really inconvenient.

Now, even if I wanted to increase my lips, I would not do it, because the quality of speech is more important to me, which I am now continuing to work on. For a leader, this is very important.

About the change in the attitude of relatives and friends towards me

My mother was against lip augmentation, my grandmother too (I grew up in a female environment). Most likely, if my father was next to me, he, of course, would not forgive me for this (my father is of Eastern blood). Mom treated this as another whim: she, like any mother, believes that everything is fine with me. She considered this act stupid, and the more often I pricked my lips (and I did this for 2 years), the more often I heard from her “why do you need this”, “was beautiful girl, and you become like it is not clear what.

And yes, it always seemed to me that it was not enough. Once you make an injection in the lips, then it will be impossible to stop. It's like with tattoos: you get one and you won't calm down until you fill your whole body.

It is very difficult to adequately assess yourself later: look once in the mirror and say to yourself “so, stop, that’s enough!”.

About the changes that have happened to me

I will be prevaricating if I say that lip augmentation has not changed me. Even before the lip augmentation, I did not suffer from a lack of attention from men, but after I did the lips, I really felt the increased attention of men to myself. But for me, this attention was negative. I very often heard the question from men “is it yours or not?”. Well, of course not mine! I was honest with men and always said that "yes, not my own, yes, I corrected." I began to understand that, together with my naturally large breasts, these lips give a more vulgar effect, that everyone begins to consider me not as a person who has an inner world, but as a sexual object. I felt a lot of negative attention for me.

Photo after lip augmentation procedure

How it really turned out

Yes, after I felt different. I wanted change, so please get it. I felt more attention. I will not say that the problem of lip augmentation has ever helped a girl in her career, relationships, etc. You can at least 300 times make lips and facial plastic surgery, but you still morally remain the same person. Lips were not my complex, so I took this change as some kind of attempt to improve myself.

I know girls who do lips and see it as a kind of investment in themselves. They think that the plumper and sexier their lips, the more men will be drawn to them. I confirm this fact: indeed, more men are drawn to such girls (and I don’t know what attracts them all to these lips), but so far it is the artificiality of the lips, when everything is very visible, that attracts them. Guys, big question for you.

A girl who makes lips should be prepared for the fact that there will be increased attention from men to her. If it is an end in itself, then it will be achieved.

And if the appearance does not correspond to the inner world, if you redraw yourself and become femme fatale, but inside she remained an ordinary girl who wants to be happy, in love, even if it is a student, and you do not pursue the goal of finding a male sponsor or a male daddy, then you should not make lips. After all, who usually leads on such girls? Let's be blunt: these are men who can offer something to a woman and get her defiant appearance in return. This is a kind of investment, and a smart man with money understands this. Who would have thought that I would not like this attention, I would not like those men who come up to me to get acquainted in a cafe. This is not at all the segment of men with whom I want to communicate.

You upgrade yourself and men think “yeah, that means she wants to justify these investments, which means that she can be bought.” Such a girl focuses on things that provoke men.

At some point, I began to ask myself the question “why am I doing this? What I have from the beginning is enough.” And I stopped making adjustments. Partially, this decision was influenced by the performed rhinoplasty, therefore, in combination with the corrected shape of the nose, I was not at all embarrassed by the already “blown away” lips to their natural volume. I also think that I stopped doing it because I grew up: 20 and 25 years old is still a big difference. A lot of things have changed in my life.

Photo of natural lips after resorption of the drug

I will not hide, there are moments when it seems to me, “shouldn’t I go and do something?”. But I do not get to the doctor, because I understand that this is some kind of fleeting desire. Instead, I'll either get to work or just go out and buy myself a dress. Women who are used to dealing with bad mood, constantly changing something in themselves, they can simply lose themselves. Just play around.

Appearance is short-lived, in time you will not have it either. It is better to invest not in breasts or a new face, but in brains. This is the best investment. It may sound pretentious, but that's the way it is.

You need to understand that the desire to remake something in yourself is connected with psychological dissatisfaction with yourself, or you really cannot live with some kind of external defect. I have never been against surgical interventions and beauty injections, as I resorted to both: if a person wants to do this, please. How many women have been saved by these lips (for example, those who have a small upper or lower lip since birth), how many have raised their self-esteem and allowed themselves to feel the same as everyone else. Lip augmentation is indeed a very cool way to correct many problems, but as with everything, changes must be approached wisely.

Don't skimp on the process.

If you are doing the procedure for the first time, start with a volume of 0.6 ml to get used to the new lips and so that the changes are minimal.

Be prepared for the fact that every time you increase your lips, it will seem to you that you have pricked a little. It's like a drug. Don't get fooled.

Do not forget that big lips add age.

If you are unhappy with the result, this can always be corrected with hyaluronidase, which dissolves the drug.

Indeed, a number of domestic (the same Yulia Volkova and Masha Malinovskaya) stars and their foreign colleagues became victims of unscrupulous surgeons who at one time imprudently inserted silicone in the hope of getting lips a la Angelina Jolie. Along with lips, these girls, as a rule, considered it their duty to pump up their breasts to incredible sizes. But the patients of those years, as well as the cosmetologists, did not take into account the important disadvantages of such operations.(both medicine, and the truth, then still could not know them):

  • Unnatural origin of silicone. There is no such substance in our body, which means that it does not dissolve and does not take root well in the body.
  • Formation of scars in tissues. Because of this feature, silicone makes the lips less sensitive and inflates them even more over time. Moreover, this substance can "migrate" to other parts of the face: cheeks, eyebrows and even eyelids.

The benefits of hyaluronic acid injections on the lips are obvious:

  1. Hyaluronic acid in the lips almost never causes rejection. That is why the list of contraindications is small: it is enough not to have any inflammation on the lips during the procedure (including herpes) and allergies to the injected drug. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also refrain from hyaluronic acid injections.
  2. The acid is distributed evenly, without creating bumps on the lips.
  3. With its help, you can not only add volume, but also correct the shape and contour of the mouth, smooth out wrinkles at the corners of the mouth and make the skin less dry. By the way, hyaluronic acid injections are used not only for lips, but also to combat nasolabial wrinkles, lip folds and other anti-aging changes on the face.
  4. The result is usually natural, unless, of course, you yourself want to give your mouth an incredible size.
  5. Edema will remain on the lips for 7-10 days, or even several hours. In this case, the lips will not lose their sensitivity.

The effect stays on the lips for a year, sometimes more. This is both a plus and a minus: on the one hand, you will have to go to the beautician all the time to keep the volume on your lips; on the other hand, if you do not like the result, then it will be enough to be patient a little - and after 12 months the lips will return to their original data. If you didn’t like the result at all, then in this case you can quickly get rid of the filler using a special absorbable injection.


Mechanism of influence

Hyaluronic acid in the human body is a polysaccharide. It is found in joint fluid intercellular space skin. The task of hyaluron is to bind water in cells and intercellular space, thanks to which it is possible to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin. One hyaluron molecule is capable of accumulating up to 1000 water molecules.

Over time, less hyaluron is produced, which causes age-related changes - the appearance of wrinkles and flabbiness of the skin, stiffness.

After the introduction of hyaluron by injection, it fills the voids, starting to collect water molecules around itself and stimulating the production of collagen. As a result, the skin of the lips is smoothed, becomes moisturized, and the lips themselves become fuller due to hyaluron.

Benefits of hyaluronic lip injections

Those who decide to pump up their lips with hyaluron immediately after the procedure note the following positive effect:

  • Lips get a clear outline;
  • Lips increase in size;
  • The shape of the lips becomes more correct, attractive.

The procedure has many advantages, including:

  • The ability to adjust the volume of the injected substance, achieving the necessary increase in volume;
  • The possibility of phased injection, which also makes it possible to obtain an optimal result;
  • Unlike other fillers, hyaluronic fillers give less side effects in the form of bruises and bruises;
  • Low probability of developing allergic reactions, since synthetic hyaluron is used as close as possible in its composition to natural;
  • A rejuvenating effect that persists even after the breakdown and removal of hyaluron from the body, which is explained by the stimulation of the production of natural hyaluron after injections;
  • The possibility of repeated injection of hyaluron, while the required amount of filler is usually reduced;
  • Hyaluron is safe and completely excreted from the body after a set period;
  • Hyaluron does not migrate to neighboring tissues, as is the case, for example, with silicone;
  • Hyaluron is distinguished by its versatility of action - with its help you can not only correct the shape of the lips or add volume, but also make the skin younger, toned and hydrated.

Indications and contraindications

Patients who want to look more attractive turn to contour plastic surgery. Among the indications are usually distinguished:

  • Thin lips;
  • Lack of symmetry;
  • The appearance of wrinkles on the upper lip;
  • Ptosis (drooping) of the corners of the lips;
  • Unattractive lip shape.

In terms of age and goals, patients going for lip augmentation hyaluronic acid are divided into 3 groups:

  • Patients under 30 tend to want more volume to look brighter and more attractive. The same group of clients may have lip problems such as asymmetry, irregular shape.
  • Patients over 30 complain of the first age-related changes, including the skin of the lips. With the help of hyaluron, they can be effectively dealt with. There are also many who correct the shape or add volume;
  • Patients aged 50 and older resort to injections to eliminate wrinkles in the lip area, ptosis of the corners of the lips, and give the lips a clearer outline.

The procedure is allowed from 18 to 60 years.

The contour plastic procedure has its own contraindications. First of all, it is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. It is not allowed to resort to this method at various inflammations and diseases of the skin of the lips, with the formation of crusts and ulcers on them, as well as herpes in the acute stage.

The procedure should be refrained from in the presence of the following ailments:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Blood diseases, in the first place - problems with clotting;
  • Treatment with anticoagulants - drugs that reduce blood clotting;
  • Predisposition to the formation of keloid or hypertrophic scars;
  • Diseases of the nervous system, in the first place - epilepsy, diseases of the trigeminal nerve;
  • Viral diseases.

You can not pump lips with individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid. If peeling or skin resurfacing has been carried out, you should wait a month before deciding to pump up your lips. Finally, experts recommend refraining from injections during menstruation, since during this period the hormonal background women. In this regard, it is not always possible to predict the result of the procedure, the likelihood of side effects increases, and pain threshold women is significantly reduced.

Carrying out the procedure

The procedure for the introduction of hyaluron is preceded by a consultation with a specialist. It discusses the final result, finds out the patient's state of health, whether he has chronic or other ailments, and selects a suitable filler. In some clinics, specialists prescribe Acyclovir a week before the procedure, as this can prevent the development of herpes on injured lips.

Fillers are in disposable syringes. Before the procedure, the doctor anesthetizes the working area using injections (infiltration method) with an anesthetic or cream (application method). Anesthetics are usually based on lidocaine or its analogues. It is important to make sure that the patient is not allergic to them. Usually the doctor makes 2 painkillers injections - in the upper and lower lip. The duration of anesthesia is 25-30 minutes, during which time the lips lose their sensitivity. The next step is the antiseptic of the working surface. Injections start from the middle of the lips, the specialist injects the drug for about 15-30 minutes, observing how the hyaluron is distributed. The drug is injected in small portions, with too much gel volume, hematomas are usually formed.

Filler injection is carried out in a fan or linear fashion, as these techniques prevent the formation of bulges or dents. The needle is inserted to a depth of 2-3 mm, and the substance should be evenly distributed between the skin and muscle. With a deeper introduction of the filler, it will break down faster, which means that the effect of the procedure will be short-lived.

After the session, the doctor makes a correction in the area light massage, the purpose of which is the uniform distribution of the filler, its adhesion to connective tissue. Then cold is applied to the lips to relieve swelling. However, slight hyperemia and swelling will still persist in the first days after the procedure, which is considered normal. The result will become obvious when the swelling subsides and bruises disappear, bruises - after 3-5 days.

Usually to achieve desired effect one procedure is enough, sometimes a correction is required, which can be carried out 2 weeks after the first session. It should be understood that from thin lips it is impossible to make plump, it is possible to correct their shape and give a small volume.

Side effects

Modern cosmetology has abandoned the use of hyaluronic acid of animal origin (produced most often from rooster combs). This is due to the fact that such fillers are rejected by the body, which causes complications.

Modern fillers basically have hyaluronic acid of synthetic origin, which has undergone several degrees of purification. However, despite high quality filler, after injections, the following side effects may occur:

  • Hyperemia, that is, redness in the area of ​​correction;
  • Edema;
  • Slight swelling of individual areas of correction;
  • Small bruises and abrasions;
  • Pain in the area where the needle was inserted.

Such symptoms are considered normal and disappear on their own 3-7 days after the injection. If this does not happen, consult a doctor.

You should rush to a specialist if you experience pain, numbness of the lips, local seals. If after the procedure a rash appears, tissue necrosis, breathing and heartbeat are disturbed, an ambulance should be called immediately.

Recovery period

Inflated lips require rehabilitation for up to 7-10 days, during which you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • Refuse physical activity, playing sports, as this can cause hematomas and bruising;
  • Refuse to massage the correction zone and other physical impact on the lips (including kissing);
  • Do not take hot food and drinks;
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics the first 3-4 days after the procedure;
  • 14 days you should not take a hot bath, visit baths and saunas, do steam baths;
  • For up to 14 days, you should refrain from facial massage;
  • Do not sunbathe for 7-10 days after the procedure, it is recommended to protect the lips from exposure sun rays if injections are made during the sunny season;
  • You should not visit the pool, swim in the reservoirs for the first 2 weeks after the procedure, as there is a risk of infection of the puncture sites;
  • No smoking.

During the week, the lips are lubricated with antiseptic and moisturizing creams, while avoiding massaging and pressing on them. The patient should drink the amount of water determined by the doctor, and visit a specialist after 7-10 days. Although changes are noticeable immediately after surgery, final result found around day 14. During this period, the filler is evenly distributed under the skin, hyaluron collects required amount water molecules around you, swelling and bruising disappear.

Effect duration, price

The effect after the procedure lasts from 6 to 12 months. The duration of the results depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body, the quality of the injected filler. Among the fillers that are trusted by specialists are:

  • Juvederm (Allergan, USA);
  • Restylane (Q-MED, Sweden);
  • Surzhiderm (Corneal Group, France).

The procedure requires 1-3 ml of the drug, depending on the shape of the lips and the desired result. When answering the question of how much it costs to pump up lips with hyaluronic acid, one should take into account what brand of filler is used and in what volumes, as well as the location and popularity of the cosmetology clinic. The average cost of the procedure is 15,000 rubles.

The effect passes gradually, that is, the lips do not “deflate” in one day. When the filler is re-introduced, the result usually turns out to be somewhat longer-lasting.


Plump lips in the image of a woman are far from the last place, it is known that men first of all pay attention to them at the first meeting. Therefore, be surprised that many ladies strive to bring their appearance closer to the ideal, doing lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, not worth it. Moreover, this is a fairly simple and painless method.

What is the procedure for?

There are several ways to increase the lips, but the safest of them is the introduction of gels based on hyaluronic acid. If the procedure is carried out by a competent specialist, you can not beware of side effects. The method allows not only to make the lips more voluminous, but also to even out the proportions, get rid of asymmetry, age-related changes, and raise the corners of the mouth.

There are no age restrictions on the use of hyaluronic acid; both 17-year-old girls and older ladies can administer it. Since the injected substance is natural, it does not cause rejection, which compares favorably with silicone-based preparations. The use of the latter is sometimes fraught with complications such as migration.

Hyaluronic acid is excreted from the body gradually, without leading to negative consequences. Another big plus is hyaluronic acid injections practically do not cause allergic reactions.

How is the procedure performed

The introduction of acid is performed on an outpatient basis and takes no more than half an hour. Only in difficult cases the session is longer. First, an examination is made, on the basis of which the drug is selected. The wishes of the patient are also taken into account. Then local anesthesia is performed. After the anesthesia takes effect, the beautician injects the drug.

The final stage is a light lip massage for even distribution of the filler. The effect is instant - the sponges immediately increase in size, become more elastic and moisturized. The mouth takes on a clearer shape.

The rehabilitation period is about a week, not requiring special care. You just need to do a few simple rules in particular, do not bathe or sunbathe. After about six months, the filler dissolves. It is good if the patient is not satisfied with the result. If she new look liked , hyaluronic acid in the lips must be entered again.

There are drawbacks to the procedure, but they are few. Among them, the need for regular correction, as well as the relatively high cost of the procedure.


How is the procedure in the salon?

After all the nuances regarding the shape of the lips are discussed, the client lies down on the couch and completely puts himself in the hands of the master. The master must necessarily warn that at the very beginning he does anesthesia with injections. There can be a maximum of two: in the upper and lower lip. Sometimes only one injection is given.
A hyaluronic acid preparation is injected into the lips when they lose sensitivity. Because of the anesthesia, it will be difficult for you to speak, and in principle, just move your lips. A professional can do the operation in 25-30 minutes.

Many women are afraid to give such injections, as they are afraid of swelling on the lips. But you should know that it falls off very quickly, and the result can be seen very soon.

Some masters advise wiping the lips with chlorhexidine to eliminate swelling. After the procedure, a light massage of the lips is performed: this is done so that the injected preparation is connected to their internal tissue. It is imperative to provide such a connection.
Many women increase their lips with this drug very often, so they note a kind of addiction and lack of discomfort. Not everyone knows that hyaluronic acid is found in the human body, so it is a natural filler. In order not to cause the appearance of herpes from injury to the lips, many masters advise taking acyclovir for several days before the procedure. For a week after the completion of the operation, there is a ban on very hot drinks, food, kissing and any other excessive lip disturbance.

Hyaluronic acid molecules have a special structure that affects the binding of water molecules in the body. Therefore, sometimes it accumulates in injection sites. In this case, a correction is needed.

After the introduction of hyaluronic acid, the result remains unchanged for six months to a year, and then the lips take on their normal appearance. And yet this does not happen in one day: it’s just that the lips seem to be blown away after six months. With the next lip augmentation, the effect may last a little longer.


An alternative to lip reshaping with hyaluronic acid is Botox injections. Moreover, this drug is not used to increase the lips themselves, but only to smooth out small wrinkles in the labial area. Botox or botulinum toxin causes paralysis of the muscles into which it is injected. Therefore, the mouth from such an operation will be absolutely immobilized.

Photo: Botox on the lips

That is why it is used for the purposes of aesthetic medicine, and not for lip augmentation. They can correct the shape of the lips: lift the corners, eliminate asymmetry. The opinion that injections of this drug can increase the volume of the lips is erroneous.

Photo: a special syringe for Botox

There are operations that involve the use of Botox and hyaluronic acid. However, only hyaluronic acid is responsible for giving volume to the lips. Botox surgery does not cause pain.

There are two possible options injection of the drug: in the contour of the lips, or in the very center. For the introduction of Botox, the master uses special insulin syringes with very fine needles. This is the reason why the client almost does not feel pain.

It is worth adding that the drug is injected quite shallowly at several points on the lips: the time of the procedure also depends on this. The number of such points can be from 4 to 6. The duration of the session is about half an hour.

It is worth mentioning that not only women turn to the services of specialists in the field of Botox, but men who do not like the shape of the lips or the wrinkles that form around them.


This procedure was at the peak of popularity about 5 years ago. The advantage of this method is that silicone, after being introduced into the lips, does not dissolve over time. But this is only on one side. And if you look from the other side, then silicone is still foreign body which can cause inflammation.

When it is introduced into the lips, certain substances begin to be produced in the human body, and collagen fibers form around it.

Thanks to this reaction of the body, a very strong increase in the lips occurs.

Gels based on hyaluronic acid

Photo: lip augmentation with silicone

Currently known drugs such as Juvederm, Perlane, Teosial, Surzhiderm, Restylane.

All of them are developed on the basis of hyaluronic acid. Such drugs are certified, which means that their reliability and safety has been verified.

Lip augmentation with gel is considered a non-surgical procedure. And for pain relief, experts use a cream that reduces sensitivity. It is the speed of the procedure and easy recovery after injections that distinguish lip augmentation with gel from surgical methods.

All injection methods- This contour plastic. In addition to increasing the volume of the lips, there is also a change in their contour. A new lip contour is drawn before the operation itself, and after that the gel is injected.

Biopolymer fillers

Such gels are called non-absorbable. They include synthetics mixed with hyaluronic acid or in pure form. It should be noted that the reaction of the body to such fillers can be unpredictable. Very often, manufacturers add silicone or hyaluronic acid to gels, hoping to avoid complications.

Biopolymer gels include drugs such as:

  • Matrideks;
  • Matridur;
  • Dermalife.

Their introduction into the lips is painless due to anesthesia. Due to significant shortcomings, many doctors are now switching to work only with temporary gels and abandoning biopolymer ones.


This method involves the introduction of the client's own fat into the lips. The material is taken from some places and transplanted to others: only your own fat is suitable. Such an operation should be performed by a highly qualified surgeon, as it is quite complicated. And the advantage is that the method is safe and absolutely does not cause allergies, rejection and other side effects. After all, a foreign body is not introduced into the body.

Fat is taken with the help of a special tool resembling a syringe. After the material is cleaned of blood and tissue fibers and injected into the lips. Before the operation itself, the surgeon discusses the desired result with the patient. The operation is done under local anesthesia.

All pain only at the time of anesthesia. The client feels all other manipulations as ordinary touches. When performing the lipofilling procedure, the "fan" method is used, that is, the fat is injected in small droplets and very evenly.

To date, lipofilling as a lip augmentation procedure is not very popular. fat cells poorly adapted to local anesthesia. When surgeons began to use general anesthesia, it became impossible to achieve an even distribution of fat on the lips.


At present, few people have heard of this procedure. And not all beauty salons offer it, because electroporation has appeared quite recently. This method works very simply: a special gel is applied to the skin of the lips, on which the beautician acts with the help of the apparatus.

Photo: lip augmentation by electroporation

The operation of the device is based on electrical impulses. Wherein active substance penetrates the lips to a depth of 1-2 mm. The method is really magical for people with hypersensitivity who will never dare to introduce the gel with a syringe, and even more so to the surgical effect.

The increase in the volume of the lips in this way is due to the preparation of hyaluronic acid. And thanks to the electroporation apparatus, you can rejuvenate your lips, smooth out small wrinkles on them. Nutritious cocktails can also be applied to the lips, which prevent the appearance of signs of skin aging.


Cheiloplasty allows you to increase the lips, as well as get rid of defects in this area. It is reconstructive cheiloplasty that can eliminate the consequences of injuries.

As with other methods, surgeons use general or local anesthesia. This plastic is surgical methods, that is, cuts of a certain shape are made on the lips.

At the end of the procedure, the lips are closed with a suture. In fact, a surgical expansion of the red border of the lips is performed. And the seams remain hidden on the inside of the lips, so they are not visible.

Photo: before and after cheiloplasty

The entire length of the lips or only the central part is increased: it depends on the number of incisions and the desire of the client. No hospital stay required. But the lips will ache for the first two weeks after the operation. There will also be swelling.

Then, within 2-3 months, numbness sets in. The same time is needed for the scar to heal and become invisible. At proper care and anti-aging program, the result of cheiloplasty is preserved for life.

Video: What is cheiloplasty?

How much does it cost to pump lips in Moscow?

Many Moscow beauty centers offer to pump lips with hyaluronic acid. Price fluctuates mostly from 5 to 25 thousand rubles. Much depends on the quality and quantity of the drug, as well as on the individual characteristics of the client.

Before the procedure, you do not need to take any tests: most of the price is simply the cost of the drug. Naturally, with lip augmentation, the rule “the miser pays twice” applies. Therefore, you should not save on this procedure. Many are also interested in the question: how much does it cost to pump lips with Botox and how much does it cost to pump lips with silicone? All of course depends on the specific clinic. On average, injections of these drugs begin from 9000 rubles.

The cost of preparations based on hyaluronic acid directly depends on the required quantity. For example, lip augmentation with Teosyal in the amount of 1 ml will cost 11500 rubles in Moscow clinics. And injections of three ml of the same substance - 28000 rubles.

Lip augmentation with a revolutionary method of electroporation in different clinics in Moscow on average - 4000 rubles. But if you look at sites with discounts and promotional codes, you can find a couple of salons offering Muscovites this procedure for 700 rubles. Such a marketing ploy is quite justified: the procedure will become more famous.

Prices for lipofilling in Moscow simply cosmic - from 20000-25000 rubles. This is explained by the fact that such a procedure is really a filigree work of a doctor.

The cost of cheiloplasty: from 20,000 to 70,000 rubles. Much depends on the prestige of a particular clinic. average price31 000 rubles.

Photo: before and after lipofilling of the lips

The better to pump up your lips, only a specialist will tell you, since a lot depends on individual characteristics. Perhaps even the introduction different drugs: one for the contour of the lips, and the other for the lips themselves. dream of beautiful sexy lips very often takes precedence over the fear of the procedure and the uncomfortable recovery period. Mostly women tend to increase their lips young age, the rest refer to such improvements with indifference or apprehension. Many consider lip augmentation to be just an ordinary tribute to fashion and nothing more.

Video: Lip augmentation

Photos before and after

Photos before and after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

To appreciate the effect of the lip augmentation procedure, many clients take before and after photos. On them you can clearly see the difference between old lips and new ones. And also many clinics that have sites on the Internet put such photos on public display. This is the best proof of the work of a professional.

So, it is safe to say that voluminous lips are at the height of fashion. Surgeons and cosmetologists always have an influx of clients. However, now the scalpel is no longer popular. It competes with hyaluronic acid injections (fillers). Therefore, why not entrust this issue to a specialist, just to correct a small flaw in nature?


how to enlarge lips

There are surgical and non-surgical methods for lip augmentation. Lip augmentation surgery is called cheiloplasty. In this case, implants are used that give the desired shape and volume.

Non-surgical techniques are techniques based on injections of hyaluronic acid preparations, electroporation and contouring. Most affordable way- injections special preparations . For this, silicone is used less and less, hyaluronic acid and its derivatives are increasingly used.

With the help of these drugs, you can pump up your lips to right size and slightly change their shape. Botox injections are also used for injection into the lips, but with their help it will not be possible to increase the volume, only to correct the shape.

How to deal with illness cleft lip"? In our article you will find all the answers.

About what an unsuccessful rhinoplasty entails here. There is always a solution!

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is most often used when you need to pump up your lips, that is, to make them more plump. This method is also the safest, since hyaluronic acid is a natural moisturizer found in the human body.

When it is added to the lips by injection, they become more beautiful and fuller. Doses of hyaluronic acid preparations for lip pumping are very small.

How it's done

When a decision is made about injections of hyaluronic acid for pumping lips, they usually turn to a cosmetology clinic or salon.

The client explains to the master what he wants as a result of the procedure: pump up one lip or both, change the outlines a little, maybe lift the corners.

It is necessary to tell the specialist about your desires in as much detail as possible, he will tell you how possible their implementation is. The more detailed the result is, the higher the chances that it will not cause disappointment.

For the entire procedure for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, a professional will need about half an hour. First, 1-2 anesthetic injections are made, or the lips are treated with a cream that reduces sensitivity.

After that, hyaluronic acid is injected by small injections into those places that need to be corrected. The drug is administered using a syringe with a very thin needle.

The doses are very small, but they need to be distributed over the tissues of the lips, so 10-20 injections are usually performed. The drugs are injected into places where there is not enough subcutaneous adipose tissue, due to which the volume of tissues increases at the injection site.

As a result of the procedure, a small edema appears on the lips, which soon disappears. When the injections are completed, the master massages the lips to prevent accumulation of the drug and ensure its connection with the inner tissue of the lips.

Most often, it is possible to achieve the desired effect from the first procedure, but in some cases additional correction is needed, which is done after 2 weeks.

During the procedure, you may feel discomfort, which will soon pass. If a woman regularly pumps up her lips, then the body gets used to it, and discomfort much less during injections.

After injections, the lips look more attractive: they become moisturized and voluminous. Small swelling subsides in 1-2 days.

Indications for contouring with hyaluronic acid

  • lip asymmetry,
  • The appearance of wrinkles on the upper lip,
  • Dissatisfaction with the size and plumpness of the lips.


This procedure has its own contraindications, which are associated with tissue injury during injections and some features of the body.

You should not resort to lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid if:

  • blood clotting disorders, or treatment with anticoagulants,
  • there is inflammation in the lips,
  • was backlash to the previous same procedure,
  • the skin is predisposed to the formation of keloid or hypertrophic scars,
  • recently peeling or skin resurfacing (laser or mechanical) was performed.

You should not resort to such procedures during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Firstly, any effect on the mother's body can harm the child, and secondly, the woman's body during this period differs in hormonal composition, so the effect is not always predictable.

Precautionary measures

After the procedure in the salon, the lips are processed disinfectant and emollient cream. You need to continue processing at home for a few more days.

Within a week, it is necessary to provide the lips with “rest” so that the injection sites heal and the injected drug does not form clusters. At this time, you can not eat and drink everything hot, and kissing is also prohibited.

Before and after surgery: photo of a tubular breast. The chest of your dreams is real!

See what Sergey Zverev was like before plastic surgery in the article. Beauty secrets of a shocking stylist.

How often should the procedure be done

Hyaluronic acid is gradually absorbed, and the lips take on their former appearance. Since this substance is natural for the body and helps to retain moisture in the skin, the effect of repeated procedures may be longer, because the aging process of lip tissues is significantly slowed down due to hyaluronic acid.

It is very important not to go overboard with sizing because the fabrics can stretch. Then, after resorption of hyaluronic acid and a decrease in volume, the lips may look flabby and ugly. If the procedure is performed in moderation, then at the end of the drug, the situation will not be so critical.

The effect of the introduction of hyaluronic acid lasts from six months to a year. The duration of action depends on the metabolic rate in the body and the drug administered.

Lip augmentation preparations

Based on hyaluronic acid, several preparations have been developed. Basically, they have a gel-like consistency, which allows you to achieve a good result. Preparations differ in additional substances in their composition, cost, speed of resorption.

The choice of means must be completely entrusted to the master who will perform the procedure. If the client has a negative reaction to some substances, then this must be reported in the salon in order to choose the remedy as correctly as possible.

Products based on hyaluronic acid:

  • juvederm,
  • Teosyal,
  • pearline,
  • Surgiderm,
  • Restylane.

These drugs have been certified, which means they are tested and safe.


Botox is a drug that is a botulinum toxin, quite popular in cosmetology.

It causes paralysis of the muscles into which it is injected.

Thanks to this action, this drug is used to lift the corners of the lips, correct asymmetry, and remove wrinkles.

Depending on the goals of the procedure with the introduction of Botox, injection points are selected (they need 4-6) and the dose is selected.

Lips after Botox look younger, the skin is smoothed. There may be an effect of increasing the volume of the lips, but it is only visual.

Pumping lips with Botox to make them more plump will not work, as it does not give volume. In order to increase the lips and correct their contour during one procedure, Botox can be used together with hyaluronic acid.

Specialized clinics in Moscow

Today, many specialists offer their services to increase the volume and correct the shape of the lips. This can be done both in cosmetology clinics and plastic surgery as well as in beauty salons.

It is best to get acquainted with reviews about the clinic, salon or master from real clients. This can be done by contacting the address of the chosen salon directly or on the forums on the Internet.

Some institutions work on serious clinical bases, for example, Frau Klinik is based at the Department of Plastic Surgery of the Russian National Research Medical University. Pirogov. Such institutions tend to offer services at higher prices, but their reliability is higher.

Clinics where you can increase lips in Moscow:

  • Frau Clinic,
  • Cosmetology Center of the clinic SM cosmetology,
  • Clinic of plastics and cosmetology Lantan,
  • Elite Salon La Scala by Dominick Jocker,
  • Beauty Institute Capelli d'Oro.

Do you know who Valeria Lukyanova is? Biography of the girl - Barbie and all the secrets of her reincarnation.

Photos of Angelina Jolie before and after surgery here. How many surgeries did the actress do and why?!

The cost of beauty

The cost of the procedure can be very different, it depends on:

  • the drug that is used, and its amount,
  • clinic class,
  • qualifications and popularity of the master,
  • some characteristics of the patient.

So how much does lip augmentation cost? The price ranges from 5,000 to 25,000 rubles for the administration of a single dose. Most of the cost is the cost of the tool that is applied in a particular case.

However, the difference in price for cynics can also be significant. For example, Frau Klinik offers this service from 9,000 rubles, and La Scala by Dominick Jocker - from 16,000 rubles.

The amount of the drug, of course, also affects the cost of the procedure. For example, average cost injections of Teosial in the amount of 1 ml - 11,500 rubles, and injections of 3 ml will cost 28,000 rubles.

You should not save on drugs, since the right remedy and its dose are the most important condition for success. Get the same service for more low prices You can during promotions and discounts in salons and clinics.

A price reduction of up to 50% is possible, however, such promotions are not always available and last for a limited time. To participate in them and receive a discount, you may need to meet certain conditions, for example, age.

Also, a cheaper lip augmentation can be done with a novice master, but you should be aware of the risks that are associated with inexperience. For those who are willing to take a chance, there is an opportunity to pump up lips for free.

Students work without pay medical universities and colleges that are undergoing internships and do not yet have the experience and documents for independent work. They carry out procedures under the guidance of competent specialists, but not everyone can risk entrusting their lips to interns.

You can find more information on this topic in the Face section.


Positive and negative sides

Hyaluron does not pose a health hazard and almost never causes an allergic reaction. It belongs to the polysaccharides, which moderate amount produced by the body itself. Its main function is to preserve youth and freshness of the skin.

With age, the amount of hyaluronic acid decreases. You can restore its balance with the help of injections. Unlike creams that contain hyaluron, injections affect not only the upper, but also the deep layers of the skin.

As a result, inflated lips look plump, acquire a bright, expressive contour, and are painted in a rich, natural color. The procedure is not harmful, and an overdose cannot occur.

How long does the effect of the administered drugs last? One session allows you to enjoy plump forms up to 6 months. After that, the procedure can be repeated. Even after the filler is completely absorbed, the shape of the lips will be plumper than before the augmentation.

Pros and cons of hyaluronic injections.

  1. It takes a little time to make lips voluminous. The procedure on average lasts about 20-30 minutes. The result is instant, no need to undergo rehabilitation. The injected substance does not penetrate into neighboring tissues.
  2. Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid can be afforded by patients from 18 to 55 years old. After a certain time, the injected component is absorbed, and the mouth takes on its original shape.
  3. The method leaves no traces and the puncture site is not noticeable.
  4. During the procedure, you can observe the size of the forms and adjust the amount of the injected drug.
  5. You can introduce the substance in stages.
  6. The disadvantages include the pain of the procedure. When asked if it hurts to prick, women answer: “Each prick with a needle brings strong pain but the result is worth it.

Does it hurt to increase lips with hyaluronic acid, indeed, many women note that the pain is felt. Despite the fact that the place is chipped with painkillers, they do not relieve all the discomfort. How much pain will be manifested depends on the individual pain threshold.

Is it worth doing a lip augmentation procedure with hyaluronic acid, in the photo you can see the expected results of successful procedures. Before undergoing the procedure, you need to find out about the presence of contraindications.

Be sure to get acquainted with the reviews and recommendations about the chosen salon.

The cost of the procedure depends on many factors. The main one is the brand of the drug and its quantity. The average price of the procedure is about 11 thousand rubles.

What becomes an indication and contraindication

An indication for lip shape correction with hyaluronic acid may be the presence of wrinkles around the mouth, asymmetry, pale color, drooping corners of the mouth. Plump forms are in fashion now, so women with thin lips have a chance to increase them with good quality hyaluronic acid.

The following factors become contraindications for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid:

  • any trimester of pregnancy, as well as lactation;
  • inflammatory diseases of bacterial or viral origin in the perioral region;
  • it is impossible to administer drugs with hypersensitivity to one of the incoming components;
  • the course of any disease in the acute stage;
  • diabetes;
  • blood diseases.

Description of the procedure

How to properly prepare for the procedure? Preliminary preparation for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid may require some tests. To prepare for the introduction of the substance, perhaps the specialist will prescribe a course antiviral drugs to rule out the development of herpes.

After the specialist makes sure that there are no contraindications, the desired form is discussed. The working area is treated antiseptic solution. Before the introduction of the drug, an injection is made into the gum for pain relief.

The anesthesia lasts approximately 30 minutes. During this time, you need to enter the drug, which is in a sterile package.

Lip injections can be done with a needle and cannula. The cannula is a thin needle, only it is soft and flexible with a blunt tip. Hyaluron is injected between the skin and muscle to a depth of 2-3 mm. If you make it deeper, then the composition will dissolve faster.

When using the standard lip augmentation technique with hyaluronic acid, the first injection is made in the central region of the upper lip. Then you can fill the preparation and contours. The drug should be evenly distributed over the entire surface. There should be no bumps or lumps left. For the corrective procedure, it is enough to take 1 ml of the selected drug.

After each injection of the drug, a massage must be done, which will allow the drug to disperse evenly. Cold compress application is acceptable.

After the lip augmentation procedure with hyaluronic acid, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • you can not use cosmetic lipsticks and balms for 3 days;
  • you can’t visit the solarium, baths and saunas for a week after the procedure;
  • prohibited from going to the pool;
  • It is not recommended to take a hot bath.

The first week after the increase, you should refrain from kissing, smoking and eating and drinking hot.

Variety of formulations

To achieve an increase in the volume of the lips with hyaluronic acid, you can use modern drugs. Each of them contains a different amount of this component.

How long hyaluronic acid lasts in the lips is impossible to say for sure. Much depends on the substance introduced into the tissue. Gel formulations with medium viscosity are successful and widespread. Does it hurt to prick them? The best drugs gel-based formulations spread better and are less painful during insertion. With their help, the volume can last up to a year.

Cosmetologists produce a permanent lip gel that does not dissolve for several years. And an enlargement gel, in which the results are absorbed already a year after the injection.

The most popular drugs for lip augmentation.

  1. Restylane is hypoallergenic. Produced by a Swiss company. The volume and elasticity is maintained for 8 months.
  2. Lips can be pricked with Perline. It allows you to save the volume up to a year.
  3. To increase the volume, cosmetologists most often use the drug Juvederm. It has a high concentration of hyaluronic acid. It is evenly distributed over all tissues and retains volume for up to 1.5 years.
  4. You can pump up your lips with a proven drug that has a lot positive feedback Surgiderm. It is more resistant to resorption. The validity period is about a year.
  5. The drug Radiesse does not provoke allergic reactions, it is absolutely similar to the substance from bone tissue person. Great for wrinkles around the mouth. The action continues for about 2 years.

All formulations based on hyaluronic acid give almost instant results, are well combined with human cells and do not cause rejection or allergic reactions. After the final resorption of the drug, you can repeat the injection.


What attracts women to hyaluronic acid injections?

Girls strive for the ideal that pop and movie stars serve; women of mature age want to slow down the appearance of the first signs of fading: wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, blurred oval of the face and fuzzy lip contour. Older women want to remove deep wrinkles, restore the pattern and color of the lips.

In any case, an individual consultation of a specialist is needed, which takes into account the desires, the need for the procedure, as well as possible contraindications.

Contraindications for injection

Unfortunately, not every woman who wishes can undergo a hyaluronic acid injection session. It is not permissible to carry it out for pregnant women and women during lactation, people with a low platelet component; having individual intolerance to the components; suffering from herpes or other inflammation at the injection site. Like other manipulations, injections of this substance are not recommended during menstruation.

From general recommendations: be attentive to the choice of clinic, specialist, as well as the quality, degree of purification of the injected substance. Consult a beautician about possible reactions, taking into account the state of your health, diseases that you currently suffer from.

You trust the specialist, the procedure was successful. But be prepared for the fact that swelling and redness will appear on the lips. For several days you will have to do without lipstick, as well as thermal procedures with an increase in the temperature of the whole body, like baths and solariums. See your specialist regularly.

Weigh the pros and cons. If you are sure that you lack plump, embossed lips to admire your appearance, then this dream is feasible. Contact good specialist and be beautiful!

Solving problems with lips that a woman does not like her own appearance reduced to the correction of the shape and augmentation of the lips.

Many women are 100% sure that men like plump lips, and they don’t like narrow ones, and even with lowered corners.

In any case, this is a personal matter for a girl or woman, and the task of cosmetologists is to help them achieve their ideal.

Women are a little older - the goal is somewhat wider. They want to restore the volume of the lips that goes away with age, as well as smooth out the wrinkles that begin to appear.

What drugs increase the lips?

Most often, shape correction is carried out with hyaluronic acid preparations, such as, for example, Restylane and other fillers.

Hyaluronic acid fillers are able not only to increase the volume of the lips, but also to give them juiciness and sensuality, to make them show the effects of young and elastic skin. The natural shape of the lips can be visibly improved, a new contour is modeled and asymmetry is aligned.

Juvederm and Surgiderm, Perlaine, Teosyal are among the preparations that are made using hyaluronic acid to correct the shape and increase volume. The drug Restylane, used for lip augmentation, is also very popular.

It is a natural component of human skin and its primary role is to control water balance. Hyaluronic acid, due to its natural origin, is a very safe and reliable component.

Despite the fact that the fillers used for these purposes are based on stabilized hyaluronic acid, it is up to the doctor to choose the optimal remedy, taking into account the effectiveness of solving the upcoming problems.

To control the contour and volume of the lips, for example, Surgilips and Restylane Lipp have been specially developed, containing 20 mg/m of hyaluronic acid. To give greater clarity to the contour of the lips, the use of products with an even higher concentration of hyaluronic acid can give. These include Juvederm, Restylane or Surgiderm.

Simultaneous injections of several agents are also practiced, when Surgiderm 30 XP is used for the contour, and Surgiderm 24 XP is injected into the lips themselves.

Lips after the correction procedure look quite natural, however, the role of the human factor and the art of the doctor is great here, so carefully choose a cosmetic surgeon for yourself. Although the procedure itself is considered simple, knowledge of the anatomy of the lips and the high professionalism of the beauticians who perform this procedure are highly required here.

How is the lip augmentation procedure performed?

Usually, the doctor performs anesthesia - it is either a cream or an injection, just like at a dentist's appointment - in the gum. All fillers must be in sealed sterile syringes. The drug is injected into the lips with a thin needle and the result can be observed immediately. But you can enjoy the effect only after the subsidence of tissue edema, after about a couple of days.

How long does the result last?

The period of preservation of the results of the procedure depends on the substance used for the injection. For example, for the drug Restylane, the period is approximately six months. During this time, the injected substances are absorbed and excreted from the body. Then the procedure can be repeated, or you can leave your image the same. This possibility, by the way, is considered one of the advantages of the method.

Often, after half a month or a month, additional correction of the lips is carried out. This may be due to the existing asymmetry, which cannot be corrected in one procedure. In some cases, it is not possible to achieve the desired lip volume in one session.

Another positive property This method is the possibility of prompt removal of hyaluronic filler from the lips, when for some reason the result does not suit the lady. For example, new lips seem to her excessively large.

Lipofilling method

There is also a lipofilling method, in which the filler is your own adipose tissue, which can be obtained from the thighs, abdomen, or buttocks, properly processed, cleaned and liquefied to the desired consistency. Since at the same time own tissues are introduced, which eliminates the risk of allergic reactions and other complications and rejection of the material, lipofilling is considered a very “sparing” option. The result of the procedure can last up to three years, that is, much longer.

Beautiful voluminous lips have always been considered a sign of sexuality.

Of course, nature is not generous for everyone, and lips become thinner with age.

However modern cosmetology can easily deal with the problem is not enough plump lips. There is more than one way to do this.

At the same time, it is always worth remembering the boundaries, because too big increase lip volume can only spoil the natural beauty of the face.

how to enlarge lips

There are surgical and non-surgical methods for lip augmentation. Lip augmentation surgery is called cheiloplasty. In this case, implants are used that give the desired shape and volume.

Non-surgical techniques are techniques based on injections of hyaluronic acid preparations, electroporation and contouring. The most affordable way is injections of special drugs.. For this, silicone is used less and less, hyaluronic acid and its derivatives are increasingly used.

With the help of these drugs, you can pump up your lips to the desired size and slightly change their shape. Botox injections are also used for injection into the lips, but with their help it will not be possible to increase the volume, only to correct the shape.

How to deal with cleft lip disease? In our article you will find all the answers.

About what an unsuccessful rhinoplasty entails here. There is always a solution!

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is most often used when you need to pump up your lips, that is, to make them more plump. This method is also the safest, since hyaluronic acid is a natural moisturizer found in the human body.

When it is added to the lips by injection, they become more beautiful and fuller. Doses of hyaluronic acid preparations for lip pumping are very small.

How it's done

When a decision is made about injections of hyaluronic acid for pumping lips, they usually turn to a cosmetology clinic or salon.

The client explains to the master what he wants as a result of the procedure: pump up one lip or both, change the outlines a little, maybe lift the corners.

It is necessary to tell the specialist about your desires in as much detail as possible, he will tell you how possible their implementation is. The more detailed the result is, the higher the chances that it will not cause disappointment.

For the entire procedure for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, a professional will need about half an hour. First, 1-2 anesthetic injections are made, or the lips are treated with a cream that reduces sensitivity.

After that, hyaluronic acid is injected by small injections into those places that need to be corrected. The drug is administered using a syringe with a very thin needle.

The doses are very small, but they need to be distributed over the tissues of the lips, so 10-20 injections are usually performed. The drugs are injected into places where there is not enough subcutaneous adipose tissue, due to which the volume of tissues increases at the injection site.

As a result of the procedure, a small edema appears on the lips, which soon disappears. When the injections are completed, the master massages the lips to prevent accumulation of the drug and ensure its connection with the inner tissue of the lips.

Most often, it is possible to achieve the desired effect from the first procedure, but in some cases additional correction is needed, which is done after 2 weeks.

During the procedure, you may feel discomfort, which will soon pass. If a woman regularly pumps up her lips, then the body gets used to it, and the discomfort during injections is much less.

After injections, the lips look more attractive: they become moisturized and voluminous. Small swelling subsides in 1-2 days.

Indications for contouring with hyaluronic acid

  • lip asymmetry,
  • The appearance of wrinkles on the upper lip,
  • Dissatisfaction with the size and plumpness of the lips.


This procedure has its own contraindications, which are associated with tissue injury during injections and some features of the body.

You should not resort to lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid if:

  • blood clotting disorders, or treatment with anticoagulants,
  • there is inflammation in the lips,
  • had a negative reaction to a previous similar procedure,
  • the skin is predisposed to the formation of keloid or hypertrophic scars,
  • recently peeling or skin resurfacing (laser or mechanical) was performed.

You should not resort to such procedures during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Firstly, any effect on the mother's body can harm the child, and secondly, the woman's body during this period differs in hormonal composition, so the effect is not always predictable.

Precautionary measures

After the procedure in the salon, the lips are treated with a disinfectant and emollient cream. You need to continue processing at home for a few more days.

Within a week, it is necessary to provide the lips with “rest” so that the injection sites heal and the injected drug does not form clusters. At this time, you can not eat and drink everything hot, and kissing is also prohibited.

Before and after surgery: photo of a tubular breast. The chest of your dreams is real!

See what Sergey Zverev was like before plastic surgery in the article. Beauty secrets of a shocking stylist.

How often should the procedure be done

Hyaluronic acid is gradually absorbed, and the lips take on their former appearance. Since this substance is natural for the body and helps to retain moisture in the skin, the effect of repeated procedures may be longer, because the aging process of lip tissues is significantly slowed down due to hyaluronic acid.

It is very important not to go overboard with sizing because the fabrics can stretch. Then, after resorption of hyaluronic acid and a decrease in volume, the lips may look flabby and ugly. If the procedure is performed in moderation, then at the end of the drug, the situation will not be so critical.

The effect of the introduction of hyaluronic acid lasts from six months to a year. The duration of action depends on the metabolic rate in the body and the drug administered.

Lip augmentation preparations

Based on hyaluronic acid, several preparations have been developed. Basically, they have a gel-like consistency, which allows you to achieve a good result. Preparations differ in additional substances in their composition, cost, speed of resorption.

The choice of means must be completely entrusted to the master who will perform the procedure. If the client has a negative reaction to some substances, then this must be reported in the salon in order to choose the remedy as correctly as possible.

Products based on hyaluronic acid:

  • juvederm,
  • Teosyal,
  • pearline,
  • Surgiderm,
  • Restylane.

These drugs have been certified, which means they are tested and safe.


Botox is a drug that is a botulinum toxin, quite popular in cosmetology.

It causes paralysis of the muscles into which it is injected.

Thanks to this action, this drug is used to lift the corners of the lips, correct asymmetry, and remove wrinkles.

Depending on the goals of the procedure with the introduction of Botox, injection points are selected (they need 4-6) and the dose is selected.

Lips after Botox look younger, the skin is smoothed. There may be an effect of increasing the volume of the lips, but it is only visual.

Pumping lips with Botox to make them more plump will not work, as it does not give volume. In order to increase the lips and correct their contour during one procedure, Botox can be used together with hyaluronic acid.

Specialized clinics in Moscow

Today, many specialists offer their services to increase the volume and correct the shape of the lips. This can be done both in clinics of cosmetology and plastic surgery, and in beauty salons.

It is best to get acquainted with reviews about the clinic, salon or master from real clients. This can be done by contacting the address of the chosen salon directly or on the forums on the Internet.

Some institutions work on serious clinical bases, for example, Frau Klinik is based at the Department of Plastic Surgery of the Russian National Research Medical University. Pirogov. Such institutions tend to offer services at higher prices, but their reliability is higher.

Clinics where you can increase lips in Moscow:

  • Frau Clinic,
  • Cosmetology Center of the clinic SM cosmetology,
  • Clinic of plastics and cosmetology Lantan,
  • Elite Salon La Scala by Dominick Jocker,
  • Beauty Institute Capelli d'Oro.

Do you know who Valeria Lukyanova is? Biography of the girl - Barbie and all the secrets of her reincarnation.

Photos of Angelina Jolie before and after surgery here. How many surgeries did the actress do and why?!

The cost of beauty

The cost of the procedure can be very different, it depends on:

  • the drug that is used, and its amount,
  • clinic class,
  • qualifications and popularity of the master,
  • some characteristics of the patient.

So how much does lip augmentation cost? The price ranges from 5,000 to 25,000 rubles for the administration of a single dose. Most of the cost is the cost of the tool that is applied in a particular case.

However, the difference in price for cynics can also be significant. For example, Frau Klinik offers this service from 9,000 rubles, and La Scala by Dominick Jocker - from 16,000 rubles.

The amount of the drug, of course, also affects the cost of the procedure. For example, the average cost of an injection of Teosyal in the amount of 1 ml is 11,500 rubles, and injections of 3 ml will cost 28,000 rubles.

You should not save on drugs, since the right remedy and its dose are the most important condition for success. You can get the same service at lower prices during promotions and discounts in salons and clinics.

A price reduction of up to 50% is possible, however, such promotions are not always available and last for a limited time. To participate in them and receive a discount, you may need to meet certain conditions, for example, age.

Also, a cheaper lip augmentation can be done with a novice master, but you should be aware of the risks that are associated with inexperience. For those who are willing to take a chance, there is an opportunity to pump up lips for free.

Students of medical universities and colleges work without payment, who are doing their practice and do not yet have the experience and documents for independent work. They carry out procedures under the guidance of competent specialists, but not everyone can risk entrusting their lips to interns.

You can find more information on this topic in the Face section.


What attracts women to hyaluronic acid injections?

Girls strive for the ideal that pop and movie stars serve; women of mature age want to slow down the appearance of the first signs of fading: wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, blurred oval of the face and fuzzy lip contour. Older women want to remove deep wrinkles, restore the pattern and color of the lips.

In any case, an individual consultation of a specialist is needed, which takes into account the desires, the need for the procedure, as well as possible contraindications.

Contraindications for injection

Unfortunately, not every woman who wishes can undergo a hyaluronic acid injection session. It is not permissible to carry it out for pregnant women and women during lactation, people with a low platelet component; having individual intolerance to the components; suffering from herpes or other inflammation at the injection site. Like other manipulations, injections of this substance are not recommended during menstruation.

From the general recommendations: be attentive to the choice of a clinic, a specialist, as well as the quality and degree of purification of the injected substance. Consult a beautician about possible reactions, taking into account the state of your health, diseases that you currently suffer from.

You trust the specialist, the procedure was successful. But be prepared for the fact that swelling and redness will appear on the lips. For several days you will have to do without lipstick, as well as thermal procedures with an increase in the temperature of the whole body, like baths and solariums. See your specialist regularly.

Weigh the pros and cons. If you are sure that you lack plump, embossed lips to admire your appearance, then this dream is feasible. Contact a good specialist and be beautiful!


Lip Augmentation Acid

Indeed, a number of domestic (the same Yulia Volkova and Masha Malinovskaya) stars and their foreign colleagues became victims of unscrupulous surgeons who at one time imprudently inserted silicone in the hope of getting lips a la Angelina Jolie. Along with lips, these girls, as a rule, considered it their duty to pump up their breasts to incredible sizes. But the patients of those years, as well as the cosmetologists, did not take into account the important disadvantages of such operations.(both medicine, and the truth, then still could not know them):

  • Unnatural origin of silicone. There is no such substance in our body, which means that it does not dissolve and does not take root well in the body.
  • Formation of scars in tissues. Because of this feature, silicone makes the lips less sensitive and inflates them even more over time. Moreover, this substance can "migrate" to other parts of the face: cheeks, eyebrows and even eyelids.

The benefits of hyaluronic acid injections on the lips are obvious:

  1. Hyaluronic acid in the lips almost never causes rejection. That is why the list of contraindications is small: it is enough not to have any inflammation on the lips during the procedure (including herpes) and allergies to the injected drug. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also refrain from hyaluronic acid injections.
  2. The acid is distributed evenly, without creating bumps on the lips.
  3. With its help, you can not only add volume, but also correct the shape and contour of the mouth, smooth out wrinkles at the corners of the mouth and make the skin less dry. By the way, hyaluronic acid injections are used not only for lips, but also to combat nasolabial wrinkles, lip folds and other anti-aging changes on the face.
  4. The result is usually natural, unless, of course, you yourself want to give your mouth an incredible size.
  5. Edema will remain on the lips for 7-10 days, or even several hours. In this case, the lips will not lose their sensitivity.

The effect stays on the lips for a year, sometimes more. This is both a plus and a minus: on the one hand, you will have to go to the beautician all the time to keep the volume on your lips; on the other hand, if you do not like the result, then it will be enough to be patient a little - and after 12 months the lips will return to their original data. If you didn’t like the result at all, then in this case you can quickly get rid of the filler using a special absorbable injection.


How is the procedure in the salon?

After all the nuances regarding the shape of the lips are discussed, the client lies down on the couch and completely puts himself in the hands of the master. The master must necessarily warn that at the very beginning he does anesthesia with injections. There can be a maximum of two: in the upper and lower lip. Sometimes only one injection is given.
A hyaluronic acid preparation is injected into the lips when they lose sensitivity. Because of the anesthesia, it will be difficult for you to speak, and in principle, just move your lips. A professional can do the operation in 25-30 minutes.

Many women are afraid to give such injections, as they are afraid of swelling on the lips. But you should know that it falls off very quickly, and the result can be seen very soon.

Some masters advise wiping the lips with chlorhexidine to eliminate swelling. After the procedure, a light massage of the lips is performed: this is done so that the injected preparation is connected to their internal tissue. It is imperative to provide such a connection.
Many women increase their lips with this drug very often, so they note a kind of addiction and the absence of uncomfortable sensations. Not everyone knows that hyaluronic acid is found in the human body, so it is a natural filler. In order not to cause the appearance of herpes from injury to the lips, many masters advise taking acyclovir for several days before the procedure. For a week after the completion of the operation, there is a ban on very hot drinks, food, kissing and any other excessive lip disturbance.

Hyaluronic acid molecules have a special structure that affects the binding of water molecules in the body. Therefore, sometimes it accumulates in injection sites. In this case, a correction is needed.

After the introduction of hyaluronic acid, the result remains unchanged for six months to a year, and then the lips take on their normal appearance. And yet this does not happen in one day: it’s just that the lips seem to be blown away after six months. With the next lip augmentation, the effect may last a little longer.


An alternative to lip reshaping with hyaluronic acid is Botox injections. Moreover, this drug is not used to increase the lips themselves, but only to smooth out small wrinkles in the labial area. Botox or botulinum toxin causes paralysis of the muscles into which it is injected. Therefore, the mouth from such an operation will be absolutely immobilized.

Photo: Botox on the lips

That is why it is used for the purposes of aesthetic medicine, and not for lip augmentation. They can correct the shape of the lips: lift the corners, eliminate asymmetry. The opinion that injections of this drug can increase the volume of the lips is erroneous.

Photo: a special syringe for Botox

There are operations that involve the use of Botox and hyaluronic acid. However, only hyaluronic acid is responsible for giving volume to the lips. Botox surgery does not cause pain.

There are two possible options for the introduction of the drug: in the contour of the lips, or in the very center. To administer Botox, the master uses special insulin syringes with very thin needles. This is the reason why the client almost does not feel pain.

It is worth adding that the drug is injected quite shallowly at several points on the lips: the time of the procedure also depends on this. The number of such points can be from 4 to 6. The duration of the session is about half an hour.

It is worth mentioning that not only women turn to the services of specialists in the field of Botox, but men who do not like the shape of the lips or the wrinkles that form around them.


This procedure was at the peak of popularity about 5 years ago. The advantage of this method is that silicone, after being introduced into the lips, does not dissolve over time. But this is only on one side. And if you look from the other side, then silicone is still a foreign body that can cause inflammation.

When it is introduced into the lips, certain substances begin to be produced in the human body, and collagen fibers form around it.

Thanks to this reaction of the body, a very strong increase in the lips occurs.

Gels based on hyaluronic acid

Photo: lip augmentation with silicone

Currently known drugs such as Juvederm, Perlane, Teosial, Surzhiderm, Restylane.

All of them are developed on the basis of hyaluronic acid. Such drugs are certified, which means that their reliability and safety has been verified.

Lip augmentation with gel is considered a non-surgical procedure. And for pain relief, experts use a cream that reduces sensitivity. It is the speed of the procedure and easy recovery after injections that distinguish lip augmentation with gel from surgical methods.

All injection methods are contour plastics. In addition to increasing the volume of the lips, there is also a change in their contour. A new lip contour is drawn before the operation itself, and after that the gel is injected.

Biopolymer fillers

Such gels are called non-absorbable. They include synthetics mixed with hyaluronic acid or in its pure form. It should be noted that the reaction of the body to such fillers can be unpredictable. Very often, manufacturers add silicone or hyaluronic acid to gels, hoping to avoid complications.

Biopolymer gels include drugs such as:

  • Matrideks;
  • Matridur;
  • Dermalife.

Their introduction into the lips is painless due to anesthesia. Due to significant shortcomings, many doctors are now switching to work only with temporary gels and abandoning biopolymer ones.


This method involves the introduction of the client's own fat into the lips. The material is taken from some places and transplanted to others: only your own fat is suitable. Such an operation should be performed by a highly qualified surgeon, as it is quite complicated. And the advantage is that the method is safe and absolutely does not cause allergies, rejection and other side effects. After all, a foreign body is not introduced into the body.

Fat is taken with the help of a special tool resembling a syringe. After the material is cleaned of blood and tissue fibers and injected into the lips. Before the operation itself, the surgeon discusses the desired result with the patient. The operation is done under local anesthesia.

All painful sensations only at the time of anesthesia. The client feels all other manipulations as ordinary touches. When performing the lipofilling procedure, the "fan" method is used, that is, the fat is injected in small droplets and very evenly.

To date, lipofilling as a lip augmentation procedure is not very popular. Fat cells do not take root well with local anesthesia. When surgeons began to use general anesthesia, it became impossible to achieve an even distribution of fat on the lips.


At present, few people have heard of this procedure. And not all beauty salons offer it, because electroporation has appeared quite recently. This method works very simply: a special gel is applied to the skin of the lips, on which the beautician acts with the help of the apparatus.

Photo: lip augmentation by electroporation

The operation of the device is based on electrical impulses. In this case, the active substance penetrates the lips to a depth of 1-2 mm. The method is really magical for people with hypersensitivity, who would never dare to inject the gel with a syringe, and even more so for a surgical effect.

The increase in the volume of the lips in this way is due to the preparation of hyaluronic acid. And thanks to the electroporation apparatus, you can rejuvenate your lips, smooth out small wrinkles on them. Nutritious cocktails can also be applied to the lips, which prevent the appearance of signs of skin aging.


Cheiloplasty allows you to increase the lips, as well as get rid of defects in this area. It is reconstructive cheiloplasty that can eliminate the consequences of injuries.

As with other methods, surgeons use general or local anesthesia. This plastic refers to surgical methods, that is, incisions of a certain shape are made on the lips.

At the end of the procedure, the lips are closed with a suture. In fact, a surgical expansion of the red border of the lips is performed. And the seams remain hidden on the inside of the lips, so they are not visible.

Photo: before and after cheiloplasty

The entire length of the lips or only the central part is increased: it depends on the number of incisions and the desire of the client. No hospital stay required. But the lips will ache for the first two weeks after the operation. There will also be swelling.

Then, within 2-3 months, numbness sets in. The same time is needed for the scar to heal and become invisible. With proper care and an anti-aging program, the result of cheiloplasty is preserved for life.

Video: What is cheiloplasty?

How much does it cost to pump lips in Moscow?

Many Moscow cosmetology centers offer to pump lips with hyaluronic acid. Price fluctuates mostly from 5 to 25 thousand rubles. Much depends on the quality and quantity of the drug, as well as on the individual characteristics of the client.

Before the procedure, you do not need to take any tests: most of the price is simply the cost of the drug. Naturally, with lip augmentation, the rule “the miser pays twice” applies. Therefore, you should not save on this procedure. Many are also interested in the question: how much does it cost to pump lips with Botox and how much does it cost to pump lips with silicone? All of course depends on the specific clinic. On average, injections of these drugs begin from 9000 rubles.

The cost of preparations based on hyaluronic acid directly depends on the required quantity. For example, lip augmentation with Teosyal in the amount of 1 ml will cost 11500 rubles in Moscow clinics. And injections of three ml of the same substance - 28000 rubles.

Lip augmentation with a revolutionary method of electroporation in different clinics in Moscow on average - 4000 rubles. But if you look at sites with discounts and promotional codes, you can find a couple of salons offering Muscovites this procedure for 700 rubles. Such a marketing ploy is quite justified: the procedure will become more famous.

Prices for lipofilling in Moscow simply cosmic - from 20000-25000 rubles. This is explained by the fact that such a procedure is really a filigree work of a doctor.

The cost of cheiloplasty: from 20,000 to 70,000 rubles. Much depends on the prestige of a particular clinic. Average price - 31 000 rubles.

Photo: before and after lipofilling of the lips

The better to pump up your lips, only a specialist will tell you, since a lot depends on individual characteristics. It is even possible to introduce different preparations: one for the lip contour, and the other for the lips themselves. The dream of beautiful sexy lips very often takes precedence over the fear of the procedure and the uncomfortable recovery period. Basically, young women tend to enlarge their lips, while the rest treat such improvements with indifference or apprehension. Many consider lip augmentation to be just an ordinary tribute to fashion and nothing more.

Video: Lip augmentation

Photos before and after

Photos before and after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

To appreciate the effect of the lip augmentation procedure, many clients take before and after photos. On them you can clearly see the difference between old lips and new ones. And also many clinics that have sites on the Internet put such photos on public display. This is the best proof of the work of a professional.

So, it is safe to say that voluminous lips are at the height of fashion. Surgeons and cosmetologists always have an influx of clients. However, now the scalpel is no longer popular. It competes with hyaluronic acid injections (fillers). Therefore, why not entrust this issue to a specialist, just to correct a small flaw in nature?


The dream of many women is to have sensual, plump, beautifully defined lips. Part of the face, looking at which is not a shy, modest girl from the USSR, but at least Angelina Jolie. When the lady begins to explain something, many men will not even delve into the essence of what she is talking about, but will prefer to agree and enjoy the picture. It is the shape of the lips that attracts great attention from the male part of the population, falling in love and conquering.

However, it happens that nature may not endow these beautiful lips. Many chose the terrible path associated with surgical intervention. As modern cosmetic achievements show, this is not at all necessary. The situation can be corrected by applying lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid. This procedure has become so popular that it can be performed in almost any beauty parlor. When hyaluronic acid is added to the lips, it is called contouring.

Before use, get acquainted with the tool

If you want to increase your lips with hyaluronic acid, you need to be aware of some of the possible unpleasant consequences that lip injections will have. A little later we will talk about this, but for now about the advantages of the procedure.

Lip augmentation, before and after which the appearance of a person is significantly transformed, is a fashionable tool that helps to gain clearer contour outlines, with the help of this procedure they can also be corrected. The lips acquire a pleasant swelling, which adds more charm and expressiveness to the whole face.

Lips before and after- it's like body parts of different people, the result can differ so much. Contour plastic can help get rid of small wrinkles located at the corners of the mouth. A big plus of the procedure is that the effect appears immediately after its execution.

What drugs are used?

Most of the drugs on the market that are used to make plump lips look different before and after the procedure, and all because they contain hyaluronic acid. Enlarged lips with hyaluronic acid become the object of everyone's attention. This component simultaneously carries both negative and positive sides.

pros– no allergic reaction, because the drug is based on components of non-animal origin. There is no possibility of rejection. Added hyaluron to the lips will provide a stable and decent result. Due to the composition, you can not be afraid that hyaluronic acid for lips can somehow harm the body. Biodegradable components are completely introduced from the human body, leaving no trace.

What is the disadvantage?

However, this can also be a minus, you just have to look differently. The added hyaluronic acid of the lips is very similar in composition to the cells of the body, therefore, it can easily rid itself of its presence, starting destruction immediately after its introduction. The result of such activity- 8-12 months of beautiful full lips and no more. Despite this lip augmentation, the photo before and after the procedure obviously wins in an unequal battle with nature.

A large number of people are confused by the presence of fillers for contour plastics on the market. Of course, the composition of each preparation contains hyaluronic acid, because it is the lips after hyaluronic acid that look especially piquant and feminine. The prices for filler preparations differ significantly from each other.

This factor depends on companies that add different amounts of hyaluronic components to fillers. A large number of companies are trying to significantly improve the composition of the substance so that the hyaluron injected into the lips can significantly for a long time persist in them and maintain as much as possible nice shape and effect. Of course, this has its impact on market rates.

Contraindications for use

It is necessary to avoid the procedure for those ladies who:

  • Have any stage of cancer.
  • Systemic connective tissue disease.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Epilepsy is another important condition to refuse the procedure.
  • If the lips have any inflammatory processes, such as the occurrence of herpes, redness, acne, and so on.
  • An infectious disease that was recently transferred or the lady still suffers from it.
  • Pregnancy at any time or breastfeeding.

Possible side effects and complications

The most common types of complications that can form on early stage, i.e. Literally within a week or one and a half, this is:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Hyperemia.
  • Hematoma.

So, for example, you can consider the result that is visible when viewing a photo showing lips before and after hyaluronic acid. Of course, they acquire volume, but for a full-fledged picture, it is necessary that all complications pass.

More often you can find the occurrence of edema after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid has been carried out, photos of successful and not the most beautiful works of professionals can be seen on the Internet. However, this should not be feared, since in just a couple of days everything will pass and there will be no trace of puffiness. Happen and pretty rare manifestations complications after having performed lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, before and after photos are presented in each clinic where such procedures are performed. They should include:

  • The appearance of seals.
  • development of infectious diseases.
  • The appearance of pigment spots.
  • gel migration.

With insufficient experience of the master, the following may occur:

  • If you introduce a dense composition deep into skin covering vascular ischemia may occur.
  • When injecting a lower viscosity than necessary, vascular occlusion, in other words, an embolism, may occur.

Leaving the process without due attention, after a few days, there may be backfire and lip augmentation, a photo of the desired volume, will remain only a dream for some time, until a method for solving the situation is determined.

Important facts for those who decide to increase their lips with contouring

Before proceeding with the procedure, when hyaluronic acid is injected into the lips, the doctor will conduct the necessary testing, which will reveal the possibility of an allergic reaction of the body both to the main component and to other components.

Once this process is completed, injections can be started, before using which the injection site must be anesthetized. You should not be afraid of this process at all, since it will not cause any unpleasant sensations or discomfort.

The first day after the procedure should be as calm as possible so that the woman can avoid mimic activity, not smile, and also not speak as much as possible. If you neglect this rule, it is quite possible to shift the composition and distort the result.

Avoid using creams medicinal purpose, leaving only those that the doctor who performed the procedure will write out. Ideally, if the sleep on the first night after the injections is on the back, this will help to avoid any touching of the pillow with the lips, which can also negatively affect the result.

Certainly, the surest option is to extend the restrictions for at least seven days. If a woman really wants to become the owner seductive lips, then you can endure a little, especially since these are far from the most terrible conditions in which you can visit for the sake of your own beauty. Should be abandoned spicy food, drinks containing alcohol, flights by air, visits to the gym, saunas and baths.


Mechanism of influence

Hyaluronic acid in the human body is a polysaccharide. It is present in the joint fluid, the intercellular space of the skin. The task of hyaluron is to bind water in cells and intercellular space, thanks to which it is possible to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin. One hyaluron molecule is capable of accumulating up to 1000 water molecules.

Over time, less hyaluron is produced, which causes age-related changes - the appearance of wrinkles and flabbiness of the skin, stiffness.

After the introduction of hyaluron by injection, it fills the voids, starting to collect water molecules around itself and stimulating the production of collagen. As a result, the skin of the lips is smoothed, becomes moisturized, and the lips themselves become fuller due to hyaluron.

Benefits of hyaluronic lip injections

Those who decide to pump up their lips with hyaluron immediately after the procedure note the following positive effect:

  • Lips get a clear outline;
  • Lips increase in size;
  • The shape of the lips becomes more correct, attractive.

The procedure has many advantages, including:

  • The ability to adjust the volume of the injected substance, achieving the necessary increase in volume;
  • The possibility of phased injection, which also makes it possible to obtain an optimal result;
  • Unlike other fillers, hyaluronic ones give fewer side effects in the form of bruises and bruises;
  • Low probability of developing allergic reactions, since synthetic hyaluron is used as close as possible in its composition to natural;
  • A rejuvenating effect that persists even after the breakdown and removal of hyaluron from the body, which is explained by the stimulation of the production of natural hyaluron after injections;
  • The possibility of repeated injection of hyaluron, while the required amount of filler is usually reduced;
  • Hyaluron is safe and completely excreted from the body after a set period;
  • Hyaluron does not migrate to neighboring tissues, as is the case, for example, with silicone;
  • Hyaluron is distinguished by its versatility of action - with its help you can not only correct the shape of the lips or add volume, but also make the skin younger, toned and hydrated.

Indications and contraindications

Patients who want to look more attractive turn to contour plastic surgery. Among the indications are usually distinguished:

  • Thin lips;
  • Lack of symmetry;
  • The appearance of wrinkles on the upper lip;
  • Ptosis (drooping) of the corners of the lips;
  • Unattractive lip shape.

In terms of age and goals, patients going for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid are divided into 3 groups:

  • Patients under 30 tend to want more volume to look brighter and more attractive. The same group of clients may have lip problems such as asymmetry, irregular shape.
  • Patients over 30 complain of the first age-related changes, including the skin of the lips. With the help of hyaluron, they can be effectively dealt with. There are also many who correct the shape or add volume;
  • Patients aged 50 and older resort to injections to eliminate wrinkles in the lip area, ptosis of the corners of the lips, and give the lips a clearer outline.

The procedure is allowed from 18 to 60 years.

The contour plastic procedure has its own contraindications. First of all, it is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. It is unacceptable to resort to this method for various inflammations and diseases of the skin of the lips, with the formation of crusts and ulcers on them, as well as herpes in the acute stage.

The procedure should be refrained from in the presence of the following ailments:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Blood diseases, in the first place - problems with clotting;
  • Treatment with anticoagulants - drugs that reduce blood clotting;
  • Predisposition to the formation of keloid or hypertrophic scars;
  • Diseases of the nervous system, in the first place - epilepsy, diseases of the trigeminal nerve;
  • Viral diseases.

You can not pump lips with individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid. If peeling or skin resurfacing has been carried out, you should wait a month before deciding to pump up your lips. Finally, experts recommend refraining from injections during menstruation, since during this period the hormonal background of a woman changes significantly. In this regard, it is not always possible to predict the result of the procedure, the likelihood of side effects increases, and the pain threshold of a woman is significantly reduced.

Carrying out the procedure

The procedure for the introduction of hyaluron is preceded by a consultation with a specialist. It discusses the final result, finds out the patient's state of health, whether he has chronic or other ailments, and selects a suitable filler. In some clinics, specialists prescribe Acyclovir a week before the procedure, as this can prevent the development of herpes on injured lips.

Fillers are in disposable syringes. Before the procedure, the doctor anesthetizes the working area using injections (infiltration method) with an anesthetic or cream (application method). Anesthetics are usually based on lidocaine or its analogues. It is important to make sure that the patient is not allergic to them. Usually, the doctor makes 2 anesthetic injections - in the upper and lower lip. The duration of anesthesia is 25-30 minutes, during which time the lips lose their sensitivity. The next step is the antiseptic of the working surface. Injections start from the middle of the lips, the specialist injects the drug for about 15-30 minutes, observing how the hyaluron is distributed. The drug is administered in small portions, with too much gel, hematomas are usually formed.

Filler injection is carried out in a fan or linear fashion, as these techniques prevent the formation of bulges or dents. The needle is inserted to a depth of 2-3 mm, and the substance should be evenly distributed between the skin and muscle. With a deeper introduction of the filler, it will break down faster, which means that the effect of the procedure will be short-lived.

After the session, the doctor makes a light massage in the area of ​​correction, the purpose of which is to evenly distribute the filler, its adhesion to the connective tissue. Then cold is applied to the lips to relieve swelling. However, slight hyperemia and swelling will still persist in the first days after the procedure, which is considered normal. The result will become obvious when the swelling subsides and bruises disappear, bruises - after 3-5 days.

Usually, one procedure is enough to achieve the desired effect, sometimes a correction is required, which can be carried out 2 weeks after the first session. It should be understood that it is impossible to make plump lips from thin lips, it is possible to correct their shape and give a small volume.

Side effects

Modern cosmetology has abandoned the use of hyaluronic acid of animal origin (produced most often from rooster combs). This is due to the fact that such fillers are rejected by the body, which causes complications.

Modern fillers basically have hyaluronic acid of synthetic origin, which has undergone several degrees of purification. However, despite the high quality of the filler, the following side effects may occur after injections:

  • Hyperemia, that is, redness in the area of ​​correction;
  • Edema;
  • Slight swelling of individual areas of correction;
  • Small bruises and abrasions;
  • Pain in the area where the needle was inserted.

Such symptoms are considered normal and disappear on their own 3-7 days after the injection. If this does not happen, consult a doctor.

You should rush to a specialist if you experience pain, numbness of the lips, local seals. If after the procedure a rash appears, tissue necrosis, breathing and heartbeat are disturbed, an ambulance should be called immediately.

Recovery period

Inflated lips require rehabilitation for up to 7-10 days, during which you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • Refuse physical activity, sports, as this can cause bruising and bruising;
  • Refuse to massage the correction zone and other physical impact on the lips (including kissing);
  • Do not take hot food and drinks;
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics for the first 3-4 days after the procedure;
  • 14 days you should not take a hot bath, visit baths and saunas, do steam baths;
  • For up to 14 days, you should refrain from facial massage;
  • 7-10 days after the procedure, you can not sunbathe, it is recommended to protect the lips from exposure to sunlight if the injections are made in the sunny season;
  • You should not visit the pool, swim in the reservoirs for the first 2 weeks after the procedure, as there is a risk of infection of the puncture sites;
  • No smoking.

During the week, the lips are lubricated with antiseptic and moisturizing creams, while avoiding massaging and pressing on them. The patient should drink the amount of water determined by the doctor, and visit a specialist after 7-10 days. Although the changes are noticeable immediately after the operation, the final result is visible around the 14th day. During this period, the filler is evenly distributed under the skin, hyaluron collects the required amount of water molecules around itself, swelling and bruising disappear.

Effect duration, price

The effect after the procedure lasts from 6 to 12 months. The duration of the results depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body, the quality of the injected filler. Among the fillers that are trusted by specialists are:

  • Juvederm (Allergan, USA);
  • Restylane (Q-MED, Sweden);
  • Surzhiderm (Corneal Group, France).

The procedure requires 1-3 ml of the drug, depending on the shape of the lips and the desired result. When answering the question of how much it costs to pump up lips with hyaluronic acid, one should take into account what brand of filler is used and in what volumes, as well as the location and popularity of the cosmetology clinic. The average cost of the procedure is 15,000 rubles.

The effect passes gradually, that is, the lips do not “deflate” in one day. When the filler is re-introduced, the result usually turns out to be somewhat longer-lasting.


Features of using hyaluronic acid for lips

Lip augmentation is a minimally invasive intervention that allows you to correct the shape and volume. Use implants, own adipose tissue patient, various fillers. Unlike tattooing, the shape and volume does not change visually, but tangibly.

Lip correction with hyaluronic acid or contouring is a gentle technique. A active substance is not something alien, the body produces hyaluronic acid on its own.

The peculiarity of the technique is as follows:

  • reversibility - the active substance tends to dissolve within 6-12 months;
  • instant effect;
  • moisturizing the skin;
  • the use of a natural substance as a filler;
  • preparations with hyaluronic acid for the lips differ from liquid with hyaluronate for injection into other areas in terms of viscosity;
  • drugs other than active ingredient, must contain lidocaine - this allows you to reduce discomfort during the procedure.

It is necessary to distinguish between procedures using Botox and hyaluronic acid. Botulinum toxin is injected into the muscle layer. The procedure helps to smooth mimic folds. Hyaluronic acid plays the role of a filler - a substance that gives volume to tissues. The dryness of the skin of this part of the face is eliminated.

Pros and cons of the procedure

The use of hyaluronic acid has advantages and disadvantages. It is important to understand that the lips after the procedure will hurt, after pumping the process is irreversible, the mouth will return to past view months later.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • low invasiveness - the active substance is injected with a syringe;
  • the ability to increase volume, adjust the shape of the lips and their contours;
  • correction of tissue asymmetry, the ability to lift them;
  • allows you to remove wrinkles, but after months the skin will sag again;
  • the drug is injected into both lips or separately - upper, lower;
  • instant effect;
  • short duration of the procedure - from 15 to 30 minutes;
  • minor age restrictions - carried out from 17 to 60 years;
  • naturalness - hyaluronic lips retain the relief and sensitivity of the tissue, look natural;
  • no scars.

Although the procedure is positioned as an alternative to invasive surgery, it has several disadvantages. Cons of introducing fillers based on hyaluronic acid:

  • soreness - the mouth is a sensitive area, sometimes anesthesia cannot completely relieve pain;
  • cost - the procedure does not apply to the budget;
  • short duration of action - the effect lasts from 6 to 12 months;
  • adaptation of the organism - with frequent correction of the tissue, the production of its own hyaluronic acid is stopped.

Stages of lip correction

The introduction of the filler is a medical manipulation. It is important to follow the recommendations for preparing for the procedure and behavior during the rehabilitation period.


There is no specialized preparation for filler injections. But there are a number of specific requirements that the patient must fulfill:

  1. Be physically healthy with no symptoms infectious disease, herpes.
  2. The skin around the mouth should not be inflamed.
  3. Blood clotting parameters should be normal. If anticoagulants are indicated, this issue should be discussed with a cosmetologist. On the day of the cosmetic procedure, the drugs should be discontinued.
  4. Do not smoke or drink alcohol on the day of hyaluronic acid injection.


The procedure begins with a discussion with the doctor about the desired visual result. Then the area of ​​the mouth is anesthetized with a cream or by injecting an anesthetic into the gum. The duration of anesthesia is 30 minutes.

  1. Parisian sponges - the drug is injected into the tissues of the lips. The injections are carried out vertically. This technique allows you to preserve the natural pattern of the lips, all folds, tubercles.
  2. Working with a contour - the method is used to correct, correct asymmetry. The principle is based on the formation of artificial edema. The needle enters clearly into the contour line and corners of the mouth. During the procedure, the doctor makes a strictly defined number of injections - no more than 20 - after each injection of the drug, massages and kneads this area. This will help the filler spread in the right direction.

Skin care after the procedure

Specialized skin care after injection of a filler based on hyaluronic acid is not required. But during the procedure, a microtrauma of the integument occurs, within 3-4 days you should take care of yourself. This will allow the tissues to heal.

What should be limited during this period:

  • thermal procedures are prohibited - baths, saunas, solariums;
  • do not carry out cosmetic procedures - acid peeling, massage;
  • do not use lipstick, other cosmetics;
  • do not drink hot tea, coffee;
  • do not lift weights;
  • don't kiss;
  • no smoking;
  • do not take a hot bath.

How often can injections be given

The effect of the procedure lasts from 6 months to 1 year. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Contraindications and possible complications

There are few contraindications to manipulation with the contours and volume of tissues. You should not inject the filler in the following cases:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • infectious disease in the acute period;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin of the face;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • with hypersensitivity to filler components;
  • mental disorders, history of epilepsy;
  • tendency to form keloids;
  • childhood.

Pumping complications:

  1. Swelling of tissues - physiological edema after the introduction of hyaluron lasts no more than 3 days. IN otherwise you should contact the clinic for help. If the lips are swollen 7 days after the administration of the drug, then you need to come for an examination in medical Center. Skin can dry, need to drink more water and use the balm.
  2. Hematomas are unpleasant, ugly. But within 10 days they pass on their own. An appointment with a specialist is not required.
  3. Necrosis - necrosis of tissues in the treatment area. Accompanied by pain, erosion appears. Seek immediate medical attention.
  4. Infection - non-compliance with asepsis rules medical staff, recommendations for skin care during the rehabilitation period.
  5. Noticeable lumps of filler - an excess amount of the drug was injected. The ball or bump resolves extremely slowly. The best solution to the problem is to use lidase or its analogues to dissolve the seal.
  6. The formation of subcutaneous nodes is a hypersensitivity reaction or a doctor's mistake when introducing a filler.

If unpleasant symptoms appear, do not look on the Internet for answers on how to anoint your lips and do not ask the pharmacy for a healing balm or ointment for home treatment. Whatever the reason - a doctor's mistake or your negligent attitude to his recommendations - immediately contact a medical institution.