Tangerines: benefits and harms for men's health. A unique composition of delicious citrus fruits. If you eat tangerines every day, what will happen?

Tangerine mania: everything is useful - from the peel to the seed.

Appearance on the shelves grocery stores tangerines are a sure sign of approaching New Year's holidays, Christmas trees and Santa Claus.

However, this citrus is valuable not only for its unique taste and aroma, but also healing properties. Tangerines benefits calorie content

Tangerines - protection against colds

Thanks to the rich vitamin composition tangerines help the body resist colds during a virus attack. And tangerine phytoncides also have antimicrobial properties.

Plus, the orange fruit is a “keeper” ascorbic acid, the leader among fruits in calcium content, contains vitamins A, D, K, B, thiamine, riboflavin, rutin.

Tangerines calorie content

Tangerines - dietary product. They contain carbohydrates (saturate the body with energy), fiber (quenches hunger), flavonoids (normalize digestion, intestinal microflora, fight constipation).

And most importantly, tangerines are low-calorie (we're talking about sour ones).

Important! You should not replace all meals with them (it is fraught with the development of gastritis). Best used as a snack.

The benefits and harms of tangerines for the liver

The pulp of this citrus contains choline, a substance that prevents the deposition of fat in the liver and improves its detoxification function. In addition, tangerines effectively reduce increased level cholesterol in the blood.

If you eat them regularly (in reasonable quantities), this will be an excellent prevention of the development of atherosclerosis.

Mandarin peel: benefits and harms

It is widely used in folk medicine to lower blood sugar levels. Rinse the peels of three medium tangerines thoroughly. Pour in a liter of water and keep on low heat for twenty minutes. Drain the water and eat the peel. Do this once a day. The course is two weeks.

At fungal infection Wipe the skin several times a day with fresh tangerine peel.

Important! Before using these recipes, be sure to consult your doctor.

Mandarin slices

Many people peel the white mesh between the tangerine slices. And in vain. These threads contain glucosides - substances that strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Is it possible to eat tangerine seeds?

But you can’t eat them. But you can make an excellent cosmetic product from the seeds - an anti-cellulite body scrub. Pour two teaspoons of ground coffee into a glass of boiling water and leave. Drink coffee and mix the grounds with a teaspoon of chopped tangerine seeds.

Apply the mixture to problem areas right after the shower. Massage the skin for five to ten minutes once a week. The course is a month.

Important! Tangerines are contraindicated for inflammatory diseases stomach (gastritis, ulcers, high acidity), since citrus irritates the mucous membrane. Not recommended for allergies, colitis, nephritis, hepatitis.

Dear readers of the blog “Be Healthy”, watch the video “Tangerines benefits, calories”

Citrus fruits contain a wide range of essential human body substances. Every doctor and cosmetologist knows how useful tangerines are for women, since this product is able to support female body in difficult moments and help solve some problems associated with the reproductive system.

Composition and calorie content of tangerines

Tangerines are low in calories, which makes them an indispensable product when losing weight. The energy value of 100 g of fruit is 38 kilocalories.

The composition of tangerines is such that they can replace consumption synthetic vitamins. 100 g of product contains:

  • ascorbic acid (38 mg);
  • vitamin B1 (0.06 mg);
  • vitamin B2 (0.03 mg);
  • nicotinic acid (0.2 mg);
  • vitamin B6 (0.07 mg);
  • axerophthol (5 mcg);
  • vitamin E (0.2 mg).

How much can you eat a day without harming your body? In the absence of contraindications and allergic reactions, it is almost impossible to harm the body by consuming tangerines. But the optimal amount is 3-4 fruits per day. This amount is enough to prevent vitamin deficiency.

The benefits of tangerines for women

What are the beneficial properties of citrus fruits for humans? The components contained in the fruits improve the condition of the skin, nail plates and hair. Daily consumption of fruit helps normalize hormonal background, promoting regular flow menstrual cycle, and also reduces the severity unpleasant symptoms during menopause and menstruation.

  1. Citrus fruits help in the fight against fungal diseases of the female reproductive system. During pregnancy, tangerine can replace remedies for thrush.
  2. Systematic consumption of fruits helps prevent or cure iron deficiency anemia. Fruits contain some iron, but it is in a form that allows it to be completely absorbed.
  3. Fruits can improve the functioning of the central nervous system, improving its stability in stressful and conflict situations.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, a double burden is placed on the body, and in this case, the benefits of tangerines for women are invaluable. Most often, experts prescribe vitamin complexes for expectant mothers. synthetic origin, which can be replaced by eating citrus fruits.

  1. Citrus fruits have diuretic properties, due to which they prevent the appearance of edema and normalize kidney function.
  2. Tangerine essential oils help fight stretch marks and other problems skin.
  3. During pregnancy, especially during later, pregnant women may experience constipation, which can be relieved by resorting to daily consumption pairs of tangerine fruits.
  4. Aromatherapy with citrus oils lifts your mood, gives you strength and helps reduce the severity of nausea.

During lactation

Eating fruits while breastfeeding should be done with great caution, as this can lead to allergies in the baby. It is permissible to start consuming citrus fruits during breastfeeding after the child turns 3 months old, but only after consultation with the pediatrician and in very small quantities.

Important! High content Liquids can help a young mother increase the amount of milk and nourish it with everything necessary for the growth and development of the newborn, but all risks should be weighed.

In cosmetology

Essential oils are often used in cosmetics, both industrial and home production.

Citrus esters allow you to:

  • tighten pores;
  • get rid of inflammation;
  • eliminate rashes;
  • increase skin tone;
  • relieve itching and irritation;
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

After 50 years, cosmetics with tangerine oils can reduce the severity of wrinkles, improve the elasticity of the skin and restore its elasticity. Products with citrus fruits help even out skin tone and reduce the severity of pigmentation on the skin.

The benefit of citrus fruits for hair is that products with the addition of essential oils reduce the oiliness of the scalp, give the hair smoothness, shine and make it more manageable.

Tangerine pulp is often used in homemade face masks that are aimed at improving skin health.

Interesting fact! Get essential oils You can also do it at home. Homemade oil has a lower concentration useful substances, accordingly, the effect may be less pronounced.


Tangerines can have negative impact on the body not only in case of spoilage of fruits, but also in some cases pathological processes in organism.

Contraindications to consuming citrus fruits:

  • inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the pancreas and liver;
  • pathologies of the urinary system.

People with or predisposed to diabetes should use tangerines with caution. Fruits are strong allergen, therefore, individual intolerance to citrus fruits is also a contraindication.

Important! It is prohibited to introduce citrus fruits into the diet of children under one year of age, as this can lead to an acute allergic reaction.

Eating a lot of tangerines latest dates pregnancy can provoke an oversaturation of the body with vitamin C, which will lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus and can provoke premature birth.

Irrational consumption of any product can harm the body; citrus fruits are no exception, despite their pleasant taste. If there are contraindications, the use of tangerines should be discussed with a specialist.

Mandarin is an evergreen heat-loving tree. Grown mainly in Spain, the south of France, Greece, Morocco and Argentina. Citrus pulp contains organic acids, pectin, fiber and mineral salts. Chemical composition fruits determines their benefits for human health, especially during cold periods, when the body is susceptible viral diseases. Medicinal properties Tangerines are used in medicine and cosmetology. They can be used as fresh, and as part of cocktails, compotes and jams.

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    Calorie content and BZHU

    Mandarin is a low-calorie fruit, the consumption of which strengthens the immune system and helps get rid of excess weight.

    Citrus fruits speed up metabolic processes and promote the breakdown of fats.

    The table shows energy value and BJU per 100 grams of product.

    Calorie content: 38 kilocalories per 100 grams.

    Rice porridge - calorie content and nutritional value, benefits and harm to health

    Chemical composition

    Beneficial features tangerines are due chemicals, which are part of the fruit.

    Substance Role in the human body Contents per 100 grams of product
    Vitamin PPRegulates the activity of lipoprotein, has sedative effect, improves blood microcirculation0.2 mg
    Vitamin ARegulates chemical processes in the body's cells, fights free radicals, prevents vascular diseases, stimulates cell renewal processes, accelerates the healing of cuts, restores epithelial cells10 mcg
    Vitamin CParticipates in hematopoietic processes, promotes collagen production, enhances protective functions body, promotes the elimination bad cholesterol, increases the elasticity of blood vessels38 mg
    CalciumPrevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, reduces the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and colon cancer, in combination with phosphorus strengthens teeth and bones35 mg
    MagnesiumNormalizes blood sugar levels, protects kidneys from the formation of stones, improves brain function, relieves vascular spasms11 mg
    SodiumNormalizes water-salt metabolism, activates salivary gland enzymes12 mg
    PotassiumRegulates heartbeat, supplies the brain with oxygen155 mg
    PhosphorusSupports acid-base balance in the body, improves glucose absorption, activates enzyme reactions17 mg
    IronStimulates hemoglobin production, promotes normal brain function, supports immunity0.1 mg
    Mono- and disaccharidesThey are sources of energy, remove toxins, restore strength after physical exertion, and increase brain performance.7.5 g.

    Useful properties of tangerines

    Regular consumption of fruits is a good prevention of atherosclerosis, and the cholite contained in tangerines prevents the deposition of fat in the liver. Doctors recommend drinking tangerine juice for people who often experience stress. It lifts your mood and improves your vitality.

    Vitamins and nutrients are contained not only in the pulp, but also in the peel, which is not traditionally eaten. Proponents of traditional medicine use powdered dried tangerine peels to prepare healing infusions.

    To improve performance digestive system and strengthen the immune system, you need 1 tsp. add powder to porridge for breakfast, smoothies or freshly squeezed juice.

    The health benefits and harms of tangerines are discussed in detail below.

    For women

    Benefits of fruits for women:

    • Reduce pain during menstruation and normalize menopausal bleeding.
    • During pregnancy, they help fight the symptoms of toxicosis. To get rid of the feeling of nausea, just eat a couple of slices of fresh fruit.
    • For pregnant girls, the benefit of tangerines lies in their rich composition. Valuable substances strengthen the expectant mother's immunity and reduce the risk of infection infectious diseases which may harm the child. The number of fruits that are allowed to be consumed during the day should be discussed with your doctor.
    • The fruit contains few calories, which helps safe weight loss. A glass of citrus juice combined with physical activity activates metabolism and prevents the putting off of extra pounds.

    For men

    Regular consumption of tangerines increases blood flow to the genitals. Due to this, potency improves and there are no problems during sexual intercourse.

    Men who play sports should include fruit in their diet, as it speeds up the body's recovery processes.

    For children

    Beneficial properties of tangerine for children's health:

    • Strengthens bones and joints.
    • Improves appetite.
    • Prevents the development of rickets, which affects young children.
    • Increases immunity, promotes resistance to viral infections.

    Pediatricians recommend introducing tangerines into a child’s diet from one year of age. The first feeding should start with a couple of drops of diluted juice. Gradually, the portion must be increased if the body positively perceives the new product.


    Tangerines, oranges and lemon are allergens. Therefore, before including them in your diet, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications:

    • Stomach ulcer and duodenum.
    • Hepatitis.
    • Inflammatory kidney diseases.
    • Cholelithiasis.
    • Increased stomach acidity.
    • Tendency to allergic reactions.

    Essential oil

    Tangerine essential oil is used in medicine and cosmetology. It has a light sweet aroma and is greenish-orange in color.

    Application of oil:

    1. 1. To improve appetite and speed up metabolism, you need to place a drop of oil on a handkerchief. Inhale its aroma throughout the day.
    2. 2. You can cope with nausea and indigestion with a warm bath with the addition of 3 drops of oil.
    3. 3. Combined with sesame oil, tangerine essential oil improves blood circulation in the veins and relieves back pain. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you should do a light massage.
    4. 4. A combination of two drops of mandarin ether with a teaspoon of natural will help prevent the formation of stretch marks on the skin and increase its elasticity. olive oil. The mixture is applied with massage movements.
    5. 5. For diseases of the oral cavity, doctors recommend rinsing: in a glass warm water add two drops of tangerine essential oil. Rinse your mouth for 30 seconds; do not swallow the mixture.

Mandarin is a must-have and beloved New Year's fruit for millions of people in our country. In China, the homeland of this wonderful fruit, it is considered a symbol of wealth and success, and in Japan - happiness, family and longevity. However beautiful appearance, bewitching smell and wonderful taste are not the only advantages of tangerines: thanks to their composition, they are also wonderful remedy from many diseases.

There are several versions of the origin of the modern name mandarin. It is known that in the Indian Ocean there was an island called Mandarin, now Mauritius. It is believed that it was from the name of the island on which these fruits grew that its name came. According to another version, the highest dignitaries in feudal China were called mandarins. Perhaps Europeans, appreciating the excellent taste of tangerines, transferred the name of the class to the citrus fruit, thereby elevating it above other fruits.

Composition of mandarin

Mandarins contain many vitamins and nutrients. In terms of vitamin C content, they are almost on par with an orange. They also contain a lot of B vitamins. The fruit pulp is rich in minerals, organic acids and phytoncides. The peel contains medicinal tangerine oil, consisting of a mixture of esters and other odorous substances that give tangerines an incomparable aroma.

100 g of tangerine pulp contains the following substances:


Vitamin B9

Vitamin PP

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B1

Vitamin C

Vitamin A

Vitamin E

Vitamin K

11 beneficial properties of tangerine

  1. Healthy nervous system

    Several components of tangerine pulp, such as potassium, folate, and various antioxidants, are known to provide normal work nervous system. Folic acid reduces the risks of Alzheimer's disease and cognitive impairment. The function of potassium is to increase blood flow to the brain and thereby improve the concentration and activity of neurons. Also tangerines - excellent antidepressants, charging the body with energy and relieving fatigue and anxiety.

  2. Tangerines are good source B vitamins, including folic acid, which is involved in the formation of the neural tube and red blood cells in the unborn baby. Folic acid deficiency in pregnant women can lead to low birth weight newborns, as well as the development of neural tube defects in newborns. Tangerines and infusion from tangerine peels also help reduce toxicosis in pregnant women.

  3. Healthy heart and blood vessels

    Tangerines are rich in potassium and low in sodium. This ratio helps blood vessels relax and maintain normal arterial pressure. Dietary fiber, vitamins C and B6, and the mineral potassium help improve heart health in general, reducing the risks of developing diseases such as ischemia, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis. Interestingly, the white film on tangerine slices contains greatest number glycosides beneficial for the heart and blood vessels.

  4. Boosting immunity

    Tangerines speed up metabolism, saturate the body with minerals and vitamins, especially so necessary during winter period. Vitamin C, contained in tangerines, is a powerful natural water-soluble antioxidant that helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents, viruses and bacteria, and also eliminates causing cancer free radicals. Therefore, tangerines and the juice from them have a general strengthening, antibacterial and antiviral effect. The phytoncidal activity of tangerine pulp and juice is so high that by consuming this fruit you can get rid of some skin diseases, having a fungal nature.

  5. Healthy skin and hair

    Moderate intake of vitamin C not only improves immune system, is also involved in the creation and maintenance of collagen, which is an important protein found in hair and skin. Vitamin B12 reduces hair loss, promotes hair growth and slows down the graying process. In addition, tangerines contain vitamin A, which increases the production sebum and gives hair healthy shine and strength. It is also worth noting that tangerines have long been used in the treatment of skin diseases such as acne, acne, as well as cuts and wounds, since the vitamin A they contain promotes tissue repair.

  6. Healthy Digestion

    Tangerines are an excellent source of fiber. Daily intake 38 g and 25 g dietary fiber for men and women, respectively, it will help prevent constipation, improve intestinal motility and the process of food digestion. Drinking tangerine juice will get rid of helminths.

  7. Healthy breathing

    Tangerines thanks increased content Phenolic acid in its composition, which has decongestant and decongestant properties, is used in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. A glass of tangerine juice taken daily will help clear the lungs of mucus. A decoction of dried tangerine peel will soften cough and have an expectorant effect.

  8. Tangerine juice, applied externally, will help in the fight against thrush. Tangerines will have a hemostatic effect in case of heavy menopausal bleeding.

  9. Healthy eyes

  10. Tangerine juice helps treat kidney stones and bladder, as well as cystitis.

  11. Prevention of cancer

    Thanks to high concentration substances exhibiting antioxidant properties, consumption of tangerine will be effective prevention education malignant tumors. And the symbiosis of vitamins B6 and B9 creates favorable conditions for faster absorption of beneficial and nutrients while maintaining their anticancer properties.

Contraindications to the use of tangerines

Tangerines do not have many contraindications, and there are no absolute prohibitions on their use at all. They should be included with caution in the diet of people suffering from the following diseases:

Do not forget that tangerine is like citrus fruit is quite allergenic, therefore, in order to avoid the development of allergies and diathesis in children, it is necessary to take into account the individual tolerance of the fruit.

Not everything that is offered on store shelves under the guise of a tangerine can be called such. In fact, only medium-sized fruits with a peel color ranging from yellow to light orange should be classified as tangerines. Everything else is just relatives of real tangerines.

Tangerines are a unique fruit that has many hybrids that are not inferior in taste to the prototype. Tangerine is a hybrid of mandarin and grapefruit and is a smaller fruit compared to an orange with an easy-to-peel skin. Tangora is a sweet, bright orange hybrid of tangerine and orange that has a flattened shape. Calamondin is a very small hybrid of mandarin and kumwat.

It is better not to eat tangerine seeds; they contain hydrocyanic acid, which is toxic substance. In addition, they are tasteless and bitter, they have neither benefit nor taste.

Tangerines are record holders for vitamin content. This is a favorite dessert of children and adults.

The birthplace of culture is China. Evergreen tree-like plants of the citrus genus with round orange fruits came to Europe from tropical Asia only in the 19th century.

Today the crop is also cultivated in China, Japan and throughout the Mediterranean. But the harm and benefits of tangerines for the health of the body are known to residents not only of these countries.

Thus, a seedless variety called unshiu is grown near Sochi. Representatives of other regions can appreciate the positive effects of fruits on the body by purchasing aromatic fruits in the store at any time of the year.

Calorie content of tangerines

The nutritional value of tangerines depends on the variety and region of growth. On average, 100 g of ripe fruit pulp contains:

  • carbohydrates – 7.5 g;
  • proteins – 0.8 g;
  • fats – 0.2 g;
  • dietary fiber – 1.9 g;
  • organic acids – 1.1 g;
  • saccharides – 7.5 g;
  • ash compounds – 0.5 g;
  • iron – 0.1 g;
  • vitamins PP, A, E, C, group B;
  • pectins, mineral salts, phytoncides, flavonoids.

The chemical composition of the peel includes sugars, essential oils, organic acids and vitamin complex. The calorie content of tangerines is only 33 kcal per 100 grams of product. The fruits are classified as low-calorie, nitrate-free fruits: lemon acid in their composition does not give harmful chemical compounds get inside.

These representatives of citrus fruits reflect all the quirkiness and variability of nature’s talent. Their fruits are so diverse that biologists initially described them as different species.

Range taste qualities and the aromas of sunny fruits are huge: from sour and inexpressive to rich and aromatic. They are conditionally divided into groups:

  • Chinese sweet types;
  • Mediterranean narrow-leaved species;
  • noble Italian tangerines different colors with thin skin;
  • Japanese broad-leaved, cold-resistant satsuma (including unshiu) with many seeds.

There are many hybrids of the orange fruit. In stores you can most often find clementines - the result of a successful “tandem” of the common mandarin and the king’s blood orange. Clementines inherited a tight-fitting red skin, a delicate, refined aroma and a rich taste.

They are often sold with a green leaf. Externally, the fruit is difficult to distinguish. Only if you put clementines and tangerines next to each other does the difference become noticeable.

External differences:

  • clementines are rounder, more shaped like an orange;
  • the pores of hybrids are less noticeable;
  • The skin of clementines lags behind the fruit worse, it is brighter.

All parts of these fruits are used: the pulp is a popular dessert, the peel is a substitute for orange peel in the formulation of medicines, syrups and tinctures.

Even leaves and buds are used in medicinal purposes. The benefits of tangerines and the health hazards of these fruits depend on their quality and method of use.

Beneficial features

Citrus fruits are a storehouse of vitamins. The benefits of tangerines for the body are especially valuable in winter: the fruit helps the body fight viral diseases.

Regular consumption of tasty fruits helps:

  • normalize high blood pressure;
  • get rid of helminths;
  • solve problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • defeat bronchitis and other diseases of the ENT organs;
  • cope with the problem of lack of appetite;
  • cure skin and nail fungus with external use;
  • reduce swelling;
  • cope with depression.

Glycosides in the fruit exhibit an anti-sclerotic effect, and synephrine produces an anti-asthmatic effect.

The introduction of citrus fruits into the diet helps to increase the overall tone of the body, improve metabolic processes and restoration of strength after illness. For pancreatitis, tangerines can be eaten 1 fruit at a time and only for people with stable remission.

The glycemic index of tangerines is 40–49 units, which does not prohibit the consumption of tangerines in doses for diabetes. For this disease it is recommended to use fresh fruits or freshly squeezed juice from 1-2 fruits every 2-3 days. You can use a decoction of the peel.


These fruits increase acidity and are contraindicated for gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. You should not eat them if you have hepatitis, nephritis and cholecystitis.

What are the benefits of tangerines for women?

Popular citrus fruits have found application in folk recipes for women. What are the benefits of tangerines? They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and health in general.

  • If you like lung effect tanning, drink several glasses of clementine juice every day, or simply make masks. Within a month, your face will acquire a bronze tint.
  • When losing weight, tangerines will only give effect in combination with exercise. In this case, you need to eat no more than 500 grams of fruits per day. The menu is supplemented with protein foods: meat, fish, cottage cheese, yogurt.
  • Fresh juice, when applied externally, helps cure thrush.
  • Tangerine oil is recommended to be added to massage compositions. The aroma of this supplement will improve your mood and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Many people are interested in whether pregnant women can eat tangerines. If there are no contraindications, then fruits should be included in the diet. expectant mother. Their benefits are especially noticeable in the second trimester of pregnancy.

But don’t be too zealous: one or two fruits a day will compensate for vitamin C deficiency, but in large quantities fruits can cause an allergic reaction.

It is important for mothers to know whether tangerines are harmful when breastfeeding. If neither the child nor the mother is allergic to citrus fruits, then a few tangerines will not harm.

They need to be introduced into the menu little by little, in the first half of the day. But mother should not feast on citrus fruits until the baby grows up (he should be 3 months old).

How many tangerines can you eat per day?

If you overeat, citrus fruits cause allergies. The reason is the rich composition biologically active substances in fruits. The richer the color of the fruit, the more allergenic it is considered.

Citrus fruits should not be eaten on an empty stomach. It is better to enjoy them in the first half of the day. They eat them half an hour after breakfast. In the absence of allergies, the amount of fruit for an adult is up to 5–10 pieces per day. Let’s take a closer look at how many tangerines children can eat.

At what age can you give your child tangerines?

If you have a baby, you need to know at what age you can give your child tangerines. Despite the fact that citrus fruits are rich in vitamins, pediatricians do not recommend feeding them to children under 1 year of age.

First, the baby is given a few drops of juice. If no unpleasant manifestations after taking them there is no, then they give one slice. Tangerine juices can be consumed fresh from 1.5–2 years of age.

At 3 years of age, the norm is increased to 1–2 pieces per day. At 6–12 years old, a child can eat up to 5 fruits daily if he is not allergic to citrus fruits.

Application of tangerine peel

In cosmetics and culinary recipes, in folk medicine, the use of tangerine peel is becoming increasingly popular. Please note that citrus peels with a glossy sheen are not suitable for internal use. Such fruits are processed for long-term storage formulations with wax and preservatives.

  • For dry cough 1-2 tbsp. l. The dried peel is poured into a thermos, 250 ml of boiling water is poured in, and left for at least an hour. Drink as tea after meals or half an hour before meals, adding honey. The serving is designed for 3 doses. Six-year-old children are given 1 tbsp. l. 20–30 minutes before meals three times a day. The course of treatment is a week.
  • At stomach disorders take the powder once a day tangerine peels. Single dose – 1 tsp. powder, diluted a small amount water. The drug is taken as needed, usually three times a day.
  • A decoction of the peel is recommended for diabetes (take the peel from 3 fruits and boil for 10 minutes in a liter of water). The decoction is placed in the refrigerator unstrained and taken 200 ml once a day. The product is suitable for long-term therapy.
  • For oily skin persons prepare citrus lotion. Grate the tangerine with zest, add a glass of vodka and leave without light for a week. Wipe the skin with a damp cotton pad in the morning and evening. The results will be visible in just a week: the skin will become smoother and the shine will be reduced.
  • A tincture of tangerines with vodka is healthy and easy to prepare. The peel is poured with vodka and placed in a dark place for 7–10 days. The tincture will help cure bronchitis, tracheitis, and pneumonia. To do this, 20–25 drops of the product are diluted with water and taken three times a day 20 minutes before meals. The product is used as an auxiliary complex therapy. In the same dosage it is given to increase appetite.
  • You can make delicious candied fruits from the zest. To do this, the peel from 1 kg of fruit is soaked in water for 3 days (the water needs to be changed), cut and boiled for 10 minutes. Then prepare syrup at the rate of 400 ml of water per 1.8 kg of sugar. Pour hot syrup over the crusts and leave for a day. The syrup is drained and the procedure is repeated several times. The finished candied fruits are dried.

Sometimes tangerine leaves appear on store shelves along with the fruits. The beneficial properties of green leaves have not yet been studied enough. Let's look at the most popular recipes.

How to store tangerines at home

To preserve the aroma and taste of fruits for a long time, you need to know how to store tangerines at home. They don't do well in cellophane. When you get home, take the fruits out of the bag and place them in the fruit tray. Ripe fruits Store on the bottom shelves of the refrigerator.

The shelf life of tangerines is about 10 days. . If you want to preserve the fruits for a long time, wrap each one in paper or place the fruits in a special net. Clementines in such conditions do not spoil even for a month.


And now another video recipe.