Bad habits and their impact on health. Prevention of bad habits - Knowledge Hypermarket. What are bad habits - the main types

On healthy image life. Today we'll talk about bad habits and their destructive effect on our health, emotional condition. Bad human habits are an automatic action that causes damage to the body and is difficult to control. A person is at the mercy of his harmful desires and, as a rule, denies them negative impact while other people are completely free from such influence.

5 common bad human habits

To understand the nature of bad habits, understand that any unhealthy action that manifests itself, for example, due to imbalance nervous system, will soon lead to an ingrained bad habit.

What habits are the most common and stand out from the rest?

1) Alcoholism and drug addiction

The most terrible bad habits. They not only kill health, they destroy personality and lead to self-degradation. Those suffering from such habits are even identified in separate words- alcoholics and drug addicts.

I won’t say how alcohol and drugs poison internal organs, we all know that. But they also affect the brain, anxiety, responsibility, humanity disappear, giving way to pleasure and fun.

I'll call this habit stupid. What is the pleasure from inhaling butane, cadmium, nicotine? Nowadays, to surprise someone, it’s enough just not to smoke. And only the weak cannot control themselves and quit.

If the desire is really strong, then the person quits not on Monday or the last pack, but right now.

3) Overeating

A complex problem that has two sides: physical - impaired metabolism, inconvenience due to excess weight, load on the body; psychological – emotional disorders, constant stress(find out), difficulties in following a diet.

This problem requires the help of two doctors at the same time - a nutritionist and a psychologist.

4) Habit of biting nails

Today, sociologists are still figuring out what motivates a person to take such an action. Possible reasons enough to calm down, to concentrate, to think things through better. It's a terrible habit.

First of all, it's eaten great amount dirt under your nails - that's the danger. Secondly, the shape of the nail plate deteriorates. Chewed nails are always noticed, they look worse and good impression they don’t create anything, and the person is perceived as unbalanced.

5) Clicking joints

It would seem that such an action is harmless; the majority of people tried to do this in childhood. In childhood this is understandable; there is only one excuse – ignorance. But in adulthood, it’s time to know that this kind of habit injures the joints, they lose mobility, so there is a risk early offensive joint diseases are increasing significantly.

Of course there is more big list bad habits, which is constantly growing and surprising. These include such bad human habits as picking your nose, addiction to the Internet and games, using profanity, spitting on the ground, and so on.

Habits are divided into useful and harmful. The former can improve a person’s health, as well as positively influence his life in general. Harmful ones lead to problems. Therefore, let’s talk about what you can do to keep yourself busy and at the same time have health benefits. Moreover, there are quite a lot of hobbies that can really improve your life.

Power of Habit

All human life consists of repeated actions. They determine character, form certain individual traits: will, endurance, patience, and so on.

Usually people do not think about repeating the same gesture or performing some kind of automatic movement. They act by inertia, unconsciously.

How does a habit appear?

Anyone can train themselves to automatically move. But first you have to consciously set a goal.

For example, a person wants to learn how to cook soup. For this he will be very attentive the first time. Select a pan. Carefully chop the vegetables specified in the recipe. Fry some of them in a frying pan. Throws everything into the pan in a certain sequence.

Consciousness will work very actively. But if a person continues to prepare soup every day, then after a while all movements will occur automatically. At the same time, he can think about anything, listen to music or watch TV. The subconscious mind will not allow you to make mistakes in mechanical movements.

The hardest thing is not to acquire, but to get rid of habits. A person must again actively connect consciousness. Harmful and good habits obey his will.

Bad habits

These actions, developed over the years, can poison the life of both the individual himself and his loved ones. And it also happens that a habit harms not the owner himself, but his environment. Vivid examples:

    loud laughter;

    inability to listen to others;

    caustic remarks.

However, all of the above cannot cause physical harm, only moral. It's easy to get rid of this if you want.

What is a bad habit? This is the opposite of useful. It brings a lot of trouble and makes the life of its owner unbearable, even if he does not notice it.

Adverse habits

The most dangerous habits are:

  • gluttony;


    obsession with toxic substances, drugs, pills;

    gambling addiction.

Such habits can kill a person. They quickly develop into an addiction and a disease that needs to be treated in hospitals under the supervision of professional doctors.

These problems may appear due to weakened mental state, problems with the nervous system.

Among the indecent habits are the following:

    nose picking;


    nail biting;

    groundless jealousy;

    constant yawning;

    frequent delays.

They are not as harmful as the previous ones, but nevertheless they spoil relationships between people.

Useful human habits

A person who succeeds in life has a number of useful skills that have been brought to automaticity. They serve him in order to achieve what he wants.

The most useful human habits:

    Go to bed early and rise early. To a normal person you need to sleep at least six hours a night. People who wake up earlier, when the brain is in the active stage, manage to get much more things done than sleepy people.

    Eat right. Active person he builds his diet in such a way that the body begins to work for him. Vegetables, fish, meat, fruits, dairy products provide health and longevity. You need to develop good habits and don’t stop when passing fast food, don’t look through the window. It is advisable to avoid carbonated water.

    The ability to give thanks. This habit is difficult to develop. Positive emotions, a smile given to another person, are returned doubly. Having done something nice for someone else, a person realizes his importance and remains satisfied with himself for the whole day.

    Get rid of envy. Being offended by others because they succeeded in something is one of the most bad habits. You need to learn to be happy for people. And achieve your goal.

    Live in the present. Planning ahead is very useful, but you need to remember how fleeting existence can be. What can be done today - clean your shoes for the morning in the evening, prepare clothes, pack your bag, prepare food, stock up on groceries - should not be postponed until the next day. There is no point in constantly thinking about the past or dreaming about the future. This limits your own capabilities and nullifies good habits.

      Positive thinking is the most useful skill anyone can develop. Any situation, even the worst, can be perceived as an obstacle that makes stronger than that who overcame it.

      Education. You need to study at any age. The main thing is to make it a goal in itself to learn something new in a day.

      Exceed the plan. It’s good when a person can do everything that he has written down in advance in his actions for the day. But it is better if he is able to exceed his own expectations and create useful habits from this.

    Getting rid of bad habits

    It was already mentioned earlier that any acquired skills can be fought. The main thing is to be patient and include consciousness in the work.

    It is easier to acquire bad and good habits, but this does not mean that you cannot get rid of them.

    What will you need?

      Time. You cannot make an action automatic and then eradicate it in a couple of seconds or hours.

      Determined attitude.

      All willpower.

      Control over your own behavior.

    Working on skills

    The habit will not go away on its own. To do this, a person must surround himself the right conditions. Remove the irritant, the trigger, which may arouse the desire to repeat habitual actions.

    A striking example: a person wants to eat less, but it is difficult for him to overcome himself. He is obliged to visit all confectionery shops and sweet shops, remove the basket of sweets from the table, and junk food from the refrigerator. You can ask your family to refrain from demonstrative eating of some foods.

    By refusing to buy junk food, a person begins to save money. Soon you may develop more useful habits - saving the amounts that were previously spent on groceries.

    Constant and vigilant control over oneself. If you rely on someone, you may never get rid of a bad habit. The brain must receive orders from a person in order to process them.

    A simple notebook in which a person will write down all achievements can make the task easier. It will be a second reminder of the need to control yourself.

    If an individual bites his nails, then after each time he must note the date of this process in a notebook. Day by day there will be fewer entries.

    Formation of healthy habits in children

    It is best to teach useful skills in childhood. Parents must not only set a positive example for the younger generation, but also ensure that the child develops the necessary traits in his character. Good and bad habits of children can be formed or eliminated quickly and painlessly.

    For each right action a reward system should be developed in order to associate the skill with a pleasant association.

    Good habits for children

    Basic instincts that need to be developed from childhood:

      Cleaning the bed should be done with early age parents, and then reinforced by teachers in kindergarten.

      Wash your hands after walking, using the restroom, and before eating. Mom or dad should wash their child’s hands themselves early stages his growing up.

      Brush your teeth. You can come up with a game in which the baby himself wants to use a brush and toothpaste to save his white teeth from plaque.

      Morning work-out. Accustom to physical culture The baby is needed from two years old. Exercises should be enjoyable and arouse interest. With age, this skill becomes quite difficult to develop. The school also encourages these good habits. 1st grade, in addition to physical education, actively spends health minutes 15-20 minutes after the start of the lesson.

      Cleaning. Any child can do the simple steps of putting toys in a box. Thanks to this, he learns neatness, love of work, and responsibility.

    When school is in session, good habits should be one of the topics discussed. Teachers tell children how important it is to eat right and follow a daily routine. All this will allow the child to avoid bad influence from the outside.

Every person has noticed some kind of addiction at least once, but not all of them are safe for the person himself or his environment. A lot has been said and written about bad habits and their impact on health, their types and causes, the fight against them and prevention, but this topic has not exhausted itself. Are there any reasons for this? Yes! Despite the huge number social advertising, bad habits have harmful influence on people and their families.

What are bad habits

Addictions that harm health, relationships, self-development, and financial status are called bad habits. Some of them are perceived adequately, for example, smoking tobacco, although nicotine contributes to cancer, while others, on the contrary, cause a lot of problems in society. negative emotions. However, all of them do not bring anything good; they turn a person into a hostage, making him dependent on a certain factor. If the object of desire is taken away from him, then obsession Even common sense doesn’t stop you from getting what you want.

Bad habits

It has long been proven that addictions and their harmful effects have a negative impact on the health and psyche of others. The simplest example is passive smoking, during which the nicotine contained in tobacco smoke, causes more harm to the body of a stranger than to the smoker himself. Representatives of young people, including schoolchildren, smoke, drink alcohol, indulge in soft drugs, so that in ten years they will begin to suffer from alcoholism, substance abuse, be treated for infertility, problems with the heart, lungs, etc. The health of teenagers deteriorates instantly.

Experts identify three addictions that have gained widespread popularity among men and women over the past few decades. They lead to chronic diseases, destroy the brain, heart, blood vessels. Pregnant women, drinking or smoking, have no idea how alcohol or nicotine affects intrauterine development children, what heredity they pass on to their offspring. The main thing is that they destroy families. Bad habits include alcoholism, drugs, and gambling. These are the three horsemen of the apocalypse of the modern world, which are harmful to health.


Drinking alcohol in large quantities is not just an addiction. This is a huge health hazard. The mechanism of poisoning is based on the influence of such toxic substance like ethanol or ethanol. It begins its insidious effect within a minute after entering the stomach. However digestive tract– this is far from the only system that suffers from drinking alcohol.

The brain is one of the most important organs person. Excessive application to a glass causes persistent mental disorders, there is memory loss. Due to the toxic effects of alcohol on the body, you can get alcoholic encephalopathy, which is a complex psychosis, the “delirium tremens” syndrome, consisting of somatic and neurological disorders. Alcohol has Negative influence to the liver, which takes the brunt of the impact. Liver cirrhosis is a slow but inevitable death.


The only thing worse than alcoholism is the use of drugs, which often consist of chemicals. harmful components. The influence of bad habits on the human body is enormous. Drugs affect the nervous system, a complete change occurs healthy body for the worse. A person taking drugs eventually becomes dependent on the state in which he is, forgetting about the danger harmful substances. At constant reception doses develops chronic poisoning body, the following diseases occur:

  • defeat internal organs;
  • disruption of the nervous system;
  • brain atrophy;
  • disruption of hormone production;
  • liver and heart failure.

Drug addicts, unlike healthy people, more often become depressed, committing suicide. Cases of overdose with fatal. This is a risk of contracting AIDS and other infections that are transmitted through blood. Such people cannot get rid of drug addiction on their own; they require qualified help from doctors and psychologists. Recovery is very difficult, often with relapses.

gambling addiction

Bad habits and their impact on health are not limited to drugs and alcohol. Gambling addiction is another scourge modern society. A person, falling into such dependence, becomes lost to society. Gambling addiction entails the following problems:

  • Mental illness. An online player can sit in front of a monitor for hours. Perhaps he will not spend even a ruble, but he will forget about real life and surrounding people. Personal degradation occurs, and there is a lack of any life activity other than the virtual world of games.
  • Impact on health. Internet players forget about sleep and food. Cases have been recorded of such people going to the toilet under themselves. As a result, the Internet player becomes like a drug addict.
  • Memory loss, decreased intelligence.

Consequences of bad habits

People addicted to addictions ruin their mental and physical health. Close people suffer from the consequences of such addictions. Drug addicts and alcoholics rarely admit that they are sick. This state of affairs aggravates the treatment, and such people need to be treated seriously, without delay. For these purposes, medical and psychological centers have been organized to work with youth and adult patients, where doctors and psychologists conduct complex therapy, explain how bad habits affect human health.

Rare habits are something that almost every average person can find in themselves! And many people prefer not to see this as a problem and simply do not notice their own harmful addictions. You can often hear the excuse: “I have everything under control, this is not a bad habit at all, but a momentary weakness.” In fact, a person often doesn’t even realize how much negativity bad habits bring into his life and how good it will be if he gets rid of them. In this article, let's look at the most common types of bad habits and try to figure out what can be done to get rid of them.

Bad habits: list

Before you start listing popular bad habits, it’s worth defining what they are. So what can be considered bad habit? A pattern of actions that are clearly repeated over a long period of time, characteristic of a particular person, is a habit. It can be called harmful if it carries potential threat health, mood, psychological, physical comfort, cleanliness environment etc.

Here is a list of the most common bad habits:

But this is far from a complete list. bad habits that suffer modern people. There are less global habits, such as idle pastime. Many people do not see this as a bad addiction, but consider it a special character trait. Like, he is used to taking everything from life, he knows how to enjoy life and have fun. But in reality he is an ordinary lazy person, a waster of life and simply infantile person. The habit of biting your nails, pen, biting your lip, etc. is small and not always noticeable to others. However, such a trifle can greatly irritate even the owner of the problem. A similar actions When done regularly, they are harmful to health.

Habits are different, and among them there are especially interesting ones that you want to pay attention to first.

What are some bad habits of modern people?

Let's look at a few common and not so popular bad habits.

Tobacco addiction

Despite the fact that today a healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular, many people are susceptible to the addiction of smoking. It is worth noting that modern world expanded the boundaries of this passion. Today people are addicted not only to cigarettes, but also to aromatic tobacco, which is smoked through hookahs. A new trend - vaping is rapidly gaining momentum these days. Absolutely any form of addiction tobacco products harmful. And even the use of high-tech devices, vapes, does not solve, but aggravates the problem. People who suffer from these habits endanger own health, cause a blow to the body of their own children, family members, and those around them.

Alcohol addiction

Drinking beer, wine, cocktails and strong alcoholic drinks is unsafe for psychological comfort and physical health. Everyone knows about this. However, many people are susceptible to this addiction. It all starts with “harmless” beer, wine or other light alcoholic drinks and over time often turns into a habit, which lays the ground for the formation of pathological addiction.

Tendency to overeat

It would seem that the human need for food is quite understandable and is considered normal occurrence. However, gastronomy can also be a breeding ground for the formation of bad habits:

  • binge eating;
  • eating habit junk food;
  • passion for dangerous mono-diets, etc.

You also need to eat right and you need to be able to control your gastronomic moods. Otherwise, you can form very dangerous habits which lead to obesity, development diabetes mellitus Type 2, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


It turns out that the habit of constantly buying something is also harmful. Pay attention to how often you make unnecessary purchases. Is there a craving for shopping associated with a desire to suppress Bad mood? The answers to these questions will help determine whether shopaholism is occurring in your case. But this can also become a problem. Unreasonable spending of money damages the family budget, creates debts, and interferes with the stabilization of well-being.

The habit of being lazy

There is also a habit of being lazy. A person who tries to put things off until later, shirks some responsibilities, works, studies carelessly, should think about it. After all, this can become a stable manifestation of his character. Lazy people rarely successful. No one will bring achievements and accomplishments in life on a platter with a golden border.

Habit of lying

Almost every person resorts to lying to one degree or another in his life. There is a so-called white lie. Sometimes an innocent lie is used to smooth out the consequences of some events for a person. However, there are also individuals who lie simply because they like to tell lies. Pathological liars Often they themselves lose their boundaries and no longer understand where the truth is and where there is a lie. Having such a habit makes a person repulsive to others. Often deceitfulness forms the basis for the formation of more serious problems.

Foul language

“Russian swearing” is known to all people living and born in our country. Almost from childhood we have to hear bad words somewhere on the street, from TV, from peers, etc. There are people for whom swearing becomes a habit. But a “strong” word spoken out of emotion in in rare cases not as scary as the habit of “expressing yourself” out of necessity and for no particular reason. Young girls who hear dirty curses from their lips immediately lose their charm. Guys and men who cannot talk without swearing are also not attractive to the opposite sex. Foul language is repulsive and creates an unsightly reputation for a person, which cannot but negatively affect the life of the individual who has such a habit.

Habit of chewing the tip of the hair

There are also habits that are not associated with any harmful behaviors and actions. Nevertheless, they carry negativity. For example, people with long hair sometimes they get used to biting, twirling on a finger, chewing the tip of a curl. On the one hand, there is nothing extra dangerous about this. However, from the outside, such addiction looks very unpleasant. And this can be terribly annoying for the owner of the habit.

The habit of collecting/storing unnecessary things

Have you met people who drag all sorts of unnecessary junk into their home and cannot part with things, storing a lot of outdated, outdated items in their home? And this, by the way, is another very bad habit! A person litters the territory, which creates significant discomfort for him and his loved ones and neighbors. Sometimes such a passion for collecting unnecessary trash accepts pathological forms. A house in such a situation can turn into a natural dump. A person whose addiction has developed into a pathology needs professional help.

Types of bad habits

Reading the above bad habits, you can track certain signs by which addictions can be divided into types.

In modern psychology there are:

  • physical addictions;
  • psychological habits;
  • psychophysiological habits;
  • psycho-emotional addictions.

For example, the habit of chewing a pencil or pen can be attributed to physical manifestations getting used to the pattern of actions. But the craving for smoking cigarettes, hookah, and vaping refers to psychophysiological pathological needs.

There are age-related habits, for example, children's ones: the sucking reflex, attachment to parents, the habit of falling asleep while hugging a toy. Senile addictions: a craving for discussing other people's lives, a habit of grumbling, an addiction to going to the market, to the clinic, to the store without any apparent need. There are variations of preferences that are specific to a particular gender. For example, the habit of dieting, lamenting extra pounds more typical for women. But addiction to card or other gambling, the habit of not following the speed limit while driving a car, is more common among men.

What to do? Prevention of bad addictions

It is known that all negativity must be fought! What to do with bad habits? After all, it is clear that even the most harmless variation of addiction can take very frightening and repulsive forms. The main thing is to understand and admit the presence of addiction. Only then will it be possible to deal with it. In some cases, getting rid of such a problem (smoking, alcoholism, gambling addiction) can only be done with the help of a specialist. People who have a strong will and are seriously focused on results often find the strength to overcome excess, negative traits character. Before you can eradicate negative attachments in yourself, you need to know yourself, recognize your shortcomings and find the right path to eliminate them. It is important to understand that the path to cleansing yourself from bad habits may not be easy. However, with due persistence, after some time the desired results will be achieved.

How to overcome addictions with yoga

By choosing yoga and embarking on the path of self-improvement, self-development, self-healing, a person automatically takes a course towards getting rid of harmful addictions. Naturally, first you have to realize what exactly is superfluous and why it is so attractive. You should understand the nature of the emergence of certain attachments and habits.

Yogis believe that most habits are based on a desire to receive a kind of “doping” in the form of a special surge of positive energy. However, it is important to understand that when smoking a cigarette, drinking a can of beer, or eating another donut, a person only receives a “deception” in the form of momentary pleasure. This pleasure does not give strength, does not improve mood, does not positive influence for a person's life. On the contrary, over time, retribution comes for an immoderate harmful hobby: health goes away, it is undermined psychological comfort, the carrier of harmful addictions is increasingly faced with failures in life.

With the help of hatha yoga practices you can get a real charge of positive energy. Exercise will help you cleanse yourself spiritually and heal your body. Over time, a person will find complete liberation from harmful cravings. At a certain stage of yoga practice, you can learn to receive the necessary charge in the right quantity and when it is needed. Vedic practices are aimed at self-regulation of energy flows and conscious rejection of everything unnecessary that pollutes the spirit and forms karma.

Bad human habits are actions that are automatically repeated a large number of times and can harm the health of a person or those around him.

Bad human habits are a consequence of weak will. If he cannot force himself to stop doing certain actions that may harm his health in the future, then gradually it turns into a habit that is quite difficult to get rid of.

What are bad habits?

The impact of bad habits on a person’s life and health can be different. Some of them (alcoholism, drug addiction) modern medicine sees it as a disease. Others are classified as unhelpful actions caused by imbalances in the nervous system.

The following are the main bad habits of modern man:

  • smoking;
  • addiction;
  • alcoholism;
  • gaming addiction;
  • shopaholism;
  • Internet and television addiction;
  • binge eating;
  • habit of picking skin or biting nails;
  • cracking joints.

The main causes of bad habits

The most common reasons for the development of bad habits in a person are:

Social coherence - if in that social group, to which a person belongs is considered the norm by one or another model of behavior, for example, smoking, then most likely he will also follow it in order to prove his belonging to this group, hence the fashion for bad habits arises;

Unsettled life and alienation;

Pleasure is one of the main reasons why the influence of bad habits is so great; it is the constant receipt of pleasure that leads people to become alcoholics or drug addicts;

Idleness, inability to properly manage free time;


Relief from stress.

Bad habits and their impact on human health

But of course, the most severe consequences have habits of using drugs, nicotine and alcohol, which quickly develop into addiction and can lead to the development of a number of complications, including death.

Tobacco smoking is one of the types of domestic drug addiction, the essence of which is inhaling the smoke of drugs plant origin, containing nicotine, which quickly enters the blood from the respiratory system and spreads throughout the body, including the brain.

The health risks of smoking are as follows:

  • the risk of developing increases significantly cancer diseases, pathologies respiratory system, SSS and so on;
  • Calcium is washed out of the body, facial skin ages, fingers become yellow, teeth deteriorate, the structure of hair and nails is destroyed;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract worsens, the development of peptic ulcers is possible;
  • blood vessels become fragile and weak, lose elasticity;
  • The oxygen supply to the brain deteriorates, and hypertension develops.

Alcoholism is nothing more than drug addiction body, in which a person feels a painful craving for drinking alcohol. With this disease, not only mental, but also physical dependence person from alcohol. Alcoholism causes severe damage to internal organs (especially the liver) and personality degradation occurs.

Drinking alcohol does not always lead to the development of alcoholism. Whether a person becomes an alcoholic or not depends on many factors. These are heredity, willpower, frequency of consumption and volume of alcohol, habitat, individual characteristics of the body, mental or emotional predisposition, and so on.

Systematic alcohol consumption leads to the following consequences:

  • is decreasing immune defense body, a person often gets sick;
  • gradual destruction of the liver occurs;
  • nervous function worsens and digestive systems body;
  • blood glucose levels increase;
  • among alcoholics there is a high mortality rate due to accidents, suicides, and poisoning with low-quality alcohol;
  • Brain function gradually deteriorates, a person begins to lose memory and degrades.

Drug addiction is perhaps the most powerful and dangerous bad habit, which has long been recognized as a disease. Drug addiction is a person's dependence on the use of narcotic drugs. The disease has several phases and gradually developing syndromes.

The harm that drugs cause to the human body is great. Listed below are the most serious consequences drug addiction:

Significant reduction in life expectancy;

Increased risk of contracting dangerous and often incurable diseases (HIV, hepatitis);

High mortality rate among drug addicts from accidents, suicides, overdoses and drug poisoning;

Rapid aging of the body;

Development of mental and somatic abnormalities;

Severe personality degradation;

Criminal behavior.

How to deal with bad habits

What methods and methods exist to combat bad habits, and which one is most effective? There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on many factors - the degree of addiction, the person’s willpower, individual characteristics body.

But the most important thing is a person’s desire to start new life without bad habbits. He must fully understand his problem and admit that he is an alcoholic or drug addict.

Without the desire of the person himself to get rid of addiction treatment is extremely difficult and often impossible.

All methods of combating bad habits are divided into three groups:

  • gradual reduction in the consumption of harmful substances;
  • fighting desires and giving up habits;
  • replacing one habit with another.

For example, many people quit smoking gradually, reducing the number of cigarettes they smoke every day. This is a lengthy process and the last stage, when you need to completely quit smoking, is very difficult for many.

But you need to give up drugs immediately. This leads to a severe state of the body, withdrawal, when the remains of drugs leave the body. There is no other way to solve the problem, in this case gradualism is not the answer.

Prevention of bad habits

Unfortunately, the prevention of bad habits has not yet received adequate attention. The effect of various commercials, signs and posters is not great. Often a person in trouble is left alone with his problem. Friends and relatives turn away from him, which makes the likelihood of overcoming the disease extremely low.

The path to a life without bad habits always begins with awareness of the problem. If a person does not see harm in his actions (considering, for example, that he is not an alcoholic, but simply drinks sometimes, like everyone else, and there is nothing wrong with that), then recovery is almost impossible.

In medicine, the prevention of bad habits is divided into primary, secondary and tertiary. Let us explain this using the example of alcoholism.

The essence primary prevention is to prevent the consumption of alcohol by persons who have not previously consumed it. Such prevention is aimed at young people, adolescents, and children.

Target Audience secondary prevention are people who already know the taste of alcohol or those representatives of society who are experiencing the first signs of developing alcohol dependence.

Tertiary prevention is predominantly medical and is aimed at alcoholics.

It should be remembered that in order for people to give up bad habits, it is not enough to just scare them dire consequences use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs. We need special comprehensive programs operating at the state level.

There is a need for state support for the development of sports, the creation of employment opportunities for children and adolescents, the use of hotlines and telephones psychological assistance, creation of new modern drug treatment centers.

The media should actively promote a healthy lifestyle, forming in the minds of young people the understanding that it is fashionable not to drink and smoke, but to play sports.

It is necessary to conduct special classes on the dangers of alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction in schools. Moreover, they should not be boring, but interesting. Not only teachers should take part in the classes, but also psychologists, narcologists, former alcoholics and drug addicts, who can use their example to tell children about what bad habits lead to.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that ultimately the decision about whether to start smoking, drinking or taking drugs is made by the person himself. It depends on him how his life will turn out, whether he can become a full-fledged member of society or not.

Prevention of bad habits can help someone in adopting the right decision and if even one person, after talking with a psychologist or watching social advertising, says no to bad habits, this will already be a sign that everything was not done in vain!