Raisins - benefits and harm to the body. The sweetest dried fruit is raisins: what are their benefits and harms? Everyday observations and scientific facts about the benefits and harms of raisins for the body

Everyone knows, but shrouded in myths, sweet dried grapes - raisins.

It came to us from the countries of the Near and Middle East, where it is still popular in cooking to this day.

And in Russia, raisins occupy a leading position among dried fruits, due to the preservation of almost all the beneficial microelements of fresh grapes and an unusually pleasant taste. But aren’t the benefits of raisins for the human body exaggerated?

It is worth learning more about this dried fruit and its beneficial properties to answer this question.

Composition, varieties and calorie content of raisins

Raisins contain many beneficial properties due to their unique composition. It is unusually rich in microelements such as boron, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium, because up to 100% of the nutrients of fresh grapes are preserved in this sweet delicacy.

Raisins also contain about 80% of the vitamins that grapes are rich in, mainly B vitamins - B5, B2 and B1, and vitamin PP. It also contains fiber, ash, water and acids such as oleanolic and tartaric.

This dried fruit contains a large amount of sugars, about 85%, which undoubtedly affects its calorie content. The caloric content of raisins is quite high, 100 grams of this product accounts for as much as 264 kcal, so it is not recommended to consume it in large quantities, otherwise the harm of raisins will be greater than its benefit. Protein in 100 grams of this dried fruit is 2.9 g, fat is 0.6 g, and carbohydrates are 66.0 g.

There are 4 varieties of raisins, which are made from different grape varieties, red or white:

1. Light(light brown, golden) - medium-sized raisins made from white and sweet green grape varieties, the trade name of such raisins is “sabza”, and in cooking they are more often called raisins.

2. Yellow– these raisins are made from white grapes with one large seed; the raisins themselves are medium in size.

3. Brown (amber)– this type of raisin is the largest and fleshiest, usually containing several seeds. It is mainly made from a grape variety called lady fingers.

4. Black (dark, slightly burgundy)– raisins, which are made from seedless red grape varieties. It can be both dry and unsweetened, and very sweet. In the field of trade it is called “bidana” or “shigani”. The benefits of dark-colored raisins are undeniable, because during their production the grapes are subject to less chemical treatment. It contains more microelements and vitamins than light types, and it also contains a large amount of antioxidants, which have a positive effect on the immune system.

Regardless of the type of raisins, it is better to choose berries with a tail, since such raisins do not undergo mechanical processing, which means they retain their shape better and remain juicier and rich in various vitamins and microelements.

Each variety is useful in its own way, and what are the benefits of raisins for human health should be considered separately.

So why are raisins so healthy?

Many people ask the question of the benefits of raisins for the human body, because you can buy this dried fruit in any store, and it is widely used in preparing various dishes. But will eating raisins cause harm? Let's look at the benefits of raisins for the body:

1. Due to the content of nicotinic acid and B vitamins in its composition, raisins are beneficial affects the nervous system, has a calming effect and helps normalize sleep.

2. Raisins help get rid of problems with the digestive system and kidneys, and due to its iron content it can help treat anemia.

3. It contains a large amount of fat, so eating raisins is very useful for people who often perform physical activity. This especially applies to athletes who want to quickly gain muscle mass.

4. Eating raisins has positive effects on the heart– strengthens the heart muscle. This is due to the large amount of potassium contained in this dried fruit. Also, thanks to potassium, raisins help fight swelling and have a diuretic property.

5. Health benefits of raisins and immune system is colossal - it helps treat coughs, bronchitis, colds, relieves headaches, and also helps the body recover from illness.

6. There is myth that you can’t eat raisins while on a diet. But despite the high sugar content, eating raisins in moderation can promote weight loss, since they contain substances that promote the breakdown of fats.

7. Phosphorus, boron and calcium help strengthen skeletal system and also prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis

8. Raisins do not provoke tooth decay and have a beneficial effect on the condition gums and oral cavity.

There is a popular belief that raisins even help in the treatment of lichen, jaundice and dysentery, but this information is not scientifically proven. But, despite this, the fact remains that raisins are very beneficial for the body, they help fight many diseases, and they should definitely be included in your diet. However, can this sweet dried fruit be consumed by everyone without exception, and will excessive consumption of raisins cause harm?

What are the harms of raisins?

Since there is always a fly in the ointment in every barrel of honey, then everything could not be so smooth on the issue of the health benefits of raisins.

Of course, this product is useful, but only in moderation. Since the calorie content of raisins is quite high, overuse This sweet dried fruit can lead to obesity.

Due to the high sugar content (to be more precise, 8 times higher than in fresh grapes), raisins are contraindicated for consumption by people suffering from diabetes mellitus

If there are ulcerative processes in the oral cavity, active form tuberculosis lungs or gastric ulcer, then it is also better to avoid eating raisins.

Also, it is not the berries themselves that may pose a danger, but the way they are processed.

You need to take your food choices seriously, and dried fruits, and raisins in particular, even more so.

If the raisins look buttery, smooth and soft, and the color of the berries is uniform, then the raisins have probably been chemically processed.

You can eat such berries, but first it is better to soak them longer in warm water, for at least 15 minutes.

For pregnant and nursing mothers: are the benefits of raisins greater than the harm?

The beneficial properties of raisins are numerous, but many mothers are interested in the question of whether eating raisins will harm the unborn baby? This dried fruit absolutely harmless both for the expectant mother and for the child in the womb, but only with moderate use. If there is a deficiency of iron and magnesium in the body of a pregnant woman, raisins can help fill this deficiency. Also, thanks to iron, the expectant mother can avoid the appearance of anemia, which means that oxygen starvation will not occur in the fetus.

The benefits of raisins for a pregnant woman’s body are undeniable - a handful of this sweet dried fruit can replace one meal, and the body will be saturated with all the necessary microelements and vitamins. Nicotinic acid, which is part of raisins, helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system of the fetus. Calcium and phosphorus contribute to the formation of the fetal skeletal system.

The issue of raisin consumption by nursing mothers is especially relevant. As you know, when breastfeeding you need to adhere to a strict diet and sweets usually have to be excluded. But this, fortunately, does not apply to raisins. These sweet dried berries can be eaten, but in moderation, so as not to provoke allergies in the baby. Raisins also have beneficial properties for nursing mothers, because they helps increase lactation, increase the nutritional value of milk, therefore recommended during lactation.

We can say that pregnant and lactating mothers can and even need to consume raisins, because the benefits of raisins are enormous for both mother and child. But can children eat raisins?

The benefits and harms of raisins for children

Raisins are a product that can be easily purchased at any time of the year. Due to their availability and taste, caring mothers wonder whether raisins are good for children. You can eat this sweet dried fruit from a very early age, but until the child is able to chew the berry on his own, it is better to cut the raisins into pieces. The benefits of raisins for the body were previously covered, as they contain many useful substances and vitamins. Therefore, this product is also useful for the child. Due to the calorie content of raisins, they can easily satisfy your hunger during a walk, and your child will like the sweet taste. It is important that, despite the high sugar content, raisins does not contribute to the development of caries, and even on the contrary, helps fight it. This delicacy can easily replace candy, chocolate and other sweets.

Since raisins contain large amounts of fiber and iron, they help strengthening the immune system, which is especially important for children who spend a lot of time with other children and are more likely than others to contract colds.

But you should not let your child get carried away with these dried berries - the high calorie content of raisins provokes the appearance of fatty deposits, and childhood obesity is much more difficult to treat. And also do not forget about the laxative and diuretic effect of raisins. Therefore, it is better to limit the consumption of this dried fruit to small portions.

The health benefits of raisins are undeniable, so consume Everyone can enjoy this dried fruit! And if someone does not like to eat these berries dry, then there are many interesting recipes using raisins.

The word raisin came into the Russian language from the Turkic language; as you might guess, translated this word means “grapes.” The harvested ripe grapes are dried in the hot sun for two or a little more weeks. This period is affected by weather conditions, so raisins are produced only in those regions where drying in the hot sun for several weeks is possible. It shouldn't rain. Drying is carried out in special places. Nowadays, all dried grapes are called raisins, but this is not entirely correct. Historically, only dried grapes with seeds had the right to be called raisins. And without a seed it should have been called sultana. The properties of fresh and dried grapes are somewhat different, but when properly dried, raisins retain 75-80% of vitamins and up to 100% of microelements.

Black raisins are considered healthier than light ones. Red raisins obtained from pink grapes are rare and in terms of the content of beneficial properties they are inferior to dark ones, but superior to light ones.

Not any grape variety is suitable for making raisins, but only those with thin skin and fleshy pulp. Regions where natural conditions allow the cultivation of grape varieties suitable for making raisins include almost all countries of Central Asia, Iran, India, Turkey, and the state of California in North America. Typically, residents of these countries are well versed in the technology for proper drying of raisins.

When cooked, good raisins lose up to 80% of their moisture; to make 1 kg of raisins you will need at least 4-5 kg ​​of grapes.

Useful properties of raisins

One can talk almost endlessly about the various beneficial properties of raisins, and its magical qualities have been known to people since time immemorial. Moreover, the properties of fresh grapes are strikingly different from the same properties of dried ones, and healers have known about this since ancient times. Raisins have long taken their rightful place in folk medicine.

This product is perfect for strengthening the nervous system and can be used as a sedative. Raisins owe this property to the niacin (nicotinic acid) they contain, as well as B vitamins (B1, B2 and B5), which have the most beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. Raisins can relieve anger and irritability, have a sedative effect, improving sleep; they are indicated for easily excitable people.

Raisins are indispensable for strengthening the functioning of the cardiovascular system, they are incredibly rich in potassium, which activates cardiac muscle work, so doctors often recommend that heart patients consume raisins themselves and a hot or cold decoction of them. Helps well with hypertension. It is recommended to drink raisin infusion in the morning and evening in courses over the course of a month in spring and autumn.

It helps well with lung diseases. It is used for coughs and bronchitis; it promotes the transition of cough from dry and hard to wet and soft. It is also used for a runny nose and sore throat; decoctions of raisins and onions are especially helpful. Raisins contain boron, and due to this suppresses the development of osteoporosis in older people.

It is actively used for diseases of the bladder and kidneys; raisins have a strong diuretic effect. In addition, it helps with a number of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Raisins have a mild choleretic effect; they have long been used as a means of combating constipation, and berries with seeds help with dysentery. Raisins contain the substance arginine, which makes it beneficial for men's health.

The benefits of raisins even include the fact that they can treat lichen. Berries cut in half are applied to the affected areas. The fact that raisins are so healthy is explained by the huge amount of vitamins, mineral salts of metals and organic acids they contain. Raisins are rich in antioxidants. As recent research by scientists has shown, due to its ability to suppress the growth of bacteria, raisins help even with dental diseases and have a beneficial effect on the condition of not only the gums, but also the teeth. Raisins have a strong antibacterial effect thanks to the oleanolic acid that is part of it. It is used for anemia, especially its dark varieties, which are rich in iron.

The content of glucose and fructose in it is as much as 8 times higher than the content of similar substances in fresh berries. Raisins with seeds are more useful than without them. The opinion of herbalists regarding dried fruits can be boiled down to the following: the substances contained in a product from which moisture has been removed become more concentrated, so caution and moderation are important when consuming them.

Types of raisins

Despite the fact that recently you can find a variety of names for raisins on the market, there were and still are four main types. This classification was formed 2500 years ago, and since then (fortunately or not), alas, nothing has changed. Here's what it looks like:

  • light seedless raisins;
  • dark pitted raisins;
  • light olive raisins with one seed;
  • large raisins (with two or three seeds).

Now let's look at all these types in more detail.

Light seedless raisins

These are small raisins that are made from green or white (as they are also called gray) raisins. Other names for this variety - sabza, soyagi, bedona - are found in trade terminology and indicate methods of drying it. For example, soyagi is produced by drying in the shade; this requires special premises. The bedon variety is obtained by ordinary drying in the sun without any processing. To obtain the sabza variety, grapes are first boiled in an alkaline solution and then dried in the open sun.

White raisins contain a very large amount of sugar. This product is very useful for those who have poor health. Its consumption has a beneficial effect on strengthening the immune system. It also has a softening effect on the intestines, working as a gentle laxative. It is widely used for baking and confectionery preparation.

Dark raisins, also known as seedless black raisins

This variety of raisins is obtained from completely seedless dark grape varieties. It appears to be dark burgundy or dark blue in color. Such raisins, in turn, are divided into very and not very sweet, slightly dry. Previously, it was often called “cinnamon”. By analogy with the previous type, dark or black raisins have other names - shagani, avlon, germian. Shagan is obtained by drying in the sun without any processing. Avlon is obtained by drying in the scorching sun with seeds of various varieties, without additional processing. To obtain the germian variety, the best raisin grape varieties are used, but before drying in the sun, they are boiled in alkali.

Dark or black raisins, of course, hold the palm in terms of the content of beneficial properties. It contains a lot of iron and is useful for anemia. It also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Dark raisins are rich in antioxidants. It, like white, is widely used in various cooking and sweet pastries. During heat treatment, it seems to open up, giving off its specific musky aroma.

Red raisins are obtained from pink grape varieties. This is a rare type of raisin, you rarely see it on the shelves. It occupies an intermediate position between light and black raisins.

Light olive raisins with one seed

These are medium sized raisins. It can be called a classic type of raisin. This variety could most often be bought on the shelves of Soviet stores. Raisins with seeds are considered healthier and richer than those without seeds. In the East they even say that depriving a fruit or berry of a seed is the same as depriving it of its soul.

It is good not only for confectionery products, but also for various meat dishes, pilaf, and stuffing poultry. Often in cooking it is combined with apricots or prunes. Ideal for compotes.

Large raisins with two or three seeds

This variety of raisins is the largest, fleshiest and very sweet. It is made from lady finger or germian grapes. It has an amber, very beautiful color, for this property it is sometimes called amber raisin. It looks quite tasty. It can be crushed and pitted and used for baking or making cottage cheese products. With seeds it is used for compotes, fruit drinks, and kvass. After cooking, it retains its rich taste and rich color. This property has also found wide application in cooking.

Raisin production technology

Drying of grapes occurs in the hot sun, under the influence of direct rays. To improve the quality of the product, it is often immersed in a boiling lye solution for just a few seconds before drying.

In California, the harvested crop is laid out on trays, which are placed between the rows of grapes. There it is dried without exposure to sunlight for several, usually two to three weeks, after which the partially dried raisins are placed in low boxes. It dries in them for some time. Then the raisins are sent to the factory, where they undergo all pre-sale preparation processes. Debris and twigs are removed from it, washed, dried again and treated with solutions. After this, they are dried again so that the remaining moisture evaporates, and then, after all these manipulations, they are packaged in various containers. The process is fully automated using machines, and workers only control it at all stages. Next, the raisins go on sale.

Chemical processing of raisins

There are three ways to dry raisins. Two naturally: one in the sun, the second in the shade, and the second method is preferable, since raisins dried in the sun are harder. The third method is with chemical or temperature treatment.

Unfortunately, raisins obtained using the third method appear on the shelves more often due to understandable reasons. It has a more attractive appearance, is not susceptible to damage by pests and is preserved for a long time. Good raisins look faded compared to chemically treated ones, since not a single berry retains its natural color after drying. If you see amber-colored raisins on sale, this may be a product fumigated with sulfur dioxide and colored with dyes.

Properly dried dark raisins have a slight coating, while light raisins look light brown. If you see raisins that are uniformly yellow in color, then they are a processed product. Another sign of good quality: if you toss raisins, when they fall, the berries will make a sound similar to the sound of falling pebbles.

Fumigation with sulfur dioxide is used to kill bacteria and protect against pests. When smoked in sulfur dioxide, the berries become shiny, golden and seemingly transparent. Experts have different opinions about the dangers of such treatment; some say that the chemical is present in such an insignificant amount that it does not harm the body at all, others say that this substance irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.

To add additional shine, raisins can be greased with fat or glycerin. The berries dried in the usual way are matte and do not shine. It is better to soak the raisins before eating, drain the water after a while and rinse well again with not very hot water, since boiling water will destroy most of the vitamins. When cooking compotes, sulfurous acid evaporates.

It happens that unscrupulous manufacturers use gasoline or gas burners and even blowtorches for drying. The berries are laid out on a grid and thus dried. Not only will they absorb harmful carcinogenic substances, but they will also have an unpleasant aftertaste, and the natural aroma will disappear completely during such processing. Such drying must be carried out using a filter system, which is often ignored.

Drying in a tunnel oven is also used; in particular, Iran and Moldova have such installations. A conveyor with berries moves through a special tunnel with heating elements. How raisins will be useful after such drying is a big question. If the berries are picked before they are ripe, their skin will be hard and they will not dry out naturally. Then they are dipped in a solution of non-baking soda, the skin cracks, and the drying process goes faster. But with such processing, part of the juice is lost (and along with it useful substances) and bacteria penetrate. The appearance also suffers from this.

Eating raisins

Raisins are indicated and beneficial for the vast majority of people. It tastes good, it contains an incredible amount of vitamins and microelements that our body needs. You can eat raisins just like that, you can make decoctions, infusions and compotes, or mix them with other products. Raisins are widely used in cooking. It is good in both baking and cottage cheese products. It is added when cooking meat and poultry. In the east there is a whole culture of consuming dried fruits.

But, we must remember that raisins are high in calories, and all the substances in them are in concentrated form, so they should be eaten in small quantities.

Raisins contraindications

Raisins also have contraindications. It should be consumed with caution by people with diabetes, just a few berries a day, after briefly boiling it to reduce the amount of sugar in it. For those who have stomach or duodenal ulcers, it is better to exclude raisins from the diet. The same applies to patients with enterocolitis, active tuberculosis and acute heart failure. Another contraindication is oral ulcers. In all of the above cases, raisins will only cause harm. Obese people should not get carried away with this product due to the high calorie content of raisins. Let's not forget that raisins can be tinted with food coloring, so allergy sufferers should also be careful. In general, it is better to choose raisins that are not very attractive in appearance; there is a greater chance that they have not been processed in any way.

Raisins for children

Children can begin to introduce dried fruits into their diet starting at one year of age. Since raisins are rich in fiber and iron, they will be a good way to prevent anemia. Calcium and boron will help strengthen bones. Let us also remember that raisins improve immunity; they contain many antioxidants, so they are especially indicated for weakened children. In general, it contains such an amount of mineral salts and microelements that the body needs that if there is no individual intolerance, then its consumption will only be beneficial. It can be added to various dishes, for example, casseroles, muffins, porridges, and cooked into compotes. The main thing is to rinse it well before adding it to dishes and let it sit for 15 minutes in water, then drain it and rinse the berries well again. If the child is nervous and cries often, raisins will help calm his nervous system and promote good sleep.

Raisin decoction helps relieve high fever and replenishes fluid lost during sweating in the body. Raisin infusion works well against coughs and bronchitis. And in combination with onions, the infusion is taken for sore throat and runny nose.

Raisins for nursing mothers and pregnant women

Raisins are extremely beneficial for pregnant women. Dark varieties are able to replenish iron deficiency, which is indicated for anemia, which often accompanies pregnant women. No less useful is potassium, which is contained in large quantities in these berries. Since raisins also contain a lot of calcium, they become simply an indispensable product during this period of a woman’s life. An additional advantage is that, unlike natural grapes, this berry does not create an increased content of gases in the intestines.

Raisins are no less useful for nursing mothers. It can enhance lactation, especially if combined with some nuts. But, when breastfeeding, consuming raisins should be approached with caution and monitor the child’s reaction to the introduced product.

Raisins are a common dried fruit around the world, which is widely used in the field of cooking and traditional medicine. It can be either light or dark in color, which directly determines its properties. What are the benefits and harms of raisins for the body? Let's consider in what areas it is used and what types there are.

History of raisins and their description

The history of raisins begins in the 10th century BC – it is from this time that documents about the new delicacy are dated. Then the dried fruit first came to Europe with the help of Phoenician merchants, who brought it on their ship.
There is another date that confirms that the secrets of drying grape berries were known back in ancient Egypt. This is confirmed by frescoes dating back 4,000 years. Raisins quickly gained popularity due to their excellent taste and valuable medicinal properties.
If we talk about the description of raisins, then they are small dried berries from an amber-olive hue to dark blue, and sometimes black.

Calorie content of black and white raisins

The calorie content of white raisins is 270 kcal, but there are varieties that can have more than 300 kcal per 100 grams of dried fruit. Dried wineberries contain antioxidants that reduce bacterial growth.
The calorie content of black raisins ranges from 254 to 264 kcal. It is considered more useful than light. The number of calories in dried fruits may vary. It all depends on the color of the grapes from which it is made

The benefits of raisins for men and women. Can it be harmful?

Dried wine berries can be useful for both the fair and strong half of humanity. The B vitamins contained in raisins have a positive effect on the nervous system, strengthen heart function and improve blood circulation. For people who suffer from hypertension, this dried fruit should occupy an important place in the diet. Raisins help the body develop resistance to infectious diseases. It is used in the fight against ARVI, colds, coughs and runny nose.
The benefits of raisins for women have been proven by many experts. If we talk about the same vitamin B, then everyone knows that women are more susceptible to stress due to increased emotionality. If raisins become part of a woman’s daily diet, she will be able to get rid of insomnia and improve her emotional state.
Raisins prevent the leaching of calcium from the body, and this is very important for women. The fact is that during menopause, hormonal changes in the body occur, which increases the risk of developing osteoporosis. The beneficial minerals that make up raisins have a positive effect on the condition of a woman’s teeth and hair.
For men, the benefit of raisins is that it affects the reproductive system. It gives strength in the intimate sphere. This dried fruit is especially useful after 40 years, since previous health begins to weaken. Proper nutrition can help support it.
Raisins contain many useful acids, vitamins and minerals, so their regular consumption (within normal limits) helps prevent the occurrence of certain diseases and strengthen the immune system.
Important! Do not forget that raisins are harmful if consumed in excess. The daily intake of this dried fruit for an adult is 50 grams.
If you overuse this sweetness, you can develop an allergy that is difficult to combat. In addition, this delicacy is not only harmful, but is contraindicated for diabetes mellitus, gastric ulcers and closed form of tuberculosis.

Main types of raisins

Experts distinguish four main types of raisins:
  • quiche-mish (sabza)
  • currant (shigani, bidana)
  • medium dried berry
  • large wine berry with seeds
Quiche-mish is a light-colored, small, seedless raisin. It is produced from green and white grape varieties. The name quiche-mish is associated with the translation from Arabic of “dried grapes.” In trade, this type of dried fruit is called sabza.
Corinka is the name for several subspecies of pitted dried fruit of dark shades, which differ in the degree of sweetness. These raisins also have no seeds, but are divided into two subgroups: overly sweet and moderately sweet.
The third variety has a light shade, and there may be one seed inside the berry. The size of these raisins is small to medium.
The last type of raisin is obtained from a variety known to many - lady fingers; it is very sweet and meaty, large in size. There may be several seeds per berry.

Which raisins are the healthiest? Dark or light

Many lovers of dried fruits are interested in which raisins are healthier: dark or light? The fact is that preservatives are used to preserve the color of light dried berries, which allows it to be stored for a long time. Light-colored raisins themselves are often damp, and if they were without additives, they would simply rot.
If the technology for drying and preparing raisins was without the use of preservatives, then their color will be light brown. The berries do not have a noticeable shine, and they are also extremely dry. It is these raisins that are considered the most useful, because they retain all the properties of a wine berry.
Advice: choose berries of dark shades, matte without shine. The raisins should be relatively dry, without any defects.

Areas of application of raisins

In fact, the use of raisins does not end in the culinary sphere. I often use it as a remedy. This dried fruit is especially useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Raisins help with gastritis

Raisins for gastritis are used in the form of a decoction with the addition of oats or rolled oats. It envelops the gastric mucosa and also relieves pain and inflammation.
Half a glass of dried berries needs to be washed, mixed with a glass of oats or rolled oats, pour in 2 glasses of water and put on low heat. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes, then let it settle. Drink the resulting decoction half a glass 30 minutes before meals.

Raisins for liver cleansing

Raisins are used to cleanse the liver along with grated carrots and water. You need to take one part raisins, one part carrots and two parts water. Cook this mixture over low heat for half an hour. Separately, you need to store the squeezed pulp and the resulting decoction in the refrigerator. For breakfast, before meals, eat 2 tablespoons of the gruel, and before bed, half a glass of the broth.

The benefits of raisins for the heart: video

Translated from Turkish, “raisin” means dried grapes. Four types of raisins are bottled: light, small, seedless raisins from sweet green and white (gray) grape varieties. Most often it is called kishmish (culinary name), or sabza (modern trade name); dark, almost black or blue, and more often dark burgundy seedless raisins, according to old culinary terminology - “cinnamon”, in modern trade terminology - “bdana”, or “shigani”. It has two main varieties: very sweet and slightly sweet, with a dryish consistency; light olive color, medium size, regular raisins with one seed; large, fleshy, very sweet, pleasant to the taste, with two or three large seeds. It is obtained from the Husayne grape variety - “lady fingers” or from germian.

Each type of raisin has found its application in culinary practice. For confectionery and bakery products, the first two types are used. The second type of raisins is added to Easter cakes, biscuits and muffins. The third is used to make compotes and add them to pilaf and meat dishes.

Large raisins with seeds have found quite a variety of uses. It is added to kvass, fruit drinks, and other drinks, and used as a dried fruit. In crushed form, it is added to puddings and confectionery products.

Chemical composition of raisins

Since raisins are dried grapes, there is little water in them, but the calorie content of raisins is quite high. The entire value of dried berries lies in the content of organic acids, minerals and vitamins.

Any dried fruit is good for our body, and all because in 100 g of the product the concentration of nutrients is higher than in fresh fruit. Due to its chemical composition, vitamins and minerals, raisins are useful as a biological supplement in the treatment of many diseases. More specifically: raisins are rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP (nicotinic acid), sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron.

Vitamins in raisins:

What microelements are contained in raisins:

Useful properties of raisins

Of course, the beneficial properties of raisins are due to their chemical composition and content of vitamins and minerals. Dried grapes contain the most potassium, an active fighter for the excellent functioning of the heart muscle: 100 g of the product contains 860 mg of this element.

Potassium not only activates the heart, but also helps regulate the acid-base balance in the blood, and also has a beneficial effect on brain function.

This element from the periodic table has excellent diuretic properties, which is why raisins are useful in the fight against kidney diseases. In addition, potassium can help remove dangerous toxins from the body in case of poisoning.

The use of raisins in folk medicine has also found wide application. The beneficial properties of raisins are used to treat pneumonia, bronchitis, lichen, and boils.

The effect of raisins on our body differs from the effects of grapes. By consuming dried grapes in their pure form and including them in various products, we strengthen the heart, lungs, nervous system, and kidneys. This dried fruit is known as a master of anger suppression, which means it is quite useful for all nervous people.

Iron, of which 100 g of healthy dried fruit contains 3 mg (which is almost 17% of the daily requirement), prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia, normalizing the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

So, the beneficial properties of raisins are used for the following problems in the body:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • kidney problems;
  • nervous tension, stress, depression;
  • decreased hemoglobin;
  • lung diseases, including colds: cough, bronchitis, hoarseness.

Recipe for eating raisins for coughs: soak 30 g of dried grapes in water for 45 minutes and eat with milk in the evenings.

The dried fruit in question contains substances that stop the growth of bacteria that cause caries and gum disease.

But raisins are useful not only as a remedy: in cooking, not a single cupcake or Easter cake can do without raisins.

Raisins: harm and contraindications

Despite all the benefits of dried grapes, this product is not for everyone. It should not be used for the following diseases:

  • acute heart failure;
  • active pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • obesity;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • ulcerative processes in the oral cavity;
  • enterocolitis.

Benefits of raisins for women

What are the benefits of raisins for women? Basically, these are the above-mentioned beneficial effects of the popular dried fruit. Sleep is normalized, stress goes away, and the risk of osteoporosis, which is often found in women after 45 years, is reduced. Raisins promote normal bowel function. Thanks to oleic acid, dried grapes support healthy skin.

Raisins also normalize hemoglobin levels. The iron contained in the dried fruit will help with heavy menstrual bleeding and during menopause. We can pamper ourselves with masks made from fresh grapes. You can read about this in my article Grapes - any skin type is happy with it!

The benefits of raisins for men

There are also benefits of raisins for men. It is recommended for athletes and for heavy physical activity. With raisins, strength is restored and energy is delivered to the body. With proteins, dried fruit gives an increase in muscle mass, which is used by bodybuilders.

The amino acid arginine in raisins helps with impotence and increases sexual desire. Potassium normalizes the genitourinary area and helps remove toxic compounds. Therefore, this dried fruit is used as a prostatitis prevention.

The benefits and harms of raisins during pregnancy

Pregnancy is an amazing period for a woman. But this situation requires you to be more attentive to your health and nutrition. In particular, eat only healthy and high-quality foods.

Raisins will undoubtedly be beneficial for pregnant women as a source of minerals and vitamins.

It is known that a common problem among expectant mothers is low hemoglobin levels and the development of anemia. Raisins during pregnancy will help you cope with this and many other problems. It is useful to combine raisins with other dried fruits - dried apricots and prunes; it is the high concentration of biologically active substances that has a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the expectant mother, but also on the development of all organs and systems in the child.

The need for many elements increases during pregnancy. These include calcium, because it is responsible for the development of bone tissue in a child. If the child does not have enough calcium, the woman’s body gives up its reserves.

Potassium, which is sufficient in dry grapes, will help lower blood pressure and reduce swelling. Nicotinic acid, folic acid and biotin lower blood cholesterol levels and have a great effect on the circulatory system of both the baby and the mother. Calcium and boron, potassium and magnesium, iron and chlorine help the pregnant woman’s body maintain normal heart function and form the skeletal system of the fetus.

So the benefits of raisins for pregnant women are obvious. A mixture of dried fruits can be an excellent replacement for any sweets; they can be used as a snack if you have weight problems. Nursing mothers can increase their milk supply by including a dish of raisins and a small amount of any nuts in their diet, as this dried fruit helps increase lactation.

It is difficult not to notice that the calorie content of raisins is quite high, and if a woman is overweight or has high blood sugar, then she should not eat raisins during pregnancy. All other contraindications to consuming raisins remain the same.

What kind of raisins can pregnant women eat?

We have already written that dried grapes come in four types:

  1. Dark blue, almost black seedless raisins.
  2. Light yellow or pale green seedless, smaller than dark blue.
  3. Green with one large seed, similar in size to olives.
  4. Large green and blue raisins. It is very sweet and each dried berry has seeds inside.

Of all the varieties of raisins, the dark ones are considered the most valuable for the expectant mother and her baby.

In order for raisins to bring maximum benefits, they must be selected and consumed correctly.

How to choose good and high-quality raisins? A good dried fruit has a sweetish or sweet-sour taste. If a dried fruit is more sour than sweet, and even more so if it has a bitter aftertaste, it means that during its production the rules of drying, transportation or storage were violated, which makes it unsuitable for food.

Of course, the best product is the one you prepare yourself. But who dries grapes at home these days, much less in an apartment? If you purchase a product at the market or in a store, then pay attention to the color of the berry. White grape varieties produce light brown or yellowish raisins. If the berry is well pigmented and has a rich yellow color, then it means that during storage it was treated with chemicals, dyes and even, possibly, flavor enhancers.

This berry brings little benefit and causes severe stomach upset and indigestion. Surface texture is also important. Good raisins should be wrinkled and dried with a dry surface. A wet and juicy berry indicates that the technology for its processing and storage has been violated, which means you will receive less benefit.

Raisins for children

Can it be given to a child? Dried grapes themselves are beneficial to the body, but there are a number of reasons why mothers try not to let their children (and especially infants) eat them: The baby may choke. Sticky berries are difficult to chew, especially when the child still has few teeth. Some types of earfruits are dried chemically, which makes the product not very useful. Small, wrinkled fruits are difficult to wash off from contamination. The baby's digestive system is not yet able to digest raisins, as well as other dried fruits. Does this mean that raisins are dangerous or harmful to children and should be excluded from children's diets? Not at all. To a one and a half year old baby who has already learned to chew food well, this product can be given in its pure form. For babies who have not yet acquired milk teeth, dried grapes will also be useful. But in this case, in the form of a decoction, compote and other tasty and healthy drink. So the product can be eaten by children.

Can children eat raisins and at what age? Children over 1.5 years old can be given raisins in their pure form, but only under adult supervision, because a child can choke on small dried berries.

Over 1.5-2 years old, raisins can be given instead of candies and other sweets, added to porridge, cookies, cottage cheese casserole, cheesecakes and other healthy dishes. But no more than 1 teaspoon per day. Children are given raisins only without seeds! Choose a matte raisin color for children. Under no circumstances buy beautiful glossy berries.

First, raisins must be scalded with boiling water, then soaked in hot water for half an hour, rinsed thoroughly and the stems cut off. And you definitely need to take into account the characteristics of your child and discuss nutrition with your pediatrician.

This dried fruit is very healthy, and even kids like its sweet taste. At what age can it be given to children?

Dried grapes themselves are beneficial to the body, but there are a number of reasons why mothers try not to let their children (and especially infants) eat them: The baby may choke. Sticky berries are difficult to chew, especially when the child still has few teeth. Some types of raisins are dried chemically, which makes the product not very healthy. Small, wrinkled fruits are difficult to wash off from contamination. The baby's digestive system is not yet able to digest raisins, as well as other dried fruits. Does this mean that raisins are dangerous or harmful to children and should be excluded from children's diets? Not at all.

Raisins (or dried grapes) are a great alternative to store-bought sweets when it comes to feeding your baby.

Raisins - benefits and harms for the body of women and men

What are raisins?

Today, most raisins are made from a grape called "White Kishmish", which is native to Central Asia and the Middle East. To produce raisins, grapes are placed on brown paper trays and allowed to dry in the sun. This natural sun drying process turns the grapes into raisins.

The oxidation and caramelization of sugars during this process results in the natural dark brown color of raisins. It is traditionally sun-dried, but can also be produced by artificial dehydration.

In many developed countries, raisins are obtained by mechanically drying sultanas. The grapes are picked from the vine, washed in clean water and then in hot water to soften their skins. Clean bunches of grapes are stacked on wooden racks and sent through gas tunnel dryers where hot air is forced into and around the racks. When dried, the grapes are exposed to sulfur dioxide gas to prevent oxidation and caramelization, allowing the raisins to dry out, in the process giving them their characteristic golden color.

When it comes to the nutritional value of raisins, they have a significant concentration of phenolic compounds, which play a role in the prevention and treatment of cancer (). Raisins contain the following phenolic compounds:

  • Quinic acid;
  • Gallic acid;
  • Chlorogenic acid;
  • Caffeic acid;
  • Catechins;
  • Epicatechin.

While many people avoid sulfur dioxide (especially those with allergies), golden raisins contain more of some health-promoting compounds because the antioxidant effect of the sulfite used to produce them prevents the loss of these compounds ().

Golden raisins were found to have the highest antioxidant capacity and phenolic content compared to grapes and sun-dried raisins (). In general, the drying process preserves and concentrates the antioxidant capacity of raisins, making them even more beneficial than fresh grapes ().

Nutritional value, composition and calorie content of raisins

Raisins are dried grapes, which are the fruit of the plant Vitis vinifera. Currently there are three main types:

  1. sun dried (natural);
  2. artificially dried;
  3. treated with sulfur dioxide.

Unlike other dried fruits, which usually have sweeteners added during the drying process, raisins are produced without added sugar. These delicious dried fruits are rich in potassium, iron and other essential nutrients, but without saturated fat or cholesterol.

100 grams of seedless raisins contain (% of the recommended daily intake) ():

  • Calorie content: 299 kcal (15%).
  • Carbohydrates: 79.2 g (26%).
  • Fiber: 3.7 g (15%).
  • Fat: 0.5 g (1%).
  • Protein: 3.1 g (6%).
  • Vitamin C: 2.3 mg (4%).
  • Vitamin K: 3.5 mcg (4%).
  • Thiamine: 0.1 mg (7%).
  • Riboflavin: 0.1 mg (7%).
  • Niacin: 0.8 mg (4%).
  • Vitamin B6: 0.2 mg (9%).
  • Calcium: 50 mg (5%).
  • Iron: 1.9 mg (10%).
  • : 32 mg (8%).
  • Phosphorus: 101 mg (10%).
  • Potassium: 749 mg (21%).
  • Copper: 0.3 mg (16%).
  • : 0.3 mg (15%).
  • : 7 mg.
  • : 29 mg.

The benefits of raisins for the human body

What are the benefits of raisins for human health? This dried fruit contains polyphenols, antioxidants, flavonoids and nutrients that can benefit your health. Here are some of the outstanding health benefits of raisins that can help you live a healthier life.

1. Reduces the likelihood of cavities and gum disease

Unlike what you might expect from sweet and sticky dried fruits, raisins may actually improve your oral health. Research published in the journal Phytochemistry Letters, found that raisins may benefit oral health because the dried fruit has antimicrobial phytochemicals that inhibit the growth of bacteria associated with dental caries and gum disease.

One of the five phytochemicals identified in raisins is oleanolic acid. In a study, oleanolic acid inhibited the growth of two types of oral bacteria: Streptococcus mutans, which causes tooth decay, and Porphyromonas gingivalis, which causes periodontal disease and gum disease. So even though raisins are sweet, eating them actually helps prevent cavities ()!

2. Prevents gastrointestinal problems

Raisins are great for helping the digestive tract function, preventing conditions such as constipation and diarrhea. It contains both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, which helps maintain normal bowel movements, reducing constipation but also preventing loose stools.

Dried fruits may contain more calories than fresh fruits, but they also have higher amounts of fiber. For example, 100 grams of Kishmish grapes contain 0.9 grams of fiber (), and 100 grams of raisins produced from them contain 3.7 grams of fiber. By adding this product to your diet, you quickly and easily add fiber to your culinary creations, which promotes gastrointestinal health ().

3. Lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke

Data presented at the 61st Annual Scientific Session American College of Cardiology in 2012, suggests that people with mild increases in blood pressure may benefit from regular raisins as a blood pressure-lowering agent, taken three times a day. Researchers have found that consuming it daily can significantly reduce blood pressure, especially compared to eating other common snacks ().

Raisins are also rich in a heart-healthy electrolyte called potassium. Therefore, regular consumption of it helps prevent low potassium levels, a common problem among people in developed countries. Potassium is an extremely important mineral for the proper function of all cells, tissues and organs in the human body. People who get plenty of potassium from their diet have a lower risk of stroke, especially ischemic stroke ().

4. Helps in the fight against diabetes

A randomized trial conducted in 2015 assessed the effects of eating dark raisins in one group of subjects and eating processed snacks in another on glucose levels and other cardiovascular risk factors among patients with type 2 diabetes.

This study found that those who consumed raisins experienced a 23% reduction in postprandial glucose levels. Those who consumed raisins also had a 19% reduction in fasting glucose levels and a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure. Overall, research confirms that this dried fruit is a healthy choice for patients with type 2 diabetes ().

When you eat raisins, the fiber they contain also helps your body process the sugars coming from them, which helps naturally prevent spikes in insulin levels.

5. Helps prevent cancer

Research shows that dried fruits, especially raisins and raisins, contain high levels of phenolic compounds that have stronger antioxidant properties than those found in some fresh fruits. Antioxidants are extremely important to our health because they prevent cellular damage inside our organs that is caused by free radicals, which are highly reactive chemicals.

Free radicals are one of the main factors that lead to the spontaneous growth of cancer cells as well as the spread of cancer, so consuming foods rich in antioxidants helps in natural cancer prevention. By including raisins in your diet, you can not only increase your antioxidant levels, but you can also reduce cell damage and prevent cancer (,).

History of raisins and interesting facts

Raisins were first cultivated in Egypt and Persia more than 4,000 years ago. Dried grapes or raisins are mentioned several times in the Bible, including when David (the future king of the people of Israel) was given one hundred bunches of raisins, which probably occurred between 1110 and 1070 BC.

The early Romans and Greeks were known to decorate places of worship with raisins. It was also used as prizes given to winners in sporting events.

Until the 20th century, the main producers of raisins were Greece, Iran and Turkey. By the mid-20th century, the USA and Australia were among the largest steel producers ().

While raisins are produced primarily from a grape variety called "White Kishmish", these grapes are also widely used for fresh consumption, juice concentrate preparation and wine production.

How to use and store raisins

This dried fruit can be eaten plain as a snack or can be added to rice dishes, fillings, salads, cold or hot cereals (such as granola and oatmeal), puddings and baked goods. Raisins are usually combined with nuts, seeds and other dried fruits to make granola.

When added to baked goods such as cookies or cakes, raisins help retain moisture in the final products. You can also add it to fresh fruit or vegetable salads, as well as pasta and grain salads.

Store raisins in a cool, dry, dark place. After opening the package, keep it tightly closed using a clothespin or rubber band. It can also be placed in a sealed plastic bag for storage. Storing raisins in the refrigerator extends their freshness for up to one year. Avoid storing in a kitchen cabinet that may be warm (especially near a stove) because high temperatures can cause the raisins to lose their moisture more quickly.

Harm of raisins to the human body

So, why are raisins harmful to human health?

The natural sugar present in raisins is easily absorbed by the body and can provide a big boost in energy. Therefore, you should not eat too much of this product so that you do not overdo it with your sugar intake.

As with other dried fruits, if you're watching your weight, you definitely don't want to overdo your carb intake, which raisins are high in. Just consume it in reasonable quantities.

Raisins treated with sulfur dioxide (such as golden ones) may worsen asthma and other allergic reactions in people with sulfur sensitivity. Read labels carefully to avoid sulfur dioxide. Naturally sun-dried raisins are your best choice if you are concerned about sulfur dioxide.

If you have a dog, don't give it raisins. It is not clear why, but this dried fruit can cause kidney failure in dogs. This is why this dried fruit is usually included in lists of foods that should not be fed to pets ().


  • Most raisins are made from seedless grapes called White Kishish.
  • To produce it, grapes are placed on brown paper trays and dried in the sun.
  • Raisins are traditionally sun dried, but they can also be artificially dehydrated.
  • There are three main types of raisins - sun-dried (natural), artificially dried and treated with sulfur dioxide.
  • Raisins are rich in fiber, potassium, iron and other essential nutrients. It contains no saturated fat, cholesterol or...
  • It contains polyphenols, antioxidants, flavonoids and nutrients that can benefit the entire body.
  • Raisins reduce the risk of cavities and gum disease, aid digestion, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke, help manage diabetes and prevent cancer.
  • It is a great snack food on its own, but can also be added to many dishes and baked goods.