Time to take ascorbic acid. Daily value of vitamin C for humans

Many studies prove that vitamin C is one of the essential microelements, which are involved in most vital processes in the human body. It is found in many products, but its main carrier is ascorbic acid, dosage and correct technique which are very important for the regulation acid balance in organism.

Ascorbic acid: benefits, who needs it?

Ascorbic acid is extremely necessary for the treatment of colds and. Exist certain symptoms its lack in human body. These include paleness skin, weakened immune protection, prolonged wound healing, bleeding gums and dental diseases(wobbly teeth, frequent), feeling of general malaise, insomnia, and much more.

Under influence ascorbic acid, the following processes are observed in the human body:

  • hemoglobin increases, blood composition improves;
  • the cardiovascular system is strengthened;
  • the condition of nails, skin, hair and the whole body as a whole improves;
  • a rejuvenating effect is observed.

It is important to remember that if the correct dosages are not followed, ascorbic acid can be harmful and even dangerous for humans. Prescribing even this is quite safe drug Only a doctor should, for certain indications. He must prescribe a certain dosage and duration of therapy.

Video “Vitamin C for children and adults”

Informational video with a description of the drug, as well as recommendations for taking ascorbic acid for children and adults.

Ascorbic acid for colds: dosage and amount of vitamin C needed

Before taking any drug, you should read its instructions in detail; ascorbic acid is no exception. There are three types of vitamin C uses:

  • in tablet form;
  • intravenously;
  • intramuscularly.

Regardless of the form of release of the drug, the dosage of ascorbic acid per day for each individual patient should only be prescribed by a qualified physician.

As a rule, for children and adults with colds or for the purpose of prevention, ascorbic acid is prescribed in tablets or in the form of dragees. This is the most convenient way to use it. The daily dose of the drug is calculated depending on age category person, his height and weight. It is most often recommended to take vitamins after meals.

The required dosage per day depends on many factors. During the period of prevention, it averages from 0.05 g to 100 mg. With regular physical, mental and emotional stress, in the presence of infectious viral diseases and during the period, the therapeutic daily dose of ascorbic acid should be increased to 500-1500 mg.

Ascorbic acid: dosage for adults

  1. In tablet form. The recommended dose for preventive maintenance of immunity is 0.05-0.1 g, 2 times a day. When treating viral diseases, the dosage is doubled - 1 tablet. 3 times a day.
  2. In the form of dragees. To replenish general condition of this acidic element in the body, 1 tablet with a dosage of 0.05 no more than 1-2 times a day is enough. For therapeutic purposes, up to 5 appointments are allowed.
  3. In powder form. For prevention, powder dissolved in water is taken from 50-100 ml per day after meals, for treatment - from 300-500 ml. One liter of water requires 1000 mg of powder.
  4. In ampoules. When taking the drug intramuscularly or intravenously, sodium ascorbate is used in the form of a five percent solution. For preventive purposes this form does not apply. The therapeutic dose for the patient is 1-5 ml up to three times a day.

Dosage of ascorbic acid during pregnancy

The prescription of ascorbic acid for pregnant women occurs only at the discretion of the gynecologist. Self-administration of vitamins is unacceptable, since their imbalance and the risk of overdose pose a danger to the baby, especially during the first trimester. Excessive concentration of ascorbic acid in the body can cause ascorbic acid disease, scurvy and other dangerous complications in a child.

Taking into account all the precautions, taking ascorbic acid is allowed only when necessary. This trace element V correct dosage necessary for the implementation of many processes that affect the development and normal height fetus In addition, ascorbic acid is prescribed to prevent bleeding that is possible during childbirth. The maximum daily dose for pregnant women is no more than 60 mg during the second and third trimester.

Rules for taking vitamin C for pregnant women

  1. In tablet form. If there are absolutely no contraindications, then the maximum intake should be 2-4 tablets per day, with a dosage of 25 mg. In the first trimester - no more than 60 mg per day.
  2. In the form of dragees. Prescribed in the second trimester. The daily dose is 1-2 tablets containing 50 mg of acid each.
  3. In powder form. During pregnancy, no more than 60 mg per day is allowed, during breastfeeding - no more than 80 mg. The powder dissolves in a strict dosage: 1 g of powder is allowed per 1 liter.
  4. In ampoules. Most often, they try to avoid prescribing this form of the drug. If necessary, an injection of a five percent solution with a dosage of 1-1.5 ml is given once a day.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances; all prescriptions of ascorbic acid during pregnancy should be carried out only by a qualified specialist.

Dosage of ascorbic acid for children

Preparations containing ascorbic acid are not recommended for children under one year old. Tablets with a dosage of 25 mg are allowed to be used from the age of three, and pills with a dosage of 50 mg - from the age of five. However, pediatricians often prescribe this medication for younger age for the purpose of prevention and treatment. It is strictly forbidden to do this on your own, so as not to harm the baby.

The permissible dosage for children is 50-100 mg, twice or thrice a day. The first time you need to monitor the reaction child's body for this vitamin, since they are not excluded allergic reactions.

Dosages of ascorbic acid and glucose

Ascorbic acid and glucose are the most powerful natural antioxidants, without which various biochemical processes cannot fully occur. He provides positive impact on the liver and kidneys, removes toxic substances from them. It also has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects, improves blood circulation and iron absorption, and accelerates metabolism.

Most often, the paired administration of ascorbic acid and glucose is done in order to increase the protective function of the body and normalize the hormonal production of the thyroid and adrenal glands.

The dosage of drugs is calculated by the doctor taking into account the characteristics of the individual patient.

For prevention and treatment, children are prescribed a dosage of 50 and 100 mg per day, adults - 100 and 150 mg. Preventive and treatment course lasts no more than two weeks.

Overdose of ascorbic acid: symptoms and consequences

Everything should be in moderation! Especially when it comes to health. Excess in the body of various useful substances no less dangerous than their deficiency. Therefore, when taking ascorbic acid, it is very important not to overdose on it, as this is fraught with consequences for the body in the form of intoxication.

Eating natural foods with high content vitamin C, you should stop using artificial drugs for a while. So, citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons), greens (parsley, dill, spinach), berries (red and black currants, gooseberries) are rich in vitamin C.

Manifestation the following symptoms should signal possible overdose ascorbic acid:

  • the occurrence of nausea, dizziness and general weakness;
  • manifestation of irritability and nervousness;
  • lack of sleep and sleep disturbances;
  • appearance, stool disorder;
  • gagging, stomach pain;
  • appearance .

All this may indicate a high concentration of vitamin C in the body. If any symptoms or illness appear, you should definitely consult a doctor. To avoid overdose, it is important to adhere to the established individual daily intake, balancing the intake of ascorbic acid with natural products which contain it in large quantities.

Video “Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency, and how to replenish it?”

A video program that describes in detail the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency in the body, as well as ways to replenish its reserves using food.

For normal functioning, our body urgently needs vitamins. Including very important, also known as “ascorbic acid”. In our article we will talk about its benefits, the reasons for deficiency and excess, and also give daily requirement depending on age.

Ascorbic acid(colloquially - ascorbic acid) belongs to the group, is powerful antioxidant, regulates redox processes, takes an active part in the production of collagen and procollagen, necessary for metabolic processes folic acid And .
Thanks to its effect, the blood clotting rate is regulated and the condition of the capillaries is normalized. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects.

Important! You should not take vitamin C empty stomach, as it increases acidity, which can cause the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

Ascorbic acid protects the body from negative impacts and stress. In addition, it helps to enhance reparative processes and increase resistance to various infections.

Due to its water solubility, it cannot accumulate in the body, so its supply must be constantly replenished.

Daily consumption rate

Depending on age, the human body requires different amounts of ascorbic acid. Let's consider su exact dosage.

For babies

The daily intake for infants under 5 months is 30 mg. From six months you can increase the dosage to 35 mg per day.

For girls and boys aged 1 to 3 years daily dosage is 40 mg, from 4 years to 10 years of age the norm can be increased to 45 mg, and from 10 to 11 years old child You can give 50 mg per day.

For boys and girls

For both boys and girls, the daily intake of ascorbic acid is 60 mg.

For adults

For adults, the daily dose of ascorbic acid is 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women.

For the elderly

The daily intake of ascorbic acid for people over 50 years of age is 100 mg.

During illness, the immune system weakens, so the human body needs an increased dosage. It is recommended to consume 500-1000 mg every day, depending on the patient’s condition.

For pregnant

During pregnancy, the daily dose increases, since not only the woman, but also the fetus needs ascorbic acid. It is recommended to take 200-400 mg of ascorbic acid every day. During lactation, the norm should also be increased.

For athletes

Since athletes are exposed to great physical activity, the daily dose for them is significantly higher than for ordinary person, and is 200-300 mg.

We present to your attention a list of products with the greatest content ascorbic acid (per 100 g of product):

  • - 450-600 mg;
  • red pepper - 180-250 mg;
  • black currant - 180-200 mg;
  • green pepper - 130-150 mg;
  • - 100-120 mg;
  • - 80-90 mg;
  • - 70 mg;
  • - 50-60 mg;
  • - 50-60 mg;
  • - 45 mg;
  • - 40-45 mg;
  • - 30-40 mg;
  • - 15-20 mg.

How is vitamin preserved during cooking?

Let's look at the example of potatoes, fresh cabbage and sauerkraut what is the loss of vitamin C during different types processing.


  • when boiling in their uniforms, if immersed in cold water - 25%;
  • during normal cooking, if immersed in cold water - 35%;
  • during normal cooking, if immersed in boiling water - 75%;
  • if cooked in soup - 50%;
  • if stewed - 80%;
  • if you make puree - 72-88%.

Fresh cabbage:

  • if cooked in soup - 20-50%;
  • if simmering - 70%.
  • if cooked - 50%;
  • if stewing - 20-65%.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the required level of ascorbic acid for the body from foods. In this case, they come to the rescue special drugs, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

  • "Vitamin C Nycomed";
  • "Asvitol";
  • "Vitrum plus vitamin C";
  • "Upsavit vitamin C."

In addition, in any pharmacy you can purchase the well-known ascorbic acid in tablets packaged in the form big candy. Most often, one tablet contains 25 mg of ascorbic acid. The advantage of this drug is its interesting packaging and good taste. They come in strawberry, raspberry, orange and other flavors that kids really like.

Did you know? The body of many animals, for example, cats, is capable of independently synthesizing vitamin C from glucose, unlike the human body, which has lost this ability and is forced to receive ascorbic acid either through food or through the use of medications.

Possible problems: danger of excess vitamin C

Do not think that the more you consume ascorbic acid, the better. An excess of ascorbic acid can be harmful.

The WHO Committee introduced special concepts “unconditionally permissible daily dose of vitamin C” and “conditionally permissible dose vitamin C." The first is calculated at the rate of 2.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight, and the second - 7.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

Exceeding the conditionally permissible dose is the reason that occurs in such situations:

  • in winter and spring, in order to protect themselves from diseases, people often unnecessarily exceed the dosage;
  • consuming large amounts of foods containing ascorbic acid;
  • taking too large doses to treat illnesses.


The main symptoms include:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • allergic reactions on the skin;
  • stomach irritation;
  • decreased concentration;
  • damage to tooth enamel;
  • promotion blood pressure;
  • deterioration in the functioning of the pancreas.

In addition to possible similar effects, ascorbic acid should be taken with extreme caution by people suffering from diabetes mellitus having increased clotting blood and a tendency to form blood clots.

What to do

There are two types of overdose: chronic and one-time. In chronic cases, it is recommended to drink a lot of water. Thanks to the incoming water, the kidneys can quickly remove the substance from the body.

Important! Young children should be given ascorbic acid gradually, starting with very small doses, as it can cause allergic reactions.

The second type is a one-time overdose. Most often it occurs if the permissible dose is exceeded by 20 or more times. In this case, you need to start taking certain measures as soon as possible so that the acid does not have time to be absorbed, namely:

Perform stomach cleansing. To do this, induce vomiting and drink a large number of water. This will help prevent dehydration, the stomach will be flushed, and the acid will not enter the blood. Take activated carbon.

If you realize that you have consumed too much ascorbic acid, you need to temporarily eliminate foods containing it from your diet.

What are the dangers of vitamin C deficiency?

A lack of ascorbic acid in the body can also lead to negative consequences.

The main causes of hypovitaminosis include:

  • poor nutrition- insufficient amount of vegetables and fruits in the menu, their consumption after heat treatment;
  • presence of gastrointestinal diseases- as a result, the absorption of acid in the intestine is impaired;
  • metabolic disease, malfunctions thyroid gland - at the same time, vitamins are intensively removed from the body;
  • periods, when the body needs ascorbic acid more than usual- pregnancy, lactation, infections, stress.


Among the main symptoms of hypovitaminosis are the following:

  • a feeling of fatigue quickly sets in;
  • performance is significantly reduced;
  • colds occur frequently;
  • headache;
  • severe irritability is felt throughout the day;
  • problems with sleep are noted;
  • the skin became pale;
  • often aches muscles;
  • When the skin is damaged, bleeding increases.

Did you know? Nowadays, all animals, plants and people need vitamin C. There is only one exception - yeast: they need a completely different form of ascorbic acid.

What to do

To replenish the concentration of vitamin C in the body, use the following recommendations:

  • include more fruits and vegetables in your diet;
  • give up bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • avoid stress and hypothermia;
  • sleep at least 8 hours;
  • Take 100-200 mg of vitamin C daily.

In order not to harm your health, you should be especially careful with the dosage of ascorbic acid. You should not exceed the recommended dose, and if you have any diseases, you should consult with your doctor about whether you can take a particular dose.

In addition, under no circumstances should you engage in self-diagnosis or prescribe ascorbic acid without your doctor’s knowledge. Remember that taking too much or small quantity can significantly harm your health.

Useful vitamins

In addition to ascorbic acid, there are other healthy vitamins. Let's look at them.

Vitamin A

This vitamin belongs to the group. It is necessary to maintain in good condition vision, for healthy bones, skin, hair and the proper functioning of the immune system. The daily requirement for an adult is 900 mcg for men and 700 mcg for women.

This vitamin promotes absorption in the body and is necessary for proper development teeth and bone tissue. In addition, it is needed for normal functioning nervous system. The daily norm for an adult is 5 mcg.

Vitamin E

Thanks to its presence in the body, tissue regeneration occurs much faster and blood circulation improves. It is also used in the treatment of many women's diseases, improves the condition of skin and hair. The daily dose for adult women is 8 IU, for men - 10 IU.

So, ascorbic acid, like other vitamins, is very important for the normal functioning of the body. However, care must be taken to avoid a deficiency or excess of these substances. They can be beneficial only when consumed in moderation.

How much per day can you consume Ascorbic Acid tablets 50 mg "Yellow vitamins"

  1. 2 times a day, preferably morning and evening
  2. Depends on what you are going to use vitamin C for.
    1. If for the purpose of treatment at the onset of the disease, then 1.25 g (half a 2.5 g sachet) 1-3 times a day, dissolved in 40 degree water and a tablespoon of honey. This is 25-75 yellow pieces per day. Overdose from vitamin C healthy body does not happen (in the worst case, diarrhea). It helps me great without any side effects. Of course, constantly drinking in such doses is pointless, and it can be harmful.

    2. If for the purpose of prevention, then the exact dosage can be obtained by screening the blood for vitamins and micro/macro elements. The doctor will prescribe the required dose of reduced elements and vitamins. Then repeated screening is carried out and dosages are adjusted. This is how it is done according to the mind, and not “drink 2-3 a day as it says on the package.” Vitamin C is drunk with sweets after meals, so it is better absorbed.

    PS: for those who think that vitamin C, for example, in onions and in powder is somehow different, then I will disappoint you - there is no difference in them (including in terms of digestibility). These are typical misconceptions.

  3. If you want to get oxalate kidney stones, gastritis and something else like that, then you can do the maximum, but if there is no such desire, then it is better to eat oranges, drink rosehip infusion, etc. Perhaps this is better for your health.
  4. No more than 10 per day
  5. In principle - as much as you like. There is just little point in having more than 2 pieces. Overall it's better combination drug Ascorutin.
  6. Personally, I eat three of them! You can do it all at once or a little at a time! I eat one in the morning, a second in the evening, and a third before bed
  7. There are 200 tablets in a package??? ?
    They have a small dosage!
    For 3-4 days, 20 per day.
  8. All this can be taken a pack at once
  9. Better than 5 apples a day, 5 glasses of water a day, 5 tangerines a day - tangerines can be replaced with any other fruit in an amount of at least 200g. Replace sugar with honey (choose not from the supermarket, look for a supplier), eat poppy seeds, sesame seeds, walnuts, buckwheat, cottage cheese. And you don’t need any chemicals, you don’t need to support a modern pharmaceutical conglomerate). No more pills will bring any benefit.
  10. For prevention, adults take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. WITH therapeutic purpose up to 1 gram per day (20 pieces).
  11. Ascorbic acid is prescribed orally after meals. Medicinal doses for adults, 1-2 tablets when taken 3-5 times a day; for children over 3 years old, 1-2 tablets when taken 2-3 times a day.
    For the purpose of prevention, Ascorbic acid is prescribed to adults in daily dose 2 dragees.
    For the purpose of preventing hypovitaminosis, children from 3 to 14 years are prescribed 1 tablet once a day.
  12. 1-2 pieces per day
  13. The daily requirement for an adult is about 70-100 mg, for boys 14-17 years old 80 mg.
  14. Vitamins need to be looked for in foods, but these are removed from the body in transit - to no avail.

Water-soluble vitamin C can be distributed in the body through normal fluids. It must be included in daily diet, because it is not capable of being produced independently in our body, and it must be replenished daily norm. Vitamin C is vital for humans.

Products containing vitamin C

A significant content of ascorbic acid is found in products plant origin. These are vegetables, citrus fruits, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage, broccoli. Also, if you eat strawberries, black currants, persimmons, peaches, sea buckthorn, ascorbic acid, you will be provided with the daily requirement. Vitamin C, among other things, is also found in tomatoes, bell pepper, rowan. Ascorbic acid is also found in some herbs. For example, in peppermint, fennel, parsley, red pepper, nettle, plantain, raspberry leaves. Therefore, the norm of vitamin intake should consist of products of plant origin and be replenished daily.

How much vitamin C does a person need?

A person’s daily need for ascorbic acid is formed from a number of indicators. Gender, age, nature of work, climate, bad habits, pregnancy - the daily intake of vitamin C depends on all these factors. Stress, illness, toxic effects on the body increase a person’s need for ascorbic acid. In the Far North and in hot climates, the need for vitamin C increases by 30-50%. In older people, ascorbic acid is absorbed worse than in young people, so in old age its daily intake increases. Vitamin C decreases in the body when consumed oral contraceptives. Therefore, women taking such contraceptives need to increase the amount of foods rich in ascorbic acid in their diet.

The daily intake of vitamin C should be divided into several meals, since ascorbic acid is quickly consumed by the body. Therefore, it will be much more useful to constantly maintain relatively high concentration vitamin A. Daily norm vitamin C, from a classical point of view, for men is 90 mg, for women - 75. You can navigate by the daily loss of ascorbic acid. On average it ranges from 300 to 1500 mg. The required daily requirement is determined from the level of its consumption. It is advisable to consume vitamin C no more than 2000 mg per day. This is the norm for an adult healthy person. The effect of vitamin C on the body lasts, as a rule, from 8 to 12 hours after it enters the organic sphere. After this time beneficial features ascorbic acid begin to weaken and disappear completely. And excess vitamin is removed from the body with ammonia.

Biological function of vitamin C

Vitamin C affects not only the state of human immunity, but also suppresses the activity of microbes and does not allow the development of viral diseases. Ascorbic acid prolongs youth and maintains attractiveness appearance, physical and mental health. Vitamin C allows the production of norepinephrine, which provides a person with a creative approach to business and the ability to make innovative decisions.

Benefits of Vitamin C

  • Ascorbic acid restores the health of teeth, gums and bone tissue.
  • Vitamin C promotes more fast healing wounds, bone fractures, skin scarring improves.
  • Ascorbic acid increases the level of iron absorption by the body.
  • Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on strengthening blood vessels.
  • Ascorbic acid reduces the risk of diseases such as acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, also speeds up their treatment, and improves immunity.

In addition, vitamin C promotes growth and healthy formation cells, improves proper absorption of calcium. Ascorbic acid helps to minimize the potential formation of hematomas and blood clots. Vitamin C is also required for the synthesis of collagen, which takes part in the formation of ligaments, tendon branches, and blood vessels of the brain.

What are the signs that indicate you have hypovitaminosis?

Vitamin deficiency can be exogenous, when it does not enter the body required amount ascorbic acid. Or endogenous, meaning a violation of the absorption and digestibility of vitamin C by the human body. If ascorbic acid does not enter the body for a long time, a person may find the following signs of hypovitaminosis:

  • Lethargy.
  • Slow wound healing.
  • Tooth loss.
  • Hair loss.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Dry skin.
  • Joint pain.
  • Irritability, depression, general illness.

How to Preserve Vitamin C in Foods

The content of vitamin C in raw foods and in already prepared food are two completely different values. Due to improper cooking, up to 95% of ascorbic acid is lost. At long-term storage fresh fruits and vegetables, their vitamin C content is reduced by 70%. Ascorbic acid is destroyed especially quickly by the action of oxygen, high temperature and in the sun. From this fact it follows that fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs are preferably stored in a cool place in sealed bags.

Significant losses of vitamin C occur during cooking, especially in the presence of oxygen and in alkaline environment. That is, when cooking, it is better to keep the pan tightly closed in order to minimize contact with air, and it would be good to acidify soups, vegetable stews and other dishes with vinegar in advance, taking into account the compatibility of the products. Also, ascorbic acid is oxidized in the presence of iron and copper ions. This means that it is better not to cook food in pans made from these materials.

Many people have been familiar with small yellow vitamins in a brown jar since childhood. It is difficult to meet a child who does not like ascorbic acid. With its help, parents strengthened the immunity of their children. But you were allowed to take no more than one tablet per day. How much ascorbic acid can you really have per day? It all depends on the goals being pursued.

What is ascorbic acid?

An organic compound that has much in common with glucose is the well-known ascorbic acid. Few people know that it is one of the most important acidic components in the human body. has very important functions. She is the one responsible for normal course metabolic processes. And the main component of ascorbic acid is vitamin C. This substance is responsible for supporting protective forces body at a decent level. It is no coincidence that many people wonder how much ascorbic acid can be taken per day. After all, you want to do no harm at the same time.

Ascorbic acid is very common in nature. It is found in many vegetables and fruits. Citrus fruits contain the most vitamin C. For those who are interested in whether it is possible to be poisoned by ascorbic acid, it is better to use more vitamins V in kind. These are fruits such as lemons, oranges and tangerines. An overdose in this case is possible only if the person has a tendency to allergic reactions.

Who should consume more ascorbic acid?

Vitamin C itself is beneficial for absolutely everyone. But in some cases, ascorbic acid must be included in the daily diet. For example, people who have survived poisoning certainly need vitamin C. This substance helps restore a normal environment in the body, promotes the elimination of toxins and How much ascorbic acid can be consumed per day if poisoned? The dosage is calculated based on the patient's body weight. For 1 kg of weight, 0.25 ml of vitamin C is prescribed. In the hospital, the substance is most often administered by injection.

It is recommended to use ascorbic acid during seasonal temperature changes. At this time, the body is least protected from harmful factors. Vitamin C stimulates protective functions body and helps strengthen the immune system. How and how much ascorbic acid can be taken per day? From medicines there is an option to refuse. In order to stimulate the body's defenses, it will be enough to consume more vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C.

Ascorbic acid during pregnancy

Many women experience a huge lack of vitamin C during pregnancy and lactation. Therefore, taking ascorbic acid at this time is very important for the health of mother and baby. Products containing vitamin C are not always sufficient. You can use the drug in dragees or tablets. How much ascorbic acid can a pregnant woman consume per day? The minimum requirement during gestation is 60 mg per day. During lactation, the dosage should be slightly increased and cannot be less than 80 mg. Additionally, pregnant and lactating women can eat apples and bananas. It is better for girls who are prone to allergic reactions to avoid citrus fruits.

It is worth considering that ascorbic acid in dragees or tablets is not suitable for everyone. IN in rare cases may arise side effects. Therefore, before taking the drug, it is better for a pregnant woman to consult her gynecologist.

Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency

Recognizing a person who needs to take ascorbic acid is quite simple. The patient will feel excessive fatigue, general malaise, and a weakening of the body's defenses. Patients with vitamin C deficiency usually have and, in cloudy weather, feel nagging pain V lower limbs. Vitamin deficiency may also be indicated by problems in oral cavity. The gums begin to bleed, the teeth become mobile. Most often, this problem is inherent in elderly patients, but it can also appear at a young age.

Ascorbic acid promotes good health And sleep soundly. Therefore, to prevent the above symptoms from appearing, you should consume vitamin C daily. Moreover, the benefits and harms of ascorbic acid depend on the dosage. Before you start taking the substance in the form of tablets or dragees, you should consult your doctor.

Can ascorbic acid be harmful?

Vitamin C itself is absolutely safe. But in some cases, taking a drug based on it is contraindicated. People with thrombophlebitis and diabetes mellitus should not take ascorbic acid. It should be remembered that ascorbic acid has a composition similar to glucose. Taking vitamins may cause a person's blood sugar level to rise. For the same reasons, ascorbic acid is prohibited for people who have fructose intolerance. In rare cases, vitamin C causes severe allergic reactions.

Ascorbic acid should be prescribed with caution to patients with renal failure, anemia, leukemia, progressive malignant diseases. Taking any medications should only be done under the supervision of a doctor. Only a specialist can tell you how many tablets of ascorbic acid you can eat in a particular case.

Long-term use of vitamin C should be prescribed by a doctor. The problem is that long-term use large doses of ascorbic acid contribute to the inhibition of the function of the insular apparatus of the pancreas. Therefore, it should be constantly monitored in a hospital setting.


Ascorbic acid in tablets can be taken from the very beginning. early age. Do not give vitamins to children under three years of age to avoid strangulation. How much ascorbic acid can you take per day? For prevention purposes, two tablets per day are enough for adults. Children under 5 years old should take no more than 1 tablet. During an illness with influenza or acute respiratory viral infection, the dosage can be increased several times. To the immune system I was able to work at full capacity; adults should take ascorbic acid 3-4 times a day. Children take vitamins 2-3 times.

The dosage will be slightly different for women during pregnancy and lactation. How much ascorbic acid can you eat per day? During the first two weeks of therapy, a woman should take 6 tablets per day. Then the dosage is halved (the woman takes 3 tablets). Ascorbic acid should be consumed throughout pregnancy. The drug is discontinued only if individual intolerance occurs.

Is it possible to overdose on ascorbic acid?

Ascorbic acid is completely water soluble. This means that even with an overdose, it is completely eliminated from the body. But this is not at all a reason to consume vitamins without restrictions. In case of overdose, the following may occur: unpleasant symptoms such as cramps, stomach pain, diarrhea, heartburn. In rare cases, ascorbic acid can trigger the development of gastritis. If it is necessary to increase the dosage of vitamin C, this should be done gradually and only under the supervision of a doctor.

The benefits and harms of ascorbic acid depend entirely on the characteristics of the patient’s body. Some people can eat 10 tablets a day and not feel any discomfort at all. For others, 1 tablet is enough to feel heartburn or stomach pain. In some cases, allergic reactions occur in the form of skin itching or rash. If individual intolerance occurs, ascorbic acid is completely excluded from the diet.

Interaction with other drugs

Before using any medication, you should read the instructions, which are necessarily contained in the package. The fact is that ascorbic acid is incompatible with some substances. It should not be taken together with medications containing iron or caffeine. It should be remembered that vitamin C helps increase the level of tetracyclines in the blood. This means that drugs based on this substance should be taken together with ascorbic acid with caution.

Antipsychotic medications along with vitamin C should also be taken under medical supervision. How to find out the daily dose of ascorbic acid during treatment mental illness? In each specific case, this figure will differ. It all depends on how a person perceives antidepressants. Sometimes no dosage adjustment is required at all, and the patient is prescribed 2-3 tablets of ascorbic acid per day.

Taking ascorbic acid correctly

Ascorbic acid is an absolutely harmless vitamin. But it can also bring benefits if taken correctly. First of all, you need to correctly calculate the dosage. It is advisable to consult a doctor. A specialist will be able to tell you which form is best to take the drug. In hospitals, vitamin C is most often used in the form of injections. At home, ascorbic acid in dragees or tablets is optimal.

Vitamin C is absorbed much better if taken immediately after meals. But taking ascorbic acid on an empty stomach is generally not recommended. Heartburn and nagging pain in the stomach may occur.


Many people mistakenly think that vitamins are not superfluous. In fact, ascorbic acid can only be useful with the correct dosage. It is enough for an adult to take 80-100 mg per day, for a child - 25-50 mg. It is possible to increase the amount of ascorbic acid consumed per day only during the period of illness. This should only be done after consulting a doctor. At the same time, we must not forget that vitamin C is not compatible with all medications.