Anastasia Steele and Christian Gray together. What do we know about the continuation of the erotic drama "50 Shades of Gray". Spicy facts about the movie "50 Shades of Gray"

Known as E. L. James, she also has another literary pseudonym, “Snowqueen's Icedragon,” which translates as “the ice dragon of the Snow Queen.”

During the peak of Fifty Shades of Gray's popularity, hardware stores across America were forced to order twice as much rope because they were selling like hot cakes.

One women's organization in Britain was so disgusted by E. L. James's books that it asked people to donate their copies of Shades to be burned in protest. However, only 24 copies were provided for the bonfire, so it was decided to abandon the ritual burning and use the pages of the books as toilet paper. Resourceful!

Actresses auditioning for the role of Anastasia Steele had to recite a monologue from Ingmar Bergman's film Persona (1966).

Scientists from Michigan State University conducted a study on the influence of “50 Shades of Gray” on the behavior of women. The conclusion was quite primitive (well, for most, it’s basically obvious, so why hide it): “Shades” provokes women to frequently change partners and behave badly. Bad, bad girls!

Oprah Winfrey once admitted that she is a big fan of “50 Shades of Gray”: “I downloaded all the parts and read them with great pleasure, that’s what real guilty pleasure means. It’s true that in my head I kept saying, “Stop chatting, let’s get down to business!”

Editor JK Rowling made her promise that she would never not only read, but even touch the novels of E. L. James. Probably so that the writer does not suddenly encounter her inner goddess.

During the filming of the film, the actors were injured several times, most often due to various manipulations with ropes. If you know what we mean...

Fifty Shades of Gray has sold more than 100 million copies worldwide, more than the sales of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and the Twilight series combined.

Before filming began, there were rumors in Hollywood that Angelina Jolie herself wanted to film the novel. Later, however, all these speculations were refuted. I wonder what the movie would have been like if this had turned out to be true?

For his role in Shades, Jamie Dornan had to work hard on his gait. According to the script, Christian Gray should walk confidently and heavily, and not like Jamie - cheerfully and skipping.

The book inspired various manufacturers not only to increase the production of whips and ropes, but also such strange things as a teddy bear - Christian Gray, children's clothing, a burger, a board game, a cookbook and a special brand of wine.

During filming, Dornan had his own sex expert who helped him get into character and explained all sorts of “stuff.”

Photo Archive of press services

Some sociologists say that "50 Shades of Gray" triggered a baby boom in America. But so far there is no solid data confirming this fact.

The owners of the British Damson Dene Hotel have replaced the Bible in the bedside tables with the novel “50 Shades of Grey” in their rooms. They thought it would be more relevant now.

E. L. James says music inspired her to write sex scenes. So for each book in the trilogy there is its own playlist, where you can find songs such as “Toxic” by Britney Spears and “Sex on Fire” by Kings of Leon.

Dornan once sang in the folk group Sons of Jim. Today it no longer exists.

In 1999, Dakota Johnson made her debut with her sister Stella Banderas with a small role in the film “A Woman Without Rules.” They played the daughters of the main character, played by their real-life mother Melanie Griffith. The film was directed by her stepfather Antonio Banderas.

To look perfect on camera, Jamie Dornan drank five protein shakes every day and worked out in the gym for three hours a day, seven days a week, including doing a hundred squats.

Photo Archive of press services 0 12 February 2016, 16:54

Interest in the continuation of the acclaimed erotic drama “Fifty Shades of Grey” is constantly fueled by more and more new news, which is not so easy to follow. It's time to finally figure out what we learned about the sequels - Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed.


In the second book - "Fifty Shades Darker" - Christian Gray will have to overcome his inner demons. In addition, the owner of a huge empire decides to propose to his beloved. At the same time, Anastasia Steele is forced to confront the envy of women who failed to win the heart of an eligible billionaire groom.

The plot of the novel "Fifty Shades Freed" begins with a description of a wedding and a fabulous honeymoon. The lovers travel the world and enjoy each other's company. However, the idyll is unexpectedly darkened by the kidnapping of Christian's sister, Mia Gray. Anastacia's former boss Jack Hyde decided to take revenge on the couple in this way for his dismissal from work. Anastacia is taking drastic measures to return her husband's sister.

However, according to some reports, the plot of both films will be entirely based on a new script, the details of which have not yet been disclosed. Thus, the creators decided to surprise those who read the series of novels.

Still from the movie "50 Shades of Gray"

Explicit scenes

90-year-old Anne V. Coates, the film's editor, said that the sequel to the film will contain more erotica and explicit scenes than in the first part. Let us remember that after the release of “50 Shades of Grey,” fans of the book were outraged that the filmmakers turned the erotic story into a sentimental melodrama. The creators abandoned frankness so that the film could receive a relatively lenient age limit in different countries.

Stills from the movie "50 Shades of Gray"

New heroes

The other day it became known that 30-year-old actress and model Arielle Kebbel, star of the new series “Ballers,” signed up to participate in the third film “Fifty Shades Freed.”

In the threequel, the script of which is based on the novel of the same name by writer E. L. James, the relationship of student Anastasia Steele and billionaire Christian Gray is tested. Kebbel will play a character named Gia Matteo. Gia is a seductive architect who is hired by Christian Gray to work on her home.

Previously, 28-year-old actress Bella Heathcote's second film - . The actress will play the role of Christian Gray's ex-girlfriend Leila.

And in January it became known that in the sequel. The 62-year-old actress will play the role of Elena Lincoln, Christian Gray's business partner and former lover, who became the first woman to introduce him to the world of BDSM.

In addition, the media have repeatedly written that Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan will return to their roles in the second and third parts.

It also became known that Rita Ora will star in the next two films in the franchise as Christian's sister, Mia Gray. Let us add that in “50 Shades of Grey” the singer’s role was very small, but later the producers talked about increasing the screen time of her character.

Rita Ora in the movie "50 Shades of Grey"


In May, information appeared that the producers offered Jamie Dornan a fee of about $1.5 million for filming the sequel for his agreement to be completely naked in the frame. The 33-year-old British actor has not yet given official consent to the tempting offer.

Note that the budget of the first film was $40 million, and the box office gross was $570.5 million. After the release of the film, the leading actors immediately refused to film the sequel, but the numbers forced Dakota and.

For his role in the sequel to the erotic trilogy, Dornan will be paid $6.9 million (according to media reports, the actor received only $250 thousand last time). There is no information about Johnson’s fee, but most likely her fee is no less impressive than that of her colleague.

Jamie Dornan in the movie "50 Shades of Grey"

Still from the movie "50 Shades of Gray"


Previously, the media wrote that the filming of the sequel to the film will partially take place in Vancouver, Canada. By the way, the shooting of the first film took place in 3 cities: Vancouver (Canada), Vancouver (USA, Washington State), Portland (USA, Oregon). Filmmakers selected more than 50 different objects where they filmed footage of the future film.

Most likely, the filming of the sequel and threequel will also not be limited to just one city. Moreover, in the third book the heroes travel around the world: they visit London, Paris, and the Cote d'Azur.


The author of the book series, E.L. James, insisted that her husband, television writer Neil Leonard, handle the script for the second film. The media wrote that the writer for a long time could not find a suitable playwright and eventually gave the vacant position to her husband.

It is worth adding that husband James is a fairly well-known writer and screenwriter in the UK: he developed several television projects and wrote a series of detective novels, Crusher.

The screenwriter of the first film in the franchise was Kelly Marcel, whose resume includes work on the dramaturgy of the film Saving Mr. Banks and the TV series Terra Nova.


The first film in the erotic film trilogy is directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson. Universal had to look for another person in the director's chair.

The producers hired director James Foley, who worked on the House of Cards and Hannibal series, to work on the film. The studio played it safe and asked Foley to immediately sign a contract for the second and third films.

Appearances can be deceiving, and this is successfully proven by Anastasia Steele, the heroine of the popular erotic novel Fifty Shades of Gray. The fragile, awkward girl actually has inner strength that can destroy any barriers. The heroine, who does not believe in herself, believes in love. And this faith is enough to heal the heart of a tormented lover.

History of creation

The first sketches of the future erotic phenomenon were fan fiction on the theme of the book “Twilight”. Creativity, which told the world about the love of a vampire and a mere mortal, inspired the aspiring writer to create her own novel.

We can safely say that Anastasia Steele became the prototype. The common features of the characters are easy to discern: both girls are slender brunettes, not distinguished by their striking appearance. At the same time, the heroines attract a large number of men, are awkward and often find themselves in ridiculous situations. Both Ana and Bella are ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of their lover and are not afraid of difficult love relationships.

Erica Leonard published a sample of her pen on Mayer’s fansite under the pseudonym “Snowqueen’s Icedragon.” The heroes of the fanfic were the already mentioned Bella Swan and. But soon James deleted her own work: the woman was too offended by the critical comments of users.

The reworked novel, where the main characters were Anastasia Steele and, was published by the writer on her own website, created specifically for this purpose. Editors from publishing houses became interested in the work, and soon the provocative book appeared on the shelves of bookstores around the world.

"Fifty Shades of Gray"

Anastasia Rose Steele was born into a military family. The baby's father died shortly after Ana was born, and for a long time the mother raised the girl on her own. Then the widow married a second time, and Anastasia’s stepfather completely replaced Anastasia’s parent.

The laconic Ray taught the girl to defend herself and protected her from problems in every possible way. But soon Anastacia’s mother left her husband for another man. This period became one of the hardest in her life for the girl. The relationship with the mother's new husband did not work out. The only solution Ana came up with was to leave her mother and move in with Ray.

A shy and dreamy girl graduated from school with honors. Passionate about books since childhood, Anastacia easily entered the University of Washington. In order not to depend on her parents, the newly minted student found a job as a salesperson in a city not far from her educational institution.

While still in her first year, Anastacia met Katherine Kavanagh. The girls quickly found a common language, and Ana moved into a friend’s apartment. For several years, Anastasia’s life proceeded calmly and smoothly. The girl read, Hardy and other classics, sold household goods and dreamed of great love.

The heroine considered herself unattractive and did not notice the increased interest of the opposite sex. Anastasia was annoyed by her bangs, which just didn’t want to lie flat. The heroine preferred a classic ponytail to an intricate hairstyle or left her hair loose.

The girl did not wear makeup. If I did wear makeup, I tried to make it invisible. And the manicure did not arouse much enthusiasm in Anastasia. Practicality and inconspicuousness are the motto of the young beauty, whose biography changed dramatically after a chance acquaintance.

Another cold epidemic forced Katherine Kavanagh, who worked at the student newspaper, to ask Ana to replace her for an important interview. Soft and kind Anastasia could not refuse her neighbor.

This is how the first meeting of Miss Steele and Christian Gray took place. The awkward and angular girl was speechless at the sight of the charming millionaire. However, Ana impressed the man with no less strength.

Unlike her sophisticated peers, the heroine did not notice sexual attraction. While the inexperienced girl continued to live quietly, occasionally remembering a new acquaintance, Christian Gray launched a military campaign to capture the victim. Not prone to sentimentality and romance, the hero gradually won over the girl with his actions and expensive gifts.

During the courtship and conversations, in particular, about the millionaire’s unconventional sexual preferences, Anastacia does not notice how she falls in love with a charming man. But soon the relationship between the heroes takes a different turn. The girl in love, ready to make concessions, could not accept Gray's lifestyle.

Anastasia leaves the man, deciding that such a relationship is too unhealthy. The girl gets a job as an assistant at a publishing house, breaks all ties with her past life and desperately dreams of forgetting her fatal hobby.

The separation turns out to be short-lived. Persistent Christian persuades the girl to give the relationship another chance. Now everything will be the way Anastasia wants it. The heroine is happy and lost in love, spending every free minute with the romantic prince.

Ana, outwardly so weak and unadapted to life, calmly and confidently cures Gray of his mental anguish. Every step on the path to a healthy relationship is not easy for the characters, but the girl is sure that the main thing is not to give up. However, Anastasia herself changes thanks to love. From an awkward and insecure student, the girl gradually turns into a beautiful and successful woman.

There are so many obstacles on the path of lovers. Old secrets and ex-girlfriends, whose caustic quotes hurt Anastasia, do not want to disappear into the past and are constantly reminded of themselves. It is worth giving credit: despite Christian’s difficult character and Anastacia’s stubbornness, young people know how to find compromise solutions.

The whirlwind romance gets a new vector of development. Not wanting to share his beloved with anyone, Christian invites the girl to marry him. Such a sudden marriage proposal frightens the calm and cautious Ana. But how can you avoid jumping into the deep end if you are accompanied by your loved one?

Film adaptations

Anastasia Steele's first appearance on screen took place in 2015. The film “Fifty Shades of Gray” repeats the book of the same name almost word for word. The role of a naive and inexperienced girl who fell into the hands of a power-hungry handsome man was played by.

The actress returned to the provocative image again in 2017. The film Fifty Shades Darker tells the story of Anastasia's life after breaking up with a young millionaire. To get around the age limit, the film's producers cut out some explicit sex scenes.

The final part of the adventures of Miss Still was released on February 8, 2018. "" differs from the previous parts in greater dramatic intensity and less eroticism. Filming of the final film took place in Vancouver and Paris. Due to excessive criticism, the director of the first two films refused to renew her contract. The vacant chair was taken by James Foley.

  • Fans estimate that Anastasia bites her lip 34 times over the course of Fifty Shades of Gray.

  • Ana's favorite books are Tess of the Urbervilles and other works by Thomas Hardy.
  • At the time Anastacia met Mr. Gray, the girl was 21 years old. Christian is 28 years old (hero’s birthday is June 18).


“Am I a romantic? When you study literature, you have to be one.”
“Distraction is the most profitable tactic, this has long been known.”
“It’s stupid to grieve about what didn’t happen - about unfulfilled hopes, broken dreams, disappointed expectations.”
“We seem to be balancing on the seesaw of our strange relationship - we stand uncertainly at opposite ends, and we are thrown up and down.”

Fifty Shades of Gray movie poster

Very briefly, an American student falls in love with a handsome millionaire with sadistic tendencies. Trying to return her beloved to normal life, the girl accepts his conditions, fails and breaks up with him.

The novel is written from the perspective of Anastasia Steele, a pale, clumsy girl with unruly dark brown hair and blue eyes. Friends call her Ana. The girl studies at the University of Vancouver at the Faculty of Philology. For the university newspaper, Ana's friend, future journalist Katherine, is supposed to interview Christian Gray, a millionaire and university sponsor, but because of the flu she cannot go to Seattle and asks Ana.

Armed with a voice recorder and a list of questions, Ana enters the twenty-story building where Gray's empire is located. To the girl’s surprise, the millionaire turns out to be young and handsome: a slender figure, dark copper hair and piercing gray eyes. Ana feels uncomfortable under his gaze and constantly blushes. During the interview, Ana realizes that Gray is very confident and has everything under control.

He seems tyrannical to the girl and scares her a little, but at the same time Ana is very attracted to him. Reading the questions prepared by her friend, Ana learns that Gray is an adopted child. Finally leaving the office, Ana breathes a sigh of relief: they will never see each other again.

In her free time from studying, Ana works part-time as a saleswoman in a private store for tools and building materials. A week later, Gray appears at the store. Having bought ropes and cable ties from a stunned Ana, Christian asks about an interview and offers to arrange a small photo shoot for him. Anya has to admit that she is crazy about Gray.

The photo shoot takes place at Portland's most luxurious hotel. Gray then invites Ana over for coffee. He asks the girl about her family. Ana talks about her mother and her fourth husband, and about her second stepfather Ray, who replaced Ana's father, whom the girl does not remember. Gray asks to be called Christian, and talks about his adoptive parents and half-brother and sister. While returning to the hotel with Christian, Ana falls and is almost run over by a bicycle. Gray presses her to him, and the girl wants to be kissed for the first time in her life. But instead of kissing him, Christian tells her to stay away from him. Ana believes that she is unworthy of Gray.

Kate is sure that Gray likes her friend, but considers him a dangerous person.

Final exams have been passed. Ana and Kate go to a bar to celebrate. After getting drunk, Ana calls Gray, who comes to pick her up. Christian manages to protect Ana from an old friend who suddenly begins to pester the girl. Then Anya becomes ill and Gray takes her to his hotel room. In the morning, Gray admits that he is also drawn to Anya, but he is not a hero-lover, does not have affairs, and his tastes are peculiar. Ana doesn't give up and he promises to explain everything.

In the evening, Gray takes Anastasia by private helicopter to his apartment in Seattle. Before revealing his secret, he asks Ana to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Gray then shows the girl his “game room” - a room decorated in burgundy leather and full of frames, crosses, chains and whips. To herself, Ana calls the “game” the Red Room of Pain.

Christian turns out to be a sadistic dominant. He invites Anya to become his submissive - the one who submits. Gray demands absolute submission from her. If the girl agrees, she will sign a contract that specifies the limits of what is permissible. Gray warns that they will not have a normal relationship. Ana is shocked, but at the same time she is irresistibly attracted to Christian. When he asks about her sexual preferences in order to include this in the contract, the girl admits that she has not yet been with a man. Christian is amazed, because Anya is already 21 years old. He decides to fix this and spend the night with the girl without his games.

A night with Christian seems magical to the girl. Christian says that he was involved in a BDSM relationship at the age of fifteen by a friend of his adoptive mother. He was her submissive for six years. Christian has never had normal relationships with girls. Ana hates this woman and feels sorry for Gray.

At home, Ana carefully studies the contract. She is in love, but she can only stay with her beloved on his terms. Ana decides to take a chance, hoping with her love to turn Gray into a normal person. Christian gives Ana a laptop and they communicate a lot via email. It’s easier for a girl to communicate with Gray through letters - when Ana sees him, she stops thinking.

Ana and Kate are packing to move to Seattle, where Ana has two interviews with publishing houses. Anastasia then discusses the contract with Gray. The girl does not tolerate pain well and is afraid of it, but Christian insists on punishment:

Christian reveals several oddities: he does not allow himself to throw away food, look into his eyes or touch himself, because he has experienced “fifty shades of evil.”

Gray, as the main sponsor, presents diplomas to university graduates. From his speech, Ana learns that Gray had to go hungry as a child. Ana's stepfather Ray comes to the prom, and Christian charms him within five minutes. Ana tells Gray that she is not satisfied with this strange relationship and wants more, but Christian is so wonderful that the girl agrees to the contract.

Soon Ana receives her first punishment: Gray slaps her hard on the buttocks eighteen times because the girl rolls her eyes in protest. After the execution, Ana experiences a “strange but pleasant feeling of satisfaction and security.”

The friends move to Seattle, and Ana is introduced to the Red Room of Pain and Christian's stack. To the girl's surprise, she almost likes this experience, and the pain no longer seems so terrible. In the process, Ana notices round marks on Christian's chest that resemble chickenpox scars. In the evening, Gray takes Ana to dinner with his parents. Until now, they considered their son gay, and now they are glad that he came with a girl. At the table, Christian's mother says that her adopted son has never had chickenpox.

That evening, Ana decides to go to Georgia to visit her mother. Christian finds out about this, gets angry, and Ana begins to understand that she is afraid of his unpredictability, unexpected outbursts of anger, which are inevitably followed by punishment. She wants to get away from him and think things over.

Gray persuades her to stay. He is in love with the girl in his own way. Until now he has only had specially trained submissives, he does not know how to handle a normal girl, but promises to try for Ana's sake. The girl manages to get Christian to reveal that his mother was a drug addict and died when he was four years old. He vaguely remembers how his mother abused him.

Ana successfully passes an interview at a small private publishing house and flies off to her mother. Christian cannot stand without her for long and flies after her. They spend a delightful night, and at dawn they fly on a glider - this is one of Gray's extreme hobbies. Just like Kate, Ana's mother is sure that Gray is crazy about her daughter, and advises her to accept him for who he is.

Ana finds out that Christian is still dating his first BDSM partner - she has become his friend. The girl is jealous. She again sees the scars on Gray's chest and guesses that these are traces of burns from a cigarette. Ana suspects that this was done by the woman who seduced Christian in his youth, but he denies everything and assures that this woman saved him from a more terrible fate. Gray is used to seeing submissive women next to him; he is embarrassed by Ana’s behavior and her attitude towards him. He eventually proposes a compromise: Ana will only be his submissive in the Red Room of Pain, and he will be her boyfriend the rest of the time. Ana is glad that he is ready for more for her sake.

Gray seems beautiful, unique and mysterious to Anya. Because of his complex character, which combines a hundred subtle nuances, the girl increasingly calls him Fifty Shades to herself.

Ana returns to Seattle, full of the brightest hopes. She is no longer afraid of the “game room”. To her disappointment, she learns that Christian has not given up punishment, he still dreams of hurting her. He knows the reason for this desire, but does not want to tell Anya about it, fearing that she will turn away from him.

She decides to take a risk and asks Gray to punish her the way he wants. Gray spanks the girl with a belt so brutally that she understands: he is incapable of love, there is nothing in his soul except the thirst to cause pain. Gray's darkness turns out to be too impenetrable for her. Ana tells him that they have no future - she cannot satisfy his dark needs, and he cannot love her. Gray begs her not to leave, assuring her that he cannot live without her, but Ana leaves. At home, it seems to Anastacia that “the pain from being hit with a belt is nothing compared” to her immeasurable grief.

50 Shades of Gray is a trilogy in which the soul of the main character, Christian Gray, is revealed page by page, like a flower. Although seemingly rude and obscene at first glance, the book has a very deep psychological meaning.

The exciting plot of the erotic novel will not leave the reader indifferent, and sex scenes characterize the main characters better than any other setting.

50 shades of grey. Summary

The morning appears before us, a small apartment in which two friends live - graduates of the Faculty of Philology. One is named Anastasia Steele (Ana), the other is Katherine Kavanagh (Kate). Due to current circumstances, Anastacia has to go to another city to interview a young, handsome billionaire. Thus two lives collided - the young, charming Anastasia and the vicious, handsome Christian.

This meeting turns out to be fateful! She turns Anastasia Steele's calm, serene life upside down. This girl will never be the same now.

Mysterious, mysterious, cold Gray shows interest in a university graduate, he absorbs her with his passion. But this person is afraid of real intimacy. She, being still an inexperienced girl, is suffocating from the feelings overwhelming her. Having learned about the dark side of Christian's life, about his sexual inclinations, about the secret room, Anastasia does not find a place for herself: accept his rules, or run away from him?! Throughout the first book she is tormented by doubts. She tried to accept it: she allowed herself to be beaten with a belt, but realizing that she could no longer endure such physical pain, such cruelty, she broke off relations with Christian. They both suffer because in reality they are united by more than just sex.

So what is the book 50 Shades of Gray about? It is about the multifaceted personality of Christian Grey, who has a rich palette of dark colors. Reading the novel, we seem to expose the main character, trying to see behind the 50 shades - one, the main shade - characterizing the real Christian!

50 shades darker. Summary

In the second part of the book, the relationship between Christian and Anastasia returned to its old direction. He asks her for forgiveness and promises to be more gentle and romantic. Hard sex is being replaced by “vanilla”. She constantly wonders whether Gray can become an ordinary person, can he live without his dark fantasies? And I’m very happy about these changes in him.

A new facet of their relationship is revealed. Christian realizes that Anastasia is more important to him than games. He does not refuse them, but tries to understand what exactly Anastacia did not like. Such dialogue helps them solve the problem.

But another danger appeared - Christian's former sub, Leila. This meeting with a girl from the past helps to set priorities for Christian - Anastasia's life is very important, she is priceless for him. He protects her in every possible way from his former slave.

Why is the book called 50 Shades Darker?

In one of the intimate settings, Christian admits to Anastacia that he has suffered all the shades of darkness. She sees that in front of her is an unfortunate, once mute child: offended, humiliated, and suffering serious psychological trauma. And the deeper she explores him, the more she understands the meaning of his actions. She digs, searches, rummages in the darkness of his soul, bit by bit collecting and putting together the puzzle. Anastasia wants to understand why he cares about her so much and treats himself with such hatred. The further she goes, the more dark things she learns about him. And, by the way, she herself is also far from “light” shades... She begins to like sexual games more than regular sex, a couple of times she even provoked Christian.

Further, even worse - Ana finds out about a certain Miss Robinson, who once seduced the teenager Christian, and treats her with all hatred and even jealousy! But the reason for what Christian is like today lies even deeper: a difficult childhood, a prostitute mother, her pimp’s rough treatment of him, burns on his body... From Christian’s lips we learn that his mother was a little girl with brown hair, which is why he is a slave I chose the same type for myself. By beating them, Christian received pleasure; the insults that his mother had caused him came out of him. In the second book, Mr. Gray's big secret is revealed, he admits to Anastasia that he is not just a dominant, but a sadist! But his psychiatrist reassures Anastacia, explaining that Christian is disgusted with himself and thinks that he is not worthy of anything good, so he calls himself the worst words. Ana must teach him to love himself.

But, nevertheless, the second book ends on a more positive note. Christian confesses his love to Anastacia and proposes to her! He trusted her...

50 shades of freedom. Summary

The third book completes the trilogy. The tension that held readers throughout the first two books gradually subsides, and a certain relaxation is felt.

Anastacia and Christian got married. They developed a very trusting relationship. Christian's psychological state is taking a big step forward. Heart-to-heart conversations helped him a lot. And Ana is no longer that stupid girl, there is a rather mature woman inside her, who has learned to influence her husband and “manage” his shades, smoothing out the situation. And outwardly she is transformed. Now this is Mrs. Anastasia Gray, an elegant young woman who always looks impeccable.

50 Shades Freed shows our heroes as different. Readers can breathe easy. Ana has proven herself to be a determined woman several times already. And what gives her this confidence is the news, which at first frightened her. She's pregnant. Once again there is tension in the air. Christian is not at all happy about this turn of events. But everything falls into place over time. Mr and Mrs Gray are buying a house outside the city. A family idyll is depicted. They are happy, their child is growing, and they are waiting for another addition to the family. All problems are in the past. Anastasia found answers to the questions that tormented her. The main theme of the third book is freedom. She is everywhere: in thoughts, in actions. The trust between Christian and Anastacia gave birth to freedom!

50 Shades of Grey, 50 Shades Darker and 50 Shades Freed is a book that gets mixed reviews. For some, this is a cheap novel about BDSM, for others, it is something more, this is a novel about the life of a man who experienced a difficult childhood, the marks of which were erased thanks to perseverance, love, and the care of a loving woman. She believed that deep under the darkness there lived a bright soul.