Prerequisites and manifestations of poor blood circulation in the brain. Types of cerebrovascular disorders

The brain, like any other organ, needs a constant flow of oxygen and useful substances. The role of transport is performed by blood, and therefore when the slightest violations blood circulation, the organ does not receive enough of its “food”, its productivity drops, and its functions are impaired. And, of course, cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is one of the most serious and dangerous violations blood circulation Most known species cerebral stroke – cerebral stroke.

Causes of NMC

There are many risk factors that can lead to the development of the disorder. cerebral circulation:

  • hereditary predisposition,
  • congenital or acquired thinness and fragility of blood vessels,
  • atherosclerosis, thrombophelitis,
  • excessively thick blood
  • hypertension,
  • heart defects,
  • violations heart rate and other cardiovascular diseases,
  • scoliosis, osteochondrosis, compression of the spinal and carotid arteries,
  • TBI and spinal injuries,
  • diabetes,
  • obesity,
  • individual reaction to hormonal contraceptives,
  • exhaustion of the body,
  • combination of nicotine and alcohol,
  • severe stress on the body (mental, physical, sharp changes temperatures, etc.).

With age (after 60 years), the risk of developing cerebral circulation disorders increases significantly.

Acute cerebrovascular accident (ACVA)

This is the most known form NMC - stroke. There are 2 types of strokes:
ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction), in which, due to thrombosis, blood stops flowing to a certain area of ​​the brain, hypoxia develops and neuron death occurs;
hemorrhagic stroke, in which a vessel ruptures (usually also due to a blood clot) and, in fact, hemorrhage in the brain tissue.

Symptoms of a stroke

  • Sudden sharp headaches
  • Severe nausea
  • Rapid breathing and heart rate
  • Impaired speech and motor coordination
  • Paresis and paralysis on the side of the body opposite to the lesion in the brain
  • Double vision
  • Confusion
  • Possible divergent strabismus, pupils have different diameters

A stroke requires immediate hospitalization and treatment in a neurological hospital. With timely treatment, the survival rate is high, but patient disability occurs in approximately 20% of stroke cases.

Treatment of stroke

Treatment of strokes has several stages:

  1. cupping acute condition(drugs are prescribed to lower blood pressure, reduce vascular permeability, increase blood flow, relieve cerebral edema),
  2. restorative drug therapy,
  3. physical rehabilitation, restoration of affected body functions (walking, speech).

The most important stage of recovery is kinesitherapy in the rehabilitation center. It is also recommended that patients who have suffered a stroke undergo a course of psychotherapy.
Transient cerebrovascular accident (TCI)
A condition with symptoms reminiscent of a stroke, but less acutely expressed and passing within 24 hours.


  • Sharp headache, possible nausea
  • Congestion in the ears, dizziness, double vision and flickering in the eyes, fainting
  • Weakness in the body, it is difficult for the patient to stand, it is necessary to take a horizontal position
  • Speech Impairment
  • Numbness (rarely, paresis or paralysis) of the half of the body opposite to the lesion of NCM
  • An epileptic seizure may develop
  • Possible amnesia

Treatment of PNMK

Treatment of transient cerebrovascular accident is aimed at relieving cerebral vascular spasm, reducing blood pressure, cardiotonic and tonic drugs are used.
Chronic cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
This state is not bright severe symptoms and develops gradually, therefore it is often found in an advanced state, when personality degradation has already begun.


1st stage

  • Frequent headaches, dizziness, possible fainting
  • Fatigue, drowsiness
  • Periodic pain in the eyes
  • Tinnitus, feeling of fullness
  • Possible nausea or lack of appetite
  • Formication or numbness of the limbs, part of the torso or face
  • Absent-mindedness, difficulty concentrating
  • Memory impairment (new things are poorly remembered, a word may “fly out of your head”, the patient may completely not remember some insignificant event)

It is very important to detect and begin treatment for CNM at this stage, which has a positive prognosis.
2nd stage
In addition to the above symptoms:

  • significant memory impairment,
  • constant noise in the head,
  • unsteadiness of gait, tremors of hands,
  • constant half-asleep state,
  • the patient has difficulty concentrating and understanding information,
  • intelligence gradually decreases,
  • depression, self-doubt, inadequate and aggressive behavior.

At this stage, it is still possible to slow down and partially reverse the manifestations of cerebrovascular accidents.
3rd stage (last)

  • Complete personality degradation
  • Dementia, amnesia (the patient, having left the house, will not be able to find his way back, since he does not remember the address, what the house looks like, who the relatives are)
  • Stiffness and severe uncoordination of movements
  • Speech disorders

Diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular disorders

Cerebral circulation disorders are very dangerous, because due to acute or chronic lack of oxygen and nutrients neuron death occurs nerve cells, as is known, are not reborn), which “take with them” the health of the entire nervous system. At timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, the brain can create new neural connections, and living neurons will take over the functions of the dead. But this needs to be done on time, before the lesions become too extensive.
For the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disorders

  • conduct an objective examination of the patient,
  • personal and family history is collected,
  • MRI or CT, EEG,
  • REG and Doppler of cerebral vessels and cerebral arteries,
  • general blood test, coagulogram, blood biochemistry.

It is necessary to conduct examination and treatment of acute cerebrovascular accident in a hospital setting. If you suspect a chronic disorder, it is important to contact a neurologist as soon as possible. Aximed, modern clinic neurology in Kyiv, offers its clients:

  • consultation with an experienced neurologist,
  • diagnostics using the latest equipment,
  • effective treatment in a neurological hospital,
  • recovery in a rehabilitation center after strokes and other disorders of the nervous system.

Don't neglect your health! Specialists at the Aximed clinic remind you: cerebral cerebrovascular accident is dangerous due to its consequences, but timely diagnosed cerebral circulatory disorders can be cured and maintain activity, vigor and high quality life.

Cerebrovascular accidents are a large group of pathologies (they are also called cerebral cerebrovascular accidents) that affect the cerebral vessels (CB) and are accompanied by hypoxia and ischemia of brain tissue, the development of metabolic disorders and specific neurological symptoms.

On this moment, acute and chronic cerebrovascular accidents are the leading cause of disability among middle-aged and elderly patients, as well as one of the leading causes of mortality in the world.

At the same time, if recently cerebral blood flow disorders were found mainly in patients over 45 years of age, now they are diagnosed in twenty-year-olds as well.

The leading reasons for the appearance of NMCs are atherosclerotic lesion vessels of the brain and neck. Young patients are more likely to experience blood flow disorders such as hemorrhagic stroke or those associated with a hypertensive crisis.

For reference. For elderly patients, the occurrence of ischemic type cerebrovascular accidents is more typical; the risk of developing severe chronic cerebrovascular accidents also increases with age.

Significantly increases the likelihood of developing cerebrovascular accidents and a long-term decompensated course diabetes mellitus. Such patients experience severe vascular damage, microcirculation disorders, ischemic phenomena in organs and tissues, heart rhythm pathologies and a tendency to microthrombosis. In this regard, they often experience ischemic strokes with massive foci of necrosis.

One of the most common causes of development chronic disorder blood flow according to the ischemic type, in young patients there is osteochondrosis in cervicothoracic region spinal column. This problem is often encountered by office employees who lead sedentary image life.

Also, common reasons occurrence of cerebrovascular accidents are:

  • CVS pathologies accompanied by cardiogenic thromboembolism;
  • rheumatic heart defects and vascular lesions;
  • post-infarction cardiosclerotic conditions complicated by cardiac aneurysms or atrial fibrillation;
  • various cardiomyopathy ;
  • MV prolapse ( mitral valve), accompanied by severe hemodynamic disturbances;
  • cerebral amyloid angiopathy;
  • systemic autoimmune and post-inflammatory vasculitis;
  • blood diseases (various hereditary coagulopathies, etc.);
  • aneurysms and malformations of blood vessels of the brain and neck;
  • coagulopathies accompanied by increased thrombus formation;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • tumors of the brain and neck;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • metastatic foci in the brain;
  • injuries to the head and spine in the cervicothoracic region;
  • severe intoxication and poisoning;
  • neuroinfections.

Predisposing factors that significantly increase the risk of developing acute and chronic cerebrovascular accidents are:

  • obesity;
  • physical inactivity;
  • lipid imbalance;
  • smoking;
  • frequent physical and emotional stress;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • neuroses, depression;
  • chronic sleep deficiency;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • frequent infectious diseases(especially streptococcal tonsillitis).

Types of cerebrovascular accidents

All cerebrovascular accidents are divided into those that arise acutely and those that are chronic. Separately issued early manifestations cerebral ischemia, discirculatory encephalopathies and consequences of strokes.

For reference. The group of acute changes in cerebral blood flow includes transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), acute hypertensive encephalopathies and strokes. Strokes, in turn, are divided into brain infarctions and hemorrhages in brain tissue.

Chronic ischemic changes in brain tissues are divided into:

  • compensated;
  • remitting;
  • subcompensated;
  • decompensated.

Diagnosis of cerebral blood flow disorders

When symptoms of cerebrovascular accident appear, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination in order to identify the type of circulatory disorder,
the extent of the lesion, as well as the cause of cervical cerebrovascular accident.

The following must be used:

  • neuroimaging methods ( computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging)
  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the brain and neck,
  • cerebral angiography,
  • electroencephalography,
  • ECHO-cardiography,
  • daily allowance,
  • standard ECG.

General and biochemical tests blood, study of coagulogram parameters, diagnostics lipid profile, determination of blood glucose, etc.

Treatment of cerebrovascular accidents

Therapy depends on the type of cerebrovascular accident and the severity of the patient’s condition. All medications should be prescribed only by a neurologist. Self-medication is unacceptable and can lead to a significant deterioration of the condition.

Attention! It is necessary to understand that acute transient blood flow disorders in the absence of treatment always end in the development of ischemic strokes. Therefore, even if the symptoms of a TIA disappear a few minutes after the onset of the attack, it is still necessary to call ambulance.

Symptoms in initial NMC are also reversible, but only in the initial stages. Without timely treatment the development of progressive dyscirculatory encephalopathy with irreversible damage to brain tissue is possible.

Treatment of NMC includes normalization of blood pressure and lipid profile, control of glucose levels, and prevention of thrombus formation. Neuroprotectors, drugs that improve cerebral circulation, antioxidant and antiplatelet agents, as well as anticoagulants are also prescribed.

Additionally, vitamins, omega-3 preparations, and metabolic agents are prescribed. In the presence of neuroses or increased emotional lability, the patient may be prescribed sedatives or tranquilizers.

When strokes develop, treatment is aimed at:

  • prevention of cerebral edema,
  • elimination of the source of ischemia or cessation of bleeding,
  • reduction in the severity of neurological symptoms,
  • stopping a convulsive attack,
  • normalization of cardiovascular activity,
  • elimination of respiratory disorders.

For reference. It is also mandatory to begin early prevention of complications and rehabilitation treatment aimed at restoring lost functions.

Prevention of stroke

Prevention of cerebrovascular accidents includes following a lipid-lowering diet, monitoring blood sugar levels, regularly monitoring blood pressure, and stopping smoking and drinking alcohol.

Need to increase consumption fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, juices, bran, etc.

It is also recommended to normalize body weight and increase physical activity. At the same time, excessive physical exercise strictly contraindicated. Walking on fresh air, swimming, slow cycling, moderate orbital exercise, etc.

For reference. Overwork, stress and emotional overstrain are contraindicated. Strong tea and coffee should be replaced with herbal teas(mint, linden, chamomile, sage, thyme, yarrow, lemon balm, immortelle, etc.).

However, it must be borne in mind that for all herbs there are different indications and contraindications. Before use, you must study the list of contraindications - allergic reactions, hormonal disorders, pregnancy, etc.

A course of taking multivitamin preparations and supplements containing magnesium and potassium is also effective.

How to recognize NMC in yourself and your loved ones

NMCs in the initial stage often occur in young patients with osteochondrosis in the cervicothoracic spine. Additional factors risks are smoking large quantity cigarettes, alcohol abuse, metabolic syndrome, lack of standardized physical activity, frequent stress and overwork, chronic lack of sleep, migraine attacks.

The initial symptoms of NMC may be:

  • increased fatigue and decreased performance;
  • noise and ringing in the ears;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • decreased learning ability and memory impairment;
  • constant drowsiness and muscle weakness;
  • irritability, nervousness or depression.


Chronic cerebrovascular disease of the discirculatory encephalopathy type most often occurs in elderly patients. Additional risk factors are smoking, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, severe vascular atherosclerosis, pathologies of lipid metabolism, coagulopathies accompanied by increased thrombus formation, the presence of diabetes mellitus in the patient, arterial hypertension, a history of heart attack or stroke.

Symptoms of chronic disorders of cerebral blood flow appear:

  • progressive memory loss,
  • decreased intelligence (up to mental retardation),
  • decreased vision and hearing,
  • the appearance of tinnitus,
  • constant dizziness,
  • dysfunctions pelvic organs(urinary and fecal incontinence).

There is also a pronounced emotional lability. Patients are prone to rapid mood swings, depressive states, mania, psychosis, attacks of irritability and aggression, “stupid” moods.

Speech disorders may occur. The patients' speech becomes slurred and muttering. They answer questions inappropriately and often talk to themselves.

For reference. Progression of cerebrovascular accident symptoms may lead to complete loss ability to self-care due to the development of senile dementia (third stage of dyscirculatory encephalopathy).

Transient cerebrovascular accident (TIA)

The term is used to designate acute disorders of blood flow in the brain, accompanied by the occurrence of a limited area of ​​ischemia of brain tissue, but not leading to necrosis of brain tissue (that is, not accompanied by the development of a stroke).

The clinical picture of transient cerebrovascular accidents is unstable (the duration of the developed disorders should not exceed 24 hours).

In most cases, TIA symptoms last a few minutes, rarely more than an hour. After the end of the attack there is full recovery changed functions.

For reference. Transient disorders of cerebral circulation in adults develop against the background of the appearance of a local ischemic focus in the brain tissue, which developed due to a reversible decrease in cerebral perfusion (blood flow). Symptoms of TIA disappear immediately after full blood flow is restored.

The causes of TIA can be;

  • microemboli of a cardiogenic nature;
  • atherosclerotic lesions cerebral vessels, leading to their narrowing;
  • microthrombi associated with the separation of part of an ulcerated atherosclerotic plaque.

The cause of hemodynamic disorders of blood flow is a sharp decline blood pressure due to:

  • stenosis of the great vessels;
  • hypovolemia;
  • blood loss;
  • shock states;
  • severe anemia;
  • orthostatic hypotension;
  • overdose of alcoholic beverages, medicinal or narcotic substances;
  • infectious intoxication;
  • hyperventilation;
  • severe and prolonged cough.

Less commonly, transient cerebrovascular accidents can occur against the background of prolonged arterial hypertension or a hypertensive crisis.

The clinical picture depends on in which vascular basin the blood flow is impaired. Carotid TIAs are accompanied by the occurrence of motor disorders, changes in sensitivity, numbness of the limb, tingling sensation and crawling sensations throughout the body, speech and visual disorders, convulsions of the type of focal epileptic Jacksonian seizures (convulsions begin in the fingers and then spread to the entire affected half of the body).

Visual pathologies may manifest as dark spots before the eyes, decreased visual acuity, the appearance of fog before the eyes, double vision.

Lethargy, inappropriate or aggressive behavior, and disorientation in time and space may also be observed.

Vertebrobasilar transient cerebrovascular accidents manifest themselves:

  • severe dizziness,
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • increased sweating,
  • flashing of colored spots before the eyes,
  • double vision,
  • transient blindness,
  • nystagmus,
  • swallowing disorder
  • transient attacks of amnesia,
  • loss or confusion of consciousness.

There may be numbness of the face or unilateral paralysis of the facial muscles, as well as severe coordination disorders.

Hypertensive cerebral crises

For reference. Acute cerebrovascular accidents associated with sharp increase blood pressure are called hypertensive cerebral crises.

The main manifestations of a crisis are severe headaches, vomiting, tachycardia, tinnitus and visual disturbances. May also be noted increased sweating, a feeling of fear, anxiety or severe lethargy and drowsiness of the patient, redness or paleness of the face, a feeling of heat. In some cases, severe muscle weakness may occur.

IN severe cases meningeal symptoms and seizures may occur.

Such symptoms of cerebrovascular accident are more often observed against the background of uncontrolled hypertension second and third stages. Predisposing factors may include severe overwork and stress, excessive salt consumption, alcohol abuse, as well as the patient having diabetes mellitus or dyscirculatory encephalopathy of the second or third stage.

Symptoms of strokes

Hemorrhagic strokes (bleeding in the brain) most often develop in young people against the background of hypertensive crises. Clinical symptoms occurs acutely. As a rule, the patient feels a severe and acute headache, after which he loses consciousness. Depending on the severity of the hemorrhage, after some time either consciousness is restored or the patient falls into a coma.

Also characteristic are vomiting, temporal and spatial disorientation, visual and speech disorders, nystagmus, lack of reaction of the pupil (on one side) to light, paralysis of the facial muscles (due to unilateral paralysis, the impression of a distorted face is created), unilateral paresis of the limbs, sensory disturbances, convulsions and etc.

For reference. Often, signs of cerebrovascular accident may be accompanied by the appearance meningeal symptoms(vomiting, photophobia, stiff neck). May be noted involuntary urination or defecation.

Ischemic strokes occur more often in older patients. Symptoms can occur either acutely or gradually. The patient is noted to be lethargic, drowsy, unilateral paresis and paralysis, facial distortion, lack of pupillary response to light, decreased visual acuity, fog in front of the eyes, and nystagmus.

Patients often do not understand speech addressed to them or cannot answer the question asked of them. As a rule, speech disorders are noted.

Consciousness during ischemic strokes is usually not impaired. Convulsions are observed rarely, more often with massive ischemic foci.

Cerebral circulation is the movement of blood through the vessels of the brain and spinal cord. Pathological process disruptive cerebral circulation, characterized by damage to the brain and main arteries, cerebral and jugular veins, as well as venous sinuses. Pathologies of cerebral vessels are different: thrombosis, kinks and looping, embolism, narrowing of the lumen, vascular aneurysms. Vascular concept brain failure in general can be defined as a discrepancy between the amount of blood needed by the brain and the amount of its actual delivery.


The causes of disorders primarily include atherosclerotic vascular damage. Atherosclerosis is a disease in which a plaque forms in the lumen of a vessel, which interferes with the normal passage of blood through a narrowed area. This plaque can increase in size over time, accumulating platelets. As a result, a blood clot is formed, which either completely closes the lumen of the vessel, or breaks off and is carried away with the blood into the vessels of the brain, clogging them, leading to a stroke, that is, an acute disorder of cerebral circulation.

Another cause of the disease is considered to be hypertension, since many hypertensive patients often do not take their condition seriously when their blood pressure increases and the treatment of this disease.

Like any organ, the brain needs good rest. If a person overloads it with work, the brain gradually gets tired and exhausts all its resources. Chronic fatigue can also be attributed to the causes of circulatory disorders in the brain. Osteochondrosis cervical region the spine, due to compression of the arteries supplying the brain, disrupts its blood supply and functionality.

Head injuries such as concussions, bruises and hemorrhages do not go away without leaving a trace. They cause compression of the brain centers, which impairs cerebral circulation, which, in turn, can lead to death.

Types of violations

There are two types of cerebral circulatory disorders: chronic and acute. Acute disorder(ONMC) always develops very quickly - in a matter of hours and even minutes.

ACVA is divided into stroke and transient cerebrovascular accident:

  • Hemorrhagic stroke is a condition that occurs due to hemorrhage in tissue when a vessel ruptures under the influence of any factors;
  • Ischemic stroke is cerebral hypoxia, which developed after the lumen of the blood vessel supplying this area was closed;
  • Transient cerebrovascular accidents are local disturbances in the blood supply to the brain that usually do not affect vital areas and do not cause serious problems.

Chronic cerebral circulatory disorders develop over the years. At the initial stage, symptoms usually do not appear, but as the disease progresses they become pronounced.


The symptoms of the disease will have a different picture in each special case, but at the same time a similar clinical picture of brain dysfunction.

Main symptoms:

  • subjective: dizziness, headache, tingling sensation and “crawling”;
  • violation motor function body: paresis (partial immobilization of a limb) and paralysis (complete loss of movement of any part of the body);
  • decreased functionality of the senses (hearing or vision);
  • sensory disturbance (weakening, loss or pain);
  • any changes in the cerebral cortex: writing impairment, speech problems, loss of reading ability, etc.;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • decreased mental abilities, intelligence, memory, absent-mindedness.

Each of the violations has its own characteristics:

  • With ischemic stroke, the symptoms of cerebrovascular accident always manifest themselves acutely. With this disease, the patient’s subjective complaints are observed, there may be nausea and vomiting, as well as focal symptoms, which are changes in the system or organ for which the damaged area of ​​the brain is responsible.
  • Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when blood enters from damaged blood vessels into the brain cavity with further compression and so dangerous complication, like a herniation of the brain stem into the foramen magnum. This disease occupies a leading position in the number of deaths among all types of cerebral circulatory disorders.
  • Transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a transient cerebrovascular accident that resolves over time. It is accompanied by paresis, speech impairment and visual function, drowsiness and confusion.
  • Chronic cerebral circulatory disorders are observed in older people and are characterized by gradual development over many years. Characteristic symptoms: decreased intelligence, mental abilities and memory. Such patients are absent-minded and sometimes aggressive.


The diagnosis of the disease is made based on the following signs:

  • patient complaints characteristic of this disorder;
  • the patient has factors that contribute to the development of circulatory disorders: diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis;
  • duplex scanning– identification of affected vessels;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - visualization of the affected area of ​​the brain, as much as possible informative research illness.


Acute cerebrovascular accidents require emergency assistance specialists. In case of strokes, assistance should be aimed, first of all, at maintaining the functionality of vital functions. important organs. Basic treatment includes ensuring the patient proper blood circulation and breathing, reducing cerebral edema, correcting water and electrolyte disturbances, as well as normalization of blood pressure. Such procedures must be carried out in a hospital.

Subsequent treatment involves eliminating the cause of the disorder, as well as restoring impaired functions and blood flow in the brain.

Chronic circulatory problems are usually treated with drugs that improve blood flow in the arteries and rheological properties blood. They also normalize blood pressure and blood cholesterol. Normalizing blood circulation in the brain prevents the development of stroke and other serious diseases of cardio-vascular system. So, along with procedures, doctors often prescribe drugs to treat vascular disorders. For example, combination drug Vasobral improves blood circulation and metabolism in the brain. The components of the drug prevent blood clots, reduce the permeability of vascular walls, increase the resistance of brain tissue to lack of oxygen, increase mental and physical performance. The drug's effectiveness in preventing headaches has been clinically proven.

Transient cerebrovascular accident (TCI)- short-term acute cerebral ischemia, accompanied by transient cerebral and focal symptoms, completely disappearing within no more than 24 hours from the onset of the attack. Clinical manifestations varied, depending on the type and topic of PNMK. Diagnosis is carried out retrospectively and includes neurological, ophthalmological and cardiological examination, study of cerebral blood flow (ultrasound, duplex scanning, MRA), radiography and CT of the spine. Treatment of PNMK is aimed at normalizing cerebral blood supply and metabolism, preventing relapses and preventing the occurrence of stroke. For hemodynamically significant occlusion large arteries Surgical treatment performed by angiosurgeons is possible.

Treatment of PNMK

In mild cases, when PNMK lasts no more than an hour, therapy is carried out in an outpatient setting. For more severe manifestations or repeated PNMK, treatment in a neurological hospital is indicated. The main goals in the treatment of PNMK are to improve cerebral circulation and restore adequate metabolism of cerebral tissues.

Appointed medications, improving rheological blood parameters (pentoxifylline, dextran). For the course of treatment, 3-5 daily intravenous drips are recommended. Then appointed long-term use acetylsalicylic acid. Bromcamphor is recommended for patients with PNMK who have contraindications to taking salicylates (for example, in the presence of gastric ulcer). Among neurometabolites, piracetam, porcine cerebral hydralysate, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and vitamins are widely used. IN.

Normalization of blood pressure numbers is important. For this purpose, intravenous or intramuscular injection dibazole, papaverine, intramuscular administration of magnesium sulfate, drotaverine. For systemic dizziness and severe vegetative symptoms belladonna alkaloids, phenobarbital, belladonna extract, diazepam are prescribed, and, according to indications, chlorpromazine. Sedative therapy with valerian, trioxazine, tazepam or elenium is recommended for 1-2 weeks after PNMK.

Diagnosed stenosis of the carotid artery exceeding 70% of its lumen is an indication for surgical treatment. The most suitable choice is made individually surgical tactics- eversion or classic carotid endarterectomy, stenting, prosthetics, carotid-subclavian bypass. Also, according to indications, stenting or prosthetics of the vertebral artery is performed.

Forecast and prevention of PNMK

In terms of complete elimination of the resulting neurological deficit, PNMK has favorable prognosis. The repeatability typical for PNMK is unfavorable. The frequency of relapses can reach several times a year. Each subsequent episode of PMN increases the likelihood of developing ischemic stroke. The most favorable prognosis is for PNMK in the area of ​​the internal auditory artery. When disorders are localized in the carotid region, the prognosis is worse than with PMNK of the vertebrobasilar region. Typically, such patients have a stroke within 1 year.

The basis for the prevention of PNMK is healthy image life, excluding factors that adversely affect the condition of blood vessels - smoking, drinking large doses of alcohol, excessive consumption of animal fats. TO preventive measures includes monitoring blood pressure, blood sugar levels, lipid spectrum; adequate treatment arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, vascular diseases. Secondary prevention PNMK consists of regular observation by a neurologist with repeated courses of vascular therapy.

Symptoms and treatment of cerebrovascular accident

● Several years ago, after dizziness began, I was thrown from side to side when walking, insomnia and noise in my head appeared, at the district clinic they diagnosed “ Cerebrovascular accident" Several times I fell to the ground and lost consciousness - thank God this happened at home. After such symptoms, I was afraid to go out. My granddaughter helped me get to a neurologist, who, after a thorough examination, prescribed comprehensive treatment.

● The doctor recommended taking it intravenously actovegin And cytoflavin, inside cinnarizine three times a day, one tablet for two months. I was also asked to constantly take statin drugs ( Atorvastatin, Simvastatin, Rosuvastatin, Torvacard and similar). These medications help me lower the level of cholesterol in my blood, since the examination revealed that carotid arteries, which carries blood to the brain, are clogged with cholesterol plaques, resulting in a 47% reduction in blood flow.

● The neurologist explained to me that with the help of statins, loose cholesterol plaques and press against the wall of the blood vessels, thereby providing sufficient clearance in the duct and improving blood circulation.

How I treat cerebrovascular accidents in combination with traditional medicine recommendations

I started treatment with proper nutrition . Excluded from my daily ration foods that promote the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. I gave up smoked, fried and fatty foods. There are vegetables and fruits on my table, skim cheese, various cereals, dairy products, processed cheese, chicken, low-fat varieties meat, vegetable broth soups with noodles or cereals, bran bread.

● Add to ready meals flax seeds, vegetable oil, bran or dried seaweed– kelp, which I buy at the pharmacy. I take it periodically fish oil– five capsules every day. Recipes helped me in the fight against my illness traditional medicine:

» to improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels s, I pour half a liter of boiling water into a thermos overnight with a mixture of fruits and hawthorn taken one tablespoon at a time; I filter the next morning and take half a glass half an hour before meals four times a day;

» for cleaning blood vessels and thinning the blood I grind 2 oranges and 2 lemons in a meat grinder, after removing the seeds from them; I add two tablespoons, mix thoroughly and place the drug in the refrigerator. I take a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach with a glass. warm water; the course of treatment lasts three months in a row;

» from noise in the head I pour dried red clover heads up to half into a two- or three-liter glass jar; I fill it with high-quality vodka up to the shoulders, without compacting the contents. I strain the tincture after 14 days of infusion in a dark place, take it only once at night, one tablespoon, with milk. The course also lasts three months;

» another recipe for noise in the head: I grate three lemons and half a glass, add three tablespoons of honey, mix; I take a teaspoon with meals twice a day for two months in a row;

» to get rid of dizziness, grinding taken into equal parts flowers of celandine and clover, black currant; I pour half a liter of boiling water and leave it to steep for one hour, strain and drink throughout the day instead of tea;

» to improve sleep I mix 2 tablespoons of motherwort leaves and peppermint, one tablespoon each of valerian officinalis roots; I pour one tablespoon of the collection into 200 ml of boiling water, filter it after an hour and take half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed; I'm taking treatment until I feel better.

For dizziness after measuring blood pressure in the morning I do massage biologically active points heads. I start with several movements, gradually increasing their number to 12-24:

» I press ears I use my palms and tap my fingers on the back of my head;

» I pull my earlobes down;

» in the middle of the forehead, in the middle of the chin, above the bridge of the nose, the depression at the bottom in the middle of the back of the head, the tragus of the ears, I massage the points with circular movements of the fingers;

» movements in the form of washing the face - from bottom up to the forehead and down to the chin;

» I rub my ears up and down with my palms;

» I'm finishing the procedures light massage collar area.

● Because I have enough serious illness, I can’t completely give up chemical medications. Every day I take pills for hypertension, aspirin-cardio or cardiomagnyl, Torvacard 20 mg each; twice a year one of vascular drugstanakan, betaserk, cavinton, mexidol.

● As a result complex treatment I have improved sleep, got rid of dizziness, now I walk without fear and outside help. Of course, if present, it is very problematic to completely get rid of noise in the head - it either appears and intensifies, then disappears; it all depends on the state of blood pressure.

● With this disease, many patients experience memory loss, but fortunately, I have no such problems. I know that the brain must work constantly to prevent atrophy of its cells, leading to dementia (). When I retired, I took up this problem in earnest. I wish you all good health and God bless you!

The collection is complex, but effective for cerebrovascular accidents

  • My best friend(now 77 years old) suffered from cerebrovascular accident for many years. She always complained about constant dizziness, tinnitus, intense headaches. Over time, her vision deteriorated and she began to hear poorly.
  • Seeing her deplorable situation, I decided to help her. We found recipes for traditional medicine in a medical journal and prepared the following collection:

» took one tablespoon of powdered nutmeg, bay leaf, turmeric, cinnamon, star anise, clove buds; three tablespoons each, fennel and coriander and fifty grams of dandelion roots;

» mixed all the ingredients of the mixture, one teaspoon of which was poured with boiling water and after sixty minutes of infusion, the friend began to take ⅓ glass, adding a teaspoon of honey to the infusion and drank thirty minutes before eating;

» I completely forgot about my previous headaches. God bless!

Story by L. A. Chekhova, Saratov, on the topic of cerebrovascular accidents

I'm not quite old yet - only 62 years old, but in Lately memory deteriorated sharply. What I read about before going to bed, I couldn’t remember anything the next morning. Moreover, she confused the names of her sons, grandsons and granddaughters.

The kids laughed at me good-naturedly, but I began to understand that old age was approaching, and with it senile dementia. But I decided not to give up: I started looking in medical literature folk recipes. And I found it.

Thanks to the recipe below, my memory was restored, and the tinnitus disappeared. Let's move on to the recipe now.

A pinch of mulberry sprigs (we know them as mulberries) was poured into one liter of water, boiled for twenty minutes, and the entire broth was drunk during the day. She was treated for thirty days in a row, then took a week's break and repeated the course of treatment.

The headaches gradually went away, my head became clearer and lighter, and most importantly, my memory became better.

It turns out that the active substances contained in mulberry branches relieve spasms and cleanse. Since then, I have been drinking this healing decoction every year for prevention.

By the way, I managed to return to my favorite job, which I left due to memory problems.