Chronic dysbiosis symptoms. Methods of treating the disease. Why does prolonged diarrhea occur?

Dysbacteriosis is a significant change in the quality of the bacterial microflora of the whole organism, in particular its intestines. The term for this disease was introduced by German scientist Nilse in the 19th century. This disease develops for various reasons. These include, but are not limited to, frequent use of antibiotics, diseases digestive system, various intestinal infections, previous operations on the gastrointestinal tract, not proper nutrition and many other reasons.

General signs by which you can understand that dysbiosis has occurred. First of all, we're talking about about stool disorders and dyspeptic disorders.

  1. First of all, problems arise with stool, characterized by regular constipation, constant diarrhea, or an alternation of these symptoms. Stabilizing nutrition does not bring relief. The stool is unstable because the mechanism of fluid absorption into the intestinal walls is unbalanced. The disease occurs when there is a deficiency of microorganisms.
  2. Increased gas formation indicates gastrointestinal problems. IN in good condition the body produces gases, but they are predominantly adsorbed by the intestinal walls and excreted through them. And only a small part goes away “naturally”. Patients with dysbiosis do not have a mechanism for normal removal of gases, so they accumulate, causing pain and bloating.
  3. Various signs of rotting in the intestines: rumbling, colic, bloating, belching, a feeling of heaviness, heartburn and nausea.
  4. The development of pathological flora leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor from oral cavity, sweating, strange taste in the mouth, allergies and weakness.
  5. With severe dysbacteriosis, signs of anemia and vitamin deficiency appear: increased fatigue, insomnia, decreased performance, drowsiness, irritability, severe memory impairment. With so much strong problems Appearance also suffers: the skin becomes very pale, nails become brittle, hair splits and becomes dull, and the appearance of the skin deteriorates. In particularly severe cases of the disease, shortness of breath and pain in the heart may occur.

When dysbiosis occurs, the intestines are inhabited by harmful fungi and bacteria. As a result of such aggressive colonization of the body, the number of microorganisms necessary for the stable functioning of the body rapidly decreases. Today it is customary to distinguish 4 degrees of dysbiosis. The symptoms are different for each degree.

  1. First degree characterized by insignificant changes in the composition of the microflora. For this reason, at this level, there are generally no symptoms, probably mild intestinal upset. May be caused by minor changes in food or water, short-term use drugs for antibacterial properties. After getting used to new food conditions or completing a course of treatment, the microflora stabilizes on its own.
  2. Second degree characterized by slightly more profound changes in the microflora, as a result of which the enzymes required to digest food are not produced in normal quantities. Diarrhea most often occurs at this stage. In this case, the feces are colored greenish color and has an uncharacteristic sour odor. In some cases, flatulence or nausea occurs. These symptoms may also indicate other gastrointestinal diseases, but most often indicate dysbiosis.
  3. At third degree pathogens multiply at a rapid pace. Green diarrhea often occurs at this stage. In the stool you can see pieces of food that have not been completely digested. The person’s condition worsens, weakness and apathy occur. Occurs frequently strong pain in the abdomen, sometimes the body temperature increases significantly.
  4. The most difficult course of the disease is with fourth degree. At this time, the active proliferation of bacteria causing dysentery and salmonellosis begins. In addition, pathogenic microbes appear that can become sources of infection. The most common symptoms at this stage are nausea, migraines, loss of energy, and loss of appetite. Diarrhea occurs constantly, accompanied by the smell of rotting. A person quickly loses weight, develops anemia, nervous system disorders, and vitamin deficiency. As a result of toxins entering the blood, strong manifestations allergic nature: rash, constant fatigue, asthma, insomnia, eczema, difficulty concentrating. If treatment is not started in time, development severe infections can't be avoided.

IMPORTANT: The division into degrees is quite arbitrary. Often with severe dysbiosis there are no symptoms. However, the opposite situation may also occur: when the flora is in a normal state, dyspeptic disorders are observed.

Drug treatment

It is customary to treat dysbacteriosis with drugs of various effects belonging to several groups. They are prescribed in accordance with the pathogen or cause that caused primary disease, the symptom of which is dysbacteriosis.


This group includes substances that normally come from food without being digested in the intestines. At the same time, they are a nutrient medium for intestinal flora. These substances are lactulose, inulin, galactose, fructose and other oligosaccharides. Corn, cereals, chicory and garlic are rich in these substances. For diseased intestines, medications containing these substances are prescribed. Most often prescribed


Indicated when chronic constipation, after various surgical interventions, with dysbacteriosis. Do not use for internal bleeding, lactose intolerance, or intestinal obstruction.

The dosage of the drug depends on the age and characteristics of the body. Adults are mainly prescribed 10 ml in the first two days of treatment and 5-10 in the subsequent days of maintenance therapy. If the condition worsens to salmonellosis, the drug is taken 15 ml three times a day for the first 10 days and, after a seven-day break, the same dose 5 times daily.

For mild dysbacteriosis, dietary supplements are prescribed, which include oligosaccharides of artificial or natural origin:

  1. Prebio– A dietary supplement consisting of plant inulin, enriched with oligofructose. Used for constipation and digestive disorders.
  2. Normaze prescribed for dysbacteriosis to soften stools and normalize digestion. Apply 15-40 ml after meals in the first three days of the disease, after that 10-25 ml.
  3. Lactusan– used for all stages of dysbacteriosis, constipation, colitis, salmonellosis. In the form of syrup, use a teaspoon twice a day (daily dose - 10 ml). The tablet form is consumed 4-5 pieces twice a day. The effect occurs after three days. The course of treatment is one to two weeks. In difficult cases, you can increase the duration of the course up to two times.


This group includes drugs containing live bacteria.

Monocomponent– consist of one representative of the microflora.

Name of the drugImageAction and dosage
Bifidumbacterin Used for dysbiosis, intestinal infections, constipation, etc. Prescribe 2 capsules/sachets two to three times a day. The course ranges from a week to three weeks, depending on the severity of the disease. The course can be repeated up to three times. Break for at least a month
Lactobacterin Suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria, stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract, restores immunity. Take half an hour before meals, twice or thrice a day, for a week, 5 tablets. For protracted forms, increase the dosage time to 25 days
Colibacterin Dysbacteriosis of any origin. Diarrhea. Use: 10 doses for acute diarrhea every three hours. After two days, 5-10 doses are used three times a day for five days. For dysbacteriosis, five doses are prescribed three times a day. The course is up to three months

Multicomponent- several representatives of the flora.

Name of the drugImageAction and dosage
Bificol It has an antagonistic effect on a group of pathogenic bacteria. Normalizes metabolism, increases the body's defenses. Prevents the development of organisms that lead to food rotting in the intestines. Has antibacterial and antidiarrheal effects. Take 5 doses three times a day. The course lasts about a month, especially serious cases– up to three
Bifiform It consists of symbiotic bacteria that are permanent residents of the gastrointestinal tract. Normalizes microflora, stabilizes the functioning of the small and large intestines. Take one capsule four times a day. After stool normalization, take two capsules until symptoms disappear
Linux The capsule contains lactic acid bacteria, which are part of the normal intestinal microflora. The use of the drug leads to optimization of intestinal function and increases the body's defenses. Recommended for diarrhea, constipation, gas, nausea. Take two capsules three times a day

Antagonists– suppress the growth of opportunistic flora.

Name of the drugImageAction and dosage
Enterol It has an antimicrobial effect, eliminates the manifestation of diarrhea, and normalizes the composition of microflora. Promotes the breakdown of food, delays the removal of water from the body, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, and nourishes the intestinal lining. Dosage: Enterol 250 is used 1-2 sachets twice a day. Enterol100 is used 2-4 packets twice a day
Bactisubtil Regulates the balance of microflora, suppresses the growth of pathogenic bacteria, and has an antimicrobial effect. Take 2 capsules an hour before meals, two to four times a day. Course of application – 7-10 days
Bactisporin Suppresses the growth of pathogenic organisms of the gastrointestinal tract. Improves digestion, cleanses inflammation. Apply a dose twice a day. Course up to 20 days

Combined- immunomodulators.

Name of the drugImageAction and dosage
Acipol It has a pronounced antagonistic effect against pathogenic microorganisms. Increases immunity, corrects microflora. Prescribe one capsule three times a day, thirty minutes before meals.
Bifiliz Normalizes intestinal microflora, inhibits pathogenic bacteria, prevents the formation chronic diseases intestines. Protects the gastrointestinal tract, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and helps normalize digestion. Prescribe 5 doses five times a day

Synbiotics– contain prebiotic and obligate flora.

Name of the drugImageAction and dosage
Bifidoback Reanimates the intestinal microflora, eliminates dysbiosis, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Take one capsule three times a day with meals. The effect of taking the drug will be greater if you drink it daily a large number of water
Laminolact Eliminates dysbacteriosis, improves digestion, strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism. Apply from 9 tablets two to three times. Use without reference to meals

IMPORTANT: prebiotics are not able to be digested or adsorbed, but they contribute to a significant increase in the amount of microflora. Probiotics are, in other words, nutritional supplements, including bifidobacteria and lactobacilli necessary for settlement in the intestines required quantity bacteria.

Intestinal antiseptics

Drugs in this group are not absorbed into the intestinal walls, suppressing the growth of pathogenic organisms without affecting the underlying flora.


This drug has antifungal, antiprotozoal, antidiarrheal, and antibacterial effects. Take two capsules morning and evening. Course 10 days.


Blocks the action of microbial cells, destroying them. Increases immunity, restores intestinal eubiosis, and prevents bacterial growth.

Video - Intestinal dysbiosis: signs, symptoms, treatment

Treatment with traditional methods

In the collection of folk remedies for any disease there is at least one recipe. Dysbacteriosis is no exception; its treatment with the help of folk remedies has been known for a long time.

Most folk remedies are aimed at eliminating symptoms and stabilizing the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is important to remember that you need to use folk remedies against the backdrop of a special diet and does not at all exclude drug treatment.


Cinquefoil is an excellent plant; the effectiveness of the decoction is felt almost immediately. Used for diarrhea.

Pour boiling water over a spoonful of cinquefoil and cook for fifteen 15 minutes. Leave in a warm place overnight. Take 0.5 cups three times a day until symptoms disappear.

Oak bark

Oak bark also fights inflammation. To do this, place a tablespoon of bark in 200 ml of boiling water and boil in a water bath. Take after 45 minutes. It is recommended to take it until the symptoms stop.

Jerusalem artichoke

Mix 300 g of Jerusalem artichoke, 200 g of milk, a spoonful of butter and flour, add herbs and salt to taste.

Root vegetables must be peeled, chopped, and added to boiled milk. Before putting the milk to heat, add the same amount of water to it. Cook the Jerusalem artichoke for about 15 minutes. After this, pour the milk into a free container, boil, add flour with butter. Cook until thickened. Leave all ingredients to cool. After cooling, pour the resulting sauce over the Jerusalem artichoke, sprinkle with herbs, and eat. This dish can be consumed once a day, until the body recovers from dysbacteriosis.


Use peppermint, plantain and chamomile in equal proportions. To this mixture add half a portion of St. John's wort and the same amount of agrimony seeds. Pour half a liter of boiling water over a spoonful of the resulting mixture. After 30 minutes, strain the infusion. After cooling it can be consumed. You need to use one glass three times a day. The course of treatment can last up to 2-3 months.


An excellent remedy for dysbiosis - garlic. Consume it daily in the amount of one slice 30 minutes before meals. Wash down better product milk fermentation. After dinner you can eat three garlic cloves. If dysbiosis manifests itself, the course of treatment is not limited.

Facilities traditional medicine can cure dysbiosis and various intestinal disorders. However, it is important to consider that before consuming them, consultation with a specialist is required.

Video - How to treat dysbiosis with folk remedies


Dysbacteriosis is an unpleasant and sometimes dangerous disease, so it is necessary to try to prevent its manifestations, for which experts recommend following three basic rules.

1. Monitor your health. Very often, an imbalance of intestinal flora manifests itself as a result of existing chronic diseases. The later treatment is started, the longer dysbacteriosis will last.

2. It is very important to follow the principles of proper nutrition:

  • need to give up harmful products, however, do not forget about a sufficient amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and other useful substances;
  • The diet must include fermented milk products, fruits, and vegetables rich in fiber;
  • minimize the amount of carbonated drinks - they irritate the mucous membranes, activating the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria;
  • you should avoid dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers and other components that can harm intestinal function;
  • try to follow a diet;
  • all dishes should not be too spicy, salty, hot or smoked.

3. Getting rid of bad habits

Smoking and drinking alcohol harm the flora. Prevention of dysbiosis will be ineffective if you continue to smoke and drink alcohol.

It is important to know! Persons whose work is related to the production of antibiotics are more likely to develop dysbacteriosis. Changes in the composition of the microflora indicate a weakening of the body's defenses. Most often, the manifestation of dysbiosis aggravates the course of the disease.

Successful treatment of dysbiosis is not a guarantee of getting rid of pain forever. Microflora reacts sharply to various problems in the body. In order to reduce the risk of dysbacteriosis, you should not use antibiotics without serious indications, and treat colds and gastrointestinal diseases in a timely manner.

Imbalance of intestinal microflora is a condition that is not life-threatening. But in some cases it is observed severe course dysbacteriosis when they appear various complications. Dysbiosis should be diagnosed in time and competent measures taken to eliminate it.

Dysbiosis or dysbacteriosis is considered temporary and not life-threatening functional disorder with certain symptoms. But in severe cases, the disease can be dangerous.

Advanced dysbiosis is not an independent disease, that is, a separate disease. This is a consequence of existing problems. Therefore, if dysbiosis is suspected, you should consult a doctor (gastroenterologist, therapist and other related specialists), undergo prescribed examinations (laboratory tests and hardware diagnostics), and then a comprehensive course of treatment.

Therapy in case of an advanced disease is always complex, since such conditions are accompanied by a malfunction of many organs and systems, not just the gastrointestinal tract.

Dehydration of the body as a consequence of severe dysbiosis

Long-term loss of fluid from the body due to bowel dysfunction (diarrhea that continues for a fairly long period of time) is dangerous for both children and adults.

Reference . Dehydration in the medical sense is a condition where there is a loss of three percent or more of water. The risk to life is fluid loss of 12%. In such cases it is required medical assistance in a hospital setting.

Why does prolonged diarrhea occur?

Diarrhea that lasts a long time and, especially, without visible reasons, this is a consequence of the vital activity of pathogenic microflora that is not typical for the intestines.

What to do?

Get examined, have your stool tested.

Rapid weight loss for no apparent reason, as a result of dysbiosis

This condition is due critical violation absorption of nutrients from food that the body needs for normal functioning.

What to do?

Pass the comprehensive research with blood and stool tests.

Losing weight indicates that the disease has become chronic.


IN in this case, the exhaustion mechanism does not play a special role. It's important to accept emergency measures to stabilize the condition, since with severe exhaustion the patient becomes physically weaker and the immune defense is critically reduced. There is a susceptibility to a number of different pathologies (especially of an infectious nature), including influenza and other acute respiratory diseases. Over time, existing chronic diseases also worsen.

How to gain weight after dysbiosis and prolonged diarrhea?

It should be taken into account that it is almost impossible to recover without establishing accurate diagnosis and taking competent treatment and preventive measures. But even in this case, the process of weight gain itself is slow. Lost kilograms return along with normalization intestinal microflora when food begins to be absorbed better and better.

Who is at main risk for weight loss due to dysbiosis?

  1. Young children with severe forms of many diseases.
  2. Elderly patients with a range of pathologies.
  3. People who have undergone surgery and have complications from postoperative period(especially operations on the gastrointestinal tract).

Secondary intestinal infections as a consequence of dysbiosis

In the presence of normal balance intestinal microflora, many dangerous intestinal infections cannot break through the protective barrier. As soon as the balance is disturbed, the entrance gate opens for pathogenic microbes.

The most common infections that aggravate the condition of dysbiosis

In some cases and in the presence of accompanying factors, a number of microorganisms can become life-threatening, these are:

  • Salmonellosis.
  • Vibrio cholerae.
  • Dysentery (shigellosis).
  • Yersiniosis, the causative agent is the bacterium Yersinia enterocolitica (Far Eastern acute scarlet-like fever, affecting the gastrointestinal tract, pseudotuberculosis).

Who is at risk?

Pathogenic microbes pose the greatest danger to children, especially young people and the elderly.

What to do?

Contact your doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Helminth infection and dysbiosis. Is there a connection?

It is strictly forbidden to be guided by numerous publications on the Internet that have spread in Lately and colorful pictures and videos that frighten the imagination of the average person. Such materials are aimed at advertising drugs against helminths and motivate the reader to purchase medications of dubious origin and often at an inflated price.

Each person has their own levels of susceptibility to worm infection, which depend on many factors:

  • Age and presence of related problems.
  • Individual reaction of the body.
  • Immune protection.

In fact, here on the face vicious circle– Helminthiasis, especially advanced ones, leads to a decrease in immune defense, weakening, and in the future, if measures are not taken, practically destroying the defense mechanisms.

Reduced by various reasons immunity, in turn, contributes to the risk of helminth infection.

General consequences for both dysbiosis and helminthiasis:

  • Vitamin deficiency, in which there is a lack of vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In this case, a deficiency of B vitamins is most often diagnosed.
  • The appearance of iron deficiency anemia.
  • Vulnerability to bacterial and viral infections.
  • Reduced effectiveness of vaccination.

How to diagnose helminthiasis and dysbiosis?

Such activities are quite complex and must be carried out in combination:

  1. External examination of the patient by a doctor and collection of anamnesis.
  2. Passing a series of tests, which, together with external signs and patient complaints give a general picture of the disease.
  3. If necessary, consult with related specialists.
  4. Passing examinations using equipment, for example, ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity, examination of the stomach with a probe, colonoscopy, etc.

Symptoms of dysbiosis and helminthic infestation in children

Parents should be informed about some common signs that can appear during both infection with worms and dysbacteriosis in children:

  • copious secretion of saliva during sleep and immediately after waking up;
  • complaints of nausea, especially when waking up in the morning;
  • bad breath;
  • swelling;
  • peeling of the skin on the eyelids, fingers and toes;
  • peeling of the skin in some places;
  • complaints of frequent hunger;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • decreased appetite and at the same time a craving for candy and other sweets;
  • dry skin, hair;
  • fragility of nail plates;
  • frequent infectious diseases and difficulties in their treatment;
  • anemia (lack of iron in the blood, which is confirmed by laboratory tests).

Attention! If you find at least two or three items from the list in your child, you should draw the pediatrician’s attention to this fact. The child needs a comprehensive examination and, possibly, a treatment and preventive course.

Often blood tests indicate a decrease in the amount of glucose. Therefore, the child exhibits symptoms of “hunger” pain. Attention should also be paid to possible skin allergic reactions, which may be a consequence of infection with worms.

Violation of the general development of children with dysbiosis

Small children - special group risk. If the course is protracted, when parents do not go to the doctor, trying to improve bowel movements on their own using “home” methods, the child suffers for a long time from a deficiency of vital nutrients, micro- and macroelements and vitamins.

Since in early childhood Since the rate of growth and development in children is very high, such manifestations of bowel dysfunction and other symptoms can lead to a delay in physical and even mental progress.

What to do?

Competent treatment allows you to quickly fill the deficiency necessary substances in the body, subject to strict adherence to doctor’s instructions. However, in advanced conditions, there are risks of other complications not related to the gastrointestinal tract and imbalance of intestinal microflora. Therefore, the child has to conduct comprehensive studies and full course treatment.

Inflammatory processes of the abdominal cavity as consequences of advanced dysbacteriosis

Some experts believe that an advanced form of the disease may contribute to the development of the following conditions:

  • appendicitis;
  • protrusion of the intestinal walls (diverticulitis);
  • abscess formation.

Reference. Any inflammatory process that is localized in the abdominal cavity is potential threat. Required emergency treatment, in many cases – not conservative, but surgical.

The most severe complications of dysbiosis

In some cases, when the process becomes protracted and severe, the following may develop:

Enterocolitis in chronic form, which is a consequence of the long-term presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines.



  • destruction of intestinal tissues followed by necrosis;
  • formation of multiple ulcers;
  • development of malignant transformations (cancer tumors).

Sepsis (blood infection), which is possible if pathogenic microflora enters the bloodstream. Requires emergency medical measures, in otherwise Possible death.

Blood sepsis

Peritonitis, which forms during the aggressive action of pathogenic microbes on the intestinal walls.



  • destruction of all layers of the intestinal walls;
  • release of intestinal contents into the abdominal cavity;
  • entry of processed food and beverage residues into the abdominal cavity;
  • activation of the processes of suppuration.

This condition requires immediate treatment at the hospital, since complications of peritonitis lead to death.

Gastroduodenitis and pancreatitis.

Possible due to the constant presence of pathogenic microflora in the intestines, which subsequently spreads to all parts of the gastrointestinal tract.


  • defeat various organs digestive tract;
  • gradual deterioration of the general condition of the body;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract in the absence of adequate treatment.

Conclusion. Experts talk about dysbiosis in cases where, for some reason, the balance of the intestinal microflora is disturbed (the ratio of the so-called obligate form to the facultative form).

Classification of bacteria

During pathological processes, the pathogenic (pathogenic) flora noticeably increases and the beneficial flora decreases, without which normal functioning of both the gastrointestinal tract and the entire organism as a whole is impossible.

Diagnosis and treatment methods are selected depending on the predominance of one or another pathogenic microflora, for example, fungal, staphylococcal, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia or associated ones. Therefore, treatment should be carried out only after examinations and tests as a whole. This is, first of all, eliminating the causes that contributed to the onset of the disease:

  • optimization of the daily routine;
  • normalization of daily diet;
  • normalizing the emotional and psychological factor, since stress, especially chronic stress, is a powerful trigger for the development of a number of pathologies, including dysbiosis.

These are drugs that are designed to create favorable environment in the intestines, where thanks to them the growth and active reproduction of beneficial bacteria becomes possible.

Also appointed as daily nutrition natural products consisting of live lactic acid bacteria, because the first priority when diagnosing “dysbacteriosis” is to replenish the intestines with beneficial microbes.

In cases where, as a result of laboratory tests, a particularly resistant pathogenic microflora is diagnosed, antibiotics are prescribed to both children and adults. These drugs can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, otherwise they will cause great harm to the body. If uncontrolled or long-term use It is much more difficult to cure the disease with such drugs. The recommended course of antibiotic therapy for dysbiosis is about six to eight weeks. After treatment, laboratory tests are mandatory.

To reduce the risk of developing dysbiosis, you should take care of the health of the body as a whole, and promptly and competently treat any diseases, including common colds. Taking all medications for the purpose of treating or preventing diseases, especially antibiotics, without a doctor’s prescription is prohibited.

Those who have reliable and the most complete information available regarding the symptoms of dysbiosis, methods of its treatment, prevention, as well as possible complications diseases, will be able to protect themselves and their loved ones from the consequences of both dysbiosis and other various pathologies.

We try to provide the most relevant and useful information for you and your health. The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! We are not responsible for possible Negative consequences arising as a result of the use of information posted on the website

is a condition caused by a violation of the intestinal microflora associated with a change in the species composition of bacteria. With dysbacteriosis, the number of beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli is reduced, and the number of pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms increases. The pathology accompanies many diseases of the digestive system, prolonged or uncontrolled use of antibiotics, immunosuppressants, and exposure to harmful factors. environment. Manifested by constipation, diarrhea, poor appetite, sleep, abdominal pain, skin rashes. In particular severe cases bacteria gastrointestinal tract can be detected in the blood, which threatens the development of sepsis.

General information

(dysbiosis) of the intestine is a disease characterized by pathological change composition of normal intestinal flora, contributing to disruption of intestinal function.


Intestinal dysbiosis is almost never a primary pathology, but develops as a result of certain disruptions in the functioning of organs or systems, or under the influence of taking drugs and substances that have a negative effect on microorganisms.

  • Iatrogenic intestinal dysbiosis occurs as a result of taking medications that suppress the vital activity of microorganisms (antibiotics, sulfonamide drugs, hormonal agents, cytostatics, etc.). Dysbacteriosis can also result from surgery.
  • Poor nutrition, lack of necessary components in the diet, its imbalance, the presence of various kinds of chemical additives that help suppress flora, failures in the diet, a sharp change in the nature of the diet.
  • Psychological stress of various kinds.
  • Infectious bowel diseases.
  • Other diseases digestive organs(pancreatitis, hepatitis, gastritis, etc.).
  • Immune disorders, endocrine diseases, metabolic disorders.
  • Jet lag, acclimatization.
  • Impaired intestinal motility.


The intestines of an adult normally contain about 2-3 kg of various microorganisms (about 500 species). These are symbionite bacteria that are directly involved in the act of digestion. IN healthy body qualitative and quantitative individual composition microflora is in a state of physiological balance - normobiocenosis (eubiosis). With changes in the composition of the intestinal flora, this balance is destroyed, which negatively affects the intestinal ability to digest.

Normal bowel functions are:

  1. trophic function – providing the body with nutrients;
  2. energy function – supply of ATP, energy supply to the intestinal epithelium;
  3. peristaltic function – chemical regulation of peristalsis;
  4. regenerative function - participation in cell differentiation during the renewal of the epithelial lining of the intestine;
  5. participation in maintaining ion balance;
  6. formation of gas composition in the intestines;
  7. participation in biochemical processes in the intestines - deactivation of poisons, activation of drugs, formation of biological active substances, neurotransmitters, signal markers, etc.;
  8. protective function - participation in local immunity, immunoglobulin production, cytoprotection, ensuring epithelial resistance to pathogenic and carcinogenic factors, virus capture, reading the genomes of pathological microorganisms;
  9. participation in the metabolism of proteins, fats, bile acids and many other essential components of nutrition, synthesis of B vitamins, pantothenic acid;
  10. maintaining a constant physicochemical environment of the intestine.

Symptoms of dysbiosis

  • Dyspeptic syndrome - diarrhea (sometimes alternating constipation and diarrhea), flatulence, bloating, belching and an unpleasant taste in the mouth, rumbling in the intestines.
  • Many (especially children) suffering from intestinal dysbiosis experience previously uncharacteristic allergic reactions to food. Reactions can be of a normal allergic nature (urticaria, skin itching, bronchospasm, angioedema) or intestinal (liquid foaming stool, sharp pain in the stomach, nausea to the point of vomiting, low blood pressure).
  • Malabsorption syndrome - impaired absorption in the intestine of various essential nutrients is manifested by insufficiency of metabolic substrates - protein-energy deficiency, various hypovitaminosis, primarily, as a rule, in the group of B vitamins, anemia, ion balance disorders, calcium deficiency, etc.
  • Intoxication of the body - weakness, lack of appetite, low-grade fever, headaches.
  • Decreased immunity - increased incidence of infectious diseases (acute respiratory infections, ARVI, herpes), fungal diseases.


Diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis in clinical gastroenterology begins with the identification of characteristic dyspeptic disorders based on complaints, and a physical examination is performed. During diagnosis, as a rule, symptoms of dysbiosis appear against the background of a primary pathology, or one is present in the anamnesis. Be sure to pay attention to previous treatment with drugs that suppress microflora.

Most specific technique laboratory diagnostics intestinal dysbiosis - analysis for dysbacteriosis and stool culture. Dysbacteriosis small intestine diagnosed using bacteriological research scraping or aspirate of the jejunum, but due to its laboriousness, this technique is used only in cases where other diagnostic criteria are questionable. Indirect signs intestinal dysbiosis can be demonstrated by coprogram, biochemistry feces, gas-liquid analysis.

Treatment of dysbiosis

Treatment is carried out by a gastroenterologist and involves therapy in several areas - pathogenetic treatment(eradication of the cause of the disease), correction of the resulting pathological condition digestion, relieving acute symptoms of the disease, strengthening protective properties and restoring normal biocenosis in the intestines.

  • Pathogenetic therapy is aimed at the primary pathology, and also includes measures to restore intestinal motor functions, relieve inflammation, and perform enzyme replacement therapy.
  • Patients with intestinal dysbiosis are prescribed diet No. 4 (modifications depending on the condition), which helps normalize intestinal activity and reduce activity putrefactive processes. Nutrition must be carefully balanced in terms of nutrient composition and energy content. It is imperative to maintain a balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, supply the body with vitamins and microelements, and a sufficient amount of fluid. It is necessary to pay attention to the diet and its compliance with biorhythms.
  • Inclusion of foods containing dietary fiber and live bacterial cultures into the diet.
  • Correction of microflora composition using selective non-absorbable antibacterial drugs(rifaximin), intestinal antiseptics (nifuroxazide), drugs containing antagonist cultures of pathogenic intestinal flora, bacteriophages.
  • To restore immunity, immunomodulators (echinacea preparations, nucleic acids, etc.) are used.

Restoration of normal microflora is carried out using:

  • probiotics (preparations containing live cultures of essential microorganisms);
  • prebiotics (substances that promote the growth and reproduction of beneficial flora);
  • synbiotics ( complex preparations containing both the microorganisms themselves and the components necessary for their development).

Prognosis and prevention

At timely treatment the prognosis is favorable. Prevention of intestinal dysbiosis for healthy people implies proper nutrition in compliance with the regime, the presence in the diet of products containing beneficial microorganisms (fermented milk products, substances containing bifido- and acidophilus bacteria, food and drinks based on starter cultures). A balanced diet in terms of the composition of substances, vitamins and microelements necessary for the body is required.

For babies optimal prevention Dysbacteriosis is breastfeeding, which forms the normobiocenosis and immunity of the child. Breast milk has optimal composition prebiotics for development healthy microflora intestines.

Since intestinal dysbiosis most often occurs due to the use of antibacterial drugs, in such cases, the prevention of this disease is the rational use of pharmacological agents, an integrated approach to the treatment of infections - prescribing drugs according to antibiograms, a certain degree of resistance of a particular pathogen to antibiotics, parallel use of drugs to correct the intestinal biocenosis.

At long-term treatment antibiotics must be included in therapy special diet, containing foods rich in beneficial bacteria, antifungal and immunostimulating, and antihistamine therapy.

An adult's intestines contain about 500 species of bacteria of various types, weighing 2-3 kg. The function of microorganisms is to digest food, break down various compounds, absorb nutrients and remove toxins and carcinogens.

Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria improve metabolic processes, recycle complex carbohydrates, produce lactic acid, inhibit the growth of pathogens and prevent the development of allergic reactions. E. coli synthesize B vitamins and reproduce vitamin K. Streptococci and staphylococci, Candida, bacteroides provoke the development inflammatory processes.

If the balance between beneficial and harmful microflora is disturbed, dysbacteriosis or dysbiosis develops.

There are several degrees of pathology:
  • Latent or compensated. Deviation from the norm in the amount of beneficial microflora is up to 80%.
  • Subcompensated. Against the background of a reduced number of beneficial microorganisms, it begins to multiply pathogenic flora, appear severe symptoms intestinal disorders, inflammatory processes often develop.
  • Decompensated. Classified as aggression from anaerobic microorganisms, signs of dysbiosis affect the general condition, the large and small intestines are affected.
  • Heavy. Functional organic disorders appear.
The absorption of nutrients is impaired, the cleansing function of the liver is reduced, and chronic intoxication develops. The impetus for the appearance of infectious processes in the intestines in 70-72% of cases is dysbiosis.

Causes of development of intestinal dysbiosis

The imbalance between beneficial and pathogenic microflora is strongly influenced by: frequent viral diseases, change of place of residence and climatic factors, unfavorable ecology and emotional instability, which also affects the state of immunity.

Causes of dysbiosis:

  1. Treatment medicines: glucocorticosteroids, antibiotics, cytostatics. Chemo- and radiotherapy.
  2. Poor nutrition, overeating sweets or foods containing sparingly soluble fats.
  3. Organic and acute diseases gastrointestinal tract, immunodeficiency states- HIV infection, oncological processes.
  4. Effect of ionizing radiation.
  5. Anatomical abnormalities of the intestine and operations, maldigestion syndrome (deficiency digestive enzymes) and malabsorption (impaired absorption in the small intestine).
  6. Acute conditions - internal bleeding, development of an allergic reaction.
  7. Enzymopathy of various nature- lactase deficiency (lactose intolerance), gluten deficiency (celiac disease) and similar conditions.
  8. Helminthic infestations - helminths secrete toxins that inhibit the activity of beneficial microflora.

Short-term dysbiosis can occur in healthy people due to changes in living conditions, nutrition, and against the background of occupational hazards. The balance of intestinal microflora also appears as the body ages.

Main symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis

Signs of dysbiosis depend on the severity of the condition and the physiological status of the patient. A mild degree goes unnoticed in adults, but causes minor disturbances in children. The symptom complex can increase sharply or develop gradually.

Signs of intestinal dysbiosis in adults

General symptoms worsening of the condition: a feeling of fullness in the intestines and noticeable bloating, nausea and headache. The stool changes its smell and structure, liquefies, and acquires a greenish tint.

The deterioration of the condition increases depending on the degree of dysbacteriosis:

  • In the latent stage, when the character or diet changes, short-term intestinal disorders and slight nausea. There are no general symptoms.
  • In the second degree, the stool becomes liquefied and bad smell. Any deviations from the regime and stressful situations cause long-term digestive disorders. Constipation may appear, nausea and slight dizziness may occur 1-2 hours after eating.
  • In the third phase, due to increased activity Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus and enterococci various types Digestive disorders are prolonged, fragments of food and mucus are found in the stool, the stool is often liquid. It also happens that prolonged distension in the intestines and the inability to have a bowel movement are replaced by the release of loose stool. After eating, heaviness is felt in the epigastric area and colic appears.
  • In the fourth phase, the symptoms of indigestion are joined by signs chronic intoxication. Appear constant nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and weakness, it becomes difficult to concentrate. A coating appears on the tongue, the skin turns pale. Due to impaired absorption of nutrients, organic diseases develop.

The division into stages is conditional, since signs of dysbiosis in adults can appear constantly or symptomatically, against the background unfavorable factors, when using certain foods, medications or illnesses.

Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in children

In children, the disease manifests itself almost in the same way as in adults, but there are some peculiarities. If in adults nausea rarely turns into vomiting, then in children from birth to 3-5 years the main symptom is first regurgitation and then vomiting.

Abdominal pain is also more pronounced - localized in the navel area and has a cramping character. When spasms appear, babies arch, turn red, and a sharp cry flies out of their mouths, followed by a heart-rending, plaintive cry.

The “duck” syndrome develops quickly - immediately after eating, the urge to defecate appears. The stool may be greasy or watery, with mucus and undigested food fragments.

Appetite decreases, allergic reactions often develop, and dermatitis appears. Growth retardation begins and physiological development. Hair begins to fall out, skin peels, nails become soft and teeth begin to deteriorate. The enamel darkens and the pulp is destroyed.

The child becomes susceptible to infections and often gets sick. Even outside of illness, he constantly holds on low-grade fever, at 37.2-37.5 degrees. The behavior of children changes, they become capricious, whiny, and difficulty falling asleep.

Diet for intestinal dysbiosis

To improve the condition, it is necessary to reduce the load on the intestines and create optimal conditions to accelerate the growth of beneficial microflora. You should not eat too hot or cold food, you will have to give up fatty and spicy foods.

Products must contain the following substances:

  1. Cellulose. It is a natural probiotic, adsorbs toxins and waste, normalizes, supports the growth of microorganisms with enzymatic action. You should increase the amount of vegetables and fruits and whole grain cereals in your diet. For children, instant cereals with the addition of pro- and prebiotics are provided.
  2. Pectins. Natural sorbents accelerate the speed of peristalsis and help remove old toxins. High content substances in apple puree, apple marmalade, black currants, cabbage and boiled beets.
  3. Vitamins. They normalize metabolic processes, replenish the reserve of nutrients, and increase immunity. The higher immune status, the easier it is to suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria. Can be introduced into the body with fresh fruit and vegetables or purchase a vitamin-mineral complex.
  4. Lactobacilli. Restores microflora balance. Contained in fermented milk products. When eliminating dysbiosis in children under 3 years of age, preference should be given to containers labeled “baby food” on the packaging.
Limit the consumption of sugar, honey and oils. Standard for adults: 2 tablespoons vegetable oils and 15 g of butter per day. For children, the amount is reduced by analyzing the condition.

Adults are allowed to include in the daily menu sour berries and fruits in limited quantities. When treating children, such dietary supplements are avoided.

During an exacerbation of dysbiosis, you should avoid foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract: seasonings, spices, canned food, semi-finished products and offal, sweet pastries. Millet and semolina, brown rice, legumes, seafood, pork and mushrooms. Cooking fat should not be used for cooking. Prohibited drinks: alcohol in any form, strong coffee, tea, whole milk and heavy cream.

During an exacerbation, it is better to stew, boil, or process vegetables and fruits in microwave oven. The number of meals is increased to five in adults and seven in children, portions are reduced. A strict diet is maintained for 2-3 weeks, the diet is expanded gradually.

IN acute period it is allowed to introduce into the diet non-rich broths, vegetables - boiled or stewed, porridges - preference should be given to rice and oatmeal, fermented milk products, unsweetened compotes and rosehip decoction, dried White bread.

After 2-3 days, when the condition improves, the menu will be supplemented with steamed meatballs and cutlets, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, jelly, and dry cookies. Juices for children are diluted with water - 1:1. As the condition improves, the diet is gradually expanded.

Features of the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis

Dysbiosis is a fairly general diagnosis. In order to eliminate digestive disorders, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. This may require consultation with a gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, immunologist, allergist, and sometimes an endocrinologist. Laboratory examinations: bacteriological culture And biochemical analysis stool, coprogram, a scraping from the intestinal wall or a smear from the anus may be required - most often taken from children. Tests help determine which part of the intestine the problem is in.

Medicines for dysbiosis

The list of medicines is quite extensive. It includes medications, accelerating the growth of beneficial microflora, and medications that stop the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.


This group includes medicines, which contain live bacteria:

  • Synbiotics are bacteria and substances that provide optimal development conditions. Bifidobac is most often used. Analogues - Maltodophilus, Laminolact.
  • Single-component - Linex. Only beneficial bacteria. Analogue - Bifiform, Biobakton.
  • Combined - lacto- and bifidobacteria, immunostimulants. Acipol is most often used, less often - Bifiliz.
  • Monocomponent products are the most convenient - Lactobacterin and its analogues (Colibacterin and Bifidumbacterin).
  • Of the antagonists - drugs that contain substances that suppress the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms - Enterol is the most “popular”. Bactisubtil and Bactisporin have a similar effect.
The duration of treatment with this group of drugs is 5-7 days; if necessary, the course can be extended.


These medications are used to increase the activity of beneficial bacteria and normalize the functioning of the large intestine. Specific drugs include Duphalac or Normaze, but you can also use analogues from the group of dietary supplements - Prebio or Lactusan.

Intestinal antiseptics

Medicines for intestinal dysbiosis include specific antiseptics that act selectively. Such agents suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms without inhibiting beneficial lacto- and bifidumbacteria.

The most commonly prescribed is Intetrix, a three-component drug containing tiliquinol, tiliquinol lauryl sulfate and tilbroquinol, which helps stop the development of cocci, anaerobic bacteria and pathogenic fungi. Entoban syrup has similar properties.

Nifuroxazide or its analogues - Enterofuril or Ersefuril - can be used. For adults, the medicine is available in tablets; for children, a suspension is a convenient form. Currently produced under the Stop-Diar brand.

Antibacterial agents

If the cause of dysbiosis is the introduction of infection, antimicrobial drugs may be required. Prescriptions are made by a doctor based on biological culture or a characteristic clinical picture:

  • More active action cocci are treated with macrolide or penicillin antibiotics.
  • When isolating Pseudomonas aeruginosa, preference is given to aminoglycosides.
  • E. coli is suppressed by sulfonamides.
  • If candidiasis is detected, antifungal agents are prescribed.
Additional treatment

IN therapeutic regimen may administer drugs that stabilize general state and accelerating the return to a normal diet. These include:

  1. Multivitamin complexes - Decamevit, Alphabet, Multi-tabs, Pikovit;
  2. Antihistamines - optional, depending on the symptoms of dysbiosis;
  3. To eliminate intestinal spasms - No-shpa (analogue of Papaverine);
  4. For constipation, choleretic agents are prescribed - for example, Allochol;
  5. For diarrhea - sorbents of various types.

Folk remedies for intestinal dysbiosis

Traditional medicine offers its own recipes for the treatment of dysbiosis. Can be used:
  • . Brew mint in a glass of water - 2 tablespoons. Tea is drunk throughout the day, in equal portions, 45 minutes after meals.
  • Infusions with an enveloping effect. Pour 200 ml of hot water (not boiling water!) into 4 tablespoons of flaxseed, unhulled oats, marshmallow grass or angelica. Shake constantly for 15 minutes, then filter. Drink on an empty stomach or 30 minutes before meals.
  • Alder infusion. Tea made from alder cones will help stop diarrhea caused by indigestion due to dysbiosis. Brew 2 tablespoons per 250 ml of boiling water. To enhance the effectiveness of the infusion, add a tablespoon of snakeweed root.
  • To normalize intestinal flora. Mix in equal parts coriander, licorice root and buckthorn bark. Brew a tablespoon of 150 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes in a sealed container. Drink before bed.
  • Astringents. To stop diarrhea, use dried bird cherry, pomegranate peels, and oak bark.
  • Recovery potion. The milk is boiled, cooled slightly, mixed with crushed crackers from rye bread- you need to get a puree-like consistency. After a day, the starter is combined with hot milk, a little crushed garlic is added and left for 5-6 hours. Store and infuse in the refrigerator.
When treating with folk remedies, the condition of the patients should be analyzed. If one medicine does not work, others are used. Duration of therapy is up to 2 months.

How to treat intestinal dysbiosis - watch the video:

To prevent the development of dysbiosis, at the first signs of intestinal disorders, it is necessary to switch to a gentle diet, supplement treatment with antibiotics with probiotics, eat rationally and treat diseases of the digestive tract in a timely manner.

Intestinal dysbiosis is a very “mysterious” disease. On the one hand, doctors claim that such a diagnosis does not exist: this is not a disease, but just a symptom complex. On the other hand, the same doctors confirm that antibiotics and other factors harmful to humans shift the balance of intestinal microflora in favor of harmful and opportunistic pathogens at the expense of beneficial microorganisms. And this is already a path to the development of secondary immunodeficiency, which is easier and more logical to prevent by promptly eliminating intestinal dysbiosis, rather than then restoring immunity and “raking up” the results of its decline.

For the normal functioning of the body, bacteria are always present in a certain balance. Particularly abundantly populated by microflora digestive tract– in its absence, effective processing of food and absorption of nutrients in the intestine are impossible. Slim department The intestines and stomach cavity do not have bacterial contents; all the necessary microbes live in the large intestine.

These are about 500 different bacteria, which, being in optimal quantities and in a balanced ratio, ensure the functioning of the intestines in the correct mode. The basis of intestinal biomass is anaerobic bifidobacteria and aerobic lactobacilli.

Microorganisms living in the intestines ensure the functioning of cholesterol, fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism; many bacteria are directly involved in the synthesis of some vitamins (B, K, folic acid and biotin), and in general microflora is important for adequate immune resistance to adverse factors.

It is on the correct balance of the intestinal “population” that produces substances that stimulate immune reactions that effective work lymphatic system. Otherwise, a person becomes vulnerable to numerous infectious challenges. Some bacteria work to destroy toxins, adsorbing them from the intestines, and with their deficiency, processes of self-poisoning of the body begin.

Another consequence of the onset of dysbacteriosis is the “runaway” of all kinds of mushrooms, rods and pathogenic microbes, which in the presence of an overwhelming amount of “good” microflora behave quietly, but when it decreases, they begin to multiply, causing various diseases, and not only in the intestines.

Development of the disease

A condition when the presence of disorders in the intestines is already completely obvious to the patient does not arise immediately. The imbalance increases gradually, and according to its strength, 4 degrees of dysbiosis are distinguished:

  1. The initial stage is often characterized by an asymptomatic course or mild manifestations. At this stage, the decrease in the level of healthy flora is still insignificant, and pathogenic organisms They are just beginning to “raise their heads.” If the disease is caught at this stage, its development can be stopped and quickly reversed.
  2. The 2nd degree of dysbacteriosis already represents the beginning of pathological processes. Beneficial bacteria They can no longer cope with the onslaught of the “enemy” flora, which is rapidly multiplying and causing the first inflammatory “bells” in the intestines. These are digestive disorders, to which the patient does not yet attach much importance.
  3. Stage 3 – the process is “in progress”, when the infection affects the intestinal walls, and digestive problems become pronounced. Symptoms of inflammation can no longer be ignored, since they cause great discomfort to the patient.
  4. At level 4 of disease severity, changes in microflora are already so large-scale that extraintestinal disorders are added to dyspeptic disorders (nausea, bloating, diarrhea or constipation). Since the functioning of the intestines is disrupted, beneficial food elements are practically not absorbed in it, a person begins to experience weakness, anemia and other signs of incipient exhaustion of the body. At this time, the immune system also suffers, and the patient begins to be attacked by viruses and bacteria, developing fungal diseases, allergic reactions, etc.

Causes of microflora imbalance

Why does a shift in the balance of gut bacteria suddenly occur at one point or another? It is not always possible to find an exact answer to this question. There is only a list of factors that, presumably, can give impetus to the development of dysbiosis.

It is worth noting that all these reasons lead to the so-called secondary dysbiosis, when microflora disturbances are a consequence external factors And pathological processes inside the body. Primary dysbiosis, when the intestines are initially seeded with the wrong flora, occurs only in young children.

Symptoms of dysbiosis

So, by what signs can you suspect that you have dysbiosis? First of all, these are various dyspeptic disorders and stool disorders.