Youth Vyacheslav Chebarkulsky - Prophecies about the last times. The second coming of Christ. Predictions of Slavik (Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov) from the city of Chebarkul

Youth Vyacheslav-like Angel-Messenger , sent by God. He was not 11 years old when he passed away(1982-1993). He cast out demons, healed people, led people to the Orthodox faith, to God and warned about the impending dangers that await Russia and all of humanity, advised how to prepare for them and survive the terrible cataclysms, wars and upheavals that await the Earth and, most importantly, how not to betray God, not accept the mark of the Antichrist when he becomes the world ruler and save your soul.
The youth Vyacheslav was sent by God in order to tell us the most important thing that we need to know today, in our difficult, truly last, pre-Antichrist time. The Lord sent for our admonition an adult husband, whom no one will believe in our evil time. We a pure youth was sent by God to disgrace human pride, expose satanic lies and show us the right path to salvation. It is no coincidence that popular wisdom says that “the Truth speaks through the mouth of babes.” Only a pure heart and pure lips are able to speak the truth and convey it to our hearts. The modern world has become so deceitful, we have become so petrified in vices and unbelief, that only a pure and immaculate child can melt the ice of our hardened and cold hearts. This is the pure and holy child the Lord sent us for our salvation. The youth Vyacheslav to his in childish language he announced to us the Truth of God, and he confirmed and confirms this Truth to this day with his miracles and healings.
A small fragment from the film:


Russian Angel (film one)


In this film we tried to tell the truth about the extraordinary boy Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov (1982-1993), about his life and righteous death, about his high calling and Christian service, about the extraordinary, grace-filled gifts that the Lord awarded this young healer, prophet and prayer book of the Ural land .

Today, the prayerful veneration of the youth Vyacheslav is growing among the Orthodox people. The flow of pilgrims from all over Russia and abroad continues to visit his grave.

However, the love of the common people for the youth Vyacheslav meets with misunderstanding, and sometimes even direct opposition from the powers that be, causing many contradictory judgments and outright false publications in the media.

The purpose of this film is to tell the truth and expose the lies that poison people's souls. Therefore, we tried to make the story about the life of the righteous youth as complete as possible.

We hope this film will bring you spiritual benefit to salvation.

Save you, Lord!

Priest Andrey Uglov, Sergey Bogdanov

Russian angel (film one) episode 1

Russian angel (film one) episode 2

Russian Angel (film one) episode 3

Russian angel (film one) episode 4

Russian angel (second film) - part 1.avi.html (02:36:03)
a) How will Russia fall apart?
b) Life will be very hard
d) The Chinese will reach the Urals
e) Disasters all over the planet

Russian angel (second film) - part 2.avi (02:21:42)
a) People do not know the secret of the universe
b) Time will shorten and the water will drain
c) Dinosaurs are not extinct
d) They are preparing for war with God

Russian angel (second film) - part 3.avi (02:39:46)
a) Times will come worse than under Stalin
b) The whole world will be ruined by profit
c) God will not forgive those who accepted the seal of the Antichrist
d) He will declare himself “god”

The cult of the pseudo-holy youth Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov reveals three problems of the modern Russian Orthodox Church at once: religious illiteracy (in some places simply monstrous), the associated thirst for “easy”, spectacular miracles and “heroes” of their time, lack of internal church discipline and obedience to the hierarchy.

This is also, I think, a new phenomenon, when the veneration of a person as a “saint” was established through the active efforts not of the church community, which knew the deceased (or died from torment) well, but by the manic activity of their mothers, who were in delusion, driven by pride and vanity, who they realize through the “glorification” of their children.


" wise"

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit,

but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, therefore

that many false prophets have appeared in the world"

The church community (parish) where the boy lived did not know the degree of religiosity and correctness of the person’s faith. This is very important - heretics, people with a distorted faith and schismatics, even those who died as martyrs, cannot be canonized as saints, and also people who deliberately ignored church life and participation in the Sacraments during their lifetime.

The next point is that only the mother is a witness to the manifestation of a person’s “holiness”.

And finally, the first and main admirers of the pseudo-saints are people, first of all, with little church, poorly educated, non-church people, schismatics - i.e. people who, in principle, are unable to distinguish between truth and lies, because due to non-participation in the Sacraments of the Church they are deprived of the Holy Spirit and the wisdom of discerning spirits.

When a person is deprived of the communion of the Flesh and Blood of Christ, true Communion with God, he begins to fill his soul with surrogates. And instead of the Lord, he seeks miracle-working “saints” and “elders”, instead of true Communion, “communion” with consecrated earth (!), sand, snow and stones from graves - “...calling themselves wise, they became fools” (Rom. 1:22 ).

Maxim Stepanenko, supervisor

Missionary Department of the Tomsk Diocese

Russian Orthodox Church

Statement by the Missionary Department of the Chelyabinsk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church on the activities of the religious group V.A. Krasheninnikova and the false veneration of the youth Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov

"Preach the word, be present in season and out of season,
rebuke, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering
and edification. For the time will come when sound doctrine
they will not accept, but according to their whims they will choose
for themselves teachers who would have itching ears; and from the truth
They will turn away their ears and turn to fables."
2 Tim. 4:2-4

The missionary department of the Chelyabinsk diocesan administration of the Russian Orthodox Church notes with deep sorrow and concern the growing religious veneration in the Chelyabinsk region and Russia of the Chebarkul schoolboy Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov (1982-1993), who died almost 15 years ago, declared by some media to be both a “prophet” and “ saints,” and “blessed,” and even “great martyr.” Pilgrimages are made to his grave, and the soil taken from it is used in magical rituals rejected by the Orthodox Church; an akathist and a corresponding icon are written. Thus, the prerequisites are being created for the formation of a new cult in the Chelyabinsk region, which blasphemously uses Orthodox rituals and exploits the natural human desire for the supra-mundane, the heavenly.

Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov with his mother, who made enormous efforts to turn her son into a “saint”

Fame for the boy, referred to only as “the holy youth Vyacheslav,” came after his mother V.A. Krasheninnikov’s book of memoirs, entitled “Miracles and Predictions of the Youth Slavik,” and a number of other books, currently unfortunately distributed through a network of church shops. These books are quite widely advertised as “Orthodox”; some of them even have blessings obtained through fraudulent means.

Examples of iconography by Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov

We can state with complete conviction: the writings of V.A. Krasheninnikova and the people in her circle, dedicated to the “youth Vyacheslav,” have nothing to do with Orthodoxy. The late Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, in the understanding of the Russian Orthodox Church, was neither a prophet, nor a martyr, nor a saint. The judgments he expresses about religious truths can be taken seriously only in the context of the attitude of adults and spiritually lost people towards them - people who very often pursue selfish goals that are far from true religiosity. We “must be especially attentive to what we hear, lest we fall away” (Heb. 2:1).

We understand and relate to the grief of a mother who has lost her very young son. But, understanding and sharing this grief, we bitterly note that her subsequent actions, aimed at stirring up public opinion and venerating the deceased child as a saint, do not correspond to church doctrine and church practice of canonization and veneration of saints.

The missionary department testifies to the high spiritual danger of the cult that is forming around the late Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov and mimicking “Orthodoxy.” We see the reason for the emergence of such a cult primarily in the love of fame, in unbridled human pride, in the desire to stand out among one’s own kind by special closeness to God, involvement in some superhuman capabilities, abilities and secrets. But this is the path leading to destruction, for “only the humble the Lord exalts” (Ps. 147:6), who said about Himself: “I am meek and lowly in heart” (Matthew 11:29).

The deceased boy, frivolously declared a saint of God, does not need religious worship, but diligent prayer - first of all, his mother’s prayer for him.

The Orthodox Church, in its presence before the Throne of God, remembers all its children who have died from time immemorial. Since ancient times, all saints of God, until the moment of canonization, were remembered only during memorial services and funeral lithiums. Only the fact of canonization allowed them to serve prayers and akathists. Only people far from the Church can, like representatives of V.A. Krasheninnikova’s group, so blatantly neglect this centuries-old experience of prayer.

The Orthodox Church will always pray for the admonition of the lost and for the repose of the soul of the youth Vyacheslav who died of illness.

The cover of the video film with the “prophecies” of Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov

So: in order to avoid temptation and deviation from the Truth, it is useful to remember the words of the Apostle Paul: “Avoid indecent idle talk; for they will prosper even more in wickedness, and their word will spread like cancer... Continue in what you have been taught and entrusted to you, knowing by whom you have been taught... Be vigilant in everything" (2 Tim. 2:16-17; 3:14; 4:5) and "Stop worthless and old women's fables, and train yourself in godliness" (1 Tim. 4: 7).

Missionary department of the Chelyabinsk diocese
Russian Orthodox Church - 10/19/2007.

Conclusion of the expert commission of the missionary department of the Chelyabinsk diocese on the veneration of the youth Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov and the activities of the religious group V.A. Krasheninnikova - L.N. Emelyanova

On October 20, 2007, on behalf of the hierarchy of the Chelyabinsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, an expert commission was formed at the diocesan missionary department to study the activities of the religious group that had developed around Valentina Afanasyevna Krasheninnikova - the mother of Chebarkul schoolboy Vyacheslav Sergeevich Krasheninnikov, who is represented by the said group as a holy God-given healer, blessed and great martyr , a prayer intercessor before the Lord in recent times. The task of the commission was to collect and study available materials about the life and work of V. S. Krasheninnikov and, on their basis, in accordance with the conciliar experience of the Orthodox Church, to make a judgment on the advisability of venerating Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov as a saint of God.


See also on the topic::

  • Angel dust. About the cult of Slavik Chebarkulsky- Priest Alexy Pluzhnikov


The commission studied the following materials:

Audio recording of a conversation with V.A. Krasheninnikova, published on CD (2007);

Book by V.A. Krasheninnikova "Sent by God". - Chelyabinsk, 2007;

Book by L.N. Emelyanova “God says to His chosen ones...”. - Velikie Luki, 2006,

as well as various materials posted on Internet sites.

In addition, employees of the missionary department had the opportunity to personally meet and talk with functionaries of the specified religious group V.A. Krasheninnikova.

As a direct methodological basis, the commission adopted the report “The Canonization of Saints in the Russian Orthodox Church”, made by His Eminence Juvenal, Metropolitan of Krutitsky and Kolomna, at the XII International Christmas Educational Readings in 2004.

“Saints,” it says, “the Church calls those people who, having been cleansed from sin, acquired the Holy Spirit and demonstrated His power in our world. Those whose pleasing to God was revealed to the Church as a reliable fact, whose salvation ( i.e., entry into the Kingdom of Heaven) was discovered even now, before the Last Judgment.”

This report recalls three main features, which, according to the testimony of Patriarch Nektarios of Constantinople, back in the 17th century. were recognized as necessary conditions for the presence of true holiness:

Orthodoxy is impeccable;

The fulfillment of all virtues, followed by fighting for the faith even to the point of bloodshed;

God's manifestation of supernatural signs and wonders.

The commission established the following:

The subject of religious veneration was a group of people united around V.A. Krasheninnikova, is her son - Krasheninnikov Vyacheslav Sergeevich (1982-1993), who died in adolescence, as reported by his mother, from an “unspecified illness” and was buried in the cemetery of Chebarkul.

The boy, as the published memoirs about him say, came from a church-going Orthodox family, had an angelic appearance, was unusually kind, obedient, intelligent, pious; In addition, from early childhood he was distinguished by superhuman knowledge and abilities: he prophesied, and was able to diagnose and treat various diseases. It was the latter circumstance that led to increased attention to him from first his fellow countrymen - residents of Chebarkul and Miass, and then from numerous visitors. According to the testimony of his relatives, the boy was twice taken to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where he had long conversations with Elder Naum and where his healing gift was certified as “God’s.” After the death of V. Krasheninnikov, a religious cult begins to take shape around him: his grave in the Chebarkul cemetery is surrounded with veneration, an icon and akathist are written, in which the deceased is directly called a “great martyr”; representatives of the religious group V.A. Krasheninnikova testify to numerous healings and other help given after a prayer appeal to the “youth Vyacheslav of the Urals and Siberia,” as well as his appearance in an angelic guise. This is the “canonical” image of Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, imposed on the public consciousness by the group V.A. Krasheninnikova.

The Orthodox Church has always treated this kind of phenomena with great caution: firstly, because it remembered the Savior’s warning about the last times and about the appearance of false Christs and false prophets, called to “deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24); secondly, because in this case the bearer of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is a child, and, as relatives testify, almost from the cradle (2, p. 7).

A scrupulous analysis of the statements of the deceased boy raises doubts about the impeccability of his Orthodoxy, as Saint Nektarios of Constantinople says about it.

It must be stated right away that the expert commission is not able to establish which statements by V. Krasheninnikov really belong to him, and which are later insertions - because he did not leave any written evidence, with the exception of fragmentary entries in a notebook and school notebooks. The little that was, as V.A. writes. Krasheninnikov, mysteriously disappeared immediately after the funeral (2, p. 21). It is almost impossible to distinguish the original from the forgery in this situation, therefore, when speaking about the boy’s statements, the commission is referring to the statements attributed to him in published books.

It should also be noted that there is no systematic presentation of the religious views of Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov.

What is offered by the books of V.A. Krasheninnikova and L.N. Emelyanova as the “revelations” of the “holy youth,” is in fact an eclectic “hodgepodge” - a mixture of ancient heresies, superstitions, modern space science fiction and near-Orthodox folklore.

For example, V.A. Krasheninnikova reports: “One day... Slavik came up to me, and, looking at me with his piercing gaze, very seriously said: “You know, mommy, I really am many, many years old. I am very ancient!” He told me that he remembers himself before birth: “There was a canvas road, I rushed along it at great speed and stopped only at a deep abyss, it was without a bottom, there was no way you could get out of it. And next to me I saw a tall man, dressed as if in monastic robes. At the very tip of this man’s index finger hung a small, burning lamp. Accidentally, the slightly bent edge of the clothing revealed a blinding light that was impossible to look at. This man calmly stepped over the abyss and stopped on the other side. Turning to me, he looked at me carefully and said: “Jump!” I ran, jumped and barely stayed on the opposite edge of the abyss. Then I was left alone and walked a little forward. I turned to the side onto some hard, dark road, like a tunnel, and... I ended up with you, mommy!" Slavik remembered how he was getting ready to come here to us: "The Most Holy Trinity and my friends gave me a little strength from themselves. And I went to you here on the sinful Earth "... When Slavochka was dying, he saw the same man in dark, monastic-like clothes, whom he remembered even before his birth" (1, pp. 17-18, 125).

Iconostases of some “Orthodox” admirers of Slavik Chebarkulsky

Slavik Krasheninnikov: like a saint, so are his admirers...

If we take this evidence seriously, then we are talking about a very ancient heresy, rooted in the philosophy of Plato, of Origenism about the pre-existence of the human soul, condemned back in the 6th century by the 5th Ecumenical Council - a heresy “artistically” presented, but nevertheless easily recognizable .

“The Church, taught by Divine Scripture, affirms that the soul came into existence together with the body, and not that one came before and the other after, as seemed to the extravagance of Origen,” the Council determined.

In the same fragment cited by Krasheninnikova, one can easily notice the beginnings of a peculiar and blasphemous “Christ complex,” which will be discussed below.

Another heresy - about the predetermination of human existence - which has ancient Gnostic roots (Basilides, Valentin, etc.) and lies at the basis of modern Protestantism, was also voiced by L.N. Emelyanova as a “revelation” of Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov: “Let the righteous do the truth, let the unrighteous do the untruth, everything is decided in Heaven, nothing can be stopped or changed...” (1:151).

True, in another place Vyacheslav says something exactly the opposite: “Slavik said that even a murderer can become a saint if he strongly repents of his sins and does not do them again” (1, p. 162). The fact that in this case the ends do not fit together, L.N. Emelyanova simply doesn’t notice.

For comparison, we present here the statement of the famous Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga (Vangelia Gushcherova, 1911-1996), who also considered herself Orthodox and even built a temple in her homeland.

“Do not think that you are free to do what you want, no one is free in their actions, and everything is predetermined. You can only experience feelings: joy from a good deed, bitterness and remorse from a bad one... No one will overcome fate. A person’s life is strictly predetermined” ( 5, p. 281).

Developing this logic to the end, one can reach the statement that God creates both good and evil. Such fatalism, which lies at the basis of many Gnostic systems, is fundamentally contrary to Orthodox dogma. Our Holy Fathers opposed the heresy of predestination literally from the first centuries of Christianity.

“They recognize three kinds of people: spiritual, earthly, spiritual, according to the way there were Cain, Abel and Seth, and therefore three natures ...,” the 2nd century saint Irenaeus of Lyons wrote about the Gnostic-Valentinian heresy in the first of five books “ Refutations and refutations of false knowledge." - And again dividing the very souls, they say that one of them is good by nature, and the other is evil by nature... These people, - St. Irenaeus writes further, - stitch together old women’s fables, and then tearing them out from here and there words, expressions and parables, they want to adapt the sayings of God to their fables" (6, pp. 40, 41).

“God does not need anything,” he wrote further. “... He created and created everything with His Word, ... He did not need the help of angels for creation, nor any power far inferior to Him. ... For this is the excellence God, that He does not need other instruments to produce what has been created, but His own Word is capable and sufficient to create everything... Who should we believe more regarding the creation of the world, asks St. Irenaeus, the above-mentioned heretics who babble such nonsense and absurdities , or to the disciples of the Lord and the faithful servant of God and the prophet Moses, who from the very beginning outlined the creation of the world, saying: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” and everything else?..." (6, pp. 116-117).

Who spoke through the mouth of the young Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov?

“The culprit of all heresies and delusions, the apocalyptic dragon, the ancient serpent, deceiving the entire universe (Apoc. 12:9), this serpent, despite all his undoubted talent and extensive practice for 7419 years, very often, one might even say constantly repeats himself "- Hieromartyr Hilarion (Troitsky) wrote at one time. I wrote it absolutely correctly. (4).

“Slavochka did not allow someone else’s blood to be poured into him... Slavochka said that with someone else’s blood other people’s sins enter into a person, but the blood still does not take root, does not unite with one’s own blood, since it is dead” (1, p. 113) .

Only one pseudo-Christian sect, the Jehovah's Witnesses, insists on a direct ban on blood transfusions. A little higher in the book by L.N. Emelyanova talks about Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov’s contacts with a representative of this sect - a certain Zhanna, a medical student: Vyacheslav liked her more than, for example, the Baptists, whom he considered “delighted by demons.” He was also interested in the Jehovah's Witness magazine "The Watchtower", which she brought. (1, pp. 208-211). Apparently, conversations with her left an imprint on the boy’s religious views and on the formation of the apocalyptic religious doctrine of the entire group of his admirers.

“Just before his death, when it became very difficult for Slavik, he turned to the icon of the Savior and looking straight at the face of Christ, said with doubt: “Here I am dying... Or maybe death is in vain? And all my torment is in vain? Maybe you don't exist at all? And all this is in vain?..." (1, p. 124).

All human weakness is excusable; especially if this is the weakness of a child exhausted by illness. But how can one, in this case, present him as a great martyr, place him on a par, in particular, with the God-loving youths Faith, Hope and Love, who accepted mortal torment for Christ, but did not doubt His existence?

Valentina Afanasyevna Krasheninnikova’s own attitude towards the Church is very ambiguous - by her own admission, she did not dare to baptize her son for a long time, in particular because she did not like the new churches and young priests: “After all, I’m used to other Churches, ancient ones, with real icons , with a real, elderly priest, and here... young, smiling... No, this is not at all how I imagined my son’s baptism. I saw a different church, a “real” one, and a different priest - a “real” one...” (1, p. 19) .

Authenticity criterion for V.A. Krasheninnikova has only one - the age of the temple, the icon, the priest. The older, the more authentic. As a result: Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov was baptized at the age of five and a half years in a “real” church. (1, p. 288).

The spiritual advice of the “holy youth”, often completely absurd, has nothing to do with Orthodoxy: “Slavik... said that you can’t keep dogs in the house - it’s a sin, that dogs should live in the yard” (1, p. 137).

“Birds cannot be killed - birds participate in the creation of time - by killing birds, we shorten time...” (1, p. 151).

This statement, in our opinion, is also completely heretical, since it directly contradicts the spirit and letter of the Gospel.

“Everything came from Him and without Him nothing happened,” says the holy visionary Apostle John the Theologian. (John 1:3).

“For,” commenting on this fragment, writes St. Irenaeus of Lyons, “He needs nothing, but by His Word and Spirit He creates everything, disposes and governs everything, and gives existence to everything...” (6, p. 85).

Another “advice” from the “holy youth”: “You cannot collect masks, skulls, fantastic books, etc., because evil spirits inhabit them, and evil spirits cannot stand the Icons of the Savior, the Mother of God and the faces of saints. They do not like burning wax candles, the smell of incense, and especially the Sunday prayer, from which they begin to rush about and disappear" (1, p. 137).

What has been said, of course, is not a heresy, but rather a specific provincial obscurity, steeply mixed with near-Orthodox folklore, which has nothing to do with patristic Orthodoxy. However, one can discern in this the beginnings of magic.

“This generation is driven out only by prayer and fasting,” the Savior clearly and unequivocally said about demons (Matthew 17:21).

It is not the holy icons themselves, but the prayers addressed to the Savior and the Mother of God depicted on them that demons are afraid of, otherwise they could not tempt ascetics even in monastic cells. And, of course, it is not the burning candles or the smell of incense that drives them away; Let us recall that incense was once burned before the altars of pagan gods. Burning candles and the smell of incense indicate worship, that is, the offering of prayers to the Lord - this is exactly what demons cannot stand.

“You cannot fly into space, because from space, when a rocket flies to the ground, it carries with it invisible crystals that linger in one of the layers of the atmosphere, and they have the ability to divide. Under certain conditions created by man, they will ultimately fall to the earth and everything that falls under them will be crushed. If a person falls under this crystalline lattice, it will look like a pile of ice mixed with blood. Such ice will not melt" (2, p. 16).

What has been said, due to its complete absurdity, does not require comment at all.

The apocalyptic “prophecies” of the “holy youth” have the same relation to Orthodoxy, some of which are clearly fantastic, apparently inspired by Western films and media, such as the appearance of dinosaurs throughout the earth (1, p. 277) or the combustion of sulfur dioxide gases at the bottom of the Black Sea (2, p. 29), and some - for example, about the Caucasian War (1, p. 252) or about the explosion of “two big houses in America” (2, p. 23) are frankly false, i.e. e. appeared retroactively, post factum of the event itself. True, there are also, so to speak, exclusive “prophecies”, for example the following:

“All gigantic buildings will fall underground” (2, p. 30);

“When the Lord comes, the Angels will carry huge pieces of earth through the air and throw up the gaps formed on the surface of the Earth, leveling the earth’s surface. If a person looked at this action, he would not see the Angels, but would see blocks of earth flying across the sky. Ultimately, before the New Life with the Lord, the Earth will become almost flat" (1, pp. 255-256).

Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov’s ideas about the posthumous existence of the soul are completely folklore.

“Slavik often talked a lot about the structure of hell, but only told a few people about Heaven. When I asked: “Why do you talk mainly about hell?” - Slavik replied: “So that they think about it and don’t get there, but they are not worthy of talking about Heaven yet.” listen "... He also said that soon almost all the demons will crawl out to the surface of the earth along with the devil, and in hell it will be calmer for some time than on Earth. The demons remaining in the underworld will not do their work so diligently. Slavik said that hell really exists, and it is below us. I asked about Stalin. Slavik explained that in hell there is a place where boiling water flows, and in this boiling water some stand up to their heels, some up to their knees, some up to their chests, and Stalin is completely there with his head ". Slavik spoke in detail about the structure of hell. He said that at the very bottom it is very cold, there is ice, there are the greatest sinners. And there are rooms where people just sit in the dark and are not tortured, but in another place, if someone... then he sticks out of the fire or boiling water, then the demons with bitterness and malice drive him back and plunge him headlong. At the very beginning of the underworld there is actually firewood, which is chopped as if “at the command of a pike” by an ax on a huge log into logs, and it is very dark there. Next there are huge boilers, where this firewood is transported on drags, like large sleighs, or dragged in bundles. Both are dragged with all their might and with great strain on the souls of sinners, and the demons torture them and drive them on, as if with whips. Slavik said: “What are the sins, such are the places.” Slavik said that there is a place in hell where the main big worm and many other worms crawl into a person’s nose, mouth, eyes, ears and it is very painful. Slavochka also said that I should not go to the cemetery alone, since the worm is very smart and hears well and, sticking out a little, grabs and drags those walking alone underground. It happens that the ground collapses under a person’s feet, and he flies into the utter darkness of hell, where he sees only many, many fiery blinking eyes surrounding him. Such a poor fellow is instantly torn alive into small pieces by the attacking evil spirits-demons. This is also one of the reasons for the disappearance of people. Demons hate people with fierce hatred because the Lord replenishes the number of fallen angels with saints, whom He threw from Heaven for disobedience and turned into demons" (1, pp. 137-139).

You have to lose the remnants of common sense to take it reverently and seriously.

“The holy elders,” reminds St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov), “while advising one to remember the objects of the invisible world, they forbid depicting them in the mind as a dream: these objects are not at all the same as they are depicted in the imagination of a carnal and passionate person. Allowing oneself to daydream is an open door into the realm of lies - this indispensable condition and the beginning of a person’s destruction; allowing oneself to daydream is a departure from the truth and arbitrary self-delusion" (3, p. 125).

Reading the “revelations” of the “holy youth” you understand how right Saint Ignatius is, and how far the dreams of a frivolous dreamer can lead.

The demonology of Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov is essentially non-Orthodox.

This is apparently due to the child’s natural impressionability and his uncritical perception, in particular, of Western films that poured into our country precisely during Vyacheslav’s adolescence.

We were able to establish semantic borrowing from at least three Western films.

“Slavik said that aliens drag people away alive and use them as slaves; they have many places where “missing” people work in slavery” (1, p. 80).

This is the plot of the feature film Phantasm (1979), directed by Don Coscarelli, which has become a cinematic classic.

“Slavochka also said that not all scientists will believe “their” miracles, and this will force them to make a device that will allow scientists among people to recognize the so-called aliens, that is, incarnate demons, who are very, very scary. Everything in this device is fake.” "under a person" the demons will be visible, as if on an x-ray, their entire inner essence. There will be many of them, scientists will simply be horrified... Thus, information will appear in the world, confirmed by scientists, about how and what happens with the substitution of people. Many such devices will be made, and they will be very useful for people..." (1, pp. 82-83).

This is a not very competent retelling of the feature film by another famous American director, John Carpenter, “They Live” (1988).

“Slavik said that when aliens take skin from a person, supposedly for analysis, then, in fact, from a small piece of skin they grow a whole layer of human skin, which they cover themselves with. They are preparing to descend on us in large numbers under the guise of aliens being persecuted.” evil cosmic forces,” and in fact God, but their real appearance will be heavily disguised and they will act in the real world under the guise of real people, and sometimes a terrible “substitution” will occur - instead of the stolen person, “this one” will appear, completely outwardly indistinguishable from a real person, and stolen people will either be destroyed or sent into slavery."

If we assume that Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov did not watch these films (which, of course, is consistent with his “Orthodoxy”), then he probably heard their classmates discussing them, especially since he was a very sociable child.

Also, “Slavik said... that there are a lot of demons on the Moon... Only now they can perform tricks on the Moon, and in the sky, and, as it were, on the Sun” (2, p. 15).

Orthodox doctrine, on the contrary, insists on the spiritual nature of demons, who, of course, do not need “bases” on the Moon.

Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov’s ideas about the universe are absolutely fantastic.

“The Earth is really round,” he told his mother and some mysterious scientist who came to talk with the miracle child. “Only it is actually much larger and does not rotate, and what people imagine under their planet is only a small part of it.” And this part is flat... There are also many large voids inside the Earth,... people cannot detect them, because they are hidden under a layer of radioactive sand" (1, p. 78).

Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov’s interest in dinosaurs is connected with Western and Westernized Eastern cinema: it was in the late 1980s that feature and animated films about dinosaurs appeared in the USSR (Godzilla, etc.). Could they fail to influence an impressionable child? Of course they could.

“Underground,” Slavochka told us, “there are huge empty spaces where pure, pure water flows, and the plants are very soft. Those dinosaurs that lived on the earth went underground. Because of underground nuclear explosions, they are now very large size and gain strength. There are a lot of dinosaur eggs in the walls of the underground space. When the climate warms, the earth will open up and they will come to the surface. They are different - herbivores and predators. Although they will not be on earth for very long, they will manage to do a lot troubles. After some time, the earth will open again, and they will go underground now forever and will never appear again. Scientists cannot view the underground void spaces where dinosaurs live, since a layer of radioactive sand interferes" (2, p. 45) .

Unfortunately, the mother was unable to discern behind her son’s fantasies an ordinary mishmash of Western-Eastern blockbusters and V. Obruchev’s “Plutonia,” and now imposes these children’s fantasies as mystical “revelations.”

I wonder what place, for example, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would have taken in the religious doctrine of the Krasheninnikova-Emelyanova group if the “holy youth” had mentioned them too?

In accordance with the above, we can conclude that there can be no talk of any “impeccable Orthodoxy” of either Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov or his followers.

But there are other worrying points.

Thus, the group of V.A. Krasheninnikova - L.N. Emelyanova, Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov is blasphemously identified either with one of the great saints who are about to come to Earth in recent times, or with the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Let us make an assumption: since practically nothing is known about the childhood years of the Lord Jesus Christ, the mentioned group may be creating a kind of apocrypha designed to fill the historical and religious “lacuna.” True, formally the fans of the “youth Vyacheslav” are trying to deny:

“Once ecumenists came to Slavik... The ecumenists agreed that Slavik and Christ are one and the same, which means, they say, you should know what Slavik’s mother should be like. That’s what they taught. But for me, Slavik - son. My son. And who he really is - only God knows for certain" (1, p. 190).

And yet: “One day... a rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain, and then the boys saw a bright glow from Slavik’s shoulders and around Slavik’s head, which lasted about 40 minutes...” (2, p. 13).

The “Christ complex” that had formed in the boy is evidenced by his following statements: “I have everything for you, I don’t even have a crumb for myself!” (1, p. 175).

“When you find out who I really am, you will first be very frightened because you treated me so easily, and then you will be proud of me. And also, many will greatly envy me” (1, p. 150).

“When a noise comes from the Lavra, and they find the ancient Book of Prophecies in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, it will be written there who I am...” (1, p. 283).

“When I come back to Them, They will say: “How did you endure all this?” And I will lift my shirt and show them my wounds” (1, p. 122).

Such narcissism also lies outside the patristic tradition of the Orthodox Church. The “Fatherland” of Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) tells about a truly Christian death: “When the time came for the death of Abba Agathon, he remained for three days without moving, having his eyes open and keeping them in one direction. The brothers pushed him, saying: “Abba! Where are you?" He answered: "I stand before God's judgment." The brothers said to him: "Father! Are you really afraid too?” He answered: “Although I tried my best to fulfill God’s commandments, I am a man and I don’t know whether my deeds are pleasing to God.” The brothers said: “Are you really not sure that your deeds are pleasing to God?” The elder said : “It is impossible for me to be convinced of this before I stand before God: because there is another judgment of God and another of man…” (3, p. 64).

“Pimen the Great used to say to his brethren: “I assure you: where they throw Satan, there they will throw me too” ...” (3, p. 380).

And, on the contrary, it is about heretics that evidence has been preserved as about highly arrogant people: “They proclaim themselves perfect, so that no one, not even Paul or Peter or any other of the apostles, can compare with them in the greatness of knowledge...” (6 , page 59).

“Slavik also said that after his death he would be better able to cure eye diseases, nervous diseases and help cancer patients, and he would be where they sing praises to God. And so that I don’t worry about him (that is, don’t pray - K . P.), he will come and help us even after his death..." (1, p. 122).

In the book by L.N. Emelyanova provides evidence of such posthumous phenomena. Chebarkul resident Gennady Kungurtsev tells about the death of his wife: “My wife said: “Gennady, Slavik came to my room tonight and said: “Aunt Shura, get ready, this Saturday you will die, don’t be afraid, I will help you go through the ordeal”..." (1, p. 200).

V. Krasheninnikov’s childhood friend Anton Klykov had another vision after a serious operation: “Anton was suddenly overcome by some strange state: neither reality, nor dream..., and darkness began to gather around him. He thought that he was dying; since it was getting so dark. Suddenly a strip of very bright light appeared. The light became brighter and brighter and increased in size. When his eyes began to hurt from the light, he saw in this radiance a smiling Slavik, dressed in long clothes, as if in a girl’s nightgown. When Slavik turned a little, then behind his back, large light wings became visible, which because of the bright light it was impossible to see well. Anton asked Slavik: “Why are you dressed up like that?” But Slavik silently looked and smiled. And suddenly Anton remembered that Slavik died, which means he came from there, from Heaven?! The young man began to beg Slavik to take him with him, and Slavik smiled and shook his head, saying no, and began to leave with the light. The vision disappeared, and Anton fell asleep peacefully for the first time in several days, and without pain" (1, p. 142).

What is striking is the inadequacy of people, their inability to soberly assess the situation: it is no secret that before an operation, and often after it, especially terminally ill patients, mild drugs are administered as an anesthetic: thus, visions are quite explainable by their influence and it is not at all necessary to look for everything this is something wonderful. Back in the 14th century, William Ockham formulated the most important epistemological principle, which became the cornerstone of modern rationalism: “Do not multiply entities unnecessarily,” that is, do not try to introduce new concepts until the capabilities of the old conceptual apparatus are exhausted. V. Krasheninnikov's followers are ready to “multiply entities” without any need.

True, there were also miraculous phenomena: in the book of L.N. Emelyanova included a drawing “The Appearance of the Mother of God with the Child Vyacheslav” with a vague explanation: “The drawing was made according to the story of schema-monk N.” A textbook case of demonic delusion is also told: to the mysterious schema-monk N., at his prayer in December 2002, the Mother of God appeared together with the “youth Vyacheslav” and said: “Behold, I leave you a youth for salvation and mercy. Many countries and languages ​​receive salvation from Russia through this youth - Vyacheslav...” What followed were amazing coincidences that convinced the schema-monk (and then the “Vyacheslavites”) of the authenticity of the miracle (1, p. 299). L.N. Emelyanova dedicated an entire chapter in her book to the Fatima apparition of the Mother of God and directly attributed part of the prophecies She gave to the Portuguese girls to Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov. (1, pp. 289-297).

“To those who have succeeded in conceit, demons begin to appear in the form of angels of light, in the form of martyrs and saints, even in the form of the Mother of God and Christ Himself, they bless their lives, promise them heavenly crowns, and thereby elevate them to the heights of conceit and pride. Such a height is also fatal “an abyss,” St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) thoroughly warned. “We need to know that in our state, not yet renewed by grace, we are unable to see dreams other than those made up of the delirium of the soul and the slander of demons” (7, p. 347).

“The most experienced monk, even if he spent a century in monastic experiments, is not experienced enough in comparison with a fallen angel, whose experience in fighting the servants of God has been refined for entire millennia,” he wrote. (7, p. 337).

Let us note that the most important patristic principle was completely forgotten by the visionaries who were honored with the visit of the “youth Vyacheslav”: “The general rule for everyone: do not get carried away by phenomena from the world of spirits, recognize such a phenomenon as a grave temptation for yourself. Angels appear to only holy people, and only saints are capable of being enlightened by divine grace, distinguish between holy angels and devils. Devils, appearing to people, most often clothe themselves in the form of holy angels, surround themselves with all kinds of appearances, so that it is all the more convenient to seduce, deceive and destroy the inexperienced, self-important, stupidly curious. It is a great disaster to enter into communication with demons, to accept impressions from them, even to submit to their influence alone, which, being attracted by a person’s own will, has a special effect” (3, p. 34).

“One day,” reports L.N. Emelyanova, “Valentina Afanisievna heard a conversation in Slavik’s room, was surprised, and came up. Slavik was sitting at the table and spoke loudly in some language. Then she got scared, what happened to the child?.. Quietly asks : “Slavochka, what’s wrong with you? What language are you speaking? - “What language did Jesus Christ speak, mommy!” - "Yes?". It’s strange, shameful, ashamed not to believe it, because the heavenly world looks at you through the eyes of a child, who see right through you, what you are and who you are...” (1, pp. 55-56).

“Slavik could speak other languages. I saw that animals, birds and plants understood him. When I asked: “Slavik, what is this language that you sometimes speak? I have never heard this anywhere.” He replied: “This is unearthly,” recalls V.A. Krasheninnikova (2, p. 22).

“One day, a friend of mine brought a lush gladiolus. Slavik ran up, looked and quickly ran away from the flower. I then asked him why he did that? He replied that the flower complained to him, that he would have lived longer if he had not been cut off” ( 2, p. 14).

In addition to the special linguistic talents of Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, the above quotes testify to the pagan-fairy-tale worldview of both the boy himself and his mother. How can this correlate with Orthodox dogma, which “paganizes” consciousness and denies the presence of a rational soul in animals and plants?

It further turns out that Vyacheslav could talk not only with animals and plants: “Slavik said that the so-called “aliens,” that is, demons, do not like marble, because it is alive, it has a pulse. Therefore, we tried to put it on Slavochka’s grave marble monument" (2, p. 23).

The attitude towards Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov as a kind of “substitute for Christ” is clearly formulated in the book by L.N. Emelyanova. In her opinion, it is about Krasheninnikov that the apocryphal prophecies of Sts. Seraphim of Sarov, Sovereign Nicholas II, Fatima prophecies of the Mother of God... (1, pp. 289-298). She writes: “Slavik’s main purpose was to fight evil spirits, he himself said so several times” (1, p. 149).

“The youth Vyacheslav lived in such a way that he gave himself completely to others, gave all his amazing gifts from God to us, and left nothing for himself” (1, p. 118).

There are other - categorical - assessments: “Our Slavik died before he was 11 years old. Maybe he suffered for our sins? Of course” (1, p. 199).

In this situation, it is impossible to call the early death of Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov anything other than providential: it was death, by the unsearchable mercy of God, that interrupted the development and spread of sin. It is easy to imagine what Vyacheslav would have grown up to be, having had the self-perception of a “great saint” since childhood.

“Love work, submit yourself to everyone, keep your lips closed - and you will acquire humility,” said the great ascetic of piety, St. Anthony the Great. “True humility gives a person forgiveness of all his sins” (3, p. 31).

The extrasensory abilities of Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov deserve special consideration - this is how the rector of the Chebarkul church, Fr. Vladislav Kataev (2, p. 57).

As often happens, they were discovered after a traumatic brain injury received by Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov in early childhood. After this he began to hear a "voice".

“I was stunned,” recalls V.A. Krasheninnikova, “...I asked my son: “How long have they been “talking” to you?” He replied that as long as he can remember, the same voice always talks to him... When Slavik was five and a half years old, I learned from him that he loves God more than anyone, that he hears a woman’s voice that tells him everything, that this voice is alive, and our voices are next to it, as if dead, that it sees the past, present and future" (2, p. 9).

“When Slava and I were left alone, he told me that he sees all the internal organs of people and knows what people think about, that he sees all diseases at the very beginning... He said that he knows the thoughts of our president, the American president, and in general, the thoughts of all people know ... that for him there are absolutely no secrets on earth.”

Hearing “voices” is a phenomenon that has long been well known to both religious scholars and practicing psychiatrists (the so-called verbal pseudohallucinosis). It is not uncommon for “contactees with the Higher Mind,” at the suggestion of otherworldly advisers, to become organizers of religious and occult groups. The Orthodox tradition clearly warns against frivolous perception of this kind of phenomena, in certain cases even qualifying them as demon possession. In the case of Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, apparently, we can talk about a purely medical problem, although it has outgrown the narrow medical framework - due to the almost professional “promotion” of a new cult by forces hostile to the Orthodox Church, standing behind the formal leaders of V.A. Krasheninnikova and L.N. Emelyanova. But a final verdict is possible only after consultation with qualified doctors. Let us note only one feature: the activity of Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov occurred precisely during the period when a whole brood of child mediums appeared in the USSR, speaking and writing under the dictation of “voices”. Among the most famous: Nika Turbina (born in 1974) and Vika Vetrova (born in 1979). Orthodox Moscow poetess Nina Kartasheva, speaking about young literary talents, noted:

“Recently, I am increasingly amazed by a phenomenon that cannot be called anything other than mediumship, or rather, obsession. Moreover, this phenomenon is becoming increasingly widespread every year... Many such children have passed before my eyes in seven years” (5, pp. 84-85).

True, the functionaries of the Krasheninnikova-Emelyanova group are aware that contacts with the so-called. psychics are not blessed by the Church, and therefore they took a proactive step: they themselves “examined” Slavik for the presence of psychic abilities at the corresponding Moscow parascientific Center. The “examination” showed that the child does not have any extrasensory abilities. Where then does the ability to diagnose and heal come from? Clearly - from God. It didn’t even occur to Vyacheslav’s mother that the Center’s “specialists”—themselves “advanced” psychics—could simply be lying so as not to frighten off a not very competent woman.

V.A. Krasheninnikov and L.N. Emelyanova is not embarrassed by the fact that when describing healing sessions they use vocabulary characteristic of “advanced” psychics:

“Mommy, evil spirits constantly attack a person from above. Demonic energy in the form of black clots constantly moves at high speed, trying to penetrate a person, pierce him, and when they fail, the person still experiences sharp pain somewhere in his body, including in the temples, like yours now" (2, p. 29).

“Valentina Afanasievna asked Slavik to diagnose me... Slava began to list my ailments” (1, p. 197).

“How did he treat? I can only tell you: Slavik stood at a distance, and it was as if something was coming away from my head in the form of thin threads” (1, p. 198).

According to V.A. Her son advised Krasheninnikova to treat many diseases with herbs; the recipe for some of these “natural preparations” is given in the book by L.N. Emelyanova. For example, cancer - instead of proven chemotherapy - is recommended to be treated with celandine juice. It is also added that celandine juice is poisonous and consuming it can cause headaches and worsen vision (1, p. 323). At the same time, the methods of traditional medicine are deliberately disavowed: “Here in the Urals, especially in the hematology hospital, there is simply a working conveyor belt of children dying from leukemia” (1, p. 119).

Healings and miracles continue even after the death of Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, however, they are very reminiscent of magical practices. Thus, “pious” pilgrims take away the marble tombstone erected on the grave of Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov for amulets.

“The youngest son said that he drank for his birthday, but then they called from work for him to come urgently, he had to be sober, and he drank water infused with pebbles from Slavik’s grave, and instantly became sober, as if he had not drunk at all "(2, p. 61).

“After the next medical examination, a little upset, I took pebbles from Slavochka’s grave, applied them to the sore spot and for several days I wore marble pebbles on my chest, often calling out to Slavochka... These few days I felt some kind of “aggravation” or “movement” inside sore spot, but again I didn’t go anywhere, completely relying on the will of God for me, and at the next medical examination, about three months later, the gynecologist said: “You see how important it is to be treated by specialists, everything is fine for you!” ... " (2, p. 77).

“Many times a year we visit Slavik’s grave. At home we always have soil from the grave and holy water with pebbles, this is our first aid - our first medicine. Our financial situation has improved, my husband has a good job” (1, p. 216- 217).

The pebbles from the grave of Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov are able to “multiply”.

“I distribute pebbles, and they multiply. Valentina Afanasyevna gave the pilgrims 40 pebbles. One of the pilgrims distributed them to everyone, and there was enough for everyone, and there were 100 pilgrims,” a certain “nun Romanda” from Zadonsk seriously reports (2, pp. 92-93 ).

In addition to pebbles, the soil and snow from the grave of Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov have healing powers. You have to constantly add soil to the grave because it is also being dismantled. This is not surprising, because the earth from the grave, when rubbed into the skin, does not crumble, but is absorbed like an ointment (1, p. 328).

“Once my leg hurt a lot - it looked like varicose veins. Sometimes it hurt, but then it just became unbearably painful. I read evening prayers, but because of the pain I don’t know where and how to put my leg, what to do? I took out a bag of with earth from Slavochka’s grave and a bag of earth from Ganina’s pit, where the royal martyrs were burned, I sprinkled water from the snow from Slavochka’s grave, and even tied these bags to my leg, so I finished reading the rule, and only from that time I forgot about the pain in my leg Since then, next to the cross on my chest I have been wearing an amulet with an icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov, and in the amulet a small pebble from Slavochka’s grave and earth from the ditch of the Virgin Mary. As Slavochkina’s mother Valentina Afanasievna explained, the elder told her about this that in our time it is not enough to wear one cross, we need either relics or some other shrine. Glory to God for giving our Siberian and Ural lands such a shrine - the youth Vyacheslav" (2, p. 78).

“Demonlessness is a terrible phenomenon that has filled many aspects of life. But in our situation, the enemy penetrated not only the soul, but also the body of our child... We continued to fight for our child. Great importance was given to daily (and more than once a day) sprinkling of the house holy Epiphany water and melt water from the snow from Slavik’s grave, as well as the use of the same water internally by both our child and us. Every day, especially at night, we sprinkled the child with holy water (Epiphany water and from Slavik) with the sign of the cross and prayer. They burned incense several times a day, its effect on demons has long been known, even from a saying... Our troubles continued, but day by day, positive changes slowly began to occur..." (2, p. 69).

“Valentina Afanasievna asked my husband to print one religious article on the computer, but he was never able to print it, he prints other materials normally, but as soon as he starts printing this article, the computer begins to freeze.” After Valentina Afanasievna sprinkled the room with baptismal water and told my husband that before printing materials on religious topics, he should ask Slavik for help, so that there would be no more computer malfunctions" (2, p. 61).

Naturally, people who do not believe in the holiness of the “youth Vyacheslav” are “punished” accordingly: they may get sick or fall under the influence of some kind of “damage”. However, as soon as they “believe”, both illnesses and witchcraft inspirations recede. Such cases are described in many ways in the book by L.N. Emelyanova and, of course, pursue “pedagogical” goals, on the one hand, frightening the faint-hearted, on the other, maintaining the necessary degree of religious fervor in the “faithful”.

Group V.A. Krasheninnikova - L.N. Emelyanova consists predominantly of women and is aimed at women and children with unstable psyches. Despite the fact that Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov’s father is in full health, it is still not he who leads the “Vyacheslavovites”, but his wife and her faithful associate: in their books, speaking about each other, they do not spare molasses, while at the same time calling them “vis-a-vis” mother." Sergei Vyacheslavovich Krasheninnikov - the father of the "holy youth Vyacheslav of the Urals and Siberia" - was not awarded the title of "father". As evidenced by the pre-revolutionary commentator on the works of St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Archpriest P. Preobrazhensky, Gnostic heresies in the 2nd century were successful mainly due to the gullibility and support of women (6, p. 13).

The main pathos of the Krasheninnikova-Emelyanova group is aimed at fighting the world behind the scenes, the Masonic “world government”.

Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov spoke more than once or twice about the inevitability and danger of the coming era of globalization, and considered the Freemasons and followers of Wolf Messing to be his immediate enemies (probably referring to A. Kashpirovsky, A. Chumak and the like, who were popular at the end of the Soviet era) (1 , page 177). Masonic themes were then widely discussed in the media thanks to the activities of the historical and patriotic society “Memory”.

“Dear brothers and sisters,” writes V.A. Krasheninnikova, “Slava came to this world to tell you, to warn you not to take Satan’s world passport, not to accept his chips, he said that the first non-human document is a voucher Everything else, even a small certificate and any other document, is all from Satan, and those who received his marks on the forehead or on the right hand will not be forgiven by God" (2, p. 2).

Even a superficial glance will easily see in this position a clear contradiction with the words of the Apostle: “Let every soul be subject to the higher authorities; for there is no authority except from God, but the existing authorities were established by God. Therefore, whoever resists authority resists God’s institution; and those who resist will bring upon themselves condemnation." (Rom. 13:1-2).

However, this contradiction is easily correlated with the mentioned Gnostic background of the new cult: the ancient Gnostics also tended to consider the Holy Scriptures not comprehensively, but selectively, outright rejecting what did not correspond to the intellectual scheme they accepted.

“Slavik said that... the last document will be a world passport in the form of a small, very nice gray plate. When people receive it, specially installed equipment will apply three small sixes with rays on the forehead or on the right hand in the form of a tattoo. At first there will be none. visible, but then they, like an electronic display, on the forehead and on the hand will glow with a greenish light. If a person tries to get rid of these sixes and cuts off his hand, then the sixes will appear on the stump. Then chop the person into pieces, but on each piece three sixes will appear... Those who receive such a number will not be able to die. They will be like immortals. Slavik said that if such a person, because of a terrible life, wants to end his life by suicide and, accelerating in a car, crashes somewhere, then he will fly away along with the car into pieces, like a monster in a horror film, will gather from the pieces into a heap and come to life again" (2, p. 24).

And although St. advised Anthony the Great: “Don’t talk at all about the affairs of this world” (3, p. 30), it is precisely this “fashionable” circumstance in politicized Orthodox circles, absolutely fantastically expressed by a sick child and acquiring exaggerated proportions in the rhetoric of the Chebarkul group, that apparently captivates individual clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church, suffering from a kind of blindness that does not allow them to see spiritually dangerous doctrinal errors behind the anti-globalist rhetoric. Freemasonry is, of course, the enemy of Orthodoxy, but illiterate, hysterical opposition to it can do more harm than good: cold-blooded calculation in war is many times more effective than patriotic fervor itself.

An objective assessment of the activities of the group V.A. Krasheninnikova - L.N. Emelyanova, at first glance, is greatly hampered by their ardent attitude towards Orthodoxy: rarely these days do you find among the laity such zeal for the performance of church rites and sacraments, which is described in their books.

In reality, in our opinion, individual statements and “spiritual advice” of both Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov himself and his current admirers testify, rather, to the ritual faith of the representatives of the “Vyacheslavovites” group than to the deep and living faith in the one Holy, Catholic and the Apostolic Church, into the living, and not the magical, salvific value of her Sacraments.

This is one of the subtlest temptations of our time. Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov), warning us, prophetically wrote that it was “the fallen spirit... who inspired some to give exaggerated importance to the material side of church rites, eclipsing the spiritual side of rites from them; thus, for these unfortunate ones, having taken away the essence of Christianity, he left only one distorted, material shell, led them to fall away from the Church, to false and stupid superstition, to schism. This type of warfare is so convenient for the fallen spirit that it is now used everywhere. So convenient for the devil and human destruction is this type of warfare that the devil will use it in the last days of the world to completely distract the whole world from God. The devil will use this type of warfare, and will use it with decisive success" (7, pp. 329-330).

“Deception,” said St. Irenaeus of Lyons, “does not appear alone, ... but cunningly dressed in tempting clothing, it achieves what, in its appearance, seems truer to the inexperienced than the truth itself” (6, pp. 19-20) .

He, giving an assessment of the activities of heretics destructive to the Church, wrote: “Having made, as it were, a veil from many and very bad rags, they, through the subtleties of speech, made for themselves an intricate outfit. They put forth as if a new teaching, since it was developed with the help of a new art ; but this teaching, in fact, is old and useless, since it is made up of old teachings that echo unbelief and atheism" (6, p. 145).

What was said in the 2nd century, in our opinion, directly applies to the activities of the modern group of V.A. Krasheninnikova - L.N. Emelyanova.


The above indicates that the doctrinal doctrine of the Chebarkul religious group Krasheninnikova-Emelyanova, formed on the basis of the oral sayings of the schoolboy Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, who died in 1993, does not correspond to the doctrinal doctrine of the Orthodox Church.

The “Orthodoxy” of the Krasheninnikova-Emelyanova group is ostentatious, formal in nature and is intended to mislead spiritually inexperienced people.

Unconsciously or consciously, the group made an attempt to replace the shrine with a false shrine, the Divinely revealed Truth with its own interpretation. This allows us to qualify the Krasheninnikova-Emelyanova group as pseudo-Orthodox and apocalyptic. In this regard, it is especially alarming that L.N. Emelyanova, by her own admission, works with children (1, p. 325) and tells them about the “holy youth,” actually recruiting them into her group

The activities of the pseudo-Orthodox, apocalyptic group Krasheninnikova-Emelyanova, in our opinion, provokes religiously unmotivated civil disobedience and split among Orthodox believers, which, in the conditions of the transition period in state building and the ongoing occult revolution, poses a serious threat to social stability and mental health of people.


1. Emelyanova L.N. God says to His chosen ones... - Velikiye Luki, Educational and Charitable Center "Annunciation", 2006.

2. Krasheninnikova V.A. Sent by God. - Chelyabinsk, 2007.

3. Bishop Ignatius (Brianchaninov). Otechnik. - M.: AST - Minsk, HARVEST, 2000.

4. See:

5. What do UFOs, psychics, occultists, magicians want to “save” us from? - M.: Danilovsky blagovestnik, 2005.

6. St. Irenaeus of Lyons. Creations. // Series: Library of Fathers and Teachers of the Church. T. II - M.: Pilgrim, 1996 (Reprint, ed. 1900).

7. Bishop Ignatius (Brianchaninov). An offering to modern monasticism. - Holy Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, 1991.

Expert Commission of the Missionary Department

Chelyabinsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church

Appeal of Metropolitan Job of Chelyabinsk and Chrysostom to the clergy and believers of the Chelyabinsk diocese in connection with the spread of the false cult of veneration of the “youth Vyacheslav of Chebarkul”

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test
spirits, are they from God, because there are many false prophets
appeared in the world... They are from the world, that’s why they speak worldly,
and the world listens to them. We are from God: he who knows God listens to us;
He who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we recognize the spirit
and the truth and the spirit of error"
1 John 4:1.5-6

Beloved in the Lord, all-honorable fathers, dear brothers and sisters!

With considerable concern and sincere archpastoral concern for your salvation, as one to whom the Lord has entrusted the care of the flock of the Chelyabinsk diocese, I address the clergy and laity with a word of admonition and warning in connection with the spread of false veneration of the “youth Vyacheslav of Chebarkul.”

Nowadays, when the Russian Orthodox Church is experiencing an unprecedented revival, when our society is finding its way to the age-old values ​​of Orthodoxy, churches, monasteries, and theological schools are being restored, the field of spiritual enlightenment is abundantly growing, the names of true ascetics of piety are glorified, the Christian heart cannot help but rejoice. However, according to the word of the Holy Scripture: “When the shoots sprouted and the fruit appeared, then the tares also appeared” (Matthew 13:25), along with the real veneration of the saints who pleased God by faith and life, various cults of worship of false saints and false prophets arise, blasphemously using church rituals and openly hostile to the spirit of faith, truth and love. Such is the self-invented cult of worship of the “youth Vyacheslav”, which takes place in the city of Chebarkul and is intensively disseminated by a group of anti-church people through brochures, books and audio products not only in the canonical territory of our diocese, but also in other regions. The reason for this is the immense love of fame, pride and spiritual blindness of these “zealots of the holy youth” who are misguided and rigid in their superstitions. Descriptions of strange and absurd “miracles” and “prophecies”, these soul-destroying writings that overflow, almost magical rituals at the burial site of this child, non-canonical icons and akathists - all this forms the basis of the activities of the followers of the Chebarkul false saint. From the experience of the Church, we know how easily such errors seduce simple and gullible people and, cutting them off from the Body of the Church, lead them to destruction.

“There were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will introduce destructive heresies and bring upon themselves swift destruction” (2 Pet. 2:1), the Church warns us through the mouth of the Apostle.

The missionary department and the theological commission of our Chelyabinsk diocese have already expressed an authoritative judgment on this issue, and issued a statement that I, as the ruling bishop, fully approve and support.

“Therefore, beloved, being forewarned of these things, take heed lest you be carried away by the error of the wicked and fall from your own affirmation.” (2 Pet. 3:17).

The basis of our spiritual life is fidelity to the canons of the Mother Church, Orthodox dogma, adherence to divine institutions and the words of the Holy Scriptures and sacred Tradition. We, as Orthodox Christians, must strive to ensure that our lives are lived “in purity, in prudence, in generosity, in kindness, in the Holy Spirit, in unfeigned love, in the word of truth” (2 Cor. 6:6-7) and in obedience to the Church and the Chief Shepherd Christ.

I urge you, beloved fathers, brothers and sisters in the Lord, to turn away from the false cult of the “youth Vyacheslav of Chebarkul,” alien to the spirit and teaching of the Church of Christ, and to explain to all believers and people who turn to you all the danger and destructiveness of this phenomenon. So, “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To whom be glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen” (2 Pet. 3:18).

Why did I take up this topic? First I saw on the Internet the stories of “the prophecy of the Youth Vyacheslav,” then the film “Russian Angel” and some opinions about it.

I’ll say right away that I was skeptical, and in order to dispel or confirm my doubts I began to understand the film. A fair warning - the film is long. Or rather, two films of 4 episodes, some of which last more than two hours.

It cut literally from the first frames. Icon with the image of the Mother of God and the youth. In the hands of the Mother of God is a scroll with the inscription: “Behold, I leave you the youth Vyacheslav for the salvation of many.” I thought that the Mother of God left us one Youth for the salvation of many - Jesus Christ.

And then the announcer’s voice: “ " Honestly, after these words, I wouldn’t have to watch any more. There is a sectarian cult. But I thought that maybe the boy had nothing to do with it. It is unlikely that he called himself and placed himself above all the saints. Then why do the filmmakers have such audacity, if this is not a conscious opposition to their newly emerged community of admirers of the youth Vyacheslav to the rest of the Church.

There is no point in retelling the film; I decided to base my article on facts, trying to separate them from fiction. Moreover, this is difficult to do, because it is unknown what is true and what is made up. Again, maybe it’s not a conscious lie, but one that a person himself believes in and tells people as the truth - then he can do it especially convincingly. This happens in stressful situations. For example, during a war, or the death of loved ones, especially if it is a beloved child.

How can a mother come to terms with the loss of her beloved child? Moreover, Slavik’s mother has already buried one child (probably died during childbirth or immediately after) - also Slavik - Valentina Afanasyevna Krasheninnikova herself talks about this, who in all episodes is the main, and sometimes the only witness to Slavik’s unusualness.

So, we can assume that the mother’s opinion was consciously or unconsciously superimposed on the true story. In this case, we are dealing with an artificially created cult of our child. She first wrote a book about his life (11), which was distributed throughout the country and even in audio recordings (9). Then other books appeared, written by other authors, but from the words of the mother.

Books: Valentina Krasheninnikova herself wrote “Miracles and Predictions of the Youth Slavik” and “Sent by God.” “Oh, Mom, Mommy...” by Gennady Pavlovich Bystrov (released in 2001-2002), it was recorded from the words of the mother. Lydia Emelyanova wrote two others - “The Youth Vyacheslav” and “God says to His chosen ones...” Wikipedia (10)

So, I think, admirers of the cult of Slavik (as his mother called him in the first book) will not deny that in this story there may be an “exaggeration” introduced by the mother.

My goal is not to denigrate, discredit, etc. Moreover, judging by the photographs and stories of friends, the boy was obviously good: he loved Orthodoxy, loved his mother, and treated people well. What is there to denigrate? This is amazing. And surely the bright souls of such children go to heaven. Lord rest the soul of your deceased servant Vyacheslav and all the children who passed away early.

The question is different: is a good child something more than just a good child, for example, a prophet, and even more so “the only one in the history of Orthodoxy,” as the authors of the film claim? That is, there is a desire to figure it out. To do this, you will have to try to isolate bare facts from a series of films, separating them from human opinion. This is quite difficult to do, since the film was made by a party convinced that Slavik is a prophet, and a very large one at that. But we can still identify some facts.

Slavik was born into an ordinary Soviet, unchurched family. Father is a military man, mother is a housewife. They got married after Slavik’s birth, as Valentina Afanasyevna herself says. Valentina Afanasyevna from the Old Believers of the Pomeranian consent, exiled to the Urals. She talks about the strict morals of the Old Believers, but then says “many later accepted Orthodoxy.” Who exactly? Unknown. Just “many of them.” It remains unclear in which Church V.A. herself was baptized. (not once in the film is it indicated which patriarchy the priests are from, maybe due to the apparent obviousness, or maybe they are Old Believers, how can you understand?) Valentina Afanasyevna only says that she was baptized in the city of Taiga, Kemerovo region, where at the age of three she brought her son, Slavik, to be baptized - from Germany, where my husband was serving at that time. In the film, she tells an episode when they, while passing through Odessa, entered a church, and Slavik was seen by a priest. He did not take his eyes off Slavik and said: “The child urgently needs to be baptized,” but the mother did not really listen to the priest, rather she took note and baptized Slavik a year later, when we went on another vacation to the Urals to visit our grandmother.

Later, the Krasheninnikov family moved to the Urals, and in recent years Slavik and his parents lived in the city of Chebarkul, Chelyabinsk region. in a military town.

It is a fact that for a nine or ten year old boy his parents bought him a Bible encyclopedia, which he loved to read.

« Slavochkin’s grandmother gave him the Bible Encyclopedia... he was so happy... he read this Bible Encyclopedia in small print, he read it all... It was his reference book»

« then we bought him an encyclopedic dictionary(meaning the Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary).. it was all bookmarked... he literally studied it»

For reference, “The dictionary includes about 80 thousand entries, 550 black and white illustrations and diagrams and 350 maps, 8 color maps. For its publication, special paper was developed, format 84X108 1/16, volume 172.41 printed sheets (1632 pages in the 1989 edition).”

It is not very clear whether there was a church in Chebarkul at that time. One neighbor says that she had to go to Miass, and her mother says that she went by train to the temple in Chelyabinsk.

And I don’t remember where it was said that the boy loved to go to Church, take communion and confess. The film talks about his advice to others to go to communion and confession, but there are no stories about how touchingly he prayed in church or how joyful he was after communion. For some reason, such important episodes from the life of the saint were not included in his life. I guess I just forgot to tell you, or I overheard it. Although, on the other hand, there was an icon of Jesus Christ in Slavik’s room, and his mother says that he loved to pray.

The child fell ill with blood cancer, was treated, but died after a short time.

The Krashininnikovs’ relationship with the Church was and remains not simple. The boy was buried without a funeral service. As his mother said, “the priest was in a hurry to see the richer deceased.” Therefore, “The funeral service was performed in absentia in Miass.” I don’t know if this could be true, or if the parents simply did not have such a strong desire to receive a funeral service for the deceased. After all, they are not buried on the first day. Was the priest busy for two days? If the parents wished, I am sure the funeral service would have taken place.

After several years of grief, the mother writes a book of memories: "Miracles and predictions of the youth Slavik", which is spreading across the country. The formation of the cult of Slavik begins, then another series of books and audio recordings appear. Pilgrims flocked to Slavik’s grave.

In 2007, Metropolitan Job of Chelyabinsk was forced to issue an appeal to his flock: “ The cult of worship of the “youth Vyacheslav” is self-invented, contains elements of ordinary superstition, a blasphemous encroachment on the teachings of the Church and is implanted by a fairly organized group of anti-church people».

It is clear that no one speaks ill of Vyacheslav himself; the Church is rightly wary of fabrications and forgeries. And this is her pastoral duty, because it is said about false prophets and the need to soberly evaluate any facts and phenomena. Let us remember that the canonization of Seraphim of Sarov occurred only 70 years after his death. But it would seem, what a lamp of piety! Known almost throughout Russia without books or the Internet! With modern means of communication, hearing quickly becomes the property of millions of people. And there are a hundred times more opportunities for fraud.

No wonder it is said: “You will know them by their fruits.” And we see that the cult, according to Job, is supported by a group of anti-church people. This fruit cannot but be alarming, isn’t it?

The first film “Russian Angel” (4 episodes) was released in 2010, the second film (4 episodes) - in 2011. And anti-churchism begins to clearly manifest itself in the second film. So at the very beginning of the first episode of the second film, the unctuous voice of the announcer says: “ When they sell everything and everyone..." the deceased Patriarch Alexy II is shown

Where it is said about the Taxpayer Identification Number as the seal of the Antichrist, we hear: “ homegrown theologians(the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and rows of Orthodox priests are shown) They bless this abomination to take. And they say: don’t be afraid, everything is fine"(show Alexy II blessing)

It is obvious that an anti-Church group has really formed and Valentina Afanasyevna, as the mother of the greatest prophet of Orthodoxy (she is also the only keeper of the prophecies), with the oppositionists from the Church adjacent to her, decided to use the problem of three sixes to accuse the Church and defend their cult.

We know that in the Church there are different attitudes towards taxpayer numbers. And we know that there is a position of the Church, which has stated that the Taxpayer Identification Number is not the seal of the Antichrist. Nothing more. But certain priests and laity want to fight now what is not there - the Antichrist. And in this regard, the problem of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is so actively discussed. This is normal as long as this struggle does not turn into a struggle with the mother - the Church. And often this is exactly what happens. It seems that in this case such a “skid” also occurred.

The entire second film, except for Vyacheslav’s prophecies, - for the authenticity of which only Valentina Afanasyevna is responsible, - is filled with ideas of INN-phobia, the upcoming chipization. Moreover, she says that chipped people are already coming to her, and they themselves admit it. She seems to believe this herself, although it is obvious that no one is microchipped in Russia, and there have been only isolated cases in America. And if there were such people, why would they go to the grave of the greatest prophet? Where is the logic? There is no logic, but it seems there is a fantasy that Valentina Afanasyevna herself believes in or deliberately misleads us.

The facts also include the fact that no documentary evidence of Slavik’s great prophetic abilities or feats of piety has been preserved. In the two films, not retellings of other people, but credible documents are:

1)Children's photographs of Slavik (sitting in the arms of his mother or father, riding a horse, going to school with flowers) nothing unusual and even pious or church-like. Just a cheerful toddler, or a cute little boy, with an October star on his chest.

2) Notebook paper. " Notes by Krasheninnikov Slava 1992 07.13 Topic: Dinosaurs and other ancient animals. These animals about which I will now write will appear soon, because they are not all extinct. The largest animals that amazed me with their size are predatory dinosaurs"Then a child's hand drew a dinosaur egg with the caption " the egg is compared to a ten-story building"and next to it there is an animal with the inscription "cub" and another monster with the inscription "adult". On the next sheet are parts of the dinosaur’s body: “tail nerves”, “pulmonary veins”, “dorsal muscle”, etc.

4)Funeral video

There was supposedly a diary with notes from the prophet Slavik (“ sometimes he wrote it down, sometimes he gave it to me, I wrote it down"), who, according to his mother, disappeared during the funeral.

« Khadja Nasredin is my friend, But Musa Hakim (neighbor) is my cousin, that means Khadja Nasredin is a friend of Khadja Musa... I’m actually Russian, unlike my friends. So now you will hear.... you won’t hear anything.... someone is screaming, look(crowd noise appears, apparently turns on the TV or radio). Yeah, someone was screaming, screaming, screaming, screaming... but it’s all to no avail... boo ah bu ah... well, somehow in general... somehow it’s not all human... well, is it really so Can? screaming screaming screaming screaming and fighting... so bang bang bang... it's all to no avail. Is it possible to live like this? My head just hurts. That's it, nothing more. Okay, it doesn’t hurt yet, that’s okay. This concludes my program“Agree, any ten-year-old child will make such “prophecies” if you put him in front of a microphone and ask him to tell something.

That's all. Documentary evidence is running out.

But he actually wrote about dinosaurs in the future tense: “will appear soon.” That is, there is only one documented fact of prophecy. Don’t your children write something like that? For example, I wrote fantasy stories as a child. It was awkward, I confess. But I did not read the Biblical Encyclopedia and I did not have the Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary of one and a half thousand pages. Probably, if these were my reference books, it would be written more smoothly. But that's how it is - lyrics.

So, does a revelation from a children's workbook about dinosaurs sound like a prophecy? It's probably a matter of faith. You can say that it’s compelling, or you can say that it’s a child’s fantasy. In addition, if a child watched, for example, a Hollywood film (the parents came from Germany), he could draw eggs the size of a ten-story building. Is not it so?

By and large, there is nothing more for a serious researcher to analyze. All that remains is to believe the mother of the greatest prophet that Slavik told her about aliens - demons, house explosions, the war with China, the coming of the Antichrist, chips, etc. We can no longer check. True, I can’t help but linger on a couple of prophecies. It looks very much like this is an original text, due to its complete absurdity, which only a ten-year-old child is capable of

« Slavochka said that the earth is not round. I say: how is it not round? We were told that it was round. The astronauts saw the earth that it was round. They fly in circles. And he said: Why, mommy? It can also be done in a circle. He said that if you look at the earth from space, then the astronauts see nothing except a luminous plane. They won't see it from the moon either. Just look at the Earth from the Sun... at that distance they would still be able to see the entire planet. Well, no. The earth, he says, rests on three stalactite pillars. They are white, very strong, very strong. The pillars stand on a very durable material - it is water. It's so tight that it holds up. Then, as I understood Slavochka, there was a bubble, and an abyss.»

Since I have undertaken to describe in such detail the prophecies of a ten-year-old toddler, which my mother and followers call great prophecies, I will object to Slavik with complete seriousness. Astronauts, in fact, see only a hemisphere (but not a plane!). But in a day they fly around this earth in a circle, constantly observing the hemisphere. Moreover, sailors also sailed around the world, moving in one direction, but not moving in a circle. And the maps show the entire surface of the globe (namely a globe, not a plane), and we know where which countries are located, and the people we fly to visit live there, and not a single ship, not a single plane, has ever flew to the edge of the abyss of the flat earth, because the earth is round. But to be precise, its shape is called a “geoid” - it is not an ideal sphere, but certainly not a plane.

A mother's love can cloud her eyes, and she will call any babble of her child revelations. But where is the mind of those who listen to this? I can assume that this revelation probably belongs to Slavik. I am sure of this, because an adult would not invent such nonsense. Perhaps it was not included in the first editions of the life written by Slavik’s mother. Do not read. So I don't know. It probably included other miracles and other prophecies, with which the two films about the “Russian Angel” are abundantly filled. But based on the above, I have great doubts that the ten-year-old boy was giving out something wiser, whatever he had not read in the BE or SES, and other literature accessible to anyone (about the same chips and the Antichrist).

Probably in the case of the “flat earth”, we are seeing a childish attempt to reconcile the scientific view (a photo of the earth from space) and the model of the earth on three elephants that probably came across in one of the dictionaries - which, by the way, was invented by Catholics. And Slavik’s childhood imagination created its own model. I can't explain it any other way. This is not the prophet’s mistake, this is not the truth, this is the fantasy of a ten-year-old boy, preserved by his blindly loving mother. And there are no complaints about the child. Every child babbles. There are claims against the “greatest prophet” - or rather, against those who built this image.

About a flat earth on three pillars - the most illustrative example of children's creativity. There are others too. For example, that hell is underground.

“And when people dig mines, they help demons come to the surface.” As if to confirm this theory, Hierodeacon Abel (Semyonov) appears on the screen, who recalls “voices from the underworld” allegedly made during the drilling of the Kola Superdeep Well, which are scrolled here to heighten the fear.

By chance, I (in May of this year) already dealt with this recording (see the article “Voices from the Underworld - a tenacious hoax”), anyone can familiarize themselves with it. It is strange that people who have studied theology can repeat such things. However, if the “flat earth” was mentioned, then that’s even more so. The recording really gives me goosebumps. But you can’t put a microphone in hell, just like you can’t put it in heaven. Well, we have different worlds, not touching, and insurmountable for material objects... nothing can be done about it. It's strange not to know this.

One important point: Abel (Semyonov) remembered that he read about this incident in the Trud newspaper in the 80s (to clarify, the “duck” about devils in the superdeep was aired on the American TV channel Trinity Broadcasting Network in 1989, and unknown jokers made scary sounds later, closer to our time, when the gossip got out on the Internet). I do not rule out that the Krashininnikov family also read “Trud” with this note.

Well, since hell turns out to be underground, according to the prophet Slavik, then as a consequence:

« Sometimes people walk, the earth collapses, and a person ends up alive in hell... his expression: “demons drag people away»!»

« The hell worm eats people. There is such a road... if someone goes from village to village, then this worm can hear very well. He leans out. The man freezes in surprise... and the worm drags them away. He eats them. Sometimes he carries the dead - but rarely»

Prophecies? For some it is possible. For me, it’s the babble or fantasy of a cheerful ten-year-old toddler. I was like that myself. True, there were no horror films yet, but now such horror stories can be seen in the cinema.

I am 100% sure that these prophecies were uttered by Slavik. An intelligent adult person will not say this, but a ten-year-old boy will. As for the rest of the prophecies: their prophetic quality is doubtful, even if the boy spoke about chips, wars, epidemics, etc. Firstly, if this had been said at the dawn of the development of civilization, that would be one thing. But if this is a retelling of what was read in the brochure about the Taxpayer Identification Number and the “seal of the Antichrist,” of which there are many all around, then that’s different. The boy and his mother are well-read people. In the film’s footage, the mother has shelves of books behind her, it’s clear she’s reading. The boy was also inquisitive. And if anything from what I read and retold to my mother, this is not yet a prophecy. And if we add here the psychology of a child saying “dinosaurs are not extinct” instead of “probably dinosaurs are not extinct”, or “I think dinosaurs are not extinct”, and his imagination, ready to combine a photo of the earth with a picture of a flat earth resting on three elephants. ... in short, a child, a sweet, inquisitive, people-loving child.... May the Lord give rest to the soul of His servant Vladislav, where the righteous may rest!

It can be assumed that the mother came up with the image of God's messenger. She wrote books and spread her opinion in the Orthodox world. Unblessed icons and prayers began to appear. Further more. Pilgrims arrive, and she believes more and more in her fantasy.

And now the phrases slip through her lips:

In the fourth episode of the first film: “ he gave his life" and again in the epilogue of the fourth episode of the second film " Listen to the boy, the boy gave his life to tell you...».

Icons are painted, where in the hands of the Mother of God on a scroll it is written: “ Behold, I leave you the youth Vyacheslav for the salvation of many» What is it?

The creators of the film “Russian Angel” say “ We would like to truthfully, as accurately as possible, and in as much detail as possible, recreate the image of this extraordinary youth, prophet, perhaps the only one in the history of Orthodoxy ». And this, I ask, what is it? Who can even say such a thing? Old Believer? They probably really didn’t have any more saints, I don’t know. We had saints and prophets. Real prophets.

People, why have we become so gullible!? Or has this always been the case? It is amazing how easily even priests and laity are seduced by brochures. I saw the opinion of the Athonite monk Gregory.[ In 2017 I find out that he is not an Athonite monk!]

« I live with an old man. My elder is a spiritual man, with a higher theological education, who graduated from the academy at the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius. 35 years of monasticism, has rich spiritual experience. Still interested in reading spiritual church literature. And all the literature that is now being published, if it has spiritual content, is read by my elder... one day he came up and offered to read a book about the Youth Vyacheslav to his novice. He says, read, this boy is from the Lord»

What can I say? It’s sad that we have such spiritual elders. Apparently, reading takes more time for him than spiritual works, otherwise how can one explain such gullibility? Well, maybe because the book doesn’t have the same revelations as in the more than 12-hour film (8 episodes of 1.5 hours each), I can’t explain it otherwise. I do not rule out that someone, having read the monk’s opinion, will, on the contrary, change their view of the youth Vyacheslav: after all, what kind of elders say that it is from God. Yes, from God, of course... We are all from God. But not a prophet, and not an angel, but a simple boy. And it becomes bitter that books so easily seduce.

It turns out that we are completely unprepared spiritually for the end times. Remember? “To seduce, if possible, even the chosen ones.” But it turns out that seducing is as easy as shelling pears, you just need to write a book. This is me being bitterly ironic.


Blinded by grief, the mother came up with the image of an angel of God descending to earth. And she instilled this in other people through her books and stories. And everything would be fine - well, superstition and nothing more. But there's more to it. There is already a confrontation with the Church. “Oh, you don’t recognize my little angel as a saint - that means you are champions of darkness and servants of the Antichrist.” And woven into this picture is the tax identification number and chipization, which will happen only 3.5 years before the end of the world. And when the end is, no one knows.

By creating a false prophet (and I assume that mom is already giving out prophecies on her own, as if spoken by Slavik), mom thereby ruins herself and drags others into destruction.

A tree is recognized by its fruits, and the fruits of this new false veneration of a simple, good and inquisitive child who left this world early are the fruits of this - the anti-church rhetoric of the film's authors.

This is scary.

Ed. Golden-Ship .ru Alexander Smirnov


1)Russian Angel (film one) episode 1

2) Russian Angel (first film) episode 2

3) Russian Angel (first film) episode 3

4) Russian Angel (first film) episode 4

5) Russian Angel (second film) episode 1

6) Russian Angel (second film) episode 2

7) Russian Angel (second film) episode 3

8) Russian Angel (second film) episode 4





When you find out who I really am, you will first be afraid that you treated me so easily. And then you will be proud and many will envy me greatly.

Slavochka said that nothing can be stopped or changed, everything has been decided in Heaven - soon there will be God on earth.

Slavik said that in some Moscow maternity hospitals they install microcircuits for children. This is done secretly and the children become smarter.

People will become very angry. There will be separate stores with good goods for those who are sealed. And for the rest there will be stores with bad goods and high prices. (Please note! In America today something similar is happening with chips. Those who have had a chip implanted do not stand in lines, are the first to get to the plane at the airport and come up with other benefits. In Russia they are already introducing a universal electronic card. Germany, South Korea and others have abandoned it developed countries because they cannot ensure security. When in Russia everyone is obliged (until 2015) to take a UEC (card), then it will turn out that many people’s money is being stolen. To ensure security, no one will refuse the UEC, but will it was proposed to implant chips. And then no one will be able to counterfeit them. Apparently, this is where everything is heading. The UEC aims to prepare society for chips and printing. This process is irreversible and all this is happening before our eyes.)

Ultimately, these stores will no longer exist. The world ruler will corrupt young people with permissiveness. All vices will be allowed. The Lord will protect his people and protect them from hunger. You just need to be patient for a while. Angels will protect people who have not betrayed God. Profit will destroy the world!

Slavik said that instead of the army, rapid reaction brigades would be created in Russia. They will “extinguish” any manifestation of human dissatisfaction with their rapid appearance.

There will be a lot of listening devices. Even on the streets people will be afraid to speak. The time will be worse than under Stalin.

Almost all people will engage in spiritualism. People will clearly hear demons and will live according to their prompting. They will talk to them, considering them to be the highest intelligence. At first, these people will laugh at ordinary people (of whom there will be very few left), considering them backward and generally unnecessary on the planet. But when they realize that they are caught in the snares of the evil one, they will begin to get very angry. They will be ready to kill those who survived with their own hands. Normal people will have to hide.

Slavik said that a nuclear war is nothing compared to the catastrophe that is approaching us.

There are a lot of demons on the Moon, the so-called aliens. They can show different tricks on the Moon and, as it were, on the Sun. Therefore, you can’t stare at their antics in the sky.

Slavik said that when the Creed is changed, some churches will still serve as before. Not all priests will betray God. In those churches where they serve in the old way, you will need to go for confession and communion. But then the churches will stand empty.

Slavik said that dogs should not be kept in the house. (This is written in the clergyman’s handbook. You cannot keep a dog where there is a shrine (Icon). Under no circumstances should you allow a dog to get into the temple.) The dog must live in the yard. You cannot collect masks, skulls, fantasy books, etc. Because evil spirits inhabit them.

Slavik said that churches will be empty and small workshops (carpentry) will be unofficially allowed to open in them. Famine will come and women will take expensive items to thrift stores. Icons will also be handed over. They will create special stores that will sell consignment icons. Sellers will be afraid to work in iconic stores because they will often catch fire.

Slavik said that water would begin to drain from the surface of the earth. And trees and other plants will die. But Slavik said that by the grace of God, those who are without a seal will be able to grow something in their garden.

The water will drain away, and the remaining water will deteriorate.

Slavik predicted that crystals would fall from the sky. They are carried by rockets when they fly from space to earth. If they fall on a person, it will look like a pile of ice and blood. But such ice will not melt.

One layer of the sky will burn. The sky will take on a completely different look.

Slavik said that in reality the sky is no longer blue at all, but like Saddam Hussein’s when his oil was burning.

People will learn to cure cancer. The time will come when prices and wages will rise. One and a half to two years before the famine, prices for goods (especially food) will be lowered. People will be allowed to live well, but then they will hide the food underground and starvation will begin. Russia will fragment. Even small republics like Tatarstan will begin to separate from each other. This will help economic survival, but when disasters begin there will be no one to help. Each region will be busy with its own problems.

Before the war the army will be destroyed. A power outage will begin (from the Far East, and then a little bit everywhere). It will be cold everywhere, the heating will not work. Gas and electricity will be turned off. There won't even be chalk and paper in schools. Children will hang out on the street. Diseases will return. There will be one disease without a name, from which there will be many corpses on the street, and no one will bury them. Worms will crawl on them and there will be a stench all around. People will walk and die as they go, because they will have no strength at all.

In America, two large buildings will be blown up (the World Trade Center?), and then the Statue of Liberty will be blown up from below. The statue seems to take a step and fall apart. In Russia they will also blow up houses (they will blow them up themselves).

Helicopters and planes will fall very often. This will happen because people do not want to occupy airspace. There are UFOs (demons) flying there, preparing for war with God. They are fooling many powerful people in this world.

It will be restless in houses and apartments. People will see various anomalous phenomena. The money of the world ruler will be called the euro. Things will go well with this money and the last country that will switch to it will be America.

Slavik said that after the biochip there will be a very nice little gray plate - a world passport. When a person accepts it, he will receive a seal on his hand and forehead. The print will be in the form of a tattoo, it will be applied with rays, some kind of isotopes, three sixes. God will not forgive anyone who has accepted the seal. At first the seal will not be visible, but then it will glow green like an electronic display.

If a person tries to get rid of these sixes and cuts off his hand, then the sixes will appear on the stump. Then, even if you chop a person into pieces, three sixes will appear on each piece.

At first, people will be afraid and hide this stigma, and then they will stop being embarrassed and will openly wear the stigma of the Antichrist. Gradually these people will become very angry. They will be especially angry with those who do not have a seal.

If a person, unable to bear hunger, goes into a store and gets some food for himself, then when passing through the cash register he will receive three sixes. Those who receive such a number will no longer be able to die. They will become like immortals. If such a person, because of his terrible life, wants to commit suicide, speeds up his car and crashes somewhere, then, having scattered into pieces along with the car, he, like a monster in a horror film, will come together and come to life.

At that time, in some places, children would die of hunger, and Moscow would live in idles, but then it would begin to sink into the ground.

Our country will go to war with China. First, Russia will make peace with America, there will be many Americans on our borders. We will have everything American, even cinema. Russian people will then get very tired of all this, and they will be glad to see even a small Russian brand.

When the Americans and the Chinese are on the brink of war, then at the last moment the Americans will be afraid of the Chinese and set them on us.

The war will be such that somewhere there will be bloody battles, and somewhere they will take it without a single shot: in the evening we will fall asleep as Russians, and in the morning we will wake up as “Chinese”.

Christian churches and Muslim mosques will be slightly altered (the roofs will be made in Chinese style), a dragon will be placed in front of the entrance, which, instead of a bell, will call people to worship with a dull, drawn-out sound. Those who resist will be killed or hanged.

Slavik said that the Chinese would kill our men and boys and sterilize our population.

Then the Americans, for the first time in the world, will use a new psychological weapon on the Chinese, which affects only this race, and will drive them away, but the effect of this weapon will be such that even in China they will never be able to be normal. Slavochka said that the Chinese who fell under the influence of these weapons at home would try to hide in a dark place and would constantly tremble in horror.

Slavik was especially surprised by the Israelis. He said that a war would begin in Israel and the Israelis, surrounded on all sides by Muslims, would show miracles of courage, but would still be defeated. Muslims will desecrate our Christian shrines, which greatly warms God.

Slavochka said that in the Urals there is a city in a hole that will be flooded with water and stoned so that even no animal will be saved. And in Moscow they won’t even think of helping.

Slavik said that the last ruler (Russian) will tell the whole truth about Gorbachev and Yeltsin. People will be very angry with them. Gorbachev will try to escape, but there will be no kerosene, and the planes will be stopped. Then there will be no fuel and all the equipment will be idle. Soon all sorts of signs will begin in the sky and people will be carried away by them, and they will forget about Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Yeltsin will be very surprised by something and will not even try to hide, he will remain in Russia.

Scientists will not all believe in miracles, and this will force them to make a device that will allow them to recognize the so-called “aliens” among people, that is, incarnate demons who are very, very scary.

Slavik said that the Earth is not round and dinosaurs did not become extinct. There are huge voids in the ground, and as the climate warms, the earth will fall into these places, and in some places it will spread out in huge layers in different directions.

England will sink and the British will evacuate to Russia, and the English government knows about it, but they don’t believe it.

Slavik said that hell really exists and it is below us. Slavik spoke about Stalin. There is a place in hell where boiling water flows, and in this boiling water, some stand up to their heels, some up to their knees, some up to their chests, and Stalin is completely there with his head.

Slavik said that at the very bottom of hell it is very cold, there is ice and the greatest sinners. There are rooms in hell where people just sit in the dark and are not tortured. If someone sticks his head out of the fire or boiling water, then the demons with bitterness and malice, as if with pitchforks (but not pitchforks), plunge him back headlong.

At the very beginning of hell there is firewood, which, “as if at the command of a pike,” is chopped by an ax on a huge log into logs, and it is very dark there. Next there are huge boilers, where this firewood is transported on huge drags (like sleds) or dragged like fagots. The souls of sinners do both with all their might with great effort, and demons torture them with whips. Whatever the sins, such are the places.

It happens that the ground collapses under a person’s feet and he flies into the utter darkness of hell, where he sees only many fiery blinking eyes surrounding him. Attacked by evil spirits-demons, such a poor fellow is instantly torn alive into pieces (one of the reasons why and where people go).

Slavik said that “aliens” (demons) are dragging people away alive. These “aliens” will come down to us and say that they are being persecuted by “evil cosmic forces,” but in fact by God. Their real appearance will be heavily disguised. They will act under the guise of people.

In landing UFOs all over the earth, demons will invite people for medical examination and treatment. People will go to them en masse for “health”, and will come out as “healthy zombies.”

The new world ruler will resolve all vices, explaining this by saying that God, supposedly, does not need people to restrain themselves, that everything was created just for everyone to enjoy. People will be indignant that they were allegedly taught incorrectly by the Holy Church. They will accept the false teaching of the world ruler that God did not need abstinence and fasting and a generally pious life.

Almost all demons will crawl out to the surface of the earth along with the devil, in hell it will be quieter for some time than on earth, since the demons remaining in the underworld will not do their work so diligently.

Slavik said that there will be a gigantic explosion in the Black Sea, since there is a small layer of water left on the sea, and under the layer of water some organisms, such as worms, are crawling along the bottom of the sea, there are a lot of them there and they emit hydrogen sulfide.

All this underwater space will explode, and the explosion will reach the upper layers of the atmosphere, where, due to human fault, a huge amount of chemical and other waste has accumulated. It will seem as if the earth, water and sky are on fire.

The city of Odessa will be saved by breaking the fresh water pipeline. The burning city will be flooded with fresh water and this will save many.

Huge waves will rise in the Baltic States and wash away the Baltic coastline. In Bashkiria, huge sinkholes will form to great depths, and the bottom of these sinkholes will be dry.

People who find themselves in these gaps will see a piece of the sky above them, the size of an apple, and stones falling as if from the sky. Some will put their heads under flying stones, since there will be no escape from this trap.

A big catastrophe will break out over Siberia, a crystalline lattice will fall from the sky, which will suppress everything under it, but the structure of this lattice will allow some people to escape, in some places there will be severe glaciation, the frost will reach fantastic degrees.

In St. Petersburg, groundwater will rise. They will bury you like this - they will bring the coffin to the cemetery, put it in the dirt and throw dirt on top.

Chelyabinsk factories will stop and become empty. There will be only one guard left. Then these gigantic structures will begin to fall underground.

The people who remain on earth will suffer from thirst and hunger. The water will become thick, smelly and red, similar to the blood of a deceased person. Plants will stop growing. There will be no wind or rain. All sorts of nasty things will creep up from under the ground. Very large creatures, such as worms, will crawl out of spoiled reservoirs.

In the Far East there are worms that can only be seen in ultraviolet radiation, and in Turkey there are also a lot of them in the sands, but with teeth.

Non-geared people will not be able to eat sexed food. They won’t even be able to swallow it, although the geared ones will first try to help their non-geared relatives by giving them a portion of their products.

When the devil himself performs false miracles and says that he is God, then Christians will see Jesus Christ in him, Muslims will see him as Mohammed, and Buddhists will see him as Buddha, but some of the Buddhists will doubt because Buddha was not going to come. There will be many demons around him, and people will see God in him, each his own, and the demons will seem to them like angels. The devil will emit a strong stench, but people will not feel it. Only a few will not go to see it.

This devil will “move” mountains, and people will touch the mountain that “came” from across the sea with great surprise, but in reality there will be no mountain. It will seem like it to them. But it will show real fire from the sky.

The Lord will cover the people who remain devoted to God with such power that these people, living in small settlements, will be inaccessible to evil forces. They simply won't be seen. Those who do not betray God will not change anything, they will simply remain ordinary people.

There will be a settlement where not a single geared person can penetrate. Everything around will be surrounded by a moat, and the moat will be filled with water. All gates will be tightly closed. One geared man will still manage to somehow reach the wall, but the power of God will throw him so far that he will fly back over the ditch, get on all fours, shake himself off and go home with great anger.

Second Coming of Christ

The earth will be cleansed with the coming of the Lord and will be beautiful, but different. At the Second Coming of Christ, Angels will carry huge pieces of earth through the air and fill up the gaps formed on the surface of the earth, leveling the earth's surface. If a person looked at this action, he would not see Angels, but would see earth flying across the sky. Ultimately, before the New Age with the Lord, the Earth will be practically flat.

Slavik said that there are huge empty spaces where pure, pure water flows, and the plants are very soft. Those dinosaurs that lived on earth went underground. Due to underground nuclear explosions, they are now very large and gaining strength. There are a lot of dinosaur eggs in the walls of the underground space. When the climate warms, the earth will open up and they will come to the surface. They are different - herbivores and carnivores. Although they will not be on earth for very long, they will manage to do a lot of trouble. After some time, the earth will open again, and they will go underground now forever and will never appear again. Scientists cannot view the underground void spaces where dinosaurs live, as a layer of radioactive sand interferes.

A man without confession of sins and without Communionwill not survive and will not be saved. Without this, everyone will start to become stupid. You must go to church for the sake of confession and Communion...

Almost all people will practice spiritualism and will liveat the prompting and guidance of demons, because they willclearly hear demons and talk to them, counting themfor higher intelligence. There will remain ordinary, normal peoplevery little. In the beginning, people led by demons will laughover ordinary people, considering them illiterate,backward and unnecessary on earth, and over time, when they understand,that they are caught in the net of the evil one, they will begin to get so angry,that they would be ready to tear apart those who survived with their own hands.
The survivors will be forced to hide...

… Demons will invite people into landing UFOs all over the earth for medical examination and treatment. People will go en masse to them for “health”, and will come out as “healthy zombies”...

From the preface to the book: Given the great interest in the life and prophecies of the youth Vyacheslav, we are repeating the publication of the book “Oh, Mother, Mother.”

Testimonies about his life were presented by the boy’s mother Valentina Afanasyevna Krasheninnikova at the request of Archimandrite Kirill from Trinity-Sergius Lara and were originally intended for him...

God works in mysterious ways

“...Oh, mother, mamma,
I'm not little!
Oh, mother, mother,
I am many years old!..”

One day, singing these words from a song, Slavik came up to me and, looking at me with his piercing gaze, very seriously said: “You know, mommy, I really am many years old. I'm almost ancient."

He told me that he remembers himself before he was born. That there was a canvas road. Huge speed. Stopping at a deep abyss (an abyss from which one cannot escape). I saw next to me a huge man in dark, monastic-like clothes. At the very tip of the index finger hung a small burning lamp. The edge of the garment accidentally turned back a little revealed a blinding light that was impossible to look at.

This man calmly stepped over the abyss and, stopping on the other side, looked at Slavik and said: “Jump!”

Slavik says: “I took a run, jumped and barely managed to stay on the opposite edge of the abyss. Then, already finding himself alone, he walked a little forward, turned to the side onto some hard dark road, as if into a tunnel, and... ended up with you.”

He remembers how he was getting ready to come here to us. How the Most Holy Trinity and his friends gave him little by little strength from Themselves, and he went here to us on the sinful earth to help our (human) salvation. “And when I return back to them,” said Slavik, “and show them my wounds, they will ask: “How did you survive all this?” - and they will thank me very much for something.” When Slavik was dying, this same man appeared to Slavik in a vision. Slavik says that this man was sitting on a stool in some room. There was also a lamp hanging on the tip of his finger, but already going out, which this man was looking at. Not far ahead stood a temple with a dilapidated wall of the bell tower. The bells are ringing. A priest descends from the bell tower. The priest's actions are somehow wrong. The man asks Slavik: “What would you do in the place of this priest?” Slavik replied: “I would give my soul to correct the violations.” This vision happened a few days before Slavochka’s death.

Slavik also said: “When you find out who I really am, you will first be afraid that you treated me so easily, and then you will be proud of me and many will envy me greatly.”

Slavik's main purpose was to fight evil spirits. He sometimes asked me not to disturb him, because he needed to rest and gain strength to fight the spirits of evil. Then he lay motionless for several hours, as if frozen. I watched him carefully, checking whether he was breathing or not. After that, he got up very tired, as if after hard, long work, and asked for food. A lot of strange and incomprehensible things happened to him. He explained something, and sometimes he said that it was impossible for me to know or that it was not useful. (p.3-7)

Beginning of life

When we arrived home from the maternity hospital, a neighbor came to visit us. Looking at the baby, she said that she felt as if he could see right through her and that she was afraid of his “piercing” gaze. And I myself subsequently had the same feeling.

When Slavik was three months old, we went to see a neurologist. Examination of the child by a neurologist was then mandatory. A female doctor, who happened to be in the office instead of our neurologist, who had left the office for a short time, examined Slavik and said: “The child was born with a delicate nervous psyche and should not be vaccinated.” And she made a note about this in her medical record. Subsequently, wanting to get advice from her, I could not find her anywhere. It turned out that no one knows such a neurologist. She, like that maternity hospital “nurse,” disappeared without a trace. The doctors were subsequently perplexed about the entry in the medical card, but they did not give any vaccinations - only one vaccination, against smallpox, was given to him while still in the maternity hospital...

On our next vacation in the city of Taiga, Kemerovo region, Slavik was baptized. Father allowed him to choose his own cross. Slavik chose the largest cross – not a child’s one...

Some time passed before I realized that Slavik read and knew my thoughts. If I was preoccupied with something, then Slavik, as if by chance, would give me an answer. For a long time I thought that these were just coincidences...

Slavik was a little over five years old when we moved to a new duty station in the Urals. There was nowhere to live, and I and the children went to my mother in the Kemerovo region, and my husband stayed to live in a tent during the meeting of the guards, in the forest, because there were no places in the hotel.

I was very worried about my husband. Slavik, seeing my condition, came up and openly told me that they would give us a three-room apartment - he was “told” about this...

I was stunned - not that they would give us an apartment, but that someone told him this. I asked: “Slavochka, how long have they been talking to you?” He replied that for as long as he could remember, the same voice always spoke to him.

Soon they actually gave us an apartment. I immediately took Slavik to the doctors. The doctors didn't find anything special.

I wanted to enroll Slavik in kindergarten so he could go to work, but he constantly talked about God, and I left him at home, especially since when Slavik was five and a half years old, I learned from him that he loves God more than anyone, that he hears a woman’s voice, which tells him everything, that this voice is alive, and our voices next to him seem to be dead, that he sees the past, present and future. (p.15-22)

School years

When Slavik turned seven years old, he went to school. He didn’t need anything other than God, and he immediately began telling children about God at school.

Slavik’s first teacher was Irina Abramovna, who lived in our building. And so Slavik, sitting in class, quietly tells her that he sees a little girl in her stomach. She didn’t believe it, but doctors confirmed the pregnancy.

Rumors spread around the school about him. The curious began to question him, and he told them everything they asked him about. Conversations spread around the town, and I was forced to go to the church in Miass to the priest Fr. Vladimir Zemlyanov. Father Vladimir and Slavik talked about something at the icon of the Mother of God; I wasn't allowed to listen. The priest, like that hundred-year-old grandmother, told me that my son is a good person.

Soon the local sorcerers began to stir. At this time, my husband was transferred to a new duty station in the city of Shadrinsk, and my eldest son was taken into the army. Slavik said that we will not move to Shadrinsk, dad will return back to Chebarkul.

And when Slava and I were alone, he told me that he sees all the internal organs of people and knows what people are thinking about, that he sees all diseases at the very beginning and, it turns out, he has already helped some children at school. He said that he knows the thoughts of our president, the American president, and in general he knows the thoughts of all people: where, what nuclear missiles are located and how many, that for him there are absolutely no secrets on earth. He was eight years old at that time. Word about Slavik spread very quickly.

One evening, a local warlock and her relative came to our apartment to intimidate us. She spoke in different voices, screamed, was very angry, and sweating. She screamed that Slavik was bad, and she was a saint, that her book told her so. She screamed that Slavik was not from God, because she herself was from God and she didn’t want to fight him, since he was a child! She was perplexed: “Why was the child given such power?” She said that nothing could be done, and she, the “poor” one, would have to fight him, because Slavik turned out to be her enemy.

With great difficulty and only with the help of an Orthodox woman who came, we managed to get them out.

They also came from the Roerich society and culturally hinted that Slavik should no longer talk about God, to which I answered them that there are already churches in almost every village, and they also talk about God there. They agreed with me, but said that the whole point is that they really believe your son, for real deeds! And they, it seems, would not want to fight with the child either!

Slavik began to be attacked by local psychic sorcerers. Slavik said that he sees how sometimes evil spirits, crowding at the window and intimidating him, say: “We will kill you anyway! You won't live anyway! Either stop doing good deeds and come to us (you will be a famous psychic, you will live well and you will have everything), or we will kill you!” Slavik said: “And how they, mommy, swear at me so much! Mommy, how they swear!”...

Slavik actively worked for God and many people in our military town went to church, began to pray to God and led their children to be baptized.

When Slavik was alive, there was no large invasion of various kinds of psychics, but now the “Joy” sect is thriving and brazenly operating in the town.

Slavik calmly reacted to the actions of psychic sorcerers. And one day I asked him: “Slavik, do you have any enemies?” To which he answered me: “Yes, mommy! There are real enemies. These are Freemasons and followers of Messing. Then, after a while, a Catholic will become attached - in general, a good priest, who decided that he was sinless. But he has one sin.”

One day, Slavik and I were in one of the churches at a service. After the service, Slavik approaches the priest and asks: “Father, what were you thinking about during the service?” The priest did not answer the question with anything specific. Then Slavik asks him again: “About how and where to get food for your pigs?”

This gift of God to Slavik, apparently, was scary not only to sectarian sorcerers and Roerich followers.

There were other cases. You can’t tell everything... (p.23-30)

Trip to

Holy Trinity - Sergius Lavra

Once I asked Slavik: “What should I do with you, with your gift?” He replied that he needed a blessing at the monastery in Zagorsk (as Sergiev Posad was renamed after the revolution). To the question: “Why so far?” I received the answer: “There is more holiness there”...

At that time, plane or train tickets were very difficult to get. The station workers did not even react to my entreaties, then Slavik asked my permission to apply for a ticket himself. Very surprised, I allowed him. Soon their employee comes up to me and asks about Slavik. It turned out that Slavik had already diagnosed all the workers there. They were greatly amazed that such people exist. We were given two tickets.

The road was surprisingly open everywhere. Even in Sergiev Posad itself, which was incredible at that time, there was a place in a hotel.

Early in the morning we went to the Lavra. I saw a large crowd of people and was confused. A meeting with the archimandrite seemed impossible; even the monks who arrived did not hope to be accepted. They told me that his name was Father Naum, but I was already thinking that we had come in vain and how we should go back.

When, passing by us, Fr. Naum caught up with Slavik, then Slavik said to him: “But I have gifts from God.” To which he replied: “Now we’ll deal with your gifts!” I couldn't believe my ears!

Will he really accept it?

After some time, a nun approached us, saying that she was a doctor and was sent by Fr. Nahum talk to the boy. I was not allowed to listen. Then she took Slavik to Fr. Naumu.

Due to the long absence of my son, I began to worry, but then I was invited. I had to talk in detail about my life and my sins.

I was not prepared for this turn of events. If before meeting the priest I considered myself very good, then after meeting him I knew that this was far from the case.

The way back was just as easy. Immediately there were tickets for the lower seats in the carriage. Upon arrival in Miass, we immediately transferred from the train to an electric train and arrived home safely. (31-34)

Work for God and people

The husband left again for Shadrinsk, and a real pilgrimage of the suffering began to Slavik. Slavik was very tired, and I felt very sorry for him, but he begged me to be patient, asked: “Mommy, let them go.” And people walked even at night. Out of stupidity and ignorance, I grumbled in my thoughts, and sometimes, unable to bear it, I asked Slavik: “When will this all end?”

She washed, cleaned, and made sure that Slavik could rest. Starting from the age of seven and a half, Slava was already serving God and people, and I was their servant. People turned to him with their problems both at school and on the street, but the enemy of the human race did not sleep...

You can’t tell everything, although I would like to tell you one incident that prompted us to fulfill Slavochkin’s request for another trip to Father Naum.

One day at the height of summer, as soon as the rain stopped, the boys went out into the street and sat down on benches near the entrance to listen to Slavik. A rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain, and then the boys saw a bright glow from Slavik’s shoulders and around his head, which lasted for about 40 minutes and through which they threw pebbles, and then at home they told their parents about it. My parents later told me about this. (35-37)

Second trip to the Lavra

and death

As Slava said, my husband returned to serve again in Chebarkul. The eldest son came from the army. Slavik asked again about a trip to Father Naum for a blessing.

This time we went with our dad. Father Naum seemed to be waiting for us. There was no one: no monks, no pilgrims. Shod in felt boots, Father Naum was sitting on a stool under a canopy. Slavik immediately approached him and knelt in front of him. My husband and I stayed away, because I knew that when the priest was talking to someone, you couldn’t approach. They talked and came up to us. Father Naum invited us to move to live in Sergiev Posad and promised to provide us with all possible help.

After talking with Father Naum for some time, we set off on the way back. I would like to note that our path was miraculously guided by the Lord.

On the train back, my husband and I discussed the question of how he could leave the army in order to move to live near the Lavra for the sake of his son. At that time it was very difficult to leave the army.

When my father left the compartment, Slavochka told me: “Mommy, don’t think about anything. You will not move." I asked in bewilderment: “Why, Slavochka? For your sake, we are ready to do anything, even quit serving in the army and live near the monastery walls.” Slavik answered me: “This fall, when I go to school, around the 20th of September I will feel bad. I will get sick and die..."

He said this in July, and in March he was gone. During this period, Slavik continued to go to school with several short breaks, when he had to stay in the hospital for several days. He was only out of school for the last two weeks before his death.

That's all Slavochka's life... He was five days short of turning 11 years old.

Slavik said: “God shortened my life because people betray God very quickly, and therefore I won’t have time to grow up, otherwise I would have been first a doctor, and then a monk.” And he also said that some people will be very angry at his prophecies when they start to come true, and they will call him an evil sorcerer. (38-41)

Cases from life

...Slavik loved everything and everyone. He received and provided help to both Muslims and Catholics, and indeed to everyone who came. He also helped animals and birds. I didn’t pick a flower or a leaf without a reason. I tried not to walk on the grass so as not to crush it...

Once there was a funny incident. The weather was beautiful, and he and I went out for a walk. There were a lot of people on the street. At the “cookery” we bought some buns with Slavochka, and when we left, pigeons suddenly flew in from somewhere and sat down, surrounding him in a tight circle so that he could not take a step. People stopped in surprise and looked at this “lap of honor,” smiling. Slavik stood confused. I had to ask the pigeons to leave him alone. They parted, but still accompanied him for some time, stomping after him. Although I had the buns, the pigeons didn’t pay attention to them...

When he was brought to the hospital in Chebarkul for the first time, one of the titmice flew into the hospital building after him. Having flown to the second floor, she did not know where to go. At this time Slavik entered the doctor’s office. While he was at the doctor's, the orderlies tried to open the window to let the titmouse out, but it hit the glass so hard that it fell onto the windowsill. Everyone thought with regret that she had died. But then Slavochka came out, walked up to the windowsill, took her in his hands, held her for a while and released her into the wild. My husband was so amazed by this that he cannot forget this incident and always gets very upset when he remembers it.

The senior commanders, having heard a lot about Slavik, asked my husband to meet with Slavik. Sometimes my husband took Slavik with him to the training ground, where Slavik talked with our military. He loved our army and was sad that instead of the army, rapid reaction brigades will be created. That’s what he called them: “rapid reaction brigades”, which, before the arrival of the world ruler, will “extinguish” any, even the slightest manifestation of human discontent with their quick appearance.

There will be a lot of listening devices. Even on the street people will be afraid to talk. Times will be worse than under Stalin.

Almost all people will engage in spiritualism, they will live at the prompting and guidance of demons, because they will clearly hear demons and talk to them, considering them to be a higher mind. There will be very few ordinary, normal people left. At first, people led by demons will laugh at ordinary people, considering them illiterate, backward and unnecessary on earth, and over time, when they realize that they have fallen into the net of the evil one, they will begin to get so angry that they will be ready to tear apart those who survived with their own hands. . The survivors will be forced to hide.

Slavik said that a nuclear war is nothing compared to the impending catastrophe, that there are a lot of demons (so-called aliens) on the Moon. Only now they can perform tricks on the Moon and the sky, and, as it were, on the Sun. “And that’s why,” he said, “you can’t be curious, Mommy, so that interesting things don’t happen there.”

I write my memoirs because I see how psychics move to Church, as fewer and fewer ordinary people attend it, and Slavik said that a person without confession of sins and without Communion will not survive and will not be saved. Without this, everyone will start to become stupid. Slavik said that it is necessary to go to church for confession and Communion with priests who will not change the Creed and will serve in the old way, and then almost no one will go to churches.

I would also like to say that Slavik preached the Holy Trinity until his last breath. I begged people to go to church, fast if possible and pray as much as possible. When people did this, he was very happy for them, congratulated them on Communion, praised them, and prayed for them. Lately I’ve been praying all day long and thanking everyone for every little thing and bowing to everyone, especially for some reason to me...

Slavik said that dogs should not be kept in the house, that dogs should live in yard You cannot collect masks, skulls, fantasy books, etc., because evil spirits inhabit them. And vice versa, evil spirits cannot stand the faces of the Saints. They also do not like burning candles, the smell of incense, and especially Sunday prayer, from which they begin to rush about and disappear.

Slavik said that the churches will be empty and small workshops (mainly carpentry) will be unofficially allowed to open in them. When there is famine, severe hunger, women from hunger will take their treasures, including ancient icons, to thrift stores in Chelyabinsk - they will be valued more expensive there. They will create stores that will sell only icons, and hungry sellers will work in these icon stores with fear, because the Lord will burn these stores with fire.

Slavik said that water will begin to drain from the surface of the earth, and trees and all vegetation will die.Only by the grace of God those who are not sealed with the seal of the Antichrist will have the opportunity to grow some vegetables in the garden.

Slavik advised the mother of one boy not to strain his son by studying the piano, explaining that he would not need it, that people would not be interested in music (this boy is now over 20 years old). Neither musicians, nor artists, nor athletes will be needed. We will need that forgotten ancient knowledge by which a person could determine where to dig to find water, and how to survive.

The water will drain away, and the remaining water will deteriorate.

You cannot fly into space, because from space, when a rocket flies to earth, it carries with it invisible crystals that linger in one of the layers of the atmosphere, and they have the ability to divide. Under certain conditions created by man, they will eventually fall to the ground and crush everything that falls under them. If a person falls under this crystal fall, it will look like a pile of ice mixed with blood. Such ice will not melt.

He also said that just as birch bark burns and curls up, so one layer of the sky will burn. The sky will take on a different look after this..

When the true state of our earthly sky was revealed to Slavik, he cried all day and said: “Mommy, the sky is not blue at all, but like Saddam Hussein’s when his oil burned».

I’ll tell you about some miracles that happened before and after Slavik’s death. If he, the little one, according to the entry in the medical card, was not vaccinated, then when we were in the hospital in Chelyabinsk, he himself did not allow someone else’s blood to be infused into him. But when the doctor insisted on this and they tried to infuse him with blood, they could not do it. The blood did not flow on its own and they were forced to remove the IV. Slavik said that With someone else's blood, other people's sins enter into a person, but the blood still will not take root, because... she's dead.

Slavik wore his large baptismal cross, and in the children's hematology department in Chelyabinsk, the head. department was a psychic. She swore: “He hung a cross all over his belly! Take him away! She tried to take a bone marrow puncture from Slavik in the chest area, and was also unable to do this. An invisible force knocked this needle out of her hands. They took the puncture, but different ones.

Slavik’s diagnosis was never determined. When I asked him: “Slavochka, do you have cancer?” He replied: “It’s worse, Mommy. There is cancer - he, and there is cancer - she. So here I have it.” In the surgical department, after all the checks, they assumed that it was apparently lymphosarcoma. But no one treated him, and the disease was so advanced that it was impossible to determine why he died.

One day, a doctor (I don’t remember which department she headed) invited Slavika to her office and asked her to diagnose her. It didn’t cost Slavik anything. He granted her request in a matter of minutes. To her question: “Can you help me with anything?” Slavik answered her in front of me: “You’ve been treating people all your life. Have you cured anyone? She replied that she didn’t know - she probably cured someone after all. Slavik said: “Why can’t you heal your legs? You've had the best medicine all your life. You kept the best for yourself, you gave others to your friends, so why weren’t you all cured?” Lowering her head, she quietly answered: “Well, I’m not cured.”

Slavik said that he is here to help dying children, and if he has enough strength, he will help her too. She didn’t come to Slavochka anymore.

When he and I were transferred to the surgical department, he told me: “Mommy, I will die, and they will sing and dance.” I didn't answer. I couldn't even imagine what that meant.

The two days spent in the ward were calm. Behind the wall we had the so-called staff room, and almost opposite, in the corridor, there was a large TV, where sick children from the department watched TV shows in the evenings.

On the eve of March 8, a party began in this staff room behind our wall. Slavik was very ill at that time after laparoscopy. The party gradually intensified, and the children gradually increased the volume of the TV. Now the entire department is shaking, the TV is screaming at full blast, children, imitating the rampant medical workers, are jumping and dancing near the TV... I looked out into the corridor, and the hair on my head began to stand up in horror. This is not allegorical. My hair actually moves in horror. And Slavik lies quietly so as not to upset me: he seems to be sleeping.

While we were in the hospital, Stefania arrived in Chelyabinsk, Juna arrived, and Longa and Kashpirovsky arrived. After many of the medical staff visited these sorcerers, one of the doctors told me that patients with serious illnesses have visions of the future, and that Slavik has such abilities because of his illness. Slavik’s gift of foresight was diagnosed with such a gift, but there was never a diagnosis of his illness.

When they left, another doctor came up and told me: “Don’t listen to them! I've been working here for 30 years. I saw all sorts of cancer kids, but not one of them was a seer. This is the first time in my life that I have seen such a person! Thank God that I saw this in my life!”

I would like to note that in the Urals, especially in the hematology hospital, there is simply a working conveyor belt of children dying from leukemia. And so, being in the same condition as all sick children (only unlike others, he was not treated), Slavik tried to help the parents of sick children with his advice. He told me what prayers to read, what herbs to brew to ease the suffering of dying children.

One 15-year-old boy said that if he didn’t die, he would go to study at the seminary and become a priest, because he was amazed that Slavik knew everything about him and saw all his illnesses, and that there was hope for a good outcome (this boy, Fortunately, the disease was not fatal).

It is no coincidence that the devil forced his servants to actively act: Stefania, June, Long, Kashpirovsky and other followers of Messing.

Before Slavik’s death, Fr. Vladislav Kataev from the Chebarkul Church. He brought two bottles of holy water with him. After the unction, he invited Slavik to drink some water that was in one of the bottles. Slavik objected to Father Vladislav’s proposal, saying that we have a lot of water like this bottle from the tap, and asked for water from the second bottle, saying that that water was “holier.” Surprised Fr. Vladislav asked the question: “How do you know?” - and admitted that the water in the first bottle was diluted.

From March 14 to 15, around midnight, my husband and I, who had previously been on Slava’s bedside all the time, suddenly fell into a sound sleep. When we woke up from sleep, we also immediately and instantly looked at each other in horror: had we overslept our son?! The husband looked in on him, and Slavik, smiling, congratulated him on his birthday and said:

“Daddy, get some sleep, you’re probably tired after talking to me all night.” The amazed husband told him that we slept all night. And the surprised Slavik asked: “And who held my hand all night and talked to me, calmed me down and said: “Don’t be afraid of anything, Slavochka, everything will be fine”?” He said that nothing hurt him all night...

Slavik was buried by the entire military camp. A well-organized funeral was everyone's final gift to our son. The school was closed and all the children were attending the funeral.

The Lord gave His servant warm, sunny weather on the day of his funeral. The day before it was frosty down to -20, and on the day of the funeral the snow melted and there were puddles. The people were wearing unbuttoned coats and no hats. As soon as the coffin with the body was buried, the weather immediately changed for the worse.

Slavik said that after his death he would be better able to cure eye and nervous diseases, and he would be where they sang praises to God. And so that I wouldn’t worry about him, he told me that he would come and help us even after his death.

Slavik was a very courageous man. He went to school until recently. He begged me to let people come to him. He spent only one day without visitors before his death.

When I asked him: “Slavik, why are you suffering so much?” - He, looking sternly and penetratingly into my eyes, answered: “ What torment - such is the reward».

Just before his death, when it became very difficult for Slavik, he turned to the face of Christ and said with doubt: “Here I am dying... Or maybe my death is in vain? Maybe you don't exist at all? And all this is in vain?

The hair on my head stood up in horror. After some time he felt better. With wide blue eyes, he looked with great amazement at the icon corner where the ancient icons stood and said: “And yet You exist! God bless!"

At 4 hours 50 minutes his soul went to the Lord, and for some reason the clock in his room stopped. So at this time they are still standing...

The Lord gave Slavik a very short earthly life, and only those few with whom Slavik had to communicate can testify about him. These are: Archimandrite of the Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra Father Naum, Priest Vladislav Kataev, priests of the Miass Church - Fathers Vladimir and Anatoly Zemlyanov, as well as those people who visited Slavik.

Selfishness, deceit, cunning, lies, hypocrisy, seeking profit and other negative qualities of ordinary human character were alien to Slavik. He was told this: “ The whole world will be ruined by profit».

Slavik told us how our family would live after his death. Over the past 10 years, many of Slavochka’s predictions have already come true. It’s scary to expect the fulfillment of unfulfilled predictions... (41-70)


When Slavik went to school, he resolutely refused to cut his hair, saying: “Let it be like Jesus Christ’s.” Evil children laughed at him, teachers put pressure on me, but I replied that I could not influence his decision. Slavik was not an excellent student, but he studied well.

He called everything that was taught to him untruth, because he knew the True Truth from God, and when, having learned a lesson, he received an “A”, he said: “I brought this to you, Mommy, so that you would be pleased.”

The notes that he began to write down during his lifetime disappeared during the funeral, and for some reason my scarf and one wedding candle disappeared along with them. This doesn’t look like a simple theft, because there was something to steal in the house...

When he began serving people, he was “told” not to have a single ruble in his palm. He was very afraid of what was said. But one day someone still put money unnoticed in his coat pocket. Slavik even got sick from this and did not calm down until he returned this money to the owner. Slavik did not accept any gifts for his services at all - he was afraid of God...

Slavik could speak other languages. I saw that animals, birds and plants understand it. When I asked: “Slavik, what is this language that you sometimes speak? I’ve never heard this before.” He replied: “This is not earthly.”

Sometimes he tried to show me how quietly and tenderly they sing and dance in Heaven, and then, apologizing, he said: “I can’t show you, Mommy. It comes out rough in this body.” He said that there are holidays in Heaven that people on earth do not know or have forgotten, that Heaven is not one, that people in the New Age will not necessarily talk, because... communication will be on a different level, that the Angels on earth will soon have a lot of work...

People from afar came to Slavik and asked about their relatives and friends, whom Slavik had never seen or known, but about whom he knew everything. He didn't need any photographs.

One day two men came to him from Moscow. They showed their documents. It seems like scientists who once graduated from the Institute of Water Management. Slavik told them a lot about the Earth, about space, and dictated long mathematical formulas.

When one of them came to us again, he was already baptized and told the following story. When he left us alone on his first visit very late in the evening, he had to walk on foot from our military camp to the city of Chebarkul. And since he was involved in sports, he walked very quickly, joyfully carrying everything that Slavik dictated to him.

He walked and walked and suddenly thought that he had been walking for a long time, but the landscape before his eyes was the same, and by now there should have been a hotel for a long time. I remembered my advice that if any unforeseen need suddenly arises, you need to call on God for help as best you can. “I,” he says, “begged!” And, suddenly, the scales fell from my eyes. It turned out that I had walked all of Chebarkul and reached the highway leading to Chelyabinsk. There is forest all around, and ahead on the highway there is a huge orange ball and in it there are either two or three men who were very unfriendly towards me. It was strongly felt. I don’t remember how and at what speed I ran back to the hotel. After this incident, I believed in God and was baptized.”

Slavik said that people will learn to cure cancer, that the time will come when they will begin to raise prices and wages, and one and a half to two years before the famine, wages will remain high, and prices for goods, especially food, will be sharply reduced. As a matter of principle, people will not take goods from merchants. State-owned stores and shopping centers will reopen. The work of customs will change, and goods will pass through it calmly. At first, the goods will be of low quality, but then their quality will improve.

People will be allowed to live well for a while, but then the food will be hidden from the people underground and famine will begin. Russia will begin to fragment. Even small republics, such as Tatarstan, will separate from each other. This will contribute to economic survival, but in the event of disasters there will be no mutual assistance, since each region will be busy with its own problems.

Slavik said that before the war our army would be destroyed, that the power outage would begin in the Far East, and then little by little they would be turned off everywhere. It will be cold everywhere, because... the heating will not work. Gas and electricity will be turned off. There won't even be chalk and paper in schools. Children will hang out on the street. All diseases will return.

There will be one disease without a name, from which there will be many corpses on the streets, and no one will bury them. Worms will crawl on them and there will be a stench all around.

Slavik said: “Mommy, people will walk and die as they go, because... They won’t have any strength at all.” He said that the same thing would happen in our town.

Slavik said that the so-called “aliens”, i.e. demons do not like marble because it is alive, it has a pulse. That’s why we tried to put a marble monument on Slavochka’s grave.

The monument was brought from Koelga. After some time, I hear that the poor workers of Koelga received an order for marble for the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, which made everyone pleasantly surprised.

Slavik said that in America, two large identical houses will be blown up, then the Statue of Liberty will be blown up from below. It will turn out like this - the statue will take a step and crumble into pieces.

He said that in Russia they will also blow up houses. To my question: “Who needs this? Who will blow it up? - he replied: “They will blow it up themselves.”

Slavik said that planes and helicopters will crash very often until people understand that it is undesirable for them to occupy airspace, because... they interfere with the UFO, i.e. demons, to perform their actions in the air, because they are preparing for war with God and fooling people, being in contact with powerful people of this world.

It will be restless in houses and apartments. People will see various anomalous phenomena.

Slavik said that The first non-human document in our country is a voucher. The rest of the documents will also be from Satan. He said that will appear the money of the “world ruler”, which will be called “euro”. Things will go well with this money. The last state to switch to the euro will be America.

The last document will be a world passport in the form of a small, very cute gray plate. When people receive it, specially installed equipment will apply three small sixes with rays on their forehead or right hand in the form of a tattoo. At first they will not be visible, but then they, like an electronic scoreboard on the forehead and on the hand, will glow with a greenish light.

If a person tries to get rid of these sixes and cuts off his hand, then the sixes will appear on the stump. Then, even if you cut a person into pieces, three sixes will appear on each piece.

At first, people will be embarrassed and hide this stigma, and then they will stop being embarrassed and openly begin to wear this seal of the Antichrist.

Gradually these people will become very angry. They will be especially angry with those who do not have this seal.

If a person, unable to bear hunger, goes into a store and gets some food for himself, then, when passing through the cash register, he will receive these “666”.

Those who receive this number will not be able to die. They will be like immortals.

Slavik said that if such a person, because of a terrible life, wants to commit suicide and, accelerating in a car, crashes somewhere, then, scattering together with the car into pieces, like a monster in a horror film, he will gather from the pieces into a heap and come to life again .

At that time, in some places, children would die of hunger, and Moscow would live in idles, but then it would begin to sink into the ground. It will move, as it were, down an inclined path, and when Jesus Christ steps onto the square, then the remains of the Kremlin with the star will completely collapse. By this time the government will probably move to Bonn (I don’t remember exactly) and will lead the people from there.

Slavik said that Satan wants to spark a war between Muslims and Christians, but God will not allow a world war between them. Muslims and Christians will have to unite because Buddhists will rise. Our country will go to war with China.

First, Russia will make peace with America. There will be many Americans on the Russian borders. They will begin to import American products and goods to Russia. We will have everything American, even cinema. Russian people will then get very tired of all this, and they will be glad to see even a small Russian brand.

When the Americans and the Chinese are on the brink of war, the Americans will be afraid of China at the last moment and will set it on us.

The war will be such that somewhere there will be bloody battles, and somewhere they will take it without a single shot: in the evening we will fall asleep as Russians, and in the morning we will wake up as “Chinese”.

Christian churches and Muslim mosques will be slightly altered (the roofs will be made in Chinese style), a dragon will be placed in front of the entrance, which, instead of a bell, will gather people for worship with a dull, drawn-out sound. Those who resist will be killed or hanged.

Slavik said that the Chinese would kill our men and boys and sterilize our population.

Then the Americans, for the first time in the world, will use a new psychological weapon against the Chinese, which affects only this race, and will drive them away, but the effect of this weapon will be such that even in China they will never be able to be normal again.

Slavik was especially surprised by the Israelis. He said that a war would begin in Israel and the Israelis, surrounded on all sides by Muslims, would show miracles of courage, but would still be defeated. Muslims will desecrate our Christian shrines, which will greatly anger God.

Slavik said that It is a sin to abandon one’s Fatherland for the sake of profit; it is a great sin to betray God for the sake of money. Slavik called this the service of the underworld.

Slavik said that there is a city here in the Urals - as if in a cup. During the Ural earthquake, this city will be thrown with stones, flooded with water, and not even an animal will be saved from this city, and in Moscow they will not even think of helping.

“And for you, mommy,” said Slavik, “all the glassware will break, and the nearby kindergarten, which will take a long time to be repaired, will crumble” (this kindergarten has been repaired for more than six years and has just recently been opened).

Sometimes high school students came to Slavik as a whole class, and he told them that Gorbachev would not be in power at all, that Raisa Maksimovna would die, and before her death everything would not be all right in her head, and Mikhail Sergeevich would be left alone, useless to anyone. Yeltsin will become very ill, but will not die, and he will be removed.

Then there will be a ruler who does not belong to any party and no one knows him.

The last ruler is the one who will tell the truth about Yeltsin and Gorbachev. The truth about them will anger the people so much that people will be ready to tear them to pieces. Gorbachev will try to hide, but there will be no kerosene, and the planes will be stopped. Due to the lack of fuel, all equipment will be idle at that time. Yeltsin will be very surprised and will not even try to hide.

But then all sorts of signs will begin in the sky and people will be carried away by them, and they will forget about Gorbachev and Yeltsin (Slavik here literally told what is written in the Gospel).

Slavik said that not everyone will believe the miracles and this will force them to make a device that will allow them to recognize the so-called “aliens” among people, i.e. incarnate demons, which are very, very scary.

Slavik said a lot that the Earth is not round, that dinosaurs are not extinct, that there are huge voids in the earth and as the climate warms, in some places the earth will fall into these voids, and in others it will move away in huge layers in different directions. England will sink, and the British are evacuating to Russia and the English government knows about it.

Slavik said that hell really exists and it is below us. I asked about Stalin. Slavik explained that there is a place in hell where boiling water flows and in this boiling water some stand up to their heels, some up to their knees, some up to their chests, and Stalin is completely there with his head. Slavik could tell in detail the structure of hell. He said that it was very cold at the very bottom. There's ice there. The greatest sinners are there.

There are rooms where people just sit in the dark and are not tormented, and if someone sticks out of the fire or boiling water, then the demons with bitterness and malice, as if with pitchforks (but not pitchforks), plunge him back headlong.

At the very beginning of the underworld there really is firewood, which is chopped as if “at the behest of a pike” by an ax on a huge log into logs, and it is very dark there. Next there are huge boilers, where this firewood is transported on drags (like sleds), or dragged like fagots. Both are dragged with all their might and with great tension. The souls of sinners perform this work, and demons torture them as if with whips.

Slavik said: “ What are the sins, such are the places».

It happens that the ground collapses under a person’s feet, and he flies into the utter darkness of hell, where he sees only many fiery blinking eyes surrounding him. Attacked by evil spirits-demons, such a poor fellow is instantly torn alive into small pieces (one of the reasons is why and where people get lost).

Demons hate people with fierce hatred because the Lord uses holy people to replenish the number of fallen angels, whom He threw to earth for disobedience and turned into demons.

Slavik said that one saint is valued more than all earthly science, and more valuable than many priests combined, and there are also simple people who are very good and don’t even suspect that they are like saints. There are those disguised as saints, whom the people consider to be saints, but they are actually sorcerers.

There have been cases in the history of mankind when saints were considered sorcerers, and vice versa. And they still think so.

Slavik said that there is a place in hell where the main big worm and many other worms crawl into a person’s nose, mouth, eyes, ears - and it is very painful. He told me not to go to the cemetery alone, because... The worm is very smart and hears very well and, sticking out a little, grabs and drags those walking alone underground.

Slavik said that “aliens” are demons, and they drag people alive.

So, for example, on earth there is what people call the Mariana Trench. At the bottom of this depression lies a thick layer of silt and other water deposits, and below them there is another bottom where Atlantis fell. The city is in good condition, and this place is guarded by UFOs, i.e. demons, so that people do not find this place, and they have living people as slaves, to whom “they” themselves do not show themselves, so that people do not go crazy, because the sight of these “aliens” is very terrible.

If Atlantis had been studied by people, then people’s understanding of the universe would have changed greatly. People would then understand who their true enemies are and would begin to fight them. And “they” don’t need it. “They” are very afraid of Jesus Christ and, because of fear, are limited in their activities, otherwise people, as such, would not have existed on Earth a long time ago.

People could find another structure that would open their eyes to their enemies, but it is also carefully guarded by the same “forces.”

This is a structure similar to the human mind - a computer, but much more perfect. It is located in the mountains in a rock, in excellent condition, disguised as a rock.

Slavik also said that semi-material UFOs use diamonds as fuel. Diamonds are supplied to demons for UFOs by the “powers of this world”, i.e. - “initiates” from the World Government. The larger the diamond, the better for “them”, and that people will learn to make the same ships.

People will believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior, and in every aircraft there will be an unquenchable lamp and the face of the Lord.

This will be a short period when the Lord will give man the opportunity to fight with demons under the supervision of Heaven.

Slavik said that “aliens” take skin from a person, supposedly for analysis, then in fact, from a tiny piece of skin they grow a whole layer of human skin, which they cover themselves with.

When they come down to us under the guise of “aliens”, driven by “evil cosmic forces”, but in fact - God, then their real appearance will be greatly disguised, and “they” will actually act in the real world under the guise of real people.

Demons will invite people into landing UFOs all over the earth for medical examination and treatment. People will go en masse to them for “health”, and will come out “healthy” zombie».

This is just one type of deception. There will be other methods of zombification, depending on the spiritual level of the person. They will deceive even the chosen ones. Some will be lured with bread, and others with a red robe.

What “The whole world will be ruined by profit!”- were Slavik’s constant words. He was very surprised at the carelessness and acquisitiveness of people. Slavik was very amazed by all this and he said: “After all, everyone will have to go to God anyway! What will he say to God?

He was especially amazed and amazed at women. The behavior of women simply amazed him. He said: “Mommy, what shameless aunties! How depraved they are!”

The new world ruler will resolve all vices, explaining this by saying that God, supposedly, does not need people to restrain themselves, that everything was created just for everyone to enjoy. People will be indignant at the fact that they were supposedly “wrongly” taught by the Holy Church. They will accept the false teaching of the world ruler that God did not need abstinence and fasting, and in general a pious life.

Slavik held his heart, looking at the lawlessness happening around him.

Slavik often talked a lot about the structure of hell, and he told rare people about Paradise. When I asked: “Why do you talk mainly about hell?” Slavik replied: “So that they think about it and don’t end up there, but they are not worthy to hear about Paradise yet.”

One day we were drinking tea and talking in the kitchen. Suddenly pain pierced my temples very strongly. The pain that suddenly appeared suddenly disappeared. Slavik explained: “Mommy, evil spirits constantly attack a person from above. Demonic energy in the form of black clots constantly moves at high speed, trying to penetrate a person, pierce him, and when they fail, the person still experiences sharp pain somewhere in his body, including in the temples, like you have now.

He also said that soon almost all the demons will crawl out to the surface of the earth along with the devil, and in hell it will be calmer for some time than on earth, because... The demons remaining in the underworld will not do their work as diligently.

Slavik said that There will be a giant explosion on the Black Sea, because a small layer of water remained on the sea, and under the layer of water some organisms, such as worms, of which there are a lot there, crawl along the bottom of the sea and emit hydrogen sulfide.

All this underwater space will explode, and the explosion will reach the upper layers of the atmosphere, where, due to human fault, a huge amount of chemical and other waste has accumulated. It will seem as if the water, earth and sky are on fire.

The city of Odessa will be saved by breaking the fresh water pipeline. The burning city will be flooded with fresh water, and this will save many. Slavik said that he would help his cousin, the daughter of our relatives who now live in Odessa, to save herself.

Slavik also said that gigantic waves would rise in the Baltic States and wash away the Baltic coastline, that huge sinkholes would form in Bashkiria to great depths, and the bottom of these sinkholes would be dry.

People who find themselves in these gaps will see a piece of sky high above them, the size of a cloud, and stones falling, as if from the sky. Some will put their heads under these stones, because... there will be no escape from this trap.

A big catastrophe (a strong crystal fall) will break out over Siberia.

Chelyabinsk factories will stop and become empty, only security will remain. Then these de-energized, inactive factories will fall underground. All giant buildings will fall underground.

The people remaining on earth will languish from hunger and thirst. The water will become thick, smelly and red, similar to the blood of a deceased person. Plants will stop growing. There will be no wind or rain. All sorts of nasty things will creep up from under the ground. Very large creatures, such as worms, will crawl out of spoiled reservoirs.

Slavik said that in the Far East there are worms that can only be seen in ultraviolet radiation, and in Turkey there are also a lot of them in the sands, but with teeth.

Slavik said that “non-sexed” people (meaning those who do not accept the “666” seal) will not be able to eat geared food. They won’t even be able to swallow it, although the Geared ones will initially try to help their non-Geared relatives by giving them a portion of their products.

Slavik said that when the devil himself performs false miracles and says that he is God, then Christians will see Jesus Christ in him, Muslims will see Mohammed, and Buddhists will see Buddha, but some of the Buddhists will doubt it, because Buddha didn’t seem to be going to come .

Slavik said: “Mommy, there will be so many demons around him! And people will see God in him, each to his own, and demons will seem to them like Angels. A strong stench will emanate from the devil, but people will not feel it. Only a few will not go to see it. Slavik was amazed, saying: “How shameless he is! How scary! My face looks like it’s been sprinkled with flour – it’s white, and it’s looking at me so evilly.”

The devil will “move” mountains, and people will touch the mountain that “came” from across the sea with great surprise, but in reality there is no mountain! It will seem like it to them. But it will show real fire from the sky.

The Lord will protect people who remain devoted to God with such power that these people, living in small settlements, will be inaccessible to evil forces. They simply won't be seen. Those who do not betray God will not change anything, they will simply remain ordinary people. And this is their victory.

Slavik said that there will be a settlement where not a single “geared” person will be able to penetrate. Everything around will be surrounded by a moat, and the moat will be filled with water. All gates will be tightly closed. One person will still manage to somehow reach the wall, but God's Power will throw him so far that he will fly back over the ditch, get on all fours, shake himself off and go home with great anger.

The earth will be cleansed with the coming of the Lord and will be beautiful, but different. When the Lord comes, the Angels will carry huge pieces of earth through the air and fill up the gaps that have formed on the surface of the Earth, leveling the earth's surface. If a person looked at this action, he would not see Angels, but would see earth flying across the sky. Ultimately, before the New Age with the Lord, the Earth will be practically flat. (70-109)


“...I want to tell you what I learned from Slava during his lifetime.

Mom raised Slava from early childhood in Christian piety, she herself was an example for him, together they read the Bible, the Psalter, prayers, lives of the Saints, went to churches in different cities (there was no church in Chebarkul). He loved everyone: especially old men and women, he protected plants and animals, and was kind and modest. From birth he had the gift of providence, the gift of healing diseases by invoking the name of God. He never refused anyone. At school he helped classmates and older students; people whom he accidentally met, like me and those who came to him asking for help. He showed mercy to everyone and treated the sick for free. But he rejected those who came with unclean, unkind thoughts. In front of me, he called one warlock a “bad aunt” when she persuaded Slava to describe to her the diseases of the sick with the help of his gift of providence, and she, using a book of black magic, would cure these diseases for money.

Slava told her: “No!”

Many people of different faiths, from different church denominations came to them (they came, brought their literature, invited them to their services, persuaded them to take an interest in their faith) - he said to everyone: “No!”

And he told me: “ Only our Orthodox faith is true. Do not believe, Aunt Nina, anyone who will persuade you to another faith. And more and more people will come from abroad, and it will be difficult for people to understand where and who to follow, because... foreigners lure Russian people with the ease of their services, affection, and friendliness. And then you can’t escape from them, and people will go to hell because of this. Our Orthodox faith is strict: fasting, long services, prayers to God's saints. AND if you don’t want to perish, follow the precepts of our saints: Seraphim of Sarov, Sergius of Radonezh!»

Slava had a corner with icons in his room. Slava loved icons very much. He knew well about the lives of all the Saints, because... I read the lives of the Saints, especially loved the Healer Panteleimon and Seraphim of Sarov. Until his death, Slava prayed a lot. And when an old woman from the village, dying, gave him two ancient icons: the Mother of God and the Twelfth Feasts, he thanked her very much! Her icons were kept in a closet and were in poor condition. Slava and his mother washed and cleaned them. And the faces became visible. What joy he had! He kissed these gifts from old lady Ksenia with tenderness and remembered her until his death. At the moment, these icons have been miraculously renewed. Slava constantly read the Gospel, knew many prayers by heart, and the “Biblical Encyclopedia” was his reference book.

He saw any person immediately. He could tell how many sins he had, but he never condemned anyone. I felt sorry for everyone...

What a pity that I didn’t write down what he said during his life, how I repent of it. I remember very little of his predictions about the future.

I remember that in December 1991 he told me that there would be a war in the Caucasus, a cruel, bloody, endless war - cities would be destroyed, many civilians would die in addition to the military, planes would fall and crash.

He said that without war more people would die than in war. That Raisa Gorbachev will die from a serious illness, that Boris Yeltsin will be very sick and, in the end, he will be forced to resign from the presidential post.

That there will be strong earthquakes and dinosaurs will begin to appear from underground.

That in Moscow houses will fail and be destroyed. That in Russia, a ruler will finally appear who will tell the people the truth about Gorbachev and Yeltsin, and all the people will be horrified. For some time, life will begin to improve, there will be a lot of food, people will begin to live better. But then new temptations will begin, all people will be renumbered, and after a while they will mark people with three sixes. Many will be marked with these satanic signs, and whoever refuses will not be able to purchase food. Few people can resist this test. Many will lose their souls. A few will go into the forests, live there, whatever they grow themselves, but will not succumb to the “beast.”

He also said that cities in the Russian Far East will be empty, especially military towns, people will leave from there, because... there will be no light and warmth. And the Chinese, Koreans and Vietnamese will begin to populate this territory en masse and will be at home. And a terrible war with China will begin.

He said that church values ​​that everyone had forgotten about would be found in Russia, but I didn’t understand what they were.

In front of me in 1992, Nina Ivanovna Kozyreva asked Slava whether the Chebarkul temple, destroyed by the communists, would be restored. He replied: “No, they won’t have time.” Exactly 10 years have passed, and the temple is not being built - they just started the foundation, and that’s it...”

Based on the book “The Youth Vyacheslav.” St. Petersburg, “Annunciation”, 2006.