X-ray examination. Radiography - what is it? How is radiography of the spine, joints, and various organs done? What does radiography study?

X-ray examination I

used to study the structure and functions of organs in normal and pathological conditions. Allows you to diagnose, determine the localization and extent of identified pathological changes, as well as their dynamics during the treatment process.

The study is based on the fact that x-ray radiation, passing through organs and tissues, is absorbed by them to an unequal extent, which makes it possible to obtain their image on a special screen or x-ray film. The difference in the optical density of adjacent areas of the image on the radiograph (or the difference in the brightness of the fluorescent screen) determines the images. Many organs and tissues of the body, differing from each other in density and chemical composition, absorb differently, which determines the natural contrast of the resulting image. Thanks to this, R. and. bones and joints, lungs, heart and some other organs can be performed without special preparation. To study the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, bronchi, vessels, the natural contrast of which is insufficient, artificial contrast is resorted to: special harmless X-ray contrast agents are introduced that absorb much more strongly (barium sulfate, organic iodine compounds) or weaker (gas) than structure under study. For the purpose of artificial contrasting of organs and tissues, they are taken orally (for example, with R. and. stomach), introduced into the bloodstream (for example, with urography), into the cavities or tissues surrounding (for example, with ligamentography), or directly into the cavity (lumen ) or organ parenchyma (for example, with maxillary sinusography, bronchography, hepatography). At fluoroscopy (X-ray) intense shadows on the screen correspond to dense organs and tissues, lighter shadows refer to less dense formations containing gas, i.e. the image is positive ( rice. 1, a ). On radiographs, the ratio of darkening and clearing is the opposite, i.e. negative image ( rice. 1, b ). When describing photographs, they always proceed from the relationships inherent in a positive image, i.e. Light areas on x-rays are called shadows, dark areas are called clearings.

The choice of the optimal method depends on the diagnostic task in each specific case. to R. and. determined by the patient’s condition and the specifics of the specific method of R. and. (for example, contraindicated in acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract).

X-ray examination is carried out in X-ray rooms. When examining persons those in serious condition (for example, shock or injuries requiring emergency interventions), R. and. carried out directly in the intensive care unit or in the operating room using ward or dressing X-ray units. According to indications, it is possible to examine patients in dressing rooms, emergency departments, hospital wards, etc.

The study, depending on the direction of the X-ray beam in relation to the plane of the body, is carried out mainly in direct, lateral and oblique projections. With direct projection ( rice. 2, a, b ) is directed sagittally, i.e. perpendicular to the frontal plane of the body. With the anterior direct (dorsoventral) projection, the radiation source is located behind the subject, and the film is adjacent to the front surface of the body; with the posterior direct (ventrodorsal) projection, the location of the radiation source and receiver is reversed. With a lateral projection (left or right), the central ray passes perpendicular to the sagittal plane of the body, i.e. along its frontal plane ( rice. 2, c, d ). Oblique projections are characterized by the direction of the central ray at an angle to the frontal and sagittal planes ( rice. 2, d, f, g, h ). There are four oblique projections - right and left anterior and right and left posterior. In some cases, with R. and. it is necessary to use additional projections obtained by rotating the patient around one axis (usually longitudinal). Such a study is called multi-projection. If this is not enough, the patient is also rotated around other axes (see Polypositional study). When studying a number of anatomical formations, such as the orbit, the middle ear, special projections are used - axial (the central ray is directed along the axis of the organ), tangential (the central ray is directed tangentially to the surface of the organ), etc.

X-ray examination usually begins with fluoroscopy (fluoroscopy) or radiography (X-ray). Using fluoroscopy, they examine the motor function of some internal organs (heart, stomach, intestines, etc.), determine the displacement of pathological formations during palpation or changing the patient’s position, etc., which has high resolution, makes it possible to more clearly and clearly display the structures of the body.

Fluoroscopy constitutes a group of general radiological methods. They also form the basis of private and special x-ray methods, based on the use of special techniques and technical means, which are used to obtain additional information about the function and structure of the organ under study. Private methods include Teleradiography and Electroradiography, Tomography, Fluorography, etc. To record the movements of organs (for example, the heart, lungs, diaphragm), fluoroscopy is used using video magnetic recording of the image. Special methods (Bronchography, Cholegraphy, Urography, Angiography, etc.) are intended to study a specific system, organ or part thereof, usually after artificial contrast. They are used according to strict indications only in cases where simpler methods do not provide the necessary diagnostic results.

Sometimes preliminary preparation of the patient is necessary, ensuring the quality of R. and., reducing the discomfort associated with the study, and preventing the development of complications. So, before carrying out R. and. colon cleansing is prescribed; if necessary, during R. and. puncture of a vessel or duct using local anesthesia; before the introduction of some radiopaque agents, hyposensitizing drugs are prescribed; To more clearly identify the functional state of the organ during the study, various medications can be used (stimulating gastrointestinal motility, reducing sphincters, etc.).

Analysis obtained during R. and. information consists of several successive stages: identifying radiological symptoms, interpreting the X-ray picture, comparing X-ray data with the results of clinical and previous X-ray studies, differential diagnosis and formulating a final conclusion.

Complications associated with the use of R. and. are rare. They mainly occur during artificial contrasting of cavities, organs and systems of the body and are manifested by allergic reactions, acute respiratory distress, collapse, reflex disorders of cardiac activity, embolism, damage to organs and tissues. The vast majority of complications develop during the study or in the first 30 min after its completion. Complications in the form of radiation damage (Radiation damage) with strict observance of all rules of anti-radiation protection (anti-radiation protection) are not observed. They can arise only in case of gross violation of the rules for working with sources of ionizing radiation (operation of faulty equipment, violation of research methods, refusal to use personal protective equipment, etc.). Protection from radiation of patients and personnel is achieved by proper layout of the X-ray room, limiting the irradiation field by the size of the area under study and shielding the area where the genital organs are located, using additional filtration of the primary radiation beam and personal protective equipment, etc.

X-ray examination of children. The main method of R. and. children, especially newborns, is radiography. It is accompanied by less radiation exposure to the patient and at the same time allows one to obtain fairly complete and objective information about the organ being studied. When examining older children, radiography is supplemented with fluoroscopy, with preference given to X-ray television examination, which allows reducing radiation exposure. It is not possible to conduct most of the special studies in children. To fix young children in the optimal position during the study, appropriate devices and devices are used. Areas of the body that are not subject to examination are shielded with lead rubber or a protective screen. Mass fluorographic examinations of children under 12 years of age are prohibited.

Bibliography: Zedgenidze G.A. and Osipkova T.A. Emergency in children, L., 1980, bibliogr.; Kishkovsky A.N. and Tyutin L.A. Methods and equipment of electroradiography, M., 1982; Lindenbraten L.D. and Naumov L.B. Methods of X-ray examination of human organs and systems, Tashkent, 1976.

X-ray image of the hand is normal: positive image observed during fluoroscopy (dense tissue corresponds to darker areas of the image)">

Rice. 1a). X-ray image of the hand is normal: a positive image observed during fluoroscopy (dense tissue corresponds to darker areas of the image).

Rice. 2. Standard x-ray projections: a - anterior line; b - back straight; c - left side; g - right lateral; d - right anterior oblique; e - left anterior oblique; g - right posterior oblique; h - left posterior oblique; 1 - X-ray source; 2 - cross section of the subject’s body; 3 - spine; 4 - radiation receiver; F - frontal plane, the dotted line indicates the central ray of the radiation beam.

II X-ray examination

in medicine - study of the morphological and functional characteristics of human organs and systems, incl. for the purpose of diagnosing diseases, based on obtaining and analyzing x-ray images of relevant areas of the body.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

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    X-ray examination- 25. X-ray examination is the use of x-rays to examine a patient for the purpose of diagnosis and/or prevention of diseases, consisting of one or more x-ray procedures. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

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Pneumonia requires an x-ray. Without this type of research, a person can only be cured by a miracle. The fact is that pneumonia can be caused by various pathogens that can only be treated with special therapy. X-rays help determine whether the prescribed treatment is appropriate for a particular patient. If the situation worsens, treatment methods are adjusted.

X-ray research methods

There are a number of methods for studying using x-rays, their main difference is the method of recording the resulting image:

  1. radiography - the image is recorded on a special film by direct exposure to x-rays;
  2. electroradiography - the image is transferred to special plates from which it can be transferred to paper;
  3. fluoroscopy is a method that allows you to obtain an image of the organ being examined on a fluorescent screen;
  4. X-ray television examination - the result is displayed on the TV screen thanks to a personal television system;
  5. fluorography - the image is obtained by photographing the displayed image on a small format film;
  6. digital radiography - a graphic image is transferred to a digital medium.

More modern radiography methods make it possible to obtain a higher-quality graphic image of anatomical structures, which contributes to a more accurate diagnosis, and therefore the prescription of the correct treatment.

To take x-rays of some human organs, the method of artificial contrast is used. To do this, the organ under study receives a dose of a special substance that absorbs X-rays.

Types of X-ray examinations

In medicine, indications for radiography are to diagnose various diseases, clarify the shape of these organs, their location, the condition of the mucous membranes, and peristalsis. The following types of radiography are distinguished:

  1. spine;
  2. chest;
  3. peripheral parts of the skeleton;
  4. teeth - orthopantomography;
  5. uterine cavity - metrosalpingography;
  6. breast - mammography;
  7. stomach and duodenum - duodenography;
  8. gallbladder and biliary tract - cholecystography and cholegraphy, respectively;
  9. colon - irrigoscopy.

Indications and contraindications for the study

X-rays can be prescribed by a doctor to visualize a person’s internal organs in order to identify possible pathologies. There are the following indications for radiography:

  1. the need to establish lesions of internal organs and skeleton;
  2. checking the correct installation of tubes and catheters;
  3. monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of the course of therapy.

As a rule, in medical institutions where X-rays can be taken, the patient is questioned about possible contraindications for the procedure.

These include:

  1. personal hypersensitivity to iodine;
  2. pathology of the thyroid gland;
  3. kidney or liver injuries;
  4. active tuberculosis;
  5. problems of the cardiac and circulatory systems;
  6. increased blood coagulation;
  7. serious condition of the patient;
  8. state of pregnancy.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The main advantages of X-ray examination are the accessibility of the method and its simplicity. Indeed, in the modern world there are many institutions where you can do x-rays. This mainly does not require any special training, it is cheap and the images are available, with which you can consult several doctors in different institutions.

The disadvantages of X-rays include obtaining a static image, exposure to radiation, and in some cases the administration of contrast is required. The quality of images sometimes, especially with outdated equipment, does not effectively achieve the research goal. Therefore, it is recommended to look for an institution where you can take digital x-rays, which today is the most modern method of research and shows the highest degree of information content.

If, due to the indicated shortcomings of radiography, a potential pathology is not reliably identified, additional studies may be prescribed that can visualize the functioning of the organ over time.

About a hundred years ago, the famous scientist K. Roentgen discovered X-rays. From that moment to this day, X-rays have helped all of humanity in both medicine and industry, as well as in many other areas. X-ray diagnostics is currently the most reliable and effective method in the arsenal of both the doctor and the patient. Nowadays, a large number of innovative technologies and methods are known that can reduce adverse effects on the human body to a minimum, as well as make the research more informative.

Most likely, everyone has dealt with certain modern X-ray diagnostic technologies at least once in their life. Let's look at them in more detail.

Radiography- is perhaps the most common and well-known method. Its use is indicated when there is a need to obtain an image of a certain part of the body using x-rays on special photographic material;

Using radiography (more commonly known as x-ray), you can obtain images of, for example, teeth or a skeleton. It is also used for fractures, as part of a comprehensive diagnosis of joints and spine, as well as to identify the presence of foreign bodies in the human body. X-rays can be ordered by specialists such as a dentist, orthopedic surgeon, or a doctor working in an emergency room.

Fluoroscopy is the process of obtaining an image on a screen; it can be used to study organs in the process of their work - we are talking about processes such as movements of the diaphragm, heart contractions, peristalsis of the esophagus, intestines and stomach. In addition, the method allows you to obtain a visual representation of the location of organs relative to each other, determine the nature of localization and the degree of displacement of formations of a pathological nature. Using a method such as fluoroscopy, it is possible to perform numerous therapeutic and diagnostic procedures, for example, vascular catheterization.

It is nothing more than the process of photographing an X-ray image directly from the screen. This becomes possible with the use of special devices. Today, the most commonly used method is digital fluorography. The method has found wide application in the process of examinations of such organs as the lungs and other organs of the chest cavity, mammary glands, and paranasal sinuses.

Tomography , if translated from Greek, means “image of a cut.” In other words, the purpose of tomography is nothing more than obtaining a multilayer image of the internal structure of the research material, that is, an organ. The method is practiced in the process of conducting research on a number of organs, as well as parts of the body;

Contrast radiography . This method is a conventional radiography, which is performed using a contrast agent, namely barium sulfate. This technology makes it possible to determine with high accuracy the size, as well as the shape and position, degree of mobility of a particular organ, type of relief, and condition of the mucous membrane of the organ. Also, through such a study, it is possible to identify changes that have occurred or a tumor that has formed. The method is used in situations in which more primitive methods do not allow obtaining the required diagnostic results.

Interventional radiology (also known as X-ray surgery) is a whole complex of surgical operations of minor trauma, carried out under strict supervision and using so-called radiation methods, that is, ultrasound, as well as fluoroscopy, in fact, X-rays, CT, or the nuclear magnetic resonance method.

Nowadays, X-ray diagnostics is steadily continuing its development, providing newer and more modern research options.

X-rays refer to a special type of electromagnetic vibration that is created in the tube of an X-ray machine when electrons suddenly stop. X-ray is a procedure that many people are familiar with, but some want to know more about it. What is an X-ray? How are x-rays done?

X-ray properties

The following properties of X-rays have been used in medical practice:

  • Huge penetrating power. X-rays successfully pass through various tissues of the human body.
  • X-rays cause light reflection of individual chemical elements. This property underlies fluoroscopy.
  • Photochemical exposure to ionizing rays makes it possible to create informative images from a diagnostic point of view.
  • X-ray radiation has an ionizing effect.

During an x-ray scan, various organs, tissues and structures are targeted by x-rays. During a minor radioactive load, metabolism may be disrupted, and with prolonged exposure to radiation, acute or chronic radiation sickness may occur.

X-ray machine

X-ray machines are devices that are used not only for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in medicine, but also in various fields of industry (flaw detectors), as well as in other areas of human life.

X-ray machine design:

  • emitter tubes (lamp) - one or more pieces;
  • a power supply device that supplies the device with electricity and regulates radiation parameters;
  • tripods that make it easier to control the device;
  • X-ray to visible image converters.

X-ray machines are divided into several groups depending on how they are designed and where they are used:

  • stationary – they are usually equipped in rooms in radiology departments and clinics;
  • mobile – intended for use in surgery and traumatology departments, in intensive care wards and on an outpatient basis;
  • portable, dental (used by dentists).

As X-rays pass through the human body, they are projected onto film. However, the angle of reflection of the waves may be different and this affects the image quality. The bones are best visible in the photographs - bright white. This is because calcium absorbs X-rays the most.

Types of diagnostics

In medical practice, X-rays have found application in the following diagnostic methods:

  • Fluoroscopy is an examination method in which, in the past, the organs being examined were projected onto a screen coated with a fluorescent compound. In the process, it was possible to study the organ from different angles in dynamics. And thanks to modern digital processing, the finished video image is immediately obtained on the monitor or displayed on paper.
  • Radiography is the main type of examination. The patient is given a film with a fixed image of the examined organ or part of the body.
  • X-ray and fluoroscopy with contrast. This type of diagnosis is indispensable when examining hollow organs and soft tissues.
  • Fluorography is an examination with small-format X-ray images, which allow it to be used en masse during preventive examinations of the lungs.
  • Computed tomography (CT) is a diagnostic method that allows a detailed study of the human body through a combination of X-rays and digital processing. Computer reconstruction of layer-by-layer X-ray images takes place. Of all the methods of radiation diagnostics, this is the most informative.

X-rays are used not only for diagnosis, but also for therapy. Radiation therapy is widely used in the treatment of cancer patients.

In case of emergency care, a plain radiography is initially performed on the patient.

The following types of X-ray examination are distinguished:

  • spine and peripheral parts of the skeleton;
  • chest;
  • abdominal cavity;
  • a detailed image of all teeth with jaws, adjacent parts of the facial skeleton;
  • checking the patency of the fallopian tubes using x-rays;
  • X-ray examination of the breast with a low dose of radiation;
  • X-ray contrast examination of the stomach and duodenum;
  • diagnosis of the gallbladder and ducts using contrast;
  • examination of the colon with retrograde injection of a radiocontrast agent into it.

Abdominal x-rays are divided into plain x-rays and procedures performed with contrast. Fluoroscopy has been widely used to determine pathologies in the lung. X-ray examination of the spine, joints and other parts of the skeleton is a very popular diagnostic method.

Neurologists, traumatologists and orthopedists cannot give their patients an accurate diagnosis without using this type of examination. X-ray shows spinal hernia, scoliosis, various microtraumas, disorders of the osseous-ligamentous apparatus (pathologies of a healthy foot), fractures (of the wrist joint) and much more.


Most diagnostic procedures involving the use of X-rays do not require special training, but there are exceptions. If an examination of the stomach, intestines or lumbosacral spine is planned, then 2-3 days before the x-ray you need to follow a special diet that reduces flatulence and fermentation processes.

When examining the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to do cleansing enemas in the classical way using an Esmarch mug on the eve of diagnosis and directly on the day of the examination or to cleanse the intestines using pharmaceutical laxatives (oral medications or microenemas).

When examining the abdominal organs, you should not eat, drink, or smoke at least 3 hours before the procedure. Before going for a mammogram, you should visit a gynecologist. An X-ray examination of the breast should be performed at the beginning of the menstrual cycle after the end of menstruation. If a woman who is planning a breast examination has implants, then she must inform the radiologist about this.

Carrying out

Upon entering the X-ray room, he must remove items of clothing or jewelry that contain metal, and also leave his mobile phone outside the room. Typically, the patient is asked to undress to the waist if the chest or peritoneum is being examined. If it is necessary to perform an x-ray of the extremities, the patient can remain in clothes. All parts of the body that are not subject to diagnosis must be covered with a protective lead apron.

Pictures can be taken in various positions. But most often the patient stands or lies down. If a series of images from different angles is needed, the radiologist gives commands to the patient to change body position. If an x-ray of the stomach is performed, the patient will need to take the Trendelenburg position.

This is a special pose in which the pelvic organs are slightly above the head. As a result of the manipulations, negatives are obtained, which show light areas of denser structures and dark areas indicating the presence of soft tissues. Deciphering and analysis of each area of ​​the body is performed according to certain rules.

Children often have x-rays taken to check for hip dysplasia.


The maximum permissible effective dose of radiation is 15 mSv per year. As a rule, only people who need regular X-ray monitoring (after severe injuries) receive this dose of radiation. If during the year the patient only undergoes fluorography, mammography and x-rays at the dentist, then he can be completely calm, since his radiation exposure will not exceed 1.5 mSv.

Acute radiation sickness can only occur if a person receives a single dose of 1000 mSv. But if this is not a liquidator at a nuclear power plant, then in order to receive such a radiation dose, the patient must take 25 thousand fluorographs and a thousand x-rays of the spine in one day. And this is nonsense.

The same radiation doses that a person receives during standard examinations, even if they are increased in quantity, are not capable of having a noticeable negative effect on the body. Therefore, x-rays can be taken as often as medical indications require. However, this principle does not apply to pregnant women.

X-rays are contraindicated for them at any stage, especially in the first trimester, when the formation of all organs and systems in the fetus occurs. If circumstances force a woman to have an X-ray while carrying a child (serious injuries during an accident), then they try to use maximum protective measures for the abdomen and pelvic organs. During breastfeeding, women are allowed to have both x-rays and fluorography.

Moreover, according to many experts, she does not even need to express milk. Fluorography is not performed on young children. This procedure is permissible from the age of 15. As for x-ray diagnostics in pediatrics, they resort to it, but take into account that children have increased radiosensitivity to ionizing radiation (on average 2–3 times higher than adults), which creates a high risk for them of both somatic and genetic radiation effects.


Fluoroscopy and radiography of organs and structures of the human body have not only many indications, but also a number of contraindications:

  • active tuberculosis;
  • endocrine pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • general serious condition of the patient;
  • carrying a child at any stage;
  • for radiography using contrast – lactation period;
  • serious disturbances in the functioning of the heart and kidneys;
  • internal bleeding;
  • individual intolerance to contrast agents.

Nowadays, X-rays can be taken in many medical centers. If radiographic or fluoroscopic examination is done on digital complexes, then the patient can count on a lower radiation dose. But even digital X-rays can be considered safe only if the permissible frequency of the procedure is not exceeded.

Radiography is a certain type of study of the internal systems and organs of the human body. When it is carried out, a projection of the area under study is created on film or special paper. This is facilitated by X-rays. Based on such a projection, a specialist can draw certain conclusions.

Radiography is the first medical imaging technique. It allows you to obtain images of organs and tissues for their study during the patient’s lifetime.

Radiography is a diagnostic method that was discovered by the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895. He recorded the ability of x-ray radiation to darken a photographic plate.

Description of the diagnostic method

What is radiography based on? This study is made possible thanks to the high penetrating power of X-rays, which are created by a sensor of a special device.

Such radiation passes through the tissues of the human body. At the same time, it not only ionizes cells, but also lingers in them. The volume of such presence of X-rays in tissues varies. This allows a black and white image of the area under study to appear on film. Bone tissue is more radiopaque. That is why in the photographs her image appears in light colors. Dark areas of the film represent soft tissue. These areas absorb X-rays very poorly.

It is clear that radiography is the study of three-dimensional objects. However, on film, all images come out flat. In this regard, photographs are taken in at least 2 projections. This allows you to accurately detect the location of the source of pathology.

Advantages of the technique

What are the positive aspects of organ radiography? They are as follows:

Ease of conducting research;
- wide availability of the method;
- no need (in most cases) for special preparation of patients;
- relatively low cost (except for studies whose results are obtained digitally);
- absence of operator-dependence, which facilitates the consideration of the data obtained by specialists during consultations.

Negative aspects of the technique

Despite the fact that radiographic examinations are widespread in modern medicine, they still have some disadvantages:

The resulting image is “frozen,” which greatly complicates the diagnosis of the functioning of internal organs;
- X-rays have a harmful ionizing effect on the human body;
- the results obtained have low information content when compared with the latest tomographic methods;
- when examining soft tissues, there is a need to use special contrast agents.

Prevalence of the method

Thanks to the discovery of X-ray radiation, medicine was able to make a significant breakthrough in the field of diagnosing a huge number of diseases that, before the discovery of the German physicist, were detected only at a late stage, which made it difficult or impossible to treat the disease.

Today, X-rays can be taken in most clinics and hospitals where special equipment is available. With the help of the study, the diagnosis is clarified in the shortest possible time and the necessary treatment plan is drawn up.

In addition, the doctor sends his patients for x-rays so that they undergo a preventive examination. Sometimes this helps to diagnose serious pathologies at the earliest stages of their development. The most famous and widespread type of such research is fluorography. The purpose of its implementation lies in the possibility of early diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.


There are various x-ray examination techniques, which differ in the way they record the resulting image. So, they distinguish:

1. Classic radiography. It allows you to obtain an image using direct impact of ionizing rays on the film.

2. Fluorography. When using this type of technique, the image appears on the monitor screen, from which it is printed on small-format film.

3. Digital X-ray. The result of this study is a black and white image. The picture is on digital media.

4. Electroradiography. During this study, the image is captured on special plates and then transferred to paper.

5. Teleradiography. This study uses a special television system that displays images on a television screen.

6. X-ray. With this technique, the desired area can be viewed on a fluorescent screen.

Digital radiography most accurately reflects the picture of the study area. This technique greatly facilitates the diagnosis. And this allows you to more accurately select a treatment regimen.

Object of research

Depending on which organ or system is being diagnosed, the following research options are distinguished:

X-ray of the spinal column and limbs;
- chest;
- teeth (intraoral, extraoral, orthopantomography);
- breast (mammography);
- colon (irrigoscopy);
- duodenum and stomach (gastroduodenography);
- gallbladder and biliary tract (cholecystography and choleography);
- uterus (metrosalpinography).


The doctor refers his patients to x-rays, as well as to other x-ray examinations. He does this only if there is evidence, of which there is a great variety. The main ones:

Carrying out diagnostics of pathologies of internal organs and skeleton;
- checking the effectiveness of the treatment and determining its negative consequences;
- monitoring of installed tubes and catheters.


Before sending a patient for an x-ray, the doctor must find out whether the patient has serious reasons not to undergo this study. But it cannot be carried out in the following pathologies and conditions:

Active forms of tuberculosis;
- disorders of the thyroid gland;
- general serious condition of the patient;
- pregnancy (for women expecting a child, radiography is performed only if there are vital indications);
- breastfeeding (in cases where it is necessary to administer a contrast agent);
- renal and heart failure (contraindication also applies to contrast);
- bleeding;
- allergies to substances containing iodine (if it is necessary to introduce contrast elements).

Decoding the results

How to correctly read the resulting radiographic projections? This can only be done by a specialist with the necessary qualifications. Such work cannot be performed by a person ignorant in this area.

Those images that are the result of radiography are negatives with light areas of denser structures of the body and dark ones, which indicates the presence of soft tissue in this place. Deciphering each area of ​​the body is done according to certain rules. So, when examining a chest X-ray, a specialist should evaluate the relative position, as well as the structural features of the heart, lungs and mediastinum. In addition, the collarbones and ribs are examined to identify cracks and fractures. All obtained parameters are assessed based on the patient’s age.

In order to make a final diagnosis, a doctor, as a rule, does not have enough of one image. In addition to radiography, the presence of pathology can be determined based on examination data, interviews, as well as the results of various instrumental and laboratory examination methods.

X-ray of the spine

Often the doctor sends his patient for examination of this part of the body in case of injury and to make the necessary diagnosis. X-ray of the spine is considered the most conservative method. To carry it out, no preliminary preparation is required from a person.

X-ray of the spine can give an objective picture only if it is performed in two projections. The first image should be taken with the patient lying on his back. The second one is lateral. This is a photo of the lumbosacral region.

An X-ray of the spine is performed if pain occurs in the back. In case of emergency, such a procedure is carried out at home.

The reason for examining the cervical spine is severe headaches, as well as dizziness with rapid turns of the neck. Such fluoroscopy is performed in two projections. Often, in order to obtain more detailed information, images are taken through the patient's open mouth.

Indications for performing x-rays of the thoracic spine are pain in the chest that occurs when bending or turning. A distinctive feature of such a study is to take pictures in three projections: side, back and front.

In order for a survey radiography of the coccyx and lumbosacral region to be performed, preparatory measures will be required. First of all, this is a diet that must be followed for several days (usually two) preceding the examination. It consists of eliminating from the daily diet those foods that cause gas formation in the intestines. In this case, the patient should not eat cabbage and potatoes, consume rye bread, milk and beans.

The studies themselves are performed only on an empty stomach and with cleansed intestines. If the patient is not properly prepared, accumulations of intestinal gases that do not allow X-rays to pass through can give a unclear picture of the area being examined.

The result of the x-ray will be an image in which the specialist will be able to see the person’s spinal pathologies. These are osteochondrosis and vertebral hernia, spinal tuberculosis, its curvature, etc.

Joint studies

Often, a doctor needs to make a diagnosis for existing disorders of the osteoarticular system. For this, the patient is prescribed radiography of the joints. Only in the images obtained during such a study can one see the following signs of pathology:

Calcium deposit areas;
- bone growths occurring on the edge of the cartilage;
- violation of the conformity of joint surfaces.

X-rays help the doctor identify existing problems to make an accurate diagnosis, as well as determine the type of treatment and plan it.

The doctor may order x-rays:

Ankle joint;
- knee joint;
- hip joint;
- elbow joint;
- shoulder joint;
- temporomandibular joint.

X-ray of the stomach

This research method allows us to identify numerous diseases of this important digestive organ, as well as the presence of its functional disorders.

X-ray of the stomach helps determine:

Peptic ulcer;
- malignant and benign neoplasms;
- diverticula (protrusion of the wall of this organ in the form of a bag).

X-ray of the stomach helps determine its size and position, the integrity of the wall and many other parameters. In order to examine this hollow organ, a contrast procedure is required. Barium salts suspended in water are used as a substance that does not transmit x-rays. Sometimes gas serves as a contrast.

Lung studies

This diagnostic method, in addition to general indications, is applied to a certain category of the population. These are, for example, people who constantly experience hazardous production conditions: masons and miners, workers in the chemical industry, etc.

X-ray of the lungs reveals:

Pneumonia of the lungs;
- hydrotax (accumulation of fluid in the pulmonary tract due to liver cirrhosis, ascites, heart failure);
- pneumothorax (mechanical damage to lung tissue);
- chronic diseases (atypical pneumonia, silicosis, tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, etc.).

Only an x-ray will allow you to recognize the onset of the above pathologies in time and select the necessary course of treatment.