The cheek near the nose is swollen, what should I do? The symptoms are very pronounced. Problems with teeth and gums

A person has a question if his cheek is swollen from a tooth: how to remove the swelling at home. Tissue swelling indicates a pathological process that requires immediate intervention. Inattention to one's health leads to complications requiring surgical intervention.

Causes of the pathological condition

There are many reasons that lead to a swelling of the cheek from a tooth. Among them are:

  • Toothache. A tooth hurts due to caries or pulpitis. Swelling may also occur after the element is removed. With proper treatment, the symptom goes away on its own within 2-3 days.
  • Inflammation salivary glands and ducts. The cheek swells due to improper oral care or infection with viral and infectious pathogens.
  • Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses. Swelling spreads to other areas of the face - eyes and cheeks.
  • Damage to the lymphatic system. This factor is the most common cause of cheek swelling without tooth pain.
  • Neuritis of the facial nerves. Pathology develops due to hypothermia of the body. Additionally, the problem is accompanied by impaired facial expressions and pain when talking and eating.
  • Mumps – viral disease leading to damage to the salivary glands. One of the symptoms of mumps is swelling submandibular lymph nodes and cheeks. Swelling can manifest itself both unilaterally and bilaterally.
  • Infectious mononucleosis. In terms of symptoms, the disease is similar to a sore throat and occurs in an acute form.
  • Diphtheria. Occurs due to damage to the body by the Loeffler bacterium. Diphtheria is accompanied by the appearance white plaque on the tonsils and fever. Antibiotic therapy does not give a positive result in treatment.
  • Traumatic injuries to the soft tissues of the cheek. The healing period after injuries takes 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Allergic reactions. There are situations when the cheek is swollen due to individual intolerance to food or oral hygiene products. You can get rid of the problem only by eliminating the provoking factor.

Tumor due to improper treatment

Why else can pathology be observed? Separately, it should be noted the swelling of the cheek, which arose as a result of illiterate therapy. If your cheek is swollen after complex removal tooth, then this is a variant of the norm. The symptom disappears on its own after a few days. Typically, such swelling is small in size and does not cause pain to the patient. The situation does not require repeated surgery.

The opposite situation occurs if we're talking about about the beginning of the infectious process after treatment medical care. Complications are more often observed after the removal of wisdom teeth or a retained element. Such operations cannot be performed without significant damage to soft tissue. Complications arise due to doctor errors or when the patient fails to comply with the dentist’s recommendations during the recovery period.

The impacted tooth is located in the deep tissues of the gums due to incomplete eruption or incorrect location

The gums also swell due to improper sanitation of the diseased tooth. In this case, repeated assistance from a specialist is required, followed by an appointment. medications and local treatment of the affected area. After complex removal of an element, swelling can be observed for up to 2 weeks.

Swelling also often develops due to allergic reactions to painkillers used by the dentist during treatment. In this case there are additional symptoms (hard breath whistling, shortness of breath), but the tooth does not hurt. A person requires urgent hospitalization to cleanse the body of the allergen.

Symptoms that require urgent help

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor if your cheek is swollen from a tooth. The condition can be fatal.

The list of dangerous signs includes:

  • Unbearable toothaches that appear constantly. The condition indicates that an infection has attached to the surgical field. Severe pain is acceptable only after operations involving cutting out a part bone tissue. Pain sensations decrease after 1-2 days, in otherwise urgently contact the dentist.
  • Temperature rises to 38 degrees and weakness.
  • Pain when opening the mouth, swallowing and eating food.
  • A compaction revealed by palpation of the problem area.
  • Absence of a blood clot in the socket. A clot does not form due to intensive mouth rinsing on the first day after surgery or other illiterate actions of the patient that provoked a violation of soft tissue regeneration. The condition threatens to occur acute symptoms and infection of the maxillofacial tissue.

Also, immediate consultation with a doctor is required in cases where the tumor is rapidly growing in size.

Due to lack of education blood clot are developing infectious complications after a tooth has been removed (pulled out)

First aid measures

What can you do at home to reduce the intensity of the symptoms? If the gums are swollen, but the condition is not accompanied by general deterioration condition: a rise in temperature and signs of intoxication, then first aid measures can be carried out.

How to remove a tumor? First aid includes the use of various herbal remedies to rinse the mouth. For this purpose, chamomile, St. John's wort, and oak root are used. Herbs will relieve inflammation and stop reproduction pathogenic flora in the mouth. The procedure is performed every 2 hours for 1-2 minutes.

Instead of herbal decoctions use antiseptic drugs - Stomatodin, Chlorophyllipt. The drugs are diluted warm water and rinse your mouth with them every 3-4 hours.

Chlorophyllipt is used in dentistry for exacerbation of infectious diseases

What should not be done if the gum area is swollen? If a tumor occurs, they refuse to heat the problem area. This leads to a worsening of the situation and further spread pathological process.

If your tooth hurts badly and your cheek is swollen, take anti-inflammatory drugs - Nise, Nurofen, etc. Analgesics – Solpadeine and Ketanol – can help relieve swelling well. Last resort has many side effects, but allows you to cope with any kind of pain. If a child’s cheek is swollen, then preference is given to anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of syrup.

Treatment of pathology

What to do if there is a problem? After providing emergency assistance, the patient should consult a doctor. The specialist performs the necessary manipulations and then gives the patient recommendations regarding caring for the damaged area at home. These include mouth rinsing, physiotherapeutic procedures and local treatment of the soft tissues of the mouth. Render emergency assistance in case of cheek swelling, it is prohibited for children; women during pregnancy; adults who suffer from immunodeficiency; persons prone to allergic reactions.

General antibacterial drugs

Ideally, a suitable medication is prescribed after taking a swab from the mouth and identifying the causative agent of the problem. But if the situation is urgent, then quick fix flux, the patient is prescribed new generation antibiotics. The action of the tablets is aimed at destroying and slowing down the spread of bacteria. For pathology use: Biseptol, Ampiox, Amoxiclav, Lincomycin.


In addition to antibiotic therapy, drugs are used local action. The use of products is permissible only with the permission of the dentist, since self-prescription of ointments rarely leads to recovery.

To reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, Levomekol containing metaluracil and chloramphenicol is prescribed. Levomekol is rubbed into damaged membranes of the oral cavity 3-4 times a day. After treatment, you should not eat or drink water for 1 hour.

List of ointments that are used if a child’s cheek is swollen

For speedy deliverance for symptoms of swelling, you can use antimicrobial ointments in combination, for example, Streptomycin and Ichthyol. The drugs are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the damaged gum. Another popular drug combined action- Metrogil Denta.

Means for rinsing procedures

How to rinse the problem area? To quickly get rid of the remaining pus after surgery and to prevent the development of swelling of the cheeks, folk and household products for rinsing. Several recipes are suitable for this purpose:

  • Soda solution: 1 tsp. the main ingredient is dissolved in 100 warm water. Mouth baths are done at least 4 times a day.
  • Miramistin. The drug is released in finished form and does not require prior dilution. To treat foci of infection, take 20 ml of liquid into the mouth and rinse the mouth for 1 minute. After this, the liquid is spat out.
  • Propolis solution. The drug is purchased at a pharmacy and diluted boiled water in a ratio of 1:10. The product is used after meals.
  • A mixture of St. John's wort, oak bark and sage: take 1 tsp. each ingredient and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The product is infused in a tightly closed container for 6 minutes. After filtering, the solution is used 3 times a day to relieve gum inflammation.
  • A blend of green tea and sage. The dry collection is brewed with 500 ml of boiling water with the addition of 1 tsp. salt. The solution is recommended to be used warm. Before each procedure, it is advisable to prepare a fresh product.
  • A mixture of chamomile, birch buds and calendula: the components are mixed in equal proportions and diluted with 1 liter of water. The mixture is boiled for 10 minutes, and then left to cool completely.

It is important to refuse the procedure in the first 24 hours after the intervention so as not to wash out the clot.


The main procedure for preventing cheek swelling is timely treatment of caries and other dental problems.

  • Regular dental care. Dentists advise using more than just a brush and paste. For high-quality cleaning To remove plaque from your mouth, you can use dental floss, floss and irrigators. You should also not forget about cleaning your tongue, since most of the bacterial flora is concentrated there.
  • Pay attention to the condition of your gums. If these structures are loose and bleeding, they turn to a specialist - a periodontist.
  • Visit your dentist at least once every 6 months for a diagnostic examination and professional teeth cleaning.
  • Change your eating habits. Carbonated drinks, sweets and alcohol have a detrimental effect on the condition of teeth and enamel. To maintain dental health, it is better to consume dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Swelling of the cheek should not be ignored; in addition to aesthetic problems, the condition can threaten human health. More often, the problem develops against the background of developing caries and improperly performed dental work. If inflammation is not accompanied by bleeding, fever and other danger signs, then carry out emergency measures at home, and then go to the dentist. Preventive methods regarding swelling of the cheeks are simple and accessible to everyone. Their implementation will minimize the frequency of visits to the dentist.

If your cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt, then you should not treat this phenomenon as temporary and safe. In any case, a tumor indicates the occurrence of a pathological process in the body. Listen carefully to yourself; perhaps such an alarming symptom was preceded by a number of other unpleasant circumstances: bleeding gums or lumps on the skin, pain and pulling sensations arose in the tooth somewhat earlier. Or the pain was generally localized in another part of the face and body, in the ears, neck and head.

Why might a cheek swell?

In any case, the editors of the portal site advise not to put off a visit to a specialist and suggests for consideration the reasons why a tumor on the cheek may not be immediately accompanied by pain.

First reason: dental problems

If your cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt, this does not mean that you do not have diseases associated with dentistry. This phenomenon can occur in the following situations:

  • : You may have experienced pain a little earlier than swelling appeared. But some patients prefer to suppress it with pills and not go to doctors, so when it comes to a tumor, many forget that painful sensations actually occurred. Also, such diseases may not manifest themselves externally. acute symptoms and proceed rather sluggishly if it has gone into chronic stage. Hematogenous pulpitis can also be overlooked when the infection has spread through the bloodstream through the internal organs, when internal diseases. In this case, the tooth will outwardly appear intact and unharmed.

“I think that if your cheek is swollen, but the tooth doesn’t hurt, this is one of the most alarming symptoms V dental practice. Most likely pain is on the way. And in most cases, when it appears, it will be so strong that medicinal analgesics cannot cope with it. With pulpitis and periodontitis, a tumor may appear if the infectious process has reached the root. In this case, the symptoms indicate suppuration, and a person without medical help risks getting flux, as well as an abscess, cyst or phlegmon. If the purulent contents find their way into the blood, then infection cannot be avoided internal organs and sepsis", warns Alekseev Boris Sergeevich, dental surgeon.

Second reason: you visited the dentist some time ago

Even those who prefer to solve dental problems promptly and visit the dentist in a timely manner may experience such a problem. Be alert and pay close attention if your cheek is swollen, provided you have recently seen a doctor. Remember: the tooth does not hurt - this is not always an indicator of correct treatment.

Here, all the reasons why the trouble occurred can be divided into two groups.

Group 1: when swelling after treatment is normal

  • after tooth extraction: especially after complex extraction, for example, “eight”,
  • after depulpation, i.e. nerve removal
  • after treatment of periodontitis and pulpitis in advanced stages,
  • when the doctor used drainage to drain purulent exudate,
  • when operations such as bone tissue augmentation, gingivectomy, cystectomy, and surgical correction of bite are performed.

In all these cases, swelling - natural reaction injured and affected tissues, vessels and capillaries for intervention. To make it go away faster, doctors advise using cold compresses, and also avoiding hot food and taking hot baths, flying and any physical activity during rehabilitation days.

Normally, swelling after the intervention can last 3-5 days, then it subsides. As a rule, it does not appear immediately either, but within 2-3 days. At normal process healing, it is not accompanied by increased body temperature, bleeding, severe and sharp pains, bad smell from mouth. But if the tumor spreads to the neck, continues to increase rather than decrease, and is also accompanied by the listed symptoms, then it is time to urgently consult a doctor. Most likely, an infectious inflammatory process.

Group 2: when the appearance of a tumor is pathological

Swelling of one of the cheeks or both cheeks after dental treatment can indicate the doctor’s unprofessionalism and “report” the presence of errors made during therapy and the occurrence of complications:

Third reason: development of infection

The most common, which are characterized by the symptom of swelling of the cheek without signs of toothache, are mumps (mumps), lymphadenitis, sialadenitis.

In the first case, the ears become inflamed salivary glands, so the cheeks swell. Somewhat later ( incubation period in mumps is almost 2.5 weeks) the body temperature rises greatly, salivation increases, and pain occurs in the areas behind the ears. Both children and adults suffer from the disease with difficulty. There is a high risk of complications if treatment is not started in time. In boys and girls 9-12 years old, this can even lead to infertility (in 15% of cases this happens if inflammation of the ovaries and genital organs is not treated in time), and to pancreatitis.

Mumps may be one of the causes of tumor

In the second case, with lymphadenitis, the lymph nodes become inflamed: cervical, submandibular, parotid. Interestingly, the pathology most often occurs in men against the background of acute respiratory diseases and venereology. And in women it can be a consequence of advanced mastitis in postpartum period, if hygiene rules were violated and breastfeeding was not established. Also in women, the infection enters the bloodstream when the integrity of the skin is broken during shaving of the armpits. If a child’s cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt, this can also be a consequence of lymphadenitis, which appears as a result of ENT diseases, measles, pulpitis, and diphtheria.

In the third case, the culprit of the pathology can be considered sialadenitis, when the salivary glands become inflamed. It most often affects children and patients aged 50 years and older.

“I had a couple of years ago similar problem. My cheek was very swollen. It happened like this: in the evening I went to bed beautiful and healthy, and in the morning I got up in a terrible state. It turned out, in general, that there was a cyst in sebaceous gland– removed surgically. This happened due to a blockage of the gland, gradually everything accumulated there and was unnoticeable, but when it became inflamed, the cheek began to bulge. And my brother had sinusitis at the age of 14, before that severe runny nose, the cheek under the eye was also swollen on one side. The doctor later said that all the organs are close and the infection can spread through them.”


Fourth reason: allergic reactions

Here, any allergen known and not yet known to you could have become the culprit of the tragedy. It could be an insect bite, a food coloring or additive, a reaction to a pill, or poisoning. chemicals and emissions, the use of a new cosmetic product or cream.

Allergic reactions may be accompanied by itching, rashes, runny nose and cough. But if a tumor appears on the cheek, then take immediate measures to eliminate it, because it is dangerously close to the neck and respiratory tract. If it spreads to soft tissues, Quincke's edema and even anaphylactic shock. Therefore, you can’t think about it, the first thing you need to do is take antihistamines and see a doctor.

Quincke's edema is a fairly serious problem

Fifth reason: injuries

For example, a jaw injury or simply a soft tissue bruise as a result of a fall, accident, or blow. The tumor in this case always appears later, after the traumatic event. It can occur after several hours or even days, and may be accompanied by hemorrhage and the formation of hematomas.

In many cases, these symptoms are caused by diseases of the teeth, gums, or other oral organs. But other reasons for the appearance of edema or swelling of the cheek are also possible.

What can cause a swollen cheek?

Let's look at the question of why, under the influence of what factors, the cheek swells. Any swelling of the cheek is associated with processes inflammatory in nature. You shouldn't hope that the inflammation will go away itself - it can be very serious even in cases where the tooth does not hurt, but the cheek is swollen. If you neglect the disease and do not seek medical help on time, the most unfavorable consequences are possible.

All reasons can be divided into three main groups:

  • diseases that have developed in the oral cavity;
  • diseases of organs located in other parts of the body;
  • consequence of dental treatment.

Increase in cheek size due to oral diseases

Such diseases include pulpitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis and others. Under the influence pathogenic microorganisms the tissue may become inflamed and swollen. The occurrence of swelling leads to pain and discomfort in the mouth.

Flux development

Odontogenic periostitis, also called gumboil, is an inflammation of the periosteum. The disease can occur as a result of carious lesions of the tooth, due to mechanical damage to tissues, or when the gingival pocket is affected by the inflammatory process. The swelling of the cheek is accompanied by the formation of pus in the gums. Gradually its quantity increases due to compression nerve receptors surrounding tissues there is intense throbbing pain.

When purulent masses come out, a hole appears on the gum - a fistula. At the same time, the pressure of the pus decreases and the pain becomes weaker. Flux treatment is surgical - an incision is made to remove the pus. A rubber tube is inserted into the hole - drainage, which prevents the hole from closing until the pus is completely released. If left untreated, pus can enter the bloodstream, contributing to intoxication of the body with decay products of cells and bacteria, and the spread of infection to other organs with the appearance of new foci of inflammation. IN severe cases blood poisoning may develop - sepsis, which poses a fatal threat to health.

The appearance of an inflammatory infiltrate

May accompany diseases such as periodontitis and pulpitis. The inflammatory infiltrate is a compacted tubercle on the cheek. Usually, a few days before the formation of a lump, pain in the teeth is felt. In the absence of timely treatment, the formation of phlegmon or an abscess is possible.

In the area of ​​the inflammatory infiltrate, pus accumulates, consisting of cells of dead tissue. This dangerous condition, since infection and purulent elements can spread to the tissues located under the jaw, or rise higher, affecting the subcutaneous layers in the eye area.

There is a risk of the inflammatory process spreading to the brain or developing sepsis, which can lead to death.

Swelling due to periodontal disease

In old age, some people suffer from periodontal disease, a disease that leads to receding gums and tooth loss. The disease occurs without pain, but may be accompanied by swelling. Swelling on the cheek cannot be eliminated with mouth rinses. The last, fourth, stage of periodontal disease is treated with surgical methods.

Complications caused by the eruption or growth of wisdom teeth

Often, as wisdom teeth develop, the mucous membrane located above the dental crown may become inflamed. Food particles that get inside the skin fold are not removed when brushing your teeth and contribute to the proliferation of microbes, the activity of which leads to tissue inflammation. As a result, the cheek may become swollen and painful.

Inflammation of the cheek also occurs if, when eating, a wisdom tooth hits the mucous membrane and bites through it. This also leads to tissue swelling. What to do if your cheek is swollen due to abnormal development eighth tooth - do not delay contacting the dentist. Sometimes the only way to solve the problem and prevent future swelling is to remove the wisdom tooth.

Infectious tissue damage

When an infection enters the tissue, inflammation, soreness occurs, and the cheek swells. In such a condition, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Cheek swelling as a result of dental treatment

In some cases, the cheek may become swollen after dental treatment. The following signs allow one to suspect a complication: the tumor increases in size, the intensity of pain increases, body temperature rises, and there is a feeling of distension in the mouth at the site of tissue swelling.

Possible causes of complications:

  1. An allergic reaction to the components of the material included in the dental filling. Swelling occurs a short period of time after filling a tooth. It manifests itself as unpleasant sensations due to swollen gums or cheeks. To eliminate the manifestations, it is necessary to replace the filling with another one with hypoallergenic components.
  2. Incomplete removal of the nerve in the treatment of pulpitis. If inflammatory particles remain in the tooth root canals, the infection spreads to healthy tissue. As a result of the swelling, the cheek may become puffy and swollen. To avoid losing a tooth, you should immediately seek help from a medical facility.
  3. Failure to follow medical recommendations after tooth extraction. After surgery, you must refrain from eating hot and solid foods and alcohol. To eliminate swelling, it is recommended to periodically apply ice to the swollen side of the cheek for about 10 minutes.
  4. An allergic reaction to the painkiller used during tooth extraction. In addition to tissue swelling, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing may occur. Urgent medical attention is needed to restore it.
  5. The consequence of an incision on the gum, allowing the drainage of pus. This procedure often leads to an increase in the tumor, but over time the volume of the infiltrate decreases and the cheek takes its normal shape.

Sebaceous cyst

With this disease, a small swollen tubercle first appears in the mouth, and after some time the cheek can become very swollen. Treatment of the disease is surgical.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

The dislocation of the swelling area is shifted towards the neck. Most often, the lymph nodes become inflamed during colds. It is noticeable visually and to the touch that the cheek is swollen below and hurts when approaching the surface of the lymph node.


When the tooth does not hurt, but the cheek is swollen, one can suspect the formation of a benign or malignant tumor. It is necessary to promptly consult a specialist to examine the body and treat the disease.

Pathologies of internal organs

Swelling of the cheeks can occur with heart disease and kidney dysfunction. If fluid is not removed effectively from the body, it can accumulate in the separate parts bodies. Swelling can be eliminated by prescribing appropriate treatment. With the improvement of the internal organs, the swollen cheek takes on normal look. Changes in facial shape can occur when neurological diseases. Sometimes this symptom is accompanied by a sore throat and stuffy ears.

Other causes of swelling of the cheek tissues

Mechanical injuries such as blows to the face, falls, and wounds caused by any objects are also accompanied by swelling and swelling of the tissues. In the absence of bleeding, bone fracture and signs of a concussion - dizziness, nausea - the swelling will gradually go away without special treatment.

If your cheek is very swollen, you can relieve the swelling with a cool compress. raw potatoes(grated or cut into two halves). You can use ointments designed to treat bruises. If swelling increases, you should consult a traumatologist.

Edema can also lead to increased sensitivity to components of cosmetics, allergies to products, household chemicals or medical supplies. It is often caused by bee or wasp venom, which insects inject into the bite site. An appropriate blood test can determine what caused the allergic reaction. To eliminate swelling, medications are prescribed.

Diagnosis and treatment

What should you do if your cheek is swollen - be sure to check your health status and get examined by doctors. Since this symptom is most often observed with dental diseases, visit a dentist. If inflammatory processes in the gums and teeth are suspected, an X-ray examination of the oral cavity will help determine why the cheek swells and hurts, and determine the condition of the tissues. If necessary, you will need to consult other specialists: a therapist, a surgeon, a neurologist.

  • To relieve the inflammatory process, Nimesil or another anti-inflammatory drug is prescribed.
  • Ibuprofen and Ketorol help relieve pain.
  • Eliminate allergic manifestations You can use Suprastin, Diazolin or Erius.
  • To prevent the spread of infection to other organs, antibiotics such as Lincomycin and Amoxiclav are used. Good effect Rinse your mouth with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine.
  • Therapeutic gels can relieve swelling and accelerate tissue healing: Metrodent, Troxevasin.

Traditional medicine recipes

If swelling appears late in the evening and it is not possible to see a doctor right away, knowledge of how to relieve swelling of the cheek using traditional recipes will be useful. When using them further, you should definitely consult with your doctor. It is especially important for pregnant women to adhere to this rule in order to eliminate the risk of harmful effects on the child’s health.

There are many healing solutions, which should be used to rinse your mouth if your cheek or gums are swollen:

  1. Infusion of nettle, sage, oak bark and calamus. Used for brewing equal amount each ingredient, for example 1 tsp. for 250 ml of boiling water. After adding boiled water you need to leave the mixture for 2 hours to infuse.
  2. Decoction pharmaceutical chamomile(2 tbsp per glass of water, boil for 2 minutes) with the addition of a few drops of iodine.
  3. Garlic infusion. Three crushed cloves of garlic are poured into 250 ml. boiling water You can begin the procedure immediately after the product has cooled.
  4. A solution of baking soda and salt. Take 1 tsp per glass of warm water. each ingredient. If desired, you can also add a few drops of oil tea tree.

Can also be used medicinal compresses. For them, propolis tincture, a mixture of sea buckthorn and tea tree oils, Kalanchoe juice, herbal infusions or soda solution are used.

A cotton swab or disk is moistened in the prepared product and applied to the gums and inner surface of the cheek for 20–30 minutes. A compress in the form of the pulp of an aloe leaf or a piece of propolis mashed into a cake will give a good effect. All products used must be at room temperature. Hot compresses promote the spread of infection; cold solutions can aggravate the condition.

What to do if your cheeks are swollen

The causes of cheek swelling can actually be many. various factors However, in the first place is gumboil, or as it is also called periostitis. As a result of this phenomenon, the gums become bright red, begin to swell, and are very painful. If your cheek is swollen, what to do, why did this happen and how to treat this phenomenon? Let's try to find answers to all these questions.

Swelling gumboil

The causes of gumboil lie in a simple toothache, which occurs as a result of the onset of an inflammatory process. The infection penetrates through the carious hole, as a result of which the pulp is corroded, this place is very painful, and it can be quite difficult to relieve the pain with rinses and painkillers. Why does this area hurt so much? Because defeat is happening nerve endings, after completion of this process, the pain subsides for a while, but the process of rotting begins. The process of periostitis can be started again mechanical injury mucous membrane, hypothermia and other associated factors.

Begins severe inflammation in the back of the tooth, the reason for this is the accumulation of pus inside the gums. In the future, the pus will begin to break out - at first a swelling will be noticeable, if it is not treated, a fistula will appear, which will be small bump light shade, inside of which there will be pus. In this case, only surgical treatment can relieve pain and swelling.

A breakthrough of the abscess in this case can cause severe intoxication of the entire body, posing a strong threat to the body with the possibility of death.

Other causes of cheek swelling

There are other reasons why the cheek is very painful and swollen; in order to begin effective treatment, you need to determine why this is happening:

  • swelling as a result of disruption of internal organs. The cheek swells severely when the liver and heart malfunction. Sometimes, fluid that is not removed from the body is distributed evenly throughout the body, but sometimes it accumulates in certain parts of the body. In this case, it is necessary to use emergency medical treatment, in order to relieve swelling;
  • mechanical damage. Swelling can occur as a result of even a minor blow, let alone serious damage. A penetrating wound or trauma caused by a blunt object causes swelling that hurts. If there is no bleeding, no headache, then no treatment is required and the swelling will go away on one's own. If you want to quickly get rid of swelling, you can apply a cool compress;
  • Why does my cheek hurt and swell? The reason may lie in a viral or bacterial infection brought into the oral cavity. The development of this infection can occur quite quickly, and in this case treatment will be necessary; ibuprofen and other similar drugs are usually prescribed. medicines. They can also reduce swelling;
  • an allergic reaction can also be the reason why the cheek hurts and swells; it is in second place after gumboil. This may be an allergic reaction to cosmetics applied to the body and face, medications containing an allergen, dust, food and insect bites. In the summer, the cheek can become swollen as a result of a bee or wasp sting - you may not even see the bite, but swelling will occur. To diagnose an allergy, it is enough to take a test at the clinic; treatment will also consist of taking special medications that relieve swelling. In most cases, swelling due to an allergic reaction is accompanied by itching and a red rash;
  • cyst sebaceous gland, which can appear as a small swelling on the cheek, it begins with a tubercle and ends with large swelling. To get rid of such a cyst you cannot do without surgery;
  • malignant or benign tumorsrare reason swelling of the cheeks, but the presence hereditary predisposition and oncological diseases should alert the patient if other causes have been excluded;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes, reflected on the cheeks - in this case, the swelling will be shifted to the neck, and the most painful part of the tumor will be in the area lymph nodes. Inflammation usually occurs as a complication of a cold.

After tooth extraction

In some cases, you may notice a swelling on the cheek after a visit to the dentist. Tooth extraction is a rather traumatic process for the gums; in some cases, slight swelling may occur after it, which should go away on its own after a few hours or days. But in some cases, such swelling may indicate more serious consequences.

In what cases is it necessary to start sounding the alarm, and when is there no particular reason for concern? What should you do if you come home and discover such unpleasant consequences of the treatment? First of all, you need to decide in what cases you need to sound the alarm and when not.

Alarming symptoms

  • the swelling begins to constantly grow in size and does not subside long time. This indicates that suppuration is occurring, and it will not disappear on its own; on the contrary, there is a possibility of pus breaking through and spreading all the way to the eye;
  • no decrease observed over time severe pain. Even after complex operations, in which bones are cut out, painful sensations subside within a few days. In all other cases, the presence of severe, prolonged pain is not normal occurrence;
  • edematous tissues have tension, compaction is observed under them;
  • the temperature rises, dullness occurs It's a dull pain, a headache may begin, there is weakness - these are symptoms of periostitis;
  • the swelling does not go away, and it becomes difficult to open your mouth and swallow - it is likely that an infection has occurred in the tonsils;
  • there is pain, there is swelling, and in the hole extracted tooth there is nothing. In this case, there is a possibility of developing an infection, because nothing covers the entrance to the socket of the extracted tooth. In order not to arise severe consequences inflammation with further suppuration, it is recommended to urgently consult a doctor.

When is swelling safe?

In some situations, swelling after tooth extraction is not dangerous:

  • when the swelling does not increase, it begins to subside over time. Some swelling is normal after gum removal; it disappears after one to two days;
  • in the evening there was a slight fever and swelling, but in the morning everything began to go away - this situation is not uncommon, sometimes fever occurs when a tooth is removed;
  • there is no growing toothache or headache, it is dull, calm, and tends to decrease;
  • after tooth extraction, the cheek often swells in obese people and hypertensive people who have a lot of fat subcutaneous tissue on the face.

Such swellings are individual feature body, so there is nothing wrong with them, and they go away without treatment.


What should you do if you understand that the swelling is safe, but pain and swelling cause discomfort? In this case, it is recommended to resort to folk remedies and home treatment methods.

  • Place a cool compress on the swelling and hold it for about 30 minutes. The procedure should be repeated every two hours, and in in this case Warm compresses are prohibited; if there is pus in the wound, then in the warmth it will burst out;
  • You can take a painkiller tablet. You can not just swallow an analgin tablet, but dissolve it and leave it in place of the swollen gum;
  • You can rinse your mouth with herbal infusions. To do this, you can use a variety of natural antiseptics - chamomile, sage, St. John's wort. The infusion must be brewed at the rate of one tablespoon of dry herb per two hundred milliliters of water.

Before visiting a doctor, you should not apply any compresses, not only hot, but also cold. They can influence the course of the disease, as well as worsen the general condition of a person. If you have a cheek tumor, it is advisable to refrain from taking painkillers; they complicate the diagnosis and do not allow the doctor to determine the nature of the pain.

In any case, no matter what additional symptoms and conditions are accompanied by swelling, it needs to be examined by a doctor.

What to do if your cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt

Cheek swelling may be caused by for various reasons, some of which are life-threatening. Therefore, such a symptom cannot be ignored, especially if no problems with teeth are observed.

Moreover, you should not devote a lot of time to self-medication, as this can provoke more serious problems with health.

Reasons for this symptomatology

A cheek tumor without toothache most often implies the presence of an inflammatory process. There are many reasons for the appearance of edema and they are all divided into:

  • consequences after dental treatment;
  • consequences associated with oral diseases;
  • consequences of other diseases.

Consequences of dental treatment

Incorrect or insufficient treatment teeth often leads to swelling of the cheeks. Wherein toothache absent. This symptom occurs due to the following reasons:

  1. Allergy. It appears when the body is intolerant filling material. Therefore, the next day after visiting a specialist, a person’s cheek may swell.

In this case, you should consult a doctor and replace the filling with another one made of hypoallergenic material.

  • Nerve removal. The absence of toothache with a swollen cheek often indicates that the nerve was not completely removed.

    You should definitely consult a doctor, otherwise you may even lose a healthy tooth.

  • Removal of a tooth. In this case, the swelling of the cheek provokes complications after surgery.

    It is possible that the patient did not follow the dentist’s recommendations after tooth extraction and consumed solid foods or hot drinks.

  • Gum section. If a specialist cuts the gum during dental treatment to remove pus, then at first the tumor may even increase.

    You should worry about this if the swelling persists for a long time even despite taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

  • What does a tumor on the cheek look like?

    Periodontal disease

    Diseases of the oral cavity also often provoke swelling of the cheek. Among these diseases, the most common is periodontal disease.

    The symptom often appears in older people who still have their teeth. It is better not to self-medicate in this situation, since it is necessary to remove the swelling surgically.

    Inflammatory infiltrate

    Often swelling of the cheek occurs as a result of an inflammatory infiltrate. This disease is quite dangerous, as without treatment it can lead to an abscess and inflammation of the brain.

    The symptom is painful condition teeth a few days before the tumor appears. If you suspect an inflammatory infiltrate, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Where you can buy a curaprox brush is described at this link.

    Wisdom tooth

    The cheek may become swollen as a result of improper growth of wisdom teeth. This happens especially often if the tooth grows in adulthood.

    Then the symptoms will be not only swelling, but also general malaise and heat. Dentists recommend removing such wisdom teeth.


    A cheek tumor can appear due to gingivitis, that is, inflammation of the gums. This disease causes swelling of the gums, bad smell from the mouth and bleeding.

    The typical picture is as follows: the cheek is swollen, but no painful sensations are observed. For gingivitis, it is important to begin treatment immediately, otherwise the disease will quickly develop into periodontitis.

    One of the causes of cheek swelling: gingivitis

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    Neurological ailments

    If no diseases of the oral cavity are observed, and dental treatment took place a long time ago, it means that the tumor was caused by other diseases.

    Most often, these are neurological ailments, which also cause stuffy ears and a sore throat.

    Diseases of internal organs

    Swelling can be caused by diseases of the internal organs. Excess liquid because of malfunction of one or another organ is deposited in soft tissues, including in the facial area. In this case, cheek swelling is a dangerous symptom.


    The tumor can provoke mumps. This disease causes high fever and inflammation of the parotid glands.

    Often the cheek swells as a result of an inflammatory process, which is provoked by a bacterial or viral infection.

    The symptom is usually a very high temperature that lasts constantly. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor who will prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Watch a video about how mumps develops and how the shape of the face changes:


    Also, a cyst can form on the sebaceous gland, which immediately causes swelling of the cheek. In this case, the tumor grows rapidly. It is removed surgically.


    There are other reasons for the appearance of a tumor on the cheek. The symptom may occur as a result of facial trauma due to a fall or blow.

    This tumor will not increase in size and will go away in a few days. If the cheek grows, then you need to immediately seek medical help.


    Swelling also occurs due to insect bites. Then a thickening and redness forms on the cheek.

    Insufficient hygiene

    The inflammatory process that provokes the appearance of edema sometimes occurs due to insufficient oral hygiene. In this case, first the gums swell, and then the cheek becomes inflamed.

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    Only a qualified doctor can truly understand the cause of the tumor. Therefore, you should not delay your visit; the specialist will tell you what medications you need to take and what to do for local treatment.

    Inflammation in the cheek area

    At home, you can relieve the symptom, that is, reduce the tumor in size. But proper treatment is possible only after diagnosis. You should consult a doctor immediately if:

    • the tumor increases and causes pain;
    • a high body temperature appears that does not subside for several days;
    • general malaise is felt, accompanied by loss of appetite, drowsiness and headache;
    • an unpleasant odor begins to appear from the mouth;
    • first aid folk remedies does not give results;
    • Pus or blood is discharged from the gums.

    First aid at home

    A swollen cheek brings a lot of discomfort, so many people try to reduce the swelling at home.

    It is not recommended to take anti-inflammatory or painkillers before visiting the dentist, as this will complicate the diagnosis.

    Self-treatment can be quite effective in some cases. To alleviate the condition, you can use the following methods:

    • Rinse with salt and soda. This solution has antiseptic properties that destroy bacteria. Rinsing doesn't always help, but it won't hurt either.

    To enhance the effect, add 2-3 drops of iodine to the medicine.

  • Gargling with a decoction is considered effective. medicinal herbs especially sage and chamomile.
  • For swelling caused by a bite or injury, a cold compress can be used. But under no circumstances should you apply it to your cheek if there is a high temperature or the likelihood of an inflammatory process.

    You should also be careful with hot compresses, which can make the situation worse.

  • If Kalanochoe or aloe grows at home, then moisten a cotton swab in the juice of the plant. It is applied for some time to inside cheeks.
  • What will the dentist prescribe?

    First, the specialist must determine the cause of the tumor and only then prescribe treatment.

    If no serious illnesses If no internal organs are found, the dentist may prescribe medications to relieve swelling.

    In cases where the tumor is accompanied by an inflammatory process, the patient is prescribed special medications, for example, Nimesil.

    To relieve pain, Ibuprofen, Ketanov or Ketorol are most often used.

    If the tumor occurs as a result of an allergic reaction, then the treatment is antihistamines, for example, Suprastin, Tavegil or Erius.

    In addition, Diazolin is often used to combat allergies. For rinsing, dentists prescribe Chlorhexidine or Miramistin to their patients.

    The most effective medications are Suprastin, Traumeel and Lymphomyosot. If necessary, antibiotics such as Lincomycin, Biseptol or Amoxiclav are prescribed.

    Folk remedies

    Home treatment involves using folk recipes. But they should be used only after consultation with a dentist.

    Most often, tumor treatment occurs using various rinses:

    You should rinse your mouth every few hours.

  • To rinse the mouth, you can also prepare a medicine from a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 and rinsed with mouth every 2 hours.
  • An excellent anti-inflammatory gargle is easily made with garlic. To do this, chop 2-3 cloves of garlic and add a glass of boiling water.

    Once the infusion has cooled, you can rinse your mouth with it.

  • Often as effective treatment Propolis tincture is used. It can be bought at any pharmacy. Soak in the tincture cotton swab and apply to the swollen cheek from the inside.

    In addition to the tincture, you can also take dry propolis. It must first be slightly kneaded, and then also applied to the inflamed area and held for about half an hour.

  • A cheek tumor is a symptom that indicates problems not only with the teeth, but with the entire body.

    Most often, swelling appears as a result of improper dental treatment or the development of dental diseases. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but rather consult a doctor.

    Folk remedies for relieving inflammation


    2 Comments Write a comment


    Wow so much various reasons May be. This is a hot topic for me; the other day my husband’s cheek became swollen and his gums became inflamed. Like many men, he “courageously” walked for 4 days, then I persuaded him to go to the doctor. Self-medication was done by rinsing with sage, peroxide and applying ointment to the gums. The dentist said that they burned the ointment, we applied it directly to the gums, but it was necessary to apply it to a cotton swab or gauze pad and apply for 10 minutes. In general, they learned from bitter experience. Now they inject the antibiotic into the gums and leave the rinsing.

    My friend recently had her wisdom tooth removed and her cheek was so swollen!

    An inflammatory process has clearly begun; not only is it on the cheek, there are also bruises under the eyes. Of course, the dentist prescribed treatment. My friend is now eating through a straw.

    I brew her sage for rinsing, it seems to make her feel better. True, this is together with prescribed medications. Still, you cannot rely completely on self-medication in such situations.

    Artem P

    See a doctor immediately! This the only way identifying the causes of tumor (inflammation). I’ll give a simple answer: it doesn’t hurt - that doesn’t mean that everything is fine, rather the opposite. What if there is inflammation of the salivary glands, or a stone in the ducts, etc. Do not under any circumstances try to treat yourself, “heal” even bigger problems, which in the future, at the very least, will cost you a pretty penny. The bottom line is this: Don’t play around with your health, go to the doctor - that’s why dentists exist.

    There was swelling of the cheek. Without pain. A few days later, the entire jaw began to ache. The dentist said that the tooth was inflamed and needed to be pulled out. In response to all my persuasion to look at a different tooth, and not the one he intended to tear, I was told that he was the doctor, not me. They tore it out. Healthy tooth. It turns out that a neighboring tooth became inflamed, which I tried to point out to the doctor. More precisely, a cyst the size of a good pea has formed at the end of the root (another doctor already showed me this when he pulled out an inflamed tooth). No one would remove the cyst surgically for me. Result, two lost teeth.


    The swelling of the cheek does not subside for the third week after unfilling the canals 5 upper tooth, put the medicine on for three weeks. Immediately after this, my cheek became swollen. CT scan shows a cyst in the second upper tooth. I took amoxiclav, xefocam, and smeared solcoseryl on my gums. The swelling subsided a little, the gums healed. There are two seals on the cheek, one in the sinus area, the other in the area lower jaw. There was no temperature. The doctor doesn't say anything specifically. The visit is scheduled in three days. What could it be?


    He treated the tooth, opened the canal, cleaned it, put him on medicine for 3 days, then put a filling and sent him home. By evening my cheek began to swell, and in the morning I woke up like Winnie the Pooh. I went back to the clinic, they picked out the filling, washed it and left it open channel for 2 days, antibiotics were prescribed. The doctor said that the tooth does not hold tight :) and if this happens again after the 2nd filling, then the tooth must be pulled. As a result, my cheek became swollen again. In the surgeon’s chair, I asked if this could be due to the root of a decayed tooth next door? To which she said: Yes! He asked me to pull out the root. On the second day the swelling went down, the tooth began to “keep a tight seal”, in general, everything was GOOD!

    CONCLUSION: the doctor doesn’t care what you vomit and in what quantity. Need teeth? Think for yourself where and what needs to be treated, much less removed. If you don't agree with the doctor, argue!

    If the cheek swells, a person suspects periostitis (flux), which is accompanied by redness, swelling of the gums and pain. But what happens is that the cheek is swollen, but there is no pain. Those who encounter the phenomenon decide that everything will go away on its own.

    Expert opinion

    Biryukov Andrey Anatolievich

    doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from Crimean Medical University. Institute in 1991. Specialization in therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry including implantology and implant prosthetics.

    Ask a question to an expert

    I believe that you can still save a lot on visits to the dentist. Of course I'm talking about dental care. After all, if you carefully look after them, then treatment may indeed not come to the point - it won’t be necessary. Microcracks and small caries on teeth can be removed regular paste. How? The so-called filling paste. For myself, I highlight Denta Seal. Try it too.

    But the decision is wrong, swelling of the cheek means the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, the causes of which will be varied. If a symptom appears, do not delay going to the doctor. The cause of the swelling will be serious and life-threatening.

    Self-medication is unacceptable; first you need to determine the cause of the pathological condition, which only a specialist can do.

    Symptoms of edema

    Swelling of the cheek is a sign of inflammation of the oral mucosa, resulting from the penetration of pathogenic microflora living in the mouth into the damaged area.

    If such a condition is observed after tooth extraction, then this is considered normal. You need to worry if symptoms appear:

    • The swelling of the cheek lasts for 4 days, gradually increasing in size. This may indicate the presence of a purulent process that can spread throughout the body.
    • The pain is very strong and does not decrease.
    • There are additional symptoms such as elevated temperature body, weakness, pain during chewing.
    • Swelling is accompanied by difficulty opening the mouth and swallowing. This may mean infection has spread to the tonsils.
    • The tissues at the site of the swelling are tense, and a compaction is felt underneath them.
    • The swelling went numb and facial expressions were impaired.

    Sometimes the presence of plaque and congestion of blood vessels on the face becomes noticeable. If such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

    Causes of cheek swelling

    There are many reasons why the cheek becomes very swollen. Most of them relate to oral diseases and complications of dental procedures. Sometimes such a phenomenon may indicate the presence of diseases of other organs or systems human body. The causes of cheek swelling are identified.

    Purulent periostitis (flux)

    Flux causes swelling of the cheek. The cause of the disease is injury and running form caries. We can talk about purulent periostitis if, in addition to swelling, there is throbbing pain, increased body temperature, and the formation of a purulent fistula.

    If you do not consult a doctor in time, the abscess can break through and infect the entire body, causing death.

    Wisdom tooth growth

    When a wisdom tooth grows into adulthood, it erupts incorrectly, causing a mucous hood to appear where pieces of food collect and pathogenic microorganisms multiply.

    This leads to the development of inflammation, characterized by the appearance of symptoms:

    • weakness;
    • fever;
    • swelling of the gums, cheeks;
    • soreness.

    After partial emergence, a wisdom tooth can injure the cheek, causing inflammation. If a problem occurs, you should immediately go to the doctor so that he can prescribe treatment or remove the tooth.

    Development of abscess and phlegmon

    Advanced inflammation of the gum tissue can lead to the development of an abscess or phlegmon. With phlegmon, pus spreads freely, affecting surrounding tissues, and with an abscess, pus is in the formed cavity, looking like a compaction. This is accompanied by swelling and tenderness of the soft tissues on one side of the face.

    The development of the phenomenon occurs due to injury, burn, eruption of wisdom teeth or purulent periostitis.

    Development of gingivitis

    The cheek may become swollen due to inflammation of the gums - gingivitis, which, in the absence of timely treatment, turns into periodontitis. In addition to swelling, symptoms of gingivitis include bleeding, sore gums, and bad breath.

    Swelling may appear from trauma to the gums during dental surgery.

    Injury or burn of the mucous membrane

    Ingestion of excessively hot food or drinks, as well as a blow or any mechanical damage to the cheek, can also result in swelling. The burn can be not only thermal, but also chemical.

    Incorrect bite and sharp tips of teeth can injure tissues. At mechanical damage or burns, the swelling should go away on its own after a couple of days. If this does not happen, you need to consult a doctor.

    Insufficient oral hygiene

    In the absence of proper oral care, after a while, stones and plaque begin to form, swelling of the gums, and later half of the face. The inflammatory process “inflates” the cheek. All this is accompanied by pain, bleeding, and an unpleasant odor.

    Other reasons

    Swelling of the gums and cheeks can be caused by:

    • diseases of internal organs;
    • infectious or fungal infection;
    • neurological diseases;
    • allergic reaction;
    • nerve removal;
    • oncology;
    • nasopharyngeal diseases;
    • dental diseases: pulpitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease;
    • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
    • cyst;
    • complications after tooth extraction.

    The cause of swelling can be an insect bite (bee, wasp) or an allergic reaction to anesthesia, filling material, food, medications and other substances. Before starting treatment, you need to establish the cause of the pathology.

    How to relieve cheek swelling?

    If your gums or cheek are swollen, you need to go to the clinic to determine the cause of the phenomenon. It is recommended that you first go to the dentist, since most often the cause lies in dental diseases.

    The doctor will conduct a survey and examination, and then send you for an x-ray. If the diagnosis is not confirmed, the patient is sent to consult a doctor. Once the cause is identified, treatment is prescribed.

    Drug treatment

    Medications are selected depending on what caused the development of swelling. If serious pathologies internal organs were not found, then a decongestant is selected: Troxevasin, Metrodent.

    Drugs may be prescribed:

    1. anti-inflammatory drugs for inflammation: Nimesil;
    2. painkillers: Ketanov, Ibuprofen;
    3. antiseptics: Miramistin, Chlorhexilin;
    4. antihistamines in the presence of allergies: Diazolin, Suprastin.

    At infectious infection the doctor selects an antibiotic: Amoxiclav, Doxycycline, Biseptol. Tablets are selected taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen. In severe cases, surgery is performed.

    Medical procedures

    For dental diseases accompanied by swelling of the cheeks, in addition to drug therapy, the doctor may recommend the following physiotherapeutic procedures:

    • electromagnetic radiation;
    • laser therapy;
    • iontophoresis;
    • applying electric current to the affected area.

    These procedures help eliminate symptoms and promote accelerated healing fabrics. Physiotherapy is often prescribed for periostitis, but only after the abscess has been eliminated.

    Folk remedies

    Before going to the doctor or in addition to drug treatment, you can use traditional medicine:

    • rinsing the mouth with a soda-saline solution;
    • compresses from Kalanchoe juice or aloe;
    • rinsing with a decoction of chamomile and sage;
    • raw potato compress;
    • application of propolis applications;
    • various herbal preparations.

    For swelling of the cheek, rinsing is considered effective. You can pour a glass of boiling water over a few cloves of garlic, let them brew for a while, or dilute hydrogen peroxide with water in a one-to-one ratio.

    Chamomile decoction with the addition of a couple of drops of iodine solution helps. You can apply a cold compress.

    In what cases is swelling safe?

    After tooth extraction, swelling of the cheek is not dangerous. After such an operation, swelling is considered normal, but only if it subsides after a couple of days. There is no need to worry if in the evening after root removal, in addition to swelling, the body temperature increased, and by the morning everything went away.

    The presence of a mild toothache or headache that decreases is an individual feature of the body that does not require treatment. Safe swelling of the cheek occurs after tooth extraction in people suffering from pressure, excess weight and people having on their faces a large number of subcutaneous tissue.

    Preventive measures

    Swelling of the gums or cheeks is always a symptom indicating the presence of a pathological condition in the body that requires drug therapy. If not properly treated, it leads to complications.

    Do you feel nervous before visiting the dentist?


    To prevent the development of unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to follow preventive measures:

    • Eat properly and balanced.
    • Correctly brush your teeth for 3-5 minutes twice a day.
    • Choose a suitable toothbrush and toothpaste.
    • Do professional cleaning teeth.
    • After each meal, use mouthwash, toothpicks, thread and chewing gum.
    • Reduce your consumption of sweets.
    • Massage your gums every day while brushing your teeth.

    In addition to observing the rules of personal oral hygiene, prevent the development of diseases accompanied by swelling of the cheeks.

    You can, if you undergo preventive dental examinations twice a year, consult a doctor and begin treatment.