How to treat fungal tonsillitis. How to treat fungal sore throat? Symptoms of the disease. Treatment at home

Fungal sore throat or fungal tonsillitis is an infection of the larynx caused by protozoan fungi, most often Candida albicans. A fungal infection is often accompanied by a bacterial infection. Symptoms of the disease: the pharyngeal lymphoid ring and palatine tonsils become red and covered with a white coating (multiplying fungus). Symptomatic manifestations of tonsillitis are often absent, and the patient does not experience a serious change in his condition. Both adults and children can get fungal tonsillitis. IN last years The incidence of this disease has increased significantly.

Treat fungal sore throat Can folk remedies. This therapy has an antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the symptoms of the disease and alleviates the patient’s condition without causing side effects. Alternative treatment has no contraindications (except for individual sensitivity to plant components) and has a gentle positive effect on humans. This is especially important when treating a child, whose fragile body is especially susceptible negative impact traditional medicines.

  • Causes of the disease

    Fungal infection of internal organs develops against the background of dysbacteriosis in people with weakened immune systems. In healthy people, development fungal infection interfere with the body’s own defenses, as well as the normal microflora that populates the mucous membranes oral cavity and upper respiratory tract.
    The following factors can lead to dysbiosis and the development of the disease:

    • long-term antibiotic therapy;
    • immunosuppressive therapy for organ transplantation or treatment autoimmune diseases;
    • hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency due to insufficient nutrition, compliance different diets;
    • decline protective forces the body against the background of bad habits: alcohol abuse, smoking;
    • acquired immunodeficiency syndrome;
    • metabolic diseases, in particular diabetes mellitus;
    • oncological diseases.

    The disease can occur in people with various diseases oral cavity, in particular, fungal stomatitis, as well as those with dentures. Also, fungal tonsillitis often develops in children whose immunity is not yet fully formed. Fungal tonsillitis often develops in people suffering from.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Symptoms of the disease are often absent or vague. The patient does not experience fever or sore throat, which distinguishes fungal sore throat from bacterial or viral. In some cases, the patient may experience discomfort, soreness or slight pain when swallowing. Sometimes a person exhibits symptoms of general malaise caused by intoxication of the body with metabolic products of the fungus: headache, weakness. There is also a slight increase in regional lymph nodes, which remain painless upon palpation.

    There are no changes in the patient’s well-being, but fungal tonsillitis still has characteristic symptoms:

    • white or yellowish-white plaque on the pharyngeal lymphoid ring, palatine tonsils ah, and also the tongue, cheeks, palate;
    • bad smell from mouth;
    • change in taste sensations.

    If signs of fungal tonsillitis are detected, treatment should begin immediately. If the disease is not treated, the fungal infection will spread throughout the entire oral cavity. Also, the infectious agent can enter the esophagus, upper respiratory tract and lungs and into severe cases cause fungal pneumonia.

    Fungal sore throat in children

    Fungal tonsillitis often occurs in infants and young children because their immune system is not yet fully developed and cannot resist a fungal infection. A child can become infected from a mother who develops vaginal candidiasis if hygiene rules are not followed. Also, cases of mammary candidiasis are common in nursing mothers. In this case, transmission of the pathogenic fungus occurs during breastfeeding.

    Bright severe symptoms There are no pathologies in children. In some cases infant becomes fussy, irritable and refuses to feed because he experiences pain when swallowing. But more often there are no changes in the child’s behavior, and the disease can only be detected visually. With fungal sore throat, a white or yellowish-white coating appears on the mucous membrane of the larynx, tongue, cheeks, upper sky, gums

    When a disease is detected in children, treatment should be careful, since the child’s body is especially susceptible to the negative effects of drugs traditional medicine. It is better to resort to traditional treatment of the disease.

    When diagnosing a child, it is necessary to determine the source of infection. If transmission of the disease occurs from the mother, both must be treated. Often the infection becomes protracted, as the fungus is transmitted from the nursing mother to the child and back.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    If symptoms of the disease are detected, it is necessary to undergo examinations to diagnose accurate diagnosis. Fungal sore throat is diagnosed based on the results bacteriological research throat swab. Microscopy of the smear is performed and bacteriological culture using special differential diagnostic media.

    It is important to differentiate diseases from purulent bacterial sore throat, syphilis.

    How to treat fungal sore throat?

    It is important to understand that the causative agent of fungal sore throat is non-bacterial in nature, so taking and externally using antibiotics will not give a positive result. You can cure a sore throat with the help of drugs that suppress the proliferation of protozoan fungi.

    In addition, such a sore throat occurs only against the background of dysbiosis and reduced immunity. If dysbiosis is caused by antibiotic therapy, for effective treatment tonsillitis, it is necessary to stop taking antibiotics. Therapy for the disease must be comprehensive. In addition to fighting the pathogenic fungus, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. The diet should be rich in vitamins and include a lot fresh vegetables and fruits. It is also useful to take immunomodulatory drugs that will support the body's defenses. To make treatment more effective, it is recommended to abandon confectionery and sweets, baked goods. These foods are easy to digest pathogenic fungi and stimulate the development of infection.

    Exists traditional treatment fungal sore throat. To treat the disease, external agents (rinsing solutions) and oral drugs with an immunomodulatory effect are used. It is also useful to carry out inhalations. To achieve a positive result, you need to gargle at least 4-5 times a day. The rinse solution should be warm, but not hot. It is useful to alternate various solutions to achieve maximum effect. The rinsing procedure lasts 2–3 minutes.

    External means:

    Drugs for oral administration:

    To boost immunity, use the following recipes:

    1. Ginger. Ginger root is an excellent antimicrobial and immunomodulatory agent. Fresh root can be added to tea and drunk 3 times a day. It is also useful to add 1 tsp to this tea. honey
    2. Bay leaf. The decoction has an immunomodulatory effect bay leaf. 15 leaves are poured into 200 ml of water, brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 5 minutes, then infused in a thermos for 3 hours and filtered. The decoction is stored in the refrigerator and taken 1 tbsp. l. twice a day before meals. Treatment lasts 2 weeks.
    3. Beet. Raw beets cleaned, rubbed and placed loosely in a glass container, poured with vodka and left at room temperature for two weeks, then filtered. Take 1 tbsp. l. such a drug three times a day before meals.
    4. Folk recipe. Take 250 g of carrots and black radish, squeeze the juice from the root vegetables. Add 1 tbsp to this juice. l. lemon juice and honey. The drug is stored in the refrigerator and taken 1 tbsp. l. in the morning on an empty stomach.
    5. Folk recipe No. 2. To prepare the medicine you will need aloe leaves, Cahors wine and natural honey. Take the lower leaves of a plant that is at least three years old. Before the leaves are picked, the plant is not watered for several days. The leaves are washed, dried, wrapped in foil and kept on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 5 days. Then the thorns are cut off and the leaves are crushed in a blender. 500 g of crushed plant material is mixed with an equal volume of honey and 200 ml of Cahors is added. Mix everything thoroughly and store in a glass container in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. l. of this drug three times a day before meals.

    Disease prevention

    It is important to remember that fungal tonsillitis develops only against the background of dysbiosis and reduced immunity. To prevent this disease, it is necessary to strengthen the body's defenses. IN for preventive purposes You can take traditional immunomodulatory drugs. For supporting healthy immunity Human nutrition is very important. The diet should include fruits and vegetables in large quantities. The most useful are fresh fruits and vegetables, but compotes and decoctions of dry and frozen fruits, as well as cooked vegetables, help maintain immunity. Very useful, especially in winter time years, dried fruits and honey.

    Exercise and hardening also strengthen the immune system. It is better to start hardening with contrast shower, which, among other things, has a beneficial effect on peripheral blood vessels. Then you can connect execution physical exercise on fresh air in the cold season, jogging, swimming in ponds and wiping with snow. Hardening is useful for both adults and children.
    In most cases, candidiasis is transmitted to a newborn baby from the mother. To prevent this condition, it is very important to promptly identify and treat the disease in women. It is also necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, wash your hands before feeding the child or preparing food, and do not use children's utensils.

  • The term “angina” is often popularly used to describe any sore throat, and if a plaque is still detected, then most ordinary people have no doubt that it is a bacterial infection that they are dealing with and starting self-treatment antibiotics. After 2–3 days, the course of the disease may worsen significantly, the process will invade new areas of the pharyngeal mucosa, general state will get worse and you won’t be able to cope with such a deplorable situation without a doctor. Fungal tonsillitis belongs to the group of pathologies when antibiotics are contraindicated; it requires completely different therapy and treatment tactics.

    The name of the disease is not very correct, since angina is called acute isolated inflammation of the tonsils. The process of fungal infection involves not only accumulations lymphoid tissue, but also the mucous membrane of the soft palate, arches, tongue, and oral cavity. More often this pathology is called pharyngomycosis.

    Causes and factors contributing to the development of infection

    Fungal sore throat - inflammatory disease pharynx, appears in the background increased activity and the development of mold and yeast-like fungi. It is more common in children, but adults also get sick. Pathogens are represented by: Candida Albicans, C. Krusei, C. Glabrata, C. Famata, Aspergillus, Geotrichum, Penicillium, Saccharomyces, Actinomycetes. More often combined with cheilitis, stomatitis, gingivitis and glossitis.

    This pathology is characterized by the fact that the fungus does not become infected, although the disease belongs to the category of infectious. In the oral cavity, intestines, and other mucous membranes of the body, a lot of useful and non-pathogenic microflora normally live, which creates a certain microclimate in a particular area. Fungi can also enter into symbiosis with corresponding microorganisms, cohabiting with them without causing harm.

    In some cases, when bacteriological homeostasis is disturbed, they begin to become activated and multiply intensively, causing pathological changes on the mucous membrane, resulting in pharyngomycosis. As the disease progresses, bacterial flora can join the fungi, which will significantly aggravate the course of sore throat.

    Reasons provoking active development fungi:

    • decreased immunity;
    • long-term use of antibiotics;
    • use of corticosteroids;
    • chronic disease of the tonsils;
    • chemotherapy;
    • avitaminosis;
    • presence of dentures.

    May develop against the background diabetes mellitus, reduced function thyroid gland, hematological malignancies, cancer, AIDS, malnutrition, accompanying acute respiratory viral infections or influenza, as well as in smokers, drinkers and drug addicts.

    If the patient has a weakened immune system, then he is at risk of developing pharyngomycosis. If you have the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor to prevent the progression of the infection and the occurrence of complications.

    How the insidious pathogen manifests itself

    Symptoms of fungal tonsillitis can be varied, they have local and general character. Local manifestations the following:

    • discomfort in the mouth, throat;
    • painful swallowing;
    • tickle;
    • dry throat;
    • bad breath;
    • taste disturbance;
    • snoring and difficulty breathing during sleep;
    • sometimes – slight enlargement and soreness of the submandibular lymph nodes.

    The process can be either one-way or two-way. It is characteristic that, unlike bacterial or, the patient does not have a pronounced pain syndrome in the throat. In the initial stages of fungal infection, there may be no symptoms at all.

    Common complaints are malaise, weakness, pain in the head and muscles. The temperature in most cases is low-grade and does not rise above 38°C.

    Features of the child's body

    Children usually have a high temperature with severe intoxication. The child is weakened, inactive, refuses to eat and drink, and may experience disturbances from gastrointestinal tract in the form of diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. Young patients get sick more often and tolerate fungal tonsillitis worse because their immune system is not fully developed and is easily susceptible to various infections.

    What forms are there?

    Based on the nature of local manifestations, 4 forms of fungal infection are distinguished:

    1. pseudomembranous with the presence of plaque on the surface of the tonsils, palate, oral cavity or back wall pharynx;
    2. catarrhal, characterized by bright hyperemia of the mucous membrane;
    3. hyperplastic - with the presence of white plaques that are difficult to remove;
    4. erosive-ulcerative - the formation of superficial ulcers on the epithelium of the pharynx.

    Picture of fungal sore throat

    According to the nature of the course and its duration, the disease is classified:

    1. Acute (up to 3 weeks).
    2. Subacute (up to 3 months).
    3. Chronic (exacerbations 3–5 times a year, clinical manifestations correspond to the picture of acute fungal infection, and during the period of remission there are no complaints).

    After adequate treatment of the first two forms, recovery occurs, otherwise the disease progresses to chronic course with periodic exacerbations. Frequent exacerbations can lead to dysfunction of the heart, kidneys, liver and other organs. At untimely therapy the process can spread to other parts of the pharynx and esophagus, which is not typical for other forms of sore throat.

    Pharyngoscopic picture and its features

    The diagnosis can only be made after a doctor examines the oropharyngeal cavity. The pharyngoscopic picture is such that the mucous membrane of the pharynx is bright red. The surface of the tonsils, sometimes the arches, the palate, and the oral cavity is covered with a cheesy coating. It appears 2–3 days after the onset of the disease. If its color is white, it is easily separated with a spatula, then most likely these are manifestations of candidal origin; it is also the cause of thrush. After removing the plaque from fungal tonsillitis, ulcers with a bleeding surface may be visible.

    Curdled plaque with pharyngomycosis

    In the case of yellow or green plaques, if they are difficult to remove, then this looks like the activity of mold fungi. This picture especially reminds dangerous disease diphtheria. Be sure to take a smear to exclude this pathology and determine the type of pathogen.

    What not to be confused with

    In addition to diphtheria, the disease should be distinguished from diseases such as primary tonsillitis, Infectious mononucleosis, scarlet fever, syphilis.

    For differential diagnosis, making an accurate diagnosis use microscopic examination. Material is taken from the surface of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, pharynx, and tonsils. Treatment for fungal tonsillitis will depend on what pathogen is detected.

    Methods to combat fungus

    Therapy begins with eliminating dysbiosis and the causes that caused it. If the disease is caused by taking antibiotics or corticosteroids, they should be discontinued or the dosage reduced.

    Healing is general and local in nature. Medicines are prescribed both internally and directly to the painful area. Doses, medications are prescribed by a doctor individually and depend on clinical manifestations, type of fungus, age, weight of the patient.

    Treatment of fungal tonsillitis is complex, including the use of antiseptic, antimycotic agents, as well as symptomatic therapy

    Antifungals are often prescribed:

    • polyenes (Nystatin, Levorin, Amphotrericin B);
    • imidazoles (Ketoconazole, Clotrimazole, Miconazole);
    • triazoles (Fluconazole, Itraconazole);
    • allylamines (Terbinafine, Naftifine).

    Must be prescribed restoratives, immunocorrection, vitamin therapy.

    From local treatment - Givalex, Hexoral, Miramistin, Tantum Verde, Decathylene. Positive results gives a course of ultraviolet irradiation of the throat.

    You can use recipes traditional medicine. They can act as a complement to traditional methods of therapy:

    1. The fungus does not survive in acidic environment Therefore, it is advisable to do it at home.
    2. Helps well lemon juice with honey, diluted in warm boiled water.
    3. Calendula, chamomile, celandine, sage are excellent additional herbal medicine for fungal infections of the pharynx.
    4. Inhalations using fir and eucalyptus oils.
    5. Garlic and onions are also recommended. It is not advisable for children to use them due to the fact that with this pathology their gastrointestinal tract often suffers.

    You should gargle before and after eating or drinking. Before meals - for the purpose of mechanically removing plaque from the surface of the tonsils in order to avoid swallowing pathological contents while eating food. And then - so that the solution on the surface of the mucous membrane exerts its healing effect. Then lubricate aqueous solution blue, brilliant green, Iodinol, Chlorophyllipt, Lugol's solution.

    If a child is diagnosed with pharinomycosis, the nursing mother should also undergo a course of therapy to avoid transmission of the infection from the child to the mother and back.

    One of modern methods treatment of fungal infections - cauterization using surgical laser, the patient's condition improves significantly after the procedure.

    Based on the fact that this infection is not contracted, then wearing a mask, isolating the patient and providing him with individual care items will have little effect in terms of prevention.

    To prevent fungal infection, it is necessary to establish a daily routine, devote sufficient time to sleep and rest, eat well, exercise, and get rid of bad habits. If a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed, then it is advisable to prescribe Nystatin, Levorin, probiotics in prophylactic doses, and use dairy products. If necessary, take general health-improving medications, vitamins, treat acute and chronic diseases, and be sure to healthy image life.

    If you suspect fungal tonsillitis and its first signs, you should immediately contact an ENT doctor. You should not engage in treatment yourself, as this can harm the patient, especially if the disease concerns a child.

    Fungal tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils caused by fungi of the genus Candida. At in good condition health, these fungi do not cause diseases in humans, but are the norm of microflora. But, if the fungi attacked the body, it means that a situation favorable for this has developed.

    For example, diabetics are more likely to suffer from this disease, because high sugar in blood - good condition for the activity of fungi. Psychiatric patients, cancer patients, HIV carriers, and AIDS patients have no less chance of fighting fungal infections of the tonsils. People who reduce their immunity with alcohol and smoking are also at risk.

    Candidiasis tonsillitis is transmitted to the newborn from the mother; also in infancy, the incentive to develop fungal tonsillitis occurs due to disruptions in the immune system. At an older age, in children this form acute tonsillitis occurs due to dysbiosis caused by poor nutrition or after incorrect treatment of ARVI.


    1. not severe, tolerable sore throat;
    2. low-grade fever;
    3. headache, feeling of a “heavy head”;
    4. Children often experience such a symptom of intoxication as nausea.

    In children, symptoms are reinforced by moodiness, unreasonable crying, refusal to eat, difficulty sleeping, and the child’s appearance is tired.

    When examining the throat, visible following symptoms in the form of enlarged tonsils, red in color with a white (yellowish, greyish), sort of cheesy coating. If, when you touch the tonsil, blood appears from it, this means that the fungal infection is quite deep.

    Without being a doctor, the symptoms of fungal infection of the tonsils are quite easy to confuse with purulent tonsillitis. However, there is no a large number of, but there are significant differences in the symptoms by which candidiasis of the tonsils is determined:

    1. plaque not only on the tonsils, but also on the uvula and soft palate;
    2. in severe cases, the entire oral cavity and pharynx are affected, up to the esophagus.


    Fungal tonsillitis acute course, at timely diagnosis, responds well to treatment and does not develop into chronic stage. The only exception is concurrent diseases or their drug treatment, which reduce the level of the immune system.

    The main drugs for the treatment of adults and children are antifungal, topical or systemic action. The most popular are Itraconazole, Fluconazole, Nystatin.

    Itraconazole is the most effective drug in this line; it is taken after meals, in the case of the tablet form, and on an empty stomach, if it has been decided to treat candidiasis with powder for preparing a solution. The drug is administered once a day, 100-200 mg, depending on the severity of the disease. The duration of treatment should last at least a week.

    It is not officially permitted to treat children with Itraconazole, but in practice, the drug is still prescribed for the treatment of children in severe cases of injury in an individual dosage.

    However, you should be careful when taking antifungal agents, they are quite strong and do not spare the gastrointestinal tract.

    Treatment with local antiseptics for gargling and irrigating is also supported. Suitable:

    • Ingalipt, StopAngin, Orasept sprays;
    • Faringosept, Lizak tablets;
    • Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt for rinsing the mouth and throat.

    Treat children with the medications provided, optimally with Ingalipt. Its use is permitted when treating a child over 1 year of age.

    To stabilize the microflora, the patient is prescribed a course of probiotics and the diet is adjusted so that the fungi do not have “soil” for development, i.e. Sweets and, directly, sugar itself are removed.


    Since acute tonsil candidiasis is the result of a weakened immune system, prevention, in principle, comes down to strengthening the immune system; this condition is especially important for children. The child should avoid hypothermia, but, at the same time, carry out hardening procedures.

    1. Don't forget about hand hygiene; it is extremely important to teach your child to wash their hands. It is advisable to use antibacterial soap.
    2. If there is a sick adult or child in the family, even at the first symptoms, it is important to maintain increased hygiene and provide the sick person with a separate set of dishes, bed linen, and hygiene items. After the lapse of acute stage, boil fabric materials and wash dishes under hot water with an antibacterial agent.
    3. To avoid the appearance of symptoms of fungal tonsillitis, you must adhere to rational nutrition, if it is not possible to make a varied diet, start taking vitamin complexes that meet the needs of adults or children by age and health status. Give up bad habits, avoid passive smoking.

    Fungal sore throat - infectious inflammation tonsils, provoked by yeast-like microorganisms candida or aspergillus fungi. The disease is especially dangerous for people with weakened immune systems, HIV-infected people, and newborns.


    Fungal tonsillitis is a type of sore throat that develops due to dysbacteriosis. This is the main cause of the disease. Treatment methods for this type of pathology should be aimed at eliminating the dysbiosis itself, which, as a rule, appears due to certain changes in the body. These include:

    • prolonged use of antibiotic therapy, hormonal drugs, immunosuppressants;
    • changing your usual diet, using a diet;
    • weakened immunity;
    • sluggish inflammatory processes;
    • immunodeficiency;
    • lack of vitamins;
    • transferred serious illnesses, entailing changes in microflora;
    • chronic course of the pathology.

    According to statistics, approximately half of people suffering from chronic tonsillitis, reveal the candidal form of the disease.

    Most often, fungal tonsillitis is diagnosed in people from the following risk groups:

    • patients with diabetes mellitus;
    • newborns;
    • persons with HIV infection;
    • patients suffering chronic diseases respiratory tract.

    Provoking factors candidal tonsillitis There may be a permanent decrease in the immune system resulting from:

    • malnutrition;
    • lack necessary microelements and vitamins;
    • untreated disease;
    • exhaustion;
    • during the recovery period after suffering a protracted pathology;
    • abuse bad habits– smoking and alcoholism;
    • because of frequent stress and overwork;
    • with helminthic infestation;
    • with excessive use of antibacterial agents.


    Candidal tonsillitis is divided depending on the focus of the inflammatory process:

    • when candidiasis is localized on the tonsils, a diagnosis of “acute fungal tonsillitis” is made;
    • if the infection has spread to the oropharynx, the disease is called pharyngomycosis;
    • the mixed form of the disease is called tonsillopharyngitis.

    All types of pathology are treated the same.


    Typically, the symptoms of fungal tonsillitis are mild, or the pathology is asymptomatic. The patient may not feel any significant abnormalities, for example, high temperature or severe pain in the throat, as if there was an exacerbation.

    Most often, during illness, the patient experiences a loss of strength, headache, and general malaise. In addition, the lymph nodes may become slightly enlarged.

    The disease can also be identified by the following symptoms:

    In the absence of timely treatment, the fungus can spread from the tonsils to the tongue, cheeks, gums, and esophagus.

    Fungal tonsillitis in children

    This type of disease is a common occurrence in newborns and young children: their immunity is very vulnerable and is easily infected dangerous bacteria. Fungal tonsillitis in children is usually asymptomatic. The pathology can be recognized visually: a characteristic plaque is observed in the child’s oral cavity, which is easily scraped off. Besides, candida form usually accompanied by pain in the throat, which is manifested by the baby’s capriciousness and irritability, as well as refusal to eat.

    In addition, children may experience the following signs of a fungal infection:

    A newborn is capable of infecting his mother with a sore throat during breastfeeding. Infection can be suspected by characteristic itching, pain and redness in the nipple area.

    It is quite difficult to cure a disease in a child, since many medications are prohibited for use in children. early age. Due to an immature immune system, babies are more likely to high probability appearance undesirable consequences and the transition of pathology to chronic form.


    First of all, to obtain an accurate clinical picture A specialist takes an anamnesis. To do this, the doctor must clarify:

    • how long ago the unwanted symptoms appeared;
    • presence of other chronic diseases;
    • what antibiotics were previously used to treat them.

    Fungal tonsillitis can be detected using visual inspection throat (pharyngoscopy), as well as using the following studies:

    A thorough diagnosis will allow you to exclude other diseases with similar symptoms: diphtheria, herpes stomatitis, scarlet fever and syphilis.

    Treatment methods

    Fungal sore throat requires serious attitude and timely therapy, as it can lead to the development of many complications. It is most effective to treat the disease with early stages, however, self-medication in this case is unacceptable. Necessary medications should only be prescribed by the attending physician. Adults can be treated at home, children - only in a hospital.

    First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease. If it lies in the use of antibiotics or hormonal agents, they must be abandoned. In addition to eliminating medications, the patient should:

    • limit or completely eliminate smoking;
    • give up sweets;
    • monitor oral hygiene;
    • If you have an incorrect diet or lack of vitamins, take appropriate measures.

    Treatment of fungal tonsillitis is carried out with the help of medications and traditional medicine methods, however unconventional means are not able to replace medications and are used as auxiliary ones.

    Drug therapy

    Drug treatment consists of the use of local antifungal agents, as well as systemic drugs:

    • Clotrimazole and Candibene solutions are used to treat areas affected by candidiasis. Hexoral and Bioparox sprays have a less pronounced effect;
    • for disinfection of mucous membranes, antiseptics Miramistin, Furacilin, as well as herbs with a bactericidal effect are prescribed;
    • Iodinol, Quinozol, Lugol are used to irrigate the throat several times a day;
    • Solutions of Levorin, Pimafucin, Lamisil, Decamine cope well with fungi.

    If there is no improvement, systemic medications are used, the action of which is aimed at a specific type of fungus:

    In addition, the patient is prescribed medications that stimulate the immune system, the use of large doses ascorbic acid and B vitamins. If necessary, UV irradiation of the tonsils is prescribed.

    The diet should include fermented milk foods and prebiotics, which will help restore the intestinal microflora and reduce the manifestations of the disease.

    During the period of treatment for candidal tonsillitis, it is necessary to avoid foods that contain soy, food additives, sugar, and additionally take vitamin and mineral complexes.


    The use of non-traditional methods of treatment in in this case may become ineffective: without taking antifungal medications, the pathology cannot be cured. However, traditional medicine is used as an auxiliary medicine and will significantly alleviate the symptoms of infection.

    Fungal tonsillitis in adults is treated using rinses. This is an integral part of therapy to prevent the addition of other infections.

    For the procedure apply pharmaceutical drugs, appointed by a specialist. Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, Miramistin cope well with the symptoms of candidal tonsillitis.

    In addition, you can gargle using the following means:

    Some herbal decoctions and products containing honey can provoke allergic reactions in childhood Therefore, they are recommended to be used only on the advice of your doctor.

    In childhood

    Fungal tonsillitis identified in children requires special approach: failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner can lead to the disease becoming chronic. In addition, the disease is dangerous due to complications in other internal organs - the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, lungs.

    First of all, the root cause of the disease is eliminated. For this purpose, medications with an antifungal effect are used, lasting up to 2 weeks. The most commonly prescribed dosage of Nystatin is:

    • children under one year old - 125,000 units;
    • 1-5 years – 250,000 units each;
    • from 5 to 13 years – 500,000 units each.

    At severe course infection may require a repeat course.

    In addition to antifungal medications, antiseptics Hexoral, Tantum Verde are used, as well as rinsing with salt solutions and herbal infusions - calendula, sage, chamomile, lemon juice.

    Acute tonsillitis caused by fungi during pregnancy poses a danger not only to the woman, but also to her child. Therefore, therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of the attending physician.

    For treatment, medications are used with minimal likelihood of side effects. Inhalations and thermal procedures, which can cause a miscarriage, are prohibited at this stage.

    To avoid allergic reactions herbal mixtures Use with caution for rinsing.

    In the remission stage, magnetic therapy, infrared and ultraviolet irradiation, and phototherapy are used. Physiotherapy will help prevent exacerbation of infection and development mixed type diseases.


    Candidiasis tonsillitis rarely leads to complications, since it does not affect the tissues of the mucous membranes. However, the disease can be life-threatening in the absence of adequate treatment and prolonged forms of infection.

    When candidiasis spreads, the following negative consequences may occur:

    • bacterial sore throat;
    • narrowing of the larynx, leading to difficulty breathing;
    • penetration of fungus into circulatory system(candidosepsis);
    • obstruction of the respiratory tract as a result of their blockage by fungal masses.


    This form of sore throat is not considered contagious, but people with weakened immune systems and young children should avoid contact with an infected person.

    Preventive measures should be aimed at strengthening the immune system and increasing the body's defenses. To this end, you should adhere to the following rules:

    Fungal tonsillitis, as a rule, develops quickly, but on average it is much more difficult to treat. The healing period takes 1-2 months. Properly selected treatment extremely rarely leads to complications. It is very important to follow all the doctor’s instructions and avoid self-medication: this may result in a longer recovery process, as well as the spread of the fungus to other organs.

    Inflammation of the tonsils caused by fungi of the genus Candida is called fungal tonsillitis or fungal tonsillitis - it has specific symptoms and involves treatment different from the treatment of bacterial sore throat. Mycotic lesions of the larynx pose a danger to the body even in the absence of proper treatment lead to complications.

    What is fungal tonsillitis

    The causative agent of fungal sore throat is an integral representative normal microflora body healthy person– yeast-like fungus candida. IN small quantity it does not pose a health hazard, but if the growth of its colonies is no longer controlled by the immune system, it begins to multiply rapidly and infect internal organs. Diseases caused by fungal infections, where the main pathogen is a genus of yeast, are called candidiasis. Tonsillitis is the result of a dangerous symbiosis of fungi and pathogenic cocci bacteria.


    • general weakness, malaise;
    • the appearance of bad breath;
    • the presence of white or pale green spots on the tonsils;
    • feeling of discomfort, sore throat;
    • the appearance of plaque on the tonsils, larynx, tongue;
    • slight change in the size of the lymph nodes.

    Fungus on the tonsils in a child

    The immune system newborn babies and children younger age is poorly developed, so this group is more susceptible to candidiasis than others. Makes diagnosis difficult early stages the fact that the fungus on the tonsils in a child can multiply asymptomatically, without giving away its presence. Features of the manifestation of pharyngomycosis in children include the following phenomena:

    • fungal plaque on the tonsils in a child is determined only visually when examining the oral cavity;
    • newborn babies transmit the fungus to their mother during breastfeeding (which manifests itself in the form of reddening of the skin of the nipples);
    • the child becomes capricious;
    • An easily removable white or yellow-white plaque appears on the tonsils, cheeks, tongue and palate (the plaque is easily removed, so it is perceived by parents as milk residues after feeding).


    Possible complications

    If the spread of the fungus is not stopped in time, tonsillitis takes on a chronic form, which is characterized by permanent shift remission and acute inflammation. If left untreated or improperly treated, fungal tonsillitis can become a real threat to the patient's life. Complications that may result from uncontrolled fungal growth include:

    • inflammatory processes of the heart muscle, kidneys;
    • liver dysfunction;
    • destruction of collagen fibers of joints;
    • suppuration of the lymph nodes;
    • esophageal candidiasis.


    The appearance of symptoms of tonsillomycosis requires contacting an otolaryngologist for diagnosis. The disease is determined through an initial examination and scraping of pathogenic microflora from the tonsils and larynx. The study of plaque to determine mycosis is carried out using culture and microscopic examination. The tests carried out will help identify the causative agent of the disease and select an effective antifungal agent.

    Treatment of fungal sore throat

    Antifungal drugs


    The effectiveness of Nystatin in the treatment of fungal tonsillitis depends on the method of taking the medicine. Oral administration tablets is inappropriate due to the fact that active substance does not enter the bloodstream from the digestive tract and therefore cannot affect the fungus:

    • characteristic: antifungal antibiotic polyene series, exhibits high activity against yeast-like fungi;
    • method of treatment: 1 tablet 3-4 times a day for 10-14 days, the medicine should be dissolved and not swallowed;
    • advantages: low toxicity;
    • cons: poor absorption in the intestine.

    Fluconazole for sore throat

    Basics active substance fluconazole is included in such drugs as Diflazon, Diflucan, Mikomax, Fluconazole, etc. All of these drugs have a systemic antifungal effect and are prescribed after identifying the cause of the disease. For fungal tonsillitis, Fluconazole is recommended for use if local treatment does not show positive dynamics:

    • characteristics: synthetic antimycotic of the triazole group, effective in the treatment of mycoses of the skin, nails, candida infections;
    • method of treatment: 1-3 tablets per day, course of treatment 1-2 weeks;
    • pros: high efficiency;
    • cons: cannot be combined with other medications.

    Taking antibiotics

    Fungal infection can be caused by taking systemic antibiotics, so to get rid of candidiasis, you should stop taking them or adjust the dosage. However, to reduce the temperature that appears in acute tonsillitis, indicating the presence of a source of infection, antibacterial agents are prescribed local action:

    • name: Levorin;
    • characteristics: an antibiotic with a polyene structure has a high tropism towards the cytoplasm of the fungal membrane;
    • Application: rinse the mouth with Levorin solution three times a day;
    • advantages: low toxicity;
    • cons: has a local irritating effect.

    Severe forms of pharyngomycosis associated with concomitant diseases, such as stomatitis, coccal infections, require treatment with macrolide antibiotics:

    • name: Clarithromycin;
    • characteristic: antimicrobial agent systemic action, effective in the treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract infections;
    • Application: 1 tablet orally, every 12 hours for 5 days;
    • advantages: high efficiency;
    • cons: there are contraindications.

    Local treatment

    • name: Iodinol;
    • characteristics: antiseptic, affects streptococci, staphylococci, coli;
    • application: treat areas affected by fungus 3-4 times a day;
    • advantages: high efficiency;
    • cons: not suitable for treating children under 5 years of age.

    Treatment of fungal tonsillitis in children

    Drugs for the treatment of fungal tonsillitis in a child should be prescribed by a pediatrician after diagnosis. The principle of treatment for pharyngomycosis for children is similar to the treatment for adults, the difference lies in the dosage of prescribed medications. Mouth rinses should be carried out in mandatory throughout the entire course of treatment. To eliminate the fungus, you can use Nystatin, and to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of tonsillitis - Miramistin or Hexoral:

    • name: Miramistin;
    • characteristics: cationic antiseptic, has a destructive effect on the membranes of microbes and bacteria;
    • Application: rinse the mouth with Miramistin solution up to 6 times a day;
    • pros: no side effects;
    • cons: high price.

    Effective antiseptic To eliminate the symptoms of a fungal infection, Hexoral is used:

    • name: Hexoral;
    • characteristic: antimicrobial drug wide range impact,
    • Method of administration: rinse the mouth twice a day with an undiluted solution;
    • advantages: pronounced analgesic effect;
    • cons: ineffective in the treatment of acute tonsillitis.

    Traditional methods

    Add antifungal treatment You can use traditional medicine recipes. By effective means in the fight against tonsillitis are gargling with decoctions medicinal herbs, inhalation with essential oils and reception homeopathic medicine based on honey and red pepper. For rinsing, it is recommended to use a mixture of chamomile, calendula and sage or propolis infusion. Procedures should be carried out 5-6 times a day until the fungus completely disappears. A few drops of fir and eucalyptus oil can be added to the inhaler - this will help eliminate inflammatory processes.