Pain in the ovaries and bloody discharge. When is emergency surgery necessary? What to do if your left ovary hurts

If the left ovary hurts, then this indicates a possible inflammatory process, for example, or the presence of a cyst in this appendage. Such sensations are most typical for these diseases. The pain is localized in the lower part of the pelvis and can even radiate to the lower back. As a rule, pain in the ovary on the left side can be paroxysmal or aching, constant pain. Such problems are accompanied by irritability and reduced ability to work.

Why does the left ovary hurt - reasons

The main causes of diseases of the genital organs can be pathogens (chlamydia, ureoplasma, mycoplasma, candida, etc.), leading to inflammatory processes in the appendages. Problems can also arise due to hypothermia, or as complications due to viral diseases. Pain in the ovarian area may intensify with physical and psychological fatigue, or the cause may be a cyst, a large tumor (in this case, it puts pressure on nerve endings and neighboring organs). Acute pain can occur due to twisting of the “leg” of the cyst or its rupture. However, the ovaries themselves are also capable of twisting, which interferes with the blood supply to the tissues and can lead to necrosis. Less commonly, pain may occur due to rupture of the ovary during ovulation, adhesions in the fallopian tubes, pathological changes in the position of the appendages, etc. As we see, there are a large number of causes of pain in the left ovary, so self-diagnosis is impossible. To establish an accurate diagnosis, a number of examinations are necessary, including pelvic ultrasound and blood tests.

What to do if your left ovary hurts?

At the first sensation of pain, you should consult a doctor, as these are the first signs of dysfunction of the genital organs. It is better to identify the cause of the disease and begin treatment at an early stage rather than treating advanced forms, which can lead to irreversible consequences or serious complications. Infectious diseases are treated quite simply; after identifying the pathogen in tests, an antibiotic sensitive to it is selected, in combination with an anti-inflammatory drug. It is more difficult and longer to treat hormonal disorders. And the rupture of a cyst can be accompanied not only by pain, but also by vomiting and spillage of the contents of the cyst into the abdominal cavity, thereby causing tissue irritation and peritonitis - in this case, urgent surgical treatment is necessary.

Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

pain in left ovary

The ovary is a paired female reproductive gland, the site of formation of egg maturation and the production of hormones that regulate the sex life of women. The anatomical structure, reactions to hormonal stimulation and secretory activity of the ovaries are not the same at different periods of life. This chapter examines normal ovarian physiology as a basis for understanding the pathology of both the ovaries themselves and other organs of the female reproductive system.

What diseases cause pain in the left ovary:

Causes of pain in the left ovary:
- Pain in the left ovary may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the left appendage of the ovary (oophoritis). It is the most characteristic sign of this disease; it is localized in the lower abdomen on the left and often radiates to the lumbosacral spine. As a rule, pain in the left ovary occurs in paroxysms, but can also be present constantly. The occurrence of pain and its intensification is facilitated by hypothermia, physical and mental fatigue, decreased immunity against the background of other internal diseases. Such pain is often accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system - increased irritability, weakness, sleep problems, and decreased ability to work.

Adnexitis of the right ovary, or inflammation of the ovary. The most common causative agents of inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs, which lead to inflammation of the ovaries (adnexitis), are chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, and candida. The clinic of chlamydial infection has no characteristic manifestations. Without adequate therapy, the inflammatory process during inflammation of the ovaries (adnexitis) takes a protracted course and leads to infertility. The main sign of inflammation of the right ovary (adnexitis) is pain in the left ovary and lower abdomen on the left. The pain may radiate to the lower back and is almost always dominated by periodic pain.

In some cases, pain in the left ovary occurs when a cyst forms in it. Until the cystic capsule is small in size and does not undergo negative changes, this pathology is asymptomatic.

The cause of constant pain in the left ovary is an ovarian cyst or tumor that has reached a large size. It compresses neighboring internal organs and nerve endings. Not only neoplasms can become twisted, but also the ovaries themselves. This leads to impaired blood supply and tissue necrosis, inflammation and pain develop.

Pain in the left ovary occurs when the cyst stalk is torsioned or as a result of a violation of its integrity, which is accompanied by the outpouring of liquid contents into the abdominal cavity and causes tissue irritation. In addition to nausea, vomiting and pain, rupture of an ovarian cyst or necrosis of its tissue due to torsion of the leg can provoke inflammation of the peritoneum - peritonitis, which requires immediate surgical intervention. A similar situation can occur in the presence of a benign or malignant ovarian tumor.

Pathological changes in the position of the ovarian appendages are facilitated by their relative mobility in the pelvic cavity, as well as increased physical activity. That is why this pathology is observed, as a rule, in childhood. Among the factors contributing to torsion of the right ovary, it should be noted drug stimulation of ovulation, pregnancy, as well as any conditions accompanied by an increase in the size of the ovaries. Sharp pain in the left ovary and abdomen may be accompanied by vomiting; palpation reveals a painful swelling. If the tissue of the appendages has undergone irreversible pathological changes, surgical removal of the ovary is performed.

Sometimes during ovulation the right ovary ruptures, causing bleeding. The entry of blood into the abdominal cavity provokes pain and threatens the development of peritonitis, therefore surgical intervention is indicated, during which sutures are placed and the integrity of the organ is restored. For some women, ovulation itself is quite painful, as indicated by the appearance of pain in the left ovary on certain days of the menstrual cycle. In addition, acute and chronic inflammatory processes contribute to the formation of adhesions in the left ovary, which in turn often cause pain in the left ovary.

Apoplexy of the right ovary is a sudden hemorrhage into the ovary, which is accompanied by its rupture and bleeding into the abdominal cavity.
Ovarian apoplexy usually occurs in women under the age of 40, and bleeding and pain in the left ovary always occur. Based on the predominance of one of these signs, anemic and painful forms of the disease are conventionally distinguished. If these signs are equally expressed, they speak of a mixed form of apoplexy.
The disease begins acutely with sudden, sometimes very severe pain in the left ovary and lower abdomen, predominant on the side of the affected ovary. The pain often radiates to the rectum, hip and lower back. Often the attack is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, as well as fainting.
Body temperature remains normal. With heavy bleeding, a sharp decrease in blood pressure and collapse occurs (a serious condition with severe cardiac weakness, a drop in vascular tone, rapid pulse, and cold sweat). When palpated, the ovary has a spherical shape and sharp pain.

Ovulatory pain in the left ovary occurs in the lower abdomen during the periovulatory period as a result of irritation of the peritoneum by follicular fluid; last from 12 to 36 hours in separate attacks of several hours.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can develop in women with infertility when treated with hormones (clomiphene, gonadotropins). The ovaries are enlarged, with multiple follicular cysts, a large cystic corpus luteum, and stromal edema. In a mild form, pain appears in the left ovary, bloating; weight gain. In severe cases, shortness of breath, ascites, pleural effusion, electrolyte imbalance, hypovolemia, and oliguria appear.

Psychogenic factors: if organic causes of pain in the left ovary are excluded, it is necessary to examine the woman by a psychotherapist (borderline states: hypochondria, depression, hysteria).

Palpation of the abdomen and gynecological examination help determine the presence of a large ovarian tumor. Important information about the condition of the uterine appendages is provided by pelvic ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. Diagnostic laparoscopy is especially valuable, allowing to identify adhesions and foci of endometriosis localized in the left ovary. Using this technique, it is possible not only to detect, but also to eliminate many pathologies of the pelvic organs. Competent diagnosis is the key to effective treatment, which will allow you to get rid of pain in the left ovary forever.

Which doctors should you contact if there is pain in the left ovary:

Are you experiencing pain in your left testicle? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor Eurolab always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, study external signs and help you identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide the necessary assistance. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolab open for you around the clock.

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Does your left ovary hurt? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People don't pay enough attention symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor, in order not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the organism as a whole.

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Pain in the right or left ovary occurs for many reasons, including normal phenomena associated, for example, with the menstrual cycle, and serious illnesses. It is difficult for a woman to determine on her own why her ovary hurts, so it is necessary to consult a gynecologist for advice and possible treatment.

The left or right ovary, depending on the cause of the development of the mechanism, provokes pain that is different in nature. In some situations, the female organ aches, and in others it shoots. Painful sensations can be long-lasting or occur sharply, paroxysmally.

Pain in the left and right ovaries appears regardless of the woman’s age or pregnancy. Why does pain occur? The cause may be approaching menstruation, inflammation, hormonal changes, or damage to other organs. Medical practice includes cases when the left or right ovary hurts as a result of disturbances in the emotional state - prolonged depression and stressful situations.

What to do if the left or right ovary hurts? A woman should consult a gynecologist. After the examination and test results, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Pain during menstruation

Pain in the left or right ovary often occurs during certain phases of the menstrual cycle. In most cases, such pain is not dangerous and does not threaten the woman’s health; this phenomenon in medicine is called ovulatory syndrome. What to do in this case? If pain is a common occurrence for a woman during periods of ovulation or menstruation, you should take painkillers prescribed by your gynecologist or undergo hormonal tests. If the pain is more of a pathological nature and has not happened before, you need to consult a gynecologist.

During menstruation

In the first days of menstruation, girls experience pain of varying intensity; most patients report aching pain. Although they appear to originate in the left or right ovary, they actually originate in the uterus.

Why is this happening? During menstruation, the inner lining of the uterus is shed, and the organ itself periodically contracts. The intensity of pain depends on the strength of these contractions and on the level of the pain threshold of each individual girl.

During ovulation

Ovulation is the main sign of normal functioning of a woman’s reproductive system. In fact, this is a tear in the ovary and the subsequent release of the egg into the abdominal cavity. A slight pain during ovulation is also normal; it occurs as a result of the fact that the peritoneum has many nerve endings; when the egg is released, it is irritated, which is why pain occurs.

Pain during ovulation in the left and right ovary has characteristic symptoms:

  • Develops in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
  • They have a whining character.
  • Lasts no more than a few hours.
  • Localized only on one side.

After ovulation before menstruation

In the period after the release of the egg from the left or right ovary and before the onset of menstruation, women may also experience characteristic pain. In this case, you should pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. If the pain is accompanied by odorless spotting, there is nothing wrong with that. However, you should sound the alarm if such discharge has an uncharacteristic color and a foul odor.

Pain during sexual intercourse

Why does a woman experience pain in her left ovary during intercourse and is this normal? During sex, a woman should not experience pain; if this happens, most likely, a pathological process is developing in the body, but in rare cases, pain is possible due to the physiological characteristics of the body.

Pathological factors causing pain in the left and right ovary:

  • Infectious processes in the female genitalia.
  • Inflammatory processes in the genital organs.
  • Neoplasms on the left or right ovary.
  • Cysts on the ovary.
  • Adhesive process in the pelvic organs.
  • Lack of vaginal secretion.
  • Dry vagina.
  • Very deep penetration of a partner.
  • Excessive strain of the vaginal muscles.

Pathological causes

The left or right ovary hurts and as a result of pathologies that can develop in the organ. What to do if you have a disease? Do not try to prescribe a diagnosis and treatment yourself! To determine the pathology, you need to contact a gynecologist. Only after examination and diagnostics is it possible to make a correct diagnosis.

Inflammation of the ovaries

A fairly common reason why a woman’s ovary hurts is an inflammatory process, and it can occur not only in the ovaries, but also in the appendages. Inflammation can be acute or chronic. Along with pain in the left or right ovary, it provokes symptoms such as excessive leucorrhoea and dysfunction - reproduction and the menstrual cycle.

With acute inflammation, the temperature rises, the ovary hurts, and the pain is highly intense and localized in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar and sacral regions, accompanied by copious discharge. In the absence of timely treatment, the disease enters the chronic stage.

In a chronic condition, the disease is expressed less clearly - the pain is aching in nature, radiating to the vagina, groin, discharge becomes scarce, libido decreases. The chronic form without treatment is dangerous due to complications - uterine adhesions and infertility.


A cyst is a cavity in which fluid accumulates. Cysts can form on the ovaries, but a woman may not immediately find out about them. If the ovary hurts not only during menstruation and ovulation, you should undergo a gynecological examination and prescribed diagnostic methods.

When symptoms are not limited to pain, a woman may experience a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, the menstrual cycle becomes longer, and sexual intercourse with a partner brings physical discomfort.

Ovarian endometriosis

Why does the ovary hurt? One of the reasons may be a disease called endometriosis. With endometriosis, tissue grows in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and abdominal cavity. Painful sensations intensify during menstruation, aching pain appears in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the rectum and lower back.

What to do if similar symptoms develop? In this case, you should consult a doctor immediately. If left untreated, endometriosis leads to the formation of adhesions and infertility.


Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a strong increase in the size of the organ and the formation of a large number of follicular cysts in it. Pathology is quite often a consequence of improperly administered hormonal therapy. Pain in the ovary radiates to the abdomen, accompanied by bloating, weight gain, shortness of breath, and a decrease in the frequency of calls to urinate.


It is a rupture of the ovary, as a result of which severe pain appears. The pathology is accompanied by extensive bleeding into the abdominal cavity. The pain syndrome extends to the lower back, rectum and legs. Nausea and vomiting occur, and the woman may faint.

Benign and malignant tumors

Pain in the ovary can be caused by benign or malignant tumors. At the initial stages, the tumors do not manifest themselves in any way, but as they grow, dull aching pains appear in the lower abdomen, which intensify as the formation begins to put pressure on nearby organs, which leads to disruption of their functioning.

Malignant tumors are accompanied by rapid weight loss, abdominal enlargement, increased fatigue, and menstrual irregularities. It is very important to notice the symptoms in time and seek help from the hospital.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women experience aching pain in the lower abdomen and ovaries, since during gestation the position of the internal organs changes somewhat, and there is also a large load on the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus.

Pain in the early stages

If in the first trimester of pregnancy one of the ovaries hurts, this may indicate the presence of a corpus luteum cyst. This condition is not dangerous to the health of the mother and fetus, but can cause discomfort if the cyst grows greatly. When the placenta begins to develop, the corpus luteum disappears, and the pain goes away on its own. This feature is typical for 12-14 weeks of pregnancy.

Spontaneous abortion

Severe pain in the ovary may indicate the onset of spontaneous abortion. This condition is also accompanied by severe blood loss. What to do in this case? First of all, you need to call an ambulance.

Mild pain in the ovaries or lower abdomen that is not accompanied by other symptoms may be related to the menstrual cycle and should not cause you concern. For example, before ovulation, the follicle bursts to release the egg. During this process, the right ovary usually hurts (but sometimes discomfort is observed in the left ovary). Symptoms disappear after 2-3 days.

If pain in the ovaries becomes severe, sharp, pulling, throbbing, you should pay attention to your health (especially if other alarming symptoms appear - purulent discharge, fever, etc.). It is recommended to undergo an examination, find out the diagnosis and begin treatment.

There are many herbs that restore women's health. Some of them eliminate inflammation, others normalize hormonal levels, relieve pain, and fight infection. However, before you start taking them, you need to find out why the ovaries hurt in order to choose the right herbal medicine.


Why do my ovaries hurt? There are various reasons for this. In women, the reproductive system reacts sharply to any disturbances and exposure to negative factors. Even simple hypothermia or failure to comply with hygiene rules can lead to inflammation and problems with menstruation. We will list the most common diseases that manifest themselves as pain.


– the most common causes of infertility. This disease is manifested by irregular periods or their complete absence. Bleeding during menstruation is either too heavy or scanty. Before her menstrual period, a woman complains of pain in the ovaries and lower back, as well as bloating.

What to do?

First of all, it is necessary to normalize hormonal levels. The combined use of two herbs - wintergreen and boron uterus - works well for women. Mix them in equal quantities, pour them into a large jar and add alcohol (the ratio of herbs to alcohol is 1:10). Shake every day, strain after 10 days and drink a tablespoon three times a day. You need to start immediately after the end of menstruation. Before your period, stop taking it (take a break for a few days). Then repeat the course.


Cysts can form either inside the ovary or on the outer lining, or on the ligaments connecting the ovary to the fallopian tubes. They are filled inside with serous fluid, pus, leathery tissue or endometrium. Cysts can be of different sizes and of different nature, from mild forms (follicular cyst, which disappears on its own after menstruation) to malignant tumors.

Pain due to an ovarian cyst is nagging in nature and appears during sexual intercourse, before menstruation, during bowel movements or when pressing on the abdomen. Other signs of a cyst: menstrual irregularities, pelvic pain, bleeding outside of menstruation, headache, nausea and vomiting.

It is worth noting that most often women develop a cyst in the right ovary (since it is better supplied with blood), so the patient experiences pain in the right ovary.

What to do?

There are many ways to treat cysts in women. Try taking Chernobyl root - prepare a decoction from it (pour a tablespoon into a pan, add 2 glasses of water, cook for 15 minutes, leave for an hour). Take 3 tablespoons of the decoction each time before meals.

It is also necessary to carry out a course of treatment with tampons made from fresh radish juice. Soak a cotton-gauze swab in freshly squeezed juice and insert it into the vagina in the evening. Take a lying position and place the heating pad on your side on the right or left (the left ovary hurts - place the heating pad on the left, pain in the right ovary - the heating pad should be on the right). Repeat the treatment until the problem disappears completely, just remember that you can’t use a heating pad before your period and during your period!

Torsion of the adnexa or ovary

The causes of pain may also be hidden in torsion. Most often, both the ovary and the fallopian tube are twisted at the same time (but sometimes one or the other).

Torsion leads to inhibition of blood supply to the fallopian tubes and ovaries. There is a sudden, severe pain in the lower abdomen (on one side - that is, the left ovary hurts or just the right one). This is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fever.

What to do?

Unfortunately, traditional medicine is powerless here; surgery is needed to physically return the ovary and tubes to the correct position. However, after surgery there is a risk of adhesions and other complications, so you should take care of your health with the help of herbs.

If you have pain in your lower abdomen or ovary after surgery, treat yourself according to this regimen: 2 weeks before your period, drink sage tea in the mornings and evenings (a teaspoon per glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes). During menstruation, as well as a week after it, drink a tablespoon of viburnum juice three times a day, snacking on natural honey.
Those who have pain in the side or stomach are also recommended to be treated with mud tampons. Soak a long piece of bandage in any medicinal clay (this clay should be a paste, so if you bought powder, dilute it with warm water). Insert the bandage deep into the vagina, leaving the tip hanging down. Go to bed, remove the bandage in the morning and douche with chamomile decoction.

Inflammation of the appendages

Understand inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes caused by a bacterial infection. Symptoms of the problem are severe pain in the ovaries and fever. They worsen during menstruation and immediately after them. Menstruation itself is accompanied by heavy bleeding; in women, the lower back or lower abdomen feels tight. In addition, problems associated with the digestive and genitourinary systems may arise:

  • pain during urination;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating.

What to do?

There are many herbs for women with anti-inflammatory effects. 2 weeks before your period, start taking wormwood: three times a day, prepare tea from half a tablespoon of chopped herbs and a glass of boiling water, drink in small sips. With the onset of menstruation, add viburnum juice (a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach) and continue taking until the bleeding stops. Also shown is an alcohol tincture of boron uterus and wintergreen, the recipe for which we gave above.

Additionally, make tampons and douches from caragana officinalis decoction. Boil a tablespoon of herb for 10 minutes in 200 ml of water, strain. Use two-thirds of the portions for douching, moisten a tampon in the remaining broth and insert it into the vagina. Take a lying position, put a heating pad (if you have pain in the left ovary, place the heating pad on the left, in the right - place it on the right side).


The causes of the problem may also be hidden in. This disease is the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. Symptoms: menstrual irregularities, heavy bleeding during menstruation, pain in the ovaries and pelvic area. Sometimes there is bleeding between periods.

What to do?

Use a special herbal mixture for women:

  • Rue leaves - 10 g;
  • Alexandria leaf – 20 g;
  • Lovage root – 20 g;
  • Greater celandine herb – 20 g;
  • Marigold flowers – 20 g;
  • Black nightshade fruits – 20 g;
  • Parsley root - 30 g;
  • Knotweed grass - 70 g.

Boil a liter of water, add 2 tablespoons of this mixture, cover and boil for 2-3 minutes. Strain before use. Drink a glass 4-5 times a day.

Ovarian dysfunction or premature failure

In some women, the ovaries may (premature menopause) or (dysfunction). The reasons for this phenomenon are hormonal disorders. In addition to pain in the ovarian area, patients complain that their lower back is tight, menstruation has stopped (or is rare), vaginal dryness, increased irritability and hot flashes are observed.

What to do

The function of the ovaries is restored by phytoestrogens - plants containing compounds that are similar in their actions to the work of estrogen. These are hop cones, mistletoe grass, sage grass, red sweet clover flowers, red clover flowers, licorice root, linden blossom, etc.

You can mix equal parts of crushed hop cones, coltsfoot grass and sweet clover herb. Pour into a jar, add hot wine (for 100 g of herbs, take 500 ml of wine), tie the neck with gauze and leave for a week. Strain before use. Take 25 ml morning and evening on an empty stomach.

Infusion of fireweed (fireweed) tea restores hormonal balance in women. Pour a tablespoon of herbs into 400 ml of water heated to 70 C, cover, strain after 10 minutes. Drink a glass in the morning and evening before meals.


Oncological diseases are rare causes of the problem, but they cannot be excluded. Unfortunately, in the first stages the disease is asymptomatic. If pain begins, this means that the tumor has grown to a large size.

Pain in the ovary can occur with various pathologies in women. The ovaries are female organs that regulate the reproductive system.

Pain can also occur from improper use of a hormonal drug.

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Origin of the disease

There are several main reasons:

  1. Oophoritis is an inflammation involving the appendage of the left ovary. Most of all the pain is felt on the left side of the lower abdomen and moves to the lower back. Very often, pain occurs in the form of attacks, but sometimes it is constant. In the case of weakened immunity, hypothermia, psychological or physical fatigue, they intensify, and this disrupts a woman’s appetite, sleep and positive mood.
  2. Inflammation of the ovaries from the so-called adnexitis. If this disease is not treated, the woman will not be able to have children in the future. Colic appears temporarily and can be felt in the lower back.
  3. Due to a tumor or cyst. The first stage of the disease passes almost without symptoms, but when the tumor becomes large, discomfort appears.
  4. Curvature of the base of the cyst or its injury creates pain in the organ. This is formed due to the leakage of fluid from the tumor, which in the future can cause more complex diseases.
  5. Violations of the ovarian structure. This often occurs during ovulation. When a rupture occurs, severe bleeding begins, and if blood enters the abdominal cavity, peritonitis can develop.
  6. Due to adhesive processes occurring in the ovaries.
  7. When the ovaries are paralyzed, that is, when blood gets into them. You feel unbearable colic, radiating to the kidneys, hips, and rectum.
  8. Periovulatory time, that is, the abdominal cavity is irritated by follicular fluid, lasts 1.5 days, then unbearable ovular colic is felt in the organ.
  9. Hyperstimulation - occurs during infertility, when taking hormonal medications. In the first period of treatment, the victim may complain of severe pain.
  10. Pain is also caused by depression and emotional breakdown.

Ovulation on the left side

The main reason why the ovary on the left hurts during ovulation is a breakthrough of the follicle from which the egg is released, which causes severe pain.

Minor bleeding goes away on its own after two days.

Women with hypersensitivity may feel severe pain during ovulation in the side and lower back.

Discharge with small traces of blood indicates a decrease in estradiol levels, that is, a small endometrial detachment.

With such pain, you don’t have to go to the gynecologist. But it happens that pain indicates the onset of ovulation. Often this pain occurs due to appendicitis. But, if unbearable pain suddenly occurs in such an organ, and a high temperature that does not subside for more than 12 hours, you need to go to the hospital.

Effective techniques

All women who care about their health are required to undergo examination by a specialist at least 2 times a year. At the first signs of the disease, you should immediately go to the gynecologist. Only he will be able to determine the source of the problem by simply pressing on the area in the lower abdomen.

Also, in case of such a problem, the gynecologist prescribes auxiliary medical examinations, for example, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, laparoscopy and other sessions that will help relieve pain in this organ for a long time.

Discomfort in pregnant women

Of course, the most popular female disease is inflammation of the ovaries. Its chronic forms pose a great danger. Much to our chagrin, constant or acute inflammation prevents girls between 18 and 25 years old from living peacefully, since at this age everyone wants to become a mother.

And, as you know, a pregnancy that occurs with inflammation of the appendages may end in miscarriage or some kind of illness in the born baby.

That is why any woman before conceiving must be checked for the presence of inflammation, since during pregnancy this disease will remind itself of itself, and then the problem will be even more difficult to solve. And besides, a course of treatment for the inflammatory process of the ovaries during pregnancy can cause great harm to the unborn baby.

In most cases, pain in this organ during pregnancy occurs due to an uncomfortable position while lying down or during some heavy loads.

Women carrying a baby often experience pain in the uterine muscles and ligaments. To put it simply, such pain is sometimes felt in the ovarian area.

But still, in order to protect yourself from various problems and calm down, it is better to get checked before conception and discuss all the details with your gynecologist.

Painful periods

The very first symptom during menstruation may be hypothermia of the body, which results in inflammation.

But only a gynecologist can say what exactly causes ailments when he examines a woman in a chair.

And if a woman’s left ovary gets sick during her period, then she should definitely go to the hospital for a full examination by a doctor and determine the exact cause of this problem based on the following:

  • the nature of the pain before menstruation in the ovary;
  • frequency of pain;
  • how long does the pain last?

Many women suffer from ovarian pain during their periods. This may be the basis for various diseases of the female organs. Any woman feels her period differently, for example, pain in the pubic area, lower abdomen, side, or lower back.

Here are the main reasons for discomfort during menstruation:

  • inflammatory process;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • tumors;
  • pathologies occurring in the internal female genital organs;
  • changes in the location of the appendages and uterus;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle.

Any pain that occurs before or during menstruation is called ovular syndrome.

It occurs in all women and does not pose any threat to health.

But to make sure that there is no such problem, it is still better to check with a specialist.


Lack of menstruation and pain

If a woman suddenly gets sick in her ovary and her period does not come, then she thinks that she is pregnant.

The delay of critical days occurs due to the inflammatory process in the body (for example, in the ovaries), from strict diets.

Therefore, if you have pain and lack of menstruation, you need to go to a specialist. Then the doctor will examine and prescribe the necessary medicine. Also, during treatment, you need to give up the diet and eat meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables.

Pain during intercourse

Active sex using a variety of positions is sometimes accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen. In this case, pulsation, aching, and pricking may occur in both the left and right ovaries. Unfortunately, this manifestation does not bode well.

The main causes of pain during sex can be:

  • inflammation and infections of the genital organs;
  • cyst;
  • penetration too deep;
  • muscle tension;
  • cervicitis;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • adhesive processes.

If painful sensations are observed with every sexual intercourse, you should consult a gynecologist. Painful sensations in the left ovary in early pregnancy may indicate the presence of a corpus luteum cyst.

Feeling unwell after surgery

Surgery is considered a major trauma and shock to the body. That is why pain after surgical procedures is acceptable and does not pose a threat to the body. But if the ovaries do not stop pulsating, aching, or dragging on for several weeks, and the discomfort intensifies, the woman needs to see a doctor.

One of the common operations of the appendages is follicular puncture, the postoperative period of which is also accompanied by painful sensations. A woman may also experience discharge with an unpleasant (sour) odor, severe bloating and aching pain in the left ovary.

Such signs are associated with injury to the tissues and vessels of the appendage, although the injection itself is practically painless. During the puncture, a small bleeding wound or hematoma is formed, which aches for some time.

The pain lasts no more than five days. If the pain does not subside, is accompanied by fever, unusual discharge appears, bloating or loss of consciousness, you should consult a doctor.

The left ovary hurts - causes in women

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