Why do you want rye bread? What is missing in the body if you want something sweet or salty?

Taste preferences Each person’s needs are different - some always want sweets, some cannot live a day without meat, others must eat at least one apple a day. Sometimes habits change, and suddenly there is a desire to eat one thing. What to do if you want to eat a piece of bread?

It turns out that each person has his own set of vitamins and microelements. Depending on the eating behavior, the balance of substances useful in the body changes in the “plus” or “minus” direction. By the way, it very rarely happens that some substances accumulate in the body; usually there is not enough of them. As soon as a certain component is missing, a person wants to immediately eat something, for example, a piece of chocolate or a slice of bread.

What does the body lack? Do you want to eat bread?

Nutritionists say that if you have an urgent desire to eat a piece of bread, this indicates that your body has decreased percentage nitrogen. The body itself signals that it is time to replenish the missing reserves and “asks” to eat a piece of bread.

Why does nitrogen in the body decrease? This happens due to an unbalanced diet and lack of vitamins. If you “diet” for a long time and limit yourself in many ways, the result will be obvious. The body itself will ask for what it lacks. If there is not enough bread, that is, nitrogen, then you need to eat something protein. For example, a handful of nuts, if it is not possible to prepare a full lunch or dinner in the kitchen. If you have the opportunity to cook something, treat yourself to a portion of legumes, steam fish or boil a piece of beef. You definitely need some protein!

In addition to these products, there is also a lot of nitrogen in protein foods such as cottage cheese and eggs. Choose only fresh products to be 100% sure of their quality.

What you shouldn't do

If you are following a diet and do not want to break it, under no circumstances should you continue to deny yourself healthy products. A lack of nitrogen has serious consequences:

  • dizziness and nausea;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity.

The last point is no exception, because by limiting yourself in food and depriving your body useful substances, this way you can disrupt your metabolism and instead of losing weight overweight, they will begin to accumulate rapidly. That's why it's so important to replace a few pieces daily value bread, when you really, really want it, for healthy protein foods.

When the body lacks any vitamin, mineral or other required substance, he signals this. We just don’t understand it as we should. If we really want something sweet, salty, spicy, or sour, we simply eat the first foods we come across that fit the required characteristics. This is strictly forbidden. Such urges of the body indicate that it needs to be enriched with some element that is unlikely to be in harmful products. Most often people want sweets. The reasons for this phenomenon have long been studied by scientists.

If you suddenly feel like eating something sweet, especially at large quantities, you need to solve one of these problems:

  • Lack of chromium in the body.
  • Insufficient amount of phosphorus.
  • Lack of tryptophan.

It is worth noting that chocolate is a special product. If you have an irresistible desire to eat a whole chocolate bar or eat in unlimited quantities chocolate candies Most likely, there is not enough magnesium in the body. It could also be a lack of carbon. In any case, this is not a reason to rush to sweet foods and eat them. You can find a safer and healthier solution for your body.

A small table will help you navigate what is missing in your body.


I want bread and bakery products

Carbon shortage

I want chocolate

Magnesium deficiency

I want bananas

Potassium deficiency

I want any sweets

Lack of magnesium, glucose, tryptophan, phosphorus or chromium

I want smoked products

Lack of cholesterol

I want any cheese

Lack of calcium and phosphorus

I want very fatty foods

Lack of calcium

As you can see, not only sweet dishes can become an imaginary panacea. Any of the above products can be replaced with more healthy food, which will satisfy your hunger and satisfy you.

Psychological problems and addiction to sweet foods

Sometimes you crave sweets for no reason. It is not clear what is missing in the body, since a person eats well. Then the reason can be looked for in psychology.

Professional psychologists are confident that pathological cravings for sweet foods arise when a person lacks love, affection, attention, is unhappy, complex and lacks self-confidence. Such people experience a certain event in their life, after which they find solace in sweets and cakes. They are vulnerable and often need approval and support from others.

In more advanced cases, such cravings indicate pathological anxiety, personality disorders and persistent depression. Then sweets are a so-called antidepressant, a sedative.

How to get rid of psychological problems

We have decided how to understand what is missing in the body. However, if the matter is psychological problems, the usual replenishment of nutrients will not help. Try these measures:

  • Think about what could make you happy instead of sweets. You may want to update your wardrobe, visit a beauty salon, buy a book or magazine. Small joys can replace sweet dishes.
  • Try replacing sweets with something else. Fruits, nuts, dried fruits, dark chocolate or a small amount of honey are perfect for such purposes.
  • If you decide to switch to sweeteners, abandon this idea. They are very harmful to the body, and they will not solve the problem of craving for sweets.
  • Analyze your life. Perhaps there is something in it that does not suit you and depresses you. It's time to eliminate this factor. It's easier to get rid of stress than to eat it.

Sometimes the above methods do not help, you still constantly want sweets. It is not clear what is missing in the body, and the problem is becoming increasingly widespread. In this case, it is best to visit a psychologist who will listen to you carefully and give recommendations that are right for you.

Other causes of sweet cravings

From a physiological point of view, a person absorbs sweet foods in unlimited quantities for the following reasons:

Eliminating one of these causes will normalize the condition of your body. If the problem arose due to a lack of something, you constantly want sweets, which is missing in your body, you figured it out, then you need to start replenishing the natural balance.

All about tryptophan

Tryptophan is an amino acid, the deficiency of which leads to various problems. This substance:

  • Keeps your mood high.
  • Promotes a harmonious state.
  • Increases
  • Stimulates the desire to learn new information.
  • Helps a person remain emotionally stable even in situations with increased tension.
  • Helps you quit smoking and drinking alcohol faster.
  • Reduces the level of aggression, eliminates irritability.
  • Struggles with emotional tension and anxiety.
  • Helps normalize the sleep cycle.
  • Improves sleep quality.
  • Promotes active relaxation in a short time.

The lack of tryptophan greatly affects a person’s emotional state. Without it, the body stops producing serotonin, which is responsible for the feeling of happiness. Scientists have proven that people who are depressed have extremely low level tryptophan in the body.

Craving for sweets is a mandatory symptom of a lack of this substance, but not the only one. Along with it, the following problems may arise:

  • Weight loss.
  • Skin dermatitis.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Impulsiveness, irritability, nervousness, increased level anxiety.
  • Insomnia.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Deterioration of brain activity.
  • Poor concentration.
  • Tendency to depression.
  • Sudden weight gain.
  • Constant uncontrolled overeating.

But don't overdo it with tryptophan. Its excess in the body also negatively affects health. It causes weakness, increased body temperature and fever.

Thanks to the quality and balanced diet your body will receive enough tryptophan. This will not only improve your well-being, relieve problems with nervous system And emotional state, but will also help avoid various complications and diseases. Don't forget that tryptophan is not the only substance a person needs. Nutrition must be complete, that is, it must contain everything essential microelements and macronutrients.

How to Increase Tryptophan Levels

Tryptophan can be purchased at any pharmacy. The drug should be taken according to the instructions, but it is much easier and safer to eat foods with high content of this substance. They are available to almost every person. So, tryptophan is contained in the following products:

  • Turkey and chicken meat.
  • Chicken liver.
  • Lamb meat.
  • Beef liver.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Red and black caviar.
  • Squid.
  • Perch.
  • Mackerel.
  • Various cheeses.
  • Dairy products.
  • Nuts.
  • Beans.
  • Oat groats.
  • Black chocolate.
  • Dried apricots.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Pasta.

But simply eating foods high in tryptophan is not enough. In this case, it simply will not be absorbed by the body. The following accompanying substances are required:

  • Fast carbohydrates.
  • Vitamin B.
  • Ferrum.
  • Magnesium.

The best product that will help the body absorb tryptophan in full is regular chicken liver. It is rich in all of the above substances and can be prepared in different ways.

Please note that a product such as corn is low in this substance. Scientists note that people who often eat dishes containing it have an increased level of aggressiveness.

What you need to know about phosphorus

Not only a craving for sweets can indicate that there is a lack of phosphorus in the body. Along with this symptom, the following factors should be present:

  • Decreased appetite.
  • Constant feeling of weakness.
  • Hands and feet become less sensitive.
  • Pain in the joint area.
  • "Needles" in the body.
  • General malaise.
  • Feeling anxious.
  • An unreasonable feeling of fear.

Also, phosphorus deficiency can occur if a person suffers from leukemia, hyperthyroidism, or is poisoned by phenol or benzene.

If you suddenly started exercising or went on a strict low-protein diet and at the same time your need for sweet food, then be sure that you are dealing with a deficiency of this macronutrient.

Another factor signaling a lack of phosphorus is increased content magnesium or iron in the diet. These substances prevent the body from absorbing certain elements. These include phosphorus.

If a pathological craving for sweets is associated precisely with a lack of this element, then be prepared for the fact that if this problem is not eliminated, a number of difficulties will appear. This is due to the fact that phosphorus:

  • Renders strong influence on mental abilities.
  • Participates in the process of formation and strengthening of bones and teeth.
  • Participates in the formation and development of muscle tissue.
  • In combination with other elements it promotes energy production.
  • Participates in protein synthesis.
  • Takes direct part in metabolism.

To enrich your body with phosphorus, consume the following foods:

  • Processed cheese.
  • Fish: flounder, sardine, tuna, mackerel, sturgeon, horse mackerel, smelt, pollock, capelin.
  • Shrimp, squid, crabs.
  • Legumes.
  • Cottage cheese.

If you are using legumes to increase the phosphorus content in the body, then first soak them in water. This is due to the fact that sometimes the macronutrient is not absorbed or is not absorbed enough. Preliminary processing can solve this problem.

Fortunately, it is very rare today that people suffer from phosphorus deficiency, since it is found in many foods. Due to certain circumstances, a lack of this element in the body may occur, and then an unreasonable craving for sweets will arise. This problem can be quickly and easily resolved by following the recommendations above. You can also purchase capsules containing phosphorus at the pharmacy.

Chromium in food

Unlike previous substances, it is extremely difficult to increase chromium levels in the body through food. This is due to the fact that only foods grown in soil rich in this element contain it. It's hard to find one like this today.

To compensate for the intake of the substance from food, you can purchase chromium preparations at the pharmacy. But don’t forget about proper nutrition. The substance is found in the following foods:

  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Cereal products.
  • Various spices.
  • Legumes.
  • Homemade meat.
  • Fish products.
  • Seafood.
  • Liver.
  • Various types of cheese.

Doctors recommend preparing dishes from these products with minimal processing, since thermal exposure can destroy chromium compounds. This will lead to the body simply not receiving this substance. Therefore, along with proper nutrition and it is recommended to take chromium preparations purchased from official pharmacies having a license.

This element plays an important role in the body, namely:

  • Removes harmful cholesterol from the body.
  • Helps maintain normal weight.
  • Regulates the condition thyroid gland.
  • Helps restore various body functions.
  • Strengthens bones.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Strengthens the effect of insulin.
  • Prevents diabetes.
  • Reduces sensation unreasonable fear and anxiety.
  • Prevents rapid fatigue.
  • Removes radioactive components and heavy metal salts from the body.

You cannot judge a chromium deficiency only by increased cravings for sweets. One or more factors must be present along with this symptom. These include:

  • Stunted growth.
  • Problems with the nervous system.
  • Increased glucose levels in the body.
  • Excess body weight.
  • Unusual perception of alcoholic beverages by the body.

Be careful as excess chromium can also have negative health effects. This results:

  • To the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  • Problems in psychological state.
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Increased risk of developing cancer.

Therefore, plan your diet wisely, and take all pharmaceuticals strictly according to the instructions.

Chromium deficiency can occur for the following reasons:

  • Frequent consumption of glucose.
  • Abuse of chocolate and carbonated drinks.
  • Strict diets involving the exclusion of protein foods from the diet.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Excess calcium in the body.
  • Increased physical activity.

As you can see, the presence of chromium in the body in sufficient quantities is very important aspect for the full functioning of all organ systems. If you don't receive it long time, then health problems cannot be avoided. If you are not sure that your diet sufficiently saturates the body with chromium, then you need to choose pharmaceutical drug, which would compensate possible disadvantage. It is better to do this by consulting your doctor.

What to do if you want baking

Baked goods and sweet foods are different foods in their structure. AND pathological cravings It is necessary to select different explanations for their use. It often happens that you feel like baking. What is missing in the body in this case can be determined by several symptoms. If you want exactly sweet pastries, then the matter is a lack of one of the above elements. But it happens that a person simply wants something floury. Then the problem is in one of the factors:

If you listen to the state of your body in time, analyze it and draw conclusions, then it will not be difficult for you to solve any problem.

Probably, many are familiar with the feeling when you have an unbearable desire to eat something specific. And if in pregnant women this is explained by hormonal changes in the body, then with others everything is not so simple. Scientists have concluded that a strong desire for a certain product is caused by a lack of certain substances in the body.

1) You don’t need anything except chocolate!

If you are ready to sell your soul for a bar of chocolate, it means that you lack not only happiness, but also quite prosaic magnesium. This element is found in unroasted nuts and seeds, legumes and legumes, as well as fruits. So if you don’t have a single piece of chocolate on hand, you can try to satisfy your need with one of the above products.

2) Crust of bread

If, with all the variety of dishes, you only want bread and nothing else, it means that your body’s need for nitrogen has not been met. She is satisfied with foods high in protein: fish, meat, nuts, beans.

3) Cold and crispy

If you really want to gnaw on a piece of ice, oddly enough, what you lack is not water, but... iron! In addition to meat, known for its high iron content, its supply can also be replenished with seaweed, chicken, fish, herbs and cherries.

4) Fatty foods against common sense

If it’s a sandwich, then with a thick layer of butter, and must the potatoes be fried and with lard? And at the same time you realize all the harm fatty foods, but you can’t help yourself? Oddly enough, your body does not have enough calcium. Try substituting the pork cutlet overnight low-fat cottage cheese or a piece of cheese - maybe the craving for fatty foods will decrease. Calcium is also found in legumes, legumes, broccoli and sesame.

5) Coffee or tea in liters

Have you suddenly noticed that your former love for coffee or tea has turned into a real passion, and you constantly want to drink these invigorating drinks more and more? Stop, don't rush to the kettle or coffee maker! Try replacing each cup with any type of cabbage, cranberries, or even horseradish. It is likely that your body needs additional sulfur rather than caffeine.

6) A glass of wine and a cigarette

Do you suddenly feel the urge to drink and smoke? At the same time, you have never abused either one or the other, or maybe you don’t smoke at all? Before you consider yourself a fallen woman, try eating a piece chicken breast or chew some nuts. After all, an unexpected desire to drink and smoke can signal a lack of protein in the body, and it is known to be found in meat, poultry, seafood, nuts and, of course, dairy products.

7) Carbonated taste of childhood

As a child, you, like all children, loved to drink soda. But with age, they began to understand that there are much healthier and tastier drinks in the world. But suddenly you began to increasingly give in to your child’s requests to buy harmful lemonade or cola? And, honestly, are you doing this in order to drink a glass or two of fizzy sweet liquid again and again? It is possible that you simply do not have enough calcium, which, as mentioned above, is found in legumes, legumes, broccoli, cheese and sesame.

8) Zhor as a sign of PMS

Not so rare before the attack critical days Not only do women’s mood deteriorate, but they also wake up with unprecedented hunger. This condition can be tolerated by coming to terms with it. Or you can try to fight. It is possible that constant desire is associated with a lack of zinc in the body. And he will restrain himself in red meat, seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables. Strawberries also contain zinc, which is known to give people who consume it a feeling of happiness. So try eating a sweet strawberry and thereby kill two birds with one stone: your mood will lift and your excessive appetite will decrease. Perhaps in this way it will even be possible to completely get rid of PMS.

9) I don’t want anything!

And finally, not the most common, but frightening female complaint: the appetite has completely disappeared! NotI want neither chocolate, nor marmalade, nor coffee, nor a hamburger, nor fried potatoes... I don't want anything. It may well be that there is a symptom of a lack of vitamins B1 and B2. Vitamin B1 is found in nuts, seeds, legumes, liver, and vitamin B2 is found in tuna, halibut, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, seeds, legumes and legumes. If even after eating these products your appetite is not restored, consult a doctor immediately!

Eat harmoniously, with taste and pleasure, to always remain young and beautiful!

Ekaterina Tarazevich

Good afternoon, dear forum users, have you ever thought that when you want something, it’s not easy! Today, after my first fishing trip, I wanted something, something I don’t know myself, and I remembered one table I saw a long time ago, of course, on the Internet... I think maybe someone will be interested!

The fishing didn’t go as well as I wanted, but I had a good rest...

what is missing in the body, if you want...

The information in the post was collected from several sources, here is another link where there is a good table, but I couldn’t drag it here - the format is not the same.

I want to sweet- lack of magnesium. chromium picolinate
I want to herrings- lack of proper fats (in herring and other sea oily fish a lot of useful Omega 6).
I want to of bread- again there is not enough fat (the body knows that you usually spread something on bread - and it craves: spread it!!).
In the evening I feel like drinking tea with biscuits- we didn’t get it during the day the right carbohydrates(lack of B vitamins, etc.)
I want to dried apricots- lack of vitamin A

I want to bananas- potassium deficiency. Or you drink a lot of coffee, hence the lack of potassium.
I want to chocolate
I want to of bread: Nitrogen deficiency. Found in: high protein foods (fish, meat, nuts, beans).
I want to gnaw ice: Iron deficiency. Contained in: meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, herbs, cherries.
I want to sweet: 1. Lack of chromium. Found in: broccoli, grapes, cheese, chicken, veal liver
2. Lack of carbon. Contained in fresh fruit. 3. Lack of phosphorus. Found in: chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, legumes and legumes. 4. Lack of sulfur. Contained in: cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables ( White cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), kale. 5. Lack of tryptophan (one of essential amino acids). Contained in: cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potatoes, spinach.
I want to fatty foods: Lack of calcium. Contained in: broccoli, legumes and legumes, cheese, sesame.
I want to coffee or tea: 1. Lack of phosphorus. Found in: chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, legumes and legumes. 2. Lack of sulfur. Contained in: cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), kale. 3. Lack of sodium (salt). Contained in: sea ​​salt, apple cider vinegar(dress the salad with this). 4. Lack of iron. Contained in: red meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, green vegetables, cherries.
I want to burnt food: Carbon deficiency. Found in: Fresh fruits.
I want to carbonated drinks: Lack of calcium. Contained in: broccoli, legumes and legumes, cheese, sesame.
I want to salty: Lack of chlorides. Contained in: unboiled goat milk, fish, unrefined sea salt.
I want to sour: Magnesium deficiency. Contained in: unroasted nuts and seeds, fruits, legumes and legumes.
I want to liquid food : Water scarcity. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, with the addition of lemon or lime juice.
I want to solid food: Water scarcity. The body is so dehydrated that it has already lost the ability to feel thirst. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, with the addition of lemon or lime juice.
I want to cold drinks: Lack of manganese. Found in: walnuts, almonds, pecans, blueberries

Zhor on the eve of critical days:
Deficiency: zinc.
Found in: red meat (especially meat internal organs), seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables.
The general invincible zhor attacked:
1. Lack of silicon.

2. Lack of tryptophan (one of the essential amino acids).
Contained in: cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potatoes, spinach.
3. Lack of tyrosine (amino acid).

My appetite is completely gone:
1. Lack of vitamin B1.
Contained in: nuts, seeds, legumes, liver and other internal organs of animals.
2. Lack of vitamin B2.
Found in: tuna, halibut, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, seeds, legumes and legumes
3. Lack of manganese.
Contained in: walnuts, almonds, pecans, blueberries.
I want to smoke:
1.Silicon shortage.
Contained in: nuts, seeds; Avoid refined starchy foods.
2. Lack of tyrosine (amino acid).
Contained in: vitamin supplements with vitamin C or in orange, green and red fruits and vegetables.

I want something...
Peanuts, peanut butter.
The desire to chew peanuts, according to scientists, is inherent primarily in residents of megacities. If you have a passion for peanuts and legumes, it means your body is not getting enough B vitamins.
If the smell of ripe bananas makes you dizzy, then you need potassium. Banana lovers are usually found among those who take diuretics or cortisone drugs, which “eat up” potassium. A banana contains about 600 mg of potassium, that is, a quarter daily requirement adult. However, these fruits are very high in calories. If you are afraid of gaining weight, replace bananas with tomatoes, white beans or figs.
A passion for bacon and other smoked meats usually overcomes people on a diet. Limiting fat-containing foods leads to a decrease in blood cholesterol levels, and smoked meats are precisely the product that contains the most saturated fat. If you don’t want to negate the effect of the diet, don’t give in to temptation.
Melons contain a lot of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as vitamins A and C. People with weak nervous and nervous systems have a special need for them. cardiovascular system. By the way, half an average melon contains no more than 100 kcal, so you won’t be afraid of extra pounds.
Sour fruits and berries.
Cravings for lemons, cranberries, etc. observed during colds when a weakened body experiences increased need in vitamin C and potassium salts. Those who have problems with the liver and gall bladder are also drawn to sour things.
Paints, plaster, earth, chalk.
The desire to chew all this usually occurs in children, teenagers and pregnant women. It indicates a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D, which occurs during the period of intensive growth in children and formation skeletal system fetus during pregnancy. Add dairy products, eggs, butter and fish - this way you can easily correct the situation.
Onions, garlic, spices and seasonings.
As a rule, people with respiratory problems experience an urgent need for spices. If a person is craving garlic and onions and spreads mustard on his bread instead of jam, perhaps there is something on his nose. respiratory disease. Apparently, in this way - with the help of phytoncides - the body tries to protect itself from infection.
Milk and dairy products.
Lovers fermented milk products, especially cottage cheese, are most often people in need of calcium. A sudden love for milk can also arise due to a lack of essential amino acids - tryptophan, lysine and leucine.
Ice cream.
Ice cream, like other dairy products, - good source calcium. But people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism, suffering from hypoglycemia or diabetes mellitus. Psychologists see love for ice cream as a manifestation of longing for childhood.
A constant craving for seafood, especially mussels and seaweed, is observed with iodine deficiency. such people need to buy iodized salt.
Olives and olives.
The love for olives and olives (as well as pickles and marinades) arises due to a lack of sodium salts. In addition, addiction to salty foods occurs in people with thyroid dysfunction.
It is loved by those who need calcium and phosphorus. Try replacing cheese with cabbage and broccoli - it contains much more of these substances and almost no calories.
A craving for it is observed among vegetarians, whose diet is low in fat, and among residents of the North who lack vitamin D.
Sunflower seeds.
The desire to chew the seeds most often arises among smokers who are in dire need of antioxidant vitamins, which sunflower seeds are rich in.
The love for chocolate is a universal phenomenon. However, caffeine addicts and those whose brains especially need glucose love chocolate more than others.

SWEET. Perhaps you are working your butt off and have already gotten on your nerves. Glucose is actively involved in the production of the stress hormone - adrenaline. Therefore, with nervous and mental overstrain, sugar is consumed faster, and the body constantly requires new portions.
In such a situation, treating yourself to sweets is not a sin. But it’s better not to gobble up pieces of rich cakes (they contain a lot of heavy carbohydrates), but limit yourself to chocolate or marshmallows.
SALT. If you attack pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and herring like a beast, if the food always seems under-salted, we may be talking about an exacerbation of old inflammation or the emergence of a new source of infection in the body.
Practice shows that most often these problems are associated with genitourinary system- cystitis, prostatitis, inflammation of the appendages, etc.
SOUR. This is often a signal low acidity stomach. This happens with gastritis with insufficient secretory function when little is produced gastric juice. This can be checked using gastroscopy.
Also, foods with a sour taste have cooling, astringent properties, helps relieve symptoms of colds and elevated temperature, stimulates appetite.
BITTER. Perhaps this is a signal of intoxication of the body after an untreated illness or slagging of the digestive system.
If you often want something with a bitter taste, it makes sense to arrange fasting days, do cleansing procedures.
BURNING. The dish seems bland until you throw half a pepper shaker into it, but your feet lead you to a Mexican restaurant? This may mean that you have a “lazy” stomach; it digests food slowly and needs a stimulus to do so. And hot spices and spices stimulate digestion.
Also, the need for spicy food may signal a violation of lipid metabolism and an increase in the amount of “bad” cholesterol. Spicy food thins the blood, promotes the removal of fats, and “cleanses” blood vessels. But at the same time it irritates the mucous membrane. So don't load up on chili and salsa on an empty stomach.
Astringent. If you suddenly have an unbearable desire to put a handful of bird cherry berries in your mouth or you can’t calmly pass by persimmons, your protective forces weaken and urgently need replenishment.
Products with an astringent taste promote the division of skin cells (help heal wounds) and improve complexion. They help stop bleeding (for example, with fibroids), remove phlegm in case of bronchopulmonary problems.
But astringent foods thicken the blood - this can be dangerous for people with increased coagulability blood and a tendency to thrombus formation (with varicose veins, hypertension, some heart diseases).
FRESH. The need for such food often arises with gastritis or stomach ulcers with increased acidity, constipation, as well as problems with the liver and gall bladder.
Fresh food weakens, helps relieve cramping pain, and soothes the stomach.

Chocolate-sweet passion
More often than others, caffeine fans and those whose brains especially need glucose suffer from “chocolate addiction.” This also applies to other sweets. If you eat an unbalanced diet, your body will also need glucose - as the fastest source of energy. Namely, chocolate copes with this task perfectly. But keep in mind that this product contains a lot of fat, the excess of which is dangerous for your blood vessels and figure.
*** Eat more vegetables and cereals - they are rich complex carbohydrates. And for dessert, choose dried fruits or honey with a small amount nuts
Cheese passion
Spicy, salty, with or without spices... You cannot live a day without it, its taste drives you crazy - you are ready to consume kilograms of it (in any case, you eat at least 100 g per day). Nutritionists claim that cheese is loved by those who have an urgent need for calcium and phosphorus. Of course, cheese is the richest source of these much needed and extremely useful to the body substances, but fats...
*** Try replacing cheese with broccoli cabbage - it has a lot of calcium and phosphorus, but almost no calories. If your body accepts milk well, drink 1-2 glasses a day, and eat cheese little by little (no more than 50 g per day) and together with raw vegetables.
Passion sour lemon
Perhaps your diet is dominated by difficult-to-digest foods, and the body is trying to increase the acidity of gastric juice to make its work easier. If you have a cold, you may also feel cravings. sour fruits and berries are an excellent source of vitamin C.
*** Choose meals with moderate fat content and do not mix many foods in one sitting. Avoid fried, overly salted and overly spicy food, as well as one that has undergone excessive heat treatment. If you notice problems with digestion (especially in the liver and gallbladder), be sure to be examined by a gastroenterologist.
Smoked passion
A passion for smoked meats and similar delicacies usually overcomes those who are on an overly strict diet. Long-term restriction of fat-containing foods in the diet leads to a decrease in the level of “good” cholesterol in the blood, and smoked foods contain a sufficient amount of saturated fat.
*** Don't get carried away with low-fat foods - choose one that still contains a little fat. For example, buy yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk with one or two percent fat content. Eat at least a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of butter per day, even if you are on a strict diet. Scientists have experimentally proven that those who consume a sufficient amount of fat lose weight faster.
Food passions and diseases
Onions, garlic, spices and seasonings. An urgent need for these foods and spices usually indicates problems with the respiratory system.
Olives and olives. Such an addiction is possible due to a disorder of the thyroid gland.
Ice cream. People with carbohydrate metabolism disorders, hypoglycemia or diabetes mellitus have a special love for it.
Bananas. If the smell of ripe bananas makes you dizzy, pay attention to the state of your heart.
Sunflower seeds. The desire to chew seeds most often occurs among those who are in dire need of antioxidant vitamins. This means that there is a lot in your body free radicals– the main provocateurs of premature aging.

The human body is very similar to a computer. Follow his testimony very carefully.

For example, before I had never had a passion for this or that dish, but suddenly I wanted it to the point of impossibility. Not by chance. This internal computer sends you a message via ICQ: your body lacks certain microelements. It's time to take action.

If you have never liked sweets, but suddenly have a craving for chocolate, diagnose yourself: magnesium deficiency. The same thing happens if you want something sour. In general, listen to your body more often. If you reach for something richer, drink carbonated drinks avidly - it’s bad for calcium. Once you achieve balance, you will immediately become hungry. They ate bread uncontrollably, and then “gave up” - before there was not enough nitrogen, but now everything is tip top.

Previously, they looked at food with longing and felt complete indifference to it (deficiency of manganese and vitamins B1, B3), but now they are ready to swallow an elephant (bad with silicon and tyrosine) - everything has its own explanation.

Still, it’s better not to wait for signals from the body, but to try to balance your own diet, taking into account what is contained in what product. And here's what you should remember.

Magnesium is found in chocolate, nuts and fruits.

Phosphorus is found in fish, beef, liver and nuts.

Calcium comes from cheese, cabbage and mustard.

Sulfur is egg yolks, cranberries, garlic, horseradish.

Iron comes from meat, fish, cherries, greens, seaweed, a mug of cocoa a day will come in handy.

Zinc is found in meat and seafood.

Vitamin B1 comes from nuts, beans and liver.

Vitamin B3 comes from beans, meat and halibut fish.

Another way to recognize what is missing in the body is by symptoms.

If your heart is acting up - low potassium - eat fruits and vegetables.

Peeling skin - problems with iodine - eat seafood, onions and carrots.

Teeth turn yellow - this is not only due to an addiction to smoking, but also to a deficiency of certain microelements - eat beans, fish and bananas.

What is missing in the body, if you want...

Peanuts (peanut butter) - lack of B vitamins (found in nuts, beans, meat and fish).

Bananas - lack of potassium or drink a lot of coffee, hence the lack of potassium (found in tomatoes, white beans and figs).

Melons - lack of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as vitamins A and C.

Dried apricots - lack of vitamin A.

Olives and olives - lack of sodium salts.

Milk and fermented milk products - lack of calcium or essential amino acids - tryptophan, lysine and leucine.

Ice cream - lack of calcium (people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism have a special love for it).

Seafood - iodine deficiency (use iodized salt).

Herring - lack of proper fats.

Sunflower seeds - lack of antioxidant vitamins (especially common in smokers).

Butter - lack of vitamin D.

Cheese - lack of calcium and phosphorus (found in cottage cheese, milk and broccoli).

Bread - lacks nitrogen (found in meat, fish and nuts)

Chocolate - lack of magnesium (found in unroasted nuts and seeds, fruits, legumes and legumes).

I just want something...

Sweets - lack of glucose (found in fruits, berries, honey and sweet vegetables).

Salty - lack of chlorides (found in unboiled goat milk, fish, unrefined sea salt).

Sour - lack of vitamin C (found in rose hips, lemons, kiwi, cranberries, Brussels sprouts, currants and strawberries).

Smoked meats - lack of cholesterol (found in red fish, olives, avocados, nuts).

Fatty foods - lack of calcium (found in broccoli, legumes and legumes, cheese, sesame).

Burnt food - lack of carbon (found in fresh fruits).

Cold drinks - Lack of manganese (found in walnuts, almonds, pecans, blueberries).

Carbonated drinks - lack of calcium (found in broccoli, legumes and legumes, cheese, sesame).

In the evening, drink tea with dried cookies - during the day you didn’t get the right carbohydrates (found in meat, fish, legumes and nuts).

Liquid food - lack of water (drink 8-10 glasses of water per day, with the addition of lemon or lime juice).

Solid food - lack of water (the body is so dehydrated that it has already lost the ability to feel thirst. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day).

But if...

Zhor on the eve of critical days - lack of zinc (found in red meat (especially meat of internal organs), seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables).

A common invincible glutton is a lack of silicon, amino acids tryptophan and tyrosine (found in nuts, seeds, cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, spinach, green and red vegetables and fruits).

Appetite completely disappeared - lack of manganese and vitamins B1 and B2 (found in walnuts, almonds, nuts, seeds, legumes and legumes, meat, fish and poultry).

Want to smoke - lack of silicon and the amino acid tyrosine (found in nuts, seeds, orange, green and red fruits and vegetables).

You want to bite ice - lack of iron (found in meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, greens, cherries).

I want paint, plaster, earth, chalk - lack of calcium and vitamin D (found in eggs, butter and fish),

Passion for food...

Chocolate-sweet passion. More often than others, caffeine fans and those whose brains especially need glucose suffer from “chocolate addiction.” This also applies to other sweets. If you have an unbalanced diet, your body will also need glucose - as the fastest source of energy. Namely, chocolate copes with this task perfectly. But keep in mind that this product contains a lot of fat, the excess of which is dangerous for your blood vessels and figure. Eat more vegetables and cereals - they are rich in complex carbohydrates. And for dessert, choose dried fruits or honey with a small amount of nuts.

Cheese passion. Spicy, salty, with or without spices... You cannot live a day without it, its taste drives you crazy - you are ready to consume kilograms of it (in any case, you eat at least 100 g per day). Nutritionists claim that cheese is loved by those who have an urgent need for calcium and phosphorus. Of course, cheese is the richest source of these much-needed and extremely beneficial substances for the body, but fats... Try replacing cheese with cabbage and broccoli - it has a lot of calcium and phosphorus, and almost no calories. If your body accepts milk well, drink 1-2 glasses a day, and eat cheese little by little (no more than 50 g per day) and together with raw vegetables.

Passion is sour and lemon. Perhaps your diet is dominated by difficult-to-digest foods, and the body is trying to increase the acidity of gastric juice to make its work easier. When you have a cold, you may also be drawn to sour fruits and berries - an excellent source of vitamin C. Choose dishes with moderate fat content and do not mix many foods in one sitting. Avoid fried, overly salted and overly spicy foods, as well as those that have been overly processed. If you notice problems with digestion (especially in the liver and gallbladder), be sure to be examined by a gastroenterologist.

Smoked passion. A passion for smoked meats and similar delicacies usually overcomes those who are on an overly strict diet. Long-term restriction of fat-containing foods in the diet leads to a decrease in the level of “good” cholesterol in the blood, and smoked meats contain a sufficient amount of saturated fat. Don't get carried away with low-fat foods - choose ones that still have some fat. For example, buy yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk with one or two percent fat content. Eat at least a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of butter per day, even if you are on a strict diet. Scientists have experimentally proven that those who consume a sufficient amount of fat lose weight faster.

Food passions and diseases.

Onions, garlic, spices and seasonings. An urgent need for these foods and spices usually indicates problems with the respiratory system.

Olives and olives. Such an addiction is possible due to a disorder of the thyroid gland.

Ice cream. People with carbohydrate metabolism disorders, hypoglycemia or diabetes mellitus have a special love for it.

Bananas. If the smell of ripe bananas makes you dizzy, pay attention to the state of your heart.

Sunflower seeds. The desire to chew seeds most often occurs among those who are in dire need of antioxidant vitamins. This means that there are a lot of free radicals in your body - the main provocateurs of premature aging.

About vitamins......

Vitamin A

Where: carrots, orange, tangerine, lemon, cod liver, cheese (especially hard varieties like Parmesan), butter, eggs.

What threatens the shortage: dry skin, an abundance of acne, premature wrinkles, brittle, falling hair, susceptibility to infections, private stomach upsets.

Vitamin B2

Where: chanterelles, whole grain bread, wheat sprouts, broccoli, veal brains, liver, cottage cheese, egg yolk, cheese.

What is the threat of a shortage? inflammatory processes on the skin, cracks in the corners of the lips, in severe cases- decreased appetite, insomnia.

Vitamin B5

Where: Peanuts, broccoli, rice, legumes, chicken, liver, organ meats.

What the shortage threatens: nails are soft and brittle, hair becomes thinner and falls out, and sometimes begins to turn gray prematurely, stress.

Vitamin B6

Where: walnuts, bananas, green salad, wheat germ, salmon, oysters, milk, eggs, meat.

What threatens the lack: irritation, redness, peeling of the skin, tendency to diathesis, seborrhea, nausea, lack of appetite.
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

Where: nuts, beans, green salad, bananas, oranges, eggs, organ meats.

What threatens the shortage: a tendency to anemia; in pregnant women, an increased risk of abnormalities in the child.

Vitamin C

Where: orange, sea buckthorn, black currant, kiwi, asparagus, strawberry.

What threatens the shortage: dry skin, wounds heal poorly, increased fatigue, insomnia, susceptibility to infections.

Vitamin D

Where: milk, cod liver, fatty fish.

What threatens the shortage: rickets occurs in children, and increased blood pressure in adults.

Vitamin E

olive oil, almonds, fennel, spinach.

What is the threat of a shortage? early aging skin, deterioration of sperm quality in men, and therefore a tendency to infertility.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid)

Where: porcini mushrooms, hare, turkey.

What threatens the shortage: the skin becomes rough, peels, cracks appear, gums bleed, frequent disorders stomach.

Vitamin H (biotin)

Where: found everywhere in one form or another, most of all in beef liver and egg yolk.

What threatens the lack: dermatitis, seborrhea, drowsiness, nails and hair stop growing.

What is missing? Check yourself!

We determine the lack of vitamins by the reflection in the mirror.


Which vitamins are missing in your body?

Dandruff appears when there is a deficiency of vitamins B12, B6, P and selenium.

Caffeine destroys B vitamins - reduce your coffee intake.

Has your hair become dull and brittle?

This is a sign of a lack of vitamins B9, C and H, as well as calcium.

The cause of insomnia may be a deficiency of B vitamins, potassium and calcium.

But keep in mind that sleeping pills make it difficult to absorb vitamins from this group.

Do you constantly suffer from dizziness and tinnitus?

This is caused by a lack of vitamins B3 and E, as well as the trace elements potassium and magnesium.

The effect of these vitamins on the human body is enhanced by combination with vitamin C.

Red eyes and the inability to quickly adapt in the dark are sometimes explained by a lack of vitamins A and B2. Vitamin A is fat-soluble, so it can only be fully absorbed with fats.

Extend your arms with your palms up and try to simultaneously bend your little finger and ring finger so that the tips touch the palm.

If you cannot perform this exercise well, this indicates a deficiency of vitamin B6.

If you notice that even with mild injuries you have bruises, then this is most likely due to a lack of vitamins C, K, and R in the body.

We decided on the test, a sign showing what you need to eat to replenish your body with vitamins

What does your body lack if you are over 40...

Natalya GRIDASOVA, psychoendocrinologist:

In emotional perception, for many, the 40th anniversary is a milestone. There is even a sign - not to celebrate the “fortieth anniversary”. But what is actually happening?

There is a gradual decrease in the production of sex hormones. In women this process goes faster. A decrease in estrogen closer to 45-47 years of age often makes women irritable, anxious, tearfulness increases, and hot flashes occur. Hot flashes are associated with a disorder nervous regulation vascular tone and bothers 85% of women. Experts believe that women at risk:

* who have always had a pronounced premenstrual syndrome(PMS);* suffering vegetative-vascular dystonia;* having endocrine diseases(for example, thyroid problems);* diabetics and obese people.

To support hormonal background, you need to make sure that your diet contains enough vitamins E, K, folic acid(vitamin Sun).

Do I need to “clean” the vessels?

Tamara OGIEVA, cardiologist:

Estrogen is a natural protector blood vessels. The more it is, the more better tone vessels. Women's vessels are more plastic and less susceptible to atherosclerosis. In girls, as cardiologists joke, cholesterol is deposited at the waist, and not on the walls of blood vessels.

But after 40 - 45 years, hormonal levels begin to change. The elasticity of blood vessels is lost, capillaries become fragile.

* Honey cleanses and dilates blood vessels (at least a tablespoon per day), dried apricots (100 g per day), lemon juice, grapefruits, persimmons, garlic.* Salt retains fluid and can cause vascular spasms. Try to eat less salty and spicy foods - smoked sausages, sausages, meat and cold smoked fish.* At least 3-4 times a week, eat fish, especially sea food, seafood, they are rich in Omega-3 acids, which protect the walls of blood vessels from loss of elasticity and formation cholesterol plaques.* Eat at least 500 grams every day raw vegetables and fruits. They contain fiber, from which the body synthesizes fibrous fibers that strengthen blood vessels.

VEGETABLE OILS (olive, sunflower, corn). They contain a lot of vitamin E, which keeps blood vessels elastic, and unsaturated fatty acids, which reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

BERRIES (fresh and frozen), pears, bananas, cereals, grain bread. They have a lot of fiber. Plant fibers help remove excess fats from the body that “clog” blood vessels.

Raisins, wholemeal bread, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, beans in any form, as well as watermelons are a source of magnesium. He has vasodilating effect(helps relieve spasms).

TOMATOES, raisins, prunes, dried apricots, baked potato, beans, rich in potassium. It helps cardiac conduction and controls water-salt metabolism(reduces the risk of edema).

SWEET PEPPER, citrus fruits, apples, sea buckthorn, rose hips, cranberries. All of them are sources of vitamin C, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the lining of the heart.

SQUID, mussels, seaweed. They contain iodine, which is important not only for the thyroid gland, but also protects against atherosclerosis.

NUTS, and beef liver, kidneys, rye bread, spinach, pumpkin. They contain a lot of B vitamins.

They stimulate metabolism and inhibit the development of vascular atherosclerosis.

It interferes with the absorption of vitamins

* Alcohol washes vitamins A, the entire B group, as well as calcium, zinc, potassium, iron, magnesium from the body. * Nicotine destroys vitamins A, C, E and selenium. * Caffeine (more than 4 cups of coffee per day) kills B vitamins, PP, reduces the content of iron, potassium, zinc, and calcium in the body.* Sleeping pills make it difficult to absorb vitamins A, D, E, B12, and reduce calcium levels.