What is Escherichia coli? Escherichia coli - treatment

Escherichia coli can live and develop normally only under conditions complete absence oxygen. It was studied in the eighteenth century. Medicine gradually progressed, and soon a number of similar organisms were discovered. After careful study, it became clear that most of these sticks do not cause harm to the human body. Moreover, some of them are in symbiosis with us, helping the gastrointestinal tract function properly. However, there are microorganisms of this group that are dangerous to our lives. Their presence can cause poisoning, as well as more serious diseases. Therefore, it is very important to detect infection with these microorganisms in time and quickly eliminate them. How to do this - read on.

Types and symptoms of E. coli

E. coli is present in the body of children and adults, women and men. Such bacteria can be part of a system called “microflora” or they can be pests that are dangerous to health and life. It depends on their number and type.

E. coli can live in the blood, in semen, in the mouth, in the throat, in urine, in the canals of the penis, in milk, in the stomach and from the intestinal cavity. This microorganism can take root everywhere.

There are several varieties of E. coli, or as it is scientifically called “escherichiacoli,” which pose a great danger to the human body. Let's get to know them.

What are the different types of E. coli?

  1. Enteropotagenic E. coli cause enterocolitis. This disease breaks out like a real epidemic in maternity wards and kindergartens. It is transmitted into the body on the hands of medical staff or on an infected, poorly treated nipple. Activated in the intestines. The illness looks like food poisoning.
  2. Enteroinvasive E. coli occurs in the same way as dysentery. Most often it affects children over one year of age and adults. Enters the body through food. Also lives in dirty water.
  3. Enterohemorrhagic, hemolytic or hemolyzing bacillus usually appears in children after one year and in adults. Causes hemorrhagic colitis. It is dangerous because it causes complications in the form of kidney failure, anemia and a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood.
  4. Enterotoxigenic the stick manifests itself in the form of acute diarrhea. It is usually eliminated from the body on its own. By the way, the condition caused by this stick is called traveler's diarrhea.

In addition to the diseases described, pathogenic and non-pathogenic Escherichia coli can cause various diseases of the reproductive and urinary tract. If strains of such a bacillus settle in the vagina, then they enter the bloodstream, affecting the ovaries and uterus, causing a lot of diseases in the “female part”. Such an infection can also enter the male genital organs, which will lead to inflammation of the testicles or prostate and other dangerous diseases.

Symptoms of E. coli

Since the pathogenic bacillus is transmitted quickly and is very dangerous, it has a negative effect on all organs, so it is necessary to notice its signs in time and carry out high-quality treatment. Otherwise, the consequences of such an infection can be serious illness.

Some strains of E. coli even multiply in newborns. During pregnancy, the wand has a negative effect on the fetus. It can not only cause premature birth, but also enter the bloodstream and cause meningitis in the child, as well as other diseases that are dangerous for the development and even the life of the baby.

Fecal, bread, cholera coli, as well as enterococcus cause similar symptoms. Therefore, determining the presence of E. coli in the blood is not at all difficult.

What symptoms does E. coli cause in humans?

  • Dysbacteriosis, such as constipation and diarrhea;
  • Severe pain in the abdominal area;
  • Nausea and vomiting occur;
  • Flatulence;
  • Bad breath;
  • Severe general weakness;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Fever;
  • Low pressure.

When E. coli enters the body, it is activated, because it ends up in the flora that allows it to reproduce. This is why you can see such unpleasant pictures, similar to the symptoms of poisoning. Therefore, they try to quickly diagnose it; it can be found in feces, urine, and it is also looked at in a spermogram and in a smear.

How is E. coli transmitted?

Many people wonder: “Where does E. coli come from and where is its habitat?” Here we can answer that it lives everywhere, but we need to talk separately about the reasons for its contamination of the body.

Eschericia coli does not take long to cure. However, it can cause complications such as meningitis, prostate problems, and so on. Therefore, you need to know the reasons for its appearance in order to know how prevention is carried out.

All of you have probably heard about the E. coli epidemic. It usually occurs in the summer, when there are many more ways of transmitting it. Let's see how you can get such a sore.

How is E. coli transmitted:

  1. First of all, E. coli enters the body with food. This could be an apple that was held in the hands of a person on whose body this stick was located, or pickles that were prepared in the wrong conditions. Also, the stick may end up in the milk if the cow was handled without proper hygiene.
  2. The stick can also be found in water. At the same time, it can be picked up both in reservoirs and in unboiled tap water.
  3. A baby may develop a stick problem if he puts dirty fingers in his mouth. He may also get sick if you do not properly handle the pacifier with baby food.
  4. The infection can also be transmitted sexually. This is possible if sperm erupts and your partner’s biological material contains E. coli. Also, such an infection can occur during anal sex.
  5. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. If you wear very tight underwear, then particles of feces may enter the vagina along with beads of sweat. Also, if you rarely wash, then feces gradually enter the vagina along with sweat. It is for these reasons that colpitis occurs.

As you can see, there can be many reasons for E. coli entering the body. This infection looks similar to poisoning, so it will not be difficult to identify it.

Treatment and symptoms of E. coli

E. coli is treated with different methods, which depend on where it got in and how it manifests itself. How long such procedures will last and what pills or injections will be used is determined by the doctor.

How to get rid of E. coli:

  1. E. coli may be present in the urine. This looks like inflammation of the genitourinary tract. This disease is treated with antibiotics, uroseptics and medications that enhance immunity. The doctor will tell you the name of the medicine that suits you.
  2. If signs of E. coli division are found in the vagina or penis, then a course of antibiotics is prescribed, the duration of which is quite short. Such treatment also involves observing rules of personal hygiene and temporarily abstaining from sexual intercourse.
  3. When E. coli is detected when taking a swab from the throat, it is treated with antibiotics, antifungal drugs and rinsing the mouth with antiseptics.
  4. When a bacillus is detected in a woman during pregnancy, probiotics and bacteriophages are prescribed as treatment. If this treatment does not help, then antibiotics are prescribed. Children are treated using the same principle.
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Escherichia coli is a microorganism that inhabits the intestines of most warm-blooded mammals (including humans), maintaining the balance of intestinal microflora. The gram-negative bacterium was discovered in the 19th century by the German microbiologist Escherich and was named after the discoverer of Escherichia coli.

A group of diseases associated with Escherichia coli and caused by pathogenic strains of the bacterium are called Escherichiosis. They act as causes of diseases of the intestines, kidneys and other organs. This creates a number of problems in the field of digestion and the genitourinary system.

E. coli enters the human body after birth and remains throughout life. The presence of non-pathogenic strains in the intestines is normal.

In the human intestine, symbiosis occurs with a bacterium that is directly involved in the synthesis of vitamins B and K. The benefit for the body of a normal bacillus is to inhibit the growth of opportunistic intestinal flora (staphylococcus) and help remove toxins from the body. Some strains are used as a probiotic to enhance immune defense and treat diarrhea in newborns.

Normally, E. coli colonizes a child’s large intestine. Sometimes pathogenic strains can be detected in the stomach. Although the microorganism is a facultative anaerobe, it can survive in soil and water. The bacterium lives in the external environment and is transmitted through unwashed hands and contaminated water. Therefore, it is important to do tests to detect the presence of fecal contamination. Another habitat is the genitourinary area of ​​men and women.

The genus Escherichia belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae family. The largest group of varieties of microorganisms is beneficial to the body. Some strains are pathogenic in nature - a number of severe food poisoning and genitourinary infections appear. In severe immunodeficiency conditions, when E. coli has spread throughout the body, it can lead to the development of meningitis and sepsis.

Types of intestinal escherichiosis

There are more than 100 strains of pathogenic microorganisms that can cause the development. Four types of pathogens of intestinal escherichiosis have been identified. Each of the microorganisms produces its own variety of enterotropic toxins, which cause serious diseases that leave unpleasant consequences for the body. The symptoms and treatment of the groups have distinctive characteristics that determine the type of pathogen.

Sometimes escherichiosis occurs in the form of carriers without symptoms.

The transmission mechanism of E. coli is fecal-oral. The causative agent of escherichiosis - pathogenic Escherichia coli - penetrates into the oral cavity from dirty hands, through unwashed vegetables and fruits. Penetration of the microorganism with meat and lightly cooked fish is possible. The carrier of E. coli can be domestic large and small livestock raised for meat and dairy products. The pathogen can be transmitted in milk or through contaminated water.

The pathogen can be killed by boiling.

Clinic of intestinal escherichiosis

The incubation period for escherichiosis lasts 2-3 days. Upon completion, the clinical picture develops. Clinical signs of E. coli depend on the pathogen group.

Enteropathogenic escherichiosis

Clinic of hemolyzing Escherichia coli

It affects people with a pronounced decrease in the body's immune defense - newborn babies, especially premature ones. In adults, hemolyzing bacillus often develops in old age. Women after childbirth are susceptible to the disease. Penetration of pathogen toxins into the bloodstream leads to disruption of microcirculation. This is how the formation of hemolytic-uremic syndrome occurs.

  1. The onset of the disease is acute. Symptoms of intoxication of the body are sharply expressed. Streaks or blood clots appear in the stool.
  2. Massive destruction of endothelial cells by E. coli toxins leads to the development of a severe syndrome - disseminated intravascular coagulation. The syndrome is manifested by pathological platelet aggregation. Pale skin is accompanied by hemorrhages. The disease poses a threat to the patient's life.
  3. Renal tubules and glomeruli are affected. Ischemia occurs in the vessels of the renal glomeruli, fibrin deposition. As a result of glomerular necrosis, the clinical picture of acute renal failure develops. The amount of urine excreted by the kidneys sharply decreases, and anuria occurs.
  4. As a result of damage to toxins from hemolyzing E. coli erythrocytes, a special type of hemolytic jaundice develops. Symptomatically expressed in the coloring of the skin in a lemon-yellow color.

With the right, timely approach to treatment, most patients are able to restore normal kidney function. In a quarter of cases, multiple organ failure develops. The condition has virtually no cure and leads to death. Half of patients develop cerebral edema. A urine test reveals a significant amount of protein and red blood cells. Anemia develops in the blood - the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells decreases.

Features of escherichiosis in childhood

In children, E. coli causes infectious lesions of varying severity. Severe manifestations of the disease occur in children in the first year of life who were born prematurely and underweight. A child can become infected with E. coli either from a sick adult or from a carrier who has no clinical manifestations.

The onset of the disease in children is acute. Body temperature rises quickly, frequent, uncontrollable vomiting and loose stools develop. The patient's stool takes on a bright orange hue.

Toxic waste products of Escherichia coli penetrate through the walls of damaged epithelial cells into the blood and lead to the development of toxicosis in the child. Blood acidosis develops quickly. Against the background of intense vomiting and diarrhea, the child’s clinical picture of dehydration quickly increases. The prolonged course of the disease leads to the development of chronic ulcerative enteritis or enterocolitis.

Low birth weight babies and babies born prematurely often suffer from E. coli in the form of septic complications. The pathogen is carried in the blood and foci of purulent infection form throughout the child’s body. Pneumatosis intestinalis and pneumonia often develop. Death occurs as a result of toxicosis and severe dehydration.

Infection of a child can occur during childbirth when an infected mother passes through the birth canal. In this case, purulent meningitis often develops.

Detection of E. coli in urine

If a person does not follow the rules of personal hygiene, there is an increased risk of E. coli in his urine. This microorganism has the ability to adhere to epithelial cells of the urinary tract. When urinating, the pathogen is not washed away. To collect a urine test for the presence of Escherichia in it, a sample is taken using a urinary catheter.

The detection of E. coli in the urine is not yet a sign of an infectious disease. A diagnosis can only be made if the presence of a pathogen in the patient’s urine is accompanied by clinical symptoms.

Detection of E. coli in vaginal smears

The appearance of E. coli in a smear is caused by violation of the simplest rules of personal hygiene, as well as wearing tight underwear. Often the cause of its appearance is unprotected sex.

In women, infection with pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli leads to the development of chronic inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs. Escherichia coli in a smear in women is accompanied by clinical symptoms or present in the form of carriage. In this case, the carrier is able to release the microorganism into the environment and contribute to its spread.

Escherichia can be detected in gynecology by taking a smear or scraping from the cervix or urethral walls. Microscopy of a vaginal smear reveals both the presence and quantity of E. coli, as well as indirect signs of inflammation - desquamated epithelium and leukocytes. The inflammatory reaction manifests itself by the presence of 10 - 15 leukocytes in the field of view. The severity of inflammation also depends on how many colonies of the pathogen are detected in flora cultures. Vaginal discharge with E. coli is mucous or purulent in nature.

Principles of treatment

Diagnosis of pathogenic Escherichia strains is complicated by the fact that the biological material contains a large number of normal non-pathogenic cells. Often the colony of normal and pathogenic rods looks the same. How to treat E. coli in a particular case will depend on the results of the bacteriological study.

The treatment of diseases caused by various types of Escherichia is primarily based on antibacterial drugs. Escherichia exhibits the greatest sensitivity to drugs from the group of fluoroquinolones and aminoglycosides. The effect when E. coli is found is achieved by therapy while taking the drug amoxicillin. The medicine is taken both orally and parenterally. The decision about which antibiotic is best to prescribe should be made based on sensitivity cultures.

Specific bacteriophages have an effective therapeutic effect. These are special strains of viruses that destroy the causative agent of escherichiosis and thus quickly cure Escherichia coli.

The fight against the pathogenetic mechanisms of escherichiosis consists of measures aimed at eliminating intoxication and replenishing the volume of fluid lost by the body. In addition to water, you also need to replenish minerals. In addition, intensive fluid replenishment will help cure the symptoms of intoxication.

Symptomatically, the patient needs to eliminate pain and combat dyspepsia. Often parents of sick children ask the question of whether it is possible to give their child painkillers. It is not recommended to do this until he has been examined by a doctor, so as not to blur the clinical picture and complicate diagnosis. In addition, after the course of treatment, replenish the normal intestinal microflora with the help of probiotics and maintain a normal digestive process with the use of digestive enzymes.

You can quickly get rid of E. coli with a decoction of chamomile. It kills the disease very well. At home, use the decoction for drinking or external use - douching, washing, etc. Agrimony herb, brewed as tea, is suitable for ingestion.

Symptoms and treatment in adults depend on the clinical form of the pathological process and the severity of the condition. It is not recommended to try to treat escherichiosis on your own - this can lead to chronicity of the process and the development of complications.

Prevention of diseases consists of following the rules of personal hygiene and thoroughly washing vegetables and fruits before consumption. Heat treat meat and dairy products.

Intestinal infections are very common among children. And this is not surprising, because babies love to experience the world by taste, and as soon as they acquire the ability to grasp various objects with their hands, the first thing they do is begin to drag these objects into their mouths. The famous children's doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky talks about how to prevent unpleasant consequences, how to treat a child with an intestinal infection, and what you should know about it in general.

What it is

Intestinal infections are not a separate ailment, but a whole large group of diseases that are united the same symptoms - diarrhea, vomiting, fever. Bacteria and viruses can cause diseases. The disease does not develop immediately, but only 10-45 hours after a pathogenic microorganism enters the body. The most dangerous are salmonellosis, dysentery, staphylococcus, and cholera. Among viral infections, the leaders in frequency of occurrence are enterovirus and rotavirus infections.

Doctor Komarovsky about the problem

There is nothing to be ashamed of here, says Evgeny Komarovsky. Even the cleanest mother, even if she chooses only the best products for her child, the baby may well get an intestinal infection. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, a huge number of children fall ill with these diseases every day on the planet. More than 2 million children under the age of 5 die every year from such infections. But among the official statistics there is also a comforting figure - 90% of all cases of intestinal infections among children can be quickly and effectively cured without the use of any medications on their own at home.

Most parents are well aware of the symptoms: diarrhea (loose stools), nausea, vomiting, complaints of pain in the abdomen. It is precisely the localization of pain that Evgeniy Olegovich recommends paying attention to first of all.

If bacteria or viruses have infected the stomach, then the child has gastritis. If inflammation develops in the small intestine, this is enteritis, and if the large intestine is affected, then we can talk about colitis. But here, too, not everything is simple, and often children have mixed diagnoses - enterocolitis, gastroenteritis.

Despite the fact that intestinal infections are popularly considered a “disease of dirty hands,” Evgeniy Komarovsky argues that this would be too simple. After all, children can play in the same sandbox, eat the same apples bought in the same store, but one child will get sick, and nothing like that will happen to the other. The main risk is not even dirty hands, says the doctor, but a combination of three most important factors in the development of intestinal infection: the child’s environment, the food he eats, and the liquid he drinks.

If there is a person in his environment who is a source of infection, shared toys, household items, or the slightest physical contact are enough for infection to occur. When it comes to food, it is easiest for large families - there food is not stored for a long time, which means that the risks of bacterial growth directly in food products are reduced tenfold. High-quality water is a common problem in many regions of Russia. Therefore, parents should carefully monitor what the baby drinks, and if the tap water is not very good, it is better to boil it even before brushing the teeth.

The younger the child, the more likely he is to get an intestinal infection. Komarovsky recalls that gastric juice performs an important function - it destroys most bacteria and viruses that enter the body through the mouth. However, in young children, the juice has less acidity than in adults, and therefore bacteria and harmful agents of viral origin have a much higher chance of surviving in a child’s stomach.

The antibodies that a child’s body produces in response to the penetration of a pathogen do not remain for life, as happens with chickenpox. Bacterial infections (staphylococcal or salmonellosis) cannot be defeated by antibodies to the corresponding pathogens alone; drug treatment is required. But viral intestinal infections (the most common of which is rotavirus) can stimulate the appearance of specific antibodies that will protect the child from similar pathogens for quite a long time. For a long time, but not always.


In the treatment of acute intestinal infection, according to Komarovsky, the main thing is not even medications, with which parents want to deal with pathogenic microorganisms as quickly as possible. It is much more important to create favorable conditions for the baby’s immune system to function. There are very few infections that require treatment with serious antibiotics. In most cases, no special treatment is required, the doctor emphasizes. The child just needs to be helped to “hold out” for 3-5 days until his immune defense copes with the pathogen.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you how to treat intestinal infections in the next video.

The main danger these days is the risk of dehydration. In severe cases, they die not from infection, but from dehydration, Komarovsky emphasizes. Therefore, drinking plenty of fluids should be the main treatment.

And in order not to add to the sad statistics mentioned above, parents should remember the alarming symptoms like twice or twice and know the possible situations when self-medication should be completely excluded. You should go to a doctor or to an infectious diseases hospital as soon as possible if:

  • The baby is too small or has very intense vomiting, as a result of which the child cannot be given water to drink.
  • You notice blood in your stool or vomit, even the slightest.
  • If diarrhea and vomiting are accompanied by a very high temperature. Severe intoxication, the appearance of excessive pallor, rash on the skin.
  • If signs of dehydration appear. These include dry skin and mucous membranes, the absence or small amount of urine that the baby produces, and dry tongue. If a child does not pee for more than six hours in a row, this is a very alarming symptom; if he cries without tears, this is also a sign of dehydration. Outwardly, sunken eyes are noticeable, and in babies under one year old, the fontanel on the head also sinks.

High body temperature during an intestinal infection performs an important task - it stimulates the production of interferon, which is involved in immune defense. And if usually, for these reasons, it is not recommended to reduce it unless absolutely necessary, then with an intestinal infection, the attitude towards fever should be somewhat different.

Evgeny Komarovsky emphasizes that at high temperatures, the child sweats more, breathes through the mouth, and this leads to drying out of the mucous membranes, he breathes more often, and the heart beats faster in the heat. All this contributes to additional fluid loss. The heat becomes an extra burden on the child’s already exhausted body. Usually, Evgeniy Olegovich advises lowering the temperature after 38.5, but in the case of intestinal infections, the reason for taking an antipyretic drug (such as Paracetamol) should be a thermometer reading at 37.5.

When it comes to the use of sorbents for intestinal ailments, doctors cannot come to a consensus. The World Health Organization does not advise doing this, but no one has yet been able to prove that sorbents harm the child’s body. Dr. Komarovsky recommends that parents decide this issue on their own or consult with their attending physician, who knows the child better, but emphasizes that moderate use of sorbents will most likely only be beneficial. Sorbents are “Bactistatin”, “Polysorb”, “Enterosgel” and the well-known activated carbon.

A child with vomiting and diarrhea should be treated with special medications for oral rehydration. If during the flu it is enough to give the baby sweet tea or fruit juice, then in the case of an intestinal infection, the child, during loose stools and vomiting, loses a large amount of not only important liquid for him, but also mineral salts, without which he also cannot live.

That is why it is better to leave compotes for later. And give the child solutions of “Regidron”, “Hydrovit” in large quantities; both “Humana Electrolyte” and “Maratonic” are suitable for replenishing the water-salt balance. All of these drugs are sachets of glucose and mineral salts, which can simply be dissolved in water and given to the child to drink. It doesn’t taste too good (salty!), but it’s very healthy and important.

Feeding a child during treatment for intestinal infections, according to Komarovsky, is far from beneficial. Dairy and meat foods only worsen the baby’s condition and slow down recovery. However, if we are talking about thin children, with a deficiency of body weight, then such a child definitely should not starve, this can be deadly. Such a child should be fed in the same way as before the intestinal infection, with his usual foods, and not limit his food intake. If the toddler is not a stretcher, then it is better to temporarily limit food, giving preference to liquids (broth, jelly). It is best to give children over one year of age meals that do not contain meat or fatty ingredients. Milk, eggs, and meat products are prohibited. It is best to cook porridge in water.

  • If a child has an acute intestinal infection, it is important to ensure that dehydration does not occur. If with older children you can control the amount of drinking and excretion, then with infants everything is different. To determine how much the baby has peed, Komarovsky advises mothers to use electronic scales. They need to weigh the used diaper. This will give more or less accurate data on the amount of fluid released.
  • Don't panic if your child's stool suddenly becomes looser. If there are no accompanying symptoms, then we are most likely not talking about an intestinal infection as such. It is characterized by several symptoms together. Komarovsky recommends not to sound the alarm and not start self-treatment for “something I don’t know what” folk remedies or medications.
  • Actively water A baby with an intestinal infection with a high fever is also necessary because the most common complication of an intestinal disorder is, strange as it may sound, pneumonia, says Komarovsky. If there is enough moisture, the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, bronchi, trachea and lungs will not dry out, and the risk of pneumonia will be minimized.
  • If financial capabilities do not allow you to buy a sufficient number of bags of oral rehydration mixture, Komarovsky advises preparing the solution at home yourself. The recipe is not the work of some home-grown traditional healers; it is officially approved by the World Health Organization. To prepare, you will need a liter of water, two tablespoons of sugar, and one teaspoon each of soda and table salt.
  • Drinks for a child should not be cold or hot. Ideally, it should fully correspond to body temperature, only then the absorption rate of such a solution will be maximum, which is very important when treating intestinal infections.
  • During an illness with an intestinal disorder against the background of decreased appetite, children often develop enzyme deficiency. Therefore, as soon as the baby feels better and asks to eat, you should not give him too much food or fatty foods, since there are not enough enzymes in the body yet.
  • Antibiotics

Based on the following symptoms:
- stool disorder;
- nausea and vomiting;
- bloating and pain in the abdomen;
- bad breath;
- lack of appetite;
- weakness and increased fatigue, etc.

Before starting treatment for E. coli, it is recommended to remove the contents of the intestines. This will allow you to obtain complete information about the strain of E. coli. As a rule, the treatment of pathogenic bacteria consists of taking antibiotics correctly selected by the doctor (usually these are drugs from the aminoglycoside group). In folk medicine there are many time-tested effective remedies that allow you to cope with E. coli in.

E. coli strains can cause diseases of the digestive and genitourinary systems, provoke cystitis, meningitis, prostatitis, etc.

How to treat E. coli with bloodroot

Potentilla is known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. A decoction is prepared from it, used to combat pathogenic bacteria. The recipe for this healing potion is as follows:
- 1 tbsp. cinquefoil;
- 250 ml of water.
Pour boiling water over the herb, bring the mixture to a boil, then, reducing the heat to low, cook for 13-15 minutes. Then the broth is infused for 10-12 hours and filtered. Drink this decoction three times a day, one-third of a glass.

Typically, infection with pathogenic strains of E. coli occurs orally.

Features of the treatment of E. coli with Jerusalem artichoke

To normalize the microflora and at the same time reduce the pathogenic effect of E. coli, a medicinal preparation prepared from the following components:
- 280-300 g of peeled Jerusalem artichoke;
- 250 ml milk;
- 250 ml water;
-2-3 tbsp. butter;
- 1 tbsp. wheat flour.
The earthen pear is cut into small cubes, after which it is added to boiling milk, diluted with boiled water, and boiled. When the Jerusalem artichoke becomes soft, drain the broth. Add butter and flour to the container with the broth, then cook the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly (you should get a thick mass, the consistency of a paste). Next, this sauce is poured over boiled Jerusalem artichoke. This dish should be eaten daily for 7-10 days in a row: it has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

Herbal infusion for treating E. coli at home

To prepare the herbal infusion, take the following ingredients:
- 1 part St. John's wort;
- 2 parts peppermint;
- 1 part burdock;
- 2 parts plantain;
- 2 parts of pharmaceutical chamomile;
- 0.5 liters of water.
The crushed herbs are thoroughly mixed, after which 1 tbsp. collection is poured with boiling water. The mixture is infused in a thermos for 37-40 minutes and then filtered. It is recommended to drink this infusion three times a day, 150 ml. This herbal tea will not only destroy pathogenic bacteria, but also relieve pain and normalize stool.

In the intestines of warm-blooded animals there are harmless rods that bring great benefits to the host. They help synthesize vitamins B and K. However, E. coli causes food poisoning in humans, diseases of the genitourinary system occur and can lead to the death of a child, so symptoms, causes, diagnosis of the disease and treatment are discussed below.

What is Escherichia coli

The infection is a species of rod-shaped bacteria, which belong to the group of those that live and reproduce in the absence of direct oxygen. They have many strains that are found in the intestinal microflora of people, helping to get rid of harmful microbes and synthesize vitamins. Some types of sticks can cause:

  • poisoning;
  • colibacillosis;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • colpitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system, cystitis;
  • meningitis in newborns.

In rare cases, inflammatory diseases can cause complications:

  • peritonitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • sepsis;
  • mastitis.

How is it transmitted?

The disease is transmitted by the fecal-oral route. Causes may include dirty hands, poor hygiene during food preparation, unwashed fruits and vegetables, contaminated water, or undercooked (undercooked) meat. The carrier can be livestock that is raised for milk and meat. Animals can carry the bacteria or release them into the environment through their feces.


There are two types of intestinal infections - non-pathogenic and pathogenic. The former live in the human body, protecting it from germs and infections. The latter cause various infections and intestinal diseases. The following pathogenic varieties are distinguished:

  • Enteropathogenic, provoke inflammatory and infectious diseases of the small intestine in children. At the same time, the temperature rises, loose stools and vomiting are observed.
  • Enteroinvasive are manifested by acute food poisoning, which resemble dysentery in its symptoms.
  • Enterotoxigenic are characterized by acute diarrhea.
  • Enterohemorrhagic can develop colitis and an increase in uremic syndrome in a child.


With intestinal dysbiosis, various symptoms are observed. They are similar in women, men and children, so identifying them is not difficult. Constipation, diarrhea, nausea, bloating, abdominal pain, and vomiting are observed. In patients, the stool changes its odor to an unpleasant one, which also occurs in the oral cavity. Fatigue, weakness, drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia appear, and there is no appetite.

Among women

When the disease occurs in women, the infection can penetrate the vagina or urethra, causing urethritis and colpitis. If it is not cured in time, the strain remains in the genital tract and urethra. The stick is attached to the mucous membrane and is not washed away during urination (even if the stream is strong) or by vaginal discharge. If it remains there, then over time it rises to the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems. There it can develop, cause inflammatory or chronic diseases, such as:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • salpingitis;
  • endometritis;
  • adnexitis.

The following symptoms occur:

  • burning sensation in the vagina;
  • copious discharge with an unpleasant pungent odor;
  • itching in the genitals or inside.

In men

In men, the stick penetrates the urethra after anal sex without a condom or during vaginal sex with an infected woman. It penetrates through the urethra to other organs of the genitourinary system; when urinating, it is not washed off, but is fixed on the mucous membrane. The symptoms caused by the wand are as follows:

  • vomiting with green matter;
  • severe diarrhea;
  • abdominal discomfort;
  • elevated temperature;
  • loss of appetite;
  • general weakness;
  • nausea.

In children

The infection poses a danger to infants and children over 12 years of age: the bacterium affects them with low body weight. The strain is transmitted from sick adults or carriers of the pathogen, and can pass to a child during childbirth. In this case, the infection tends to the urinary organs, gaining a foothold on the mucous membrane. The following symptoms are observed with this disease:

  • heat;
  • watery yellow-orange diarrhea;
  • weight loss;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • diarrhea with large amounts of water;
  • vomit;
  • the appearance of purulent foci;
  • decreased immunity;
  • smelly stool.

Reasons for appearance

Cows and goats can carry pathogenic strains that manifest themselves with the above symptoms. The reasons for reproduction among may be:

  • unwashed fruits and vegetables;
  • unwashed hands (violation of hygiene rules when preparing food);
  • use of waste or contaminated water for irrigation or drinking;
  • consumption of lightly fried pig or sheep meat;
  • drinking unboiled milk.

What does the detection of E. coli mean in various tests?

It is important to know what the presence of a microorganism (this includes Escherichia coli) in certain liquids or secretions means. Consider the main signs of the presence of a pathogenic organism, the consequences and causes of reproduction. If there are rods in the urine or smear, the disease can be registered as a pathology of the urinary tract and kidneys. It is recommended to consult a doctor with the first symptoms of the disease.

In urine

The presence of a stick in the urine can occur due to non-compliance with hygiene rules or unprotected anal intercourse. It sticks to the epithelial cells of the urinary tract and is not washed away. The analysis is carried out as follows: urine is taken, which is collected during catheterization of the bladder. If the patient's symptoms coincide with acute pyelonephritis, 1 ml of fresh urine contains approximately 104 rods in the liquid.

In a smear in women

Failure to comply with hygiene rules, wearing tight or synthetic underwear, or unprotected vaginal-anal sexual contact may result in the appearance and reproduction of the bacterium in the genitals. In men, this leads to inflammation of the testicles and its appendages; in women, inflammation of the vagina, ovaries and uterus occurs. A smear is made from the wall of the uterus, vagina or urethra. If there are 20 leukocytes in the field of view, the analysis may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process.

E. coli and pregnancy

During pregnancy, bacteria enter the body after sexual intercourse without a condom. Vaginal smear analysis is the main diagnostic procedure. When collecting tests, the stick may get into the urine, but the detection of bacteria does not mean that the woman is sick. If escherichia coli is present in the flora culture, the woman's vaginal discharge is examined. Bacteria can get to the baby from a woman’s vagina during childbirth, which, with subsequent infection, provokes the risk of meningitis in the newborn.

Diagnosis of infections caused by Escherichia coli

The infection is diagnosed based on bacteriological examination. Often, if there is a rod in the research material, which is the main part of the normal intestinal microflora, it is very difficult to isolate a pure culture of the pathogenic bacterium. If an inflammatory process occurs in the body, urgent treatment is recommended. To obtain the analysis result use:

  • feces and vomit;
  • blood;
  • urine;
  • pus;
  • smears or scrapings taken from the mucous membranes of the genital organs.


This disease is treated with antibiotics. First, a bacteriological culture is carried out to determine sensitivity to antibiotics and decide which drugs will be effective at a certain stage of the disease. Treatment occurs within 14 days. A couple of months after a long course of treatment, a repeat analysis is performed. If rods are present, treatment is continued with another antibiotic.

When treating intestinal infections, patients are prescribed a gentle diet:

  • watery soups;
  • porridge with water;
  • stale white bread;
  • crackers;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • boiled lean fish and meat.

In case of vomiting or diarrhea, the patient is given a rehydration solution of 400 ml for each moment of vomiting or diarrhea. Take a closer look at each antibiotic:

  • The drug Imipenem copes well with harmful bacteria. The advantage of this product is its cost and ease of use (in the form of injections). The downside is the patient's possible allergy to penicillin or other substances of the drug; it is not attributed to it. It should not be taken by children under 3 months of age, during lactation, or by children with renal failure. The drug is dispensed only with a prescription from your doctor.
  • Ofloxacin is an effective remedy in the fight against bacilli. The advantage of this drug is oral use (tablets or capsules) and low price. Minus - cannot be used for epilepsy, after a stroke or inflammation of the central nervous system, for children under 18 years of age, during pregnancy, allergies to components or during lactation. It can only be purchased with a prescription.

After recovery, enterosobrents and probiotics are taken for approximately 2 weeks:

  • Polyphepan is a natural sorbent that absorbs all possible toxic rods. Plus - you can buy it without a prescription at a low cost. Disadvantage - cannot be taken if you have constipation, gastritis, diabetes or allergies to the main or auxiliary substances.
  • Enterol is a probiotic that helps normalize intestinal microflora and is an antidiarrheal agent. Plus - you can buy it at a low cost, without a prescription from your doctor. The downside is that it cannot be taken by those who are allergic to the main or auxiliary components of the drug, or by patients with a central venous catheter installed.

Treatment of Escherichia coli in gynecology

Everyone needs to know how to treat E. coli in gynecology. The treatment process helps relieve inflammation of the female genital organs. Treatment is combined, with an emphasis on local therapy. To get rid of E. coli, it is recommended:

  • wash the external genitalia with herbal decoctions;
  • perform therapeutic douching;
  • insert vaginal suppositories with Nystatin;
  • attend ultraviolet irradiation (physiotherapy on the genitals).

In severe cases, drug treatment is prescribed:

  • vitamins;
  • antibiotics;
  • drugs that strengthen the immune system.


In order not to become infected with harmful bacilli, it is necessary to improve sanitary conditions (clean food, disinfected water, high-quality hand soap). Children should wash their hands and food from which they will prepare dishes more thoroughly. It is recommended to use wet wipes and get rid of antibacterial soap: it reduces immunity by killing beneficial microbes. Try to change towels and bathrobes more often, and wash dishes frequently.
