Why does a cat breathe loudly through its nose? When to take your cat to the vet. Normal cat condition

Has your affectionate and gentle pet begun to turn into a “source of noise” at night? Are you thinking about buying earplugs or moving your ward to another room? You may have to do this, but first make sure that the cat is not snoring due to a developed pathology.

For some reason, many owners find it unimaginable that a cat can snore in its sleep. Many ponytail owners are actively searching for information, and veterinary forums are exploding with heated discussions like “My cat snores, is this normal?” A cat is a living creature with a respiratory system that is similar to that of a human. Do you think it is normal for a person to snore? Many people do not pay attention to this, although if a person suffers from snoring will undergo examination, the reason can be found out. The situation is similar with cats; if a pet has been sleeping quietly for 5 years and suddenly turns into a rumbling, grunting and sniffling ball of fur - this is not normal.

By virtue of physiological characteristics, Brachycephalic cats (short, depressed, flattened nose) snore and sniffle in their sleep. Congenital deformation, and specifically, narrow nasal passages lead to difficulty breathing. It should be noted that brachycephals suffer more from colds and illnesses respiratory system, so if snoring turns into choking, your pet should be taken to the veterinarian.

Just like people, cats have dreams in which the pet may be hunting, running or fighting. If a cat snores and grunts, actively clenches and unclenches its fingers, wags its tail or moves its ears, most likely the reason is an uncomfortable body position, clamped chest or worries about “what is happening.” Most often, snoring attacks due to dreams do not recur frequently. Violent behavior during sleep indicates nervous overexcitation, the cause of which is any kind of stress.

Weak or rapid breathing in a cat signals changes occurring in the pet’s body. Deviation from the norm is not always a pathology. But the owner must be able to recognize dangerous symptom to help your pet in a timely manner. How do cats breathe and what do these or other changes in breathing indicate?

The respiratory system of a cat is similar to that of a human. First, air enters the larynx through the pharynx, then moves along the trachea to the bronchi and into the lungs. From the lungs, oxygen is delivered to every cell of the body. On exhalation, at the moment of relaxation of the diaphragm, the “waste” material is removed from the body in the reverse way: through the bronchi into the trachea, larynx and pharynx. The respiratory rate in cats is not a constant indicator. IN calm state An adult animal takes about thirty breaths per minute. In kittens this figure is higher and can reach up to fifty. Cats breathe a little more often than males, but the difference is not significant.

Situations when rapid breathing in a cat it is not a pathology, there are many. For example, from fear, rage, surprise, or at a moment of joyful excitement, a cat breathes faster. This is a momentary change and breathing returns to normal after a short period of time, usually after the cat is no longer exposed. external stimuli. Shallow, rapid breathing in a cat during a trip, in the veterinarian’s office, or during an unpleasant manipulation is a conditional norm, signaling that the pet is experiencing stress. Pregnant, giving birth, nursing pets and cats in heat also breathe somewhat faster. The respiratory rate in cats changes depending on the degree of exercise: during sleep the rate is lower, during active games- higher.

In this article I will look at a situation where a cat wheezes loudly while breathing. Why does this happen when snoring is normal, and in what cases is pathology possible?

I’ll tell you when the time comes to seek help from a veterinarian, what to do in order to carry out timely treatment.

The reason why a cat snores loudly when breathing

The respiratory system of cats is similar in structure to that of humans. They, just like humans, can sigh, grunt and even snore. If a cat sniffles not only in his sleep, this may be a symptom of an illness.

The animal begins to sniffle as a result of inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. This happens due to hypothermia or a cold.

A pet's runny nose often occurs as a result of exposure to chemical substances.
Rhinitis can be a consequence of any previous disease.

If a cat sniffles, you need to monitor it; the sick pet constantly rubs its nose with its paws, often sneezes, and has difficulty breathing.

In addition, the pet looks apathetic, there is exhaustion, and the development of conjunctivitis.

In case of a cold or rhinitis, treatment must be carried out to avoid negative consequences.

Normal cat condition

If your feline pet sniffles, but does not express the presence pain, his behavior has not changed, he plays, eats well, we need to examine the animal:

  • if the nasal mucosa Pink colour, then the body receives enough oxygen;
  • there is no discharge from the nose, which means a cold is excluded;
  • Light pressure over the entire back will help determine whether there are or are no areas of pain.

Breathing with wheezing may be caused by a deviated nasal septum or obesity, which is not life-threatening.

When your cat sniffles, she also scratches her nose with her paws and sneezes; perhaps she just has an allergy, which will disappear after the allergen is eliminated.

Possible diseases and pathologies

When pet sniffles constantly, or very often, this may be a symptom of one of the following conditions:

  • swelling of the larynx; may be caused by allergies, or the presence of foreign objects in the respiratory system;
  • urolithiasis disease; snoring is sometimes accompanied by wheezing;
  • the presence of worms, which may even be present in the respiratory system;
  • asthma;
  • rhinitis;
  • pneumonia and bronchitis;
  • heart failure; along with wheezing, a cough and blue discoloration of the mucous membranes can be observed;
  • respiratory tract infections;
  • obesity.

A veterinarian will help the owner determine the cause of wheezing when breathing in a cat.

When to take your cat to the vet

If your cat sniffs frequently or breathes heavily open mouth, this should alert you and cause a visit to the veterinarian.
Before consulting a doctor, you need to observe the animal for a couple of days in order to correctly answer questions at the veterinary clinic to make the correct diagnosis.
The veterinarian may be interested in the following information:

  • how long ago did the snoring begin?
  • are there any accompanying sounds along with wheezing during breathing;
  • whether the pet was injured;
  • whether the animal’s usual behavior has changed;
  • was there a change in the color of the mucous membranes;
  • other symptoms (vomiting, runny nose, cough).

By the nature of the snoring and additional sounds, you can determine the source of the disease:

  • wheezing, coughing and blue mucous membranes signal heart failure;
  • wheezing and wheezing indicate the presence of urolithiasis;
  • wet rales may indicate phlegm in the respiratory system;
  • crackling indicates problems in the alveoli;
  • dry wheezing indicates the presence of edema in the bronchi or larynx;
  • sniffling plus whistling may indicate swelling in the airway area.

Correct diagnosis and timely initiation of treatment will ensure speedy recovery cats. There is no need to rely on the advice of other cat owners or information on websites. Each case is individual, even if the symptoms are similar.

Wheezing is wheezing and noisy breathing, which accompanies most pathologies of the animal’s respiratory system. Wheezing occurs in cats for two reasons: due to narrowing of the airway lumen and due to foaming of fluid (exudate, transudate or blood) accumulating in the respiratory system.

They also say that a cat wheezes when the animal wheezes or loses its voice. This is a completely different problem. It occurs due to incomplete closure vocal cords as a result catarrhal laryngitis and accumulation of mucus in the glottis.

Signs and types of wheezing

Wheezing is not just one sound. This is a whole combination of noises, each option responds certain group pathologies.

Wheezing is usually classified into:

  • wet;
  • dry;
  • crepitant;
  • whistling.

Wet wheezing sounds appear due to the accumulation of mucus (phlegm) in the bronchi of the cat. Sputum is produced in large quantities as a result of inflammatory processes affecting the bronchial tree. The air inhaled by the animal passes through the mucus, bubbles form, which then burst. This is what causes wheezing. Moist rales are divided into small-, medium-, and large-bubble.

The first accompany the collapse of small bubbles formed by sputum. May occur when pulmonary infarction or bronchopneumonia. The latter resemble the sound of air blown through a straw. They occur when there is hypersecretion of mucus as a result of bronchitis, fibrotic changes in the lungs or pneumosclerosis.

The latter type of wheezing is clearly audible even without a stethoscope and occurs due to the accumulation of exudate in the lungs with a weak cough reflex or pulmonary edema.

Dry noises are divided into whistling and buzzing.

They arise due to narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi as a result of obstruction, mechanical compression by the tumor and the development of an allergic reaction. The air swirls and has difficulty squeezing through the narrow gap, which creates noise. When air passes through the unevenly narrowed bronchi, the sound becomes whistling. If there is viscous mucus in the bronchi, the mucous membranes block the path of air. And the breath passes with a slight buzzing sound, as if the air is squeezing through a narrow and half-covered hole.

Causes of wheezing

All causes are usually divided into two large groups: pulmonary and extrapulmonary.

Pulmonary causes of wheezing

Pulmonary causes can be associated with inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs of an allergic and non-allergic nature, and with respiratory tract injuries (foreign body entry, hematomas, pneumohydrothorax, diaphragmatic hernia).

Cats do not get the flu or ARVI. But they have their own viral infections(rinotracheitis, calcivirosis), which can cause coughing and hoarse breathing of the animal.

Rhinotracheitis and calcivirosis

Both diseases viral nature, are quite dangerous for cats. Both are accompanied by damage to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and intestines. Leaks from high temperature, diarrhea (in severe cases with dehydration), cough and wheezing. With calcivirosis, the cat's visible mucous membranes and tongue are ulcerated. With rhinotracheitis, there is abundant mucopurulent discharge from the eyes and nose.


This disease in cats can be bacterial, viral or fungal in nature. Initially, a strong “barking” cough appears, as if scratching Airways, the temperature rises. Then the cough becomes wet with wheezing of large or fine bubbles. General state animal is violated.

Bronchial asthma

An animal with this pathology takes a characteristic position: presses against the floor, stretches its neck, makes wheezing sounds, and sometimes coughs. In severe cases, expiratory shortness of breath up to suffocation is observed. With asthma, owners often believe that their animal is choking, which is why it wheezes.



Tumors of the respiratory tract can be benign and malignant, primary and metastatic. Oncopathology of the respiratory system is less common in cats than in dogs. Older animals get sick more often. The development of a tumor in any part of the respiratory tract can cause breathing problems and wheezing. The most common signs of growth of a tumor in the larynx are impaired breathing, difficulty, hoarseness and changes in voice. The pet's voice becomes squeaky or hoarse. The disease is accompanied by shortness of breath and cough, sometimes mixed with blood.

Brachycephalic syndrome

The disease involves pathological tissue proliferation velum and narrowing of the nasal passages. The animal wheezes and wheezes heavily. He sleeps with his mouth open and snores. He eats normally. Remains active.

Laryngeal edema, laryngospasm

This condition may develop due to poisoning household chemicals, allergies to inhaled dust, tobacco smoke, strong aromas, etc., autoimmune reactions. Much less likely to lead to laryngospasm mechanical damage cat's larynx. At the same time, the animal’s body feels an acute lack of oxygen and stress hormones are released. The cat is scared, wheezes and wheezes heavily, breathes with difficulty, whistling, and screams in a “bad” voice.

Pneumo- and hydrothorax

Develops due to rupture of the lungs by a tumor, open wound or closed injury. The pet's breathing is difficult, he sits with his mouth wide open, breathes with difficulty and hoarsely, and is very scared.

Inhalation of a foreign object

A foreign body can get stuck in the animal’s pharynx, trachea and bronchi. It may be small and move around bronchial tree, causing bouts of repeated coughing and hoarse wheezing. Or large and block the airways partially (working like a valve) or completely. In this case, the animal coughs, wheezes heavily, rubs its neck on objects, and mucous-foamy sputum, sometimes mixed with blood, is released from the nose. The animal does not drink, does not eat and may suffocate.

Pulmonary edema

Pulmonary edema can be caused by the most various diseases internal organs, injuries and pneumonia, aspiration of vomit, water, small objects. The cat takes a forced position, breathes hoarsely, with difficulty, pink foam comes out of its nose, and its sides swell.

Congenital pathologies

Narrowing of the nasal passages, elongated soft sky, polyps can cause breathing problems and wheezing sounds heard when the animal breathes, especially after exercise.

Tracheal collapse

On initial stage does not cause much concern to the animal. Manifests itself in the form of a cough during a strong emotional outburst. Over time, the condition worsens and appears hoarse breathing, shortness of breath, cough intensifies.

The cat whistles with his nose

The animal may lose consciousness.

Extrapulmonary causes

Diseases of the internal organs can cause swelling of the lungs and compression of them by surrounding tissues.

Diaphragmatic hernia

Diaphragmatic hernia is symptomatically similar to the manifestations of bronchial asthma.

The animal takes a forced position, breathing heavily and hoarsely.

Heart pathology

Cats practically do not cough with heart failure, but heavy, hoarse breathing is characteristic of this disease. Cardiomyopathies (myocarditis, arrhythmia or myocardosis) can lead to respiratory failure.

Severe renal failure

Kidney failure can cause pulmonary edema. The animal refuses food and drink, takes a semi-sitting position, its sides swell, and the cat coughs.


Cats with respiratory problems should have free access to water. And you should receive more water than usual, unless the veterinarian prescribes otherwise. If it is possible to humidify the air, it is worth doing so. This procedure will help the secretion drain.

At respiratory failure, hit foreign bodies If you have asthma, you cannot force an animal to drink water. If there is respiratory failure, your veterinarian may remove excess fluid from the lungs. In some cases, surgery may be required.

Antitussive treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

When infectious disease, the cat needs to be escorted specific treatment. You should not give your animal vodka.

If foamy and bloody discharge appears from the nose, the cat should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

Without timely assistance the animal may die.


Many owners contact the editors of the MURKOTIKI website with the question of why their Scottish cat or the cat snores in its sleep. We answer what the reasons may be. These same points will be the answer to the question why British cat(cat) snores or sniffles because... These two breeds are similar.

Variant of the norm

The fact that a Scottish cat wheezes or snores does not mean pathology. This may be a variant of the norm, as in British cats. The fact is that they belong to the flat-faced breeds, whose head, no matter how you look at it, resembles a ball. That is, the nose is Scottish and british cat flattened, and the internal passages are slightly narrowed. It is because of this that in a dream there can be snoring and glanding - from quiet to moderate. This is what it sounds like.

So the first answer to the question why a fold-eared cat or a straight-eared cat snores would be breed feature. When you hear this, there is no need to panic. However, if necessary, it is still worth checking with a veterinarian, and here’s why.

Brachycephalic syndrome

Severe snoring (glanders) and a number of related pathological features, which seriously impair breathing is called brachycephalic syndrome. This syndrome is typical for cats with small noses and round heads: Persians, Exotics, British and Scottish.

You can get rid of brachycephalic syndrome surgically, which, however, is not always considered justified. However, there are such manifestations when a cat, due to this syndrome, experiences cyanosis of the mucous membranes, swelling of the respiratory tract, increased load on the heart, and after the slightest overheating or physical activity convulsions develop or the cat loses consciousness. This condition significantly impairs the quality of life and can lead to fatal outcome, and therefore needs treatment. .

In case of brachycephalic syndrome, it is indicated surgery. The purpose of the operation is to remove air barriers. Most often, the nostrils are dilated and, if necessary, part of the soft palate is removed. Medicines can only temporarily and partially help the patient, for example, relieve swelling of the mucous membranes. But as soon as the effect of the drug ends, everything will return, because the cause itself (narrowness of the nostrils, elongated soft palate) cannot be removed with pills.

When snoring is not a breed trait

In some cases, sounds in sleep may be a sign of a pathology that does not depend on the breed. You should be wary if:

  • snoring or glanding is too loud;
  • it is difficult for the animal to breathe, it opens its mouth;
  • there was no snoring before (or it was not so strong) and it started recently;
  • in addition to snoring, there are other respiratory manifestations (runny nose, sneezing);
  • When snoring, whistles and abnormal sounds are heard (here the answer to the question of why a fold-eared cat wheezes will definitely not be a breed feature).

In such cases, the cause of snoring, snoring and wheezing may be the following pathologies.


One of the most common causes of snoring and glanders in cats is common cold with a runny nose. The nose secretes abundant mucus, which clogs the passages, causing the air to flow with difficulty and unevenly, causing characteristic sounds.

Low indoor air humidity contributes to the occurrence of respiratory diseases in cats and people. A moistened mucous membrane is less susceptible to infection by viruses and bacteria, because can give an adequate immune response. Therefore, as a preventative measure, the air in the room needs to be humidified using special devices.

If the animal catches a cold under the air conditioning or catches weak virus, the immune system, most likely, she can handle it herself. But if the condition worsens or does not go away for several days, or if other symptoms of the disease are noticeable, you should consult a veterinarian.

Lung problem

Moist wheezing as you inhale and exhale or a cracking sound as you inhale may indicate a lung problem. In the first case, the cause of wheezing is sputum, in the second - pathology of the alveoli. Put your ear to the cat's chest: does the sound come from there? If yes, you need to go to the veterinary clinic.


Swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat or bronchi causes dry wheezing when inhaling. If they are accompanied by a whistle during inhalation and exhalation, this indicates severe swelling larynx. It usually occurs due to allergies and exposure to foreign object into the throat.

If swelling occurs, contact your veterinarian immediately. It is dangerous to treat this condition on your own.


Obesity is a disease that entails other pathologies. In particular, it puts stress on the heart muscle, causing the chain pathological reactions ends up causing this external manifestation like snoring.


Asthma is difficult to miss: it cannot be confused with ordinary snoring. With asthma, a cat experiences asthma attacks not only at night, but also during the day.


Trauma to the respiratory tract often leads to snoring and wheezing during inhalation and exhalation. If you know that your cat has recently been injured, you should be examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible, because... the condition can be dangerous.

Urolithiasis disease

IN in rare cases wheezing in a cat is caused by urolithiasis. If this is the case, it means that there is already intoxication and it is necessary to begin treatment immediately.

Before this, urine is tested. Analysis will reveal inflammatory process and sand. A number of other studies are also carried out, after which treatment is prescribed. Read more about urolithiasis.


Eggs and larvae of helminths can enter the bloodstream various organs, including in the respiratory tract. A blockage occurs - and as a result, the cat snores.

Heart failure

Heart failure is accompanied by the so-called cardiac cough, cyanosis of the mucous membranes and dry wheezing during inhalation and exhalation. Sometimes wheezing is one of the few manifestations of the disease, so wheezing cats suffering overweight or who are of advanced age, be sure to check for this pathology.

Unfortunately, sometimes this pathology is not always noticeable. It happens that outwardly perfect healthy cat dies unexpectedly in his sleep. Therefore, to all cats that sometimes sniffle and this is not related to respiratory infections, as well as those who experience shortness of breath, it is advisable to regularly check with a veterinarian.

When it's not snoring at all...

Sometimes owners confuse snoring with rumbling. Half-asleep cats quietly turn on the purr. Listen better!

And sometimes cats have dreams during which they behave excitedly, virtually catching prey or running away from pursuit. At this moment, the cat can also make various interesting sounds and even make movements. But if such dreams haunt your pet every night, he tosses and turns nervously and makes noises. loud sounds, this indicates overexcited nervous system. This condition needs treatment.

Author of the article Ekaterina Yugosh- editor of the website "Murkotiki", a journalist with a felinological education (a felinologist is a specialist who studies cats). She received her felinological education according to the WCF (World Cat Federation) system. Educates Scottish cat Scottish Straight and Highland Fold cats, as well as a Miniature Schnauzer dog. Her areas of in-depth interests include zoodietology and zoopsychology.

Not only people, but also beloved cats are susceptible to nasal congestion. A runny nose occurs quite often in cats. This is due to the fact that the nasal passages of pets are very small, and the slightest inflammation or irritation causes severe congestion. What to do if your animal has a stuffy nose? You will learn how to help a cat with a runny nose in this article.

Causes of stuffy nose in cats

The most common cause of runny nose in cats is allergic reaction for chemicals.

Among the most common reasons runny nose in cats, the following are distinguished:

  • Allergic reactions . Often occurs on detergents, perfume, pollen, and other substances that irritate the mucous membranes.
  • Viral, fungal and bacterial infections.
  • Hypothermia or eating food that is too cold.
  • Inhaling hot air.
  • Inhalation of toxic fumes.
  • Foreign body in the nasal passage.
  • Tumors in the nasopharynx.

Symptoms of a runny nose in cats

The most common manifestations of a runny nose are:

  • Heavy breathing, the cat often breathes through its mouth.
  • Itching and redness of the skin on the nose.
  • Frequent snorting.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes under the lower jaw.
  • Nasal discharge.

If your cat's nose is green, brown, or yellow discharge, means the pet purulent rhinitis.

If you notice green, brown or brown discharge from your cat's nose yellow color, this means that the pet has purulent rhinitis. In this case, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Treating nasal congestion in cats at home

Any owner's heart will break at the sight of a suffering pet. Therefore, it is necessary to know that a person can help his pet at home. To do this you need:

If your cat's runny nose is caused by hypothermia, you need to provide her with warmth and rest.

If you do not know the exact cause of rhinitis in your pet, then the best option will contact a specialist. The veterinarian will determine the cause of the animal’s runny nose and make a plan. complex treatment using various drugs.

What happens if your pet's nasal congestion is not treated?

A runny nose can develop into purulent rhinitis

If the mucous membranes in the nasal passage are inflamed, the cat does not receive proper norm oxygen.

Because of this, the functioning of all organs of the animal may deteriorate. After this, the pet will become passive, the appetite will worsen and the entire body will be exhausted. If not treated acute rhinitis in a pet, then it can develop into a chronic one, which requires long-term treatment and increased care.

Prevention of runny nose in cats

To prevent a runny nose, you need to get vaccinated.

It is better to prevent a runny nose in cats than to worry about how to cure it later. In order to avoid nasal congestion in your pet, you must follow several rules:

  • Vaccination. It helps prevent many fungal diseases. Therefore, there is a high chance of avoiding future problems with the animal’s nose.
  • Avoid cat hypothermia . There should be no drafts in the room where the pet is constantly located. The place where it is located should not be cold
  • Monitor your pet's immunity . Feed your animal correctly. Your cat's diet should contain the vitamins and minerals necessary to keep your pet healthy.
  • All possible allergens in the house, should keep away from the cat . If you suspect an allergy, you need to switch to hypoallergenic food, do not use chemicals to care for your pet and remove all house plants away from the animal.


If you notice the first symptoms of a runny nose in your pet, take action immediately.

Timely treatment and proper care will help quickly bring your pet’s nose back to normal. And by adhering to all the rules for preventing a runny nose in a cat, you will provide the animal with a long and healthy life close to you.

Video about rhinotracheitis in cats