Premature ejaculation. How to deal with premature ejaculation and weak erection? Rare failures for no apparent reason

Let's talk about the main reasons for rapid ejaculation and the treatment of this disease in males.

Reasons for appearance

  1. lack of normal experience;
  2. feelings of guilt and other pushing beliefs in the head regarding the topic of sexual intercourse;
  3. long absence of a girl and abstinence;
  4. lumbar hernias, injuries spinal cord or spine;
  5. fatigue;
  6. alcoholism;
  7. cigarettes;
  8. fear that will fall;
  9. increased sensitivity of the genital organ;
  10. infectious and inflammatory diseases (vesiculitis, prostatitis and others);
  11. imbalance hormones;
  12. fear of being ridiculed;
  13. insomnia;
  14. uncomfortable situation;
  15. excessively rapid breathing or air retention and lack of air during intercourse;
  16. stagnation blood in the pelvis;
  17. early age;
  18. if you have previously had a rush to self-satisfy in childhood with the fear of being caught, then this rush could continue;
  19. cold attraction in the room is disrupted;
  20. tension in relationships;
  21. new or a girl you know closely.


  • Get tested for infectious diseases.
  • Ultrasound check for the presence of a hypertrophied seminal tubercle (if the fact is confirmed, it will be necessary to do urethroscopy and then an operation to cauterize the seminal tubercle).

Which doctor should I go to?

To the question of which doctor treats rapid ejaculation, there are 2 answer options.

  1. Sex therapist.
  2. Urologist.

19 techniques for treatment

1. Tighten your secret Kegel muscle

Kegel muscle is a secret muscle that, when squeezed, can make your male organ move.

Also, when you went to the toilet for a little while and someone opened the door without asking, you interrupt jet urine precisely by the tension of this muscle.

The strength of the Kegel muscle can also be checked by hanging it on a ready-to-fight manhood a light towel on top. If by squeezing a muscle you can make him jump with the towel several times, then you have a strong secret muscle.

How to upgrade it

  • Pull up this muscle in any in public places, no one will even suspect.
  • Do either short pull-ups of 3-4 seconds or long pull-ups of 10 seconds.
  • Train more often, success is consistency. But don't overdo it either.
  • Be at your own pace, he is the most useful. Take the time to train your Kegel muscle, and it will help you get rid of many worries about how to treat rapid ejaculation at home.

In our other article we already talked about that, right.

2. Find the “million gold coins” point and press on it

What is the essence of this technique for the treatment of rapid ejaculation:

  • Tighten the muscles around eye and about lips when everything below boils.
  • So that your woman is not afraid of bulging eyes, you can hide for a while face, turn away.
  • That is, you open your eyes as wide as possible and strain mouth. This can be done by tensing the muscles jaws.
  • This can be combined with muscle tension Kegel for greater effect.
  • Implement this principle in bed and see improvements.

4. Choose the correct arrangement of bodies for cooling

So, wise Taoists also talk about this.

If you want to relax and cool down, then the position of your bodies should be equally directed towards each other. Roughly speaking, symmetrically opposite each other.

This method will answer your questions about what to do if rapid ejaculation constantly takes you by surprise.

How to position yourself correctly with her in detail

  1. Eyes in the eyes.
  2. Lips look at her lips.
  3. Hands opposite her hands (therefore, during intercourse, it is useful to take her in your hands and hold her).
  4. Your genitals are also positioned in the same way.

The advantages of this location

  • This symmetrical arrangement promotes mutual energy exchange.
  • Thus, it will not stagnate in your organs, but will circulate.
  • Both your male energy (Yang) and hers will pass through you. feminine energy (Yin).

Which only increases stimulation

What only increases arousal is the position different parts bodies together towards each other.

  1. Lips to ears.
  2. Mouth to genitals and so on.

So watch how you sit and look at each other during foreplay and don’t ask any more questions about why men ejaculate quickly.

5. Perform proper self-pleasure

  • Self-satisfaction without a partner is useful technique developing your skills in bed.
  • But the point is that in a single simulation it is forbidden do everything quickly and even more so lower! This type of training will be a good addition to your lover's stamina arsenal.
  • But do not forget that self-satisfaction will never replace real love games with a woman.
  • The guys will find out about intimacy from watching adult films. These films contain many illusions and misperceptions of the process of intimacy itself.
  • There is no need to force everything and rush somewhere while caressing yourself. There is no need to try to do everything quickly. Remember this and similar ones that we describe.
  • Habit to hurry up and do everything quickly was ingrained either in childhood out of fear of being noticed doing this, or out of the belief that “this is not possible.”
  • Take these away bad habits, and then you will take several steps forward in the topic of how to get rid of rapid ejaculation and stop frustration in bed.

6. Exercise for good blood circulation in the pelvis

This exercise pumps up muscles buttocks and has a good effect on endurance.

What is its essence:

  1. Lie down back on the sofa. Your elbows, arms, back of your head, and legs will rest most on the sofa (see picture).
  2. Pelvis you should raise and lower again, imitating the movements during mating games. You make similar up-and-down movements in a position where your pelvis seems to be suspended in the air.
  3. Follow exercise for 3 minutes every day and you will have pumped up buttocks, which will be very useful in bed.

7. Do exercises to strengthen your buttocks

Let's look at another exercise for the muscles of the buttocks and posterior opening. Lack of tone and lethargy of these muscles is one of the reasons for rapid ejaculation in men.

So do the following:

  1. Exhale nose and begin to tense and relax the muscles of your buttocks and buttocks.
  2. Take a breath and relax.
  3. Repeat the procedure, then tensing these muscles for a few seconds, and then relaxing again about 30 times.
  4. A sign that the exercise has been completed successfully will be the appearance of warmth in the perineum. Similar methods have already been described in ours.

Pros of exercise

  • Relieves stress;
  • Energy appears;
  • Better control in bed;
  • Blood circulation in the pelvis improves.

8. Direct your thoughts to abstract images

Another method that can be found on many forums on the topic of how to treat rapid ejaculation without pills is to focus on abstract images.

What's the point:

  • The body always follows where it is directed thoughts.
  • And if you are thinking about how not to ruin everything and fail in front of your beloved, then this will most likely happen as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • If you only think about boiling energy at the bottom and no matter how she runs away, you are only making the situation worse.
  • So be distracted by inappropriate tops. For example, on thoughts about the sea, forests, interesting landscapes. Or if you really want to curb your ardor, imagine unpleasant Pictures. We also talked about this method.

9. Ask the girl to stroke your body more in other areas

The more your girlfriend will caress and stroke you in other safe areas of the body, the less you will focus on your male organ, and thus it will be easier for you to move energy to other parts of the body.

Otherwise, if your entire focus is only at the bottom of the body in the groin area, then the excess energy will find only one way out from there - outward.

For example, ask her to pet you in the following places:

  1. back;
  2. neck;
  3. breast;
  4. shoulders.

Let your wife adopt this method and always know everything about how to deal with the rapid ejaculation of her husband. We also described a similar technique on another site.

10. Talk to her

  • There is no need to try to hide your problems from a girl. This will all create superfluous voltage.
  • You can even speak not only about your problem, but also about any technique you use in bed to prevent an unexpected finish.
  • We need to approach all this with smile.
  • Techniques are fun to share, discuss and laugh about.
  • These techniques dispel seriousness and unnecessary drama.

11. Herbs and tinctures

Let's look at the point on how to cure rapid ejaculation folk remedies.

What helps:

  • A decoction of rose hips, colza herb, root medicinal angelica and Lyubka bifolia.
  • Boil one tablespoon of hop cones and the same amount of motherwort herb, strain the broth.
  • A decoction of lovage root boiled in water.
  • A mixture of oregano and calendula flowers in a ratio of 1 to 2 is boiled and left to steep for 7 hours.
  • Boil lemongrass leaves and fruits and drink as tea.

12. Take it out at the right time

  1. Another technique is take out your dignity and wait until he lets go.
  2. You pause, don't move and are you waiting until the excitement subsides.
  3. Let the girl want to continue and exclaim “Why?” Believe me, this is for the benefit of for both of you. Remember this and follow ours.

13. Various drugs

Many people use pills and drugs for rapid ejaculation. And that's okay.

What can be used:

  • Products from our website.
  • Dapoxetine;
  • Sealex;
  • Levitra.

14. Watch your breathing

  • Usually, all men quickly surrender in bed due to too intense and frequent breathing.
  • The problem is that that the man literally swallows air, there is so little of it for him. He almost suffocates, and his partner continues to worry about it.
  • Your nervous system reads this as a signal of danger, and capitulation occurs.
  • Deceive your nervous system and start breathing very deeply.
  • You can even focus on and monitor your breathing.
  • Follow as you take each deep breath, then a relaxed pause, and exhale.
  • Exhalation occurs automatically on its own. The main thing is to pay attention to taking a deep breath.

15. Play sports

For long-term activity in bed, in addition to the Kegel muscle, you must keep your stomach, buttocks, and thighs in good shape. It is the inflated abs that will indicate a person’s great potential for sexual intercourse, but not a saggy, thick belly.

Correct physical exercise– the most best medicine from rapid ejaculation.

The following activities are useful:

  1. Jogging on fresh air;
  2. Health-improving physical education;
  3. Exercises from yoga;
  4. Pool.
  5. Massage.
  6. Gym.

16. Start eating the following foods

  • Avocado;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Lemon;
  • Parsley;
  • Dill;
  • Mint;
  • Chocolate;
  • Nuts;
  • Raisin;
  • Crabs;
  • Lobsters.

Eating such foods is a kind of treatment for rapid ejaculation using folk remedies, and there are a large number of reasons why it is beneficial to eat them in the diet.

They compensate perfectly shortage necessary vitamins in organism.

17. Don’t forget to go a little before intimacy

When the bladder is full, there is a strong desire to throw out the seed as quickly as possible and go to the toilet. This has been proven by scientists.

Before bed Be sure to make sure that this does not push you.

18. Don't contemplate her lovely curves

We men want to watch and enjoy what a beauty is with me now.

But this is contraindicated for rapid fire.

Stop looking on her body, be distracted by other objects in the room, watch your breathing, or use another article technique.

19. Have a steady girlfriend

  • If you are quick-firing, then find one girl for Serious relationships. It will help remove your worries about how to avoid very rapid ejaculation.
  • There is no need to chase several women or try to create harems.
  • Otherwise, your early termination of the session will be repeated with different girls, and it's strong will break you psychologically. Uncertainty will perpetuate.
  • Find one girl and train with her.
  • Gradually you will get to know each other, there will be a better understanding, confidence, stable marital games in bed, and you will get through this problem.

Even twenty years ago, the definition of “premature ejaculation (premature ejaculation)” had very clear parameters: anything that lasted less than two minutes automatically made you a man with sexual problems. A little later, the attitude towards premature ejaculation changed somewhat - now it is understood as a condition in which ejaculation occurs either before the start of sexual intercourse, or immediately after it begins.

Alas, this is the number one problem for many men, and, as a rule, failures associated with premature ejaculation are then projected onto the entire sphere of intimate life.

Causes of premature ejaculation

The vast majority of premature ejaculation occurs in teenagers just starting out. sex life. This is due to overexcitation, with high sensitivity head of the penis, and therefore ejaculation very often occurs either before insertion of the penis into the vagina, or after just a few movements. Most often, this quickly goes away with experience of sexual activity, but it can persist for a long time, especially if psychological stress from failure.

Premature ejaculation is less common in mature men. It can persist from youth or appear at an advanced age. It is usually caused by completely different reasons.

All causes of premature ejaculation can be divided into two groups - physiological, that is, related to health problems or the structure/functioning of organs, and psychological.

Physiological reasons:

  • increased sensitivity of the glans penis;
  • chronic vesiculitis - inflammation of the seminal vesicles, in which sperm and other components of sperm accumulate in the testicles (vesiculitis never develops without prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland).

Increased sensitivity of the glans penis can be congenital or acquired. Acquired appears as a result of balanoposthitis or phimosis and is not so common.

Psychological reasons:

  • Sometimes premature ejaculation occurs only because a man is afraid of it. Statistics show that direct sexual contact lasts on average no more than two minutes. And, nevertheless, this duration is a purely individual thing. However, without realizing this, many young people become disheartened by the results of their sexual intercourse from the very beginning. In fact, they become themselves dangerous enemies. They are victims of a myth that passes from generation to generation, the myth that “the more the merrier.” Moreover, their suffering is no less than the humiliation experienced in close proximity to a woman.
  • Often, premature ejaculation in young men is caused by the fact that they masturbate too vigorously, wanting to achieve a happy result as quickly as possible. At the same time, they practically do not pay attention to the emotions preceding ejaculation, and this leads to an inability to recognize feelings (both their own and their partner’s) before orgasm. Those. men suffering from this disease do not develop normal feeling their own genitals: they simply do not know what a man should feel during strong sexual arousal that precedes orgasm.


More than two thousand years ago, Taoist doctors already wrote books in which they talked about love and sex. Sexual intercourse in these works was considered as necessary condition physical and spiritual health of a person. Particular emphasis was placed on the technique of love, brought to the level of art. At the same time, the most important part was considered to be control over ejaculation, which explains the existence in those days large quantity benefits for “young men starting out in life” concerning this aspect of the issue.

According to the teachings of "Tao", a man belongs to the beginning of "yang", whose characteristic is light and rapid arousal, which goes the same way. A woman belongs to the beginning of “yin” - she is slowly aroused and slowly satiated. In other words, a man and a woman require different terms both for arousal and for achieving orgasm. And the task is to approximately equalize them, and ideally to achieve synchronization of these deadlines.

Try following these ancient principles yourself. The stop-start technique allows you to get acquainted with the emotions of each partner that arise before ejaculation. The idea is to bring the man as close to ejaculation as possible without crossing the line that separates the highest stage of arousal from ejaculation. Young men who are forced to rediscover this truth will eventually learn to do so, and the reward will be a feeling of intense pleasure.

In principle, there is also this option: the skin of the head of the phallus, devoid of foreskin, becomes rougher and less sensitive to friction during stimulation, which delays the onset of orgasm in a man. Therefore, we can recommend that those who suffer from premature ejaculation undergo circumcision.

In any case, you should not suffer alone - it is better to seek a solution to the problem from a sex therapist who can give good advice. After initial examination You may need to be examined by an andrologist and urologist, as well as a study of your hormonal profile.

– a disorder of sexual function, manifested by untimely ejaculation before or during sexual intercourse and which does not bring sexual satisfaction to partners. Leads to disruption of harmony sexual relations. It represents a serious psychological problem for a man, leading to the development of feelings of inferiority and self-doubt, which further aggravates sexual dysfunction. Diagnostic issues premature ejaculation belong to the competence of a urologist-andrologist and sexologist. In order to correct sexual dysfunction, psychotherapy can be carried out, drug therapy, sometimes – surgical treatment.

General information

Premature ejaculation is a disorder of ejaculation and accounts for 25-60% of all forms of functional sexual disorders in men. Premature ejaculation is not considered an organic disease, it is a sexual dysfunction, which consists of the inability to control ejaculation in sufficiently to achieve sexual satisfaction during coitus by both partners. According to WHO, at least 40% of men face the problem of premature ejaculation of different ages worldwide. Different authors consider the time factor (duration of sexual intercourse less than 1-2 minutes) or the number of frictions (less than 8-15) to be criteria for premature ejaculation.

The problem of premature ejaculation

The problem of premature ejaculation is mostly social problem, since from a medical point of view there are no organic changes or obvious reasons for this. There is no single norm for the duration of sexual intercourse, but average duration The period of friction varies from 2 to 10 minutes, depending on the characteristics of the body, the situation during coitus and the period of abstinence. However, the subjective opinion of men can cause a false opinion about the presence of a problem of premature ejaculation and short sexual intercourse, which in turn affects adverse effect on family relationships, reduces the self-esteem of both partners and often leads to family breakdown.

Premature ejaculation is considered if ejaculation regularly occurs before both partners have received sexual satisfaction, provided that the frictional period was less than 2 minutes. At long period foreplay, strong sexual arousal, especially after significant abstinence, ejaculation can occur even before genital contact, which is not considered a pathology. Many people mistake the inability to obtain vaginal orgasm or anorgasmia in women for premature ejaculation, since the frictional period, often lasting more than 20 minutes, is not enough to satisfy the partner.

That is, from a medical point of view, premature ejaculation is often repeated ejaculations after minimal sexual stimulation before or after insertion of the penis into the vagina. The opinion that uncontrolled ejaculation is premature is incorrect, and it also gives rise to serious and difficult problems. psychological problems.

Causes of premature ejaculation

To date, numerous studies in the field of andrology prove that most premature ejaculations are of a psychogenic nature and belong to the psychogenic form of premature ejaculation. Lack of sexual experience and theoretical knowledge at the moment of the onset of sexual activity, together with false reviews of sexual experience among peers, subsequently form a persistent syndrome of failure. Because once unsuccessful sexual intercourse occurs with the development of phobias, it leads to a repetition of the scenario. The psychophysical reasons for the development of repeated premature ejaculations lie in the formation reflex arc, which, after formation, contributes to premature ejaculation, subsequently develops secondary phenomena of colliculitis (inflammation of the seminal tubercle).

Inflammatory diseases of the gonad appendages, especially in the absence of treatment and accession psychogenic factors capable of forming persistent premature ejaculation syndrome. Thus, with colliculitis of an inflammatory or hypertrophic nature, the blood supply to the seminal mound increases, which is especially pronounced at the time of sexual intercourse. This enhances the upstream nerve impulses and in response to irritation of the central nervous system orgasm and premature ejaculation occur. If left untreated, irritation of this area increases, as a result of which the quality of the orgasm itself is lost, and frequent premature ejaculations are formed. Often the prostate gland is also involved in the inflammatory process, or inflammation of the prostate is first observed, which later spreads to the seminal mound. Therefore, when correcting premature ejaculation, it is important to carry out anti-inflammatory therapy of all appendages of the gonads.

At neurological changes, which are accompanied by hypersensitivity of the glans penis, the number of receptors in the neural arch increases, resulting in premature ejaculation. A short frenulum, as a cause of premature ejaculation, is practically not considered, since after plastic surgery of the frenulum, sex life comes back to normal.

Diagnosis and treatment of premature ejaculation

In addition to subjective data based on a patient interview, the andrologist performs a number of tests, including a test with lidocaine and a condom. It is also necessary to conduct an examination for the presence inflammatory diseases urogenital area, which could cause sexual dysfunction. And after comprehensive survey a course of procedures to correct sexual dysfunction is prescribed on an individual basis. The goal of treatment is to restore normal duration sexual intercourse and the removal of psychologically determined failure syndrome.

All patients undergo a psychotherapeutic course to learn how to control ejaculation. Sexopathologists agree that with premature ejaculation of a psychogenic nature, psychotherapy is sufficient to successfully develop the recognition of pre-orgastic sensations. However, the effect of psychotherapy is observed only with the conscious and adequate participation of a permanent partner. The “stop-start” technique begins to produce results within 2 to 10 weeks, but it takes at least another 2-3 months after the end of the procedures to consolidate them. Moreover, effectiveness largely depends on the patience of both partners and the lack of negative emotions at the moment of sexual intercourse.

Stopping or slowing down frictional movements simultaneously with conscious relaxation of the muscles at the moment of approaching orgasm allows you to continue sexual intercourse, in addition, constant training strengthens the muscles pelvic floor, which additionally helps to achieve complete control over ejaculation and solve the problem of premature ejaculation. Moreover, treatment will be effective only if there is a permanent partner who is not indifferent to the man’s problems and positive attitude along with a reserve of patience and perseverance.

Drug treatment of premature ejaculation is indicated for inflammatory processes in the prostate gland and in the seminal tubercle, as well as hypersensitivity glans penis. To reduce sensitivity, use ointment with lidocaine or anesthesin, and it is recommended to use a condom. The drug is applied 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse to the frenulum area to prevent complete loss of sensitivity and not cause anejaculation. This method can only be used if there is a permanent partner, as it is associated with psychological and physical discomfort during preparation for coitus, however, when using ointments, good results are achieved. clinical effect and there is a minimum adverse reactions.

Due to their selective effect on regulatory mechanisms, drugs from other pharmacological groups can also be used to correct premature ejaculation. But however wide application not a single pharmacological group of drugs received it. Thus, antipsychotics block dopamine receptors at the central level. The effectiveness of tranquilizers in correcting premature ejaculation directly depends on the dose, but ejaculation is inhibited rather than controlled. In addition, when the dose is increased, medicinal sedative effect, which is not always appropriate at the moment of sexual intimacy.

When using alpha-blockers, the ejaculatory reflex is inhibited due to the effect on the sympathetic link. But despite this, while maintaining control over premature ejaculation and maintaining orgasm, the drugs have not found widespread use due to frequent retrograde ejaculation, when seminal fluid is thrown into the bladder, since its valve does not close.

Premature ejaculation can be inhibited with tricyclic antidepressants, although these drugs are dose-dependent and their effectiveness is no more than 15%, which, together with many side effects did not give antidepressants widespread use in the treatment of premature ejaculation.

The most popular drugs for correcting premature ejaculation are antidepressants that increase serotonin levels by selectively blocking its reuptake. These are fluoxetine, sertraline and others; observed when taking medications good effect, a small number of adverse reactions. It is the drugs of this pharmacological group are promising for effective correction premature ejaculation.

Intracavernosal injections, which have gained popularity in Lately, significantly increase the friction period by reducing sensitivity nerve fibers. But, unlike drugs taken orally, an erection remains even after ejaculation, which allows a man to continue sexual intercourse, feeling more confident.

TO surgical treatment premature ejaculation is resorted to if the main cause is short bridle. In such cases, surgical frenuloplasty is performed. If there is no effect from conservative treatment For premature ejaculation, a microsurgical operation is performed to denervate the glans penis. As a result surgical interventions the sensitivity threshold of the glans penis changes and positive effect observed in 90% of patients, with a primary increase in the duration of sexual intercourse by 2-4 minutes. Postoperative period spent in the hospital is no more than 2 days, and after the operation complete psychological rehabilitation patients.

Every literate man is interested in his own question men's health. When you understand what processes occur in the body, it is much easier to recognize pathological phenomena in the body. Today we'll talk about male ejaculation. We will discuss further how the ejaculation mechanism works, how ejaculation occurs in men, and what signs indicate that disturbances have occurred in the reproductive sphere.

Ejaculation in men: how the ejaculation process occurs

Ejaculation is a natural process that occurs against the background of stimuli that enter directly into the cerebral cortex and give messages of sexual origin:

  • Olfactory (formed by smell);
  • Auditory (perceived by hearing);
  • Tactile (touching);
  • Visual (when seeing an object of desire or watching a film on a certain topic).

This kind of irritants activates the center and triggers the start of this process.

How does ejaculation occur in men?

In representatives of the stronger sex it is expressed in two phases, namely:

  • Emission. This phase is marked by erotic stimulation: tactile, visual. At this stage, the testicles and prostate contract, and the man feels aroused. Such contractions throw away natural secretions. When the prostate, seminal vesicles and vas deferens are compressed, sperm begins to be released, which goes into the urethra. During this period, the sphincter of the MP is blocked. Thanks to this blockage, urine is retained during intimate intercourse;
  • Exile. This phase involves the release of germ cells from the body to the outside. The presented process is formed reflexively and is not subject to control. IN in this case You can learn to control your excitement. During this phase, the seminal fluid begins to compress back urethra.

The mechanism of ejaculation is quite complex, and not every man can control his sexual arousal. This factor especially concerns teenagers who can be aroused by an erotic scene in a movie, beautiful girl etc. Sometimes hypersexuality does not leave mature men, who quickly become aroused at the sight of a sexual stimulus.

In the second phase, the man feels complete bliss, which he cannot control and orgasm. Normally, male sperm is released in an amount of 1-1.5 ml. Physiologically, this is enough to fertilize the egg. When orgasm occurs, blood circulation slows down and you feel complete relaxation, erection weakens. Repeated ejaculation is not immediately possible. U different men The recovery period occurs in different ways and this criterion depends on the age, health and sexual arousal of the man. For young people, 10-30 minutes are enough for the ejaculation process to start in a new circle.

Male ejaculation: possible disorders

An erection is considered normal if it is sufficient for full sexual intercourse. Many men worry about the size of their penis when erect.

Most sexually educated men understand that the most erogenous point in women is the vestibule of the vagina and clitoris. If a man’s erection is long enough and the hardness of the penis is significant, this fact should not cause any concern.

During the period of ejaculation, the sexual organ increases in width by an average of 4-7 mm, and in length up to 1-2 cm.

Modern men often face some minor but very unpleasant deviations. Quite often it appears:

  • Ejaculate retention;
  • Anejaculation.

Let us describe the presented types of violations in more detail.


With this pathological phenomenon, the complete one is considered. Why is this happening? This pathology can develop against the background organic diseases, so mental pathologies. Moreover, anejaculation can be partial or situational.

Situational ejaculation can occur due to various reasons. For example, with one girl orgasm occurs consistently, but with another it does not occur at all. Also, anejaculation often manifests itself during a spermogram analysis. Therefore, doctors often associate this condition with the psychological background of the patient.

Premature ejaculation

In fact, this position was intended by nature to be an advantageous feature. So say physiologists. In ancient times, a man was chronically exposed to danger, so he simply could not prolong the intimate act for a long time. Such an undesirable feature today is reflected in the modern man.

There are many reasons for premature ejaculation:

  • Stress, psychological disorders(nervousness, rage, irritability);
  • Problems with a partner (innuendoes, scandals, mutual grievances);
  • Taking certain medications;
  • Chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

Also, inexperienced men who have not yet learned to control the process of arousal are susceptible to this condition.

Delayed ejaculation

This pathological condition is the most common phenomenon among modern men. This process is famous for the fact that the man long time cannot come to orgasm, and the release of sperm does not occur. But there is no need to regard this condition as an advantage, since if it manifests itself systematically, then this indicates a violation of erectile function.

It is important to understand that delayed ejaculation does not in any way affect the hardness of the penis, but in this condition there is no ejaculation. There are many reasons for the development of this process:

  • Organic diseases of the genital area;
  • Complications after surgery;
  • Neurogenic diseases;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Incorrect sex education.

Based on the reasons described above, we can conclude that delayed ejaculation occurs quite often.

If any deviations from the norm appear, you need to be examined by a urologist and take a test. necessary tests to identify the true cause of the disease.

Clinical picture


Professor, urologist Tachko A.V.:
Medical practice: more than 30 years.

I have been treating prostatitis for many years. I’m telling you as a doctor, don’t even think about self-medicating with folk remedies.

I have been treating impotence for many years. I hasten to warn you, most drugs for potency cause instant addiction by the body.

It’s very simple, after drinking a potency drug just a few times (like Viagra and the like), you won’t be able to do ANYTHING in bed without the help of this drug.

But what if you don’t have enough strength? The only medicine that is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health to enhance potency is the Solomon Vector. The drug is not addictive and acts on the cause of the disease, making it possible to completely get rid of problems with potency. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation can receive it FOR FREE.

Treatment of ejaculation disorders

There are factors that negatively affect the ejaculation process. These include:

  • Organic causes related to male physiology;
  • Mental disorders caused by psychological characteristics.

The true causes include such ailments as:

  • Prostate problems (prostatitis), inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  • Short frenulum of the prepuce;
  • Various injuries of the spine and pelvis;
  • Injuries and operations on the genital organs.

TO mental reasons include the following factors:

  • Rarity of sexual intercourse;
  • Fear of intimacy;
  • Depression, chronic stressful situations (far-fetched, objective);
  • Psychological disorders (apathy, constant nervousness, irritability);
  • Overexcitement.

The doctor must thoroughly check the patient’s body in order to determine correct diagnosis. In the case of ejaculation disorders, the process of diagnosing the disease may be delayed, since the real reason the disease does not resolve immediately.

The treatment of such pathological phenomena is carried out various specialists: urologists, sexologists, endocrinologists and andrologists. To identify the etiology of a pathological phenomenon, the doctor may prescribe a wide range of tests:

  • Culture of urine and semen;
  • Diagnosis of infections;
  • Analysis of the prostate gland (prostate function).

Treatment is prescribed depending on the etiology of the disease. Drug therapy is usually prescribed, which may be accompanied by consultations with a psychotherapist or sexologist who also provides treatment. psychological abnormalities in the intimate sphere.

To prevent the development of such processes, a man needs to undergo annual examinations reproductive system and at the first signs of deviation, seek help from a specialist.


Did you have a misfire? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory is not on your side. And of course, you know firsthand that impaired potency is:
  • Low self-esteem
  • Women remember your every failure, tell their girlfriends and your friends
  • Prostate disease
  • Developing depression, which negatively affects your health
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Premature ejaculation is the most common intimate problem for most men. You can talk about a problem if ejaculation occurs before or immediately after the start of sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of premature ejaculation

The duration of healthy intercourse is approximately seven minutes. A deviation of two minutes is also considered normal. ABOUT early ejaculation you can say if:

  • Ejaculation occurs within two minutes from the start of sexual intercourse (this is the first symptom of early ejaculation).
  • The onset of ejaculation occurs immediately after insertion into the vagina.
  • Ejaculation occurs before the penis is inserted into the vagina.

Early ejaculation may be associated with overstimulation, or, conversely, with prolonged abstinence. In such cases it is not considered a deviation.

If early ejaculation occurs regularly, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment so that it does not develop into more serious problems.

Ignoring can lead to deep mental disorders and...

Causes of early ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is divided into:

  • Primary. The problem is not associated with diseases of the spinal cord, brain, or genitourinary system.
  • Secondary. Occurs due to diseases of the central nervous system or genitourinary organs.

For effective treatment It is necessary to find out the reasons for early ejaculation. The main reasons are divided into psychological and physiological.

  1. Psychological reasons:
    • a conditioned reflex developed during early youthful masturbation;
    • lack of experience;
    • obsessive anticipation syndrome due to past failures with partners;
    • irregular sex life;
    • too early experience of intimate life;
    • fear of contracting an infection;
    • overexcitement.
  2. Physiological reasons:
    • inflammatory processes (, etc.) and injuries to the genital organs;
    • short frenulum of the penis;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • neurological diseases, causing disturbances pelvic organs;
    • neurobiological disorders;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • heredity;
    • bad habits.

The most common cause of the disease is hypersensitivity. The head of the penis contains receptors that do not respond properly to stimulation, which leads to early ejaculation.

What specialists should you contact?

Depending on the reasons, consultation and examination by one or more doctors is necessary:

Diagnosis of premature ejaculation

If you have symptoms of early ejaculation, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis to find the causes and prescribe the correct treatment.

Diagnosis begins with interviewing the patient to determine the regularity and quality of intimate life.

For correct diagnosis the following is required:

  • inspection;
  • biothesiometry;
  • lab tests;
  • Dopplerography;

IN in some cases the doctor may prescribe rad additional tests for diagnostics:

Treatment of premature ejaculation

There are several treatments for premature ejaculation.

Let's look at some methods in more detail.

Important!To normalize ejaculation, regular sex life is necessary, correct routine day and physical activity.

Start-Stop Method

During sex, a man must feel and catch the moment of ejaculation. At this point, the penis is removed from the vagina and squeezed with your fingers at the base. As soon as the excitement subsides, sexual intercourse is continued. This can be done until the partner is satisfied. You can repeat the reception as much as necessary. Over time, the duration of sexual intercourse will increase.

Drug treatment

Today this method is the most popular. For treatment, drugs are used that prevent premature ejaculation:

  • Alpha-blockers, Inhibitors. These drugs increase the duration of sexual intercourse. However, they do have some side effects.
  • . Used for treatment psychological reasons and overexcitement.
  • Sometimes the doctor may prescribe special injections, which will eventually cure diseases.
  • Phytotherapy helps in solving many problems, including intimate ones.

Note!Drug treatment should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor. Accept those medications which the doctor will prescribe.

Kegel method

This technique is used when there is a violation of innervation pelvic organs. To do this, they perform certain exercises that help restore it. With the help of exercises, a man learns to control the tension and relaxation of certain muscles of the tailbone and pelvis. This is how he learns to control ejaculation.

Treatment with folk remedies

For treatment with folk remedies, different herbal infusions that increase the duration of sexual intercourse:

Attention!Before using the products traditional medicine you need to consult your doctor.


This method includes massage, acupuncture, baths and other methods of reflexology.

Surgical intervention

When therapy and other methods do not give the desired result, surgery is used for treatment:

  1. Circumcision or circumcision.
  2. Microsurgical deneurization– impact on the nerve endings of the penis. After surgery there may be complete absence sensitivity of the head of the penis for two to three months. Then everything returns to normal.
  3. Injection implantation– inserted into the head of the penis hyaluronic acid. A small implant appears that creates a space between nerve endings and skin. This slightly dulls sensitivity.

Preventing premature ejaculation

To eliminate disorders in the functioning of the genital organs, adhere to the principles healthy eating, exclude promiscuous sex life, avoid stressful situations and do not abuse cigarettes and alcohol.

Active recreation in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, proper nutrition and playing sports.