The dog is tearing its fur. The dog chews out the hair near its tail: the reasons for this phenomenon and methods for eliminating the problem. The dog is very itchy after flea and tick drops, bathing, or haircuts

When you notice for several days that your pet is still actively itching and tearing its skin, you should immediately go to the veterinarian, since such symptoms may indicate chronic diseases. Therefore, in this article we will look at why a dog chews its own fur and what the owner can do to eliminate this problem. In a word, there can be a huge number of reasons.

Make sure that your dog does not break the skin, as infection can easily get into the affected areas. The selection of medications and the effectiveness of treatment depend on a well-defined factor. Here are the most popular reasons for active scratching in an animal:

4. Allergic response to insect bites. This type of allergy occurs much less frequently than other types. However, if the pet is exposed to it, it scratches and gnaws the affected areas.

5.A severe form of wet skin disease, which refers to a bacterial infection. This type of dermatitis causes redness and can cause severe irritation. As a result, your pet will begin to scratch and chew on areas that are very itchy.

6. Due to subcutaneous mites, the dog begins to gnaw the hair on the paws and face, which are considered the main places where the insect is localized. In this case, the animal can scratch these areas until blood forms. Another feature of this type of skin lesion is baldness.

7.Eczema is characterized by severe itching, which forces the dog to scratch itself vigorously with both claws and teeth. With eczema, bleeding wounds may occur on the body of dogs, especially short-haired dogs. The sides, base of the tail, armpits, and the area behind the ears suffer most from this pathology.

Other factors causing itching

Owners often begin to panic, suspecting that the dog has serious illnesses, for example, the chronic disease of atopic dermatitis. However, it is necessary to understand that both the above diseases and the following influencing factors can be a factor in the appearance of discomfort in this area:

Poor position of the nail plates. Often, owners lose sight of the need to trim their pet's claws, which leads to their uncontrolled growth and, as a result, significant discomfort in the animal. In most cases, the dog may even move strangely when walking, as well as vigorously bite the affected areas.

Dirt between the toes of an animal. This mainly applies to the owner of the dog and his careless care or lack thereof. Over time, when many pellets of dirt have accumulated, the dog itself tries to get rid of them, while gnawing these areas of dirt.

  • Damage to paw pads. Skin injury can be caused by contact with the reagent or sliding on asphalt.
  • In most situations, the animal gnaws at its paws, or the dog gnaws out its fur on its thighs, which may indicate the appearance of a subcutaneous mite.
  • Improper nutrition, which is characterized by an excess or lack of vitamins.
  • Neurosis. Sometimes dogs suffer from this disease. Therefore, try to avoid any situations in your pet’s life so as not to disturb his psyche.

How to help if a dog chews its fur?

When fleas are detected on an animal, they must be destroyed immediately. The problem is that by treating only the dog it is impossible to completely get rid of insects, since they are in the grass, in the floor and in the folds of the animal. Only if the dog has been completely treated can a flea collar be worn.

When the allergy factor is a new product introduced into the dog’s diet, such experiments should be abandoned and removed from the menu. Some manufacturers have special hypoallergenic dry food that you should switch to.

If objects or things, for example, a purchased rug, toy or feeding bowl, turned out to be a factor in the allergic manifestation, they should be removed. You also need to observe your pet for some time to be sure that the allergen has been eliminated.

For severe scabies, you will need to take hormonal medication prescribed by your veterinarian. In any case, the dog needs a proper diet. When inflammation of the anal glands has become a factor in chewing the fur, the cleaning should be performed by a veterinarian.

Brief conclusion

Please note that when a dog itches and chews itself, you should not panic, you need to take specific measures. When you cannot independently determine the cause of this behavior, you should consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances, as this can make your pet feel worse. When the dog does not stop itching for a long period, there is no need to put off visiting the doctor, because sometimes the dog needs emergency help.

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Sometimes you can see a strange and even scary picture of a dog chewing out the hair near its tail. Several reasons can cause this phenomenon, starting with a simple allergy and ending with an inflammatory process. A veterinarian will help you deal with the situation.

What are the causes of self-gnawing

After conducting a series of diagnostic measures, the veterinarian will choose a treatment tactic, since it completely depends on what caused the hair to be chewed out.

Dogs may chew the hair around their tail due to fleas, inflammation of the anal glands, or allergies.

It could be:

Having established the cause, you can begin to eliminate the problem.

If an allergy causes wool biting, then the allergen must be eliminated.

This can only be done if you know exactly what the reaction was:

  1. Food. Switch your dog to another food and keep him on an anti-allergenic diet for a while. You can also purchase special anti-allergenic foods in a specialized store (there are such lines, etc.).
  2. Fleas and their saliva. In this case, only complete treatment of the dog and its habitat will help.
  3. Medicines. If you have started treating your dog for a disease and it starts chewing its fur, then you should think about changing the drug. Most likely, you will have to give the animal antihistamines, such as, in parallel with medications.
  4. Shampoo. Many owners believe that any shampoo, even human shampoo, is suitable for a dog. However, it can cause allergies and peeling of the skin. Therefore, the choice of hygiene products must be taken with full responsibility.
  5. Bedding, etc. If you recently changed your dog's bed or bought new toys, these may also be the cause of the allergy.

If your dog chews its fur because it is allergic to food, it should be switched to a hypoallergenic diet.

Until the allergen is eliminated, the dog will need to take antihistamines. In some cases, the use of hormonal drugs is also prescribed. Only a doctor can prescribe them. If a visit to a specialist is not possible, then you can help the dog at home by giving it Triamsinolone (can be bought at a regular pharmacy). Only the dosage should be calculated individually - half a tablet per 10 kg of animal weight.

The cause of wool biting can be contamination and inflammation of the paraanal glands. You can clean them yourself, but for the first time it is better to see how a professional does it.

To prevent hair chewing from happening, you need to relieve your dog of discomfort. Places where an animal injures itself are an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, which inevitably leads to the development of inflammatory processes.

In the article I will look at the reasons why a dog chews its tail, sometimes to the point of bleeding. I'll tell you what to do in such a situation.

A pet that pays too much attention to its tail may be trying to draw the owner's attention to its health. Problems that are caused by pet anxiety:

Allergy or individual intolerance to the product

Incorrectly selected food or external factors can harm the dog.

Fleas bite the back and back of the head because that's where it's hardest to get them.


A tail pinched by a door or injured during a walk causes pain to the animal, and she tries to eliminate the cause of the anxiety.

The thorns can cause great discomfort and pain to the pet, and he wants to get rid of them on his own and gnaw the object.

Inflammation of the paraanal glands

Inflammation causes itching and irritation in the anal area.

Psychological stress

Stress can cause an animal to self-flagellate.

Poor contact with the owner, resentment, jealousy can harm not only the psychological, but also the physical condition of the animal.

Animal boredom

The pet can have fun chasing its tail and catching it.

This is a reason to think about spending time with your pet more often, before such a hobby develops into damage to furniture or aggression.

By biting and injuring itself, the dog can introduce infection into the wounds

What to do if your dog starts biting its tail

The thorns found during examination of the dog must be carefully pulled out, and the damaged area of ​​skin must be washed with hydrogen peroxide.

A dog whose tail has been pinched needs to be examined by a veterinarian. Broken cartilage may heal incorrectly and cause even greater discomfort for the dog, so consultation with a veterinarian and appropriate treatment is necessary.

A dog chewing its tail is a symptom, not an independent disease, so there is no single treatment regimen

When stressed or severely frightened, the pet not only chews its tail, but apathy, refusal to eat and play, hidden aggression, and general malaise of the pet are also noticeable. Stress may be associated with moving to a new home or a change of ownership. In this case, human love and affection, active games and frequent walks will help.

Seemingly insignificant actions of a dog can indicate a problem that is hidden in its body.

If your dog bites the hair on its sides and paws, this is a sign that it has a certain skin disease. Many people believe that this is not such a serious problem, and you can safely do without consulting a doctor. But this is not true - if skin diseases are not treated, they can cause complications and lead to the death of the pet.

What skin diseases exist in dogs?

2. Fungal diseases. Fungi cause severe itching on the skin, which is why the dog begins to impatiently scratch the skin and injure itself.

3. Allergic dermatitis. Allergic reactions can be to anything: food, household chemicals, dust and much more.

Diagnosis of skin diseases in dogs

It is easy to diagnose flea dermatitis or piroplasmosis in dogs - to do this, in the laboratory you need to take a scraping from the animal’s fur and examine it under a microscope. If ticks or their larvae are noticed on it, the diagnosis is confirmed. Fungal diseases are detected in the same way. The situation is more complicated with allergic reactions - after all, it is extremely difficult to identify what the animal’s body might have reacted to. To do this, the veterinarian prescribes a diet for the dog or conducts an intradermal examination - injects various antigens under the skin, and then looks to see if there is a reaction to them or not.

Treatment of skin diseases in dogs

It is easy to diagnose flea dermatitis or piroplasmosis in dogs - to do this, in the laboratory you need to take a scraping from the animal’s fur and examine it under a microscope. If ticks or their larvae are noticed on it, the diagnosis is confirmed.

The doctor may also prescribe antihistamines, antibiotics, vitamins and other medications. Immunotherapy is also not superfluous in such cases. But the most important thing is that the animal needs complete control on the part of the owner. It is necessary to keep the room in which the pet lives clean: wipe off dust and vacuum. The animal must be frequently bathed, treated, protected from contact with stray animals, try not to walk the pet during the period of active tick activity - then the risk of contracting skin diseases in your pet will be less.

Many owners of four-legged friends may be puzzled by the question,? Is this a disease or does the dog have some kind of psychological problem? This article will help you understand this issue and understand what actions should be taken.

The main reasons for this behavior

A common reason for , is an allergic reaction in an animal. It can be caused by constant flea bites, the action of household and chemical substances - there are a lot of options. Allergies usually cause severe itching, so the dog tries to scratch the itchy skin and ends up pulling out some of the fur with his teeth. In this case, the dog will only be bothered by those places that were most exposed to the allergen.

However, please note that if your four-legged friend actively chews out fur in the tail area, this most often indicates inflammation of the anal glands, and not an allergy. In this case, the animal will often get nervous and crawl on the floor, sitting on its butt, and the hair near the tail will often get wet and even begin to fall out on its own. It will be very difficult not to notice such changes in the dog’s condition.

In addition, your pet may try to bite off a piece of fur in a place where there is an injury or other injury on its skin. This happens because the dog's reflexes dictate that he needs to lick the wound until it heals. It is worth carefully examining the area of ​​the skin where the dog is actively tearing out fur - it is likely that you just need to help him heal the existing skin damage.

How to help your dog?

If the animal is worried about an allergy, you need to find out its source and remove it from the dog. If it is this or new bedding, it will be enough to replace them. In case of a severe allergic reaction, you need to contact your veterinarian to prescribe a course of antihistamines and hormonal medications. And in the case when a dog bites the fur due to inflammation of the paraanal glands, a veterinarian will also help - he will clean them and the pet’s condition will noticeably improve. Your veterinarian can also teach you how to clean these glands at home.