What causes constant nausea? Nausea without vomiting

Nausea brings an unbearable feeling of discomfort, and sometimes completely makes it impossible to work. Loss of strength, fever, general weakness - this is an incomplete list of all accompanying symptoms. It is important to know what causes them in order to take action in time.

Nausea after eating

It happens that a person experiences an unpleasant feeling of nausea immediately after eating. This can happen to a completely healthy body in the form of a single attack. Then you need to determine what may make you sick, exclude fried and fatty foods from your diet, monitor the freshness of the products, and do not overeat. If the symptom of nausea is constant, then most likely there are problems or diseases in the body that provoke its occurrence.

For those who often experience nausea while eating, the reasons may be as follows:

  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • appendicitis (an important sign – pain in the side);
  • infections, food poisoning (fever, stomach upset, excessive vomiting);
  • diseases of the thyroid gland (sudden change in body weight, lack of appetite).

In the morning

A day that starts with such a symptom cannot be a good one. Attacks of nausea can occur on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up, or after eating. If you regularly feel sick in the morning, the first thing to do is take a pregnancy test. In the first trimester of development, the child begins to feel nauseous due to the manifestation of toxicosis. This is a completely healthy reaction that pregnant women exhibit; there are no deviations in this. If the reason is excluded, it is worth figuring out why you feel sick in the morning. The following factors may lead to this:

  • low blood pressure;
  • hypertension;
  • gastritis (accompanied by pain, burning in the abdomen);
  • acute heart failure (hiccups, pale skin, chills);
  • problems with the middle ear (occurs with sudden movements, causes dizziness);

Constant nausea - causes

If feelings of weakness and nausea are constant, and you begin to feel dizzy throughout the day, you should go to the hospital for examination. For a more accurate diagnosis, you need to take into account the presence of vomiting, body temperature, and a change in diet. Perhaps poor health is associated with frequent travel in transport, with a tendency to motion sickness (sea sickness). However, there is a visible list of influencing factors - their presence explains why you constantly feel sick. These include:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • anemia;
  • after radiation, chemotherapy.

Bitterness in the mouth and nausea

Even a slight bitter taste in the mouth, combined with the urge to vomit, can be the aftertaste of a stormy evening, drinking alcohol, hot and spicy foods, or heavy food. If this happened the day before, then it is best to solve the problem by giving your gastrointestinal tract a fasting day: more water, porridge, vegetable soup, yoghurts. Your health should improve. If this does not happen, you regularly suffer from attacks of nausea with a bitter aftertaste, you should pay attention to the condition of the liver and gallbladder.

If you are worried about bitterness in the mouth and nausea, the reasons can be varied:

  • bile stagnation;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • pathologies of the biliary tract;
  • use of antibiotics and antihistamines.

During menstruation

It happens that nausea and diarrhea accompany a woman throughout the entire period of menstruation; these unpleasant sensations are caused by a change in hormonal levels or its imbalance. The conditions are pronounced in adolescents. Nausea is caused by an excess of serotonin; when it jumps, the pressure in the head changes and is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, fainting and loss of coordination. Another reason is the onset of pregnancy, in this case the girl mistakes spotting for the onset of her period, and the fetus is already developing in the uterus.

If you feel nausea during menstruation, the reasons are usually as follows:

  • hormonal imbalance (sometimes found in men);
  • high water level;
  • algomenorrhea (diagnosed by a doctor).

Nausea and belching of air

Belching is the release of excess air from the stomach cavity. Nausea with belching can occur when overeating, drinking carbonated drinks, or certain foods (legumes, seeds, melon). If such manifestations become permanent, it is worth checking the gastrointestinal tract, visiting a gastroenterologist and neurologist, and determining why the person is feeling sick. The prerequisites for this are different, many of them turn out to be complex diseases that require intervention from the attending physician and an appropriate medical decision.

If nausea and belching of air occur, the reasons are as follows:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • pathologies of the intestines, diaphragm and esophagus;
  • smoking;
  • stomach cancer;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • late pregnancy.

Heaviness in the stomach and nausea

Such complaints are common. The pace of life provokes improper and untimely nutrition, snacking on fast food, and supermarkets are increasingly less likely to offer a normal choice of food without chemical impurities. Added to this are stress and bad habits. It is natural that young people begin to suffer from problems with digestion and nausea; however, difficulties become noticeable when poor health becomes chronic.

If you feel heaviness in the stomach and nausea, the reasons are usually the following:

  • smoking or drinking too much alcohol;
  • pancreatitis;
  • unhealthy intestinal microflora;
  • gastritis;
  • irregular meals;
  • fried, fatty foods;
  • kidney or bladder stones.

Nausea in the evenings

Many patients ask doctors why they may feel nauseous in the evening. The main prerequisites may be eating disorders. This is an incorrect distribution of calories during the day, long breaks between meals, large amounts of food at night. Eating difficult-to-digest foods after 6 p.m. can also cause nausea. These include:

  1. potato;
  2. legumes;
  3. pork;
  4. pears or grapes;
  5. flour and baked goods;
  6. food that is poorly digested;
  7. dishes that create additional stress on the digestive system.

If you feel sick in the evenings, the reasons are simple:

  • incorrect meal times;
  • overeating, junk food;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and esophagus;
  • hypotension;
  • meningitis, concussion, sunstroke;
  • diabetes.

Sick of smells

Odor intolerance is not the most pleasant thing. If it occurs, then it is necessary to determine which aromas cause such a reaction. It could be a specific smell or all the harsh ones. The body has the property of self-preservation, and why nausea occurs is simply explained - it is a defensive reaction to foods that are not suitable or contraindicated for a person.

If smells make you sick, the reasons are:

  • frequent smoking or inhalation of tobacco smoke, rejection of the smell of coffee;
  • inhalation of harmful, toxic substances;
  • allergies to certain substances;
  • in cases of food poisoning earlier;
  • with toxicosis.

On empty stomach

Sometimes a painful feeling occurs on an empty stomach, on an empty stomach. It may be accompanied by gagging, vomiting bile, since the intestines, which are empty in the morning, have nothing more to reject. This feeling can arise sporadically, when the usual diet is disrupted, or it can constantly complicate life. In such cases, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics to identify diseases.

If nausea is noticed on an empty stomach, the reasons are usually the following:

  • gastritis;
  • dyskinesia;
  • esophagitis;
  • early stages of fetal development.

With stomach pain

Factors that cause pain with vomiting often indicate the presence of serious disorders of the digestive system. To diagnose or prevent the development of abnormalities, you need to go to the clinic. Tests and examinations will help to establish or stop the development of pathologies, determine the correct diet and diet.

If you suffer from nausea and pain in the stomach, the reasons for it are as follows:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammation of the appendix;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach cancer.

Headache and nausea

Specific signs are a signal from the brain, a warning about violations and failures. Poor health forces a person to look for a way out of the situation and seek medical help, so such symptoms should not be overlooked or self-medicated. There are a number of diseases that can cause these unpleasant sensations, all of which require professional therapy.

When you feel a headache and nausea, the reasons are:

  • abnormal blood pressure;
  • development of migraine;
  • anemia;
  • head injuries;
  • heatstroke;
  • tumors;
  • intoxication from taking drugs;
  • depressive states, stress (temple pain, nausea, trembling in the limbs).

Nausea and diarrhea - causes

Only the attending physician can make a definite diagnosis if such signs appear. Heartburn is not only unpleasant, but also harmful to the esophagus. The release of gastric juice into the esophagus irritates the mucous membrane and destroys it. Nausea with heartburn can be painful when a person chews poorly or eats quickly, or the diet is dominated by fatty, spicy or salty foods.

If you have heartburn and nausea, the reasons are:

  • initial stages of gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • aerophagia (swallowing air with food);
  • dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus;
  • gallbladder problems;
  • stressful conditions.

Nausea while eating - causes

The most unpleasant accompaniment of a meal is nausea. The temperature of food, its volume, frequency of eating, smell and taste - all this can affect the occurrence of unpleasant sensations. Vomiting occurs if toxic or poisonous components are found in food. This reaction can be caused by stress and acute conditions. If you notice nausea while eating, the reasons are:

  • ENT diseases;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction;
  • in the presence of a foreign body in the intestinal cavity;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome (weakness, dizziness, pain in the back of the head, drowsiness);
  • overwork, panic attacks, nervous breakdowns.


Many people are familiar with the problem of frequent nausea that occurs “just like that,” for no apparent reason. Of course, when we, for example, catch a cold or are poisoned, we are not surprised by prolonged nausea and even more unpleasant phenomena. But why can we feel sick if, at first glance, we feel fine otherwise? In fact, there can be many causes of nausea, and often the unpleasant symptom itself is associated with serious, dangerous diseases. In order to recognize a dangerous disease in time, it is important to understand why you feel sick every day, frequent nausea is a sign of what it could be, and immediately begin searching for the true cause. To do this, we will talk about the most common causes of nausea.

Nausea “for no reason”

Regardless of the type of nausea and its duration, when we talk about nausea during the day for no reason, we mean the absence of a clear reason: poisoning, overeating, etc. Many diseases that occur latently may indicate dangerous changes occurring in various human organs and systems. Nausea does not occur without any reason, so it is extremely important to determine why you may feel nauseous.

Nausea can be different - mild, severe, long-lasting, frequent, almost continuous. In itself, this condition is extremely unpleasant for a person, but when attacks of nausea occur frequently, interfere with normal activity and create fear for one’s own health, the cause must be found as quickly as possible. Frequent nausea that you experience for several days in a row, or even for a longer period, should not go unnoticed by a specialist.

Diseases - signs of nausea

An unpleasant sensation that occurs in the epigastric region and pharynx often occurs due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, this is by no means always connected in any way with poisoning. There are many gastrointestinal diseases that cause frequent nausea. Moreover, this often occurs.

Gastritis, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, appendicitis, cholecystitis, duodenitis can sometimes be the answer to the question of why you sometimes feel sick for no reason.

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, often accompanied by the unpleasant symptom we describe, along with severe bloating. The necessary enzymes do not enter the stomach cavity, and food is not completely digested.

Stomach ulcer is one of the most common answers to the question “why do I often feel sick.” This may also include a burning sensation and frequent heartburn. The lining of the stomach is damaged, which leads to acid entering the tissue of the esophagus. The body requires an empty stomach to complete the digestion process. It is important not to delay and consult a doctor.

Inflammation of the intestinal appendix, or in other words, appendicitis, due to which toxins and pus accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, often causes an attack of nausea, the causes of which lie in a sharp change in the intestinal microflora. If, in addition, severe abdominal pain, dizziness, weakness and a strong increase in temperature appear, you should not hesitate.

Diseases of the central nervous system can cause nausea during the day. The vomiting center is located in the brain, so problems with the nervous system can cause an unpleasant symptom. Skull injuries, concussions, meningitis, migraines, increased intracranial pressure, seasickness - the list goes on and on.

Hypertension often causes nausea. In addition to the symptom itself, you may experience dizziness and severe fatigue.

Osteochondrosis is sometimes what causes nausea every day. The disease often appears in office workers who are forced to spend a long time in one uncomfortable position. Sometimes dizziness is added to the main symptom.

Some medications cause nausea. Often such a side effect is written about in the annotation for the product.

Causes of nausea not related to illness

It would seem that you are healthy, but the unpleasant condition is repeated with unenviable regularity. What's the matter?

Nausea without pain can be caused by a weak vestibular system. Many people get motion sickness in transport, after prolonged movements, in this case you need to worry in advance and purchase special tablets.

Why sometimes you feel sick for no reason - the answer may be psychological problems. For example, often an unpleasant condition is explained by stress, fear, or nervous tension. As soon as you calm down and do some breathing exercises, the feeling should go away.

A person who moves from his habitat to the opposite one often experiences slight nausea. Often the symptom occurs in an area where you have never been before. A couple of days of a “cloudy” state is normal. But if such nausea lasts longer, it is better to consult a specialist.

Many of us wonder why we feel sick just like that, if everything is fine with our health, and we lead an ordinary lifestyle and do not leave our hometown. The answer may lie in this very lifestyle, or more precisely, in inactive and improper physical activity. Office workers, even those who do not suffer from osteochondrosis, can often look for the causes of severe nausea. An uncomfortable posture in front of a computer and other office equipment leads to stiff shoulders, neck, arms, and sometimes headaches.

If you often experience signs of nausea, you may need to reconsider your diet. Hunger, overeating, too much love for sweets often become causes of severe nausea.

The causes of nausea can always be completely different, the main thing is to consult a specialist and not ignore the problem. You should not “prescribe” yourself medications for an unpleasant phenomenon; it is necessary to eliminate exactly the cause. Nausea, like many other symptoms, does not occur out of nowhere, but indicates some changes in the body.

Minor ailments are not uncommon during pregnancy. Some of them are caused by a change in your condition, others may be caused by negative environmental influences.
Nausea and vomiting, which are caused by early toxicosis, accompany most pregnancies to one degree or another. These phenomena are unpleasant, but if they do not lead to malnutrition of the expectant mother, she does not lose weight, her body is not in danger of dehydration due to frequent vomiting, this condition does not require medical intervention.

Most experts consider morning nausea to be a completely normal phenomenon that accompanies the onset of pregnancy, since it is quite explainable by the beginning of the restructuring in the woman’s body. Active production of hormones, increased load on the liver of the expectant mother - all this is the cause of morning sickness. As a rule, the condition of the expectant mother improves significantly by the 10-12th week of pregnancy, when the placenta begins to function.

Complications. Severe vomiting can lead to the development of dehydration and disturbances in electrolyte metabolism (usually hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis), and is relatively rarely accompanied by ruptures of the esophagus - partial (Mallory-Weiss syndrome) or complete (Boerhaave syndrome). Long-term vomiting can lead to malnutrition, weight loss, and metabolic disorders.

Causes of nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting occur when the vomiting center is irritated. Direct causes can affect the gastrointestinal tract or central nervous system or be observed as part of systemic diseases.

The most common reasons:

  • Gastroenteritis.
  • Impact of drugs.
  • Exposure to toxins.

Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) is a relatively rare disorder characterized by severe, repeated attacks of vomiting or nausea alone that occur at varying intervals; however, in the period between attacks it is not possible to detect any structural changes. The disorder is most common in children (average age of onset is 5 years), with a tendency to go into remission as they get older. SCR in adults is often associated with long-term use of marijuana (hemp extract).

Nausea (nausea) and vomiting (vomitus) most often occur by neuroreflex with irritation of the stomach, especially the pyloric region, and the nearest organs - the beginning of the duodenum and jejunum, the lower segment of the esophagus, the pharynx in acute gastritis, esophagitis and pharyngitis (morning mucous vomiting of alcoholics ) etc. Impaired movement of food and chyme, stagnation and reverse peristalsis especially often lead to nausea and, to a certain extent, appropriate vomiting. Vomiting of pure gastric juice is typical in peptic ulcers, especially in duodenal ulcers, which brings relief and is often artificially induced by the patient himself; further vomiting occurs when the pylorus narrows, occurring rarely (as opposed to irritable vomiting with acute gastritis), usually once a day, and emptying the stomach of stagnant masses. Reflex vomiting is observed in diseases of a variety of organs, primarily the intestines and peritoneum with appendicitis, helminthic infestation, with colic - hepatic, renal, uterine, tubo-ovarian. Vomiting can also be of central nervous, including cortical, origin, with toxic irritation of the vomiting center (uremia, poisoning with alcohol, carbon monoxide, digitalis, sulfonamides, apomorphine, ipecac; however, with uremia, alcoholism, the effect of sulfonamides, the local stomach irritation), with increased intracranial pressure (tumors, meningitis, acute blood supply to the meninges), with damage to the semicircular canals. Cerebral vomiting is characterized by the absence of nausea, which is probably more closely associated with antiperistalsis of the stomach and intestines. Habitual nervous vomiting without anatomical changes can reach an indomitable degree and lead to death from exhaustion and self-poisoning. Vomiting in pregnant women probably occurs with the participation of endocrine changes (the effect of the pituitary gland on the stomach) and nervous factors. Reflex and central nervous vomiting is more easily caused in women and children, especially with frequent repetition of vomiting. The practical diagnostic meaning of nausea and vomiting, as well as treatment methods, can be very different in each individual case.

Causes of vomiting without nausea:

  • Intracranial tumors.
  • The patient is asked if he suffers from headaches or double vision; check whether the gait is impaired.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Important signs: nystagmus, swelling of the optic nerve nipple, pathology of the cranial nerves.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Meningitis.
  • Migraine.
  • Periodic vomiting.
  • Vomiting usually recurs at intervals of 2-3 months and occurs in children, adolescents or young adults. It is often accompanied by migraine. With such vomiting, beta blockers sometimes help.

The vomiting center is localized in the medulla oblongata near the centers that control breathing and salivation (for this reason, vomiting is combined with hyperventilation and increased salivation). The center receives signals from the chemoreceptors of the trigger zone located in the bottom of the fourth ventricle, in the area postrema. The area postrema is supplied with blood from the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, and there is no blood-brain barrier here.

The trigger zone is the site of action of some drugs that cause vomiting; in addition, it receives information from the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, peritoneum and heart via afferent fibers:

  • The feeling of nausea appears to be formed by the passage of impulses along the same pathways responsible for the feeling of satiety, so nausea is usually accompanied by anorexia.
  • It is necessary to distinguish vomiting from belching (the latter occurs without effort, i.e. without the participation of muscles that provide gagging movements; it usually gives a sour or bitter sensation in the mouth and is not accompanied by nausea).

Medicines that cause nausea and vomiting

  • Opiates, digoxin, levodopa, ipecac, cytotoxic agents (act on the chemoreceptor trigger zone).
  • Antibiotics (tetracyclines, metronidazole, erythromycin). Sulfonamides (including mesalazine).
  • Acetylsalicylic acid, NSAIDs (damage the gastric mucosa and can stimulate the vomiting center through ascending afferent influences).
  • Alcohol (acts directly through the chemoreceptor trigger zone and due to its damaging effect on the gastric mucosa).

Symptoms and signs of nausea and vomiting

The following signs are especially important:

  • signs of hypovolemia;
  • headache;
  • signs of peritoneal irritation;
  • bloating, severe tympanitis. Interpretation of results. Many signs are characteristic of certain causes of vomiting.

If vomiting occurs shortly after taking a drug or toxic substance or sudden changes in body position, in the absence of significant changes in neurological examination and abdominal assessment, vomiting can most likely be explained by these factors. The same applies to cases of pregnancy - in the absence of pathology according to the examination. With the acute development of vomiting and diarrhea in an initially practically healthy patient and the absence of significant changes according to examination data, the likelihood of infectious gastroenteritis is high; further examination can be delayed.

Vomiting that occurs when thinking about food or is not related in time to food intake suggests a psychogenic cause, as is indicated by a history of functional nausea and vomiting in the patient or his family members. You should ask the patient in more detail, because... he himself may not be aware of this connection or may not even admit that he was experiencing a state of stress.

Examination. All women of childbearing age should have a urinary pregnancy test. In case of severe vomiting, vomiting lasting more than 1 day, or the presence of signs of dehydration according to examination data, laboratory tests should be performed (in particular, assess the content of electrolytes, urea nitrogen, creatinine, serum glucose, perform a urine test, and in some cases, liver tests). If there are signs of alarm, the examination plan is based on the corresponding clinical manifestations.

Chronic vomiting typically requires these laboratory tests, as well as upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, small bowel X-ray, gastric emptying, and anthroduodenal motility studies.

Examination for nausea and vomiting

Deciding on the list of blood tests is usually simple; their set is based on the medical history, as well as on the results of the examination carried out before:

  • A general blood test sometimes reveals anemia. The development of iron deficiency is possible with peptic ulcer disease or malignant tumors with ulceration, as well as with pathology of the small intestine, an increase in MCV is typical for situations with alcohol abuse, deficiency of vitamin B 12 or folic acid.
  • The concentration of urea and electrolytes can change both due to vomiting (at the same time the content of K +, Na + decreases, hyperchloremic metabolic alkalosis develops), and due to the underlying primary kidney dysfunction - it is advisable to check the calcium concentration, as well as determine biochemical indicators of liver function. To rule out acute pancreatitis, blood is immediately sent to determine amylase activity.
  • Diagnosis can be aided by endoscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract, especially if it is performed to exclude peptic ulcers or other changes in the mucous membrane, or bile reflux. Endoscopy provides little information for diagnosing functional disorders. In this regard, X-ray contrast examination is much more effective; it helps to detect stasis in the upper gastrointestinal tract and narrowing.

Anamnesis. History of present illness helps clarify the frequency of vomiting episodes and their duration; association with possible precipitating factors, such as exposure to drugs or toxins, traumatic brain injury, body movements (traveling by car, plane, ship, riding a merry-go-round); the presence in the vomit of bile (bitter taste, yellow-green color) or blood (red color, “coffee grounds”). Important accompanying symptoms include abdominal pain and diarrhea. It is necessary to evaluate the time of the last bowel movement and passing of gas, the presence of headache and/or systemic dizziness (vertigo).

Assessment of the state of various systems is aimed at identifying signs of conditions that may be accompanied by vomiting, for example, amenorrhea and swelling of the mammary glands (during pregnancy), polyuria and polydipsia (with diabetes), hematuria and pain in the lateral abdomen (with urolithiasis).

A medical history can help identify conditions that may be accompanied by vomiting, such as pregnancy, diabetes, migraines, liver or kidney disease, cancer (the timing of chemotherapy or radiation therapy should be established), and previous abdominal surgery (which may cause of adhesive obstruction). It is necessary to clarify what medications and substances the patient has taken recently; certain substances may not show toxic effects for several days (eg, acetaminophen, mushroom poisons).

Indications of recurrent vomiting in other family members should be taken into account.

Physical examination. When assessing vital signs, note the presence of fever and signs of hypovolemia (tachycardia and/or hypotension).

On general examination, the presence of jaundice and skin rash should be noted.

When examining the abdomen, you need to pay attention to bloating and scars after previous operations; assess the nature of peristaltic noises (normal, increased); perform percussion to assess tympanitis; upon palpation, evaluate pain, signs of irritation of the peritoneum (symptom of muscle protection, rigidity, the phenomenon of “rebound pain” (Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom)), the presence of space-occupying formations, an increase in the size of organs, hernias. Rectal examination and transvaginal examination (in women) reveal local tenderness, mass formations and bleeding.

A neurological examination evaluates consciousness, the presence of nystagmus, signs of meningism (Kernig and Brudzinski's symptoms), ophthalmological symptoms characteristic of increased intracranial pressure or subarachnidal hemorrhage (retinal hemorrhage).

Make your life easier

First of all, find out which tastes and smells cause the strongest reaction in your body. Most expectant mothers react negatively to the smell of gasoline, cigarette smoke, various perfumes and detergent flavors, as well as the smell of fried food and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Avoid “meetings” with them, spend time in a well-ventilated area, and perhaps nausea will not bother you during the day.

In order to make the morning less gloomy - and, as you know, attacks of nausea most often occur in the morning, on an empty stomach - follow a certain ritual of getting up. The best way to alleviate your condition now is to have a light breakfast in bed. Ask someone from your family to look after you or take care of yourself - in the evening, put a plate of crackers or cornflakes and an apple on the nightstand next to your bed. These foods are usually well accepted by the stomach and do not cause nausea. Choose those foods that are pleasant to you: it could be a light fruit salad, yogurt or boiled eggs.

Throughout the day you should eat small meals 5 to 6 times. Drink more fluids - many women benefit from sour fruit juices diluted half and half with water, although you may prefer slightly salted tomato juice. It helps to relieve nausea by rinsing your mouth with mint infusion or water with a small amount of lemon juice.

Look for your remedy - a small mint candy, a slice of lemon or a crust of rye bread can be a real salvation.

The increased load on the liver requires special attention to this organ. Nowadays, animal proteins must be present in your diet. Eat lean meat, cottage cheese and mild cheese. Avoid broths, fried, fatty and spicy foods, and canned foods.

To alleviate your condition, your doctor may recommend that you take vitamin B6. Antioxidants such as vitamin E, ascorbic acid and beta-carotene have proven themselves well (take only as directed by a doctor!). But you don’t need additional iron intake yet; moreover, iron-containing drugs can increase the manifestations of toxicosis.

At home, you can prepare infusions of herbs that have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive system and the functioning of the stomach, liver and bile ducts: valerian root, peppermint, calendula and chamomile flowers will help.

Aromatherapy can also help, for example, the beneficial effects of the smell of ginger on women have been proven.

Treatment for nausea and vomiting

Identified diseases and dehydration are treated. Even in the absence of severe dehydration, intravenous infusion (1 liter of 0.9% saline solution; in children - at a dose of 20 ml/kg body weight) should be administered, which often helps to reduce symptoms. In adults, various antiemetic drugs are effective (Table 7-6). The choice of one or another remedy depends on the underlying cause and severity of vomiting.

Typically used:

  • for seasickness (motion sickness): antihistamines and/or scopolamine in the form of a patch;
  • for mild to moderate symptoms: prochlorperazine or metoclopramide;
  • for severe, refractory vomiting and vomiting during chemotherapy: 5-HT3 receptor antagonists.

If vomiting continues, it is necessary to prescribe drugs parenterally.

In psychogenic vomiting, establishing a trusting relationship with the patient involves understanding the discomfort they are experiencing and working together to relieve the symptoms, whatever their cause. Remarks like “you’re fine” or “it’s an emotional problem” should be avoided. A short trial of symptomatic therapy with antiemetics may be given. During long-term follow-up of the patient, regular follow-up visits to the doctor help resolve the underlying problem.

Causes of vomiting not related to pain


  • Viral gastroenteritis.
  • Food poisoning; Possibly HP related infection. Infections of other localizations, including inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and pneumonia in older people.
  • Viral labyrinthitis.

Mechanical obstruction:

  • Pyloric stenosis, duodenal obstruction due to stomach or pancreatic cancer. Esophageal carcinoma.
  • Biliary reflux, especially if you have had previous gastric surgery or gastroenterostomy.

Alcoholic gastritis:

  • A common cause of belching in the early morning hours. The belching is usually not profuse, often mixed with blood.

Acute liver failure:

  • For example, with an overdose of paracetamol (paracetamol poisoning), acute fatty liver in pregnant women

Metabolic reasons:

  • Addison's disease (if such a suspicion arises, efforts are directed to the search for postural hypotension, pigmentation of the mucous membranes).
  • An increased or normal K content is especially important, since vomiting typically reduces the concentration of potassium in the blood.
  • The possibility of hypercalcemia, uremia and hyperthyroidism must be considered.
  • Up to 30% of people with diabetes experience occasional episodes of nausea and vomiting.

Many medications are prescribed for nausea and vomiting. They must be used with caution, keeping in mind that they all have side effects.

Basic provisions

  • In many cases, the causes of vomiting are obvious; examination of the patient does not reveal significant abnormalities; Only symptomatic treatment is sufficient.
  • It is necessary to be alert to the possibility of acute abdominal syndrome and dangerous cranial pathology.
  • Patients of childbearing potential should be assessed for possible pregnancy.

It makes a person feel nauseous for many reasons. They are individual for everyone. But all people who experience nausea have one thing in common - a great desire to get rid of this unpleasant condition and feel like a full-fledged person again.

There are many reasons why you feel nauseous. The main ones should be highlighted:

  1. Peptic ulcer or gastritis. A burning sensation in the upper abdomen both before and after eating. Sometimes, the stomach becomes very distended, and after eating, the symptoms of nausea intensify.
  2. Incorrectly selected medications, as a result, nausea, especially in the morning.
  3. Meningitis is accompanied by severe nausea, fear of light, severe pain in the back of the head, and high fever.
  4. Concussion and nausea appear immediately after a fall and are accompanied by dizziness.
  5. Gallbladder diseases. When eating food, you feel nauseous and there is a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Pain is observed in the right hypochondrium. Heartburn and excessive release of gas.
  6. Pancreatitis. Immediately after eating, nausea occurs. Accompanied by stomach distension and diarrhea.
  7. Intestinal infection. Nausea 1-2 hours after eating. Almost always the process ends with profuse vomiting. The pain is severe in the navel area. Diarrhea appears after 8-10 hours.
  8. Disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. When changing body position, sudden bends, along with dizziness, nausea appears.
  9. Appendicitis. Nausea appears for no reason, but is accompanied by severe pain in the abdominal area and a rise in temperature.
  10. Heart failure. Nausea, there is a feeling of stuffiness, constriction, pain is felt in the pit of the stomach. Sometimes accompanied by hiccups and ending in profuse vomiting.
  11. Hypertension. Nausea begins in the morning and does not go away for a long time. Against this background, fatigue and general weakness are observed.
  12. Kidney inflammation. Feels nauseous all the time. Body temperature not lower than 38 degrees, lower back pain. Poor urination.

Constantly feeling nauseous

Almost always, such a condition is associated with an exacerbation of chronic diseases or the emergence of new ones. Constantly feeling nauseous due to activation of inflammatory processes in the kidneys, hypothyroidism, hypertension. Nausea occurs suddenly and does not go away throughout the day. If you feel nauseous for a long time, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Period nausea

Due to changes in hormonal levels, it is during this period that the body experiences discomfort. The reason may also lie in the displacement of the uterus or its incorrect location. Intense physical activity during the premenstrual period also leads to nausea. An irregular cycle or dysmenorrhea can be one of the provocateurs. Nausea during menstruation and due to loss of blood.

Nausea for a week

If you feel nauseous for a week, this indicates the progression of the disease or the appearance of a new one. For women, the reason may be the premenstrual period or pregnancy. Sometimes, I feel nauseous for a week due to inappropriate medications or a course of antibiotics. Often, the cause of nausea is minor poisoning. But, if the nausea does not go away within a week, it makes sense to consult a specialist.

Nausea reasons

If you feel nauseous, the reasons may be different. From the most banal poisoning to myocardial infarction. Exacerbation of some diseases also provokes nausea. To accurately determine the cause of nausea, it is necessary to determine the main accompanying symptoms. Headaches, vomiting, fever, pain in the hypochondrium and abdominal area, dizziness, heartburn, hiccups and much more. By comparing the main symptoms, you can identify the root cause and begin comprehensive treatment.

Feeling dizzy and nauseous

When, along with dizziness, there is a feeling of nausea, this may indicate high blood pressure, concussion, abnormalities in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, or hypothyroidism. Sometimes, when you feel dizzy and nauseous, you should look for the cause in poor nutrition and minor poisoning. If diarrhea is an additional symptom, you should consult a specialist; drastic measures may be needed.

Nausea after eating

The main causes of nausea after eating are stomach ulcers or gastritis. Against the background of nausea, bloating occurs and heartburn intensifies. Sometimes you feel sick without eating, especially on an empty stomach.

Among the main symptoms of pancreatitis, there is also nausea after eating, accompanied by severe diarrhea and aching pain in the hypochondrium (on the right side).

Nausea is common after eating and as a result of an intestinal infection. In this case, the feeling of nausea appears no earlier than an hour and a half after eating. Almost always, nausea ends with vomiting and diarrhea.

Headache and nausea

Headache and nausea may be the first signs of meningitis. In this case, severe pain is observed in the occipital part of the head and sometimes dizziness occurs along with a temperature of up to 40 degrees.

Quite often, with an intestinal infection, along with all the symptoms, headaches appear. True, headaches appear only 2-3 hours after nausea appears.

Headache and nausea during hypertension. Sometimes the color of the skin changes and there is a constant feeling of fatigue.

Nausea in the morning

There are many causes of morning sickness. Firstly, poor diet. Indulging in raw smoked and meat delicacies at night and copious libations in the morning will make itself felt not only by nausea and heaviness in the stomach, but also by severe pain.

Inappropriate pills often cause morning sickness. Attacks are especially noticeable when you need to take medications on an empty stomach before meals. Changing your medication will help relieve symptoms.

A woman also feels nauseous in the morning due to pregnancy, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. The hormonal background is being rebuilt, so the discomfort will go away on its own in due time.

With hypertension, morning sickness is not uncommon and you can get rid of it only by stabilizing your blood pressure.

Stomach hurts and nausea

Almost always the stomach hurts and feels nauseous due to poisoning and intestinal infection. Gastric lavage and rehydration solutions will be very appropriate. But it will be possible to get rid of the problem only after the stomach is completely cleansed.

Pain in the upper abdomen, continuous and increasing, may indicate heart failure.

Pain moving from the upper abdomen to the right side, gradually increasing and accompanied by an increase in temperature, may indicate an exacerbation of appendicitis.

Bitterness in the mouth and pain in the right hypochondrium may be the first signs of pancreatitis. Nausea immediately after eating. Always accompanied by copious bowel movements.

With gallbladder diseases, pain is often concentrated in the right hypochondrium. At the same time, I feel nauseous from the beginning of eating.

Feels a little nauseous

Quite often I feel a little nauseous due to the abundance of fatty and spicy foods. In this case, either cleansing the intestines or an abundance of slightly carbonated salted mineral water in the diet will help.

Slight nausea also occurs when there is an overabundance of medications and they are taken incorrectly.

Hypothyroidism is quite often accompanied by constant slight nausea. Against the background of general fatigue, excess weight gained recently is observed.

The child is feeling nauseous

Children can rarely explain the symptoms that worry them. Quite often, a child becomes nauseous due to excessive activity caused by playing or running after eating. Fatty and sugary foods can also trigger nausea.

The main causes of nausea in a child are:

  • poisoning;
  • intestinal infection:
  • a foreign body that has entered the body;
  • infection;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • undergone surgical interventions.

Weakness makes you feel nauseous

General weakness, slight nausea in anemia, hypothyroidism and some other diseases. Sometimes a similar reaction of the body occurs during the premenstrual period and during pregnancy. After surgical interventions, weakness, nausea and dizziness are often observed.

Nausea during pregnancy

Excessive sensitivity to various smells, food, increased irritability and morning sickness are integral companions of every 3 women carrying a child. The body is rebuilt, and the child thus creates comfortable conditions for himself. Nausea will go away by 12-13 weeks. Therefore, the only thing that can be done is to reduce the feeling of nausea. To do this, you can try putting a little ginger under your tongue or drinking a glass of cool mineral water with lemon.

What to do if you feel nauseous

The main thing is not to worry. You need to moderate your activity and drink cool water or weak tea with lemon. If the cause of vomiting is poisoning, then it is best to rinse the stomach and induce vomiting. When you feel nauseous as a result of alcohol intoxication, it is best to drink activated charcoal and lie down. Nausea during pregnancy can be relieved by eating a salt cracker or any dry food.

In cases where nausea is associated with exacerbation of chronic diseases, the root cause must be treated, and the main symptom will go away on its own.

Nausea, as the initial stage of the gag reflex, is the result of deviations in diet, infection in the intestines, various diseases of the digestive tract and pathological processes in the nervous system, dangerous metabolic problems, lack of vitamins, use of medications, etc.

It is necessary to understand what to do with nausea, since everyone has experienced a similar feeling inside the esophagus and in the epigastric region.

A large number of serious factors are known that provoke intense irritation of receptors in the mucous membranes of various parts of the digestive tract, which transmit a signal to the vomiting center of the brain.

In this article we will talk about what to do if you feel sick.

Ways to eliminate nausea

Nausea in humans is a complex of painful sensations inside the pharynx and epigastric region. They include intense salivation, lethargy and tremors.

Very often, such symptoms are a harbinger of a gag reflex.

During the period of vomiting, the abdominal muscles begin to contract and gastric contents are thrown to the surface through the oral cavity.

A similar mechanism can trigger a special area in the brain stem, which is connected to receptors in the gastrointestinal tract.

If they are irritated or damaged, the gag reflex is triggered.

When the stomach is greatly distended under the influence of a significant volume of food or the formation of gases, the receptors signal a violation and vomiting occurs.

This reaction is formed during the inflammatory process in the stomach, with an ulcer.

The brain sends an impulse to the gag reflex without the help of receptors in the digestive system. This is observed in the process of motion sickness, diseases of the inner ear, high ICP, head trauma, anorexia, etc.

Nausea often occurs due to the following factors:

  • unexpectedly formed feeling of fear or anxiety;
  • aversion to food products;
  • excessive anxiety (for example, before an important event);
  • strong negative emotional shock.

When lightheadedness appears once, the following measures can be taken in order to restore proper well-being:

  • take validol (1 tablet sublingually until complete resorption);
  • moisten a cotton pad with ammonia and sniff;
  • quickly get out into the fresh air;
  • mix a small amount of water with 10 drops of peppermint infusion and consume;
  • do not drink water, but when such a need exists, take it in small sips.

When a patient vomits, the factor that provoked this phenomenon should be identified.

What to do during pregnancy

This is the simplest situation, since many women encounter a similar phenomenon during pregnancy. Often, nausea during toxicosis is not associated with gastroenterological diseases.

Nausea and other unfavorable symptoms will be the result of changes in the hormonal balance of pregnant women.

There is an increase in estrogen, progesterone and cortisone, which reduce the number of contractions of abdominal muscle tissue, as well as a short-term decrease in the production of gastrin by the gastric and pancreatic mucosa and motilin, which regulates the peristalsis of the digestive tract.

In any situation, medications should not be used. During fruiting, you should not use mint tablets, which are used to eliminate nausea and prevent the gag reflex, which can cause harm.

The plant contains sitosterol, a plant sterol that reduces the absorption of cholesterol in the gastrointestinal tract and removes it from the body.

In addition, such anti-nausea pills should not be taken if you have low blood pressure.

Therefore, you need to counteract nausea during pregnancy using harmless methods:

  • Drink 150-200 g of ordinary water in small sips in the morning (on an empty stomach);
  • after sleep - lying in bed - eat rye crackers;
  • drink green tea with ginger and cranberry juice;
  • hold a piece of lemon in your mouth or chew pumpkin seeds.

What to do if your child is sick

Parents need to know what to do in case of nausea in children, and remember that the sensitivity of the receptors of the vestibular apparatus in a child is extremely high and decreases over time and returns to normal only by the age of 12-13.

Therefore, they often get motion sickness in transport. 30 minutes before travel, the baby should be given an anti-nausea medication, which will begin to act 20 minutes after use.

Its effect lasts approximately 4 hours. Children 2-6 years old take 1/4 or 0.5 tablets, children 7-12 years old take 0.5 or a whole tablet.

A child often feels sick if he has worms. In difficult situations, in addition to nausea, gag reflex, pain in the abdominal cavity and constipation, dizziness, headaches and nervous tics appear.

To diagnose and treat your baby, you need to consult with a specialist who will prescribe a stool test, and after that, appropriate anti-worm medications.

What to do if you have nausea and fever

Nausea and fever in humans require special attention, since these are typical symptoms of an intestinal infection (salmonellosis, dysentery or rotavirus gastroenteritis).

Many people wonder what they can drink for nausea with these diseases.

Nausea is not a dangerous problem during this illness, although nausea and the gag reflex are considered the initial signs of infection entering the body.

The main thing to do during diarrhea and nausea is to prevent life-threatening dehydration, which is caused by constant vomiting and severe diarrhea.

For these purposes, you can give the patient solutions of special powders that contain potassium and sodium salts (Regidron, Trihydron, Glucosolan, etc.).

Nausea with a gag reflex and headaches is a reason to call a doctor, since these are also symptoms of meningitis.

It is necessary to immediately consult a specialist, since there are all prerequisites to believe that the patient has high ICP, which is often associated with pathological processes such as hydrocephalus and cerebral tumors.

The first thing to do in case of nausea is to consult a doctor, since in order to eliminate the symptoms, it is necessary to establish what caused it.

What to do if you have diarrhea and nausea

Diarrhea and nausea (often with vomiting) are common symptoms of food intoxication.

You need to drink at least 2 glasses of ordinary warm water and provoke a gag reflex by irritating the root of the tongue.

This will free the stomach from unnecessary contents, including toxic substances.

When you can quickly eliminate nausea, there is no need to rush to take any food products: it is optimal to drink a cup of strong tea with sugar after 40 minutes.

In addition, it is imperative to take an enterosorbent: Activated carbon, Carbolong, Sorbex, Polysorb or Atoxyl.

It is possible to eliminate diarrhea using a decoction of dried blueberries (1 tablespoon of berries per 200 g of boiling water), a water tincture of pomegranate peel, oak bark, plantain leaves (in the same ratio) or walnut partitions (10 nuts per 1 glass of water ).

Desmol is considered an effective remedy that stops diarrhea - in tablet form and suspension.

The usual dose for adults is 30 g of suspension or 2 tablets. 6 times throughout the day, for preschool children - 5 g of suspension or 1/3 tablet, for children 6-9 years old - 10 g of suspension or 2/3 tablet. every 4 hours.

What to do about vomiting and nausea

Nausea and gag reflex are also considered a symptom of gastric ulcers, stenosis of the esophagus or pylorus, gastroparesis.

Signs also include stomach distension, the appearance of a large number of acute infections, migraines, a sudden drop in blood pressure, and traumatic brain injuries.

Nausea with a gag reflex can occur during myocardial infarction, with severe renal failure, etc.

Many people wonder what to drink for nausea and vomiting, which are associated with gastric distension.

Experts advise switching to consuming dry food products for a while and limiting liquid intake as much as possible.

Doctors associate faintness and a gag reflex with bile with a disorder of the motility of the bile ducts, with cholelithiasis or a bend in the gallbladder. In such situations, choleretic drugs are prescribed.

How to make anti-nausea medicine

There is no universal folk remedy for nausea, since there are many causes for such symptoms.

Various experts offer the following methods on how to prepare an effective remedy for nausea:

  • The first medicine can be made from valerian root (1 tbsp), peppermint (2 tbsp), chamomile flowers (2 tbsp) and cinquefoil roots (3 tbsp). After mixing these herbs in the specified ratio, you can take 1 tbsp. l. of this mass and brew 0.2 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Next, the tincture is filtered, and then taken 3 times before meals - 50 g at a time.
  • To prepare another tincture for nausea you need to take 1 tbsp. l. dried chicory root and 2 tbsp. l. dried nettle leaves. They are steamed in 0.25 liters of boiling water, the container is tightly closed and infused until it cools down. Drink 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day (half an hour before meals).

When nausea is a symptom of a disease, you need to find out the recommendations of a specialist and eliminate this phenomenon through joint efforts.

When the diagnosis is made, an accurate diagnosis is made. You should not delay a visit to a specialist, since such a problem can signal very dangerous diseases in the body.